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8. Advertising & Publicity Expenses: Party B shall bear all expenses for advertising and publicity within the aforementioned territory in the duration of this Agreement and submit to Party A all drafts and\or drawings intended for such purposes for prior approval. 9. Validity of Agreement: This Agreement, when duly signed by the parties concerned, shall remain in force for…to be effective as from…to…. If a renewal of this Agreement is desired, notice in writing should be given by either party within one month prior to its expiry. Should one of the parties fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the other party is entitled to terminate this Agreement.
How to write Agreement
• 一、协议书的定义和特点 • 协议书是社会组织或个人这间对某一问题或事项经过协商 取得一致意见后共同订立的明确相互权利义务关系的契约性文 书。协议书的双方或多方当事人可以是国家机关、社会团体, 也可以是企事业单位,还可以是公民个人,当然,具体到某一 种协议书时,也可能对签约的主体有限制。 • 协议书与其它协约文书相比,使用比较广泛,使用情况比 较复杂,在社会生活尤其是经济生活中。协议书和经济合同都 是双方或多方签订的确定相互权利的确定相互权利义务的协约 文书;一经双方签订并依法成立,既具有正式法律效力,双方 或多方都应依照规定承担各自的义务并享有各自应该当享有的 权利。如果某一方不履行双方约定的条款,另一方有权要求对 方履行。由于一方不履行约定条款给另一方造成损失的,另一 方有权要求对方作出赔偿。在实际经济生活中,两者之间没有 泾渭分明的界限。但对协议书和经济合同的使用也不作严格区 分。但在大多数情况下,协议书和经济合同的区别还是明确的。 归纳起来,协议书和经济合同大概有如下不同:
协议是具有法律效力的重要文件,一经签约,就要叫实执 行。因此,书写协议应前后衔接,内容明确,条文完整,逻 辑严密。协议书一般包括标题,立约当事人,正文,生效标 识四个部分。
1. 标题 (Title)
一般在“协议书”这一文种名前标明该当协议书的性质, 如“赔偿协议书(Compensation Agreement)”,“独家代理 协议书(Exclusive Agency Agreement)”等。
上述内容和格式并不是一成不变的,当事人可以根据各 自交易情况作必要的改动、增加和简略。例如: 1. 订约日期和地点也可以写在协议的末尾,订约地点、当 事人的合法依据和订约缘由也可以省略。 2. 基本条款的任务是体现各和协议的性质特点,它的内容 是随着协议的种类、标的、订约意图等的不同而互不相同的。 3. 协议的结尾条款的内容通常包括协议的份数、使用文字、 生效日期、见证人、协议当事人签名、盖印等。它的用词也 具有某些变通,因此,各种协议的结尾用语也是大同小异。 4. 其它条款用来规定某些特别事项或作某些必要的补充, 有则列出,无则省去。 下面我们就一篇完整的协议来看看协议书的格式,例:
协议书正文结束后,署上立约各方当事人的单位名称或个人姓名; 如果是单位,应同时署上代表人的姓名,然后署上协议书的签订日期, 并加盖机关印章,如果协议书有中间人或公证人的,也应署名盖章,内 容重要的协议书,可请公正处公证,由公证人员签署公证意见、公证单 位名称、公证人姓名、公证日期、并加盖公证机关印章。
Fra Baidu bibliotek
3. 正文 (Body) a. 定义条款(Definition clause) b. 基本条款 (Basic conditions) c. 一般条款 (General terms and conditions) d. 协议的有效期限 (Duration) e. 协议的终止 (Termination) f. 不可抗力 (Force Majeure) g. 协议的让与 (Assignment) h. 仲裁 (Arbitration) i. 适用的法律 (Governing law) j. 诉讼管辖 (Jurisdiction) k. 通知手续 (Notice) l. 完整条款 (“Entire agreement” clause) m. 协议的修改 (Amendment) n. 其它 (Others)
在标题下方写明协议各方当事人的单位名称或个人姓名。如 果是单位,可在单位名称后注明法定代表人姓名、地址、邮政编 码、电话号码等内容;如果是个人,可在姓名后注明性别、年龄、 职务等内容。注明的项目可视协议书的性质而定。在立约各方当 事人的前面或后面,一般应注明“甲方”、“乙方”等,以使协 议书正文简洁方便;“甲方”、“乙方”放在立约当事人名称或 姓名前面时应在其后加冒号,放在后面时可以在前后加括号。 Party A: Hua Wei Corporation Ltd. (Shenzhen, China) 甲 方: 华维有限责任公司(中国, 深圳) Party B: Novako Textile (Novi Sad, Serbia) 乙 方: Novako纺织品进出口公司(塞尔维亚, 诺维萨得)
Sole Agency Agreement
This Agreement is entered to between the parties concerned on the basis of equality and mutual benefit to develop business on terms and conditions agreed upon as follows: 1. The Parties Concerned: Supplier: China National ___Import and Export Corporation (hereinafter called Party A) Agent: ___Company (hereinafter called Party A) 2. Commodity and Quantity: Party A hereby appoint party B as their Sole Agent for the sale of … Party B shall undertake to achieve the sale of the aforesaid commodity not less than…in the duration of this Agreement. 3. Territory: In…only. 4. Confirmation of Orders: The quantities, prices and shipments concerning the commodity stated in this Agreement shall be confirmed in each transaction, the particulars of which will be shown in Party A’ S\C.
10. Arbitration:
All disputes arising from the execution of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiation between both parties. In the event that no settlement can be reached, the case in dispute shall then be submitted for arbitration to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, Beijing, in accordance with the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. The decision made by this Commission shall be regarded as final and is binding on both parties.
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协议书使有范围较广。 协议书的订约主体没有统一的限制。 协议书的时效比较灵活。 协议书的规范和度比经济合同低。
• •
随着社会和经济不断的发展,协议书的种类也在日益的 增多内容也在日趋完善。在这里具体要说的是英文协议书的 书写。而在英文协议书中常常涉及到的都是国际间的贸易往 来, 所以下面所说到的也都是有关涉外经济类的协议书。常见 的有:
• • • • •
劳务协议(Service Agreement) 独家代理协议(Exclusive Agency Agreement) 包销协议(Exclusive Distributorship Agreement) 信息转让协议 (Secrecy Agreement) 补偿贸易协议书 (Agreement on Compensation Trade)
2. 前文 (Preamble) a. 订约日期 (Date of signing) b. 订约当事人 (Signing parties) c. 当事人的合法依据 (Each party’s authority) d. 订约地点 (Place of signing) e. 订约缘由 (Recitals or WHEREAS clause)
5. Payment: After confirmation of an order, Party B shall arrange to open a 100% Irrevocable L\C, so that Party A may make preparations for shipment. 6. Commission A…per cent (…%)commission of Invoice value against each shipment will be remitted to Party B by Party A after receipt of the payment. 7. Reports on Market Conditions: Party B shall have the obligation to forward once every three months to Party A detailed reports on current market conditions and on consumers’ comments. For Party A’s reference, Party B shall, from time to time, forward to Party A samples of similar commodity offered by other suppliers, together with their prices, sales position and advertising material.
协议书正文一般可分为立约依据或缘由、双方约定内容 两部分: a . 立约依据或缘由。这是正文的开头,起到引出后文 的作用。 b. 双方约定内容 这是正文的主体部分,一般用条款式分条列项写出双方 协议商确定的具体内容。不同性质协议书所包括的条款也不 一样。因而协议书写作中具体应写明哪些条款要视协议书的 性质和双方协商的结果而定。对于少数涉及经济利益的协议 书,国家明确规定了应包括的条款,签约时应当遵守。 3. 结尾条款(WITNESS clause) a. 结尾语包括协议的份数、使用文字和效力等 (Concluding sentence) b. 签名(Signature) c. 盖印(Seal)