英语中年份、日期、时间与数字”的读法陈导发布于:2009-08-20 16:071.年份关于四位数年份的读法有下列几种情形:1)一般情况下,将表示年份的四个数字按前后分为两组,每一组的数字都按基数词来读。
例如:1865 年读作eighteen sixty-five(1976 : nineteen seventy-six.1998 年读作nineteen ninety-eight2)如果前两个数字为非零”数字,后两位数分别为零”,则先读出前两位数,然后将后面的两个零”读为hundred o例如:1900 年读作nineteen hundred1800 年读作eighteen hundred3)第三个数字为零”(其他数字不是零”)的年份的读法应当将该零”读为O [u]。
例如:1809 年读作eighteen O nine4)关于千年的一些读法。
2000 年读作two thousand2008 年读作two thousand and eight (或twenty O eight)1008 年读作one thousand and eight (或ten O eight)另外,还有一些非四位数的年份,它们有两种读法:一种是按照基数词的方法来读,另一种是一个一个数字来读。
例如:531BC读作five three one BC (或five hundred and thirty-one BC)since the “1950季‘:在20世纪50年代”之后2.日期英语日期的读法、写法和汉语不同,要注意区别。
2001年4月2日应该写成:April 2nd, 2001,读成:April the second, twothousandandone。
一般情况下,序数词是在基数词后加-th,但有几种特殊情况,可按下面规律来记:1、2、3单独记(即first, second,third) , 8 后少t, 9 少e (即:eighth, ninth) , 5、12 变ve为fth (即fifth, twelfth ),整十位数变y为ie再力口th (如twentieth ),二位以上只将个数变序数词(如thirty-second)。
九月一日的英文单词你知道九月一日的英文单词怎么写吗?一起来学习一下吧!九月一日的英文单词:September 1st九月一日的英文单词例句:1. School reopens on September 1.新学期于九月一日开始.2. SQ 788 on Sept. 1 st from London to Taipei.九月一日,从伦敦到台北的SQ788班机.3. On September 1, 1998, the company took over 11 routes from CMB.一九九八年九月一日, 城巴接办了中巴11条路线.4. Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, September 1, by wire ( reporter Xiaoguang Han )新华社广州九月一日电 ( 记者韩晓光 )5. Promulgated by the China Banking Regulatory Commission on August 8 2005 as of September 1 2005.中国银行业监督管理委员会于二零零五年八月八日公布,自二零零五年九月一日起施行.6. Article 34 These Provisions shall enter into effect as of September 1, 1991.第三十四条本规定自一九九一年九月一日起施行.7. The morning of the first of september was crisp and golden as an apple?早晨的九月一日是酥脆和金黄的作为苹果?8. I am enrolled at the Victorian English school from Sept. 1 st to March 20 th.我注册进了维多利亚英语学院,从九月一日念到三月二十日.9. Promulgated by the Supreme People's Court on August 21 2008 as of September 1 2008.最高人民法院于二零零八年八月二十一日公布,自二零零八年九月一日起施行.10. Promulgated by the State Council on July 9 2005 as of September 1 2005.国务院于二零零五年七月九日公布,自二零零五年九月一日起施行.11. From September 1 , 1997, certain port formalities can also be processed via the Internet.由一九九七年九月一日起, 部分船只出入口手续可经由互联网办理.12. Promulgated by the State Council on March 1 2003 as of September 1 2003.国务院于二零零三年三月一日公布,自二零零三年九月一日起施行.13. So in order to arrive by September 1, the goods must leave Xingang before August 10.伯恩:因此, 货物必须在八月十日前离开新港,才能在九月一日抵达.14. Kindergartens KGs include kindergarten - cum - child - care centres subsequent to harmonization of pre - primary services as of 1 September 2005.在二零零五年九月一日学前教育服务协调以后,幼稚园包括幼稚园暨幼儿中心.15. Promulgated by of Finance on June 9 2005 as of September 1 2005.财政部于二零零五年六月九日公布,自二零零五年九月一日起施行.。
Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册
![Unit 1 Cultural Heritage课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/fd940c5fa66e58fafab069dc5022aaea998f41fc.png)
Tour guide:That's Saint Basil Cathedral. People all over the world think of Russia when they see it. lts like the Eiffel Tower in France or the Great Wall in China, a symbol of the country
tell right from wrong 分辨是非 tell ...from...辨别……和……
Talking Work in groups and role play. Make a conversation between some tourists and their tour guide.
2. What are they doing? A. Drawing a map. B. Sightseeing. C. Studying culture.
Listen again and complete the fact sheet.
World Cultural Heritage Site Fact Sheet
The Kremlin which dates back to 1156, was the center of the Russian. With nearly a dozen palaces and churches, the Kremlin is a symbol of eight centuries of Russia’s history and culture, not to mention its power. Over the years the Kremlin is a command center(指挥中心), and today a home for the Russian president.
中国有色金属工业总公司1987年12月主要符号A——声级;矩形送风口边长a——围护结构温差修正系数;紊流系数B——距离;矩形送风口边长b——指数;系数C——静风;有效热压差与有效风压差之比;系数c f——风压系数C L——逐时冷负荷c p——空气的定压比热容c r——热压系数D——围护结构热惰性指标;直径d g——工作地点的宽度d——含湿量d o——送风口的直径d s——送至工作地点的气流宽度E——东;东风F,f——面积F o——送风口的有效截面积F j——进风口面积F p——排风口面积G——通风量G j——进风量G p——排风量g——重力加速度H——高度;水平h——高度;计算门窗的中心线标高;高差h j——进风口中心与中和界的高差h p——排风口中心与中和界的高差h z——中和界标高I——焓J——太阳总辐射照度J p——太阳总辐射照度的日平均值K——传热系数;安全系数L——风量;空气量l——门窗缝隙计算长度m——散热量有效系数;渗透冷空气量的综合修正系数m1,m2,m3——系数N——北;北风n——建筑物的楼层数;渗透冷空气量的朝向修正系数P——电动机功率P n——电动机轴功率△P——系统总压力损失△P min——调节阀全开时的压力损失Q——散热量;显热量;耗热量Q f——辐射散热量R o——围护结构传热阻R o·min——围护结构的最小传热阻R j——围护结构本体的热阻R n——围护结构内表面换热阻R w——围护结构外表面换热阻S——压力损失比;南;南风;距离s——净距t o——送风口的出口温度t d——屋顶下的温度t g——工作地点温度t1——露点温度t1p——累年最冷月平均温度t1s——邻室计算平均温度t max——累年极端最高温度t n,t n′——分别为室内计算温度和竖井计算温度t np——室内平均温度t p——排风温度t p·min——累年最低日平均温度t rp——累年最热月平均温度t sh——夏季空气调节室外计算逐时温度t s·max——与累年极端最高温度和最热月平均相对湿度相对应的湿球温度t s·rp——与累年最热月平均温度和平均相对湿度相对应的湿球温度t w——围护结构室外计算温度t wf——夏季通风室外计算温度t wg——夏季空气调节室外计算干球温度t wk——冬季空气调节室外计算温度t wl——逐时冷负荷计算温度t wn——采暖室外计算温度t wp——夏季空气调节室外计算日平均温度t ws季空气调节室外计算湿球温度t zp季空气调节室外计算日平均综合温度t zs季空气调节室外计算逐时综合温度△t H温度梯度△t1s计算平均温度与室外计算日平均温度之差△t r夏季室外计算平均日较差△t y室内计算温度与围护结构内表面温度的允许温差v o冬季室外平均风速;送风口的出口风速Vg——工作地点平均风速W——西;西风Z——距离α——系数αn—围护结构内表面换热系数αw—围护结构外表面换热系数β——夏季室外温度逐时变化系数ξj—进风口的局部阻力系数ξr—排风口的局部阻力系数ρ——围护结构外表面对于太阳辐射热的吸收系数ρnp——室内空气的平均密度ρp——排风温度下的空气密度ρw i通风室外计算温度下的空气密度ρwn采暖室外计算温度下的空气密度目录第一章总则第二章室内外计算参数第一节室内空气计算参数第二节室外空气计算参数第三节夏季太阳辐射照度第三章采暖第一节一般规定第二节热负荷第三节散热器采暖第四节辐射采暖第五节热风采暖与热风幕第六节采暖管道第七节蒸汽喷射器第四章通风第一节一般规定第二节自然通风第三节隔热降温第四节机械通风第五节除尘与净化第六节防火与防爆第七节设备、风管及其他第五章空气调节第一节一般规定第二节负荷计算第三节系统设计第四节气流组织第五节空气处理第六章制冷第一节一般规定第二节压缩式制冷第三节热力制冷第四节机房设计、设备布置及其他第七章自动控制第一节一般规定第二节检测、联锁与信号显示第三节自动调节与控制第四节制冷装置的自动保护与控制第八章消声与隔振第一节一般规定第二节消声与隔声第三节隔振附录一名词解释附录二室外气象参数附录三室外计算温度的简化统计方法附录四夏季太阳总辐射照度附录五夏季透过标准窗玻璃的太阳辐射照度附录六夏季空气调节大气透明度分布图附录七加热由门窗缝隙渗入室内的冷空气的耗热量附录八渗透冷空气量的朝向修正系数n值附录九自然通风的计算附录十系统式局部送风的计算附录十一除尘风管的最小风速附录十二法定计量单位与习用非法定计量单位换算表附录十三本规范用词说明附加说明第一章总则第1·0·1条为了在采暖、通风和空气调节设计中,体现艰苦奋斗、勤俭建国精神,贯彻国家现行的有关方针政策,以便为安全生产、改善生活和劳动条件、节约能源、保护环境、保证产品质量和提高劳动生产率提供必要的条件,特制订本规范。
第一周期元素:1 氢(qīng) 2 氦(hài) 第二周期元素:3 锂(lǐ) 4 铍(pí) 5 硼(pãng) 6 碳(tàn) 7 氮(dàn) 8 氧(yǎng) 9 氟(fú) 10 氖(nǎi)第三周期元素:11 钠(nà) 12 镁(měi) 13 铝(lǚ) 14 硅(guī) 15 磷(lín) 16 硫(liú) 17 氯(lǜ) 18 氩(yà)第四周期元素:19 钾(jiǎ) 20 钙(gài) 21 钪(kàng) 22 钛(tài) 23 钒(fán) 24 铬(gâ) 25 锰(měng) 26 铁(tiě) 27 钴(gǔ) 28 镍(niâ) 29 铜(tïng) 30 锌(xīn) 31 镓(jiā) 32 锗(zhě) 33 砷(shēn) 34 硒(xī) 35 溴(xiù) 36 氪(kâ)第五周期元素:37 铷(rú) 38 锶(sī) 39 钇(yǐ) 40 锆(gào) 41 铌(ní) 42 钼(mù) 43 锝(dã) 44 钌(liǎo) 45 铑(lǎo) 46 钯(bǎ) 47 银(yín) 48 镉(gã) 49 铟(yīn) 50 锡(xī) 51 锑(tī) 52 碲(dì) 53 碘(diǎn) 54 氙(xiān)第六周期元素:55 铯(sâ) 56 钡(bâi) 57 镧(lán) 58 铈(shì) 59 镨(pǔ) 60 钕(nǚ) 61 钷(pǒ) 62 钐(shān) 63 铕(yǒu) 64 钆(gá) 65 铽(tâ) 66 镝(dī) 67 钬(huǒ) 68 铒(ěr) 69 铥(diū) 70 镱(yì) 71 镥(lǔ) 72 铪(hā) 73 钽(tǎn) 74 钨(wū) 75 铼(lái) 76 锇(ã) 77 铱(yī) 78 铂(bï) 79 金(jīn) 80 汞(gǒng) 81 铊(tā) 82 铅(qiān) 83 铋(bì) 84 钋(pō) 85 砹(ài) 86 氡(dōng)第七周期元素:87 钫(fāng) 88 镭(lãi) 89 锕(ā) 90 钍(tǔ) 91 镤(pú) 92 铀(yïu) 93 镎(ná) 94 钚(bù) 95 镅(mãi) 96 锔(jú) 97 锫(pãi) 98 锎(kāi) 99 锿(āi) 100 镄(fâi) 101 钔(mãn) 102 锘(nuî) 103 铹(láo) 104 鑪(lú) 105 (dù) 106 (xǐ)107(bō) 108 (hēi) 109 䥑(mài) 110 鐽(dá) 111 錀(lún) 112 鎶(gē)[暂定] 注:新元素汉字请使用Win7系统浏览,XP系统下无法显示。
新起点大学英语Unit1-Text B
![新起点大学英语Unit1-Text B](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/f7fa2fb376a20029bd642dd9.png)
汉译英: 战后良好的规划给这个国家的经济奇迹奠定了基础。
Key: Good planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation’s economic miracle.
2 萨默斯说,写作不仅在大学学习中起着重要的作用,作 为一种有力的工具,它能帮助学生“认识到自己是积极的参 与者,而且他们有能力从事他们所做的事情”。
Para. 3~4
3 萨默斯于1987年来到哈佛大学,当时担任说明文写作教 学组副主任。到1993年任主任时,她将美国最早的大学写作 教学带入第三个百年。
Para. 1~2
1 对于哈佛大学说明文写作教学组主任萨默斯博士和许多 学生而言,写作是大学学习的基石。哈佛大学所有一年级学 生都要上一个学期的说明文写作课。这门研讨课强调仔细的 阅读、校订和研究,是为学生们今后在哈佛所读的课程打基 础的一门课程。
还有即将要开上映的 《警察故事2013》
Chinese Kong fu
Although it is a long road for him to success, he never gave up when he failed. Because of his strong feeling and good attitude to life, he achieved his dream of being an actor.
My favorite person
பைடு நூலகம்Jackie Chan 成龙 He is my idol
20xx级 xxx
Ja c k ie C h a n , sta r o f th e K u n g F u M o vi e i n d u str y, h a s b e e n a ttra c tin g a u d ie n c e s th e w o rld o v e r fo r m o re th a n a d e c a d e . H is w o rld w id e p o p u la rity to d a y , w ith m o re th a n H u n d re d film s to h is n a m e , is a n o n g o in g p h e n o m e n o n . H e in c o rp o ra te d th e id e a o f C h in e s e m a rtia l a rts in to h is film a n d e v e n b e c a m e a m a rtia l a rts d ire c to r. B y th e la te se v e n tie s , h e in tro d u c e d K u n g F u C om edy and w as w e lc o m e d b y th e a u d ie n c e . T o d a y , h e re m a in s th e w o rld 's n u m b e r-o n e a c tio n sta r, n e v e r ce a s in g to a m a z e h is a u d ie n c e !
1. Company Description0●Ace Corporation0This is Ace Corporation. 0It was established in 1920, more than 75 years ago.0Ace manufactures sporting equipment such as tennis rackets, tennis balls and fishing rods. (Ace is a sporting goods manufacturer.)0It’s a well-managed company, and its products are well made.0Its head office is in New York. It also has an office in Los Angeles. 0(Its main office is in New York, and there is another office in L.A..)0Ace has two factories. 0Its main factory is in Chicago. The other factory is in Miami.0Its head office has 300 employees. The L.A. office employs around 50.0(Its head office in New York employs 300 workers, and the L.A. office has a staff of around 50 employees.)05,000 people are employed in the Chicago factory, and another 1,150 work in the Miami factory. (5,000 people work in the Chicago factory.)0Ace’s main customers are general consumers.0Its products are also sold to schools and other organizations.0In recent years the company has done well. 0Sales and profits have both increased.0Its main competitors are foreign companies from Europe and Asia.0Because of its high quality products however, Ace has been successful.0●United Industries0This is United Industries, an American company. 0(United Industries is an American company.)0Its main products are rocket engines, satellites and aircraft parts.0(It manufactures advanced products such as rocket engines, satellites and aircraft parts.)0United was established in 1960 by a small group of engineers.0(A small group of engineers started the company in 1960.)0At that time it made rocket engines for other companies.0In 1965 it started to make aircraft parts, including small jet engines. 0Since then it has opened up new factories and offices in Europe and Asia.United’s head office and main factory is in Seattle where it employs more than 15,000 workers.0(United is based in Seattle, Washington, where its main factory is located.) 0It also has offices in Europe, Asia and other locations around the world.0There are three factories.0The main one is in Seattle, another is in Montreal, and the third is in London.United employs between 20~25,000 people.0(United is a large company, employing almost 25,000 people.)02,000 employees work in the London factory.0In Montreal, the company has 5,000 employees, including part-time workers.The two factories outside the US employ a total of around 7,000 workers.In recent years the company has done well.0Sales and profits have both increased.0United sells its products to many different countries.0Some people don’t like United because some of its products are used for military purposes.0Unfortunately, these kings of products are used too often.02. Work Experience0●Jean Nielsen 0This is Jean Nielsen. 0Jean graduated from Columbia University in 1981. She majored in economics.In 1983 she got a job with Federal Motors.0(Two years later, in 1983, Jean was hired by Federal Motors.)0Jean worked in Personnel at Federal Motors for 7 years, until 1990.0She left Federal Motors in 1990 and got a job with IBX.0(In 1990 she quit her job at Federal Motors and joined IBX.)0Jean quit her job at Federal Motors because she wanted a more interesting job. She was also offered a higher salary.0At IBX she was hired as a Personnel Manager in one of their factories.0As Personnel Manager she has many responsibilities.0Jean is in charge of interviewing and hiring new employees.0She also manages the company’s employee training programs.0In her job, she also needs good communication skills.0Jean has excellent communication skills, so she has done very well at IBX.Jean has worked/been at IBX since 1990.0Jean likes her job and is planning to stay at IBX for a long time.0At beginning of 1990, Jean Nielsen was an assistant manager.0When Jean left the company at the end of 1990, she was replaced by Steve Gomez.0Steve’s old position was filled by Bill Lee.0Bill Lee transferred into Personnel from Sales.0●Tom Jones 0This is Tom Jones.0Tom is a graduate of Stanford University.0He graduated in 1988 with a degree in mathematics.0Tom got a job with Federal Motors right after graduation.0(Tom was hired by Federal Motors right after graduating from Stanford.) 0Tom has worked in the R&D Department since he joined the company in 1988.(Since he joined company in 1988, Tom has worked in Research and Development.)0Tom is responsible for designing new automobile components.0(For the past few years, Tom has been designing auto components.)0Tom enjoys his work and often works late at the office.0He is hoping to be promoted in the next year or two.0Tom has been with Federal Motors for more than 10 years.0He has worked very hard, and he has an excellent work record.0Tom is responsible to his boss, Jim Nielsen.0Jim Nielsen has been Tom’s boss since 1990.0Jim started working at Federal Motors 3 years before Tom joined the company.0In the future, Tom Jones will probably be promoted.0●Federal Motors 0There were many important changes at Federal Motors in 1990.0In Personnel, Jean Nielsen was an assistant manager at the beginning of the year.0At the end of the year, Jean left Federal Motors and joined IBX.0Jean’s position was filled by Steve Gomez, who joined the company in 1987.In the Production Division, 1990 was not a good year.0In the factory, the work force was cut by more than 10%.0At the beginning of the year, there were 2,000 workers in the factory.0At the end of the year, there were 1,750 workers in the factory.0 There were also some important changes in the Sales Department.0Dave Jackson, the Sales Manager, was fired because of a drinking problem.He missed meetings and often came to work late.0He was replaced by Sonia Scott, who joined the company from outside.0Ed Smith was transferred to Sales from Engineering to assist Ms. Scott.There were also changes in the R&D department.0Jim Nielsen was promoted to General Manager.03. Manufacturing and Trade0●YR1 Robot 0This is the YR1. The YR1 is an industrial robot.0(This is the YR1, an industrial robot.)0Industrial robots have many uses.0This kind of robot is usually used for high precision assembly or metal work.The YR1 is made by a Japanese company, Yamashita Ltd.0 Yamashita is located in Tokyo, Japan.0(The first YR1 was made in Japan in 1997. The YR1 was developed by Yamashita Ltd, a Japanese company.)0YR1 is used on assembly lines, such as th is one at Federal Motors.0Federal Motors makes cars. (Federal Motors manufactures cars.)0The YR1 is used for welding cars on the assembly line.0(At Federal Motors, the YR1 robot is used for welding cars.)0Many YR1 robots have been sold to the automobile industry.0 (Federal Motors is an automobile company. it makes many kinds of motor vehicles, such as cars, trucks and vans. This is one of the assembly lines at Federal Motors, an automobile company located in the United States.)0In 1997, 15 units were bought by Federal Motors.0Those units are now being used to do the work that 60 workers used to do.The robots work faster than human workers and they make fewer mistakes.The automobile industry has bought many industrial robots, such as the YR1.In 1997, 5,000 YR1 were made by Yamashita.0Of those 5,000 robots, 50% were sold in Japan.025% were sold in the US. 10% were sold in Europe.0(50% of the 5,000 robots that were made in 1997 were sold in Japan. 25% were exported to the US. 10% were sold in Europe. The rest were exported toother markets around the world.)0In 1997, 50% of the YR1s manufactured by Yamashita were exported to other countries. 0The rest were sold in the highly competitive domestic market.0In the past few years, worldwide sales of the YR1 and other robots have rapidly increased.0If free trade continues, Yamashita’s future looks good.0●OA-X Computer 0This is the OA-X. The OA-X is a computer.0(This is the OA-X, it is a computer designed to increase efficiency.)0It comes with lots of useful software.0It has many uses.0(It is easy to use and it has a variety of uses.)0Some of its uses include word processing, communications and spreadsheets.This is Ace Ltd, a sporting goods company, located in the USA.0Ace is one of the companies which bought OA-X computers in 1998.0At Ace, the OA-X is used for word processing, communications and spreadsheets.0Ace is using the OA-X to cut costs and improve office efficiency.0Advanced Technologies is the maker of the OA-X computer.0(The OA-X is manufactured and sold by Advanced Technologies Incorporated.) 0(The OA-X is made by Advanced Technologies.)0The OA-X computer is an American product.0(The OA-X computer is an American product, though many of its component parts are imported.)0Advanced Technologies is located in California, near San Francisco.0(Advanced Technologies is based in California, just south of San Francisco.) 0The company has an excellent reputation.0(The company has an outstanding reputation for quality.)0In recent years however, its sales have suffered because of strong competition from Japan.0It has excellent products and competitive prices.0(It has a highly trained work force and it uses the latest technology in the manufacturing process.)0It also provides outstanding customer support.0As a result, its products are highly rated.0In 1998, Advanced Technologies sold 10,000 units.0(Worldwide sales of the OA-X totaled 10,000 units in 1998.)0The selling price for each unit was about 2,000 dollars.0Sales were good in the major international markets, however in Japan, saleswere poor.075% of the units made in 1998 were sold in the United States.010% were sold in Canada and another 10% were sold in Europe.0Only 2% of them were sold in Japan.0The Americans complained, they said it was unfair.0(The American said that this was because the Japanese markets were closed.) 0The Japanese said it was the American’s fault.0(The Japanese said that the OA-X was poorly designed for the Japanese user. They said their market was open.)0Without more facts, it is difficult to decide the real reason.0Trade friction is a difficult issue for every one involved.04. Product Comparisons0●The Epic 0This is the Epic.0(The Epic is an American car.)0It’s built by Federal Motors, an American company.0Federal Motors introduced this model 5 years ago and designed especially for commuters.0Recently it has become very popular. Compared to last year, its sales ar e up by more than 20%.0Its sporty design and excellent fuel efficiency have contributed to its success.Customer satisfaction ratings have put it on the top 10 for the past few years.Its advanced design and light weight are a product of the world’s most advanced engine technology.0It’s the most fuel efficient car of any American made car.0The Epic gets 44 miles per gallon on the highway and 32 miles per gallon in city traffic.0It costs around $18,000. At $18,000, it is a good buy.0It is well engineered, and is reported to be the most trouble free of any American made car.0(In terms of quality and dependability, the Epic is considered to be the best made American car in its price range.)0The Epic generally goes about 80,000 miles before it needs major repairs.(The Epic is built to last around 80,000 miles before problems begin to appear.)According to a recent study, fewer Epic owners had problems in the first six months of ownership than owners of any other car.0It is also backed by an excellent warranty program.0Its warranty covers all parts and labor for five years or 50,000 miles.0As a result, it has proven to be a good choice for people who spend lots of time commuting to work each day.0Five years ago, Federal Motors was losing a lot of money, and its market share was falling rapidly.0Many of its cars had to be recalled for safety problems, and three were many customer complaints about quality.0When the Epic was introduced, sales were slow at first because the public had lost confidence in Federal Motors.0Gradually however, the car began to earn a good reputation, and sales improved.0As a result, Federal Motors has been able to compete more successfully with foreign competitors.0Their main challenge now is to improve their dealer network.0Their sales people are often criticized for poor sales practices.0●The SX 0This is the Yamada SX.050% of the Yamada sold in the US are imported from Japan, the other half are made in the US.0The base price of the SX is around $14,000.0It comes with a 36 month or 36,000 mile warranty.0The SX is one of the biggest Japanese cars in its class. It has room for 5 big adults.0In terms of fuel economy, the SX gets about 38 miles per gallon on the highway, which is better than average for its class.0Auto industry studies indicate that the SX is trouble free for around 60,000 miles.0An important sales point is that its maintenance and service costs are generally lower than the industry average.0This is because Yamada has established a dealer network that provides the best service support in the industry.0According to several surveys, the SX has been number one in customer satisfaction for 3 years.0(For 3 years, it is one the top customer satisfaction rating in several surveys.) 0As a result, the SX is now the best selling car in the US.0●The Aria0This is the Union Aria. It was first introduced into the US in the late 1980s by Union Motors, a European company.0It’s a well built car, and it has a good reputation.0(It’s a solid, well made car with a good reputation for passenger comfort and safety.)0The Aria is paid about $28,000.0It comes equipped with lots of standard features, such as AM/FM radio and air conditioning.0The Aria has more passenger room than any other car in its class.0It has plenty of room for a growing family.0It gets 34 miles per gallon on the highway and 22 miles per gallon in the city.It comes with a powerful engine that can pull a boat or a trailer with ease.It’s rated high in terms of dependability.0In generally goes about 60,000 miles before it needs any major repairs.0 Unfortunately, the cost of parts and services are higher than average.0In terms of safety, the Aria has the best record of any car.0In crash tests, the Aria has consistently outperformed all other cars.0In general, its size, power, and excellent safety record make it a good family car.0Though it’s an excellent family car, its sales have remained flat for the past few years.0Some people say it’s too expensive, others say that its design is uninteresting.If sales don’t improve, major changes will have to be made.0●A Comparison0Let’s compare these three automobiles.0First, the Federal Epic is the most fuel efficient.0(In terms of fuel economy, the Epic gets better mileage than either the Union Aria or the Yamada SX.)0The Aria doesn’t get as many miles per gallon as the other two cars, but it’s bigger and its engine is more powerful.0As you can see in this comparison, the Aria is the most expensive.0(As for price, the Aria costs more than the other two.)0It costs twice as much as the SX.0The least expensive of these three cars is the SX.0(Priced at $14,000, the SX is the least expensive of these three models.) 0It's about half the price of the Aria and nearly 25% less than the Epic.0The Epic costs $4,000 more than the SX.0As for size, the Aria is the biggest of the three.0(In terms of size, the Aria is bigger than the other two.)0The Epic, which seats 4 adults, is the smallest.0The SX is larger than the Epic, but it has slightly less passenger room than the Aria.0(The SX is bigger than the Epic, but it isn’t quite as big or powerful as the Aria.)0In terms of low cost maintenance and durability, the Epic has the best record.It is very economical.0It has a better performance record than either the Aria or th e SX.0Compared to both the other cars, it goes 20,000 more miles before it needs repairs.0To summarize, each car has its advantages.0The Aria may be the best buy for a growing family, though it's a bit expensive.For the commuter, the Epic is probably the best choice.0Its fuel economy and excellent dependability give it the advantage.0For buyers who like a low purchase price and who want a slightly bigger car, the SX is probably the best value.0。
语法--非限制性定从 选必一u1
![语法--非限制性定从 选必一u1](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e81ea54ff11dc281e53a580216fc700abb6852b4.png)
willing to acknowledge defeat.
2. Afterwards, Einstein had to flee Germany. Hitler was in power there. = ?
Afterwards, Einstein had to flee Germany, where(=in
后来,王先生一家人接种了这种药,他的大部分家人 痊愈了。
从句只是对先行词做些附加说明,即使去掉,主句的 意思仍然清楚。它与主句之间通常用逗号隔开。翻译 时常常不做定语,而是译成与主句并列的句子。
常有who, whom, which, whose, as, when, where等 关系词引导。
指物 在定语从句中的作用
Who √
主语 宾语
Whom √
主语 宾语
主语 宾语
whose √
1. The woman ____ is talking to my mother is a friend of
A. whose
B. who
C. whom
novelist, J.K. Rowling, which inspired us a lot. 老师要求我们听他最喜爱的小说家J.K. 罗琳的演讲,这 个(演讲)让我们非常鼓舞。
5. The building uБайду номын сангаасder construction was designed by I_._M_._P_e_i_ -- a famous Chinese-American architect. H__e was born in
S的发音规则s在元音或浊辅音后读[z}: shoes/ those/ hands/ days/lessons/cars/girls/eyes /bees /knees、bags在清辅音后面读成[s]:cups/ books/ lamps在[t]后与[t]在一起读成[ts]:hats/pets/ sits/ bets /cats /fits在[d]后与[d]一起读成[dz]:words/ seeds/ birds /bleeds /beds2、以s,sh,ch,x结尾的词在词尾加-es,读[iz]classes 班级buses 公共汽车boxes 盒子watches 手表3、以“元音字母+y”结尾的词,加-s,读作[z];以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y 为i,再加-es,读[iz]。
boy-boys 男孩army-armies 军队story-stories 故事factory-factories 工厂baby-babies 宝贝4、以o结尾的词,多数加-s,读[z]。
kilo-kilos 公里photo-photos 照片tobacco-tobaccos 烟草piano-pianos 钢琴以元音字母+o结尾的词一律加-s,读[z]。
zoo-zoos 动物园radio-radios 收音机少数以o结尾的词,在词尾加-es,读[z]。
tomato-tomatoes 西红柿hero-heroes 英雄Negro-Negroes 黑人potato-potatoes 土豆5、以f或fe结尾的词,多数把f, fe变为v,再加-es,读[s]。
leaf-leaves 树叶thief-thieves 小偷wife-wives 妻子knife-knives 小刀shelf-shelves 架子th的发音规则(1) th位于词首时,可以从词性上判别其应有的读音。
如:thing, theatre, thunder, thermos, Thursday, theory, theme, throat, thread, think, thank, thrive, thicken, thirteen, thirty, third, thousand, thick, thirsty, thoughtful, thorough 在代词和一些功能词中th发浊辅音.如:them, their,theirs, there, the, than, then, though, thus, therefore, they。
对一个有限域X的子集S的任何有序对的元素,记为(X, S)。
在X中称为该元素的(X,S)-th,并记为a(X, S)。
其中:“-”用来表示“对所有x, S中都有”;“*”用来表示“对所有x, S中只有一个”;“^”用来表示“对所有x, S中不止一个”;“$”用来表示“对所有x, S中不止一个”。
“我思考 我思考”(I THINK) 我思考
“我沉下去 SINK)。 我沉下去”(I 我沉下去 。
Unit9 发音软件
怎么来练习? 怎么来练习?How to practice
克服对咬舌音的恐惧心理。不要怕发音的时候咬痛舌头, 克服对咬舌音的恐惧心理。不要怕发音的时候咬痛舌头, 也不要怕把舌头越咬越肿变成大舌头影响说话. 也不要怕把舌头越咬越肿变成大舌头影响说话
这样的练习是让大家找到咬住舌头的感觉 咬住舌头的感觉, 这样的练习是让大家找到咬住舌头的感觉,等待这 种发音习惯成自然后,大家才开始通过句子来练习。 种发音习惯成自然后,大家才开始通过句子来练习。
以下3句从易到难,供大家练习: 以下3句从易到难,供大家练习: Someth Father and mother went through thick and thi n. (老爸老妈共经风雨。) 老爸老妈共经风雨。 老爸老妈共经风雨 There are 33,333 feathers on that bird’s throa t. (这一条读的时候一定要小心,舌头很可能 这一条读的时候一定要小心, 这一条读的时候一定要小心 要抽筋! 要抽筋!)
从最简单的THIS、THAT、THESE、 、 从最简单的 、 、 THOSE、THINK、THANK开始。 开始。 、 、 开始
STEP1:伸出舌头,平放在上下两排牙齿中 :伸出舌头, 间; STEP2:轻轻闭上嘴,咬住舌头; 轻轻闭上嘴, 轻轻闭上嘴 咬住舌头; STEP3:声带试着发出声音,同时舌位不变; :声带试着发出声音,同时舌位不变; STEP4:完成 的发音过程, :完成THE的发音过程,舌头轻轻归 的发音过程 位。
“TH”和“S”的发音到底有什 “TH”和“S”的发音到底有什 么区别? 么区别?
人教版英语中考总复习第一轮 复习要点(重要单词、词组、句型)
![人教版英语中考总复习第一轮 复习要点(重要单词、词组、句型)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3e5fc08b690203d8ce2f0066f5335a8102d266eb.png)
中考英语第一轮复习资料26个字母及发音:Aa /ei/ Bb /bi:/ Cc /si:/ Dd /di:/ Ee /i:/ Ff /ef/ Gg /dʒi:/ H h /eitʃ/ Ii /ai/ Jj /dʒei/ Kk /kei/ Ll /el/ Mm /em/ Nn /en/ Oo /əu/ Pp /pi:/ Qq /kju:/ Rr /a:/ Ss /es/ Tt /ti:/ Uu /ju:/ Vv /vi:/ Ww /’dublju:/ Xx /eks/ Yy /wai/ Zz /zi:/ or /zed/5个元音字母:Aa,Ee,Ii,Oo,Uu发音以元音开头的字母:a,e,f,h,i,l,m,n,o,r。
s,x七(上)U 1~6 复习要点1.first name=given name 名字last nam= family name 姓氏2.Mr。
/Mrs. /Ms。
/Miss3.What’s your telephone number?4.What's your address? 15 Peace Road。
5.call sb at+电话号码6.in the lost and found case7.school ID card8. a set of keys9.Is this/that Jim? No, it isn’t.10.after school / after class11.play ping-pong/tennis/volleyball12.play the guitar/piano/drums/trumpet13.play with Sb/Sth14.play/do sportse and see for yourself16.at a very good price17.bag (s) for sports18.buy sth。
for only ¥…19.afford our price20.buy sth. from …21.have a look at = look at 22.—Good morning。
1. /θ/的发音/θ/是英语中的一个辅音音素,它代表了一个清晰的音。
以下是一些常见的以/θ/开头的单词:•think(思考)•thought(想法)•thank(感谢)•three(三)2. /s/的发音/s/是英语中的另一个辅音音素,它代表了一个清晰的音。
以下是一些常见的以/s/开头的单词:•sun(太阳)•see(看见)•sit(坐)•sound(声音)3. th加s的发音规则当th加s两个音素连在一起时,它们的发音规则稍有不同。
以下是一些以th加s结尾的常见单词的发音示例:•months(月份):[mʌnθs]•paths(路径):[pæθs]•lengths(长度):[leŋθs]•strengths(力量):[streŋθs]4. 示例为了更好地理解th加s的发音规则,以下是一些以th加s结尾的单词的发音示例:•myths(神话):[mɪθs]•youths(青年):[juːθs]•truths(真相):[truːθs]•births(出生):[bɜːrθs]5. 结论th加s的发音规则涉及到/θ/和/s/两个音素的结合,形成一种特殊的发音情况。
1 Complete the sentences with th
![1 Complete the sentences with th](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6526bf09590216fc700abb68a98271fe910eaf8a.png)
1 Complete the sentences with th1. Complete the sentences with "th"1. The 14th of February is known as Valentine's Day and is celebrated by couples all around the world.2. The 25th amendment to the US Constitution outlines the procedures for presidential succession and disability.3. The Earth's equator is an imaginary line that divides the planet into northern and southern hemispheres.4. The 19th amendment to the US Constitution granted women the right to vote, finally achieving suffrage after years of campaigning.5. The 20th century was a time of incredible technological and scientific advancements, including the development of computers, space travel, and vaccination.6. The 9th Symphony by Ludwig van Beethoven is considered one of the greatest works of classical music.7. The Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day, is a national holiday in the United States commemorating the country's declaration of independence from Great Britain.8. The 5th element, according to ancient Greek philosophy, was aether, a mystical substance believed to fill the universe beyond the four basic elements of earth, air, fire, and water.9. The 100th anniversary of the sinking of the Titanic was commemorated in 2012, marking the tragic event that claimed over 1,500 lives.10. The 30th Olympiad was held in London in 2012,featuring competitions between athletes from around the world in a variety of sports.。
VANMASS 2 in 1 Wireless Charger CDRZ35说明书
![VANMASS 2 in 1 Wireless Charger CDRZ35说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/b101ac1a814d2b160b4e767f5acfa1c7aa00823e.png)
@VANMASS™ Thank you for purchasing and using this product!In order to bring you a better exper ence, 『ead th1S manual and alsoplease refer to you『mobile phone or沪ur electronic product manual.WIRELESS CHARGERPlease read th s operation instruction carefully and keep it proper!Y扫lorn us ng this product.@VANMASS™2in1'J,(七匕又充雷器芒使用前1工`乙O取1!l:锐明霍宅去苍切动上、正1.-(安全1匕在使c,<茫i!'C、。
上纪11)/污又一夕比VANMASS"奶研究室(f)屯(f)飞才夫暇切芍又夕比裂品七于(f)他(f)要因l.:J:?飞兵坛苍渴合纾;\jl}jji东写哀灶爹考保尺9([)飞、英院O裂品苍基準1.:1,去才.@VANMASS-Product SpecificationsPmduct Name Wire比ss c归rgerMod� CDRZ35Size 巧(1OOx 93 x 55)mmNet We ght •92gInput 5V=2A. 9V=1.8ACharging Distance •(4·6)mmAppl尥t,on Model Compatible with Qi standard cellphon@:iPhone, Samsung, LG, Mato etc.W咱坴car扣rger•1,US氏如cable x1,Pa欢age L叹Air vent dip x1,Sudion cup holder x1,Instruction book x 1The pa『ameters abo心a"'derived from the laboratory of V闷MASS巴The actual parameter would be different Because of p『oducts andother f釭tor<Bitte lesen S e d ese Bedienungsanleitung aufmerksam durch undbewahren Sie sie vor de『Verwendung dieses Produkts aul.乙0度比、7千乍匕又充霓台(以下『本毅品J匕表兄L衷Tl宅巧贯L、上I九卞任宅、械仁il;'),Jf,七夕己名L、玄L九本蚁品宅它使用韵IC1:0)取贷祝明吝宅.I:(扫怯办<茫古C、。
thⅰs造句四年级上册1、This is my brother and these are my classmates.这是我的兄弟,这些是我的同学。
2、This is where we are right now.而我们在这方面的权利。
3、This is where we are.这就是我们所在的地方。
4、Are you sure this is where we are to meet them?你确定要在这个地方和他们碰头吗?5、Are you sure this is where we are apt encounter them? 你确定要在这个地方和他们碰头吗?6、This is where we are going to include all of our steps. 这就是我们在此要涉及的所有步骤。
7、This is my dressing table.这是我的梳妆台。
8、This magazine is big.这本杂志是大的。
9、This is my bed.这是我的床。
10、This stereo is very small.这台立体声音响是非常小的。
11、This was a time when you had to keep calm.这段时间你必须保持镇定。
12、This was a time when the two countries were at war.这是在两国交战时期。
13、This was a time when speeches could last for four hours.这时演讲可能持续了四个小时。
14、This neat division does not take into account a host of associated factors.这种简练的划分没有考虑到许多相关因素。
15、This is it—the big sale.快了——就要大甩卖了。
th加s的发音规则1. 什么是th加s的发音规则?th加s的发音规则是指当单词以”th”结尾并且下一个单词以”s”开头时,这两个音素如何连读和发音的规则。
2. th加s的发音规则的基本原则th加s的发音规则遵循以下基本原则:•“th”音素的发音为清辅音,舌尖触及上齿龈,通过喉咙发出气流。
3. th加s的发音规则的具体情况th加s的发音规则有以下几种情况:3.1. th与s同时发音在某些情况下,“th”和”s”音素同时发音,即”th”音素的舌尖触及上齿龈,同时气流通过喉咙发出,与此同时,“s”音素的舌尖离开上齿龈,气流也通过喉咙发出。
例如:•“maths” [mæθs] 数学•“baths” [bæθs] 洗澡•“teeths” [tiθs] 牙齿3.2. th与s连读为[s]在另一些情况下,“th”和”s”音素连读为[s]音素,即”th”音素的舌尖触及上齿龈,但气流通过鼻腔发出,与此同时,“s”音素的舌尖离开上齿龈,气流通过喉咙发出。
例如:•“months” [mʌnθs] 月份•“cloths” [klɔθs] 衣物•“truths” [truθs] 真理3.3. th与s连读为[z]在一些特定情况下,“th”和”s”音素连读为[z]音素,即”th”音素的舌尖触及上齿龈,但气流通过喉咙发出,与此同时,“s”音素的舌尖离开上齿龈,气流通过喉咙发出。
例如:•“months’ salary” [mʌnz’ sæləri] 月薪•“booths’ size” [buðz’ saɪz] 亭子的大小•“mouths’ shape” [maʊðz’ ʃeɪp] 嘴的形状4. th加s的发音规则的例外情况虽然th加s的发音规则在大多数情况下适用,但也存在一些例外情况,需要特别注意。
举例来说,diagraphs "th"在英语中有两种不同的发音,分别是voiceless (无声) 和 voiced (有声)。
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根据这次人口抽样调查,结合前几年的调查数据,经推算,1987年7月1日0时,大陆29个省、自治区、直辖市和现役军人的人口数共107 233万人。
同第三次人口普查的1982年7月1日0时的100 818万人相比,五年间增加了6 415万人,增长6.36%,平均每年增加1 283万多人,年平均增长率为1.24%。
这次调查登记的10 711 652人,约占全国人口总数的0.999%。
在这次抽样调查的人口中,1987年上半年出生人口为104 949人,死亡人口为34 624人,自然增加人口为70 325人,据此估计,1987年全年人口出生率约为21.2‰,死亡率约为6.4‰,自然增长率约为14.8‰。
在这次抽样调查的人口中,男性为5 473 066人,占51.1%;女性为5 238 586人,占48.9%,性别比(以女性人口为100)为104.5。
在这次抽样调查的人口中,14岁以下的少年儿童为3 071 549人,15岁至64岁的人口为7 055 087人,65岁及65岁以上的老年人口为585 016人。
在这次抽样调查的人口中,具有大学文化程度的70 791人,具有大学肄业文化程度的(含大学在校生)23 908人,具有高中文化程度的249 408人,具有初中文化程度的2 283 894人,具有小学文化程度的3 868 378人。
大学文化程度的由617人提高到884人,高中文化程度的由6 784人提高到6 996人,初中文化程度的由17 884人提高到21 322人,小学文化程度的由35 256人提高到36 114人。
在这次抽样凋查的人口中,文盲、半文盲(12岁以及12岁以上不识字或识字很少的人)为2 205 642人。
在这次抽样调查的人口中,汉族为9 852 384人,各少数民族为859 268人,与1982年人口普查相比,汉族人口占总人口的比重由93.3%下降为92.0%;各少数民族人口占总人口的比重由6.7%上升为
这次人口抽样调查,共调查家庭户2 483 850户,家庭户人口为10 515 086人,占全部人口的98.2%。
在这次人口抽样调查的10 679 292人(不含现役军人)中,居住在市(不含市辖县)、镇的为3 965 287人。
其中,居住在市的为2 032 574人。