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第 16 卷 第 6 期 2019 年 6 月
铁道科学与工程学报 Journal of Railway Science and Engineering
DOI: 10.19713/j.cnki.43−1423/u.2019.06.029
Volume 16 Number 6 June 2019
考虑线网可达性的 城市轨道交通末班车时刻表优化
运营结束延迟惩罚的基础上构建以提高时段内各间隔起始时刻的Biblioteka Baidu键 OD 可达对数之和为目标的数学模型,优化各线路末班
车的发车时刻。针对上述模型,采用最短路算法计算 OD 间是否可达并设计遗传算法求解末班车发车时刻。以武汉地铁为例,
分析表明:在各线路发车时刻延迟总量不到 15 min 的前提下,可使运营结束前时段关键 OD 可达对数增加 7.86%;在最晚
发车时刻不延迟的情况下,也可使运营结束前时段关键 OD 可达对数增加 1.37%。进行最晚发车时刻灵敏度分析,通过对比
不同程度地延迟最晚发车时刻对线网关键 OD 可达性影响幅度的分析,可以为合理地制定末班车时刻表提供依据。
关键词:城市轨道交通;末班车;时刻表;发车时刻;OD 可达性
(School of Traffic and Transportation, Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044, China)
Abstract: In urban rail transit, the accessibility of the key ODs gradually decreases during the period before the service closure. Promoting the accessibility of the key ODs (origin and destination) in metro network before the service closure benefits to improving the service level. A programming model was proposed to optimize the departure time of the last trains on different metro lines. The objective was to maximize the number of accessible key ODs in metro network, while the timetable adjustment kept minimal. To solve the proposed model, the shortest path algorithm was applied to compute the accessibility of each OD, and the genetic algorithm was employed to find the optimal departure time of the last train for each line. The case studies on Wuhan metro network indicates that, under the premise that the total delay time of each line was less than 15 minutes, the number of accessible key ODs before the service closure increased by 7.86% with the optimized timetable, in comparison with the practical timetable, and without any delay on service closure time, the number of accessible key ODs before the service closure still grew by 1.37%. Finally, the sensitivity analysis was carried out to investigate the influence of different service closure time on the accessibility of the key ODs in the network, which provided a basis for the rational selection on the service closure time of different metro lines.
(北京交通大学 交通运输学院,北京 100044)
摘 要:城市轨道交通线网的 OD(出行起讫点)可达性在运营结束前时段逐渐下降,提高该时段的线网关键 OD 可达性可以
文章编号:1672 − 7029(2019)06− 1569 − 08
Timetable synchronization of last trains in urban rail systems to maximize network accessibility
WEN Fang, BAI Yun, LI Ninghai, CHEN Yao, CHEN Shaokuan, XIN Junpeng
收稿日期:2018−08−24 基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(71621001, 71571016);中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2018JBM025) 通信作者:柏赟(1985−),男,湖南祁阳人,副教授,博士,从事城市轨道交通运输组织研究;E−mail:yunbai@bjtu.edu.cn