下面开始看书,课本中重点掌握的章节:Unit 2 HistoryUnit 4 EconomyUnit 8 Popular ScienceUnit 9 LawUnit 10 Speeches其中Unit 4、Unit 8、Unit 10尤为重要。
P1 第一段最后一句,第二段短语:average height, gleaming eyes, in his middle twenties。
P2 短语:Chinese Communist Party,第二小段重点掌握,最后一段的第一句,短语:full membersP6 “译学点滴”中,第三段的第一句。
P7 第一段的第一句,第三段的前三句。
P10 第一段的一、二句,第二段的第一句、倒数第二句。
P15 第一段的最后一句。
第二段的倒数第二句,短语:monkey-like imitation. 第三段第四句:“That was because … the pieces.”P16 最后一句P17 第一段倒数第二句话引号里面的内容。
第二段第二句话,第四段短语:“另一个地方” 。
中高级口译听力应试要点网友:还有不到一周时间就要考试了,真的很紧张,请问这一周时间该怎么具体准备听力呢?Roy:每天保持半小时到一小时的听力训练时间,注意还是应当以“边听边记”、强调语言输出的强化训练为主,CNN BBC等语速较快的材料用以“听力提速”练习,能跟上节奏即可。
训练内容以全真试题与听力课本为主,重点放在spot dictation, note taking and gap filling, passage translation几个部分上。
网友:听力考试的第一个部分Spot Dictation,我总是做不好,严重影响做题的心情,这部分有什么诀窍吗?Roy:首先应当明确放弃两种期望:“我可以听懂这篇文章的意思,我可以写全大部分的单词”。
要做好漏听漏记的准备,有的题目,比如在四五秒钟内连续听到some very interesting anecdotal speculations,失分是正常的,也是可以接受的。
考前训练时,看到一些较长的词组,不妨随手写写看,如何记是最有效率的,比如business expansion in that country, economic growth, challenges and opportunities, governmental organizations, management education and training, state-owned enterprises等。
口译考试听力应试与复习要点关于高级口译笔试考试流程:1.正式考试开始时,发第一套试卷和答题纸,包括第一至第三部分内容,此套试卷在90分钟内完成;2.第一部分为听力,包括Spot Dictation及Listening Comprehension(20个选择题);3.第二部分为阅读,含4篇文章及相应的20个选择题;4.第三部分为翻译,英译汉,30分钟内完成;5.听力部分完成后,第一套试卷和答题纸在90分钟内始终在考生手中,考生先做阅读还是先做翻译,没有明确限制。
6.正式考试开始90分钟后,第一部分考试结束,监考人员收回第一套试卷和答题纸;7.考生有12-15分钟休息时间;8.休息时间中,监考人员在每位考生桌上发放一张空白记录纸;9.第二部分考试正式开始,第一项为Note-Taking & Gap-Filling,录音播放时,考生在空白记录纸上做记录,文本长度约600至700词,时间约为5-6分钟;10.原文朗读结束时,录音中用中文提示“请监考人员发第四、第五、第六部分试卷和答题纸”。
11.考生开始做Note-Filling & Gap-Filling部分,此段空白时间包括监考人员发卷时间和考生做题时间,2006年3月,空白时间(带背景音乐)为9分钟,历史上一般为7分50秒左右;12.NTGF结束后为听译(Listening & Translation),5句单句,2个小节。
SPOT DICTATION:关于阅卷标准:18.“分项给分、扣光为止”的原则,20个空格,30分,每格1.5分;19.动词(不含be动词各形式)、名词、形容词、副词为阅卷人视为“关键词”,立刻产生扣分;20.be动词、介词、冠词等其他“小词”,以及-ing,-ed错误,名词单复数是否加“s”错误视为小错误,阅卷人在试卷相应处打红点,不立刻产生扣分,在最后就Spot Dictation打总分的时候,根据红点多少,酌情扣分;21.单个“关键词”错误产生多少扣分视当年总体情况而定,有一定上下浮动。
例如,“hit the books”不是“击打书本”的意思,而是“用功学习”;“breaka leg”不是“断腿”,而是“祝你好运”。
” 英语与汉语一样都是一种语言,为什么你说汉语会如此流利?那是因为你置身于一个汉语环境中,如果你在伦敦呆上半年,保准说起英语来会非常流利。
基础口译听力部分 Day1【授课重点】1. 介绍有关基础口译考试基本信息①考试时间:每年两次,四月份和十月份。
②考试地点:上海外国语大学③考试分数:听力100分,口译100分,满分200分,120分合格2. 介绍听力考试各部分题型和分值①Spot Dictation 听力填空 30分②Statements & Short Conversation 选择题各20分,总计40分③Listening Translation 听译 30分3. 提高听力能力的方法分享(选择合适材料如VOA Special English 或CNN student news并以精听和泛听相结合的方式进行练习)4. 推荐常用网站:①昂立官方教师博客,基础口译板块②普特英语网 /5. 讲解了lecture1表格词汇和词组(重要),完成1.2一段关于城市和国家情况的听力填空练习,1.3的五句句子听写。
6. Spot Dictation初接触:听写文字内容长度为300词左右,录音播放两遍。
【涉及题型】小型听力填空题,技巧重点:1.选择关键词进行记录2.遇到生词,会采用拼读方式写出以上为spot dictation做预备动作【Homework】1.背诵Lecture 1 的表格单词和课堂补充词(可参照韩笑老师昂立博客),明天默写。
口译笔记的注意事项:1. 口译笔记必须与理解和记忆结合才有效。
2. 口译笔记记的是意思而非个别词,笔记记录的应该是提示自己回忆的符号或文字,而非原文听写。
3. 口译笔记要重视逻辑关系和上下文联系,这对原文的理解和口译表述有很大的帮助。
4. 关联词没有记下,或没有放在显著位置,导致译文支离破碎,没有逻辑二、口译笔记符号系统的设计原则:1. 简而精。
2. 清楚易懂好区分。
三、口译笔记符号系统的设计方法:1. 关系词不用文字而只用符号:因果∵∴(∵表示“因为,由于,原因是”∴表示“所以,如此,结果是”)转折//并列递进+ 列举{包括( )否定×肯定√导致→关于@大于>(多于,大于,强于等)小于<(少于,小于,不如等)之前→"达到,至,导致,前进等"之后←(表示"返回,倒退等")相当于=(等于,相同,与...相同/相当) 有差异不同于≠,数学符号:+,-,(﹢表示"加,增加,此外,另外,又加之等"﹣表示"减少,减等")⊥(基础)-其他符号:下划线(以……为基础),上划线(在……情况下或形势下),着重号(重视/强调,或者作为副词、形容词的提示符号等意思)↑表示"上升,快速上升,快速发展,快速上涨等"↓表示"下降,减少,急剧下降,急速下跌等"↗表示"缓慢上升,缓慢发展,缓慢上涨等"2. 高频词以大写字母缩写为主,象形符号或汉字为辅:工业 I 或工农业 A 或农经济 E感谢 T祝贺 C会议 M 改革开放 RO(即reform and opening up)中国中国家□世界○(世界/全球/领域/国家)主席 h荣幸 :世界贸易组织WTO, 3S(持续、快速、健康发展的个人缩写形式,即,sustained, sound and rapid)T 表示thousand M 表示 million b 表示 billion1st 表示 first3.单词的一部分:telecom,com + edu (communication and education)等等4.意思上有关联的词组和短语可以将多个符号结合为一体:发展中国家□→DD(Developed countries) 发达国家□↑DG (Developing Countries) 世界瞩目○:重要的经济政策 !5. 多个词代表同一个概念时要统一使用一个符号:高兴、荣幸、骄傲、乐观 :)会谈、会议、大会 M-自创符号:⌒(得到控制,防控等意思),B˚(右上角的˚表示人,B˚即商人、商人士,C˚可指中国人民,依次类推)口译笔记到底应该记什么?首先就是要将听到的话语按照意思记下来。
⼝译与听⼒复习资料Part one Chinese-English1.各位还将欣赏由本公司⼀些才华横溢的青年员⼯所表演的中国味纯正的⽂艺节⽬。
Later on, you will enjoy the authentic Chinese entertainment performed by some talented young employees from our company. We will have a lot of fun tonight. While at work in the company, we, Chinese as well as overseas staff of the company, hardly get to sit down and talk to each other. I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other better in a more informal way and increase personal friendships.2.我谨代表我们⼀⾏的全体成员,感谢董事长先⽣的盛情邀请,使我们来到装饰得如此华丽的⼤厅,参加如此欢快的圣诞晚会。
On behalf of all the members of my group, I'd like to thank you, Mr. Chairman, for your gracious invitation for us to attend such an enjoyable Christmas party in such a magnificently decorated hall.Christmas is a very happy and joyous occasion. It is really a wonderful time of the year. There is something in this holiday which appeals to everyone. That is, warmth, love, care, union, harmony and dedication of mankind. This is the spirit of the Christmas holiday.3.同世界其它地区⼀样,节⽇在中国是⼈们勤于烹调、饱享⼝福的时候。
Having completely accomplished its goals as scheduled, the seminar comes to an end today.2.我们可利用科学的手段把文物的损毁减少到最低限度。
We can use scientific means to reduce to the minimum the damages to the relics.3.根本的出路在于努力推动建立公正合理的国际经济新秩序。
The ultimate solution is to promote the establishment of a new fair and reasonable international economic order.4.我们相信还有扩大双边贸易的可能。
We believe there is still possibility of expanding bilateral trade.5.许多毕业生选择到中国西部地区工作。
A lot of graduates have chosen to work in the western areas of China.6.许多毕业生决心为我国的西部大开发战略贡献力量。
A lot of graduates are determined to contribute to our country's grand development strategy of the west regions.7.我们需要改革教学方法,提高教学质量。
We need to reform the teaching methods in order to upgrade the quality of teaching.8.为期四天的展览会将展示先进的环保技术与设备。
The four-day exhibition will display advanced technologies and equipments of environmental protection.9.世界知识产权组织的成员国现有171个。
自考英语本科口译与听力考试听力重点篇章12-1-1 Dustbin day robberyGentleman Jim has worked out a plan to rob a bank. He's telling his gang, Fingers Jones and Ginger Robertson about the plan. Listen to their conversation.Fingers: Let's see. You're going to walk up the counter and you're going to start writing a cheque. Then you're going to open the canister of nerve gas, and everyone will go to sleep instantly.Jim: That's right. This gas will put anyone to sleep for exactly three minutes.Fingers: And while everyone is asleep, you're going to go round to the manager's desk and steal all the money? Jim: Exactly. I've worked it out very carefully. There should be about ,50,000 in used bank notes.Ginger: Sounds great. There's only one thing. If you open the gas, you'll go to sleep too, won't you? Jim: I have thought of that. I'll wear a motor-cycle helmet, with an oxygen mask inside. If I wear a helmet, no one will be able to recognize me afterwards, either.Ginger: I think it's risky. If the bank clerk sees you take out agas canister, he won't wait. He'll push the alarm button straight away.Fingers: I've just had an idea. If I came into the bank when you were standing at the counter, no one would even look at me. Then, if I threw the can of nerve gas, they wouldn't guess that we were connected.Ginger: Yes, that might be better. Are you going to wear a helmet, too?Fingers: No. It would look very suspicious if two people were wearing motor cycle helmets. I'll just open the door, throw in the gas canister, and leave Gentleman Jim to rob the bank.Jim: I like that idea. Right, we'll do that. Any other problems that you can see?Ginger: What are you going to do with the money? If you walk out with ,50,000 under your arm, somebody will surelynotice you.Jim: You'll be sitting in a get-away car, waiting for me outsaid the bank.Ginger: But there is a police station just fifty yards away. If I park a car outside the bank, the police would probably come and ask me to move.Fingers: Well, what do you suggest? He can't just walk around the town. He'll be carrying,50,000 in bundles of banknotes.Jim: Just a minute! I've thought of something. What day is this robbery?Fingers: Monday.Jim: Monday! You know what happens on Monday, don't you? It's dustbin day!Ginger: So?Jim: So, can you think of a better way of moving the money? If you saw a man pick up ,50,000 and put it into a car, what would you think?Fingers: I'd think he was a thief.Jim: Exactly. But if you saw a man pick up a dustbin and put it into a lorry, what would you think? Fingers: I'd think he was a dustman. Hey! That's clever!Ginger: And if the ,50,000 was in the dustbin, I could pick up the money and nobody would notice. That's brilliant. Fingers: Is there a dustbin?Jim: Oh yes, several. They put the dustbins out every Monday.They'll be standing there, outside the bank. Fingers: But if you put the money in a dustbin, it'll stink. We'll never be able to spend it if it smells like that. Jim: We don't have to put it in a dustbin. We can put it in a black plastic bag. They often have black plastic bags forrubbishnowadays. If I carry one in my pocket, I can pull it out afteryou've thrown the gas. OK? Let's run through the plan once more.Ginger: You go into the bank with a motor-cycle helmet on, and ablack rubbish bag in your pocket. Fingers: I come in a few minutes later.I open the door, throw in the open gas canister, and then go ... where? Jim: I've hired a room in the building right opposite the bank. Go up in the lift to the top floor and keep a look out. When you get there, radio Ginger, and tell him to come.Ginger: In the meantime, everyone in the bank has gone to sleep, except you. You take the money, and put it in the plastic bag.Jim: I come out, and put the bag with the rubbish, and then go back into the bank.Ginger: Go back?Jim:Oh yes. If everyone woke up and I wasn't there, they'd know I was one of the thieves. No, I'll go back and pretend to wake up with everyone else.Fingers: That's a really clever touch.Ginger: I drive a dustcart and wait in the cul-de-sac behind the bank until Fingers contacts me. Then I come and pick up the rubbish, including the ,50,000.Jim: I can't think of any problems, can you?Task 2: Shop-lifter 12-2-2Man: Excuse me, madam.Woman: Yes?Man: Would you mind letting me take a look in your bag?Woman: I beg your pardon?Man: I'd like to look into your bag, if you don't mind.Woman: Well I'm afraid I certainly do mind, if it's all the same to you. Now go away. Impertinence!Man: I'm afraid I shall have to insist, madam.Woman: And just who are you to insist, may I ask? I advise you to take yourself off, young man, before I call a policeman.Man: I am a policeman, madam. Here's my identity card.Woman: What? Oh ... well ... and just what right does that give youto go around looking into people's bags?Man: None whatsoever, unless I have reason to believe that there's something in the bags belonging to someone else?Woman: What do you mean belonging to someone else?Man: Well, perhaps, things that haven't been paid for?Woman: Are you talking about stolen goods? That's a nice way to talk, I must say. I don't know what things are coming to when perfectly honest citizens get stopped in the street and have their bags examined. A nice state of affairs!Man: Exactly, but if the citizens are honest, they wouldn't mind, would they? So may I look in your bag, madam? We don't want to make a fuss, do we?Woman: Fuss? Who's making a fuss? Stopping people in the street and demanding to see what they've got in their bags. Charming! That's what I call it, charming! Now go away; I've got a train to catch.Man: I'm sorry. I'm trying to do my job as politely as possible butI'm afraid you're making it rather difficult. However, I must insist on seeing what you have in your bag.Woman: And what, precisely, do you expect to find in there? TheCrown Jewels?Man: No need to be sarcastic, Madam. I thought I'd made myself plain. If there's nothing in there which doesn't belong to you, you can gostraight off and catch your train and I'll apologize for the inconvenience.Women: Oh, very well. Anything to help the police.Man: Thank you, madam.Woman: Not at all, only too happy to cooperate. There you are.Man: Thank you,Mm. Six lipsticks?Woman: Yes, nothing unusual in that. I like to change the colourwith my mood.Man: And five powder-compacts?Woman: I use a lot of powder. I don't want to embarrass you, but I sweat a lot. (Laughs)Man: And ten men's watches?Woman: Er, yes. I get very nervous if I don't know the time. Anxiety, you know. We all suffer from it in this day and age.Man: I see you smoke a lot, too, madam. Fifteen cigarette lighters?Woman: Yes, I am rather a heavy smoker. And ... and I use them for finding my way in the dark and ... and for finding the keyhole late at night. And ... and I happen to collect lighters. It's my hobby. I have a superb collection at home.Man: I bet you do, madam. Well, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to come along with me.Woman: How dare you! I don't go out with strange men. And anyway Itold you I have a train to catch.Man: I'm afraid you won't be catching it today, madam. Now are you going to come along quietly or am I going to have to call for help?Woman: But this is outrageous! (Start fade)-2-1 What do you like about your job? 13First speaker: I'm a night person. I love the hours, you know? Ilike going to work at around six at night and then getting home at twoor three in the morning. I like being out around people, you know,talking to them, listening to their problems. Some of my regulars are always on the lookout for ways that they can stump me. Like last week, one of them came in and asked for a Ramos gin fizz. He didn't think I knew how to make it. Hah! But I know how to make every drink in the book, and then some. Although some of the nights when I go in I just don'tfeel like dealing with all the noise. When I get in a big crowd it canbe pretty noisy. People talking, the sound system blaring, the pinball machine, the video games. And then at the end of the night you don't always smell so good, either. You smell like cigarettes. But I like the place and I plan on sticking around for a while.Second speaker: If I had to sit behind a desk all day, I'd go crazy! I'm really glad I have a job where I can keep moving, you know? My favourite part is picking out the music—I use new music for every ten-week session. For my last class I alwaysuse the Beatles—it's a great beat to move to, and everybody loves them. I like to sort of educate people about their bodies, and show them, you know, how to do the exercises and movements safely. Like, it justkills me when I see people trying to do situps with straight legs—it' so bad for your back! And ... let's see ... I—I like to see people make progress—at the end ofa session you can really see how people have slimmed down and sortof built up some muscle—it's very gratifying.The part I don't like is, well, it's hard to keep coming up with new ideas for classes. I mean, you know, there are just so many ways you can move your body, and it's hard to keep coming up with interesting routines and ... and new exercises. And it's hard on my voice—I have to yell all the time so people can hear me above the music, and like after three classes in one day my voice has had it. Then again, having three classes in one day has its compensations—I can eat just about anything I want and not gain any weight!Third speaker: What do I like about my job? Money. M-O-N-E-Y. No, I like the creativity, and I like my studio. All my tools are like toys to me—you know, my watercolours , pen and inks, coloured pencils, drafting table—I love playing withthem. and I have lots of different kinds of clients—I do magazines, book covers, album covers, newspaper articles—sothere's lots of variety, which I like. You know, sometimes when I start working on a project I could be doing it for hours and have no conception of how much time has gone by—what some people call a flow experience. I don't like the pressure,though, and there's plenty of it in this business. You're always working against a tight deadline. And I don't like the business end of it—you know, contacting clients for work, negotiating contracts, which get long and complicated.Fourth speaker: Well, I'll tell you. At first it was fun, because there was so much to learn, and working with figures and money was interesting. But after about two years the thrill was gone, and now it's very routine. I keep the books, do the payroll, pay the taxes, pay the insurance, pay the bills. I hate paying the bills, because there's never enough money to pay them! I also don't like the pressure of having to remember when all the bills and taxes are due. And my job requires a lot of reading that I don't particularly enjoy. I can have to keep up to date on all the latest tax forms, and it's pretty dull. I like it when we're making money, though, because I get to see all of my efforts rewarded.13-2-2 What do you think of yourself?TV Interviewer: In this week's edition of 'Up with People' we went out into the streets and asked a number of people a question they just didn't expect. We asked them to be self-critical ... to ask themselves exactly what they thought they lacked or—the other side of the coin—what virtues they had. Here is what we heard.Jane Smith: Well ... I ... I don't know really ... it's not the sort of question you ask yourself directly. I know I'm good at myjob ... at least my boss calls me hard-working, conscientious, efficient. I'm a secretary by the way. As for when I look at myself in a mirror as it were ... you know ... you sometimes do in the privacy of your own bedroom ... or at your reflection in the ... in the shop windows as you walk up the street ... Well ... then I see someone a bit different. Yes ... I'm different inmy private life. And that's probably my main fault I should say ...I'm not exactly—oh how shall I say? —I suppose I'm, not coherent in my behaviour. My office is always in order...but my flat! Well...you'd have to see it to believe it.Chris Bonner: I think the question is irrelevant. You shouldn't be asking what I think of myself ... but what I think of the state of this country. And this country is in a terrible mess. There's only one hopefor it—the National Front. It's law andorder that we need. I say get rid of these thugs who call themselves Socialist Workers ... get rid of them I say. So don't ask about me. I'm the sort of ordinary decent person who wants to bring law and order back to this country. And if we can't do it by peaceful means then ...Tommy Finch: Think of myself? Well I'm an easy-going bloke really ... unless of course you wind me up. Then I'm a bit vicious. You know. I mean you have to live for yourself don't you. And think of your mates. That's what makes a bloke. I ain't got much sympathy like with themwhat's always thinking of causes ... civil rights and all that. Imean ... this is a freecountry inning? What do we want to fight for civil rights for? We've got them.Charles Dimmak: Well ... I'm retired you know. Used to be an army officer. And ... I think I've kept myself ... yes I've kept myself respectable—that's the word I'd use—respectable and dignified the whole of my life. I've tried to help those whodepended on me. I've done my best. Perhaps you might consider me abit of a fanatic about organization andself-discipline comes first—and all that sort of thing. Butbasically I'm a good chap ... not too polemic ... fond discipline—of my wife and family ... That's me.Arthur Fuller: Well ... when I was young I was very shy. At timesI ... I was very unhappy ... especially when I was sent to boarding-school at seven. I didn't make close friends till ... till quite late in life ... till I was about ... what ... fifteen. Then Ibecame quite good at being by myself. I had no one to rely on ... and no one to ask for advice. That made me independent ... and I've always solved my problems myself. My wife and I have two sons. We ... we didn't want an only child because I felt ... well I felt I'd missed alot of things.15-1-2Task 2:A new way of lifeAnnouncer: On 'TV Magazine' tonight we're looking at people who have given up regular jobs and high salaries to start a new way of life.First of all, we have two interviews with people who decided to leavethe 'rat race'. Nicola Burgess spoke to them.Nicola: This is the Isle of Skye. Behind me you can see the croft belonging to Daniel and Michelle Burns, who gave up their jobs to cometo this remote area of Scotland. Daniel was the sales manager of Hi-Vita, the breakfast cereal company, and Michelle was a successful advertising executive. Michelle, can you tell us what made you give up everything to come here?Michelle: Everything? That's a matter of opinion. A big house andtwo cars isn't everything! Dan and I both used to work long hours. Wehad to leave so early in the morning and we came home so late at night, that we hardly ever saw each other. We should have come here years ago, but we were earning such big salaries that we were afraid to leave our jobs. In the end we had so little time together that our marriage was breaking up. So two years ago, we took a week's holiday in the Scottish Highlands. We saw this place and we both fell in love with it. It wasfor sale, and we liked it so much that we decided to give up our jobs, and here we are!Nicola: How do you earn a living? If you don't mind me asking.Michelle: We don't need very much. We keep sheep and goats, grow our own vegetables. We've got a few chickens. It's a very simple life, and we're not in it for profit. We're still so busy that we work from fivein the morning until eight at night,but we're together. We're happier than we're ever been and we're leading a natural life.Nicola: There must be some things you miss, surely.Michelle: I don't know. We knew such a lot of people in London, but they weren't real friends. We see our neighbours occasionally andthere's such a lot to do on the farm that we don't have time to feel lonely. At least we see each other now.Nicola: The motor-bike I'm sitting on is a very special one. Special because it's been all the way round the world. It belongs to Luke Saunders, who has just returned to England after a three year motor-cycle journey. Luke, what led you to leave your job and make this trip?Luke: I worked in a car factory on the assembly line. All I had todo was put four nuts on the bolts that hold the wheels on. It's done by robots now, and a good thing too! The job was so routine that I didn't have to think at all. I bought this Triumph750 cc bike second-hand, fitted two panniers on the back and justset off for Australia.Nicola: What did you do for money?Luke: I had a bit of money to start with, but of course it didn'tlast long and I had to find work where I could. I've done so picked fruit, washed up, worked as a mechanic. many different things—Nicola: How did people react to you? In India, for example.Luke: Everywhere I went, the people were so friendly that problems seemed to solve themselves. There was such a lot of interest in the bike that it was easy to start a conversation. You know, often you can communicate without really knowing the language.Nicola: Did you ever feel like giving up, turning round and coming home?Luke: Only once, in Bangladesh. I became so ill with food poisoning that I had to go to hospital. But it didn't last long. Nicola: You've had such an exciting time that you'll find it difficult to settle down, won't you?Luke: I'm not going to. Next week I'm off again, but this time I'm going in the opposite direction! See you in about three years' time!15-2-2CheeseCheese is one of those foods that we tend to take for granted as always having been with us, and it's odd to think that someone somewhere must have discovered the process that takes place when micro-organisms get into milk and bring about changes in its physical and biochemical structure.Obviously, we don't know who discovered the process, but it'sthought that it came from South-West Asia about 8,000 years ago.Early cheese was probably rather unpalatable stuff, tasteless and bland in the case of the so-called 'fresh cheeses', which are eaten immediately after the milk has coagulated, and rough tasting and saltyin the case of the 'ripened' cheeses, which are made by adding salt to the soft fresh cheese and allowing other biochemical processes to continue so that a stronger taste and a more solid texture result.The ancient Romans changed all that. They were great pioneers in the art of cheese-making, and the different varieties of cheese theyinvented and the techniques for producing them spread with them to the countries they invaded. This dissemination of new techniques took place between about 60 BC and 300 AD. You can still trace their influence in the English word 'cheese', which comes ultimately from the Latin word'caseus', that's C-A-S-E-U-S.Well, things went on quietly enough after the Roman period with the cheese producers in the different countries getting on with developing their own specialities. It's amazing the variety of flavours you can get from essentially the same process.At this stage in history, people weren't aware in a scientific wayof the role of different micro-organisms and enzymes in producing different types of cheese. But they knew from experience that if youkept your milk or your 'pre-cheese' mixture at a certain temperature orin a certain environment, things would turn out in a certain way. The Roquefort caves in France are an example of a place that was used for centuries for the ripening of a certain sort of cheese, before people knew exactly why they produced the effect they did.In the nineteenth century, with the increasing knowledge aboutmicro-organisms, there came the next great step forward in cheese-making.Once it was known exactly which micro-organisms were involved in the different stages of producing a cheese, and how the presence ofdifferent micro-organisms affected the taste, it was possible to introduce them deliberately, and to industrialize the process.Cheese started being made on a large scale in factories, althoughthe small producer working from his farm dairy continued to exist and still exist today. Cheese-making moved very much into the world of technology and industrial processes, although, because the aim is still to produce something that people like to eat, there's still an important role forhuman judgement. People still go round tasting the young cheese at different stages to see how it's getting on, and may add a bit of this or that to improve the final taste. Whatever the scale of production, there is still room for art alongside the technology.16-1-1 Men and women:BBC interviewer: It's probably true to say that women have been affected more than men by recent changes in the way we actually live. Over a hundred years ago people began to question whether men werereally so much wiser, stronger, altogether more sensible and simply better than women as the laws of the country made out. In the end women got the vote, and very recently—in 1975—the Sex Discrimination Act was passed.But it's doubtful whether legislation has changed the way we women actually think. A lot is heard about the dilemma of women's two roles. How can a woman be a wife and mother and have a full-time job as well?In this new series we are going to try to find out what people are really thinking and feeling about this problem, and how it affects their personal lives. In the studio with me today is Mrs. Marina Spiden, who recently experienced the problem of having too much to do at home. With Mrs. Spiden are her husband Brian, her mother Mrs. Vera Cresswell and Mr. Tom Penman, their local newsagent. Mrs. Spiden ... tell us what happened will you?Mrs. Spiden: Well ... you just said it ... the problem of having too much to do at home. I do an afternoon job so I have to get the housework and shopping ... er ... done in the morning. And one morning you see ... er ... I just couldn't stand it no more.The ... the baby was bawling her head off. Jimmy—that's my littleboy ... he's two—had thrown the radio out of thewindow ...Interviewer: Really!Mrs. Spiden: Yes really ... The dog ... you know ... had made a ...a mess on the carpet. And there was Brian—myhusband—there he was snoring a way on the settee. Didn't lift afinger he didn't ... not a finger to help me. Mr. Spiden: Now nowlove ... Don't get all her up about it again ... I mean that's your side of the story ... Interviewer: Of course Mr. Spiden ... We'd like to hearyour side later. So ... what did you do about it? Mrs. Spiden: Well ... What do you do when you've got something you're fed up with or ... or ... you don't want like ... You put them up for sale don't you? And that's exactly what I did do. Put the whole damn lot of 'em up for sale. Interviewer: The family you mean.Mrs. Spiden: Yes ... the family ... including the dog.Mr. Penman: She came into my shop that very day and 'Tom', she says, 'I've just about had enough of it. I'm sick of slaving for a husbandwhat sleeps all day. So here you are,' she says. And she gives me an advert on a card to put up in the window of the paper shop.Interviewer: What did it say?Mr. Penman: I've got it here.Interviewer: Read it for us will you?Mr. Penman: 'For Sale—One house-trained dog, one reasonably trained boy of two years, one baby girl of two weeks and one man that needs training. Any offers considered. Apply within.'Interviewer: And were there any offers?Mrs Cresswell: It was me what wrote that advert. You see ... I live with Marina and Brian ...Mr Spiden: She and her dog ...Mr. Penman: Oh yes. Caused quite a stir it did. I should say I had inquiries from ... from about a couple of dozen housewives in all.Interviewer: And what offers did they make?Mr. Penman: Well one woman offered 25p. She said that's all a man was worth.Interviewer: What about you Mr. Spiden? What was your reaction to the advertisement?Mr. Spiden: Well ... you can imagine ... My wife told me about it but I thought she was joking. Little did I realize ... I was bloody furious when I saw it there. It wasn't till next morning. We live upstairs of the paper shop and when I come down to go on my milkround ...Interviewer: Yes of course ... you're a milkman ...Mrs. Spiden: That's right. I often have a dekko at the adverts Tom puts up. And when I saw that one sort of ... staring me in the face ...I nearly blew me top.Interviewer: What did you do?Mrs. Cresswell: I'll tell you what he did. He came and blamed me for everything.Mr. Spiden: Well it was you ... wannit ... that egged her on. It was you that wrote the advert.Mr. Penman: It was a big joke really. Just that Brian took it all the wrong way. Know what he did? When he come off his milk round he barges into the shop and he says, 'Take that bloody advert out and put one in for me. Ask some kind taxi-driver or someone to come and take my mother-in-law back to Birmingham.'Mr. Spiden: But it's all blown over now ... innit. It's done us a world of good in a way. We're the best of friends again. Even the dog started to ...17-1-1 Task 1: News in briefHere is a summary of the news.Shots are fired in a south London street by escaping bank robbers.Four rock fans die in a stampede at a concert Chicago.And how an Air France Concorde was involved in the closest recorded miss in aviation history?Shots were fired this morning in the course of an 80 m.p.h. chase along Brixton High Road in London. A police constable was injured by flying glass when a bullet shattered his windscreen as he was pursuing a car containing four men who had earlier raided a branch of Barclays Bank at Stockwell. Police Constable Robert Cranley had been patrolling near the bank when the alarm was given. The raiders made their getaway in a stolen Jaguar which was later found abandoned in Croydon. Officials of the bank later announced that ,16,000 had been stolen.Four people were killed and more than fifty injured when fans rushed to get into a stadium in Chicago yesterday where the British pop group Fantasy were giving a concert. The incident occurred when gates were opened to admit a huge crowd of young people waiting outside the stadium for the sale of unreserved seat tickets. People were knocked over in the rush and trampled underfoot as the crowd surged forward. The concert later went ahead as planned with Fantasy unaware of what had happened. A。
3.13过关必看:中级口译《听力教程第三版》之必看篇目权威发布★表示重要性,关注程度Unit1P2 Shopping over the Internet★★★★全文NT, 速写,SD 词汇考查互联网购物Critical thinking 网络购物的利与弊pros and consP3-2 Shopping Mall ★★★购物中心的设计全文NT, 速写P3-3 SOHO Small office and home office ★★★家庭式办公新趋势全文NT, 速写,SD词汇考查Uni3P1 Crime and Prison ★★全文NT, 速写,SD 词汇考查Critical thinking 罪犯一再犯罪的根本原因,社会因素,政府职责P3-2 How to stay safe in the city? ★★★各种犯罪词汇积累&防止手段Critical thinking 犯罪问题的解决应该从提升个人安全意识做起。
Unit4P1- Social Behavior for children ★★★★全文NT, 速写,SD词汇考查。
这里谈了三类: rewards; punishments; modeling; 每一类应该重点记忆。
P3-2 Single Parent Household ★★★listening comprehension,熟悉对话的输出方式。
Critical thinking家庭的模式/类型:family pattern; 以及其变迁。
P3-3 Advice for your parents. ★★★青少年的想法,成人应该予以关注。
Unit7P1-Are people born clever, or stupid? ★★★★这篇文章的SD和理解都有一定的难度,需要中口同学引起高度重视。
全文精听,加NT, 注意个别词汇的拼写。
口译与听力词句一、词汇Advocate 倡导,拥护P. 70Anniversary 周年纪念日P.139Badminton racket 羽毛球拍P.350 Shuttlecock 羽毛球Base 基地P291Bilateral 双边的bilateral channels 双边渠道P.166 Bungee jumping 蹦极Catering 提供饮食服务Chaotic 混乱的,杂乱无章的Ceremony 仪式,典礼Chronic 慢性的P.94 acute 急性的Cloverleaf 立交桥P.101Correspondence 函授P.202Co-sponsor 共同主持P.78,84, 261 co-host P.344 Devalue, devaluation 贬值P.166Discrimination 歧视P. 40,67 种族歧视racial discrimination Distinguished 尊贵的,重要的Excellency 阁下与your, his或her连用P.67Feasible 可行的P.284Feedback 反馈P.120Fleeting 飞逝的,转瞬即逝的Footwork 步法P.349Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值Gross National Product 国民生产总值 P.67Habitat 生活环境Habitat Agenda 人居议程P. 88 Habitation 居住,住所P. 88Home economics家政学P.194Honourable 尊敬的Hospitality 殷勤招待;接待礼仪P.120Intellectual property 知识产权P.258Inter-related 相互的P. 59 mutual 双方的,相互的P. 60 Intuition 直觉Laundry 洗衣店;要洗的衣服Mascot 吉祥物P.343Mass-market 批发市场,大众市场Mathematician 数学家Metropolitan(=metro) 大都市的(人)Millennium 千年P.68,88, 260Multinational 多民族的Paradox 矛盾现象,自相矛盾的人(事),悖论P.121 Pessimistic 悲观的optimistic乐观的Pollution fines 污染罚款P.84Prosperous 繁荣的Relic 文物P.138 heritage 遗产,遗迹Segregation 隔离Semi-automatic 半自动的P.311Seminar (专家)研讨会Serving 发球P.348Sound 稳健的,正确的P.58Stockbroker 股票经纪人P.159Strategy 战略P.296Sustainable 可持续的Sustainable development 可持续发展P.90, 293Tailor-made 量体裁衣P.121Terrorism 恐怖主义P.254Three-dimensional 三维的,立体的P.343Toast 干杯Unsupervised 不受监管的P.311Urban water conservation 城市节水P.84Violence 暴力推进、加强、提高、增强、巩固:promote, enhance, strengthen, improve, consolidate, advance, etc. P.206, 255, 258, 74二、短语第一部分Advance purchase 预订A great sense of humor 富有幽默感Air raid 空袭Artificial intelligence 人工智能Boarding time 登机时间(be)crazy about 特别喜欢Claim check 托运单,取行李的凭条Day-care center 日托中心Get offended 生气Hold that reservation 保留预订Managing money 理财Meet hate with love 以爱报恨Part-time job 兼职工作Round trip 双程旅行To some extent 在某种程度上Walk sb. to a place 陪某人走到某处Wishful thinking 痴心妄想,一厢情愿,如意算盘第二部分Achieve complete success 取得圆满成功Achieve the desired result 收到了预期效果Adapt to the new situation 顺应新的形势P.172,258Advance peace and democracy 推进和平与民主P.255Attach the/great importance to 对……给予(高度)重视P. 59,295A world-wide reputation 誉满全球Bending the rule 钻规则的空子P.353Business benefits 经营效益P.110Chart the way forward for 为……开辟道路P.70Cognitive science 认知科学P.289Combine theory with practice 理论与实践相结合P.123Come to a conclusion 得出结论P.224Common development 共同发展develop togetherCommon prosperity 共同繁荣P.170Comprehensively administer 综合治理P.102Comprehensive utilization of energy 能源综合利用P.289concerted efforts 共同努力P.172, 284consumption of water 水的耗费P.224Continuing education 成人教育P.201Courteous and law-abiding 文明守法P.134Curb the trend of steep rise 控制增长势头P.90Customs and habits 民俗风情P.124Directly under 直属P.203Domestic demand 国内需求P.166Development and flourish 茁壮成长,蓬勃发展P.114, 124Draw lessons from the past 总结经验教训P. 91Driving force 推动力量P.289Ecological deterioration 生态恶化p. 90Ecological crisis 生态危机P.228Economic globalization 经济全球化P.166Economic recession 经济萧条,经济衰退P.107 economic crisis 经济危机Emerging economies 新兴经济P.224Ethnic minorities 少数民族P. 94Exhaust fumes 汽车废气P.323Extend our sincere/heartfelt congratulations/gratitude(thanks) 表示衷心祝贺/感谢P.75 Extend our warmest welcome 表示最热烈的欢迎P.76Face severe challenges 面临严峻挑战P.90Favourable tax policy 优惠的税收政策P.118Feudal dynasty 封建王朝P.138Follow the spirit of sportsmanship 发扬体育道德精神P.352Fresh water available 可用清洁水P.224Garbage disposal 垃圾处理P.231Get high on 热衷于P.142Give the floor to …请……发言Global warming 全球变暖P.78, 228Great changes have taken place 突飞猛进P.91Greeting speech 贺词Handicraft works 手工艺品P.94, 110 Works of art 工艺品P.130Higher than the required standard 超标P.90High tuition 昂贵的学费P.195Holiday resort 度假胜地P. 134Host city 主办城市P.102Hotel chains 连锁酒店P.120Hot topic 热门话题,焦点问题P.163Human centered 以人为本P.101Idle talk 闲聊P.312In a step by step manner 循序渐进P.166Income generation 工薪阶层P.95In-depth knowledge 深入了解P.95In general terms 一般来说P.223In honor of 为庆祝,为纪念;为向……表示敬意P.141, 263In light of 因为,由于P.194Intensify our effort 加强努力P.255International bidding 国际招标P.100International civil servants 国际公务员P.130International community 国际社会P.167International situation 国际局势P.261International treaties 国际条约P.257Investment cost 投资成本P.111It is a great pleasure for me to …我很荣幸……It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity 我非常高兴有机会P.77Lag behind 滞后P. 91Leading-edge technologies 领先技术Natural heritage 自然遗产Natural/nature reserve 自然保护区Management model 管理模式P.118Market fluctuation 市场波动Meet the challenges 迎接挑战P. 68, 101Occur in a vacuum 发生在真空里P.312On behalf of 代表Open dialogues 畅所欲言Operational mechanism 运行机制P.293Over-supply vs. under-supply 供应过剩相对于供应不足Part-time training 在职培训P.124Pilot program 试点工程P.293Play a more and more important/active role 发挥着越来越重要/积极的作用P.258, 329 Principal element 主要因素P.78Press conference 记者招待会P.107Pressing issues 紧迫问题P.90Reflect on 思考;反省P.312Reputed for hospitality 热情好客远近闻名P.76Rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融P.134Pave the way for 为……铺平道路P.71Progress with each passing day 日新月异P.170Promote bilateral understandingPromote the work 促进工作,推动工作P.74Retail trade 零售业P.114Real estate development 房地产开发P.100Remote control 遥控器P.320Required education 义务教育P.194Reveal its importance for the first time 初露端倪P.123Seek the best instead of the largest 不求最大,但求最好P.100Seize the opportunity 抓住机遇P.229Sense of community 团队意识P.199Shared concern 共同关心的问题Sole venture of foreign investment 外商独资P.111Staggering growth 强劲的增长P.108Strengthen the awareness 提高意识P.91Structural adjustment 结构性调整Substantial in content 内容详实Supervised and regulated by law 法律监管和调整P.160Systematic market process 系统的市场体系P.159Tax harmonization 协调税收P.163Take effective measures 采取有效措施P.74The bounding of planning economy 计划经济的束缚P.90The handicapped 残疾人P.95The overall national strength 综合国力P.293The stage of constant adjustment and improvement 不断调整与完善的阶段P.123 The theory of relativity 相对论P.289The threshold of our transition into the new millennium跨越新千年的门槛P.68 The unified design between the city and the countryside 城乡一体化P.100The World Habitat Day 世界人居日Tight in schedule 日程紧凑Trade bodies 业界P.108Umbrella name 统称P.108Violate/invade our privacy 侵犯我们的隐私P.320Vocational school 职业学校P.194Waste water treatment plant 废水处理厂Weak in the foundation 基础薄弱P.123Welcome banquet 欢迎宴会P.81Welcome speech 欢迎词Well-deserved reputation 良好的声誉Without further ado 不再啰嗦地,立即Withstand risks 抵御风险P。
Advocate 倡导,拥护 P. 70Anniversary 周年纪念日 P.139Badminton racket 羽毛球拍 P.350 Shuttlecock 羽毛球Base 基地 P291Bilateral 双边的 bilateral channels 双边渠道 P.166 Bungee jumping 蹦极Catering 提供饮食服务Chaotic 混乱的,杂乱无章的Ceremony 仪式,典礼Chronic 慢性的 P.94 acute 急性的Cloverleaf 立交桥 P.101Correspondence 函授 P.202Co-sponsor 共同主持 P.78,84, 261 co-host P.344 Devalue, devaluation 贬值 P.166Discrimination 歧视 P. 40,67 种族歧视 racial discrimination Distinguished 尊贵的,重要的Excellency 阁下与 your, his 或 her 连用 P.67Feasible 可行的 P.284Feedback 反馈 P.120Fleeting 飞逝的,转瞬即逝的Footwork 步法 P.349Gross Domestic Product 国内生产总值Gross National Product 国民生产总值 P.67Habitat 生活环境 Habitat Agenda 人居议程 P. 88 Habitation 居住,住所 P. 88Home economics 家政学 P.194Honourable 尊敬的Hospitality 殷勤招待;接待礼仪 P.120Inter-related 相互的 P. 59 mutual 双方的,相互的 P. 60 Intuition 直觉Laundry 洗衣店;要洗的衣服Mascot 吉祥物 P.343Mass-market 批发市场,大众市场Mathematician 数学家Metropolitan(=metro) 大都市的(人)Millennium 千年 P.68,88, 260Multinational 多民族的Paradox 矛盾现象,自相矛盾的人(事) ,悖论 P.121 Pessimistic 悲观的 optimistic 乐观的Pollution fines 污染罚款 P.84Prosperous 繁荣的Relic 文物 P.138 heritage 遗产,遗迹Segregation 隔离Semi-automatic 半自动的 P.311Seminar (专家)研讨会Serving 发球 P.348Sound 稳健的,正确的 P.58Stockbroker 股票经纪人 P.159Strategy 战略 P.296Sustainable 可持续的 Sustainable development 可持续发展 P.90, 293 Tailor-made 量体裁衣 P.121Terrorism 恐怖主义 P.254Three-dimensional 三维的,立体的 P.343Toast 干杯Unsupervised 不受监管的 P.311Urban water conservation 城市节水 P.84Violence 暴力推进、加强、提高、增强、巩固:promote, enhance, strengthen, improve, consolidate, advance, etc. P.206, 255, 258, 74Advance purchase 预订A great sense of humor 富有幽默感Air raid 空袭Artificial intelligence 人工智能Boarding time 登机时间( be ) crazy about 特别喜欢Claim check 托运单,取行李的凭条Day-care center 日托中心Get offended 生气Hold that reservation 保留预订Managing money 理财Meet hate with love 以爱报恨Part-timejob 兼职工作Round trip 双程旅行Tosomeextent Walk sb. toa place Wishful thinking在某种程度上陪某人走到某处痴心妄想,一厢情愿,如意算盘Achieve complete success 取得圆满成功Achieve the desired result 收到了预期效果Adapt to the new situation 顺应新的形势 P.172,258Advance peace and democracy 推进和平与民主 P.255Attach the/great importance to 对……给予(高度)重视 P. 59,295 A world-wide reputation 誉满全球Bending the rule 钻规则的空子 P.353Business benefits 经营效益 P.110Chart the way forward for 为……开辟道路 P.70Cognitive science 认知科学 P.289Combine theory with practice 理论与实践相结合 P.123Come to a conclusion 得出结论 P.224Common development 共同发展 develop togetherCommon prosperity 共同繁荣 P.170Comprehensively administer 综合治理 P.102Comprehensive utilization of energy 能源综合利用 P.289concerted efforts 共同努力 P.172, 284 consumption of water 水的耗费 P.224Continuing education 成人教育 P.201Courteous and law-abiding 文明守法 P.134Curb the trend of steep rise 控制增长势头 P.90 Customs and habits 民俗风情 P.124Directly under 直属 P.203Domestic demand 国内需求 P.166Development and flourish 茁壮成长,蓬勃发展 P.114, 124 Draw lessons from the past 总结经验教训 P. 91Driving force 推动力量 P.289Ecological deterioration 生态恶化 p. 90Ecological crisis 生态危机 P.228Economic globalization 经济全球化 P.166Economic recession 经济萧条,经济衰退 P.107 economic crisis 经济危机Emerging economies 新兴经济 P.224Ethnic minorities 少数民族 P. 94Exhaust fumes 汽车废气 P.323Extend our sincere/heartfelt congratulations/gratitude(thanks) 表示衷心祝贺/感谢P.75Extend our warmest welcome 表示最热烈的欢迎 P.76Face severe challenges 面临严峻挑战 P.90Favourable tax policy 优惠的税收政策 P.118Feudal dynasty 封建王朝 P.138Follow the spirit of sportsmanship 发扬体育道德精神 P.352Fresh water available 可用清洁水 P.224Garbage disposal 垃圾处理 P.231Get high on 热衷于 P.142Give the floor to … 请……发言Global warming 全球变暖 P.78, 228Great changes have taken place 突飞猛进 P.91Greeting speech 贺词Handicraft works 手工艺品 P.94, 110 Works of art 工艺品 P.130 Higher than the required standard 超标 P.90High tuition 昂贵的学费 P.195Holiday resort 度假胜地 P. 134Host city 主办城市 P.102Hotel chains 连锁酒店 P.120Hot topic 热门话题,焦点问题 P.163Human centered 以人为本 P.101Idle talk 闲聊 P.312In a step by step manner 循序渐进 P.166Income generation 工薪阶层 P.95In-depth knowledge 深入了解 P.95In general terms 一般来说 P.223In honor of 为庆祝,为纪念;为向……表示敬意 P.141, 263In light of 因为,由于 P.194Intensify our effort 加强努力 P.255International bidding 国际招标 P.100International civil servants 国际公务员 P.130International community 国际社会 P.167International situation 国际局势 P.261International treaties 国际条约 P.257Investment cost 投资成本 P.111It is a great pleasure for me to … 我很荣幸……It’s my great pleasure to have this opportunity 我非常高兴有机会 P.77Lag behind 滞后 P. 91Leading-edge technologies 领先技术Natural heritage 自然遗产Natural/nature reserve 自然保护区Management model 管理模式 P.118Market fluctuation 市场波动Meet the challenges 迎接挑战 P. 68, 101Occur in a vacuum 发生在真空里 P.312On behalf of 代表Open dialogues 畅所欲言Operational mechanism 运行机制 P.293Over-supply vs. under-supply 供应过剩相对于供应不足Part-time training 在职培训 P.124Pilot program 试点工程 P.293Play a more and more important/active role 发挥着越来越重要/积极的作用 P.258, 329Principal element 主要因素 P.78Press conference 记者招待会 P.107Pressing issues 紧迫问题 P.90Reflect on 思考;反省 P.312Reputed for hospitality 热情好客远近闻名 P.76Rich cultural blend 丰富多彩的文化交融 P.134Pave the way for 为……铺平道路 P.71Progress with each passing day 日新月异 P.170Promote bilateral understandingPromote the work 促进工作,推动工作 P.74Retail trade 零售业 P.114Real estate development 房地产开发 P.100Remote control 遥控器 P.320Required education 义务教育 P.194Reveal its importance for the first time 初露端倪 P.123Seek the best instead of the largest 不求最大,但求最好 P.100 Seize the opportunity 抓住机遇 P.229Sense of community 团队意识 P.199Shared concern 共同关心的问题Sole venture of foreign investment 外商独资 P.111 Staggeringgrowth 强劲的增长 P.108Strengthenthe awareness 提高意识 P.91Structural adjustment 结构性调整Substantial in content 内容详实Supervised and regulated by law 法律监管和调整 P.160 Systematic market process 系统的市场体系 P.159Tax harmonization 协调税收 P.163Take effectivemeasures 采取有效措施 P.74The bounding of planning economy 计划经济的束缚 P.90The handicapped 残疾人 P.95The overall national strength 综合国力 P.293The stage of constant adjustment and improvement 不断调整与完善的阶段 P.123 The theory of relativity 相对论 P.289The threshold of our transition into the new millennium 跨越新千年的门槛 P.68 The unified design between the city and the countryside 城乡一体化 P.100The World Habitat Day 世界人居日Tight in schedule 日程紧凑Tradebodies 业界 P.108Umbrella name 统称 P.108Violate/invade our privacy 侵犯我们的隐私 P.320Vocational school 职业学校 P.194Waste water treatment plant 废水处理厂Weak in the foundation 基础薄弱 P.123Welcome banquet 欢迎宴会 P.81Welcome speech 欢迎词Well-deserved reputation 良好的声誉Without further ado 不再啰嗦地,立即Withstand risks 抵御风险 P。
同时,保证另半小时练习笔记符号,比如把but, however, nevertheless等转折词写成∧;把although, even if, in spite of, no matter how等让步状语引导词写成∨;把because, thanks to等表示原因的写成←;把as a result, therefore, and thus等表示结果的写成→;把in summary, all in all等表示总结的写成∑;把likely,probably等表示“可能,好像”的词写成∽;把promote, improve, increase, a growing number等表示增长的写成↑,反之写成↓;把woman, female写成♀;把man, male写成♂笔者根据历年中高级口译听译部分的实考题,将词汇和话题总结成以下几个板块,再根据时下热点,补充了一些分类词汇。
宏观话题分类:1. 商务场景:求职面试,公司管理,经营情况,职场准则2. 环境保护:能源危机,气候变暖,生态建设3. 世界经济:金融危机,经济发展4. 世界议题:恐怖主义,人口负担,老龄社会,自然灾害5. 卫生保健:流行疾病,健康保健6. 人文科技:世博展会具体话题及相关词汇1.老龄化社会aging society/population 老龄人口话题Welfare 福利Well-being “幸福”, 良好的状态Well-off 小康/富裕Good perks 津贴,补贴Allowance=subsidy 补贴Retire/retiree/retirement 退休/退休者Pensioner 领养老金者Health care 保健Health insurance 医疗保险Social security system 社保体系2. 人口负担Population explosion 人口爆炸Resources exhaustion/consumption/depletion 资源耗竭修饰资源耗竭速度之快用at an alarming rate/alarmingly 惊人的类似的有startling/shocking/surprising/appalling恐怖主义terrorism反恐counter-/anti-terrorismnuclear proliferation 核扩散3. 世博展会ExhibitionExposition 博览会Fair 交易会Exhibitor 参展商/国Delegation 代表团Representative/deputy 代表Pavilion 场馆Better city, better life 城市,让生活更美好Diverse urban culture 多元城市文化Bureau of International Exhibition 国际展览局展示的几种说法:Display/show/showcase/present/stage…高科技:High-tech 高科技Genetic modification 转基因Artificial intelligence 人工智能Hybrid car 混合动力车Fuel efficiency 燃料经济性4. 自然灾害:Degradation/deterioration of grassland 草场退化Deforestation 乱砍乱伐Desertification 土地沙漠化Soil erosion 水土流失Rising sea level 海平面上涨Landslide 山体滑坡Mudslide 泥石流Typhoon 台风Tropical storm 热带风暴Hurricane 飓风Tornado 龙卷风Gale/gust 大风Tsunami 海啸Earthquake/quake/tremor 地震5. 金融危机:Financial crisis 金融危机Economic hardship/downturn 经济危机Subprime mortgage crunch 次贷危机/credit crunch 信贷危机Tight credit 紧张信贷/loose 宽松信贷Tighten the belt 勒紧裤腰带Investment Bank 投资银行Commercial bank 商业银行著名投行Morgan Stanley 摩根士丹利BoA Bank of America 美国银行Goldman Sachs 高盛关于健康的几种说法:HealthinessPhysical fitnessWellness传统定义:Absence of/free from disease健康的定义:Holistic/comprehensive definition of health involves the complete state of physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual health生命在于运动:Aerobic 有氧运动Athlete/sportsman 运动员Bun-jee jumping 蹦极Extreme sports 极限运动Gym, gymnasium 健身房Stadium 体育场Track and field 田径Jogging 慢跑Stamina 体能Endurance 耐力流行疾病:Epidemic/pandemic/endemic 流行病Obesity 肥胖症Diabetes 糖尿病Stroke 中风MalariaPneumonia 肺炎Swine flu/H1N1 猪流感Avian/bird flu 禽流感Mad cow disease 疯牛病SARS 非典AIDS 艾滋病Heart attack 心脏病发作Lung cancer 肺癌vs. smoking/cigarette/tobacco industry 烟草业Public banning 公共场合禁止经济发展:Economic Integration 经济一体化Globalization 全球化Foreign trade 外贸Sin-euro/us/Jp/Af/ relationship 中美关系Trade deficit/surplus/volume 贸易赤字/盈余/外贸额Trade barrier/imbalance/protectionism 贸易障碍/不平衡/保护主义Imbalance有时会用uneven代替气候变暖:Climate change 气候变化Copenhagen Climate Summit 哥本哈根气候峰会Carbon emission 碳排放Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳Exhaust 汽车尾气Wastes 废料Sewage 下水道污物Chemical 化学物质Heavy metal 重金属Pesticide 杀虫剂Greenhouse effect 温室效应El Nino 厄尔尼诺现象环境保护:Hazard 有毒物质=toxicHazardous a.有毒有害的污染的其他几种说法:contaminate; taint 有毒奶粉:tainted milk powderKyoto Protocol/Treaty 京都议定书生态建设Ecosystem 生态系统Bio-diversity 生物多样性Ecological environment 生态环境Endangered species 濒危物种Wildlife 野生动物Ban/Bar on whale hunting 禁止捕鲸Organic farming/gardening 有机农业能源危机:Energy crisis 能源危机Shortage/lack/poverty/scarcity of…缺少Rarity of ….稀少Electricity 电=powerNatural gas 天然气Petroleum 石油Gas/petrol 汽油Diesel 柴油Fresh water 淡水Coal 煤炭油价的说法:比如:100美元1桶$100 a barrel替代能源alternative energySolar energy 太阳能Solar panel 太阳能板Nuclear energy 核能Wind power 风能Tidal power 潮汐能Geothermal power 地热能Hydroelectric project 水力发电项目Fossil fuel 化石燃料Ethanol 乙醇,酒精燃料Hydrogen fuel Battery 氢燃料电池Energy Independence 能源独立求职面试类核心词汇:Post/job/position职位/appointment, designation, assignment任命Apply for/file for申请Applicant; candidate 申请人;候选者记两个词组:prospective employee/employer 潜在雇员/雇主常考词组Potential customer 潜在顾客Interview/interviewee/interviewer 面试者/面试官Overnight/overtime/ 熬夜/加班Show up/turn up/pop up/appear/emerge/arise/rise 出现, 0909首句考了show up,口语话的表达,轻松。
口译听力Unit One
英语口译听力复习材料整理Unit One1. Important Words⑴房租:rent 房东:landlady、landlord 房客:tenant、renterE.g. the rent is due .房租到期了⑵flight:①推迟航班:delay、put off②取消航班:call off、cancel⑶每隔一星期:Every other week=every two weeks.⑷paid vacation.带薪休假⑸essay paper论文(基本是学生所讨论的问题)submit/hand in⑹mouse button鼠标pull-down menu下拉菜单⑺high blood pressure高血压⑻heart rate心率⑼muscle tone肌肉紧缩度E.g. China maintained an average 10 percent annual growth2. Important Sentences⑴Doctors are starting to believe that laughter not only improves your states of mind, but (also) affects your entire physical well-being.⑵①I didn’t want to discourage John from taking up fish②There is nobody in the army who doesn’t know George. (双重否定)⑶Never have I been so moved=I have never been so moved (倒装)⑷He plays football every two weeks=Jeff plays football every other weekend.3. Important PassageE-commerce is thriving around the globe. Internet use soared 30%last year, with1/3 of all new users in the developing world. Asia and the Pacific dominate in this area, pointing the way for other developing countries and regions to follow. Asia and the Pacific now account for 46%of Internet users and is adding 50million new ones each year.。
《口译与听力》复习要点Revision MaterialI. TranslationA.English to ChineseSentencesp. 1681.Permit me, on behalf of the organizing committee, to extend a warm welcome toour guests of various circles, from home and abroad.2.I’d like to thank you for your presence at the party, and wish everyone good healthand the very best of luck in everything in the new year.3.Some developed countries and regions have accumulated much experience in thefield of environmental protection, and their experience certainly merits our reference and study.p. 744. The High-tech Park is authorized by the state government to approve projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international standards.5. To ensure the quality of the environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment”.6. I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time of the year. Let us drink to the health, great career and happy family of everyone present.p. 887. A growing number of US firms have been pouring intoChina’s inland provinces, although coastal cities such as Shanghai and Tianjin are still among their first choices of investment with many foreign investors.8. In our school discussion if given top priority and seminar is the way of class.p. 999. Let’s say we begin with a 10-year term of renewable partnership; we can extend our contract for another term before it expires, if both parties intend to.10. Let’s get down to business of establishing a joint venture. May I have some idea of your plan? For instance, how much would be your share of investment in this venture?Short passages1.Thank you, Mr. President, I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, thestudents, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your anniversary.I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about thecritical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.Just a little over three decades ago, China was virtually shut off from the world.Now, China is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations, enterprises that affect everything from air travel to agricultural development.Your social and economic transformation has been even more remarkable. As a result, you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty, a phenomenon that has thrilled the whole world. (p. 448)2.We know that the human brain is divided into two roughly symmetricalhemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not in function.The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communication, i.e., the language center is located in the left side of the brain in most people.The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls one’s visual and spatial activities, including also musical perceptions.The most important differences between humans and other animals are the creative aspect of human language and man’s sophisticated cognitive abilities. B. Chinese to Englishp. 1251. 换言之,许多中国人认为工作是使自己得到社会认可的先决条件。
专有组织机构名称的缩略词,常考的如UN(联合国)、UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)、 WTO(世界贸易组织)、IMF(国际货币基金组织)、ASEAN(东盟)等,该组缩略词只需记住缩略词及对应的中文即可。
其次是电传、报刊和网络类的缩略词,如abt(=about关于)、 FX(= foreign exchange外汇);agt(=agent代理商)、apt(=apartment 公寓);f2f(= face to face面对面)等,该组缩略词可在S/D、L/T部分中应用。
具体而言,中口听力共分三部分,分别为第一部分Spot Dictation(听写填空), 第二部分Listening Comprehension(听力理解),和第三部分Listening Translation(听译)。其中第二部分为选择题,细分为Statements(陈述)和Talks and Conversation(对话);第三部分则由五句Sentence Translation(句子听译)和两段Passage Translation(段落听译)组成。
最后是专业术语的缩略词,如CEO(=Chief Executive Officer首席执行官)、IPR(=Intellectual Property Rights知识产权)等,该组缩略词可作为背景知识积累,需记住缩略词及对应的中英文意思。
L/T部分对于很多考生都是难以逾越的一个障碍,而熟悉常见英中互译词组和句型是从内容上着手应考,如Seek common ground, while put aside differences(求同存异);a level playing field(公平竞争)等都是需要考生之前记忆背诵的。阅卷时,考官通常是依照内容和语言两个方面来评分,因此在做听译时,务必要注意规范的书面表达,如使用四字格等形式。
——而要使用符号来表示意思(缩写、图形) Eg:“powerful country”记作“强口”, “我同意”记作“I√ ”; “观点,看法一致”记作“⊙ same”, “economic development”记作“经↑”
——而要竖着写,竖起来记有利于保持 活意思意思以及数量等信息之间的逻辑 界限。
Eg: We have invested in schools, colleges, universities, libraries and our communities.
投 校
≠与 …… 不同,如: differ from , different from , distinct , unique…
$ 金钱,利益,如: interest , benefit , money , fund , capital…
• E .标点
• ? 问题,麻烦,障碍,如: question , issue , difficult , hardship , barrier , obstacle…
• C .图象 • ⊙ 会议,如 conference , meeting , seminar ,
symposium… • □ 国家,地区,如: 中国:□ C ,
俄国:□ R
D .符号
happy , male , agree , many, +2=more , +3=most , beneficial , good , beautiful , great , gorgeous…
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Revision MaterialI. TranslationA.English to ChineseSentencesp. 1681.Permit me, on behalf of the organizing committee, to extend a warm welcome toour guests of various circles, from home and abroad.2.I’d like to thank you for your presence at the party, and wish everyone good healthand the very best of luck in everything in the new year.3.Some developed countries and regions have accumulated much experience in thefield of environmental protection, and their experience certainly merits our reference and study.p. 744. The High-tech Park is authorized by the state government to approve projects with preferential policies, operating under the management system of international standards.5. To ensure the quality of the environment, we stick steadfastly to our development strategy of “attracting investment with a green environment and maintaining a green environment through investment”.6. I consider it a great honor to have you all here for this wonderful time of the year. Let us drink to the health, great career and happy family of everyone present.p. 887. A growing number of US firms have been pouring into China’s inland provinces, although coastal cities such as Shanghai and Tianjin are still among their first choices of investment with many foreign investors.8. In our school discussion if given top priority and seminar is the way of class.p. 999. Let’s say we begin with a 10-year term of renewable partnership; we can extend our contract for another term before it expires, if both parties intend to.10. Let’s get down to business of establishing a joint venture. May I have some idea of your plan? For instance, how much would be your share of investment in this venture?Short passages1.Thank you, Mr. President, I would like to begin by congratulating all of you, thestudents, the faculty, the administrators, on celebrating the centennial year of your anniversary.I come here today to talk to you, the next generation of China’s leaders, about thecritical importance to your future of building a strong partnership between China and the United States.Just a little over three decades ago, China was virtually shut off from the world.Now, China is a member of more than 1,000 international organizations, enterprises that affect everything from air travel to agricultural development.Your social and economic transformation has been even more remarkable. As a result, you have lifted literally hundreds of millions of people from poverty, a phenomenon that has thrilled the whole world. (p. 448)2.We know that the human brain is divided into two roughly symmetricalhemispheres, which are comparable in size and form, but not in function.The left hemisphere is primarily responsible for linguistic communication, i.e., the language center is located in the left side of the brain in most people.The right hemisphere, on the other hand, controls one’s visual and spatial activities, including also musical perceptions.The most important differences between humans and other animals are the creative aspect of human language and man’s sophisticated cognitive abilities. B. Chinese to Englishp. 1251. 换言之,许多中国人认为工作是使自己得到社会认可的先决条件。
2. 这个国家没有统一的飞机票价,各航空公司经常以竞相削价的方式来吸引更多的旅客。
p. 1483. 所有国家,无论其大小强弱,都应该在相互尊重、平等互利的基础上处理相互间的关系,这一点是至关重要的。
4. 今天,中国经济突飞猛进,日新月异。
P. 1165. 我们应该承认我们之间文化的差异,应该尊重这些差异,以免产生误解。
6. 司机在高速公路上开车时必须将自己的行车速度控制在标牌规定的最高速度与最低速度之间。
p. 647. 感谢你不辞辛劳,从百忙中抽出来我公司指导。
8. 我在你们酒店订了一间双人间,有确认函。
p. 899. 我们可否在下周再举行一轮会谈,集中讨论一些技术性问题?10. 中央政府很重视全面对外开放,不仅开放沿海城市,也开放内地,尽可能吸引外资。
(p. 432)2.中国有一句话是这么说的,“上有天堂下有苏杭”。
II. ListeningSection I. Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each question you hear.1.A. Both cars are damaged, but neither of the drivers is hurt.B. Both cars are damaged, and both drivers are hurt.C. One car is damaged and one driver is hurt.D.One car is damaged but both drivers are hurt.2 A. God will punish the man for the accident.B. God will bless the man for his courage.C. God has arranged for the man and woman to become friends.D. God has arranged for the woman to help the man.3 A. The bottle is broken in the car.B. The wine is ruined.C. God wants the man and the woman to drink it to celebrate.D. God only wants only the woman to drink it.4 A. He knows the woman won’t play a trick on him.B. He believes he’s following God’s will.C. He is nervous.D. He is feeling cold.5 A. The man is brave, not afraid of anything.B. The woman is kind to the man.C. The woman likes drinking a lot of wine.D. The woman makes the man appear to have been driving while drunk. Section II. Listen to the short dialogue and choose the best answer to each question.1. A. The work the director has assigned is unreasonable.B. The director is mentally ill.C. The director’s instructions are easy to carry out.D. The director doesn’t mind if the actors do not finish the work.2. A. There is a bomb in the refrigerator.B. They will probably run out of food.C. They might have enough food to go around.D. More than enough food has been prepared.3. A. The woman might become a famous movie star in the end.B. The woman is unlikely to become a movie star.C. The woman is as ugly as a pig.D. The high-flying woman will succeed soon.4. A. The woman believes she’s as good as the man.B. The woman doesn’t think she’s as good as the man.C. People will not notice the man’s kind heart.D. The man’s kind heart is of great value.5. A. The sun might hurt the woman’s eyes.B. The sun is quickly setting below the horizon.C. It is too late. The woman has already missed the sunset.D. The sunset is not pretty.Section IIIPart One Statements (30%)Directions: There are twenty items in Part One. For each item in this part, you will hear a short statement. The statements will be spoken just once. They will not be written out for you, and you must listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a statement, read the four sentences on your question paper and decide which one is closest in meaning to the statement you have heard. Then you should mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to make your choice for each item.1. A. We were met by the head of the company at the airport.B. We knew Mrs. Jones was the president of the company.C. Mrs. Jones used to be the secretary of the company.D. Mrs. Jones came to see us off at the airport.2. A. The board of directors asked about the changes.B. The board of directors decided to invest more on the project.C. The board of directors approved the revisions.D. The board of directors could not understand her explanation.3. A. We decided to sell the car when the oil Prices rose.B. We should not delay solving the problem of oil prices.C. We were at a loss as to whether to buy that expensive car or not.D. We didn't buy a car because of the floating oil prices.4. A. Effective self management skills are key to academic and career success.B. If you spend a lot of time on your school work, you will become a good manager later.C. School work can be time-consuming and is likely to make you feel exhaustedafter class.D. Good management calls for more time and energy on the part of the academic staff.5. A. He finished the negotiation in three days.B. He was on a business trip ten days ago.C. His toughness cost him three more days.D. His business trip lasted thirteen days.6. A. Going shopping is much more exhaustive than shopping on the Internet.B. For me, taking a rest is better than surfing the Internet or shopping.C. I am not sure if I should take a break to work in the garden this morning.D. My friend and I have to finish our annual report by this weekend.7. A. It is hardly true that Mr Johnson is a new employee with such initiatives.B. We are not sure if Mr Johnson is satisfied with his working environment.C. Usually new employees will not take such initiatives as Mr Johnson does.D. Mr Johnson is really very friendly as he helps us with our working initiatives.8. A. Children will directly or indirectly affect what their parents purchase.B. Growing children will have special needs that their parents cannot satisfy.C. The needs for special food and clothing are more obvious in girls.D. It is necessary for parents to influence what their children eat and wear.9. A. This kind of tax on imported goods is unnecessary.B. To practice economy, the government imposes a tax.C. A tariff is recommended by our economists.D. The tariff is a government tax on imported goods.10. A. We had planned to sell $120,000 worth of this new product.B. We had a promotion plan for our product that costs $ 360,000.C. Originally, there were 3 promotion plans for the new product.D. The sales figure of our new product had reached a record high.11. A. Diana is fond of outdoor activities.B. Diana is well-paid for her hard work.C. Diana dislikes her job because it is tough.D. Diana considers her income to be mediocre.12. A. I'm not sure if you are responsible.B. I'm not content with the result of the meeting.C. I know the delay is not your fault.D. I think the flame of that fire is too high.13. A. The refrigerator was repaired by an old man.B. The refrigerator will be fixed if it is under warranty.C. Mrs. Green had her refrigerator fixed for nothing.D. Mrs. Green would have had the refrigerator repaired if she had warranty.14. A. George always tells the truth.B. George lives too far to visit us.C. It is kind of George to assist me in the filling station.D. It is worthwhile to make friends with George.15. A. The company's budget must be reduced reasonably next year.B. The company's production cost is expected to rise next year.C. The company has to stabilize its production cost.D. The company is likely to go bankrupt because of its limited budget.16. A. Prompt delivery of the goods before Christmas is the most important.B. Top priority should be given to the competitive and reasonable price of the goodsC. During Christmas, there will be a shopping craze for goods with good quality.D. Nothing is more important than the quality and price of the goods for Christmas.17. A. Let's continue the talk over dinner at 9 o'clock tonight.B. We have to work something out before 9 o'clock tomorrow.C. I propose a break until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.D. I'm sure we'll all calm down before 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.18. A. Our products cannot compete on the international market because of their higher prices.B. Our products exhibit greater competitiveness even though they lack advanced technology.C. Advanced technology will increase our expense to compete on the international market.D. Advanced technology contributes to the excellence and competitiveness of our products.19. A. Mr Parkinson never gives free investment consultations.B. Don't consult Mr Parkinson if your problem is about finance or investmentC. The advice Mr Parkinson offers is often of great importance to our investment.D. We should not invest in the company where Mr Parkinson is the CEO.20. A. Aging population is expected to double within decades.B. By 2020, 45% of the people in the country will be over sixty-five.C. Old people in this country can expect to live a longer life.D. In less than 20 years, 23 million more people will have to retire.Part Two Short conversations (10%)Directions: In Part Two, you will hear five short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation you will hear a question about what was said. The question will be spoken just once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Then you should mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.21. A. Surfing the net.B. Watching a talk show.C. Packing a birthday gift.D. Shopping at a jewelry store.22. A. He enjoys finding fault with exams.B. He is sure of his success in the exam.C. He doesn’t know if he can do well in the exam.D. He used to get straight A’s in the exams he took.23. A. The man is generous with his good comments on people.B. The woman is unsure if there will be peace in the world.C. The woman is doubtful about newspaper stories.D. The man is quite optimistic about human nature.24. A. She was exhausted from her trip.B. She missed the comforts of home.C. She was impressed by Mexican food.D. She will not go to Mexico again.25. A. Cheer herself up a bit.B. Find a more suitable job.C. Seek professional advice.D. Take a psychology course.Part Three Mini-talks (10%)Directions: In this part, you will hear a talk. After the talk, you will be asked five questions. The talk and questions will be read to you two times. They will not be written out for you, so you will have to listen carefully in order to understand what the speaker says. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your question paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question. Then you should mark your answer on the answer sheet. You will be given 10 seconds to answer each question.Question 26 – 30 are based on the following talk. Now listen carefully.26. A. Your family members, employees, clients, people over telephoneB. Your friends, colleagues, employers, shop assistantsC. Your family members, friends, employees, people over telephoneD. Both A and B27. A. the telephone, the teleprinter and the business letterB. the telephone, the telegraph and the business letterC. the telephone, direct contact and the business letterD. the teleprinter, direct contact and the business letter28. A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 D. 829. A. Telephone B. Speech C. Letter D. Telegram30. A. communication itself B. conversation itselfC. attention itselfD. listening itself。