



❖ The EEC’s Common Agricultural Policy is a dinosaur which is adding £13.50 a week to the food bill of the average British family.
❖ 译文1:欧洲经济共同体的农业共同政策早已不 合时宜了,它要使英国家庭平均每周在食品开销 上多支出13.50英镑。
❖ 译文2:国际商务是管理培训的一个领域,讨论/ 涉及跨国商务活动的特性。
❖ OALD7:take or have sth as a subject; discuss sth 以某事物作为内容; 讨论 某事物: The next chapter deals with verbs. 下一章讨论动词. * I'll deal with decimals in the next lesson. 下一堂课我要讲小数.
❖ 译文:难怪各跨国公司一直都在以人的速度发展 着,这些跨国公司现在主宰着整个国际市场的许 多领域。
❖ Equally important are concerns about the growing protectionism. The United States and European Union are becoming more assertive in holding China to account over its World Trade Organization obligations.
第七单元 词义引申翻译法
❖一.逻辑引申 ❖二.语用引申 ❖三.修辞性引申 ❖四.词义概念范围调整

商务英语综合教程(第二版) Unit 7

商务英语综合教程(第二版)  Unit 7

Comprehension of the Text
I. Answer the following questions according to the text. 1) What do corporate strategies typically focus on? 2) What are the basic strategies used by transnational corporation? 3) What are the examples of offensive competitive strategies? 4) How many basic types of diversification are there? 5) What is the fundamental strategic dilemma faced by all transnational
公司采取差别战略的目的是向顾客提供高附加值产品。 这句话中,主语companies为关系代词that 引导的定语从句所修饰,翻译成汉 语时要调整语序,以符合汉语表达习惯。
5. profit margin 利润边际, 意为a ratio of profitability calculated as net income divided by revenues, or net profits divided by sales. It measures how much out of every dollar of sales a company actually keeps in earnings. 6 diversification strategy 多种经营战略,指企业在当前业务活动外, 通过设立或兼并其他企业的方式,使得企业可以同时提供其他一种或 多种与当前业务相关联或不相关联的产品或服务的一种战略措施。 7. global strategy 全球战略,指在全球范围内构筑公司的整体竞争优 势,提高公司产品、服务的世界市场占有率,已获得最大限度利润。 8. Global businesses conceive and design products for world markets from the outset. 在这句话中,from the outset 意为at the beginning。如:There was trouble from the outset.



1.In the third quarter,all of our geographic markets experienced growth,except for Europe,which has been faced with weak economic conditions.在第三季度,除了欧洲一直面临着低迷的经济状况之外,我们所有的地域市场都呈现出增长的态势2.Interactive data broadcasting,for example,can provide services capable of allowing viewers to purchase local specialties featured in a program by using the remote control.交互式数据传输,比如说,可以提供能让观众用遥控器就能买买到在节目中大肆宣传的土特产的服务3.Since the initiation of economic reforms in the late 1970s China has achieved impressive economic growth coupled with significant structural transformation.自20世纪70年代着手经济改革以来,中国已取得令人瞩目的经济增长态势,发生了重大的结构转变4.Additional money easing was intended to prevent the injection of public funds into HSBC Holdings PLC form causing uncertainties over the financial system before it was too late.附加的货币宽松政策旨在及时防止公共资金注入汇丰控股有限公司,以免造成金融体系动荡不安的局面5.Over the period from 1978 to 1996,many of the distortions and rigidities of the former central planning system were eliminated andmarket forces came to play an increasingly important role in economic decision making.自1978年到1996年这段时间里,在中央计划经济体制下以往那些扭曲的行事方式和死板的作法很多都被摒弃了,市场力量在经济决策中扮演着越来越重要的作用6. The global reorganization of industries has not extended home appliance manufacturers ,as electrical products have different specification is different countries.对不同产业进行全球范围的重组尚未波及家用电器制造商因为电器产品在不同国家有不同规格7.As the demand for domestic stell has been increasing in China and among domestic appliance manufacturers,the nation's steel manufacturers are producing at full capacity.由于中国以及家用电器制造商对钢铁的需求在不短增加,整个国家的钢铁生产商正在开足马力生产钢铁8.Under a new system schedule to be introduced in April 2011,all new doctors will be required to undergo on-the job training at designed hospital for two years after graduation.根据预定在2011年4月出台的新制度,要求所有新上岗的医生在毕业之后要在指定医院接受两年的在职培训9.A corporate group saddled with money-losing companies could take advantage of the consolidated tax payment system to reduce itstax burden.肩负起拯救亏损公司的企业集团,可以使用合并的纳税制度来减免其税务负担10.The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by thermal power plants comprises about 30 present of the total mission of carbon dioxide in the nation.火力发电厂排放出的二氧化碳总量约占整个国家二氧化碳总排放量的30%11.Throughout the past two decades,GATT(The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade) has been increasingly preoccupied with the trading problems and needs of the developing countries,with account for more than two-third of its membership.在过去的二十年中,关贸总协定一直越来越关注占成员国三分之二以上的发展中国家的各种贸易问题及需求12.Abolishing the housing loan tax break would reduce the number of housing stars by 100 000,which translate into an economic loss of 600million dollars.废除住宅贷款减免税额,就以为着减少住宅开工数10万户,换算成经济损失即为6亿美元13.Growth industries,such as information technology and biotechnology,will sustain the global economy in the future by utilizing advanced technology and expertise.诸如信息技术和生物技术等快速发展的行业,在未来将通过运用先进的技术和专门的知识来支撑整个世界的经济14.Preferential tax treatment that the U.S. Government extends to corporations runs counter to a WTO agreement that bans subsidies. 美国政府扩大对各企业实行优惠税制的做法,违反了WTO关于禁止对出口产品进行补贴的协议15.During the feasibility evaluation period,the parties will jointly undertake the product development and conduct internal tasting on the product.在可行性评估期间,双方将共同进行该项产品的开发,展开对该项产品的内部测试。


❖ 译文:亚洲国家已经将1992年指定 “亚洲旅游 年”,它们携手合作,发起宣传攻势,以便让世 界各地的猎奇探胜者认可他们的旅游胜景。
❖ The decline in exports, which have been a driving force of the nation’s economic growth, is a major concern.
❖ 译文:计算机使人类的能力有可能产生巨大的飞 跃;它拓展了人类从事实践工作甚至理论工作的 智慧。
❖ As the goods you required are in short supply, we intend to furnish you with our commodity as a substitute, which is of good quality and very close to your specifications but will be offered a at a more favorable (price).
❖ 译文1:当一个国家对于某一特定商品没有足够 的量来满足其需要时,就需要有国家贸易。
❖ 译文2:当一国的某一特定商品没有足够的量来 满足其需要时,就产生国际贸易。
❖ Exports and imports of goods between nations with different units of money introduce a new economic factor, the foreign exchange rate, which gives the price of the foreigners’ unit of money in terms of one’s own.
❖ 译文:由于你方所需的产口供应不足,我们打算 提供替代品,其质量与你方指定产品非常接近, 而且价格更优。



Unit 7 InsuranceRelated InformationThe Basics of Cargo Coverage1. “ALL RISK”coverageThe broadest form of coverage is “ALL RISK”, which, as a misleading name for an insurance policy, provides wide cover but does contain a number of exclusions. The term “All Risks”should not be taken too literally and in some jurisdictions the term is no longer used.An “ALL RISK”policy insures approved general merchandise in the event of physical loss or damage from any external cause. This includes new packaged goods without unusual susceptibility to loss from breakage, pilferage, or the nature of the goods themselves. “ALL RISK”policies do not cover all losses possible in the course of an international shipment.2. General AverageIn order to save a ship in peril of sinking during a storm, some of the cargo may have to be thrown overboard. The ship owner and the owners of the saved cargo obviously benefit at the expense of the owners of the jettisoned cargo. This was deemed unfair and the principle of “General Average” evolved so that all parties would contribute in such a situation.3. (With) Particular Average (WPA)In ocean marine insurance, Particular Average refers to a loss either partial or total, which falls on one or more property or interest being shipped, as opposed to a general average.4. Free of Particular Average (FPA)This is an ocean marine policy provision where coverage is provided only if a total loss of the insured property occurs from an insured peril.FPA (American clause) is limited coverage that usually applies to used merchandise, waste materials and goods shipped subject to an on deck bill of lading. It covers partial and total losses due to FPA perils, which include the sinking, stranding, burning or collision of the vessels or catastrophic perils on shore such as earthquake, derailment, collapse of dock, fire, etc.5. WAR RISKSpecial coverage on cargo in overseas ships against the risk of being confiscated by a government in wartime. It is excluded from standard ocean marine insurance and can be purchased separately.6. Inherent ViceCertain goods are, by their very nature, susceptible to damage and it would beunreasonable to expect insurers to pay for such damage. Examples of Inherent Vice are deterioration of Perishable Goods, spontaneous fermentation or combustion of improperly dried grain.7. WAREHOUSE TO WAREHOUSE protectionMost cargo insurance protects goods in transit from the time they leave the shipper’s warehouse until they reach the consignee’s warehouse, as long as they are not taken out of the normal course of transit by the insured.Lead-in1. Listening1. D2. BTape Script:Tim is talking to Judd about the insurance of a product order.Tim: Good morning, this is Tim. Is that Judd?Judd: Yes, this is Judd speaking.Tim: I’m calling to discuss the insurance coverage you requested for your order.Judd: Good, we requested an amount thirty percent above the invoice value.Tim: We have no problem complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive. You know according to our usual practice,we insure the goods only for 10% above the invoice value.Judd: Yeah, but in the past, we’ve really been put in a bind because of damaged goods. Tim: I understand your concern. However, usual coverage for goods of this type is the total invoice amount plus only ten percent.Judd: We could feel more comfortable, though, with thirty percent.Tim: Unfortunately, if you want the increase in coverage, the extra premium will be for your account.Judd: But shouldn’t your quotation include adequate coverage against risks?Tim: That quotation involved normal coverage, but not all. So I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.Judd: OK. Thanks. I’ll check it out.2. Spot DictationPart 1 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.FPart 2 1.practice 2. insurance 3. insure4. the People’s Insurance Company of China5. premium6. covered Tape Script:Sophia: According to our usual practice, we do business with our customers on a CIF basis, Mr. Smith.Smith: That’ s good . It will save us a lot of time because we don’t need to deal with so many insurance formalities. But I’d like to know how much the premium is .Sophia: Well, Mr. Smith, it will vary according to the types of risks to be covered.Smith: I see. Which company do you usually insure with?Sophia: We always insure our goods with the People’s Insurance Company of China. Smith: That’s great. May I ask what insurance you will cover according to your usual CIF terms for these glassware?Sophia: We usually insure against All Risks for glassware.Smith: Including War Risk?Sophia: No, War Risk is a special additional risk and it has to be arranged separately.Generally speaking, it is not necessary to insure against that risk ,as All Risks has provided enough protection to your order.Smith: I see. Thank you for your information.Text ALanguage Study1. insurance①n.the contract made by a company or society, or by the state to provide a guaranteeof compensation for loss, damage, sickness, death, etc in return for regular payment 保险◆People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs.arrange/cover/ effect / provide/ take out + insurance 办理保险◆Under FOB terms, insurance is to be covered by the buyer.insurance company 保险公司insurance policy 保险单insurance certificate 保险凭证insurance premium 保险费insurance value/ amount 保险金额insurance agent 保险代理人②insure vt.make a contract that promises to pay sb an amount of money in case ofaccident, injury death, etc, or damage to or loss of sth 保险,投保◆Every company would insure itself against loss or damage to its property.insurer n.承保人the insured n. 被保险人2. As a large percentage of our foreign trade in and out of this country goes by ship, what mainly concerns us is still the marine Insurance.此句中what mainly concerns us 是主语从句,所以后面的谓语动词用单数。



汉语有时采用无主句来保持句子的主动式。 应该尽量告诉年轻人吸烟的危害,特别是吸烟上瘾后的可怕后果。 【参考译文】 Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit. 汉语还可以使用通称或泛称保持句子的主动形式。 It is said that… (有人说,据说) It is well known that… - 大家知道,众所周知 It is generally considered that… - 人们普遍认为 Voices were heard calling for help. 有人听见呼救的声音。
Language is shaped by, and shapes, human thought. - 人的思想形成了语言,而语言又影响了思想。 Better my life should be ended by their hate, than that hated life should be prolonged to live without your love. (Romeo and Juliet) - 我宁可死在他们的仇恨之下,也不愿意延长这可恨的生命而 得不到你的爱。
Unit 7
Handshaking or Kissing This Is a Question
A handshake is always considered professional and courteous, and being on the safe side of formal is never a bad thing in a work place situation.

经典商务英语教程unit 7(BEC剑桥商务英语不可缺少的材料)

经典商务英语教程unit 7(BEC剑桥商务英语不可缺少的材料)
(卖主)发给进口商(买主)的 ❖ shipping instructions 则是“装运须知”,是进口
❖ vendor(卖主)\ vendee(买主), consignor[kən'sainə(r), (发货人)\ consignee[kənsai'ni:] (收货人)
Our terms are cash within three months, i.e.(['ai'i:] ) on or before May 1.
❖ not(no)later than <BR> 用“not (no) later than +日期”英译“不迟于某月某日
❖ 例 13:本合同签字之日一个月内,即不迟于 12 月 15 日,你方须将货物装船。 Party B shall ship the goods within one month of the date of signing this Contract, i.e. not later than December 15.
❖ 2.7. by 与 before 当英译终止时间时,比如“在某月某日之前”,如 果包括所写日期时,就用介词 by;如果不包括所 写日期,即指到所写日期的前一天为止,就要用介 词 before。
❖ 例 8:卖方须在 6 月 15 日前将货交给买方。 The vendor shall deliver the goods to the vendee by June 15.(or: before June 16,说明含 6 月 15 日在内。)
❖ 2.6. on/upon 与 after
❖ 当英译“……到后,就……”时,用介词 on/upon,而不用 after,因为 after 表示 “之后”的时间不明确。 例 7:发票货值须货到付给。 The invoice value is to be paid on/upon arrival of the goods.

商务英语Unit 7 Money Matters

商务英语Unit 7 Money Matters

and Kind of packages: Description of Goods
(15)Gross Weight
(16) Cube
(17)Specification of Commodities
(18) Quantity
(19)Amount (State Currency)
(20) TOTAL
(21)Name of Signatory
For the year ended December 31, 2002 ****Company
day) the check Bank in *** Country foreign cash service charge 1% of the check
b. Account Card c. Cash (less then $50,000)
7.2 Money maters within a company
Julio Martinez
Description of merchandise: sensor switches type A6D
Method of payment agreed: FOB Helsinki
More problems:
Finntech have only delivered 25 gross switches, instead of 35 gross ordered.
Different currency Money matters within a company Money matters between companies Chasing payment and cash flow



Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
Classification by Medium:
Newspaper Advertisement, Magazine Advertisement, Television Advertisement, Radio Advertisement, Direct Mail Advertisement, Outdoor Advertisement and others.
(6) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) (7) Ask for more.
Sec 3
Sec 4
渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) (8) The choice of a new generation.
Sec 6
新一代的选择。(百事可乐) (9) 要买房,到建行。
Sec 8
Features of Ads
Attractive—catch the reader’s attention
Creative—project an image Persuasive—urge the reader to act
Impressive—produce an impact
Sec 2
Sec 3
随着经济全球化的发展,广告宣传国际化的趋势将会越来越明显、越来 越激烈。无论是中国企业还是外国企业,都存在着一个广告国际化、全球化 的问题,也就是商品广告的翻译问题。国际性商品广告翻译应当充分考虑产 品销售对象的语言习惯、文化积淀与心理定式以便能够更好地为企业服务、 更好地推销产品。实践证明,成功的广告翻译会带来 巨大的经济效益,而不成功的翻译不仅会给会给企业 或国家带来重大的经济损失,还会直接影响企业或国 家的形象。因此,如何恰如其分地理解和翻译跨文化 广告,已是摆在商务翻译人员面前的一个现实问题。

商务英语听说unit 7

商务英语听说unit 7
3. Be prepared with an explanation of the purpose for your call. 准备 好解释此次来电的目的。
be prepared with 准备。
When you are traveling, be prepared with certain medicine. 4. phone etiquette 电话礼节
n.客户 adj.声音的 n.印象 adv.愉悦 adv.专业地 adj.礼貌的
n.公司 n.部门 应收账款
Shirley is going on to talk about the etiquettes to answer the business phone calls.
People make business phone calls for different reasons. Very few clients call just for nothing. Telephone calls usually lead to some actions to be taken, so make sure your first vocal impression is a good one by trying to answer the phone as pleasantly and professionally as possible.
1. Telephone calls usually lead to some actions to be taken, so make sure your first vocal impression is a good are one by trying to answer the phone as pleasantly and professionally as possible. 打电话就是为了采取行动, 因此,通过尽量愉悦和专业地接听电话,确保你的声 音留下美好的第一印象。 take action 采取行动。 Taking military action is improper at present.

商务英语口译Unit 7 Product Introduction

商务英语口译Unit 7 Product Introduction
your company is making new shirt series, is it right? • L: Exactly. We are making new Polar Bear Warm Shirts series,
including kids’ series, women’s series and men’s. All these series sell well on the market. • W: Are they different from the old ones? • L: Yes, these are for winter’s wear, which are quite different from the summer ones. And we put a thin cotton linen liner in these new shirts. • W: Fantastic! But lined up with liner, do they wear comfortable?
Part Two
Unit 7 Product Introduction
• This unit includes some general conversations with relation to the introduction, presentation and specification of products, such as how to describe new products, how to recommend commodities, how to present products to potential customers and how to catch the customers’ eyes. The learner can master these skills according to each situation and they can easily handle every situation when it happens.

《世纪商务英语》翻译讲义 Advertisements

《世纪商务英语》翻译讲义 Advertisements

Unit 7 Advertisements1.Adverting is a way of bringing information to the public for the purpose of selling a product, a service, an idea, or an event. The information is transmitted by means of the printed word or even the air. It may be presented as a simple statement of fact, or, as is more frequently the case, it may be offered in colorful or even emotional language. All advertising is intended to stimulate people to do some specific thing, such as buying a product, ordering a service, joining an organization, attending a meeting, or thinking sympathetically about a situation. Each advertising is paid for by a person, a group, an organization, or a business enterprise seeking to advance his or its goals.Consumer advertising can be directed to different parts of a market. For example, producers advertise through magazines and radio and television programs that appeal to the portion of the market they wish to reach. A cereal manufacturer would schedule commercials for television cartoon shows in order to make children aware of a product. A tire maker would use air ads during sporting events to appeal to the adult male audience.Trade advertising is aimed at middlemen of all kinds. Trade ads try to persuade wholesalers and retailers to stock specific goods. Industrial advertising is directed to producers of manufactured goods. Agricultural advertising goes to the agricultural producers. Professional advertising is aimed at people such as doctors, teachers and architects, who recommend products but do not purchase them directly.nguage features(1)Verbs, adjs, pronouns, coinageNestle Ice Cream: Take time to indulge! Disneyland: The happiest place of earth.KFC:we do chicken right Sony: Hi-fi, Hi-fun, Hi-fashion, only from Sony(2)Sentence Patterns: simple sentences, interrogative sentences (疑问句)& ellipticalsentences(省略句)Calvin Klein: Between love and madness lies obsession.Budweiser: Why ask why? Try Bud dry. Intel: Intel inside. 因特尔在其中(3)Rhetorical devices/ Figures of Speech 修辞:personification(拟人), simile & metaphor(明喻,暗喻),pun(双关),alliteration(头韵) ,rhyming(尾韵), hyperbole(夸张),repetition(反复、重复), antithesis (对偶), irony (反语),parody (仿拟)etcBounty (糖果):A taste of paradise Fila:Functional…Fashionable…Formidable…Give me taste, not waist. Not all cars are created equal.3. (1) Sea, sun, sand, seclusion– and Spain! You can have all these– at a price that is hard to believe – when you visit the new Calientte Hotel.(2) Run a critical eye over the Swiss Timetable for Europe, and you’ll find it’s a masterpiece of structure and content. Drawing on a map of some 50 cities, it also presents the unique choice of these different perspectives; reasonably priced Economy Class, comfortable Business Class and luxurious First Class, all of which inspired more and more discerning travelers to discover the pleasure of flying Swissair.(3)溪口千层饼采用传统工艺,制作精细,质地松软,清香可口。

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 7 Handshaking or Kissing This Is a Question

商务翻译(英译汉)Unit 7 Handshaking or Kissing This Is a Question
【参考译文】工具和技术本身作为根本性创新的源泉多 年来在很大程度上被科学史学家和科学思想家们忽视了。
10. And it is imagined by many that the operations of the common mind can be by no means compared with these processes, and that they have to be acquired by a sort of special training.
1. The famous hotel had been practically destroyed by the big fire. 【参考译文】大火把这家著名的旅馆几乎全部烧毁。
2. Most letters from his wife, are read to him by the nurse in the hospital给他 听的。
3. Rivers are controlled by dams. 【参考译文】拦河坝把河流控制住了。
4. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.
【参考译文】应该尽量告诉年轻人吸烟的危害,特别是吸烟上 瘾后的可怕后果。
5. Methods are found to take these materials out of the rubbish and use them again.
【参考译文】现在已经找到了从垃圾中提取和利用这些材料的 方法。
Unit 7
Handshaking or Kissing This Is a Question

商务英语翻译Unit 7-unit9

商务英语翻译Unit 7-unit9

Unit 7Passage A市场是否有效?投资界可分为两大阵营:一方相信市场有效,而另一方则认为市场无效。



















商务英语2课文及翻译Unit 7索赔与付款是货物贸易中常见的现象。



1.Business Complaint投诉Daniel gets a call from a customer, Mr. Wilson, who is complaining about an error in the weight of his delivery.客户威尔逊打电话给丹尼尔,投诉交货重量的误差问题。

D: Hello, Mr. Wilson. Your request for compensation surprises me. What happened?丹尼尔:您好,威尔逊先生。


发生了什么事?W: The issue is a shortage of weight. The Tianjin Commodity Inspection Bureau's report shows a difference of 15 tons between the actual landed weight and the invoiced weight.威尔逊:是货物重量不足的问题。


D: We regret we cannot review your claim as it really has nothing to do with us.I would like to point out that the weight of the cargo on loading was taken by actual physical weighing of the product. The scales were checked and the captain of the ship supervised the weighing, so he can prove that full weight was delivered.丹尼尔:很遗憾,我们不能处理您的索赔,因为这和我们没有任何关系。

商务英语谈判unit 7 Commodity Inspect

商务英语谈判unit 7 Commodity Inspect
14. I hope the result of your reinspection will coincide with that of our inspection.
15. The reinspection fee shall be borne by the buyers.
Unit 7 Commodity Inspection
7. It is very complicated to have the goods reinspected and tested. 进行货物复检和测试是相当复杂的。
8. You may have another certificate showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination. 你可以再出具另一份证书证明货物没有放射性物质。
Unit 7 Commodity Inspection
Unit 7 Commodity Inspection
I. Warm Up
Work in pairs with the following situation: Mr. Vinsent, a businessman from France wants to
2. 布莱克先生与中方进口商就商品检验问题正在进行洽谈。 Mr. Black is negotiating with Chinese import on the inspection of the commodity.
Unit 7 Commodity Inspection
3. 中国出入境检验检疫局已经检验了所寄产品并颁发了质量和 数量证书。 China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau has inspected the products sent to them and issued the Inspection Certificate of Quality and the Inspection Certificate of Quantity.

商务英语实训教程上册上册 unit 7 Market Share 教师参考共33页文档

商务英语实训教程上册上册 unit 7 Market Share 教师参考共33页文档

13. saddle ['sædl] 例句1:It looks like a saddle.它看起来像一个马鞍。 例句2:Then each of them took off his saddle bag, which seemed to Ali Baba to be full of gold and silver from its weight.然后他们 每一个都拿下了他的鞍囊,阿里巴巴从他们的重量看出每 一个都装满了金子和银子。
在行业中,市场份额是最普遍的成功测算方法之一。为了正确 地确定市场份额,公司必须对市场进行清晰定位。拥有大市场中的 小份额和小市场中的大份额可以同样获利。一个生产皮革马鞍的 制造商必须确定他的市场是由马鞍销售,和骑术相关的销售或所 有皮革商品的销售构成的。显而易见,它在马鞍行业中的销售份 额比它在皮革货物市场中的份额要大得多。
Business Terms
1.potential market潜在市场 通常是指客观存在的,由于诸多固素的影响而未显露或
公司一直都关注他们的产品或服务在潜力市场中所占的 比例,他们实际上所占有的市场比例常常被称之为公司的市场 份额。的比例。用公式表示如下,市场份额=公司的销售 量÷市场总销售量。份额的表现形式或是销售额的比率,或 是销售单位的比率,或是顾客的占有率。最常见的参照是看 销售额的比率。
2. refer to as 例句1:The people we refer to as Net Worms are addicted to the Internet. 所谓网虫,就是上网上瘾的人。 例句2:People who work in offices are usually refer to as “white collar workers”. 那些在办公室工作的人被称 为“白领工人”。



第七单元服务行业TEXT A 服务行业与服务管理我们现在正处于一个服务的时代,并且服务已经逐渐处于社会的中心地位。











Stew Leonard 经营着一家利润丰厚的三层楼的商店。



如果这样的一个顾客在商店有一次不愉快的经历而反而转身另外一家商店的话,那Stew Leonard商店就会少5万美元的收入。


为了挽回顾客,Stew Leonard商店创造了被《纽约时报》称为“商店中的迪斯尼乐园〞,设有化妆的卡通人物、定期的娱乐项目、宠物乐园与电子动物。

商务英语Chapter 7参考译文及答案

商务英语Chapter 7参考译文及答案

Chapter 7Learning Aims1.了解国际货运保险的概念;2.掌握保险相关表达方式和术语;3.熟悉一些灯具产品词汇;4.学会分析案例并撰写保险信函。

Background Information保险最初常用于风险大的海运损失。




就外贸而言,保险单上有各种各样的投保险别,如:①平安险(FPA);②水渍险(WA 或WPA);③一切险(综合险);④偷窃提货不着险(TPND);⑤淡水雨淋险;⑥缺量险(短量险);⑦混杂沾污险;⑧渗漏险;⑨破损破碎险;⑩串味险;11 受潮受热险;12 钩损险;13 锈损险;14 包装破裂险;15 罢工、暴力、民变险;16 战争险;17 进口关税险;18 舱面险;19 拒收险;20 交货不到险;21 黄曲霉素险;22 海关检验条款险;23 码头检验条款险。


Case studyLetter 1 要求卖方代办保险Letter 2 为买方代办保险Letter 3 要求卖方办理保险Letter 4 为买方代办额外保险Letter 5 保险单ExercisesI.Fill in the following blanks.1. it2. for; above/over3. at/for; plus4. at5. against6. to7. for8. based9. covered; premium10. coverage; covered11. comply/meet; insurance12. premiumII.Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.在没有得到你方明确的保险要求情况下,我们按惯例把你们所订购货物按发票金额110%投保了水渍险。

商务英语翻译 Unit 7 Scenic Spot316

商务英语翻译 Unit 7 Scenic Spot316

朱序的母亲韩夫人行军布阵,样样精通。她登城巡视时发现西 北角一带防御薄弱,很容易被秦军攻破,她便带领自己的姑娘、 媳妇、家婢一百多人及全城妇女修城,还在西北城墙外,赶修了 一座60多米的“城外城”。自己带领全城妇女身着戎装,手持刀 枪,把守在东、西、南三面有城河的地方。 His mother, Lady Han who was also proficient in military affairs ,came to inspect the defense works and found the defense of the northwest corner was too weak. So she called on her daughters, daughters-in-law, maid servants and the women in the city to repair the wall, and an additional section of wall outside the city was constructed. Lady Han led armed women in the city guarding the east, south and west part of the city which was surrounded with moat.
II Task Analysis
Task 1. Sample Study
Байду номын сангаас
襄阳夫人城 The Origin of Lady City 在襄阳城西护城河与汉江交汇处,有一座城墙叫“夫人城” ,与襄阳城紧紧相连,墙高6米多,周长60余米,城墙向北的一 面上方正中有一石匾,上书“夫人城”三个大字,城墙下边有碑 刻,系清同治二年(公元1863年)襄阳人民为缅怀韩夫人所筑。 At the intersection between the west city moat and Hanjiang River, there is a section of city wall with a height of 6 meters and a length of more than 60 meters, closely connected with the city wall of Xiangyang. On the wall, there is a stone tablet inscribed with “Fu Ren Cheng(Lady City)” which was erected by Xiangyang people in 1863 to commemorate Lady Han.
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Sec 7
(4) Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。(飞利浦电器)
Sec 8
(5) Good to the last drop. 滴滴香浓,意犹未尽。(麦斯威尔咖啡)
Ⅲ. 你能翻译出下列常见的广告语吗?(2)
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 4
(4)The Glenlivet — the father of all scotch.
(5)Beef: real food for real people. 有时广告英语中还使用简短、有力度甚至是口号式的祈使句,能有效地 提高其说服力和感染力。例如:
Sec 6
Sec 7
(1)Let’s make things better. 让我们做得更好。
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
在句子结构上,广告中多采用简单结构的句子,有时甚至出现无动词的 句子,同时比较注重口语化。例如:
Sec 8
Sec 1
I. 广告的语言特点(3) (1)Is microwave cooking fast? (2)You bet! (3)I love it!
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
I. 广告的语言特点(1) 与其他文体相比,英语广告文体的语言在词汇、句法结构和修辞方式等 方面都有许多独特之处。 1.词汇特征 在文字使用上,广告用语必须简洁、生动、形象,富有感情色彩和感染 力。有时,为了突出产品的新、奇、特的个性特征,广告的设计者往往借助 于文字的功能和魅力来吸引顾客,例如故意使用错别字、杜撰新词或者错乱 搭配等方式来增强广告的魅力,以引起顾客的关注。例如: (1)It’s Coca-Cola. (可口可乐广告) (2)Just do it.(运动鞋广告) (3)TWOGETHER: the ultimate all inclusive one price sunkissed holiday.(供夫妻两人旅游度假的广告) TWOGETHER 实际上是together的 变形,既有together 的音又有“两人”之意,表达非常形象。
Sec 8
Ⅲ. 你能翻译出下列常见的广告语吗?(1)
Sec 1
(1) Make yourself heard.
理解就是沟通。(爱立信) (2) Start ahead.
Sec 3
Sec 4
成功之路,从头开始。(飘柔洗发水) (3) Connecting People.
Sec 6
(6) Poetry in motion, dancing close to me. 动态的诗,向我舞近。(丰田汽车) (7) Ask for more.
Sec 3
Sec 4
渴望无限。(百事流行鞋) (8) The choice of a new generation.
Sec 6
新一代的选择。(百事可乐) (9) 要买房,到建行。
Sec 1
I. 广告的语言特点(5) (5)Tide’s in, Dirt’s out. 汰渍放进去,污垢洗出来。(对偶) (6)All roads lead to Holiday Inn. 条条大路通向假日酒店。(仿拟All roads lead to Rome) (7)Feel good, fast food. (8)Crest whitens whites. 快餐食品,可口温馨。(尾韵) 佳洁士牙膏使牙齿白上加白。(押头韵)
Sec 1
Sec 3
(1) EBEL, the architects of time. EBEL手表,时间的设计师。 ( 比喻 ) (2) Wherever it hurts, we’ll heal it. 不管它哪里疼痛,我们都会使它愈合。 ( 拟人 ) (3) Make Time For Time. 阅读《时代》能为您赢得时间。 ( 双关 ) (4) Live well, Snack well. 美好生活,离不开香脆的饼干。 ( 反复 ) (5) M & Ms melt in your mouth, not in your hands. 只溶在口,不溶在手。 ( 押韵 ) (6) Making a big world smaller. 我们把世界变小了。 ( 夸张 )
(2)Take time to indulge. 尽情享受。 (3)Make yourself heard. 理解就是沟通。
Sec 8
Sec 1
I. 广告的语言特点(4) 3.修辞特征 在广告语中,为了增强广告的吸引力,使广告更富有感染性和煽动性, 常常会使用拟人、比喻、双关等修辞手法。例如: (1)Sometimes beauty is more than skin deep. 外表美,内在更优。 (汽车广告,比喻) (2)A Dream Price. A Dream Opportunity. (对偶) 理想的价格。理想的机会。 因特花店花说心里话。
Sec 7
Sec 8
Sec 1
II. 广告的翻译技巧(1) 广告翻译要注重顾客心理接受程度和广告的功能效应,同时还要兼顾广 告的简洁性和通俗性,充分发挥目的语的语言优势,采取灵活的翻译方式。 1.要充分从顾客的角度考虑 英语和汉语分属于两种不同的文化背景,因此造成了人们的生活习惯、 思维方式、对事物的爱好以及语言表达方式等都有明显的差别。这就需要翻 译英语广告时必须深谙两种文化的差异,注重适当的文化转换,所以广告的 翻译不应是文字上的表面吻合,而应是信息和语言内涵上的吻合,同时还要 充分考虑顾客的心理适应性,灵活运用汉语语言的优势,使译文读者能产生 和原文读者同样的反映效果,切忌步人后尘。例如:
1. Introduction 2. Lead-in 3. Methods and Techniques 4. Useful Words and Expressions 6. Notes 7. Practice 8. Classic Translation
Sec 2
Sec 3
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
广告( Advertising ) 一词源于拉丁文 advertere, 意思是“使人注意、知晓” 的意思,其目的是向公众推介某种商品或者服务。广告是指通过一定的媒体 如广播电视、报刊杂志、条板张贴、网络等形式向公众提供警示、商品推介 等的一种宣传方式。广告按其内容可以分为四大类,即:商品广告(Product Advertisement ) 、 劳 务 广 告 ( Service Advertisement ) 、 企 业 形 象 广 告 ( Corporation Advertisement ) 和 公 益 广 告 ( Public-Welfare Advertisement)。 一则成功的商务广告应当能够实现以下几种 基本功能:传播信息功能、劝说功能、美感功能、 刺激消费功能。或者理解为ACCA要求,即认知 (Awareness)、理解(Comprehension)、说 服(Conviction)、行动(Action)。其中最主要 的是劝说功能,起到最大的诱导说服作用,来影 响更大的消费群体,其他功能起辅助作用。
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
(3)Flowers by Interflora speak from the heart. (拟人)。
Sec 8
(4)A Deal with Us Means a Good Deal to You. 跟我们做的买卖,肯定 是笔好买卖。(双关)
Sec 2
Sec 4
Sec 6
(9)For 25 years, we’ve been flying to only one destination--EXCELLENCE. 最佳服务——25年不变的追求。(夸张) (10)Smooth trip, smooth arrival. 平稳旅行,平稳到达。(反复) (11)If people keep telling you to quit smoking cigarettes, don’t listen… they’re probably trying to trick you into longevity. (American Cancer Society) 如果有人一直叫你戒烟,不要理他……他们大概是想骗你活得久一点。(美 国抗癌协会)(反语)
Sec 4
Sec 6
Sec 7
( T )(1) 用词简单、创新拼写
Sec 3
( T )(2) 经常使用缩略语、外来词语 ( T )(3) 经常使用有限的动词、形容词以及复合词 ( T )(4) 句法上多用简单句、少用否定句 ( T )(5) 多用并列句、祈使句 ( T ) (6) 多用主动语态、疑问句 ( T )(7) 多用现在时态 ( T )(8) 经常巧妙地使用各种修辞手段
Unit 7
Advertisements 广告
知识目标:1. 2. 3. 能力目标:1. 2. 3.
了解广告文体的基本知识 掌握广告的语言特点及其常用翻译技巧 掌握英汉互译中的分译法与合译法 能够正确地翻译广告的常用词汇和句型 能够运用所学翻译技巧熟练地翻译各类广告 能够较为熟练地运用分译法和和译法进行翻译活动