
CanadaThe capital:Ottawapopulation: 29 millionOfficial languages:English and FrenchOther languages:German, Italian, Chinese, SpanishDescribeCanada is larger than China. It is the second largest countryin the world. It has a population of29million. The distance from west to east is more than5500kilometers and it covers6of the world’s 24time areas. The first English settlers reached Canada in 1497while the first French travelers arrived in1543 English and French are the2official languages. Canada has a great deal of coal, oil, natural gas and one-third of theworld’s supply of fresh water.RegionCanada is in Northern North AmericaNeighborsThe Atlantic Ocean borders Canada on the east,while the United States lies to the South. The Pacific Ocean is to the west.AreaCanada is the world’s second largest country after RussiaThe distance from east to west is over 5,500 kilometersThe total area is more than 9,970,000 sq. km.LocationCanada is a country in North America, on the east by the Atlantic Ocean , on the north by the Arctic Ocean , on the west by Alaska and the Pacific Ocean and on the south by the United States . In area , Canada is the largest country in western Hemisphere and second largest in the world . It takes up most of the northern part of the North American continent and covers about 6.6 percent of the total land of the earth . Although large in area , Canada has a small population . It has fewer people than any major European country.Toronto (多伦多), the biggest city in CanadaWeatherCanada’s weather is different from area to area, and it ranges from the extreme cold of the Arctic regions to the moderate temperatures of the southwater resourcesCanada has one third of the world’s supply of freshwater.It has more lakes a nd inland waters than any other country in the world. In addition to the Great Lakes on the U.S-Canadian border,Canada has 31 lakes . Ocean waters, lakes, and rivers support a large commercial fishing industry. forestsForests cover 26 percent of the land,only 5 percentis farmed.Forest products provide a significant part of Canadian exports. Canada leads the world in news- print production. It is the world’s biggest producer of the kind of paper, which is used for newspapersChildren and youthCanadian children are much healthier than earlier generations and most are reaching their teensin good or excellent health. Moreover, fewer infants are dying from illnesses, fewer children are growing up in low-income families, and more teens are finishing high school and pursuing postsecondary education. After graduation, job prospects are good.In older age groups, women outnumber men; however, there are slightly more young males than young females. In 2006, 51% of Canadians under the age of 25 were male, and 49% were female. Health statusThe health status of children and adolescents has improved in recent decades: infant mortality rates have decreased and several infectious diseases, such as diphtheria, acute poliomyelitis and scarlet fever, which used to kill many children, have been nearly eradicated. The majority of newborns have a healthy birth weight, above 2,500 grams.Despite medical progress, 2,515 children aged 14 and younger died in Canada in 2004. More than 70% of these children died before age 1, primarily because of a condition or disease that occurred before or during birth. Injuries and accidents remain the leading cause of death among children aged 1 to 14. Despite its rare incidence, cancer is the most common potentially fatal illness and the second leading cause of death in this age group.Work and playJust over half of preschool children attend some type of child care service. By age 4 or 5, most are enrolled in school, where they remain until at least age 16 or 17.The number of young people pursuing postsecondary education has climbed, particularly university enrolment among those aged 18 to 24. From 1995/1996 to 2003/2004, the university student population in this age group grew 27%, reaching 990,400 students.Canadian economyFirst of all, Canadian economy is influenced by Canada’s physical geography, which is rich in natural resourcesThe second influence is the neighbouring the United States, which has a much more powerful economy and a larger market.The third influence is federal government’s intervention in the economyIndustries1. natural resources (primary industries), including agriculture, fishing, forestry, and mining2. manufacturing (secondary industries), including construction, transport and communications3. service (tertiary) industries, including trade, finance, services and public administration Canadian LiteratureI. the central symbol of Canadian literature—Margaret AtwoodII. Native Canadian mythology (神话) and early colonial literature--Susanna Moodie’sIII. the literature of nation-building--William KirbyIV. literature of the 20th century before 1945--The “Montreal Group” of poets--Lucy Maud MontgomeryV. Canadian literature after WWII ended --Margaret Laurence--Mackenzie KingCanada’s International RelationsI. Canada’s role in international affairs (as a “middle power”)II. political geography and Canada’s “role” in international organizationsIII. Canada’s development into a full-fledged (成熟的) and sovereign (独立自主的) stateIV. “involuntary military guarantee” (非志愿的军事保障):V. Canadian-US relationsAUSTRALIAAustralia is the smallest continent & it is also known as the continent of kangaroos. The Australian continent is the smallest and lowest-lying human-inhabited continent on Earth, having a total land area of some 85,60,000 square kilometers. Australia and adjacent islands are connected by a shallow continental shelf covering some 2,500,000 square kilometers including the Saul Shelf and Bass Strait and half of which is less than 50 meters deep.As Australia the country is mostly on a single landmass, and comprises most of Australia the continent, it is sometimes informally referred to as an "island" continent, surrounded by oceans. GEOGRAPHYIn Australia there are 6 states: Western Australia, Nothern Territory, , South Australia, Queensland, Victoria, New South Wales.PHYSIOGRAPHYThe western part of the continent is plateau region.It is an extensive area & it includes different plateaus, deserts and mountain ranges.The Great Sandy, Gibson and Great Victoria deserts occupy large part of this region. It also includes many dry lakes.PHYSIOGRAPHYTo the east of the plains, is the Great Dividing Range. It runs in the north-south direction. This range includes Australian alps and New England Hills. Mount Kosciusko (2228m) in this region is the highest peak in Australia. The rain falling to the ground in this area gets divided to the east and the west due to the mountain range which is therefore called the Great Dividing Range. CLIMATEOn the whole, the climate of the continent can be described as hot and dry.The north receives rains from the monsoon winds, whereas the south receives rain from the westerlies. As a result, we find three types of climate in Australia.1,Monsoon climate in the north,2,Arid climate in the central part,3,Mediterranean climate in the south-west and south-east region.NATURAL RESOURCESIRON OREMANGANESETUNGSTENGOLDPRECIOUS STONESForest rescorcesThe north & eastern coastal regions get heavy rains and therefore we find rain forests in these Areas.Australia has number of species of eucalyptus & the Australian variety of acacia trees in large numbers the central region gets low rainfall, it is dominated by thorny shrubs, grasses & cactus. ANIMALSIn Australia it is hot and dry. Various interesting animals live there: a kangaroo, a koala, an emu, a platypus, a crocodile.Kangaroo:In Australia you will find kangaroos hopping around in the wild. There are red andgrey kangaroos. Kangaroos are very friendly although you have to watch as they have a powerful kick! Baby kangaroos are called joeys and sleep in their mother’s pouch.SYDNEYSydney is the oldest and the biggest city in Australia (but it isn’t the capital city). It is situated near the wonderful Blue mountains.The Olympic Games took place in Sydney in 2000. CanberraCanberra is the capital of Australia. In Canberra there live 323100 people. Canberra was built in the years 1913- 27. It’s situated near the Molonglo river. Canberra is a very important city for studying. Canberra is a very interesting place, so lots of tourists come to visit it.Famous peopleNicole Kidman,Russell Crowe,Kylie Minogue。

澳洲人口2000万,国土面积770万平方公里,2008年人均收入41,650 ,世界排名13;加拿大人口3000万,国土面积997.61万平方公里,2008年人均收入42,030 ,排名世界12。
加拿大有全世界最大的支线飞机企业,还有通讯巨头北方电信,游戏业老大EA(电子艺界)在加拿大有个中心,我们熟悉的NBA Live 就是EA Canada制作的(Game Development 成为近年加拿大热门本科专业之一)加拿大不好的地方就是太冷,和太远,所谓温暖的地方就是“夏季平均气温可达20度”,回国一趟要坐十几个小时飞机,相对澳洲的南半球气候,和七八小时的飞机,落差不是一般的大.评价:加拿大略胜国际政治上看两国都是英联邦成员国,加拿大是七国集团的成员,虽然排最后,不过也很值得骄傲。

Vancouver: British Columbia’s largest city and the third largest city in Canada, an important ice-free harbor on the Pacific coast of Canada, the largest cargo port on the Pacific
Mineral Resources: A primary producer of nickel(镍), zinc(锌) and asbestoses(石棉)
The Canadian Shield — where major mineral deposits are
found Quebec has the western Hemisphere’s largest deposits of asbestoses Also abundant in coal; the world’s largest exporter of fish Ranking third in the production of lumber and other forest products Furs are another valuable resource.
Main Lakes: Huron, Great Bear, Superior, Great slave, Winnipeg, Erie and Ontario, among which Great Bear Lake is the largest one situated entirely in Canada and Great Slave Lake is the deepest one.

Canada is in North America, east of the Atlantic, West by the Pacific Ocean, the northwest neighborhood Alaska USA California, and northeast of Greenland ( Dan ) the distance across the Strait of Davies, South American native, the Arctic Ocean north of the Arctic circle. More than 24km long coastline of about. Slightly lower temperatures in eastern, southern moderate climate, the climate is mild and humid, frigid northern tundra climate. The Canadian border8892 kilometers, is the world's longest undefended border line, is also the world's longest state of Shanghai coastline. Canada as the world's second largest country after Russia, land area, but only 35000000residents living here, very low population density. Canada is a modern industrial technology level and the energy and resources of the developed country, economic system mainly depends on natural resources.国树枫树。

澳大利亚资料 (2)

1. 地理位置:澳大利亚位于南太平洋、印度洋和南极洲之间,东经113°09′到153°39′,南纬10°41′到39°11′。
2. 首都:澳大利亚的首都是堪培拉(Canberra)。
3. 人口:截至2021年,澳大利亚的人口约为2,537万人。
4. 气候:澳大利亚地域广阔,气候多样。
5. 政治:澳大利亚是一个联邦制共和国,政府形式为议会制。
6. 经济:澳大利亚是一个高度发达的国家,其经济主要依
7. 文化:澳大利亚是一个多文化国家,它融合了来自不同
8. 旅游景点:澳大利亚拥有许多令人印象深刻的自然景观

Survey Of English-Speaking Countries第七章加拿大和澳大利亚基本概况Chapter VII An overview Canada and Australia7.1 加拿大国土、人民、历史、政治、经济和社会习俗概况7.1 Overview of Canadian territory, people, history, politics, economy and social customs7.1.1 TerritoryCanada is a country located in the north of North America, bordering the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the Pacific Ocean in the west, Alaska in the northwest, the United States in the South and the Arctic Ocean in the north. It’s area ranks second in the world. Most of the climate is sub polar continental climate(副极地大陆性气候) and temperate continental humid climate(温带大陆性湿润气候), while the northern polar region is polar long cold climate(极地长寒气候). As of November 2019, Canada has 10 provinces and 3 regions, with Ottawa as its capital.The eastern part of Canada is the low Labrador plateau (拉布拉多高原), and the southeastern part is Lake Superior, Lake Huron, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, which are among the Great Lakes. It is connected with Lake Michigan in the United States to form the St. Lawrence River. It is sandwiched between the St. Lawrence mountains and the Appalachian Mountains to form a valley with flat terrain and many basins. Between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario is the spectacular Niagara Falls.In the west is the Rocky Mountains of the Cordillera mountains. The highest mountain is Mount Logan. In the Arctic Archipelago, there are many hills and low mountains, which are covered by ice and snow due to the influence of polar climate. The central part is the great plain and low plateau, covering about half of the territory. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, the capital of Ontario, is the financial center in Canada and economic and cultural center of the English-speaking region in Canada.7.1.2 PeopleThe population of Canada are mainly of European descent, such as British and French, and indigenous people account for about 3%. The rest are of Asian, Latin American and African descent.English and French are both official languages. Among the residents, 45% believed in Catholics and 36% believed in Christianity.7.1.3 HistoryCanada used to be the residence of Indians and Inuit.In the 16th century, the French dreamed of discovering and ruling more territories, expanding their trade, and making countries around the world believe in their beliefs.In 1535, Francois I, the then King of France, ordered Jacques Kartier, the navigator, to explore the "New World" in order to find a way to India. Kartier came to Quebec, which the local Indians called "Stadakona". Two Indian youths told Jacques Kartier the route to "Kanata." they referred to Canada at that time, and the name was used until the early 17th century.The word "Canada" comes from the Indian word "Canada", which means "community" or "village". Since the 16th century, Canada has become a French and British colony. From 1756 to 1763, Britain and France broke out a "The Seven Years War" in Canada, and France was defeated. The Paris Peace Treaty1763made Canada a British colony. Canada was reunified in 1841 and became the province of Canada.In 1926, Britain recognized Canada's "equal status", and Canada gained diplomatic independence.In 1931, Canada became a member of the British Commonwealth, and its parliament also gained equal legislative power with theBritish Parliament, but it still had no right to amend the constitution.In 1982, the queen of England signed the Canadian Constitution Act, which gave the Canadian Parliament full power to establish and amend the constitution. In March 1982, the British House of Lords and the house of Commons passed the Canadian Constitution 1982. In April, the Act came into force with the approval of the queen. Since then, Canada has gained all the power to legislate and amend the constitution.In 1982, Canada renamed the dominion day (自治领日) on July 1 as Canada Day, and Canada became independent from Britain in fact. When the Federation was founded, the new country was named Canada.7.1.4 Politics(1) RegimeCanada is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy. The king of England is the head of state of Canada. The Governor (总督) is the representative of the king of England in Canada. The Prime Minister is the head of government. Since the establishment of the Canadian Federation in 1867, the Liberal Party and the Progressive Conservative Party have been in power in turn.(2) ParliamentThe Canadian Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. Bills passed by the Senate and the House of Representatives become laws after they are signed by the Governor. The Governor has the power to call and dissolve parliament.(3) GovernmentThe Canadian government implements the Cabinet System, in which the leader of the political party who holds the majority in the House of Representatives is the Prime Minister and forms a Cabinet.(4) Parties(a) Liberal Party: the ruling party. Founded in 1873. It represents the interests of industrial monopoly capital groups and gives consideration to the interests of small and medium-sized enterprises.(2) Conservative Party: formal opposition party, plus right-wing party. Formed by the coalition party and Progressive Conservative Party in December 2003, it represents the interests of bank insurance industry, railway transportation industry, monopoly capital of energy industry and big farmers.(3) New Democratic Party: opposition party. In 1961, it was formed by the Alliance for civilian cooperation and the Canadian Labor Conference.(4) Bloc Quebecois: opposition party. Established in 1990. Representing the interests of Quebec people and advocating Quebec independence.Other political parties include the green party.(5) LawsConstitutionCanada does not have a complete constitution, which is mainly composed of Constitutional Acts passed in different historical periods, including the British North America Act passed by the British Parliament in 1867.JudicialCanada has three levels of courts: federal, provincial and local.7.1.5 EconomicsCanada is one of the seven largest industrial countries in the West.The manufacturing industry, high-tech industry and service industry are developed, and the resource industry, primary manufacturing industry and agriculture are the main pillars of the national economy.ResourcesIt has a vast territory and rich forest and mineral resources with more than 60 kinds of minerals, mainly including potassium, uranium, tungsten, cadmium, nickel, lead, etc. Crude oil reserves are second only to Venezuela (委内瑞拉) and Saudi Arabia (沙特), ranking third in the world, 97% of which are in the form of oil sands. Agriculture and animal husbandryCanada is the largest exporter of fishery products in the world, with 75% of its fishery products exported.TourismThe main tourist cities are Vancouver, Ottawa, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec City, etc.FinanceThe main banks are: (1) Royal Bank of Canada, the largest private bank established in 1864. (2) Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce: formed by the merger of Canadian Commercial Bank (founded in 1867) and Canadian Imperial Bank (founded in 1875) in 1961. (3) Bank of Montreal: founded in 1817.festival7.1.6 Festivals(1) Canada DayCanada Day (National Day) is July 1 every year, originally known as "Dominion Day" (自治领日).(2) St. Patrick's Day is March 17 every year.(3) Tulip Festival is held on May 9 every year.(4) Queen Victoria's Day (the Queen's birthday) every Monday before May 25.(5) Thanksgiving Day is the second Monday in October every year.(6) Canadian Remembrance Day is on November 11 every year(7) Banff Summer Arts Festival (班夫艺术节)Opera, symphony, ballet and drama performances are held every year in Banff Art Center, which is one of the biggest art activities in North America.7.2 澳大利亚国土、人民、历史、政治、经济和社会习俗概况7.2 Overview of Australian territory, people, history, politics, economy and social customs7.2.1 TerritoryAustralia (Commonwealth of Australia), located between the South Pacific and the Indian Ocean, is composed of islands and overseas territories such as the Australian mainland and Tasmania. It is close to the Coral Sea (珊瑚海) and Tasman Sea (塔斯曼海) in the Pacific Ocean in the East, and faces the Indian Ocean and its marginal sea in the west, north and south. It is the only country in the world that monopolizes a continent.The terrain of Australia is very distinctive. Eastern Mountain, central plain, western plateau. The highest peak, Mount Kosciuszko, is 2228 meters above sea level. Near the sea, it is a narrow beach with gentle slope, gently inclined to the West and gradually becoming a plain. There are great barrier reefs along the northeast coast.About 70% of Australia's territory belongs to arid or semi-arid (干旱或半干旱) areas, most of the central region is not suitable for human habitation. Australia is the flattest and driest continent in the world. Lake Eyre in the middle is the lowest point in Australia, with the lake level 16 meters below sea level.Australia has two climatic zones. The northern part is tropical. Southern Australia is temperate. The central and western parts are deserted deserts with drought and littlerain, high temperature and large temperature difference; in coastal areas, there is abundant rainfall and humid climate.7.1.2 PeopleAustralia used to be an Australian Aboriginal settlement. The earliest inhabitants of Australia were aborigines. In the 17th century, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch colonists arrived here. In 1788, he became a British colony. In 1901, he formed the Commonwealth of Australia and became a British autonomous territory. In 1931, it became an independent country in the British Commonwealth.Australia is a typical immigrant country, which is described by sociologists as a "national puzzle" (民族的拼盘). Since the day when British immigrants embarked on this beautiful land. Most Australians had ancestors of 19th and 20th century British immigrants, and many from other countries.7.1.3 HistoryThe word Australia, originally meaning "the continent of the South", is derived from the Latin terraaustralis. When Europeans discovered this continent in the 17th century, they mistook it for a piece of land leading to the south pole, so they named it"Australia". In 1606, the ships of Spanish navigator Luis Vaezde Torres sailed through the strait between Australia and New Guinea; in the same year, the Duyfken of Dutch William Jens set foot in Australia, which was the first recorded real landing of foreigners in Australia, and named it "New Holland".In 1770, the British navigator Captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia, named it "New South Wales" and declared that the land belonged to Britain.In July, 1900, the British Parliament passed the Commonwealth Constitution of Australia (澳大利亚联邦宪法) and the British Dominion Ordinance (不列颠自治领条例). On January 1, 1901, the colonies of Australia were changed into states, and the six colonies were unified into a federation, forming the Federation of Australia. At the same time, the first constitution was passed. In 1931, the British Parliament passed the Statute of Westminster, which made Australia an independent country in the Commonwealth. In 1986, the British Parliament gave Australia full legislative and judicial power of final adjudication.7.1.4 PoliticsRegimeThe nominal head of state of Australia is the king of England, and the Governor of Australia is appointed as its representative. In fact, the Governor of Australia does not interfere in the operation of the government. The Australian government is a federal system, with six states and two territories (Northern Territory and Capital Territory). Each state has a governor who is responsible for state affairs. The Australian government consists of a majority party or a coalition of parties in the House of Representatives, with a term of three years. T he Cabinet is the highest decision-making organ of the government, with 30 ministers. The highest executive leader of the country is the Prime Minister.Australia is a federal constitutional monarchy. The head of state is the monarch of Australia. The Governor of Australia is the representative of the Australian monarch when he is not in Australia. He exercises his functions and powers on behalf of the monarch under the Australian Constitution. According to the modern Australian Constitutional Convention, the monarch does not ask about Australian politics except when appointing or replacing the Governor.ParliamentThe Federal Parliament is the highest legislative body in Australia, also known asParliament. It was established in 1901 and is composed of the queen (represented by the Governor of Australia), the House of Representatives and the Senate. There are 150 members of the House of Representatives elected in proportion to the population for a three-year term. The Senate has 76 Members, 12 in each of the six states and two in each of the two regions. The term of office of state senators is six years, half of them are reelected every three years, and the term of office of district senators is three years.GovernmentThe federal government consists of a majority party or a coalition of political parties in the House of Representatives. The leader of the party is the Prime Minister, and the ministers are appointed by the Prime Minister.JudicialThe High Court of Australia is the highest judicial body in Australia. It has appellate jurisdiction over other courts at all levels and makes decisions on cases involving constitutional interpretation. It is composed of one chief justice and six justices.PartiesThe main political parties in Australia are:(1) Australian Liberal Party: It mainly represents the interests of industrial and commercial owners and has been in power for many times.(2) Australian National Party: formerly known as the Rural Party, later known as the National Rural Party, changed its current name in 1982. Its sphere of influence is mainly in rural areas, representing the interests of farmers.(3) Australian Labor Party: it is the largest political party in Australia. It has a close relationship with the trade union and its members are mostly collective members.7.1.5 EconomicsAustralia is a highly developed capitalist country. Australia is well-developed in agriculture and animal husbandry and rich in natural resources.It is known as "a country riding on the back of sheep", "a country sitting on a harvester" and "a country holding ears of wheat". (“骑在羊背上的国家”,“坐在矿车上的国家”和“手持麦穗的国家”)7.1.6 CustomsAlthough Australia is often portrayed as a country dominated by rural areas, infact, it is still dominated by urban culture and metropolitan lifestyle, including the delicious food available from all over the world.补:英语国家概况背诵版06-英美教育及大众传媒Survey Of English-Speaking Countries第五章英国和美国的教育概况Chapter V An overview of education of the UK and the USA5.1 英国教育体系5.1 Education system of the UKEducation system of the UK can be divided into three stages: compulsory education, further education and higher education.5.1.1 Compulsory EducationCompulsory Education includes 3 detailed stages: The first stage(Kindergarten education from 5 to 7 years old); The second stage (Primary education at the age of 7-11); The third stage (Secondary education at the age of 11-16). British students start to receive compulsory education at the age of 5 and enjoy free national welfare.General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE普通中学证书) refers to the diploma obtained after finishing the last two years (Form 3\4,中3、中4)of secondary education. The compulsory education period is from 5 to 16 years old. School age children must go to school, and the state is responsible for the necessary tuition, books and supplies.Scoring method: Grade A * - a good result of exceptional quality; Grade B, Grade C; Grade D - average grades-a good base from which to grow; Grade E - The lower, but still useful, grades of achievement; Grade G - Ungraded, no score5.1.2 Transitional periodThe fourth stage (16-18 years old) is a senior class in middle school or a preparatory class in University. It is a transitional period from middle school to university, also known as the stage of continuing education. It is mainly for academic and professional learning.Students who have completed the preparatory course mainly take the general certificate of Education (general certificate of education,advanced level,Abbreviation: GCE-A level), while students in vocational and technical schools should take the general national vocational qualification(GNVQ: General National V ocationalQualification) in addition to GCE-A level.5.1.3 Further Education (延续教育)It is the "tertiary" education (第三级教育) after primary and secondary education. To lay a foundation for higher education or employment. It is divided into two systems: academic route and vocational route. The academic line focuses on the cultivation of talents in academic research, while the career line combines the professional needs of all levels of society to cultivate talents with special skills and knowledge in various industries. The two systems are equally valued in the UK. (和中国的高中和中职分类相似)5.1.4 Academic routeA-LevelThe full name of A-level is "General Certificate of Education Advanced Level" (普通教育高级证书), which is an important stage of the academic route. It has more than 100 subjects in total. The length of schooling is generally two years, and the major is very detailed. We tend to regard A-level as a basic course in universities, which is equivalent to the first two years of undergraduate courses in Chinese universities. A-level course selection is very important for students, generally according to two principles (professional goal principle, good at principle) to choose courses.5.1.5 Career path (职业路线)British vocational education is rich and colorful. If your hands-on ability is very strong, or in some areas have special expertise (such as art, computer operation, etc.), you can choose to take the road of vocational education. There is a certain correspondence between vocational education and academic route in Britain.General National V ocational Qualification (GNVQ普通国家职业资格) is a wide range of vocational education courses, which is parallel to GCSE and A-level in the academic route, but not inferior to this kind of courses in academic depth and difficulty. Students choose their favorite career in the process of learning and working at the same time.5.1.6 University education.The fifth stage, generally, from the age of 18, takes 3-4 years to study as an undergraduate (5 years for Medical Science) and obtain a bachelor's degree. There are many kinds of bachelor's degrees in the UK. The following are common types:Bachelor of Art (BA); Bachelor of Science (BSC); Bachelor of Engineering (BEng); Bachelor of Law (LLB). The master's degree is usually 1-2 years, and the doctor's degree is 3-5 years.Higher National Diploma (HND高级文凭) is also a very useful diploma. It is the highest stage in the vocational education system, and the length of schooling is generally two years. In theory, HND is equivalent to China's college diploma, but in fact, its level is higher than that of college diploma.Exercise: Which statement about the British universities is NOT true?A. They enjoy academic freedom.B. They cannot appoint their own staff.C. They are governed by royal charters.D. They provide their own courses and award their own degrees.【答案】B【解析】本题考查的是英国大学的一般概况,按照教材阐述,英国的大学享有高度的学术自由;自行聘任教员和自行设置课程,所以答案应该选择B。

• 雪屋,是生活在北极地区爱斯基摩人的独 特建筑。雪屋是用各种规格的雪砖垒砌而 成的。雪屋里一般储藏有相当数量的日常 食物,比如面粉、茶叶、麋鹿肉、海兽肉 之类。在雪屋最深处,有一块用雪筑成的 高台,这就是因纽特人的卧榻了。他们休 息、吃饭都在这个用雪做的床台上,却谁 也不会被冻坏。
• 加拿大的国土面积997万平方公里,3.2人/ 平方公里(2009年,中国138人/平方公 里),是一个地广人稀的国家,国民享有 高水平的居住及教育环境,政府对民众照 顾周全,制度之健全堪称世界之冠。 • 加社会保险体系涵盖广泛,包括失业保险 和失业救济、医疗保险、养老金、家庭津 贴和残疾津贴等多项内容,由联邦、省和 市3级政府分类负担和管理。
• 加拿大居民绝大部分信仰天主教和基督教; • 英语和法语同为官方语言; • 加拿大是英联邦成员国,首都渥太华,地 处安大略省。 • 货币单位是加拿大元。
• 加拿大的地形大致西高 东低,西北为科迪勒拉 山系组成的高大山地, 中部为北美大平原的一 部分,东部拉布拉多高 原。加拿大属于北欧形 态的大陆型气候,冬季 长(12月-3月),气候 寒冷,夏季短(7-8月) 雨量集中在春季(4-6月)
• (2)森林工业 • 森林工源自产值目前仅次于美、俄,居世界 第三位。 • 加拿大新闻纸的产量占世界产量的40%, 居世界首位,并大量输往美国。 • 蒙特利尔是最大的造纸工业中心。
• (3)冶金工业:加拿大煤、铁资源丰富, 为钢铁工业的发展提供了优越条件,主要 分布在安大略湖沿岸城市,哈密尔顿为最 大的钢铁中心。 • 有色金属冶炼也很重要,是铝、锌、铜的 重要出口国。
• 毛利人:新西兰的少数民族。属蒙古人种 和澳大利亚人种的混合类型。 • 新西兰的毛利人是世界著名的吃人族。当 然现在已经有200多年不再吃人了,可是现 代的毛利人仍然为他们的祖先的悍勇感到 非常自豪。如果你访问新西兰的北岛,你 的旅行团通常会安排你们看 • 一场毛利人的歌舞表演;其 • 中最精彩的一段就是吃人之 • 前的仪式。

● 加拿大独立(Canadian Nation):
1926年,英国承认加拿大“平等地位”,加拿大获得外 交独立权。
1931年,英国正式颁布威斯敏斯特条例(Statute of
蒙 特 利 尔
白 求 恩 广 场
温哥华位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(British Columbia)南端,是一座美丽的城市。她三面环山, 一面傍海,虽处于和中国黑龙江省相近的高纬度,但 南面受太平洋季风和暖流影响,东北部有纵贯北美大 陆的落基山脉作屏障,终年气候温和、湿润,环境宜 人,多次被评选为全球最宜居城市,是加拿大著名的 旅游胜地。
University of Toronto
多伦多大学 多伦多大学
皇后大学 皇后大学 Queens University
Mcgill University
西蒙菲沙大学渥太华大学 Simon Fraser Universit西蒙菲沙大学渥太华大学 wa
角的红色枫树叶。枫树是加拿大的国树,也是加拿大民族的象征, 代表了加拿大人对枫叶的喜爱。
《Oh Canada》
渥太华 渥太华
中央政府所在地: 最大行政区:

1.英国(United Kingdom):英国是英语的发源地,也是世界上第一个大规模使用英语的国家。
2.美国(United States):美国是世界上最大的英语国家,也是全球最强大的经济实体之一。
5.新西兰(New Zealand):新西兰是一个位于南太平洋的国家,也
7.南非(South Africa):南非是非洲最发达的国家之一,也是一
Canada and Australia

1.3 Major Cities—Toronto
located on the northwestern shore of Lake Ontario the largest city in Canada the provincial capital of Ontario Canada’s financial capital the fifth most populous municipality in North America ranked 14th in the world with over 4 million tourist arrivals a year a humid continental climate one of the safest major cities in North America with a low crime rate
On February 15, 1965 Canada adopted the red and white flag with one maple leaf as it's official flag.
in the middle --11-point red maple leaf against the white background, which stands for the white snow that covers the vast territory of Canada for over 100 days all the year Two equal vertical red squares on both sides—that stand for The Pacific and the Atlantic respectively. Atlantic—to the east Pacific—to the west Red maple leaf—symbol of Canada and Canadians A country of maple trees
加拿大 澳大利亚 新西兰英语简介

Canada is the second largest country in the world .Occupying most of northern North America, it extends from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean. Canada shares land borders with the United States to the south and northwest. There are only 35 million residents living in Canada, the population density is very low. Canada is a modern industrial technology level and with energy and resources plenty of developed countries.The lands have been inhabited for millennia by aboriginal peoples. Beginning in the late 15th century, British and French expeditions explored and later settled the Atlantic coast. France ceded nearly all of its colonies in North America in 1763 after the Seven Years War. In 1867, Canada was formed through an act of union of three British North American colonies. In 1931 it became member of the Commonwealth. A gradual process of independence from the United Kingdom culminated in the Canada Act 1982, severing the last vestiges of dependence on the British parliament澳大利亚The Commonwealth of Australia is a country in the southern hemisphere comprising the mainland of the world's smallest continent. It is the east Pacific Ocean, West Indian Ocean. Neighboring countries include Indonesia, East Timor, and Papua New Guinea to the north, the Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, and New Caledonia to the north-east and New Zealand to the south-east.The major island with an area of 7.69 million square kilometers is the Earth’s largest island.Australia is the 6th largest nation after Russia, Canada, China, the United States and Brazil.The Australian mainland has been inhabited for more than 42,000 years by Indigenous Australians. After sporadic visits by fishermen from the north and by European explorers and merchants starting in the 17th century, the eastern half of Australia was claimed by the British in 1770 and initially settled through penal transportation as part of the colony of New South Wales on 26 January 1788. As the population grew and new areas were explored, another five largely self-governing Crown Colonies were established during the 19th century.On 1 January 1901, the six colonies became a federation, and the Commonwealth of Australia was formed. Since Federation, Australia has maintained a stable liberal democratic political system and remains a Commonwealth realm(王国).New Zealand is a country in the south-western Pacific Ocean comprising of two large islands,the North Island and the South Island,and numerous smaller islands, most notably Stewart Island and the Chatham Islands. New Zealand is notable for its geographic isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea, approximately 2000 kilometers across. Its closest neighbors to the north are New Caledonia, Fiji, and Tonga. Polynesians settled New Zealand in 1250–1300 AD and Europeans first made contact in 1642 AD. In 1840 a treaty was signed between the Maori and British, making New Zealand a colony of Britain. The colony became self governing in 1852 and was made a Commonwealth realm in 1947. During liberal reforms in the 1890s, New Zealand became the first country to extend voting rights to women and to develop a system of compulsory arbitration between unions and employers. Elizabeth II, as the Queen of New Zealand, is the country's head of state and is represented by a Governor-General. The Queen's role is limited and executive political power is exercised by the Cabinet, led by the Prime Minister. New Zealand has close ties with Britain, Australia, the United States and several Pacific Island nations.。

Part One The Land and the People of the DreamingI. The Land1. The natural environment of AustraliaThe continent of Australia lies between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic. It is the largest island in the world, and is also the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.澳大利亚大陆在东南亚和南极之间,他是世界上最大的岛屿,最小最平最干的陆地2. The distinctive features of the land:独特的地貌the Great Dividing Range大分水岭and the Herat Barrier Reef. 赫拉特大堡礁2. The distinctive animals of the land:独特的动物the platypus(鸭嘴兽), the kangaroo, the koala, the wombat(毛鼻袋熊)II. The Peoples1. The Peoples of the Dreaming belong to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming.人们属于超过500的有不同语言和文化的部族或国家,但是他们因为梦里的信念而紧密联系在一起2. The “Dreamtime”is most often used to refer to the “time before time”, or “the time of the creation of all things”, while “Dreaming”refers to an individual’s or group’s set of beliefs or spirituality.人们经常说开天辟地时期指的是”时间之始”,或者是天地万物被创造出来的那个时间点.而“梦想”是个人或组织坚定神圣的信念3. It is based on the central principle that people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land --- that the land owns them and that they hold it in trust as the home of their creator.它基于中心原则。

加拿大概况1.Canadian Anthem: O Canada2. Canadian Geography:Canada is bordered to the west by the Pacific Ocean and Alaska, to the east by the Atla ntic Ocean, to the northeast by Greenland, and to the south by the ‘Lower 48’ of the US A. The polar ice cap lies to the north. The landscape is diverse, ranging from the Arctic tundra of the north to the great prairies of the central area. Westward are the Rocky Mou ntains, and in the southeast are the Great Lakes, the St Lawrence River and Niagara Falls. The country is divided into 10 provinces and three territories. A more detailed descriptio n of each province can be found under the separate provincial entries.Canada is the world's second largest country after Russia. 60% of the population in Canad a inhabit in the area between Quebec city and the western end of Lake Ontario.加拿大是世界上幅员第二大的国家,大约60%的人口集中在魁北克市与安大略省西端。

加拿大概况1. 概述2. 加拿大地理3. 加拿大简史4. 加拿大政治体制5. 加拿大经济6. 加拿大教育7. 加拿大大众媒体1. 概述(Introduction)国名:加拿大(Canada)国旗(National Flag)Canadian National Flag国旗:呈横长方形,长与宽之比为2∶1。
Canadian National Emblem国徽:1921年制定,图案中间为盾形,盾面下部为一枝三片枫叶;上部的四组图案分别为:三头金色的狮子,一头直立的红狮,一把竖琴和三朵百合花,分别象征加拿大在历史上与英格兰、苏格兰、爱尔兰和法国之间的联系。
国歌(national anthem):O Canada《哦!加拿大》What is the title of Canada’s national anthem?• a. True Patriot Love• b. God Save the Queen• c. Canada My Country• d. O Canada国庆日(National Day)7月1日国树(National Tree):枫树(maple)官方语言(Official Language):英语和法语宗教(Religion)宗教自由,主要信奉天主教(Catholicism)和基督教(Christianity)Festival of Maple Sugar:枫糖节, 3~4月期间,加拿大是驰名的“Country of Maple Leave 枫叶之国”,此节期间,人们可以欣赏枫林、品尝枫浆,观看印第安人表演节目Which of the following is Canada’s national symbol?•a) Sunflower.•b) Maple leaf.•c) Golden wattle.•d) Rose.What is Canada’s national animal?• a. Beaver• b. Moose• c. Bear• d. Husky2. 加拿大地理(Geography)加拿大位于北美洲北部;它东临The Atlantic Ocean;西濒The Pacific Ocean;西北与美国Alaska相连;南接美国本土;北临The Arctic Ocean(北冰洋),最北可达The Arctic Circle(北极圈)。

英语国家概况名词解释加拿大澳大利亚英语国家概况名词解释——加拿大澳大利亚加拿大部分treaty of Paris in 1763---the seven years’war ended with the signing of the treaty of Paris in 1763.by the treaty of Paris, new France with its 65,000settlers was ceded割让 to Britain.Constitutional act of 1791---Britain divided the old province of Quebec into two parts, lower Canada(modern Canada) and upper Canada(modern Ontario),each with its own legislature.立法机构。
Act of union in 1840---联合法案recommended that the two Canadas be united in one province.FTA and NAFTA---it stands for the Canada-united states free trade agreement signed by the two countries, which came into effect in 1989.Canadian Shield加拿大地盾---The Canadian Shield covers almost half of Canada. It is a semicircular半圆的 band of rocky highlands and plateaus around Hudson Bay from the northern shores of Quebec to the Arctic shores of the Northwest Territories. It is a region of hills, lakes, and swamps.沼泽Mackenzie RiverMackenzie River is one of two principal river systems in Canada. It flows between the Canadian Shield and the Rocky Mountains in west Canada. It is the second largest river system of North American.LoyalistThe first British settlers in Canada were American refugees, who refused to fight against the British Army in the American War of Independence, because they felt they were more English thanAmerican. They called themselves Loyalists. Their settlements laid the base of English-speaking Canada.Canadian PrairieCanadian Prairie is the Canadian section of the Great Plains of North America. Great stretches of level and fertile grassland are found here. This region is the center of rich wheat belt. Wheat farming and cattle and sheep grazing areimportant here.British North America ActThe British North America Act is an act passed by the British parliament in 1867 to set up the Dominion of Canada, uniting Canada, New Bruck and Nova Scotia under a federal government.Meech Lake AccordIn 1987 Canada’s top politicians reached an argument, offering Quebec special status within the country and privileges to unilaterally promote its French culture and language. The agreement was called Meech Lake Accord. It failed because of the strong opposition from Canada’s English-speaking majority.the InuitThe Inuit, also called the Eskimo, is the native people of Canada who came from Asia in prehistoric times. The word Inuit means “the people ” in their own language, whereas Eskimo is an Indian word meaning “eaters of raw flesh”.吃生鱼的人Group of Severn七人画派The Group of Severn was a group of Canadian painters. They appeared in the early 20th century. The group was the first to express a pictorial nationalism and a Canadian Impressionism.表现了绘画的民族主义和加拿大的印象主义。

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Part One The Land and the People of the DreamingI. The Land1. The natural environment of AustraliaThe continent of Australia lies between equatorial South East Asia and the Antarctic. It is the largest island in the world, and is also the smallest, flattest and driest continent in the world.澳大利亚大陆在东南亚和南极之间,他是世界上最大的岛屿,最小最平最干的陆地2. The distinctive features of the land:独特的地貌the Great Dividing Range大分水岭and the Herat Barrier Reef. 赫拉特大堡礁2. The distinctive animals of the land:独特的动物the platypus(鸭嘴兽), the kangaroo, the koala, the wombat(毛鼻袋熊)II. The Peoples1. The Peoples of the Dreaming belong to over 500 different groups or nations with different languages and cultures but they were bound together by their belief in the Dreaming.人们属于超过500的有不同语言和文化的部族或国家,但是他们因为梦里的信念而紧密联系在一起2. The “Dreamtime”is most often used to refer to the “time before time”, or “the time of the creation of all things”, while “Dreaming”refers to an individual’s or group’s set of beliefs or spirituality.人们经常说开天辟地时期指的是”时间之始”,或者是天地万物被创造出来的那个时间点.而“梦想”是个人或组织坚定神圣的信念3. It is based on the central principle that people who live on the continent have special responsibilities to the land --- that the land owns them and that they hold it in trust as the home of their creator.它基于中心原则。
居住在这个大陆的人对土地有特殊的责任----土地属于他们,他们持有它作为他们创造者的家III. The Impact of Colonization。
殖民的影响1. The concept of Terra Nullius: the term is from Latin, which means a land that is owned by no one. The British declared the Australian continent Terra Nullius to justify their invasion of the indigenous people’s land 无主地的概念:这个术语来自拉丁语,意思是不属于某人的土地。
英国人宣布澳大利亚的领地是无主地来为他们侵略土著人的土地辩护2. The impact of colonization on the indigenous people殖民对土著人的影响(1)the indigenous people were dispossessed of the land they had lived on for tens of thousands of years;土著人被剥夺他们已经居住了几万土地(2)they were killed in violent skirmishes and massacres;他们在残忍的冲突和屠杀中被杀(3)they contracted the diseases brought by the white settlers and as a result, their population fell drastically.他们感染定居白人带来的疾病,结果,他们的人口大幅下降IV. The policies of segregation, exclusion and assimilation隔离,排除,同化的政策1. By the mid-1800s the government of violence changed to policies of segregation and exclusion. 到18世纪中期,暴力政府颁布隔离和排除的政策2. By the beginning of the 20th century the policy of protection had been replaced by the policy of assimilation.It was founded on the belief that the white culture was progressive and superior while the indigenous culture was inferior.到20世纪初,保护政策代替了同化政策。
它被认为相信白人文化是侵略的和优等的,而土著文化是次等的3.The double loss of traditional culture and exclusion from mainstream Australian society and culture led to Aboriginal people being labeled as lazy, stupid and drunken and dirty. 来自澳大利亚主流社会和文化传统文化和排除的双重丧失,导致土著人被冠以懒惰,愚蠢,常醉的,脏的标签Part Two Religion in Australia Today今天澳大利亚的宗教I. The Dreaming:The Dreaming means that people do not own the land –the land owns the people who have responsibilities of guardianship towards it.梦想意味着人们不用拥有土地—土地拥有着人们,人们对它有守护的责任II. Protestantism 新教? It is the most dominant form of religion in modern Australian society. It was the religion of governing colonial class in Australia. 它是现代澳大利亚社会最主要的宗教形式? It promotes values such as rationalism, individualism, hard work, worldly success and ascetics. 它提升理性主义,个人主义努力工作,世间的成功,禁欲的价值? Though its values are paradoxical, they fit well with the principles of Capitalism, and support the development of capitalism.虽然它的价值观是自相矛盾的,他和资本主义的原则相适应,支持资本主义的发展III. Cat holism 天主教? Australian Cat holism was transported to the colony with the convicts. It has replaced the Anglicanism as the most demographic dominant religious group. 澳大利亚的天主教被罪犯传播到殖民地,他代替英国国教,成为数据统计的最主要的宗教组织? In the second half of the19th century, the Catholics from Ireland played an important role in establishing the working class culture in Australia and in creating unionism and the political party that represented the working class. 19世纪后半期,爱尔兰来的天主教在建立澳大利亚工人阶级文化和建立一个代表工人阶级的联合的政治团体起到重要作用IV. Fundamentalism 基要主义运动? It is basically a commitment to conservatism. It is often found in societies that are undergoing rapid changes, where Fundamentalists want to maintain or create what were the fundamental values of an earlier culture. 他基本上是一个保守主义的一个承诺,他经常被发现在快速发展的社会里,在那基要主义运动想要维持和建立一个早期文化的基础价值观V. Anglicanism英国国教? It was the religion of the British colonizers as well as the convicts and free settlers. It was the dominant religion in Australia throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries. It has lost its demographic supremacy to Catholicism.它是英国的殖民者,罪犯和自由移民的宗教,它是澳大利亚的主要宗教,贯穿19世纪,几乎20世纪,天主教使他失去他统计数字上的至高地位VI. Secularism世俗主义? There is a steady increase in the number of people who have no formal commitment to any religion. Most of the people do not attend church services regularly today.对任何宗教没有正式的忠诚人们在数字上有平稳的增长? However, Australia still can be seen as a religious society, instead of a secular society, as over three quarters of the Australian population is associated with some form of religion.但是澳大利亚依然被看做是一个宗教国家,因为超过四分之三的澳大利亚人口和各种宗教的宗教有关系Part Three From Penal Colony to “Free Migration”从流放地到自由移民I. The beginning of the penal colony 流放地的开端? 1. The first period of the colonization of Australia, lasting from 1788 to the 1830s, was basedlargely on the “unfree”labor of the convicts. 澳大利亚第一阶段的殖民,从1788持续到1830年大多数都基于罪犯中的不免费的劳力? New South Wales, Tasmania and Queensland were established as convict colonies; Victoria and South Australia, established in 1830s, were settled as “free”, or non-convict, colonies. 新南威尔士,斯塔玛尼亚岛,昆士兰州作为罪犯殖民地被建立;维多利亚州和南澳大利亚1830年建立,作为自由或没罪犯的殖民地? Western Australia, established in 1828 as a free colony, turned to convict labor in 1850 and became a convict colony for 19 years until 1869.西澳大利亚1828年作为自由殖民地被建立,1850年转向罪犯劳动力,是罪犯殖民地直到19年后的1869年? Convict partnerships were not the only form of family of this era. There were also “free”families of people who came over with the transported convicts, families of soldiers or administrators of the colony or people who arrived as “free settlers”. 那个时代,罪犯的合作关系不是家庭唯一的形式,也有自由家庭的人们和(运过来的罪犯士兵的家属或殖民地的行政官一起或作为自由定居者到来的)人来这作为自由定居者II. From convict transportation to “free” migration? 1. By the early 1820s there was pressure from the majority of the “free’settlers in NSW to replace convict transportation with “free migration”and to establish a “free market”economy.18世纪20年代早期,有来自新南威尔士的自由定居者的压力,自由移民代替罪犯运输,并建立自由市场经济2. The 1930s and 1840s formed the early years of the modern (non-convict) system of the Australian Political Economy.19世纪30年代和18世纪40年代建立早期澳大利亚政治经济的现代系统3. Wakefield Scheme: 维克菲尔德方案? It was devised by Edward Wakefield, a convict and theorist on colonization, to solve the problem of labor shortage in colonial Australia 它被爱德华维克菲尔德设计,一个殖民地的囚犯和理论家,来解决殖民的澳大利亚劳工紧缺的问题? His proposal on the development of colonial Australia was that land should not be freely and cheaply available. 他对于殖民地的澳大利亚的发展的方案是土地不应该以便宜和便宜的价钱得到? It should be sold at surfeit price to ensure that only men of capital could afford it. The money earned from selling land should be used to assist selected migrants to Australia. 它应该以过量的价钱被卖,来确保只有有钱的人可已支付它,从卖土地挣来的钱应该用于帮助选定的澳大利亚移居者上? Part Four Australia as a Liberal Democratic Society? I. Difference as the central value of the Australian society澳大利亚社会不同的中心价值观? Australians understand and conduct life upon a basic commitment to difference. The emphasis is upon the principle that there are different ways if thinking and knowing about the world: there is neither absolute truth nor one single way to run the country.澳大利亚人基于基本信念来理解和指导生活,走向不同世上没有绝对的真理,也没有唯一的方式来运作国家II. The formation of Australian political system1. The “Washminster ”form of polity: 政府制度的政界形式? It is a mixture of the U S. Washington system of government and the British Westminster system. This means that the political structure of the government is based on a Federation of Statewith a three tier system of government. 它是美国华盛顿政府系统和英国议会系统的混合,它意味着政府的政治结构基于国家联邦的三层政府系统2. The three-tier system of the Australian government澳大利亚政府的三层系统? The Australian federation has three tiers in its government system: at the federal level, there are the Australian Parliament and the government. 澳大利亚联邦在其政府系统里有三个层,在联邦这层,有澳大利亚议会和政府? In the second tier are the state governments and their legislatures. In the third tier are the local government bodies at the city, town and shire levels. 第二层是州政府州政府和其立法机关;第三层是城市,镇,郡级当地政府机构3. The advantages of the pluralist form of government 政府兼职形式的优点1) It enables the citizens to exercise their political right to choose their own government;它使市民能够实行他们的政治权利来选择他们自己的政府2) It secures transparency and accountability of the government;它确保政府的透明度和责任3) It provides for an alternative government which can competently take over the state affairs should any government collapse;它提供了一个可替换的政府,能胜任的接下州内事务?4) The citizens can exert their power through major interest groups.市民可以通过主要的兴趣团体施加他们的力量4. The Constitutional Crisis of 1975 1975年宪法危机? It was caused by the dismissal of the Whitlam government by the Governor-General, which was elected by people.,人民选举产生的总督免职惠特拉姆政府导致的? When the Senate refused to pass the Supply Bill granting money for the operation of the government, Sir John Kerr, the Governor- General dismissed the Whitlam government. 当参议院拒绝批准(同意给政府钱来支持其运作的)支援法案,约翰克尔先生,总督解散惠特拉姆政府? This dismissal was generally interpreted as a flouting of the unmodified conventions of government and caused political and popular animosity.这次免职通常被诠释为政府不可改变的习惯的嘲弄,引起了政治上的和大众的憎恶5.Whistle-blowers: 实名举报者They are often experts in both senior and lower levels of bureaucracies. 他们通常对高级或低级水平的官僚制度很熟练They discover in their branch of the organization some problems of corruption and inefficiency and try to expose them.,他们发现在他们组织的分支内关于腐败和低效率的一些问题,并且试着解决他们6.The relations between Ministers and Heads of Department: 部长和部门领导的关系? Theoretically speaking, the public servants should be under the authority of the elected ministers 理论上讲大众公仆应该比选出来的部长权利低? The Minister is responsible for making policies, and the Head of Department is responsible for implementing the policies. 部长对指定法案有责任,并且部门领导对政策执行负责? As the Head of Department tends to be an expert specialist who has been working in the area for a long time, 因为部门领导试图成为已经工作在一个领域很长时间的专业专家,the minister is often in danger of being influenced by the administrative expertise of the Head of Department.部长经常有被部门领导的专业的行政知识影响的危险7. Reasons for the increase of the government role in Australian political economy before 1980s: 在19世纪80年代之前,政府在经济上角色加重的原因? 1) the expansion of education, health and social welfare services; 教育,健康社会,社会福利服务的扩展? 2) the introduction of social security programmes ;社会保险方案的引进? 3) the increase in government regulations of business and finance and the supply of labor; 政府对商业,财政,劳动力供应上规范的加大? 4) the introduction of a more complex system of justice and law and order.更为复杂的司法,法律,命令系统的介绍8. Political economic changes in the shift to economic rationalism在经济理性主义改变的政策经济改变1) financial regulations;经济规范2) the privatization and corpora ionization of public service;公共服务的个人化和公司化3) the end of centralized wage fixing system;集中工资固定系统的终结4) cuts in the size of the public sector and the sale of public assets 削减公共部门的规格和公共资产的销售Part Five From Racism to Multiculturalism 从种族主义到多元文化I. Ethnicity and inequality 种族划分和不平等1. In mid-19th century migrants were predominantly British, and those who benefited from assisted migration were almost all from Britain. 19世纪中期气门主要是英国人和那些从帮助移民上得到好处的人也绝大多数是来自英国2. By the 1870s, the Chinese constituted the third largest group in Australia, after the British (including the Irish) and Germans. Chinese migrants were subjected to racism at many levels. (target of physical attacks) 到18世纪70年代,中国人构成澳大利亚第三大群体,在英国和德国之后。