
Enjoy an article
Group learning 1:
Read the article and find out: 1 What’s the main idea of each paragraph? (每一段的主要内容是什么?) 2 What’s the writer’s opinion? What are the reasons?(作者的观点是什么?理由?) 3 Is the experience typical for the topic? (作者的亲身经历对于观点来说典型吗?) 4 Are there any good phrases or sentences? Underline them!(有好词好句吗?请划住。)
正方: Last year, I got into trouble learning math. I got poor grades on math and I was really worried. However, I believed that I could deal with it by
me much time, my eyesight became
worse. And because of leaking(泄露) some
personal information, I often got many unwanted calls.
All in all, as middle school students, we should be far away from the mobile phones, and pay much attention to our study.
Group learning 2:

Language expression and polishing
Use accurate and vivid vocabulary and phrases to express ideas
Pay attention to the diversity of grammar and sentence structures, avoid repetition and monotony
Overview of Middle School Entrance Examination 01 English Composition
The Importance of Middle School Entrance
Examination English Composition
High proportion of
Question review and conception
Carefully read the question, understand its meaning and requirements
Determine the theme and intention of the article, ensuring that it matches the requirements of the title
中考英语作文课件 (19张)
汇报人:XX 2024-01-24
• Overview of Middle School Entrance Examination English Composition
• Writing Steps and Techniques • Common errors and

(2) You should start it with greetings or a question (1)每天在纸上写四到五个单词
a(1n)dWprlaitceefothuermorofnivtehwe owradlsl.Raedaadytohne pwioecrdeswohfepnaypoeur. see them,and try to use them in sentence.
影 、 听 英 语 歌 川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑廊下,或单独一人,或三三两两。有的低头私语,有的莞尔窃笑,没有大声的喧哗和吵闹,似乎谁都不愿破坏平和的气氛。放眼长长的一条街道,逛街的人都好象在做服装秀,尤其是那些披红戴绿穿着入时的少男少女,是中山路上最亮丽的风景。
(2) See and listen several times,and guess the meaning (o1f)the与n外ew教w交or谈ds.也 是 一 个 好 方 法 ((12))To你h应ave该a以co问nv候ers或at问ion题w开ith始foreign teachers is also
川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑 廊下, 或单独 一人, 或三三 两两。 有的低 头私语 ,有的 莞尔窃 笑,没 有大声 的喧哗 和吵闹 ,似乎 谁都不 愿破坏 平和的 气氛。 放眼长 长的一 条街道 ,逛街 的人都 好象在 做服装 秀,尤 其是那 些披红 戴绿穿 着入时 的少男 少女, 是中山 路上最 亮丽的 风景。
川流不息的人群热闹地挤在小小的骑 廊下, 或单独 一人, 或三三 两两。 有的低 头私语 ,有的 莞尔窃 笑,没 有大声 的喧哗 和吵闹 ,似乎 谁都不 愿破坏 平和的 气氛。 放眼长 长的一 条街道 ,逛街 的人都 好象在 做服装 秀,尤 其是那 些披红 戴绿穿 着入时 的少男 少女, 是中山 路上最 亮丽的 风景。

on the one hand, on the other hand besides also ...
第一部分:观点及理由 (开门见山,点明主题)
•God helps those who helps themselves.
•During the process of solving problems, I
你的观点 2至3条理由
Last term, my aunt bought me a mobile phone as my birthday present. After that, I often used it to chat with my friends, even some strangers. It wasted me much time, my eyesight became worse. And because of leaking(泄露) some personal information, I often got many
Different people deal with their problems in different ways. As for me, when I meet problems , I like to deal with them with others. ...
第一部分:观点及理由 (开门见山,点明主题)
第三部分:结尾 (总结全文,重申观点)
in a word in short all in all ...
All in all, it is really important for us to deal with problems by ourselves. It can make us more independent and give us more opportunities to get true knowledge about the world.

The composition should have a logical flow of ideas and well organized paragraphs The introduction should clearly state the main idea, the body paragraphs should develop the ideas, and the conclusion should summarize the main points
Analysis of Sample Essays for Middle School Entrance Examination English Writing
The sample narrative writing analyzed should demonstrate the effective use of narrative elements such as setting, dialogue, and description to create a vivid and engaging story
Thesis Statement
State your position clearly and concisely
Show how your position still holds true in light of these objects
Address possible counterarguments or objects
Common Topics in English Composition for Middle School Entrance ExaminationAnalysis of Sample Essays for Middle School Entrance Examination English WritingPractical Exercise of English Composition in the Middle School Entrance Examination

Stage 1: 审 体裁________________ 时态________________ 人称________________
Jim 是你的一位同学。请结合下面的提示写一篇短文, 把他介绍给大家,并说出你对他这些做法的看法。 (1)Jim的父母有钱,给他很多零花钱。 (2)Jim理解父母的不容易,不多花钱,想办法省钱; 他喜欢读书,在网上买书,有时去图书馆借书;别人 买饮料喝他却带水上学;从不花钱买零食。 (3)有人认为他的做法很怪异,但……。 参考词汇:零食 snacks 要求:(1)词数:80 ~ 100个。 (2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 Jim’s parents work very hard and his family has become very rich.___________________________________________
• Homework : • 1. Correct the composition on the handout. • 2. Finish the composition according to the mind map.
Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
假如你所在中学的校刊近期开辟英文专栏,征集发生 在大家身边的感人故事。请根据以下提示,为该专栏 投稿。 (1)在一个寒冷的早晨,你买早餐时看到前面的女 孩买了面包和牛奶。 (2)女孩要离开时,发现树下有一个老年乞丐,他 看上去又冷又饿。 (3)女孩走到乞丐身旁,把食物递给了他。 (4)乞丐向女孩道谢,女孩微笑着离开。 (5)你很感动…… 参考词汇:乞丐 beggar 感动 be moved 要求:(1)词数:80 ~ 100个。 (2)开头已给出,不计入总词数。 (3)要点齐全,行文连贯,可适当发挥。 On a cold morning, while I was…
中考英语作文指导课件(79张 PPT)演讲稿.ppt

that is to say, in other words; 8.表示顺序: to begin with, firstly, first (of all),
4. 使用“高端”的词汇。 Eg: I am very interested in pop music.
= show/take great interest in I have lots of homework to do every day.
=endless/oceans of
Playing too much computer is bad for our study.
如何运用已有的“遣词 造句”能力在写作实践 中学会“谋篇布局”
“战无不胜” 呢?
审 写作第一步
• 认真审题,找出文章要表达的中心。 • 一般作文包括一定数量的内容点,漏写某一
点则要被扣掉2~3分,因此审题要细心观察 ,特别是在做看图作文题时,要注意某些夸 张“画点”,它(们)常是暗示应当写出的 内容点。画面内容较多时,不要事无巨细, 全面开花,应当仅仅围绕主题。恰当取舍, 做到详略得当。
一 、英语写作的重要性及初中生写作现状
(二)初中生写作现状 •
1) 审题不清,抓不住要点,东拉西扯; •
2) 单词拼写错误; •
frist ,belive, ture, buzy, quite & quiet … •
3) 动词缺失; •
Eg: I happy I can go to Peking. •

建议(至少3条) 1. 合理安排时间 2. 参加兴趣小组
3. ……
注意: 100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数 参考词汇: make good use of, interest groups
social activities, do sports, net bar
Hello, everybody! It’s time again for our
3.HMoawkeevseenr,tehnocwes cwainthwtheemkeaykweobrdesttaebrouuste of our
susgpgaesrteiotnims. e?
And also
For example
There are many things we can do. we can plan
play computer g2a.m迷es恋网吧,上网打游戏 watch too much.T..V... refuse to do homework
2. List some keywords about opinions.
not good for our health and study do harm to focus on Pay more attention to
swomatechoftothoemmuwchatTchVtoo much TV, Wbheact’rsawzyorasbeo, uotthers students often go to the net bar anpdlaayrceocmrapzuytearbgoaumt peslaying computer games. 2.WMeadkoens’etnttheinnckeist’wsigthootdhefokretyhweoirrdstsuadbyoaunt dophienaioltnhs..
九年级中考英语作文专题复习课件 (共26张PPT)

1.I go to school on foot every day. I walk to school every day. 2. remember to turn off the lights, the TV and the fans . 3. turn off the tap, reuse water. 4. I make full use of paper. 5. Don’t use plastic bags.
she Alice is my best friend, he likes sports.
He has gone to Guilin yesterday. 主谓一致: is This pair of shoes are mine. The shoes are new. 习惯用法: with He helps me in my English.
• 1.句型、结构 --- 避免出现Chinglish 现象。
We all very like her.
We all like her very much.√
He by bike to school. He goes to school by bike. √
•避免方法: 多记短语和句型
2 注意语法项目
三档11 - 15分 基本完成试题规定的任务
——含有所有试题规定的主要内容。 —— 应用的语法结构和词汇能满足任务的要求。
对写作内容的理解。 —— 应用简单的语句间连接成分,使全文内容连贯。总体而言, 基本达到了预期的写作目的。 四档16-18分 完全完成了试题规定的任务 —— 含有所有内容,布局合理。 —— 应用了较多的语法结构和词汇知识。 ——体现较强的语法应用能力,语法结构和词汇方面基本没有错 误。 ——有效地使用了语句间的连接成分,使全文结构紧凑 ——有亮笔之处。

Write your story about growth according to your story line.
__________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
correctly. • I write my story in 3 parts.
1. Finish writing the composition. 2. Polish your writing according to the checklist.

12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人 的错儿 。2021/ 8/6202 1/8/620 21/8/6 Friday, August 06, 2021
13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有 力,自 胜者强 。2021/ 8/6202 1/8/620 21/8/6 2021/8/ 68/6/2 021
bookcase. The tape player is in the bookcase,too. The computer game is on the floor.
• 写一篇文章介绍你的朋友JIM所拥有的体育 器材和他喜欢的体育运动。
• Jim has many sports things. He has 10 basketballs, 4 footballs,2 ping-pong balls, 15volleyballs and 9 baseballs. He doesn’t have a ping-pong bat, but he has 8 tennis rackets. Of all the sports, He likes tennis best. He likes sports very much, because he thinks sports are good for health. He often plays tennis and basketball with his friends after school.
• 2.介绍他人的房间。假设这是TOM的房间,请你 用50词左右介绍他的房间。
• Look! This is Tom’s room. It's tidy and nice.His photos are on the wall. His jacket is on the bed. His baseball bat is under the bed. The keys are on the table. The computer is on the desk. Where is Tom’s basketball? Oh, It’s under the bed,too. What is in the bookcase? They are Tom’s books, tape player and computer games. Do you like Tom’s room?
2024年中考英语作文精讲【成长变化类】 课件(共38张PPT).ppt

我很感激我的变化与成长. I'm grateful for my changes and growth.
书现在是我的朋友,它们使我受益很多. Books are my friends now, and they benefit me a lot.
句式:I sincerely hope everyone can join us, and try to be a virtue teenager.
Байду номын сангаас
我在学习、思想、性格、生活等方 面发生了很多变化
We grow up in changes.
句式: In our spare time, we can do regular exercise to keep healthy.
句式:At home, it's our duty to help parents do some housework.
句式:In society, we must obey the rules in public
句式:Also, keep in mind that safety is the first.
句式:In my opinion, we are supposed to do all of the above.
句式:Parents will be happier if we can communicate more with them.
句式:Sometimes, if we make mistakes, we'd better face and correct them timely.

- instead of/ rather than junk food diet
同类话题: Survey of Pocket Money Spending
§ buy books --- (课余生活、兴趣爱好、减压)§ buy snacks ---
全国中考英语写作真题之健康类 谈“关爱健康” 话题:中学生健康其他真题案例:河南 长沙; 成
都;大连;潍坊 等健康一直是人们关注的问题,你校要举行“关爱健康” 为题的主题班会。请根据以下提示写一篇发言稿。保持健康的重要性; 保持健康的方法:1. 多吃水果蔬菜;2. 每天锻炼一小时;3. 早睡早起; 4. 勤洗手;自己的看法(至少一条)
第三档:(8~5分)部分内容符合题目要求,要点 不齐全。语法结构和词汇错误较多,语言不通顺, 表达不够清楚,影响整体理解。第四档:(4~0分 )与题目有关内容不多,只是简单拼凑词语,所 写内容难以理解。
10字原则:结构 要点 逻辑 语法 亮点
官方范文是个宝 --叙事汶川地震(Wenchuan Earthquake)发生后,9岁学生林浩 (Lin Hao)救了两名同学,然后步行7小时到达安全地点。
was XXX who encouraged me. With his help, I can play
basketball as well as he does now.
六、感想(体会) I feel lucky to have such a good teacher / friend. He always holds on to achieve his dream. That is his best quality I should learn from him. -----I feel lucky to have such a good teacher / friend who always holds on to achieve his dream, which is his best quality that I should learn form him.感 想 / 体会 / 感受 模板:

My favorite sport
There are many kinds of sports that we can choose in our spare time. Among
important . If we keep on doing these, we will be good students in
the future.
Learn to do housework
Doing housework is good for us. So we should learn to do
all of the sports, I like running best. Running is an easy and interesting sport,
which can be done at any time and place as you like. What’s more, we don’t need
As for me, I run for at least 30 minutes on the school playground every day,
because my home is next to the school. Sometimes I run slowly, but sometimes I
run fast. Running brings me a lot of fun. I hope I can keep the habit of running

ppt中考英语作文PPT Slide 1: Introduction to English Composition in Middle School Exams- Importance of English Composition- Common Topics and Themes- Structure of a Typical EssayPPT Slide 2: Understanding the Prompt- Analyzing the Question- Identifying Key Words- Brainstorming IdeasPPT Slide 3: Planning Your Composition- Outlining the Main Points- Organizing the Structure- Choosing Supporting DetailsPPT Slide 4: Writing the Introduction- Crafting a Hook- Providing Background Information- Stating the Thesis StatementPPT Slide 5: Developing the Body Paragraphs- Topic Sentences- Supporting Evidence- Explanation and Analysis- Concluding SentencePPT Slide 6: Writing the Conclusion- Restating the Thesis- Summarizing Main Points- Providing a Final Thought or Call to ActionPPT Slide 7: Enhancing Your Writing- Vocabulary Enhancement- Using Transition Words- Varying Sentence StructuresPPT Slide 8: Proofreading and Editing- Checking for Grammar and Spelling- Ensuring Clarity and Coherence- Reviewing the Structure and ContentPPT Slide 9: Common Mistakes to Avoid- Off-Topic Writing- Lack of Supporting Evidence- Poor Organization and TransitionsPPT Slide 10: Practice Makes Perfect- Sample Compositions- Peer Review Exercises- Timed Writing DrillsPPT Slide 11: Strategies for Exam Day- Managing Time Wisely- Reading the Prompt Thoroughly- Staying Calm and FocusedPPT Slide 12: Final Tips and Resources- Recommended Reading Materials- Online Resources for Practice- Tips for Improving Writing SkillsPPT Slide 13: Q&A Session- Addressing Student Queries- Providing Additional GuidancePPT Slide 14: Conclusion and Encouragement - Recap of Key Points- Encouraging Regular Practice- Boosting Confidence for ExamsPPT Slide 15: Additional Resources- List of Recommended Books- Links to Online Practice Platforms- Contact Information for Further Assistance。

Write a paragraph about your favorite place to visit during the summer holidays Use at least three objectives to describe it and provide a reason for your choice
Review of English Composition for Middle School Entrance Examination
Composition type and formatWriting Skills and StrategiesCommon topics and materialsSimulated test questions and analysis
Questions should be based on real life scenarios and contexts to ensure that the students are prepared for the types of challenges they will face in the actual exam
Use descriptive language to create vivid images, and show ratio than tell by depicting scenes and characters
An argumentative essay presentations a point of view and defends it through logical reasoning and evidence

But as the saying goes, “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.” I will read more English magazines to enrich my knowledge because I firmly believe that “ A foreign language is a weapon in the struggle of life.”
1.In my opinion, 2.From my point of view, 3.In my eyes, 4.As far as I am concerned, 5.Believe it or not,
1.In addition, 2.Furthermore, 3.Moreover, 4.More importantly,
It’s common knowledge that the road to success is not always full of roses. We will meet with various kinds of difficulties in our daily life. So it is very important for us to learn to overcome them.

2024中考英语作文传统文化pptTraditional Culture PPT for 2024 Junior High School Entrance ExaminationSlide 1: Introduction- Title: Embracing Traditions: A Journey through Chinese Culture- Briefly introduce the topic of the presentationSlide 2: Importance of Traditional Culture- Definition of traditional culture- Importance of preserving and promoting traditional culture- Examples of traditional Chinese culture (e.g. calligraphy, traditional festivals)Slide 3: Traditional Chinese Architecture- Brief history of traditional Chinese architecture- Highlights of traditional Chinese architecture (e.g. Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven)- Importance of preserving traditional architectureSlide 4: Traditional Chinese Arts and Crafts- Overview of traditional Chinese arts and crafts- Examples of traditional Chinese arts and crafts (e.g. paper cutting, porcelain)- Significance of traditional arts and crafts in Chinese cultureSlide 5: Traditional Chinese Martial Arts- Introduction to traditional Chinese martial arts- History and philosophy of traditional Chinese martial arts- Famous styles of traditional Chinese martial arts (e.g. Tai Chi, Wing Chun)Slide 6: Traditional Chinese Festivals- Overview of traditional Chinese festivals- Significance of traditional Chinese festivals- Examples of traditional Chinese festivals (e.g. Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival)Slide 7: The Art of Calligraphy- Introduction to Chinese calligraphy- History and styles of Chinese calligraphy- Importance of calligraphy in Chinese cultureSlide 8: Traditional Chinese Clothing- Introduction to traditional Chinese clothing- Evolution of traditional Chinese clothing- Examples of traditional Chinese clothing (e.g. Hanfu, Qipao)Slide 9: Traditional Chinese Music- Overview of traditional Chinese music- Instruments used in traditional Chinese music- Importance of traditional Chinese music in Chinese cultureSlide 10: Conclusion- Recap of the importance of traditional culture- Encouragement to learn more about and appreciate traditional Chinese culture- Thank you for attending the presentation。

高级词汇替换 1.but替换very The film we saw last night was very interesting. The film we saw last night was nothing but interesting. The film we saw last night was anything but boring. 2.suppose 替换should He is supposed to ( should ) have driven more slowly.
We should protect the environment.
It’s our duty to prot词
• Dear Daddy, • It’s a gift for Father’s Day when you are reading it. • I still remember the day last summer when I climbed the At first mountain with you. _______ , it was sunny and warm. Unluckily ________, it began raining on the half way. I complained to so you about the bad weather. I felt _____ cold ______I wanted However to give that up. _______, you put your coat on me and told me not Finallyand to give up. _______, I reached the top of the mountain enjoyed the beauty of the nature there. • Now I want to say: I love you. Daddy. You raise me up! • Happy Father’s Day! • Yours, • Mike
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学们在校内外讲文明、守秩序(obey public rules),共创良好公共环境。
不 文 spit(吐痰)here and there 明 play with public facilities(设备)
My Hometown With the development of our society, my hometown has changed a lot. It used to be a small town. There were small houses everywhere. The roads were narrow. But the air was fresh and the river was clean. Now great changes have taken place in my hometown. Tall buildings and wide streets can be seen in it. Spring is the best time to visit here. The weather is fine and you can enjoy the beautiful views. Everything seems to be nice.
First of all, we’d better not travel b y car u nless it’s necessary. We can take the bus or the subway, walk or ride a bike if we don’t go far away. We can also set up a volunteer club and ask more people to join it. We can plant more trees, give the government advice to stop the factories polluting the air and water. In a word , protecting the environment is to protect ourselves . It’s our duty to protect our environment .
Surely, there’re some problems. For example, some people don’t obey the traffic rules. That causes traffic accidents easily. And pollution is also another biggest problem. In many places, rubbish is thrown into lakes and rivers. So many of them are polluted. Because of this, I think the government should make stricter laws to protect the environment. As a teenager, I sho uld plant more trees around my neighborhood and help the police watch the traffic in my free time. I hope that everyone can do something to make a difference.
W e need to obey public rules outside the school as well. When cross the road, pl ease wait for the green light. While we are enjoying ourselves in the park, remember not to pick flowers or leave our waste things there. Finally, I’d like to say, the more efforts we make, the better public places we will have. Li Ming
In my opinion, it’s good for students to take phones to school . For example, if we are in dan ger by chance, we can use phones to ask for help. What’s more, our parents and friends can communicate with us by phones wherever we are .After class, we can play g ames on phone to relax.
However, many people are against students take phone to school, especially teachers. Many teachers think that most of students often send messages by phones during the class. What's more, many students spend so much time in playing games on the phones tha t can not listen to teachers well, it’s bad for their study. At the same time, it costs much money. Above all, it's good or bad depends on ourselves. I think, we can deal with it well.
根据图片内容写一篇约70个词的短文。要求内容完整,语句通顺, 符合语法。
参考范文 One day, a blind(瞎 的)man was walking across the street. A car was going to hit (撞)him. At that time Jack was running up to him and pulling(拉)him back. The man was saved. And Jack took hi m to the other side of the street. The man thanked him for doing that.
2.若课堂接听手机会影响上课; 3.学生玩手机游戏或接发短信,将无法集中精力学习; 4.我们要拒绝成为低头族。 stop phubbing 不做头族
注意:1.可适当增加细节和连接词,使文章通顺连贯;开头部分已给出,不计入 总数;
Is Mobile phone for Student? Nowadays mobile phones are becoming more and more popular among the middle school students ,but every coin has two sides. Almost everyone has a mobile phone. However, is it good for students?
行 为
校内 文 明 行 为
●教学楼:上下楼梯靠右 行,不追逐打闹 ●餐厅:排队等候,安静 就餐 ●教室:不在课桌上乱画 ●马路上:….. ●公园里:……
要求: 1. 所写内容必须包括表格中的信息,可适当发挥; 2. 自拟至少两点对校外文明的倡议; 3. 文章不少于80词,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数; 4. 语句通顺,字迹工整。
But Jack didn’t wait for his thanks and went to school quickly. But he was still late for class.
近年来,城市空气污染越来越严重,各大城市相继出现了雾霾天气 (hazy weather),请根据下列内容要点提示,写一篇关于保护环 境的文章。
内容要点:1. 雾霾成因:①汽车使用增加; ②工厂污染严重;③树 林大量砍伐
2. 建议办法:①尽量少用私家车,选用公共交通工具、步行或骑自 行车;②(自拟1—2条) 写作要求:1.词数80左右; 2.短文必须包含所有要点,可适当发挥。
问题。现在学校举办征文活动,请大家介绍我们的家乡,并为更好地建设 家乡出谋划策。
要点如下: 1. 我们家乡过去是个小镇,……,如今……。(适当扩充) 2. 游玩的最佳时节:春天。天气……景色…… 3. 存在问题:一些人不遵守交通规则; 污染严重,…… 4. 措施:自己……,希望政府…… 具体要求: 1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,字迹工整; 2. 必须包含所有相关信息,并 作适当发挥。 3. 开头已给出,不计入总词数, 100词左右。
These years, air pollution is getting worse and worse in big cities.Now cars are increasing very fast. Factories are continuing polluting the air. Trees are being cut down. So the hazy weather is becoming more and more serious. It’s time for us to do something to protect the environment.