



On that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station. Peter's daughter raised it.
Hachi escaped again and again.And it returned to the old house.But the house had a new host... After that,Hachi went to the station waiting the professor at 5:00 pm every day, waited…waited ......the next day, the third day ......
Peter went to work as usual,Hachi suddenly barked at him.And it picked the ball abnormally.Maybe Hachi had a intuition that Peter would be in trouble,so it wanted to delay the time to let Peter stay with it.But Peter did understand waht his friend told to him :Hachi would pick up the ball if there was some special reasons. Hachi failed to save Peter's life.



master would die because of his heart disease. It’s
his only way to hold him back . Hachi has been waiting
in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him
Because on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lecture , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station. Afterward, Hachi waited the professor at 5:00 pm every day, waited…waited ......the next day, the third day ......
home. His hope has been floating in the breeze,
carrying his loneliness and misery all above the ground.
Maybe professor knows, but he could never come back.
No one has the ability to show his love to only one
person during his whole life, let alone make friends with
only one person; have the food that never changes
Hachiko: A Dog's Story

忠犬八公的故事 英文

忠犬八公的故事 英文
Ten years, old Hachi is still here waiting tor its owner back .
Old Hachi never open eyes.
To day, a bronze statue of Hachi sits in his waiting spot outside SHIBUYA rail station.
教授收养了它,并且取名 Hachi,从此Hachi就成了 Parker家的一员。
They’re friend
Parker was accompanied by this dog to work every day.
In the evening at the station on the time five o’clock ,Hac hi greeted parker off work.
这天parker教授在大学 演讲时突然倒下,因 为心脏病而死亡。
Hachi waited at the station on time, but the professor did not come out from the station on time.
Each day, Hachi would come the same place and time , waiting for……………………
忠 犬 八 公 的 故 事
Hachi:A Dog’s Story
The film tells a man named Parker a university professor in a small town, one day he encountered a dog at the railway station, and take it home.



忠犬八公(Hachi:A Dog"s Tale)是一部根据真实故事改编的温馨励志电影,讲述了一只忠诚的秋田犬八公与大学教授帕克之间深厚的感情。













竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于忠犬八公的英语演讲稿篇一:storyabouthachiko关于忠犬八公的英语作文hachiko:ADogsstoryThemovietellsamovingstoryaboutadog.AnAkitadogwaslos tatthestation,andthenmetparker,arespectedmusicalpro fessor.parkertriedtohelpitfinditshome,butfailed.The nparkerdecidedtoadoptit,andnamedithachi.hachiisasmartandloyaldog.heseeshismasteroffinthestationever ymorning,andwaitsforhimpunctuallyeveryafternoon.Reg ardlessofseasons,regardlessofcoldorsummer.Allpeople workedatthestationlikeditandalwaysgaveitsomefood.unfortunately,onedaytheprofessordiedduetoillness,nevergoingbacktothestation,buthachididntknowaboutthecruelfactandkeptwa ittingforhimfornineyears.Inthatstation,onthattime,h ewaitedandwaited,untilfinallydied.Atlast,hachifinal lycloseditseyesslowly,layontheflowerbed.Itseemedtha thesawtheprofessorsmilingtohim.hachijumpedtohim,but touchednothing.Isitadream?ornot.Idontknow.buthachic losedhiseyesslowly...ThisisatruestoryhappenedinJapan.Regardlessofthecoun try,Ijustwanttowritesomethingaboutthedog.Afterwatch ingthemovie,Iguesseveryonecouldnotholdbacktears.Infact,hachiislucky.Itwasfatethatmadehiminahappyfam ily.heisalsoinvolvedinthefamilyineveryhappymoment.seeingparkerl ivingwithpeaceandhappinesseveryday,hachiwasalsogrow ingupinlove.soIbelievethathehadspeciallovetoeachfamilymember.Althoughwemostlyseethathachiismoreenjoyablewithparker ,Iamstillconvincedofthat.butherelieddeeperonparker. whentheprofessordied,hecouldjustkissthedaughterofth eprofessorandsaygoodbyetoher.Thatsalsowhyhegaveupth ewarmnestandbeganwanderinglife,andthenappearedatafi xedtimeeverydayatthestation,waitingforhisowner.nineyearsarealmostadogstotallife.Ittookalmosthachis wholelifetimetowaitforthepeoplewholovedit.everypass er-bywasmoved.manypeoplesayhachiwasstupid,butmostofusstillthinkth athachiwasinhappiness.becausehehadawarmfamily,becau sehemetparkerinlife.hachimayknowoldparkerwillneverc omeback,butwhatcouldhedobutwaitingforpaker?Loveisth ehappiestfaithintheworld.Astheyounggrandsonofparkersaid,thisisastoryaboutlov eandloyalty.hachiisaherointheheartofthelittleboy.ha veyoueverwonderedwhyyoucryafterthiskindofmovingstor y.wearemoved,notjustbecauseofhachisloyalty,butthatw estilldesireforthatkindofsincerelove.Istillrememberasentencefromstudentage:happinessison eselflesslydevotesandtheothersincerelyfeels.Ithinkp arkerandhachiachievedthat,sotheyarebothsatisfied.Th ereareonlyblackandwhitecolorinhachiseyes,buthecould seethemostwonderfulcoloursoftheworld.hachifelttruel ove,soitishiswillingtowaitforever.Finally,whatIwanttosayisthatdonotthinkhachiispoor,h eisfarmorehappythanus.Thepuppy,calledhachi,hadbeens urroundedbylovewhilewaittingforlove.篇二:忠犬八公演讲稿Thestoryofhachiko-----somethingAboutLoyalty,somethingAboutLove 李静毛雪伟hello,everyone!Iamgladtomakeaspeechtoeveryone.mytopicisaboutafilm--“hachiko”,whichisameltingmovieaboutanstorybetweenaloyaldogand aprofessor.IwasdeeplytouchedwhenIfirstwatcheditthre eyearsago,andIbelievethatmostpeoplewhohavewatchedthisfilmwere movedbythedog’sloyalty.Thefilmtellsaboutamannamedparker,auniversityprofess orinasmalltown.onedayheencounteredapoorpuppyandtake ithome.professoradoptedit,giveitanamecalledhachiko. Afterthat,hachikosentprofessortostationeverymorning ,waitingforhimtogobacktogethereveryevening.unfortun ately,professordiedofdiseasesuddenly,andneverwentba cktothestation.however,hachikostillwaitedforhisprof essoratthestationontime,untilhewenttoheaven…..next,Iwouldliketosharesometouchingplotsinthemovewit heveryone.Atthebeginingofthemovie,thecollegeprofess orparkerwilsonfindsalostpuppyatatrainstationandtake sithome.Atfirst,hiswifestronglyopposedhisbehivorinf act,however,parkerandthedogdevelopsucharemarkablebo ndthatcateisforcedtorelentandhachikobecomesadevoted memberofthefamily.overthenextfewmonths,parkerandhachigetalongverywell,theybecomepartners.h achiadheredtosendprofessortoworkinthemorning.ontimeeverydayat5pmatthetrainstationwaitingforhim.however ,everydayisnotsunday!oneday,parkersuddenlyfellinasp eechattheuniversity,dyingofaheartattack,hachibecame abnormalagain.hachiwaitedatthetrainstationontime,bu ttheprofessordidnotcomeoutfromthestationontime,this isanagreementbetweenthem.hachipersistedinwaitingfor hishost,dayafterdayandyearafteryear.Tenyearslater,p arker’swifecamebacktograveforherhusband,surprisedtofindth atoldhachiwasstillherewaitingforhisownerback.Atones tormynight,theelderlyhachifeltthatlifewasabouttoend ,sowithexhaustedbody,stepbystep,heslowlymovedtothet rainstation......Intheoldplace,hachibentover,withth elastbreathofpower,andinsistedtoopenhiseyes,looking attheexitontheopposite......Finally,theprofessorcam eback,callinghachi......Tightlytheyembracedeachothe ragain,andneverseparated......Inhappydreams......ha chiclosedeyesforever......ThefilmwasadaptedfromatruestoryhappenedinJapanin193 5.Therealhachikowasbornin1923.whenhismaster,Dr.eisa buroueno,aprofessoratTokyouniversitydiedinmay,1925,hachireturnedtotheshibuyatrainstationthenextdayandf orthenextnineyearstowaitanddiedin1934finally.Tocomm emoratetheloyaldog,afteritwasgone,therebuildastatueofhachiinJapaneseshibuya,whic hstoodtheretoreplacehachitowaitforhisowner.Todaythe statueisstillagoodplaceforyoungboysandgirlstodate,b ecauseitisasymbolof"loyalty".Itsyourdog,butyouareitsall.Thedistancebetweenlifean ddeath,foradog,itcannotfathom,itonlybelievesthathis masterwillcomeback.Itwaslyingthere,tenyears,andalan dscape.Ittaughtmethemeaningofloyalty,andyoushouldneverforgetanyonethatyouloved.myspeechisover,thanks!篇三:忠犬八公的故事演讲稿老师、同学们大家好,今天我想和大家分享一部电影《忠犬八公的故事》。



忠犬八公英文简介Hachi, also known as Hachiko, was a loyal dog who became famous for his unwavering loyalty and devotion to his owner even after his owner's death. He was born on November 10, 1923, in Japan.His story started when a professor named Hidesaburo Ueno found a golden-brown Akita puppy at Shibuya Station. Ueno immediately formed a strong bond with the dog and named him Hachiko. They would commute together every day, and Hachiko would patiently wait for his owner's return at the station.However, in May 1925, tragedy struck when Ueno suddenly passed away due to a cerebral hemorrhage while at work. Hachiko, unaware of his owner's demise, continued to wait for Ueno at Shibuya Station every day for nearly ten years.This heartwarming display of loyalty touched the hearts of many people who witnessed Hachiko's steadfast commitment. Some even visited Shibuya just to catch a glimpse of the faithful dog. Hachiko's story soon spread through newspapers, magazines, and television, eventually becoming a symbol of loyalty and dedication in Japan.On March 8, 1935, Hachiko passed away at the age of 11. His body was discovered on a street in Shibuya. People mourned his loss and erected a bronze statue in his honor near Shibuya Station in April 1934.Hachiko's story continues to inspire people around the world,highlighting the unconditional love and loyalty between humans and their pets. The tale of this faithful dog has become a symbol of loyalty, devotion, and the profound bond that can exist between humans and animals.。



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于忠犬八公的英语演讲稿篇一:storyabouthachiko关于忠犬八公的英语作文hachiko:ADogsstoryThemovietellsamovingstoryaboutadog.AnAkitadogwaslos tatthestation,andthenmetparker,arespectedmusicalpro fessor.parkertriedtohelpitfinditshome,butfailed.The nparkerdecidedtoadoptit,andnamedithachi.hachiisasmartandloyaldog.heseeshismasteroffinthestationever ymorning,andwaitsforhimpunctuallyeveryafternoon.Reg ardlessofseasons,regardlessofcoldorsummer.Allpeople workedatthestationlikeditandalwaysgaveitsomefood.unfortunately,onedaytheprofessordiedduetoillness,nevergoingbacktothestation,buthachididntknowaboutthecruelfactandkeptwa ittingforhimfornineyears.Inthatstation,onthattime,h ewaitedandwaited,untilfinallydied.Atlast,hachifinal lycloseditseyesslowly,layontheflowerbed.Itseemedtha thesawtheprofessorsmilingtohim.hachijumpedtohim,but touchednothing.Isitadream?ornot.Idontknow.buthachic losedhiseyesslowly...ThisisatruestoryhappenedinJapan.Regardlessofthecoun try,Ijustwanttowritesomethingaboutthedog.Afterwatch ingthemovie,Iguesseveryonecouldnotholdbacktears.Infact,hachiislucky.Itwasfatethatmadehiminahappyfam ily.heisalsoinvolvedinthefamilyineveryhappymoment.seeingparkerl ivingwithpeaceandhappinesseveryday,hachiwasalsogrow ingupinlove.soIbelievethathehadspeciallovetoeachfamilymember.Althoughwemostlyseethathachiismoreenjoyablewithparker ,Iamstillconvincedofthat.butherelieddeeperonparker. whentheprofessordied,hecouldjustkissthedaughterofth eprofessorandsaygoodbyetoher.Thatsalsowhyhegaveupth ewarmnestandbeganwanderinglife,andthenappearedatafi xedtimeeverydayatthestation,waitingforhisowner.nineyearsarealmostadogstotallife.Ittookalmosthachis wholelifetimetowaitforthepeoplewholovedit.everypass er-bywasmoved.manypeoplesayhachiwasstupid,butmostofusstillthinkth athachiwasinhappiness.becausehehadawarmfamily,becau sehemetparkerinlife.hachimayknowoldparkerwillneverc omeback,butwhatcouldhedobutwaitingforpaker?Loveisth ehappiestfaithintheworld.Astheyounggrandsonofparkersaid,thisisastoryaboutlov eandloyalty.hachiisaherointheheartofthelittleboy.ha veyoueverwonderedwhyyoucryafterthiskindofmovingstor y.wearemoved,notjustbecauseofhachisloyalty,butthatw estilldesireforthatkindofsincerelove.Istillrememberasentencefromstudentage:happinessison eselflesslydevotesandtheothersincerelyfeels.Ithinkp arkerandhachiachievedthat,sotheyarebothsatisfied.Th ereareonlyblackandwhitecolorinhachiseyes,buthecould seethemostwonderfulcoloursoftheworld.hachifelttruel ove,soitishiswillingtowaitforever.Finally,whatIwanttosayisthatdonotthinkhachiispoor,h eisfarmorehappythanus.Thepuppy,calledhachi,hadbeens urroundedbylovewhilewaittingforlove.篇二:忠犬八公演讲稿Thestoryofhachiko-----somethingAboutLoyalty,somethingAboutLove 李静毛雪伟hello,everyone!Iamgladtomakeaspeechtoeveryone.mytopicisaboutafilm--“hachiko”,whichisameltingmovieaboutanstorybetweenaloyaldogand aprofessor.IwasdeeplytouchedwhenIfirstwatcheditthre eyearsago,andIbelievethatmostpeoplewhohavewatchedthisfilmwere movedbythedog’sloyalty.Thefilmtellsaboutamannamedparker,auniversityprofess orinasmalltown.onedayheencounteredapoorpuppyandtake ithome.professoradoptedit,giveitanamecalledhachiko. Afterthat,hachikosentprofessortostationeverymorning ,waitingforhimtogobacktogethereveryevening.unfortun ately,professordiedofdiseasesuddenly,andneverwentba cktothestation.however,hachikostillwaitedforhisprof essoratthestationontime,untilhewenttoheaven…..next,Iwouldliketosharesometouchingplotsinthemovewit heveryone.Atthebeginingofthemovie,thecollegeprofess orparkerwilsonfindsalostpuppyatatrainstationandtake sithome.Atfirst,hiswifestronglyopposedhisbehivorinf act,however,parkerandthedogdevelopsucharemarkablebo ndthatcateisforcedtorelentandhachikobecomesadevoted memberofthefamily.overthenextfewmonths,parkerandhachigetalongverywell,theybecomepartners.h achiadheredtosendprofessortoworkinthemorning.ontimeeverydayat5pmatthetrainstationwaitingforhim.however ,everydayisnotsunday!oneday,parkersuddenlyfellinasp eechattheuniversity,dyingofaheartattack,hachibecame abnormalagain.hachiwaitedatthetrainstationontime,bu ttheprofessordidnotcomeoutfromthestationontime,this isanagreementbetweenthem.hachipersistedinwaitingfor hishost,dayafterdayandyearafteryear.Tenyearslater,p arker’swifecamebacktograveforherhusband,surprisedtofindth atoldhachiwasstillherewaitingforhisownerback.Atones tormynight,theelderlyhachifeltthatlifewasabouttoend ,sowithexhaustedbody,stepbystep,heslowlymovedtothet rainstation......Intheoldplace,hachibentover,withth elastbreathofpower,andinsistedtoopenhiseyes,looking attheexitontheopposite......Finally,theprofessorcam eback,callinghachi......Tightlytheyembracedeachothe ragain,andneverseparated......Inhappydreams......ha chiclosedeyesforever......ThefilmwasadaptedfromatruestoryhappenedinJapanin193 5.Therealhachikowasbornin1923.whenhismaster,Dr.eisa buroueno,aprofessoratTokyouniversitydiedinmay,1925,hachireturnedtotheshibuyatrainstationthenextdayandf orthenextnineyearstowaitanddiedin1934finally.Tocomm emoratetheloyaldog,afteritwasgone,therebuildastatueofhachiinJapaneseshibuya,whic hstoodtheretoreplacehachitowaitforhisowner.Todaythe statueisstillagoodplaceforyoungboysandgirlstodate,b ecauseitisasymbolof"loyalty".Itsyourdog,butyouareitsall.Thedistancebetweenlifean ddeath,foradog,itcannotfathom,itonlybelievesthathis masterwillcomeback.Itwaslyingthere,tenyears,andalan dscape.Ittaughtmethemeaningofloyalty,andyoushouldneverforgetanyonethatyouloved.myspeechisover,thanks!篇三:忠犬八公的故事演讲稿老师、同学们大家好,今天我想和大家分享一部电影《忠犬八公的故事》。


Байду номын сангаас
Ten years passed ,he was still here…..
Hachi was getting older, but still couldn’t see his host…
Then one night, he made a sweet dream,where he played with Parker again..
The movie is dated from a true story in Japan..
This is the real Hachi
This is his statue in
Short movie
This film is neither overwrought nor sappy; it is heartfelt and immensely powerful despite its tendency to drag in a few places. Prepare to be moved to tears by this beautiful, seemingly simple film--it's about so much more than just the relationship between a man and his dog
potential dangers and accompanying
him to the train station each
morning and meeting him there after his
return trip each evening.
Every morning ,hachi accompany with Parker to the station



竭诚为您提供优质文档/双击可除关于忠犬八公的英语演讲稿篇一:storyabouthachiko关于忠犬八公的英语作文hachiko:ADogsstoryThemovietellsamovingstoryaboutadog.AnAkitadogwaslos tatthestation,andthenmetparker,arespectedmusicalpro fessor.parkertriedtohelpitfinditshome,butfailed.The nparkerdecidedtoadoptit,andnamedithachi.hachiisasmartandloyaldog.heseeshismasteroffinthestationever ymorning,andwaitsforhimpunctuallyeveryafternoon.Reg ardlessofseasons,regardlessofcoldorsummer.Allpeople workedatthestationlikeditandalwaysgaveitsomefood.unfortunately,onedaytheprofessordiedduetoillness,nevergoingbacktothestation,buthachididntknowaboutthecruelfactandkeptwa ittingforhimfornineyears.Inthatstation,onthattime,h ewaitedandwaited,untilfinallydied.Atlast,hachifinal lycloseditseyesslowly,layontheflowerbed.Itseemedtha thesawtheprofessorsmilingtohim.hachijumpedtohim,but touchednothing.Isitadream?ornot.Idontknow.buthachic losedhiseyesslowly...ThisisatruestoryhappenedinJapan.Regardlessofthecoun try,Ijustwanttowritesomethingaboutthedog.Afterwatch ingthemovie,Iguesseveryonecouldnotholdbacktears.Infact,hachiislucky.Itwasfatethatmadehiminahappyfam ily.heisalsoinvolvedinthefamilyineveryhappymoment.seeingparkerl ivingwithpeaceandhappinesseveryday,hachiwasalsogrow ingupinlove.soIbelievethathehadspeciallovetoeachfamilymember.Althoughwemostlyseethathachiismoreenjoyablewithparker ,Iamstillconvincedofthat.butherelieddeeperonparker. whentheprofessordied,hecouldjustkissthedaughterofth eprofessorandsaygoodbyetoher.Thatsalsowhyhegaveupth ewarmnestandbeganwanderinglife,andthenappearedatafi xedtimeeverydayatthestation,waitingforhisowner.nineyearsarealmostadogstotallife.Ittookalmosthachis wholelifetimetowaitforthepeoplewholovedit.everypass er-bywasmoved.manypeoplesayhachiwasstupid,butmostofusstillthinkth athachiwasinhappiness.becausehehadawarmfamily,becau sehemetparkerinlife.hachimayknowoldparkerwillneverc omeback,butwhatcouldhedobutwaitingforpaker?Loveisth ehappiestfaithintheworld.Astheyounggrandsonofparkersaid,thisisastoryaboutlov eandloyalty.hachiisaherointheheartofthelittleboy.ha veyoueverwonderedwhyyoucryafterthiskindofmovingstor y.wearemoved,notjustbecauseofhachisloyalty,butthatw estilldesireforthatkindofsincerelove.Istillrememberasentencefromstudentage:happinessison eselflesslydevotesandtheothersincerelyfeels.Ithinkp arkerandhachiachievedthat,sotheyarebothsatisfied.Th ereareonlyblackandwhitecolorinhachiseyes,buthecould seethemostwonderfulcoloursoftheworld.hachifelttruel ove,soitishiswillingtowaitforever.Finally,whatIwanttosayisthatdonotthinkhachiispoor,h eisfarmorehappythanus.Thepuppy,calledhachi,hadbeens urroundedbylovewhilewaittingforlove.篇二:忠犬八公演讲稿Thestoryofhachiko-----somethingAboutLoyalty,somethingAboutLove 李静毛雪伟hello,everyone!Iamgladtomakeaspeechtoeveryone.mytopicisaboutafilm--“hachiko”,whichisameltingmovieaboutanstorybetweenaloyaldogand aprofessor.IwasdeeplytouchedwhenIfirstwatcheditthre eyearsago,andIbelievethatmostpeoplewhohavewatchedthisfilmwere movedbythedog’sloyalty.Thefilmtellsaboutamannamedparker,auniversityprofess orinasmalltown.onedayheencounteredapoorpuppyandtake ithome.professoradoptedit,giveitanamecalledhachiko. Afterthat,hachikosentprofessortostationeverymorning ,waitingforhimtogobacktogethereveryevening.unfortun ately,professordiedofdiseasesuddenly,andneverwentba cktothestation.however,hachikostillwaitedforhisprof essoratthestationontime,untilhewenttoheaven…..next,Iwouldliketosharesometouchingplotsinthemovewit heveryone.Atthebeginingofthemovie,thecollegeprofess orparkerwilsonfindsalostpuppyatatrainstationandtake sithome.Atfirst,hiswifestronglyopposedhisbehivorinf act,however,parkerandthedogdevelopsucharemarkablebo ndthatcateisforcedtorelentandhachikobecomesadevoted memberofthefamily.overthenextfewmonths,parkerandhachigetalongverywell,theybecomepartners.h achiadheredtosendprofessortoworkinthemorning.ontime。


No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his whole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaining. However, the dog did it. Hachi never forget the one it once loved. Hachi fetched that ball because he knew that something bad will happen to its friend. It’s his only way to hold him back . Hachi has been waiting in the weeds, waiting for his only fellow to walk him home. And Hachi’s ten years’ waiting touched me.
English Name: 《Hachiko》 or《Hachi》 Chinese Name: 《忠犬八公》
First Show In :
The Hachi in real life
Hachi died in 1934
IБайду номын сангаасpression of view:
This film is based on a true story which happened in Japan in 1935.So I was moved by Hachi!



Hachi accompanied the Parker entire family to grow together ,then it grew gradually from the puppy into the colossus
Parker who gentle even lay in ground and picked the ball with the mouth to set an example for Hachi, but it is actually unable to teach Hachi to do it . During leisure time ,Parker also made the massage for Hachi.

Because on that day ,parker suddenly fell in the university lecture ,he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to the station .Afterward Hachi waited the professor at 5:00pm every day ,waited · · · waired· · · · · · the next day,the thired day· · · · · ·
Hachiko: A dog’s story

Parker,a collage professor, encountered an abandoned dog. lts lonely figure sparked his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first ,and does everything possible to pack it off. But then she saw that her husband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the family. Parker called it "Hachi".



• This story shows the animal and human beings can live in harmony . • At the same time, The dog give us a vividly lesson that we all have to loyal to our boss, loyal to our family, loyal to our country.
This is a picture of her daughter's wedding
Do yoLeabharlann see the hands ? They’re family .
Ten years later after Parker had died , when Parker’s wife returned to their past house ,she happened to see Harchi still waiting at the train station . She was really moved by the faithful dog .
No matter how it happened, but long time ago, in the town Parker Wilson lived, Hachi appeared at the train station. That's where their story began.
Everyone called Hachi.a mystery dog, because... he never knew where it came from. The origin of the name of Hachi ,His neck collar has a sign of hachi , Hachi, number of eight in Japanese ,means of good fortune, So his master named “hachi “.



忠犬八公英语作文50词英文回答:Hachiko, an Akita dog, was born in 1923 in Odate, Akita Prefecture, Japan. In 1924, he was sent to live with Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at Tokyo Imperial University. Hachiko became Ueno's loyal companion and would greet him every morning at Shibuya Station when he went to work and wait for him to return in the evening.In 1925, Ueno died suddenly of a cerebral hemorrhage while at work. Hachiko continued to go to Shibuya Station every day, waiting for his owner to return. For the next nine years, nine months, and fifteen days, Hachiko waited for Ueno, becoming a symbol of loyalty and devotion.Hachiko's story became well-known in Japan and around the world. In 1934, a bronze statue of Hachiko was erected outside Shibuya Station. The statue is a popular tourist destination and a reminder of the dog's unwavering loyalty.中文回答:八公,一只秋田犬,1923年出生于日本秋田县大馆市。

忠犬八公的故事 英文精编版

忠犬八公的故事 英文精编版

The end Thanks
Parker was accompanied by this dog to work on time every morning.
In the evening he would appear at the station at five o 'clock to greet Parker off work .
Hachi waited at the station on time, but the professor did not come out from the station on time.
Each day, Hachi would come to the same place on time, waiting for ... Behind him the leaves turned from reen to yellow, yellow to green, as such is ten years.
Ten years passed, old Hachi is still here waiting for its owner back .
In the old place, Hachi bent over, with the last breath of power, and insisted to open his eyes, looking at the exit on the opposite...
finally , Hachi closed eyes forever ...
To commemorate the loyal dog , after it was gone, there build a statue of Hachi in Japanese Shibuya , which stood there to replace Hachi to wait for his owner.

电影 忠犬八公的故事 英文介绍(课堂PPT)

电影 忠犬八公的故事 英文介绍(课堂PPT)

film--it's about so much more
than just the relationship
between a man and his dog
That is the little story I wanna
talk about,
The ideals which have lighted my way ,and time aftertime have given me New courage to face life cheerfully have been kindness ,beauty and truth. ——Albert Einstein
At 5 pm ,hachi would get the station to wait his host however the weather is like.
But one day, Parker died….
He came to the station as usual , waiting here form night to morning…
A dog’s tale
Guanke 1101
导演: 莱塞·霍尔斯道姆 编剧: Stephen P. Lindsey / 新藤兼人 主演: 理查·基尔 / Forest (Hachiko) / 萨 拉·罗默尔 / 琼·艾伦 / Robbie Sublett / 艾瑞克·阿瓦利 / 田中洋行 / 杰森·亚 历山大 / 罗伯特·卡普荣 制片国家/地区: 美国 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2009-08-08 又名: 忠犬小八(台) / 秋田犬八千(港) / 忠犬传奇 / Hachiko: A Dog's Story

忠犬八公的故事 英文

忠犬八公的故事 英文

忠犬八公的故事英文The story of Hachiko, the loyal dog, is a touching and inspiring tale that has captured the hearts of people all over the world. Hachiko's unwavering loyalty and devotionto his owner have made him a symbol of loyalty and love.Hachiko was a Japanese Akita dog who lived in Tokyo in the 1920s. He belonged to Professor Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at the University of Tokyo. Every day, Hachiko would accompany his owner to the Shibuya train station and wait for him to return from work. This daily routine continued for over a year, until one day, Professor Ueno suffered a fatal stroke at work and never returned to the station.Despite the tragic loss of his owner, Hachiko continued to wait at the train station every day, hoping to see Professor Ueno again. Day after day, year after year, Hachiko waited faithfully at the station, capturing the attention and admiration of the station staff and commuters.His loyalty and devotion to his owner touched the hearts of everyone who heard his story.Hachiko's story gained widespread attention in Japan, and he became a national symbol of loyalty. People from all over the country were moved by his unwavering devotion to his owner. A statue of Hachiko was erected at the Shibuya train station in honor of his loyalty, and it became a popular meeting spot for people in Tokyo.Hachiko's story also spread beyond Japan and captured the attention of people around the world. His tale has been the subject of books, movies, and even a Hollywood film. Hachiko's legacy continues to inspire people to this day, reminding us of the powerful bond between humans and animals.The story of Hachiko serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring nature of love and loyalty. Despite the passage of time and the many challenges he faced, Hachiko remained steadfast in his devotion to his owner. His story is a testament to the unbreakable bond between humans andtheir animal companions.In conclusion, the story of Hachiko, the loyal dog, is a timeless tale of love and loyalty that has touched the hearts of people around the world. Hachiko's unwavering devotion to his owner serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring bond between humans and animals. His story continues to inspire and uplift people, and his legacy will live on for generations to come.。

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Hachi accompanied (陪伴)the Parker entire f amily to grow together , the n it grew gradually from th e puppy(小狗)into the c olossus(大狗). Parker wh o was gentle even lay in gro und and picked the ball wi th the mouth to set an exa mple for Hachi , but it is act ually unable to teach Hachi to do it . During leisure(空 闲的) time , Parker also m ade the massage for Hachi.
Because on that day, Parker suddenly fell in the university lect ure , he died of the heart disease .Then he never returned to th e station. Afterward, Hachi waited the professor at 5:00 pm ev ery day, waited…waited ......the next day, the third day ......
Hackio: A Dog’s Story
Ps:it is ,a college professor, encountered (偶然碰到)
an abandoned(丢弃) dog. Its lonely figure sparked(触 动) his mercy. His wife strongly opposed at first, and does e
This film is based on a true story . The real Hachi was born in Odate Japan in 1923,when his master,Dr.Eisaburo Ueno,a professor at Tokyo Uni versity died in May,1925. Hachi returned to the Shibuya train station the next d ay and for the next nine years to wait .Hachi died in March 1935. Today,a bronze statue of Hachi sits in his waiting spot outside the Shibuya railroad station.
From summer to autumn, in the ten-year period, Hachi still had no changes in the wind and rain until it finally died .
A little early before he died he dream of Parker , we all knew that this was unreal . It just implied that Parker c ame up to bring Hachi to the heaven .
No one has the ability to show his love to only one person during his w hole life, let alone make friends with only one person; have the food that never changes year by year; do the same damn thing without complaini ng and consciousness(意识) of exhaustion. We can’t! However, what we could learn from Hachi is that we should never forget the one we onc e loved.
Every day ,Hachi accompanied Parker to work on time and at 5:00 pm appeared at the station entrance to wait Parker back. That was the time only for them! In the town, in the opinions of the station master, the hot-dog vendor(摊贩)and the store p roprietress(女老板), this was the picture which already beca me accustomed to: That Parker comes out from the station to c all “Hachi” and the dog excitedly went forward had already be come the story which the station performed every day. One da y when Hachi could pick the ball , Parker was very happy. How ever it was the last precious recollections(回忆) between the m……
verything possible to pack it off .But then she saw that her h usband and daughter loved the dog very much and finally decided to admit the dog into the family. Parker called it " Hachi."