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Shanghai Baosight Software Co.,Ltd.
文档控制 修改历史:
日期 作者或修改人 版本号 版本描述(修改记录) 2009-8-12 毛瑜明 V1.0
姓名 部门
目 录
1. Weblogic 的安装 ............................................................................................. 4 1.1. 安装前的准备 . (4)
1.1.1. 软件环境 ..................................................................................... 4 1.2. 安装weblogic9.2.1.0 ............................................................................ 4 1.3. 创建域(domain ) ............................................................................... 6 1.4. 部署应用 (10)
1.4.1. 启动和关闭weblogic ................................................................ 10 1.4.2. 创建server ............................................................................... 10 1.4.3. 部署应用 .. (13)
1. Weblogic 的安装
1.1. 安装前的准备
✧ 首先请确认您要安装的WebLogic 版本所在的平台已通过了BEA 的认证 ✧ 确定一个安装目录,建议该目录下至少有1个G 的空间,可以使用du 来察看磁
1.1.1. 软件环境 ✧ 操作系统:
SunOS 5.10 Generic_118833-17
1.2. 安装weblogic9.2.1.0
可以通过GUI 图形界面来进行安装,或者通过文本交互的方式来安装。 赋予可执行权限:chmod a+x server921_generic.jar
执行java -jar server921_generic.jar 进入控制台安装的欢迎界面
Java Accessibility Bridge for GNOME loaded. Unable to instantiate GUI, defaulting to console mode.
Extracting 0%.....................................................................................................100% <-------------------------------------------------- BEA Installer - BEA Products ------------------------------------------------->
Welcome: --------
This installer will guide you through the installation of BEA Products. Type "Next" or enter to proceed to the next prompt. If you want to change data entered previously, type "Previous". You may quit the installer at any time by typing "Exit".
Enter [Exit][Next]> Next
1、 BEA Systems License Agreement: ( 此时出现授权许可协议,读完后键入[1]继续)
Use above value or select another option: 1 - Yes, I agree with the terms of the license
2 - No, I do not agree with the terms of the license
Enter option number to select OR [Down][Exit][Previous]> 1 2、Choose BEA Home Directory: (选择BEA 主目录) ->1|* Create a new BEA Home 2|/opt/bea 3|/shopadm/bea 输入 /opt/bea
3、Choose Components to install:(选择需要安装的产品和组件,X 表示已经选中) Release
|_____WebLogic Server [Installed] x | |_____Server [Installed] x
| |_____Server Examples [Installed] x | |_____Web Server Plug-Ins [1.3]
|_____Workshop for WebLogic Platform [Installed] x |_____Workshop [Installed] x
|_____Workshop Examples [Installed] x ** At least one component must be selected 选中之后,键入Next 继续
4、Choose Install Type: (选择安装类型,完全安装或者自定义安装)
Select the type of installation you wish to perform. 1|Complete
| Install the following software components and examples: | - WebLogic Server
| - Workshop for WebLogic Platform ->2|Custom
| Choose software components to install and perform optional configuration. Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]>1 5、Installing files
0% 25% 50% 75% 100% [------------|------------|------------|-----------]