

航海学考试真题 有答案

航海学考试真题 有答案




A.地球自然表面围成的几何体B.大地球体C.地球椭圆体D.地球圆球体2.某船由30ºS,60ºW航行至40ºS,120ºW,则该船经差和纬差的方向分别为:A.E经差、N纬差 B.W经差、S纬差 C.E经差、S纬差 D.W经差、N纬差3.下列哪项是建立大地坐标系时应明确的问题?Ⅰ、确定椭圆体的参数;Ⅱ、确定椭圆体中心的位置;Ⅲ、确定坐标轴的的方向A.Ⅰ、Ⅱ B.Ⅰ、Ⅲ C.Ⅱ、Ⅲ D.Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ4.半圆周法方向换算为圆周法方向的法则是。


A.40°B.040°C.320°D.280°6.某轮陀罗航向300°,陀罗差2°E,则左正横处物标的真方位是:A.210°B.208°C.212°D.270°7.当船舶转向时,下列哪些随之发生改变?I.真方位 II. 罗方位 III. 磁方位 IV. 舷角A.I、II B.III、IV C.I、III D.II、IV8.某船沿极圈(66°33'N)航行,已知计程仪改正率为0.0%,无航行和推算误差,则实际船位比在海图上按计程仪航程推算的推算船位(不考虑风流影响)。



中华人民共和国海事局2006年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第39期)科目:主推进动力装置试卷代号:834适用对象:750 3000KW船舶二/三管轮(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分为70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最适合的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应的位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。

1. 柴油机与汽油机同属内燃机,它们在工作中的不同主要是:Ⅰ.使用燃料不同Ⅱ.发火方式不同Ⅲ.内部燃烧不同Ⅳ.燃油与空气混合方式不同Ⅴ.供油系统不同Ⅵ.低温起动性不同A. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅥB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥD. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ2. 影响有效压缩比的因素有:Ⅰ、四冲程机进气阀定时Ⅱ、四冲程机排气阀定时Ⅲ、弯流扫气二冲程机的扫气口高度Ⅳ、弯流扫气二冲机的排气口高度Ⅴ、二冲程机的排气阀定时A.Ⅰ+Ⅳ+ⅤB.Ⅰ+ⅢC.Ⅱ+Ⅳ+ⅤD.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ3. 关于二冲程柴油机和四冲程柴油机说法正确的是:A. 二冲程柴油机的机械负荷高于四冲程柴油机B. 二冲程柴油机的强化程度高于四冲程柴油机C. 因没有吸、排气行程,所以二冲程柴油机的飞轮较小D. 二冲程柴油机的换气过程所占曲轴转角不到四冲程机的一半4. 二冲程直流换气的优点有:Ⅰ.换气质量好Ⅱ.缸套下部受热均匀Ⅲ.经济性好Ⅳ.管理方便Ⅴ.适于发展超长行程Ⅵ.利于废气涡轮增压A. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥB. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤC. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ+Ⅴ+ⅥD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ5. 在连杆杆身与大端上半轴承接合处增减垫片,下述那一项变化是错误的?A. 压缩容积变化B. 气缸总容积变化C. 气缸工作容积变化D. 压缩比变化6. 柴油机机械效率的比较,一般规律是:A. 高速机比低速机高B. 小型机比大型机高C. 非增压机比增压机高D. 全负荷时比低负荷时高7. 目前,限制废气涡轮增压柴油机提高增压度的主要因素是:A. 机械负荷过大B. 热负荷过高C. 增压器效率D. 增压器制造8. 关于柴油机增压的说法中错误的是:A. 增压是提高进气压力B. 增压是提高进气密度C. 增压是提高喷油压力D. 增压是提高气缸充气量9. 十字头柴油机采用中隔板将______隔开。





1. 正弦交流电的最大值I m、有效值I之间关系是_______。

A. I m =I √B. I m =IC. I m =ID. I m =I2. 以下几种电容器中,在使用时应注意它有正负之分的是_______。

A. 纸介质电容器B. 云母电容器C. 陶瓷电容器√D. 电解电容器3. 若三相电动势e A、e B、e C对称,则有______。

A. e A+e B+e C=3E √B. e A+e B+e C=0C. E A+E B+E C=0D. E A+E B+E C=1.732E4. 三相负载星形连接,中线的作用是_______。

A. 获得两种电压B. 获得两种电流C. 保证各线电流相等√D. 在负载不对称时保证各相电压相等5. 关于P型半导体的下列说法,错误的是_______。

A. 空穴是多数载流子B. 在二极管中,P型半导体一侧接出引线后,是二极管的正极√C. 在纯净的硅衬底上,掺杂五价元素,可形成P型半导体D. 在NPN型的晶体管中,基区正是由P型半导体构成6. 下列PN结两端的电位值,使PN结导通的是_______。

A. P端接+5V,N端通过一电阻接+7V √B. N端接+2V,P端通过一电阻接+7VC. P端接-3V,N端通过一电阻接+7VD. P端接+1V,N端通过一电阻接+6V7. 如图电路,R=10kΩ,忽略二极管导通时的管压降,则电流表的读数是_______。

A. 0mAB. 1.5mA √C. 0.3mAD. 15mA8. 如图,单相半波整流电路中,为使电路可靠工作,整流二极管D的反向耐压值必须大于_______。





1. ______是属于按推进器型式分类的船舶。

A. 帆船B. 水翼船C. 渡船D. 明轮2. 在横骨架式舷侧结构中装设强肋骨是为了:A. 提高总纵强度B. 提高扭转强度C. 保证横向强度D. 局部加强3. 船舶在海上遇到“标准波”时,当船舶处于______状态时,浮力的分布对船体总纵强度是最不利的。

A. 船中位于波峰B. 船中位于波谷C. 波峰位于1/4船长处D. 船中位于波峰或船中位于波谷4. 以下关于船的总纵弯曲力矩、剪力的说法中,不正确的是:A. 在船的最大弯曲力矩处其剪力值等于零B. 每一条船舶有一个可以确定的最大弯曲力矩值和剪力值C. 船体总纵弯曲应力的大小沿着船长方向是成线性分布的D. 最大的剪力位于距首尾两端大约1/4船长附近5. 机舱振动较大,它的舷侧结构需要加强,为此该区域与其它舱室舷侧结构的主要区别在于:A. 采用波形舱壁B. 增加肋板C. 仅采用纵骨架式结构D. 增加了强肋骨和舷侧纵桁6. 通常要求压载泵应在______内将所有压载舱注满或排空。

A. 6~8hB. 5~7hC. 4~6hD. 8~12h7. 水密横舱壁的设置数目主要是根据______等因素来决定的。

Ⅰ、水密分舱Ⅱ、机舱的位置和货舱的长短Ⅲ、船体强度的要求Ⅳ、驾驶室的位置Ⅴ、增加货舱数目Ⅵ、分隔货物种类A. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+ⅤB. Ⅰ+Ⅲ+ⅥC. Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD. Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ8. 燃、滑油舱测深管的上端关口必须伸至:A. 机舱铺板上方B. 燃、滑油舱顶板上方C. 露天甲板上D. 高于油舱顶部任何位置9. 若将少量载荷装卸在船舶的______的垂线上,船舶将会发生平行沉浮。

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:36881 船舶管理

海事局海船船员适任证书全国统考试卷:36881 船舶管理




A.油船、散装货船、矿沙船,ESPB.油船、散装货船、矿沙船,EPSC.液化气船、油船、散装货船、矿沙船,EPSD.液化气船、油船、散装货船、矿沙船,ESP2.外板的短边接缝叫:A.边接缝B.纵向接缝C.端接缝D.竖向接缝3.下列属于首部结构特点的是:①多采用纵骨架式②肋骨间距小③构件尺寸大④设有许多空间骨架A.①②③B.②③④C.①~④D.①②④4.引起船体发生总纵弯曲的原因,主要是沿着船长方向每一点上:A.重力分布不平衡造成的B.浮力分布不平衡造成的C.压力分布不平衡造成的D.重力和浮力不平衡造成的5.远洋船舶载重线标志上的最高一条载重线是:A.热带载重线B.夏季载重线C.热带淡水载重线D.冬季载重线6.船舶的重心的纵坐标随吃水的增加而:A.增大B.减小C.不变D.不确定7.船装卸少量重物之后吃水的平行改变量与TPC:A.成正比B.成反比C.无关D. A,B,C均可8.悬挂物对稳性的影响相当于将货物重心:A.下移到龙骨处B.上移到上甲板C.上移到悬挂点处D.悬挂物对稳性的影响需视悬索长度而定9.提高船舶静稳性的方法有:Ⅰ、提高重心Ⅱ、降低重心Ⅲ、减少自由液面Ⅳ、固定悬挂物,防止摇摆Ⅴ、调整重物的水平位置Ⅵ、垂直向上移动重物A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣB.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ ⅣC.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ+ⅤD.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ+Ⅵ10.船舶从出发港至目的港的整个过程中,初稳性高度会有几个:A.一个B.二个C.三个D.许多个11.初稳性是指:A.船舶在未装货前的稳性B.船舶在小角度倾斜的稳性C.船舶在开始倾斜时的稳性D.船舶在平衡状态时的稳性12.静稳性曲线图上,曲线斜率为零的点所对应的船舶横倾角为:A.稳性消失角B.甲板浸水角C.极限静倾角D.船舶进水角13.船舶运送重大件货物时应特别注意:A.稳性和吃水差B.稳性和纵向强度C.稳性和局部强度D.局部强度和吃水差14.船体破损进水后,首先应:A.关闭所有水密装置和通路、防止进水漫延B.测量各舱室污水沟水位变化,查明漏洞所在C.组织排水堵漏D.发放求救信号15.船舶在____破舱进水时,其危险性最大。



中华人民共和国海事局 (模拟)年第期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第期)(模拟)科目:航海学试卷代号:913适用对象:无限、近洋、沿海航区3000总吨及以上船舶二/三副(本试卷卷面总分100 分,及格分为70 分,考试时间100 分钟)答题说明:本试卷试题均为单项选择题,请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在其相应的位置上用2B铅笔涂黑,每题1分,共100分。

1、某轮由赤道起沿子午线向北航行,计程仪读数差为720’,ΔL=0%,不考虑外界影响和航行等误差,则实际到达点的纬度_____________A.等于12ºN B.大于12ºN C.小于12ºN D.无法确定2、罗经点方向WSW换算成圆周方向为_____________A.258.º75 B.236.º25 C.202.º5 D.247.º53、在有变加速流存在的船速校验场测定船速时,为了提高测速精度,应在短时间内往返重测定_____________次,A.2 B.3 C:4 D.54、地理纬度是某地子午线的______与赤道面的交角。

A. 半径B. 切线C. 法线D. 铅垂线5、已知到达点纬度为30°11'.8N,两地间纬差为 38°07'.8N,则起航点纬度为:A. 20°19'.6NB. 08°04'.0NC. 07°56'.0SD. 08°04'.0S6、航海学中,使用地球椭圆体为地球数学模型的场合是:①描述地球形状时②定义地理坐标时③制作墨卡托投影海图时④计算大圆航线时⑤制作简易墨卡托图网时A.①② B.②③ C.③④ D.③⑤7、某船罗航向045º,该地磁差2ºW,罗经自差1ºE,该船左正横物标真方位为________ A.314º B.316º C.135º D.134º8、位于地理南极的测者,其真北方向为:A. 无真北方向B. 任意方向C. 向上D. 向前9、已知起航点纬度 =08º12.’4S,到达点纬度 =25º04.’6S,则两地间纬差为:A.16º52.’2S B.17º52.’2S C.33º17.’0S D.17º07.’8S10、我国海区水上助航标志制度表示航标特征的方法有:I、标色;II、标形;III、顶标;IV、光色和光质;V、音响;VI、无线电信号A.I~III B.I~IV C.I~V D.I~VI11、设m,n分别为墨卡托海图上某点经线和纬线方向的局部比例尺,则A.m>n B.m<n C.m=n D.以上都可能12、存在潮汐周日不等的海区,一个太阴日里相邻两次低潮中潮高较低的高潮称为:A.高高潮 B.高低潮 C.低高潮 D.低低潮13、航迹推算中,在推算船位附近应标注下列哪些内容?I、航迹向;II、计程仪读数;III、推算船位;IV、时间。




1. 在船舶上发生火灾时,船员的首要任务是什么?

2. 船舶在航行过程中发生无线电通信故障时,应该采取哪些措施?

3. 恶劣的天气和海况下,船舶如何保持稳定?

4. 船舶突遇海难时,船员应该怎样进行求生行动?

1. 火灾发生时,船员的首要任务是立即向船长报告,并启动火警应急程序。

2. 在航行过程中发生无线电通信故障时,应该尽快报告船长,并按照船舶通信故障应急程序进行处理。

3. 恶劣的天气和海况下,船舶应调整舵角和船速,保持稳定的航行姿态。

4. 船舶突遇海难时,船员应该佩戴救生衣,尽快登上救生艇,并按照救生艇使用手册进行操作。

100. 题目100的答案。




1 / 19中华人民共和国海事局2009年海船船员适任统考试题(3)1.验船师的验船报告是船舶的________,轮机部的验船报告/大管轮2 / 19________并测试完好。


A.Ⅰ~Ⅴ B.Ⅰ~Ⅳ C.Ⅱ+ⅢD.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ3.船舶在开航前检查设备时,要紧注意________所有与航行有关设备工作情况。

A.备车前 B.备车时 C.备车后D.A+B+C4.新造船舶在开航后的三个月内,轮机长应组织轮机员做好下列工作________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ5.STCW规则第A-Ⅲ/2节规定,轮机长实际知识水平达到对电气、电子操纵设备的________。


A.Ⅰ~Ⅲ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ~Ⅳ6.现代海员职业具有普遍性和专门性,海员职业的专门性要紧体现在________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅲ+ⅣD.Ⅰ~Ⅳ7.我国04发证规则规定,以不正当手段向海事局骗取适任证书者,海事机构拒绝受理,并在________内不予受理相应的申请。


A.1年/2年 B.1年/3年 C.3年/5年D.1年/5年3 / 198.下列不符合《中华人民共和国船员违法记分治理方法》所称的船员违法行为是________。


2019海事局年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:主推进动力装置 试卷代号:832.doc

2019海事局年第1期海船船员适任证书全国统考试题(总第26期)科目:主推进动力装置       试卷代号:832.doc




A.减小摩擦功损失 B.提高机械效率 C.提高经济性 D.A+B+C2.下列影响燃油管理工作的指标有。

A.残炭值 B.凝点 C.发热值 D.十六烷值3.关于过量空气系数α,正确的论述是。



A.压力升高比 B.最高爆发压力C.平均压力增长率∆p/∆ϕ D.A+B6.根据对NO x的形成机理研究,生成NO x浓度最小的燃烧室型式是。

A.开式 B.半开式 C.半分隔式 D.分隔式7.根据增压压力的高低,高增压的增压压力范围是。

A.0.23~0.3 MP aB.0.25~0.35 MP aC.0.275~0.35 MP aD.0.30 ~0.4Mp a8.在柴油机中润滑的作用之一是。

A.形成动压作用 B.形成静压作用 C.减磨作用 D.调整间隙9.当代新型超长行程柴油机的活塞冷却介质大多选用。

A.曲轴箱滑油B.淡水 C.海水 D.柴油10.活塞位移x与下列哪种参数无关?A.曲轴半径R B.曲轴转角α C.连杆比λ D.曲轴回转角速度ω11.在转速保持不变的情况下,柴油机的各项主要性能指标和工作参数随负荷而变化的规律, 称为。



海船船员考试题目和答案一、单选题1. 根据《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS),船舶安全管理体系(SMS)的主要目的是什么?A. 提高船舶的经济效益B. 提高船舶的环保水平C. 提高船舶的安全性和防止污染D. 提高船舶的航行速度答案:C2. 船舶在国际航行中,必须持有的证书是?A. 国籍证书B. 吨位证书C. 国际船舶安全证书D. 国际船舶防污染证书答案:C3. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应首先采取的行动是?A. 向最近的港口报告B. 向最近的搜救中心报告C. 向船东报告D. 向保险公司报告答案:B4. 船舶在航行中,船长的主要职责是什么?A. 确保船舶的经济效益B. 确保船舶的环保水平C. 确保船舶的安全和船员的健康D. 确保船舶的航行速度答案:C5. 船舶在航行中,遇到海盗袭击时,应采取的措施是?A. 直接与海盗对抗B. 立即撤离船舶C. 向最近的搜救中心报告并采取避让措施D. 向船东报告答案:C二、多选题6. 船舶在国际航行中,必须遵守的国际公约包括哪些?A. 《国际海上人命安全公约》(SOLAS)B. 《国际防止船舶造成污染公约》(MARPOL)C. 《国际劳工组织公约》(ILO)D. 《国际船舶和港口设施保安规则》(ISPS)答案:A, B, C, D7. 船舶在航行中,船长应确保哪些方面的安全?A. 船舶的安全B. 船员的安全C. 货物的安全D. 环境的安全答案:A, B, C, D8. 船舶在航行中,遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?A. 减速航行B. 改变航线C. 加强船舶的稳定性D. 保持与附近船舶的通信答案:A, B, C, D9. 船舶在航行中,遇到火灾时,应采取哪些措施?A. 立即启动消防系统B. 组织船员进行灭火C. 向最近的搜救中心报告D. 撤离船舶答案:A, B, C10. 船舶在航行中,遇到船舶碰撞时,应采取哪些措施?A. 立即向最近的搜救中心报告B. 检查船舶的损害情况C. 与对方船舶进行协商D. 采取必要的安全措施答案:A, B, C, D三、判断题11. 船舶在国际航行中,必须持有有效的国际吨位证书。



一、单选题1. 船舶在航行中,应当遵守航行规则,保持正规瞭望,注意避让,并按照规定显示信号。

A. 正确B. 错误2. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。

A. 正确B. 错误3. 船舶在航行中,应当保持船舶、船员、货物、设备的安全,防止污染环境,并遵守国家有关安全、环保和防治污染的规定。

A. 正确B. 错误4. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。

A. 正确B. 错误5. 船舶在航行中,应当遵守航行规则,保持正规瞭望,注意避让,并按照规定显示信号。

A. 正确B. 错误6. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。

A. 正确B. 错误7. 船舶在航行中,应当保持船舶、船员、货物、设备的安全,防止污染环境,并遵守国家有关安全、环保和防治污染的规定。

A. 正确B. 错误8. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。

A. 正确B. 错误9. 船舶在航行中,应当遵守航行规则,保持正规瞭望,注意避让,并按照规定显示信号。

A. 正确B. 错误10. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。

A. 正确B. 错误11. 船舶在航行中,应当保持船舶、船员、货物、设备的安全,防止污染环境,并遵守国家有关安全、环保和防治污染的规定。

A. 正确B. 错误12. 船舶在进出港口、通过桥梁、狭窄航道、浅滩或者遇有能见度不良时,应当遵守海事管理机构的规定,加强瞭望,谨慎驾驶,并采取必要的安全措施。





一.单项选择题1.(回转潮流的流向和流速资料Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the______.A.Mariner’s Guide B.Tidal Current Tables C.Nautical Almanac D.Tide Tables B.Tidal Current Tables潮流表2.Light Lists for coastal waters are ______.A.published every year and require no correctionsB.published every second year and must be correctedC.published every five year and require no correctionsD.accurate thru NM and must be corrected3.The light vessel is reported ______.A.to be destroyed B.to be demolished C.to be ruined D.to be spoiled 4.The buoy symbol printed on your chart is leaning to the northeast. This indicates ______.A.you should stay to the north or east of the buoyB.you should stay to the west or south of the buoyC.the buoy is a major lighted buoyD.nothing special for navigational purposes5.When should voyage planning be done?A.During the sailing B.Prior to sailing C.After sailing D.Before the pilot is leaving 6.The revision date of a chart is printed on which area of the chart?A.Top center B.Lower-left cornerC.Part of the chart title D.Any clear area around the neat line7.Solid green arrows on the main body of a pilot chart indicate______.A.prevailing wind directions B.prevailing ocean current directionsC.probable surface current flow D.shortest great circle routes8.______ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.A.Admiralty Sailing Directions B.Admiralty List of SignalsC.Mariner’s Handbook D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners9.Owing to old data of the survey the positions and number of the beacons shown on this chart are not to be ______.A.considered B.insured C.relied upon D.suspected10.The proper way to correct a mistake in the logbook is to______.A.erase the entry and rewriteB.draw several lines through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correctionC.completely black out the entry, rewrite, and initial the correctionD.draw one line through the entry, rewrite, and initial the correction11.It’s ______ that the cargo was damaged by your stevedores.A.bright B.distinct C.plain D.evident12.The {said} accident was caused by your ship.A.sailing B.damaged C.sounded D.abovementioned 13.ACCIDENTAL ESCAPE OF OIL OUT OF A TANK WHEN IT GETS TOO FULL BECAUSE PUMPING WA NOT STOPPED IN TIME defines ______.A.Overloading B.Over discharging C.Overflow D.Overtaking14.With regard to the opening and closing of watertight integrity appliances not fitted with a remote operating control or alarm system, what must the Master or person in charge of a shipenter in the logbook?A.The time required to close the appliancesB.The reason for opening or closing each applianceC.The name of the person performing the opening and closing of such appliancesD.The fact that the hull indicators functioned or not15.We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 month, ______ the abandon ship drill.A.combining with B.combined with C.combining to D.combined to16.V essel must be ______duly qualified officers and crew.A.supplied with B.equipped by C.manned with D.fitted with17.The port of registry is ______.A.not required to be marked anywhere on the vesselB.required to be marked on both bows and on the keelC.required to be marked on the stern with the name of the vessel marked on both bowsD.required to be marked on the keel, stern, and both bows18.In accordance with SOLAS, the batteries that power interior lighting in inflatable liferafts can be made to last longer by ______.A.unscrewing the bulb during the daylightB.switching the light on only when necessaryC.taking no action as there is no way on saving powerD.taking no action as the shut off automatically in daylight19.While operating your oceangoing vessel you must keep a record of any discharge or disposal of garbage. These entries shall be made ______.A.before the end of the voyageB.before arriving at your next portC.no later than 24 hours after disposal of the garbageD.at the time the garbage was disposed of20.Your oceangoing vessel is required to have a waste management plan. This plan must be in writing and describe procedures for ______.A.collecting and discharging garbageB.disposing waste from marine sanitation devicesC.reducing the amount of shipboard wasteD.segregating the different types of shipboard waste21.In a river subject to tidal currents, the best time to dock a ship without the assistance of tugs is _____.A.at high water B.when there is a following currentC.at slack water D.at flood22.Usually, do not use more than ______ complete rope turns around the drum.A.1-2 B.3-4 C.5-6 D.7-823.You are docking a vessel. Wind and current are most favorable when they are ______.A.crossing your course in the same direction B.crossing your course in opposite directions C.parallel to the pier from ahead D.setting you on the pier 24.Masters are required to notify Port Authorities of anchorage bearings after ______.A.departure B.leaving C.anchored D.anchoring25.A look-out should report objects sighted using ______.A.true bearings B.magnetic bearings C.gyro bearings D.relative bearings 26.Apparent wind speed blowing across a vessel under tow can be measured by a(n) ______.A.barometer B.wind vane C.anemometer D.thermometer 27.A light signal consisting of three flashes means ______.A.I am in doubt as to your actions B.My engines are full speed asternC.I desire to overtake you D.I am operating astern propulsion28.The rules state that vessels may depart from the requirements of the Rules when ______.A.there are no other vessels around B.operating in a narrow channelC.the M aster enters it in the ship’s log D.necessary to avoid immediate danger 29.Sailing vessels are stand-on over power-driven vessels except ______.A.in a crossing situation B.in a meeting situationC.when they are the overtaking vessel D.on the inland waters of the PR China 30.If there is sufficient sea room, alteration of ______ may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.A.speed and course B.speed alone C.course alone D.speed or course 31.The Routing System which aimed at reducing the risk of casualties is called as ______.A.Traffic Separation Schemes B.Recommended tracksC.Precautionary areas D.Inshore traffic zones32.The period of a lighted aid to navigation refers to the ______.A.date of construction or establishmentB.length of time between flashes of the lightC.time required for the longest flash of each typeD.time required for the light to complete each cycle33.______ refers to the angle between true North and the heading line of the ship.A.True position B.True meridian C.True course D.True bearing 34.A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.A.ignores the effect of surface currents B.is most useful when in sight of landC.must be plotted using magnetic courses D.may started at an assumed position 35.Mean high water is the average height of ______.A.the higher high waters B.the lower high watersC.the lower of the two daily tides D.all high waters36.What does the term “tide” refer to?A.Horizontal movement of the water B.Vertical movement of the waterC.Mixing tendency of the water D.Salinity content of the water37.After transferring a weight forward on a vessel, the draft at the center of flotation will ______.A.change, depending on the location of the LCG B.increaseC.decrease D.remain constant 38.Unstable equilibrium exists at small angles of inclination when ______.A.G is above M B.G is off the centerlineC.B is off the centerline D.B is above G39.Reducing the liquid free surfaces in a vessel reduces the ______.A.roll period B.metacentric height C.waterplane area D.vessel’s draft 40.Broken stowage must be reduced to ______.A.the minimum B.to little amount C.the maximum D.to great amount 41.The Chief Officer ______ told the stevedores to stow the cargo lot by lotA.plainly B.playfully C.absolutely D.completely 42.My ship is ______No. 5 berth for loading.A.onto the wharf B.moved astern C.into the dock D.moored alongside 43.The necessity of the segregation of cargoes is determined by ______.A.experience from practice B.various types of cargoesC.different types of ships D.personal abilities44.The agent promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.A.to be informed B.informed C.on informing D.informing 45.Figure of cargo short-landed in ______.A.dispute B.argue C.debate D.discuss46.As a general rule, tally clocks should make their tallying ______.A.in warehouses B.on deck C.ashore D.in the tallyroom 47.Isobars on a synoptic chart are useful in predicting ______.A.temperature B.dew point C.wind velocity D.relative humidity 48.BASHI: E TO SE 9-10. 500M IN HVY SQUALLY SHWRS AND TS. SEA 8-9M. SWELL SE 6-7M. From the above forecast, the wind in Beaufort Scale will be ______.A.STRONG GALE TO STORM B.GALE TO STRONG GALEC.NEAR GALE TO GALE D.STRONG BREEZE TO NEAR GALE 49.Good weather is usually associated with a region of ______.A.low barometric pressure B.high barometric pressureC.falling barometric pressure D.pumping barometric pressure50.A sea breeze is a wind ______.A.that blows towards the sea at nightB.that blows towards an island during the dayC.caused by cold air descending a coastal inclineD.caused by the distant approach of a hurricane51.A boundary between two air masses is a(n) ______ .A.lapse rate B.isobar C.front D.continent52.A partial deck in a hold is called a(n) ______ .A.weather deck B.orlop deck C.shelter deck D.main deck 53.For an upright vessel, draft is the vertical distance between the keel and the ______.A.waterline B.freeboard deck C.plimsoll mark D.amidships section 54.Bulkheads forming part of the tanks on a ship are stiffened to withstand ______.A.deck loads from above B.dynamic forces while afloatC.hydrostatic pressure D.over pressurization55.How would the exhaust of a properly operating diesel engine appear?A.Light blue haze B.Light brown haze C.Light gray haze D.Perfectly haze 56.On an anchor windlass, the wheel over which the anchor chain passes is called a ______.A.brake compressor wheel B.devil’s claw C.wildcat D.winchhead 57.The primary reason for placing covers over storage batteries is to ______.A.prevent the accumulation of explosive gasesB.protect the hull from leaking electrolyteC.prevent movement of the battery in rough watersD.protect against accidental shoring across terminals58.What course should be fed in to a stabilized radar picture?A.Compass course B.Gyro course C.True course D.Course made good 59.When hitting a solid object such as a ship or an airplane, the radar waves are reflected back ______they came.A.in the way B.the way C.by the way D.through the way 60.The correct method of switching off a marine radar is to turn power switch to ______ position first, then to ______ position.A.off / standby B.standby / off C.standby /close D.close / standby 61.My gyro-compass ______ is two degrees east.A.trouble B.error C.wrong D.mistake 62.Which one of the followings is incorrect about magnetic compass?A.The magnetic compass is compulsory on any vesselB.The magnetic compass is prone to errorC.The magnetic compass is always placed inside steel constructionsD.The magnetic compass needs to be calibrated to compensate for local magnetic distortion 63.Magnetic variation changes with a change in ______.A.the vessel’s heading B.sea conditions C.seasons D.the vessel’s position 64.Automatic identification systems (AIS) are expected to broadcast all of the following information EXCEPT ______.A.Port of origin B.Name of vesselC.Course and speed over ground D.Draft of vessel65.When own ships position input to ECDIS wrong, what is resultl?A.Nothing B.ECDIS will give warningC.ECDIS will automatically be switched offD.Positions, range and bearings taken on the ECDIS will be wrong66.What is the main purpose of DGPS?A.To improve positioning accuracy B.To decrease positioning accuracy C.To reduce operational cost D.To simplify operation process 67.The ‘urgent’ priority should be used for messages ______.A.concerning the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS)B.detailing important navigational warningsC.containing information concerning the safety of a mobile unit or personD.concerning on-scene communications68.Which statement concerning locating signals in the GMDSS is FALSE?A.Locating signals are transmitted by survival craft VHF transceiversB.Locating signals are transmitted by SARTsC.Locating signals are intended to facilitate the finding of a distressed vessel or its survivors D.Locating signals are not transmitted by autoalarm generators69.What is the meaning of the word “RODGER” when used in radio communication A.please repeat your message B.Not readableC.Correct D.I have received your transmission satisfactorily 70.Our ship is slow in going astern, please ______.A.be careful B.be kind enough C.be nice D.be looked after 71.I have steerage way. It is said that ______ .A.I am underway B.I am out of controlC.I am not making way through the waterD.I have the amount of movement forward which the ship needs to be steered properly 72.What is a CORRECT reply to a pilot’s request, “How’s your heading”?A.Steady B.Eased to 10° rudder C.Checked D.Passing 50°73.A bollard is found on the ______.A.beach B.deck C.pier D.towed vessel74.In order to help protect a natural fiber rope from rotting, the line must be ______.A.dried, and stowed in a place with adequate ventilationB.stowed in a hot, moist compartmentC.stowed on deck at all timesD.stowed in any compartment75.In order to detect rot in manila lines, you should ______.A.feel the surface of the line for broken fibersB.measure the reduction in circumference of the lineC.observe any mildew on the outer surfaceD.open the strands and examine the inner fibers76.A long pole with a hook at one end, used to reach for lines, is known as a ______.A.pike pole B.jack staff C.line rod D.hooker 77.Paints and solvent on a vessel should be ______.A.stored safely at the work site until work is completedB.returned to the paint locker after each useC.covered at all times to protect from ignition sourcesD.stored in a suitable gear locker78.You are standing the wheelwatch when you hear the cry, ‘Man overboard starboard side’. You should instinctively ______.A.give full right rudder B.give full left udderC.put the rudder amidships D.throw a life ring to mark the spot79.A situation ha occurred where is becomes necessary for you to be towed. What action should be taken to prevent your vessel from yawing? ______.A.Shift weight to the bow B.Shift weight to the center of the boatC.Shift weight to stern D.Throw excess weight overboard 80.Lifejackets should be stowed in ______.A.the forepeaks B.the pumproomC.readily accessible spaces D.locked watertight containers81.After using a CO2 portable extinguisher, it should be ______.A.put back in service if some CO2 remains B.hydrostatically testedC.retagged D.recharged82.Fire axes required on ship must be stored in the enclosure for fire houses with the location marked “______”.A.Fire Axe location B.Hose Station No.C.Fire Station No. D.Firefighting Equipment83.If help has not arrived in 10-12 hours after you abandon a vessel in a survival craft, you should ______.A.go in one direction until the fuel runs outB.plot a course for the nearest landC.take a vote on which direction you should goD.shut down the engine(s) and set the sea anchor84.Making water rapidly in all holds, all passengers and crew were order on deck ______ and all boats were lowered to rail.A.in life jackets B.with life jackets C.with life jackets on D.putting on life jackets85.If the engine of a survival craft does not start, check to see ______ .A.that the fuel valve is open B.if the air supply system is openC.if the water sprinkler system is open D.if the limit switch is on86.Which of the following may be used in cleaning up an oil spill without the permission of governmental authorities?A.Straw and Skimmer only B.Skimmers and Chemical dispersants onlyC.Straw and Chemical dispersants only D.Straw, Skimmers and Chemical dispersants87.A crew member suffering from hypothermia should be given ______.A.a small dose of alcohol B.treatment for shockC.a large meal D.a brisk rub down88.When a rescuer finds an electrical burn victim in the vicinity of live electrical equipment or wiring, his first step is to ______.A.flush water over any burned area of the patientB.apply ointment to the burned areas on the patientC.get assistance to shut down electrical power in the areaD.remove the patient from the vicinity of the live electrical equipment or wiring二. 关联题(每组关联题题干下有4个小题, 每小题4个选项)第一组:EGC Message ---- MET Navarea Warning or MET Forecast ----Message Sequence No : 00103LES : KDDIPriority :UrgentSize : 969charactersReceive Date & Time : 07-09-18 06:56(UTC)PAN PANTHIS TROPICAL CYCLONE WARING IS ISSUED FOR THE NORTH OF EQUATOR OFMETAREA XI (FOR)WARNING 180600WARNING W ALID 190600WARNING IS UPDA TED EVERY 6 HOURSTYPHOON WARNINGTYPHOON 0712 WIPHA (0712) 930 HPAAT 25.7N 122.6E NORTHWEST OF ISHIGAKIJIMA MOVING NORTHWEST 16 KNOTS POSITION GOODMAX WINDS 100 KNOTS NEAR CENTERRADIUS OF OVER 50 KNOT WINDS 90 MILESRADIUS OF OVER 30 KNOT WINDS 260 MILES NORTHEAST SEMICIRCLE AND 180 MILES ELSEWHEREFORECAST POSITION FOR 181800UTC AT 27.2N 120.8E WITH 60 MILES RADIUS OF 70 PERCENT PROBABILITY CIRCLE950 HPA, M,AX WIND 85 KNOTS NEAR CENTERFORECAST POSITION FOR 190600UTC AT 29.7N 119.6E WITH 90 MILES RADIUS OF 70 985 HPA, MAX WINDS 50 KNOTSEXTENDED OUTLOOKFORECAST POSITION FOR 200600UTC AT 37.0N 121.9E WITH 170 MILES READIUS OF 70 PERCENT PROBABILITY CIRCLE1000 HPA, MAX WINDS 35 KNOTSBECOMING EXTRA TROPICAI. LOWJAPAN METEOROLOGICAL AGENCY89. Where is the message sent from?A. JapanB. SingaporeC. TaiwanD. New Zealand90. What is the priority of the message?A. RoutineB. SecuriteC. UrgencyD. Distress91. The warning was issued at 180600 and will first updated at _______.A. 190600B. 181256C. 180656D.18120092. Which of the following statements is true according to the warning?A. 950 HPA located at 25.7N 122.6E, its maximum winds near centre reach 85 knots, andradius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircleB. 930 HPA located at 25.7N 122.6E, its maximum winds near centre reach 100 knots, andradius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircleC. 950 HPA located at 29.7N 119.6E, its maximum winds near centre reach 85 knots, andradius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircleD. 930 HPA located at 29.7N 119.6E, its maximum winds near centre reach 100 knots, andradius of over 30 knot winds 260 miles northeast semicircle第二组Of various types of navigation, dead reckoning alone is always available in some form. In an emergency it is of more than average importance. With electronic systems out of service, you should keep a close check on speed, direction and distance made good; carefully evaluate the effects of wind and current; then determine your position by dead reckoning. Long voyages with accurate landfalls have been successfully completed by this method alone. This is not meant to minimize the importance of other methods of determining position. However, dead reckoningpositions may be more accurate than those determined by other methods. If the means of determining direction and distance are accurate, it may be best to adjust the dead reckoning only after a confirmed fix.93. Landfall means ______.A. a dead reckoning positionB. a confirmed fixC. electronic systems out of serviceD. that land is first sighted from a long voyage94. The dead reckoning ______.A. will minimize the importance of other methods of determining positionB. is likely to become more accurate in an emergencyC. will cause electronic systems to failD. is easier than other Types of navigation95. The dead reckoning position is ______.A. less accurate than a confirmed fix in most casesB. more accurate than those determined by electronic systemsC. always very accurateD. of more than average importance to determine the speed, direction and distance made good96. In the author’s opinion, dead reckoning position has all of the following characters except ______.A. it should only be adjusted after a confirmed fixB. it is very important in emergencyC. it is more accurate than those determined by other methodsD. in a long voyage, only dead reckoning will successfully make you arrive at your destination 45903甲类二三副英语参考答案1--10BBBAB BBDCD 11--20DDCDB CCBDA 21--30CCBDD CDDCC31--40ADCAD AAABA 41--50ADBBA CCABC 51--60CCADC ADCDB61--70BCDCD ACDDA 71—80DAAAD ABACC 81--88DCDAB ADD89--96 BDDB DBAD中华人民共和国海事局2008年第1期海船船员适任统考试题(总第46期)科目:航海英语试卷代号:903适用对象:无限航区,近洋航区船舶二、三副(本试卷卷面总分100分,及格分数70分,考试时间100分钟)答题说明:请选择一个最合适的答案,并将该答案按答题卡要求,在相应位置上用2B铅笔涂黑。

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A.档案/大管轮 B.技术资料/轮机长 C.设备证书/轮机长 D.技术资料/大管轮2.在开航前的备车工作中轮机长必须了解主机的下列机构________并测试完好。


A.Ⅰ~Ⅴ B.Ⅰ~Ⅳ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ3.船舶在开航前检查设备时,主要注意________所有与航行有关设备工作情况。

A.备车前 B.备车时 C.备车后 D.A+B+C________。

Array.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ节规定,轮机长实际知识水平达到对电气、电子控制设备的.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ~Ⅳ________。

.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ~Ⅳ如通过上述方式已取得适任证书,除注销.1年/3年 C.3年/5年 D.1年/5年B.违反防污染管理条例D.没有按规定进行交接.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ~Ⅲ10.随着造船市场和船型的变化,动力装置向多样化发展,自动化程度也在不断提高,配员进一步减少,轮机长的工作重点就在于________。


A.仅仅是Ⅰ B.仅仅是Ⅱ C.Ⅰ+Ⅱ D.Ⅰ~Ⅲ11.为保证动力装置安全可靠而持久的工作,机舱布置必须满足下列原则________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ~Ⅲ C.Ⅰ~Ⅳ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅳ12.对动力装置而言,可靠性的规定条件是指________。


A.仅仅是Ⅰ B.Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅰ~Ⅲ D.Ⅰ~Ⅳ13.对动力装置可靠性基本概念理解正确的是________。


A.向服务商提供证据 B.为索赔提供证据C.正确制定和使用维修标准和规范 D.掌握设备使用情况15.事故损失是指运输船舶在营运过程中发生的海损、机损、货损等事故而支付的________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ16.对于定期和定航线的船舶来说,在确定最佳航速时还应考虑________的因素。

A.主机超负荷 B.燃料价格 C.主机功率储备 D.装卸定额17.某船以航速20 kn航行,抵港需耗油400 t,现燃油储备只有100 t,则航速应不大于________ kn才能抵港。

A.5 B.8 C.10 D.15 18.下列说法正确的是________。


A.仅仅是Ⅰ B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ C.Ⅰ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ19.下列属于柴油机动力装置排气余热利用方案是________。

A.冷却水的部分热量用于海水淡化 B.动力涡轮通过PTO向曲轴输出功率C.轴带发电机/电动机 D.冷却水的部分热量用于加热空调系统中的空气20.船舶能量利用效率反映出________。

Ⅰ.动力装置本身的热工完善程度;Ⅱ.综合推进装置的工作效率;Ⅲ.船舶的技术性能A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ21.主柴油机功率为5800~7350 kW时,余热汽轮发电机组(T/G)装置发电量________。

A.已能满足全船用电的需要 B.部分满足全船部分用电的需要C.除满足全船用电的需要外,还可在轴带发电机作为电动机时供电 D.都不正确22.废气锅炉进口排气温度t1越高,可回收的排气热量就________。

A.越多 B.越少 C.越均衡 D.越稳定23.低速柴油机典型的排气排放值中,最主要的污染为________。

Ⅰ.NO X、SO X;Ⅱ.CO、HC;Ⅲ.排气微粒。

A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ24.废气锅炉烟火发生沉积的重要因素,是因为柴油机使用的劣质燃油中含有________使烟灰具有黏性。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ25.主机配有轴带发电机时结论正确的是________。


A.Ⅰ.Ⅲ对 B.Ⅱ.Ⅲ对 C.Ⅰ对 D.Ⅰ.Ⅱ对26.下列不属于调距桨装置优点的是________。


A.Ⅱ+Ⅳ B.仅仅是Ⅱ C.Ⅱ+Ⅳ D.仅仅是Ⅳ27.关于采用调距桨船舶的正确结论是________。


A.Ⅰ对 B.Ⅱ对 C.Ⅰ和Ⅱ都对 D.Ⅰ和Ⅱ都错28.当船舶顺风航行时,若主机保持原来转速,则进程比J,扭矩系数K q的变化规律是________。

A.J↓、K q↓ B.J↓、K q↑ C.J↑、K q↑ D.J↑、K q↓29.根据系泊工况机桨配合特性可知,在系泊试验时不能开全速,如无法确定主机转速时,可取0.80~0.85额定转速作为最高转速,除此只外,转速还受________限制,另外还要注意________。


A.Ⅰ/Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ B.Ⅱ/Ⅲ+Ⅳ C.Ⅰ/Ⅳ D.Ⅰ/Ⅲ+Ⅳ30.根据罗宾逊图分析船舶倒车工况的推进特性曲线,下列说法错误的是________。

A.正车转速大于倒车转速 B.正车转矩小于倒车转矩C.正车功率等于倒车功率 D.船舶阻力发生变化31.侧推器是一种能产生船舶横向推力的特殊装置,它安装在________的横向导筒中。

A.船首或船尾水线以下 B.船中或船尾水线以下C.船首或船中水线以下 D.船体舭龙骨处32.调距桨式侧推器用电动机驱动,其桨叶角的调距和稳距由________控制。

A.Z型传动机构 B.液压系统 C.气电联合 D.电力系统33.衡量减摇装置减摇能力的标志是________。


A.Ⅰ~Ⅲ B.Ⅰ或Ⅱ C.Ⅱ或Ⅲ D.仅仅是Ⅲ34.电液式各种主动式减摇装置的敏感元件主要感受船舶________摇摆信号。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ B.Ⅱ+Ⅲ+Ⅴ C.Ⅰ~Ⅴ D.Ⅱ~Ⅴ35.在推进装置传动方式中,对间接传动的优点理解错误的是________。

A.可选择减速比 B.主机不用换向 C.传动效率高 D.可多机并车运行36.推力轴支撑轴承的作用是________。

A.为轴系轴向定位 B.传动推力和扭矩 C.传动推力 D.承受轴系重量37.轮机人员对动力装置进行工况检测的手段一般有________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅳ B.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ~Ⅳ38.在动力装置中,采用的接触式测温法其工作原理是________。

A.利用热传导和对流实现对物体内部温度的测量 B.通过接受热辐射能量实现测温C.利用热传导实现测温 D.利用对流实现测温39.________是表示物体冷热程度的物理量,它是物体分子运动平均动能大小的标志。

A.温度 B.动能 C.热能 D.能量40.温度计应定期校准,校准方法有______。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ41.根据测量轴段扭转角的方法不同,扭矩计可分为________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ42.吸收式烟气分析器是一种________。

A.无燃烧装置的物理分析器 B.无燃烧装置的化学烟气分析器C.测量柴油机排气中烟粒含量的仪器 D.分析物质成分的仪器43.柴油机高压油管燃油压力波的测量使用________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ44.船上各种机器可采用振动分析发现轴的缺陷有______。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅱ+Ⅲ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ45.柴油机气缸润滑采用带LCD执行器的气缸注油器,注油器设定值由两个部分组成,即______。

A.基本注油量S和稳定运行追加注油量 B.基本注油量S和突变负荷追加注油量C.稳定运行追加注油量和突变负荷追加注油量 D.基本注油量S和追加注油量46.Sulzer RT-flex柴油机燃油共轨系统的工作过程是________,采用高速开关的电磁阀控制喷油过程。


A.仅仅是Ⅰ B.仅仅是Ⅱ C.Ⅰ和Ⅱ D.Ⅰ和Ⅱ都不对47.MAN B&W智能柴油机(ME系列)与传统柴油机(MC系列)相比,在结构上主要取消了________。

A.链轮及凸轮装置 B.高压油泵 C.气缸注油器 D.排气阀的液压驱动48.按规定,机损事故的直接经济损失应包括________。


A.Ⅰ+Ⅱ B.Ⅰ+Ⅲ C.Ⅰ+Ⅲ+Ⅳ D.Ⅰ+Ⅱ+Ⅲ49.AC-4型主机遥控系统的驾驶台单元的控制面板顶部的三个数字显示器之一用于显示_____。

A.起动空气压力 B.控制空气压力 C.主机滑油压力 D.主机燃油压力50.正车运行过程中,AC-4型主机遥控系统的模拟图上的“AHEAD COMMAND”指示灯和“AHEAD ROTATION”指示灯的状态分别是________。
