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I. 关键词语选择(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)


1.The teacher asks me to take notes with a pencil.

2.As students, we should keep our school clean and tidy.

3.You may receive more information later.

4.My parents hope to buy a house with a garden.

5.The football match has to be put off until tomorrow.

II. 短对话理解(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


6.W:Excuse me. How can I get to the museum?

M:You can take a No.2 bus there.

7.W:I’ve watched a nice film about elephants.

M:Really? Elephants are so lovely. .

8.M:There’s a strong wind today.

W:I agree. I feel like I’m going to fly away in it.

9.W:Excuse me. Could I have the time?

M:Sure. It’s a quarter to nine.

10.W:Do you know Li Ming?

M:Yes. He is my neighbour. He is a policeman.

11.W:Hello, this is Jane. May I speak to Jill?

M:Hold on, please.

12.M:I’m hungry. Do you want to make food or just go out tonight?

W:Let’s stay in and cook by ourselves.

13.W:The beef looks nice. I’ll take it.

M:Ten dollars, please.

14.W:I need to go to hospital. I feel terrible.

M:Oh, dear! Let’s go in my car right now.

15.W:Dad, I’m afraid I can’t give the talk in front of all my classmates.

M:Take it easy. I’m with you all the way.

III. 长对话理解。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)



W:Hi, Mike! What a nice bike!

M:Thank you, Lucy. I ride it every day.

W:Great! Riding a bike helps keep fit.

M:That’s true. Do you take exercise, too?

W:Yes, I go swimming twice a week.


M:I need a T-shirt to match my jeans, Ann.

W:Do you like a cotton one or a silk one, Ben?

M:I like cotton ones better.

W:Me, too. What colour would you like?


W:Oh, white gets dirty so easily. What about blue or red?

M:But white is my favourite.

W:All right. You decide. By the way, would you help me choose a gift for my brother?

M:With pleasure. Friends should always help each other.



I love my school. It’s a small one in the countryside with only six classes. We have no sports field. After class we usually play on the grass. Our maths teacher, Mr Green , is a great teacher. We call him Uncle Green, because he is like our uncle. He always says to us ‘’Have fun playing’’. And we learn a lot in his class from playing games. It is very interesting . The other teacher are great, too. Our English teacher, Ms Allen, uses songs and stories to help us learn new words. Our PE teacher, Mr King, loves to climb trees, Here’s a photo of us. You can see Mr King sitting in the tree. The others are standing under the tree. We are like a family.



Students in Canada have one week of spring break every year. It usually happens in April. During this week, students may watch TV, do sports, or travel with family. But this year I took part in an activity for two days.

On the first day, we helped some kids with their work. On the second day, we went to a house for old people. We did a lot for them. And then they told us their own stories.

This spring break helps me learn how to give. And I’ ve got something back --- happiness. I will spend my next spring break helping more people.
