

Answers to Textbook Problems

1. An expansion of the central bank’s domestic assets leads to an equal fall in its foreign assets, with

no change in the bank’s liabilities (or the money supply). The effect on the balance-of-payments

accounts is most easily understood by recalling how the fall in foreign reserves comes about. After the central bank buys domestic assets with money, there is initially an excess supply of money. The central bank must intervene in the foreign exchange market to hold the exchange rate fixed in the face of this excess supply: the bank sells foreign assets and buys money until the excess supply of money has been eliminated. Since private residents acquire the reserves the central bank loses, there is a non-central bank capital outflow (a financial-account debit) equal to the increase in foreign assets held by the private sector. The offsetting credit is the reduction in central bank holdings of foreign assets, an official financial inflow.

2. An increase in government spending raises income and also money demand. The central bank prevents

the initial excess money demand from appreciating the domestic currency by purchasing foreign assets from the domestic public. Central bank foreign assets rise, as do the central bank’s liabilit ies and, with them, the money supply. The central bank’s additional reserve holdings show up as an

official capital outflow, a capital-account debit. Offsetting this debit is the capital inflow

(a credit) associated with the public’s equal reduction in it s own foreign assets.

3. A one-time unexpected devaluation initially increases output; the output increase, in turn, raises

money demand. The central bank must accommodate the higher money demand by buying foreign assets with domestic currency, a step th at raises the central bank’s liabilities (and the home money supply) at the same time as it increases the bank’s foreign assets. The increase in official foreign reserves is an official capital outflow; it is matched in the balance of payments accounts by the equal capital outflow associated with the public’s own reduction in net foreign asset holdings. (The public must exchange foreign assets for the money it buys from the central bank, either by selling foreign assets or by borrowing foreign currency abroad. Either course of action is a capital inflow.)

A more subtle issue is the following: when the price of foreign currency is raised, the value of the

initial stock of foreign reserves rises when measured in terms of domestic currency. This capital gain in itself raises central-bank foreign assets (which were measured in domestic currency units in our analysis)—so where is the corresponding increase in liabilities? Does the central bank inject more currency or bank-system reserves into the economy to balance its balance sheet? The answer is that central banks generally create fictional accounting liabilities to offset the effect of exchange-rate fluctuations on the home-currency value of international reserves. These capital gains and losses do not automatically lead to changes in the monetary base.

4. As shown in Figure 17.1, a devaluation causes the AA curve to shift to A'A' which reflects an

expansion in both output and the money supply in the economy. Figure 17.1 also contains an XX

curve along which the current account is in balance. The initial equilibrium, at point 0, was on the XX curve, reflecting the fact that the current account was in balance there. After the devaluation,

the new equilibrium point is above and to the left of the XX curve, in the region where the current account is in surplus. With fixed prices, a devaluation improves an economy’s competitiveness,

increasing its exports, decreasing its imports, and raising the level of output.

Chapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign-Exchange Intervention 85

Figure 17.1

5. a. Germany clearly had the ability to change the dollar/DM exchange simply by altering its money

supply. The fact that “billions of dollars worth of currencies are traded each day” is irrelevant

because exchange rates equilibrate markets for stocks of assets, and the trade volumes mentioned are flows.

b. One must distinguish between sterilized and nonsterilized intervention. The evidence

regarding sterilized intervention suggests that its effects are limited to the signaling aspect.

This aspect may well be most important when markets are “unusually erratic,” and the signals

communicated may be most credible when the central bank is not attempting to resist clear-cut

market trends (which depend on the complete range of government macroeconomic policies,

among other factors). Nonsterilized intervention, however, is a powerful instrument in affecting

exchange rates.

c. The “psychological effect” of a “stated intention” to intervene may be more precisely stated as an

effect on the expected future level of the exchange rate.

d. A rewrite might go as follows:

To keep the dollar from falling against the West German mark, the European central banks would have to sell marks and buy dollars, a procedure known as intervention.

86 Krugman/Obstfeld ?International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth Edition

Because the available stocks of dollar and mark bonds are so large, it is unlikely that sterilized

intervention in the dollar/mark market, even if carried out by the two most economically

influential members of the European Community—Britain and West Germany—would have

much effect. The reason is that sterilized intervention changes only relative bond supplies and

leaves national money supplies unchanged. Intervention by the United States and Germany that

was not sterilized, however, would affect those countries’ money supplies and have a significant impact on the dollar/mark rate.

Economists believe that the direct influence of sterilized intervention on exchange rates is

small compared with that of nonsterilized intervention. Even sterilized intervention can affect

exchange rates, however, through its indirect influence on market expectations about future

policies. Such psychological effects, which can result from just the stated intention of the

Community’s central banks to intervene, can disrupt the market by confusing traders about

official plans. The signaling effect of intervention is most likely to benefit the authorities when

their other macroeconomic policies are already being adjusted to push the exchange rate in the

desired direction.

6. The problems caused by exchange-rate variability are discussed at length in Chapter 19; some

monetary policy autonomy might willingly be sacrificed to reduce these problems. Policy-makers might also sacrifice autonomy to enter into cooperative arrangements with foreign policy-makers that reduce the risk of “beggar-thy-neighbor” policy actions (see the appendix to Chapter 19).

7. By raising output, fiscal expansion raises imports and thus worsens the current-account balance.

The immediate fall in the current account is smaller than under floating, however, because the

currency does not appreciate and crowd out net exports.

8. The reason that the effects of temporary and permanent fiscal expansions differ under floating

exchange rates is that a temporary policy has no effect on the expected exchange rate while a

permanent policy does. The AA curve shifts with a change in the expected exchange rate. In terms of the diagram, a permanent fiscal expansion causes the AA curve to shift down and to the left

which, combined with the outward shift in the DD curve, results in no change in output. With fixed exchange rates, however, there is no change in the expected exchange rate with either policy since the exchange rate is, by definition, fixed. In response to both temporary and permanent fiscal expansions, the central bank must expand the money supply (shift AA out) to prevent the currency from

appreciating (due to the shift out in the DD curve). Thus, Y goes up and E does not change

after a permanent or temporary fiscal expansion when exchange rates are fixed.

9. By expanding output, a devaluation automatically raises private saving, since part of any increase in

output is saved. Government tax receipts rise with output, so the budget deficit is likely to decline, implying an increase in public saving. We have assumed investment to be constant in the main text. If investment instead depends negatively on the real interest rate (as in the IS-LM model), investment rises because devaluation raises inflationary expectations and thus lowers the real interest rate.

(The nominal interest rate remains unchanged at the world level.) The interest-sensitive components of consumption spending also rise, and if these interest rate effects are strong enough, a current-

account deficit could result.

Chapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign-Exchange Intervention 87 10. An import tariff raises the price of imports to domestic consumers and shifts consumption from

imports to domestically produced goods. This causes an outward shift in the DD curve, increasing output and appreciating the currency. Since the central bank cannot allow exchange rates to change, it must increase the money supply, an action depicted in the diagram as an outward shift in the AA

schedule. Corresponding to this monetary expansion is a balance of payments surplus and an equal increase in official foreign reserves.

The fall in imports for one country implies a fall in exports for another country, and a corresponding inward shift of that country’s DD curve necessitating a monetary contraction by the central bank to preserve its fixed exchange rate. If all countries impose import tariffs, then no country succeeds in turning world demand in its favor or in gaining reserves through an improvement in its balance of payments. Trade volumes shrink, however, and all countries lose some of the gains from trade.

11. If the market expects the devaluation to “stick,” the home nominal interest rate falls to the world level

afterward, money demand rises, and the central bank buys foreign assets with domestic money to prevent excess money demand from appreciating the currency. The central bank thus gains official reserves, according to our model. Even if another devaluation was to occur in the near future,

reserves might be gained if the first devaluation lowered the depreciation expected for the future and, with it, the home nominal interest rate. An inadequate initial devaluation could, however, increase the devaluation expected for the future, with opposite effects on the balance of payments.

12. If the Bank of Japan holds U.S. dollars instead of Treasury bills, the adjustment process is symmetric.

Any purchase of dollars by the Bank of Japan leads to a fall in the U.S. money supply

as the dollar bills go out of circulation and into the Bank of Japan’s vaults. A Japanese balance of payments surplus increases the Bank of Japan’s money supply (if there is no sterilizati on) and

reduces the U.S. money supply at the same time.

13. A central bank that is maintaining a fixed exchange rate will require an adequate buffer stock of

foreign assets on hand during periods of persistent balance of payments deficits. If a central bank depletes its stock of foreign reserves, it is no longer able to keep its exchange rate from depreciating in response to pressures arising from a balance of payments deficit. Simply put, a central bank can either choose the exchange rate and allow its reserve holdings to change or choose the amount of foreign reserves it holds and allow the exchange rate to float. If it loses the ability to control the

amount of reserves because the private demand for them exceeds its supply, it can no longer control the exchange rate. Thus, a central bank maintaining a fixed exchange rate is not indifferent about using domestic or foreign assets to implement monetary policy.

14. An ESF intervention to support the yen involves an exchange of dollar-denominated assets initially

owned by the ESF for yen-denominated assets initially owned by the private sector. Since this is an exchange of one type of bond for another, there is no change in the money supply and thus

this transaction is automatically sterilized. This transaction increases the outstanding stock of

dollar-denominated assets held by the private sector, which increases the risk premium on dollar-denominated assets.

88 Krugman/Obstfeld ?International Economics: Theory and Policy, Eighth Edition

15. The monetary authorities can combine a change in the money supply with a purchase or sale of its

foreign assets to keep the exchange rate fixed while altering the domestic interest rate. For example, the monetary authorities lower domestic interest rates by increasing the money supply. To maintain a fixed value of the exchange rate, the monetary authority would also sell foreign assets and purchase domestic assets. In the Figure 17.2, the increase in the money supply lowers the interest rate from R0 to R'. The purchase of domestic assets and sale of foreign assets, while having no further effect on the money supply, lowers the risk premium, shifts the interest parity schedule from II to I'I' and maintains the exchange rate at E0.

Figure 17.2


Assets Liabilities

FA: 900 Deposits held by banks: 400

DA: 1500 Currency: 2000

The central bank’s foreign assets still drop, and consequently liabilities must still drop also. In this case, though, currency has not changed, but after the check clears, the issuing bank has $100 less held as a deposit at the central bank.

17. Yes, there is some room within a target zone for domestic interest rates to move independently of

the foreign rate. For a one-year rate, we might see that when R* rises 1%, the home currency

depreciates 1%, setting an expected appreciation of the home currency back to the middle of the band, thus offsetting the 1% lower interest rate. On a shorter maturity, one could—in theory—expect a

change in the exchange rate of up to 2% (top to bottom of the band) in three months. This allows

three-month rates to be 2% apart, meaning annualized rates could be over 8% apart. The shorter the maturity, the difference becomes essentially unbounded. But, this would require that the fixed

exchange rate remains credible. On a ten-year bond, there can be only a 0.2% difference in rates as expected appreciation could be a maximum of 0.2% a year for the ten years.

18. In a three country world, a central bank fixes one exchange rate but lets the other float. It is still

constrained in its ability to use monetary policy. It must manipulate the money supply to keep the interest rate at the level that maintains interest parity. It has no autonomy. At the same time, it cannot keep more than one exchange rate fixed.

Chapter 17 Fixed Exchange Rates and Foreign-Exchange Intervention 89 19. Consider an example where France sells domestic assets (DA) for gold. If other central banks want

to hold onto their monetary gold, they will raise interest rates (by selling domestic assets to reduce the money supply) to keep gold from leaving their country. The consequence may be that all central banks reduce their DA holdings and still hold the same amount of gold. Put differently, if France tries to sell domestic assets for gold and all other central banks do the same thing, the net effect is that there is still the same amount of gold on the asset side of all central banks balance sheets combined, but the domestic assets have gone down. Thus, the total assets have declined and there has been a monetary contraction. In contrast, if France buys U.S. dollar assets to hold as reserves in a reserves currency system, they can buy the dollars on the open market in exchange for domestic assets. If the investors want to hold dollars and the price of dollars begins to rise, the Fed can easily increase the supply of dollars by purchasing foreign assets in exchange for dollars. Thus, both have increased their foreign reserves, and there was no need for the assets side of the balance sheet to decline.

20. When a country devalues against the reserve currency, the value of its reserves in foreign currency is

unchanged, but the local currency value is now different. A devaluation, where the foreign currency can now buy more local currency leads to an increase in the value of reserves measured in local

currency. If a country revalues, this will lead to local currency losses. These potential valuation

gains and losses will affect the costs of reserves. A country receiving a lower interest rate on U.S.

treasury bills than it pays on its own debt is experiencing a cost of holding reserves, but if uncovered interest parity holds, this interest rate gap loss should be exactly offset by exchange rate changes and valuation gains as the local currency is expected to depreciate versus the dollar (because local R is R U.S.). On the other hand, countries with large stocks of dollar reserves expose themselves to losses if the dollar depreciates rapidly. As long as U.S. interest rates are greater than local rates

(which if the dollar is expected to depreciate, they should be), these losses will be offset by interest rate gains. On the other hand, if there are unexpected changes in the exchange rate, then we will see the valuation gains or losses materialize without any offsetting interest rate payments. In some sense, one cost of holding large stocks of reserves is exposure to these unexpected changes.


第一章绪论 1、列举出体现当前国际经济学问题的一些重要事件,他们为什么重要?他们都是怎么影响中国与欧、美、日的经济和政治关系的?当前的国际金融危机最能体现国际经济学问题,其深刻地影响了世界各国的金融、实体经济、政治等领域,也影响了各国之间的关系因此显得尤为重要;其对中国与欧、美、日的政治和经济关系的影响为:减少中国对上述国家的出口,影响中国外汇储备,贸易摩擦加剧,经济联系加强,因而也会导致中国与上述国家在政治上的对话与合作。 2、我们如何评价一国与他国之间的相互依赖程度?我们可以通过一国的对外贸易依存度来评价该国与他国之间的相互依赖程度,也可以通过其他方式来评价比如一国政府政策的溢出效应和回震效应以及对外贸易对国民生活水平的影响。 3、国际贸易理论及国际贸易政策研究的内容是什么?为什么说他们是国际经济学的微观方面?国际贸易理论分析贸易的基础和所得,国际贸易政策考察贸易限制和新保护主义的原因和效果。国际贸易理论和政策是国际经济学的微观方面,因为他们把国家看作基本单位,并研究单个商品的(相对)价格。 4、什么是外汇交易市场及国际收支平衡表?调节国际收支平衡意味着什么?为什么说他们是国际经济学的宏观方面?什么是宏观开放经济学及国际金融?外汇交易市场描述一国货币与他国货币交换的框架,国际收支平衡表测度了一国与外部世界交易的总收入与总支出的情况。调节国际收支平衡意味着调节一国与外部世界交易出现的不均衡(赤字或盈余);由于国际收支平衡表涉及总收入和总支出,调节政策影响国家收入水平和价格总指数,因而他们是国际经济学的宏观方面;外汇交易及国际收支平衡调节涉及总收入和总支出,调整政策影响国家收入水平和价格总指数,这些内容被称为宏观开放经济学或国际金融。 5、浏览报刊并做下列题目:(1)找出5条有关国际经济学的新闻(2)每条新闻对中国经济的重要性或影响(3)每条新闻对你个人有何影响 A (1) 国际金融危机: 影响中国整体经济,降低出口、增加失业、经济减速等 (2) 美国大选:影响中美未来经济政治关系 (3) 石油价格持续下跌:影响中国的能源价格及相关产业 (4) 可口可乐收购汇源被商务部否决:《反垄断法》的第一次实施,加强经济法治 (5) 各国政府经济刺激方案:对中国经济产生外部性效应B 以上5条新闻对个人影响为:影响个人消费水平和就业前景 第二章比较优势理论 1、重商主义者的贸易观点如何?他们的国家财富概念与现在有何不同?重商主义者主张政府应当竭尽所能孤立出口,不主张甚至限制商品(尤其是奢侈类消费品)。重商主义者认为国家富强的方法是尽量使出口大于进口,而出超的结果是金银等贵重金属流入,而一个国家拥有越多的金银,就越富有越强大。现在认为一个国家生产力即生产商品的能力越高则一国越富强 2、亚当.斯密主张的贸易基础和贸易模式分别是什么?贸易所得是如何产生的?斯密倡导什么样的国际贸易基础?他认为政府在经济生活中的适当功能是什么?亚当.斯密主张的贸易基础是绝对优势;贸易模式为两国通过专门生产自己有绝对优势的产品并用其中一部分来交换器有绝对劣势的商品。通过生产绝对优势商品并交换,资源可以被最有效的使用,而且两种商品的产出会有很大的增长,通过交换就会消费比以前更多的商品从而产生了贸易所得;斯密倡导自由贸易,主张自由放任也就是政府尽可能少干涉经济


Chapter 3 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model Chapter Organization The Concept of Comparative Advantage A One-Factor Economy Production Possibilities Relative Prices and Supply Trade in a One-Factor World Box: Comparative Advantage in Practice: The Case of Babe Ruth Determining the Relative Price after Trade The Gains from Trade A Numerical Example Box: The Losses from Non-Trade Relative Wages Misconceptions about Comparative Advantage Productivity and Competitiveness The Pauper Labor Argument Exploitation Box: Do Wages Reflect Productivity? Comparative Advantage with Many Goods Setting Up the Model Relative Wages and Specialization Determining the Relative Wage with a Multigood Model Adding Transport Costs and Non-Traded Goods Empirical Evidence on the Ricardian Model Summary


第3章课后题答案、 1、商品的相对要素强度:不同商品的资本/劳动比率的不同,通过比较可判断该商品是资本密集型商品还是劳动力密集型商品。 国家的相对要素丰裕:要素丰裕度是指一国要素拥有的相对状况。 贸易的商品构成:即使技术水平相同,生产要素禀赋不同也可以产生贸易。一国终将出口密集的使用其相对丰裕(便宜的生产要素)生产的商品,进口那些密集使用其相对稀缺(昂贵的要素)生产的商品。 商品流动和要素流动的相互替代:如果加拿大或者欧洲国家对美国的资本密集型商品设立保护性贸易壁垒,那么,美国企业就可以向这些国家进行投资,建立工厂,在这些国家之内进行生产,绕过贸易壁垒。(P37) 里昂剔夫悖论是否证实了这种解释?如果不是,那又是什么? 里昂惕夫利用计算结果表明得出了与要素禀赋理论完全相悖的结论。 人力资本说、贸易壁垒说、自然资源稀缺说、需求逆转说可以解释这种现象。 2、要素比例理论不是产业内贸易的一个良好的解释。规模经济理论可以更好的解释。 6、区别产业间贸易与产业内贸易,并分别举例。请提供有关产业间贸易和产业内贸易的解释。 ?产业间贸易:是国家之间完全不同商品的贸易,可以用要素禀赋理论来解释。 ?产业内贸易:是国家之间高度相似的商品的贸易,可以用规模经济来解释。例子:略 7、根据垄断竞争和规模经济理论,产业内贸易的利益包括: ?对于生产者:规模经济效应,降低了每个种类商品的生产成本 ?对于消费者:更低的价格和更多的商品种类 ?生产要素所有者:所有的生产要素都从贸易中获得利益。 第4章课后题答案 2:有效保护率是指关税使被保护行业每单位产出的附加值提高的百分率。 a.对最终商品的有效保护率取决于 ?最终产品的名义税率和投入品的名义税率。 ?取决于商品国内附加值占商品价格的比例。 为了保护本国的出口企业,提高有效保护率,对进口原材料免税或者低的关税。 b用有效保护率的分析方法解释下列政策问题: 发展中国家的生产深化: 第一阶段,发展中国家实行保护性的高关税,并对投入品进口免征关税,进而开始建立起总装配厂。 第二阶段,发展中国家在国内生产投入品,并给予他们高保护,进而开始深化国内加工程度。工业化国家根据商品加工程度的关税率升级: ?关税升级:工业化国家根据商品加工程度而实施逐渐上升的有效保护率,鼓励了发 达国家进口原材料和半加工商品,阻碍了发展中国家的工业化进程。 第5章课后题答案 2、关税、配额和自愿出口限制都使美国的钢铁进口量减少 区别: (1)进口关税和进口配额: 实行进口关税时,美国政府获得了关税


Chapter 6 Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade Chapter Organization Economies of Scale and International Trade: An Overview Economies of Scale and Market Structure The Theory of Imperfect Competition Monopoly: A Brief Review Monopolistic Competition Limitations of the Monopolistic Competition Model Monopolistic Competition and Trade The Effects of Increased Market Size Gains from an Integrated Market: A Numerical Example Economies of Scale and Comparative Advantage The Significance of Intraindustry Trade Why Intraindustry Trade Matters Case Study: Intraindustry Trade in Action: The North American Auto Pact Dumping The Economics of Dumping Case Study: Anti-Dumping as Protection Reciprocal Dumping The Theory of External Economies Specialized Suppliers Labor Market Pooling Knowledge Spillovers External Economies and Increasing Returns


For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use 第一章 1.为什么说在决定生产与消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要? 答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就就是说,增加某一产品的生产就是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。生产可能性边界上任何一点都表示生产效率与充分就业得以实现,但究竟选择哪一点,则还要瞧两个商品的相对价格,即它们在市场上的交换比率。相对价格等于机会成本时,生产点在生产可能性边界上的位置也就确定了。所以,在决定生产与消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要 2.仿效图1—6与图1—7,试推导出Y商品的国民供给曲线与国民需求曲线。 答:参见教材第一章第二节内容,将图1-6a中,以横坐标表示y商品的供给,以纵坐标表示x商品供给,得出相应生产可能性边界线,然后将图1-6b中,以横坐标表示y商品供给,以纵坐标表示y的相对价格,通过类似推导可得出国民供给曲线,国民需求曲线作类似推导可得。 3.在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品就是否也同时达到均衡? 答:两种商品同时达到均衡。一种商品均衡时,由其相对价格,机会成本,需求可知另一种商品得相对价格,机会成本与需求。 4.如果生产可能性边界就是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。 答案提示:略,参见书上 5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)与过剩需求曲线(A国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果就是否一致? 答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。 6.说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。 答案提示:一国出口产品价格的相对上升意味着此国可以用较少的出口换得较多的进口产品,有利于此国贸易利益的获得,不过,出口价格上升将不利于出口数量的增加,有损于出口国的贸易利益;与此类似,出口商品价格的下降有利于出口商品数量的增加,但就是这意味着此国用较多的出口换得较少的进口产品。对于进


第一章 1.为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要? 答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。生产可能性边界上任何一点都表示生产效率和充分就业得以实现,但究竟选择哪一点,则还要看两个商品的相对价格,即它们在市场上的交换比率。相对价格等于机会成本时,生产点在生产可能性边界上的位置也就确定了。所以,在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要 2.仿效图1—6和图1—7,试推导出Y商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。 答:参见教材第一章第二节内容,将图1-6a中,以横坐标表示y商品的供给,以纵坐标表示x商品供给,得出相应生产可能性边界线,然后将图1-6b中,以横坐标表示y商品供给,以纵坐标表示y的相对价格,通过类似推导可得出国民供给曲线,国民需求曲线作类似推导可得。 3.在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡? 答:两种商品同时达到均衡。一种商品均衡时,由其相对价格,机会成本,需求可知另一种商品得相对价格,机会成本和需求。 4.如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。 答案提示:略,参见书上 5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果是否一致? 答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。 6.说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。 答案提示:一国出口产品价格的相对上升意味着此国可以用较少的出口换得较多的进口产品,有利于此国贸易利益的获得,不过,出口价格上升将不利于出口数量的增加,有损于出口国的贸易利益;与此类似,出口商品价格的下降有利于出口商品数量的增加,但是这意味着此国用较多的出口换得较少的进口产品。对于进口国来讲,贸易条件变化对国际贸易利益的影响是相反的。 7.如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平?


Chapter 8 The Instruments of Trade Policy Chapter Organization Basic Tariff Analysis Supply, Demand, and Trade in a Single Industry Effects of a Tariff Measuring the Amount of Protection Costs and Benefits of a Tariff Consumer and Producer Surplus Measuring the Costs and Benefits Other Instruments of Trade Policy Export Subsidies: Theory Case Study: Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy Import Quotas: Theory Case Study: An Import Quota in Practice: U.S. Sugar Voluntary Export Restraints Case Study: A Voluntary Export Restraint in Practice: Japanese Autos Local Content Requirements Box: American Buses, Made in Hungary Other Trade Policy Instruments The Effects of Trade Policy: A Summary Summary Appendix I: Tariff Analysis in General Equilibrium A Tariff in a Small Country A Tariff in a Large Country Appendix II: Tariffs and Import Quotas in the Presence of Monopoly The Model with Free Trade The Model with a Tariff The Model with an Import Quota Comparing a Tariff with a Quota


克鲁格曼国际经济学课 后答案英语版 Company Document number:WUUT-WUUY-WBBGB-BWYTT-1982GT

C H A P T E R 2 LABOR PRODUCTIVITY AN D COMPARATIV E ADVANTAGE: THE RICARDIAN MODEL ANSWERS TO TEXTBOOK PROBLEMS 1. a. The production possibility curve is a straight line that intercepts the apple axis at 400 (1200/3) and the banana axis at 600 (1200/2). b. The opportunity cost of apples in terms of bananas is 3/2. It takes three units of labor to harvest an apple but only two units of labor to harvest a banana. If one foregoes harvesting an apple, this frees up three units of labor. These 3 units of labor could then be used to harvest bananas. c. Labor mobility ensures a common wage in each sector and competition ensures the price of goods equals their cost of production. Thus, the relative price equals the relative costs, which equals the wage times the unit labor requirement for apples divided by the wage times the unit labor requirement for bananas. Since wages are equal across sectors, the price ratio equals the ratio of the unit labor requirement, which is 3 apples per 2 bananas. 2. a. The production possibility curve is linear, with the intercept on the apple axis equal to 160 (800/5) and the intercept on the banana axis equal to 800 (800/1). b. The world relative supply curve is constructed by determining the supply of apples relative to the supply of bananas at each relative price. The lowest relative price at which apples are harvested is 3 apples per 2 bananas. The relative supply curve is flat at this price. The maximum number of apples supplied at the price of 3/2 is 400 supplied by Home while, at this price, Foreign harvests 800 bananas and no apples, giving a maximum relative supply at this price of 1/2. This relative supply holds for any price between 3/2 and 5. At the price of 5, both countries would harvest apples. The relative supply curve is again flat at 5. Thus, the relative supply curve is step shaped, flat at the price 3/2 from the relative supply of 0 to 1/2, vertical at the relative quantity 1/2 rising from 3/2 to 5, and then flat again from 1/2 to infinity. 3. a. The relative demand curve includes the points (1/5, 5), (1/2, 2), (1,1), (2,1/2). b. The equilibrium relative price of apples is found at the intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves. This is the point (1/2, 2), where the relative demand curve intersects the vertical section of the relative supply curve. Thus the equilibrium relative price is 2. c. Home produces only apples, Foreign produces only bananas, and each country trades some of its product for the product of the other country. d. In the absence of trade, Home could gain three bananas by foregoing two apples, and Foreign could gain by one apple foregoing five bananas. Trade allows each country to trade two bananas for one apple. Home could then gain four bananas by foregoing two apples while Foreign could gain one apple by foregoing only two bananas. Each country is better off with trade. 4. The increase in the number of workers at Home shifts out the relative supply schedule such that the corner points are at (1, 3/2) and (1, 5) instead of (1/2, 3/2) and (1/2, 5). The intersection of the relative demand and relative supply curves is now in the lower horizontal section, at the point (2/3, 3/2). In this case, Foreign still gains from trade but the opportunity cost of bananas in terms of apples for Home is the same whether or not there is trade, so Home neither gains nor loses from trade.


Chapter 2 Chapter 12 1. 正如题目中所说的,GNP只包括最终产品和服务的价值的原因是为了避免重复计算。如果从GNP中减掉中间产品进口并加上中间产品出 口,那么就可以避免重复计算。以卖给丰田公司和通用汽车的美国钢铁为例,卖给通用汽车的钢铁由于其价值已经包含在美国生产的汽车 中,因此不应再计入美国GNP;由于丰田的产值计入日本GNP,卖给丰田的钢铁的价值不再以成品形态计入(日本)国民收入账户。日本 的GNP则应扣除这些钢铁的价值,因为这是美国生产要素的报酬。 2. 等式2可以写成CA = (S p - I) + (T - G),更高的进口壁垒对私人储蓄,投资及预算赤字几乎没有影响。若这些变量没有受影响,那么征收的关税或进口配额无助于改善经常项目账户收支状况(赤字)。但是贸易壁垒对经常账户的影响是柄双刃剑,例如,收关税保护的行 业的投资上升会恶化经常账户(有时关税确实被证明是正当的,因其为国内落后行业升级技术装备提供了机会)。另一方面,由于关税导 致的进口半产品成本上升,某些行业的投资可能下降。一般来说,永久性关税和临时性关税具有不同的效果。问题的关键在于,预测关税 以何种方式影响经常账户需要从一般均衡,也就是宏观经济角度分析。 3.(a)购买德国股票借记美国金融账户;由于开支票减少了他在瑞士银行的付款要求权,所以当他用瑞士银行的账户开出的支票支付时, 则贷记金融账户。在该案例中,美国人用持有的一种外国资产换取了另一种外国资产。 (b)购买股票借记美国金融账户,贷记则发生于德国售股者将美国支票存入德国银行而该银行又把钱借给德国进口商(贷记美国经常账 户)或购买美国资产的公司或个人(贷记美国金融账户)。德国银行的某些行为最终将贷记美国国际收支账户。 (c)法国政府通过出售美国资产,即它在美国银行的美元,干预外汇市场,因此借记美国金融账户。法国公民购买美元后,如购买美国 商品,则贷记美国经常账户;如购买美国资产,则贷记美国金融账户。 (d)假设发行旅行支票的公司使用它在法国的支票帐户进行支付。当它为这顿饭向法国饭店付款时,借记美国经常账户。旅行支票的发 行公司必须出售(美国的)资产(即减少在法国支票帐户上的存款),该公司在法国资产的减少意味着贷记美国金融账户。 (e)由于没有市场交易,经常账户和资本账户借贷双方都没有变化。 (f)离岸交易没有计入在美国国际收支。 4. 购买电话录音机分别借记纽约州,贷记新泽西州的经常账户;当新泽西公司把钱存到纽约银行时,分别贷记纽约州,借记新泽西州的 金融账户。如果交易使用的是现金,那么两州金融账户的变化仍与前述相同:新泽西州获得了美钞(从纽约进口资产,借记金融账户); 纽约州失去了美钞(出口钞票,贷记金融账户)。 5. (a)由于非央行渠道的资本流入只能以弥补经常账户5亿美元的赤字,因此Pecunia国际收支余额(官方结算余额)是-5亿美元。由 于国家要为10亿美元的经常账户赤字融资,因此Pecunia的海外净资产下降了10亿美元。 (b)对Pecunia国的外汇储备稍加研究,我们发现Pecunia的央行无法通过私人资本流入来为经常账户赤字融资。只有在外国中央银行 购进Pecunia资产的情况下Pecunia央行才可以避免动用5亿美元外汇储备来弥补经常账户赤字。Pecunia央行失去了5亿美元的外汇储 备,在国际收支账户中则体现为官方资本流入。 (c)如果外国官方资本流入是6亿美元,Pecunia就拥有1亿美元的国际收支顺差。换而言之,Pecunia只需要10亿美元弥补经常账户 赤字,但是却有10亿美元流入。因此Pecunia央行必须对外借出1亿美元以增加其储备。外国央行购买Pecunia资产的行为在其国际收 支账户中表现为资本流出,是借方项目。其中的基本原理是:这些交易导致了外国对Pecunia出售资产进行的支付。 (d)与央行间交易相伴的是,Pecunia金融账户显示外国在Pecunia持有的官方储备资产增加了6亿美元(贷记Pecunia金融账户,资本 流入),Pecunia在外国持有的官方储备资产(借记其金融账户,资本流出)增加了1亿美元。因此,10亿资本的净流入正好弥补了经常 账户赤字。 6. 从长期来看,经常账户盈余或赤字都是不能接受的。有些情况下,赤字是合理的,例如,为提高未来的国民收入而借款提高当前生产 能力。但是,对于任何时期的经常账户赤字,必然要有相应的时期支出少于收入以偿还外债。在没有特别的投资机会时,对于一个经济体 来说最好的情况莫过于长期的消费和支出相当。 一国央行持有的外汇储备会随着国际收支差额变动而变动。央行使用外汇储备来干预汇率,外汇储备不足会限制央行干预或固定汇率的能 力。对于一些国家而言(特别是发展中国家),当它们向国外贷款出现困难时,央行的储备就成了保持消费和投资的重要力量。高水平的 外汇储备还可使潜在的外国投资者确信该国是信誉卓著的。 7. 官方结算余额,也叫国际收支平衡,显示了像美联储和财政部这样的美国政府机构持有的外汇储备相对于外国政府机构持有的美元储 备的变动。该账户提供了美联储干预外汇市场程度的部分描述。例如,德国联邦银行购买美元并存在它在伦敦的欧洲美元账户中,虽然这 笔交易是外汇干预的一种形式,但它并没有体现在美国官方结算余额中。当伦敦银行将这笔存款贷记他在美国的账户时,这笔交易就体现 为私人资本流入。 8. 如果金融账户和资本账户的盈余超过经常账户赤字,那么一国可以既有经常项目赤字又有国际收支盈余。国际收支盈余=经常账户盈余 +资本账户盈余+金融账户盈余。例如,如果经常账户赤字为1亿美元,资本账户盈余为1.02亿美元,那么国际收支盈余为0.02亿美元。 本问题可以作为第十七章固定汇率和外汇干预的引言。在80年代的头几年美国政府没有直接干预外汇市场,课本上结果是国际收支差额 为0,而实际数字则显示在82年到85年有少量的国际收支盈余。这些年份有达尔的经常账户赤字,因此,在这些年里,美国的资本流入 超过了经常账户赤字。


国际经济学克鲁格曼课后习题答案章 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

第一章练习与答案 1.为什么说在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要? 答案提示:当生产处于生产边界线上,资源则得到了充分利用,这时,要想增加某一产品的生产,必须降低另一产品的生产,也就是说,增加某一产品的生产是有机会机本(或社会成本)的。生产可能性边界上任何一点都表示生产效率和充分就业得以实现,但究竟选择哪一点,则还要看两个商品的相对价格,即它们在市场上的交换比率。相对价格等于机会成本时,生产点在生产可能性边界上的位置也就确定了。所以,在决定生产和消费时,相对价格比绝对价格更重要。 2.仿效图1—6和图1—7,试推导出Y商品的国民供给曲线和国民需求曲线。 答案提示: 3.在只有两种商品的情况下,当一个商品达到均衡时,另外一个商品是否也同时达到均衡?试解释原因。 答案提示: 4.如果生产可能性边界是一条直线,试确定过剩供给(或需求)曲线。 答案提示: 5.如果改用Y商品的过剩供给曲线(B国)和过剩需求曲线(A国)来确定国际均衡价格,那么所得出的结果与图1—13中的结果是否一致? 答案提示:国际均衡价格将依旧处于贸易前两国相对价格的中间某点。 6.说明贸易条件变化如何影响国际贸易利益在两国间的分配。 答案提示:一国出口产品价格的相对上升意味着此国可以用较少的出口换得较多的进口产品,有利于此国贸易利益的获得,不过,出口价格上升将不利于出口数量的增加,有损于出口国的贸易利益;与此类似,出口商品价格的下降有利于出口商品数量的增加,但是这意味着此国用较多的出口换得较少的进口产品。对于进口国来讲,贸易条件变化对国际贸易利益的影响是相反的。 7.如果国际贸易发生在一个大国和一个小国之间,那么贸易后,国际相对价格更接近于哪一个国家在封闭下的相对价格水平? 答案提示:贸易后,国际相对价格将更接近于大国在封闭下的相对价格水平。8.根据上一题的答案,你认为哪个国家在国际贸易中福利改善程度更为明显些? 答案提示:小国。 9*.为什么说两个部门要素使用比例的不同会导致生产可能性边界曲线向外凸?


Overview of Section II: International Trade Policy Section II of the text is comprised of four chapters: Chapter 8The Instruments of Trade Policy Chapter 9The Political Economy of Trade Policy Chapter 10Trade Policy in Developing Countries Chapter 11Controversies in Trade Policy n Section II Overview Trade policy issues figure prominently in current political debates and public policy discussions. The first two chapters of this section of the text are concerned with the instruments of trade policy and the arguments for free trade and managed trade. The second two chapters consider these concepts in the context of specific sets of countries that face common problems. Throughout, the use of case studies provides the student with real world examples that clearly illustrate the theoretical arguments. Chapter 8 discusses various instruments of trade policy including tariffs, quotas, voluntary export restraints, and local content requirements. The effects of these policies on prices and trade volumes are determined in the context of a partial equilibrium framework. The chapter reviews the analytical tools of consumer and producer surplus, and uses these tools to consider the welfare effects of various protectionist measures. The specific incidents of trade restrictions presented as case studies include import quotas on sugar entering United States markets, voluntary export restraints on Japanese autos, and oil import quotas. Chapter 9 presents the set of ideas known as the political economy of trade theory. These ideas enable you to understand why certain trade restrictions exist, despite the force of general economic arguments which suggest that they reduce aggregate welfare. Possible motivations for trade restrictions are identified as those which increase national welfare, such as the optimum tariff, and those which foster either income


这是我在网上找的,大多数题目都有,朋友们可以参考一下!有一点不确定的是G—L指数,大家再上网查看看,是乘100还是乘1?希望可以给你们帮助,预祝大家顺利通过! 第二章古典国际贸易理论 在古典贸易模型中,假设A国有120名劳动力,B国有50名劳动力,如果生产棉花的话,A国的人均产量是2吨,B国也是2吨;要是生产大米的话,A国的人均产量是10吨,B国则是16吨。画出两国的生产可能性曲线并分析两国中哪一国拥有生产大米的绝对优势?哪一国拥有生产大米的比较优势? 思路:B国由于每人能生产16吨大米,而A国每人仅生产10吨大米,所以B国具有生产大米的绝对优势。 从两国生产可能性曲线看出A国生产大米的机会成本为0.2,而B国为0.125,所以B国生产大米的机会成本或相对成本低于A国,B国生产大米具有比较优势。 1.下表列出了加拿大和中国生产1单位计算机和1单位小麦所需的劳动时间。 假定生产计算机和小麦都只用劳动,加拿大的总劳动为600小时,中国总劳动为800小时。 (1)计算不发生贸易时各国生产计算机的机会成本。 (2)哪个国家具有生产计算机的比较优势?哪个国家具有生产小麦的比较优势? (3)如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换22单位的小麦,加拿大参与贸易可以从每单位的进口中节省多少劳动时间?中国可以从每单位进口中节省多少劳动时间?如果给定世界价格是1单位计算机交换24单位的小麦,加拿大和中国分别可以从进口每单位的货物中节省多少劳动时间? (4)在自由贸易的情况下,各国应生产什么产品,数量是多少?整个世界的福利水平是提高还是降低了?试用图分析。(以效用水平来衡量福利水平)思路: (1)中国生产计算机的机会成本为100/4=25,加拿大为60/3=20


Home's PPF 200400600800200400600800 Q apple Q banana Foreign's PPF 200400600800100080160240320400 Q*apple Q*banana Chapter 2 1a.画出本国的生产可能性边界: b. 用香蕉衡量的苹果的机会成本是, 5.1=Lb La a a c .劳动力的自由流动使两部门的工资率相等,自由竞争使得他们生产两种产品的机会成本相同。相对价格等于相对成本,后者可以表示为(*)/(*)a a b b w a w a ,由于两部门间的工资率相等,a b w w ∴=,只有在Lb La b a /a a /P P =,两种商品才都会被生产。所以 1.5 /P P b a = 2a. b. 3 a. a b b a /P P /D D =∵当市场达到均衡时, 1b a ) (D D -**=++=b a b b a a P P Q Q Q Q ∴RD 是一条双曲线 x y 1 =

b.苹果的均衡相对价格由RD 和RS 的交点决定: RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5.1],5.0(5.0) 5.0,0[=∈=??? ??+∞∈=∈y y y x x x ∴x=0.5, y=2 ∴2/=b P a P e e c. ∵b a b e a e b a P P P P P P ///>>**∴只有两个国家的时候,本国专门生产苹果,出口苹果并进口香蕉:外国则正好相反。 d . 国际贸易允许本国和外国在阴影区内任何一点消费,专门生产某种产品然后和另一个国家进行贸易的间接方式,要比直接生产该商品的方式更有效率。在没有贸易时,本国要生产3单位的香蕉必须放弃2单位的苹果,外国要生产1单位的苹果要放弃5单位的香蕉。贸易允许两国以两单位香蕉交换一单位苹果。通过出让2单位苹果,本国可以获得四单位的香蕉;而外国可以用2单位向交换得1单位苹果。所以两个国家都从贸易中获利。 4. RD: y x 1 = RS: 5 ]5,5.1[5 .1] ,1(1)1,0[=∈=?? ???+∞∈=∈y y y x x x →5.13 2==y x →5.1/=b P a P e e 在这种情况下,外国将专门生产并出口香蕉,进口苹果。但本国将同时生产香蕉和苹果,并且香蕉相对于苹果的机会成本在本国是相同的。所以本国既没有得益也没有受损,但外国从贸易中获益了。 5.在这种情况下,劳动力总量加倍了而劳动生产率减半,所以有效劳动力总量仍是相同的。答案类似于第三小题,两国都从贸易中获益了。但是,相对于第四小题,外国的获益减少了。 6.实际上,相对工资率由相应的劳动生产率和对产品的相对需求决定。韩国的低工资率反映了韩国大部分行业的劳动生产率比美国低。和低劳动生产率,低工资率的国家进行贸易可以提高像美国那样高劳动生产率国家的福利和生活水平。所以这种贫民劳动论是错误的。


国际经济学(第十版)多米尼克.萨尔瓦多(著) P16页练习题 6.(1)根据消费者需求理论,当其他条件不变时,一种商品价格的提高(如由于税率的上浮所致),会带来需求量的什么变化? 答:根据消费者需求理论,当其他条件不变时,一种商品价格的提高,则该商品的需求量将会下降。 (2)根据消费者需求理论,一种进口商品价格的提高(如由于进口关税的上浮所致),会带来需求量的什么变化? 答:根据消费者需求理论,一种进口商品价格的提高,则该商品的出口量将会下降。 7.(1)一国政府如何能消除或减少预算赤字? 答:一国政府可以通过减少政府支出、增加税收,来消除或者减少预算赤字。(2)一个国家如何能消除或减少贸易逆差? 答:一个国家要消除或减少其贸易逆差的方式有:对进口商品增税、补贴出口,借如更多的国外债券、减少借出外国债券,降低该国的国民收入水平。 8.(1)国际经济关系与地区经济关系有何区别? 答:在国际经济关系下,国家通常限制在国际间的自由流动的货物、服务和因素,不同的语言、消费习惯和法律规定同样也阻碍了它们在国际间的流动,此外,国际收支会在各种货币收据和付款中流通。 而在地区经济关系下,就关税和进行相同的货币而言,区际流动的货物、服务和因素没有面临这样的限制因素,它们经常是在同样的语言环境下,在类似的消费习惯和法律规定下进行的,这就与国际经济关系形成了鲜明对比。 (2)它们在哪方面相似? 答:国际经济关系和地区经济关系的相似点:两者都跨越了空间距离,事实上,它们都是在远距离贸易下的产物,把经济看待成在一个进行着生产、交换和消费的空间中的单一点,这也是从经济学的复位空间将它们区分。 1
