



枫叶国际学校秋季入学试题七年级数学试A 卷姓名:__________成绩:___________/75一、我会填(每空2分,共20分)1、1.5小时=()分2、45和60的最大公因数是()3、5.893保留一位小数是()4、在含盐20%的50千克盐水中,其中盐有()千克5、在 ,3.14,3.1415,722这些数中,最大的数是()6、若12=⋅y x ,则x 和y 成()比例7、以直角三角形的一条直角边为轴,旋转一周,就可以得到一个()8、圆锥的侧面展开图可以得到一个()9、等腰三角形的一个底角是45°,它的顶角是()°10、如图,将右图中的硬纸片沿虚线折起来,便可以成为一个正方体,这个正方体3号面对的是()号面二、对号入座(将正确的答案序号填在括号里)(每题2分,共20分)11、把84900改写成以“万”为单位的数是()A.84.9万B.8.49C.8.49万12大、小两个圆的半径之比为4︰3,它们的面积比是()A.8︰6B.16︰9C.12︰913、下面等式中,()应用了乘法结合律A.6×(18×2)=(6×18)×2B.6×(3×a)=6×(a×3)C.7×(16+18)=7×16+7×1814、a 与b 的和的21用式子表示是()A.a+21bB.21(a+b)C.21a+b 15、在一幅地图上用3厘米长的线段表示150千米的实际距离,这幅图的比例尺是()A.1︰5000000B.1︰50000C.1︰5016、()A.B.C.D.17、把下面各种形状的硬纸按照虚线折叠,能围成一个立方体的是()564321ABC18、下列是轴对称图形的是()A.B.C.19、某小组6名同学的体重如下(单位:千克):47,50,52,53,52,52这组数据的中位数和众数分别是(A.52和53B.52和52C.52和52.520、从一幅扑克牌(54张)中抽取一张牌,抽到牌“Q”的概率是()A.541B.181 C.272三、计算(每题5分,共10分)21、1037594()178178⨯+++22、97141-167-5.70⨯⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡)(四、解方程(每题5分,共10分)23、7x+8x=4524、322121=+x 五、列式计算(5分)25、一个数的54比45的2倍少30,求这个数(用方程解)六、看图完成下面各题(10分)26、(1)学校的位置如果用(0,0)表示,分别说出网吧、图书馆、大众广场、人民医院、青少年活动中心的位置(5分)(2)星期天,李岚的活动路线为(3,4)(3,6)(6,4)(10,8)(7,9),请问她去了哪些地方?兴庆公园青少年活动中心人民医院大众广场图书馆体育馆网吧学校123456789101111109876543210。



枫叶国际学校模拟试题一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 枫叶国际学校的校训是什么?A. 勤奋、诚信、创新B. 诚信、尊重、卓越C. 创新、合作、卓越D. 尊重、诚信、勤奋2. 枫叶国际学校的成立年份是?A. 1995年B. 2000年C. 2005年D. 2010年3. 枫叶国际学校位于哪个国家?A. 美国B. 加拿大C. 中国D. 英国4. 枫叶国际学校提供哪些语言课程?A. 英语、法语B. 英语、西班牙语C. 英语、日语D. 英语、德语5. 枫叶国际学校的体育设施包括以下哪些?A. 游泳池、篮球场B. 足球场、网球场C. 田径场、游泳池D. 篮球场、羽毛球场6. 枫叶国际学校的学生总数是多少?A. 1000人B. 1500人C. 2000人D. 2500人7. 枫叶国际学校的图书馆藏书量是多少?A. 5万册B. 10万册C. 15万册D. 20万册8. 枫叶国际学校的学生社团包括以下哪些?A. 科学俱乐部、艺术社B. 音乐社、体育社C. 戏剧社、文学社D. 环保社、摄影社9. 枫叶国际学校的年度文化节是什么时候?A. 3月B. 6月C. 9月D. 12月10. 枫叶国际学校的校庆日是哪一天?A. 5月1日B. 7月1日C. 9月1日D. 11月1日二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. 枫叶国际学校的校徽颜色是__________和__________。

2. 枫叶国际学校的教育理念是__________、__________和__________。

3. 枫叶国际学校的校长是__________。

4. 枫叶国际学校的学生平均每周参与__________小时的社区服务。

5. 枫叶国际学校的学生在国际数学竞赛中获得了__________奖项。

6. 枫叶国际学校的学生在__________年度的国际英语演讲比赛中获得了第一名。

7. 枫叶国际学校的校园占地面积是__________平方米。

8. 枫叶国际学校的国际学生比例是__________%。



武汉枫叶国际学校初一入学测试模拟题一、填空、1、一次口算比赛,小明4分钟完成80道,正确的有78道,他计算的正确率是( )%。


这道题的余数是( )。


4、一个两位数,十位上的数字是5,个位上的数字是a,这个两位数是( )。

5、今天是6月30日星期一,北京奥运会8月8日举行,是星期( )。


( )2、圆的面积和半径成正比例关系。

( )3、甲、乙两桶水,甲用去75%,乙用去一半,剩下的水一样多,甲、乙两桶中水的质量比是4:3。

( )4、按1,8,27,( ),125,216的规律排,括号中的数应为64。

( )5、0.1到0.2之间只有7个小数。


A、 20%B、 22%C、25%D、 30%2、如果一个圆锥的高不变,底面半径扩大13倍,则体积扩大()倍。

A、 13B、 19C、 79D、 1693、一辆汽车以每小时50千米的速度,从相距80千米的甲地开往乙地。


A、20B、 40C、 50D、 104、有一根绳长40米,先减下它的20%,再减剩下的绳子的一半,还剩()米。

A、12B、 14C、 16D、 185、下列不能分数不能化成有限小数的是()。

A 、 59B 、 127C 、 41D 、87四、计算58×197+58×3 5912512795÷+⨯五、列方程125 ÷X=310 0.36×5- 34 x = 35 32X ÷41=12六、列式计算(1)比一个数的50%多18的数是38.2,求这个数。



大连枫叶国际学校入学模拟试题七年级英语姓名:__________ 成绩:___________/75一、单项选择。

(15分)1.Do you want ______ study in Maple Leaf School?A.ofB. outC. inD. to2.There is a book on the desk, I think it is ______.A.yourB. sheC. yoursD. her3.She often reads English______ the morning.A.onB. atC. aboutD. in4.Please give me the______ book on the shelf.A.twoB. secondC. 2thD. one5.I like ______ football with my friends on Sundays.A.playB. playingC. playedD. plays6.--- ______ is she ? -----She is my English teacher, Coco.A.WhenB. WhoC. WhereD. How7.--- Does she do her homework by herself? ---_______________A.Yes, she doB. Yes, she does.C. No, she does.D. No, she don’t.8. My sister is so clever that she can play______ violin very well.A. /B. anC. withD. the9. _______ the window Please, it is too hot in this room.A.OpenB.To openC. OpensD. Opened10. ---_____________________________?---He is going to play basketball.A. What is he doing?B. What is he going to do?C. What does he like?D. Who is he?11.Tom will ________ our homeroom teacher tomorrow.A. visitsB. visitedC. visitingD. visit12. They usually ________clothes at home on Sundays.A. washB. not washC. washingD. washes13. ----____________________? ---It is over there, near the school.A. What’s in the shop?B. How is the shop?C. When is the shop opened?D. Where is the shop?14. –Which color does she like best? --- She likes _____.A. EnglishB. DalianC. redD. bananas.15 .There are many ________ in this box.A. teaB. coffeeC. appleD. pears二、词形填空。



时时国际学校七年级入学分班测试题数 学(时间 90分钟 满分 150分)一、择优选取(每题3分,共36分)1、把78分解质因数是( )。

A.2×3×13=78B. 78=2×3×13×1C. 78=2×3×13D. 1×2×3×13=782、分母是12的最简真分数一共有( )个。

A. 6B. 4C. 11D. 123、用长12厘米,宽9厘米的长方形拼正方形,最少要用该长方形纸( )张。

A. 8B. 6C. 24D. 124、任意调换五位数12345各数位上数字的位置,所得到的五位数中,有( )个质数。

A.4B.8C.12D.05、两个自然数的积是2012,那么这两个自然数的和最大是( )。

A.100000B.2012C.2013D.10086、苹果a 千克,比梨子的4倍多b 千克,梨有( )千克。

A.b a -÷4B.()4÷-b aC.()4÷+b aD.b a -47、用8、9、10、15中任意两个数组成互质数,可组成( )对。

A.1B.2C.3D.48、在所学统计知识中,( )能反应数量间的增减变化情况。


看完后,小平步行回家,下面( )图表示了小平 离家的距离情况。

离家的距离 离家的距离 离家的距离A B C10、在一个三角形中,如果∠1=∠2-∠3,(∠1、∠2、∠3为三个内角),那么这个三角形一定是( )三角形。

A .锐角 B.直角 C.钝角 D.不确定11、一个正方形的边长减少2cm 后,面积减少16平方厘米,则原来正方形的面积是( )平方厘米。

A .81 B.25 C.36 D.4912、A 、B 、C 、D 、E 五人进行象棋比赛,每两人赛一场,到现在为止,A 赛4场,B 赛3场,C 赛2场,D 赛1场,则E 赛了( )场。






4、一个直角三角形的两个锐角度数的比是2:1,则这两个锐角的度数分别是() 度和(度。










A 6B 10C 15D 212、如果一个圆的半径是a厘米,且2:a=a:3,问这个圆的面积是()平方厘米。

A πB 6πC 6D 无法求出3、若a÷b=8……3 , 那么(100a)÷(100b) = 8……()。

A 3B 300C 100D 0.034、一件商品原来售价是a元,降价10%进行促销,促销一段时间后又提价10%再出售,提价后这种商品的价格是()元。

A aB 1.1aC 0.99aD 0.2a5、两根同样长的钢筋,从一根截去它的 2/3,从另一根截去2/3米,余下的部分()。

A 第一根长B 第二根长C 相等D 无法比较四、计算7.5×46.7+52.3×7.5+7.5 54-23.4-1.6-5.8+2.8五、解方程(6+3X)÷2=18 (X-0.4):8=3:2 36-3X=2X+6六、列式计算(1)一个数的2倍加上3,再除以1.8,商等于2.8。

10年级入学模拟试题 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷

10年级入学模拟试题 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷

Maple Leaf International SchoolHigh School Entrance ExamPart I:Vocabulary(20’)A.Choose the words that have the same meanings as the bolded ones.(1 mark each)1.The clothes are made of cotton,you’ll feel comfortable when it touches yourskin.A.a kind of colorB.a kind of brandC.a kind of foodD.a kind of material2.Don’t worry,the food is so plentiful here that the poor can get through the winter safely.A.lessB.rareC.enoughD.limited3.The saddle which is provided by my horse coach is really useful to protect my body.A.a toolB.a personC.an animalD.a book4.I think you should grab the chance,it will bring you the treasure and reputation.A.give upB.loseC.catchD.forget5.I like to look at the luminous stars at night,they make me trust the existence of other creatures.A.brightB.dimC.whiteD.gray6.Besides the violin,he plays the piano and the flute.A.a skillB.an instrumentC.an instructionD.a game7.We need a room with moderate size,don’t be too large or too small.A.bigB.middleC.maximumD.minimum8.The schoolmaster will convene all teachers to the playground together to tellthem the important thing.A.call togetherB.break upC.give upD.break through9.Our chef has already worked here in our restaurant for eight years,his specialty dish is the goose liver.It’s delicious!A.the waiterB.the cookC.the managerD.the cleaner10.Jerry looks inconsonant today,only he wears a coat in summer.A.sameB.similarC.differentD.difficultB.Write the proper English meanings for the underlined words.(1mark each)For example:A megacity is a very large city.megacity:_________________a large city______________________1.If someone is insidious,he or she can cause harm gradually and secretly.insidious:__________________________________________________________2.Anatomy is the scientific study of the body and how its parts are arranged.Anatomy:__________________________________________________________3.Most of girls want themselves to be fabulous,not awful.fabulous:__________________________________________________________4.If you fail,we have to abort and abandon the mission.abandon:__________________________________________________________5.Aiden is a sophisticated young boy,he has good knowledge of culture.sophisticated:______________________________________________________6.Most of us was calm when we were doing the presentation,however,Eric waspanic.panic:_____________________________________________________________ 7.A tournament means a competition involving many competitors in a singlesport or game.tournament:_______________________________________________________8.He is a marksman,that is to say,he can shoot a gun very accurately.marksman:_________________________________________________________9.Jennifer congratulated Jack on his marvelous(extraordinarily good)discovery.marvelous:_________________________________________________________10.Jack was a maniac or lunatic when he was driving yesterday.maniac:___________________________________________________________Part II:Reading Comprehension(25’)Non-fiction Reading_____/15School Uniforms?Think Again!At Tuesday’s meeting of the school committee,Superintendent Russell made his position clear.He wants the children in our city’s public schools to wear school uniforms.“Uniforms make life easier for families,”he said.Parents do not have to decide what kind of clothes to buy for school.And,it’s easier to get ready for school each day.“Uniforms help children feel better about themselves,”he added. Children from families in need wear the same clothes as children from rich families. Uniforms make it easier for children of different backgrounds to make friends.His suggestion sparked a lively debate.Two committee members,Stan Oakley and Mae Stokes,said they thought it was a good idea.Mr.Oakley suggested that the schools would look much neater.Children’s behavior might even improve.Others were not so sure.“Is there a problem now?”asked Gary Washington.“I wasn’t aware that this was an issue.”Indeed,what is the issue?What problem is our superintendent trying to solve? Would children really feel better about themselves if they had to wear clothes that someone else picked out?Americans like to express themselves through their clothes.Uniforms can crush creativity.Paying for uniforms might be hard for some families.They would have to pay for the uniform no matter what it costs. Then they would need to buy other clothes for their children to wear outside of school.Mr.Russell has asked the school committee to vote for his plan.Clearly,this city is not ready to make a decision yet.We need more information.The school committee should interview students,parents,and teachers in towns that haveschool uniforms.They should do research to find out the cost of uniforms.Then they should hold public meetings to discuss their findings.It would be foolish to rush into a vote on this question.A.Matching.Match each vocabulary word with the correct definition.4’1.uniform a)A discussion about a subject on whichpeople have different views.2.debate b)Show what you think or feel.3.express c)A special set of clothes which somechildren wear in school4.creativity d)The ability to use your imagination toproduce new ideas.B.Multiple-Choice Questions4’1.Which sentence from the selection is right?A.Uniforms are ugly and expensive all over the world.B.Americans don’t like to express themselves through their clothes.C.Stan Oakley and Mae Stokes thought it was a bad idea.D.It would be foolish to rush into a vote on this question.2.Why does Superintendent Russell think school uniforms are agood idea?A.Uniforms make life easier for families,and help children feel better about themselves.B.All of the committee members believe children really feel better about themselves if they had to wear clothes.C.All the American students wear uniforms at school.D.Public meetings are not necessary about uniform issue.C.Extended Response1.What is the writer’s opinion of school uniforms?How can you tell?2’____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2.What action does the writer recommend or suggest?2’____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3.What is your own opinion on school uniforms?Give reasonsfor your opinion.3’____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fiction ReadingBaby SisterMark frowned.His sister was getting a lot of presents for her first birthday.She had cake.She had a lot of attention,too.Grandma and Grandpa were here for the party.His Aunt and Uncle were here.Even some of his cousins and some family friends were here.They were all gathered around the baby taking pictures.What about him?He used his fork to play with his piece of birthday cake.He finished his cake and sat there.No one was looking at him.No one cared what he was doing.Fine!He thought.If no one cares,then I can do what I want.He got up and poked a balloon with his fork.POP!“Mark,stop that.”Mother said quickly.POP!He did it again.“MARK!”Mother shouted.Grandpa looked at him.A look crossed his face,and Grandpa came over to take him by the shoulder and lead him to the kitchen.“Sit down.”He ordered,pointing to a chair beside the kitchen table.Mark sat down and crossed his arms.He expected to get yelled at.Instead, Grandpa sat down next to him.“It’s a big responsibility having a baby sister.”Grandpa said.“Not really.She cries,goes to the bathroom,and plays.”Grandpa smiled.“That’s not what I mean.I mean it’s hard to share with your little sister when you used to be the only one anyone ever cared about,right?”Mark looked at him.Grandpa knew exactly what he was thinking!“I don’t see why she’s so special.What about me?Why doesn’t anyone watch me anymore?”“You had your time,Mark.There was no one to share with.You were lucky.Your sister has to share your parents with you,so you have to share your parents with her.You’re also older,so you’ll have to be a big boy and help your parents out.”“I didn’t ask for a sister.”Mark complained.“No,but you have one.I know you’ll be helpful.I know you can share,and if you can share,I promise I’ll come by and take you fishing or do something just for you.”Grandpa smiled.“Really?”“Sure.Just because you have a sister doesn’t mean you’re not special anymore. We can have some fun together,but right now we need to have fun with your sister. Deal?”“Deal.”They shook hands to make the deal official.Then they went back to the party,and there were no more balloons getting popped.Mark actually had some fun,too.I.Fill in the blanks based on the reading.(4’)1.Today is Mark’s little sister’s first___________.2.Grandpa said it was a big__________having a baby sister.3.At last,Mark and Grandpa_____________________to make their deal official.II.Answer the following questions in complete sentences based on the passage.(6’)4.Who came to Mark’s little sister’s birthday party?________________________________________________________________ 5.What were people doing at the birthday party?________________________________________________________________ 6.Why did Mark poke balloons at the party?________________________________________________________________ 7.What did grandpa mean by saying“It’s a big responsibility having a baby sister”?________________________________________________________________ Part III.Grammar(30’)A.Choose the best answer(one mark each)1.He dropped the________and broke it.A.cup of coffeeB.coffee’s cupC.cup for coffeeD.coffee cup2.—How did the boss pay you?—As a rule,we were paid________.A.by the hourB.by hourC.by an hourD.by hours3.We couldn’t eat in a restaurant because________of us had________money on us.A.all;noB.any;noC.none;anyD.no one;any4.His camera is more expensive than________.A.hersB.herC.itD.its5.Two________died of cold last winter.A.hundreds old peopleB.hundred old peopleC.hundreds old peoplesD.hundred old peoples6.---Oh,dear.I forgot the airplane tickets.----You_______something.A.have leftB.always leaveC.are leavingD.always left7.You must be very tired;you________for quite a long time.A.workedB.had workedC.have workedD.are working8.—Have they started building a house for you?—Yes,it________now.A.is buildingB.has buildC.has startedD.is being built9.May fifth is my birthday.I________a small party.A.will planB.am to planC.plannedD.am planning10.His work is better than________.A.anyoneB.anyone elseC.anyone else’sD.anyone’s else11.Sit down and make________at home.A.youB.himC.itD.yourself12.I used to drink a lot of tea but these days I_____coffee.A.preferB.preferredC.had preferredD.am preferring13.It is________to see you.A.pleasedB.gladC.delightedD.pleasant14.The traffic in our city is_________than before.A.goodB.more betterC.much betterD.the best15.---Why did she spend so much time searching shop after shop only for ablouse?---Oh,she was very______about her clothes.A.pleasedB.particularC.worriedD.curious16.—Where is my pen,daddy?—There________.A.it isB.is itC.has oneD.you are17.See what you have done!Don’t you have a______of right or wrong?A.thoughtB.feelingC.senseD.knowledge18.Sending short messages by mobile phones has become a______way to send festival greetings in recent years in China.A.welcomeB.popularC.generalD.simple19.The food tastes_____and sells______A.well,wellB.good,wellC.good,goodD.well,good20.---My daughter has passed the college entrance exam.---Congratulations!She is really intelligent.---______.A.No,no.She is nothingB.Oh,thank youC.Sometimes she isD.The same to your daughterB.Error correction.There is only one mistake in each sentence.Underline the mistakes and correct them.(1mark each)1.Jim can’t skiiing.________________2.Lily are cleaning the blackboard now.________________3.There are many sheeps on the farm.________________4.He likes talk with his friends after class.________________5.Don’t laugh at I.________________6.Gao Yang is thiner than his brother.________________7.Dad works hardly every day.________________8.They are go to study abroad.________________9.Does your mother cook dinner last night?________________10.This cloth feel comfortable and I like it very much.________________Part IV.Writing(15’)Nowadays,trees are playing a more and more important role in our life and in the environment.Write a composition to show why Trees are important. BEFORE you write,take some time to think and plan your writing in the space on this page.WHEN you write,use correct spelling,grammar,and punctuation.AFTER you write,re-read your writing and look for mistakes._______________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________。

武汉枫叶国际学校 高中入学模拟试题(英文)

武汉枫叶国际学校  高中入学模拟试题(英文)

Admission DepartmentESL ScreeningTime Length:90minutes Section One:VocabularySection Two:GrammarSection Three:ReadingSection One:VocabularyI.Look at the pictures and words below and match the words with the right picture. tense clouds camping insects shop assistant armchair baseball cafeteria bath starving notebook carrot roast beef Spain knockguitar allergic wine chemistry scarf1._______________2._______________3.________________4.____________________5.___________________6._________________7.___________________8.____________________9.__________________10.__________________11.__________________12.___________________13.__________________14.__________________15.__________________16.__________________17._________________18._________________19.________________20.__________________II.Circle the best choice.Section Two:GrammarI.Put in a/an or the where necessary.If a/an/the are not necessary,leave an empty space(-).1.I don’t watch-television very often.2.“Is there a bank near here?”“Yes,at the end of this street.II.1.Martin is English but he lives in France.He has been there__________________.A)three years ago B)since three years C)for three years2.“I am tired now.I____________to bed now.Good night!”A)amgoing B)go C)went3.Don______down the stairs this morning and___________his leg.A)fall,break B)fell,broken C)fell,broke4.I saw Sue in town yesterday but she______________me.She_______the other way.A)didn’t see,was looking B)didn’t saw,was seeing C)wasn’t seeing,was looking5.Tracy worked hard at school last term but this year she________hard.A)didn’t work B)hasn’t worked C)doesn’t work5.We knew the results of the exam.We started to work hard.__________________________________________________________________6.He lies to me many times.I can’t believe in him anymore.__________________________________________________________________Section Three:ReadingThe Magic BoxA plain country woman was visiting the city for the first time.She went into a very tall building.On the first floor,she saw an old lady standing in front of a door.The door was closed,and over the door,there were lights.Then the door opened.The old lady standing in front of the door went inside.Then it closed.A few minutes later,the door opened again,and a beautiful young woman walked out!The country woman thought,“This is the door to a magic box!If I go inside the box,I will be beautiful when I come out.”She waited for the door to open again.Then she walked in.However,inside the door,she saw a lot of buttons on the wall.And she didn’t know what buttons to push!A.Write “T”if it is right.Write “F”if it is wrong.1._________The box was really a magic box.2.__________The plain woman came from another country.3.__________The country woman became young and beautiful.4.___________The old lady became young and beautiful5.___________The country woman entered the magic box.B.Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1.You see this “magic box”all the time.What is the “magic box”?_________________________________________________________________________________2.Why didn’t the country woman know what it was?_________________________________________________________________________________The BedThere was once a man who couldn’t sleep because he was afraid thatthere was a stranger under his bed.He thought that as soon as he went tosleep,the stranger would come out from under the bed and rob him.He wasworried that the stranger might even kill him!Every night,after he got into bed,the man had to get out again andlook under the bed.There was never anyone there,but as soon as he gotback into bed,he had to get out and look under the bed again.This went on for hours until at last he fell asleep from exhaustion.The time came for the man to get married.He didn’t tell his wife about his fears but she soon found out because he kept her awake all night.“You must go to a doctor,”she told him.“He will cure you of this silly fear.”The man did as his wife asked him.He told the doctor his problem,and the doctor said,“I can cure you,but it will take about two years.You must come and see me twice a week.My fee for each visit will be$75.”The next day the man called the doctor and said,“I won’t need to visit you again.I’m cured.”The doctor was surprised.“How?”he asked.“Who cured you?”“My wife cured me,”the man said.“When I told her how much you were going to charge me, she cut the legs off the bed.”Choose the best answer.1.What cured the man?a)talking to the stranger b)having no space under the bedc)medicine from the doctor d)sleeping with the light on at night2.The man thought_______was under the bed.a)a monster b)a person c)his wife d)money3.When did the man start having his sleeping problem?a)after he got married b)after he saw the doctorc)before he met his wife d)after he got a new bed4.What does“exhaustion”mean in this story?a)bad air b)feeling completely tired c)medicine d).having strong fear5.What kind of person is the man’s wife according to the story?Use2adjectives such as“beautiful”and examples to explain them.(2’)______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________Leaving HomeYoung people leave their parents’homes at different ages in different parts of the world.In some cities of the United States,a lot of college students do not live at home.They often choose to go to college in different cities--away from their parents.At college,many live in university housing.After college,most people prefer to live in their own homes.They often live alone,but some people rent apartments with others.These people are called roommates.By the age of22,few young people in the United States live with their parents.Families stay together longer in many Asian countries and cities.In Hong kong of China,for example,nearly all university students live with their parents.Rents in the city are very expensive, and few students have the money to pay for their own apartments.Very few young people live alone or become roommates in shared apartment.Many young people in Hong Kong continue to live with their parents even after they marry.I.Tell the statements are(√)True or(X)False.For statements that are false,write thecorrect information.In some cities of the United States:1.Very few students live in university housing.()________________________________________________________________2.Some young adults share apartments with roommates.()________________________________________________________________3.Nearly all young adults live with their parents.()________________________________________________________________In Hong Kong of China4.Not many university students live with their parents.()________________________________________________________________5.Few young people live alone.()________________________________________________________________6.Most young married couples have enough money to live in their own apartments.()_________________________________________________________________Rules for the High School Entrance Examination1.You must be at the examination center ten minutes before the examination starts.If you are morethan ten minutes late,you many not enter the examination center.2.You must have examination number.Show it when you come to the examination center.3.Depending on which examination you are taking,you may bring certain items into theexamination center.Math exams many allow you to use electronic calculators.Other subjects may allow you to use dictionaries and other reference material.Please read the notes sent with your timetable carefully.4.You must bring your own pencils.None will be provided for you.The following items are notallowed in the examination center:Walkmans and radios,head sets,any food or drink,schoolbags, electronic equipment(unless specifically permitted for various subjects),and cell phones.5.Once in the center,you must sit at the desk with your examination number on it.When you sitdown,place your examination number at the top corner of your desk.6.You must remain silent during the exam.You must not disturb other people who are taking thetest.7.If you need a drink or toilet break,you should raise your hand and wait for the supervisor tospeak to you.You will be given water or the supervisor will take you to the washroom.You are not allowed to talk with anyone during the break.8.You must write your answers in the answer booklet.Your supervisor will provide extra paper ifyou wish to make notes.9.You may leave the examination room at any time if you do not plan to return.If you finish earlyand want to leave,please move well away from the examination center.10.The supervisor will warn you fifteen minutes before the exam.When the supervisor says that thetime is up,you must put down your pencil and wait at your desk until your paper is collected.I.Match the words with meanings.______place a.to give______remain b.to put______supervisor c.to keep______provide d.a person who watches to see that people are working correctlyII.Choose the best answer.1.Which kind of examination are these rules probably for?A.a classroom examB.a final examC.a history examD.a national exam2.Which could be allowed into the examination center?A.a calculatorB.a CD playerC.a cell phoneD.water3.What should you do if you finish the test ten minutes early?A.leave the roomB.raise your handC.take another testD.wait in your seatFood FactsAround the world,people have beliefs about certain food and drink.Some people think that chicken soup is good for a cold.Others believe that it is unhealthy not to eat meat.The question is,are any of these beliefs true?Read this factsheet to find out.Belief:Chicken soup helps to fight a cold.Fact:For centuries,people have believed that chicken soup is a good cold remedy.Now,doctors say this belief may be true.Researchers think that chicken soup contains a special chemical that stops a cold from getting worse. Also,heat from the soup can make a person feel better.Belief:A vegetarian(person who does not eat meat)diet is unhealthy.Fact:Meat,especially red meat,contains protein that the body needs.A person who doesn’t eat meat can get enough protein and be healthy by eating tofu,eggs,nuts,and certain vegetables.Belief:Chocolate cause pimples.Fact:This is a common belief that is not true!Many researchers say that eating chocolate does not cause pimples.More often,the cause is stress or not getting enough sleep.Belief:Tea is better than coffee.Fact:A study in2002showed that black or green tea contains substances that can protect your heart, fight cancer,and lower fat in your body.Coffee does not do this.Belief:Food like bread and potatoes are fattening.Fact:Bread and potatoes do not contain much fat or many calories.Eating too much and not exercising can cause us to gain weight.Also,adding fattening things like butter to bread and potatoes can raise the number of calories we eat.I.Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.1.Chicken soup is good for a cold because of a special_________it contains.A.chemicalB.remedyC.heat2.Chocolate does not cause pimples but______and______do.A.Fats/caloriesB.stress/lack of sleepC.butter/lack of exercise3.Eating bread is not fattening,but________is.A.eating potatoesB.eating similar foodC.adding butter to it4.Our belief about some foods are______.A.unhealthyB.fatteningC.incorrectII.Answer the following questions in complete sentences.1.What is black and green tea good for our health?__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2.Do you know anyone who is a vegetarian?Do you think their diet is healthy or unhealthy?Whydo you think so?______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________。



海南省海南枫叶国际学校2025届数学七年级第一学期期末综合测试模拟试题 考生请注意:1.答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。




一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1.下列运算正确的是( )A .B .C .D .2.若单项式4m a b +与212n a b 的和仍是单项式,则m n +的值是( )A .-2B .-1C .2D .33.下列四个数中,最小的是( )A .1B .0C .1-D .2-4.下图是从不同角度看“由相同的小正方体组成的几何体”得到的图形,组成整个几何体的小正方体的个数是()A .7B .6C .5D .45.如图,∠AOC =90°,OC 平分∠DOB ,且∠DOC =22°36′,∠BOA 度数是( )A .67°64′B .57°64′C .67°24′D .68°24′6.下列变形正确的是( )A .如果ax ay =,那么x y =B .如果m n =,那么22m n -=-C .如果43x =,那么43x =D .如果a b =,那么1133ab+=+7.列等式表示:“x 的2倍与10的和等于18”,下列正确的是( )A .21810x +=B .21018x +=C .()21018x +=D .1218x +=8.下列调查中,最适合采用普查方式的是( )A .了解三明市初中学生每天阅读的时间B .了解三明电视台“教育在线”栏目的收视率C .了解一批节能灯的使用寿命D .了解某校七年级2班同学的身高9.如图所示在一个电子青蛙游戏程序中,电子青蛙只能在标有五个数字点的圆周上跳动.游戏规则:若电子青蛙停在奇数点上,则它下次沿顺时针方向跳两个点;若电子青蛙停在偶数点上,则它下次沿逆时针方向跳一个点.现在电子青蛙若从3这点开始跳,则经过2021次后它停的点对应的数为( )A .5B .3C .2D .110.上体育课时,老师检查学生站队是不是在一条直线上,只要看第一个学生就可以了,若还能够看到其他学生,那就不在一条直线上,这一事例体现的基本事实是( )A .两点之间,直线最短B .两点确定一条线段C .两点之间,线段最短D .两点确定一条直线二、填空题(本大题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11.计算:15°37′+42°51′=__________.12.已知单项式23m a b 与412n a b --的和是单项式,则m n +=_______________.13.太阳中心的温度可达15500000℃,数据15500000用科学记数法表示为________.14.如图,AOB ∠与BOD ∠互为余角,OB 是AOC ∠的平分线,25AOB ∠=︒,则∠COD 的度数是________.15.小明手中写有一个整式()3a b +,小康手中也写有一个整式,小华知道他们两人手中所写整式的和为()22a b -,那么小康手中所写的整式是__________.16.x=1是关于x 的方程2x -a=0的解,则a 的值是_____.三、解下列各题(本大题共8小题,共72分)17.(8分)在如图所示的方格纸中,每个小正方形的边长均为1,每个小正方形的顶点都叫格点..,请利用网格特征,解答下列问题.(1)过点P 画AB 的平行线,并标出平行线所经过的格点..D ;(2)过点P 画AB 的垂线,并标出垂线所经过的格点..C ;(3)连接PA 、PB ,则△PAB 的面积为_______________.18.(8分)某中学库存若干套桌椅,准备修理后支援贫困山区学校.现由甲、乙两组修理,甲组单独完成任务需要12天,乙组单独完成任务需要24天.(1)若由甲、乙两组同时修理,需多少天可以修好这些套桌椅?(2)学校需要每天支付甲组、乙组修理费分别为80元、120元.若修理过程中,甲组因新任务离开,乙组继续工作.任务完成后,两组收到的总费用为1920元,求甲组修理了几天?19.(8分)如图,M 是定长线段AB 上一定点,点C 在线段AM 上,点D 在线段BM 上,点C 、点D 分别从点M 、点B 出发以acm /s 、bcm /s 的速度沿直线BA 向左运动,设运动的时间为t s ,运动方向如箭头所示,其中a 、b 满足条件:关于x ,y 的单项式2x 3y a +1与-3x b -1y 3的和仍是单项式.(1)直接写出:a =_________,b =___________;(2)若AB =20cm ,求当t 为何值时,AC +MD =10;(3)若点C 、D 运动时,总有MD =2AC ,若AM =n cm ,求AB 的长;(用含n 的式子表示)(4)在(3)的条件下,点N 是直线..AB 上一点,且AN =MN +BN ,求MN 与AB 的数量关系.20.(8分)阅读材料:为了求2320191222...2+++++的值,可令2320191222...2s =+++++,则234202022222...2s =+++++,因此2020221s s -=-,所以23201920201222...221+++++=-.(1)仿照以上推理请计算出2320191666...6+++++的值.(2)请直接写出231...m n n n n +++++(n 为大于1的正整数,m 为正整数)的结果.21.(8分)为了加强公民的节水意识,合理利用水资源,某市采用价格调控手段达到节水的目的,该市自来水收费价格见价目表.价目表 每月水用量 单价 不超出36m 的部分2元/3m 超出36m 不超出310m 的部分4元/3m 超出310m 的部分8元/3m 注:水费按月结算.若某户居民1月份用水38m ,则应收水费:()2648620⨯+⨯-=元.(1)若该户居民2月份用水312.5m ,则应收水费_______元;(2)若该户居民3、4月份共用水320m (4月份用水量超过3月份),共交水费64元,则该户居民3,4月份各用水多少立方米?22.(10分)某市电话拨号上网有两种收费方式,用户可以任选其一:A 、计时制:1.15元/分钟;B 、月租制:51元/月(限一部个人住宅电话上网).此外,每种上网方式都得加收通信费1.12元/分钟.(1)小玲说:两种计费方式的收费对她来说是一样的.小玲每月上网多少小时?(2)某用户估计一个月内上网的时间为65小时,你认为采用哪种方式较为合算?为什么?23.(10分)解方程:13x -=1﹣232x -. 24.(12分)如图所示:(1)若//DE BC ,13∠=∠,90CDF ∠=︒,求证:FG AB ⊥.(2)若把(1)中的题设“//DE BC ”与结论“FG AB ⊥”对调,所得命题是否是真命题?说明理由.参考答案一、选择题(每小题3分,共30分)1、A【解析】根据合并同类项法则、幂的乘方、单项式乘法的运算方法,利用排除法求解.【详解】A.,正确 B. 应为,故本选项错误; C. 3a 与2a 不是同类项,不能合并,故本选项错误;D.应为6a−5a=a ,故本选项错误;故选A.【点睛】此题考查同底数幂的乘法,单项式乘单项式,幂的乘方与积的乘方,合并同类项,解题关键在于掌握运算法则. 2、B【分析】根据单项式4m a b +与212n a b 的和仍是单项式,说明这两个单项式能进行合并,而只有同类项才能够进行合并,所以根据同类项的定义即可得出m 、n 的值.【详解】解:∵4m a b +与212n a b 的和仍是单项式 ∴m+4=2,n=1∴m=-2,n=1∴m+n=-1故选:B.【点睛】本题主要考查的是同类项的定义:字母相同及其相同字母的指数也相同的单项式称为同类项,掌握同类项的定义是解题的关键.3、D【分析】根据负数小于0,0小于正数,两个负数绝对值大的反而小解答. 【详解】∵21->-,∴-2<-1,∴-2<-1<0<1,故选:D .【点睛】此题考查有理数的大小比较法则:负数小于0,0小于正数,两个负数绝对值大的反而小,熟记法则是解题的关键.4、C【分析】根据三视图想象出几何体的形状,即可得出答案.【详解】根据三视图想象出的几何体每个位置上的小正方体的数量如图:所以总共为5个故选:C .【点睛】本题主要考查三视图,能够根据三视图想象出几何体的形状是解题的关键.5、C【分析】根据角平分线的性质求出∠BOC ,再根据∠AOC =90°,即可求出∠BOA .【详解】∵OC 平分∠DOB ,∠DOC =22°36′,∴∠BOC=∠DOC =22°36′∵∠AOC =90°∴∠BOA =90°-22°36′=67°24′故选C .【点睛】此题主要考查角度的计算,解题的关键是熟知角平分线的性质.6、D【分析】根据等式的基本性质逐一进行判断即可.【详解】A. 如果ax ay =,0a = ,那么x 与y 不一定相等,故该选项错误;B. 如果m n =,那么22m n -=-,故该选项错误;C. 如果43x =,那么34x =,故该选项错误; D. 如果a b =,那么1133a b +=+,故该选项正确;故选:D.【点睛】本题主要考查等式的基本性质,掌握等式的基本性质是解题的关键.7、B【分析】要明确给出文字语言中的运算关系,先求倍数,然后求和.x+=.【详解】解:依题意得:21018故选:B.【点睛】本题考查了由实际问题抽象出一元一次方程,解决问题的关键是读懂题意,找到关键描述语,找到所求的量的等量关系.8、D【分析】根据普查的特点:调查结果比较准确,但所费人力、物力和时间较多,适用于具有事关重大或范围较小的调查.而抽样调查的特点:调查结果比较近似,适用于具有破坏性或范围较广的调查,逐一分析判断即可.【详解】A.了解三明市初中学生每天阅读的时间,调查范围较广适合采用抽样调查,故本选项不符合题意;B.了解三明电视台“教育在线”栏目的收视率,调查范围较广适合采用抽样调查,故本选项不符合题意;C.了解一批节能灯的使用寿命,调查具有破坏性适合采用抽样调查,故本选项不符合题意;D.了解某校七年级2班同学的身高,范围较小,适合采用普查,故本选项符合题意.故选D.【点睛】此题考查的是普查和抽样调查的选取,掌握普查的特点和抽样调查的特点是解决此题的关键9、A【分析】根据题意写出前几次跳动的停靠点,发现4次跳动后回到出发点,即每4次跳动为一个循环组依次循环,用2021除以4,根据商和余数的情况确定所停的位置即可.【详解】解:从3这点开始跳,第1次停在数字1,第2次跳动停在2,第3次跳动停在1,第4次跳动停在3,第1次跳动停在1,…,依此类推,每4次跳动为一个循环组依次循环,2021÷4=101余1,即经过2021次后与第1次跳动停的位置相同,对应的数字是1.故选A .【点睛】本题是对图形变化规律的考查,读懂题目信息,理解跳动方法并求出每4次跳动为一个循环组依次循环是解题的关键. 10、D【分析】根据公理“两点确定一条直线”来解答即可.【详解】解:只要确定老师和第一位学生,就可以确定一条直线,故根据的基本事实是“两点确定一条直线”,故答案为:D .【点睛】本题考查了“两点确定一条直线”在实际生活中的运用,此题有利于培养学生生活联系实际的能力.二、填空题(本大题共有6小题,每小题3分,共18分)11、58°28′【分析】根据角度的计算规则进行计算即可.【详解】∵37′+51′=88′=1°28′∴15°37′+42°51′=58°28′.故答案为:58°28′.【点睛】本题考查对角的认识,重点考查60′=1°需要注意进位.12、1【分析】根据同类项的定义,所含字母相同且相同字母的指数也相同的项是同类项,可得答案.注意同类项与字母的顺序无关,与系数无关.【详解】由题意,得23m a b 与412n a b --是同类项,m =4,n−1=2,解得n =3,m +n =3+4=1,故答案为:1.【点睛】本题考查同类项的定义,同类项定义中的两个“相同”:所含字母相同;相同字母的指数相同,是易混点,还有注意同类项定义中隐含的两个“无关”:①与字母的顺序无关;②与系数无关.13、71.5510⨯【分析】科学记数法的表示形式为a×10n 的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n 为整数.确定n 的值时,要看把原数变成a 时,小数点移动了多少位,n 的绝对值与小数点移动的位数相同.当原数绝对值>10时,n 是正数;当原数的绝对值<1时,n 是负数.【详解】解:15500000用科学记数法表示为71.5510⨯故答案为:71.5510⨯【点睛】考查科学记数法的表示方法.科学记数法的表示形式为10n a ⨯的形式,其中1≤|a|<10,n 为整数,表示时关键要正确确定a 的值以及n 的值.14、40【分析】由已知条件可知90AOD ∠=︒,再利用OB 是AOC ∠的平分线,25AOB ∠=︒,得出50AOC ∠=︒,继而得出40COD AOD AOC ∠=∠-∠=︒.【详解】解:∵AOB ∠与BOD ∠互为余角,∴90AOD ∠=︒,∵OB 是AOC ∠的平分线,25AOB ∠=︒,∴50AOC ∠=︒,∴40COD AOD AOC ∠=∠-∠=︒.故答案为:40.【点睛】本题考查的知识点是互余的定义、角平分线的性质以及角的和差,掌握以上知识点是解此题的关键.15、5a b -【分析】根据题意可知()22a b - 是和,()3a b + 是其中一个加数,所以另一个加数=(和)—(其中一个加数),以此可得小康手中所写的整式.【详解】∵两个整式的和为()22a b -∴小康手中的所写的整式()()223a b a b =--+4233a b a b =---5a b =-故答案为:5a b -.【点睛】本题主要考查了整式的加减运算,解决问题的关键在于弄清和与加数的关系.16、1【分析】将x=1代入方程即可解出a.【详解】将x=1代入方程得:1-a=0,解得a=1,故答案为:1.【点睛】本题考查解方程,关键在于掌握解方程的步骤.三、解下列各题(本大题共8小题,共72分)17、(1)见解析;(2)见解析;(3)19 2【分析】(1)根据平行线的性质画图即可;(2)根据要求做垂线即可;(3)利用分割法计算即可.【详解】(1)如图所示,DP即为所求,;(2)如图所示,PC即为所求;(3)S△PAB=4×5-12×3×4-12×1×4-12×1×5=20-6-2-5 2=19 2故答案为:192.【点睛】本题考查作图−应用与设计、平行线的判定和性质、三角形的面积等知识,解题的关键是灵活运用所学知识解决问题,属于中考常考题型.18、(1)需要8天可以修好这些套桌椅;(2)甲组修理了6天.【分析】1)根据题意列出方程,计算即可求出值;(2)设甲修理组修理了m 天,乙修理组修理了n 天,根据题意列方程组即可得到结论.【详解】(1)解:设由甲、乙两修理组同时修理,需要x 天可以修好这些套桌椅,根据题意得:1111224x +=() 解得:x=8,则甲、乙两修理组同时修理,需8天可以修好这些套桌椅;(2)设甲组修理了y 天,则乙组修理了1(1)(242)1224y y -÷=-天 80120(242)1920y y +-=6y =答:甲组修理了6天.【点睛】本题考查一元一次方程的应用,解题关键是正确理解题意,找出题目中的等量关系,列出方程.此题要掌握工作量的有关公式:工作总量=工作时间×工作效率.19、(1)2 ;4 (2)53(3)3n (4)AB MN =或3AB MN = 【分析】(1)根据关于x,y 的单项式2x 3y a+1与-3x b-1y 3的和仍是单项式,得出关于a ,b 的方程求解即可;(2)根据AC+MD=10,AB=20,可得CM+BD=10,然后根据题意可得出2t+4t=10,求解即可;(3)根据C 、D 的运动速度知:BD =2MC ,根据MD =2AC ,得出MB =2AM ,根据AM +BM =AB ,即可得AM +2AM =AB ,可推出AB=3n ;(4)分两种情况讨论,①当点N 在线段AB 上时,②当点N 在线段AB 的延长线上时,然后根据数量关系即可求解.【详解】解:(1)∵关于x,y 的单项式2x 3y a+1与-3x b-1y 3的和仍是单项式,∴1313b a -=⎧⎨+=⎩, 解得24a b =⎧⎨=⎩, 故答案为:2,4;(2)∵AC+MD=10,AB=20,∴CM+BD=10,根据题意可得2t+4t=10,解得t=53; (3)根据C 、D 的运动速度知:BD =2MC ,∵MD =2AC ,∴BD +MD =2(MC +AC ),即MB =2AM ,∵AM +BM =AB ,∴AM +2AM =AB ,∴AB=3n ;(4)当点N 在线段AB 上时,如图,∵AN=MN+BN ,又∵AN =MN+AM ,∴BN =AM =13AB , ∴AB=3MN ;当点N 在线段AB 的延长线上时,如图,∵AN=MN+BN ,又∵AN =AB+BN ,∴AB=MN ,综上所述:AB =3MN 或AB=MN .【点睛】本题考查了一元一次方程的应用,灵活运用线段的和、差、倍、分转化线段之间的数量关系是十分关键的一点.20、(1)2020615-;(2)111m n n +-- 【分析】(1)令2320191666...6s =+++++,然后在等式的两边同时乘以6,接下来,依据材料中的方程进行计算即可(2)根据题意发现运算规律即可求解.【详解】解:(1)设2320191666...6s =+++++,则234202066666...6s =+++++,2020661s s -=-即2020561s =- 所以2020615s -=.所以2020232019611666 (65)-+++++=; (2)设231...m s n n n n =+++++,则ns=2341...m n n n n n +++++ns-s=11m n +-∴s=111m n n +-- 即12311...1m mn n n n n n +-+++++=-. 【点睛】本题主要考查的是数字的变化规律,依据材料找出解决问题的方法和步骤是解题的关键.21、(1)48;(2)3月份用水38m ,4月份用水312m .【分析】(1)根据总价=单价×数量,再由分段计费的方式求出即可;(2)设3月份水量为x ,则4月份为()20x -,根据题意列方程求解即可,注意考虑x 的取值范围.【详解】解:(1)6244 2.5848⨯+⨯+⨯=(元),所以2月应收水费48元;(2)设3月份水量为x ,则4月份为()20x -由题意2010x ->,10x <.①06x <≤,21216x +++()8201064x --=223x =(舍) ②610x <<,()12461216x +-++()8201064x +--=,8x =答:3月份用水38m ,4月份用水312m .【点睛】本题考查了列一元一次方程解决实际问题,注意分类讨论思想的运用.22、(1)小玲每月上网503小时;(2)采用月租制较为合算. 【解析】试题分析:(1)设小玲每月上网x 小时,利用A :费用=每分钟的费用×时间;B :费用=包月费+通信费,根据两种计费方式的收费相同列出方程,解方程即可;(2)如果一个月内上网的时间为65小时,根据两种收费方式分别计算费用,比较后即可回答问题.试题解析:(1)设小玲每月上网x 小时,根据题意得(1.15+1.12)×61x=51+1.12×61x , 解得x=503. 答:小玲每月上网503小时; (2)如果一个月内上网的时间为65小时,选择A 、计时制费用:(1.15+1.12)×61×65=273(元),选择B 、月租制费用:51+1.12×61×65=128(元).所以一个月内上网的时间为65小时,采用月租制较为合算.考点:一元一次方程的应用.23、x =178. 【分析】将方程去分母,去括号,移项合并,把x 系数化为1,即可求出解.【详解】解:去分母,得()()216323xx ﹣=﹣﹣, 去括号,得22669x x +﹣=﹣,移项,得26692x x +++=,合并同类项,得817x =,系数化为1,得178=x . 【点睛】本题考查了解一元一次方程的一般步骤,在解方程要特别注意符号的问题.24、(1)详见解析;(2)是真命题.【分析】(1)利用平行线的性质以及结合平行线的判定方法分析得出答案;(2)利用平行线的性质以及结合平行线的判定方法分析得出答案.【详解】解:(1)证明://DE BC (已知), 12∠∠∴=.(两直线平行,内错角相等), 13∠=∠(已知), 23∴∠=∠(等量代换), //DC FG ∴.(同位角相等,两直线平行), 90BFG FDC ∴∠=∠=︒.(两直线平行,同位角相等), FG AB ∴⊥.(垂直的定义); (2)是真命题,理由如下:FG AB ⊥(已知), 90BFG FDC ∴∠=︒=∠,//DC FG ∴.(同位角相等,两直线平行), 23∴∠=∠.(两直线平行,同位角相等), 13∠=∠(已知), 12∠∠∴=.(等量代换), //DE BC ∴.(内错角相等,两直线平行).【点睛】此题主要考查了平行线的判定与性质,正确掌握相关判定与性质是解题关键.。

7年级 数学 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷 参考答案

7年级 数学 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷 参考答案

枫叶国际学校入学模拟试题七年级数学答案一、选择题:(本大题共6小题,每小题3分,共18分)1.A2.C3.B4.D5.A6.D二、填空题:(本大题共8小题,每小题3分,共24分)7.-2mm 8.21x-y=109.-610.0.6111.108°30′12.213.-95114.90°三、解答题:(本大题共5小题,共33分.解答应写出文字说明、演算步骤过程)15.(本小题6分)(I )解:原式=5(II )解:原式=316.(本小题6分)解:(I )5x (II )1x 17.(本小题7分)22225(3)(3)a b ab ab a b =22221553a b ab ab a b=22126a b ab 当12a ,13b 时,原式=22111112((6()2323=11111264329=113=2318.(本小题7分)∵CD AB BD 4131∴AB=3BD,CD=4BD,∴BC=CD-BD=4BD-BD=3BD,∵AC=AB+BC=3BD+3BD=6BD.∵线段AB,CD 的中点分别为E,F,∴AE=21AB=21×3BD=23BD,FC=21CD=21×4BD=2BD,∴EF=AC-AE-CF,即6BD-23BD-2BD=10,∴BD=4;∴AC=6BD=4×6=24.19.(本小题7分)(1)9-3-5+4-8+6-3-6-4+10=0(千米)答:将最后一名乘客送到目的地,出租车在出发点鼓楼处(2)2.4×(9+3+5+4+8+6+3+6+4+10)=2.4×58=139.2(元)答:司机一个下午的营业额是139.2元.。



- --MATH PROFICIENCY TESTName _________________________Date _____________________Record your answer on the answer sheet provided.1. Simplify: (2x 4y 5) 9. Evaluate −2a 3b −4a 4 for a= −3 and b= −2a) 6x 12y 15 b) 2x 12y 15 c) 8x 64y 125a) 432b) −432 c) −128 d)144 e) −144d) 8x 12y 15e) 8x 7y 810. Solve: 3x −7 ≥ −222. Rewrite 4 − 3using positive exponents only and evaluate the result.a) x ≤ 5 b) x ≤ −5 c) x ≤ 28 − d) x ≥ −5 e) x ≥ 531 1 a)=b) −3 41 = −12c) 43 =644643d) − 43 = −64e) 43 =1211. Solve: 15 2x −3< 7 a) x > 18b) x < 18c) x < −3 d) x> −3 e) x < 33Evaluate:1 24−4912. Simplify: (4x −8xy+2y ) −(9x −4xy −7y ) a) −5x −4xy −5y b) −5x −4xy + 9ya)7 2b) 7 − c)227 d) 2 − e)7− 2 49 c ) −5x + 12xy + 4y d) −5x + 4xy + 9ye) −5x −12xy + 9y 4 Simplify and rewrite using only positive exponents:13. How long is BC?−24x232y( )a) x 44y6b) 4y 6x4c)4y 6−x2d) 1 y 6e) y 6a) 22x - 19x- 23 b) -16x +8x -5 c) 16x -8x - 5 d) 16x -24x+55. Write an algebraic equation for the following " After 7 e) 16x -8x +5 is added to a number the sum is divided by4. The result is 12." 14. Simplify:( −7a −19c) −( −12a+30c) −( −21a −11c)- --7n n 7a) =12 b) + 4 =12 c) n + =124 7 4n n + 7d) 7 12 12+ = e) =4 4a) 26a −38c b) −26a −22c c) −16a−60cd) 2a + 22c e) 26a + 38c15. When 6x y −10x y is completely factored, oneof the factors will be_____6. Solve for x given 4(3x −7)= −7 a) 3x −5y b) 2xy c) 2xya) 76b) 0 c)35−d)1274e)3512d) 3x −5y e) 3x−516. Simplify: ( 2x4y ) (6x y )7. Solve for x given 4 −2(3x −4)=1 −(5x+4).a) 12x12y6 b) 12x7y5 c) 12x4y3 a) −9 b) −1 c) 15 d) 3 e) 7d) 8x12y6 e) 8x7y58. What is the value of the expression −3x2 +4xwhen x= −5 ? 17. Simplify:24x −30x³ +6x66xa) −55 b) −95 c) 50 d) 95 e) 55 a) 4x5 −5x +x b) 4x6 −5x3+1 c) 4x5 −5x+1d) 4x5 −5x e) 18x5 −36xPage 1 of 518. When (4x −1) (2x +7) is expanded and written in 26. Factor completely: xy −5y −2x + 10 the form Ax +Bx + C, what is the value of A + B + C? a) (x + 5) (y −2) b) (x −5) (y + 2) a) 31 b) 27 c) 12 d) −27 e) −31 c) (x + 2) (y + 5 d) (x −5) (y −2)e) (x −2) (y −5 )x x 19. Expand and simplify: 7 9+ −2 2 27. Find the area of the figure, in square meters, to 1decimal place.a) x2 1−−b)x 6 34 2 x24+ −x6 3a) 935.6mb)1691.1mc) x24 −−d)x 6 3x2 − x − 63 c) 362.2md)557.8me) x22 −−x6 3e)271.1m28. Find the volume, in cubic centimeters, of the solid20. Multiply: (4x −3) (3x −5x +3) shown where h =12cm, s=7cm, and d=8cm.Expressa) 12x4 −9x −20x −27x −9b) 12x4 −9x −20x + 27x −9 y our answer to two decimal places.a) 2077cm b) 435.63cmc) 12x4 + 9x −20x + 27x −9d) 12x4 −9x + 20x + 27x −9e) 12x4 + 9x + 20x + 27x −9c) 1742.54cm d) 217.82cme) 1258.96cm29. In the diagram shown, A' B' C is the image of21. Expand and simplify: (3x+4) −3(x+5) ABC. Which type of transformation is shown in thea) 9x + 18x + 1 b) 9x + 21x + 1 illustration?c) 9x + 9x + 1 d) 9x + 21x + 31 a) dilatione) 9x + 9x + 31 b) translationc) slide22. Factor: x −4x −12 d) rotationa) (x + 6) (x −2) b) (x + 12) (x −1) e) reflectionc) (x + 2) (x −6) d) (x + 7) ( x −3)e) (x −4) (x + 3) 30. Find the length of side x.a) 2023. Factor: 2x −7xy −15y b) 34a) (2x + 3y) (x −5y) b) (2x −3y) (x + 5y) c) 26c) (2x −y ) (x −15y) d) (2x −5y) (x + 3y) d) 25e) (2x+ 5y) (x −3y) e) 3524. When 6x + x −15 is factored completely, one of 31. A triangle has vertices A( −5, 2), B( −3, 5), andthe factors will be _____ C( −2, 1). Which of the following translations willa) 2x + 5 b) 2x + 3 c) 2x −3 d) 2x −5 e) 3x −5 place the image triangle in the fourth quadrant?a) 5 units left, 7 units down25. When (4x −7) −10(4x −7)+24 is factored b) 6 units right, 7 units downcompletely, one of the factors will be______ c) 4 units left, 7 units upa) 4x + 13 b) 4x + 3 c) x + 6 d) x + 4 e) 4x −11 d) 6 units right, 7 units upe) 4 units right, 7 units downPage 2 of 532. In the diagram shown, ABC~ DEF, c = 5, e = 7,and f= 9. Find a.d) r = 15cos25 e) r=15cos 25° 34a)c)2312e)3158b)d)3692538. A 2.5 metre ladder leans against a houseforming a30 angle with the house. Exactly how far is thebase ofthe ladder from the house?a) 1.35m b) 1.50mc) 2.25m d) 1.75m33. Given the DEF is congruent to PQR, find the e) 1.25mangle that is congruent to Ra) P b) F 39. The scale shown on a map of Canada is 1cm= c) D d) Q 120km. On the map the distance between Winnipeg and e) E Saskatoon is 5.7cm. How far apart are Winnipeg andSaskatoon to the nearest kilometre?34. Express tan A as a ratio of the variables given in a) 444km b) 516km c) 684kmABC. d) 276km e) 660kma)d)caacb)e)cbabc)ba1a) −34 b) −c)3422534d)34e)34225−140. Evaluate: (3−+ 5−)2 2121335. In ABC, which of the following is equaltoa) sinCb) tan Cc) cosA?41.Evaluate:43 38 −3( × )534( )d) cosCe) tan Aa) 1 b) 6c)127d)13e) 936. Which of the following equations can be used to 42. Find the value of x in this diagram.find the length of x? a) 8.8 b) 12.8a) cos35 =d) cos35 =e) sin35 =20x x20 x1414 b) sin35 =xc) tan55 =x30c) 9.6d) 10.2e) 7.243. Find the area of the shaded region where S = 12.a) 12.65 units b) 30.90 units c) 43.56 units37. Which equation can be used to correctly determine d) 3.90 units the length of side r? e) 115.73 units a) r = 15tan25 b) r = 15sin25 44. A right triangle has one leg of length a and a c) r = 15 sin 25°h ypotenuse of length c. Express the area of this triangle in terms of a and c.Page 3 of 5a)d)+aca22 =b)2AacA=e)2AAa c a( −)= c)2=a c a2 2−ac a2A =c a c2 2−21 1a) (2x −3)= 28 b) x(x −3)=282 21c) x(x + 3)= 28 d) x(x + 3)= 2821e) (2x + 3)= 28245. If Ax + 7x + Bx +30 is evaluated for x = −1 theresult is 54. When the expression is evaluated for x =2the result is 6. What is the value of A?a) 3 b) -3 c) 2 d) -2 e) 451.Simplify:1a) b)23x + 5 6x − 6−4 8−+12x 5c) 16 d) 2 e)10−3x246. The perimeter of a rectangle is 18x + 24 and the 52. Solve ax+ b = cx + d for x.width is 2x - 9. What is the length?a) 7x −3 b) 7x + 3 c) 16x −15d) 7x +21 e) 16x + 33a) x=d) x=b d+a c+d b−c a−b) x=e) x=d b−a c−d b−a c+c) x=d b+a c−47. A guy wire attached to the top of an 84m radioantenna is bolted to the ground 52m from the base of 53. The radius of the circle is 12cm. What is the area ofthe tower. If the wire is tight, how long is the wire? the shaded region?Express your answer to the nearest hundredth of a a) 46.8cm b) 41.1cmmetre. c) 76.8cm d) 68.2cma) 98.79cm b) 93.30cm e) 86.4cmc) 95.56cm d) 89.35cme) 136.00cm54. There are 3 dots in the first figure and 7dots in the 48. A rectangle has both of its sides increased by 20%. second figure. If this pattern is continued, how manyBy what percent dose its area increase? dots will be in the nth Figure?a) 40% b) 44% c) 140%d) 84% e) 144%49. A cone with radius r = 3cm and height h = 9cm justfits inside a cylinder with the same height and radius. 55. If the pattern shown is continued, then what is theH ow many cubic centimetres are in the space betweennumber at the end of the 30th row?the two figures. Round your answer to 2 decimal 1places. 2 3a) 85cm b) 113cm 4 5 6c) 236cm d) 170cm 7 8 9 10e) 57cm50. The base of a triangle is 3units more than the height,the area of the triangle is 28 square units. If the heightis represented by x, which equation could be used tofind the measure of the height of the triangle?Page 4 of 5Fill in the circle that matches your answer.1. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 31. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e2. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 32. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e3. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 33. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e4. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 34. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e5. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 35. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e6. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 36. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e7. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 37. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e8. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 38. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e9. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 39. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e10. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 40. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e11. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 41. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e12. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 42. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e13. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 43. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e14. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 44. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e15. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 45. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e16. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 46. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e17. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 47. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e18. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 48. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e19. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 49. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e20. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 50. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e21. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 51. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e22. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 52. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e23. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 53. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e24. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e25. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 54. ______________________________26. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e27. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e 55. ______________________________28. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e29. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○e30. ○a ○b ○c ○d ○ePage 5 of 5。

7年级预备班 英语 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷A卷

7年级预备班 英语 枫叶国际学校 入学模拟试卷A卷

枫叶国际学校入学试题七年级预备班英语学科A卷国籍:姓名:成绩:一、填空(每题1分,共10分)1.Could you tell me Where the____________(书店)is?2.I’m going to the______________.(电影院)3.He________(走路)to school every day.4.Tony often goes to see a_________(电影)on weekends.5.We are going to have a________(旅行).6.They are good students and_________(学习)very hard.7.My mother will prepare delicious food for me_______(今晚)8.Mary is_________(难过的)for losing her keys.9.My grandparents are very__________(高兴的)when they see me.10.My mom is very___________(生气的)because I don’t finish my homework.二、句型转换(每题2分,共10分)1.I want to buy a postcard.(改为否定句)______________________________________________________________.2.She often goes shopping after school.(改为否定句)______________________________________________________________.3.There is a hospital in my city.(改为一般疑问句)_______________________________________________________________.4.She teaches English in that school.(改为一般疑问句)_______________________________________________________________.5.He is doing his homework.(对划线部分提问)________________________________________________________________.三、单项选择,请选出最合适的答案。

枫叶国际学校入学模拟考试 初一年级 英语 试卷

枫叶国际学校入学模拟考试 初一年级 英语 试卷


(每小题1分,共10分)1.There is some nice___________(家具)in the hall.2.Can you help me_____________(查看)the times of trains?3.The animals come from many____________(不同的)countries.4.You can have a_____________(汉堡包)for lunch at McDonald’s.5.I want to make a______________(特别的)meal for my parents.6.She can learn a lot from____________(地理),so she likes it very much.7.Many people like____________(现代的)music in China.8.Do people talk about__________(私人的)things with strangers?9.It’s kind of you to help me_____________(解决)problems..10.My mom is of___________(中等的)height.二、句型转换。

(每小题2分,共10分)1.My favorite subject is English.(就划线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________ 2.He plays computer games twice a week.(就划线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________ 3.The building is next to the library.(就划线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________ 4.She visited the Great Wall last month.(就划线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________ 5.There are four oranges in the box(就划线部分提问)_______________________________________________________________三、用所给词的适当形式填空。




(15分)1._______dress is blue.I like it very much.A.HerB.MeC.MyselfD.You2.I______hiking_______my parents tomorrow.A.was going;inB.will go;withC.would go;onD.have gone,to3.There_______a bottle and a book on the desk.A.amB.areC.isD.be4.What do you plan to do next week?I plan______swimming.A.learn B learns C.learnt D.to learn5.-________is your hometown?–My hometown is Harbin.A.WhereB.HowC.WhatD.Who6.She______every day.A.does her homeworkB.doing some sportsC.go homeD.has watched TV7.It takes me_____hour to clean the table.A.aB.anC.someD.any8.Lily wants_________her homework.A.doingB.didC.to doD.done9.I_______shopping with my mother tomorrow.A.doB.am doingC.didD.am going to do10.--________do you often go to school?--I often go to school by bus.A.WhereB.WhatC.HowD.Why11.If you study hard,you needn’t worry_______your exam.A.onB.inC.ofD.about12.Listen!Who_____Tommorrow will be better?A.singB.is singingC.sangD.singing13.—Who taught_________maths last year?A.they B.their C.them D.theirs14.—Would you like something to drink,_________or coffee?—Coffee,please.A.breadB.bananasC.teaD.fruit15.He isn’t feel_______tod ay.A.worryB.goodC.niceD.well二、词形填空。











奶奶只有菲薄..(fěi bό)的退休费,祖孙两人有了吃的就没有穿的,总有一样要凑合。


















武汉枫叶国际学校小学英语小升初期末试卷含答案一、单项选择1.The brown cat is as ______ as the black cat. ( )A.fat B.fatter C.thinner2.Can you ______ your bike ______ me? ( )A.show; for B.show; to C.showing; with 3.The boy eats ________ meat every day, so he is fat. ( )A.many B.much C.a few4.The policeman was ________. He shouted at the man ________. ( ) A.angry; angrily B.angrily; angry C.angrily; angrily 5.—_______ your aunt play badminton yesterday? ( )—No, she _______ basketball.A.Did; play B.Did; played C.Do; play6.—______ was your summer holiday, Yifan? ( )—It was ______.A.What; good B.How; good C.When; well 7.—What day is it today? ( )—_____.A.Monday B.fine C.sunny D.May 1st 8.Lucy is 42 kg. Kate is 46 kg. So Kate is _______ than Lucy. ( )A.heavier B.older C.thinner9.Can he _____ chess? ( )A.play B.plays C.played10.Ten years ago, I ______ play football. ( )A.am B.couldn’t C.will11.A bird can't _________. ( )A.swim B.fly C.jump12.—______ tall is Robin? ( )—He is 1.2 metres.A.What B.How many C.How 13.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I ______ at home.A.stay B.stays C.stayed 14.Mike ______ many pictures and ate fresh food yesterday. ( )A.take B.took C.taking 15.Peter ______ off the horse yesterday and ______ his right leg. ( )A.felt; hurt B.fell; hurt C.fell; hurts16.I _____ a book last weekend. ( )A.buy B.buys C.bought17.There isn’t _________ coffee in the cup. ( )A.some B.much C.many18.Mike usually __________ his homework after supper. ( )A.does B.do C.did19.Miss Liu is so kind and funny. We all like _______. ( )A.she B.her C.him20.It was rainy. I _______ at home with my mother. ( )A.stay B.stayed C.stays二、用单词的适当形式填空21.Did you _________(go) swimming yesterday?22.People couldn’t _______ (use) the computer in the Tang Dynasty.23.______ (do not) be sad. Your friend will be well soon.24.Tutu ______ (watch) TV last night.25.Did you _____ (play) football with Zhang Peng last weekend?26.Mr Brown is our new _______. He _______ us English next term. (teach)27._______ (make) his dream _______ (come) true, he will do more sport.28.Nancy _______ (have) a _______ (dance) lesson next Tuesday afternoon.29.My uncle often _____ (watch / watches) TV every evening.30.You must not _________ (play) on the road because there are many cars and bikes.三、完成句子31.____________ (一个健康的饮食) is very important.32.People in Australia ____________ (欢迎游客).33.Children have many different ________ (梦想) .34.W_________ to my school. I'll show you around it.35.We borrow books from the ____________.36.I will ________ (照相) in the nature park this Sunday.37.Last Saturday, Sarah v_______ her grandparents.38.Jim: Your maths teacher is so strong. ______________Joe: He is 80 kilograms. He's stronger than my PE teacher.39.Stay s________ and follow the rules on the roads.40.I s______ a film every month. Last month, I s______ a film about space.四、完形填空41.We have only one _41__. We get land (土地), air and water from the Earth. We should _42__ these things. We should keep _43__ clean.Farmers grow _44__ on land. Food from _45__ land is bad for us. We should keep the land clean. We cannot build too many houses. There is not much land _46__ Earth for farming. We should save land.We all need water. We cannot live _47__ water. We drink it and use it _48__ many things. Butthere is not much water in many places. In some places, dirty water from factories pollutes (污染) the rivers. Some people waste water.We should take care of the _49__ too. We need it to _50__.41、A.city B.Earth C.school42、A.take care of B.look for C.look out43、A.it B.them C.they44、A.food B.flowers C.trees45、A.good B.clean C.dirty46、A.on B.in C.at47、A.in B.with C.without48、A.do B.to do C.doing49、A.water B.air C.land50、A.live B.smell C.use五、阅读判断42.Tom is seven. He goes to school every day. The school is near his home. So he goes there on foot and comes back home on time (准时). But today he is late. His mother asks him, “Why are you late today?” “I was in the teachers’ office.’’ “Why did you go to the teachers’ office?” “Because my teacher asked us a question in class, and nobody (没有人) could answer it, but me.” “It’s good to answer the teacher’s questions.” “But the question was ‘Who put the ink (墨水)on my c hair?’”51、Tom lives near his school. ( )52、He goes to school and comes back home by bike every day. ( )53、Today Tom went to school late. ( )54、Tom put some ink on the teacher’s chair. ( )55、The boy is very naughty(调皮). ( )六、阅读理解43.A forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important because they provide shelter and food for birds and insects. Birds make their nests in trees. Small animals and insects build their homes in the hollows of trees. Leaves, flowers and fruits are their food. In the past, People got wood from forests. Some people cooked food with wood. People cut down trees to make houses, furniture and paper. Now, Many animals in the forests die because they lose their homes and their food. We must stop cutting down forest.56、A is a large area of trees.()A.ocean B.sky C.forest57、Forests are important for .()A.birds B.insects C.both A and B58、Small animals can eat .()A.Leaves, flowers and fruit B.vegetables only C.both A and B59、—What does “hollows” mean in the passage? ()—A.Holes in the tree. B.Homes for some animals. C.A large area of trees. 60、—Why many animals in the forest die? ()—Because .A.they don't want to live any moreB.they have no homes or foodC.people kill them44.My name is White. I’m from Sydney, Australia. I am an English teacher in Suzhou No.10 Middle School. I get up early every day, and I go to school at about seven in the morning. I get to school at ten to eight. I have three classes every morning and two in the afternoon. I like working with my students. Some students don’t like English, and they say it is not easy. I think English is easy, but every student must work hard. I teach them very carefully. All my students and I are friends. I often play games with them. I leave school and go home at a quarter past five. I like my work very much.56、Mr White is ______. ( )A.English B.Australian C.Chinese D.American57、What time does Mr White get to school in the morning? ( )A.At 8:50. B.At 8:10. C.At 7:50. D.At 7:10.58、How many classes does Mr White have every day? ( )A.Two. B.Three. C.Four. D.Five.59、What time does Mr White get home in the afternoon? ( )A.At 5:15、B.At 5:35、C.At 5:45、D.At 6:06.60、Which is wrong? ( )A.Mr White’s students don’t like English .B.Mr White thinks English is easy.C.All of Mr White’s students say English is not easy.D.Mr White and his students are good friends.45.This is Ann's family. There are three people in her family. Her mother works in a hospital. She goes to work by bike every day. Her father is a policeman. He does sports every day. Ann is a pupil. She gets up early in the morning and does morning exercises every day. They often take a walk after supper(晚餐).56、There are_______ people in Ann's family. ( )A.three B.four C.five57、Ann's mother goes to work by_______ . ( )A.buy B.car C.bike58、Ann's father is a _______. ( )A.doctor B.worker C.policeman59、Does Ann get up early in the morning? ( )A.Yes, she is. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she isn't.60、They often take a walk after _______. ( )A.breakfast B.dinner C.school【参考答案】一、单项选择1.A解析:A【详解】句意:棕色的猫和黑色的猫一样胖。







5、姚明的身高为226( )。







A、πB、6 πC、6D、无法求出2、小丽每天为妈妈配一杯糖水,下面四天中,()的糖水最甜。





3、若a÷b=8……3 , 那么(100a)÷(100b) = 8……()。

A、3B、300C、100D、 0.034、一个长方体正好可以切成3个一样的正方体,切开后每个正方体的表面积是12平方厘米,那么原来这个长方体的表面积是()平方厘米。

A、36B、30C、 28D、245、小明由家去学校然后又安原路返回,去时每分钟行a米,回来时每分钟行b 米,求小明来回的平均速度的正确算式是()。

A、(a+b)÷2B、2ab÷(a+b)C、1÷( a+ b)D、 2÷( a+b )四、计算1334―217 ―517 16.8÷(4.3×2-0.2)五、解方程4÷23 X = 25 8(x-2)= 2(x+7) 320 :18% = 6.5x六、列式计算(1)80加上45的和除以40与25的差,商是多少?(2)一个数加上3,再乘18,所得的积等于150与54的差,求这个数。



武汉枫叶国际学校小学英语小升初期末试题含答案一、单项选择1.You __________ run _________ the classroom.A.mustn’t, in B.should, in C.shouldn’t, out of 2.—What do you want to be? ()—I want to be a _________.A.cook B.astronaut C.artist 3.—What ________ your bedroom messy? ( )—The ________ make my bedroom messy.A.makes; toys B.make; toy C.make; toys4.I felt ill yesterday, so I only ate ________ rice. ( )A.a little B.a few C.a lot of 5.—What ______ you ______ last night? ( )—I read a book.A.did; do B.do; do C.are; doing 6.Tom ______ Chinese food well now. But he couldn’t ______ it 3 years ago. ( ) A.cook; cook B.cooks; cooked C.cooks; cook 7.The bananas ______ green. Now ______ yellow. ( )A.were; it’s B.was; they’re C.were; they’re 8.— are they? ( )—They’re under the chair.A.Where B.What C.Who9.Nancy is going to _______ a film this Sunday. ( )A.watch B.watches C.watching 10.It’s a nice day. Let’s ______ a picnic this afternoon. ( )A.going to have B.having C.have D.to have 11.We went to Hainan _______ the winter holiday. ( )A.of B.over C.with12.His father ______ very angry and said, “ Listen to me _________!” ( )A.is; carefully B.was; carefully C.were; careful 13.We will meet ______ nine o’clock tomorrow morning. ( )A.in B.on C.at14.The boy was short before, _______ he’s tall now. ( )A.and B.but C.so15.A bird can't _________. ( )A.swim B.fly C.jump16.I am 45 kilograms. He is 54 kilograms. He is ______ than me. ( )A.shorter B.heavier C.heavy 17.Before I could n’t ride a bike, but now I often ______ on the weekend. ( )A.go hiking B.go cycling C.go boating18.He is going ____________ artist. ( )A.to an B.to be an C.an19.—Last year, you were short, but you are taller now. How tall are you? ( )—______A.I’m 45 kilograms.B.I was 1.65 meters. C.I’m 1.65 meters.20.______ is thinner, Amy or Sarah? ( )A.What B.Who C.Why二、用单词的适当形式填空21.John _______ (fall) off his bike and hurt his foot last Monday.22.—Could you _______ (see) stars at night? —Yes, I liked the stars.23.My mother _______ (read) an English book last night.24.The monkey's tail is _____ (long) than the rabbit's tail.25.There _____ (be) no tall buildings in my city forty years ago.26.Did you _____ (play) football with Zhang Peng last weekend?27.Sam _______ the ball hard. It flew away. (hit)28.They _____ (sing) next Children’s Day.29.Let’s finish _________ (they) _________ (quick).30.Nancy _______ (have) a _______ (dance) lesson next Tuesday afternoon.三、完成句子31.Did you go to the __________ (公园) yesterday?32.The students will l_____ more about cooking from the cook after school.33.You must _________ (当心汽车和自行车).34.Chopsticks are _______________ for western people, but they are ________ for Chinese people.35.Chen Jie always ________ (骑自行车) in this park on weekends.36.Please _________ _________ (小声讲话) in the hospital.37.My father teaches maths in a school. He is a _________________.38.We had a PE class ______ (昨天).39.I like going ______ (野营) in the summer holiday.40.It was hot yesterday. So I _______ at home. (看电视)四、完形填空41.完形填空。



武汉枫叶国际学校英语小升初期末复习试卷含答案一、单项选择1.Jackie Chan is my _____ film star. ( )A.like B.best C.favourite D.good2.I want _______ a teacher. ( )A.be B.to be C.am3.He’s a ________ boy. He can swim ________. ( )A.well; well B.good; well C.well; good4.The boy eats ________ meat every day, so he is fat. ( )A.many B.much C.a few5.Australia is ________ interesting country. Most Australians like playing ________ football. ( ) A.an; / B.the; the C.a; /6.The policeman was ________. He shouted at the man ________. ( )A.angry; angrily B.angrily; angry C.angrily; angrily7.We ________ many pictures yesterday. ( )A.learned B.went C.took8.There is ________ water in the bottle. ( )A.a few B.a little C.any9.Your hands are ______ than ______. ( )A.biger; mine B.bigger; I C.smaller; mine 10.—What did you do last weekend? ( )—I ______ at home.A.stay B.stays C.stayed11.You’ll find the Grand Canyon in _____________.A.the UK B.the US C.Australia12.The football match is very ________.()A.excite B.excited C.exciting13.His father ______ very angry and said, “ Listen to me _________!” ( )A.is; carefully B.was; carefully C.were; careful14.—How _______ are you? ( )—I’m 1.65 meters.A.heavy B.size C.tall15.I will play ______ or play ______ in the afternoon. ( )A.football; the basketball B.the piano; basketball C.piano; the football16.—How many ______ do you see? ( )—I see three.A.potatoes B.tomatoes C.green beans17.I’m going to watch some children’s shows on TV _______. ( )A.before B.last night C.tomorrow18.I’m __________ and __________ than you. ( )A.tall; strong B.taller; stronger C.tall; stronger 19.—Where _______ she _______ from? ( )—She _______ China.A.is; come; comes from B.is; /; is from C.does; /; is from 20.Your schoolbag is _____ than mine. ( )A.bigger B.big C.biggest二、用单词的适当形式填空21.I ________ to a forest park last Saturday (go)22.I am going to _____ (go) cycling next weekend.23.There ________ (be) a lot of computer rooms in my old school.24.She would like ________ (drive) the car on the left side of the road.25.My father ______ (catch) some fish yesterday.26.Would you like _________ (drink) some coffee?27.How many _____ (tomato) are there in the basket?28.Pipi wants _______ (be) a doctor. He wants _______ (help) people.29.I _______ (visit) my grandparents last night.30.My uncle often _____ (watch / watches) TV every evening.三、完成句子31.I must study hard and read more books because I want to be a s_______ some day. 32.Helen and Mike want to _________ (学习了解澳大利亚).33.Cathy was very e______ because it was her birthday.34.I couldn’t go _____ (骑自行车运动) in winter.35.My father teaches maths in a school. He is a _________________.36.Look! That’s the t_____ dinosaur in this hall.37.If you want to buy some food, you can go to the _____. (超市)38.The child is m________ a paper plane for his brother.39.My sister wants to be ______ ______ (一位旅行者) in the future.40.My father is c_____ dinner in the k_____.四、完形填空41.It is Saturday today. __41___ breakfast, I meet Tom in front of the post office. Then we __42___ to the park. On the way, we first pass the __43___. There are many old things in it. The park__44___ far, so we get __45___ in only about 10 minutes. We play sports __46___ take many photos in it.Tomorrow morning I __47___ go to the __48___, I want to __49___ a letter to my friend. In the afternoon, I’m going to see a film __50___ animals. I think it will be interesting.41、A.Near B.After C.Behind42、A.fly B.swim C.walk43、A.museum B.school C.library44、A.is B.very C.isn’t45、A.there B.here C.to there46、A.or B.but C.and47、A.am B.will C.wants48、A.post office B.bookstore C.school49、A.sends B.send C.sending50、A.of B.in C.about五、阅读判断42.阅读理解,判断句子正误Hi. My name is Zhangpeng. I'm 11 years old. I'm 1、62 metres tall. I'm 45 kilo-grams. I like drawing pictures. Every morning, I go to school with my good friend, Dongdong. We go on foot. Dongdong is 11 years old. He's 2 kilograms heavier than me. But I'm 3 cm taller than him. We study in No. 1 Primary School. Wenwen is my sister. We're in the same (一样) school. She's one year older than me. She likes sports. She is taller and stronger than me. She loves me and I love her, too.51、Zhang Peng is 1、62 metres. ( )52、Zhang Peng is older than Dongdong. ( )53、Dongdong is 2 kilograms heavier than Zhang Peng. ( )54、Wenwen is 2 years older than Dongdong. ( )55、Wenwen is stronger and taller than Zhang Peng. ( )六、阅读理解43.Mr. Lee is our English teacher. He is more than fifty years old. He is tall and thin with black hair. He has a big nose and small eyes. He always wears a pair of glasses. He often wears a dark blue jacket and black pants. He is strict at his work. but he is kind to us. He teaches English well. He often makes us laugh in his class. We all think English is very interesting. We all like him very much, too.56、How old is Mr. Lee? ( )A.50. B.45、C.More than 50.57、What does Mr. Lee look like? ( )A.tall B.thin C.A and B58、What does he often wear? ( )A.A watch B.A pair of glasses C.A hat59、What colour is his jacket? ( )A.black B.green C.blue60、How do the students think of Mr. Lee? ( )A.He is interesting. B.He is kind. C.He teaches English.44.Daming is good at drawing. Now he is drawing in a park. First, he draws a big lake in the middle.Then he draws some boats and some ducks on the lake.The ducks are swimming happily on the lake. What next? He draws some hills behind the lake, and some trees and flowers near the lake. He thinks he can draw some birds flying in the sky. And there are some kites in the sky, too.Some girls are flying kites. So Daming draws all these things on his paper. Now Daming is thirsty. So he draws some shops on the left side of the lake, That’s a beautiful picture. Do y ou think so?56、Where is Daming? ( )A.In his school. B.In a park. C.At home.57、Where are the hills? ( )A.In front of the lake. B.Near the lake. C.Behind the lake.58、Who are swimming on the water? ( )A.Some fish. B.Some ducks. C.Some geese.59、What can you see in the sky? ( )A.Some kites. B.Some clouds. C.Some planes.60、How does Daming feel? ( )A.He is hungry. B.He is thirsty. C.He is angry.45.It is Saturday. The Browns are at home. Mrs Brown is in the kitchen. She’s cooking meals. She makes the meal very delicious. Do you want to have a taste? Mr Brown isn’t in the living room. He is outside. He is washing his car. The car is new and very beautiful. So he likes it very much. Jim is in the garden. He is playing footbal l with some other boys. Where is his sister, Linda? She’s in her bedroom. She is watching the Animal World.56、What day is today? ( )A.Monday. B.Tuesday. C.Saturday.57、Mr Brown likes ______ very much. ( )A.Mrs Brown B.his family C.his car58、Who is playing football? ( )A.Mrs Brown. B.Jim. C.Linda.59、Where is Linda? ( )A.In the living room. B.In the bedroom. C.In the garden.60、There are _______ people in Mr Brown’s family. ( )A.six B.five C.four【参考答案】一、单项选择1.C解析:C【详解】略2.B解析:B【详解】句意:我想要成为一名老师。

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4、一个直角三角形的两个锐角度数的比是2:1,则这两个锐角的度数分别是() 度和(度。










A 6
B 10
C 15
D 21

A π
B 6π
C 6
D 无法求出
3、若a÷b=8……3 , 那么(100a)÷(100b) = 8……()。

A 3
B 300
C 100
D 0.03

A a
B 1.1a
C 0.99a
D 0.2a
5、两根同样长的钢筋,从一根截去它的 2/3,从另一根截去2/3米,余下的部分()。

A 第一根长
B 第二根长
C 相等
D 无法比较
7.5×46.7+52.3×7.5+7.5 54-23.4-1.6-5.8+2.8
(6+3X)÷2=18 (X-0.4):8=3:2 36-3X=2X+6

(2)某数的1.5倍比27的23 倍多12,这个数是多少?

