网络流行语传播研究外文文献翻译最新 网络热词




本科生毕业论文网络流行语及其英文翻译院系:外国语学院专业:英语A Study of EnglishTranslation of Network Catchwords摘要随着中国国际化进程日益加快和互联网的普及,越来越多的外国友人更加密切地关注中国。









关键词:网络流行语;来源;特征;翻译AbstractWith the accelerating process of China Internationalization and popularity of the Internet, more and more foreigners pay closer attention to China. At the same time, Chinese netizens also create many humorous and witty words some of which spread like wildfire through Internet and also deeply enter the social life. However, through the translation situations of Chinese network catchwords, the translation problem needs further development. The thesis firstly introduces the background of catchword, network catchwords and their subordinate relationship. Secondly, network catchwords mainly originate from network expression, expression in entertainment industry and foreign words. By analyzing its sources, the causes of popularity of network catchwords have been displayed clear for us. Broadly speaking, network catchwords are not only combination of linguistic inheritance and innovation, but also adored and used by netizens because of its concision, humor, popularity and periodicity. However, continuous pursuit for uniqueness and innovation also emerge vulgar usage of it. After analyzing and concluding the translation skills of Chinese network catchwords according to Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory, it is found that the translation methods including literal translation, literal translation with interlinear notes, free translation, free translation with interlinear notes, affixation method andadapted translation are still effective and common ones.Key Words: Network Catchwords; Sources; Features; TranslationTable of Contents Acknowledgements.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。



1. 抖音(Douyin):热门的短视频分享社交平台,用户可以通过拍

2. 区块链 (Blockchain):一种去中心化的电子账本技术,通过密码

3. 人工智能 (Artificial Intelligence, AI):利用计算机系统实现

4. 5G网络 (5G Network):第五代移动通信技术,具有更高的传输速度、更低的延迟和更大的网络容量,将推动物联网和智能设备的快速

5. 电动汽车 (Electric Vehicle, EV):使用电能作为动力源的汽车,以替代传统的燃油汽车,减少对环境的污染。

6. 网络安全 (Cybersecurity):保护网络系统免受未经授权的访问、

7. 绿色能源 (Green Energy):可再生能源,如太阳能、风能和水能等,以减少对非可再生能源的依赖,降低对环境的影响。

8. 智能家居 (Smart Home):利用物联网和智能技术来实现家居设备

9. 虚拟现实 (Virtual Reality, VR):一种通过计算机生成的模拟环境,通过佩戴特殊设备体验虚拟的视觉和听觉感官体验。

10. 无人驾驶 (Self-driving):利用传感器和人工智能技术,使车辆


• Similar to nothing worth mentioning
Can not afford to be hurt
This sentence is so popular that in a very short time , it spreads to every corner especially on the
My father is Li Gang
• Described capital,swollen with arrogance, fear nothing
形容有资本、气焰嚣张、有恃无恐 • Source: A night in HeBei
University in central China, a car accident happened. One girl was injured and one was died. The driver, a 22-year-old boy, who was intoxicated(醉酒的), tried to speed away, when the security guards intercepted(拦 截) him ,he warned them: ‘My father is Li Gang!’
What I am smoking isn’t a cigarette,
but loneliness哥抽的不是香烟,是寂寞
This sentence is usually used to describe that I have dTohneissomseethnintge,ynocu eareudsrouppaedllbyehuinsdebydmteo,dodne’st tcryrtiobceatcah uap twtiithtumde,e



网络新词的流行英语作文English:The rapid development of technology and social media has led to the emergence of many new words and phrases in the English language. These new terms often reflect current trends, popular culture, or innovations in technology. For example, "selfie" refers to a self-portrait photograph taken with a smartphone, while "trolling" describes the act of deliberately provoking others online. Other popular new terms include "FOMO" (fear of missing out), "YOLO" (you only live once), and "binge-watching" (watching multiple episodes of a TV show in one sitting). These words and phrases have become so widespread that they are now recognized and used by people of all ages and backgrounds, highlighting the influence of the internet and social media on language evolution.中文翻译:科技和社交媒体的快速发展导致了英语语言中许多新词汇和短语的出现。

2023十大流行语 汉英双语

2023十大流行语 汉英双语



那么,让我们一同预测一下2023年的十大流行语吧!1. “抬杠”(Táigàng)这个词源于网络,意指人们之间的较劲或争论。


2. “佛系”(Fóxì)佛系一词源自日本,形容人们对于生活中的一切保持一种超然的态度,面对困难时保持平静与宁静,不过度追求成功或幸福。


3. “爆款”(Bàokuǎn)这个词意指在市场上轰动一时、非常走红的产品或服务。



4. “零食控”(Língshí kòng)这个流行语用于形容热爱吃零食的人。



5. “追星族”(Zhuī xīng zú)追星族这个词用于形容热衷追逐和崇拜明星的人们。



6. “网红”(Wǎnghóng)网红一词已经成为了社交媒体时代的代表,指的是通过社交媒体走红的人物。





当代网络热词英语作文Title: The Impact of Contemporary Internet Slang on Language and Communication。

In the age of rapid technological advancement and widespread internet usage, language is constantly evolving, reflecting the dynamic nature of human communication. One prominent aspect of this evolution is the emergence and proliferation of contemporary internet slang. This phenomenon has not only transformed the way people communicate online but has also started to permeate offline communication. In this essay, we will explore the impact of contemporary internet slang on language and communication.First and foremost, it is essential to understand what internet slang encompasses. Internet slang refers to a collection of informal expressions, abbreviations, and acronyms that have emerged from online communities and social media platforms. These terms are often characterized by their brevity, creativity, and adaptability, allowingusers to convey complex ideas and emotions succinctly. Examples include "LOL" (laugh out loud), "BRB" (be right back), and "OMG" (oh my god).One of the most significant impacts of contemporary internet slang is its influence on linguistic norms and conventions. As internet slang becomes increasingly integrated into everyday communication, especially among younger generations, traditional rules of grammar and spelling are being challenged. For instance, the use of abbreviations and non-standard punctuation in formalwriting contexts, such as emails and academic papers, has become more prevalent. While some argue that this blurring of linguistic boundaries undermines the integrity of the language, others view it as a natural evolution reflective of changing communication patterns.Furthermore, internet slang has reshaped the way people express themselves and connect with others online. In the digital age, where brevity is often valued over verbosity, internet slang allows individuals to convey messagesquickly and efficiently. Emoticons and emojis, which areoften used in conjunction with slang terms, provide additional layers of meaning and emotional nuance, enhancing the overall communicative experience. As a result, online interactions have become more dynamic and expressive, fostering a sense of community and belonging among users.However, it is important to recognize that internet slang is not without its drawbacks. One potential concernis the potential for miscommunication and misunderstanding, particularly across cultural and generational divides.While internet slang may be familiar to digital natives, older generations and non-native speakers may struggle to interpret its meaning correctly, leading to confusion or unintended offense. Moreover, the rapid evolution ofinternet slang means that terms can quickly become outdated or obsolete, further complicating communication dynamics.Despite these challenges, it is clear that contemporary internet slang has become an integral part of modern communication. Its widespread use across various online platforms and social media networks underscores its significance as a cultural phenomenon. As languagecontinues to evolve in response to technological innovation and social change, internet slang will likely remain a central feature of digital discourse, shaping the way we communicate and interact in the digital age.In conclusion, the impact of contemporary internet slang on language and communication is profound and far-reaching. From influencing linguistic norms to reshaping online interactions, internet slang has fundamentally transformed the way we communicate in the digital age. While it presents challenges in terms of clarity and comprehension, its expressive power and cultural significance cannot be denied. As we continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of digital communication, understanding and embracing internet slang will beessential for effective and meaningful engagement online.。


学 羁 2 一 塑 0 1 硷 5 年 曼 第 一 宴 1 2 期 一
移 学 术 探 讨 镣
网络 热 词及 流行 语 英 文翻 译 解 析
曹 晓君 ( 西安 交通 工程 学院
摘要 : 该论文主要研究 网络热词及流行语 英文翻译方法. 通过搜集整理网络热词和流行 语进而对构词方法进行 比较 、 分析、 总结 . 得出 网络热词及流行语英文翻译方法主要有 : 完全 汉语拼音式翻译法 、来源于发音的翻译法 、 汉 语拼音和英文混搭合成法、运用英语构词法、 中式英语翻译法、 直译和意译等 . . 关键词: 网络热词 流行语 英文 翻译
1 . 坑爹 t h e r e v e se r o f o n e ’ S e x p e c t a t i o n .
有 某人很厉害 、 很 有 能力的意 思 。) 、傻逼 s h a b i l i t v ( 意思 是 “ 傻 瓜” 或“ 总是 把一切 搞得 团糟的人” ) 【 例句 l Ma n y p e o p l e t h i n k t h e y a r e f u l l o f
Ab 吼r a c l :T h i s p a p e r s t r o n g l y e mp h a s i z e s n e t w o r k h o t w o r d s a n d b u z z w o r d s t r a n s l a t i o n a n a l y s i s .F i r s t l y ,c o l l e c t i n g n e t w o r k h o t w o r d s a n d b u z z w o r d s ; s e c o n d l y ,b y c o mp a r i n g ,a na — l y z i n g a n d s u mma r i z i n g t h e m,i t c o n c l u d e s t h e t r a n s l a t i o n m e t h o d s o n n e t w o r k h o t w o r d s a n d b u z z w o r d s ma i n l y h a v e B o p o m o f o m e t h o d ; t r a n s . 1 a t i o n b y l o e l a d i a l e e t p r o n u n c i a t i o n ; B o p o m o o f c o mb i n e d E n g l i s h ;w o r d f o r m a t i o n ;C h i n g l i s h ; me t a p h r a s e a n d p a r a p h r a s e .



网络流行语英文版大盘点1. Rich and Bitch有钱就是任性Have you noticed that so many people claimed themselves "rich and bitch" in friends circle and Sina weibo? What a "malicious" world! The buzzword originates from a real event: In April, Mr. Liu spent 1760 yuan online buying a health care product. Soon after, he got calls from a stranger who persuaded him to buy other matched medicines. In the following four months, Mr. Liu remitted a total of 540,000 yuan to the swindler. He said that he had already found himself cheated when he was fooled out of 70,000 yuan. "I just wanted to see how much could they take from me!"最近有没有发现,朋友圈和微博上到处都有人说自己“有钱,任性”,感觉到世界森森的恶意呀。





“我就是想看看,他们究竟能骗我多少钱!”2. Are you kidding me?也是醉了!The father of the buzzword can be traced back to Linghu Chong, a character in Jin Yong's "Swordsman". He satirizes others' flattering by saying "The moment I see those who flatter me would I feel so uncomfortable as if I were drunk." Then a group of DOTA players often use this phrase. No matter one's skill is good or bad, they will say "Are you kidding me?"这一神回复的创始人,可以追朔到金庸《笑傲江湖》里的令狐大侠。





看看这些词汇你又了解多少呢?1. 神马都是浮云It’s all fleeting cloud。

2. 山寨 fake, counterfeit, copycat3. 宅男Otaku (“homebody” in English); geek4. 被雷倒(到)了 in shock5. 纠结 ambivalent6. 忐忑 anxious7. 悲催 a tear-inducing misery8. 坑爹the reverse of one’s expectation9. 哥只是传说 Brother is only a legend10.伤不起 vulnerable; be prone to getting hurt11.你懂的 It goes without saying that…12.吐槽disclose one’s secret13.小清新 like a breath of fresh air14.穿越剧 time-travel TV drama15.至于你信不信,反正我是信了。

Whether you believe it ornot, I am convinced。

16.拼爹 daddy-is-the-key; parents privilege competition17.做人呢,最重要是开心。

Happiness is the way。

18.卖萌 act cute19.腹黑 scheming20.折翼的天使 an angel with broken wings。






有些流行语已被录入美国在线俚语词典Urban Dictionary (城市词典)或《牛津英语字典》。

早期的 Chinglish(中式英语),多是一些自造英语单词,或者将中文逐个译成英语后的汉语式拼接,像“好久不见”(long time no see)、“人山人海”(people mountain people sea)等。

但如今,中式英语进化,拼音混搭英文,更多的中文拼音开始直接“侵入” 英语中,就像“zuo”(作)、“tuhao”(土豪)等。


(一)完全汉语拼音式翻译 :guanxi (关系)、Maotai (茅台)、Xiang (湘)、Dama(中国大妈)、Lianghui (两会)、Guanggun (光棍)、tuhao(土豪)、hukou(户口)等。


例如,dim sum(点心)。




例如:1.给力 gelivable(反义词 :不给力 ungeliv-able),形容词。

含义是“令人激动的,使人兴高采烈的”. 该词是汉语拼音“gei li”和英语后缀-able 的组合。

【例句】哇,中国超越日本成为世界第二大经济体,真给力!Wow,China overtakes Japan as world'ssecond-biggest economy, it is so gelivable!2. taikonaut 中国宇航员,前半部分是中文“太空”拼音 ,后半部分截取英语“astronaut”组合而成。

3. 装逼 zhuangbility(意思是“无缘无故地自夸”)、牛逼niubility?(在汉语中,牛“niu”含有某人很厉害、很有能力的意思。



- 227 -校园英语 / 翻译探究网络热词英译研究安徽理工大学外国语学院/刘晓菲 李莎【摘要】网络语言是时代的反映,与现代人的生存方式和思维状态密切相关。


【关键词】英译 网络热词一、网络热词的兴起和发展近些年来,随着中国互联网络的飞速发展和快速普及,网络已成为继报纸、广播和电视后的第四大媒介。






如:校车安全 school bus safety 、高铁 High-speed train 、作秀 make a show 。



而富二代可以直译为:rich second generation 。

相对应的贫二代翻译为:poor second generation 。












英国翻译理论家纽马克在其著作《翻译教科书》第13章中讨论了新词的翻译:Neologisms are perhaps the non-literary and the professional translator’s biggest problem.新词可能是非文学和专业翻译的最大问题(Newmark,2001)。

He also delivered that a majority of them have a single meaning and can therefore be translated out of context, but many of them soon acquire new (and some times lose the old) meanings in the TL.他还表示,它们中的大多数具有单一含义,因此可以脱离上下文进行翻译,但其中许多很快在TL 中获得了新的(有时失去了旧的)含义(Newmark,2001)。











①In 2006,David Crystal, a very famous linguist, published his new work Language and Internet, which studied on the influence of Internet towards the general language and specific language. 2006年,著名的语言学家大卫·克里斯托(David Crystal)发表了他的新作《语言与互联网》,研究了互联网对一般语言和特定语言的影响。



网络新词的流行英语作文英文回答:In recent years, the proliferation of social media and the internet has ushered in an era of rapid and widespread dissemination of information, including the creation and dissemination of new words and phrases. This phenomenon has become particularly pronounced among younger generations, who have embraced a distinct language that is often incomprehensible to older users.This linguistic evolution is a byproduct of the unique communication patterns that have emerged in the digital age. The brevity and informality of social media platforms, such as Twitter and Instagram, have encouraged the use of abbreviated words, acronyms, and slang. Additionally, the rise of online communities and subcultures has fostered the development of specialized vocabulary that is shared among members of a particular group.The popularity of internet memes has also played a significant role in the spread of new words and phrases. Memes are often accompanied by captions that feature novel or humorous language, which can quickly gain traction and become part of the collective lexicon.This trend is not without its detractors. Some critics argue that the widespread use of internet slang and abbreviations is eroding the quality of the English language and reducing the ability of people to communicate effectively. Others contend that these new words and phrases are simply a reflection of the changing nature of language and that they do not pose a threat to theintegrity of the language as a whole.中文回答:网络新词的流行。



国家语言资源监测与研究中心发布的网络流行语英译live your own legend:主宰你自己的传奇。

one step back, two steps forward:退一步,再进两步。

look for the silver lining:寻找阴影中的银边。

make hay while the sun shines:把握机遇。

better late than never:迟做总比不做强。

don't bite off more than you can chew:不要贪多嚼不烂。

hit the ground running:马上投入行动。

haste makes waste:欲速则不达。

ignorance is bliss:不知道就好过了。

no brain, no pain:无智者无苦恼。

better the devil you know than the devil you don't know:熟悉的魔鬼好过陌生的魔鬼。

less is more:少即是多。

it's never too late to mend:过而能改,善莫大焉。

time is money:时间就是金钱。

everything has its price:凡物皆有价。

fortune favors the bold:胆大者得福。

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy:只工作不玩耍,小孩子会变傻。

united we stand, divided we fall:团结则立,分裂则败。

don't put all your eggs in one basket:别将所有的鸡蛋放在同一个篮子里。

make do with what you have:用你自己手中的东西而力求改善。

everything is fair in love and war:两场战役中,一切皆允许。











比如:将网络用语的中文拼音译成拼音,比如“哈哈”应译为“haha”;将游戏名称直接译成英文,比如“剑灵”应译为“Sword of the spirit”;将多层次的表情符号,比如“O(∩_∩)O~”译成“Happy~”;将有关新闻属性的中文短语译成英文,比如“热点新闻”应译为“Hot News”。


比如:在英译过程中,可以结合特定文化背景,对特定词汇进行英译,比如“大王叫我来巡山”可以译成“The king summoned me for patrolling the mountain;还可以采用意译的方式,比如“吃鸡”译成“eatingchicken”;甚至可以将国内特有的话题融入记述,比如“GG”可译成“Good Game”。

除此之外,翻译者在英译过程中,还可以根据上下文和文化背景结合节奏感,运用语言艺术,将网络流行语进一步演绎,比如:将“哈哈”译成“Ha-ha”或“Hahahaha”,将“能力担当”译成“ability to take on the responsibility”或“ready to take up the responsibilities”。






1. “霸王餐”(Chinese internet slang)“霸王餐”通常指的是餐馆或商家为了宣传推广而提供的免费餐饮服务,顾客在不知情的情况下被邀请前往消费。


在英文中,可以翻译为“free meal”或“freebie”。


“FOMO”是“fear of missing out”的缩写,意思是“害怕错过”,形容一种因害怕错过有趣的活动或事物而产生的焦虑情绪。




在英文中,可以翻译为“corporate slave”。


“TBH”是“to be honest”的缩写,用于表达直率的言辞或坦诚的评论。




在英文中,可以翻译为“keep it up”或“go for it”。

例句:考试加油,相信你一定能取得好成绩!“LOL”是“laughing out loud”的缩写,用于表示大笑的情绪。







例文:In such a networked society, people are tend to use hot words on the internet, which has been tagged with fashion and trend. These buzzwords are formed with the popularity of internet, which means that without the internet those works make no sense. But we cant deny that they do enrich our communication words and contribute a lot in entertaining people. Internet buzzwords are extremely popular in the internet used by netizens, especially in the microblog, even in the students examination paper.In my point of view, internet buzzwords are undoubtedly hot and fashionable on the internet, but in the real life people are not so familiar with those words. Some people feel puzzled at those words. In other words, internet buzzwords can only make sense with the context of internet. Therefore, these words are limited in certain condition and cant be generalized for their unfamiliarity to some people. They arent supposed to beencouraged in the students examination paper, which is formal and should be taken seriously.在这样一个网络化的社会,人们倾向于使用热词在互联网上,这已标记的时尚与趋势。

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毕设附件:外文文献翻译原文+译文原文The research of network buzzwords spreadingMarkus DAbstractNetwork buzzwords from the Internet language, that is, first appeared in the Internet and popular on the Internet, created by users or reference and are endowed with special meaning of words and sentences. Here's the special meaning has two meanings: the first layer means that it is unique in a certain period of time on the network popular virtual things and behavior as well as the things associated with the computer network technology. The second means that it is very different from daily in the natural language system, the unique meaning, this means that a certain period of social politics, economy, culture and Internet psychological activity factors such as comprehensive product.Keywords: Network hot words; Buzzwords; Spreading1 IntroductionIn the 1980 s, Toffler in the United States believe that human civilization forward like waves, already had two causes the whole civilization and the great wave of social change: agriculture is the first wave of agricultural society is established. The second wave of industry established the industrial society. "Now is a new civilization in our life. The birth of the new civilization, is the only the most explosive events in our lives. The deep meaning of it, just like the invention of agriculture one hundred years ago the first wave of change of human liberation, or as the industrial revolution caused by the second wave of shock the world. We are the architects of the next change. Like it’s predicted, we ushered in the third wave, and the third wave is marked by information highway construction of the information revolution. In this case, the information highway is the emergence of the Internet. Its emergence caused a revolutionary change of the human social life each aspect. These changes occur, also affected the development of language change. Current research of network language has made certain achievements. In the definition of network language and theunderstanding of the nature has almost the same, and from the vocabulary, language symbols, language variation, and network communication, and other point of view to study and analysis of network language.2 The definition and characteristic of network buzzwords2.1 DefinitionsNetwork buzzwords, which first appeared in the Internet and popular on the Internet, created by users or lead Use and are endowed with special meaning of words and sentences. Here's the special meaning has two meanings: the first layer is mean. That it is unique in a certain period of time on the network popular virtual things and behavior, as well as electricity the brain network technology related things. The first means that it is on the second floor and daily in the natural language system completely different and unique meaning, this means that a certain period of social politics, economy, culture and Internet users factors such as comprehensive product.The first meaning refers to the prior to 2004, and could be called early network catchword. The second meaning refers to the popular time after 2004, classified collection by Internet users and ranked annually by site network buzzwords, but also can be called network buzzwords. Do such segmentation, is the cause of the early 2004 years ago the network buzzwords, the characteristics of the network language performance is more outstanding. And after 2004 network buzzwords, its popular features emerge slowly, began to tend to the daily language. Martin similar problems is analyzed, the similar conclusions. And mentioned in the introduction of network catchword is defined by Johan to summarize, the former definition of network buzzwords, notice is increasingly penetrating the natural language of network buzzwords, namely network catchword late. The definition of network buzzwords emphasizes its mediated and sociality, the network buzzwords in itself is no more. Compare the two definitions of network catchword are more systematic and comprehensive. At the same time, the definition of how to categorize the network catchword provides the help. Early network buzzwords, mainly form as a standard for classification of network catchword is late to source and popular time for standard to classify words.2.2 Features2.2.1 Times"Bright times is the most prominent feature of buzzwords, as a popular saying, also is a kind of" popular ", and other popular things, has its popular stage. And different period, the popular things are different, and used to reflect the popular catchphrase of the things is not the same. "Times namely phrase reflects certain social style and features of The Times, language style and public psychology. Network catchword epoch characterized by the following aspects: language is a social phenomenon, whenever changes in social life, it will be along with the social phenomena and the generation of new things and, as the die the death of the old things. V ocabulary is the most active elements in language, the changes of the external factors, often cause the evolution of vocabulary first.2.2.2 DynamicAnother feature of network catchword is its dynamic nature. In a sense, is closely related between the dynamic and time inseparable. Time itself is a dynamic concept. With the passage of time is never-ending running. Network buzzwords shows time determines the dynamic characteristics of it must advance with times. Summary from our previous annual network buzzwords can clearly be seen in this. Every year the network catchword has different change, basic won't appear the same situation. Some dead network buzzwords, for example the fact that more telling.2.2.3 CreativeCreativity is an important attribute of buzzwords, the network buzzwords creative performance is more outstanding, and language is the crystallization of human wisdom. Buzzwords is a kind of creative language, especially in the beginning of the can always give people the feeling that find everything new and fresh, which is one of important reasons why them popular. It is more serious and network catchword creativity. Network catchword creative main show is a form of had by it. In the former facing network buzzwords are classified, analyzed its form. At the same time, and analyze the source of creativity in the class. Among them, the harmonics class and controlled class embodies the Internet users to modify the old language form, conciseand interesting language expression of requirements. Pictographic class is completely ignoring the rules of grammar and classification, the pursuit of pure language innovation dissimilation. Net citizen’s creativity in the class is completely innovation of old language form. These words form embodies the catchword outstanding innovative network.2.2.4 DiversityNetwork popular language has its diversity and irregularity. Diversity is network catchword forms. there are many words in the selection of different users for a variety of vocabulary differences. Irregularity that is in the form of word formation is not specification and use of words. Network catchword is the reason is that language is an aggregation of diversity, and the user is a person. As for the individual user as a collection of symbols in the language selection of elements is diversity. Network catchword, as the most dynamic part of the modern Chinese, there are a variety of word forms, and the selection of different users for a variety of vocabulary differences, these differences is diversity. The cause of network buzzwords diversity is very complex: the use of network buzzwords, social groups and style often have to restrict and differences. Geographical, cultural degree, the different sex, age, use the catchword is different also, presents the diversification.3 The cause of network buzzwords3.1 Social reasonsLanguage as a social product is influenced by the social factors. American Fulbright scholars (w. Bright) was proposed in his "social linguistics" "language and social covariant: the theory of gradient and catastrophe occurs when the social life, as a social phenomenon of language will be unequivocally changing with the pace of progress in social life. Mr. Matins also said: "language is a variable, the society is another variable. The two variables influence each other, interact, mutual restrict, mutual change, this is covariant. If this means that we often say: when the gradient and catastrophe occurs in social life, language is bound to change with the pace of social life, so, this is completely understandable covariant theory. The theory of the above two scholars, respectively from the perspective of different illustrate a simpleprinciple: covariant relation between language and society. The covariant relationship is very complicated, because language itself is both complex and social system. Each generation and development of a social phenomenon and destruction will be left his mark on history; at the same time social phenomena of the fault is in contact with each other, mutual restriction conditions coexist. The pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and so on the basic elements of a language in history, will leave traces of the development and change of, at the same time the language basic elements of fault is occurred in the form of aggregation or composition between contact and reflect the variation of language elements. Therefore, covariant relationship of language and society is sometime in the historical development as a whole and interweaved under fault conditions of complex network morphology.3.2 Economic factorsAffect the social factors, the network buzzwords economic factor is an important reason. According to the point of view of cognitive linguistics, cognition is the foundation of language. Language is the window of the cognitive. Economic activity has always been the main part of all human cognitive activity; it determines the survival and evolution of human language communication is almost accompanied by human economic activities. Famous British language scholar David Crystal emphasizes the relationship between language and economy, he believes that a language to become an international language mainly depends on speaking language of the people's economic strength, especially want to rely on military force way, establish the status of the international language. A kind of language to maintain its international language status, consolidate and expand its influence requires the economic strength. As one of the ideology of superstructure of network buzzwords, its emergence and development degree is decided by economic foundation. Current users of network buzzwords are mainly young Internet users, they is the creator and disseminator of network buzzwords. But must meet a number of prerequisites, can they creating, using, and spread on the Internet network buzzwords. These prerequisites include eating satisfied wear warm, having a fixed residence, with a computer and having access to the network, but also must have certain levels ofknowledge and have some leisure time every day.文献出处:Markus D. The research of network buzzwords spreading [J]. Control of Network Systems 2016, 3(1):21-30.译文网络流行语传播研究Markus D摘要网络流行语来自于网络语言,即最初出现于网络并在网络上流行,由网民创造或者引用并被赋予特殊含义的词语和句子。
