



Day 1 scheduleGuide:Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Beijing. It is my great honor to become your guide. My name is zhang ~~. If you have any trouble, you can call my phone at 189********.I will try my best to help you. Thank you.Tourists:(applause…)TouristA:Could you tell us the first day schedule?Guide: Yes, of course. We will divide a day into two parts. In the morning, I will show you the Forbidden City. After a half-day tour of the forbidden city ,we can go to the Summer Palace. And at night ,we will live in a five-star hotel . T hat’s all the first day schedule.Tourists: En, it sounds great. W e can’t wait to visit them.Guide:Yeah, but it’ll take us about t en minutes by coach to get to the scenic spots from our hotel, I wish to avail myself this opportunity to submit to you a brief introduction to Beijing. If you have any questions ,please don’t hesitate to ask. Beijing is a city with an age-old history, a brilliant civilization, and magnificent landscapes. As is known to all, Beijing is the capital of the People’s Republic of China.Beijing is also the centre of politics, economy and culture.In the meanwhile ,it is known for its many historical sites, such as the Great Wall, the Summer Palace and so on.TouristB: I heard Beijing is the capital of many dynasties, is that true?Guide:Yes, Beijing is the capital of Yuan ,Ming,Qing dynasties because of its superior geography . Now in your eyes, it is the palace museum; Also known as the Purple Forbidden City. It is the largest and most well reserved royal palace in the world today,which is the residence and offices of emperors under the Ming and Qing dynasties.Well,let’s come near to see it and I will show you some famous spots in it .touristC:It is so immense and magnificent. Guide, do you know how big is it?Guide:The Forbidden City is regular in shape. It is 960 meters long from north to south and 750 meters wide from east to west. It has 9,900 rooms under a total roof area 150,000 square meters .TouristD:Why is the Palace Museum called the Purple Fobidden City? Guide:It is believed that the Palace Museum, or Purple Forbidden City, got its name from astronomy folklore.The ancient astronomers divided the constellations into groups and centered them around the Ziwei Yuan(North Star). The constellation containing the North Star was called the Constellation of Heavenly God and star itself was called the purple palace. Because the emperor was supposedly the son of the heavenly gods, his central and dominant position would be further highlighted the use of the word purple in the name of his residence.TouristD:Oh,I see.But it is much too abstract.TouristE:Why did the roofs and the palace walls use yellow and red colorson it? Does it mean something unusual or look beautiful?Guide:Haha,that’s a good question.The red and yellow used on the walls and roofs are also symbolic.Red represents happiness, good fortune and wealth.While yellow is the color of the earth on the Loess Plateau,the original home of the Chinese people,also yellow became an imperial color during the Tang Dynasty when only menmbers of the royal family were allowed to wear it and use it in their architecture and clothes.(After a snap lunch, they launch to the summer palace)Guide: Pay attention please,we are now going to the summer palace, which is the most famous royal gardens in China, where the emperors of the Qing Dynasty spent theirs summer months to avoid the heated weather. Please walk with me.Please walk with me. Now, my fingers pointing at is the famous promenade. This corridor are not ordinary. It is more than 700 meters long, divided into 273. We can see that on each cross threshold, there are many colorful pictures, painted a wide range, with figures, flowers, landscapes, thousands of picture.TouristE: I know this , it is also called the world’s first Gallery.Guide: You’re right. And this is the famous Longevity Hill. You see, that an octagonal pagoda-shaped three-storey building standing on the hillside, with yellow glazed tiles shine, this is the Tower of Buddhist Incense. Standhere, we can see all the scenery of the Summer Palace. Stand here, the entire Summer Palace turns out to be very spectacular.TouristC: I like this Palace.It makes me feel so relaxed and out of pressure. Guide: I’d like you would like it. Now ,it’s your own time to walk aroundit .The special coach for us will park in the south of the big gate at six o’clock. In case you can’t find the coach, you’d better remember the car number. Pardon again, we will gather there at six o’clock, please be on time.(Tourists have a wonderful time, they are now beside the reception place in the hotel where they live….)Waitress:Can I help you?Guide: Yes, we have booked 15 rooms of 2 people equipped with air-conditioners, couches, soft beds and clean bathrooms.Waitress:Oh,wait a miniute. I will check it for you. Yes,you have ordered 15 rooms like what you have just said. You can take the lift to the six floor, and the waiter will give you the keys to the corresponding door numbers. Guide:(to the whole tourists)I wish you all have a great day. I think most of you may feel tired after a full-day sightseeing.So take a good rest,tomorrow I will show you some other scenic spots. Good ningt,friends. Tourists: Thank you for your interpreting. Good night.。





















外语导游:火车旅游相关英语词汇railway; railroad 铁路track 轨道train 火车locomotive火车头、机车railway system, railway network 铁路系统express train 特别快车fast train 快车through train 直达快车stopping train, slow train 慢车excursion train 游览列车commuter train, suburban train 市郊火车railcar 轨道车coach, carriage 车厢sleeping car, sleeper 卧车dining car, restaurant car, luncheon car 餐车double-decker train双层火车sleeper with couchettes 双层卧铺车berth, bunk 铺位up train 上行车down train 下行车luggage van, baggage car 行李车mail car 邮政车station, railway station 车站station hall 车站大厅booking office, ticket office 售票处ticket-collector, gateman 收票员ticket inspector 验票员platform 月台, 站台platform ticket 站台票terminal终点站railway policeman乘警buffet 小卖部waiting room 候车室mother-and-child room母子候车室VIP room贵宾候车室platform bridge 天桥中国小吃英文表达中式早点烧饼 Clay oven rolls油条Fried bread stick韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings水饺 Boiled dumplings蒸饺Steamed dumplings馒头Steamed buns割包Steamed sandwich饭团Rice and vegetable roll蛋饼Egg cakes皮蛋100-year egg咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg豆浆Soybean milk饭类稀饭Rice porridge白饭Plain white rice油饭Glutinous oil rice糯米饭Glutinous rice卤肉饭Braised pork rice蛋炒饭Fried rice with egg地瓜粥Sweet potato congee面类馄饨面Wonton & noodles刀削面Sliced noodles麻辣面Spicy hot noodles麻酱面Sesame paste noodles鴨肉面Duck with noodles鱔魚面Eel noodles乌龙面Seafood noodles榨菜肉丝面Pork , pickled mustard green noodles 牡蛎细面Oyster thin noodles板条Flat noodles米粉Rice noodles炒米粉Fried rice noodles冬粉Green bean noodle汤类鱼丸汤Fish ball soup貢丸汤Meat ball soup蛋花汤Egg & vegetable soup蛤蜊汤Clams soup牡蛎汤Oyster soup紫菜汤Seaweed soup酸辣汤Sweet & sour soup馄饨汤Wonton soup猪肠汤Pork intestine soup肉羹汤Pork thick soup鱿鱼汤Squid soup花枝羹Squid thick soup甜点爱玉Vegetarian gelatin糖葫芦Tomatoes on sticks长寿桃Longevity Peaches芝麻球Glutinous rice sesame balls 麻花Hemp flowers双胞胎Horse hooves冰类绵绵冰Mein mein ice麦角冰Oatmeal ice地瓜冰Sweet potato ice紅豆牛奶冰Red bean with milk ice八宝冰Eight treasures ice豆花Tofu pudding果汁甘蔗汁Sugar cane juice酸梅汁Plum juice杨桃汁Star fruit juice青草茶Herb juice点心臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu) 油豆腐Oily bean curd麻辣豆腐Spicy hot bean curd虾片Prawn cracker虾球Shrimp balls春卷Spring rolls蛋卷Chicken rolls碗糕Salty rice pudding筒仔米糕Rice tube pudding红豆糕Red bean cake绿豆糕Bean paste cake糯米糕Glutinous rice cakes萝卜糕Fried white radish patty芋头糕Taro cake肉圆Taiwanese Meatballs水晶饺Pyramid dumplings肉丸Rice-meat dumplings豆干Dried tofu其他槟榔Betel nut火锅Hot pot谚语1. A bosom friend afar brings a distant land near. 海内存知己,天涯若比邻。



谓“ 景点美不美, 全靠导游一张嘴” 导游词的研究具有重要 的理论和现 实意义。本论 文 中, , 笔者选择长江三峡英 文导游词作为语料 , 从文体 学视 角 进行 宏 观 和 微 观 分 析 , 包括 语 篇 语 境 、 篇 整 体 结 构 以 及语 音 、 语 字位 、 汇 、 词 句法 和衔 接 机 制 的分 析 。 通 过 该 分 析加 深 对 文 体 学 的 理 解
Asa r l t ey n w n u t ,t u s h s b e e e o i g f s n r a e ai l e i d sr v y o r m a e n d v lp n a ta d ge t i i o a c a e n a tc e o En l h t u o mp r n e h sb e t h d t gi o r mme tre .Th o ei al t a s c n a is e rt l c y,t i hs r s a c s t t d h tlsi f au e o h sr c u a n o e e r h i o su y t e syi t e t r s b t t t r a d n n—s r cu a . c u l t tr u 1 Re it a l l a si l c y,i i o sr n t e h p lc to fsy it s i t r cia it t s t te gh n t e a p ia in o tlsi n o p a t lwr — c c
o o rc m me t r si fge tt e rtc la d r ait i n f a c . T i a e l h v tlsi t d ft e En l h t u o n tu o n a i s o r a h o e ia n e l i sg i c n e e sc i h s p p rwi a e a sy i c su y o gi o rc mme tr n 1 t h s n a yo





Guangzhouchime-longTouristResort(chime-longParadise)mydearfriends,welcometochime-longtouristresort!Youmightaskwhatattrac tivescenesthisplacehas.Toyourexcitement,therearebreathtakingchime-longparadise,colorfulXiangjiangsa faripark,wonderfulchime-longinternationalcircus,togetherwiththelonglung waterpark,whichisthebestplacetogoinsummer.Besides,thechime-longhotel, chime-longgolftrainingcenterandotherplacesarealsoworthvisiting.今天,小陈就带领大家去长隆欢乐世界体验体验。


Today,chenwillshowyouaroundandbringallofyouexperiencetheattractiveth echime-longparadise.chime-longparadise,asimpliedbyitsname,isgoingtobringusjoy.Here,joyissc reaming,shouting,andshocking.next,i’ll introduceseveralexcitingridestoyouandletallofyouexperiencetheabove-me ntionedemotions.首先第一个尖叫就是,十环过山车,这个项目创下吉尼斯的世界纪录,那是什么纪录呢?就是在850米内翻滚次数最多的过山车,它一共是花了1亿建成的。



导游英语口语1. 打招呼与欢迎- 作为导游,一口流利的英语口语那可太重要啦!比如说,见到游客的时候,一句“Hello, everyone! Wee to this amazing place.”(就像打开一扇通往奇妙世界的大门,热情地迎接大家进入这个独特的地方)。



2. 介绍景点的总体情况- “You know, this place is like a hidden gem. I t's full of surprises.”(这个地方就像一颗隐藏的宝石,到处都是惊喜,就像你在森林里突然发现了一座神秘的小木屋一样)。



3. 讲述景点的历史- “The history here is super long. It's like a storybook that has been passed down for generations.”(这里的历史超级悠久,就像一本传承了好几代人的故事书)。


4. 描述景点的建筑风格- “Look at those buildings. They are so unique. It's as if each one has its own personality.”(看那些建筑,它们非常独特,就好像每一个都有自己的个性)。



5. 提及当地的美食- “Oh, the local food here is to die for. It's like a party in your mouth.”(哦,这儿的当地美食好吃得要命,就像在你嘴里开派对一样)。






一、导游常用问候语1. Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen! 早上/下午/晚上好,女士们先生们!2. Welcome to our tour! 欢迎参加我们的旅行!3. My name is [导游姓名], and I will be your guide today. 我叫[导游姓名],今天将为大家带路。

4. Please follow me and stay together as a group. 请跟着我,保持集体行动。

二、景点介绍和讲解1. Now, let me introduce the first attraction - [景点名称]. 现在,让我介绍第一个景点 - [景点名称]。

2. The [景点名称] is a famous landmark in this city. [景点名称] 是这个城市的一个著名地标。

3. As you can see, the [景点名称] is known for its [特色]. 正如你们所见,[景点名称] 以其 [特色] 闻名。

4. This historical site holds great significance in the local culture. 这个历史遗址在本地文化中有着重要的意义。

5. Feel free to take pictures and ask questions during the visit. 在参观过程中,随意拍照并提问。

三、提供实用信息1. The restroom is located on the right/left side. 厕所在右边/左边。



1. Welcome to China! 欢迎您到中国来!2. Did you have a good trip? 旅行愉快吗?3. You all need a good rest first. 你们都需要先休息一下。

4. Is everyone in the group here? 全团的人都在吗?5. Shall I help you with your luggage? 让我来帮您拿行李好吗?6. The shuttle bus is just waiting in the parking lot. 大巴正在停车场等位。

7. Is everybody on the bus? 每个人都在车上了吗?8. Shall we go now? 我们现在可以出发了吗?9. Let me introduce my team to you first. 首先让我来向大家介绍一下我的团队。

10. It’s one of the best four-star hotels in the city. 它是这个城市最好的四星级酒店之一。

11. I hope you will enjoy your stay there. 我希望你能在那住得愉快。

12. Next, I’d like to introduce something about this city. 接下来,我想要介绍一下有关这个城市的一些情况。

13. I’m afraid you need a good rest first.恐怕你得先休息。

14. Let’s get off and go to the reception desk. 让我们下车去接待处。

A Welcome Speech 欢迎词15. Allow me to introduce myself. 请允许我在这里作一下自我介绍。

16. And this is Mr. Deng, our driver, who has had 10 years of driving experience. 这是我们的司机邓师傅,他有10年的驾龄。





关键词:导游词;特点;翻译;技巧0 引言1 英语导游词的语言特点英语导游词具有口语体的语音、用词、句法和情景语境特征,而且还具有书面语体中表达逻辑性强,以及使用描写性语言的特点,尤其是在对旅游景点解说时。


1.1 口语化口语化,是指导游词具有鲜明的通俗易懂、亲切自然的口语风格的特性。




例1:cannon hill park is one of the premier parks in birmingham and has been awarded green flag status. with beautiful flowerbeds, lakes, pools and a wonderfulcollection of trees,it’s easy to see why. there’s plenty of opportunity for exercise at the park’s tennis courts, bowling and putting greens, and wildlife enthusiasts can follow the walkways and cycle routes alongside the river rea.译文:坎农山公园是伯明翰主要的公园之一,并已经被授予绿旗称号。



[摘要] 俚语是从现实生活中产生的最鲜活的口语。


[关键词] 导游语言;俚语Analysis of English slang in tour guides’ languageAbstract: Slang, which originates from real life, is a brand - new spoken language. As a spoken language which is used and understood by public and is an informal spoken language with the color of some social groups and subculture, slang is a usual language for tour guides to communicate with all kinds of tourists.Keywords: tour guide; language; slang一、什么是俚语许多中外权威词典对俚语都有比较接近的解释,称俚语是“通俗的口语词,俗语的一种,常带有方言性”(中文《辞海》) 。




著名的《韦氏英语词典》在1828 年将俚语定义为“低级的、粗俗的和没有意义的语言”;但到了1911 年,“低级的”和“粗俗的”字眼却从《牛津英语词典》的解释中消失了。







My dear friends ,when you come to a city, you probably want to visit the most famous scenic spots of special interest. Nanjing has many place of historic interests and has been capital for six “dynasties.” But if you leave Nanjing without visiting Dr. Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum, undoubtedly you have missed the most arresting and famous tourist attraction of the city.Talking about the Mausoleum we should have an idea about Sun Yat-sen, the great pioneer of Chinese democratic revolution. Mr. Sun `s original name is Sun Wen and styled himself Yat-sen. So foreign friends would call him “Dr. Sun Yat-sen ”. Since he took “Woodcutter in Zhoushan ”as his alias when he took part in the revolutionary activities, he was respectfully and widely called Mr. Sun Zhongshan in China. On October 12, 1866, Mr. Sun was born in a farmer` s family in Caiheng village of Xiangshan county (the present-day zhongshang City) ,Guangdong Province. When he was still young, he had great expectations. He studied medicine in Honolulu, Hong Kong and some other places and after graduation he worked as a practitioner in Gangzhou, Macao and other places Later he gave up medicine as his profession to take part in political activities. In 1905, he set up China Alliance Organization in Japan and he was elected president. He put forward the famous guiding principle- “driving the invaders out ,restoring the sovereignty of China,establishing a republic and equalizing the land ownership ” andthe Three People` s Principles-“ Nationalism, Democracy and the People` s Livelihood. ” On October 10,1911,the Wuchang uprising broke out and Dr. Sun as elected Inrterim President of the Republic of China by representatives from seventeen provinces. On the following New Year` s day (January 1, 1912) Mr. Sun took the oath of office in Nanjing. From then on ,Mr. Sun experienced Yuan Shikai` s usurpation, the Second Revolution,“Campaign Protecting the Interim Constitution.” In 1921, Mr. Sun took the position of President in Unusual Times in Guangzhou. At the first National Congress of Kuomintang held in Quangzhou in 1924, he perfected the original Three People` s Principles and put forward Three people` s New Principles. He also proposed the policies of “Making an alliance with Russia and the Communist Party of China and helping the farmers and workers. ” In N ovember 1924, in spite of his illness, Mr. Sun went up to Beijing to discuss state affairs with General Feng Yuxiang.Unfortunately, he broke down from constant overwork and passed away on March 12, 1925.The location of the Mausoleum was chosen by Mr. Sun himself. Here is exactly a good place to build a mausoleum. You may wonder: Mr. Sun was born in Guangdong but died in Beijing. For his whole life he traveled throughout China for the revolution. Why did he choose Nanjing as the venue of his tomb?It is said that far before Mr. Sun took office in 1912,the abbot of Lingu Monastery had recommended him that his place is good for fengshui, because it faces the plain and is backed up by green mountains as its protective screen. On March 31,1912 Mr. Un resigned as a political compromise for the sake of the union of the North China and the South China. One day ofthe early April, he went hunting with Hu Hanmin around the Piety Tomb of Ming Dynasty. They took a rest in the place wehre the Mausoleum is located now. Mr. Sun looked around and said “IF possible I would like my countrymen to allow me to have this place to bury my coffin.” Surely,the fengshui of the Zijing Mountain is not the basic reason for the location of Mr. Sun` s mausoleum . The basic reason is that,he said on dying “After my death, you can bury me at the foot of the Zijin Mountain in Nanjing in memory of the Revolution of 1911, because Nanjing is where the temporary government was founded. ”So although Mr. Sun stayed in Nanjing not a long time,it had a special meaning to him. Fundamentally speaking, the reason he chose Zijing Mountain as his permanent resting-place is to commemorate the revolution of 1911 and to encourage the revolutionaries.In order to respect Mr. Sun` s wish,the Preparatory Committee of Sun Yat-sen` s Funeral, including his wife Song Qingling and his son Sunke, examined the area and chose the site for the Mausoleum. They delimited 2000 mu and offered a reward in newspaper for the best design of the Mausoleum. Among all the contribution, young architect Lu Yanzhi `s design,a design in the shape of a bell ,was highly praised and gained the first prize and he himself was invited to supervise the whole project as well.On March 12,1926,the first anniversary of Mr. Sun` s death,the project got started and 3 years later,it was completed in spring of 1929. It cost 1.5 million silver collars totally.Unfortunately,LuYanzhi,the young architect with great gift, suffered when supervising the project ,and died at 35,just before the completion of the Mausoleum. The completionceremony was held on June 1, 1929 and Mr. Sun` s remains was transported from Beijing to Nangjing. From then on ,Mr. Sun has slept here for nearly 70 years.The construction of Dr. Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum was an important event in the history of Nanjing. In order to meet Mr. Sun` s coffin, the first asphalt road was built from Zhongshan Port in the west to Zhongshan Gate in the east; it is 12 kilometres in length and also called Zhongshan Road. Up to today,Zhangshan Road is still one of the most important main roads. At the same time, the city gate Chaoyang Gate which was built in Ming Dynasty was renovated and Changed its name to Zhongshan Gate. Between Zhongshang Gate and Dr.Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum, a road called the Mausoleum Road was built. Just as the people of Paris take pride of their les Champs-Elysees and the people of New York ,the Fifth Avenue, the nanjing people are prond of their boulevards. And the 3 kilometers long Mausoleum Road is undoubtedly the best representative of these boulevards. Along both sides of the “green corridor” grows the main kind of tree in Nanjing as parasols Usually Chinese people call them French plane trees,in fact they are Chinese local products. Just because Frenchmen took them from Yunnan Province to France and later they transplanted them in their leased territory in Shanghai, that is why they got such a name.Now ,we are going out of the Zhongshan Gate and driving along the Mausoleum Road. The destination ahead is a square in shape of crescent, According to Lu Yanzhi` s design, the place of the Mausoleum is like a “duo”, a big wooden bell, which was used to announce a policy, decree or a war in ancient time. Duo` s sound is loud and clear,implying to make the whole world peaceful and happy. The design reminds the people of Dr.Sun Yat-sen` s well-known saying “The revolution is far from success and we should continue working hard.” This saying also serves s an alert to the later generation. The crescent-shaped square is th e bottom of the “Bell of Freedom”.Now ,please look to the south. There is a octagon platform structured with reinforced concrete but covered with Jinshan stone of Suzhou. The platform is divided into three layers and each layer is enclosed by stone rails. The copper “ding” (an ancient cooking vessel) with two looped handles and two legs weighs 5000 kg. IT is 4.25 meters high and its diameter is 1.23 meters. It is one of the construction for memory of the mausoleum. The “ding ” was built in autumn,1933 with donation of students and teaching staff of the Zhongshan University and Mr. Dai jitao. One side of the “ding ” is engraved with three characters “Intelligence,Humanity and Brevity”. These three words are the school instruction of Zhongshan University. I nside of the “ding ”stands a hexagon copper tablet on which Dai Jitao` s mother` s handwriting of the “Filial Piety” is engraved. To the bell-shaped mausoleum the “ding ” is just like the pendulum . It seems to serve to alarm the whole nation by striking the bell.Stepping on the steps,we will see a soaring memorial archway with four columns. The archway was built between 1931 and 1933, 12meters hight and 17.3 meters in width. It is made of huge Granite from Fujian Province,but its structure is in Chinese traditional wood structure style. Now, look up at the shining words inscribed on the horizontal board. The word in English mean fraternity. They were written by Dr. Sun Yat-sen. The word are taken from a Tang Dynasty poet Han Yu` s “Fraternity is humanity ” .It is said that Mr. Sun very much liked to writethese two words to others. Dr. Sun devoted his whole life to bourgeois democratic revolution with great fraternity and struggled for the national independence and freedom fro scores of years. So we can s ay that “fraternity” is the best generalization of his life.Further from the Fraternity Archway, there is a road leading to the mausoleum. The road is 480 meters long and dozens of meters wide. The whole design of the mausoleum gives prominence to Chinese traditional style,grand,solemn and specific. In order to embody the greatness of Mr. Sun,the Mausoleum followed the example of ancient mausoleums and was built against mountains and the coffin chamber was placed at the top of the mountain that is 160 meters high. In addition,the plants of the Mausoleum are symmetric, which make it feel more solemn. Now, please look forward to the north, along the hillside ,situate the mausoleum Gate, the Stele Pavilion,the Memorial Hall and the coffin chamber right behind. The pines,cypresses, ginkgoes and maples on the both sides of the road represent Mr. Sun` s revolutionary spirit and lofty quality. They take the place of statues and stone beasts which usually flanked the sacred road in ancient times. Among the trees, cedar is one of the “four kinds of tree for appreciation” and has been honored as the tree of Nanjing City. The grand archway at the end of the Mausoleum Road is the formal beginning of the mausoleum area. IT is 16 meters high, 27 meters wide and 8.8 meters deep. It is made of granite from the Fujian Province, too. Inscribed on the horizontal board of the middle passage is Dr. SunYat-sen` s handwriting. It means that the state doesn` t belong to one family but belongs to the entire nation and the common people. This is the goal for which Mr. Sun struggled forhis whole life and it is also the excellent explanation of the Democracy of the Three People` s Principles. We have passed the gate of the Mausoleum, then in front of us is the Stele Pavilion. The 9-meter high stele in the middle of the pavilion was engraved with 24 gold-plating characters of Yan Zhenqing style,“Chinese KMT buried Premier Sun here on June 1, 18th year of the Republic of China”. These words were written by one of the founder members of KMT,Tan Yankai. When talking about setting up a stele, Wang Jing wei and Hu Hanmin were arranged to write an inscription for Mr. Sun, but two years passed, yet nothing they could write. Because they thought that Mr. Sun` s merits couldn` t be generated by word, then they chose to use the present from to praise Dr. Sun without engraving an inscription.Going out of the pavilion,we` ll see numerous layers of steps. The people of Nanjing often say that the steps in the Mausoleum ware as number as the stone lions on Lugou Bridge (known for Westerners as Marco Polo Bridge). So when coming here tourists usually ask,“how many steps on earth are there in the Mausoleum?” My friends, if you are interested you can count them.Now we are coming near the top platform. Look ,there are two big copper “ding”. They were contributed by Shanghai municipal government of that time. Now, please look carefully. There are two holes in the bottom of the left “ding”. Why? Just let me tell you .In late 1937, when the Japanese army attacked Nanjing, their shooting left two holes in the left ding. Now,although the circumstances have changed,the two holes always remind Chinese people not to forget the national humiliation. Not far away, there are two bronze dings in ancientstyle. They are presented by Mr. Sun` s son Sun Ke and his family.Ascending the steps, now we have reached the top of the platform. Here we can have a bird-view of what it is in the distance. The Memorial Hall is the half way up to the mountain and there are altogether 392 steps covered if you count from the archway of Fraternity. The vertical distance is 70 meters but the plane distance is 700 meters. If you count the steps from the Stele Pavilion,the number of steps is 290. In order to avoid monotone ,the architect divided the 392 steps into 10 parts and every part has a platform and there are totally 10 such platforms. More marvelous, if you look up from the bottom, you can see that the steps extend to the top without stop and you cant see any platform. But if you look down from the top, you only see the platforms. The number of the steps, 392, is not a random number, it implied the number of Chinese population at that time-392 million.Now we are in front of the Memorial Hall and the coffin Chamber. They are the major parts of the Mausoleum. The construction of these two building was supervised then by Lu Yanzhi, the gift young designer. If is when he was doing these two building he died of cancer. So when the later generation mention him they would often say,“It is a great pity he died before his complete success.” The structure of the Sacrificed Hall is of a ancient wooden palace style. It is 30 meters long,25 meters wide and 29 meter high,surrounded by smaller constructions of fortress style and two 12.6-meter-high cloud columns. Its roof,with double-eaves and nine ridges,is covered with blue glare tiles. The outside of wall is covered with granite from Hongkong. The inscription on the horizontal board is engraved with seal characters cut in relief- “Naturalism”“Democracy” and “The people` s livelihood” . These are the most basic and general guiding principles of Mr. Sun` s revolutionary activities. Above “Democracy” ,there is a horizontal inscription board with Sun` s handwriting on it,“Fill the World with Justice”.Please follow me into the Memorial Hall. The floor is covered with white and black marble from Yunnan Province. The colors of white and black are among the traditional color for burial ceremonies in China. There are 12 black stone columns, with 0.8 meter as the diameter for each. You will see that the interiors of the walls around are inset with black marble. Now you can have a look at Mr. Sun Yat-seen` s handwriting of “Programme for Founding a State”, engraved on the east and west walls. The main colors of the Hall are black, white and blue, which are used to express filial piety in China. The inside windows are inlaid with smaltos. They present western flavors especially with floods of sunshine. The style of the whole structure is a blend of the East and the West, representing the well blended doctrine of Dr. Sun Yat-sen.In the middle is the sitting statue of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in a robe. It is 4.6 meters high and the bottom is 2.1 meters wide. It was sculpted by the famous French sculptor Paul Arinsky whose native country is Poland . He was entrusted by the committee of Dr. Sun Yat-sen` s Funeral for sculpting it. He chose the Italian marble as the material for the statue . In 1930, the sculpture was sent to the Mausoleum from Paris. Its total cost was 1.5 million francs. The sic relief below are pictures depicting Mr. Sun` s life and revolutionary activities.Passing through the Hall,we have come to the Coffin Chamber. There are two doors that you need to get through. Theouter door consists of two American-made safety door leafs which are made of copper. The nails on them and the mysterious beasts on the copper loops are typical of traditional Chinese. The horizontal inscription board was engraved with “The noble spirit will never perish ” w hich was Sun` s handwriting for the 72 martyrs` tomb in Huanghua Mound of Guanzhou .The secound door is a single copper leaf engrave with seven characters “Mr. Sun Yat-sen` s tomb” which were written by Zhang Jing jiang.The tomb is a half globe in shape. The design of KMT emblem is mosaicked in the vaulted dome. The floor of the round room is covered with marble. The room` s diameter is 18 meters and the height is 11 meters .The walls are covered with pink marbles. The circular marble pit is 1.7 meters deep and 4.35 meters in diameter. It is enclose with 1-meter-high white marble rails. In the pit lays Dr. Sun Yat-sen lying statue in Zhongshan Suit. This is sculpted in accordance to Mr. Sun` s remains by a Czechoslovakian sculptor. His copper coffin is lying about 5 meters below the sculpture. You may ask why on earth the clothes Dr. Wears for the sitting statue are totally different from those for the lying one? In those years,the leftists and the rightists inside of the KMT had severe conflicts. The rightists,headed by Chang Kai-shek wanted to restore the ancient ways and opposed revolution. They insisted that Mr. Sun should wear long robe, while the leftists insisted he wear Zhongshan Suit. Since they had different opinions thus the two statues have different clothes styles.My friends, I `m afraid you must be concern about whether Mr. Sun remains are in the tomb or not. In fact, his remains had a unusual experience. After his death,his remain were dealt with antiseptic and placed in Biyun Monastery in Beijing in March,1925. When the warlord Zhang Zong chang was defeated by the North Expeditionary Army and withdrew to Beijing in 1926, he ascribed his failure to Mr. Sun` s remains and decided to burn them .It is the patriotic general Zhang Xuelian who sent troops to protect the remains. Unfortunately they were once exposed to the air though they were safe again. On May 28,1929,Mr. Sun` s coffin was sent to Pukou from Beijing by Jinpu Railway,and on June 1 it reached the Mausoleum. After the Grand Ceremony of Feng` an, the coffin and the remains were put into the pit and used cement to concrete it .The bottom of the tomb is granite. Under the copper coffin,there is a specially made wooden pad and enclosing the coffin is a well-sealed crystal box. After the breakout of the Resistance War against Japan, KMT government planed to transport the remains to Chongqing and at the end of the liberation war,Chang Kai-shek planed to transport it to Taiwan this time. Because it was not a easy job to take the coffin out and the work might do damage to the remains as well, this plan was fiercely attacked by the engineering field and the left wing of the KMT. At last Chang gave up the plan. So the remains have stayed here safely up to today.Passing through the door in the back wall of the square outside you will arrive at the Mausoleum Park. The back wall of the park is a “Exhibition of Construction of Dr. Sun Yat-sen` s Mausoleum ”.The Exhibition contains nearly 200 precious historic materials which show the construction of the Mausoleum and the process of the transportation of Mr. Sun` s remains.Beside the main structure,there are also some constructions around the Mausoleum built in memory of Mr. Sun. Most of the constructions are built after 1929 with the donation of those from both all trades in China and overseas Chinese. TheFraternity Pavilion on top of the Plum Hill is built with the donation of a Taiwanese compatriot. IT was completed on November 12,1993,the 127th anniversary of Mr. Sun` s birthday.Ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Sun struggled for a better China for his whole life and overthrew monarch feudalist system which lasted for more than 2000 years. He carried out the three principal policies of “Making an alliance with Russia and the Communist Party of Chin a and helping the farmers and workers” in his later days. The great feat Mr. Sun has achieved has gained great respect and praise from people from both home and abroad. After liberation,both central and local governments have exerted great efforts in preserving this excellent heritage.Now,as one of the “T op Forty Tourist Resorts in China” Dr. Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum receives numerous Chinese and international friends every years. People come here to pay homage to Mr. Sun. Today, the unification has become the main tendency in terms of the relations between the Chinese on both sides of the Straits . I believe that most Chinese people, from both home and abroad, are expecting from the bottom of heart the coming of the day when our country is united and getting more prosperous. At that time, when hearing this. Dr. Sun would smile and be satisfied for sure in the other world. OK, thank you very much for your cooperation. Good bye and good luck!。







一、常用英语口语表达1. 问候与介绍在与游客交流时,导游需要用到常用的问候与介绍口语表达,如:- Hello, everyone! Welcome to our tour!- My name is Tom, and I will be your guide today.- Nice to meet you all. I hope we will have a great time together.2. 介绍景点导游需要用流利的英语介绍景点的历史、文化和特点,如:- This is the Forbidden City, which was the Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty.- The Great Wall is a series of fortifications made of stone, brick, tamped earth, wood, and other materials.- The Eiffel Tower is a wrought-iron lattice tower on the Champ de Mars in Paris, France.3. 提醒与警告在旅游过程中,导游也需要及时提醒游客注意事项,如:- Please be careful when you walk on the slippery path.- Remember to bring your passport and visa with you all the time.- Don't take photos in the sacred area, it's not allowed.4. 解释与说明有时导游需要解释某些文化习俗或历史事件,如:- In Chinese culture, the color red symbolizes good luck and happiness.- The Statue of Liberty is a symbol of freedom and democracy in the United States.- The 10th century temple complex of Angkor Wat is the largest religious monument in the world.5. 餐饮与购物在为游客安排餐饮和购物环节时,导游需要用到相关的英语口语表达,如:- We will have a traditional Chinese meal for lunch today.- You can buy some souvenirs at the local market.- The shopping mall is just around the corner, you can go there in your free time.二、常见景点和文化解说1. 中国文化在导游工作中,对于中国文化的解说至关重要。




导游资格考试英语导游词整理导游资格考试英语导游词Walt and Roy Disney began their partnership on October 16, 1923 when they signed a contract to produce the Alice Comedies, a series of six- to eight-minute animated films, or shorts, combining live-action and animation. What began as the Disney Brothers Studio evolved into The Walt Disney Company.Throughout the decades, the company has expanded worldwide from shorts to feature-length animated and live-action films and television production; character merchandise licensing; consumer products retailing; book, magazine and music publishing; Internet activities; television and radio broadcasting; cable television programming; and the operation of theme parks and resorts.From the creation of Oswald the Lucky Rabbit in 1927 and the debut of Mickey Mouse in 1928 to the premiere of Tarzan in 1999, animation has remained the defining signature of the company. Along the way, Disney has added successful TV shows like Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, opened theme parks in California, Florida, France and Japan, launched more than 700 Disney Stores and added brands such as Touchstone, Miramax, ABC and ESPN to the fold.To make the most of Disneyland - the ultimate escapist fantasy and the blueprint for imitations worldwide - throw yourself right into it. Don’t think twice about anything and go on every ride you can. The high admission price ($36) includes them all, although during peak periods each one can entail hours of queueing. Remember, too, that the emphasis第1页/共3页千里之行,始于足下。
























妙文翻译公司翻译样稿外语导游解说词中英对照尊敬的来宾,您好! Dear guests, 欢迎参观大连开发区规划展览馆。

本馆位于大连开发区文化中心B区,建筑面积12600平方米,展区面积8800平方米, 共2层, 14个展区。







Welcome to the Planning Exhibition Hall in Dalian Development Zone. The hall is located in Section B 2, including an of the Cultural Center of Dalian Development Zone and covers a floor area of 12,600mexhibition area of 8,800m2. There are two floors and fourteen exhibition sections in all. Behind the reception desk is a big screen for interaction with visitors, called the “Interaction Wall”. When you are walking past here, your figure will be displayed on the big screen. In this way, you get integrated with our exhibition hall, and also with Dalian Development Zone. If interested, you may have a try. Next, please turn around to the five “Rock” exhibits. 您现在看到的五块‘岩石’状的展品,象征着海岸礁石,‘岩石’上的“世界”、“亚洲”、“中国”、“东北”、和“大连开发区”的图案阐释了大连开发区的区位,也寓意了大连开发区在全球化、中国崛起和东北振兴中所扮演的角色。



英语导游词范文《英语导游词范文》Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our tour of this beautiful city. My name is [Your Name] and I will be your English-speaking tour guide for today.Our first stop is the historic city center, where you will be able to see some of the most iconic landmarks of this city. As we walk through the streets, I will be pointing out the key historical and cultural significance of each location.Next, we will visit the local market, where you will have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere and interact with the friendly local vendors. Here, you will also have the chance to sample some of the delicious local cuisine.After that, we will head to the famous [Name of the attraction], known for its stunning architecture and rich history. I will be providing you with interesting facts and anecdotes about this landmark as we explore its grounds.Our final stop will be at the city's renowned [Name of the museum or gallery], where you will have the chance to admire an impressive collection of art and artifacts. I will help you gain a deeper understanding of the significance behind each piece. Throughout the tour, I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have and provide you with insights into the local culture and customs. Please feel free to approach me at anytime.I hope you enjoy this tour and gain a greater appreciation for this wonderful city. Thank you for choosing to explore with us today. Let's begin our adventure!。



英语导游礼仪知识点总结1. ProfessionalismProfessionalism is one of the most important aspects of tour guide etiquette. A professional tour guide should always maintain a positive attitude and a high level of professionalism when interacting with clients. This includes being punctual, well-groomed, and having a thorough knowledge of the destination and its attractions. A professional tour guide should also be polite, respectful, and courteous to their clients at all times.2. Communication SkillsEffective communication skills are essential for a successful tour guide. A tour guide should be able to communicate clearly and effectively, and be able to engage and interact with their clients in a positive and engaging manner. It is important for a tour guide to be able to convey information in a way that is easy to understand and engaging for their clients.3. Knowledge of the DestinationA tour guide should have a thorough knowledge of the destination they are visiting. This includes knowledge of the history, culture, and traditions of the destination, as well as information about the local attractions and landmarks. A tour guide should be able to provide accurate and insightful information about the destination to their clients, and answer any questions they may have about the destination.4. AdaptabilityA good tour guide should be adaptable and able to handle unexpected situations or changes in the itinerary. This includes being able to think on their feet, and make quick decisions in response to unexpected events or changes in plans. A tour guide should also be able to adapt to the needs and preferences of their clients, and provide a personalized and enjoyable tour experience for each client.5. Customer ServiceProviding excellent customer service is essential for a tour guide. A tour guide should always strive to meet the needs and preferences of their clients, and provide a high level of customer service at all times. This includes being attentive to their clients' needs, being approachable and friendly, and going above and beyond to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for their clients.6. Respect for Local Customs and CulturesWhen leading a tour in a foreign destination, it is important for a tour guide to have respect for the local customs and cultures. This includes being mindful of cultural differences, and being sensitive to the customs and traditions of the destination. A tour guide should also beable to provide insight into the local customs and cultures to their clients, in order to promote a better understanding and appreciation of the destination.7. Safety and SecurityThe safety and security of their clients should be a top priority for a tour guide. A tour guide should be able to provide a safe and secure tour experience for their clients, and be prepared to handle any emergency situations that may arise. This includes being aware of potential safety hazards, and taking appropriate measures to ensure the safety of their clients at all times.8. Environmental ResponsibilityAn important aspect of tour guide etiquette is to promote environmental responsibility. A tour guide should have respect for the environment and work to minimize the impact of tourism on the natural environment. This includes promoting sustainable tourism practices, and being mindful of the environmental impact of the tour activities.In conclusion, tour guide etiquette is essential for providing a positive and enjoyable tour experience for clients. By maintaining a high level of professionalism, communication skills, knowledge of the destination, adaptability, customer service, respect for local customs and cultures, safety and security, and environmental responsibility, a tour guide can ensure a successful and satisfying tour experience for their clients.。



英文导游知识点总结As a tour guide, it is important to have a deep understanding of the destination, its history, culture, and attractions. Being knowledgeable and well-prepared will enhance the overall experience for the travelers and help to create a memorable trip. In this article, we will discuss some key knowledge points that every tour guide should be familiar with.Geography and HistoryOne of the most important aspects of being a tour guide is having a good understanding of the geography and history of the destination. This includes knowing about the physical features of the area, such as mountains, rivers, and natural landmarks, as well as the historical background of the region.Having knowledge of the geography and history will enable the tour guide to provide interesting and informative commentary during the tour. It will also help the guide to answer any questions that the travelers may have about the destination.Culture and TraditionsUnderstanding the culture and traditions of the destination is essential for a tour guide. This includes knowing about the local customs, holidays, festivals, and traditions that are unique to the area.Being knowledgeable about the culture and traditions will allow the tour guide to provide valuable insights into the local way of life and help to enhance the travelers' experience. It will also help the guide to ensure that the travelers are respectful of the local customs during their visit.Attractions and LandmarksA good tour guide should be well-versed in the attractions and landmarks of the destination. This includes knowing about famous historical sites, museums, art galleries, natural wonders, and other points of interest.Having knowledge of the attractions and landmarks will enable the tour guide to provide detailed information about each site, as well as interesting stories and anecdotes that will captivate the travelers. It will also help the guide to navigate the group through the destination, ensuring that they see all of the important sites.Local Cuisine and DiningAnother important knowledge point for tour guides is understanding the local cuisine and dining options. This includes knowing about popular dishes, drinks, and dining customs, as well as being aware of any dietary restrictions or food allergies that the travelers may have.Having knowledge of the local cuisine and dining options will allow the tour guide to recommend the best places to eat and provide insight into the local culinary scene. It will also help the guide to ensure that the travelers have a pleasant dining experience during their trip.Language and CommunicationEffective communication is essential for a tour guide, and this includes being proficient in the local language or languages spoken in the destination. This will enable the guide to communicate with the locals, as well as translate for the travelers when necessary.Having language skills will also help the tour guide to provide clear and concise commentary and instructions during the tour, ensuring that the travelers understand and enjoy the experience. It will also help the guide to assist the travelers in any situations where language may be a barrier.Safety and Emergency ProceduresAs a tour guide, it is important to be knowledgeable about safety and emergency procedures in the destination. This includes knowing about local laws and regulations, as well as being aware of potential safety hazards and how to handle emergency situations.Being prepared for safety and emergency procedures will enable the tour guide to ensure the well-being of the travelers and provide assistance if necessary. It will also help the guide to act quickly and decisively in the event of an emergency, keeping the travelers safe and secure.Local Transportation and LogisticsUnderstanding the local transportation options and logistics is another important knowledge point for tour guides. This includes knowing about public transportation, taxi services, and other means of getting around the destination, as well as being familiar with the local roads and traffic patterns.Having knowledge of local transportation and logistics will enable the tour guide to plan and organize the itinerary effectively, ensuring that the travelers can move around the destination efficiently. It will also help the guide to provide valuable information about transportation options, making it easier for the travelers to navigate the area. Environmental and Sustainable TourismIn today's world, it is important for tour guides to be knowledgeable about environmental and sustainable tourism practices. This includes understanding the impact of tourism on the environment, as well as being aware of local efforts to promote sustainable tourism. Having knowledge of environmental and sustainable tourism will enable the tour guide to provide valuable information about the destination's environmental practices andencourage the travelers to be responsible and respectful visitors. It will also help the guide to promote sustainable tourism options and support local initiatives that are beneficial for the environment.ConclusionIn conclusion, being a knowledgeable tour guide requires an understanding of a wide range of topics, including geography, history, culture, attractions, cuisine, language, safety, transportation, and sustainable tourism. By having a deep understanding of these knowledge points, tour guides can provide valuable insights and an unforgettable experience for the travelers, ensuring that they have a memorable and enjoyable trip.。



英文导游知识点归纳总结As a tour guide, it is crucial to possess a wide range of knowledge in order to provide an informative and enjoyable experience for tourists. This includes knowledge of the local area, history, culture, and language, as well as practical skills such as effective communication and problem-solving. In this summary, we will explore some of the key knowledge points that tour guides should have to excel in their role.Local Area KnowledgeOne of the most important aspects of being a tour guide is having a deep understanding of the local area. This includes knowledge of the geography, topography, and landmarks of the region. A good tour guide should be able to provide detailed explanations of the significance of each location and how it fits into the overall local landscape. This may include understanding the natural features of the area, such as mountains, rivers, and forests, as well as the urban environment, including major buildings, streets, and neighborhoods.In addition, local area knowledge also encompasses an understanding of the local transportation system, including train, bus, and taxi routes, as well as knowledge of the best restaurants, shops, and accommodations in the area. Tour guides should be able to recommend the best places for tourists to visit and provide tips on how to get around efficiently.History KnowledgeA tour guide should also be well-versed in the history of the area they are guiding in. This includes knowledge of important historical events, key figures, and significant time periods that have shaped the region. Being able to provide historical context to the sights and landmarks that tourists will visit is essential to enriching their experience and helping them gain a deeper understanding of the local culture.In addition, tour guides should be familiar with the historical architecture and art of the area, as well as any cultural traditions or customs that have been passed down through generations. This may include knowledge of traditional festivals, celebrations, and rituals that are important to the local community.Cultural KnowledgeUnderstanding the local culture is another crucial aspect of being an effective tour guide. This includes knowledge of the language, customs, traditions, and social norms of the area. Tour guides should be able to provide insight into the local way of life, including the daily habits, values, and beliefs of the people who live there. Being able to communicate these cultural nuances to tourists can help them gain a deeper appreciation for the destination and feel more connected to the local community.Language SkillsIn many cases, tour guides will need to have a basic understanding of the language spoken in the area they are guiding. This will enable them to effectively communicate with local residents, as well as assist tourists who may need help navigating or interacting with locals. Being able to speak the local language also adds authenticity to the tour and can make the experience more immersive for tourists.Effective CommunicationEffective communication skills are essential for tour guides to ensure that they can convey information in a clear and engaging manner. This includes being able to speak confidently and articulately, as well as being able to engage with and entertain the tourists throughout the tour. Tour guides should also have good listening skills in order to understand the needs and interests of the tourists and tailor their explanations accordingly.Problem-Solving SkillsTour guides should also possess strong problem-solving skills in order to handle any unexpected situations that may arise during a tour. This may include dealing with changes in the itinerary, managing difficult tourists, or handling emergency situations. Being able to think quickly and make informed decisions in challenging circumstances is a key trait of a successful tour guide.Safety and First Aid KnowledgeFinally, tour guides should have a good understanding of safety protocols and first aid procedures to ensure the well-being of their tourists. This may include knowledge of local emergency services, evacuation procedures, and basic first aid techniques. Being prepared to handle unexpected medical situations can make all the difference in ensuring the safety and security of the tourists.In conclusion, being a tour guide requires a diverse range of knowledge and skills in order to provide an enriching and enjoyable experience for tourists. From local area knowledge to history, culture, language, and practical skills such as effective communication and problem-solving, tour guides play a crucial role in facilitating meaningful connections between tourists and the destinations they visit.。

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关键词:特点概述;结构特点;内容特点;综述Abstract: This is mainly the basic characteristic based on English guide's word, through come , expound the fact English guide characteristic of term to structure and content of English guide word .Two respect of concrete analyses of term. At first, Carry on the basic summary to the English guide's word; Secondly, through an analysis of four parts of structure of English guide's term, prove guide's term is in the structural basic characteristic; Moreover, carry on the analysis on the content to the English guide's term through five concrete respects. Go still one step further to explain the basic characteristic of the English guide's term in content. Finally, go on comprehensive analysis summarize to English guide structure and characteristic of content.Key words: Summary of Characteristic, characteristic of Structural, characteristic of Content, survey英文导游用语具有多样性的特点。









它是通过外语导游员(以下称导游员) 之口直接说给外国旅游者(以下称旅游者) 听的。

导游词大量产生于中国改革开放后入境旅游(inbound tourism) 蓬勃兴起之际。





译成英语的导游词通常是供导游员在途中、景点、娱乐场所、商店或餐厅时进行口头讲解服务用的,故又不同于即兴发挥的“现场导游”(on the spot into reduction) 和“途中导游”(on the way into reduction)。

前者是可以“预制的”(pert ran slated) ,后者则需现编词(排除事先准备等因素) 。

尽管前者可以预制,但它又不同于一般的笔译(包括旅游资料或见闻的翻译) 。











Welcome to ______! May I introduce my Chinese colleagues to you? This is Mr. ____ from (China International Travel Service). He will travel with you throughout the trip in China. This is Mr. ____, our driver. His bus number is ***. My name is ______. I am from CITS. My job is to smooth your way, care for your welfare, try my best to answer your questions, and be your guide/interest during your stay in______. If you have any special interest, please tell your tour leader and she/he will let us know. We’ll try our best to make your stay in ____ a pleasant one. We highly appreciate your understanding and co-operation.欢送词。

OK, now ladies and gentleman, what your surprise now? I hope the visiting of *** will give you a beautiful impression and I hope you will remember *** forever.(二)、整体介绍。




Just as the book said, Tour guides must: Be knowledgeable about all the tour operation procedures and the areas where you are going to visit.叙述词句要尽量简洁、生动,不可拖沓。












三、英文导游词的内容特点就英文导游词的内容分析,因为旅游业是为旅游者服务的,根据旅游者的要求和期望,好的导游词的内容应包括informative(内容充实) 、into rigging (生动有趣) 、realistic (真实可信) 、practical (实用性强) 、cultural (文化性强)。








(二)、into rigging,指英文导游词应注重趣味性。




