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1. 坐出租车的话10分钟就够了。

It takes only ten minutes by taxi.

2. 中国菜你吃着习惯吗?

How do you like Chinese food?

3. 这个晚宴着装不需要很正式。

You don’t need to dress too formal for the evening party.

4. 希望你以后再来曲阜。再见!

Hope you’ll visit Qufu again. Goodbye!

5. 我可以帮你去复印。

I’ll do the photocopying for you.

6. 我今天晚上有别的事情,不能陪你去了,抱歉。

I'm afraid I can’t go with you tonight, for I have something else to attend to. Sorry.

7. 我半小时后在大厅等你。

I’ll see you in the lobby in half an hour.

8. 曲阜好像只有中国银行可以兑换外币。

The Bank of China is the only bank in Qufu to exchange foreign currencies.

9. 瓶装水是要收费的。

You need to pay for the bottled water.

10. 你会用筷子吗?需要刀叉吗?

Can you use the chopsticks? Or do you need a knife and fork?

11. 你喝点什么?酒还是果汁?

What would you have to drink? Wine or juice?

12. 你出门的时候可以把贵重物品寄存到前台。

When you go out, you can deposit your valuables with the front desk.

13. 你不吃肉吗?鱼和鸡蛋可以吗?

Are you a vegetarian? Do you eat fish and eggs?

14. 论坛期间,要凭这个代表证出入。

During the Forum, you’ll need to use this Participant Card* for admission. *一叫Representative Card或Representative Badge

15. 飞机8:25起飞,但是你得提前一小时到机场接受安全检查。

The plane is to take off at 8:25, and you need to arrive at the airport an hour in advance for security check.

16. 房间是卫星电视,你可以收看境外的节目。

The hotel room is furnished with satellite TV. You can watch overseas programs.

17. 对不起,这里不能吸烟。

Sorry, smoking is not allowed here.

18. 对不起,酒店没有套间了,标准间可以吗?

Sorry, the hotel doesn’t have any vacant suite*. Would you have a standard room instead?

* 音同sweet

19. 拨打长途电话,前面得加区号。北京是010。

For a long-distance call, you need to dial the area code. The area code for Beijing is o one o*.

* 数字0的表达方式:(1)在温度、税率、利率中用zero,如It was fourteen below zero (-14) when they woke up.(2)在小数点前用naught(美)或nought(英),如naught point eight nine (0.89).(3)表示计算时,口语中用nothing,如Five minus five is nothing (5-5=0).(4)当一个一个地报数字,或者在小数点后时,用oh或字母o,如point o eight nine (.089)。(5)体育比分中用nil,如England beat Germany one-nil (1:0).

20. 按照酒店的规定,中午12点以前要退房。B

According to the regulations of the hotel, you need to check out before 12 noon.


1. 京沪高铁6月30号开始正式运行,高铁曲阜东站每天经停列车39趟,其中23趟是“G”字头列车,时速高达300公里,也就是186英里。

The Beijing-Shanghai High-speed Railway opened to traffic on June 30. Every day 39 trains call at the Qufu East Station, 23 of them being

G-trains. The speed of a high-speed train can be 300 kilometers per hour, that is, 186 miles.

2. 孔庙、孔林、孔府是国家首批5A旅游景区,1994年12月又被联合国
