






傲慢与偏见论文参考文献一:[1]单慧芳. 《傲慢与偏见》中的茶文化研究[J]. 福建茶叶,2017,39(12):332-333.[2]黄燕. 《傲慢与偏见》中的女性立场研究[J]. 语文建设,2017(30):25-26.[3]王姝. 从语用学角度看《傲慢与偏见》人物话语[J]. 语文建设,2017(33):56-57.[4]孙亚娟. 从概念功能理论的角度分析《傲慢与偏见》电影片断[J]. 戏剧之家,2018(03):194.[5]吴童. 《傲慢与偏见》的婚恋观及其对当代人的启示[J]. 内江师范学院学报,2018,33(01):66-71.[6]刘美舒. 治愈系影片的映像化表达——文学改编电影《傲慢与偏见》[J]. 电影评介,2017(22):88-90.[7]何心爽. 超越金钱的理想之境——简析《傲慢与偏见》中的婚姻观[J]. 佳木斯职业学院学报,2017(12):73-74+77.[8]任静. 语境对外国文学作品翻译的影响研究——以《傲慢与偏见》为例[J]. 海外英语,2018(02):150-151.[9]杨冬,安琦. 《傲慢与偏见》中的戏剧性场景[J]. 文艺争鸣,2018(02):173-178.[10]顾翰翊. 从语义学与语用学互补角度分析《傲慢与偏见》[J]. 才智,2018(01):182.[11]吴明红. 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中人物性格与婚姻观[J]. 现代交际,2017(17):91.[12]陈莹. 论简·奥斯汀《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的女性书写[J]. 黑河学院学报,2018,9(01):163-164.[13]王秀秀,屈红. 隐在的男权主义——《傲慢与偏见》的症候式解读[J]. 湖北函授大学学报,2018,31(04):180-181.[14]杨倩倩,王庆勇. 《弗罗斯特山庄》与《傲慢与偏见》的分析比较[J]. 名作欣赏,2018(12):64-66.[15]刘广青. 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的思想解读[J]. 湖北函授大学学报,2018,31(06):191-192.[16]伞雨晴. 论《傲慢与偏见》和《劝导》中婚姻模式的不同[J]. 佳木斯职业学院学报,2018(03):122.[17]马逸超. 试比较《傲慢与偏见》与《简·爱》女主人公[J]. 农家参谋,2018(07):270.[18]樊丽娜. 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[2]奥斯丁的作品不多,一生共创作了六部长篇小说,依出版时间为序,依次是《理智与情感》(Sense and Sensibility,1811)、《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and Prejudice,1813)、《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park,1814)、《爱玛》(Emma,1815)、《诺桑觉修道院》(NoahangerAbbey,1818)和《劝导》(Persumion,1818)。









1 IntroductionThe main story of the novel happens between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. Although, it seems that, they haven’t attracted anyone’s eyes. We all know that at the first ball, when Lizzy asked Mr Darcy to have a dance. He refused. He didn’t think that anyone at the village can deserve him. After this, Lizzy promised not to pay attention to him any more because of his pride.At last, when everything comes to light Lizzy regretted. She found that she had misunderstood Darcy. And Darcy had although changed. He made an offer of marriage to her again and was accepted. No pride and no prejudice are between them.The novel also reflected the author oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to marry for the property, money and position. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .Just because Pride and Prejudice, I have a profound thinking about marriage. The writer uses intelligent words to depict a few different marriages in the book, each of which reflects people's attitudes toward marriage in that time. We can comprehend the essence of Jane and Bingley’s marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage , Lydia and Wickham’s marriage and Charlotte and Collins’s marriage through Elizabeth’s views. Through the wise heroine, we see marriage description. To marry for wealth and beauty is wrong.This kind of marriage cannot retain long-term happiness, and truly happy marriage is based on love and sense.2 The analysis o f Elizabeth’s characterElizabeth Bennet is a person worthy of our imitation. She is a model because she is different from all the other characters, except Darcy, and because she does not adhere rigidly to the standards set forth by society, she is self-reliant and independent. Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collin's proposal because she does not think that marriage was boring, nor does she believe in marriage of convenience. When Mr. Collins says arrogantly to Elizabeth, she politely refused him. Unlike Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth would never violate her principle and her integrity and throw away her talents bymarrying Mr. Collins, a conceited, narrow-minded, and pompous fool. Elizabeth looksnature because she puts her trust in her own perceptions and impressions. On the other hand, she is not ready to rebel against society. She does not totally disregard social proprietary. She has good manners; her slight breach of decorum walking alone to Nether field Park is justified by her genuine concern for her sister who is ill. She hasgood manners. When Lady Catherine criticizes Elizabeth skill of playing piano, shecan have good manners to keep polite.3 Elizabeth’s views about her sisters’ and friend’s marriage3.1The most realistic marriage —Charlotte’s marriageFor money and marriage, Charlotte by marriage just wants to get a rich husband, thus she can have the economic security. Marriage for them is a task, but Collins couples obtain from the marriage what they want: Charlotte gets stable of rich life; Collins also gets a warm home. This is their understanding of marriage.3.2 The most ridiculous marriage —Lydia’s marriageLydia and Wickham is absurd combination of extremely. Their relationship is completely built on lust and appearance, no love foundation, say, is neither practicalnor romantic. Lydia got erotic satisfied; Wickham also get what he wanted wealth,this is their understanding of marriage.3.3The most happy marriage —Jane’s marriageJane and Bingley marriage is considered the happiest marriage. Jane and Bingleymatch each other faces, male prodigy, anyone opinion, they are the most suitable for together. Their marriage, love, in my opinion, is not the main base, the main is a kindof attraction. For Jane's beauty and Bingley, Jane attracted to kind of handsome and Bingley attracted gentleman poise, their love more performance for a mutual admiration of love. Marriage is a complicated contract, both parties must have enoughlove to maintain the basis of this contract. But Jane and the love between the Bingleytoo insipid, too. That's not enough deep-rooted, let I don't feel safe, seem to lurk trace dangerous breath.3.4 The most admirable marriage —Elizabeth’s marriageThe marriage is tortuous between them but again ups deep-rooted of love based."Economic and social structures with such great power sways interpersonal the relationships between people and this made her became the cartoonist monster"(D.W.Hardin 166-179). With first marriage proposal as a border, in thinking changed not only is Elizabeth, and Darcy. Elizabeth because Darcy letter, to realize their prejudice; Darcy because Elizabeth words, to realize their arrogance. If Elizabeth for Darcy's first marriage proposal didn't refuse words may Darcy for her infatuation will not lasting. If no refusal dialogue, Darcy or that although multimillionaire, although a handsome, but too arrogant on high. For such people, Elizabeth even for impulsive and agreed to marry him, in the near future, Elizabeth still will be sorry. And if not rejected that after letter, Elizabeth is still that although bright, beautiful, frank, but too subjective and prejudice, for such people, Darcy will soon tired. Because have these twists and turns, the love between them is more precious, more deeply.4 Conclusion"There is no doubt that Elizabeth and Darcy's love is the shining pearl in the history of literary, and their love is the ideal mode which has been esteem by Austen"(Zheng 79). The author’s view about marriage: it is wrong to get married for property, money and position. Getting married without considering that above-mentioned factors are unwise ether. So that she objects to get married for money, objects to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriageLove is impulsive and is of no reason no passionate, and full of madness.Love itself is crazy. However, how many people can love with madness? The reality is cruel, marriage doesn't equal to love, and this ideal are away from us far away. Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage is the happiest, with deep-rooted of love, and a necessary condition that Darcy strongly wealth. Money is not secular in their marriage wasn'tsecular; the wealth is just like sunshine and nutritions their marriage is of much envy for any person. If marriage is such a castle, so I'd like to be trapped in such a city, Are being loved besieged not a kind of happiness?As far as I concerned, Pride and Prejudice reflects the British sentiment of the end of 18th century and the early of 19th century under the circumstance of conservative,and tells us different ways and attitudes to the marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s five daughters’. This reveals the author’s attitude toward marriage .And that is love and marriage based on money, property and social status is not perfect, and it is very stupid. "And we must emphasize the importance of ideal marriage, meanwhile, oppose to love and marriage based on money or property"(Hu 17). We must take the affection or love as the cornerstone of ideal marriage between male and female. Elizabeth was born in the family of squireen's, and loved by Darcy. Darcy proposes marriage to her in spite of their difference of the possession of property and social status, but is still refused by Elizabeth because of his pride. So if Darcy's pride still exists, there will be no love and even happy marriage between Elizabeth and him. And I think pride and prejudice aren't very good. If someone is always full of pride, he will look down upon others and think he is very great and smart. Because of Darcy's pride, Elizabeth hold prejudice against him. If someone is a prejudiced person, every time he meets somebody or something, what he thinks of others all depends on his foregone experience and his mood of the time. What’s worse, he doesn’t think what he does is wrong. He thinks everyone is the same as him and everyone has his special way to know the world, but it is absolutely wrong. Though everyone can be judged in the way he likes, he can’t ignore others. He can like what he likes and hate what he hates, but he should be objective when he treats others. So I think we should consider things rationally and thoughtfully and not just do as we like. That is to say, we shouldn't have any pride and prejudice, or we couldn't treat things and others impartially and it couldn't lead a happy life.References[1]孙致礼,译,简·奥斯丁.《傲慢与偏见》南京:译林出版社,2000年:83Sun Zhili,Pride and Prejudice,2000:83[2]朱虹,《奥斯丁研究》.北京:中国文联出版公司,1985年:178Zhu Hong,The Research of Austen,1985:178[3]郑晓园.文化深层的激荡.阅读与欣赏,1998年:79Zheng Xiaoyuan The Deeping Evoking of Culture,1988:79[4]D.W.Harding.‘Regulated Hatred:An Aspect of the Work of Jane Austen’Watt.Jane Austen:A Collection of Critical Essays(2005):166-179[5]胡宗锋:《英美文学精要问答及作品赏析》.西安出版社,2002.17[Hu Zongfeng :British and American literature works q&a and appreciation Journal of Xi’an2002:17]AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing this thesis, I received a magnificent amount of help and support, and I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have help me.In the course of writing this thesis, I received a lot help and support from my teachers and from my friends, now i have this opportunity to express my appreciation to all the people who have help me.I want to give my profound thanks to Mr Lu, He is strict to me, and he is also very patient to me, I have done the thesis by his priceless help and his guidance. This thesis is finished under his meticulous help and support.Then I'll thank the other teachers and my classmates who help me in finishing this thesis, thank you very much.。



通 过 比 较 发 现 雷立 美 作为 女 性译 者 对 翻 译产 生 了 巨大 的影响 能更准 确 地 表 达 作 者 所 要 表 达 的 意 思 而 孙 致 礼
t D 二h o y n w … … 雷立 美 版翻译 他 打开这卷 k 了一 书 时 莉迪 亚打 个 呵 欠 待他 非 常 音 调 乏 味 一 本书 正 : 经地 读 了还 不 到三 页 莉迪 亚便打 断他 说 妈妈 你 知 道
i m h
, ,


尽 管女 性 与 翻译 的融 合 是 一 种 偶
, , , 。
意 识 不 受重 视 的 情 况 下 不 贴切
译文 中对 女 性 的形容 非 常 的主 观

有 时甚 至 出现错译 原 文 的想 象

而 且 对女 性 的形容
词 常 常带 有 贬低 的意 思
关 键词
译文 比 较
: :
女性 主 义
[ 中图 分 类 号 ] [ 文章 编 号 ]

他一 本正 经
单 调 乏 味地还 没 念 完 三 页

妈 你知 不 知 道 … …
而 孙致 礼 则译 为
P 雷立 美将 a
她便打断 了他 妈 译 为 打 了一 个 哈欠 气

: “

目 瞪 口 呆地 盯 着

很 显 然后 者 不 如 前 者

更 能体现 莉迪 亚 对 权 势 的不 屑 的态 度 结语
更能体现 女 性 主 义 意 识 而 孙 礼 致 版 的译文 中语 气更加铿 锵有力 这 与 女 性 的 自身 气 质 不



1 IntroductionThe main story of the novel happens between Elizabeth Bennet and Darcy. Although, it seems that, they haven’t attracted anyone’s eyes. We all know that at the first ball, when Lizzy asked Mr Darcy to have a dance. He refused. He didn’t think that anyone at the village can deserve him. After this, Lizzy promised not to pay attention to him any more because of his pride.At last, when everything comes to light Lizzy regretted. She found that she had misunderstood Darcy. And Darcy had although changed. He made an offer of marriage to her again and was accepted. No pride and no prejudice are between them.The novel also reflected the author oneself's marriage view: It is wrong to marry for the property, money and position. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriage .Just because Pride and Prejudice, I have a profound thinking about marriage. The writer uses intelligent words to depict a few different marriages in the book, each of which reflects people's attitudes toward marriage in that time. We can comprehend the essence of Jane and Bingley’s marriage, Elizabeth and Darcy’s marriage , Lydia and Wickham’s marriage and Charlotte and Collins’s marriage through Elizabeth’s views. Through the wise heroine, we see marriage description. To marry for wealth and beauty is wrong. This kind of marriage cannot retain long-term happiness, and truly happy marriage is based on love and sense.2 The analysis o f Elizabeth’s characterElizabeth Bennet is a person worthy of our imitation. She is a model because she is different from all the other characters, except Darcy, and because she does not adhere rigidly to the standards set forth by society, she is self-reliant and independent. Elizabeth rejects Mr. Collin's proposal because she does not think that marriage was boring, nor does she believe in marriage of convenience. When Mr. Collins says arrogantly to Elizabeth, she politely refused him. Unlike Charlotte Lucas, Elizabeth would never violate her principle and her integrity and throw away her talents bymarrying Mr. Collins, a conceited, narrow-minded, and pompous fool. Elizabeth looksnature because she puts her trust in her own perceptions and impressions. On the other hand, she is not ready to rebel against society. She does not totally disregard social proprietary. She has good manners; her slight breach of decorum walking alone to Nether field Park is justified by her genuine concern for her sister who is ill. She hasgood manners. When Lady Catherine criticizes Elizabeth skill of playing piano, shecan have good manners to keep polite.3 Elizabeth’s views about her sisters’ and friend’s marriage3.1The most realistic marriage —Charlotte’s marriageFor money and marriage, Charlotte by marriage just wants to get a rich husband, thus she can have the economic security. Marriage for them is a task, but Collins couples obtain from the marriage what they want: Charlotte gets stable of rich life; Collins also gets a warm home. This is their understanding of marriage.3.2 The most ridiculous marriage —Lydia’s marriageLydia and Wickham is absurd combination of extremely. Their relationship is completely built on lust and appearance, no love foundation, say, is neither practicalnor romantic. Lydia got erotic satisfied; Wickham also get what he wanted wealth,this is their understanding of marriage.3.3The most happy marriage —Jane’s marriageJane and Bingley marriage is considered the happiest marriage. Jane and Bingleymatch each other faces, male prodigy, anyone opinion, they are the most suitable for together. Their marriage, love, in my opinion, is not the main base, the main is a kindof attraction. For Jane's beauty and Bingley, Jane attracted to kind of handsome and Bingley attracted gentleman poise, their love more performance for a mutual admiration of love. Marriage is a complicated contract, both parties must have enoughlove to maintain the basis of this contract. But Jane and the love between the Bingleytoo insipid, too. That's not enough deep-rooted, let I don't feel safe, seem to lurk trace dangerous breath.3.4 The most admirable marriage —Elizabeth’s marriageThe marriage is tortuous between them but again ups deep-rooted of love based."Economic and social structures with such great power sways interpersonal the relationships between people and this made her became the cartoonist monster"(D.W.Hardin 166-179). With first marriage proposal as a border, in thinking changed not only is Elizabeth, and Darcy. Elizabeth because Darcy letter, to realize their prejudice; Darcy because Elizabeth words, to realize their arrogance. If Elizabeth for Darcy's first marriage proposal didn't refuse words may Darcy for her infatuation will not lasting. If no refusal dialogue, Darcy or that although multimillionaire, although a handsome, but too arrogant on high. For such people, Elizabeth even for impulsive and agreed to marry him, in the near future, Elizabeth still will be sorry. And if not rejected that after letter, Elizabeth is still that although bright, beautiful, frank, but too subjective and prejudice, for such people, Darcy will soon tired. Because have these twists and turns, the love between them is more precious, more deeply.4 Conclusion"There is no doubt that Elizabeth and Darcy's love is the shining pearl in the history of literary, and their love is the ideal mode which has been esteem by Austen"(Zheng 79). The author’s view about marriage: it is wrong to get married for property, money and position. Getting married without considering that above-mentioned factors are unwise ether. So that she objects to get married for money, objects to regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She emphasizes the importance of the ideal marriage, and regard men and women's emotion as the foundation stone which concludes the ideal marriageLove is impulsive and is of no reason no passionate, and full of madness. Love itself is crazy. However, how many people can love with madness? The reality is cruel, marriage doesn't equal to love, and this ideal are away from us far away. Darcy and Elizabeth’s marriage is the happiest, with deep-rooted of love, and a necessary condition that Darcy strongly wealth. Money is not secular in their marriage wasn'tsecular; the wealth is just like sunshine and nutritions their marriage is of much envy for any person. If marriage is such a castle, so I'd like to be trapped in such a city, Are being loved besieged not a kind of happiness?As far as I concerned, Pride and Prejudice reflects the British sentiment of the end of 18th century and the early of 19th century under the circumstance of conservative,and tells us different ways and attitudes to the marriage between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s five daughters’. This reveals the author’s attitude toward marriage .And that is love and marriage based on money, property and social status is not perfect, and it is very stupid. "And we must emphasize the importance of ideal marriage, meanwhile, oppose to love and marriage based on money or property"(Hu 17). We must take the affection or love as the cornerstone of ideal marriage between male and female. Elizabeth was born in the family of squireen's, and loved by Darcy. Darcy proposes marriage to her in spite of their difference of the possession of property and social status, but is still refused by Elizabeth because of his pride. So if Darcy's pride still exists, there will be no love and even happy marriage between Elizabeth and him. And I think pride and prejudice aren't very good. If someone is always full of pride, he will look down upon others and think he is very great and smart. Because of Darcy's pride, Elizabeth hold prejudice against him. If someone is a prejudiced person, every time he meets somebody or something, what he thinks of others all depends on his foregone experience and his mood of the time. What’s worse, he doesn’t think what he does is wrong. He thinks everyone is the same as him and everyone has his special way to know the world, but it is absolutely wrong. Though everyone can be judged in the way he likes, he can’t ignore others. He can like what he likes and hate what he hates, but he should be objective when he treats others. So I think we should consider things rationally and thoughtfully and not just do as we like. That is to say, we shouldn't have any pride and prejudice, or we couldn't treat things and others impartially and it couldn't lead a happy life.References[1]孙致礼,译,简·奥斯丁.《傲慢与偏见》南京:译林出版社,2000年:83Sun Zhili,Pride and Prejudice,2000:83[2]朱虹,《奥斯丁研究》.北京:中国文联出版公司,1985年:178Zhu Hong,The Research of Austen,1985:178[3]郑晓园.文化深层的激荡.阅读与欣赏,1998年:79Zheng Xiaoyuan The Deeping Evoking of Culture,1988:79[4]D.W.Harding.‘Regulated Hatred:An Aspect of the Work of Jane Austen’Watt.Jane Austen:A Collection of Critical Essays(2005):166-179[5]胡宗锋:《英美文学精要问答及作品赏析》.西安出版社,2002.17[Hu Zongfeng :British and American literature works q&a and appreciation Journal of Xi’an2002:17]AcknowledgementsIn the course of writing this thesis, I received a magnificent amount of help and support, and I would like to take the opportunity to express my gratitude to all who have help me.In the course of writing this thesis, I received a lot help and support from my teachers and from my friends, now i have this opportunity to express my appreciation to all the people who have help me.I want to give my profound thanks to Mr Lu, He is strict to me, and he is also very patient to me, I have done the thesis by his priceless help and his guidance. This thesis is finished under his meticulous help and support.Then I'll thank the other teachers and my classmates who help me in finishing this thesis, thank you very much.。



















引言《简爱》与《傲慢与偏见》都是享誉世界的文学作品,这两部作品的创作者都是生活在18 世纪末19世纪初的女性作家,都反应了当时女性的生活状况:在男权社会的压迫下,女性不能够独立,男女根本不平等。








1. Austen, Jane. Pride and Prejudice. London: Penguin, 2003.
2. Byrd, Susan. "The Economics of Marriage in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice." The Journal of Economic Perspectives 15, no. 4 (1999): 209-21.
3. Doody, Margaret Anne. "Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and the Politics of the Family." Feminist Studies 18, no. 2 (1992): 265-86.
4.世袭, 简. "傲慢与偏见" 的浪漫喜剧. 纽约: 企鹅出版集团, 1994.
4. 坦普尔顿, 玛丽莲. "傲慢与偏见" 中的社会阶层和女性角色. 《英语文学研究》, 1990.





傲慢与偏见英语论⽂Thesis:Marriage does not mean the act of uncontrolled passion but a complex engagement between the marrying couple and society.I. IntroductionII. The analysis of Elizabeth?s characterIII. Elizabeth?s views about marriageA. The most realistic marriage—Charlotte?s marriageB. The most ridiculous marriage—Lydia?s marriageC. The most happy marriage—Jane?s marriageD. The most admirable marriage—Elizabeth?s marriag eIV. ConclusionPride and Prejudice is a very popular novel by Jane Austen and it was read widely all over the world. This novel is written in 1813. We main agronomic characters of the marriage as a typical cases in books, how to influence their marriage value orientation of money. Some people may realize that marriage can provide opportunities of class mobility and financial support; money and class are thus closely connected in their decision of marital partners.If marriage is a castle, but the hero and heroine is like Darcy and Elizabeth such person, so, even a not pleasing to begin their mutual see each other bias, and ultimately willing to be trapped in such a city. The power of love is great, it can let a hate in human love change, can let you cast prejudice, and re-know and accept a person.Key words: Pride and Prejudice money value orientation marriage view内容提要《傲慢与偏见》是简奥斯丁⼀本在全世界都被⼴泛传颂的⼩说,写于1813年,我们可以通过这本⼩说将婚姻分为⼏种典型并且分析这⼏种婚姻观的价值取向。



研究者发现,《傲慢与偏见》中的翻 译策略主要包括直译、意译、音译和 创译。不同版本的译本在采用这些策 略时存在差异,这些差异影响了译文 的质量和读者接受度。
研究者指出,直译和意译是两种最常 见的翻译策略,直译强调保留原文的 形式和内容,而意译则更注重传达原 文的意义
《傲慢与偏见》是一部以绅士和淑女间的爱情故事为主线,展现了当时英国 乡村社会的风俗和人情的小说。
目前对于《傲慢与偏见》的翻译策略研究主要集中在语义翻译和归化、异化翻译策略的运用等方面,也有一些 研究涉及到原文和译文间的对比分析。
通过对《傲慢与偏见》的翻译策略研究,可以更深入地理解原文的语义、修辞和语境特点,探索更有效的翻译 方法和技巧,提高译文的准确性和可读性。
还可以从跨文化角度出发,深入研究翻译中的文 化因素及其对目标语读者的影响。
此外,可以进一步研究译者的主体性在翻译 过程中的作用和影响,以及如何提高译者的 综合素质和能力,以促进翻译事业的发展。
研究还发现,译者在翻译过程中受到原文、目标语读者、文化背景等多种因素 的影响,从而选择不同的翻译策略。
此外,本研究还发现,译者在翻译过程中具有主体性,会对原文进行适当的改 写和调整,以适应目标语读者的阅读习惯和文化背景。
本研究结果对翻译实践具有一定的指 导意义,译者在翻译过程中应充分考 虑目标语读者的文化背景和阅读习惯 ,采用适当的翻译策略,使译文更加 地道、流畅。
研究者认为,《傲慢与偏见》中的翻 译策略对读者接受度产生影响。采用 直译的版本可能让读者感觉生硬和难 以理解,而过度依赖意译则可能导致 译文失去原文的精髓






【关键词】奥斯汀;《傲慢与偏见》;翻译简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen, 1775—1817) 是英国18—19世纪著名的女作家, 她一生短暂, 但留下的作品从当时到今天200多年的时间里仍然受到各个领域人们的喜爱。

她的小说在畅销榜上遥遥领先, 小说中的情节和故事成为现代大众娱乐热衷的题材。

在英国文学史上, 奥斯丁因其独树一帜的风格和承上启下的作用而被誉为“无与伦比的简·奥斯丁”。

她的《傲慢与偏见》是一部脍炙人口, 令读者交口称赞的佳作, 直至今日仍然被人们津津乐道。


简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen 1775-1817)这个名字对我国读者并不陌生,她的一生共写作了六本小说,而其中最著名的非《傲慢与偏见》一书莫属了。

早在1995 年,英国BBC 公司就投资拍摄其电视剧版本,随后的十几年中又出现了多个电影版本,可见这本小说在全世界读者中的受欢迎程度。


即便《傲慢与偏见》写于1813 年,属于她的早期作品,但当时已经三十七岁的简·奥斯丁结合自己刻骨铭心的初恋经历,将她对英国十八、十九世纪中产阶级乡村生活的观察和自己的爱情理想凝练成小说中过着日常生活的平凡人物。



傲慢与偏见课题研究报告傲慢与偏见课题研究报告1. 引言《傲慢与偏见》是一部由英国作家简·奥斯丁创作的小说,于1813年首次出版。





2. 社会阶层与婚姻观念《傲慢与偏见》对社会阶层的描绘非常细腻和传神。







3. 男女角色的塑造《傲慢与偏见》中的男女角色是以鲜明的个性和特点而闻名。







傲慢与偏见文献综述 (1)

傲慢与偏见文献综述 (1)






















Katharina Reiβ是第一次从翻译角度指出了划分语篇类型的重要性(李晓梅,2008:181)。











一、文献综述傲慢与偏见是Jane Austen所写的一部广受好评的小说,此篇小说充满了讽刺和娴熟的文笔,描述了小说中一宗新贵上流社交协调的幸福故事。










真想 不 到 他 会 这 样 抬举 我 。”
的欣 赏。其汉 译本 的数 量在我 国也不胜 枚举 , 其 中从上 世纪 8 0 年 代 以来 。有 四位 翻译界 的学 者分 别做 出 了对 这部 文学 经 典的 中文 译本 。 他们 分别是 王科一 ( 1 9 8 0 ) ; 孙致 礼 ( 1 9 9 0 ) ;
e d, s h e f a n c i e d h e se r l f n e r v o u s .
Wa n g K e y i : 你没 有去真可 惜 。吉英那 么吃香 , 简直是无
法形 容 。
试译 : 你 没去 真 可惜 了 , 吉 英 是 如此 令人 仰 慕 , 谁 都 没
张玲 、 张扬 ( 1 9 9 3 ) ; 方 华文 ( 1 9 9 4 ) , 其 中以王科一 先生 的译本
试译: “ 我对 他再 次请 我跳舞感 到 高兴 。我真想 不 到他
会这样赞 美我 。”
C o m p l i me n t i  ̄为抬举虽 然意思没有 错 , - 但是 不能完 全表 达原 文的意 思 ,顺 而不信 ,邀请 跳舞 是表 达一种 礼貌 的称
( 6 7 3 ; j l 料
1 —5 章 中 译 校 研 究 《 傲慢 与偏见》 第
柬 远
( 南 京视觉艺 术职业 学院 国际学 院 , 江 苏 南京 2 1 1 2 1 5 )
摘 要 :《 傲慢 与偏见》 各个 中文译本在 中国已经流传很久 , 对 于每 一章 当 中的译教研 究一直 没有停止过 。 王科 一先 生的 译本在 重现经典 原文 的同时 , 也存 在一 些误译 、 错译, 文章对在 第1 _ 5 章 中存在 的一些 问题进 行重新 考虑 , 作 出评 价 。

Literaturel review;《傲慢与偏见》文献综述

Literaturel review;《傲慢与偏见》文献综述

Literaturel review;《傲慢与偏见》文献综述Literature ReviewPride and Prejudice is considered Jane Austen?s most famous and successful novel. And inmany people?s opinion it is also one of the greatest fictionswritten in English. It contains all theelements necessary for great literature: an attractive plot, a terse style, appropriate setting, and fascinating characters. Many literature critics write essays to analyze this book and I arrange them in the following logical way.1. The Most Remarkable Character of Austen’s WorkThe most remarkable character of Austen?s work is the accurate descriptions of the details ofdaily life. As W. F. Pollock (1860) said “Miss Austen neverattempts to describe a scene or a classof society with which she was not herself thoroughly acquainted. The conversations of ladies with ladies, or of ladies and gentlemen together, are given, but no instance occurs of a scene in which men only are present.” Austen focuses on daily life of middle-class with humor and understanding. She observes every small matters and every ordinaryperson in her own life and tries to paint them in her novel. What are important for her are those little matters, as Emma says, “on which thedaily happiness of private life depends”. In her time marriage mainly determined women's socialstatus. It is obviously reflected in Pride and Prejudice. The characters of Pride and Prejudice areall ordinary people and the dialogues and events may happen in everyone?s daily life.Many literary critics have the same idea as W. F. Pollock, such as W.A.N. and Sir Walter Scott .W.A.N. (1815) said …The most remarkable characteristic of Jane Austen as a novelist is her recognition of the limits of her knowledge of life and her determination never to go beyond these limits in her books?. In Pride and Prejudice she describes the middle class, with which she isfamiliar and the part of the country with which she was acquainted. She puts her first-hand observation and experience into this novel to tell us stories about the Bennet sisters. She herself speaks of the "little bit (two inches wide) of ivory on which I work". We can take any dialogue from Pride and Prejudice, and you will find it is just like talks in every normal day of that time.Sir Walter Scott (1826) also evaluated Pride and Prejudice in his journal:Read again, and for the third time at least, Miss Austen's veryfinely written novel of "Pride andPrejudice." That young lady has a talent for describing the involvements and feelings and characters of ordinary life which is to methe most wonderful I ever met with. The big bow-wow strain I can do myself like any now going; but the exquisite touch, which renders ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting, from the truth of the description and the sentiment, is denied to me.2. The Quality of Austen’s WorkW. F. Pollock(1860) also talked about the quality of the novel—“The uniform quality of herwork is one most remarkable point to be observed in it. Let a volume be opened at any place: there is the same good English, the same refined style, the same simplicity and truth”. When we readPride and Prejudice we can feel the dialogues humorous and fanny and it shows Austen?s specialability in wording. The characters of Pride and Prejudice are all distinctive. Elizabeth isintelligent, witty and lively. Jane always sees the good of others. So you will find that Austen is so skillful in managing her characters.It will then be found how great has been the discrimination of Miss Austen in the selection of1her characters, and how skillful is her treatment in the management of them. It is true that the events are for the most part those of daily life, and the feelings are those connected with the usual joys; but these are the very events and feelings upon which the happiness or misery of most of us depends; and the field which embraces them, to theexclusion of the wonderful, the sentimental, and the historical, is surely large enough, as it certainly admits of the most profitable cultivation. In the end, too, the novel of daily real life is that of which we are least apt to weary: a round of fancy balls would tire the most vigorous admirers of variety in costume, and the return to plain clothes would be hailed with greater delight than their occasionalreli nquishment ever gives. 3. The Weakness of Austen’s Work Austen?s accurate description of the details of daily is also considered a weakness of her work, and even an objection to her. And she has been accused of writing dull stories about ordinary people, especially when her work is compared with those describing the changing times and historical events. But in Pollock?s (1860) view it is just the unique character of Austen?s work.She shows readers a real and vivid picture of her era through these small matters in ordinary people?s ordinary life. There is no grand narrative, but readers can feel it from the dialogues characters make. The description of ordinary people and life is easier to understand. 4. Character of Austen’s HeroinesAusten's heroines have a stamp of their own. They have a certain gentle self-respect and humor and hardness of heart in which modern heroines are a little wanting. Whatever happens they can overcome the difficulties without bitterness. Love with them does not mean a passion so much as an interest—deep, silent, not quite incompatible with a secondary flirtation. Jane Bennet smiles, sighs, and makes excuses forBingley's neglect. Emma passes one disagreeable morning making up her mind to the unnatural alliance between Mr. Knightley and Harriet Smith. It was the spirit of the age, and perhaps one not to be unenvied. It was not that Jane Austen herself was incapable of understanding a deeper feeling.5. Bibiliography[1]Goldwin Smith,1890. Life of Jane Austen[J]. Great Writers[2]Jane Austen, 1994. Pride and Prejudice [M]. New York:Tom Doherty Associates, LLC[3]Sir Walter Scott, 1815. A Review of Pride and Prejudice[J].The Quarterly Review.[4]Tanner Tony,1988. Jane Austen [M]. Harvard University Press[5]W. F. Pollock, 1860. Qualities of Austen?s Work[J].Fraser's Magazine.2。






【关键词】奥斯汀;《傲慢与偏见》;翻译简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen, 1775—1817) 是英国18—19世纪著名的女作家, 她一生短暂, 但留下的作品从当时到今天200多年的时间里仍然受到各个领域人们的喜爱。

她的小说在畅销榜上遥遥领先, 小说中的情节和故事成为现代大众娱乐热衷的题材。

在英国文学史上, 奥斯丁因其独树一帜的风格和承上启下的作用而被誉为“无与伦比的简·奥斯丁”。

她的《傲慢与偏见》是一部脍炙人口, 令读者交口称赞的佳作, 直至今日仍然被人们津津乐道。


简·奥斯丁(Jane Austen 1775-1817)这个名字对我国读者并不陌生,她的一生共写作了六本小说,而其中最著名的非《傲慢与偏见》一书莫属了。

早在1995 年,英国BBC 公司就投资拍摄其电视剧版本,随后的十几年中又出现了多个电影版本,可见这本小说在全世界读者中的受欢迎程度。


即便《傲慢与偏见》写于1813 年,属于她的早期作品,但当时已经三十七岁的简·奥斯丁结合自己刻骨铭心的初恋经历,将她对英国十八、十九世纪中产阶级乡村生活的观察和自己的爱情理想凝练成小说中过着日常生活的平凡人物。






%Based on a self-built monolingual corpus consisting of 21 full Chinese translations of Pride and Prejudice,this paper aims to describe the diachronic changes of translation norms on syntactic level.Average sentence length,connectives,direct speeches and some special sentence patterns are the focus of this paper.Statistical result shows that translations of the first period are much closer to the original text while translations of the second period have shown opposite performances on most of the parts in the four aspects,that is,much closer to the target text.However,translations in the third period are between those in the first and second periods,with mixed features of the original language and the target language,but there is a trend of closeness to the original text as a whole.【期刊名称】《河南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(012)002【总页数】9页(P204-212)【关键词】语料库;句法规范;《傲慢与偏见;》历时变迁【作者】张芹芹;徐剑【作者单位】徐州师范大学外国语学院,江苏徐州221116;徐州师范大学外国语学院,江苏徐州221116【正文语种】中文【中图分类】I561美国著名文艺评论家埃德蒙·威尔逊认为:“最近一百多年以来,英国文学史上出现过几次趣味革命,文学口味的翻新几乎影响了所有作家的声誉,唯独莎士比亚和简·奥斯丁经久不衰。
















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