
战略合作框架协议书Strategic Co-operation Frame Agreement甲方:中地数码集团Party A : ZonDy Cyber Group, Co., LTD.乙方:Party B :鉴于Whereas,甲方总部设立在中国,是中国境内最大的空间信息处理工具及空间数据服务提供商,致力于为客户提供空间信息领域的专业GIS平台、工具及全面的空间信息解决方案。
Party A company’s headquarter is located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China. It's China’s largest spatial information processing tools and spatial data services provider who is committed to providing customers with professional GIS platform, tools, and complete spatial information solution.乙方为(省略),经营范围为(省略):Party B’s major operation in the Southeast Asia, the main business fields are as follow:甲乙双方经友好协商,就整合双方的优势资源开展国际合作,结成战略合作一事达成如下协议:Through friendly discussion, with the desire of integrating competitive advantages for international business development, both Party A and Party B have mutually agreed the following items for strategic co-operation.一、合作领域Co-operation Domain.甲乙双方拟在下列方面进行合作(包括但不限于以下方面):Party A and Party B have agreed on the following co-operation (included but not limited to the following)1、市场开拓与业务推广:本着互利原则,双方应当向合作方提供相应的利益空间和互惠政策,并共同进行项目投标和市场拓展,有效地促进双方在东南亚地区市场份额增长。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX中英文版2024年国际战略联盟协议版本合同目录一览1. 定义与解释1.1 合同主体1.2 合同标的1.3 术语解释2. 合作领域与目标2.1 合作领域2.2 合作目标2.3 合作期限3. 权利与义务3.1 权利分配3.2 义务履行3.3 知识产权归属4. 技术合作与交流4.1 技术研发4.2 技术转移4.3 技术更新与升级5. 市场合作与拓展5.1 市场规划5.2 销售渠道5.3 市场信息共享6. 财务与投资6.1 财务规划6.2 投资额度6.3 财务报告7. 风险管理与控制7.1 风险评估7.2 风险防范7.3 风险应对措施8. 争议解决8.1 争议类型8.2 解决方式8.3 争议解决机构9. 合同的变更与终止9.1 变更条件9.2 终止条件9.3 合同终止后的处理10. 违约责任10.1 违约行为10.2 违约责任10.3 违约赔偿11. 保密条款11.1 保密内容11.2 保密期限11.3 泄密责任12. 合同的生效、履行与解除12.1 生效条件12.2 履行方式12.3 解除条件13. 法律适用与争议解决13.1 法律适用13.2 争议解决13.3 语言版本14. 其他条款14.1 合同的转让14.2 附件14.3 签署日期与地点第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同主体1.2 合同标的本合同标的为:(合同具体标的,如技术、产品、服务等)1.3 术语解释(列出合同中使用的专业术语及其定义)第二条合作领域与目标2.1 合作领域2.2 合作目标2.3 合作期限合作期限为:(开始时间)至(结束时间),除非双方另有约定。
第三条权利与义务3.1 权利分配双方按照约定分配合作过程中的各项权利,包括:(列举权利)3.2 义务履行双方应按照合同约定履行各自的义务,包括:(列举义务)3.3 知识产权归属合作过程中产生的知识产权归:(归属方)所有。

战略合作框架协议书英文版English:The strategic cooperation framework agreement is a formal document that outlines the framework for a collaborative partnership between two or more parties. It typically includes details on the scope and objectives of the cooperation, the roles and responsibilities of each party, the governance structure, decision-making processes, and mechanisms for dispute resolution. The agreement also usually includes provisions for confidentiality, intellectual property rights, and the duration of the partnership. This document serves as a roadmap for the collaboration and helps to ensure that all parties are aligned in their goals and expectations.中文翻译:战略合作框架协议是一份正式文件,概述了两个或更多方之间合作伙伴关系的框架。

Dated 28 July 20102010年7月28日XXCAPITAL LIMITEDXX投资有限公司-and-和XXCompany(Group)XX集团公司_____________________________________________STRATEGIC AGREEMENT战略合作协议______________________________________________THIS AGREEMENT IS DATED 28 JULY 2010本协议制订于2010年7月28日BETWEEN:双方:1.XXcompany(Group) of Shanghai (“Group” which termshall include all company,research institutes, staffs and departments associated with or under the aegis of the Group from time to time); andXX集团公司:位于上海市,邮编(下称“集团”,包括受集团管辖及与集团有关联的所有公司、研究机构、全体员工和部门);2.XX CAPITAL LIMITED (No. ) whose registered office isat USA (“Investor”).XX投资有限公司(编号):其注册地位于美国的,邮编(下称“投资人”)。
INTRODUCTION简介(A) The Group wishes to find a way to more effectivelycommercialise those IP backed opportunities emanating from the Group and to address some of the principal issues affecting current activities such as lack of seed capital, access to proper experienced management and commercialization expertise.集团期望找到一种途径将他们的知识产权更为有效地商业化,并致力于解决相关重要事宜,如缺乏种子基金、正确有经验的管理和商业化专家等。

合作框架协议Cooperation Framework Agreement甲方: ____________________Party A: ____________________乙方: ____________________Party B: ____________________鉴于甲方和乙方均愿意在平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则下,开展合作,共同实现互利共赢,特订立本合作框架协议。
Whereas Party A and Party B are both willing to carry out cooperation on the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness, and good faith, in order to achieve mutual benefits and win-win results, this Cooperation Framework Agreement is hereby established.第一条合作宗旨1.1 本协议旨在明确甲方和乙方在合作过程中的权利、义务和责任,规范双方的合作行为,确保合作项目的顺利进行。
1.2 The purpose of this Agreement is to specify the rights, obligations, and responsibilities of Party A and Party B during the cooperation process, standardize their cooperative behaviors, and ensure the smooth progress of the cooperative project.第二条合作范围2.1 甲方和乙方同意在以下领域开展合作:(1)技术研发与创新;(2)市场拓展与销售;(3)人才培养与交流;(4)资源共享与优化;(5)其他双方约定的领域。

战略合作协议书Strategic Cooperation Agreement甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:甲、乙双方本着平等自愿、共同促进发展的原则,就化石燃料燃烧优化及尾气处理技术研究事宜,经友好协商,达成如下协议:In accordance with the principle of equity and free will, and common development, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement by friendly negotiation in terms of fossil fuel combustion optimization and tail gas treatment technology:一、甲方的权利义务I. Party A’s Right and Obligation1、甲方提供行业内部主流化石燃料燃烧设备资料,尾气处理技术资料。
1. Party A shall provide the data on mainstream fossil fuel combustion equipment and tail gas treatment technology in the industry.2. Party A shall assist Party B in striving for the trial and promotion of new technology, and also in solving the problems during industrial development.3. The improvement, optimization and innovations in combustion of fossil fuel in furnace, including equipment, patents, etc. shall be owned by Party A.4. Party A shall be in support of Party B’s interactive exchange and cooperation in various forms.二、乙方权利义务II. Party B’s Right and Obligation1、乙方有权在双方认可的规程下,参与甲方产品优化事务,享有建议权和监督权。

战略合作框架协议中英对照版概述战略合作框架协议(Strategic Framework Agreement,SFA)是指两个或多个政府、机构或组织之间签署的协议,旨在为长期合作打下稳固的基础。

中英文版战略合作协议C o o p e r a t i o n r e e m e n t Ting Bao was revised on January 6, 20021S t r a t e g i c C o-o p e r a t i o n A g r e e m e n t战略合作框架协议This Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective the [January 1st, 2012]本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[XXX年X月X日]签订并生效BETWEEN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party A”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with itshead office located at:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]AND: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party B”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF XXXX, with its head officelocated at:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]签订协议的一方[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX另一方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据XXXX共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1.RECUTALSa.Both parties desire to join together for the pursuit of common business goals.b.Both parties have considered various forms of joint business enterprises for theirbusiness.c.Both parties desire to enter into a co-operation agreement as the most advantageousbusiness form for their mutual purpose.一.事实陈述a.合作双方欲联合起来追求共同所需的商业目标。

甲方:Party A:乙方:Party B:就在中国境内开展“整合医学抗衰老诊所连锁项目”合作事宜,本着战略互利、优势联姻、长期合作的基本原则,甲、乙双方经友好协商一致决定,建立稳定的基础的长久的关键合作关系。
为推动和保障项目顺利进行,针对该项目中甲、乙双方战略合作关系的定位,以及双方所享有的基本权利和义务,现签订合作框架协议如下(以下简称“本框架协议”):Based on the basic principle of strategic mutual benefit, mutual complementarity and long-term cooperation, both parties agree to make a stable and long-term cooperation in “integration of medical anti-aging chain clinics” in China. After getting to a common view on the introduction of project resources as well as the development and growth of the cooperative project, both parties make a sturdy alliance to develop together, with the common business and operational objective in Chinese market as the basis for cooperation. To implement the project smoothly, both parties now sign the following cooperation framework agreement (hereinafter referred to as “the framework agreement”) to clarify the strategic cooperative relation between both parties and stipulate their fundamental rights and obligations.(一)协议宗旨(I) Aims of this Agreement甲、乙双方合作建立“整合医学抗衰老诊所连锁项目”。

战略合作框架协议书StrategicCo-operationFrameAgreem...战略合作框架协议书 Strategic Co-operation Frame Agreement一、引言本协议签订双方(以下简称合作方)旨在以下协议项下,在相互理解和友好协商的基础上,共同开展战略合作。
二、协议内容1. 合作范围:双方同意在以下领域开展合作:(详细描述合作领域及内容)2. 合作期限:合作期限为(时间段),但双方可以协商延长或提前终止合作。
3. 合作方式:具体合作方式如下:(详细描述合作方式,例如合资、合作、联营等)4. 合作权利和义务:(详细列举双方合作权利和义务)5. 财务管理:(详细描述财务管理方式,例如资金来源、分配等)6. 知识产权保护:(详细描述知识产权保护措施)7. 保密责任:(详细描述保密责任,例如资料保密)8. 争议解决:(详细描述争议解决方式)9. 违约责任:(详细描述双方违约责任及补救措施)10. 协议变更:(详细描述协议变更和修改的程序)11. 协议生效:本协议自(日期)起生效,至(日期),至第二方向第一方提出书面终止协议,协议终止。
第一方签字:___________________ 日期:___________第二方签字:___________________ 日期:___________注释:1. 合作范围:合作的领域和内容。
2. 合作期限:合作开始时间及结束时间。
3. 合作方式:合作的方式,如合资、合作、联营。
4. 合作权利和义务:双方在合作过程中应遵守的协议和义务。
5. 财务管理:资金的来源和分配方式等。
6. 知识产权保护:对知识产权的保护措施。
7. 保密责任:保护资料的保密措施。
8. 争议解决:解决可能出现的争议的方式。
9. 违约责任:双方在违反协议规定时的责任和后果。

创投业务战略合作框架协议书(中英文版)第一篇:创投业务战略合作框架协议书(中英文版)战略合作框架协议书Strategic Co-operation Frame Agreement甲方:XX创业投资有限公司 Party A : XX创业投资有限公司乙方:XX投资顾问有限公司 Party B : XX投资顾问有限公司鉴于Whereas, 甲方是中国境内为中小企业提供投资咨询、投资中介、投资管理、上市顾问等金融投资领域服务的专业公司。
Party A is a financial investment service company established in Mainland China, professional in providing investment advisory services for medium to small size corporation investors, acting as an investment agent, assisting in investment management and providing IPO consultation services.乙方在英国及香港、中国(大陆)主要经营范围为:Party B’s major operation in Great Britain, Hong Kong and China are as follows;A、企业战略咨询:包括以中英为核心的世界投融资业务、并购业务、资本市场与证券、财务和法律顾问、战略发展顾问、招商引资。
Corporation Strategy Advisory Services : core base are in UK and China to provide advisory services for worldwide financial investment, business merger and acquisition, capital market and stock market, financial and legal matters, strategic business development and investment.B、英国公司注册及伦敦代表处注册、年检及会计服务、委托管理等.Company or Representation Office registration in UK.annual checking & renewal, finance and accounting serves, trusty management, etc.C、英国公司配套服务资源:专业秘书、提供商务资源整合空间、专案指派服务、免费虚拟办公室、商业配套升级服务(专线来电接听、英国电话转接、办公室使用、公司行政管理)、法律顾问。

Strategic Co-operation Agreement战略合作框架协议This Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective the [XX, 2016]本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[2016年X月X日]签订并生效AMONG: 【company name】(the “Party A”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head office located at:[company address] Provice,P.R.ChinaAND: 【company name】(the “Party B”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF China, with its head office located at:XXXXXXXX, P.R.ChinaAND: 【company name】(the “Party C”), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the Kingdom of Cambodia, with its head office located at:[company address]签订协议各方有:[公司名字](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:中国,( 地址 )及:公司名字(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:中国,(地址 )以及:公司名字(以下简称“丙方”),一家依据柬埔寨王国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:公司地址In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1. RECUTALSa. All parties desire to join together for the pursuit of common business goals in Kingdom of Cambodia,including but not limited to railway transit, port development, mining, power system, real estates, etc.b. All parties have considered various forms of joint business enterprises for their business.c. All parties desire to enter into a co-operation agreement as the most advantageous business form fortheir mutual purpose.一.事实陈述a. 合作各方欲联合起来追求共同在柬埔寨所需的商业目标,包括但不限于铁路交通,港口开发,矿业,电力系统,房地产等。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际2024年合作框架合同中英文版版本合同目录一览1. 合作范围和目标1.1 合作项目的范围1.2 合作项目的目标2. 合作期限2.1 合作开始日期2.2 合作结束日期3. 合作双方的权利和义务3.1 合作双方的权利3.2 合作双方的义务4. 技术交流与转让4.1 技术交流的内容4.2 技术转让的条件5. 财务与资金5.1 财务预算5.2 资金支付方式6. 风险管理与保险6.1 风险管理措施6.2 保险责任与保险费用7. 争议解决7.1 争议解决方式7.2 争议解决的时间限制8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 合同生效的条件8.2 合同变更的条件8.3 合同终止的条件9. 合同的适用法律与管辖法院9.1 适用法律9.2 管辖法院10. 保密条款10.1 保密信息的定义10.2 保密信息的保护措施11. 知识产权11.1 知识产权的保护11.2 知识产权的归属12. 信息与沟通12.1 信息交流的方式12.2 沟通机制的建立13. 违约责任13.1 违约行为的界定13.2 违约责任的具体措施14. 其他条款14.1 合同的翻译与版本14.2 合同的附件与补充协议第一部分:合同如下:1. 合作范围和目标1.1 合作项目的范围1.2 合作项目的目标2. 合作期限2.1 合作开始日期合作项目的开始日期为:(具体日期)2.2 合作结束日期合作项目的结束日期为:(具体日期)3. 合作双方的权利和义务3.1 合作双方的权利(在此详细列举合作双方在合作期间所享有的权利,如技术使用权、市场开发权、研究成果共享权等)3.2 合作双方的义务(在此详细列举合作双方在合作期间应承担的义务,如提供技术支持、共同进行研发、共享研发成果等)4. 技术交流与转让4.1 技术交流的内容(在此详细列举技术交流的具体内容,如技术研讨会、技术培训、共同研发等)4.2 技术转让的条件(在此详细列举技术转让的条件,如技术成熟度、转让方式、转让费用等)5. 财务与资金5.1 财务预算(在此详细列举合作项目的财务预算,包括各项费用的预算、预算的调整方式等)5.2 资金支付方式(在此详细列举资金支付的方式,如预付款、进度付款、验收付款等)6. 风险管理与保险6.1 风险管理措施(在此详细列举合作项目中应采取的风险管理措施,如风险评估、风险预警、风险应对等)6.2 保险责任与保险费用(在此详细列举合作项目中各方应承担的保险责任、保险费用承担方式等)8. 合同的生效、变更与终止8.1 合同生效的条件本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效。

中国,(地址公司地址In con siderati on of the terms and cove nants of this agreeme nt, and other valuable con siderati on, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1. RECUTALSa. All parties desire to join together for the pursuit of com mon bus in ess goals in Kin gdom of Cambodia,including but not limited to railway transit, port development, mining, power system, real estates, etc.Strategic Co-operationAgreement 战略合作框架协议This Strategic Co-operati onal Agreeme nt (the 本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于 Agreement ” is made and effective the [XX, 2016] [2016年X 月X 日]签订并生效 AMONG: 【compa ny n ame the laws of the PEOPLE 】(the “ Party A ” ), a corporation organized and existing under 'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head office located at: [compa ny address] Provice,P.R.Ch inaAND: 【company name】 (the “ Party B ” ), a corporation organized and existing underthe laws of the REPUBLIC OF China, with its head office located at: XXXXXXXX, P.R.Chi naAND: 【company name 】(the “ Party ” ), a corporation organized and existing underthe laws of the Kin gdom of Cambodia, with its head office located at: 签订协议各方有: [compa ny address][公司名字](以下简称 公司,其营业地址位于: “甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的及:中国,( 地址公司名字(以下简称“ 司,其营业地址位于: 乙方”), 一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公以及: 公司名字(以下简称“ 其营业地址位于:丙方”),一家依据柬埔寨王国法律组建并续存的公司,b. All parties have con sidered various forms of jo int bus in ess en terprises for their bus in ess.c. All parties desire to en ter into a co-operati on agreeme nt as the most adva ntageous bus in ess formfor their mutual purpose.一.事实陈述a. 合作各方欲联合起来追求共同在柬埔寨所需的商业目标,包括但不限于铁路交通,港口开发,矿业,电力系统,房地产等。

20XX 专业合同封面COUNTRACT COVER甲方:XXX乙方:XXX国际2024年合作框架合同中英文版本合同目录一览第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语1.2 合同的生效日期第二条合作目标2.1 合作领域的确定2.2 合作目标的实现方式第三条合作内容3.1 合作项目的确定3.2 双方的权利与义务第四条合作期限4.1 合作项目的开始日期4.2 合作项目的结束日期第五条资源共享5.1 资源共享的方式5.2 资源共享的具体措施第六条技术交流与培训6.1 技术交流的内容6.2 培训计划的制定与实施第七条知识产权保护7.1 知识产权的保护措施7.2 知识产权的归属与使用第八条费用与财务8.1 费用的承担方式8.2 财务管理与报告第九条沟通与协调9.1 沟通机制的建立9.2 协调事项的处理第十条违约责任10.1 违约行为的界定10.2 违约责任的承担方式第十一条争议解决11.1 争议解决的方式11.2 争议解决的程序第十二条合同的变更与终止12.1 合同变更的条件12.2 合同终止的情形第十三条保密条款13.1 保密信息的界定13.2 保密信息的保护措施第十四条一般条款14.1 适用法律14.2 合同的生效与终止14.3 合同的副本第一部分:合同如下:第一条定义与解释1.1 合同术语(1)合作方:指本合同双方,即甲方和乙方。
1.2 合同的生效日期本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期为____年,自合同生效之日起计算。
第二条合作目标2.1 合作领域的确定(1)技术研发与创新(2)产品生产与销售(3)市场拓展与推广(4)人才培养与交流2.2 合作目标的实现方式(1)共同研发新产品和技术,实现技术成果的共享和转化。

战略框架协议中英范本合同编号:____________甲方:____________(以下简称“甲方”)乙方:____________(以下简称“乙方”)鉴于甲方和乙方愿意建立长期、稳定的战略合作关系,本着平等互利、优势互补的原则,经双方友好协商,达成如下协议:一、合作目标1.1 甲方和乙方将通过本战略框架协议(以下简称“本协议”)的实施,实现资源共享、互利共赢,共同提升市场竞争力。
1.2 甲方和乙方将共同努力,在各自的领域内提供优质的产品和服务,满足客户的需求,创造良好的社会和经济效益。
二、合作范围2.1 甲方和乙方将在 mutually agreed fields(以下简称“合作领域”)展开合作,包括但不限于:(1)技术研发与创新;(2)市场拓展与销售;(3)人才培养与交流;(4)信息共享与传播;(5)其他双方约定的合作事项。
2.2 甲方和乙方应积极寻求在合作领域内的合作机会,并共同努力推动项目的实施。
三、合作期限3.1 合作期限为自本协议签署之日起至____年____月____日止。
3.2 在合作期限终止前6个月内,双方可以友好协商续签本协议。
四、权利与义务4.1 甲方(1)甲方应按照本协议的约定,向乙方提供合作领域内的相关产品和服务。
4.2 乙方(1)乙方应按照本协议的约定,向甲方提供合作领域内的相关产品和服务。
五、争议解决5.1 双方在履行本协议过程中发生的争议,应首先通过友好协商解决。
5.2 若协商不成,任何一方均有权将争议提交我国有管辖权的人民法院解决。
六、其他6.1 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份。
6.2 本协议自甲乙双方签字(或盖章)之日起生效。

战略合作协议(中英文)Strategic Cooperation Agreement战略合作协议(hereinafter referred to as “Party A”),and(hereinafter referred to as “Party B”).Party A and Party B shall hereinafter be refer red to individually as a “Party” and collectively as the “Parties”.本战略合作协议于2017年1月6日由以下双方签订:(以下简称“甲方”),与以下简称“乙方”)。
PRELIMINARY STATEMENT前言(A)China and Russia has a long-term friendship and trust each other on political aspect.Especially, under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, bothcountries have strengthened all-round cooperative relations and steadily developedeconomic and trade relations.(B)Party A is a Chinese liquor enterprise, with more than 10 years of experience in liquormanufacturing and an annual output of 10,000 tons. Its Yaoshun brand liquors are soldthroughout China with highly good reputation. Its products gained Gold Award of WineQuality in 2015. Party A intends to export its Yaoshun brandliquors to Russia.(C)Party B is a Russian Chamber of Commerce, which has played an important role in promoting economic and trade exchanges between China and Russia. Party B intends to introduce the Yaoshun brand liquors of Party A to Russian market, and find suitablebusiness partners for Party A.THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows:因此,双方特此协议如下:1.Matters on which the parties have reached preliminary:双方已达成初步的事项:1.1The export product is Yaoshun brand series liquors produced by Party A, including high,medium and low grade.1.2Party B provide shall a package solution for Party A's products entering the Russianmarket, including the selection of business partners, Russian market research, customsand clearance of products, collection and other related matters.。

合作协议中英文模板篇一:中英文版战略合作协议(Co-operation Agreement)1.3 Strategic Co-operation Agreement战略合作框架协议stThis Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective the [January 1, 2012] 本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[XXX年X月X 日]签订并生效BETWEEN: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party A”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its headoffice located at:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX]AND: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX (the “Party B”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF XXXX, withits head office locatedat:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX]签订协议的一方[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX另一方:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX(以下简称“乙方”),一家依据XXXX共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1. RECUTALSa. Both parties desire to join together for the pursuit of common business goals.b. Both parties have considered various forms of joint business enterprises for their business.c. Both parties desire to enter into a co-operation agreement as the most advantageous business form for their mutual purpose.一.事实陈述a. 合作双方欲联合起来追求共同所需的商业目标。

Strategic Framework Agreement Template (English)This Strategic Framework Agreement (the "Agreement") is made and entered into as of [Insert Date], by and between [Insert Party A Name] ("Party A"), a company organized and existing under the laws of [Insert Party A Country], with a registered address at [Insert Party A Address], and [Insert Party B Name] ("Party B"), a company organized and existing under the laws of [Insert Party B Country], with a registered address at [Insert Party B Address].RECITALS:WHEREAS, Party A and Party B desire to enter into this Agreement to establish a strategic framework for the Parties to work together and pursue their mutual business objectives;WHEREAS, the Parties have considered various forms of cooperation in relation to their respective business operations;WHEREAS, the Parties intend to enter into a partnership agreement to achieve their mutual beneficial objectives as their best commercial form;NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and commitments contained herein, the Parties agree as follows:1. Objectives and Scope of CooperationThe Parties agree to work together and pursue the following mutual business objectives:(a) To combine their resources and capabilities to achieve common commercial goals; and(b) To explore and develop new business opportunities and markets, and enhance their market competitiveness.2. Cooperation Form and StructureThe Parties agree to cooperate in the form of a [Insert Cooperation Form (e.g., joint venture, strategic alliance, etc.)] (the "Cooperation Structure"). The specific terms and conditions of the CooperationStructure shall be further negotiated and set forth in a separate agreement to be entered into by the Parties.3. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party AParty A agrees to perform the following responsibilities and obligations:(a) Party A shall provide Party B with access to its expertise, technologies, and resources in the field of [Insert Field of Expertise];(b) Party A shall assist Party B in obtaining the necessary permits, licenses, and approvals from relevant authorities;(c) Party A shall provide Party B with the required support and assistance in the implementation of the Cooperation Projects, including but not limited to technical support, training, and consulting services;(d) Party A shall ensure the confidentiality of any proprietary information and trade secrets disclosed by Party B; and(e) Party A shall perform such other responsibilities and obligations as may be agreed by the Parties from time to time.4. Responsibilities and Obligations of Party BParty B agrees to perform the following responsibilities and obligations:(a) Party B shall provide Party A with access to its expertise, technologies, and resources in the field of [Insert Field of Expertise];(b) Party B shall assist Party A in obtaining the necessary permits, licenses, and approvals from relevant authorities;(c) Party B shall provide Party A with the required support and assistance in the implementation of the Cooperation Projects, including but not limited to technical support, training, and consulting services;(d) Party B shall ensure the confidentiality of any proprietary information and trade secrets disclosed by Party A; and(e) Party B shall perform such other responsibilities and obligations as may be agreed by the Parties from time to time.5. ConfidentialityThe Parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary information, trade secrets, and other confidential information disclosed by either Party to the other Party in connection with the Cooperation Projects (the "Confidential Information"). The Parties shall only use the Confidential Information for the purpose of carrying out the Cooperation Projects and shall not disclose such information to anythird party without the prior written consent of the other Party.6. Intellectual Property RightsThe Parties agree that any intellectual property rights arising out of or in connection with the Cooperation Projects shall be owned by the Party who creates such rights, subject to the applicable laws and regulations. The Parties shall negotiate in good faith to determine the ownership and use of such intellectual property rights.7. Dispute ResolutionAny disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be resolved by negotiations between the Parties. If the negotiationsfail to resolve the disputes, either Party may submit the disputes to the [Insert Dispute Resolution Institution (e.g., International Chamber of Commerce, Arbitration Court, etc.)] for resolution in accordance with the rules of such institution.8. Governing Law and JurisdictionThis Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of [Insert Governing Law Jurisdiction]. Any legal。

(完整版)战略合作框架性协议模板—-中英文编辑整理:张嬗雒老师尊敬的读者朋友们:这里是精品文档编辑中心,本文档内容是由我和我的同事精心编辑整理后发布到文库,发布之前我们对文中内容进行仔细校对,但是难免会有疏漏的地方,但是我们任然希望(完整版)战略合作框架性协议模板-—中英文这篇文档能够给您的工作和学习带来便利.同时我们也真诚的希望收到您的建议和反馈到下面的留言区,这将是我们进步的源泉,前进的动力.本文可编辑可修改,如果觉得对您有帮助请下载收藏以便随时查阅,最后祝您生活愉快业绩进步,以下为 <(完整版)战略合作框架性协议模板-—中英文> 这篇文档的全部内容。
Strategic Co-operation Agreement战略合作框架协议This Strategic Co-operational Agreement (the “Agreement”) is made and effective th e [January 1st, 2017]本战略合作框架协议(以下简称“协议”)于[2017年XX月XX日]签订并生效BETWEEN: XXXXXXXX (the “Party A”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA, with its head office loc ated at:[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]AND: ICRAFT., LTD (the “Party B”), a corporation organized andexisting under the laws of the REPUBLIC OF KOREA, with its head office located at:[12F DOOSAN B/D 105—7, Nonhyeon—dong, Seoul, KOREA]签订协议的一方[XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX](以下简称“甲方”),一家依据中华人民共和国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX另一方:爱工艺(韩国)股份有限公司(以下简称“乙方"), 一家依据大韩民国法律组建并续存的公司,其营业地址位于:[韩国首尔市,江南区,论岘洞 105-7 斗山大厦12F]In consideration of the terms and covenants of this agreement, and other valuable con sideration, the parties agree as follows:鉴于本协议所含之相互约定和承诺,订约双方协议如下:1。
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战略合作框架协议书Strategic Co-operation Frame Agreement甲方:中地数码集团Party A : ZonDy Cyber Group, Co., LTD.乙方:Party B :鉴于Whereas,甲方总部设立在中国,是中国境内最大的空间信息处理工具及空间数据服务提供商,致力于为客户提供空间信息领域的专业GIS平台、工具及全面的空间信息解决方案。
Party A company’s headquarter is located in Wuhan, Hubei Province, P.R.China. It's China’s largest spatial information processing tools and spatial data services provider who is committed to providing customers with professional GIS platform, tools, and complete spatial information solution.乙方为(省略),经营范围为(省略):Party B’s major operation in the Southeast Asia, the main business fields are as follow:甲乙双方经友好协商,就整合双方的优势资源开展国际合作,结成战略合作一事达成如下协议:Through friendly discussion, with the desire of integrating competitive advantages for international business development, both Party A and Party B have mutually agreed the following items for strategic co-operation.一、合作领域Co-operation Domain.甲乙双方拟在下列方面进行合作(包括但不限于以下方面):Party A and Party B have agreed on the following co-operation (included but not limited to the following)1、市场开拓与业务推广:本着互利原则,双方应当向合作方提供相应的利益空间和互惠政策,并共同进行项目投标和市场拓展,有效地促进双方在东南亚地区市场份额增长。
Market Development and Business Promotion: Each party should follow the principle of mutual benefit. This principle must detailedly indicate the interest space and mutual benefit policies in detail . In Addition, each party should strive to project bidding, market development, as well as efficiently improve market share for both parties in the ASEAN area.2、技术合作:双方应当不断追踪市场需求,努力推进现有技术在行业内的应用和推广,同时促进双方技术在行业应用过程中的国际化进程。
Technical Co-operation: Each party must keep tracking market demands, and be persistent on current technologies' application and generalization, meanwhile, promote the international application of technologies from both parties.3、国际交流:甲乙双方共同参与在东南亚地区开展的有关地理空间信息的商务交流以及学术交流,并共同承办相关的重大会议,共享彼此信息。
International Communication: Part A and Part B will co-operate in organizing important meeting and conferences, or participate in the geo-spatial info related business communication and academic exchange, and share the information with each other. 二、合作方式Manner of Co-operation1、甲乙双方共同建立高层定期沟通制度,保证各项工作的顺利开展.Both Parties will mutually develop periodical management communication system to ensure smooth development of co-operation business.2、甲乙双方各自认定对方为其在对方所在国的战略合作伙伴;为共同项目合作成功而努力。
Both Parties will recognize another party as the strategic partner in its own territory and strive for the success on co-operation business.3、甲乙双方同意,在本协议有效期内,一方可以使用另一方所有合作项目中拥有合法著作权或者合法授权的文字、音频、图像等资源,如果一方在其网站上使用另一方这些内容时,该方须标明内容来自另一方。
Both Parties agreed, in this agreement validity period, one party can use another party’s legally licensed documents and legally authorized wordings, sound tracks and pictures, resources and etc. If another party uses these kinds of resources in his own website, the source of information should be clearly stated.4、涉及商务考察和项目运作费用,以及利润分配等方面,甲乙双方可通过签定具体项目合同予以解决。
Regarding the expenses and profit sharing for the Business Investigation program and specific co-operation project, both parties agree to resolve it in another agreement.三、合作承诺:Co-operation Commitment1、友好合作、紧密配合、互相尊重、互相学习为基础;认可客观各国文化差异性,吸收优秀文化,谋求中西融合、和谐发展。
Both Parties agreed that the co-operation is built up on foundation of friendly co-operation, closely support, mutually respect and co-learning base. Both Parties will objectively recognize cultural differences, learning the best parts from each other, striking for the best harmonic development.2、工作缜密细致、诚实守信、合法经营、各自承担法律义务。
Both Parties agreed to work deliberately with integrity, operate legally and be responsible for individual’s own dut ies.四、甲乙双方均认可本协议是对双方合作的一种框架性安排,涉及到具体项目再另行签订相关合同书。
Both Parties fully recognize that this agreement only serves as a framework of co-operation. For the details of individual co-operation project, another independent agreement will be agreed and signed.五、未尽事宜双方协商解决。
For the matters not mentioned in this agreement, both parties will mutually discussthem..六、本协议有效期为1 年,从2011 年7 月1 日始至2012 年6 月30日止。
This Agreement is valid from 2011-7-1 to 2011-6-30. Upon expiry, both Parties will discuss about the renewal issue.七、本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,签字盖章即具法律效力。
This Agreement is written in both Chinese and English languages and two copieshave been printed for both parties to have one each. It will be legally binding uponsigning and stamping.甲方Party A:乙方Party B:代表人Representative:代表人Representative:日期Date:日期Date:。