



Unit OnePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



Unit11. By right action, we mean it must help promote personal interest.2. The poverty of the poor was caused by their having too many children.3. The rich were not to blame for the existence of poverty so they should not be asked to undertake the task of solving the problem.4. It is only the result or effect of the law of the survival of the fittest applied to nature or to human society.5. People began to reject Social Darwinism because it seemed to glorify brutal force and oppose treasured values of sympathy, love and friendship. Therefore, when it was mentioned, it was usually the target of criticism.6. The desire to find a way to justify the unconcern for the poor had not been abandoned; it had only been put off.7. Government officials, on the whole, are good; it is very rare that some would pay high prices for office equipment to get kickbacks.8. It is a very popular story and has been accepted by many but it is not true.9. Belief can be useful in the search for truth, but more often than not it is accepted because it is convenient and self-serving.10. George Gilder advances the view that only when the poor suffer from great misery will they be stimulated to make great efforts to change the situation, in other words, suffering is necessary to force the poor to work hard.1. 贫富不均乃共和政体最致命的宿疾;2. 他们的贫穷只是一种暂时性的不幸,如果他们贫穷但却温顺,他们最终将成为世界的主人;3. 热恋的夫妇应该在梅西百货商店过夜,而不是他们的新房;4. 美国这朵玫瑰花以其华贵与芳香让观众倾倒,赞不绝口,而她之所以能被培植就是因为在早期其周围的花蕾被插掉了,在经济生活中情况亦是如此;这是自然规律和上帝的意志在起作用;5.它已成为经济上收入不菲的行业;6. 没有哪种压迫比身无分文更厉害,也没有哪种对思想和行为的束缚比一无所有来得更全面彻底;7. 我们珍惜自由式对的;正因为珍惜自由,我们就不能以此为借口,不给最需要自由的人自由;8. 不管他们生活在埃塞俄比亚,还是在纽约的南部布朗克斯区,甚至是洛杉矶这样的天堂,人们都决心不去为这些人操心;9. 如上述所说,他在华盛顿高层当中有无比的威望;10. 同情心,加上与之相关的社会努力是人们这个年代,最令人不快的行为和行动方针; Unit31. What people do may unintentionally cause droughts, floods, and neat waves.2. The Earth we see in photos, posters, and ads, which appears so beautiful, is not the true reflection of the world we live in, such image lulls us into complacency.3. Human activities have taken place over such large areas and with such intensitythat they have already caused disastrous effects on ecology.4. The fish could play its role because it became a necessary link with the processes preceding it and the processes following it in the ecological system.5. When cars are produced to serve such narrow purposes, it is not surprising that some of their characteristic qualities are harmful to the environment.6. The farmer applied more and more fertilizer, and the production did rise but did not increase at the same rate of the fertilizer.7. People eat plants and animals, and their waste is flushed into the sewer system. After being processed, the waste is still waste. the residue will go into rivers, oceans, and will have harmful effect on the aquatic ecosystem.8. If the ecosystems are not upset by outside intrusion, they will remain the same with very little change.9. The characteristics of the objects and materials in the technosphere are rapid change and great variety.10. If we take side in the war of the two words, we are doing so at the risk of failing to have a clear understanding of the nature and cause of the war, thus, we lose the chance to really solve the grave environmental crisis.1. 我们一直在滥用这股强大的力量,就像传说中的魔术师的师弟一样,并没有意识到我们的这种行为很可能会导致灾难性的后果;2. 即使全球变暖这种灾害永不发生,即使臭氧层空洞仍然只是一种深奥的极地现象,人类的活动已经极大地的改变了全球的条件,这些也许是用照相机拍不出来的;3. 与生态圈相反,技术圈是由线性流程所决定的;4. 现在技术圈运作的能源主要是矿物燃料,一旦用完,永不再生;5. 尼龙不能进行生物分解—也就是说,现存的有机物中还没有发现哪种酶可以分解尼龙;6.~~有生命的东西创造了一系列对生命至关重要的有限但独立的物质和反应;7. 免费的午餐实际上是一种负债,在技术圈中,债务是指已承认但尚未归还的欠款;8. 当债务以技术圈制造的环境污染的形式出现,然后又转嫁到生态圈,这种债务将无法消除,造成破坏是不可避免的;Unit 4 Nettles1. The impact of Mike's leaving on my life was beyond my imagination. I didn't expect that Mike's leaving would have such a tremendous power that it would change the meaning of my existence completely. All my thoughts were about loss of Mike.2. At that time, we were young mothers, and we were supposed to lead a terribly busy life full of confusion and bewilderment caused by giving birth to and raising babies. and our minds were supposed to be fully occupied by how to feed the babies and things like that. However, in the midst of all this we still felt the need to discuss some of the important thinkers of our time like Simone de Beauvoir and Arthur Koestler and T. S. Eliot's sophisticated work "The Cocktail Party".3. I would be frightened, and my fear was not caused by my neighbor's visibly hostile and violent way of life, but by a kind of formless and hidden emptiness and meaninglessness of human existence. What happened around me was totally irrelevant to me, and I felt very isolated and alienated.4. She did not ask me about my new life, either out of subtle consideration for my feeling about this sensitive subject or out of disapproval for my new lifestyle.5. It would be a morally low thing, an indecent thing to commit infidelity in the house of a friend.6. I knew that he was a person who had experienced the worst in life, the hardest experience a person might have to endure.7. They experienced the worst together and they knew what it was like and understood the meaning of that experience. Such an experience posed the gravest test to people. If they stood the test, their friendship or marriage would be strengthened, and a sacred bondage would be formed between them. But if they failed the test, their relationship would be broken and they would be driven apart.8. If they acted on love, they would take risks. They wouldn't do that or go further in their relationship, but they would rather let their love remain as a sweet trickle, which would flow on gently and permanently, and as an underground resource, which would never be fully tapped but would never go dry.1. 这里的每一棵树都表现出某种神态;比如,榆树看上去宁静安详,橡树则咄咄逼人,枫树亲切友好,而山楂树则老气横秋、脾气暴躁;2. 当他喊我的名字时,我会紧张万分,全身蹭地就像过了电似的,一种狂热的忠诚感油然而生;3. 一天早晨,工作全部完成,这是意料中的事;井上了盖子,水泵重新安装好了,大家对清新的井水赞叹不已;4. 我们大约每周都要在我家或她家厨房小聚一次;孩子们总是不断打扰我们,有时我们还会因为缺觉而感到头晕目眩,于是我们就用大量的浓咖啡和香烟给自己提神,开始天南地北地聊天,所谈的话题无所不包:我们的婚姻、奋斗、个人的不足、既有趣又有些丢脸的动机,以及我们曾有过的理想抱负;5. 塞妮给了他干净的床单,免得在他留给我的床上重新叠被、铺床;6. 我睡地很浅,没完没了地做着充满情欲的梦,中间还穿插着令人不快的小情节;7. 紧挨着草地边上的灌木丛看上去似乎无法穿过,但走近了可以看到一些小缺口和窄窄的小径,这是被动物或找高尔夫球的人们踩出来的;8. 看上去,天空的一大部分似乎脱离了主体,喧闹着、果断地压向地面,那形状虽然说不出具体像什么,但像是一种活物的样子;9. 我们拥抱并不是出于身体的渴望,而是庆祝劫后余生的一种表示;Unit 6 Death of a Pig1. The tragedy has an ending---the killing of a pig and the serving of its killing deliberately planned and carried out efficiently, is the most serious type of murder. However,whether pigs should end their lives that way has never been questioned.2. A pig could not ask for any better living conditions;at least no pig has evera word,my pig lived in a pleasant environment.3. A pig couldn’t ask for any better living conditions; at least no pig has ever complained.4. Fred was quite excited about the was down at the pigpen all the time because of his swollen joints,he moved about face set apart the grass along the fence as he moved about. He was like a doctor,with his long, drooping ears dangling like a stethoscope,and he scrabbled on the ground as if he were prescribing some medicine.5. When it was time to dose the pig, Fred became even more excited,and he managed to get through the fence,and acted as if he was taking charge of the medical treatment.7. If a pig dies before he is supposed to, it is a serious matter for the whole community to whole community would share the sadness for his death.8. The purpose of this essay is to show that I am sorry for what has happened to my pig,since I have failed to raise the pig and cannot provide a reason why my pig could’t grow the way other pigs have grown.9. The pig's grave in the woods doesn't have a tombstone,but whenever somebody wants to visit it,Fred will show him the know we will often visit it,separate or together,when we need to ponder over problems or when we are depressed. 1. 他站在那儿,轻轻地吮吸着剩下的油,有几滴从嘴唇边漏了出来;他看着我,害羞的短睫毛下那原本淘气的眼睛里充满了邪恶和憎恨;2. 我们正在经历一段非常反常的天气,闷热且雾气沉沉;浓雾每晚笼罩着村庄,中午的几个小时雾会渐渐散去,但傍晚时又悄悄地潜回,先是覆盖树梢,接着一下子飘过田地,挡住了外面的世界,把整个村庄的房屋、人和动物都裹在其中;3. 对于羞涩的、刚断奶的小猪,这一招常常很有效,能诱使他们吃东西;但对于一头生病的大猪,这个做法却丝毫没有意义,我发出的声音肯定只会让他觉得更难受;4. 看到一头健康的猪精力充沛,人们常常也感到自己也是精力充沛;看到它狼吞虎咽地吃掉槽里的食物,人们就像是预订了今后的大餐;而当这一切突然结束,槽中的食物丝毫没动,任其在阳光下发馊时,猪的不适也就让人觉得自己也不舒服,生活变得失去了安全感,失去了平衡,变得转瞬即逝;5. 现在这头猪的命运和我的命运紧紧地联系在一起,似乎冲洗直肠的橡皮管就是连接我们情感的纽带;从他生病到死去,我无时无刻不想着他;如何想尽办法让他脱离苦海成了我心里想的唯一的事情;6. 这种醒悟来得太过突然,使我深感不安,因为我知道世事难料,在猪身上发生的事情同样也有可能在我身边其他看似平静之处发生;我想忘记这个令人不快的想法,但它总是不停地出现;7. 我们大家凭着紧急情况下所产生的本能的合作精神,在黑暗中默契地配合;猪并没有反抗,屋子笼罩在黑暗中,给人一种安全感和亲切感;8. 关于这最后一幕的描写显得有些冗长——阴沉的天空、杂乱的树丛、即将来临的降雨,以及传说中与尸体作伴的蚯蚓和烤猪时常用作点缀的苹果;Unit 8 A Rose for Emily1. The street used to house only the best then great changes took place:garages and cotton gins were established on the street and their existence wiped out the aristocratic traces in that neighborhood.2. It would not be true to say that miss Emily would have accepted charity.3. What the ladies said meant that they did not in the least believe a man, any man,could keep a kitchen properly.4. The Griersons regarded themselves as very important and the outside world as vulgar and full of people inferior to belonged to two entirely different ,the complaints about the smell served as a link between the two different worlds and compelled miss Emily to deal with the outside world.5. The next day the mayor received two more complaints. One of them was from a man who came and pleaded to the mayor in a shy and timid way.6. People in the town felt that the Grierson family regarded themselves more important than they really deserved to be. The fact that miss Emily great-aunt,old lady Wyatt,had gone crazy had to do with this blind,excessive self-importance.7. Ordinary people often become excited or worried when they get a penny more or a penny poor,now she would learn to appreciate the value of money like other people in the town.8. But there were still others,older people,who said that no matter how sad miss Emily was over her father death,she should not forget she had certain obligations as a member of the nobility,though a real lady would not describe her self-restraint by the expression noblesse oblige.10. And the very old men confused the dates and years of past happenings. To the old people, all the past should be like a road that becomes smaller as it reaches further back. But to those old Southerners, the recent past of ten years or so was like a bottleneck, a narrow passage, things were pleasantly and fondly mixed up together. Like the green grass on the meadow never touched by the winter, their memories of the remote past remained blurred, sweet, romanticized, and unchanged.1. 艾米丽·格里尔森小姐过世了,我们全镇人都去参加她的葬礼;男人们去是出于一种尊敬,因为一座纪念碑倒下了;女人们则大多是出于好奇,想看看她房子里面到底是什么样的;因为除了一位兼任花匠和厨师的老男仆之外,起码有十年没人踏进过她家的大门了;2. 现在艾米丽小姐也加入到那些名门望族代表的行列之中了;他们在令人沉思的雪松的陪伴下长眠于公墓,他们的墓碑周围埋葬着一排排南北战争中在杰斐逊战场上阵亡的南军和北军的无名战士;3. 艾米丽小姐在世时,一直是传统的化身,履行职责和给予关照的对象,这是全镇人沿袭下来的一种义务;4. 老男仆把他们引进光线黯淡的门厅,厅里的楼梯通向更加阴暗的楼上;5. 他们落座时,一股细细的灰尘在他们大腿周围慢慢扬起,尘粒在房间里唯一的太阳光束中缓缓地旋转着;6. 因为她的骨架小,换了别人只是有点富态,而到她身上就显得肥胖了;8. 甚至举行葬礼时这家都没派人出席;9. 艾米丽就那样瞪着她,她的头向后仰,以便能与他对视,一直看得他转移了目光,走进去取了砒霜并包好;Unit 9 The Bluest Eye3. If his needs were physical, she could meet them. She could make him comfortable and give him enough or even more than enough to satisfy his physical needs.4. Geraldine had seen black girls like Pecola at many places and many times in the past.5. On the one hand, they were ignorant and uncomprehending. They did not ask question why their lives were miserable. On the other hand, as they were poverty-stricken and practically had nothing, their eyes revealed their desire for anything that could make their lives easier.6. In the eyes of these girls one can see that they were in despair, without any hope for the future, and that their life was nothing but a waste.1.她们在窗上挂了一块硬纸板做的牌子,上面的三边分别写着10磅,25磅,50磅,第四边写着“不要冰块”;2.她们就读于政府拨地建造的大学以及师范学院;她们学习如何把服务白人的工作做得更细致:学家政是为了给他们烧饭做菜;学当老师是为了教育黑人孩子顺从;学音乐是为了让疲惫的主人身心放松,为他那业已麻木的灵魂提供消遣;3.她只需斜眼看他一下,他就知道该到房后的走廊上去抽烟;4.当她轻轻地抚摸他时,他会满意地舔着毛,伸着懒腰,张开嘴巴;5.小路易把运动场看成是他自己的,小学生们都羡慕他有这么多自由,可以睡懒觉,可以回家吃午饭,放学后还能控制运动场;6.他最喜欢玩“山大王”的游戏,喜欢被他们推下土山坡,让他们滚在他身上;7.她深深得沉浸在对花的欣赏之中,突然,小路易喊道,“给你”8.佩克拉拼命拍门,这让他笑得更厉害了;他尖声笑着,几乎喘不过气;9.不过,头垂得再低,她也看得到雪花纷纷飘落到人行道上并立即消融;。



Unit 51 distribute wealth2. drill a hole3 drive the turbine4 refine/extract oil5 invite disaster6 irrigate land7 squander money8 sustain river deltas and wetlands1 无法满足的需求2 不明智的补救方法3 地下水水位4 已经断流的河流5 饥荒,瘟疫与大规模移民6 供应与需求7 大澡盆,电淋浴与抽水马桶8 作物品种9 sweep globe10 drain/remove sewage11 save water12 conserve oil13 satisfy the demands/ meet the demands14 harness rivers and lakes9 灌溉区10物质不灭定律/质量守恒定律11 海水淡化12 供不应求,超过需求13 濒危物种14冷却系统15 火电3 Replace1 becoming terribly scarce, keep squandering, inviting disasters2 are at a loss as what to do with, meet the insatiable demands3 desalinate, expensive, requires elaborate/sophisticated apparatus4 famines, pestilence, sweep the globe5 overblown, remedies, ill-conceived, is bound to/ is sure or certain to/ is destined to6 routine, frequently7 in due course/ gradually, bring supply and demand into equilibrium8 perforated, aquifers, falling, glaciers, vanishing,4 Translate1.Statistics show that China has a total amount of2.8trillion cubic meters of water resource, second only to Brazil, Russia and Canada, ranking the fourth (to be updated) in the world. But when divided by 1.3billion, our average per-capita share of water resource only amounts to about one quarter of the world’s avera ge.2.We have always been heavily burden with the problemof water shortage. It is said that the 661 large and medium-sized cities nationwide, about two-thirds are suffering from acute shortage of water. Beijing isa good example in point. It not only lacks surfacewater, even its underground water is dangerously low.It is reported to have dropped by 90 meters. Some scholars suggest we move our capital to some other place. This is of course unfeasible/ unrealistic, but the message is clear.3.Our water resources first of all are not evenlydistributed in time or space. They are either too much, causing floods, or too little, causing droughts. 4.In spite of the impressive progress we have achievedin the past years, we are still far from effectively harnessing our rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Soil erosion and desertification are increasingly threatening our economy and people’s life. Many of our rivers no longer flow to the sea. In 1998, theYellow River failed to have enough water to flow to the sea for 212 days.5.Traditionally, our water resources have mainly beenused to irrigate land but, in recent years, demands on water for industrial and domestic use have also been sharply on the rise. They have seriously outgrown supplies.6.Today our scarce water resources are becoming evenscarcer because a lot of water is being wasted on capacious power showers, flush lavatories, and golf rinks. Moreover, a lot of water being polluted. 7. These two rivers both have their headwater in thecountry. It therefore makes water an issue for potential serious dispute between the two countries.8.In recent years, we have pinned great hopes on theprojects to divert water from the south to the north, hopping that it will once and for all solve our flood problem in the south and the drought problem in the north. But there are scholars whose opinions differ.They warn us that immunity of the Yangtze to droughts cannot be taken for granted.1 with better medical care, my grandfather could have lived to eighty.2 even at a gunpoint I would n’t renounce my beliefs.3 Further delay would cause us even greater loss.4. But for the seatbelt, she would have been severely injured in the acctident.5 A man without a strong sense of justice wouldn’t have brought the matter up.6 Without an experienced guide like her, we might have been trapped in the jungle.7 I wonder how many of us would have done the same in his position8 With a more sophisticated computer, we would have completed the project much sooner.9 Without a strong will, even a healthy m an wouldn’t have reached the top of the mountain in two hours10 A less resourceful person wouldn’t have been able to carry out the task under such unfavorable conditions.。



Unit 5Key to ExerciseVocabulary1. Write down the part of speech of the following words as well as their suffixes.Noun suffixes: -ian, -ist, -ity, -th Adjective suffixes: -al, -ed, -ist, -ous, -y, -cal2. Translate the following participle phrases into Chinese.1.一件撕破的夹克16.被打败的敌人(败兵之将)2.冰封的河流17.导弹3.书面文件18.上述各个理由4.满意的表情19.进口机器5.一个受尊敬的教授20.为数不多的上帝的选民6.苦笑21.一个受伤的士兵7. 他有限的词汇22.事先准备好的讲话8.压低的价位23.开水9.归国华侨24.退休工人10.深谋远虑的举动25.罐头食品11.破裂的家庭26.已经完成的形式12. 干果27.一位有经验的教师13.一个松花蛋28.敌占区14.发达国家29.在打一场已经失败的战争15.已经上了锁的门2. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold.1. that he decided to devote his whole life to teaching in his home village after he finished school2. that he soon lost his power (or was overthrown)3. that people generally agree that few major/big issues/problems can be resolved without China’s participation4. with a gun in his hand5. with a page boy standing on either side of him and a few elderly soldiers sweeping the ground outside the city gate6. With the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely7. to keep calm8. To be a professor means9. To know a lot of names, persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean3. Fill in the blacks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1 for, on2 against, out3 to, in4 with, to5 of, of6 of, in spite of, on7 of, in8 Upon, into9 in, with 10 to/with(Note: upon my word短语今天已经不常用。



大学英语精读第三版第一册课后习题全部答案Unit 1: A Brief History of English1. Understanding Main IdeasA. 1. English originated from the British Isles and gradually spread throughout the world.2. English is influenced by different cultures and languages throughout history.B. 1. Celts; 2. Roman; 3. Latin; 4. Old English; 5. Vikings; 6. French;7. Greek; 8. Renaissance; 9. colonization; 10. modern English.2. Understanding DetailsA. 1. Roman Empire; 2. Vikings; 3. Norman Conquest; 4. French; 5. Greek; 6. Latin; 7. Bible; 8. Renaissance.B. 1. Spain; 2. France and French-speaking countries; 3. Latin; 4. Greek.C. 1. Shakespeare; 2. scientific discoveries and inventions; 3. colonization; 4. the Industrial Revolution; 5. the Internet.3. Understanding InferencesA. 1. Latin has influenced both English and French. Spanish has influenced English more than Norwegian.B. 1. The French-speaking Normans ruled England after the Norman Conquest. French vocabulary entered English as a result.C. 1. The colonization of America and the spread of the British Empire promoted the use of English worldwide.4. Understanding VocabularyA. 1. E; 2. E; 3. C; 4. D; 5. B; 6. C; 7. A; 8. E; 9. B; 10. D; 11. C; 12. A;13. A; 14. C; 15. D; 16. B.B. 1. evolution; 2. consolidation; 3. influx; 4. prosperity; 5. dominance;6. expansion;7. fluctuations;8. prevalence.Unit 2: Cultural Differences and Cultural Shock1. Understanding Main IdeasA. 1. Cultural differences can lead to misunderstandings and conflicts.2. Cultural shock is a common experience for people in a new cultural environment.B. 1. cultural differences; 2. culture shock.2. Understanding DetailsA. 1. The way people greet each other; 2. Personal space; 3. Eye contact; 4. Time orientation.B. 1. etiquette; 2. gestures; 3. customs; 4. lifestyles; 5. values.3. Understanding InferencesA. 1. Expectations and behaviors vary across different cultures.B. 1. It is essential to understand and adapt to a new culture to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts.4. Understanding VocabularyA. 1. C; 2. A; 3. E; 4. C; 5. D; 6. B; 7. E; 8.B.B. 1. perception; 2. encounter; 3. adapt; 4. reverse; 5. undergo.Unit 3: The Beginnings of Isolation1. Understanding Main IdeasA. 1. The narrator's solitude on the island gives him a sense of freedom and empowerment.2. The narrator is concerned about the presence of "wild things" on the island.B. 1. solitude; 2. wild things.2. Understanding DetailsA. 1. The narrator occupies himself with building, exploring, and observing nature on the island.B. 1. The narrator feels like the "king" of the island and enjoys the freedom it brings.2. The narrator is cautious about the "wild things" and their potential threat to him.3. Understanding InferencesA. 1. The narrator's newfound solitude allows him to escape the restrictions and expectations of society.B. 1. The narrator's isolation might lead to psychological challenges and fear.4. Understanding VocabularyA. 1. A; 2. D; 3. B; 4. E; 5. C; 6. D; 7. A; 8.B.B. 1. solitude; 2. companionship; 3. survival; 4. vulnerability.。



现代大学英语精读1unit5参考答案现代大学英语精读1 Unit 5参考答案Part I: Vocabulary and Structure1. Vocabulary (词汇)- 1) innovative: 创新的- 2) accumulate: 积累- 3) diverse: 多样的- 4) conventional: 传统的- 5) embrace: 拥抱,接受2. Phrasal Verbs (短语动词)- 1) look into: 调查- 2) put forward: 提出- 3) carry out: 实施- 4) break down: 分解,失败- 5) come up with: 想出3. Collocations (搭配)- 1) a wealth of: 大量的- 2) a range of: 一系列- 3) a sense of: 一种...的感觉- 4) an approach to: 对...的方法- 5) a basis for: ...的基础4. Cloze Test (完形填空)- [略] 根据上下文语境填入合适的词汇或短语。

Part II: Reading Comprehension1. Comprehension Questions (阅读理解问题)- 1) What is the main idea of the passage?- The main idea is about the importance of innovation in various fields and how it drives progress.- 2) Why is innovation considered essential in today's society?- Innovation is essential because it leads to new ideas, products, and solutions that improve our lives and address complex challenges.2. True or False (判断题)- 1) True. The passage mentions that innovation is a key driver of economic growth.- 2) False. The text does not state that all innovations are immediately accepted by society.3. Answer the Following Questions (回答问题)- 1) What are some examples of innovation mentioned in the text?- Examples include technological advancements, new business models, and creative solutions to social issues.- 2) How can individuals foster a culture of innovation? - Individuals can foster a culture of innovation by being open to new ideas, taking risks, and continuously learning and adapting.Part III: Cloze Test with Disturbed Sentence Structure- [略] 根据句子结构和语法规则填入合适的词汇或短语,以恢复句子的完整性。



现代大学英语精读(4)课后习题参考答案Unit1toUnit5(1)浴巾 (2)(美)小学 (3)永恒的真理 (4)文件柜 (5)纯属无稽之谈 (6)违规行为 (7)常客 (8)新鲜空气 (9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调) (10)一种固定的观点(11)时事(当前国内外大事) (12)身体障碍(13)可怕吓人的风 (14)令人厌恶的景象 (15)言语障碍(16)使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情 (17)无情的人侵者 (18)首相(19)国际联盟(国联) (20)思维过程(思想方式) (21)条理清楚的文章(22)一个完整的体系 (23)一位口译好手(24)一种不可阻挡的趋向 (25)烂苹果(26)根据事实(启示)写成的 (27)一位点头之交现代大学英语精读(4)课后习题参考答案Unit 1 to Unit 5Unit 1I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vo cabulary1) I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.2) As a general rule, young people tend to be more interested in the present and the future. 3) Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.4) It is our hope to integrate all the courses and teaching materials.5) The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation. 6) In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo stands for moral integrity and uprightness. 7) The great majority of the people stand for reform.(1) to sink one's head (2) to sink the ship (3) to contemplate the meaning of life (4) to catch the light (5) to ruin one's health(6) to ruin the country (7) to bang the desk (8) to play a prominent role (9) to hold a prominent position (10) a pious Buddhist (11) to gain a reputation (12) to satisfy one's ego(13) to give sb the third degree (14) to devise a teaching method (15) to slide a gun into sb's hand8) Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule.9) The truth is always in the hands of a small minority at first. That's the rule.10) Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority's right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.11) A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.12) The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.13) The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.14) One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.15) The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.16) The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.17) The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.18) Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.19) He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.20) Her health was such that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she got sunstroke.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) You can force a student to attend classes, but you cannot force him to think.Or: You can force a student to attend classes, but not to think.2) The study of literature can help you to understand not only other people but also yourself.3) You can improve your writing by reading good models and by practicing writing.4) In the Middle Ages, people believed that the earth was flat and that it was the center of the universe.5) I can afford neither the time nor the money to play golf with those big cheeses.6) Xiao Jin could not decide whether to apply for graduate studies right after college or to get a job first.7) Love cures people-both those who give it and those who receive it.8) Excellent firms don't believe in perfection, only in constant improvement and constant change.9) Many things cannot be learned in the classroom, such as planning one's time, working on one's own and managing one's own affairs.10) In the past ten years people, especially old people, have been concerned more about their health than about their income.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Nature had endow everybody except me the ability to think which is born with.2) You could hear that the fresh air had to struggle with difficulty to find its way to his chest, because he was unaccustomed to this as his lungs had been harmed by drinking. His body would lose balance and his face would become pale asa result of the unexpected visit of the wind. He would go back to his desk unsteadily and fall into the chair, unable to do anything for the rest of the morning.3) Mr. Houghton’s deeds told me that he was not ruled by thought; instead, he would feela strong urge to turn his head and look at the girls.4) Technically speaking, it is as skillful as most businessmen’s golf playing, as honest as most politicians’ purpose, and as consistent as most books’ content.5) As they are everywhere and so daunting in number that we’d better not off end them.6) Humans enjoy following the crowd as it can bring them peace, security, comfort and harmony, which is like cows eating grass on the same side of a hill.7) Our Prime Minister was a hypocrite to say that the imprisonment of the two major leaders of Free-India Movement-Nehru and Gandhi-was good for India. The American politicians were dissimulators to talk about peace but refuse to join the League of Nations. Those moments made me feel happy.8) I slid my arm around her waist and whispered that if we were talking about the number of people who believed in a certain religion, I believed the Buddhists were greater in number. My “indecent” behavior and the daunting number of the Buddhists scared her away.9) What had happened to Ruth and me now happened again. Although some close friends of mine still stuck by me, my grad-one thinking scared away many of my acquaintances.(1)夜生活(2)吃和住(3)供吃住的寄宿舍(4)一秒钟都不到(5)玻璃弹子(6)抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)(7)阿司匹林片(8)在此情况下(9)提前/事先(10)走过场(11)楼梯间平台的窗户(12)紧张气氛(13)毛线针(14)梦游(15)飞机翼展Unit 2I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese 2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1) It is a miracle how our company has become a multinational in such a short span of time.2) The average life span in that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.3) The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century. 4) There are four bridges spanning the river.5) I’m much obliged t o you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book. 6) No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don’t have to go if you don’t want to. 7) She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.8) In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for a picnic.9) Sitting in a shady spot, he soon dozed off.10) He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bad down by the roadside.(1) to whip up a little interest (2) to keep the ball rolling (3) to set the ball rolling (4) an eccentric millionaire (5) to allot capital(6) to tighten one’s belt (7) to make a remark(8) to stretch out one’s hand (9) to moisten one’s lips(10) to complain of the weather(11) to plunge the stick into the sand (12) to turn on me(13) to get on one’s nerve(14) to put something out of someone’s mind (15) to comeoff the hook (16) to do a crossword puzzle (17) to blow one’s nose (18) to powder one’s nose (19) to give an alibi11) It was a white shirt with blue spots. It looked quite pretty.12) The detective spotted the suspect, and he walked over and arrested him.13) One of the balloons popped, and it gave me quiet a start.14) It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on.15) When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.16) In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring ten dollars’ worth of water as a gift.17) When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.18) This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it is not worth seeing at all.19) I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional house intact – houses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.20) Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father’s worthy son. He yearned for freedom.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) It seems the patient has no relatives in this city.2) It’s easy to make friends but diffi cult to keep them.3) He can always understand what his friends are thinking and worrying about.4) Perhaps it wasn’t Xiao Jiang at all who had left the tap running all night.5) The boy had no idea how he had become an old man inhalf a day.6) I wonder how Wang Ning has been doing in London. I haven’t heard from him for almost a year.7) It doesn’t matter what family you were born into. The real test is how far you can go from where you started.8) She simply couldn’t be lieve what she saw. It was only yesterday that the twin towers were standing there.9) Juror No. 8 pointed out that it might have been someone else who had stabbed the boy’s father to death.10) In the market economy, it is primarily by individuals and firms rather than by government agencies that decisions about what to produce, how much to produce are made.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Bella was young and pretty and was seen as the beauty of the boarding-house, but no one had shown any particular interest in her.2) Mr. Penbury was intelligent, but no one in the boarding-house liked him for that. He was too smart for them, and everybody felt annoyed.3) But Mrs. Mayton would not tolerate any silence for more than three minutes. So when no one broke the silence within three minutes she lost her patience and, turning to Penbury and asked.4) Mr. Calthrop was urging Mr. Penbury to give an answer immediately so that he would not have the time to make up a story.5. the weapon went right through his heart.6) We all know you are a sleep walker, so you may commit the murder in your sleep.7) Mr. Penbury advises Mr. Calthrop not to put so muchemphasis on his statement when talking to the police if he does not want to arouse their suspicion about his story.8) “No,” Miss Wicks answered, “I have come to put an end to your cough.”Unit 3I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1) The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.2) The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.(1)专业的历史工作者(2)基于常识的反应(3)事物的这种状况(4)意见不一的历史学家(5)已经准备好了的现成的东西(6)一个个人喜好不同的问题(7)截然不同的观点(8)民间故事(9)书面文件(10)过去的遗留物(11)人的动机和行为(12)复杂和精细(13)商船(14)一旦发生潜艇战(15)一个粗糙的理论(16)好战的行为;战争行为(17)宣传机器(18)德国外交部长(19)实力平衡(20)(事物的)因果(21)海岸炮兵(22)终极关怀(23)(事物的)近因(24)人们常说的一句话(25)不会出错的解释(26)绝对有效的模式(27)永不停止的探索(28)一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标(1) to gain new insights (2) to revise one’s ideas (3) to trace the cause(4) to begin from this premise (5) to open fire on/at(6) to give equal weight to sth. (7) to support a certain view(8) to influence the government (9) to destroy the balance of power (10) to form an alliance (11) to repay the loans(12) to contemplate war (13) to fill in the gaps (14) to conclude the quest(15) to view sth from a certain perspective(16) to benefit from the comparison (17) to eliminate from the comparison (18) to dig into the problem (19) to be immersed in a vast sea(20) to stem from a different point of view (21) to be destined to do sth. (22) to ignore the fact(23) to make an assumption (24) to defeat the enemy(25) to win back one’s lost territory (26) to sink a boat(27) to intercept the secret message (28) to piece together evidence (29) to approximate the truth (30) to master new techniques3) He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.4) The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.5) What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?6) We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.7) There is always opposition to any progress and reform.8) Some people are always opposed to new things.9) A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts finally led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.10) The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for th eir education.11) The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.12) She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped shecould come again someday and see more of the country.13) As soon as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.14) During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.15) Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.16) She is flying to New York by way of Tokyo.17) I’d like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.18) They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) Heroes and heroines are people with unusual qualities.2) Celebrities are people who become famous because of publicity through the media.3) In China's mainland, "sweetheart" often refers to a person's husband or wife.4) A fair-weather friend is one who will desert you as soon as you are in trouble.5) Broadly speaking, money refers to anything generally accepted in exchange for other goods and services.6) An armchair revolutionary is one who talks about revolution, but who doesn’t put what he says into practice.7) Professor Lu says that a good teacher is one who does all he/she can to make himself/herself unnecessary for the students.8) Economics is defined as the social science that deals with the production, distribution and consumption of goods and services.9) DVD is a disk on which large amounts of information, esp.photographs and video can be stored in a computer.10) The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines "workaholic" as "a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working and do other things".Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) Most students usually come to have their first experience of the study of history throughthe reading of a thick history textbook and soon are overwhelmed by a large number of names, dates, events and statistics.2) People used to believe history study was just an effort of memorizing “facts. “Now history means different things to different people, because they choose the best description and interpretation according to their own preferences among those given by historians.3) They cannot help feeling that two absolutely opposite ideas about an event cannot both be correct, but they do not have the ability to judge which one is right.4) They will come across the historical interception of the “Zimmerman Note. “In that telegraph, the German foreign secretary gave order to German minister in Mexico and asked him to propose an alliance with Mexico Government in case there would be war and to promise that Mexico Government would like to help Mexico win back the land that was taken away from Mexico by the US in the Mexico war.5) We can get rid of all disagreements if our knowledge could give us a perfect model that completely explained human behavior. Unfortunately, such model does not exist.Unit 4I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1. Import of that country’s beef was suspend ed because of the mad cow scare.2. During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.3. It was a serious offence to take drugs. Robert was suspend ed from school for two weeks.4. She was reading in a hammock suspend ed from two tree branches.5. The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.6. This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.7. The author is very good at creating suspense .8. He used to watch with great envy children of wealthy people go to school. 9. I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.10. She avert ed her face so that people would not see her blush.(1)难以解决的两难困境(2)一本难以看懂的书(3)一个爱交际的女人(4)黑市(5)黑色幽默(6)害群之马(7)黑人权力(8)缺少表达能力的人(9)全国性的运动(10)赞扬和恭维的话(11)调皮的男孩(12)某些大人物们(13)种族隔离的学校(14)他的无可争议的权威(15)一个地位很高的人士(16)公海(17)上流社会(18)机密消息(19)冷淡而缺少人情味的门(20)冷淡的公文式的信(21)真诚的羡慕(22)不自然的额、紧张的说话声1) to celebrate its Golden Jubilee 2) to excite admiration 3) to touch the conscience 4) to win the prize 5) to receive areprimand 6) to omit the words7) to renounce their prizes 8) to avert a crisis9) to attend the ceremony 10) to exhibit a work of art11) to indulge in pleasures 12) to guard a child 13) to feel up to it14) to bring sth to a cloze 15) to wave sb in16) to save sb from a situation 17) to talk out one’s heart to sb 18) to knock sb down 19) to pour sb a drink20) to raise (lift) one’s glass11. He has always had an aversion to publicity.12. The government's policy succeeded in avert ing a serious economic recession.13. Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.14. Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods.15. It was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guard ed by a ferocious giant.16. Xicheng was practically un guard ed so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.17. The prisoners of war killed the guard s and escaped into the woods.18. He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball.19. They took the Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.20. There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.21. Napoleon exhibit ed (his) military talent early in life.22. These exhibit s are all insured and carefully guarded.23. When the exhibition is over, the exhibits will be given tothe host country as gifts.24. She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.Ⅲ. Translate_Grammar1) Using “It is/was said/believed, etc.” to express general beliefs.1) It's widely rumored that Linda's being promoted.2) It is estimated that the project will cost RMB three billion.3) It is assumed that the Labor Party will remain in power.4) It was proposed a few years ago that the president be elected for one term only.5) It was announced that another bridge across the Yangtse would be built next year.6) It was believed that even them that the abnormal state of affairs wouldn’t last long. 2) Paying special attention ton subject-verb agreement.1) The jury is having trouble reaching a verdict.2) Whenever either of us is in a tight corner, we always come to each other’s help.3) Statistics are facts obtained from analyzing information given in numbers.4) Statistics is a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of information that is expressed in numbers.5) Neither his friends and nor his father was surprised when he was admitted by Tsinghua University.6) Xiao Li is one of best football players at our university who have ever participated in intercollegiate championships.Ⅳ. Paraphrase1) “My parents, my wife’s parents and our priest all thought that I’d pretend to be not feeling well enough as anexcuse to be absent from the awarding ceremony. So I decided not to attend the ceremony.”2) “I’m a sculptor, and I don’t want to show any antagonistic feeling towards the whiteworld by receiving an award.”3) In Orlando you (the blacks) gradually develop a throat as strong as iron.4) So I thought I’d go and see my sculpture in the window and have some pleasant feelings of pride by enjoying my own work, which is natural to human beings.5) “What is extraordinary about the wonderful sculpture is that it is made by a black man like y ou. Do yo u know?”6) “She knows that her child will live a hard life in South Africa because they are black people.”7) I didn’t want to drink because if the police caught me drinking late at night I would be in great trouble.8) He wasn’t afraid of being seen walking with a black man.9) I answered “Yes”, but actually I didn’t want to tell him the truth.10) Drinking in the passage was certainly beyond my expectation. What was in my mind was not what you may be thinking…11) “Our country is beautiful. But the apartheid made me very sad.”12) as though they wanted to communicate with me emotionally but didn’t know the way to do it13) And I thought it was a sad thing, because if you don’t understand each other and don’t care for each other, they will hurt each other someday.14) Nobody knows what he was thinking. But I was thinkingthat he was much like a man trying to run but couldn’t because he was still not completely free from racist prejudices which were dragging his feet like iron shoes.Unit 5I Translate_Phrases1) Into Chinese2) Into EnglishⅡ. Translate_Vocabulary1. We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growing demand for energy.2. Our profits have increase d by 20% over the past two years.3. The number of privately-owned cars has increase d five times (fivefold) in five years.(1)假日别墅(2)著名的电视明星(3)下流语言(4)黄色故事(5)银行抢劫(6)生产双层玻璃的公司(7)联合抵押(8)一句气话(9)永远达不到的目标(10)乡村音乐和西部音乐(11)加重了的潜水腰带(12)心碎的(13)一切以自我为中心的人(14)光是重量(15)光凭运气(16)纯粹是胡言(17)军号声(18)人工呼吸(19)一溜气泡(20一丁点儿的关心1) to trickle down her legs 2) to puff like a whale 3) to melt like snow 4) to sum up the scene 5) to do their interview 6) to bear resentment7) to feel sick in the stomach 8) to come in like thunder 9) to drift away gradually 10) to value on e’s opinion11) t o increase one’s standing with sb 12) to have a liking for sb 13) to pull oneself together 14) to serve dinner15) to tackle an armed robber 16) to stick with sb17) to fasten the seatbelt / a belt18) to abuse one’s wife19) to screw his way around 20) to lay a finger on sb21) to catch sb trying to do sth 22) to try the kiss of life23) to heaven oneself up 24) to float to the surface25) to thrush about under the water 26) to prop oneself against 27) to break surface 28) to seize hold of sth 29) to haul oneself up 30) to pinion one’s arms 31) to fend sb off 32) to land a blow33) to stay under in the water4. The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increase d from 20 thousand to about half a million in less than 5 years.5. She prop ped her bike against a tree.6. The local economy is largely prop ped up by tourism.7. He was fast asleep with his head prop ped on a big rock.8. You need strong prop s to keep the tower from leaning any further.9. Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.10. Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese.11. One of the stones they threw land ed on the head of a young soldier.12. If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.13. I land ed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling.14. When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.15. Reports of the sudden appearance of these whales grip ped the interest of the whole city.16. If she lost grip o n the rope, she’d fall 1000 feet to sure death.17. You must keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.18. Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency.19. The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this year has reached $94 billion.20. A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life.21. At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.22. If you value your life, quit smoking!23. This painting is value d at $20 million.Ⅲ. Paraphrase1) The man Nerys was engaged to leave her after she had become disfigured. But before the bank raid, he behaved like a lover. Many man, not just me, could have done the same if we had engaged with her.2) This man loved her only because she was beautiful. So he left her when she was no longer beautiful.3) We used to love this music when we were in love.4) I’m sorry abo ut what happened to Netys.5) I didn’t mean to hurt you by offering money, bec ause I know it’s impossible for us to compensate in any way for the distress and suffering that Nerys and you have gone through.6) You don’t accept our help only because Vic was responsible for her suffering.7) You are with a hero if you are looking for a hero and that’s Vic rather than me, so don’t leave him.8) I love Vic very much. I feel guilty about this because Vic is your husband.9) Sharon, I can assure you that this experience is transientand won’t last long. We allhave the feeling when we are young.10) You never hear people speak ill of you, do you? People gossip about you.11) You know clearly that you have been hurting her.12) Beware of your manners. Stop shouting at me!13) If Sharon gets drowned, you will be held responsible.14) I will make you pay what you have done to me. You will be punished for what you have done to me.15) Sharon,you’d better not do anything. You have done enough to him.。



现代大学英语听力4-11单元答案(内部资料,禁止转载)Unit4Part II Section A A1 1. changed/ few / bored / rainy 2. museum directors / what theyare seeing 3. Provide fun / feel at homeA2 electricity / pass / body 17th century instruments / musicput on costumes / Stockholm Opera bone-by-bone reproduction / stegosaurusA3 I. new audiences / the young / the less educated members II. rebuilt / modern / lighting, color and sound / fewer objectsIII. guided / touch, listen, operate, and experiment /scientific principles IV. film / dancePart II Section C C1vendors / fortune / eating / street performers / portrait paintingC21. a. special powders / attract men b. objects for snake bites2. shells / on a cloth / the way they land3. round cakes / bean flour / hot spices / fried4. a. folk singers / guitars b. classical musicians c. actors5. practice drawing and painting Part III Section AA21. much busier / Monday / Saturday 2. humid and hot 4. much colder / -30°C5. much flatter / beautiful6. mountainous7. higher / rocky8. more crowded9. smaller 10. tallerPart III Section B1 France / Latin American2 Kenya / Tunisia / Greece3 Lebanon / Tonga4 Italy / Europe and Latin America5 Mexico, Costa Rica, and Japan / Bolivia, Honduras and Lebanon6 Barbados / Bangladesh7 Greece, Iran and ItalyUnit 5 Part I A.October 1969 first email message March 1972 addresses February 1976Head of state Fall 1976 Jimmy Carter September 1983 Higher education accounts December 1998B. as I see it opinion if I’m wrong as a matter of fact believe it or not Information own business standard for now be seein’ youC1.Tim Berners-Lee2.in the 1980s3.in the 19904.on to the Internet5.10/100,006.e-commerce7.people with imagination and new ideasPart IIA A1:connected system connection stations peopleA2:Connection of railroads or other vehicles Connected system of radio stations System linking a number of computers togetherB B1 b. getting assignments and research papersc. attending professors’“virtual office hours”d. course lecturesEntertainment b. online gamesCommunications b. toll-free phone callse-commerce ordersPart IIIA.1. the desktop into our everyday life.2. experimenting anarchy.3. disappear.4. EconomiesB1 person to person/ real many more real1.relatives friends3.neighbors 1. careers4.colleagues 2. medical crises5.by phone… 4. choosing a school or collegeB2 more people keeping more to ourselvesPart IVdaily communication broadcast programs in print listeningfailure digit losses ignoreread Intensive training regular commas sensitivity to numbersUnit 6PartⅠA 1-(d) 2-(a) 3-(g) 4-(b) 5-(f) 6-(e) 7-(c)Paris/ 1932/ Berlin Tokyo 1972B baseball watch games on television or listen on the radio/ American footballplay the sport/ soccerPartⅡA Section 11. a. friendly/warm/affectionateb. drunk/aggressive/scream/shout/push/people around/smash glasses/monsters2. He finds it difficult to understand why normal, nice people behave so badly at footballmatches.Section 2 enjoy themselves/no aggression or violenceSection 3 rugby/tennis They sit there silently throughout.B goodwill between the nations / football or cricket / on the battle field / internationalsporting contests / competitive / little meaning /pick up sides / the fun and exercise / some larger unit / aroused / school football match / the attitude of the spectators/ the nations / tests of national virtuePartⅢ A1. since 19882. in 20013. in 19484. in 19605. by 2004 1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (e)B1. wheelchair tennis and baseball2. teach all kinds of sports to disabled peopletry a sort as if they were disabled for the Paralympics3. the ability to move his legs4. his body and mind again5. wireless earphones visual interpretersUnit 7Part I Section Aclear 90 - 75 rain 93-73. cloudy 86 -70 cloudy 79-59Section B Conversation 1Is on Washington Street.Conversation 2Is on Center Street, right?Conversation 3left leftConversation 4Two secondC1. Speed limit 30 miles an hour2. End of speed limit3. Cross-roads4. Bend5. Road junction6. Hill7.road narrows8. Level crossing9. School 10. ParkingPart IIISection A this week/ road users / the number of road accidents / take basic measures / seat belts / focus more on road safety / safer roads / traffic-free play areaSection B Children playing in the street / Young and inexperienced car drivers / badly designed / badly maintained / road users / the rulesPart IVSection A 1. increasing gridlock / urgent measures to promote mass transit systems 2. Bangkok / +100 / 10 / transportation and air qualitySection B1.pollution / traffic snarls / economic costs2.2. better public transportation systems / driving3. Most efficient / Fastest to implement / Low-cost Too expensive / Low return to investors and governmentsUnit 8 Trends in EconomicsPart IA.1.$25,000,000,0002.$161,000,0003.$37,000,000,000/ 28,000,000,000 dollars / $ 24,000,000,0004.30,000,0005.$1,000,000,0006. 5.5%/7.5%7.550/ 7%8.0.25% , 4.75%, 4.5%B.1. increasing their protests against rising fuel prices2. a meeting of African nations3. the Czech Republic/ by early 2003/ a conference of EU members4. Central Bank governors/ Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Japan and the United States5. reduce the amount of oil/ harming their economies6. cutting taxes on oil products7. increase trade/ bring peace and security to the area/ in Manila8. support policies that keep inflation flow9. open Japanese ports to foreign companies10. his country’s economy/ a leading manufacturing and financial centerC.1. 93,000,0002. 97,000,000/ 133,000,0003. 1.5 %, 16%4. 100,000,0005. 210, 000,000,000/ 5.1%6. 17,500,0007. 1.3% 8. 9.5%, 0.1%, 10,500,0009. 27,000,000,000 10. 0.6%Part II Arge forces/ national or international level2.unemployment and inflation/ job creation3.too high/ demands in the present/ growth and investment in the futureB1.letting inflation increase/ higher inflation2. a very high savings ratePart III A.1. noisy place/ bell/ lighted messages/ computers/ talk on the telephone/ shout/ run around2. experts/ salespeople/ buy & sell shares of companies3. shares4. a list of stocks sold on the New York Stock Exchange5. prices/ go down6. prices/ go up7. a company that does not earn enough profit8. a sharp increase in the value of a stock/ something wonderful that happens unexpectedlyB.1. in 1837 in a newspaper in Illinois2. old story/ sold the skin of a bear/ before caught it3. a long connection/ bulls and bears/ in sports/ popular years ago/ England4. fish/ turn over on their backs/ die5. England/ centuries ago/ poor people/ banned/ cutting trees/ the wind blew down the tree/ take for fuelPart IVcommunicative activity extendedcontinuously / specific readiness constantly setting up/ constantly testingwhat he has heard in reality out of his expectation/ get the messagefamiliarity knowledge the setting already take inpre-listening preparation give some thought torelated materials vocabulary work/ fully orientedActive thinking Ahead of Logical and intelligentKnow generally exactly next utteranceUnit 9Part ⅠA1. The European union2. Food and agricultural organization3. International monetary fund4. The organization for economic cooperation and development5. The world health organization6. The world trade organizationB1. The Asia-pacific economic cooperation2. the association of southeast Asian nations3. the north Atlantic treaty organization4. the national aeronautics and space administration5. the organization of petroleum exporting countries6. the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization7. the united nations international children’s emergency fundC1. have ended an emergency summit2. the fourth stop on his 9-day visit3. have elected their country’s first woman president4. have met for the first time in two months5. diplomatic relations6. has just been named the winner of the Nobel Peace Prize7. have held demonstrations against growing unemployment 8. two French newsmen9. two hundred more families separated by the Korean WarPart Ⅱ A 1-(c) 2-(a) 3-(b)Unit 10Part I-A2. Chinese new Year3. Russia4. Britain5. New Zealand6. In Australia7. Asia / In Hong Kong8. Singapore’s9. In Vietnam 10. Thailand11. In Japan 12. Egypt 13. EuropePart I-B1-5 Vienna Ankara Madrid Bangkok Colombo6-10 Warsaw London Rangoon Mexico City Brussels11-15 Berlin Moscow Rome Kampala WashingtonPart I-C1-h 2-e 3-a 4-d 5-b 6-g 7-e 8-j 9-f 10-iMany students lack the ability to respond quickly to the English pronunciation of some place names. Therefore, they need repeated practice in identifying place names.Part II-AA1 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. TStatements:1. Trafalgar SquareA2 1. February 18th 2. for 9,000 years / since 9,000 years ago 3. heart valves4. one5. pig racingA3 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. CA4 domesticated / skin / glue / drugs / nominated / charity / fly / out / bacon / thoughtfulPart II-BB1 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. FB21. More than 200,000 people congregated to watch a huge parade of lions, dragons, drums, and ribbon and fan dancers.2. Chinese immigrants first came to London in the mid-19th Century, consisting mainly of seamen involved in the tea trade via Canton.3. A more recent wave of immigration took place in the 1960s when many workers came from Hong Kong to find work in the flourishing restaurant business.4. Today more than 60,000 people of Chinese descent live in London.5. This year’s celebrations include more than 100 events from lion-dancing to elephant chess.Part III-A1. time-keeper2. time signal3. 12:55 p.m. / 1:00 p.m.4. 1505. 18446. the 19th century7. around the world8. New ZealandPart III-B1. time-ball dropping / 19th century naval tradition2. 20 sites / 6 continents3. visual time signals / give the time4. British Navy / 18295. normally at noon6. wood & leather7. year 2001Part IV-A1. F2. T3. T4. F5. FPart IV-B1. with – by2. say – make3. get off4. give in – give up5. some of – some Part IV-CHogmanay parties alcohol celebration pubResolution health shopping bargain salesUnit 11 Part Itelexes/ fax and electronic mail robots/ production workersnew skills every ten years clerical workersunemployment food from hometransport/ from home advertising/ the homeBusiness travel/ live video meetings/ the clientB.spaceship/ Mars a robot court have gone up under the seanuclear war / nuclear arms brain waves/ a conversation planet/ tower blocks computersC. C1. 1. Mercury 2. Venus 3. the Earth 4. Mars5. Jupiter6. Saturn7. Uranus8. Neptune9. PlutoC2.<8,000 miles 93,000,000 miles 365 1/4 days<35,000,000 miles ≈24,000,000 miles<1/4 million milesPart IIA. protect 100/ in the future closed copper leakproofplaced a low humidity the eye and hand discs/ playable dryB. 3000/ life in the world today an architect from Spainone and one half/ of space/ 8 separate parts a flower/ mysteryApril the Natural History MuseumC. 6 magazines sounds of life in New York City/ 9:09/9/9/1999what people in New York were doing/9:09/9/9/1999a container of fresh water a medal a ceremonial chaira doll beanie baby/popular with collectors cigarettesPart III A1.actions / present / responsibility recognize create/ imposed fate/ forces2.diagnosis and treatment textbooks interactive questions / alternative results/ affect3.brainwaves/ check out/ busy, tired brain activityscalp/ performing well too tired/ computer analysis monitorB. forecast and assignment/ tourism 1.56 billion 1.18 billion 0.38 billion717 million 46% 397 million 25% 282 million18% 4.1% >5%Unit 12Item oneDifferent people have different ways of learning. We call this your “learning style”, and it’s based on your senses. To learn, you need to use your different senses – hearing, seeing, touching, etc., to bring information to your brain. Now, most people use one of their senses more than the others.Some people learn best by listening. They are called hearing learners. And others learn best by reading or looking at pictures. They are called visual learners. And some learn best by touching and doing things. They are called tactile learners. Now scientists don’t know why people use one sense more than the others. Maybe the sense they use most just works best for them.Item twoToday, we tell about one of the most famous national parks in the United States. It is one of the most beautiful places in the country. Yosemite National Park is a place of extremes. It has high mountains. It has valleys formed by ancient ice that cut deep into the earth millions of years ago. Water from high in the mountains falls in many places to the green valley far below. There are thirteen beautiful waterfalls in Yosemite Valley. One of these waterfalls, Yosemite Falls, is the fifth highest on Earth. Yosemite has a beautiful slow-moving river and large grassy areas where you can see wild animals.Item threeAmerica’s national road system makes it possible to drive coast to coast. From the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west is a distance of more than 4,000 kilometers. Or you could drive more than two thousand kilometers and go from the Canadian border south to the Mexican border. The highway system has made it possible for people to work in a city and live outside it. And it has made it possible for people to travel easily and quickly from one part of the country to another.Item fourThe way you look at someone conveys important cultural messages. Without your even knowing it, your gaze speaks volumes. “T he eyes are the window of the soul,” according to the old sayings. Staring is acceptable in some cultures but not in others. A wink can mean a compliment or an insult, depending on the cultures. A direct gaze can be a sign of honesty or an indication of disrespect and rudeness, according to the culture that surrounds the gazer. The way a person gazes thus expresses a strong message-but this message can be easily misunderstood if cultural norms are not shared.Item fiveThis time of the year Americans spend lots of time shopping for holiday gifts for their family members and friends. Many people visit a lot of stores in large shopping centers to buy their gifts. Others order goods by telephone from catalogues, the magazines that offer company’s products. And many are doing their holiday shopping on the Internet. Industry experts say American business should have about 184,000 million dollars in sales during November and December. 63%of people who use the Internet say they expect to buy at least some gifts there.Item sixIOC stands for International Olympic Committee, which governs the Olympics in general. It was founded in Paris on 23 June 1894. Its headquarters are in the Swiss city of Lausanne. Its official languages are English and French. IOC members come from five different continents-Africa, America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. They choose Olympic cities six years in advance. All the Olympic movement’s rules are contained in a book called The Olympic Charter. There is an Olympic Museum and Studies Center in Lausanne. It contains posters, documents, medals, books, photos, paintings, films and sculptures.Item sevenThere are far too many road accidents in this country, too many deaths and too many people injured. One wonders who most to blame, drivers or pedestrians. Some people say that the blame can not be put fairly without considering the state of the roads and the whole transport system. On the other hand, many experts are convinced that the larger part of the blame for the death toll must be put on persons and persons alone. To be fair, pedestrians, drivers and road conditions are all to blame. One looks forward to the day when the motor-car has been replaced by some less dangerous means of transport.Item eightPetroleum has been important since ancient times. In Latin, the name means “rock oil.”Petroleum is a fossil fuel. The liquid comes from the remains of plants and animals that died millions of years ago. These remains were buried deep below levels of rock over time and under great pressure. This geological process created complex molecules of hydrogen and carbon. Oil can also contain other elements. Crude oil, or unprocessed petroleum, is called sour when it contains a lot of sulfur, an impurity. Sour crude requires more refining than sweet crude, which is often more valuable.Item nineIn September of 2000, world leaders set eight goals for bringing millions of people out of poverty. These became known as the United Nations millennium development goals. Among them: cut in half the number of people living on less than one dollar a day and halt the spread of AIDS and malaria. The goals also include improving survival rates for pregnant women and young children, and educating all children. Working for equality between women and men and dealing with environmental needs like safe water also are included. The target date for reaching the goals is 2015.Item tenOne way to think about time is to imagine a world without time. There could be no movement, because time and movement cannot be separated. A world without time could exist only as long as there were no changes. For time and change are linked. We know that time has passed when something changes. In the real world-the world with time-changes never stop. Some changes happen only once in a while, like an eclipse of the moon. Others happen repeatedly, like the risingand setting of the sun. Humans always have noted natural events that repeat themselves. When people began to count such events, they began to measure time.Item elevenThe World Future Society has published a special report about forces changing the world. One of them is population growth. The report says the world is expected to have more than nine thousand million people by the middle of this century. Population growth in many industrial nations, however, is expected to drop. But medical progress helps their people to live longer lives. International migration is also shaping the future. The report says there is some resistance, but also growing acceptance of cultural differences. The world economy is also becoming more integrated. On the issue of energy, the use of oil is expected to reach 110 million barrels a day by 2020.。



Lesson One Half a DayVocabulary1.1)Noun suffixes: -tion, -ment, -ing, -ness, -or/erAdjective suffixes: -ful, -less, -edAdverb suffixes: -ly2)1 adverbs: simply, hurriedly, terribly, possibly, miserably, politely, fortunately, practically, favorably, roughly, seriously2 adjectives: complete, accurate, particular, total, absolute, easy, angry, miserable, exact, final3 nouns: power/powerfulness, success/successfulness, care/carefulness, tear/tearfulness, meaning/mingfulness, home/homelessness, price/pricelessness4 verbs: express, impress, attend, celebrate, attract, spell, produce, pollute, prevent, oppose, organize, inform, appoint, require, judge4)1 differ2 differently, different3 difference4 serious, serious, seriously5 seriousness, seriously polluted6 Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriouly pollute7 attention8 attentively, attentive21 take2 lose/find3 dry4 play5 take/have6 tell/read/write7 change/speak/read/cross8 life/facts/reality/difficulties9 an event/ a plan/ the news/ the death/ the marriage10 a country/a place/ privacy11 a river/ a street/ a bridge/ a desert/ the sea12 an end/ a decision/ a place13 workers/ waiters/ servants/ people31 on their own2 show off3 burst into4 given rise to5 brought about6 to resort to7 clinging to8 gave rise to9 took advantage of10 in vain, make, out of4 Translation1 They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company2 Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring about the peaceful unification of your country on our own3 It’s wrong to put emphasis on noting but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4 He loves to show off his wealth, but that is all in vain. People still avoid him as though he were poison.5 He soon fell in love with the village and was determined to make it a beautiful garden together with other villagers.6 We must spend more money fighting against global warming. In addtion, we must resort to tough laws. It is not just a matter of money.7 When the police arrived at the school, the students and teachers were still in a daze.8 This corrupt official was still clinging to his power. He refused to step aside.9 When the man finally came into view, I found it was my father. I didn’t know how he managed to find this place in the blinding snow. At that moment, I burst into tears.10 She glanced at him from time to time. It was the first time in her life that she had found herself looking at a young man like that.5 fill in the blanks with the correct prep. or ad.1 of2 from3 for4 out5 up6 up7 up for8 out9 with10 of12 of13 up61 the door lock, very angry2 the city gate wide open, playing the guqin, very strange3 quite obvious/clear, his successor4 worried/anxious, talking to yourself5 so heavily polluted, pay the price6 the ground shaking/trembling/quaking, rolling down7 laugh, laugh himself8 put these things in order, do it9 lying in the grass, covered with blood10 interested in gardening or painting, keep him busy11 hear her say, put off/postponed71 High/tall, huge2 vast, high3 tall, big/large4 every, affairs5 matter, countries/nations, big/huge6 affair, nation, matter7 state8 a few, big/huge/great, high9 everything, something10 anybody, any, nothing, nothing11 little, few, a little, a fewGrammar Work2 Fill in the blanks with correct forms.(1)Had overslept(2)Had invited(3)Was born; had left(4)Had gone; told(5)Had worked; were admitted;(6)loved; had always been7 was, had been8 became, had read9 returned, came10 met, had once treated, said, was, had done, gorgave, asked1 easy2 beginning3 But4 suddenly5 worried6 If7 master8 number9 habit10 go5.1 takes2 turn a boy into a man/ make a man out of a boy3 tried to persuade4 had taken place5 searched his room for6 failed7 take advantage of8 would9 made/have made10 had imagined college was a paradise。

最新《现代大学英语精读1》第五课 nightingale and the rose

最新《现代大学英语精读1》第五课 nightingale and the rose

• “She said that she would dance with me if I brought her red roses,” cried the young Student, “but in all my garden there is no red rose.”
Warming up Check-on Preview
Warming uphe prince asked who she was and how she came there; She looked at him tenderly and with a sad expressions in her dark blue eyes, but could not speak
• 3. c____________ 3. a transparent natural 111111111111111111mineral that looks like ice
• 4. p____________ 4. to pick • 5. f____________ 5. to move (the wings) quickly and lightly up and
• But the emperor isn't wearing any clothes!
• Yes Beast, I will marry you
• For a long time he stood gazing at her face, so full of serenity, so peaceful, lovely and pure, and he felt spring to his heart that love he had always been searching for and never found.



参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



Lesson One Half a DayAnswers1. Oral Work1) What did his father say to give him courage? Howdid the boy feel when he arrived at the school gate with his father?2)What did the boy learn in school? Can you name some of the thingshe learned?2.Vocabulary test1)choose the right word and put in the proper form:(1) had received(2)affects(3)Admission(4)awake(5)beneath(6)on2) Put in the missing words.good-natured; hunt; drank; queer;asleep; woke; occurred; absence;portrait; replace.3.Grammar WorkPut in the blanks with correct verb forms.(1)was surfing; was cut;(2)will have planted;(3)was; had not been;(4)has been married;(5)is; will be;(6) is; must have rained4.Written Work’s life in Write what you ’ ve learnt from the text about the little boyschool in about 100 words.5. Translation(1)也许所有教育最有价值的结果就是培养你有具有让你完成你不得不做的任何该做的事 , 不管你愿不愿意做 .(2)教育就是能让我们不断地发现我们的无知 .Lesson Two Going HomeAnswers1. Oral work(1)What do you know about these young people?(2)How did the young people feel when they heard the story ?2. Vocabulary test1)choose the right word and put in the proper form:(1) across(2) rise(3) attend/ take part in(4) reach(5) since(6) above/ below2)Put in the missing words.screaming; clenched; triumph; exaltation; except; stunned;misty; covered; ribbons; banner3.Grammar workTranslation.(1)Nobody could tell where the treasure was hidden.(2)The traffic will be very heavy on the road during the rushhour everyday.(3)He may have given her advice, but I doubt if it does her any good.(4)What she learned at university proved useful in her research .(5)If he had waited for the traffic lights to change, he would not have been killed.(6)If not I had seen him at the party yesterday evening !4. Written Work略.5. Translation(1)多给人原谅比多去谴责(2)如果我们想要去爱 , 我们必须学会如何去原谅 .Lesson Three Massage of the LandAnswers1.Oral work (answers omitted)2.Vocabulary test1)(1) unfaithful(2) take out(3) talk over(4) send for(5) sent away(6) send up2) Put the missing words(1) sick / ill(2) alone(3) out(4) phone (5) on(6) until(7) church (8) only(9) answered (10) needed(11) clever(12) save(13) bit(14) now3)Write the numbers in words.(1) Two hundred and eight(2) One thousand five hundred / fifteen hundred(3) Seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight.(4) two dollars six-five / two dollars and sixty-five cents.(5) fourth(6) twenty-first(7) thirtieth(8) one half, three quarters, four fifths3.Grammar work (answers omitted)4. Written WorkOne possible version:My parents were born,brought up and married on this land. They have been living there through their life. They got up at sunrise and retired with their chickens.They planted and reaped rice and raised a few goats,cows and chickens which could provide what they needed in their daily life..However, the piece of lands was no longer fertile, bleeding year afteryear, like them, getting old and exhausted. The soil was not difficultto till when there was a lot of rain, but in a bad year, it was not onlythe ploughs that broke but their hearts,too.The farmer life is hard but my parents are enjoying it.They cherish their land and never want to leave it.5. Translation.1)家再贫寒,也没有任何地方能和它比。



现代⼤学英语精读unit课后答案现代⼤学英语精读u n i t课后答案集团公司⽂件内部编码:(TTT-UUTT-MMYB-URTTY-ITTLTY-Pre-class Work H1. Paraphrase.1) No. 8: The society has not treated the boy very well. Therefore we should at least talk a little bit before we send him to the chair. That's all I want to do. Nothing else.2) No. 9: I'm surprised to hear you say that as if dishonesty has ever been a characteristic peculiar to a specific group.3) No. 8: Nobady has to prove the kid is innocent. According to the principle of law, he is innocent untile proven guilty, and he can only be convicted if his guiltis beyond reasonable doubt.4) No. 4: These two slaps may have been beyond his limit of endurance. The boy has been kicked around so often that he may have been reaching the breaking point when the two slaps come.5) No. 8: If I were tried in court and the verdict would decide whether I would live or be executed, I would want my lawyer to try his best to refute the prosecutor's evidence completely.6) No. 3: Brother, you're really annoying. You sat here and voted guilty like the rest of us. And then, some hypocritical person like a preacher said something with his affected language and voice, you just began to show your sympathy for the boy and then changed your vote. This is the most disgusting... I suggest you go to the church or some other charity institution to contribute some money, which will be more direct and virtuous.2. Learn to use reference books.l) Find the proper definition of the following in the text.(1) charge: to accuse sb. of sth. esp. formally in a court of law(2) term: a period of times(3) state: condition or circumstances(4) plain: simply(5) blade: knife (edge)(6) jam: to squeeze sth. into a space so that it cannot move out(7) bright: smart, clever(8) hang: to make (a jury) unable to reach a unanimous decision(9) given: fixed2) Find the synonyms and antonyms of the following in a thesaurus.(1) fantastic:synonyms: marvelous, extremely good, wonderful, sensational, terrific, fabulous, superb, great antonyms: reasonable, sensible, credible, ordinary, common, moderate(2) peculiar:synonyms: odd, queer, strange, unusual, abnormal, unconventional, weird, eccentric, bizarre antonyms: common, general, universal, usual, ordinary, conventional, familiar3. Word-building.1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following.(1) handle/handling (2) charge(3) accusation(4) supposition (5) disagreement(6) mixture/mix(7) refutation (8) provocation (9) commitment(10) divergence2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following.(I) to try (2) to prosecute(3) to mug(4) to allege (5) to guard(6) to sicken(7) to preach (8) to elevate(9) to tear(10) to bear (11) to accomplish(12) to excite(13) to coincide (14) to forgeMore Work on the TextII. Vocabulary1. Translate.1) into Chinese.(1)犯严重错误 (2)负责处理该案 (3)出庭作证(4)提供证据 (5)验明凶器 (6)抹去指印(7)进⾏盘问 (8)付诸表决 (9)要求表决(10)以不记名投票⽅式表决 (11)投票赞成或反对 (12)投票认为有罪(13)作出判决 (14)判决某⼈死刑 (15)成功地耍⼀个花招(16)堵塞河流2) into English.(1) to quote the Bible (2) to list all the reasons(3) to dial the phone number (4) to define the word(5) to serve a jail term (6) to owe someone an apology(7) to refute an argument (8) to test the sharpness of a knife(9) to clear one's throat (10) to miss the point(11) to set a time limit . (12) to make a rule(13) to split the rent (14) to pass a given point(15) to tear something to shreds/pieces (16) to get back to the point (17) to stab (somebody) in the back2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.1) Give synonyms.(1) evident, clear, plain, distinct, conspicuous(2) feeble, weak, inadequate, poor(3) to cry out, to shout, to scream(4) normal, usual, common, routine(5) threat, danger(6) legal advisor, lawyer, attorney(7) proof, material proof, grounds, fact(8) disreputable people, scum, loafers(9) dirty, unclean, rotten(10) disagreement, quarrel, dispute(11) smart, wise, clever, intelligent(12) to thrust, to stick in, to stuff(13) unbelievable, remarkable, amazing(14) to differ, to disagree, to separate(15) to achieve, to carry out, to do, to perform, to realize, to attain, to fulfill(16) proposal, suggestion, recommendation, plan(17) disgusting(18) decision, judgment, opinion(19) intolerable, unacceptable, unthinkable(20) trait, quality, feature2) Give antonyms.(1) inaccurate (2) proud (3) calm, cool(4) innocent (5) to deny(6) defense(7) insensitive (8) strong, solid(9) to disprove, to refute(10) impersonal (11) dishonest(12) irregular(13) negative (14) abnormal3. Translate.1) Our company was heavily in debt when he took over. Weowed the bank about 10 million.2) Lao Song, I owe you an apology. The other day I really behaved like a fool.3) People know very well that they owe everything they have today to the reform and open policy.4) Why did their boat invade our territorial waters They oweus an explanation at least.5) He claimed to have two Ph.D degrees from two universities.6) Both sides claimed to have won the competition.7) The Taipings took the city finally. But the battleclaimed one of their best leaders.8) These patients won the claim of 50 million dollars fortheir damaged health.9) This otherwise wonderful manager is a womanizer.10) Her otherwise perfect family only has one problem: Herlittle daughter is handicapped.11) The Congress will vote on this new tax law sometime next week. The exact time has not yet been fixed.12) Big business will vote for that party. They won't vote otherwise.13) After a heated discussion, they finally put it to a vote. The vote was three to four in Bush's favor.14) John Kennedy was the first Catholic in US history to be voted into the White House.15) In the stock market, people often vote with their feet.16) The problems we now have remind us that social justice is just as important as economic prosperity.17) That day she forgot to remind her husband to get his car fixed.18) The story reminded me of many terrible things that happened in the so-called "cultural revolution."4. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.1) down 2) in 3) on, off 4) out 5) out 6) out7) over 8) over 9) away with 10) with, without 11) into, in 12) with6. Choose the right words in their proper forms.I) (1) sensible (2) sensitive (3) sensitive (4) sensible2) (1) excited (2) excitable (3) exciting (4) excited3) (1) charged, charged (2) accused (3) charge (4) accusation4) (1) admitted/acknowledge (2) admit/acknowledge (3) acknowledge (4) acknowledge(5) admittedTranslate with special attention to the different meanings of the same word or wordswhich happen to have the same spelling.1)你能不能⽤简单的英语把它说明⽩⼀些2)西班⽛的⾬量集中在平原地区。



120447932参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to many serious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



现代大学英语精读(第二版)第二册课后练习答案参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets1. differ2. differently, different3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国内生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

It is wrong to put emphasis on nothing but GDP. It will give rise to manyserious problems.4. 他喜欢炫耀他的财富,但是这完全是徒劳的,人们仍然像躲避毒药那样躲避他。



现代大学英语精读1课后答案现代大学英语精读1课后答案目录 1、Lesson 1 Half a Day 1 2、Lesson 2 Going Home 3 3、Lesson 3 Massage of the Land 4 4、Lesson 4 The Boy and the Bank Officer 6 5、Lesson 5 Angels on a Pin 7 6、Lesson 6 The Monsters Are Due on Maple Street 8 7、Lesson 7 Mandela’s Garden 10 8、Lesson 8 My Personal Manager 11 1、Lesson 1 Half a Day Answers 1. Oral Work 1) What did his father sayto give him courage? How did the boy feel when he arrived at the school gate with his father? 2) What did the boy learn in school? Can you name some of the things he learned? 2.Vocabulary test 1) choose the right word and put in the proper form: (1) had received (2) affects (3)Admission (4)awake (5) beneath (6) on 2) Put in the missing words. good-natured;hunt;drank;queer;asleep;woke;occurred;absence;portrait;replace. 3.Grammar Work Put in the blanks with correct verb forms. (1) was surfing;was cut;(2) will have planted;(3) was;had not been;(4) has been married;(5) is;will be;(6) is;must have rained 4.Written Work Write what you’ve learnt from the text about the little boy’s life in school in about 100 words. 5.Translation (1)也许所有教育最有价值的结果就是培养你有具有让你完成你不得不做的任何该做的事,不管你愿不愿意做. (2)教育就是能让我们不断地发现我们的无知. 2、Lesson 2 Going Home Answers 1. Oral work (1) What do you know about these young people? (2) How did the young people feel when they heard the story ? 2. Vocabulary test 1) choose the right word and put in the proper form: (1) across (2) rise (3) attend/ take part in (4) reach (5) since (6) above/ below 2) Put in the missing words. screaming;clenched;triumph;exaltation;except;stunned;misty;covered;ribbons;banner 3.Grammar work Translation. (1) Nobody could tell where the treasure was hidden. (2) The traffic will be very heavy on the road during the rush hour everyday. (3) He may have given her advice, but I doubt if it does her any good. (4) What she learnedat university proved useful in her research . (5) Ifhe had waited for the traffic lights to change, hewould not have been killed. (6) If not I had seen himat the party yesterday evening ! 4. Written Work 略.5. Translation (1)多给人原谅比多去谴责 (2)假如我们想要去爱,我们必须学会如何去原谅. 3、Lesson 3 Massageof the Land Answers 1. Oral work (answers omitted)2. Vocabulary test 1) (1) unfaithful (2) takeout (3) talk over (4) send for (5) sent away (6) send up 2) Put the missing words (1) sick / ill (2) alone (3) out (4) phone (5) on (6) until (7) church (8) only (9) answered (10) needed (11)clever (12) save (13) bit (14) now 3)Write the numbers in words. (1) Two hundred and eight (2) One thousand five hundred / fifteen hundred (3)Seven thousand, one hundred and twenty-eight. (4) twodollars six-five / two dollars and sixty-five cents.(5) fourth (6) twenty-first (7) thirtieth (8) onehalf, three quarters, four fifths 3.Grammar work(answers omitted) 4. Written Work One possibleversion: My parents were born, brought up andmarried on this land. They have been living there through their life. They got up at sunrise and retired with their chickens. They planted and reaped rice and raised a few goats, cows and chickens which could provide what they needed in their daily life.. However, the piece of lands was no longer fertile, bleedingyear after year, like them, getting old and exhausted. The soil was not difficult to till when there was alot of rain, but in a bad year, it was not only the ploughs that broke but their hearts, too. The farmer life is hard but my parents are enjoying it. They cherish their land and never want to leave it. 5. Translation. 1) 家再贫寒,也没有任何地方能和它比。



参考答案(Unit 1—8)Unit OneKey to ExercisePreview:1 True or false1F 2T 3F4F 5T 6F 7T 8T 9T 10TVocabulary4. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets 1. differ 2. differently, different 3. difference4. serious, serious, seriously5. seriousness, seriously polluted6. Fortunately/ Luckily, pollution, seriously, pollute7. attention 8. attentively, attentive3 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the phrases and expressions.4 Translate the following sentences using words and expressions taken from the text.1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

They took advantage of our helpless situation and took over our company.2. 虽然我们面前仍有困难,但我肯定我们中国人有智慧靠自己实现国家的和平统一。

Although there are still difficulties ahead of us, I am sure that we Chinese people will have the wisdom to bring abou t the peaceful unification of our country on our own.3. 只强调国生产总值是错误的,它会引起很多严重问题。

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Unit 5Key to ExerciseVocabulary1. Write down the part of speech of the following words as well as their suffixes.Noun suffixes: -ian, -ist, -ity, -th Adjective suffixes: -al, -ed, -ist, -ous, -y, -cal2. Translate the following participle phrases into Chinese.1.一件撕破的夹克16.被打败的敌人(败兵之将)2.冰封的河流17.导弹3.书面文件18.上述各个理由4.满意的表情19.进口机器5.一个受尊敬的教授20.为数不多的上帝的选民6.苦笑21.一个受伤的士兵7. 他有限的词汇22.事先准备好的讲话8.压低的价位23.开水9.归国华侨24.退休工人10.深谋远虑的举动25.罐头食品11.破裂的家庭26.已经完成的形式12. 干果27.一位有经验的教师13.一个松花蛋28.敌占区14.发达国家29.在打一场已经失败的战争15.已经上了锁的门2. Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold.1. that he decided to devote his whole life to teaching in his home village after he finished school2. that he soon lost his power (or was overthrown)3. that people generally agree that few major/big issues/problems can be resolved without China’s participation4. with a gun in his hand5. with a page boy standing on either side of him and a few elderly soldiers sweeping the ground outside the city gate6. With the roaring river in front and the enemy soldiers following closely7. to keep calm8. To be a professor means9. To know a lot of names, persons and events in the past does not necessarily mean3. Fill in the blacks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1 for, on2 against, out3 to, in4 with, to5 of, of6 of, in spite of, on7 of, in8 Upon, into9 in, with 10 to/with(Note: upon my word短语今天已经不常用。

今天,在口语中,人们可能会说”God!”, “My word!”, “Oh, dear!”“Dear me!”之类)4. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate phrase in the brackets. Change the form if necessary.1. springing up/ going up (两者均可。

前者更生动些)2. go about/ go over(两者均可,但前者指开始某项工作,后者指该计划本身要仔细审阅一下,意思有所不同)3. went out 4 going on 5 went off 6 goes with, go to7 goes under, goes for 8 go into9 going, go to, go for, go along with, went crazy10 go with, go together5. Translate the following sentences into English1. 这是个难得的机会。


This is a wonderful opportunity. You would be foolish to let it slip by.2. 我们的出口和去年相比增加了百分之二十。

Compared with last year, our exports have increased by 20%. (or …are up by 20% / …have gone up by 20%)3. 因为没有更好的词,我们姑且称之为“走后门主义吧”吧。

For want of a better word, let’s call it “backdoorism”.4. 这个年轻人喜欢修理摆弄东西。



This young man is fond of fixing things. He is something of Jack of all trades.5. 和他们父母一代相比,今天的年轻人认为他们是比较现实的一代。

Compared to their parents’ generation, young people today consider them to be a more practical generation.6. 他气得脸色发青,决定将这场抗议运动扼杀在萌芽状态。

His face turned/ went blue with anger. He was determined to nip the mass protest in the bud.7. 这说来话长,但是今天我不想去研究这件事的历史了。

It is a long story, but I won’t go into the history today.8.我们花了比我们想象多得多的时间才过了海关。

It took us much more time than we had expected to go through the customs.9. 灯光突然全灭了。


The power went out suddenly, and the whole city was thrown into complete darkness.10.别等我了,你先走。


Don’t wait for me. You go ahead. I must go over this document.11. 我们无法否认这样的事实:我们为经济发展付出高昂的学费。

We cannot deny the fact that we have paid dearly for our economic development.12. 消防队员要是晚到一会儿,火就会蔓延到附近的油罐。

Had the firemen arrived a bit later, the fire would have spread to the nearby oil tanks.6. Fill in each blank with the correct form of the appropriate word in the brackets.1. in2. alone, lonely, alone3. trembling/shaking4. shivering (We often say “shiver with cold”, but “tremble with fear”.)5. Shake (作为及物动词,只能用shake)6.took,first,want(这里want是“短缺”的意思)7. At first, at last8. Meadows, bloom9.Spent, flowers (to spend time doing sth. 是spend的常用动词模式)10. cheap, cost7. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the words in bold type which may have different meanings in different contexts.1.他的崇拜者们(粉丝)那天晚上几乎都发狂了。















Grammarbine each pair of sentences following the pattern below.1. The narrator was as helpless as the boy at the bank.2. In a bad year the soil is as hard as stone.3. Luckily, the final exam isn’t as difficult as the mid-term.4. At the moment, your health is more important than anything else.5. To his mind, the two cultures are as different as chalk and cheese.6. Xiao Fang is the most creative student I’ve ever known.7. This is the most fantastic story I’ve ever heard.8. Five thousand yuan is the lowest price we can offer for the PC.9. Jack says that Avatar is the best science fiction film he’s seen in the last three years.10. The snowstorm last week was the worst my grandmother can remember.11. I think Dialogue on CCTV News is one of the most thought provoking talk shows CCTV offers.12. The Bird’s Nest, the Olympic Stadium in Beijing, is the most magnificent stadium I’ve ever been to.2. Compete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets, using one of the patterns given.1. The doctor did all (that) they could2. everything he says3. anything they ask for/demand4. all he got from a week of hard work5. All that is written in his wife’s letter6. Nothing the doctors said7. anything you suggest8. Something he read in a popular magazine9. All that can be done is /has been done10. Anything the artist painted11. something that never existed before12. nothing the doctors could do3. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs1 through 2. over 3. like 4 As, like5 through6 Over/ In/ During7 through8 over9 from, without, around/ in, As, with, with, to/with4. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word1 much2 kind3 doing4 called5 fought6 become7 good8 others9 himself 10 then5. Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentences.1. Something (that) a witness said during the trial has been bothering me.2. Many parents mistakenly believe that the more toys children have, the more creative they will be.3. A house without a book is like a room without a window.4. He was so glad to see his old friend that tears ran down his face.5. People believe that tomorrow’s car will be bigger, faster, and more comfortable than before.6. Both on land and at sea, helicopters have rescued many people.7. Jim is intelligent, but not as hard-working as his sister.8. The most humorous person (that) I’ve ever met is my teacher of Chinese.9. I don’t believe an old man of 80 could be so strong as to knock down a door.10. All that the people want are lasting peace and social progress.。
