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1. Searching for alternate forms of energy does not necessarily mean the abandonment of fossil fuels as an energy source. (2002-5)

2. Several ancient cultures presented math in sentence form with little or no abbreviation or symbolism. (1994-10)

3. In order to diagnose and treat abnormal behavior, we have to start with clear definitions of what’s meant by abnormal and normal. (2003-8)

4. He was aboard the plane when it left. (1991-10)

5. During the 1850s, reform movements advocating temperance and the ab olition of slavery gained strength in the United States. (2002-10)

6. Isn't that the disease that causes animal to abort their young ? (1997-5)

7. Eastern meadowlarks abound in places where land is cultivated, but eat harmful insects rather than grain. (1991-1)

8. Abrasion due to daily wear alters the surface features of beads, and if they are buried for long, the effects of corrosion can further change their appe arance. (1997-10)

9. It can be inferred from the description of his workplace that Edison ke pt abreast of recent scientific developments. (1994-1)

10. Most paleontologists suspect that abrupt changes in climate led to the m ass extinctions. (2002-1)

11. For management, telecommuting helps keep high performers on board, m inimizes tardiness and absenteeism by eliminating commutes, allows periods of solitude for high-concentration task, and provides scheduling flexibility. (1991-1 0)

12. Anyone with absolute, or perfect, pitch is able to identify by ear any no te at some standard pitch or to sing a specified note at will. (2003-10)

13. In a microwave oven, radiation penetrates food and is then absorbed pri marily by water molecule, causing heat to spread through the food. (2000-5)

14. I spent the whole weekend totally absorbed in this biography. (1996-5)

15. Music has been called both the most mathematical and the most abstract of the arts. (2005-8)

16. Don Quixote makes chivalry seem absurd, Brave New World ridicules th

e pretensions o

f science, A Modest Proposal dramatizes starvation by advocatin

g cannibalism. (1997-8)

17. Bacteria are one of the most abundant life forms on Earth, growing on and inside other living things, in every type of environment. (2004-5)

18. Central Park, emerging from a period of abuse and neglect, remains one of the most popular attractions in New York City, with half a million out-of-towners among the more than 3 million people who visit the park yearly. Abo ut 15 million individual visits are made each year. (1992-1)

19. In time, the factories were surrounded by proliferating mill towns of apa rtments and row houses that abutted the older, main cities. (1993-1)

20. The hermit crab, a crustacean that uses an empty shell as a portable ref uge to cover its soft abdomen, changes shells as it grows. (2004-10)

21. The American Academy of Poets, which was founded in the 1930's, pro vides financial assistance to support working poets. (1997-10)

22. What can be dangerous to space travelers is high acceleration or deceler ation forces. (1993-1)

23. The meter of the English poetry is determined by accented syllables rath er than the quantities of vowels. (2005-1)

24. In the late 1970's and early 1980's, the United States developed the reus able space shuttle to make access to space cheaper and easier. (2004-5)
