



机械工程专业英语第一课机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering一、专业英语概述1. 什么是翻译:翻译就是将一种语言文字的意义用另一种语言文字表达出来。

机械工程英语翻译就是将机械工程学科的英语原著由原作语言(source language)用译文语言(target language)忠实、准确、严谨、通顺、完整地再现出来,使人们能够借助汉语译文准确无误地了解英语机械工程著作所阐述的工程技术内容和科学理论。

机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering2. 翻译例句例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.例2. The tolerance should not be so big.例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel. 例4. Connect the black pigtail with thedog-house.例5. The importance of computer in the use of manufacturing can not be overestimated. 机械工程专业英语概述English in Mechanical Engineering例1. Control Center, Smoking Free.错误译法:控制中心,吸烟自由。


例2. The tolerance should not be so big.a. 此公差不应给这么大。

(机械学)b. 忍耐力不会有这么大。

(关于人体的耐受性)c. 抗毒性不会有这么强。

(医学)例3. A dog driver stop the rotation of the wheel. 错误译法:狗驾驶员使轮子停转。


机械工程专业英语(施平版)Lesson 1

机械工程专业英语(施平版)Lesson 1

• 2. A complete assembly that performs a specific function in a larger machine • 传动装置:一套装置,在一个更大机器中有具体的功能
2015/9/22 《机械工程专业英语教程》 2
V belt and pulley
Some of the terms used in mechanics are defined below. Force Our earliest ideas concerning forces arose because of our desire to push, lift, or pull various objects. So force is the action of one body on another. Our intuitive concept of force includes such ideas as place of application , direction, and magnitude, and these are called the characteristics of a force.
For example, if the force operating on a journal bearing becomes too high, it will squeeze out the oil film and cause metal-to-metal contact, overheating, and rapid failure of the bearing.



第 1 次课的教学整体安排2.教学内容与讨论、思考题、作业部分可合二为一。

Couplings, Clutches, Shafts and Springs 联轴器、离合器、轴和弹簧Coupling (联轴器)A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. In machine construction, couplings are used to effect (实现) a semi-permanent (半永久性的) connection between adjacent rotating shafts. The connection is permanent in the sense that it is not meant to be broken (脱开) during the useful life of the machine, but it can be broken and restored in an emergency or when worn parts (磨损件) are replaced.There are several types of shaft couplings, their characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used. If an exceptionally long shaft is required for a line shaft (主传动轴)in a manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on a ship, it is made in sections (分段) that are coupled together with rigid couplings(刚性联轴器).In connecting shafts belonging to separate devices (such as an electric motor and a gearbox 齿轮箱、变速箱), precise aligning (对中、同心、同轴) of the shafts is difficult and a flexible coupling (弹性联轴器)is used. This coupling connects the shafts in such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shaft misalignment (偏心). Flexible couplings also permit the shafts to deflect under their separate systems of loads and to move freely (float 浮动) in the axial direction (轴向) without interfering with one another. Flexible couplings can also serve to (用来) reduce the intensity (强度) of shock loads (冲击负荷) and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another.Clutch 离合器A clutch is a device for quickly and easily connecting or disconnecting a rotatable shaft and a rotating coaxial (同心的) shaft. Clutches are usually placed between the input shaft to a machine and the output shaft from the driving motor and provide a convenient means for starting and stopping the machine and permitting the driver motor or engine to be started in an unload state (无负载的状态).The rotor (转子) (rotating member) in an electric motor has rotational inertia (转动惯量), and a torque is required to bring it up to speed (使其达到一定速度) when the motor is started. If the motor shaft is rigidly connected to a load with a large rotational inertia, and the motor is started suddenly by closing a switch, the motor may not have sufficient torque capacity to bring the motor shaft up to speed before the windings in the motor (电机中的线圈)are burned out(烧毁) by the excessive current demands (过流). A clutch between the motor and the load shafts will restrict (将…限制在)the starting torque on the motor to that required to accelerate the rotor and parts of the clutch only.On some machine tools it is convenient to let the driving motor run continuously and to start and stop the machine by operating a clutch. Other machine tools receive (获得) their power from belts (皮带) driven by pulleys (皮带轮) on intermediate shafts (中间轴) that are themselves driven by belts from long lineshafts that serve a group of machines.Shaft 轴A shaft is a rotating or stationary member, usually of (具有)circular cross section(截面), having mounted upon it such elements as gears, pulleys, flywheels(飞轮), cranks(曲轴), and other power-transmission(动力传递) elements. Shafts may be subjected to(承受) bending(弯曲), tension(扭曲),compression(压缩), or torsional loads(拉伸), acting singly or in combination with one another. When they are combined, one may expect to find both static and fatigue strength(疲劳强度) to be important design considerations, since a single shaft may be subjected to static stresses(静态应力), completely reversed stresses, and repeated stresses, all acting at the same time. The word “shaft” covers numerous variations, such as axles(短轴) and spindles. An axle is a shaft, either stationary or rotating, not subjected to a torsion load. A short rotating shaft is often called a spindle.Spring弹簧A spring is a load-sensitive, energy-storing(蓄能的) device, the chief characteristics of which are an ability to tolerate(承受) large deflections(变形) without failure and to recover(恢复) its initial size and shape when loads are removed(去掉负荷). Although most springs are mechanical and derive their effectiveness from the flexibility inherent in metallic elements(利用金属部件本身所固有的弹性), hydraulic springs and air springs are also obtainable.Springs are used for a variety of purposes, such as supplying the motive power(原动力) in clocks and watches, cushioning transport vehicles, measuring weights, restraining(约束) machine elements, mitigating(减轻) the transmission of periodic disturbing forces from unbalanced rotating machines to the supporting structure, and providing shock protection for delicate(精密的) instruments during shipment.。




掌握机械工程专业的词汇和专业术语; 培养专业英语的基本翻译能力、阅读能力、写作能力; 培养基础的听力与口语能力和资料检索能力。

听:科技英语相关的新闻、报道、课程视听材料; 说:自制PPT,讲解机械制造工艺、装备及设计方法等; 读:具备阅读机械专业英语教材、期刊论文和说明书的能力; 写:科技论文写作的格式、方法,重点练习英文论文摘要的写作; 译:掌握基本的专业文献翻译能力。

时间:第十六周 成绩:平时成绩(30%)+期末成绩(70%)。 方式:有限开卷,可带一本英语字典(非电子词典)。



《机械工程专业英语》课程教学大纲一、课程的基本情况课程中文名称: 机械工程专业英语课程英文名称: ENGLISH IN MECHANICAL ENGINEERING课程代码:0304030课程类别:必修课程学分:2分课程学时:18授课对象:机电(电专)学生前导课程:机械设计、机械原理、大学英语二、教学目的机械工程专业英语是机械工程及自动化专业的一门指选专业课程。



三、教学基本要求第1课力学基本概念Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics重点:力学的基本词汇和力学知识第3课力和力矩Lesson 3 Forces and Moments重点:力学的基本词汇和基本知识第5课轴和联轴器Lesson 5 Shafts and Couplings重点:轴的基本词汇和基本知识第13课机构Lesson 13 Mechanism重点:机构的基本词汇和基本知识第17课机械设计基础Lesson 17 Fundamentals of Mechanical Design重点:机械设计的基本词汇和基本知识第45课计算机与制造业Lesson 45 The computer and Manufacturing重点:计算机与制造业的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:词类转换第49课数字控制Lesson 49 Numerical Control重点:数字控制的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:成分转换第53课工业机器人Lesson53 Industrial Robots重点:工业机器人的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧:掌握相应专业词汇第55课机器人系统的组成部分Lesson 55 Components of a Robot System重点:机器人系统的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧成分转换第57课工程师在机械制造业中的作用Lesson 57 The Roles of Engineers in Manufacturing重点:机械制造的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧状语从句的译法第59课信息时代的机械工程Lesson 59 Mechanical Engineering in the Information Age重点:机械工程的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧成分分译第61课如何撰写科学论文Lesson 61 How to Write a Scientific Paper重点:科学论文写作的基本词汇和基本知识翻译技巧长句分析四、课程内容与学时分配五、教材与参考书教材:《机械工程专业英语》,施平编,哈工大出版社,2007参考书:《机械工程英语》,陈道礼、刘旺、夏绪辉编,武汉科技大学机械自动化学院六、教学方式和考核方式1、教学方式:以课堂讲授为主,辅以课后作业。


As we look around us we see a world full of
“things ”: machines, devices, tools;
things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics,
beyond solution because the time required to solve them would have been prohibitive.
At the same time the cost of computer capability and use has decreased by orders
To many engineers, both of the above processes can prove to be absolutely fascinating and enjoyable, not to mention (at times) lucrative.
In any “real ”problem there is never sufficient good, useful information; we seldom know the actual loads and operating conditions with any precision, and the
We will consider some parts to
be “rigid ”— but all bodies will deform under load.

机械工程专业英语 第一课文及阅读材料

机械工程专业英语 第一课文及阅读材料

Lesson1 the mechanical design process 1, the mechanical design processThe ultimate objective of mechanical design is to produce a useful product that satisfies the needs of a customer and that is safe ,efficient, reliable, economical, and practical to manufacture .think broadly when answering the question ,”who is the customer for the product or system I am about to design?”it is essential that you know the desires and expectations of all customers before product design. marketing professionals are often employed to manage the definition of customer expectations , but designers will likely work with them as a part of a product development team .many methods are used to determine what the customer wants. One popular method , called quality function deployment or QFD , seeks(1) to identify all of the features and performance factors that customers desire and (2) to assess the relative importance of these factors. the result of the QFD process is a detailed set of functions and design requirements for the product.It is also important to consider how the design process fits with all functions that must happen to deliver a satisfactory product to the customer and to service the product throughout its lift cycle. in fact, it is important to consider how the product will be disposed of after it hasserved its useful life . the total of all such function that affect the product is sometimes called the product realization process or PRP . some of the factors included in PRP are as follows:1 marketing functions to assess customer requirements2 research to determine the available technology that can reasonably be used in the product3 availability of materials and components that can be incorporated into the product4 product design and development5 performance testing6 documentation of the design7 vendor relationships and purchasing functions8 work-force skills9 physical plant and facilities available10 capability of manufacturing systems11production planning and control of production systems12production support systems and personnel13 quality systems requirements14 sales operations and time schedules15 cost targets and other competitive issues16 customer service requirements17 environmental concerns during manufacture , operation anddisposal of the product18 legal requirements19 availability of financial capitalCan you add to this list? You should be able to see that the design of a product is but one part of a comprehensive process. in this text, we will focus more carefully on the design process itself , but the producibility of designs must always be considered . this simultaneous consideration of product design and manufacturing process design is often called concurrent engineering.2 skills needed in mechanical designProduct engineers and mechanical designers use a wide range of skills and knowledge in their daily work . these skills and knowledge are included in the following :1sketching, technical drawing , and computer-aided design2 properties of materials, materials processing, and manufacturing processes3 applications of chemistry, such as corrosion protection, plating , and painting4 statics, dynamics, strength of materials , kinematics, and mechanisms5 fluid mechanics, thermodynamics, and heat transfer6 fluid power, the fundamentals of electrical phenomena, andindustrial controls7 experimental design and performance testing of materials and mechanical systems8 stress analysis9 specialized knowledge of the behavior of machine elements, such as gears, belt drives, chain drives, shafts, bearings, keys, splines, couplings, seals, spring, connections(bolted, riveted, welded, adhesive), electric motors, linear motion devices, clutches, and brakes10 creativity , problem solving ,and project management11 oral communication, listening, technical writing, and teamwork skills3 functions , design requirements and evaluation criteriaSection 1 emphasized the importance of carefully identifying the needs and expectations of the customer prior to beginning the design of a mechanical device. you can formulate these by producing clear , complete statements of functions, design requirements , and evaluation criteria:1 Functions tell us what the device must do , using general , nonquantitative statements that employ action phrases such as “to support a load”, “to lift a crate ”, “to transmit power”, or “to hold two structural members together”, etc2 Design requirements are detailed, usually quantitativestatements of expected performance levels, environmental conditions in which the device must operate, limitations on space or weight , or available materials and components that may be used3 Evaluation criteria are statements of desirable qualitative characteristics of a design that assist the designer in deciding which alternative design is optimum-that is , the design that maximizes benefits while minimizing disadvantagesTogether these elements can be called the specifications for the designMost designs progress through a cycle of activities are outlined in figure1.1. you should typically propose more than one possible alternative design concept. This is where creativity is exercised to produce truly novel designs .Each design concept must satisfy the functions and design requirements . a critical evaluation of the desirable features, advantages, and disadvantages of each design concept should be completed . then a rational decision analysis technique should use the evaluation criteria to decide which design concept is the optimum and , therefore , should be produced.Reading materialMechanical design is the process of designing and/or selecting mechanical components and putting them together to accomplish a desired function. Of course machine elements must be compatible ,must fit well together , and must perform safely and efficiently. The designer must consider not only the performance of the element being designed at a given time , but also the elements with which it must interface.To illustrate how the design of machine elements must be integrated with a larger mechanical design , let us consider the design of a speed reducer for the small tractor . suppose that,to accomplish the speed reduction ,you decide to design a double-reduction, spur gear speed reducer. You specify four gears , three shafts , six bearings, and a housing to hold the individual elements in proper relation to each other. The primary elements of the speed reducer are :1 the input shaft is to be connected to the power source, a gasoline engine whose output shaft rotates at 2000 rpm . a flexible coupling is to be employed to minimize difficulties with alignment .2 the first pair of gears, a and b ,causes a reduction in the speed of the intermediate shaft proportional to the ratio of the numbers of teeth in the gears. Gear b and c are both mounted to intermediate shaft and rotate at the same speed .3 a key is used at the interface between the hub of each gear and the shaft on which it is mounted to transmit torque between the gear and the shaft .4 the second pair of gears , c and d ,further reduces the speed of gear d and the output shaft to the range of 290 rpm to 295 rpm .5 the output shaft is to carry a chain sprocket.the chain drive ultimately is to be connected to the drive wheel of the tractor.6 each of the three shafts is supported by two ball bearings .making them statically determinate and allowing the analysis of forces and stresses using standard principles of mechanics.7 the bearings are held in a housing that is to be attached to the frame of the tractor . note the manner of holding each bearing so that the inner race rotates with the shaft while the outer race is held stationary.8 seals are on the input and output shafts to prohibit contaminants from entering the housing .9 details of how the active elements are to be installed , lubricated, and aligned are only suggested at this stage of the design process to demonstrate feasibility .one possible assembly process could be as follows.Start by placing the gearing the gears, keys, spacers, and bearings on their respective shaftsThen insert input shaft into its bearing seat on the left side of the housing.Insert the left end of intermediate shaft into its bearing seat whileengaging the teeth of gears a and b.Install the center bearing support to provide support for the bearing at the right side of input shaft.Install output shaft by placing its left bearing into the seat on the center bearing support while engaging gears c and d.Install the right side cover for the housing while placing the final two bearings in their seats.Ensure careful alignment of the shafts.Place gear lubricant in the lower part of housing .The arrangement of the gears, the placement of the bearings so that they straddle the gears , and the general configuration of the housing are also design decisions . the design process cannot rationally proceed until these kinds of decisions are made . when the overall design is conceptualized, the design of the individual machine elements in the speed reducer can proceed . you should recognize that you have already made many design decisions by rendering such a sketch . first, you choose spur gears rather than helical gears , a worm and worm gear , or bevel gears. in fact , other types of speed reduction devices –belt drives , chain drives, or many others—could be appreciate.1gearsfor the gear pairs ,you must specify the number of teeth in each gear ,the pitch (size) of the teeth , the pitch diameters, the face width ,and the material and its heat treatment . these specifications depend on considerations of strength and wear of the gear teeth and the motion requirements(kinematics ). You must also recognize that the gears must be mounted on shafts in a manner that ensures proper location of the gears, adequate torque transmitting capability from the gears to the shafts (as through keys ) and safe shaft design.2shaftshaving designed the gear pairs, next you will consider the shaft design . the shaft is loaded in bending and torsion because of the forces acting at the gear teeth . thus, its design must consider strength and rigidity , and it must permit the mounting of the gears and bearings . shafts of varying diameters may be used to provide shoulders against which to seat the gears and bearings. There may be keyseats cut into the shaft, the input and output shafts will extend beyond the housing to permit coupling with the engine and the drive axle . the type of coupling must be considered, as it can have a dramatic effect on the shaft stress analysis. Seals on the input and output shafts protect internal components.3bearingsdesign of the bearings is next. If rolling contact bearings are to be used , you will probably select commercially available bearings from a manufacturer’s catalog , rather than design a unique one . you mustfirst determine the magnitude of the loads on each bearing from the shaft analysis and the gear designs. The rotational speed and reasonable design life of the bearings and their compatibility with the shaft on which they are to be mounted must also be considered. For example , on the basis of the shaft analysis, you could specify the minimum allowable diameter at each bearing seat location to ensure safe stress levels . the bearing selected to support a particular part of the shaft ,then , must have a bore( inside diameter) no smaller than necessary. When a specific bearing is selected , the shaft at the bearing seat location and allowable tolerances must be specified ,according to the bearing manufacturer’s recommendations , to achieve proper operation and life expectancy of the bearing.。

机械工程英语Unit 1 Advanced Engineering Materials

机械工程英语Unit 1 Advanced Engineering Materials

Unit 1Advanced Engineering Material先进的工程材料Type of materials材料的分类Materials may be grouped several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liquid, or gas. Theyalso separate them into organic (once living ) and inorganic (never living) materials.材料的分类方式有好几种。


For industrial purpose,materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products. Nonengineering materials are the chemicals, fuels, lubricants(润滑剂), and other materials used in the manufacturing process, which do not become partof the product.从工业的角度来看,材料可以分为工程材料和非工程材料,工程材料是用于生产组成,它是零件的一部分。


Engineering materials may be further subdivided into:①Metals ②Ceramics(陶瓷)③Composite ④Polymers (高分子材料), etc.工程材料可进一步细化为1、金属。



Basic Concept in MechanicsThe branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions , time , and forces is called mechanics and is made up of two parts , statics and dynamics , Statics deals with the analysis of stationary systems , i.e. , those in which time is not a factor , and dynamics deals with systems which change with time .对运动、时间和作用力做出科学分析的分支称为力学。



When a number of bodies are connected together to form a group or system , the forces of action and reaction between any two of the connecting bodies are called constraint forces . These forces constrain the bodies to behave in a specific manner . Forces external to this system of bodies are called applied forces .当一些物体连接在一起形成一个组合体或者系统时,任何两个相连接的物体之间的作用力和反作用力被称为约束力。





Lathe - A machine tool that rotates a workpiece while cutting tools are applied to shape it.
Sander - A power tool used to sand or polish surfaces, often made of sandpaper or emery paper.
Second Law of Thermodynamics
The law that states that entropy in a closed system always increases.
Combustion Thermodynamics
The study of the conversion of fuel into energy.
Mechanical Engineering English (Part 1)
• Overview of Mechanical Engineering
• Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
• English vocabulary for mechanical engineering
Fracture Mechanics The study of the failure of materials due to applied stress.
First Law of Thermodynamics
The law that states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, but can be transformed from one form to another.



第10 次课的教学整体安排2.教学内容与讨论、思考题、作业部分可合二为一。

14 Lathes车床Lathes are widely used in industry to produce all kind of machined parts. Some are general-purpose(通用的) machines, and others are used to perform highly specialized operations.Engine Lathes普通车床Engine lathes, of course are general-purpose machines used in production and maintenance shops all over the world. Sizes range from small bench models to huge heavy-duty(重型的) piece of equipment. Many of the larger lathes come equipped with attachments not commonly found in the ordinary shop, such as automatic stops for the carriage.Tracer or Duplicating Lathes仿形/靠模车床The tracer or duplicating lathe is designed to produce irregularly shaped parts automatically. The basic operation of this lathe is as follows: A template(模板、模型) of either a flat or three-dimensional shape is placed in a holder. A guider or pointer(仿形指) then moves along this shape and its movement controls that of the cutting tool. The duplication may include a square or tapered(锥形的) shoulder(台肩), grooves, tapers(锥体), and contours. Works such as motor shafts, spindles, pistons, rods, car axles, turbine shafts, and a variety of other objects can be turned using this type of lathe.Turret Lathes 转塔车床A Turret lathe is basically similar to an engine lathe except that the conventional tool post is replaced with a hexagonal turret, which can be rotated around a vertical axis as required. Appropriate tools are mounted on the sixsides of the turret. The length of each tool is so adjusted that by simply indexing(转动) the turret, any tool can be brought in exactly the desired operating condition. Those cutting tools can, therefore be employed successively(依次地) without the need for dismounting the tool and mounting a new one each time, as the case with conventional engine lathe. This result in an appreciate saving in the time required for setting up the tools. Also, on a turret lathe a skilled machinist is required only initially to set up the tools. (对刀) A laborer with limited training can operate the turret lathe thereafter and produce parts identical to those that can be manufactured when a highly skilled machinist operates the lathe.Automatic Screw Machine自动切丝机Screw machine are similar in construction to turret lathe, except that their heads are designed to hold and feed long bars of stock. Otherwise, there is little difference between them. Both are designed for multiple tooling, and both have adaptations for identical work. Originally, the turret lathe was designed as a chucking lathe for machining small castings, forgings, and irregularly shaped work piece. The first screw machines were designed to feed bar stock and wire used in making small screw parts. Today, however, the turret lathe is frequently used with a collet attachment, and the automatic screw machine can be equipped with a chuck to hold castings.The single-spindle automatic screw machine, as its name implies, machines work on only one bar of stock at a time. A bar 16 to 20mfeet long is fed through the headstock spindle and is held firmly by a collet. The machining operations are done by cutting tools mounted on the turret and on the cross slide. When the machine is in operation, the spindle and the stock are rotated atselected speeds for different operations. If required, rapid reversal of the spindle is also possible.In the single-spindle automatic screw machine, a specific length of stock is automatically fed through the spindle to a machining area. At this point, the turret and the cross slide move into position and automatically perform whatever operation are required. After the machined piece is cut off, stock is again fed into the machining area and the entire cycle is repeated.Multiple-spindle automatic screw machines have four to eight spindles located around a spindle carrier. Long bar of stock, supported on the rear of the machine, pass through these hollow spindles and are gripped by collets. With the single-spindle machine, the turret indexes around the spindle. When one tool on the turret is working, the others are not. With a multiple-spindle machine, however, the spindle itself indexes. Thus the bars of stock are carried to the various end-working and side-working tools. Each tool operates in only position, but all tools operate simultaneously. Therefore, four to eight work pieces can be machined at the same time.Vertical Turret Lathes立式转塔车床A vertical turret lathe is basically a turret lathe that has been stood on its headstock end. It is designed to perform a variety of turning operations. It consists of a turret, a revolving table, and a slide head with a square turret for holding additional tools. Operations performed by any of the tools mounted on the turret or side head can be controlled through the use of stops.Machining Center(MC加工中心)Many of today’s more sophisticated lathes are called machining centers since they are capable of performing, in addition to the normal turning operations,certain milling and drilling operations. Basically, a machining center can be thought of as being a combination turret lathe and milling machine. Additional features are sometimes included by manufacturers to increase the versatility of their machines.(FMS F lexible M anufacturing S ystem柔性制造系统)(HSC H igh S peed C utting 高速切削)。


Mechanical Efficiency is the ratio of work input to work output. It is often expressed as a percentage. The efficiency of an ideal machine is 100 % but an actual machine's efficiency will always be less than 100% because of the Second law of thermodynamics which states that the quality of energy will decay, eventually becoming heat. This means that some of the work put into the system is transformed (lost) into thermal energy (heat). In a mechanical system, friction is the most common cause of the work lost to heat.
A baseball pitcher does positive work on the ball by transferring energy into it .
Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics 一、Background Information
Lesson 1 Basic Concepts in Mechanics One common device is an inclined plane--- in this case, a loading ramp that slopes from the ground to the

施平 机械工程专业英语教程

施平 机械工程专业英语教程

施平机械工程专业英语教程Introduction to Mechanical EngineeringChapter 1: Introduction to Mechanical Engineering- Definition and scope of mechanical engineering- Historical background and evolution of the field- Overview of various disciplines within mechanical engineering Chapter 2: Mechanics- Principles of mechanics, including statics and dynamics- Laws of motion and their applications- Analysis of forces and moments in mechanical systems Chapter 3: Thermodynamics- Basic concepts and laws of thermodynamics- Energy and heat transfer in mechanical systems- Analysis of thermodynamic cycles and processesChapter 4: Materials Science and Engineering- Properties and behavior of materials used in mechanical engineering- Material testing and characterization methods- Selection of materials for specific applicationsChapter 5: Fluid Mechanics- Fundamentals of fluid mechanics- Analysis of fluid flow and pressure distribution- Applications of fluid mechanics in mechanical systems Chapter 6: Heat Transfer- Modes of heat transfer (conduction, convection, radiation)- Heat transfer analysis and calculations- Applications of heat transfer in mechanical systemsChapter 7: Energy Conversion and Power Systems- Energy conversion principles and devices- Analysis of power generation systems- Renewable energy sources and sustainabilityChapter 8: Machine Design and Control Systems- Design principles and methodologies for mechanical systems- Control systems and automation in mechanical engineering- Analysis and optimization of machine componentsChapter 9: Manufacturing Processes- Various manufacturing processes and methodologies- Machining, forming, casting, and joining processes- Quality control and inspection in manufacturingChapter 10: Engineering Ethics and Professionalism- Ethical considerations in engineering practice- Professional responsibility and accountability- Society and the engineer's role in sustainable development Chapter 11: Career Opportunities in Mechanical Engineering- Overview of career options and paths in mechanical engineering - Skills and qualities desired by employers- Professional organizations and resources for career advancement Chapter 12: Emerging Technologies in Mechanical Engineering- Trends and developments in the field of mechanical engineering - Introduction to advanced technologies like robotics, nanotechnology, and artificial intelligence- Potential impact of these technologies on the future of mechanical engineering.。


The study of the motion of bodies under the action of forces It includes the study of forces, torque, and moments acting on bodies
First Law of Thermodynamics
The development of mechanical engineering has undergone an evolution from manual manufacturing to modern manufacturing. With the continuous progress of technology, mechanical engineering has also made new breakthroughs in both theory and practice.
Connection is the key to achieving mechanical assembly, and connection design needs to consider factors such as connection method, fasteners, and sealing.
Computer aided design
Computer aided design is an important tool in modern mechanical design, which can help designers complete design tasks quickly and accurately.
Fundamentals of Mechanical Design



4、工程机械概述As we look around us we see a world full of “things”: machines, devices, tools; things that we have designed, built, and used; things made of wood, metals, ceramics, and plastics. We know from experience that some things are better than others; they last longer, cost less, are quieter, look better, or are easier to use.;;情况.Ideally, however, every such item has been designed according to some set of “functional requirements” as perceived by the designers — that is, it has been designed so as to answer the question, “Exactly what function should it perform?”In the world of engineering, the major function frequently is to support some type of loading due to weight, inertia, pressure, etc.的From the beams in our homes to the wings of an airplane, there must be an appropriate melding of materials, dimensions, and fastenings to produce structures that will perform their functions reliably for a reasonable cost over a reasonablelifetime.In practice, engineering mechanics methods are used in two quite different ways: (1) The development of any new device requires an interactive, iterative consideration of form, size, materials, loads, durability, safety, and cost. (2) When a device fails (unexpectedly) it is often necessary to carry out a study to pinpoint the cause of failure and to identify potential corrective measures. Our best designs often evolve through a successive elimination of weak points.1.cost.2.To many engineers, both of the above processes can prove to be absolutely fascinating and enjoyable, not to mention (at times) lucrative.In any “real” problem there is never sufficient good, useful information; we seldom know the actual loads and operating conditions with any precision, and theanalyses are seldom exact. While our mathematics may be precise, the overall analysis is generally only approximate, and different skilled people can obtain different solutions. In the study of engineering mechanics, most of the problems will be sufficiently “idealized” to permit unique solutions, but it should be clear that the “real world” is far less idealized, and that you usually will have to perform some idealization in order to obtain a solution.在命令必须执行一些理想化获得一个解决方案。




下面是店铺带来的机械工程专业英语文章,欢迎阅读!机械工程专业英语文章精选Milling and Milling Cutter铣削和铣刀Milling is a machining process that is carried out by means of a multiedge rotating tool known asa milling cutter.铣削是采用被称为铣刀的多刃旋转刀具完成的机加工作业。

In this process, metal removal is achieved through combining the rotary motion of the millingcutter and linear motions of the workpiece simultaneously. Milling operations are employed inproducing flat, contoured and helical surfaces as well as for thread- and gear-cuttingoperation.在此工艺中金属去除是通过铣刀的旋转运动和工件的直线运动的组合实现的。


Each of the cutting edges of a milling cutter acts as an individual single-point cutter when itengages with the workpiece metal. Therefore, each of those cutting edges has appropriaterake and relief angles.在铣刀切削工件金属时铣刀的每条切削刃都象一单独的单刃刀具一样作用。

机械工程专业英语课件 -1

机械工程专业英语课件 -1

V belt and pulley
Rolling bearing
Bearing A device that supports, guides, and reduces the friction of motion between fixed and moving machine parts. 轴承:在机器的固定和运动部件之间起支撑、引导和减 少运动摩擦作用的装置。
• 2. A complete assembly that performs a specific function in a larger machine (1.装置;组合 2.组配 3.大会 4.成型,装配 5.装配件、配件 6.程序集 ) • 传动装置:一套装置,在一个更大机器中有具体的功能
2012-12-8 《机械工程专业英语教程》 14
Lesson 37 Milling Machines and Grinding Machines Lesson 38 Drilling Operations Lesson 44 Nontraditional Manufacturing Processes Lesson 62 The Computer and Manufacturing Lesson 63 Computers in Design and Manufacturing Lesson 64 Computer-Aided Analysis of Mechanical Systems Lesson 65 Computer-Aided Process Planning Lesson 66 Numerical Control Lesson 71 Industrial Robots Lesson 77 Technical Report Elements Lesson 78 Writing the Technical Report Extra lesson 1 English for International Academic Exchange Extra lesson 2 Expression of Numbers, Signs, Equations and Graphs in English Extra lesson 3 Professional Literature and Patent Retrieval


journal bearing[]滑动轴承
squeeze out[]挤压,压出
vector quantity[]矢量
uniform velocity[]匀速运动
resultant force[]合力
opposite sense[]方向相反
common to[]为……所共有
scalar quantity[]标量
celestial body[]天体
rigid body[]刚体
deformable body[]变形体
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第 1 次课的教学整体安排2.教学内容与讨论、思考题、作业部分可合二为一。

Couplings, Clutches, Shafts and Springs 联轴器、离合器、轴和弹簧Coupling (联轴器)A coupling is a device for connecting the ends of adjacent shafts. In machine construction, couplings are used to effect (实现) a semi-permanent (半永久性的) connection between adjacent rotating shafts. The connection is permanent in the sense that it is not meant to be broken (脱开) during the useful life of the machine, but it can be broken and restored in an emergency or when worn parts (磨损件) are replaced.There are several types of shaft couplings, their characteristics depend on the purpose for which they are used. If an exceptionally long shaft is required for a line shaft (主传动轴)in a manufacturing plant or a propeller shaft on a ship, it is made in sections (分段) that are coupled together with rigid couplings(刚性联轴器).In connecting shafts belonging to separate devices (such as an electric motor and a gearbox 齿轮箱、变速箱), precise aligning (对中、同心、同轴) of the shafts is difficult and a flexible coupling (弹性联轴器)is used. This coupling connects the shafts in such a way as to minimize the harmful effects of shaft misalignment (偏心). Flexible couplings also permit the shafts to deflect under their separate systems of loads and to move freely (float 浮动) in the axial direction (轴向) without interfering with one another. Flexible couplings can also serve to (用来) reduce the intensity (强度) of shock loads (冲击负荷) and vibrations transmitted from one shaft to another.Clutch 离合器A clutch is a device for quickly and easily connecting or disconnecting a rotatable shaft and a rotating coaxial (同心的) shaft. Clutches are usually placed between the input shaft to a machine and the output shaft from the driving motor and provide a convenient means for starting and stopping the machine and permitting the driver motor or engine to be started in an unload state (无负载的状态).The rotor (转子) (rotating member) in an electric motor has rotational inertia (转动惯量), and a torque is required to bring it up to speed (使其达到一定速度) when the motor is started. If the motor shaft is rigidly connected to a load with a large rotational inertia, and the motor is started suddenly by closing a switch, the motor may not have sufficient torque capacity to bring the motor shaft up to speed before the windings in the motor (电机中的线圈)are burned out(烧毁) by the excessive current demands (过流). A clutch between the motor and the load shafts will restrict (将…限制在)the starting torque on the motor to that required to accelerate the rotor and parts of the clutch only.On some machine tools it is convenient to let the driving motor run continuously and to start and stop the machine by operating a clutch. Other machine tools receive (获得) their power from belts (皮带) driven by pulleys (皮带轮) on intermediate shafts (中间轴) that are themselves driven by belts from long lineshafts that serve a group of machines.Shaft 轴A shaft is a rotating or stationary member, usually of (具有)circular cross section(截面), having mounted upon it such elements as gears, pulleys, flywheels(飞轮), cranks(曲轴), and other power-transmission(动力传递) elements. Shafts may be subjected to(承受) bending(弯曲), tension(扭曲),compression(压缩), or torsional loads(拉伸), acting singly or in combination with one another. When they are combined, one may expect to find both static and fatigue strength(疲劳强度) to be important design considerations, since a single shaft may be subjected to static stresses(静态应力), completely reversed stresses, and repeated stresses, all acting at the same time. The word “shaft” covers numerous variations, such as axles(短轴) and spindles. An axle is a shaft, either stationary or rotating, not subjected to a torsion load. A short rotating shaft is often called a spindle.Spring弹簧A spring is a load-sensitive, energy-storing(蓄能的) device, the chief characteristics of which are an ability to tolerate(承受) large deflections(变形) without failure and to recover(恢复) its initial size and shape when loads are removed(去掉负荷). Although most springs are mechanical and derive their effectiveness from the flexibility inherent in metallic elements(利用金属部件本身所固有的弹性), hydraulic springs and air springs are also obtainable.Springs are used for a variety of purposes, such as supplying the motive power(原动力) in clocks and watches, cushioning transport vehicles, measuring weights, restraining(约束) machine elements, mitigating(减轻) the transmission of periodic disturbing forces from unbalanced rotating machines to the supporting structure, and providing shock protection for delicate(精密的) instruments during shipment.。
