The Jilting of Granny Weatherall 译文
The Jilting of Granny Weatherall一部很经典的意识流作品请慢慢欣赏~~~哈里医生那几根又短又粗的手指小心地握住她的手腕,可她却轻巧地抽了出来,把盖在身上的被单拉到下巴边:这小鬼该穿上短裤。
《一个女人是这样衰老的》学译、改译与点评☆一个女人是这样衰老的学译:how a woman agesa womans aginga woman fades thuswhat causes a woman to grow old?the way in which a woman is aginghow a woman gets old改译:the way woman withers点评:衰老=age/old?思路不妨宽些,译wither,如何?另外,wither因使用了转义connotation,其审美想象比age/old更为广阔。
the way woman withers因运用了alliteration而获得了形和声两方面的美。
学译:at the age of twenty, i walked about on the campus, wearing a vest-like jean skirt. my face would turn red whenever i speak. after i have turned thirty, i am seated in front of a bureau, in a suit of famous brand, reproaching a subordinate coldly, how dare you ask such a stupid question? why didnt you make a draft first?改译:at the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, i moved about on thecampus, my face blushing the moment i had the inclination to make an utterance. at the age of thirty, i, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, reproach my subordinate bluntly, how can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?点评:翻译学到一定的时候,就期望有所突破。
1980年,《简· 爱》,祝庆英译,上海译文出版社 1982年,《简· 爱》,李霁野译,陕西人民出版社 1990年,《简· 爱》,吴钧燮译 1991年,《简· 爱》,凌雯译,浙江文艺出版社 1994年,《简· 爱》,黄源深译,译林出版社 1997年,《简· 爱》,胡建华译,漓江出版社 1999年,《简· 爱》,石岩山译,上海译文出版社 2001年,《简· 爱》,高飞译,文化艺术出版社 2001年,《简· 爱》,吴江皓、曾凡海译,北京燕 山出版社 2002年,《简· 爱》,范希江译,文化艺术出版社 2003年,《简· 爱》,史津海、刘微亮、王雯雯译, 浙江文艺出版社 2003年,《简· 爱》,郭深译,安徽文艺出版社 2004年,《简· 爱》,刘洁译,天津古籍出版社 2005年,《简· 爱》,北塔译,中国少年儿童出版 社 2005年,《简· 爱》,徐平译,青岛出版社 2005年,《简· 爱》,宋兆霖译,中国书籍出版社 2006年,《简· 爱》,迮洁译,长江文艺出版社
李霁野译本 vs 祝庆英译本
宋沁颖20110511974 余睿20110511975 张瑶20110511973
《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)是十九 世纪英国著名的女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗 特的代表作,人们普遍认为《简·爱》 是夏洛蒂·勃朗特“诗意的生平写 照”,是一部具有自传色彩的作品。 讲述一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在 各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚 持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。 小说以浓郁抒情的笔法和深刻细 腻的心理描写,引人入胜地展示了男 女主人公曲折起伏的爱情经历,歌颂 了摆脱一切旧习俗和偏见。扎根于相 互理解、相互尊重的基础之上的深挚 爱情,具有强烈的震撼心灵的艺术力 量。其最为成功之处在于塑造了一个 敢于反抗,敢于争取自由和平等地位 的妇女形象。
American Woman《美国女人》电影完整中英文对照剧本
好了Okay.操Shit.布丽奇特你能过来下吗Bridget, can you get in here?我需要你帮个忙I need your help with something.布丽奇Hey, Bridge?我马上就过去行吗I'll be in there in one minute, okay?我得先把他哄好I'm trying to put him down.你要出门的话最好带件毛衣But, uh, bring a sweater if you're gonna be out and about.我只要你过来帮个小忙听到了吗I just need your help for a goddamn second, all right?说到出门So, uh, speaking of getting out...-布丽奇特-妈我说真的- Bridget. - Mom, seriously.神啊God.汤米这周末打算做点什么Hey, Tommy, what do you got happening for this weekend?你最近怎么样Hey, how are you doing?这周末我们有很多重要的事情要办We've actually got a lot of great events coming up this weekend. 要是你周四晚上去费城的话If you go down to Philadelphia on Thursday night...布丽奇特Bridget?美国女人布丽奇Hey, Bridge?布丽奇特Bridget?布丽奇你能过来一下吗Bridge, can you come in here for a second?我需要你帮忙有件事要你帮忙I need your help. I need your help with something.你觉得哪双靴子好看Which boots do you like?我觉得他又长了一颗新牙I think he's cutting another tooth or something.哪双靴子快点Which boots? Hurry up.-布瑞特马上就到了-黑色的- Brett's going to be here. - Black.我觉得棕色的好点I was thinking the brown.我不喜欢棕色的那双I don't like the brown.上面的带子太多了There are too many straps going on or something.我喜欢那些带子I like all the straps going on.感觉别有一番风味I feel like it gives it a little something extra.话说So...他准备带你去哪Where's he taking you?梅迪亚新开的一家店Some new place out in Media.好像是叫卢斯提卡Like Rustica or...卢斯提卡那还是卢斯提什么的The Rusticana, or something rusticky.听起来很高档啊Ooh, it sounds fancy.那是我就是个高档女孩Well, I'm a fancy girl.别指望一个汉堡就想看我的宝贝Don't expect to buy me a hamburger and get a look at the goods. -宝贝-就在这- Ugh! "The goods"? - Right here.好了Okay.我太胖了那裙子给你了I'm fat. You can keep the dress.我现在只能穿All I ever wear anymore are松松垮垮的T恤还有运动裤了baggy T-shirts and sweatpants anyways.宝贝你不胖只是你现在生活太单调了You're not fat, sweetie. You're stuck in a rut.你知道我怀你的时候胖了多少吗Do you know how much weight I gained when I had you?-不知道-四十斤- No. - Forty-five pounds.你骗人That's a lie.我说真的I'm serious!我那时疯狂地想吃东西I had this crazy, crazy craving all the time.当时352街上有家店There was this place...叫做车轮滚滚out on 352 called Wagon Wheel.现在已经不在那了但当时那家店很大It's not there anymore, but it was this big, like...起源于美国加州的连锁餐厅品牌就像时时乐一样like Sizzler-type place.每天晚上我朋友凯伦·G·鲁索And every night, my friend, Karen G. Russo,都会过来接我used to pick me up.然后我们就一起去车轮滚滚And we'd drive over to Wagon Wheel我会买那个麻辣肉丸so that I could get the spicy meatballs,再在上面淋上酸奶油and I'd top it all off with sour cream.最后花了两年时间It took me two goddamn years to体重才减回之前的水平get back to my original weight.所以你完全不必因为自己这样难过So, you can quit feeling sorry for yourself.明白吗Okay?我只是想让事情回到和从前一样It's just I want things to go back to the way they were before. 回不到和从前一样了They are not gonna go back to the way they were.你得接受变化You make do with what's left.我去是他来了Oh, shit, that's him.好了Okay.好了我看起来怎么样All right. How do I look?-不错-只是不错吗- You look pretty. - Just pretty?难道不迷人不惊艳不美丽吗Not drop-dead, or stunning, or beautiful?你和往常一样迷人惊艳美丽You look drop-dead and stunning and beautiful as always. -宝贝爱你-我也爱你- Love you, sweetie. - I love you, too.不用等我了Don't wait up.瞧瞧你Look at you.你帅呆了You look handsome.你在外面干什么呢What the hell are you doing out there?我在调床头灯灯光Setting up the lights on the catwalk.出来吧Come on out.这些真的是你自己挑的吗Did you really pick these out yourself?柜台小姐跟我说The girl at the counter told me最近那些辣妹都穿这个it's what all the hot mistresses are wearing these days.太他妈搞笑了Oh, that's really fucking funny.宝贝快出来Come on out, babe.我等得快疯了You're driving me crazy out here.先放点音乐啊老天Well, put some music on, for Christ's sake.没什么比静悄悄地跳舞更烂了There's nothing worse than dancing in the quiet.往回倒往回倒我喜欢那首Whoa, go back, go back. I like that one.这一首吗This one?对Yeah.他又翻我的内裤抽屉了He was in my panty drawer again.你怎么知道How do you know?因为内裤都在地板上扔着Because they're all over my floor.他到底为什么对内裤情有独钟What is it with him and the panties, anyway?我不知道I don't know.或者他喜欢那种触感吧Maybe he likes how they feel, or something.真奇怪It's weird.一点也不奇怪妈妈他还是个宝宝It's not weird, Mom. He's a baby.他不知道自己在干什么He doesn't know what he's doing.他知道的He knows something.衣柜一共有六个抽屉他从来不翻袜子的Six drawers in that dresser, he never goes after the socks. 话说So, um...泰勒发消息问我Tyler texted me...明晚要不要和他共进晚餐to see if I wanted to go to dinner with him tonight.拜托别这个表情嘛So... Oh, come on, don't make that face.你能替我照看小杰几个小时吗Can you watch J for me for a couple of hours?我有选择吗If I have to.别被他甜言蜜语一哄Don't let him sweet-talk to you你就又那什么了啊into starting something up again.我是说别太健忘了I'm just saying, you get amnesia.他说两句好听的带你出去He says one nice thing, takes you out...你就把他对你做的烂事抛到脑后了Poof! You forget all the shitty things he has done to you.至少他正在努力Well, at least he's making an effort.他要是真的在努力If he was making an effort,他就会偶尔过来看看他儿子he'd come over to see his son once in a while,而不是天天打游戏收拾自己的烂摊子instead of playing video games and scratching his ass.天呐千万别提布瑞特带我出去的事Oh, Christ, don't say nothing about Brett taking me out, okay? -我不会提的-说真的布丽奇- I won't. - I'm serious, Bridge.我现在可不想听她啰里啰嗦的I don't wanna hear her shit right now.-我不会说的-是吗- I won't. Jeez Louise. - Yeah?我拿点牛奶I need some milk.男孩们马上要起床了The boys are about to get up.跟妹妹住的这么近你可真幸运Aren't you lucky you live so close to your little sister?不敢想象没有我你可怎么活I'm not sure how you'd survive without me.有事情就说我会搞定的Something tells me I'd manage.你能叫特里来修一下垃圾处理器吗Will you send Terry over to fix the garbage disposal?每次一打开就会有这种声音Every time I turn it on, it makes this like...听着像里面卡了一只猫似的...sound, like there's a cat stuck in there or something.你跟布瑞特昨晚的约会怎么样So, how was your night out with Brett?反正我什么都没说What? I didn't say anything.凌晨4点我还看到他的车停在路上I saw his car pull up in the driveway at four in the morning.-你啊-我以为你们早分手了- Oh, you. - I thought that was all over.我不知道你为什么会这么以为I don't know why you're thinking about it at all.你到底在干嘛小黛The hell are you doing, Deb?你知道什么出去Hey, you know what? Get out.我们不是刚谈过这个吗Didn't we just have this conversation?出去我现在不想听你在这说废话Get out. I don't want to deal with your shit right now.跟有妇之夫纠缠早晚会有麻烦的You're gonna get yourself in trouble running with a married man. 早晚你会被发现的Sooner or later, you will get caught.♪这是我找回自我的地方♪♪It's where I find myself again ♪♪带着镭射枪走在我的必经之路上♪♪Carry a laser down the road that I must travel ♪你知道歌词根本不是这样的对吧You know those aren't the lyrics, right?♪带着镭射枪走在夜晚的高速路上♪♪Carry a laser down the highway of the night ♪♪带着镭射枪走在我的必经之路上♪♪Carry a laser down the road that I must travel ♪你简直是在折磨孩子You're torturing those children.小凯姨妈我不是在笑你啊Aunt Kath, I wasn't laughing at you.小黛成熟点吧Grow the hell up, Deb!她这次又要做什么了What'd she do this time?去帮她修垃圾处理器Go fix her garbage disposal.那玩意怎么了What's wrong with it now?有只猫卡在里面了There's a cat stuck in it.辛迪Hey, Cindy?辛迪Cindy!辛迪Hey, Cindy?辛迪Cindy?怎么了我在这What? I'm over here.辛迪过来Cindy, get over here.-保罗要我补货-去他的快来- Paul asked me to restock. - Fuck Paul. Let's go.她看到这个一定会吓屎的She'll shit herself when she sees it.天呐Oh, my god.欢送新娘-这是谁送的-是小黛- Who got me this? - Deb!等到足球赛季开始Wait till football season starts.你用这玩意会比钱包更频繁You'll be pulling that thing out more than your wallet. -天啊-我不会错的- Oh, my god. - I'm not wrong.各位很抱歉打扰你们Uh, sorry to break this up, guys,但是外面已经排起长队了but we've got quite the line out there.赖利夫人你想要蓝莓的吗You want the blueberry, Mrs. Riley?你通常都买家庭装的You usually get the home-style kind.这个是蓝莓的This is blueberry.我给你拿家庭装的好吗Let me go get the home-style for you, okay?披萨来了Pizza!帕特里克帮我把这个放到楼上好吗Hey, Patrick, put this on the steps for me, will you?你又不是我的老大You're not the boss of me.我是所有人的老大去把它放到楼上I'm the boss of everyone. Now put it on the steps.我能抱着杰西吗Can I please hold Jesse?-小黛要帮忙吗-不用啤酒在台阶上- Need a hand with anything, Deb? - No, beer's on the front steps. 我可以给他看看我新买的维京战剑吗And can I show him my new Viking battle sword?维京战剑不行No Viking battle swords.还记得上次你这么做的后果吗Remember what happened last time you did that?他头上鼓了个橙子那么大的包He had a bump on his head, the size of an orange.不行墨菲No, Murph.你干什么呢Hey, hey, hey! What are you doing?快放下来Put that down.-你好妈妈-你好黛博拉- Hey, Mom. - Hey, Deborah.谢谢你特里Thanks, Terr.你有什么想说的吗Do you want to say something?-你有吗-没有- Do you? - No.那好吧Okay then.你看起来有心事Looks like you got something on your mind.布丽奇特在哪儿Where's Bridget?在和傻蛋约会Date night with dipshit.我不喜欢这个词黛博拉I don't like that word, Deborah.我一点都不在乎妈妈Oh, I don't really give a crap, Mom.那他们有努力解决问题吗Well, are they at least trying to work things out-看在杰西的份上-我希望没有- for Jesse's sake? - God, I hope not.我觉得如果他们想和好I think it would be a good idea会是个好主意if they tried to patch things up.没人在乎你怎么想No one really cares what you think.你到现在还不明白吗Haven't you learned that by now?别吵了Hey, cut it out.别吵了干点正事Cut it out. Make yourself useful.去拿点饮料出来Get the drinks ready or something.遵命长官Yes, sir.傻瓜Idiot.笨蛋Goofball.击中一球One on.到三垒了二垒Right back in the third base! In the second base!双杀Double play!你至少该为对布瑞特的事撒谎道个歉吧Are you at least gonna apologize for lying about Brett?凯瑟琳·玛格丽特·泰特Katherine Margaret Tate,我对我之前的行为万分非常抱歉I'm truly, deeply sorry for my behavior.还真像那么回事Yeah, you really sound like it.所有事到你这儿就变成教训了Just everything with you turns into a goddamn lesson, you know. 没多久我就都听腻了I get tired of hearing that shit after a while.你觉得是我想这样的吗Do you think I want to do that?你觉得是我想往窗外看Do you think I want to look out my window-看他有没有来吗-我不知道- to see if he's coming over? - I don't know.你一直都这样所以你一定不讨厌这么做You do it all the time, so you must not hate it.也许你自己生活太无聊Maybe you're bored with your own life,就想窥探我的生活you got to spy on mine.你知道吗Okay, you know what?我这么做是因为在乎你I do it because I care about you.老天保佑如果妈妈发现你和已婚男人约会And God forbid, Mom finds out you're going with a married man. 老天保佑老天保佑阿门Oh, God forbid. Oh, God forbid. Amen.圣家庭可能会把她赶出教区桥牌俱乐部Holy Family might kick her out of the Parish Bridge Club.卡萨诺神父可能会不让我接受圣餐礼Or, oh, Father Cassano might not let me receive the Eucharist.你都好几年没去参加过弥撒了小黛You haven't gone to mass in years, Deb.因为他们看我就像看麻风病人一样Because they look at me like I'm some kind of leper there.还记得我怀布丽奇的时候吗Remember when I was pregnant with Bridge,我去的时候看到妈妈所有的朋友I used to walk in and see all of Mom's friends对我指指点点窃窃私语pointing at me whispering...就像该死的老鼠一样...like little asshole mice.别那么夸大其词Don't be so dramatic.试试从另一方面看这件事Try looking at it from the other side.他有个老婆还有三个年幼的孩子He's got a wife and three young children.他们对彼此做出了承诺They made a commitment to each other.你像是活在石器时代一样You're living in the Stone Ages,你知道吗you know that?你这是什么意思What's that supposed to mean?我的意思是你在教堂圣坛前What it means is, when you get to the altar,允诺余生爱他尊重他and you promise to love and honor这和以前的意思不一样了all the days of your life, it doesn't mean what it used to. 好吗这一点都不实际Okay? It's not practical.我和特里就很好不是吗Well, worked for Terr and I, didn't it?你知道为什么会好吗Well, you know why it worked?因为你从来都没体验过别的Because you never experienced anything else.你怎么知道你有的How do you know if what you got就是世界上最好的is the best thing in the whole world?特里Terry.特里的屌Terry's dick...你只看到过他的屌is the only dick you've ever seen.天呐Oh, my god.还有谁的Who else's?天呐凯文·克莱默的Oh, my god, Kevin Kramer.凯文·克莱默吗Kevin Kramer?他有别人说的那么大吗Was it as big as they say?凯莉·曼弗里说他就像水管一样Carrie Manfry said he had a hose.你一定要说的这么直白吗Do you always have to be so crude?还有你和特拉华郡一半的男人睡过觉And what, you're proud that you slept你感觉很自豪吗with half the men in Delaware County?-不自豪没有-小凯- Not proud, no. - Kath?-我现在想喝咖啡了-好的马上- I'll have my coffee now. - Okay. Just a sec.我知道什么好什么不好But I know what's good and what's not因为我已经来过几次了'cause I've been around a few times.恭喜你啊Oh, congratulations.那要是有别人来呢Okay, what if someone else came along?比如汤姆·塞立克吗Someone else like Tom Selleck?没错Yes.汤姆·塞立克现在走进厨房Tom Selleck walks into this kitchen right now, 他说"凯茜我硬了he says, "Kathy, I gotta hard-on.我们上楼"Take you upstairs...""小凯我硬了""Kath, I've got a hard-on."等等Wait."小凯我硬了我们上楼"Kath, I've got a hard-on. Take you upstairs.我帮你口一小时" 你会说Go down on you for an hour." Would you say... 你会说Would you say,"汤姆我好想把你日上青天"Tom, I'd like to fuck your brains out,但我已经在教堂圣坛前对特里发过誓了" but I made a promise to Terry at the altar."会的我其实会的Yes, I actually would.胡说Bullshit.-胡说八道-天呐- Bullshit. - Oh, god!天呐你可能真的会Oh, god, you probably would.这就更让人难过了That's even more depressing.布丽奇Bridge!布丽奇特Bridget!布丽奇特Bridget!老天啊Oh, Jesus fucking Christ.好了好了没事了Oh, come on. Okay.没事了好了All right. Okay.该死Oh, goddamn it.你好我是布丽奇特Hey, this is Bridget我是杰西给我们留言吧and Jesse. Leave us a message.布丽奇特都八点二十了Bridget, it's 8:20.我不管你宿醉有多严重I don't give a shit how hungover you are.快滚回家You get your ass home.我不是你的私人保姆I'm not your personal babysitter.没人No.来吧Come on.你好小黛阿姨Hi, Aunt Deb.-小凯-在后面- Hey, Kath? - Down here.我已经付过钱了No, I already paid for that.现金付的吗What, with cash?是啊七百美金Yeah, 700 dollars.我得让你照看会儿他I need you to watch him for a little while. 布丽奇特昨晚没回家Bridget didn't come home last night.-怎么回事-我联系不到她了- What's going on? - I can't get ahold of her. 别做傻事小黛Don't do anything stupid, Deb.我去拿钥匙I'll get my keys.好了好了我来了天呐All right. All right. I'm coming. Jesus.-有什么事吗-布丽奇特在哪儿- Can I help you? - Where's Bridget?她在哪儿我怎么知道How would I know where she is?她昨晚和泰出去了She went out with Ty last night然后就没回家我觉得她可能睡这里了and she never came home, so I assume she slept here.-她没在这儿睡过-泰勒在哪儿- She never slept here. - Where's Tyler?和朋友出去了Out with some friends.你不能这样闯进来小黛Hey, you can't just barge in here like that, Deb!你好卡萝尔Hey, Carol.你最好把她弄出去You'd better get her out of here.我要叫警察了I'm going to call the cops on her ass!布丽奇特在哪儿Where's Bridget?给你15秒出去不然我叫警察了小黛You got 15 seconds to get out, or I'm calling the cops, Deb! 告诉我她在哪儿我就走了Tell me where she is, and I'll leave.你为什么要这样What did you do that for?我不知道她到底在哪儿I don't know where the hell she is.我送她去了珍娜家I dropped her off at Jenna's house.送她去了珍娜家Dropped her off at Jenna's house?-珍娜·坎宁安-为什么- Jenna Cunningham. - Why?好吧我们晚饭的时候All right, we got into an argument-吵起来了-倒数十秒- at dinner... - Down to ten!闭嘴妈妈Shut up, Mom!她不想回家And she didn't want to go home.女生都去那里聚了The girls were all hanging out over there,所以我送她过去了so I dropped her off.天呐你这个疯婊子Jeez, you crazy bitch.你叫我什么What did you call me?你就是个垃圾你知道吗You're a piece of trash, you know that?-五秒-你这个垃圾玩意儿- Five seconds. - You're fucking trash.好了来吧小黛我们走吧All right, come on, Deb. Let's go.-我是垃圾-是啊你就是垃圾- I'm trash? - Yeah, you're trash.你就是个脏婊子You're a dirty skank who has phone sex和所有男友都打性爱电话with all her boyfriends.我还是垃圾呢I'm trash.布丽奇特晚上都睡不好觉Yeah, Bridget told me she could barely sleep因为她整晚都能听到她妈在自慰because she'd hear her mom fingering herself all night. 你怎么不过来看看你儿子呢Why don't you ever come by and see your son, huh? 因为你就是个垃圾Because you're a piece of trash.因为我知道你会在那儿Because I know you're going to be there!-他脑子里都是垃圾-好了我叫警察了- His brain is about trashed. - That's it. I'm calling.-快滚出去-叫吧卡萝尔- Get the fuck out of here. - Call them, Carol.他妈快去叫警察来Fucking call them!滚你的吧Come on. Fuck you!-小黛你不能就这样-滚你的吧卡萝尔- Deb, you can't just go busting - Fuck you, Carol. 闯到别人家里你知道吗into people's house like that, you know that?你现在要去哪儿Now, where are you going?她十点左右到的这里She got here at around ten.大概吧I guess.她不开心She was upset.她说她和泰勒吵了一架Said she had another fight with Tyler.我们喝了几杯We had a few drinks.她大概半夜走的She left at around midnight, I guess.所以她就打算走回家吗So, she was just gonna walk home?得有五公里吧It's got to be over three miles.我也是这么说的That's what I said.我说她应该就在这里过夜No, I said she should just sleep here,白天我再开车送她回家and I'd drive her home in the morning.但是她说如果你醒来发现But, um, she said you'd be mad还得照顾杰西你会生气的所以if you woke up and had to take care of Jesse, so... 她走了She left.那布丽奇特的父亲呢What about Bridget's father?他不在这里He's not around.这样有多久了How long has that been the case?自从十七年前他发现我怀孕之后Since he found out I was pregnant 17 years ago, 他不想和她有关系所以he never wanted anything to do with her, so...小黛你先坐下好吗Deb, would you sit down, please?他在哪儿Where is he?他现在住在哪儿Where is he living now?南卡罗莱纳州佛罗里达州South Carolina, Florida.听着你找他就是浪费时间好吗Look, you're wasting your time with him, okay?泰勒·汉里克Tyler Hanrick,那才是你们应该去查的人this is who you need to be looking at.他们昨晚吵架了They got into an argument last night.他承认了He admitted that.他一开始就不想让她生下杰西He never wanted her to have Jesse in the first place.他之前还对她很暴力And he has been violent with her before.什么叫很暴力What... What do you mean he has been violent?我是说他打过她I mean, he has hit her.不止一次More than once.布丽奇特从来都不愿意跟我说And Bridget never liked telling me他干的那些恶心事all the shit he did.所以说如果他不止一次动手So, if it was more than once,你都能猜到肯定比那还多得多you can bet it was a lot more than that.她有没有提交过事故报告Has an Incident Report ever been filed?没有我叫她去提交No, I told her to file one,但她不愿意那么对她孩子的父亲but she wasn't going to do that to the father of her kid.我告诉你我们这没什么可查的了明白吗What I'm saying is all the boxes are checked off here. Okay? 黛博拉你能不能坐下Deborah, would you just please sit down?妈如果你再他妈说一遍让我坐下Mom, if you tell me to fucking sit down再他妈说一遍我对天发誓one more fucking time, I swear to God...小凯你能不能把她带走Kath, can you just get her out of here?我他妈现在没精力应付你妈Because I can't fucking deal with it right now, Mom. 我们理解你想说的了We, uh, we understand what you're trying to say, 但是泰勒声称but Tyler claims晚上十点半结束约会他就回家了he got in from the date around 10:30 P.M.,然后当天晚上他都待在家and he stayed inside the rest of the night.他的父母也都这么说His parents said the same.真他妈的见怪不怪了Oh, big fucking surprise.他们为了保护他什么话都说得出来They'll say anything to protect him.他们会编各种屁话来保护他They will say any fucking bullshit to protect him.他们就是垃圾那群人都是明白吗They're fucking trash, those people, okay?好吧Right.你还能不能想到别的嫌疑人Is there anyone else you can think of,除了泰勒以外的besides Tyler...有动机去伤害她的...that would have a reason to hurt her?没有别人了好吗There's no one else. Right?好吧Okay.听着如果你再想到些什么请通知我们Look, if you think of anything else, let us know.与此同时In the meantime,我们会在所有巡逻车上贴上她的照片we have her photo in all of our patrol cars.切斯特和巴克斯郡也是Chester and Bucks County, too.如果她在外面我们会找到她的If she is out there, we're going to find her.你刚说什么What did you say?我说如果她在外面我们会找到她的I said, if she is out there, we are gonna find her.所以我们就坐在这干等着So, we're just supposed to sit here and wait?是吗Yeah?那我们应该做些什么我是说What are we supposed to do? I mean, just...有消息我们会通知你的小黛好吗We will call you, Deb. Okay?-只要我们有任何发现我保证-好吧- As soon as we get something. I promise. - Okay. Okay. 那你们就这么办吧You do that. Yeah.真是谢谢你们了Thank you very much.那好吧大家晚安Okay, um, you all have a good night.-谢谢-谢谢- Thank you. - Thank you.好Okay.我们会把你们分成四组We're gonna split you all up into four groups.货车正在外面等着Vans are waiting outside会把你们带到搜救区域to transport you to the search areas.等到了地点服从你们组长的命令And once you're there, listen to your group leader.如果你们发现了If you find something that you think你们认为可能作为证据的东西might be evidence,不要触摸或移动do not touch or move the item.请通知你们的组长Please, notify your group leader,然后我们会处理的and we will process it.清楚了吗Okay?卡拉汉小姐你还有什么要补充的吗Miss Callahan, anything you want to add, by chance?小黛Deb.去吧Go on up.要我帮你吗Want me to...已经It's been, uh...从我们最后一次见到布丽奇特已经三天了It's been three days since we last saw Bridget.她大概七点钟离开家She left home around seven.她穿着一件粉色的毛衣She was wearing a pink sweatshirt和白色运动鞋and white sneakers.她几天前染了头发She had her hair colored a few days ago,现在颜色有点浅了更偏金色so it's a little lighter now, little more blonde.但也没有很多But not much.这是一个母亲最可怕的噩梦This is a mother's worst nightmare.知道自己的女儿在外面某个地方To know that your daughter's out there somewhere,她在呼唤你而你却无能为力and that she's calling for you, you can't get to her to help... 抱歉I'm sorry.抱歉I'm sorry.我想我的女儿I miss my daughter.她的儿子想妈妈了Her son misses his mom.我们只想找到她带她回家We just want to find her and bring her home.可以吗Okay?布丽奇喜欢动物Bridge loves animals.尤其是马Especially horses.她以前在威洛梅马厩做过义工She used to volunteer over at Willowmay Stables. 这是克洛甫And this is Clover.布丽奇特的外祖父送给她的Bridget's grandfather bought her for her在她十二岁生日那天on her 12th birthday.如果布丽奇特现在在看If Bridget's out there watching right now,你想对她说些什么what would you like to say to her?我只想说我爱她Just that I love her.我会永远陪着她That I'm always with her.你得吃点东西小黛You have to eat something, Deb.你吓着我们了You're scaring us.现在我就站在这等你吃完Now, I am going to stand here until you eat that, 如果你不吃完and I am not going to let you up我是不会让你起来的until it's done.小黛你要去哪Deb, where are you going?抽烟我一会就回来Cigarettes. I'll be right back.天哪小黛Oh, Jesus, Deb.我不知道该说些什么好Just... I don't even know what to say.我简直无法想象I just can't even imagine.小黛别这样Stop.小黛Deb.你会过来陪我吗Will you come and stay with me?这周事很多This week's really tough.区域经理来镇里了The regional manager's in town...我我一天都受不了了I... I can't... I can't take another day和我的家人待在一起of just sitting around with my family.我真的你会来陪我吗I just... Will you just come stay with me,让我感觉不那么孤独so I don't feel so goddamn alone?求你了Please.好吧Okay.星期六Saturday.我周六来陪你I'll come stay with you on Saturday.寻人启事好了Okay.去睡一会吧Try and get some sleep.是我Hey, it's me.就想问问你什么时候来Uh, just wondering when you're going to be here. 打给我好吗Call me back, okay?我们每个月就只有一晚在一起We get one night together in the past month,结果你还迟到and you decide to show up late?去你的布瑞特去你的Fuck you, Brett. Fuck you.Fuck you.去你的Fuck you.如果你三十秒内不回我电话If you don't call me back in 30 seconds,我现在就开车杀到你家告诉你老婆I'm going to drive over there and tell your wife你当初是怎么求我同意让你内射的how you begged me to let you come inside me就因为你老婆不愿意再让你那么干because she wouldn't let you do that anymore. 三十秒内Thirty seconds.操Fuck!要咖啡吗Want some coffee?小黛搞什么天哪Deb, what the hell? Jesus Christ.你得走了You need to leave.滚出我家Get out of my house.怎么你以为你很特别吗What? You think you're special?你以为你是第一个闹到我家里来的You think you're the first one of his whores他那些婊子们之一吗who has come to my house?小杰七点十五了该走了快点J, it's 7:15. Get moving. Come on!我衣服呢Where are my clothes?我放在你梳妆台上了I left them on your dresser.-早安宝贝-早安- Morning, babe. - Hey.给我做点鸡蛋和香肠怎么样How about some eggs and sausage, huh?我一会儿去提米家打扑克I'm playing poker over at Timmy's later.我想给特里打电话问问他想不想来Was going to call Terry to see if he wanted to join.。
Jane Eyre《简爱(2011)》完整中英文对照剧本
I will die.我要死了St. John?圣约翰I found her at the door.她倒在门口She's white as death.面如死灰Hannah, some of that hot milk.汉娜拿点热牛奶来St. John, we would have stumbled upon her corpse in the morning. 圣约翰她今晚就会死在这的And she would have haunted us for turning her away.我们还得费劲把她和她的冤魂弄走She's no vagrant. I'm sure of it.她不是什么乞丐我很确定There's milk for you.这是您要的牛奶Here.喝吧Ask her her name.问问她的名字What's your name?你叫什么Jane Eyre.简·爱Tell us how we may help you.我们能帮你点什么Your name?你叫什么Where are you?你在哪呢Must hide...必需躲起来St. John, we must get her warm.圣约翰我们得让她暖和起来Let us take her upstairs.把她抬上楼Will she die?她会死吗Where are you, rat?你在哪小毛贼I know you're here.我知道你在这里If you crawl out and say,如果你伏在我脚下对我说"Forgive me, Master Reed,"原谅我里德大人I might consider it.我可以考虑原谅你Mama. John.妈妈约翰There you are.找到你了That book belongs to me, rat.这本书是我的小偷It belongs to my Uncle Reed.是里德舅舅的Spoilt, miserable brat!你这被宠坏的小屁孩Mama! For shame!妈妈真不要脸Mama!妈妈You wretched imp!你这无♥耻♥的孩子She attacked me.她打我I hate you, John Reed! I hate you!我恨你约翰·里德我恨你Hilary, take her! Take her!希拉里拉住她拉住她Lock her in the red room.把她锁到小红屋里No!不要Please, please! No, it's haunted. Please. It's haunted! No! 求你们了不要那屋有鬼求你们Please! Please!求你们了If you don't sit still, you will be tied down!你要是不安静点坐着就得把你捆上What we do is for your own good.我们是为了你好Pray for forgiveness, Miss Eyre,祈求宽恕吧爱小姐or something bad will come down that chimney and fetch you away. 要不烟囱里会有东西爬进来把你带走Let me out, please! Have mercy,让我出去求你了仁慈点Aunt Reed! Please!里德舅妈求你了Do you know, Jane Eyre, where the wicked go after death?简·爱你知道坏人死后会去哪里吗They go to hell.去地狱And what is hell?地狱是什么A pit full of fire.一个大火炕Should you like to fall into this pit你愿意掉进这个火坑and be burned there forever?并且永受火的煎熬吗No, sir.不愿意先生How might you avoid it?怎样才能不去I must keep in good health and not die.保持健康争取不死What is her parentage?她出身如何She's an orphan.她是个孤儿Her mother was my husband's sister.她妈妈是我亡夫的妹妹On his deathbed he exhorted me to care for her.我丈夫去世时交待我照顾她I have always treated her as one of my own.我一直将她视为己出If you accept her at Lowood School,如果您批准她进入洛伍德学校Mr. Brocklehurst,布洛克尔赫斯特先生keep a strict eye on her.请严厉管教她She has a heart of spite,她满心怨恨and I'm sorry to say that her worst fault is that of deceit. 很惭愧的是她最大的缺点是撒谎You can rest assured请您放心that we shall root out the wickedness我们会将这些不道德的行为in this small, ungrateful plant.从这棵不领情的小树苗心中连根拔出And as for its vacations,至于假期it must spend them all at Lowood.也希望她能在洛伍德渡过You may leave.你走吧You said I was a liar. I'm not.你说我是骗子我才不是If I were, I should say I loved you,我要是爱说谎我会说我爱死你了and I don't.但我不会那么说的I dislike you worse than anybody in the world.你是这世上我最不喜欢的人People think you are good,别人觉得你很好but you're bad and hard-hearted.其实你很坏铁石心肠I'll let everyone know what you have done.我会让所有人知道你都做过些什么Children must be corrected for their faults.小孩必须纠正缺点Deceit is not my fault.说谎可不是我的缺点But you are passionate.但你易怒My Uncle Reed is in heaven, so are my mother and father. 里德舅舅在天堂我父母也在那里They know how you hate me and wish me dead. They can see. 他们知道你恨我想让我死他们看着呢They see everything you do and they will judge you, Mrs. Reed. 他们看着你终将会审判你的里德太太Get out.出去Next. Show me your hands.下一个手伸出来Stop there.站住Very grand.很好Next.下一个Step out of your fine dress.抬抬脚Stay there.待在这儿Show me your hands.手伸出来My name is Jane Elliott.我叫简·艾略特Who can we send for to help you?有可以帮你的人吗我们可以去找No one.没有I mustn't ever be found.千万不能有人找到我Join me to Thyself包容我吧with an inseparable band of love.用您广阔无边的爱For Thou, even Thou alone,因为即使您孤身一人dost satisfy him that loveth Thee.爱您也可使他信服And without Thee, all things are vain and empty.若无您相伴万事皆空Amen.阿门Amen.阿门It's wonderful to see you up, Miss Elliott.您能恢复真是太好了艾略特小姐Last week we thought we'd be escorting your remains就在上周我们还以为要把您埋葬to an unmarked grave.连墓碑上刻些什么都不知道She read The Bride of Lindorf她在读《林道夫的新娘》and suddenly it's all woebegone maidens and dramatic deaths. 里面全是怨妇和戏剧性的死亡I'm sorry to have caused so much trouble.真抱歉添麻烦了Nonsense.哪有You're the most exciting thing that's happened here自从圣约翰在巴比伦庄园布道以来since St. John's sermon on the fall of Babylon.你的出现是这里最激动人心的事情了I hope I'll not be eating long at your expense, Mr. Rivers.希望我没给您带来太多开销李维斯先生Then tell me where to place you.那请告诉我把你送到哪去Show me where to seek work, that is all I ask.您只需告诉我到哪里可以找到工作就行You're not fit enough to work. Is she, Di?您的身体能工作了吗她行吗戴安娜No. Stay with us.还不行留下吧You return to your posts at the end of the month.你月底再去工作吧What must Miss Elliott do then?那样的话艾略特小姐去哪里呢I'll endeavor to help you,我会尽力帮助你if that's what you wish.如果你希望那样的话With all my heart, sir.我是发自内心的先生This school you were at, Miss Elliott,艾略特小姐你读过的这所学校this charitable institution,这所慈善教育机构what did it prepare you for?都教你什么了Was it a thorough education?教得够深入彻底吗Most thorough.非常深入彻底A little wit...一个小智慧...A little wit...一个小智慧......will serve......必侍奉......A fortunate man....一个幸运的人Again. A little wit...再读一遍一个小智慧...A little wit...一个小智慧......will serve......必侍奉......A fortunate man....一个幸运的人Burns!伯恩斯I will not have you before me in that attitude.在我的课上不准不认真听讲All rise.全体起立I see you are mortifying this girl's flesh.我看你正打算磨炼这姑娘的肉体Sir, she was not...先生她不...It is your mission to render her contrite and self-denying. 让她醒悟并自我批评是你的使命Continue.继续The new girl.那个新来的姑娘This is the pedestal of infamy,这是恶行的根基and you will remain upon it all day long.你得在这凳子上站一整天You will have neither food nor drink,不准吃饭喝水for you must learn how barren is the life of a sinner.你得明白罪人应过怎样的生活Children, I exhort you to shun her, exclude her,孩子们奉劝你们离她远点排斥她shut her out from this day forth.从今天起与她隔绝Withhold the hand of friendship不要将友谊之手伸向她and deny your love to Jane Eyre,也不要将爱赋予简·爱the liar.这个骗子How do you bear being struck?你是怎么忍♥下挨打的Miss Scatcherd hits me to improve me.斯盖奇德小姐打我是为了我好She's tormented by my faults.她因我的错误而苦恼If she hit me, I'd get that birch要是她打我我就夺下那树棍and break it under her nose.当着她的面掰断它She'd find another soon enough.她很快就能再找一根My father used to preach that life's too short我父亲总是说人生苦短to spend in nursing animosity.不要满心怨恨At my aunt's house, I was solitary and despised.在我舅妈家我很孤独没人看得起我She thought I could do without one bit of love or kindness. 她觉得对我不该有一点爱和仁慈You are loved.你活在爱中There's an invisible world all around you,有个无形的世界一直围绕着你a kingdom of spirits commissioned to guard you, Jane. 一个精神的王国正在保护你简Do you not see them?你能看到吗Jane?简Have you something for me to do?有什么能帮忙的吗You're doing something already.继续做你的事就好May I see?我能看看吗These are wonderful.画得太棒了St. John...圣约翰No, Mary, please...别玛丽别...See how skilled Jane is.看看简的画功吧Is this how you perceive me, Miss Elliott?艾略特小姐这是我在你眼中的样子吗Well. How fierce I am.看来我很凶嘛Jane.简You're freezing. Your little feet are bare.你冷了吧你还光着脚呢Come into bed and cover yourself.上♥床♥ 盖上被子暖暖How are you?你怎样了I'm happy, Jane.我很幸福简I'm going home.我要回家了Back to your father?回你父亲身边吗I'm going to God.上帝身边Don't be sad.不要悲伤You have a passion for living, Jane.你有一份对生活的热爱简And one day you'll come to the region of bliss.你也终将来到极乐世界Don't leave me.别离开我I like to have you near.我喜欢你陪着我I will not leave you.我不会离开你的No one shall take me from you.谁也别想让我离开你Helen!海伦Helen!海伦Mr. Rivers? I wondered李维斯先生请问if you had yet heard of any work I could do.您打听到我可以做的工作了吗I found you a situation some time ago,不久前有一个岗位but I've delayed telling you但我一直没告诉你because the work is lowly and I fear you'll scorn it.因为太过卑微怕你不屑于做I shan't mind what I do.我不介意工作的性质When I took over the parish two years ago,两年前我接管这个教区时it had no school.这里没有学校I opened one for boys.我开办了一所男子学校I now intend to open one for girls.现在打算办一所女子学校The schoolmistress will have a cottage paid for by benefactors 女教师能得到教友捐赠的一间小屋and she'll receive 15 a year.年薪十五元You can see how humble, how ignoble it is.是份身份卑微也不体面的工作Mr. Rivers, thank you.李维斯先生谢谢你I accept.我接受With all my heart.全心全意去做But you comprehend me?你理解我的意思吗'Tis a village school, cottagers' daughters.乡村学校乡下女孩What will you do with all your fine accomplishments? 即使你有百般技艺又如何能发挥呢I will save them till they're wanted. They will keep.我会保留到她们想学为止不会忘记的Jane.简You will be quite alone here.你在这会感到很孤独的I'm not afraid of solitude.我不怕孤独This is my first home where I am neither dependent 这是我第一个不用依靠和服从别人的地方nor subordinate to anyone.真正意义上的家Thank you, Mr. St. John.谢谢您圣约翰先生It is small and plain, as I told you.陋室一间我说过的Then it'll suit me very well.于我再合适不过了Safe journey, Miss Eyre. Godspeed.一路平安爱小姐祝成功Goodbye, Miss Eyre.再见爱小姐Safe journey. Thank you.一路顺风谢谢你们Bye, Miss Eyre.再见爱小姐Girls!姑娘们Goodbye.再见Thornfield, Miss.到桑菲尔德了小姐Wait here, Miss.稍等一下小姐How do you do, my dear?你好吗亲爱的Are you Mrs. Fairfax? Indeed I am.您是费尔法克斯夫人吗没错What a tedious journey you must have had.那么久的路程一定很沉闷吧Your hands must be frozen. Here.手肯定冻僵了来Goodness. How young you are.天哪你真年轻I'm quite experienced, I can assure you.我经验丰富向您保证Of course you are. I'm sure we're very lucky to have you.肯定的你能来是我们的福气Leah, would you ask Martha to bring a little hot port莉请让玛莎拿一点热葡萄酒and cut a sandwich or two?和一两块三明治来好吗Draw nearer the fire.离壁炉近点John is taking your trunk up to your room.约翰把你的行李拿到你的房♥间了I've put you at the back of the house, I hope you don't mind. 我把你安置在后面的房♥子了你别介意The rooms at the front have much finer furniture,前面的房♥间里虽然有很多高档家具but they're so gloomy and solitary, I think.但我觉得它们看来阴暗孤寂I'm glad you're come.你能来我真是太高兴了To be sure, this is a grand old house,的确这是一栋雄伟的老宅but I must confess that但我不得不承认in winter one can feel a little dreary and alone.冬天时会有些孤寂冷清Leah's a very nice girl,莉是个善良的女孩and John and Martha are good people, too,约翰和玛莎也都是好人but they are servants.但他们都是仆人One cannot talk to them on terms of equality.和他们谈话时要顾及身份Am I meeting Miss Fairfax tonight?我今晚会见到费尔法克斯小姐吗Who?谁Miss Fairfax, my pupil?费尔法克斯小姐我的学生Oh, you mean Miss Varens,你是说维纶斯小姐吧Mr. Rochester's ward.罗切斯特先生是监护人She's to be your pupil.她是你的学生Who's Mr. Rochester?谁是罗切斯特先生Why, the owner of Thornfield.你不知道吗桑菲尔德的主人Mr. Edward Fairfax Rochester.全名是爱德华·费尔法克斯·罗切斯特I thought Thornfield Hall belonged to you.我还以为桑菲尔德庄园是你的呢Bless you, child, what an idea. Me?主保佑你孩子多荒谬啊我的I'm only the housekeeper.我只是女管家Forgive me.请原谅There is a distant connection between Mr. Rochester and me, 罗切斯特先生和我是远亲his mother was a Fairfax, but I'd never presume on it.他妈妈姓费尔马克斯但我可没走后门Heavens. Me, owner of Thornfield?天啊我是桑菲尔德的主人We shall have a cheerful house this winter.这个冬天会很愉快的With Miss Varens here and with you,因维纶斯小姐和你在这里we'll have quite a merry time of it.我们将会有一段快乐的时光I'm sure that last winter, and去年冬天真是够凛冽的what a severe one it was, if it didn't rain it snowed,不是下雨就是下雪if it didn't snow it blew.不下雪了就刮风I declare, not one soul我敢说came to the house from November to February.从十一月到二月不会有一个人来的When spring finally came,春天终于来的时候I thought it a great relief我觉得自己还能神志清醒I hadn't gone distracted.就真是上天眷顾了I've had Martha lay a fire. I hope you'll be comfortable. 我已经让玛莎生好了火希望你能舒服点Now, get that lot turned over before frost comes down. 在霜降前得把那块地翻翻Do you want the upper bit doing as well?上面那块也翻吗Yes.是的We must open the window in the study today我们今天得把书房♥的窗户打开to let in some air.换换空气I've never seen such an ancient old house.我从没见过这么古老的房♥子How beautifully you've preserved it.你们把它维护得多么漂亮Well, Mr. Rochester's visits are always unexpected.罗切斯特先生总是意外到访He doesn't like to arrive and find everything all swathed up, 他可不喜欢回来后看到所有的东西都盖着so I keep it in constant readiness.所以我总是保持整洁Now, come and meet Miss Varens.现在来见见维纶斯小姐吧Did I mention she's French?我说过她是法国人吗Will you ask her about her parents?能不能问问她的父母Mr. Rochester neglected to tell me anything about her.关于她罗切斯特先生什么都没告诉我Her mother has passed away.她母亲去世了Adele is going to show us her accomplishments.阿黛拉想表演一下学过的东西How very French.全是法语Very good. Very good.很好很好Now, we're going to make a press. Shut the book up.现在我们提高点难度把书合上Butterfly.蝴蝶And what was it before it was a butterfly?变成蝴蝶之前它是什么Caterpillar.毛毛虫"I shall leave and walk into town.""我要离开这里步行进城去""Do not go," Begged her maid."不要走" 她的女仆乞求道"The Gytrash roams these hills.""那些山里有吉特莱斯"A spirit of the North是北方传说中的一种兽that lies in wait for travelers.会对旅行者进行突然袭击It tenants the carcasses of beasts,它寄居在野兽的身体中possesses horses, wolves, great dogs.可以控制马啊狼啊大型狗啊You know it only by its eyes,只有看眼睛才能发现它which burn as red as coals,像烧红的炭一样发出光芒and if one should chance upon you...如果有一只吉特莱斯发现了你...Nothing. A mere story.不会有事的传说而已What nonsense.真是荒谬Whatever brings you up here?你怎么在这儿I've been waiting to pour our tea.我已经准备好茶点了I'm not in need of tea, thank you.我不太想喝茶谢谢It's a quiet life, isn't it?平静的生活是吗This isolated house, a still doom for a young woman.孤单的房♥子对年轻女孩来说太安静了I wish a woman could have action in her life, like a man.我希望女人也能像男人一样勇于生活It agitates me to pain这想法激得我痛苦不堪that the skyline over there is ever our limit.远处的地平线永远是个界限I long sometimes for a power of vision that would overpass it. 我有时真心希望有种力量能帮我跨越过去If I could behold all I imagine...要是我能见到我心中所想I've never seen a city,我还没见过城市呢I've never spoken with men.也从未和男人交谈过And I fear my whole life will pass...我担心一生就这么过去...Now, exercise and fresh air,听别人说运动和新鲜空气great cures for anything, they say.是最好的治疗法I have some letters to post. Will you take them?我有几封信要寄你能帮我捎去吗Up! Up, you cursed beast! Up!起来起来你这该死的畜生起来Stand back. Are you injured, sir?别过来你受伤了吗先生May I be of some help?需要我帮忙吗Where did you come from?你从哪儿来Just below, at Thornfield Hall. I am the governess.山脚下的特恩费德庄园我是那里的家庭教师I'm on my way to post a letter.我正要去寄封信Can I fetch someone to help?要不要找人来帮忙The governess.家庭教师You may help me yourself.你来帮我就好Get hold of his bridle and lead him to me.拽着马缰把马牵过来If you would be so kind.劳驾您It would be easier to bring me to the horse. Come here. 还是我过去吧过来扶我I must beg of you to please come here, Miss Governess. 我请求您扶我一把家教小姐Hold it.拉住Make haste with your letter.快寄信去吧For who knows what might lurk in these dark woods. 这偌大漆黑的森林可不安全Leah, go and light the fire in the master's bedroom.莉去主人的卧室把火生上And tell Martha to prepare for tea.让玛莎沏好茶Yes, ma'am.好的夫人Mr. Rochester's here.罗切斯特先生回来了Go and change your frock. He wishes to meet you.去换身衣服他要见你Leah, take her cloak.莉帮她拿披风I have to change?还要换衣服吗I always dress for the evening when Mr. Rochester's here. 罗切斯特先生在家的时候我都会穿得正式一些But all my dresses are the same.但我的裙子都一个样You must have one that's better.那肯定也有好坏之分He's in a terrible humor.他现在心情可不怎么好His horse fell in Hay Lane,他的马在来的路上滑倒了and his ankle is sprained. He's at the doctor this half hour. 他也扭伤了脚踝这会儿正看医生呢Where have you been?你刚才去哪儿了Let her sit.让她坐吧I've examined Adèle我检查了阿黛拉的功课and I find you've taken great pains with her.看来你在她身上花了不少功夫She's not bright, she has no talents,她既不聪明天赋平平yet in a short time she's improved.但短时间内进步如此之大Thank you, Mr. Rochester.谢谢夸奖罗切斯特先生You've been resident here three months?你已经在这住了三个月了吗Yes, sir.是的先生And from whence do you hail?那么你来自何方呢What's your tale of woe?有怎样的悲惨故事Pardon?您说什么All governesses have a tale of woe. What's yours?家庭教师都有段悲惨的故事你也讲讲吧I was brought up by my aunt,我的姑妈是盖茨赫德庄园的里德太太Mrs. Reed of Gateshead,她抚养我长大in a house even finer than this.家庭条件比这里还要好I then attended Lowood School, where I received之后我在洛伍德学校就读as good an education as I could hope for.接受到相当好的教育I have no tale of woe, sir.我没有什么悲惨故事先生Where are your parents?那你父母呢Dead.过世了Do you remember them? No.你还记得他们吗记不得了And why are you not with Mrs. Reed of Gateshead now? 你现在怎么没和里德太太一起生活She cast me off, sir.她把我赶出来了先生Why?为何Because I was burdensome and she disliked me.因为她不喜欢我觉得我是个累赘No tale of woe?这不是悲惨的故事吗I daily thank providence for sending us Miss Eyre.每天我都感谢上天把爱小姐赐给我们She's an invaluable...她是我们的无价之宝...Don't trouble yourself to give her a character.不用费心美言她了I'll judge for myself.我心里有数I have her to thank for this sprain.我的脚伤还是拜她所赐Sir?怎么回事You bewitched my horse.你对我的马下了咒I did not.我没有Were you waiting for your people on that lane?你当时正在那条路上等你的同伙吗I have no people, sir.我没有同伙先生I mean for the imps and elves and little green men.比如小怪物小精灵或者绿色小矮人The sad truth is, they are all gone.令人遗憾的是它们全都离开了Your land is neither wild nor savage enough for them.因为您的庄园还不够荒芜偏僻Adèle brought me these. Are they yours?阿黛拉给我看了这些画你画的吗Yes, sir.是的先生Where did you get your copies?从哪儿仿来的Out of my head.是我自己脑海中的画面That head I now see on your shoulders?就凭你肩上的那个小脑瓜吗Yes, sir.是的先生Who's this?这是什么The evening star.暗夜之星Were you happy when you painted these? Yes.你创作这些画作时愉快吗是的To paint is one of the keenest pleasures I have ever known. 作画是我最快乐的时光之一Then your pleasures have been few.那你生活中的乐趣一定很少Are you satisfied with them?你对自己的作品满意吗Far from it.很不满意I imagine things I'm powerless to execute.我想象出很多画面却无力展现You've secured the shadow of your thoughts.你已经捕到自己思想的影子Yet the drawings are, for a schoolgirl, peculiar.对于一个女学生来说这些画还算是与众不同的Good night.晚安Come, Adèle.走吧阿黛拉Most merciful Father,仁慈的主we give Thee humble thanks for this, Thy special bounty. 感谢您慷慨地赐予我们这些丰盛的菜肴Amen.阿门Amen. Amen.阿门阿门Sit nicely, please, Adèle.请坐好阿黛拉Pilot!派洛特Pilot, come here!派洛特过来Go on, further down!快追继续往前By the river!沿着河边He's very abrupt and changeful.他的脾气乖张阴晴不定What manner of man is he?他到底是怎样的一个人He's a good master.是一位好主人He's fine company, too,也会友善待人when he...只要他...Except when he's in an ill humor.只要他的心情不是很糟Adèle.阿黛拉I hate to reload.最烦给枪上膛On three. One, two, three.数三下一二三Ready?发球啦Think that's it, sir.就这样吧先生Take it down to the river.拿到河边去Come on.来吧Keep it.端走Take it away and disembowel it.拿去拆开吧Beautiful.真漂亮Miss Eyre.爱小姐I'm not fond of children.我不喜欢孩子Nor do I particularly enjoy simple-minded old ladies. 对愚笨的老女人也不感兴趣But you might suit me, if you would.但如果你愿意的话也许能博我欢心How, sir?怎讲先生By distracting me from the mire of my thoughts.把我从我思绪的泥潭中拽出来That is how Mama used to say.妈妈以前总这么说Precisely.一点没错And that's how she charmed my English gold她就是这样骗走我钱包里out of my English pocket.那些英镑钞票的Let's go and try it on, shall we?我们去试试裙子吧好吗Your gaze is very direct, Miss Eyre.爱小姐你这样直盯着我看Do you think me handsome?是觉得我英俊吗No, sir.没觉得先生What fault do you find with me?那么我哪儿不好呢I have all my limbs and features.我四肢健全五官端正I beg your pardon, sir.请原谅先生I ought to have replied that beauty is of little consequence. 我应该说其实英俊并不重要You're blushing, Miss Eyre.你脸红了爱小姐And though you're not pretty any more than I am handsome, 虽然你并不漂亮正如我并不英俊一样I must say it becomes you.但这份红晕很衬你And now I see you're fascinated by the flowers on the rug. 看来你被地毯的花朵深深地吸引了Come, speak to me.来跟我聊聊Fact is, Miss Eyre, I'd like to draw you out.其实我想更进一步了解你爱小姐You have rather the look of another world about you.但你的表情却总是平淡疏离I don't wish to treat you as inferior.我并不想把你当做下人Yet you'd command me to speak?但你却命令我跟你说话Are you very hurt by my tone of command?我命令的口吻伤了你的自尊吗There are few masters who'd trouble to enquire很少有主人会去关心whether their paid subordinates自己的言语是否中伤了were hurt by their commands.他花钱雇来的这些仆人Paid subordinate?花钱雇来的仆人I'd forgotten the salary.我倒忘记了薪酬的事Well, on that mercenary ground,那么从雇佣的角度来说will you consent to speak as my equal你是否愿意与我平等地谈话without thinking that the request arises from insolence?而不把它当做是傲慢无礼的要求呢I'd never mistake informality for insolence, sir.我绝不会把不拘礼节错当傲慢无理先生One, I rather like.前者是我所喜欢的The other, nothing freeborn should ever submit to.而后者是任何自♥由♥人都不应该屈从的Humbug.胡扯Even for a salary.即使是为了赚钱Most free-born things would submit to anything for a salary. 大多数人会为了赚钱而屈从于任何事情But I mentally shake hands with you for your answer.但在精神上我同意你所说的Not three in 3,000 schoolgirl governesses三千个女家教中would have answered me as you've just done.像你这么回答的不出三个Then you've not spent much time in our company, sir.其实你并不了解我们先生I'm the same plain kind of bird as all the rest,我与那些平凡的女家庭老师一样with my common tale of woe.有个如出一辙的悲惨故事I envy you.我很羡慕你How?羡慕我什么Your openness, your unpolluted mind.你直率的性格纯净的思想When I was your age, fate dealt me a blow.我像你这么大的时候命运给了我狠狠一击And since happiness's denied me,既然幸福与我无缘I've a right to get pleasure in its stead.我就有权换种方式享受人生And I will get it, cost what it may.我会不惜任何代价去享乐Then you'll degenerate still more.这样你会堕落得更深But, Miss Eyre,但是爱小姐if the pleasure I was seeking was sweet and fresh, 如果我所追求的愉悦甜美而清新if it was an inspiration,如果它能启迪人心if it wore the robes of an angel of light,如果它身披光明天使的长袍what then?那又该如何呢To speak truth, sir, I don't understand you at all. 先生说实话我听不懂您说什么I fear the conversation has got out of my depth.恐怕这谈话已经超出我的理解范围You're afraid of me.你怕的是我I'm not afraid.我不怕您I've simply no wish to talk nonsense.只是不愿聊些没意义的胡话Do you never laugh, Miss Eyre?你从来不笑吗爱小姐Only rarely, perhaps.很少笑吧But you're not naturally austere,但你并非生来就如此严肃any more than I'm naturally vicious.就像我并非天生就是个恶棍I can see in you the glance of a curious sort of bird 在我看来你就像一只笼中的鸟through the close-set bars of a cage,从紧密的笼缝中看去a vivid, restless captive.正在不安地扑腾着Were it but free, it would soar, cloud-high.但倘若它获得自♥由♥ 便会冲上云端Leah, have you seen Mrs. Poole?莉你看到普尔女士了吗Yes, ma'am.是的女士The master's in no mood for any more mistakes. 主人不希望再出任何差错Who's there?谁Wake up, sir!醒醒先生Wake up! Sir! Wake up!快醒醒啊先生The quilt! Give it here!快把被子拿过来A noise aroused me from my sleep.我是被一阵声音吵醒的What noise?什么声音There was someone at my door.刚才有人在我房♥门外Stay here.待在这里Don't make a sound.别出声Say nothing about this.别跟他人说起这事You're no talking fool.你也不是爱说傻话的人But... I'll account for this state of affairs.但是我日后再向你解释这事Say nothing.你要绝口不提Yes, sir.好的先生Is that how you would leave me?你这就走了吗。
奥黛丽赫本名言英文导读:1、The beauty of a woman grows with age。
2、The most cherished in life is each other。
3、Elegance is the only beauty that will never fade。
4、For attractive lips,speak words of kindness。
5、For lovely eyes,seek out the good in people。
6、If I get married,I want to get married in the deep。
7、The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years。
8、For a slim figure,share your food with the hungry。
9、Of course I won't try to pick a month,I'm going to the moon。
10、For beautiful hair,let a child touch your hair every day。
11、Graceful posture,comes with the knowledge that you never walk alone。
12、For beautiful hair,it is to have a child's fingers through it every day。
新视野大学英语第三版读写教程Book4Unit2原文及翻译新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程 Book 4 Unit 2 原文及翻译在我们上学期间,大家对知识点应该都不陌生吧?知识点有时候特指教科书上或考试的知识。
掌握知识点是我们提高成绩的关键!以下是店铺收集整理的新视野大学英语(第三版)读写教程 Book 4 Unit 2 原文及翻译知识点,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。
课文 A令人困惑的对美的追求1. 如果你是一位男士,肯定在某个时候会有女士问你她看起来怎么样。
2. 对于如何应对这个问题,你一定得小心。
3. 其原因是,男性和女性对外表的看法截然不同。
4. 我相信,大多数男性都不会对自己的相貌感到过分自傲。
5. 女性可不是这样看待自己的。
” 一位女士,无论她看起来多么吸引人,她对自己的看法总是由于受美容业的影响而蒙着一层阴影。
要她认为:“我很漂亮” 是一件难事。
简爱电影台词英汉对照【精选版】1) I have not been trampled on.我从未像这样被人摧残过2) I have not been petrified.我从没有这样伤心过3) I have not been excluded from everyglimpse of what is bright.从来没有像这样看不见一丝希望4) I have known you, Mr. Rochester,我能理解您罗彻斯特先生5) and it strikes me with anguish to betorn from you.离开您使我非常痛苦6) Then why must you leave?那为何要离开?7) Because of your wife!因为你的妻子!8) I have no wife.我没有妻子9) 0But you are to be married.但是你要结婚了啊10) Jane, you must stay.简你一定要留下简爱电影台词英汉对照【最新版】1) And become nothing to you?然后让你对我视若无物?2) Am I a machine without feelings?难道我是一个没有情感的机器吗?3) Do you think that because I am poor,obscure, plain and little难道我贫穷默默无闻长相平庸瘦小4) that I am soulless and heartless?就没有灵魂和感情吗?5) I have as much soul as you and full asmuch heart.我和你一样有灵魂和感情6) And if God had blessed me with beautyand wealth,并且如果上帝赋予我美貌和财富7) I could make it as hard for you toleave me我也可以让你离不开我8) as it is for I to leave you.就如同我离不开你一样9) 0I'm not speaking to you through mortalflesh.不是我的肉体凡胎在和你交流10) It is my spirit that addresses yourspirit,我是在用灵魂和你交流11) as if we'd passed through the graveand stood at God's feet, equal,as we are.就像我们魂归主后站在上帝的面前我们是平等的12) As we are.我们是平等的13) I am a free human being with anindependent will,我是一个拥有自由意志的人14) which I now exert to leave you.我现在决意要离开你15) Then let your will decide yourdestiny.那就让你的意志来决定你的命运吧16) I offer you my hand, my heart.我把我的手我的心都交给你17) I ask you to pass through life at myside.我请求你陪我共度余生18) You are my equal and my likeness.我们是平等的你是我的挚爱19) Will you marry me?你愿意嫁给我吗?20) Are you mocking me?你是在嘲笑我吗?简爱电影台词英汉对照【热门版】1) Do you doubt me?你是在怀疑我吗?2) Entirely!当然了!3) Your bride is Miss Ingram.你的新娘是Ingram小姐4) Miss Ingram? Ingram小姐?5) She is the machine without feelings.她才是没有情感的机器6) It's you. You rare, unearthly thing.是你超凡脱俗世间罕见7) Poor and obscure as you are,出身寒微默默无闻8) 0please accept me as your husband.请接收我做你的丈夫9) I must have you for my own.为了我自己我必须要娶你10) You wish me to be your wife?你希望我做你的妻子?11) I swear it.我发誓12) You love me?你爱我吗?13) I do.是的14) Then, sir, I will marry you.那么先生我愿意嫁给你15) We've been good friends, haven't we?我们是好朋友不是吗?16) Yes, sir.是的先生17) I've a strange feeling with regard toyou,我对你有一种奇怪的感觉18) as if I had a string somewhere undermy left ribs,就像我左肋有一根线19) tightly knotted to a similar string inyou.紧紧地和你肋部的那根弦连在一起20) And if you were to leave,如果你一定要走21) I'm afraid that cord of communionwould snap.这条线就会断掉22) And I've a notion that I'd take tobleeding inwardly.我想我会因此而心碎23) As for you, you'd forget me.至于你会忘记我吧?24) 0How?怎么忘记?25) I have lived a full life here.这里有我全部的生活26) Life is too short, can not be used vengeful build hate生命太短促,不能用来记仇蓄恨27) There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours.那是一种内在的东西, 他们抵达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的。
一个女人是这样衰老的How a Woman AgesA Woman’s AgingA Woman Fades ThusWhat Causes a Woman to Grow OldThe Way in Which a Woman is AgingHow a Woman Gets OldA Woman Withers This Way二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去。
”译文一At the age of twenty, I walked about on the campus, wearing a vest-like jean skirt. My face would turn red whenever I speak. After I have turned thirty, I am seated in front of a bureau,in a suit of famous brand, reproaching a subordinate coldly, “How dare you ask such a stupid question? Why didn’t you make a draft first?”… I am sitting at a desk, wearing a trendy suit, …译文二At the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, I moved about on the campus, my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make an utterance. At the age of thirty, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, I reproach my subordinate bluntly, “How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?”二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》、《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤利西斯》。
674. At the age of twelve years, the human body is at its most vigorous. ⼈体在12岁时是⽣命⼒最旺盛的时期。
675. It has yet to reach its full size and strength, and its owner his or her full intelligence; 虽然这个时期⼈的⾝材、体⼒和智⼒还有待发展和完善, 676. but at this age the likelihood of death is least. 但在这个年龄死亡的可能性最⼩。
677. Earlier, we were infants and young children, and consequently more vulnerable; 再早⼀些,我们是幼⼉和⼩孩⼦,⾝体较脆弱; 678. later, we shall undergo a progressive loss of our vigour and resistance which, 再迟⼀些,我们就要经历⽣命⼒和抵抗⼒逐步衰退的过程。
679. though imperceptible at first, will finally become so steep that we can live no longer, 虽然这个过程起初难以觉察, 680. however well we look after ourselves, and however well society, and our doctors, look after us. 但最终会急转直下,不管我们怎样精⼼照料我们⾃⼰,不管社会和医⽣怎样对我们进⾏精⼼照顾,我们也⽆法再活下去了。
The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处)Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age.我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。
Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages.不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。
u n i t2课文翻译T h e-V i r t u e s-o f-G r o w i n g-O l d e rThe Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处)Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age.我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。
Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages.不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。
我现在跟你说话,并不是通过习俗、惯例,甚至不是通过凡人的肉体——而是我的精神在同你的精神说话;就像两个都经过了坟墓,我们站在上帝脚跟前,是平等的——因为我们是平等的!”英文:"Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless? You are wrong! - I have as much soul as you, - and full as much heart! And if God had gifted me with some beauty and muchwealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom, conventionalities, nor even of mortal flesh: it is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God's feet, equal, - as we are!"这是小说中简爱对罗切斯特说的一段话,表达了她对爱情和平等的追求,强调了精神和灵魂的平等。
unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older精品精编资料
The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处)Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age.我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。
Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again? Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded? Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages.不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。
在语言学上最重要的区别在于形合和意合的对比(contrast between hypotaxis and parataxis),英语重形合(形式上的融合),汉语重意合(意思或意境的融合)。
例如:I was all the more delighted when, as a result of the initiative of your Government it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly.译文:由于贵国政府的提议,才得以这样快地重新实现访问。
又如:The assertion that it was difficult, if not impossible, for a people to enjoy its basic rights unless it was able to determine freely its political status and to ensure freely its economic, social and cultural development was now scarcely (不足地,不充分地;一定不,绝不)contested (斗争;比赛).译文:如果一个民族不能自由地决定其政治地位,不能自由地保证其经济、社会和文化的发展,要享受其基本权利,即使不是不可能,也是不容易的。
unit2课文翻译The Virtues of Growing Older
The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处)Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face. Television shows feature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age.我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。
Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so, but I believe the answer is "No." Being young is often pleasant, but being older has distinct advantages.不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗长大变老难道不可怕吗说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。
The Virtues of Growing Older (长大变老有好处)Our society worships youth. Advertisements convince us to buy Grecian Formula and Oil of Olay so we can hide the gray in our hair and smooth the lines on our face。
Television showsfeature attractive young stars with firm bodies, perfect complexions, and thick manes of hair. Middle-aged folks work out in gyms and jog down the street, trying to delay the effects of age.我们所处的社会崇尚年轻。
Wouldn't any person over thirty gladly sign with the devil just to be young again?Isn't aging an experience to be dreaded?Perhaps it is unAmerican to say so,but I believe the answer is ”No。
” Being young is often pleasant, bu t being older has distinct advantages.不是所有三十出头的人都会为了重获青春而心甘情愿地与魔鬼订立合约吗?长大变老难道不可怕吗?说它不可怕可能不是美国人的回答,但我却认为长大变老不可怕。
一个女人是这样衰老的(英汉对照)一个女人是这样衰老的The Way Woma n Withers毛荣贵教授译本二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。
At the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, I moved about on the campus, my face blushi ng the mome nt I had the in cli nati on to make an uttera nee. At the age of forty, I, weari ng a famous-bra nd suit and a cold look, reproach my subord in ate blun tly, How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, min dless questi on?二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》,《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。
At the age of twen ty, I borrowed books from the library like Shakespeares Complete Works, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. After forty, on my bedsides, lie such books and magaz ines as The Recipe on Stocks, ELLE and Man agers Charm.二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁潸然泪下。
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一个女人是这样衰老的(英汉对照)一个女人是这样衰老的The Way Woman Withers毛荣贵教授译本二十岁的时候,我穿着一条背心式牛仔裙在校园里走来走去,一说话就脸红。
At the age of twenty, wearing a jeans jumper, I moved about on the campus, my face blushing the moment I had the inclination to make an utterance. At the age of forty, I, wearing a famous-brand suit and a cold look, reproach my subordinate bluntly, How can you go so far as to raise such a silly, mindless question?二十岁的时候,从图书馆借的是《莎士比亚全集》,《一个青年艺术家的自画像》和《尤里西斯》。
At the age of twenty, I borrowed books from the library like ShakespearesComplete Works, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Ulysses. After forty, on my bedsides, lie such books and magazines as The Recipe on Stocks, ELLE and Managers Charm.二十岁的暑假,在家乡的大街上偶遇自己的暗恋对象,听说他考上了研究生,被他的进步所打击,心如刀绞,想到这辈子终于不能出色得让他看我一眼,不禁潸然泪下。
At the age of twenty, I ran into the young man whom I loved in private in the street of my hometown. Upon hearing that he had been enrolled as a graduate, I was virtually dealt a heavy blow, believing reluctantly so painful a fact that I could never do well enough to win his favor, bitter tears streaming down my cheeks. After forty, I busy myself here and there, inquiring where I could buy an MBA diploma.二十岁的时候,随时随地向人透露我的年龄,答得比问得还快。
At the age of twenty, I was so ready to reveal my age, tell people about my age frequently before they inquired. After forty, age became almost a taboo to me. If somebody is so nosy, I respond, Guess.二十岁的时候,一心想和体育系、美术系的男生约会。
At the age of twenty, I did long to date with the boys from either physical education, or the art department. After forty, it seems so unbelievable that I once idiotically possessed that thought.二十岁的时候,有书店必逛,有书必买。
At the age of twenty, bookstore was a must for me, and I was a big book buyer. While after forty, paying no attention to the bookstore, I breeze into the beauty parlor next door.二十岁的时候,老妈打电话,不等说完三句就恨不能挂了电话。
四十岁之后,一听到老妈的声音就禁不住哭出声来:妈呀,您老的所有担心现在都应验了At the age of twenty, while talking with my mother over the phone, I wanted to hang up before my mother had finished a few words. After forty the voice of Mom invariably triggers my crying, Mom, your worriesabout my marriage have all come true.二十岁的时候,我直想往前冲,谁也别挡我。
At the age of twenty, I dashed forward without any concern for the passing days and years. In my thirties, I strive to hang on to every moment. Unfortunately, another New Year looms on the horizon.二十岁的时候,我想出名要趁早,一个人到了四十岁还藉藉无名那还活个什么劲呀?四十岁之后,名是不指望了,只希望在四十岁的时候能像我老板一样有钱。
At the age of twenty, its better to be famous before its too late, I believed. What would be the spice of life for a person deserted by fame when approaching forty? After forty, fame seems still beyond reach, yet being as rich as my boss at forty becomes my new dream.二十岁的时候,挤在人头攒动的公共汽车上,吃着甜筒,挺开心。
At the age of twenty, I felt so contented sandwiched in a jammed bus,eating ice cream. After forty, even the sight of a shabby and sordid taxi may sicken me. Ok! When the oil price goes down, Ill buy a car, drive along the road of Well-To-Do.二十岁的时候,打赌说我这辈子不可能死守在一个地方,生活在别处嘛。
At the age of twenty, I bet that I would never reside in one city the rest of my life. Id choose to live in different places. After I forty, I run off my legs searching for an apartment, satisfying and cheap.二十岁的时候,和某个人晚上一起去看了场电影,不经意中拉了一次手,结果幸福了整整一个夏天。
四十岁之后,坐在香格里拉旋转餐厅陪客户吃自助餐,在缓缓的转动中,莫名其妙一阵空虚,突然间对一切感到索然无味At the age of twenty, one evening, I went to see a film with a young man. In the darkness, an incidental touch of hands filled me with joy all that summer. I am forty, sitting in the rotating restaurant pf Shangri-La Hotel, accompanying clients having a buffet. In the slow rotating, an indescribable emptiness, all of a sudden, seize me, and I find everything dull and dry.二十岁的时候,看小说专挑和爱情有关的情节看。
At the age of twenty, while reading a novel, I abandoned myself to the chapters exclusively devoted to romance. After forty, I dubbed myself as No Mention of Love in the Internet chat-room.二十岁的时候,一听到名人就激动不已,就欢呼雀跃,就奋不顾身往前冲。
At the age of twenty, upon hearing a celebrity, I would rush forward, hot-blooded, jumping for joy. After forty, upon hearing the names of celebrities, I feel lost, vexed and burning with anger, especially the names of those famous females, who are young and pretty.。