最新人教版高中英语必修二学案:Unit 2 Using Language

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Using Language


1.glory n.光荣;荣誉

glorious adj.光荣的

2.bargain v i.讨价还价;讲条件;n.便宜货

3.hopeless adj.没有希望的;绝望的

hope n.希望

hopeful adj.有希望的

4.foolish adj.愚蠢的;傻的

5.pain n.疼痛;痛苦

6.deserve v i.& v t.应受(报答或惩罚);值得


1.on purpose故意地

2.make a bargain with sb和某人达成协议

3.hear of听说;获悉

4.run the race参加赛跑

5.change one's mind改变某人的主意

6.pick up接收;拾起

7.one after another陆续地;一个接一个地

8.apart from除了……;除……之外

9.hand in hand手拉手


1.She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.


2.She was so angry that she said to her father that she would not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.她如此生气,以至于她对她父亲说,她不会嫁给任何跑不过她的男人。3.This is important because the more you speak English,the better your English will become.这很重要,因为你开口讲得越多,你的英语就会越好。


②princess/pr I n'ses/n.公主

③glory/'ɡl rI/n.光荣;荣誉

win glory for为……赢得荣誉



⑤bargain/bɑɡI n/v i.讨价还价;讲条件n.便宜货

make a bargain with sb与某人达成协议

⑥run against与(某人)竞争

⑦pardon v t.宽恕;赦免

⑧prince/pr I ns/n.王子

⑨hear of听说,得知

⑩hopeless/'həpl I s/adj.没有希望的;绝望的

(反)hopeful adj.抱有希望的;满怀希望的

⑪run the race参加赛跑,此处run为及物动词。

run the marathon参加马拉松比赛


I'p məni z/n.希波墨涅斯(男名;古希腊人名)

※There was...rules为主从复合句,主句中who引导定语从句;修饰Hippomenes;when引导时间状语从句;过去分词短语called Hippomenes作后置定语,修饰a man。

⑬foolish/'fu l


It's foolish of sb to do sth某人做某事是愚蠢的。

⑭change one's mind改变主意

make up one's mind下定决心

※although the men ran very fast是although引导的让步状语从句。


⑮goddess/'ɡd I s/n.女神

Goddess of Love爱情女神

⑯promise to do sth许诺做某事

⑰in front of在……的前面(事物外部的前面)

in the front of在……的前部(某个空间内部的前面)

⑱stop to do sth停下来去做另一件事(to do为目的状语);stop doing sth停止做某事(doing作stop的宾语)。

⑲pick up拾起,捡起

⑳see sb do sth看见某人做了某事


Atlanta was a Greek princess②.She was very beautiful and could run faster than any man in Greece.But she was not allowed to run and win glory③ for herself in the Olympic Games.She was so angry that she said to her father that she would④not marry anyone who could not run faster than her.Her father said that she must marry, so Atlanta made a bargain⑤ with him.She said to him, “These are my rules.When a man says he wants to marry me, I will run against⑥him.If he cannot run as fast as me, he will be killed.No one will be pardoned⑦.”

Many kings and princes⑧ wanted to marry Atlanta,but when they heard of⑨ her rules they knew it was hopeless⑩.So many of them sadly went home, but others stayed to run the race ⑪.There was a man called Hippomenes⑫who was amazed when he heard of Atlanta's rules,“Why are these men so foolish⑬?”he thought.“Why will they let themselves be killed because they cannot run as fast as this princess?”However, when he saw Atlanta come out of her house to run, Hippomenes changed his mind⑭.“I will marry Atlanta—or die!”he said.The race started and although the men ran very fast,Atlanta ran faster.As Hippomenes watched he thought,“How can I run as fast as Atlanta?”He went to ask the Greek Goddess⑮of Love for help.She promised to help⑯him and gave him three golden apples.She said,“Throw an apple in front of⑰Atlanta when she is running past.When she stops to⑱pick it up ⑲,you will be able to run past her and win.”Hippomenes took the apples and went to the King.He said,“I want to marry Atlanta.”The King was sad to see⑳another man die,but Hippomenes said,“I will○21marry her—or die!”So the race began.

