













J. Ind. Eng. Chem.,Vol. 13, No. 4, (2007) 537-544Preparation of Methoxy and Ethoxy Nonafluorobutanes Sun-Hee Hwang, Ju-Ryun Kim, Sang Deuk Lee, Hyunjoo Lee, Hoon Sik Kim*, and Honggon Kim†Energy and Environment Technology Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, P.O. Box 131,Cheongryang, Seoul 130-650, Korea*Department of Chemistry, Kyunghee University, 1 Hoegy-dong, Dongdaemoon-gu, Seoul 130-701, KoreaReceived August 30, 2006; Accepted May 18, 2007Abstr act:Syntheses of methoxynonafluorobutane (C4F9OCH3) and ethoxynonafluorobutane (C4F9OC2H5), which are considered as prospective third generation alternative cleaning agents replacing CFC-113 (CF2ClCFCl2), CH3CCl3, and HCFC-141b (CH3CFCl2), were studied. Heptafluorobutyryl chloride (C3F7COCl) or hepta-fluorobutyryl fluoride (C3F7COF) was firstly reacted with alkali metal fluoride (KF or CsF) in an aprotic polar solvent to produce alkali metal nonafluorobutoxide. It was consecutively converted to C4F9OCH3 and C4F9OC2H5 through the reaction with alkylating agents such as dimethyl sulfate, methyl trifluoromethane sulfonate and di-ethyl sulfate. Identification and characterization of major products were carried out by GC-MS, FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and 19F-NMR spectroscopies.Keywords:methoxynonafluorobutane, ethoxynonafluorobutane, perfluoroacyl halide, heptafluorobutyryl chlor-ide, heptafluorobutyryl fluoride, nonafluorobutoxideIntroductionChlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) have been widely used for refrigerants, cleaning solvents, foam blowing agents, propellants, and fire extinguishing agents since early twenty centuries because of their excellent physical prop-erties, thermal and chemical stability and harmlessness in contact. However, chlorine (Cl) or bromine (Br) mole-cules in CFCs are recognized to react with ozone, thus destroying the stratospheric ozone layer when CFCs are released to the air and migrate to the stratosphere. Therefore, CFCs are requested to be phased out accord-ing to an international agreement, the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Various HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons) and HFCs (hydrofl- uorocarbons), so-called the second-generation CFCs, have been proposed for replacing CFCs [1]. However, these are accepted only as interim alternatives because HCFC still contains chlorine and HFC generally has long atmospheric lifetime and high global warming potential.Hydrofluoroether (HFE) containing fluorine atoms in an ether molecule is currently considered as a third-gen-†To whom all correspondence should be addressed.(e-mail: hkim@kist.re.kr)eration CFC, which has zero ozone depletion potential (ODP) and low atmospheric lifetime, thus low global warming potential (GWP) [2,3]. Among HFEs, mole-cules of C4~C6 are considered as possible candidates for alternative cleaning agents due to their reasonable boil-ing points.Methoxynonafluorobutane (C4F9OCH3) and ethoxyno- nafluorobutane (C4F9OC2H5), which are clear, colorless, and low-odor solvents, have been developed and com-mercialized by 3M Chemicals [4]. Since both have low flammability, relatively low vapor pressure, low heat of vaporization, and low surface tension, they are consid-ered to replace the chlorine-containing cleaning solvents such as 1,1,1-trichloroethane, CFC-113 (CF2ClCFCl2), and HCFC-141b (CH3CFCl2). Table 1 compares physical and environmental properties of methoxy- and ethox-ynonafluorobutanes with those of major CFC and CFC alternative cleaning solvents formerly used [5,6]. Because methoxy- and ethoxynonafluorobutanes con-tain perfluoroalkyl (R f) group on one side and alkyl (R) group on the other side of ether linkage, they cannot be synthesized by selective partial fluorination of their hy-drocarbon precursors. Instead, they may be prepared by coupling reactions of two reactants having R f and R, respectively. One is a reaction of acyl halide with a fluo-Sun-Hee Hwang, Ju-Ryun Kim, Sang Deuk Lee, Hyunjoo Lee, Hoon Sik Kim, and Honggon Kim538Table 1. Physical and Environmental Properties of Cleaning Solvents [5,6]Properties ENFB6MNFB6HFC-4310HCFC-225 ca/cb HCFC-141b CFC-1131,1,1-TCE Formular C4F9OC2H5C4F9OCH3C5H2F10C3Cl2HF5C2Cl2H3F C2Cl3F3CH3CCl3 Boiling pt. (o C)78615454324874 Freezing pt. (o C)-138-135-80-131-103-35-39 Liquid density (g/ml)1 1.43 1.52 1.58 1.55 1.23 1.56 1.32 Surface tension (dyne/cm)113.613.614.116.219.317.325.1 Solubility in water (ppm)1< 2012140330210170700 Solubility of water (ppm)19295490310420110170 Vapor pressure (mmHg)1109202226290569331121 Viscosity (cps)10.610.610.670.590.430.680.83 Heat of vaporization (cal/g)230303134.653.33558 Specific heat (cal/g o C) Flammability3 2.4-12.4none none none7.1-18.6none none ODP40. Atmospheric lifetime (yrs)0.8 4.117.1 2.5-6.69.485 5.41.@ 25 o C2.@ boiling point3.vol% in air @ 100 o C4.referring to CFC-11 (=1.0)5.GWP-100 year integrated time horizon6.MNFB (methoxy nonafluorobutane), ENFB (ethoxy nonafluorobutane).rinating agent and an alkylating agent. For example, a batch reaction of heptafluorobutyryl fluoride (C3F7COF) with dimethy or diethylsulfate in the presence of KF can produce C4F9OCH3 or C4F9OC2H5 [4]. Another is a re-action of perfluoroalkyl iodide with metal alkoxide. In this work, plausible synthetic reactions and their optimal conditions for the former case were investigated, and proper reaction pathways and reaction conditions were proposed. Identification and characterization of the prod-ucts, C4F9OCH3 and C4F9OC2H5, were also carried out by GC-MS, FT-IR, 1H-NMR, and 19F-NMR spectroscopies.ExperimentalMaterialsAmong well-known alkylating agents, dimethyl sulfate or methyl triflate (methyl trifluoromethane sulfonate) for C4F9OCH3 and diethyl sulfate for C4F9OC2H5 were se-lected because of their monoalkyl sulfate ion (ROSO3-), an excellent leaving group for enhancing methylation of perfluoroalkoxide [7]. Reacting materials such as hepta-fluorobutyryl chloride (C3F7COCl, 98 %), dimethyl sul-fate ((CH3)2SO4, 99 %), diethyl sulfate ((C2H5)2SO4, 98 %), and methyl triflate (CF3SO3CH3, 96 %) were pur-chased from Aldrich Chemicals. Solvents, dimethylfor-amide (DMF, 99.8 %, Aldrich) and diethyleneglycol di-methylether (diglyme, 99 %, Acros), were used without further purification. Spray-dried KF (99 %, Sigma) and CsF (99 %, Acros) were dried for 12 h at 150 o C in a PyrexⓇ vacuum line just before being used. Heptafluo- robutyryl fluoride (C3F7COF) was prepared from hepta-fluorobutyryl chloride as described in the literature [8,9], and its purity was checked by GC.AnalysisProducts were confirmed by a GC-MS of HP 6890 GC and HP 5973 MSD, and their compositions were ana-lyzed by a Donam 6200 GC equipped with FID under operating conditions shown in Table 2. IR analysis of liq-uid products was conducted with a Galaxy series FT-IR 6030 Infrared spectrometer. Both 1H-NMR and 19F-NMR spectra were obtained from a Varian Unity 300 NMR spectrometer in CDCl3 solvent with (CH3)4Si and CFCl3 as internal references.The product solution was collected after the reaction, and the organic layer was carefully separated. The prod-uct yield was calculated based on the weight of separated organic layer and the peak area ratio of products in the gas chromatogram. The selectivity was calculated from GC peak areas of C4F9OR and C3F7COOR (R = CH3, C2H5).Preparation of C4F9OR (R = CH3, C2H5) with C3F7COCl or C3F7COFHeptafluorobutyryl chloride (C3F7COCl) or heptafluo- robutyryl fluoride (C3F7COF) and alkali metal fluoride (spray-dried KF, CsF) were reacted in an aprotic polarPreparation of Methoxy and Ethoxy Nonafluorobutanes539 Table 2. Operation Conditions of GC and GC-MSCondition GC with FID GC-MSColumnInjector temperature Detector temperature Oven temperature InitialIncrease rateFinalCarrier gas flow HP-1, capillary 50 m180 o C250 o C30 o C, 5 min+10 o C/min150 o C, 2 minHe, 0.8 mL/minPoraplot Q, 2 m200 o C250 o C100 o C, 3 min+10 o C/min200 o C, 5 minHe, 0.8 mL/minsolvent. Consecutive reaction with alkylating agents mi- ght produce corresponding heptafluorobutyryl alkyl ethers. Reactions were carried out in three ways: the one-pot reaction in which all reactants were charged to-gether and simultaneously reacted, the two-step reaction in which reactants were added and reacted step by step at different temperatures, and the two-step reaction with dropping reactants in which reactants were slowly added drop by drop during each step running at different tem- peratures. In the one-pot reaction, spray-dried KF (100 mmol, 5.81 g) or CsF (100 mmol, 15.19 g) was loaded into a cylindrical stainless steel reactor (75 mL) equipped with a magnetic stirring bar, a pressure gauge, and a ther-mocouple under nitrogen condition. The reactor was evacuated for 12 h at 150 o C in order to remove moisture in the alkali metal fluoride. A solvent, DMF or diglyme (25 mL), C3F7COCl (25 mmol, 2.33 g), and an alkylating agent, (CH3)2SO4 (50 mmol, 4.8 mL)or CF3SO3CH3 (50 mmol, 5.8 mL), were added into the reactor through well-dried syringes around 0 o C. N2 gas was charged to make the internal pressure 0.5 bar. Once the reactor was warmed up to a temperature designed, the reactants were stirred and started to react. In the two-step reaction, spray-dried KF or CsF, a solvent (DMF), and C3F7COCl were charged in the same manner. The mixture was re-acted for 3 h at a designed temperature and cooled below 0 o C to stop the reaction temporarily. After an alkylating agent, (CH3)2SO4 or (C2H5)2SO4, was injected, the reactor was warmed up to a designed temperature again and fur-ther reaction was induced by additional stirring for 2 to 5 h. When C3F7COF (25 mmol, 5.40 g) was used instead of C3F7COCl, the first-step reaction last for 2.5 h at a design temperature. In the two-step reaction with dropping, C3F7COCl was added dropwise to the solution containing alkali metal fluoride during the first-step reaction, and an alkylating agent was also added dropwise during the sec-ond-step reaction. Small amount of liquid was sampled periodically, and the progress of reaction was checked by GC and GC-MS. After the reaction was completed, the products were discharged at 50 o C under vacuum and collected in a cold trap in liquid nitrogen. The collected solution was washed with ice-water, and the lower organ-ic layer was separated in a separatory funnel. A colorless solution was obtained by being dried with anhydrous MgSO4 and filtered.Characterization of ProductsProducts were identified by GC-MS, IR, 1H NMR, and 19F NMR. The major products were a group of C4F9OCH3, C3F7COOCH3, CH3Cl, and C3F7COF, or of C4F9OC2H5, C3F7COOC2H5, C2H5Cl, C2H5OOCH, and C3F7COF. Trace amount of CH3F or C2H5F was also found. Ac- cording to the clear boiling point difference, CH3Cl, C2H5Cl, C2H5OOCH, and C3F7COF were easily separable. The major products were characterized by analytical instru-ments as follows.C4F9OCH3 : MW 250.08; bp 60∼61 o C; d = 1.52; IR (gas, cm-1): 2975.5, 2878.09, 1461.0, 1352.4, 1313.5, 1248.7, 1147.0, 1118.4, 1064.9, 990.8, 936.4, 884.1, 740.3; 1H NMR (CDCl3): δ3.72 (3H, s); 19F NMR: δ- 81.68 (3F, t), -89.01 (2F), -126.86 (2F), -127.24 (2F); MS (EI) [m/e (species)] : 249 (C4F9OCH2+), 231 (C4F8OCH3+), 219 (C4F9+), 181 (CF2CF2CF2OCH3+), 169 (CF3CF2CF2+), 150 (CF3CF2CF+), 131 (CF2CF2OCH3+), 119 (CF3CF2+), 100 (CF2CF2+), 81 (CF2OCH3+), 69 (CF3+), 31 (OCH3+), 15 (CH3+).C3F7COOCH3 : MW 228.07; bp 80∼81 o C; d = 1.48; MS (EI) [m/e (species)]: 209 (C3F6COOCH3+), 197 (C3F7CO+), 181 (CF3CF2CF2C+), 169 (CF3CF2CF2+), 150 (CF3CF2CF+), 119 (CF3CF2+), 100 (CF2CF2+), 69 (CF3+), 59 (COOCH3+), 50 (CF2+), 31 (OCH3+), 15 (CH3+).C4F9OC2H5 : MW 264.11; bp 76∼78 o C; d = 1.43; MS (EI) [m/e (species)]: 263 (C4F9OCH2CH2+), 249 (C4F9 OCH2+), 219 (C4F9+), 169 (CF3CF2CF2+), 150 (CF3CF2 CF+), 131 (CF2CF2OCH3+), 119 (CF3CF2+), 100 (CF2 CF2+), 95 (CF2OC2H5+), 69 (CF3+), 29 (CH3CH2+), 15 (CH+3).C3F7COOC2H5 : MW 242.09; bp 95∼97 o C; d = 1.39; MS (EI) [m/e (species)]: 241 (C3F7COOCH2CH2+), 227 (C3F7COOCH2+), 213 (C3F7COO+), 197 (C3F7CO+), 169 (CF3CF2CF2+), 119 (CF3CF2+), 100 (CF2CF2+), 69 (CF3+), 29 (CH3CH2+).Results and DiscussionPreparation of C4F9OCH3 with C3F7COCl in one-pot reactionC4F9OCH3 seems producible from C3F7COCl in the presence of metal fluoride and an alkylating agent in one-pot reaction through one of following examples.C3F7C(=O)Cl + 2 MF + (CH3)2SO4→C4F9OCH3 + MCl + CH3SO4M(1)Sun-Hee Hwang, Ju-Ryun Kim, Sang Deuk Lee, Hyunjoo Lee, Hoon Sik Kim, and Honggon Kim540Figure 1. Product distribution change according to the reaction time in one-pot reaction (The area of CH 3Cl is compared with the total area of C 4 reactants and products).C 3F 7C(=O)Cl + 2 MF + CF 3SO 3CH 3 → C 4F 9OCH 3 +MCl + CF 3SO 3M (2)Liquid samples periodically collected during the reactionshowed that intermediates, such as C 3F 7COF and CH 3Cl, were formed. The reactant, C 3F 7COCl, was fluorinated and almost completely converted to C 3F 7COF within ini-tial 2 h, and the Cl - released by halogen exchange reacted with CH 3+ of an alkylating agent to form CH 3Cl. The main intermediate, C 3F 7COF, was produced in large amount during initial 2 h then remarkably reduced as be-ing converted to the final product, C 4F 9OCH 3. However, C 3F 7COF was not thoroughly converted in a batch re-action even after 20 h. In contrast to C 3F 7COF, the pro-duction of CH 3Cl proceeded for a while then gradually reduced even far after the production of C 4F 9OCH 3 ceased as shown in Figure 1. This proposed that the re-actant acyl chloride, C 3F 7COCl, firstly exchanges the halogen ion with alkali metal fluoride, MF, to form an acyl fluoride, C 3F 7COF. Then the acyl fluoride reacts with another MF to transform into an alkali metal non-afluorobutoxide (C 4F 9O -M +) in an aprotic polar solvent. The C 4F 9O -M + consecutively reacted in situ with the al-kylating agent to produce C 4F 9OCH 3 by electrophilic substitution of CH 3+ to M + on perfluorobutoxide (C 4F 9O -). Meanwhile, some free alkali metal ions seemed to rever-sibly react with an alkylating agent such as dimethyl sul-fate ((CH 3)2SO 4) or methyl triflate (CF 3SO 3CH 3) to form CH 3SO 4M or CF 3SO 3M and released a methyl group (CH 3+) which temporarily combined with free Cl - ex-pelled from the reactant to form CH 3Cl.There were several other by-products detected in trace amount: CH 3F in the effluent gas and methyl ether (CH 3OCH 3) and methyl formate (CH 3OOCH) in the solvent. When an alkylating agent such as dimethyl sul-fate is hydrolyzed, methanol is formed. And this reaction is known to be likely accelerated over 30 o C [10]. The methanol successively reacts with another dimethyl sul-fate or with DMF to produce methyl ether or methyl for-mate, respectively.(CH 3)2SO 4 + 2 H 2O → 2 CH 3OH + H 2SO 4 (3) (CH 3)2SO 4 + CH 3OH → CH 3OCH 3 + CH 3OSO 3H (4) (CH 3)2NC(=O)H + CH 3OH →CH 3OC(=O)H + (CH 3)2NH(5)Formation of the primary by-product, methyl hepta-fluorobutyrate (C 3F 7COOCH 3), could be attributed to the moisture in chemicals. When the reactant C 3F 7COCl con-tacted with moisture, it was likely to be converted to car-boxylic acid, C 3F 7COOH with release of HCl. Or, when the initial intermediate C 3F 7COF contacted with H 2O, it might be readily converted to C 3F 7C(OH)2F, then to C 3F 7COOH by releasing HF, too. The carboxylic acid wo- uld be consecutively converted to an ester C 3F 7COOCH 3 by in situ methylation or acid-catalyzed esterification. Following equations describe possible reactions for gen-erating the primary by-product.(CH 3)2SO 4C 3F 7COX (X=Cl, F) + H 2O → C 3F 7COOH → C 3F 7COOCH 3(6)C 3F 7COOH(CH 3O)2SO 4 + 2 H 2O → 2 CH 3OH + H 2SO 4 → C 3F 7COOCH 3(7) Therefore, in case of high moisture content, C 3F 7COOCH 3 would be remarkably produced, and the solution turned acidic by HCl, HF or H 2SO 4. In addition, HF or HCl pro-duced under high moisture content could hinder the pri-mary forward reaction to C 4F 9OCH 3 by reacting with C 4F 9O -M + to produce MF or MCl and unstable C 4F 9OH which readily turn backward to C 3F 7COF and HF [9]. This reaction was known to proceed well at high temper-ature so that more C 3F 7COOCH 3 was produced at an ele-vated reaction temperature while less C 4F 9OCH 3 was pro- duced. When a chemical-grade KF conventionally cal-cined was used as the alkali metal fluoride, C 3F 7COOCH 3 was primarily produced. Meanwhile, C 4F 9OCH 3 was the main product with spray-dried KF under the same re-action condition. This indicated that the spray-dried KF was less hygroscopic than the former, so that less mois-ture was involved in the reaction. In addition, the spray- dried KF was apt to effectively source nucleophilic fluo-ride because of its smaller particle size and higher sur-face area than the conventionally calcined KF. Effects of temperature, solvent, alkali metal fluoride, and alkylating agent on the one-pot reaction for C 4F 9OCH 3 were examined. On the basis of yield and selectivity of C 4F 9OCH 3 in the entries of 1 to 6 in Table 3, the yield of targeted C 4F 9OCH 3 decreased and the selectivity of by-product, C 3F 7COOCH 3, increased as the reaction tem-Preparation of Methoxy and Ethoxy Nonafluorobutanes541 Table 3. Effect of Reaction Conditions in One-pot Reactions of C4F9OCH3Entry Alkylating agent MF Solvent T (o C)Time (h)Product yield (%)Selectivity (%)C4F9OCH3C3F7COOCH31(CH3)2SO4KF DMF252060928 2(CH3)2SO4KF DMF5020346337 3(CH3)2SO4KF DMF1002095644 4(CH3)2SO4KF diglyme2520466832 5(CH3)2SO4KF diglyme5020244357 6(CH3)2SO4KF diglyme1002043862 7(CH3)2SO4CsF DMF252068937 8CF3SO3CH3KF DMF2520418911T (C)One-pot reaction : C3F7COCl + MF + (CH3)2SO4 C4F9OCH3 + MCl + (CH3)SO4MSolventProduct yield : calculated from the GC peak area percent of targeted C4F9OCH3 based on the reactant-related products and the weight of the separated organic layer.Selectivity : calculated from the GC peak area ratio of C4F9OCH3 and C3F7COOCH3.perature increased regardless of solvent type. Higheryield of C4F9OCH3 at lower reaction temperature was ob-tained possibly because the reaction between C3F7COCland KF proceeded in the liquid phase and moreC3F7COCl could be dissolved in the solvent when thetemperature was much lower than its boiling point, e.g.38∼39 o C at 1 atm. Since the boiling point of the inter-mediate C3F7COF is around 7 o C, it was also dissolvedmore in the liquid phase and produced more C4F9OCH3at lower temperature. This could be confirmed againfrom the cases run at 50 and 100 o C where the initial in-side pressures of the reactor were above 1 and about 2bars, respectively. The pressure gradually decreased asthe reaction proceeded. Higher selectivity of C3F7COOCH3at higher temperature was presumed because the side re-action between H2O and the intermediate, C4F9O-K+, wasaccelerated at higher temperature as mentioned before.It is known that an aprotic polar solvent, such as di-methyl formamide (DMF) or diglyme, can solvate K+ ionfrom the intermediate C4F9O-K+ to enhance the methyl-ation of C4F9O- [11]. For the effect of solvent type, theyield and the selectivity of C4F9OCH3 increased more inDMF than in diglyme (entries of 1 to 3 vs. entries of 4 to6). This emphasized the importance of the selection ofaprotic polar solvent capable of solvating K+ ion.In terms of alkali metal fluoride, the rate of consumingC3F7COCl and the yield of C4F9OCH3 were higher withCsF than with spray-dried KF (entries of 1 and 7). Thisindicated that the formation of intermediate, C4F9O-M+,and the yield of product, C4F9OCH3, seemed to be de-pendent on the degree of alkali metal fluoride dis-sociation in the following equilibrium reaction; R f COF(l)+ MF(s)⇔ R f CF2O-M+(s) (M = K, Rb, Cs; R f = CF3, C2F5,C3F7, etc.). As the metallic ion has higher positive charge density or smaller size, the polarity of the negative ion, R f CF2O-, increases and the salt, R f CF2O-M+, gets easily decomposed backwards to R f COF and MF at the same temperature [9]. In other words, metallic ions in large size tend to enhance the stability of metal perfluoalk-oxide and to induce stable methylation of the salt toward the product, R f CF2OCH3. Therefore, it can be rational-ized that CsF would be a more effective fluorination agent than KF.In terms of alkylating agent, methyl triflate (CF3SO3CH3), known as a representative strong methylating agent, pro-duced lower yield of C4F9OCH3 than (CH3)2SO4 as shown in the entries of 1 and 8. This could be explained by a relatively stronger interaction between methyl tri-flate and DMF, which might lessen the methylating abil-ity of methyl triflate [12,13].Preparation of C4F9OCH3 with C3F7COCl in two-step reactionIn two-step reaction, reactants were added stepwise but different temperatures were applied at each step in order to eliminate possible competitive reactions among re-actants which seemingly happened in the one-pot re-action and to increase the desired product. In other words, the reaction was conducted in two consecutive stages. C3F7COCl was introduced to a solvent containing alkali metal fluoride, KF, and fluorinated to form an in-termediate alkali metal perfluorobutoxide (C4F9O-K+) at a temperature during the first stage. Then an alkylating agent (dimethyl sulfate) was added and reacted with the C4F9O-K+ to produce C4F9OCH3 at another temperature during the second stage as shown in the following equation.① T (o C)② T (o C)C3F7COCl + KF C4F9O-K+C4F9OCH3DMF, stirring, 3 h (CH3)2SO4, stirring, 2 h(8)Sun-Hee Hwang, Ju-Ryun Kim, Sang Deuk Lee, Hyunjoo Lee, Hoon Sik Kim, and Honggon Kim542Table 4. Effect of Reaction Temperatures in Two-step Reactions of C 4F 9OCH 3Entry Alkylating agent MF Solvent T (o C) ①T (o C) ②Product yield (%)Selectivity (%)C 4F 9OCH 3C 3F 7COOCH 39(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 252560901010(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 255046891111(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 2510024623812(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 502542811913(CH 3)2SO 4KFDMF5050387723T ①T ②Two-step reaction : C 3F 7COCl + KF C 4F 9O-K4F 9OCH 3DMF, 3 h (CH 3)2SO 4, 2 hProduct yield : calculated from the GC peak area percent of targeted C 4F 9OCH 3 based on the reactant-related products and the weight of theseparated organic layer.Selectivity : calculated from the GC peak area ratio of C 4F 9OCH 3 and C 3F 7COOCH 3.Table 5. Effect of Reaction Temperatures in Two-step Reactions of C 4F 9OCH 3 with Dropwise Slow Addition of ReagentsEntry Alkylating agent MF Solvent T (o C) ①T (o C) ②Product yield (%)Selectivity (%)C 4F 9OCH 3C 3F 7COOCH 314(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 25255894615(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 255038851516(CH 3)2SO 4KFDMF5070267327C 3F 7COCl ①(CH 3)2SO 4 ② 4F 9O -K 4F 9OCH 3dropping, 0.5 h/mixing, 2.5 hdropping, 2 hAccording to Table 4, higher yield and selectivity of thetargeted product could be obtained at lower temperatures of both the first and the second stages as in the one-pot reactions. However, in comparing the entries of 2 and 13 running at the same temperature of 50 o C, the two-step reaction seemed to boost the overall reaction. In compar-ing the entries of 10, 12, and 13, lower temperature in ei-ther stage induced more production of the targeted product. Furthermore, the lower temperature in the first stage was more efficient in producing the targeted prod-uct and increasing its selectivity than that in the second stage. This indicated that a low temperature of the first stage enhanced the dissolution of C 3F 7COCl or C 3F 7COF in the liquid phase and converted it to more C 4F 9O -K +. However, the intermediate C 4F 9O -K + is known to be un-stable and easily decomposed backward to alkali metal fluoride and corresponding acyl fluoride R f COF to fol-low the equilibrium. In other words, the C 4F 9O -K + is rela-tively stable at below 50 o C but quickly decomposed to acyl fluoride at higher temperature like between 50 and 80 o C [14]. The same observation was confirmed in com-parison of the entries from 9 to 11 and from 12 to 13 where the production of C 4F 9OCH 3 was lowered at high-er temperatures. Even though low temperatures in both stages were preferred for high product yields, a low tem-perature in the first stage, where the intermediate C 4F 9O -K + was formed, was likely a more important keyfactor than that in the second stage, where the alkylation is proceeded.The two-step reaction was conducted in another manner where the reactants were slowly added and mixed drop by drop as described in equation (9).① T (o C)① T (o C)C 3F 74F 9O -K +dropping for 0.5 h2.5 h②T (℃)4F 9OCH 3dropping (CH 3)2SO 4 for 0.5 h, additional stirring for 1.5 h(9)It was expected that slow mixing of reactants in eachstep would induce the enhanced formation of C 4F 9O -K +and the effective methylation by avoiding temperature el-evation resulting from the exothermic reactions. How- ever, there was no remarkable improvement by the slow dropwise addition of reactants as in the comparison of entries 14 and 15 to the entries 9 and 10 in Table 5 at the same temperatures, respectively. Only the temperature effect was confirmed again.Preparation of C 4F 9OC 2H 5 with C 3F 7COClAs C 4F 9OCH 3, C 4F 9OC 2H 5 was produced in the two-step reaction with C 3F 7COCl, KF and diethyl sulfate. (equa- tion (10))Preparation of Methoxy and Ethoxy Nonafluorobutanes 543Table 6. Effect of Reaction Temperatures in Two-step Reactions of C 4F 9OC 2H 5Entry Alkylating agent MF Solvent T (o C) ①T (o C) ②Product yield(%)Selectivity (%)C 4F 9OC 2H 5C 3F 7COOC 2H 517(C 2H 5)2SO 4KF DMF 252569901018(C 2H 5)2SO 4KF DMF 255062861419(C 2H 5)2SO 4KFDMF5070427426T ①T ②Two-step reaction : C 3F 74F 9O-K +C 4F 9OC 2H 5DMF, 3 h(C 2H 5)2SO 4, 5 hTable 7. Effect of Reactant in Two-step Reactions with C 3F 7COFEntry Aalkylating agent MF Solvent T (o C) ①T (o C) ②time (h)Product yield(%)Selectivity (%)C 4F 9OR C 3F 7COOR20(CH 3)2SO 4KF DMF 2525 2.560891121(C 2H 5)2SO 4KFDMF25257648515T ①T ②Two-step reaction : C 3F 74F 9O -K +C 4F 9OCH 3DMF, 3 h(CH 3)2SO 4, 2 h① T (o C)② T (o C)C 3F 74F 9O -KC 4F 9OC 2H 5DMF, stirring, 3 h(C 2H 5)2SO 4, stirring, 5 h(10)Pressure during the reaction was higher than 1 bar and slowly decreased as the reactions for C 4F 9OCH 3, indicat-ing that the major factor causing the pressure might be the intermediates, C 3F 7COF and CH 3Cl. Likely as in the reactions for C 4F 9OCH 3, higher yield and selectivity of the targeted C 4F 9OC 2H 5 could be obtained at lower tem-peratures as shown in Table 6. More C 3F 7COOC 2H 5, the major by-product, was produced at higher reaction tem- perature. There was also trace amount of similar by-prod-ucts such as C 2H 5Cl, C 2H 5OOCH and C 2H 5OC 2H 5.Preparation of C 4F 9OR (R= CH 3, C 2H 5) with C 3F 7COF C 4F 9OCH 3 and C 4F 9OC 2H 5 were produced in the two- step reaction with an intermediate C 3F 7COF instead of C 3F 7COCl.T ① (oC)T ② (oC)C 3F 7 COF + KF C 4F 9O -K+C 4F 9OR3 hR 2SO 4, 2.5 h(11)C 3F 7COF was prepared from a reaction of C 3F 7COCl and KF in a separate reactor and transferred to the main reactor containing KF dispersed in a solvent at about 0o C. Once the temperature of the solvent was set to the temperature where the reaction was to start, the pressure initially higher than 1 bar was slowly reducing during thereaction. The completion of reaction was decided by no more change of C 3F 7COF. The product yields and se-lectivities of entries 20 and 21 in Table 7 were similar to those of entries 9 and 17, respectively. This indicated that the fluorination of C 3F 7COCl with KF to C 3F 7COF proceeded quickly, and the other reactions thereafter mi- ght be the rate controlling steps in producing C 4F 9OCH 3 and C 4F 9OC 2H 5. More by-products, C 3F 7COOCH 3 and C 3F 7COOC 2H 5, with C 3F 7COF than with C 3F 7COCl was possibly due to the moisture introduced during trans-ferring C 3F 7COF into the main reactor.ConclusionsMethoxy and ethoxy nonafluorobutanes, C 4F 9OCH 3 and C 4F 9OC 2H 5, could be prepared by reacting C 3F 7COCl or C 3F 7COF with alkali metal fluoride and alkylating agents having CH 3 and C 2H 5. A serial reaction mechanism is proposed; the formation of alkali metal perfluorobut-oxide, C 4F 9O -M +, is followed by the alkylation ofC 4F 9O -M + bydimethyl sulfate or diethyl sulfate. Two- step reactions showed noticeable improvement compar-ing to one-pot reactions. However, the reaction temper-ature was the main factor deciding the yield and the se-lectivity of the targeted alkoxynonafluorobutanes. Rev- iewing all results, we concluded that C 4F 9OCH 3 or C 4F 9OC 2H 5 was produced in better yield at lower tem- peratures. Even though reaction rates were likely to in-crease as the temperature increased as usual, high yields of the targeted products were obtained at a temperature as low as or lower than the boiling points of the re-。


高效率逆转录试剂盒 First Strand cDNA Synthesis Kit
ReverTra Ace -α-
(Code No. FSK-100,FSK-101)
TOYOBO CO., LTD. Life Science Department OSAKA JAPAN
※ 除Positive Control RNA外,所有组分请均保存在-20℃条件下;Positive Control RNA请保存于-80℃条件下。
※ Positive Control RNA 由于运输过程中不能一直保证 -80℃条件,在运输过程中可能 降解。建议用户选择人、鼠来源的 Total RNA 作为 Control RNA。
Primer F 559
1110 Primer R
90 129 90 92 k-193 104
图 2. Control Primer F,R 的 location
[Positive Control RNA]
本 试 剂 盒 作 为 Positive Control 用 RNA , 添 附 有 Human G3PDH (Glyceraldehyde 3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase)遗传基因的 in vitro 转录产物。 (在 3’末端添加了 22mer 的 Poly(A)tail)(请参照图 3)。
※ 组分中的 5×RT Buffer 在溶解时,可能会出现白色沉淀现象,但不影响其品质。此时, 请使用振荡器等仪器使其混合均匀,等完全溶解后再使用。



版OEKO-TEXStandard100新标准解读2016版OEKO-TEXStandard100新标准(解读)OEKO-TEX国际环保纺织协会发布了最新版OEKO-TEX Standard 100标准和限量值要求。



那么新标准到底有什么变化呢?OEKO-TEX Standard 100新标准涵盖十二项变化,详细列出如下。










Proceq Flaw Detector 100系列产品说明文件

Proceq Flaw Detector 100系列产品说明文件

Advanced Ultrasonic Proceq Flaw Detector 100PA 16:64Upgrade anytime, anywhere on-siteAffordable high tech• An essential tool for inspection, investigation and technique development• Recognise more with a high pulser voltage • Broad system bandwidth from 200 kHz to 20 mHz • Including true top view and DGS flaw sizing technique• All models have twin axis encodingExcellent software and reporting• Wizards and option specific help for fast configurations• 3D scan plans assist in creating inspection procedures and analyzing the results • Save and re-use settings• Seamless connectivity between instrument and PC software• Lateral wave removal functionality for TOFDRugged and compact• Lightweight for single hand operation• Robust IP 66 housing • Protected connections: 2x USB, 1x EthernetHigh PerformanceAdapted to your RequirementsSpecial upgrade: Export raw data in CSV formatTOFDPA 16:16UTUnmatched User ExperienceClick wheel for fast navigation Customizable screenwith selectable layoutsShortcut keys for easy access to commonoptionsGrouped options for easy setup,measurement and analysisContext sensitive help and workflow based tabs provide an intuitiveuser interfaceProceq FD Link Software for Preparation and ReportingCreate acquisition layout and new sheets / customize layoutsReview data / add cursors / extraction box / extract viewsAdd free hand measurements and create images for reportsShow defect position with the 3D toolset and add annotationsProduce, open and review a PDF reportExport data from amplitude Top / C-Scan as a .csv fileApplications and IndustriesAND MANY MOREOIL & GAS RAILWAYS MACHINED PARTSTRAINING & RESEARCHAUTOMOTIVEAEROSPACE Proceq’s advanced ultrasonic flaw detector offers technicians an extremely comprehen-sive measurement solution. All popular flaw sizing techniques such as DGS/AVG, DAC, TGC and AWS are included. Thanks to the A, B, C, True Top and End scans imaging ca-pabilities, users can address many applications:• General component inspection • Pipeline welds• Complex geometries • Forgings and castings• Aircraft composites delamination • Corrosion mapping inspection • On-site thickness profilingFor efficient weld inspection, Proceq is offering both focused and unfocused PA scans.A, B and C scan data displays with a choice of multiple layouts enable a broad range of inspection applications:General componenttestingCorrosion mappingThicknessmeasurementsImmersion testing (incl.IFT)Inclusion detection insteel bars and billetsISO 17640:2010 weldtestingAWS D1.1 weldinspectionDGS inspection usingpopular probes (MWB,SWB, MB and WBTwo channels allow to inspectparts of large thickness upto 100 mm in one pass. In most cases a pre-amplifieris not necessary. The main applications include:Quick inspection of axialand circumferential weldsIn-service defect monitoringExcellent defect sizing andcharacterisation Inspecting 6-350 mm thickcomponentsOn board lateral wave removal and lateral wave straightening tools improve the data quality and probability of detection.The 16 active PA elements are suitable to create a sectoral scan to inspect:Pipeline butt weldsComplex geometriesBolts and fastenersThe sectoral scan can have up to threeextracted A scans.The extra elements allow for rapid electronic scanning on the following components:Aircraft composites delaminationCorrosion mapping inspectionWe Supply the Accessories You NeedConventional, TOFD and Phased Array ProbesOur application experts work with specialized suppliersof probes and accessories to deliver a custom solutionto meet your needs.The Proceq Flaw Detector 100 is fully compatible witha very wide range of conventional and phased arrayprobes. Proceq stocks the most common accessoriesfor a quick delivery.Supporting AccessoriesWe also supply adaptors so you can connect your existing probes or scanners. Adaptors Calibration Blocks Scanners / EncodersCustomized WedgesThe phased array probe is typically a standard solution. However, the wedge performs the difficult task of coupling to the test object to efficiently transfer sound. For that reason, Proceq offers you a rapid custom wedge solution. A Proceq expert will support you with the design, please call us for assistance.First Class Service and Support**************************Phone +65 6382 3966********************Proceq China Shanghai, ChinaPhone +86 21 63177479*********************Proceq USAProceq UKProceq ChinaFast reactionRequests are processed in less than 24 hoursEfficient serviceSeamless repair and calibration processesLocal supportRegional experts covering many languagesProceq Middle EastProceq AsiaProceq RussiaProceq EuropeProceq South AmericaHardwareH o u s i n g• Dimensions (HxWxD) 205 mm x 300 mm x 90 mm (8.1 inch x 11.8 inch x 3.5 inch)• Weight (with battery) 3.5 kg (7.7 lb)I n p u t a n d O u t p u t• I/O Ports: 2 USB, 1 mini USB and 1 Ethernet port• Video out: Via VNC encoder: 1 or 2 axis quadrature • Digital inputs 2 input lines (5 V TTL)• Digital outputs 4 output lines (5 V TTL, 20 mA) for alarm or other external control • Power output 5 V• 350 mA current limitedD i s p l a y• 8.4” 800 x 600 pixel resolution• Display Colours 260k (65535 colours for scan palettes)• Display type TFT LCD, 450 Cd/m2, with 2% reflectivity B a t t e r y a n d P o w e r S u p p l y• Battery type intelligent Li-ion • Number of batteries 1•Battery life typical: 7 hours in UT mode, 6 hours in PA modeD a t a S t o r a g e• Storage device: USB, in-built solid state hard disk (4 GB)• Data file size: 3 GBE n v i r o n m e n -t a l S p e c i fi -c a t i o n s • IP rating: Designed to meet IP66,• Operating temperature -10o C to 45o C (14o F to 113o F)Storage temperature -25o C to 60o C (-13o F to 140oF)Technical SpecificationsProceq SARingstrasse 28603 Schwerzenbach Switzerland81079201E ver 09 2016 © Proceq SA, Switzerland. All rights reserved.Subject to change without notice. All information contained in this documentation is presented in good faith and believed to be correct. Proceq SA makes no warranties and excludes all liability as to the completeness and/or accuracy of the information. For the use and application of any product manufactured and/or sold by Proceq SA explicit reference is made to the particular applicable operating instructions.Service and Warranty InformationProceq is committed to providing complete support for each testing instrument by means of our global service and support facili-ties. Furthermore, each instrument is backed by the standard Proceq 2-year warranty.Standard warranty• Electronic portion of the instrument: 24 months • Mechanical portion of the instrument: 6 months • Supporting accessories: 6 monthsExtended warrantyWhen acquiring a new instrument, max. 3 additional warranty years including yearly calibration can be purchased for the electronic portion of the instrument. The additional warranty must be requested at time of purchase or within 90 days of purchase.Ordering InformationConventional weld inspection792 91 200PSLM1025 2.25 Single Crystal Transducer 3/4”792 91 201PSS 2.25 MHz 5/8” AWS Probe 792 91 202SNW6245 45 Deg Snail Wedge 792 91 203SNW6260 60 Deg Snail Wedge 792 91 204SNW6270 70 Deg Snail Wedge 792 90 101GE MWB 45-4 EN 792 90 102GE MWB 60-4 EN 792 90 103GE MWB 70-4 EN 792 90 104GE MSEB 4-0° EN792 31 050Single Transducer Cable Lemo 1: Lemo 00 2 m 792 31 051Twin Transducer Cable Lemo 1: Lemo 00 2 m Phased Array inspection792 91 157X2PE5.0M16E0.6PIX250 PA Probe 792 91 158X2-SB56-N45S Wedge792 90 272X3PE5.0M64E0.6PIX250 PA Probe 792 90 273X3 SB57 N0L Wedge Adaptors792 90 652Encoder Y Cable792 90 751IPEX to GE Phasor PA Probe Adaptor 792 90 653Omniscan Encoder AdaptorInstruments792 10 000Proceq Flaw Detector 100 (Lemo)792 20 000Proceq Flaw Detector 100 (BNC)The units contain Conventional Ultrasonics (UT), interface triggering (IFT), twin axis encoding, antiglare screen pro-tector, robust carry case with space for two smaller boxes for accessories, carry strap, USB stick and Proceq FDViewer software Software upgrades792 50 001Software Upgrade to TOFD 792 50 002Software Upgrade to PA 16:16792 50 003Software Upgrade to TOFD and PA 16:64Software upgrades after purchase of the main unit 792 50 004Software Upgrade to TOFD (after purchase)792 50 005Software Upgrade to PA 16:16 (after purchase)792 50 006Software Upgrade to PA 16:64 (after purchase)Accessories792 30 011Battery Pack 792 30 010Battery Charger792 30 022Anti Glare ScreenprotectorMain UnitsMeasurement Accessories。

Parker-Hannifin 方向控制阀系列 F130CF F130CP 备件清单说明书

Parker-Hannifin 方向控制阀系列 F130CF F130CP 备件清单说明书

Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSpare Parts List Series F130CF/F130CP Effective date: August 22, 2016Supersedes: November 20, 2015Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSpare Parts ListConversion factors1 kg = 2.2046 lb 1 N = 0.22481 lbf 1 Nm = 0.10197 kpm 1 bar = 14.504 psi 1 l = 0.21997 UK gallon 1 l = 0.26417 US gallon 1 cm 3 = 0.061024 in 31 m = 3.2808 feet 1 mm= 0.03937 in1°C = (9/5xC°+32)°FThis list of spare parts is designed to give you a good idea of the components included in the product range for valves. T o see precisely which component is used for a specifi c product, you will need to look at the customer specifi cation for the product in question. The customer specifi cation contains a number of entries, and for each entry, a code pressure or fl ow is specifi ed with a code or a number. T o help you fi nd your way around, this list of spare parts contains r eferences to these entries and codes.Codes on the image page of the list of spare parts usually appear in bold and enclosed in a border. The table page contains available spare part sets. The ordering code is the product code that appears in the Part column.The spare part to be used is determined by the fi rst two columns, which c ontain the entry and the code from the customer specifi cation. If these c olumns are empty, the spare part set is valid regardless of the selected code, unless indicated otherwiseThe symbols in the frame below are used in this Spare Parts List to help you fi nd the right tools, the right tor-ques, suitable grease etc.Technical index description1 = Item pos. no. 1.1(2x) = Item pos. no. 1, contains 2 pieces in the kit 1[2] = Item pos. no. 2 already mounted on item pos. no. 1 at delivery.1[2](2x) = Item pos. no. 1 (see above) contains 2 pieces in the kit.Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKContentsF130CF-06-SE10-999A 1234560624-224707-005DesignationCustomer ordered markingSerial numberValve serial numbers consist of three groups of digits The fi rst group shows year and week of manufacture:In this example, 0624 means week 24 of 2006The remaining digits are for internal use within ParkerThis spare parts list is valid for F130 generation 2 only. See product designation on the name plate. For spare parts to generation 1 see product information No HY17-8801-M1/UKGeneration 2 has designation in format as shown below:F130CF-XX-XXXX-XXX F130CF-XX-XXXX-XXXX F130CP-XX-XXXX-XXX F130CP-XX-XXXX-XXXXNotice ! Some valves hasn't any designation code stamped. Some valves has the serial number and designation code text line in opposite order than the example above.Name plateList of contentsConventional Inlet Options IPS, PB, L, B, P1B, P2B, T2B, Y , CUI, CUI2, LSI ............................4Inlet Options IUPS, PB, Y , N3, X3, BEN ..................................................................6Mid-Inlet Options MIC2 ..................................................................................................8C3, C5, PS, PB, Y ........................................................................10Spool ActuatorsC, B3, SI2, SI2, A13, A20, A40, A67, A323Lever brackets LMA,LMB, LM+A92,LJA,LJB,LJ+A92,LJ+A208,LU,LU .12ACE ..............................................................................................14ACP ..............................................................................................16EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4, ECS1, ECS2, ECS3, ECS4, A, D ............18ECH1, ECH2, A, D .......................................................................20PC30, PC40,A211,A350 ..............................................................22Spool Section OptionsEA, EB, N, X, MS, PA, X2, N2, Y2 ................................................24Outlet OptionsUSP , US, R35, S, ST, YS, T3B, T1B, TP , TPB, TB, TPC, PT , LD ...26 Tie rods, Bracket, Intersection seals ...........................................28Appendix A: Warnings .....................................................................30Appendix C: Assembly Instructions. Tools ...................................31Appendix D: Phased outPC3, PC4; C + SI, PT (35)Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKPS, PB, L, B, P1B, P2B, T2B, Y, CUI, CUI2, LSIConventional Inlet Options IDirectional Control ValvesBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKDirectional Control Valves Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSeries F130CF/F130CP Inlet Options IUPS, PB, Y, N3, X3, BENInlet with pump unloadingDirectional Control Valves Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSeries F130CF/F130CP Inlet Options IUSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / ItemsN3239120199902Check valve9 [6, 7, 8]X3239120199903Plug8, 9BEN229120199904Solenoid valve14 [15, 17]BEN + 1222 + 056760414CCP012A, Coil, 12 VDC16BEN + 2422 + 056760415CCP024A, Coil, 24 VDC16IU159120199905Basic kit11, 13 [12](2x), 18, 20, 21 IU156760017Plug kit M6x1212(2x), 13(2x)IU15393000K067Counter pressure valve22, 23, 24, 25, 27IU159120199907Seal kit8, 12(2x), 20, 24IU15-Plug VSTI1/4EDCF27Directional Control Valves Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSeries F130CF/F130CP Mid-Inlet Options MIC2Directional Control Valves Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKSeries F130CF/F130CP Mid-Inlet Options MISee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / ItemsC293-Plug VSTI1EDCF1C293-Plug 16HP5ON-S1C293398000K061Plug (O-ring) 1/2", BSP3C293-Plug VSTI3/4EDCF11C293-Plug 12HP5ON-S11C2936760412Plug kit18 [13(2x), 14, 15, 16, 17]C293301000K831Seal kit13(2x), 14, 15, 16, 17Directional Control ValvesSeries F130CF/F130CP Bulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKC3, C5, PS, PB, YMid-Inlet Options MIa) See page 4a)C3/C5Mid-Inlet Options MISee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / ItemsC3, C593-Plug VSTI1EDCF1C3, C593-Plug 16HP5ON-S1C3, C593-Plug VSTI3/4EDCF13C3, C593-Plug 12HP5ON-S13C393398000K061Plug (O-ring) 1/2", BSP3C3, C593301000K833Blocking plug C3, C58 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10C3, C593-Plug VSTI1/4EDCF10C3, C593301000K835Seal kit5(2x), 6, 7, 10C5936760413Blocking plug, C522C393301000K804Conversion kit C33, 8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 13, 19C593301000K807Conversion kit C5, (80 - 125) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K808Conversion kit C5, (126 - 140) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K809Conversion kit C5, (141 - 160) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K810Conversion kit C5, (161 - 210) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K805Conversion kit C5, (211 - 250) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K811Conversion kit C5, (251 - 280) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K812Conversion kit C5, (281 - 320) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22C593301000K813Conversion kit C5, (321 - 350) bar8 [5(2x), 6, 7], 10, 20, 22Spool ActuatorsC, B3, SI2, LMA, LMB, LJA, LJB, LU, LU2, A13, A20, A40, A67, A92, A208, A324Spool Actuators ACESpool ActuatorsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / ItemsACE509120039065Cylinder kit, BSP15, 16, 17(2x), 18, 19, 20(2x) ACE509120099911Spring kit ACE 5 [4](2x), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14ACE + 1250 + 0591********Solenoid valve, 12 VDC21,22,23,24,33(2x),34,35[31,32] ACE + 2450 + 0591********Solenoid valve, 24 VDC21,22,23,24,33(2x),34,35[31,32] ACE509120099913Spares kit for solenoid valve22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33(2x), 35 ACE509120099912Seal kit, ACE 5 [4](2x), 15, 17(2x)ACE50-Connector, inlet (P6F-BEAA146)25ACE50-T ube, ø6, L=35 mm (P6T-PN06100)26ACE50-Connector, intermediate (P6F-BTS46)27ACE50-End plug (P6F-BVP46)28ACE50-T ube ø6, L = 89 mm (P6T-PN06100)29ACE506760420Conector kit for 4 sections30 [25(4x), 26(7x), 27(4x), 28, 29]Spool Actuators ACPSpool ActuatorsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / ItemsACP + G50 + 049120039063Cylinder kit, BSP15, 16, 17(2x), 18, 19, 20(2x)ACP + U50 + 049120039064Cylinder kit, UNF15, 16, 17(2x), 18, 19, 20(2x)ACP509120099914Spring kit ACP 5 [4](2x), 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21 ACP509120099912Seal kit, ACP 5 [4](2x), 15, 17(2x)EC1, EC2, EC3, EC4, ECS1, ECS2, ECS3, ECS4, A, DSpool ActuatorsEC1/EC2ECS1/ECS2A-sideEC1/EC2ECS1/ECS2B-sideSpool ActuatorsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / Itemsa) + G50 + 046763137Cap kit EC, A-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 20 [4, 5, 6]a) + U50 + 046763138Cap kit EC, A-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 20 [4, 5, 6]a) + G50 + 046763134Cap kit EC, B-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 19 [4, 5, 6]a) + U50 + 046763135Cap kit EC, B-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 19 [4, 5, 6]b) + G50 + 046763700Cap kit EC, A-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 16 [4, 5, 6]b) + U50 + 046763698Cap kit EC, A-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 16 [4, 5, 6]b) + G50 + 046763701Cap kit EC, B-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 15 [4, 5, 6]b) + U50 + 046763699Cap kit EC, B-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 15 [4, 5, 6]a), b) + G50 + 04301000K843Seal kit EC*, BSP4(2x), 5(2x), 9(4x), 11(2x)a), b) + U50 + 04301000K822Seal kit EC*, UNF4(2x), 5(2x), 9(4x), 11(2x)EC*1,EC*350301000K844Spring pack (5 - 15) bar14EC*2,EC*450301000K845Spring pack (7 - 25) bar14A34050S6763546Spring pack (5 - 20) bar14a) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 566763059Solenoid valve, PS25, 12 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Amp. conn.a) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 566763060Solenoid valve, PS25, 24 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Amp. conn.a) + 12 + D50 + 05+ 566763061Solenoid valve, PS25, 12 VDC28(2x), 32 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Deutsch c.a) + 24 + D50 + 05+ 566763062Solenoid valve, PS25, 24 VDC28(2x), 32 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Deutsch c.a) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 566763328Solenoid valve, PS25MO, 12 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; With c), Amp. conn.a) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 566763327Solenoid valve, PS25MO, 24 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; With c), Amp. conn.a)506760507Seal kit PS2525(5x), 26(5x), 27(5x)O + a)55A/B + 50398000K604Pilot restriction "O", Ø1.2 mm18(5x) without damping)N + a)55A/B + 50398000K602Pilot restriction "N", Ø0.9 mm18(5x) Normal dampingH + a)55A/B + 50398000K601Pilot restriction "H", Ø0.6 mm18(5x) Hard dampingb) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 56393000M012Solenoid valve, PVC25, 12 VDC7(2x), 8 [1, 2, 3]; With c), Amp. connection b) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 56393000M024Solenoid valve, PVC25, 24 VDC7(2x), 8 [1, 2, 3]; With c), Amp. connection b) + 12 + D50 + 05+ 56393000D012Solenoid valve, PVC25, 12 VDC7(2x), 31 [1, 2, 3]; With c), Deutsch conn.b) + 24 + D50 + 05+ 56393000D024Solenoid valve, PVC25, 24 VDC7(2x), 31 [1, 2, 3]; With c), Deutsch conn.b) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 56393000N012Solenoid valve, PVC25, 12 VDC7(2x), 8 [1, 2, 3]; No c), Amp. connection b) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 56393000N024Solenoid valve, PVC25, 24 VDC7(2x), 8 [1, 2, 3]; No c), Amp. connection b)50393000K813Seal kit PVC251, 2, 3O + b)55A/B + 506760086Pilot restriction "O", Ø1.2 mm17(5x) without damping (5 dots)N + b)55A/B + 506760083Pilot restriction "N", Ø0.9 mm17(5x) Normal damping (10 dots)H + b)55A/B + 506760080Pilot restriction "H", Ø0.6 mm17(5x) Hard damping (1 dot)-Plug VSTI1/8EDCF4-Plug 4HP5ON-S4a) EC1, ECS1, EC2, ECS2 (PS25); b) EC3, ECS3, EC4, ECS4 (PVC25); c) Man. override, air bleed.Spool ActuatorsECH1, ECH2, A, DB-sideSpool ActuatorsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / Itemsa) + G50 + 046763548Cap kit ECH, A-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 20 [4, 5, 6]a) + U50 + 046763549Cap kit ECH, A-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 12(2x), 20 [4, 5, 6]a) + G50 + 046763134Cap kit EC, B-side, BSP9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 19 [4, 5, 6]a) + U50 + 046763135Cap kit EC, B-side, UNF9(2x), 11, 13(2x), 19 [4, 5, 6]a) + G50 + 046763550Seal kit EC*, BSP4(2x), 5(2x), 9(4x), 11(2x)a) + U50 + 046763551Seal kit EC*, UNF4(2x), 5(2x), 9(4x), 11(2x)ECH1,ECH250301000K844Spring pack (5 - 15) bar14A34050S6763546Spring pack (5 - 20) bar14a) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 566763059Solenoid valve, PS25, 12 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Amp. conn.a) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 566763060Solenoid valve, PS25, 24 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Amp. conn.a) + 12 + D50 + 05+ 566763061Solenoid valve, PS25, 12 VDC28(2x), 32 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Deutsch c.a) + 24 + D50 + 05+ 566763062Solenoid valve, PS25, 24 VDC28(2x), 32 [25, 26, 27]; No c), Deutsch c.a) + 12 + A50 + 05+ 566763328Solenoid valve, PS25MO, 12 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; With c), Amp. conn.a) + 24 + A50 + 05+ 566763327Solenoid valve, PS25MO, 24 VDC28(2x), 29 [25, 26, 27]; With c), Amp. conn.a)506760507Seal kit PS2525(5x), 26(5x), 27(5x)O + a)55A/B + 50398000K604Pilot restriction "O", Ø1.2 mm18(5x) without damping)N + a)55A/B + 50398000K602Pilot restriction "N", Ø0.9 mm18(5x) Normal dampingH + a)55A/B + 50398000K601Pilot restriction "H", Ø0.6 mm18(5x) Hard dampingG04-Plug VSTI1/8EDCF4U04-Plug 4HP5ON-S4a) ECH1, ECH2 (PS25); c) Man. override, air bleed.PC30/PC40A21146B-sidePC3 is replaced by PC30 and PC4 is replaced by PC40from jan. 2012. These options are fully replaceable.Spool Actuators PC30, PC40,A211,A350Spool ActuatorsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / Items PC30, PC40 + G50 + 046760397Cap kit PC30/40, A or B side, BSP11, 22(2x), 23PC30, PC40 + U50 + 046760399Cap kit PC30/40, A or B side, UNF11, 22(2x), 23PC30, PC40506763308Seal kit PC30, PC4011 (5x)A211 + G59 + 046760398Cap kit A211, A or B side, with5, 6, 11, 22(2x), 24, 30spool stroke limiter, BSPA211 + U59 + 046760400Cap kit A211, A or B side, with5, 6, 11, 22(2x), 24, 30spool stroke limiter, UNFA350 + G59 + 046763702Cap kit A350, A or B side, with11, 22(2x),31,32,33spool stroke limiter, BSPA211,A350596763307Seal kit A211,A3505(2x), 11(2x)PC3050301000K844Spring pack (5 - 15) bar14PC4050301000K845Spring pack (7 - 25) bar14A34050S6763546Spring pack (5 - 20) bar14Spool Section OptionsEA, EB, N, X, MS, PA, X2, N2, Y2Outlet OptionsUSP, US, R35, S, ST, YS, T3B, T1B, TP, TPB, TB, TPC, PT, LDTie rods, Bracket, Intersection sealsOutlet Options(12)Outlet OptionsSee Customer Specifi cationCode Pos Part Description Remarks / Items Brackets301000K866Bracket kit12(6x), 13(2x), 15(2x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199921Tie rod kit, valve 1 spool section, 160 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199922Tie rod kit, valve 2 spool sections, 213 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199923Tie rod kit, valve 3 spool sections, 256 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199924Tie rod kit, valve 4 spool sections, 309 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199925Tie rod kit, valve 5 spool sections, 352 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199926Tie rod kit, valve 6 spool sections, 405 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199927Tie rod kit, valve 7 spool sections, 448 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120092347Tie rod kit, valve 8 spool sections, 501 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods6760532Tie rod kit, valve 9 spool sections, 544 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods6760533Tie rod kit, valve 10 spool sections, 597 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199931Tie rod kit, valve 11 spool sections, 640 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Tie rods9120199932Tie rod kit, valve 12 spool sections, 688 mm14(3x), 12(6x), 16(6x)Standard301000K851Intersection seals NBR (Nitrile)7(3x), 8(2x), 9(3x), 10, 11(4x) A3008E301000K850Intersection seals FPM (Viton®)7(3x), 8(2x), 9(3x), 10, 11(4x)Appendix A: WarningsDirectional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKAppendix C: Assembly Instructions. ToolsPLD130 is delivered set to the max of its face value (e.g. Required pressure for a PLD130-161-210 can only be adjusted to a value <210).Adjusting to the required level should be done as shown in below instrictions.1. Loosen the lock nut one rev.Counter-clockwise2. Set required pressure value by turning the adjusting screw.3. Hold adjusting screw and fasten lock nut clockwise. Tightening torque 10 Nm.Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKAppendix C: Assembly Instructions. ToolsRemoval and mounting of scraper ring4, 51. Remove carefully the old scraper ring (not spring loaded) to avoid damaging of the lever bracket. Use as tool a screwdriver,a nippers or a small hook.2. Clear scraper ring groove and make sure there are no color or paint flakes remaining in the track.3 The scraper ring with associated surfaces in the lever bracket must be oiled.4. Push the new scraper ring in the lever brackets track.Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKAppendix C: Assembly Instructions. ToolsCap kits 6760398 (BSP) and 6760400 (UNF) can be installed on both A and B side of valve Measure shown below is valid if NO stroke limit is requiredCap used on the B (spring pack) side of valve.Cap used on the A (spool end) side of valve.Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKAppendix C: Assembly Instructions. Tools1. A special tool must be used to engage the manual override function of the solenoid! Use of other tools to attempt to engage or disengage the manual override may not work or may not work when intended.2. When using the manual override function, the solenoid has only on-off functionality and doesn’t operate proportionally as usual. This means, for example, that the solenoid may operate much faster than usual and the unexpected speed could cause crushing or other injuries.3. When using the manual override be certain that all operations of the application, regardless of speed, will not endanger persons or property nearby.4. As always, consult the operations manual for all specifications and functions of the valve. If there are questions contact MSDE.The PS25MO is equipped with a manual override pin in the connector. T o actuate the PS25MO a specific tool is needed since the tolerances of the pin is so small that it can be damaged or the pin sticks in actuated position.Please notify that it’s for fault searching only and shall be used as rarely as possible with common sense in mind. If manual override is used humans can be exposed for very dangerous situations. Please read the legal limits before using the manual override.Part number for override tool: 6763001.Directional Control Valves Series F130CF/F130CPBulletin HY17-8814-M1/UKPTAppendix D: Phased outE d . 2015-04-21Your local authorized Parker distributorEMEA Product Information CentreFree phone: 00 800 27 27 5374(from AT , BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, IE, IL, IS, IT , LU, MT , NL, NO, PL, PT , RU, SE, SK, UK, ZA)US Product Information Centre Toll-free number: 1-800-27 27 537Parker WorldwideEurope, Middle East, AfricaAE – United Arab Emirates, DubaiTel: +971 4 8127100********************AT – Austria, Wiener Neustadt Tel: +43 (0)2622 23501-0*************************AT – Eastern Europe, Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 900****************************AZ – Azerbaijan, Baku Tel: +994 50 22 33 458****************************BE/LU – Belgium, Nivelles Tel: +32 (0)67 280 900*************************BG – Bulgaria, So a Tel: +359 2 980 1344**************************BY – Belarus, Minsk Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************CH – Switzerland, Etoy Tel: +41 (0)21 821 87 00*****************************CZ – Czech Republic, Klecany Tel: +420 284 083 111*******************************DE – Germany, Kaarst Tel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0*************************DK – Denmark, Ballerup Tel: +45 43 56 04 00*************************ES – Spain, Madrid Tel: +34 902 330 001***********************FI – Finland, Vantaa Tel: +358 (0)20 753 2500parker. ****************FR – France, Contamine s/Arve Tel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25************************GR – Greece, Athens Tel: +30 210 933 6450************************HU – Hungary, Budaoers Tel: +36 23 885 470*************************IE – Ireland, Dublin Tel: +353 (0)1 466 6370*************************IT – Italy, Corsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21***********************KZ – Kazakhstan, Almaty Tel: +7 7273 561 000****************************NL – The Netherlands, Oldenzaal Tel: +31 (0)541 585 000********************NO – Norway, Asker Tel: +47 66 75 34 00************************PL – Poland, Warsaw Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************PT – Portugal, Leca da Palmeira Tel: +351 22 999 7360**************************RO – Romania, Bucharest Tel: +40 21 252 1382*************************RU – Russia, Moscow Tel: +7 495 645-2156************************SE – Sweden, Spånga Tel: +46 (0)8 59 79 50 00************************SK – Slovakia, Banská Bystrica Tel: +421 484 162 252**************************SL – Slovenia, Novo Mesto Tel: +386 7 337 6650**************************TR – Turkey, Istanbul Tel: +90 216 4997081************************UA – Ukraine, Kiev Tel: +48 (0)22 573 24 00************************UK – United Kingdom, Warwick Tel: +44 (0)1926 317 878********************ZA – South Africa, Kempton Park Tel: +27 (0)11 961 0700*****************************North AmericaCA – Canada, Milton, Ontario Tel: +1 905 693 3000US – USA, Cleveland (industrial)Tel: +1 216 896 3000US – USA, Elk Grove Village (mobile)Tel: +1 847 258 6200Asia Pacifi cAU – Australia, Castle Hill Tel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777CN – China, Shanghai Tel: +86 21 2899 5000HK – Hong Kong Tel: +852 2428 8008ID – Indonesia, Tangerang Tel: +62 21 7588 1906IN – India, MumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081-85JP – Japan, Fujisawa Tel: +81 (0)4 6635 3050KR – South Korea, Seoul Tel: +82 2 559 0400MY – Malaysia, Shah Alam Tel: +60 3 7849 0800NZ – New Zealand, Mt Wellington Tel: +64 9 574 1744SG – Singapore Tel: +65 6887 6300TH – Thailand, Bangkok Tel: +662 186 7000TW – Taiwan, New Taipei City Tel: +886 2 2298 8987VN – Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh City Tel: +84 8 3999 1600South AmericaAR – Argentina, Buenos Aires Tel: +54 3327 44 4129BR – Brazil, Cachoeirinha RS Tel: +55 51 3470 9144CL – Chile, Santiago Tel: +56 2 623 1216MX – Mexico, Toluca Tel: +52 72 2275 4200© 2015 Parker Hanni n Corporation. 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I. SAFETY INFORMATIONRead the following safety information carefully beforeattempting to operate or service the meter. Use the meter only as specified in this manual; otherwise, the protection provided by the meter may be impaired.Caution when working with voltages above 60VDC or 24VACRMS. Such voltages pose a shock hazard.Environment conditionsAltitude up to 2000 metersIndoor use onlyRelatively humidity 95% max.Operation Temperature 0 ~ 50℃ (32℉~122℉)Maintenance & ClearingRepairs or servicing not covered in this manual should onlybe performed by qualified personnel. Periodically wipe the case with a dry cloth. Do not useabrasives or solvents on this instrument.Safety symbolsComply with EMC-1-II. SPECIFICATIONS 2-1 General Information Display :Triple 4 digit LCD.Over Range Indication : - - appears.Low Battery Indication : shows up when the battery’s voltage is below the operating voltage.Sampling Rate : about 1 time per second Power Requirement :6pcs 1.5V size AAA alkaline batteries or 9V AC Adaptor /500mA minimum.Battery Life :Approx. 90 hours. ( interval printing = 60minutes, excluding beeper). 100 hours ( without printing & beeper).Printing Interval : 6 sec to 59 min 59 sec Operating Temperature and Humidity : 0℃ to 50℃ (32℉ to 122℉) below 95% RH Storage Temperature and Humidity : -10℃ to 60℃ (14℉ to 140℉) below 70% RH Dimensions (Meter):193 (L) × 74 (W) × 37(H) mm (Probe) :160 (L) × 13 (D) mm /1m cable Weight :Approx. 430g with batteries & thermo-paper.Accessories :Carrying case, Instruction manual, Batteries,2 Rolls of thermo-paper, type K probe.Printer :Thermo-printing type with 16 characters per line using 38mm width plain thermo-paper.-2-2-2 Electrical SpecificationsHumidity :Range : 10%RH to 95%RHResolution : 0.1%RHAccuracy : ±3%RH from 30%RH to 95%RH±5%RH from 10%RH to 30%RHTemperature (T1) :Range : -20℃ to +60℃ (-4℉ to +140℉)Resolution : 0.1℃ / 0.1℉Accuracy : ±0.8℃ , ±1.5℉Dew Point :Range : -44.0℃ ~ 58.5℃ (-47.2℉ ~ 137.3℉)Accuracy : 1.0℃/1.8℉Temperature (T2) :Range : -200℃ to +1333℃ (-328℉ to +2431℉)Resolution : 0.1℃ form -200℃ to 999℃0.1℉ from -328℉ to 999.9℉, other is 1℃ , 1℉Accuracy :-50℃ ~ -200℃:±(0.2%rdg + 1.8℃)-50℃ ~ 500℃:±(0.1%rdg + 0.8℃)500℃ ~ 1333℃:±(0.2%rdg + 1.8℃)-58℉ ~ -328℉:±(0.2%rdg + 3℉)-58℉ ~ 1000℉:±(0.1%rdg + 1.6℉)1000℉ ~ 2431℉: ±(0.2%rdg + 3℉)Temperature Coefficient :0.1 times the applicable accuracy specification per ℃ from 0℃to 18℃ and 28℃ to 50℃ ( 32℉ to 64℉ and 82℉ to 122℉ )-3-III.NAME OF PARTS AND POSITION1. LCD:Measured values, unit ,symbols, and decimal pointsKey for exchanging temperature unit ℃and ℉.L INE 120:12:01 02 - 21L INE 2 58.9 % RHL INE 3td 15. 7 ℃L INE 4T1 24. 3 ℃L INE 5T2 24. 8 ℃-4-Line 1 : printing time hour: minute: second, month- day.Line 2 : printing humidity value.Line 3 : printing Dew point value.Line 4 : printing T1 temperature value.Line 5 : printing T2 temperature value (K-Type).Press this button for 2 seconds, the printer will enter intervalprinting status, and won’t stop unless this button is pressedagain or FEED button is pressed.5. DC 9V AC adaptor input jack.6. FEED PAPER (Fig-2) :Key for moving forward thermo-paper one line.7. DEW-POINT:Key for changing humidity to dew-point display.8. MAX / MIN : Fig-2 Press this key one time to enter maximum /minimum record mode, the “REC” symbol is displayed.Press this key to display the maximum reading (“MAX REC” symbol displayed), the minimum reading (“MIN REC” symbol displayed)and the current reading (“REC” symbol displayed) in cycle.Press this key 2 seconds to exit this mode.9. HOLD : Key for holding the display reading and press again toexit.10. MENU : Key for start/stop set-up parameters mode.P arameters (in sequence):ON/OFF (interval printing enable or disable).INTVg (Interval printing stop time ranging from 00h:00m to 23h:59m).TIME (Calendar setting year, month, day, hour, minute).-5-11. DOWN :Key for decreasing the value of parameters.12. RIGHT :Key for moving to the desired next parameter setting.13. UP :Key for increasing the value of parameters setting.14. LEFT : Key for moving to the desired forward parameter setting.15. Way out for thermo-paper.16. Type K temperature probe jack.17. Battery cabinet and cover :6 pcs 1.5V size AAA alkaline batteries.18. Humidity (including temperature) probe.LCD DISPLAY :Fig-31. Dew point measurement indicator.2. Preset interval printing function ON indicator.3. Low battery indicator 4. Printing indicator.5. Interval printing start time setting indicator.6. Interval printing stop time setting indicator.7. Calendar time indicator.-6-8. Interval printing time indicator.9. T1 measurement indicator.10. T1 measured value (NTC).11. T2 measurement indicator.12. T2 measured value (Type K).13. Temperature measurement units.14. Humidity measurement unit.15. Recording indicator.16. Minimum measurement value indicator.17. Maximum measurement value indicator.18. Data hold indicator.19. Humidity and dew point temperature measured value.IV. PRECAUTIONS AND PREPARATIONS FOR MEASUREMENT1. Before operating this instrument, please examine it to makesure no shipping damage occurred.2. Save all packing materials until you are sure that this unit cannormally operate.3. Be sure the batteries are correctly placed in the case or the 9Vadaptor is in correct connection.4. An unsecured battery cover will cause error measuring.5. To avoid battery leakage problem, remove batteries if this meterwill not be used for a long time.6. Do not use or store this meter outside the operating / storageenvironment.-7-V. OPERATING PROCEDURE1. This meter can be supplied with batteries or DC 9V AC adaptor.If using batteries :Remove the rear cover, and install batteries. Pay attention to the polarity of battery socket. If using 9V adaptor, make sure there is a good connection to the adaptor socket of the meter. Choose the K-type temperature probe for your application and insert it into T2 the temperature probe socket. Insert Humidity/Temperature (T1) probe into T1 the meter socket.2. Press the button to power on the meter, the current date andtime will be displayed in about 3 seconds. If “- - -” appears, it indicates no probe or the probe is broken.3. T1 indicates room temperature, T2 indicates K-type thermocouple testvalue.4. Printing data :Press PRINT one time to print one set data.If continuous printing is required, press and hold down PRINTbutton, until LCD display “INTV” mark and enter continuous interval printing mode, the printer will print data, as follows :INTV 00 : 0610:55:19 08-1662.7%RHtd 19.8 ℃T1 27.6 ℃T2 26.5 ℃10:55:25 08-1662.7%RHtd 19.8 ℃T1 27.6 ℃T2 26.5 ℃-8-→Interval printing time, minute : second.→Printing time, hour:minute:second, month:day→Humidity test value and unit.→Dew point and unit.→Room temperature test value and unit.10:55:31 08-1662.7%RHtd 19.8 ℃T1 27.6 ℃T2 26.5 ℃10:55:37 08-1662.7%RHtd 19.8 ℃T1 27.6 ℃T2 26.5 ℃Press PRINT or FEED key to exit printing mode.When the meter is powered on, if the printing function setting is “ON”, and now time is interval printing start time, the meter will enter to continuous interval printing mode and start printing.※Press PRINT or FEED key to exit printing mode.※The interval printing function works only when the start printing time is earlier than the stop printing time, and intervalprint time can not be longer than 24 hours.Caution : Before printing, please check thermo-paper is not clipped bythermo-paper cover, if anything interruptsthemeter will shut off the printer power, and “ ” symbol flickers.-9-VI. SETTING MODEPress “MENU” button to enter setting function, re-press this button will select setting parameters in circle (printer on or off, interval printing time, start printing time, stop printing time and calendar setting). The modifier parameter will flicker until the setting is finished. Press or button to select parameter setting, press or button to increase or decrease the parameter.Parameter setting in sequence and LCD display as follows :1.Printing function ON or OFF select.2. Interval printing “second” parameter setting.3. Interval printing “minute” parameter setting.-10-4. Printing start time “minute” parameter setting.5. Printing start time “hour” parameter setting.6. Printing stop time “minute” parameter setting.7. Printing stop time “hour” parameter setting.8. Calendar “minute” parameter setting.-11-9. Calendar “hour” parameter setting.10. Calendar “day” parameter setting.11.Calendar “month” parameter setting.12. Calendar year last two digit parameter setting.When you finish the setting, press “MENU” key to get back to the measurement mode.-12-VII. HOW TO SETUP INTERVAL PRINTSetup interval print with 24 hours limitation.1. P ress MENU key to enter setting mode, setting print operation isON.2. S elect interval printing time setting mode, set “second”, “minute”(from 00 : 06 to 59 : 59).3. S elect start printing time setting mode, set “minute”, “hour” (from00 : 00 to 23 : 59).4. S elect stop printing time setting mode, set “minute”, “hour” (from00 : 00 to 23 : 59).5. W hen you finish the setting, press MENU key to exit the settingNote : The start time must be earlier than the stop time, otherwise the buzzer will beep warning that the setting is in error anddid not accept the setting. If this occurs, press MENU key.VIII. USER FRIENDLY CALIBRATION PROCEDUREUse standard humidity meter to verify the reading.1. Press and hold down “MENU” key, the press “ ” key turn onthe meter until the LCD show the “SET %RH” symbol.2. Press “” and “” keys until the LCD value is same asthe standard humidity meter.3. Press “MENU” key to store the calibrated value.-13-IX. BATTERY REPLACEMENT1. When battery power is not sufficient, will be shown onLCD. Replace with 6 pcs new of 1.5V size AAA batteries.2. After the temperature probe is disconnected and the meter ispowered off, remove the battery cover.3. Remove batteries from the holder and replace them with 6 pcsof new 1.5V size AAA alkaline batteries.4. Secure the battery cover.-14-。



优势1 :极强粘结性---不会发生空鼓剥离----降低施工成本
产品具有有机材料高弹性和无机材料高强度的特点,属于柔韧性材料,除具 有良好的防水物理性能外,还具有极强的粘接性,不会发生空鼓剥离等现象。
优势2:自修复性---记忆恢复自修---提升防水功能 独创的自修复性
F-100 C工法
F-100 B工法
自修F-100 A工法
❖ 适用范围:可满足潮湿环境或干湿交替环境,如浴室、厨 房、厕所、走廊、外部阶梯、遮阳板、窗框四周等的防水 施工及混凝土交接缝、裂缝修补等。
自修F-100 C工法
❖ 适用范围:屋顶、屋顶露台、车库顶板、种栽屋面、斜屋顶 等延展性能要求较高的防水工程及浴室、厨房等渗漏裂缝修 补。
当混凝土产生裂缝,材料中的活性化学物被水激活,可持续催化游离 Sio32-和Ca2+等离子的结晶反应,是结构中的毛细孔缝得到充盈密实,自行 修补愈合,是一种具有独门绝技的化学反应活性功能性的涂膜。
可以在平面,立面和复杂形状的基层上形成完整、无缝致密稳定的弹性防 水层,施工周期短,在无明水,含湿80%以下基面均可施工,从而降低成本; 产品混合材中含有特殊颗粒,因此还具有弥补涂膜厚薄不均的特点。
自修F-100:按已计量好的原液和混合材,按配比要求配合。 配料:将混合材徐徐倒入原液中,用搅拌机搅拌10-15分钟。(不要用手工搅拌) 应掌握以施工时间的限制来配制施工用料。(在高温情况下配料容易过快干燥)

2015版OEKO—TEX? Standard 100新标准和限量值发布

2015版OEKO—TEX? Standard 100新标准和限量值发布

2015版OEKO—TEX® Standard 100新标准和限量值发布作者:来源:《中国纤检》2015年第05期2015年伊始,OEKO-TEX®国际环保纺织协会按照惯例发布了最新版的OEKO-TEX® Standard 100检测标准和限量值要求。



新标准的变化如下:(1)针对全部的四个产品级别,壬基酚(NP)、辛基酚(OP)、壬基酚聚氧乙烯醚[NP (EO) 1-20]和辛基酚聚氧乙烯醚[OP(EO) 1-20]总和的限量值将显著降低,限值的上限由2014版标准中的250mg/kg降至100mg/kg。




针对四个产品级别,限量条件统一降至<1.0 µg/m²。

在2014版标准中,第I级别的限量值为0.05mg/kg,第II级别和第III级别的限量值为0.1 mg/kg,第四级别的限量值为0.5 mg/kg。

此举确保OEKO-TEX® Standard 100标准同时覆盖到挪威关于纺织品、地毯和其他涂层消费品中所含PFOA限制的一项现行法规。

CM0 Note

CM0 Note

ARM 汇编器 GNU 工具链汇编器 DCD DCW DCB DCB DCL .word/.4byte 插入字 插入半字 插入字节 插入字符插入指令
如:NVIC_IRQ_SETENEQU 0xE000E100 如:.equ NVIC_IRQ_SETEN 0xE000E100 如:DCD 0x12233003 如:DCW 0x1223 如:DCB 0x12 如:DCB “Hello\n”,0;以 NULL 结束 如:DCL 0xBE00 如:.word 0x12233003 如:. hword 0x1223 如:. byte 0x12 如:. ascill“Hello\n”.byte 0 如:. hword 0xBE00 ;以 NULL 结束
31 30 29 28 „ 24 N Z C V Reserved Reserved T N Z C V „ T

5 4 3 2 Reserved ISR 编号 Reserved ISR 编号

N(负号标志) Z(零标志) C(进位或借位标志) V(结果溢出标志) T
中断屏蔽寄存器 PRIMASK 特殊寄存器 CONTROL 31
30 … 3 2 0 1 1 MSP(Default) PSP 0
注意:MSP 的初始值位于程序空间的开头部分。PSP 的初始值没有定义,需要软件初始化。 IMPORT EXPORT 把要引入的外部标号用 IMPORT 申明,以便下面代码使用 给外部使用的标号申明
NOP 指令产生所需的 ARM 无操作代码。 可以使用指令






1.KF-100焦炭反应性控制系统常见故障及处理方法 [J], 胡道丰;龚利华
2.应用KF-100水分测定仪测定丁二烯中微量水的条件探索 [J], 许宗宏;唐讯;刘清玲
3.芳伯胺酸性染料光稳定固色剂的合成与应用 [J], 张志恒;崔志华;肖刚;陈维国;程羽君
4.自制固色剂ZS-2018在锦/棉织物上的应用 [J], 陈凤鸣;邓斐;冯豪逸;张冰冰
5.锦棉固色剂DM-2533的应用与实践 [J], 吕小兰;方涛;刘凤珍;邓东海

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12、制定教学大纲要充分考虑以下几个方面:a国家的教育方针、b国家有关法律法规、c 国情特点、d学科的知识结构和教学规律16、一份比较完整的中学语文教学大纲要具备:a、语文学科的任务及重要性、b教学目的和教学要求、c教学内容、d教学方法提示17、教学目的确定的方向:a知识积累、b能力形成、c思想教育20、新编九年制义务教育《初级中学语文教学大纲试用》的特点:a终端性鲜明、b注重基本素质的培养、c注意导向性和灵活性的结合21、新编教学大纲体现的导向作用:a强调语文能力的训练和语文行为习惯的培养、b强调在语文能力训练中要重视语感和语境意识的培养、c强调思路的分析和表达方式的探究25、中学语文教科书中的范文在教学实践中的作用:a示例作用、b凭借作用30、把握教科书的特点主要指:a把握教学书整体结构特点、b把握教科书的体例特点31、语文教学的五个原则:a渗透思想品德教育和审美教育的原则、b发展智力的原则、c听说读写四种能力协调发展的原则、d语文课外活动和语文课堂教学互相配合的原则、e语文教学方法的多样配合原则34、确定语文教学方法的多样配合原则的依据是:a教学方法的两重性、b教学方法的多样性、c教学方法的受制约性36、中学语文学习方法的指导可以从五个方面入手:a一般思想方法指导、b一般学习方法指导、c语文学习的一般方法指导、d语文学习过程中的方法指导、e语文能力听说读写学习方法的指导37、构成阅读能力的要素:认读能力、理解能力、鉴赏能力、评价能力38、影响对篇的理解的因素:a题目、b前段和尾段、c材料的详略、d语言的表达方式、e阅读主体的心理能力——综合概括力39、影响阅读能力的根本性因素:思想、观点、方法40、影响阅读能力的基本因素:知识、技能、习惯、感知、想象、联想、思维、记忆43、阅读教学过程就是在教师发挥主导作用的前提下,以学生为主体的对于教材的认读、理解的过程,44、一篇课文的教学必须符合两个规律:a感知——理解——鉴赏——评价的阅读规律、b预习——听课——巩固——运用的教学规律。














6、确定语文课外活动和语文课堂教学互相配合的原则是什么?答:a克服“班级授课制”的局限性,b 语文的基础性和实践性的具体体现。






