模拟联合国 立场书【position paper】阿富汗

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Position Paper

Committee ESC

Topic neo-interventionism

Country Afghanistan

Delegates Li xin tong & Sun yi xiu

Introduction: With the development of the whole world integration, every country's economy dealings and connection have been gradually closer, “responsible protection” has appeared from this also. Besides, economy benefit and the war that often breaks out unceasingly are also the important reasons why the so-called “responsible protection” exists.

Afghanistan is such a badly off, war-ridden the people life country. Since ancient times, Afghanistan has already been the main hub for national migration, cultural integration and trading. As the connection between Eurasia and the Middle East, Afghanistan has been suffering badly fire damage for 30 years because of its strategic location. The chaos caused by war leads us to be controlled by the de veloped countries like America and its “neo-interventionism”.

New Interventionism is the recent form of hegemonism under the situation of Globalization. Its purpose is to set the so called Global New Order under the leadership of the U.S. New interventionism, being the primary threat to world peace and international order, is on the basis of American political, military, economic and cultural hegemony, which is not bond, restricted and balanced by international ethics, international order and other international forces.

Early during the cold war, the United States stationed a garrison in Afghanistan.

After the “9·11” incident, the United States launched the war against Afghanistan and Iraq in the name of “anti-terrorism”. The U.S. government has showed a strong inclination to enter into the so-called second stage of the anti terrorist war and topped down the Afghanistan existing government.

Thirty years of continuous wars and the biggest drought in the past several decades have made Afghanistan one of the countries where refugee problems are the most serious.

And now Afghanistan has not regained full stability. The essential problem for Afghanistan has always been the foreigners. It is their meddling that creates these wars.
