
安全注意事项1. 设备使用前请仔细阅读此说明书,严禁未阅读过本说明书人员操作该机。
2. 工作前必须排除平台周围的障碍。
3. 所举升的汽车内也不得座人。
4. 被举升车辆的总质量不得超过本机的额定举升重量。
5. 举车时应将车的手动刹车拉好,垫好防滑三角木等防滑装置(用户自备)。
6. 举升机不使用时应切断电源。
7. 严格按本说明书对机器进行保养,对主要部位应经常仔细检查和维护。
8. 设备使用现场应配备放火装置(用户自备)。
目录1. 特点简介 ---------------------------------------------2. 主要技术参数------------------------------------------3. 举升机外型尺寸----------------------------------------4. 设备的安装与调试--------------------------------------5. 举升机液压系统----------------------------------------6. 维护与保养 -------------------------------------------7. 故障及其排除方法--------------------------------------8. 保修卡 -----------------------------------------------9. 装箱单 -----------------------------------------------10. 合格证明书-------------------------------------------1 .特点简介:本机经过精心设计,结构合理,安全可靠,工作台液压驱动,操作方便,噪声低。

二、安全须知1. 在使用液压升降台之前,请务必认真阅读本使用说明书,并按照说明进行操作。
2. 请确保在操作液压升降台时,周围环境安全无碍,避免人员或障碍物会影响到升降台的正常使用。
3. 使用液压升降台时,请确保站在平稳的地面上,并使用适当的防护装备。
4. 严禁在液压升降台上进行无关操作或进行危险游戏。
5. 在升降台上工作时,请保持身体平衡并注意周围环境,避免意外伤害。
6. 若在使用过程中发现任何异常情况,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务。
三、操作步骤1. 准备工作:a) 将液压升降台放置在平稳的地面上,并确保没有任何障碍物阻碍其正常使用。
b) 检查液压升降台的电线和液压管路连接是否牢固。
c) 检查液压升降台上的按钮和控制器是否正常工作。
d) 确保升降台上的工作台面是干净、整洁的,无杂物。
2. 启动液压升降台:a) 将电源开关打开,液压系统即可启动。
b) 按下“上升”按钮,液压升降台开始上升。
c) 当上升到所需高度时,松开“上升”按钮,液压升降台自动停止上升。
3. 使用液压升降台:a) 当液压升降台停止上升后,将需抬升的物体或工作人员放置在升降台上。
b) 按下“下降”按钮,液压升降台开始下降。
c) 当下降到所需位置时,松开“下降”按钮,液压升降台停止下降。
四、维护保养1. 定期检查液压升降台的电线和液压管路是否有磨损或漏油现象,若发现问题,请及时处理。
2. 若发现液压升降台的工作台面不平衡或有杂物,请清理或进行维修。
3. 液压升降台的电源请接入到有可靠的接地保护地方,避免电气安全问题。
五、故障排除1. 若液压升降台无法启动,请检查电源线是否插好、电源开关是否打开。

图6 QJY235举升机地基轮廓图提示:——安装调试前应仔细阅读本说明书,并按说明书的说明进行安装。
表1 安装举升机常用工具工具名称规格型号工具名称规格型号水平仪开口搬手组件11mm—23mm钢板尺1m 棘轮搬手钢圈尺5m 平头螺丝刀150mm手锤1.5kg 冲击钻20mm活动搬手40mm 冲击钻头19mm打开举升机包装,对照装箱单检查零部件是否齐全及有无受损情况。


关键字:液压式汽车举升机液压驱动稳定性截面特性Stream-actuated Bibcock Type Automobile LiftABSTRACTAutomobile lift is an equipment that is intended to bearing one region of automobile chassis or unit construction ,and leading automobile rise and fall .It entire car overhaul just the same turnaround service, both can not get away it to automobile life at automobile service curing suffer exert vital action ,so ever .As lift familial one key member ,bibcock type automobile lift has any other lift cannot analogical advantage :Such as, it adopt large bibcock structure ,scope of work expand, can repair high scaffold vehicle, operating space open, and so on. This text roundly introduce lift's sort, after ascertain want designed scheme, namely aim at lift's structure and require proceed design and explanation, at the same time, at the lift design process, it is need to proceed additional remarks be involved in usability problem. And then analyses bibcock type automobiles lift's main upright, section characteristic, and check strong rigidity with bracket. Both that of design with hydraulic cylinder piston perch intensity also proceed proven with compressed bar, as well as select and count with chain and wire rope to be sure satisfy the lift operating requirement. This test is stream-actuated bibcock type automobile lift.KEY WORDS: Bibcock type, Automobile lift , Hydraulic drive , Stability , strength目录摘要......................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
AME 国际空气液压瓶杆抬升机说明书

INSTRUCTION MANUAL2347 Circuit Way, Brooksville, Florida USA 34604Phone: (+1) 352.799.1111 • Toll Free: (+1) 877.755.4AME (4263)#14460AIR HYDRAULICBOTTLE JACKSSpecificationsOwner/Operator ResponsibilityIt is the owner/operator responsibility to properly use and maintain this equipment and the legibility of all warnings and instruction labels. Carefully read and understand the instructions and warnings in this manual before operating this equipment. Keep this manual in a safe location for future reference.InspectionPrior to each use, visually inspect for leaking hydraulic oil, damaged, loose or missing parts. If jack is worn or damaged remove from service and contact your nearest service center for repair.MaintenanceCheck oil level. With the jack in an upright position and the ram completely retracted, open the release valve (turn counter-clockwise) and remove the filter plug. The oil should be just up to the hole. Fill if necessary with clean hydraulic jack oil.Lubricate internal components. With the release valve open, manually pump the handle six times.Purge the hydraulic system of air. During transit the unit may become “air-bound”, causing a spongy ram action. To purge the system, close the release valve (turn clockwise). Manually pump the jack to full height. Open the release valve and push down on the ram. Repeat these steps if necessary to completely purge the system.Keep the jack clean. Occasionally lubricate the handle socket pivot point, extension screw, release screw thread, and air valve to prevent corrosion.! W A R N I N G !FAILURE TO READ THESE WARNINGS MAY RESULT IN PROPERTY DAMAGE AND OR PERSONAL INJURY.Support load by appropriatemeans after e as lifting device only.Do not exceed ratede only on hard, levelsurface.Center load on the jack,Do not modify jack.Only use attachments and/or adapters supplied with or sold specifically for thejack.Only lift areas of the vehicle designated by the vehiclemanufacturer.MODEL LIFTING CAPACITY MIN.HEIGHT 1st STAGE HEIGHT NET WEIGHT GROSSWEIGHT PACKAGE SIZEAIR PRESSURE1446020 TON245 MM475 MM16 KG18 KG31 x 24 x 31MM0.7-1.0 MPaOperation1. Jack operation is controlled either manually or by external air pressure. Either insert the handle into the handle socket to manually operate or connect to an external air pressure source (clean connections prior to assembly).2. To raise the jack, turn the release valve clockwise until tight and either manually pump with the provided handle or while connected to an air supply depress the air valve.! WARNING !FOR YOUR SAFETY3. To lower the jack turn the release valve counter clockwise slightly and very slowly. Be careful not to turn the valve quickly or more thantwice, otherwise, dangerous sudden lowering may occur.Trouble Shooting29287626277242322212019181716151413121110876543217547484746454443424152515154493130474748755354555657585159526061666564636267686970383839373635343332Parts List ForAir Hydraulic Bottle Jack14460AME INTERNATIONAL2347 Circuit Way, Brooksville, Florida, USA 34604Phone: (+1) 352-799-1111 Toll Phone: (+1) 877-775-4AME (4263) Fax:(+1)352-799-1112E-mail:********************Parts List ForAir Hydraulic Bottle Jack14460ITEM #14460-03114460-03214460-03314460-03414460-03514460-03614460-03714460-03814460-03914460-04014460-04114460-04214460-04314460-04414460-04514460-04614460-04714460-04814460-04914460-05014460-05114460-05214460-05314460-05414460-05514460-05614460-05714460-05814460-05914460-060Q’TY 111111121111111142112312111111ITEM #14460-00114460-00214460-00314460-00414460-00514460-00614460-00714460-00814460-00914460-01014460-01114460-01214460-01314460-01414460-01514460-01614460-01714460-01814460-01914460-02014460-02114460-02214460-02314460-02414460-02514460-02614460-02714460-02814460-02914460-030Q’TY 111111814111111212131211121111DESCRIPTION Pump CylinderY-seal *Nylon Gasket *Copper WasherNutButterflly SpringSocket head cap screw Base Cover Steel Ball Air Motor HousingNut Spring Washer Air Pump Plunger Air Piston BaseO-ring *Air Shuttle VavleO-ring *Air PistonSocket head cap screw Shuttle Valve SealO-ring *O-ring *Top Cover Snap Ring O-ring *Coupler Air Hose Assy Air Valve Assy Oil Tank AssyDESCRIPTION Oil Filler Plug *Snap Ring O-ring RetainerO-ring *Seal Washer Piston Ring Ram Assy Bushing O-ring *Snap Ring Steel BallSafety Vavle Ball Seat Safety Vavle SpringSafety Valve Adj screw O-ring *Screw Copper Washer *Vavle Block Assy Release Assy Steel Ball Link Pin Pin Pump CylinderO-ring *Nylon Gasket *Dustproof Ring *Pump Plunger Pump Plunger PinLink SocketITEM #14460-06114460-06214460-06314460-06414460-06514460-06614460-06714460-06814460-06914460-07014460-07114460-07214460-07314460-07414460-07514460-076Q’TY 1111112221111322DESCRIPTION Font Handle Rear Handle Hex Nut Lock Washer Flat WasherCross head soket cap screw Hex Nut (thin)Return SpringScrew Spring Lid Snap Ring Washer Steel Ball O-ring *Nylon Gasket *Nylon Gasket *。

2.30SLE使用说明书目录1.技术数据……………………………….………..……………1.1技术参数……………………………………………………1.2安全装置……………………………………………………2安全规范……………………………………………………... 3操作指南……………………………………………………...3.1停车…………………………………………………………3.2举升机同步………………………………………………...3.3 举升汽车………………………………………………....3.4下降汽车……………………………………………..…….3.5操作面板LED灯显示…………………………………….4.维护………………………………………………………..…4.1举升机维护日程表………………………………………..4.2调整皮带的松紧……….………………………………….4.3检查丝杆螺母系统………………………………………..4.4检查举升机稳定性………………………………………..5.故障………………………………………………………….5.1停电后紧急下降……………………………………….….5.2安全装置的功能……………………………………..……5.3手动将举升架调平衡………………………………..……5.4调整上下限位……………………………..………..……..1.技术资料1.1技术参数举升能力3000千克单柱举升能力最大1000千克(不允许单柱举升)举升时间约40秒举升高度1870毫米供电电压400V三相交流功率2×1.5KW马达转速1420转/分噪声≤75dBA用户提供保险开关T16A/5×1.5qmm电源线1.2安全装置1.举升机举升螺母安全装置2.上下限位开关及相对高度自动调节装置3.脚保护装置4.电子同步系统2.安全规范以下规范非常重要●举升机两柱不允许举升超过3000千克的车辆,单柱不允许举升超过1000千克,不允许用单柱举升。

装箱单: 表1 注:箱6、箱7、箱8是根据客户需要选发的配置。
货物应由3吨以上起吊机、叉车装卸与移动,为防止货物跌落,起重作业时应一人注意观察货物,以免事故发生 货物采用汽车或轮船运输。
机器贮存环境温度:-25℃~55℃箱号名 称附件名称及数量1.油管及配件①M16地脚螺钉16套;M8地脚螺钉4套;②φ6×4mm 气管1套;φ8×5mm 气管3m ; ③1.5 mm 2多芯线5m ;④金属软管5m ;⑤限位开关及线1套;⑥方形护罩1对;⑦使用维护手册1本;⑧密封圈(φ14组合垫4个);⑨扎带10条;⑩φ6气管三通1个;(12)φ6弯通1个;(13)高压油管共4条。

一、支腿没有支撑的情况下高空作业二、自然风大于6级的室外高空作业三、升降台在移动时进行的高空作业四、须带电操作的高空作业五、超过额定载荷情况下的高空作业六、自行改制过的液压升降台进行高空作业目录固定式液压升降机产品说明·········································4电气原理图 (6)操作和使用常识 (7)安全须知 (8)故障及排除 (8)保养须知 (10)包装与运输 (10)固定式液压升降台的安装方法 (10)装箱单 (13)检验单 (14)客户意见反馈表 (15)一、固定式液压升降机系统产品说明:我公司生产的sjg型系列固定式的液压升降平台,升降稳定性好,适用于货物举升。

1. 确定好安装动力单元的主立柱和另一根副立柱。
2. 根据安装地基图和外形尺寸图,用粉笔划好底板的形状和安装位置。
1. 六角螺母M14 6. 内六角圆柱头螺钉2. 平垫圈C级M14 7. 六角螺母3. 弹簧垫圈M14 8. 长杆4. 六角头全螺纹螺栓M14x30 9. 立柱5. 横梁组件螺栓规格 A1 (地基厚度 ) A2 (钻孔深度) A3 (螺栓深度) B C M18x160≥200mm130mm105mm240mm≤55mmA. 螺母B. 膨胀螺栓C.调整垫片第八步:连接油管。
第十步: 安装机械保险。

2.技术信息1. 举升重量lifting capacity:4000kg2. 举升高度lifting height:1800mm3. 举臂最低高度Arm height( Min):120mm4. 两柱间距width between posts:2794mm5. 总体宽度overall width:3420mm6. 上升时间rising time:40s7. 下降时间dropping time:30s8. 工作电压power:110v/220v/380v,1ph/3ph9. 噪音noise:<70db10. 净重net weight:600kg(1350lbs)11. 毛重gross weight:650kg12. 包装尺寸package size:2900mm*560mm*720mm13、动力单元包装尺寸power unit package size: 770mm*280mm*340mm3. 安全准则使用举升机时应遵守以下准则以下准则非常重要:•举升机举升重量不得超过额定重量4000公斤•在驶上汽车前,举升机必须完全的降到最低点。

毕业论文(设计)论文(设计)题目:双柱液压式汽车举升机设计姓名李春阳学号11121011022院系机电工程学院专业机械设计制造及其自动化年级2011级指导教师郭宏亮2015 年 5 月 8日目录摘要 (1)ABSTRACT (2)第1章绪论 (3)第2章举升机的方案拟定 (5)2.1举升机的基本情况 (5)2.2汽车举升机的主要结构与要求 (5)2.3双柱液压式汽车举升机的技术特点及参数 (6)2.3.1技术特点 (6)2.3.2技术参数 (6)2.4双柱液压式汽车举升机结构方案的确定 (6)第3章举升机的结构设计 (8)3.1举升装置 (8)3.2立柱 (9)3.3支撑机构 (10)3.4平衡机构 (11)3.5保险机构 (11)第4章举升机的强刚度分析与验算 (13)4.1举升机立柱的结构分析和验算 (13)4.1.1 主立柱的截面特性分析与计算 (13)4.1.2 主立柱的强度分析与验算 (16)4.1.3 主立柱的刚度计算 (21)4.2托臂部分的强度校核 (22)4.2.1 托臂部分截面特性 (22)4.2.2 托臂部分强度核算 (23)4.2.3 从托臂处考虑挠度情况 (25)第5章液压系统 (27)5.1液压系统工作原理 (27)5.2液压缸活塞杆受压校核 (28)5.2.1 液压缸活塞杆强度验算 (28)5.2.2 液压缸活塞杆受压稳定性校核 (28)第6章液压辅助元件 (31)6.1管件 (31)6.2液压软管接头 (31)6.3油箱及其附件 (31)第7章钢丝绳与滑轮的选择计算 (33)7.1钢丝绳的选择计算 (33)7.1.1钢丝绳的计算 (33)7.1.2钢丝绳的选择 (33)7.2滑轮的选择 (34)7.2.1滑轮的结构和材料 (34)7.2.2滑轮的主要尺寸 (34)7.2.3滑轮直径与钢丝绳直径的匹配关系 (35)7.2.4滑轮的形式 (35)7.2.5滑轮的材料 (35)7.2.6滑轮外观 (35)第8章结论 (36)参考文献 (37)致谢 (39)摘要双柱液压式汽车举升机是一种汽车修理和保养单位常用的举升设备,广泛用于轿车等小型车的维修和保养。

Westward Telescoping Hydraulic Bottle JacksPlease read and save these instructions. Read carefully before attempting to assemble, install, operate or maintain the product described.Protect yourself and others by observing all safety information. Failure to comply with instructions could result in personal injury and/or property damage! Retain instructions for future reference.®DescriptionWestward telescoping hydraulic bottle jacks are for lifting automotive, farm,industrial, and construction vehicles. Jacks can be used vertically or in the horizontal with pump positioned directly below the reservoir (see Figure 1).Carrying handle accommodates moving and positioning of jack. These jacks are designed to meet applicable ASME/ANSI Standards.Specifications5M451A 5 Ton 5 5/8x 5 5/8”8 3/8”21 3/4”5M463A 106 5/8x 6 3/47 1/817 1/4General Safety InformationStudy, understand,and follow allinstructions before operating this device. Lifting device only. Intended use is for lifting part of a total vehicle,only one wheel or axle at a time.Immediately after lifting, support vehicle with appropriate means. Do not exceed rated capacity. Useonly on a hard, level surface capable of sustaining rated capacity loads. Lift only on those areas of the vehicle as specified by vehicle manufacturer.Ensure that the lift point is properly centered on the jack saddle.Always wear safety googles when using this equipment.Inspect jack before each use. Do not use if bent, broken, leaking, or damaged components are noted. No alteration of this product isallowed. Do not use this device for any purpose other than that for which it was intended.Failure to heed any one or combination of these warnings may result in severepersonal injury and/or property damage.Before UseUse Figure 2 as reference.1. Prior to use, remove oil filler plug to let any trapped air escape. Ensure the oil level is even with or just below the oil filler plug hole.Reinstall oil filler plug.2. Thoroughly lubricate all moving parts of the jack.a. Raise the saddle to full height by closing release valve and pumping handle.b. Oil surface of ram as well as all moving parts in the handle and lifting mechanism.OperationLIFTING1. Prevent inadvertent vehicle movement by fully engaging emergency brake, puttingtransmission in park. Use wheel chocks in pairs on the wheeldiagonally opposed to the wheel or axle lifted.2. Close release valve by turning handle clockwise until it is firmly closed.3. Position jack under load and turn extension screw or saddle until solid contact can be made with load to be lifted.Figure 2 - Telescoping Hydraulic Bottle Jack ComponentsSHI 017Printed in ChinaWestward Operating Instructions and Parts ManualWestward Telescoping Hydraulic Bottle Jacks®5M451A and 5M463AOperation (Continued)4. Operate jack handle until saddle contacts load.Off center loads and loads liftedwhile jack is not level may damage the jack or cause personal injury.5. Raise load to desired height and immediately transfer load to jack stands.LOWERINGIMPORTANT:Avoid “shock loads”created by quickly opening and closing the release valve as load is being lowered. This may result in anoverloading of the hydraulic circuit and possible damage to the jack.1. Insert handle onto release valve and slowly turn handle counterclockwise no more than one full turn.2. Push handle sleeve down manually if still extended to reduce piston exposure to rusting.MaintenanceIMPORTANT:Use only a good grade hydraulic jack oil (Mobil DTE 13M or equivalent), avoid mixing types of oil.Do not use brake fluid, alcohol,glycerin, detergent motor oil, or dirty oil. Improper fluid can cause serious internal damage to the jack rendering it inoperative. ADDING OIL1. With saddle fully lowered and piston depressed, set jack in its upright level position and remove oil filler plug.2. Fill until oil is level with or just below filler plug hole.CHANGING OIL1. For best performance and longest life, replace the complete oil supply at least once a year.2. To drain oil completely, remove the oil filler plug.3. Lay the jack on its side and allow the oil to run out into suitable drain pan.Dispose oil in accordance with local regulations.4. Replace with proper oil as described above.LUBRICATIONAdd lubricating oil to all pivoting sections every 3 months.RUST PREVENTIONCheck ram and piston for signs of rust on a regular basis. Clean as needed with a lint free, oil saturated cloth.STORAGEWhen not in use, always leave the saddle and pump piston all the way down.Troubleshooting ChartJack will not lift load 1. Release valve not tightly closed 1. Ensure release valve tightly closed 2. Overload condition2. Remedy overload condition Jack bleeds off after lift 1. Release valve not tightly closed 1. Ensure release valve tightly closed 2. Hydraulic unit malfunctioning2. Replace hydraulic unit Jack will not lower after unloading 1. Reservoir overfilled 1. Drain oil to proper level2. Linkage binding2. Clean and lubricate moving parts Poor lift performance 1. Oil level low1. Ensure proper oil level2. Air trapped in system2. With ram fully retracted, remove oil filler plug to let pressurized air escape, reinstall oil filler plug Will not lift to full height 1. Oil level low1. Ensure proper oil levelSymptomPossible Cause(s)Corrective Action5M451A and 5M463A Westward Operating Instructions and Parts ManualFor Repair Parts, call 1-800-323-062024 hours a day - 365 days a yearPlease provide following information:-Model number-Serial number (if any)1Handle1590201B11000112Oil Filler Plug1590202B1100021Manufactured for Grainger International, Inc.,Westward Operating Instructions and Parts ManualWestward Telescoping Hydraulic Bottle Jack®5M451A and 5M463ALIMITED WARRANTYWESTWARD ONE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY.Hydraulic Bottle Jacks,Model covered in this manual, is warranted by Westward to the original user against defects in workmanship or materials under normal use for one year after date of purchase. For limited warranty claim procedures, see PROMPT DISPOSITION below. This limited warranty gives purchasers specific legal rights which vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.LIMITATION OF LIABILITY.To the extent allowable under applicable law, Westward's liability for consequential and incidental damages is expressly disclaimed. Westward's liability in all events is limited to and shall not exceed the purchase price paid.WARRANTY DISCLAIMER.Westward has made a diligent effort to provide product information and illustrate the products in this literature accurately; however, such information and illustrations are for the sole purpose of identification, and do notexpress or imply a warranty that the products are MERCHANTABLE, or FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, or that the products will necessarily conform to the illustrations or descriptions.Except as provided below, no warranty or affirmation of fact, expressed or implied, other than as stated in the "LIMITED WARRANTY" above is made or authorized by Westward.PRODUCT SUITABILITY . Many jurisdictions have codes and regulations governing sales, construction, installation, and/or use of products for certain purposes, which may vary from those in neighboring areas. While Westward attempts to assure that itsproducts comply with such codes, it cannot guarantee compliance, and cannot be responsible for how the product is installed or used. Before purchase and use of a product, review the product applications, and all applicable national and local codes and regulations, and be sure that the product, installation, and use will comply with them.Certain aspects of disclaimers are not applicable to consumer products; e.g., (a) some jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you; (b) also, somejurisdictions do not allow a limitation on how long an implied warranty lasts, consequentially the above limitation may not apply to you; and (c) by law, during the period of this limited warranty, any implied warranties of implied merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose applicable to consumer products purchased by consumers, may not be excluded or otherwise disclaimed.PROMPT DISPOSITION .Westward will make a good faith effort for prompt correction or other adjustment with respect to any product which proves to be defective within limited warranty. For any product believed to be defective within limited warranty,first write or call dealer from whom the product was purchased. Dealer will give additional directions. If unable to resolve satisfactorily, write to Westward at address below, giving dealer's name, address, date, and number of dealer's invoice, anddescribing the nature of the defect. Title and risk of loss pass to buyer on delivery to common carrier. If product was damaged in transit to you, file claim with carrier.Manufactured for Grainger International, 100 Grainger Pkwy., Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 U.S.A.。
路特利 SPOA35TM 双柱举升机 用户手册说明书

SPOA35TM双柱举升机用户手册出厂编号:______________出厂日期:_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __路特利举升机(海门)有限公司电话:(0513) 81261262 82100577地址:江苏省海门经济开发区服务热线:800-828-3302秀山东路1388号传真:(0513) 82109502网址SPOA35TM-S1Rev.B特别说明☐装运过程中造成设备的损坏,须由购买者向承运单位索赔。

同时对液压缸活塞杆强度也进行了验算,以保证所设计的举升机满足使用要求.关键词液压式,双柱举升机,机械结构设计,液压驱动,AbstractDouble-column automobile lifting machine is commonly used lifting equipment in automobile repair and maintenance organization, widely used in car’s and small truck’s repair and maintenance. The manufacturers and the types of the automobile lifting are both numerous,for instance,double—column lifting, forth-column lifting, shearing lifting, mobile car combination lifting and so on. The paper makes a comprehensive introduction to the classification of the lifting and when the lifting’s design program is identified, this paper gives the design and description against the structure and characteristics of the lifting。

关键词升举机液压执行元件起重链槽轮钢丝绳AbstractA pillar type raises to rise the machine is a kind of automobile to fix and maintain the unit to raise to rise the equipments in common usely, extensively used for the car etc. the compact car maintains and maintains.It is a kind of is no bigger than 3 tons the whole carmaterial weight of various car, bread car, the tool car...etc. raise to ris e the certain height to be provided for car maintenance and safeties to check the homework protect to fix the equipments.keyword UP hydraulic power WRAPT hydraulic pressureaction element hoisting chain grooved pulley wire rope目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)第1章绪论 (1)1前言 (1)2升举机的概述 (2)第2章总体设计 (3)第3章主要技术特点及其技术参数 (4)1技术特点 (4)2技术参数 (4)第4章液压系统的传动计算 (5)1液压系统的设计步骤与设计要求 (5)2进行工况分析、确定液压系统的主要参数 (6)3制定基本方案和绘制液压系统图 (18)4液压元件的选择与专用件设计 (22)5液压系统性能验算 (28)第5章液压执行元件 (36)1液压缸 (36)2液压马达 (49)第6章液压辅助元件及液压泵站 (50)1管件 (50)2.液压软管接头 (51)3油箱及其附件 (52)4UP液压动力包 (52)6.液压油的选择 (57)第7章钢丝绳的选择计算 (58)1钢丝绳的计算 (58)2钢丝绳的选择 (59)第8章滑轮的选择和计算 (60)1滑轮结构和材料 (60)2滑轮的主要尺寸 (60)3滑轮直径与钢丝绳直径匹配关系 (61)4滑轮形式 (61)5滑轮技术条件 (61)6滑轮强度计算 (63)第9章起重链条和槽轮 (62)1板式链条和槽轮的选择 (63)2板式链及端接头 (64)3板式链用槽轮 (64)第10章使用说明 (64)1.使用说明 (65)2使用时注意事项 (65)3.升举机安全操作规程 .................... 错误!未定义书签。
YA1642A 2吨容量液压抬升机操作手册说明书

OWNER/OPERATOR MANUALMODEL YA1642A 2 TON CAPACITYHYDRAULIC SERVICE JACKASSEMBLYFamiliarize yourself with the illustrations in the operator's manual. Know your jack and how it operates before attempting to use. Refer to Figure 1 on page 3 for components location. Tighten securely to prevent accidental removal of handle while in use.1. Assemble the two-piece handle with provided bolt2. Insert the handle into the handle fork.3. Tighten the bolt securely to prevent accidental removal of handle while in use.BEFORE USE1. Verify that the product and the application are compatible.2. Read the owners manual completely and familiarize yourself thoroughly with the product, its components and recognize the hazards associated with its use before using this product.3. Locate and open the release valve by turning it counterclockwise (no more than 1/2 full turn).4. With saddle fully lowered, remove oil filler plug. Pump handle 6 to 8 strokes to vent the air in reservoir.5. Ensure that oil level is within 3/16" from the inner cylinder as veiwed from the oil filler hole. Reinstall the oil filler plug.6. Close release valve by turning the handle clockwise until firm resistance is felt.7. Roll the jack to ensure that it rolls freely before putting into service.8. Raise and lower the unloaded saddle throughout the lift range to ensure proper operation of the pump and release valve before placing any load on the product.9. Replace worn or damaged parts and assemblies with Snap-on Authorized Replacement Parts only. (See Replacement Parts Section). Lubricate as instructed in Maintenance Section.10. Inspect before each use. Do not use if there are bent, broken, or cracked components.SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSFor your safety, read, understand, and follow the information provided with and on this jack. The owner and operator of this equipment shall have an understanding of this jack and safe operating procedures before attempting to use. The owner and operator shall be aware that the use and repair of this product may require special skills and knowledge. Instructions and safety information shall be conveyed in the operator's native language before use of this jack is authorized. If any doubt exists as to the safe and proper use of this jack,remove from service immediately.Inspect before each use. Do not use if there are broken, bent, cracked, or damaged parts (including labels). Any jack that appears damaged in any way,operates abnormally or is missing parts,shall be removed from service immediately. If the jack has been or suspected to have been subjected to a shock load (a load dropped suddenly,unexpectedly upon it), immediately discontinue to use until jack has been checked by a Snap-on authorized service center. It is recommended that an annual inspection be done by qualified personnel. Labels and Operator's Manual are available from manufacturer.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONBlue-Point Hydraulic Service Jack is designed to lift, not sustain, rated capacity loads. It is designed to be used in conjunction with jack stands. Intended use: To lift one wheel or one axle of a vehicle for the purpose of service and/or repair of vehicle components. After lifting,loads must be immediately supported by appropriately rated jack stands. Check with vehicle owner's manual for proper lift points.DO NOT DOLLY THE LOAD WITH THIS DEVICE !DO NOT USE FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN THOSE USES OUTLINED!! WARNING• Study, understand, and follow all instructions provided with and on this device before operating this device.• Do not exceed rated capacity.• This is a lifting device only.• After lifting, immediately transfer the load to appropriately rated vehicle stands.• Never work on, under, or around a load supported only by this device.• Use only on hard, level surfaces capable of sustaining rated capacity loads.• Do not move or dolly loads with this device.• Do not modify this device.• Do not use adapters or accessories that are not provided initially.• Lift only on areas of the vehicle as specified by the vehicle manufac-turer.• Failure to heed these markings may result in personal injury and/or propertydamage.Esta es una simple advertencia.Por favor lea las instrucciones y advertencias en inglés! ADVERTENCIALowering1. Raise load high enough to clear the jack stands.2. Carefully remove jack stands (always used in pairs).3. Slowly turn the handle counter-clockwise, but no more than 1/2 turn.If the load fails to lower:a. Use another jack to raise the vehicle high enough to reinstall jack stands.b. Remove the malfunctioning jack and then the jack stands.c. Using the other jack, lower the load by turning the operating handle counterclockwise, but no more than 1/2 turn.Note: Close release valve by turning the handle clockwise and open release valve by turning the handle counterclockwise.4. Push saddle down to reduce ram exposure to rust and contamination after removing jack from under the load.MAINTENANCEImportant: Use only a good grade hydraulic jack oil. Avoid mixing different types of fluid and Never use brake fluid,turbine oil, transmission fluid, motor oil or glycerin. Improper fluid can cause failure of the jack and the potential for sudden and immediate loss of load. We recommend Mobil DTE 13M or equivalent.Adding oil1. With saddle fully lowered set jack in its upright, level position. Locate and remove oil filler plug.2. Fill with oil until ~3/16" above the inner cylinder as seen from the oil filler hole.Reinstall the oil filler plug.Changing oilFor best performance, replace the hydraulic fluid completely annually.1. With saddle fully lowered,remove oil filler plug.2. Lay the jack on its side and drain the fluid into a suitable container.Note: Dispose of hydraulic fluid in accordance with local regulations.3. Fill with oil until ~3/16" above the inner cylinder as seen from the filler hole.Reinstall the oil filler plug.LubricationA periodic coating of light lubricating oil to pivot points, axles and hinges will help to prevent rust and assure that wheels,casters and pump assemblies move freely.CleaningPeriodically check the pump piston and ram for signs of rust or corrosion. Clean as needed and wipe with an oily cloth.Note: Never use sandpaper or abrasive material on these surfaces!StorageLower the saddle to its lowest position when not in use.OPERA TIONLifting1. Place the vehicle in the park gear.2. Engage emergency brake.3. Securely chock wheels to prevent inadvertent vehicle movement.4. Turn handle clockwise firmly to close release valve.5. Center jack saddle under lift point.6. Refer to the vehicle manufacturer's owner's manual to locate approved lifting points on the vehicle.7. Verify lift point.8. Pump handle to contact lift point.9. Continue to pump handle until load reaches desired height.10.Transfer the load immediately to appropriately rated jack stands.(continued)To avoid crushing and related injuries:NEVER work on, under or around a load supported only by a jack.Immediately transfer the load to an appropriate support device such as jack stands! WARNINGBe sure all tools and personnel are clear before lowering load. Dynamic shock loads are created by quickly opening and closing the release valve as the load is being lowered. The resulting overload may cause hydraulic system failure.! WARNING- KNOW YOUR PRODUCT -TROUBLESHOOTINGREPLACEMENT PARTSPlease refer to the Parts drawing when ordering parts. Not all components of the jack are replacement items, but are illustrated asReplacement Parts List for model YA1642ASeal Kit G48903-0000 contains:LIMITED WARRANTY STATEMENTSnap-on Tools warrants this product to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of 1 year from date of purchase. This warranty applies to the original purchaser (end user) only and is not transferable. Damaged components and assemblies i.e. bent ram and pump pistons, dented reservoirs, cracked or altered components, are the result of mis-use, mis-application or a combination of both. These conditions will not be considered for warranty credit. We have complete confidence that the Snap-on product you purchase will meet or exceed your performance requirement. However in the unlikely event that a Snap-on product fails due to material or workmanship defect within the warranty period you may contact your retailer for disposition or you may contact an Authorized Service Center listed in the product owner’s manual. Except where such limitations and exclusions are specifically prohibited by law, the consumer’s sole and exclusive remedy shall be the repair or replacement of the defective product. Snap-on shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damage or loss whatsoever, and the duration of any and all expressed and implied warranties, including without limitation, any warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, is limited to a period of 1 year from date of purchase. Some States do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights. You may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Manufactured for Snap-on Tools Company2801 80th Street Kenosha, WI 53141-1410Made in Chinamemo.memo.。
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摘要 (I)
Abstract (II)
第1章绪论 (1)
1.1引言 (1)
1.2国内外汽车举升机液压系统状况 (1)
1.3汽车举升机液压系统设计的目的和意义 (2)
1.4 液压系统设计原则 (2)
1.5液压系统设计策略 (3)
1.6主要设计内容 (5)
第2章汽车举升机的组成及原理 (6)
2.1汽车举升机的基本组成 (6)
2.2汽车举升机的分类 (6)
2.3举升机的总体结构 (7)
2.4举升机液压系统的组成 (7)
2.5举升机液压系统的主要参数 (11)
2.6举升机液压系统的工作原理 (11)
2.7举升机液压系统的工作过程分析 (11)
2.8本章小结 (12)
第3章液压系统总体方案设计 (13)
3.1设计依据 (13)
3.1.1汽车举升机液压系统设计要求 (13)
3.1.2系统工作压力的确定 (13)
3.2液压系统液压回路设计 (13)
3.2.1升降回路 (13)
3.2.2补油回路 (15)
3.3本章小结 (16)
第4章液压缸设计 (17)
4.1液压缸的设计要求 (17)
4.2液压缸直径及行程的确定 (17)
4.2.1液压缸内径的确定 (17)
4.2.2液压缸行程的确定 (18)
4.3液压缸活塞杆直径的确定 (19)
4.4 液压缸壁厚、外径等参数计算 (19)
4.5液压缸外形尺寸的校核 (23)
4.5.1缸筒外径强度校核 (23)
4.5.2活塞杆直径强度及稳定性校核 (23)
4.6本章小结 (25)
第5章液压缸主要零件结构、材料及技术要求 (26)
5.1缸体 (26)
5.2活塞 (26)
5.3活塞杆 (27)
5.4活塞杆的导向、密封和防尘 (28)
5.5液压缸的排气装置 (29)
5.6液压缸安装联接部分的型式及尺寸 (29)
5.7本章小结 (29)
第6章液压泵设计 (30)
6.1液压泵的工作原理 (30)
6.2液压泵的形式 (30)
6.3液压泵主要参数及型号 (30)
6.4液压泵主要参数的确定 (31)
6.4.1液压泵工作压力的计算 (31)
6.4.2液压泵理论流量的计算 (31)
6.4.3液压泵排量的计算 (32)
6.4.4液压泵功率的计算 (32)
6.8本章小结 (33)
第7章油箱的设计及液压辅助元件的选择 (34)
7.1油箱容量及油箱散热面积的确定 (34)
7.1.1油箱容量的确定 (34)
7.1.2油箱散热面积的确定 (34)
7.2油箱的结构要点 (34)
7.3液压阀介绍 (35)
7.4液压阀选择原则 (36)
7.5滤油器的选择 (37)
7.6管路直径计算选择 (38)
7.7本章小结 (39)
结论 (40)
参考文献 (41)
致谢 (43)
附录 (44)
四柱举升机国产设备的价位在 1.0~3.5万元,进口品牌在 1.8~4.5万元,价格随着举升机吨位的提高而增加,可适用于大多数车型。