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Unit Five Science & Technology

Text 2 Bell Labs

I. Pre-Reading Discussion

IBM (International Business Machine), Microsoft, Dell, HP, AT & T, Motorolla, Nokia, Sony, Panasonic, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration).

II. Close Reading of the Text


1. sweep (n.): a broad reach or extent一大片;范围

e.g.: the sweep of a lantern beam;a sweep of green lawn

2. Big Bang:the cosmic explosion that marked the origin of the universe according to the big bang theory.按照大爆炸理论,标志宇宙形成的宇宙爆炸

3. dynamic (adj.): characterized by continuous change, activity, or progress 动态的

e.g.: a dynamic market;dynamic economics;a man of dynamic personalities 【Paragraph 1】

4. (L1) premier (adj.): first in status or importance; principal or chief主要的;首要的

e.g.: take the premier place;a designer of premier rank

5. (L1) facility (n.):all equipment, sites, lines, circuits, and software available for d ata processing and data communications设施[备]

e.g.: facilities for cooking;washing facilities

6. (L2) transistor (n.): [电子]晶体管

e.g.: a transistor radio

7. (L5) crucial (adj.): extremely significant or important至关紧要的

e.g.: a crucial problem;at the crucial moment

8. (L7) revenue (n.): all the income produced by a particular source收入

e.g.: the Public Revenue;revenue duty;administrative revenue

9. (L8) wither (v.): to cause to shrivel or fade消亡, 破灭

e.g.: Age cannot wither her. The flowers withered in the cold.

10. (L8) run-of-the-mill (adj.): not special or outstanding; average一般的,不突出的;普通的

e.g.: No mill, no meal. The mill cannot grind with the water that is past. 【Paragraph 2】

11. (L11) scathe (v.): to harm or injure, especially by fire危害, 损害, 损伤

e.g.: keep from scathe; without scathe

12. (L13) license (vt.): to give or yield permission to or for同意,批准,许可

e.g.: a driver's license;We are sure that these purchases will soon be licensed.

13. (L13) afield (adv.): to or at a great distance; far afield远方, 远处,远离

e.g.: get far afield from one's subject;Do not go too far afield.

【Paragraph 3】

14. (L16) proportion (n.):a relationship between things or parts of things with respect to comparative magnitude, quantity, or degree比例,比率

e.g.: the proportion of births to the population;do a sum in [by] proportion;

in (direct) proportion to;in inverse proportion to

【Paragraph 4】

15. (L20) epochal (adj.): highly significant or important; momentous有重大或重要意义的

e.g.: epochal decisions;mark [form] an epoch in science;an entire historical epoch

16. (L24) single out:to separate or choose from a group, esp. for special treatment or notice挑选,选拔

e.g.: Why did you single him out for punishment?

【Paragraph 5】

17. (L30) conversion (n.): the act of converting转变

e.g.: channel conversion;data conversion

【Paragraph 6】

18. (L35) drastically (adv.): greatly激烈地, 彻底地

e.g.: a drastic debate;make drastic change

19. (L35) robotic (n.): the science or study of the technology associated with the design, fabrication, theory, and application of robots机器人学【Paragraph 7】

20. (L41) ebullient (adj.): zestfully enthusiastic热情高涨的

e.g.: the ebullience of youth

21. (L42) make one’s mark: 出名,做出成绩,暂露头角

22. (L46) mast (n.): a tall vertical antenna, as for a radio天线杆,收发塔

23. (L46) pipe up: to speak up说,讲话
