
SLA Maintenance User GuideOracle Banking Trade Finance Process Management Release No. F57088-01May 2022Oracle Banking Trade Finance Process Management - SLA Maintenance User GuideOracle Financial Services Software LimitedOracle ParkOff Western Express HighwayGoregaon (East)Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 063IndiaWorldwide Inquiries:Phone: +91 22 6718 3000Fax: +91 22 6718 3001/financialservices/Copyright © 2022, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are “commercial computer software” pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government.This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate failsafe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications.This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be error-free. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing.This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.Contents SLA Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Creating SLA (1)Viewing SLA (4)Search SLA (5)SLA Standard Maintenance (5)SLA Widget (8)SLA Widget - SLA Status Summary (8)Reference and Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12 References (12)Documentation Accessibility (12)Feedback and Support (12)SLA MaintenanceBanks may require to have a Service Level Agreement (SLA) with its customers or as an internal policy of the Bank. This User Manual lists the SLA maintenance requirements in OBTFPM and other Mid-office ApplicationsSLA Maintenance is available based on the Business Process-Stage- Priority combination.SLA Maintenance to have two screens, one screen for Definition of SLA and another for Authorization/ Edit/ Delete.SLA maintenance screens are used to calculate SLA. The user can C reate SLA, and View SLA (for Edit, Copy, Delete).The user can view the tasks that are either nearing SLA breach or that have already breached SLA in the Free Task and My Task queue. The status should be indicated for tasks at both the stage as well as process level by colours such as Red and Amber.This section contains the following topics:Creating SLAThis process allows the user to create SLA, let’s look at the steps of creating a Checklist process:1. Using the entitled login credentials for Registration stage, login to the OBTFPM application.Creating SLA Viewing SLA Search SLA SLA Standard MaintenanceSLA Widget - SLA Status Summary2. On login, user must be able to view the dashboard screen with widgets as mapped to the user.3. Click Core Maintenance > SLA Maintenance > Create SLA.The Create SLA screen appears.Provide the field description based on the following table.Action ButtonsField DescriptionProduct/Application Code User can select the Product or Application Code.Product/Application Name System displays the name of the Product/Application (Example OracleBanking Trade Finance Process Management).Business Process Code User can select the Business Process Code for which the SLAmaintenance has to be made.Business Process Name The Business Process name pertaining to the Business Process codeselected is defaulted.Branch User can select the branch code for which SLA maintenance has to bedone.There is also an option to select All as a value which will enable the SLAto be applicable for all branches in the bank.Branch Working Hours System populates the branch working hours.Version Number System defaults the version number on creating/updating the screen. Include for SLA calculation For calculation of SLA the user can include:● Branch Holidays: User can select this check box, if branchholidays is to be considered for SLA calculation● Currency Holidays: User can select this check box, if currencyholidays is to be considered for SLA calculation● Hold Time: User can select this check box, if hold time is to beconsidered for SLA calculation.● Customer Clarification: User can select this check box, ifCustomer Clarification items is to be considered for SLA calculation● Off Branch Time Transactions: User can select this check box, ifSLA should be calculated after branch hours.Below fields appear on tab out after entering the above information.Stage Name On selection of the process code, the various stages available for theprocess should be defaulted.Stage ID System defaults the stage ID based on the stage name.Parallel Stage System defaults the various stages available for the process, onselection of the process code.SLA Required This toggle indicates whether SLA calculation is required for this stage.By Default, the toggle should be set to Yes. User can change the valueto No. If the toggle is changed to No, user input should be disabled andthe SLA values for the stage should be blank.Time In User can select the drop-down and system displays a pop-up UI forinput of the Stage SLA in Days/Hours/Minutes combination. Systemconverts this into minutes and display in the respective fields.Alternatively, user can directly input the SLA in Minutes.Breach Alert Time User can input the SLA Breach Alert time in minutes for the Stage. Thiswill indicate the minutes before which a user needs to be alerted forlikely SLA breach for the stage. This is the same for all the differentpriority combinations for a stage irrespective of the individual SLA times. Low Priority (In Mins)OfflineUser can input the SLA time in minutes.Low Priority (In Mins) Online User can input the SLA time in minutes.System validates that the time in minutes is not more than value input for offline.Action Buttons4. Click Save to save the created SLA. The new SLA is displayed as tile in the View SLA screen.Viewing SLAThe user can view the summary of SLAs maintained in the form of tiles. The user can view the maintained SLA, if the SLA is already created in the system. The user can also create a new SLA using View SLA screen, by clicking the ‘+’ icon.1. Click Core Maintenance > SLA Maintenance > View SLA. Medium Priority (In Mins)Offline User can input the SLA time in minutes.System validates that the time in minutes is not more than value inputfor offline .Medium Priority (In Mins) OnlineUser can input the SLA time in minutes.System validates that the time in minutes is not more than value inputfor offline .System validates the time in minutes is not more than value for LowPriority.High Priority (In Mins)Offline User can input the SLA time in minutes System validates that the time in minutes is not more than value inputfor offline .System validates the time in minutes is not more than value for LowPriorityHigh Priority (In Mins)Online User can input the SLA time in minutes System validates that the time in minutes is not more than value inputfor offline .System validates the time in minutes is not more than value for LowPriorityFieldDescription SaveClick to save the to close the task and reopen it to work later .Cancel Click to cancel the SLA Maintenance window and return to dashboard.The data input will not be saved .2. Click the icon, and then click Authorize to Authorize the SLAor Delete to delete the SLA or view the SLA.or View t o view the SLA Standard Maintenance screen.Search SLAThe user can search the SLA already created, by entering the search criteria such as Process Code, Authorization status and Record Status. Blank search is also allowed.1. In the View SLA screen, click the search icon.SLA Standard MaintenanceThis maintenance should enable the bank user to define the SLA at the Process- Stage-Priority level. This section provides a quick snapshot of SLA details. All fields displayed under in this screen, would be read only. Refer to Creating SLA for more information of the fields .1. In the View SLA screen, click the icon on the SLA tile and then click View. The SLA Standard Maintenance screen appear.FieldDescription Process CodeTheprocess code .Product/Application Name System displays the name of the Product/Application (Example Oracle Banking Trade Finance Process Management).VersionSystem defaults the version number on creating/updating the screen.MakerSystem displays the maker ID.Status Displays the status of the record. Values are Authorized andUnauthorized.FieldDescription Process CodeThe user can enter the Process Code.StatusDisplays the authorization status of the SLA. Values are Authorized and Unauthorized.Record Status Displays the status of the record. Values are Open and Closed.Provide the field description based on the following table.Field DescriptionProcess Code Select the process code to which this checklist has to be mapped fromLOV.Process Name The process name is populated based on selected process code. Application Category Code Select the application category code.Application Category Name The application category name is populated based on selected process code.Stage Code Select the stage code in process to which this checklist has to bemapped.Stage Name The stage name is populated based on selected process code. Checklist CodeComponent Select the unique checklist component from the LOV and link checklistcode.Mandatory Select the check box, if the checklist is to be maintained as a mandatoryChecklist item.AuditField DescriptionMaker ID System displays the maker ID.Checker System displays the checker ID.Time stamp System displays the maker id date and time stamp.Time stamp System displays the checker id date and time stamp.Modification No. Displays the modification number.Status Displays the status of the record. Values are Authorized andUnauthorized.SLA WidgetThe SLA status widget is available in the Dashboard and is accessible as per user credentials. The Widget displays the SLA status maintained at the process level. The Widget displays only those tasks that are not being handed off to Back Office system.The user can view the SLA Widget in a graphical chart (doughnut chart) as well as in Tabular form by clicking the right arrow on the widget. The tabular form displays the Status, Branch, name of the Process, Stage Name, Process Reference Number, Customer Number, Currency and Amount.The Widget should be designed in such a way that the user should be able to view the number of items in each status for all the processes. The widget also has filter option to view the details as per filter criteria.The SLA Status Widget highlight the tasks that are within SLA (in green), approaching SLA breach (in amber) and that have breached SLA (in red).The user can view the tasks that are either nearing SLA breach or that have already breached SLA in the Free Task and My Task queue. The status should be indicated for tasks at both the stage as well as process level by colours such as Red and Amber.The following table indicates the status for tasks at both the stage as well as process level:SLA Widget - SLA Status Summary1. Using the entitled login credentials for Registration stage, login to the OBTFPM application.2. On login, user can view the SLA Widget on the dashboard screen as mapped to the user.SLA Status (Stage)SLA Status (Process)Indicator Not Breached Not Breached No Breached Not Breached Red Not Breached Breached Red Breached Breached Red Near Breach Near Breach Amber Near Breach Not Breached Amber Near Breach Breached Red Breached Near Breach Red Not BreachedNear BreachAmber3. Click the Filter By icon on top corner of the Widget.Field DescriptionCustomer Number User can select the customer number from the LOV.Branch User can select the branch code and name.Process Name User can select the process name.From Date The From date defaults as the branch date, user can enter a backdate.To Date The To date defaults as the branch date.Status User can select the SLA status from the drop-down list.The values are:● Within SLA● Near Breach● BreachedAction ButtonFetch Click Fetch to view a detailed table of the task.Field DescriptionStatus The system displays the SLA status.Branch The system displays the branch code.Process Name The system displays the process name.Stage Name The system displays the stage name of the process.The system displays the process reference number. Process ReferenceNumberCustomer Number The system displays the customer number from the LOV. Currency The system displays the process currency.Amount The system displays the process amount.IndexAAction Buttons (2)Audit (7)SSearch SLA (5)SLA Standard Maintenance (5)VViewing SLA (4)Reference and Feedback ReferencesFor more information on any related features, you can refer to the following documents:● Process Code Maintenance User Guide● Queue Maintenance User GuideDocumentation AccessibilityFor information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at /pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.Feedback and SupportOracle welcomes customers' comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of the document.Your feedback is important to us. If you have a query that is not covered in this user guide or if you still need assistance, please contact documentation team.。

3.支持性合同(UC, Underpinning Contract):UC是IT服务提供商为达到SLA与供应商协定并签署的关于服务内容和目标的一种书面协议,是服务衡量考核工具。
4流程4.1流程图4.2执行步骤活动描述责任人输入输出1用户需求调查➢对于新客户,通过跟客户访谈了解客户的服务需求➢客户需求2 服务需求评估➢服务级别经理组织相关人员服务级别➢客户系统调➢服务需求分5度量服务满足或超过SLA的要求;重要SLA、UC每年至少评审一次。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年云计算服务合同服务级别协议(SLA)设定本合同目录一览1. 服务概述1.1 服务提供方1.2 服务使用方1.3 服务内容1.4 服务期限2. 服务性能指标2.1 网络稳定性2.2 数据处理能力2.3 系统可用性2.4 响应时间3. 服务保证3.1 服务 uptime 保证3.2 数据安全保证3.3 性能达标保证3.4 支持与维护4. 服务级别目标(SLO)4.1 服务正常运行时间目标4.2 系统性能目标4.3 客户支持响应时间目标4.4 故障恢复时间目标5. 服务监控与报告5.1 服务提供方的监控措施5.2 服务提供方的报告义务5.3 服务使用方的监控权利6. 服务变更6.1 服务提供方变更服务的内容或范围6.2 服务使用方变更服务需求6.3 变更的申请与审批流程7. 违约责任7.1 服务提供方的违约行为7.2 服务使用方的违约行为7.3 违约责任的计算与赔偿8. 争议解决8.1 双方协商解决8.2 提交第三方调解8.3 法律诉讼9. 合同的生效、终止与解除9.1 合同生效条件9.2 合同终止条件9.3 合同解除流程10. 保密条款10.1 保密信息的定义10.2 保密信息的保护期限10.3 保密信息的使用范围11. 法律适用与争议解决11.1 合同签订地法律11.2 争议解决方式12. 其他条款12.1 服务升级12.2 技术支持12.3 培训服务13. 附件13.1 服务详细说明13.2 技术参数表13.3 收费标准14. 签署页14.1 服务提供方签署14.2 服务使用方签署14.3 日期第一部分:合同如下:第一条服务概述1.1 服务提供方(1.1.2)服务提供方拥有强大的技术实力和服务经验,能为服务使用方提供稳定、安全、高效的云计算服务。
1.2 服务使用方(1.2.2)服务使用方需要使用云计算服务来提升业务效率,降低运营成本。
系统规划与管理师 第四章 IT服务规划设计

1)服务工具选择 常见IT服务工具包括监控类工具、过程管理类工具和其他工具
服务工具选择需要根据实际需求和服务成本等相关因素,判断和选择的因素包括: (1)服务内容(2)考虑成本 (3)考虑客户的期望 (4)考虑工具的技术架构及 团队的技术水平 (5)考虑工具的通用性和集成性
3、服务目录设计的目的是为所有商 定的服务提供单一、连贯的信息来 源,并且确保所有获准使用相关服 务的人能够知道这些信息
4、服务目录管理中的核心信息的主 要输入,来自服务组合和通过业务 关系管理(BRM)或服务级别管理 (SLM)流程了解到的业务情况
(1)根据客户的需求和供方的能力设计,主要是IT服务的可用性和连续性设计 (2)可用性设计是确保IT服务的可用性级别得到满足 (3)连续性设计一般会考虑大风险控制和灾难应对措施 (4)针对设计的IT服务模式与客户进行讨论、改进 (5)针对不同的IT服务模式进行匹配
技术要素设计 1、技术是IT服务中的核心要素之一,也是完成IT服务的必要条件,技术要素的 设计在IT服务中的目的包括: (1)提高服务质量。(2)减少人员流失带来的损失。 (3)提高IT服务的效率。(4)降低服务成本。 (5)对各类IT服务所需的技术进行统一管理,可以做到对成熟技术及时进行推 广,并随时研发新的技术。 (6)给IT服务供方和需方提供—致的技术标准。 (7)对技术和方法进行说明,可根据自身需求挑选IT服务项目所需的技术。

SLA 与 OLA服务级别管理和服务级别协议在国内已被广泛接受并应用。
1. SLA定义服务级别协议,是IT服务提供方和客户之间就服务提供中关键的服务目标及双方的责任等有关细节问题而签订的协议。
一个SLA的例子我们以A作为服务接受方, B作为服务提供方。
服务级别协议甲方: A乙方: B本协议覆盖XYZ服务的供应与支持, (简述服务内容)。

制定的服务级别协议需要经过内部审核和批准,以确保协议的合理性和有效性。审核内容包括协议的 条款是否明确、合理,是否符合公司的服务标准和政策,是否能够满足客户的需求等。在审核通过后 ,协议需得到相关领导的批准才能正式实施。
SLA服务标准的实施与 监控
根据客户需求和业务特点,制定适合的SLA 服务标准,包括服务范围、质量、响应时 间、可用性等指标。
对相关人员进行SLA服务标准的培训和宣贯 ,确保他们了解并遵循服务标准。
按照SLA服务标准,进行相关系统的配置和 部署,确保服务能力符合标准要求。
在服务级别协议审核和批准后,双方应正式签署协议。签署后,公司应向客户提供协议 副本,以便客户了解和遵守协议内容。同时,公司内部应将协议进行归档管理,并确保 相关人员能够随时查阅和参考。在协议实施过程中,公司应与客户保持密切沟通,及时
随着云计算、人工智能等技术的普及, SLA将更加注重服务的智能化、自动 化和个性化。
随着信息技术的发展,SLA逐渐被广 泛应用于IT服务领域,成为企业和服 务提供商之间重要的合作协议。
SLA服务标准的核心内 容
明确SLA所涵盖的服务范围,包括具 体的服务项目、服务对象和服务提供 方式等,确保服务提供者和客户对服 务范围有明确的认知。

1. 协议签署
本《电子签约平台服务等级协议》(以下简称“SLA”)是 甲方:XXX 有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)与 乙方:杭州尚尚签网络科技有限公司(以下简称“上上签”) 签订的《上上签电子签约平台服务协议》条款的一部分。
2. 服务范围 2.1 系统对接服务
针对甲方开发环境与具体的需求,上上签向甲方提供标准的 API 或 SDK,以及各种辅助 工具,协助甲方完成甲方平台与上上签电子签约平台的系统对接。上上签默认通过远程服务 (包括自助服务、智能解答、服务工单、在线技术支持等)的方式提供对接服务,协助甲方 完成对接过程中的问题诊断,并给出解决建议。
5. 限制条款 .................................................................................................................................................................. 8
3. 服务等级 ................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 服务时间 ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 服务等级及响应处理时间 ................................................................................................................................. 4

• 业务服务开通:包括业务服务变更和业务服务注销。
• 业务服务开通:特指需要网络维护部门或SI合作伙伴配合开展技术方案咨询
• 本SLA服务标准为全国最低服务标准,各省公司可以根据本省实际情况进行
SLA服务级别 标准级 铜牌级 银牌级 金牌级
服务标准描述 ≤72小时 ≤24小时 ≤12小时 ≤8小时
• 年故障历时:指全年发生网络故障影响客户业务的总时间。
由于客户原因导致的服务无法开通,不在此时限范围内。 按市(县)区域作为基本服务单位。
每月金牌级 开通
标准级 铜牌级 银牌级 金牌级 发生次数 及时率
话音类 短信类
标准级 不提供
铜牌级 不提供
银牌级 可选7*24小时网络监控服务;
金牌级 提供7*24小时网络监控服务。
• 7*24小时网络监控服务:指7×24小时实时对设备层和接入层进行监控,
第1Байду номын сангаас页/共39页

运维服务等级协议S L A Document number:WTT-LKK-GBB-08921-EIGG-22986XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 运维服务等级协议(SLA)XXXXXXXXXXXX科技有限公司二〇一二年十二月八日版本信息变更记录目录1.签约人在被下列签约双方共同签认的已修正协议取代之前,本协议将一直有效。
对本协议将每□年 / □季 / □月复查一次。
甲方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(以下简称“XX”)姓名____________ 职位_____________ 日期_____________乙方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(以下简称“XX”)姓名____________ 职位_____________ 日期_____________2.目标XXXX在运维期间内对“XX”的IT系统提供7*24不间断的可用服务。
正确设置用户端软件;软件维护范围:操作系统(WIN2000、Winxp、Win2003、Vista、Win7);解压缩软件(WINRAR、WINZIP);办公软件(Office2003、Office2007、Office2010);媒体播放软件(Realplay、mediaplay等);网页浏览器(IE、世界之窗、火狐、傲游、腾讯TT等);刻录软件(Nero等) ;即时通讯软件(QQ、MSN、新浪UC、Skype等);看图软件(ACDSee、 Picasa等);邮件系统客户端(Outlook、Foxmail等);PDF阅览(Adobe Reader、FoxitReade等);注意:“XX”各单位专业应用软件不再此维护范围内。

1. SLAa.定义服务级别协议,是 IT 服务提供⽅和客户之间就服务提供中关键的服务⽬标及双⽅的责任等有关细节问题⽽签订的协议。
b.构成⼀份典型的 SLA 通常应定义以下 4 ⽅⾯活动。
(1).衡量各项动态指标满⾜ SLA 的定义;(2).检査各项被衡量的指标,并进⾏问题诊断和根源分析;(3).采取适当的⾏动解决问题;(4).为满⾜ SLA ⽽持续维护及改进服务⾏为。
除了服务活动的定义外,定义淸晰、简明、⼀致性的数据点也是签定 SLA 双⽅避免风险,确保协议执⾏的必要条件。
(1).分类定义:在 ITIL 中成为服务⽬录。
(2).服务时间:需要遵循 SLA 的时间。
应清楚地描述 SLA 执⾏的⽇期和时间及特殊的时间约定。
(6).测量间隔 / 报告周期:判断 SLA ⾜否被满⾜的测量周期。
(8).沟通:规定在服务供应⽅打破 SLA 时,应在多长时间内通知何⼈。
这包括在打破 SLA 时的升级⾏为和管理。
除了上述技术性的描述外,作为条款性⽂件,SLA 还应包含例外情况、奖惩措施及计算⽅法。
下⽽我们以⼀个 SLA 样例说明 SLA 的构成。
c.案例我们以 A 作为服务接受⽅,B 作为服务提供⽅。
A 公司的关键业务为 XYZ 。

服务水平协议类似于其他协议,具有法律效力,双方 都有追究违反协议的对方的权利。
1)用户可以使自己享用的服务品质得到明确的承诺, 能够对服务商的性能价格比作出准确判断,从而更好 地为自己创造价值。 2)服务供应商也可以从SLA服务中获取利润,得到一 定的经济效益。
世纪互联数据中心有限公司依据SLA这一国际通行的客 户/服务评估标准,与用户签署了一份法律文件。文件 涵盖了网络连通、电力持续供应、紧急情况报告、初装 以及各环节的承诺,并保证网络连通率一年内不低于 99.9%,电源持续供电率一年内不低于99.99%,24小时技 术支持,机房24小时开放……,若达不到此承诺,世纪互联 数据中心有限公司将给予用户经济赔偿。世纪互联数据 中心有限公司SLA的推出,使您在得到有形产品的同时, 更享受到了超值的售后保障。新的服务品质协议的签署 不仅是世纪互联数据中心有限公司同竞争对手区分的一 个重要工具,更是为用户提供良好客户服务品质、技术 品质的充分保证。
有以下10种荒诞的说法。 1、SLA是无用的 2、SLA仅仅概述了提供的服务 3、商业目标不应该包括在SLA中 4、服务决定了价格 5、不能制定厂商标准的SLA 6、服务的性质没有尺度。 7、厂商会监控性能 8、SLA仅适用于签署它的厂商 9、在SLA中规定的内容,那是被承诺的 10、失败的SLA和合伙人的补救是不可能的
三、具体说明 例如,一个客户可能认为一个双方同意的服务水平将 衡量网络 A、网络 B 和网络 C,同时后两者连接到第 一个,而服务提供者却认为它只衡量网络 A。还有一 点很重要的是正常运行时间可用性百分比的小数位数: 例如,一年中的当机小时数和当机天数比,99.999% 的正常运行时间所允许的当机时间比 99.9% 的正常运 行时间所允许的当机时间还少。SLA 应该为客户包含 进一个退出条款;当因为不能圆满解决经常发生的可 用性、可靠性和安全性问题而使客户的业务运转频繁 中断时,客户希望他有终止协议的权利。

服务商SLA要求一、何为SLA?SLA是Service-Level Agreement的缩写,意思是服务等级协议。
一般来说,SLA 是服务提供者与用户之间协商并签订的一个具有法律约束力的合同,合同规定了在服务提供过程中双方所承担的商务条款。
3.服务商的企业管理云服务产品进行销售前,应向运营商提交服务商SLA 范本。

专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER20XXP ERSONAL甲方:XXX乙方:XXX2024年物流服务合同 with 服务级别协议(SLA)本合同目录一览1. 定义与术语1.1 合同双方1.2 服务提供商1.3 客户1.4 服务级别协议(SLA)1.5 物流服务1.6 服务水平目标(SLO)1.7 可用性1.8 性能指标1.9 服务水平指标(SLI)1.10 事件1.11 服务请求1.12 系统1.13 响应时间1.14 服务台2. 服务范围与义务2.1 服务范围2.2 服务义务2.3 服务时间表2.4 服务变更3. 服务级别协议(SLA)条款3.1 SLA目标3.2 服务可用性3.3 性能指标承诺3.4 服务水平指标(SLI)3.5 事件管理3.6 服务请求处理3.7 系统维护3.8 响应时间承诺3.9 服务台支持4. 客户义务4.1 支付义务4.2 信息提供4.3 协助服务提供商4.4 客户责任5. 费用与支付5.1 服务费用5.2 价格条款5.3 支付方式5.4 税金5.5 费用调整6. 合同期限6.1 开始日期6.2 结束日期6.3 自动续约条款7. 违约与赔偿7.1 违约行为7.2 赔偿责任7.3 限制赔偿额8. 争议解决8.1 协商解决8.2 调解8.3 仲裁8.4 法律适用9. 法律效力9.1 合同效力9.2 法律解释9.3 合同修改9.4 通知条款10. 保密条款10.1 保密义务10.2 例外情况10.3 期限11. 服务提供商的权利与义务11.1 服务提供商的权益11.2 服务提供商的责任12. 客户的权利与义务12.1 客户的权益12.2 客户的责任13. 服务中断与恢复13.1 服务中断13.2 服务恢复14. 合同终止与解除14.1 合同终止情况14.2 解除合同的条件14.3 终止后的权利与义务15. 其他条款15.1 独立条款15.2 继受条款15.3 第三方受益人15.4 合同附件第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与术语1.1 合同双方本合同双方分别为:甲方:(客户名称)乙方:(服务提供商名称)1.2 服务提供商乙方是指与甲方签订本合同的服务提供商,负责向甲方提供物流服务。

版本信息审批信息Table of Contents1. Agreement Overview ............................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2. Goals & Objectives (3)3. Stakeholders (3)4. Periodic Review (4)5. Service Agreement (4)5.1. Service Scope (4)5.2. Service Components (5)5.3. Customer Requirements (5)5.4. Service Provider Requirements (6)5.5. Service Assumptions (6)6. Service Management (6)6.1. Service Availability (6)6.2. Service Measurement (7)6.3. Service Reporting (7)6.4. Service Maintenance (8)6.5. Service Requests (8)6.6. Service Exceptions (9)Appendix A: Associated Policies, Processes and Procedures (10)A.1 Change Management (10)A.2 Release Management (10)A.3 Incident Management (10)A.4 Problem Management (10)A.5 Configuration Management (11)Appendix B: Definitions (11)Appendix C: Amendments (11)C.1 Amendment 1: License Fees (11)1.协议概述这份协议是服务提供者(IT服务台)和客户(灾备部)之间达成的用于支持和维护用户(灾备部)所要求的流程督办这项服务的一份运营级别协议(OLA)。
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SLA、OLA协议及管 理流程培训教材
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