

Specification of CTM-7002


弹簧术语-中英文对照 给你一个术语参照,对着看吧弹簧术语-中英文对照 线径Wire diameter(d) 外径Outside of diameter(O.D) 内径Inside of diameter(I.D) 中心径Mean coil diameter(C.D) 有效圈数Active coil Number(Na) 总圈数Total number of coils(Nt) 自由长度Free length(F.L) 自由高度Free height 自由角度Free angle 卷方向Winding 右旋Right hand screw 左旋Left hand screw 材质Material 一般钢线SWC 琴钢线SWP-B(For press force) SWP-A(For pull force) 不锈钢线Stainless steel 闭端研磨Closed and ground 低温热处理Low temperature heat treatment 万能材料试机Universal test machine 安全荷重Total safe load 最大荷重Maximum load 压时之荷重Load at pressing length 防锈油Prevent rust oil 电镀Electroplating 电解Electrolytic 镀洛Chroming 镀锌Zinc-plating 五彩镀锌Colored-plating 染黑Black-dyeing 烤漆Paint drying 钝化Passivating 永久变形Permanent Set 斜率Rate(R) 移除Remove 立定处理Setting 应力消除Stress relieve


ABS 资产担保证券(Asset Backed Securities的英文缩写)Accelerated depreciation 加速折旧 Acceptor 承兑人;受票人;接受人 Accommodation paper 融通票据;担保借据 Accounts payable 应付帐款 Accounts receivable 应收帐款 Accredited Investors 合资格投资者;受信投资人 指符合美国证券交易委员(SEC)条例,可参与一般美国非公开 (私募)发行的部份机构和高净值个人投资者。 Accredit value 自然增长值 Accrediting 本金增值 适用于多种工具,指名义本金在工具(如上限合约、上下限合 约、掉期和互换期权)的期限内连续增长。 Accrual basis应计制;权责发生制 Accrued interest 应计利息 ACE 美国商品交易所 Acid Test Ratio 酸性测验比率;速动比率 Acquisition 收购 Across the board 全面一致;全盘的 Acting in concert 一致行动;合谋 Active assets 活动资产;有收益资产 Active capital 活动资本 Actual market 现货市场 Actual price 现货价 Actual useful life 实际可用年期 Actuary 精算师;保险统计专家 ADB 亚洲开发银行 (Asian Development Bank的英文缩写) ADR 美国存股证;美国预托收据;美国存托凭证(参见American Depository Receipt栏目) ADS 美国存托股份 (American Depository Share的英文缩写) Ad valorem 从价;按值 Ad valorem stamp duty 从价印花税


塑胶模具类中英文对照专业术语工程部/ Design department: 1) Designer - 设计师。 2) Assembly drawing - 模具组装图。 3) Mold layout - 模具结构图。 4) 2D product drawing - 2D产品图。 5) 3D product data - 3D产品数据。 6) Part drawing - 散件图。 7) Insert molding - 镶件模。 8) 2 color mold / Double injection tool - 双色模。 9) Hydraulic system - 油/水压系统。 10) Parting line - 分模线。 11) Air venting - 排气槽。 12) Cooling system - 冷却系统。 13) Screw - 镙丝。 14) Hot runner system - 热流道。 15) Valve gate - 伐针入水口。 16) Fan gate - 扇型入水口。 17) Pin point gate - 针点进胶。 18) Moon gate / Banana gate - 香蕉,象牙入水口。 19) Submarine gate - 潜水口。 20) Injection machine tonnage - 注塑机吨数。 21) Number of cavity - 穴数。 22) Steel - 钢材。 23) Copper - 铜。 24) Tungsten copper - 钨铜。 25) Beryllium copper - 铍铜。 26) Hardening - 加硬/淬火。 27) Tempering - 回火。


Back-door listing 借壳上市 Back-end load 撤离费;后收费用 Back office 后勤办公室 Back to back FX agreement 背靠背外汇协议 Balance of payments 国际收支平衡;收支结余 Balance of trade 贸易平衡 Balance sheet 资产负债表 Balance sheet date 年结日 Balloon maturity 到期大额偿还 Balloon payment 期末大额偿还 Bank, Banker, Banking 银行;银行家;银行业 Bank for 国际结算银行 International Settlements (BIS) Bankruptcy 破产 Base day 基准日 Base rate 基准利率 Basel Capital Accord 巴塞尔资本协议 Basis Point (BP) 基点;点子 一个基点等如一个百分点(%)的百分之一。 举例:25个基点=0.25% Basis swap 基准掉期 Basket of currencies 一揽子货币 Basket warrant 一揽子备兑证 Bear market 熊市;股市行情看淡 Bear position 空仓;空头 Bear raid 疯狂抛售 Bearer 持票人 Bearer stock 不记名股票 Behind-the-scene 未开拓市场 Below par 低于平值 Benchmark 比较基准

Benchmark mortgage pool 按揭贷款基准组合 Beneficiary 受益人 Bermudan option 百慕大期权 百慕大期权介乎美式与欧式之间,持有人有权在到期日前的一 个或多个日期执行期权。 Best practice 最佳做法;典范做法 Beta (Market beta) 贝他(系数);市场风险指数 Bid 出价;投标价;买盘 指由买方报出表示愿意按此水平买入的一个价格。 Big Band 金融改革 Bill of exchange 汇票 Bills department 押汇部 Binary 二元制;二进法(只有两个可能的结果) Binary option 二元期权 又称数字期权或非全有即全无期权。如果基础工具满足预先确 定的启动条件,二元期权将支付一个固定金额,在其他情形下 则不支付任何收益。 BIS 国际结算银行 (Bank for International Settlements的英文缩写) Blackout period 封锁期 Block trade 大额交易;大宗买卖 Blue chips 蓝筹股 Blue Sky [美国] 蓝天法;股票买卖交易法 Board of directors 董事会 Bona fide buyer 真诚买家 Bond market 债券市场,债市 Bonds 债券,债票 Bonus issue 派送红股 Bonus share 红股;红利股票 Book close date 截止过户日期 Book closure period 停止过户期间 Book value 帐面值 Bookbuilding 建立投资者购股意愿档案;建档;询价圈购 [股市] 包销商用以定价一笔发行的方法。包销商在促销活动结 束后把所收集的初步购股订单一一记下,然后根据投资者愿意 支付的价格水平订定最终发行价。 Bookrunner 投资意愿建档人;帐簿管理人


与篮球相关的英文词汇 篮球:basketball 1.篮球场上的位置 控球后卫Point guard (PG) (1) 得分后卫Shooting guard (SG) (2) 大前锋Power forward (PF) (4) 中锋Center (C) (5) 2.常用术语 运球:dribble 双手交替运球-crossover 投篮命中率-field goalds(FGs) 三分球命中率-3-point FGs 盖帽-blocking 失误-turnovers 罚球-foul shot 篮板-rebound 攻方篮板-off.rebounds 守方篮板-def.rebounds 助攻-assists 争球-jump ball 攻方-offense

守方-defence 暂停-time-out 撞人犯规-charging 阻挡犯规-holding 推人犯规-pushing 技术犯规-technical offence(fouls)常规赛-regular season 季后赛-playoff 卡位-screens 人盯人-men-to-men defense 区域防守-zone defense 打成平分-tie 加时赛-overtime(OT) 3. 各种投篮方式 (slam) dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮(verb) fade-away shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮

perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 three-point shot:三分球 4. 各种统计术语 assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿 defensive rebound:防守篮板球 field goal percentage:投球命中率 field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率 free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截 three-point shot percentage:三分球命中率turnover:失误 5. 场地装备篇 backboard:篮板 back court:后场 freethrow lane:罚球圈,禁区


冲模stamping die 冲裁模blanking die 落料模blanking die 冲孔模piercing die 修边模trimming die 切口模notching die 切口模lancing die 剖切模parting die 精修模shaving die 精冲fine blanking die 切断模cut-off die 弯曲模bending die 预弯模pre-bending die 卷边模curling die 扭曲模twisting die 拉伸模drawing die 反拉伸模reverse redrawing die 正拉伸模obverse redrawing die 变薄拉伸ironing die 成形模forming die 胀形模bulging die 压筋模stretching die 翻边模flanging die 翻孔模burring die 缩口模necking die 扩口模flaring die 整形模restriking die 压印模printing die 复合模compound die 正装复合模obverse…倒装复合模inverse… 级进模progressive die 单工序模single-operation die 无导向模open die 导板模guide plate die 导柱模guide pillar die 通用模universal die 自动模automatic die 组合冲模combined die 传递模transfer die 镶块模insert die 柔性模flexible die 多功能模multifunction die 简易模low-cost die 橡胶冲模rubber die 钢带模steel strip die 低熔点合金模low-melting-point al 薄板模laminate die 夹板模template die 校平模planishing die 齿形校平模roughed.. 硬质合金模carbide die 上模upper die 下模lower die 模架die set 通用模架universal die set 快换模架quick change die set 后侧导柱模架back-pillar die set 对角导柱模架diagonal-pillar die set 精冲模架fine blanking die set 滑动导向模架sliding guide die set 滚动导向模架ball-bearing die set 工作零件working component 凸模punch 定距侧刃pitch punch 凸凹模main punch 镶件insert 拼块section 软模soft die 定位零件locating component 定位销locating pin 定位板locating plate 挡料销stop pin 始用挡料销finger stop pin 导正销pilot pin 抬料销Lifter pin 导料板stock guide rail 侧刃挡块stop block for pitch punch 止退键stop key 侧压板Side-push plate . 限位块limit block 限位柱limit post 压料clamping 卸料stripping 送料feeding 卸料版stripper plate 固定卸料板fixed stripper plate 弹性卸料板spring stripper plate 推件块ejector block 顶件块kicker block 顶杆kicker pin 推板ejector plate 推杆ejector pin 连接推杆ejector tie rod 打料杆knock-out pin 卸料螺钉stripper bolt 拉杆tie rod 托杆cushion pin 托板support pin 废料切刀scrap cutter 顶料器cushion 承料板stock-supporting plate 压料板pressure plate 压边圈blank holder 齿圈压板vee-ring plate 推件板slide feed plate 自动送料装置automatic feeder 导向零件guide component 导柱guide pillar 导套guide bush 滚柱导柱ball-bearing.. 滚柱导套ball-bearing.. 钢球保持圈cage 制动件retainer 导板guide plate 滑块slide block 耐磨板wear plate 凸模保护套punch-protecting Bushing 固定零件retaining component 上模座punch holder 下模座die holder 凸模固定板punch plate 预应力圈shrinking ring 垫板bolster plate 模柄die shank 浮动模柄self-centering shank 斜楔cam driver 模具间隙clearance 模具闭合高度die shut height 最大闭合高度maximum shut heigt 闭合高度调节量adjustable distance 冲模寿命die life 压力中心load center 冲模中心die center 冲压方向pressing direction 送料方向feed direction 排样blank layout 搭边web 步距feed pitch 切边余量trimming allowance 毛刺burr 塌角die roll 光亮带smooth cut zone 冲裁力blanking force 弯曲力bending force 拉深力drawing force 卸料力stripping force 推件力ejecting force 顶件力kicking force .


根据国家规范,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的规范翻译。 动模Movable Mould Moving Half 定模座板Fixed Clamp Plate Top Clamping Plate Top Plate 动模座板Moving Clamp Plate Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom Plate 上模座板Upper Clamping Plate 下模座板Lower Clamping Plate 凹模固定板Cavity-retainer Plate 型芯固定板Mould Core-retainer Plate 凸模固定板Punch-retainer Plate模套Die Body Die Sleeve Die Blank支承板Backing Plate Support Plate 垫块Spacer Parallel 支架Ejector Housing Mould Base Leg模头Die Head 模具分类8 Injection Mold 注塑模Plastic Rubber Mould 塑胶模Rubber Molding 橡胶成 形 Hot Chamber Die Casting 热室压铸Sand Mold Casting 砂模铸造 Extrusion Mold 挤出模Multi-Cavity Mold 多模穴模具 Palletizing Die 叠层模Plaster Mold 石膏 模Three Plates Mold 三板模Plain Die 简易模Pierce Die 冲孔模 Forming Die 成型模Progressive Die 连续模 Gang Dies 复合模Shearing Die 剪边模Cavity Die 型腔模 Riveting Die 铆合模Compression Molding 压缩成型Flash Mold 溢流式模具 Extrusion Mold 挤压式模具Split Mold 分割式模具Mould Cavity 型腔母模Mold Core 模芯公模Large Die Mold 大型模具Precise Die Mold 精密模具 Complex Die Mold 复杂模具Foaming Mould 发泡模具 Metal Die 金属模具Plastic Mold 塑料模具Tool Stamping Die Punch Die 冲压模具 Extrusion Die 挤压模具Graphite Die 石墨模具流道浇口部分Runner System 浇道系统Sprue Cold Material Trap 浇道冷料井Sprue Puller 拉杆 Runner Design 流道设计Main Runner 主流道 Secondary Runner 次流道Mould Gate Design 浇口设 计 Submarine Gate 潜伏浇口Tunnel Gate 隧道式浇口Pinpoint Gate 点浇口Fan Gate 扇形浇口 Side Gate 侧浇口Edge Gate 侧缘浇口 Tab Gate 搭接浇口Film Gate 薄膜浇口Flash Gate 闸门浇口Slit Gate 缝隙浇口 Dish Gate 盘形浇口Diaphragm Gate 隔膜浇口 Ring Gate 环形浇口Runnerless 无浇道 Sprueless 无射料管方式Long Nozzle 延长喷嘴方式 Sprue 浇口,溶渣Insulated/ Hot Runner 热浇 道Runner Plat 浇道模块Valve Gate阀门浇口Slag Well 冷料井Cold Slag 冷料渣 Sprue Gate 射料浇口Nozzle 射嘴 Sprue Lock Pin 料头钩销(拉料杆)注塑缺陷Flash 飞边Warpage 翘曲Air Trap 积风Blush 发赤Flow Line 流痕Splay 银纹Short Shot 短射Sink Mark 缩痕Streak 条纹Void 缩孔Weld Line 熔接线 Gas Mark 烧焦Cold Slug 冷斑Delamination 起皮Burr 毛刺Flaw Scratch 刮伤Gloss 光泽 Glazing 光滑Surface Check 表面裂痕Hesitation 迟滞注塑工艺Molding Conditions 成型条件Drying 烘干Barrel Temperature 料筒温度Melt Temperature 熔化温度 Mold Temperature 模具温度Injection Pressure 注塑压力Back Pressure 背压Injection Speed 注塑速度Screw Speed 螺杆转速Tensile Strength 抗拉强度T ensile Elongation 延伸率Flexural Modulus 弯曲模Flexural Strength 抗弯强度Shrinkage 收缩率Regrind Usage 次料使用Moulding 模塑机械设备 Lathe 车床Planer 刨床Miller / Milling Machine 铣床Grinder 磨床Driller 钻床Linear Cutting 线切割Electrical Sparkle 电火花Welder 电焊机Punching Machine 冲床Robot 机械手Common Equipment 常用设备EDM Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工3D Coordinate Measurement 三次元量床Boring Machine 搪孔机Contouring Machine 轮廓锯床Copy Grinding Machine 仿形磨床Cylindrical Grinding Machine 外圆磨床Die


Plan: Type of qualified retirement plan in which employees make salary reduced, pre-tax contributions to an employee trust. In many cases, the employer will match employee contributions up to a specified level. - A - "A" Round : A financing event whereby venture capitalists invest in a company that was previously financed by founders and/or angels. The "A" is from Series "A" Preferred stock. See "B" round. Accredited Investor: Defined by Rule 501 of Regulation D, an individual (i.e. non-corporate) "accredited investor" is either a natural person who has individual net worth, or joint net worth with the person's spouse, that exceeds $1 million at the time of the purchase OR a natural person with income exceeding $200,000 in each of the two most recent years or joint income with a spouse exceeding $300,000 for those years and a reasonable expectation of the same income level in the current year. For the complete definition of accredited investor, see the SEC website. Accrued Interest: The interest due on preferred stock or a bond since the last interest payment was made. Acquisition: The process of gaining control, possession or ownership of a private portfolio company by an operating company or conglomerate. ACRS: Accelerated Cost Recovery System. The IRS approved method of calculating depreciation expense for tax purposes. Also known as Accelerated Depreciation. Adjustment Condition: An adjustment condition occurs if the company does not close on an equity investment in the company for a minimum of $xxx, net of brokerage fees, on or before a series of other predetermined events, i.e. delivery of term sheet to preferred stockholders. ADR: American Depositary Receipt (ADR's). A security issued by a U.S. bank in place of the foreign shares held in trust by that bank, thereby facilitating the trading of foreign shares in U.S. markets. Advisory Board: A group of external advisors to a private equity group or portfolio company. Advice provided varies from overall strategy to portfolio valuation. Less formal than a Board of Directors.


弹簧图纸上常用的英文术语玖胜五金弹簧有限公司介绍英文弹簧图纸常用术语线径:Wire Diameter 内径:Inner Diameter 外径:Outer Diameter 小外径:Small Outer Diameter 大外径:Big Outer Diameter 中径:Mean Diameter 自由高度:Free Length 压并高度:Block Length 有效圈数:Active Coils 总圈数:Total Coils 圈数:Turns 节距:Pitch 展开长度:Wire Length 旋向:Coiled way/Coiling Direction 右旋:Rigth 左旋:Left 原材料:RAW-Material 材料规格:Material Specification 琴钢线:Music Wire 横弹性系数G: Shearing modulus

纵弹性系数E:Elasticity modulus 备注:Note 描述:Designation 公差:Tolerance 一般公差:General Tolerance 线性:Linear 角度:Angular 视角:Perspective 第三角法:3RD.Angle's/Third Angle Projection 参数:Parameter 比例:Scale 单位:Unit 地址:Site 尺寸:Size 日期:Date 绘图:Drawn by 绘图日期:Date Drawn 设计:Designed 校对:Checked/Check by 批准:Approved 修改:Modification 标准化:Standardized

NBA 篮球术语 中英文对照

NBA 篮球专业术语中英文对照 投篮方式篇: 扣篮:dunk 擦板球:bank shot 拉杆式投篮:double pump 后仰式投篮:fade-away shot 钩射投篮:hook shot 跳投:jump shot 带球上篮:layup 中距离投篮:perimeter shot 立定投篮:set shot 三分投篮:three-point shot 统计术语篇: 助攻:assist 盖帽:block shot 篮板球:rebound 防守篮板:defensive rebound 投篮命中:field goal 投篮命中率:field goal percentage 罚球:free trrow 进攻篮板:offensive rebound 得分:scoring 抢断:steal 三分球命中率:three-point shot percentage 失误:turn over 场地装备篇: 篮板、篮架:backboard 篮筐:hoop 篮网:net 篮圈、篮框:rim 记录台、记分台:scoring table 前场:front court 中场:mid-court 后场:back court 罚球圈:freethrow lane 罚球线:freethrow line 罚球区:painted area 合理冲撞区:restricted area near the basket 比赛用时钟:game clock 中场休息时间:halftime

时限钟(24秒计时器):shot clock 三分线:three-point line 靠近进去顶端的三分球线附近:top of the circle 左右底线区域:wing 动作篇 (throw a) baseball pass:(快攻时)长传 (shoot) an air ball:(投)篮外空心球,“面包“ behind-the-back dribble:背后(换手)运球carrying the ball:“翻球” cross-leg dribble:胯下运球 dribble:运球 driving to the hoop:带球上篮 four-point play:投进3分球后因被犯规再罚进一分hacking:打手犯规 holding:拉手犯规 make the basket:投篮得分 make the hoop:投篮得分 monster dunk:狂猛灌篮 nothing but the net:空心球(入篮) palming:“翻球” reverse dunk:倒灌篮 reverse lay-up:反手走篮 shoot behind the arc:投三分球 score a basket:投篮得分 swish:空心球(入篮) tap in:托球入篮 three-point play:投进2分球后因被犯规再罚进一分球队球员篇 assistant coach:助理教练 backcourt:后卫组(包括控球后卫及得分后卫)backup:后备(替换,支持)球员 bench:(指全体)后备(替换,支持)球员bench player:(指个人)后备(替换,支持)球员center中锋(又称5号位置球员) coach:教练 frontline:锋线(包括大前锋,小前锋,中锋) GM(general manager):球队经理 Mascot:球队吉祥物


循证医学名词术语中英文对照 安全性Safety 半随机对照试验quasi- randomized control trial,qRCT 背景问题background questions 比值比odds ratio,OR 标准化均数差standardized mean difference, SMD 病例报告case report 病例分析case analysis 病人价值观patient value 病人预期事件发生率patient’s expected event rate, PEER 补充替代医学complementary and alternative medicine, CAM 不良事件adverse event 不确定性uncertainty Cochrane图书馆Cochrane Library, CL Cochrane系统评价Cochrane systematic review, CSR Cochrane协作网Cochrane Collaboration, CC Cox比例风险模型Cox’ proportional hazard model 参考试验偏倚References test bias 肠激惹综合征irritable bowel syndrome,IRB 测量变异measurement variation 成本-效果cost-effectiveness 成本-效果分析cost-effectiveness analysis

成本-效益分析cost-benefit analysis 成本-效用分析cost-utility analysis 成本最小化分析(最小成本分析)cost-minimization analysis 重复发表偏倚Multiple publication bias 传统医学Traditional Medicine,TM D—L法DerSimonian & Laird method the number needed to harm one more patients from the therapy,NNH 对抗疗法allopathic medicine,AM 对照组中某事件的发生率control event rate,CER 多重发表偏倚multiple publication bias 二次研究secondary studies 二次研究证据secondary research evidence 发表偏倚publication bias number needed to treat,NNT 非随机同期对照试验non-randomized concurrent control trial 分层随机化stratified randomization 分类变量categorical variable 风险(危险度)risk 干扰co-intervention 工作偏倚Workup bias 固定效应模型fixed effect model 国际临床流行病学网International Clinical Epidemiology Network, INCLEN


LN3--PU/Phylon/Rubber Process Contents for these three sections of English Version PFC: ?Phylon Work Sheet PH数据表 ?Components Specification Sheet(Phylon) 部件明细单(Phylon)?Component Specification Sheet Set Up(Phylon) (此部分无中文) ?Phylon Midsole Specifications PH全插规格 ?Phylon Preform Specifications PH粗胚规格 ?Preform Drawing 粗胚图 ?Component Specification Sheet Set Up(PU) (此部分无中文) ?PU Midsole Specifications PU全插规格 ?PU Midsole Specifications II PU数据表 ?Components Specification Sheet(PU) 部件明细单(PU) ?PU Midsole Pouring Specification PU灌注明细 ?Outsole Color Schedule 本底颜色明细 ?Outsole Preform Specifications 本底粗胚规格 ?Outsole Pressing Process 本底压制流程 ?Outsole Degreasing Process 本底水洗流程 ********************************************************************* ΦPU Section ΦPU部分 ********************************************************************* air bag schedule 空气袋分段 specific instructions 特别说明 air bag diagram 空气袋图示 hardness(skin on) 硬度(带皮) density 密度 elongation 延伸率 tear 撕力 tensile 拉力 split tear 撕裂 painting 喷漆 MCS number 材料编号 mold release agent 脱模剂 polyurethane 聚安脂 polyester 聚脂 Density must be within NIKE spec and follow weight chart 密度必须符合NIKE要求及重量表 No dirty midsole sidewalls yellowing or poor cosmetics due to mold condition. 无因模具造成的边墙黄变及外观不良。 Correct molded or painted colors per NIKE confirmation. 根据NIKE的确认,成型材料及喷漆颜色正确。 Correct top/bottom edge trimming within 1mm width allowance. 正确修边上部及底部边缘,允许1mm余量。 No larger than 5mm diameter internal air voids.(checked by light table)


弹簧术语中英文对照表中文英文简写 线径 Wire diameter d 外径 Outside of diameter O.D 内径 Inside of dimeter I.D 中心径 Mean coil diameter C.D 有效圈数 Active coil Number Na 总圈数 Total number of coils Nt 自由长度 Free lengh F.L 自由高度 Free height F.H 卷方向 Winding 右旋 Right hand screw 左旋 Left hand screw 材质 Material 一般钢线 SWC 琴钢线 SWP-B(For press force) SWP-A(For pull force) 不锈钢线 Stainless steel 闭端研磨 Closed and ground 表面处理 Surface treatment 低温热处理 Low temperature heat treatment 万能材料试机 Universal test machine 安全荷重 Total safe load 最大荷重 Maximum load 压时之荷重 Load at pressing length 防锈油 Preventing rust oil 电镀 Electroplating 电解 Electrolytic 镀洛 Chroming 镀锌 Zinc-plating 五彩镀锌 Colored-plating 染黑 Black-dyeing 烤漆 Paint drying 钝化 Passivating 永久变形 Permanent set 斜率 Rate (R) 移除 Remove 立定处理 Setting 应力消除 Stress relieve 弹簧刚度产生单位变形量的弹簧负荷 Spring constant 强压(拉、扭)处理 Prestressing 开口不磨平 Open ends, not ground 弹簧箍固紧簧板的金属箍 Buckle 冲击试验 Impact test 负荷 Load (P) 环 Loops 模量 Modulus 开口磨平 Open ends ground 铝板 Aluminum plate 中文英文 压实外径不超过 Outside dia sold, not more than 热处理加工品检报告 Heat-treatment QC report 钩 Hooks 自由内径不小于 Inside dia free , not less than 客户名称 customer 装配高度(基本) Assembled height (Basic) 出货单号 Job NO. 装配高度之负载 Load at assembled height 品名 Proname 压实高度不超过 Sold height , Not more than 硬度要求/硬度值 Hardness/Hardness value 线径(约) Dia of wire(approx) 变形量 Distortion 批号 Batber 两端闭合并磨平 Ends closed and ground flat 数量 TTL OTY. 操作高度(基本) Operating height (basic) 重量 TTL WT. 操作高度之负载 Load at operating height 弹性比率(参考) Spring rate (Ref) 依照规格式化MIL-S-13572制造,I型,A级,珠击 Manufacture in accordance wire spec MIL-S-13572 type I , gradea ,shot peen 高度18和12之间,负载变化为20+5KG Change in load between 18 and 12 height 20+5kg 注:钢,515H或50B60H.规格为QQ-S-624 notes:Steel 515H or 50B60H . Spec QQ-S-624 钢板 Stainless Plate 弹簧销 Spring pin 钢线弹簧 Spring wire 螺旋形状、螺旋线 Helix 氢脆变 Hydrogen embrittlement 初始负荷 Initial load 疲劳试验 Fatigue test 闭收口 Closed ends 磨平闭收口 closed and ground ends 密身 Close-wound Permanent deformation / Temporary deformation:永久变形弹簧卸荷后自由高度(长度、角度) Pre-set:To remove permanent set prior to application installation. Active number of coils(turns):有效圈数计算弹簧刚度时的圈数 Axial pitch:轴向节距截锥涡卷弹簧轴向的节距 Angular relationship of ends:收口的角关系拉簧的钩环的相对位置 Baking:Heating of electroplated springs to relieve hydrogen embrittlement. Characteristic:弹簧特性工作负荷与变形量之间的关系 Diameter of wire cord:索径多股螺旋弹簧钢索直径 Deflection:变形量(挠度)弹簧沿负荷方向产生的相对位移 Deflection at ultimate load:极限负荷下的变形量弹簧在极限负荷下沿作用方向产生的相对位移 Free height(length):自由长度(高度)弹簧无负荷时的长度(高度) Free angle:自由角度扭转弹簧无扭矩作用时两臂的夹角 Height(length) at ultimate load:极限高度(长度)弹簧承受极限负荷时的长度(高度) Hot-setting:加温立定处理在高于弹簧工作温度条件下的立定处理 Initial tension (Pi):初如拉力密圈螺旋拉伸弹簧在冷卷时形成的内力,其值为弹簧开始产生拉伸变形时所需要的作用力 Mean diameter or coils:弹簧中径弹簧内径和中径的平均值 Modulus in compression:压缩模量橡胶弹簧在压缩时的弹簧模量 Number of end coils:支承圈数弹簧端部用于支承或固定的圈数 Pitch:节距螺旋弹簧两相邻有效圈截面中心线的轴向距离 Pitch of wire cord:索距多股螺旋弹簧钢索中钢丝的导程 Radial pitch:径向节距截锥涡卷弹簧径向的节距 Spring flexibility:弹簧柔度单位工作负荷下的变形量 Spccified load:工作负荷弹簧工作过程中承受的力或扭矩 Torque (M):扭矩,转矩扭簧的弯曲动作,等于负荷乘以从负荷到弹簧轴向的移动距离 Twist angle of strands:索拧角多股螺旋弹簧钢索中心线与钢丝中心线的夹角 Total number of coils(turns):总圈数 Ultimate load:极限负荷对应于弹簧材料屈服极限的负荷 Ultimate torsional angle:极限扭转角扭转弹簧承受极限负荷时的角位移 Working ultimate load:工作极限负荷弹簧工作中可能出现的最大负荷 Working height((length):工作高度(长度)弹簧承受工作负荷时的长度(高度)的变化不能恢复的部分称为永久变形,能恢复的称为暂变形或滞弹性变形 Working torsional angle:工作扭转角扭转弹簧承受工作负荷时的角位移
