
7.3.3 Shiphandling in iceInformation
From publication: --Routing Chart(pilot Chart) --Sailing direction(Ice Report) --ICEATLAS --OCEAN ROUTES
7.3.3 Ship handling in iceinformation
7.1 ship handling in narrow channel
Negotiate a bend with fair current Negotiate a bend with unfair current --fair current helps the stern around a bend when it strikes the quarter. So the stern comes around at a greater rate. At the same time, the bow is assisted by the eddy currents reflected out of the bend
Ice Ice waters Information Operating in ice Ice damage
7.3.1 Ship handling in ice- Ice
Land Ice:Ice of land origin is formed on land by the freezing of freshwater or the compacting of snow as layer upon layer adds to the pressure on that beneath. Icebergs, growler,… Sea Ice:Sea ice forms by the freezing of seawater and accounts for 95 percent of all ice encountered.

《船舶操纵与避碰》课程标准课程代码:6251081课程名称:船舶操纵与避碰英文名称:Ship maneuvering and collision avoidance课程类型:必修课总学时:100 讲课学时:50 实践学时:50学分:5.5适用对象:三年制高职航海技术专业学生先修课程:船舶结构与货运、航海学1.前言1.1 课程性质与地位:《船舶操纵与避碰》课程是高等职业技术院校航海技术专业的一门专业核心课程。

B. Alter course to starboard.
C. Construct a radar plot.
D. Sound the danger signal.
[2458]A vessel is in sight of another vessel when ______.
A. power-driven vessel stopped and making no way through the water
B. vessel being towed
C. vessel restricted in her ability to maneuver at anchor
A. decrease speed
B. increase speed
C. turn to port for a vessel on her own port side
D. turn to starboard for a vessel on her own port side
A. through some exceptional circumstance is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules
B. from the nature of her work is unable to maneuver as required by the Rules
A. American Consul
B. Classification Society
C. Captain of the Port

第二阶段 (过渡阶段)
• 过渡阶段:转舵结束起到船舶进入定 常回转运动为止的动态过程
• 受力情况:随船舶横移、漂角增大, 作用于船体的流体力和力矩增大;
• 运动特点 : 斜航运动; 旋回加速; 纵向速度下降; 内倾渐渐向外倾变化。
• 定常阶段(steady turning) : 受力与运动处于稳定状态
– 在极限舵角的范围之内,操不同舵角时的旋回初径变 化情况,总的趋势是,随着舵角的减小,旋回初径将 会急剧增加,当然旋回时间也将增加。
– 对于不同的船舶,随着舵角的减小,旋回初径的增加 率是不一样的,其中舵的高宽比小的船舶,其旋回初 径的增加率较大。
操舵时间主要对船舶的进距影响较大,进距随操 舵时间的增加而增加;
• 降速幅度:
– 与旋回初径DT有密切的关系,DT/L值越小,旋回性越好, 降速越显著。
– 一般船舶旋回中的降速幅度大约为旋回操舵前船舶速度的 25%~50%,而旋回性能很好的超大型油轮最大可达到原 航速的65%。
3. 横倾(list)
– 船舶操舵不久,将因舵力横倾力矩而出现少量内倾; – 接着由于船舶旋回惯性离心力矩的作用,内倾将变为外倾; – 因横向摇摆惯性的存在将产生最大的外倾角θmax,最大外
第一章 船舶操纵性能
• 第一节 船舶旋回性能 • 第二节 船舶航向稳定性和保向性 • 第三节 船舶变速运动性能 • 第四节 船舶操纵性能试验 • 第五节 IMO船舶操纵性衡准的基本内容
第一节 船舶旋回性能
• 在实际操船中,对舵的使用大致可分为小舵角的 保向操纵、一般舵角的转向操纵及大舵角的旋回 操纵三种。定速直航的船舶操某一大舵角后进入 定常旋回的运动性能称为船舶的旋回性能,它是 船舶操纵性当中极为重要的一种性能。

根据试验,当底质为泥沙时,锚的抓力于 链长、水深的关系如下表
出链长度/水深 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5
抓力/锚在空气中 的重量
单锚泊抓力 单锚泊时的锚抓力可用下式表达: P=Pa+Pc=λwa+λwcl
Y (Y 2T0 ) Wc
经验公式: (1)当风速为20M/S时,出链长度为:
Lc 3H90m
Lc 4H14m 5
3.港内锚地锚泊所需水 域
单锚泊旋回半径R=船 长L+实际出链长度 Lc
船间最小安全距离 D=L2+2LC2
4.岸吸与岸推 岸吸:船在狭窄航道的一侧与
陆岸平行航行时,船体与岸 壁之间流速增大,形成低压 区。螺旋桨盘面吸入流与排 出流的作用,靠岸的一边前 面的水来不及补充,水位下 降其压力较外舷低,产生岸 吸现象 岸推:船前进时推水向左右两 侧,靠岸一侧受岸壁阻挡, 扩散不开,形成高水位;另 一侧水流扩散快水位较低, 造成船首向外偏的现象。
P 1 2w C yw L w d(u y v c)2 1 2aC ya B av a 2
所需拖轮马力的简易估算方法: 总的拖轮马力=船舶载重吨X10%
1.锚的用途 锚泊 港内用锚助操 1).抑制船速 2).控制船身横向移动 3).协助调头 4).稳住船首 应急操纵上的使用 1).避免碰撞、触礁、上滩 2).保证狭水道航行安全时使用 3).海上漂滞使用 4).系泊时缓和船体受外力的摇动 5).搁浅后固定船体以及协助脱浅

PART D : Sound and Light Signals
Rule 32: Definitions 定义 Rule 33: Equipment for Sound Signals声响设备
Rule 34 : Manoeuvring and Warning Signals 操纵与警告信号
International Regulation for Preventing Collision
at Sea, 1972
(COLREG 72 )
Structure of COLREG 72
5 Parts (章) 38 Rules (条) 4 Annex (附录)
vessels upon the high seas and in all
waters connected therewith
navigable by seagoing vessels.
Special rules made by authority
with the high seas and navigable by seagoing
vessel. Such special rules shall conform as
closely as possible to these Rules. 本规则各条,
Conduct of Vessels in Restricted Visibility
船舶值班与避碰 英文讲义

Rule1Application( Including Five Items)第一条适用范围( 共有5 款)Applied vessels and waters适用的船舶与水域a)These rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels.(本规则适用于在公海和连接公海而可供海船航行的一切水域中的一切船舶)Special rules made by authority主管机构指定的特殊规则(b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbour, river, lakes and inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by seagoing vessel. Such special rules shall conform as closely as possible to these Rules.本规则各条,不妨碍有关主管机关为连接公海而可供海船航行的一切水域的任何港外锚地、港口、江河、湖泊及内陆水道制定的特殊规定的实施。
这些特殊规定,应尽可能符合本规则各条Special rules made by Government政府指定的特殊规则(c) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of specialrules made by the with respect to additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals for ships of war and vessels proceeding under convoy, or with respect with to additional station or signal lights, shapes for fishing vessels engaged in fishing as a fleet. These additional station or signal lights, shapes or whistle signals shall, as far as possible, be such that they cannot be mistaken for any light, shape or signal authorized elsewhere under these Rules.本规则各条,不妨碍各国政府为军舰及护航下的船舶所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯、号型或笛号、或者为结对从事捕鱼的渔船所制定的关于额外的队形灯、信号灯或号型的任何特殊规定的实施。

• 背离的条件 • 危险确实存在 ; • 危险必须是紧迫的; • 背离是合理的; • 背离是必要的;
• “背离”是规则所期望和要求的 • “背离规则”采取行动的目的是避免紧迫危险(必要条件) • 紧迫危险可以理解为必须立即采取行动才能避免而不能再拖延等待的危险。
• 规则(某些关于局面的条款)不适用的情况,此 时不应理解为需要或可能需要背离规则,因为规 则既然不适用,就不存在背离的问题;
• 背离条款 • 其中心内容是应充分考虑到某些危险和特殊情况下为避免紧迫危险可能需要背离 规则某些条款的情况。 • 应考虑情况: • 航行的危险 • 碰撞的危险 • 特殊情况
• 背离条款的制定更多地体现了《规则》的技术性质。 • 由于《规则》各条系属于一般典型情况的规定,尚还不能适应实际可能发生危险的所
• 第一章 总 则(Part A – General )
• 第一条 适用范围(Application) • 第二条 责任(Responsibility) • 第三条 一般定义(General Definitio
• 技术规范 • 海上航行规则 • 避碰行为指南 • 避碰经验(或碰撞事故教训)总结和良好船艺的精华
• 例如:
• 未进行雷达标绘或与其相当的系统观测; • 把雷达放在12海里档,而未发现近距离来船
; • 采取避让行动时,对航向作了一连串的小变
动的做法; • 狭水道航行,没有靠右航行;企图追越的船
在鸣放追越声号后,未听到被追越船的声号 而强行追越;
• 例如:
• 能见度不良没有鸣放相应的雾号; • 雾中,机动船未备车; • 直航船未鸣放“五短声”怀疑警告声号,即
课件:Unit 7-L3

• The ship will thus be much easier to incline and will not tend to return so quickly to the initial position. The time period will nd a ship, for example 30 to 35 seconds, in this condition is said to be 'tender'.
• 一个漂浮的物体,比如一艘船在水里像一个钟摆 一样来回摆动。船有一个决定其在水中摆动速度 的自然频率。
• 这个频率取决于结束时摆臂摆的质量,比如说质 量较大会造成较慢的摇摆速度。
• When a ship heels, or tilts to one side, its center of buoyancy moves to the side. The metacenter is the point at which a vertical line through the heeled ship's center of buoyancy intersects with the vertical line through the upright ship's center of buoyancy.
• 这样船舶就会更容易倾斜并且不会迅速复原到初 始位置。时间周期会较长,比如说30到35秒,在 这种情况下,我们说船舶是“易倾斜的”。
• As before, this condition is not desirable and steps should be taken to increase the GM by lowering the effective centre of gravity of the ship.

3.1.1 the rudder force
PN=576.2ARυR2sinδ χ/b=0.195+0.305sin
3.1.3 steering with the rudder
The rudder itself does not provide the entire force required for a change of course
The resolution of the equation
r Ce
3.3.2 Factors affecting inherent dynamic stability
T=IZZ/a mass and its distribution the under water form of hull trim Draft block coefficients
3. Rudder and course control
Rudder and rudder force Turning ability Directional stability Test of maneuverability IMO interim standards for ship Maneuverability
Model test Test conditions Trial of some required maneuvers
Spiral maneuver Pull-out maneuver
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.3.3Initial turning ability, Course keeping ability and yaw checking ability
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Rudder angle Rudder area Loading condition Speed wind, current, wave, shallow water and even hull fouling
3.4 Test of maneuverability
Model test Test conditions Trial of some required maneuvers
Spiral maneuver Pull-out maneuver
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.4 Test of maneuverability
Block coefficient
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Motive power
The turning circle will not increase by any considerable margin with an increase in speed, because the steering effect is increased over the same period
3.2.3 Pivot point
a point on the centerline about which the ship turns when the rudder is put over. ¼ of the length from the forward (or stern)
a) Ship stopped, on even keel
The advance The diameter of turning circle The kick: man overboard The reach: the latest point where the rudder me be used
3.3 Directional stability
3.1 rudder and rudder force
Rudder Ruder force
3.1.1 Rudder
conventional rudder Becker or flap rudder Jastram rotor rudder Schilling rudder
3.1.1 Rudder
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Even keel or list over If a vessel is carrying a list, it can be expected to make a larger turning circle when turning towards the list, and vice-versa
The resolution of the equation
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
r Ce
3.3.2 Factors affecting inherent dynamic stability
T=IZZ/a mass and its distribution the under water form of hull trim Draft block coefficients
3.3.3Initial turning ability, Course keeping ability and yaw checking ability
Initial turning ability: the change-of-heading
response to a moderate helm ; coursechange ability Course-keeping ability: a measure of the ability of the steered ship to maintain a straight path in a predetermined course direction without excessive oscillations of rudder or heading Yaw checking ability: a measure of the response to counter-rudder applied in a certain state of turning
3.2.1 Turning Circle
3.2.1 Turning Circle
Advance Transfer Tactical diameter Final diameter Kick
Drift angle
Drift angle
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Becker or flap rudder
Fig. 3.2 Becker flap rudder
3.1.1 Rudder
Jastram rotor rudder
Fig. 3.3 Jastram rotor rudder
3.1.1 Rudder
The Schilling rudder
3.1.1 the rudder force
3.3.4 factors affecting course
keeping and changing and yaw checking ability
t1 k 0 (t (T )) 2
Factors affecting …
3.3.4 factors affecting …
3. Rudder and course control
Rudder and rudder force Turning ability Directional stability Test of maneuverability IMO interim standards for ship Maneuverability
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Structural design and length
-- The longer the ship generally, the greater the turning circle --The smaller the clearance between rudder and hull the more effective the turning action
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Rudder angle
rudder angle: small, a large turning circle will result, with little loss of speed; large rudder angle , accompanied by a loss of speed.
Inherent dynamic stability Initial turning ability, Course keeping ability and yaw checking ability
3.3 Directional stability
dynamic stability statical course stability
b) Making headway P
1/4 L c) Making sternway P
1/4 L Fig. 3.7 The Pivot Point
3.2.4 Coupled motion when turn
Loss of speed on turn
Heel on turn
3.2.4 Coupled motion when turn
Equation for turning
r k Tr
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Structural design and length Draught and trim Motive power Distribution and stowage of cargo Even keel or list over Available depth of water Rudder angle Drift angle and influencing forces
3.2.2 Factors affecting turn
Available depth of water: the
advance, the corresponding final diameter ,the transfer will be increased as the depth of water be shallower
3.4 Test of maneuverability
3.1.1 the rudder force
PN=576.2ARυR2sinδ χ/b=0.195+0.305sin
3.1.3 steering with the rudder
The rudder itself does not provide the entire force required for a change of course
Loss of speed on turn
3.2.4 Coupled motion when turn
Heel on turn
E Rudder H
Fr K
Fig. 3.9 Forces producing heel when turning