外国语言学及应用语言学 考点总结
ngue and ParoleLangue is the system of a language, the language as a system of forms,whereas parole is actual speech, the speech acts that are made possible by the system of the language. That`s is to say,langue is the social product whose existence permits the individual to exercise his linguistic faculty; parole, on the other hand, is the “executive side of language”.parative LinguisticsA branch of linguistics which studies two or more languages in order tocompare their structures and to show whether they are similar or different.Comparative linguistics is used in the study of languages types and in comparative historical linguistics. It is also used by some applied linguists for establishing differences between the learner’s native language and the target language in the areas of syntax, vocabulary, and sound systems.3.Empiricism(经验主义)An approach to psychology which states that the development of theory must be related to observable facts and experiments, or which states that all human knowledge comes from experience.4.Rationalism (理性主义)It is an approach to philosophy proposed by Chomsky in the 1960s, which states that the knowledge is based on reasoning rather than on experience of senses. In this sense, it is opposed to empiricism.5.Behaviorism (行为主义)A theory of psychology which states that human and animal behavior can be studied only in terms of physical processes, without reference to mind. It led to theories of learning which explained how an external event (a stimulus) caused a change in the behavior of an individual (a response), based on a history of reinforcement.6.Positivism (实证主义)a philosophical movement that began in the early 19th century, characterized by an emphasis on the scientific method as the only source of knowledge and a desire to rebuild society on the basis of “positive” knowledge..7Mentalism(心智主义)It is the theory that a human being possesses a mind which has consciousness, ideas, etc., and that the mind can influence the behavior of the body.8.Morpheme (语素)It refers to the smallest meaningful unit in a language. A morpheme cannot be divided without altering or destroying its meaning.9.Deduction and induction (演绎和归纳)Reasoning by deduction proceeds from a generalization to particular facts which support it, whereas reasoning by induction involves moving from particular facts to generalizations about them.10.Linguistic relativity (语言相对论)Whorf believed that speakers of different languages perceive and experience the world differently, relative to their linguistic background, hence the notion of linguistic relativity.11.Linguistic determinism(语言决定论)A theory put forward by the American anthropological linguists Sapir and Whorf, which states that the way people view the world is determined by the structure of their native language.12.Discourse analysis (话语分析)The study of how sentences in spoken and written language form larger meaningful units such as paragraphs, conversations, interviews, etc.13.Semiology/Semiotics (符号学)1) the theory of signs. 2) the analysis of systems using signs or signals for the purpose of communication. The most important semiotic system is human language, but there are other systems, e.g. sign language, traffic signals.14.Descriptive linguistics (描写语言学)Descriptive linguistics describes how a language is actually spoken and/or written, and does not state or prescribe how it ought to be spoken or written.15.Synchronic and diachronic linguistics (共时和历史方法)Diachronic linguistics is an approach to linguistics which studies how a language changes over a period of time, for example the change in the sound system of English from Early English to Modern English.Diachronic linguistics has been contrasted with synchronic linguistics which is the study of a language system at one particular point in time, for example the sound system of Modern British English.16. Synchronic and diachronic linguisticsDiachronic linguistics is an approach to linguistics which studies how a language changes over a period of time, for exmple the change in the sound system of English from Early English to Modern English.Diachronic linguistics has been contrasted with synchronic linguistics which is the study of a language system at one particular point in time, for example the sound system of Modern British English.The need for diachronic and synchronic descriptions to be kept apart was emphasized by the swiss linguist Saussure.17. Speech actAn utterance as a functional unit in communication. In speech act theory, utterances have two kinds of meaning:1)propositional meaning (also known as locutionary meaning). This is the basicliteral meaning of the utterance which is conveyed by the particular words and structures which the utterance contains.2)Illocutionary meaning (also known as illocutionary force). This is the effectthe utterance or written text has on the reader or listener. For example, in “I am thirsty” the propositional meaning is what the utterance says about the speaker’s physical state. The illocutionary force is the effect the speaker wants the utterance to have on the listener. It may be intended as a request for something to drink.A speech act is a sentence or utterance which has both propositional meaningand illocutionary force..There are many different kinds of speech acts, such as requests, orders, commands, complaints, promises.A speech act which is performed indirectly is sometimes known as anindirect speech act, such as the speech act of requesting above. Indirect speech acts are often felt to be more polite ways of performing certain kinds of speech act, such as requests and refusals.18.Positivisma philosophical movement that began in the early 19th century, characterized by an emphasis on the scientific method as the only source of knowledge and a desire to rebuild so ciety on the basis of “positive” knowledge. As a variation of empiricism, among the basic ideas of positivism are the idea that the world is orderly, that all natural phenomena have natural causes, and that nothing is self-evident, but the laws of nature can be discovered through experimentation. Although few people nowadays subscribe to all of these beliefs, some degree of positivism characterizes most “scientific” approaches to understanding all phenomena, including language learning. Logical positivism is a specific type of positivism that rejects as meaningless all statements that cannot be empirically verified.19.Tagmemics(tagmemics) the basic unit of grammatical analysis. A tagmeme is a unit in which there is a relationship between the grammatical function, for instance the function of Subject, Object or Predicate, and a class of fillers.For example, in the sentence: The baby bit Anthea.The subject tagmeme is filled by the Noun Phrase (the baby), the predicate tagmeme is filled by the Transitive Verb (bit) in its past tense form, and the object tagmeme is filled by the proper noun (Anthea).20.Phoneticsthe study of speech sounds. There are three main areas of phonetics:1) Articulatory phonetics deals with the way in which speech sounds areproduced. Sounds are usually classified according to the position of the lips and the tongue, how far open the mouth is, whether or not the vocal cords are vibrating, etc.2) Acoustic phonetics deals with the transmission of speech sounds through theair. When a speech sound is produced it causes minor air disturbances (sound wave). Various instruments are used to measure the characteristics of these sound waves.3)Auditory phonetics deals with how speech sounds are perceived by thelisteners.21.Phonology1) another term for phonemics.2) (for some linguists) a cover term for both phonetics and phonemics.3) The establishment and description of the distinctive sound units of a language(phonemes) by means of distinctive featuresEach phoneme is considered as consisting of a group of these features and differing in at least one feature from the other phonemes.22.BehaviorismA theory of psychology which states that human and animal behavior can andshould be studied only in terms of physical processes, without reference to mind.It led to theories of learning which explained how an external event (a stimulus) caused a change in the behavior of an individual (a response), based on a history of reinforcement. Behaviorism was used by psychologists like Skinner, Osgood, and Staats to explain first language learning, but these explanations were rejected by adherents of generative grammar and many others.23.Universal GrammarA theory which claims to account for the gramatical competence of everyadult no matter what language he or she speaks.It claims that every speaker knows a set of principles which apply to all languages and also a set of parameters that can vary from one language to another, but only within certain limits.The theory was proposed by Chomsky and has been stated more specifically in his model of Government and Binding Theory.According to UG theory, acquiring a language means applying the principles of UG grammar to a particular language, e.g. English, French or German, and learning which value is appropriate for each parameter. For example, one of the principles of UG is structure dependency. It means that a knowledge of language relies on knowing structural relationships in a sentence rather than looking at it asa sequence of words.1. Structuralism/Structural(ist) linguisticsAn approach to linguistics which stresses the importance of language as a system and which investigates the place that linguistic units such as sounds, words, sentences have within this system.Structural linguists, for example, studied the distribution of sounds within the words of a language; that is, whether certain sounds appear only at the beginning of words or also in the middle or at the end. They defined some sounds in a language as distinctive and used in the identification of words (see phoneme), and some as variants (see allophone). Similar studies of distribution and classification were carried out in morphology and syntax.In its widest sense, the term has been used for various groups of linguists, including those of the Prague School, but most often it is used to refer to a group of American linguists such as Bloomfield and Fries, who published mainly in the 1930s to 1950s. The work of these linguists was based on the theory of behavirism and had a considerable influence on some language teaching methods (see Audiolingual method).2.Innateness hypothesis (天赋假说)The theory states that human knowledge develops from structures, processes, and “ideas”which are in the mind at birth (i.e. are innate), rather than from the environment, and that there are responsible for the basic structure of language andhow it is learned. This hypothesis has been used to explain how children are able to learn language. The innateness hypothesis contrasts with the belief that all human knowledge comes from experience.3.American StructuralismAmerican Structuralism is a branch of synchronic linguistics, and the pioneer scholars who took an interest in linguistics in America were anthropologists. It developed in a very different style from that of Europe under the leadership of the anthropologist Franz Boas. Descriptive in language theories is characteristic of America. And another feature of American linguistics is its insistence on being scientific. Firstly, structural grammar describes everything that is found in a language instead of laying down rules. However, its aim is confined to the description of languages, without explaining why language operates the way it does. Secondly, structural grammar is empirical, aiming at objectivity in the sense that all definitions and statements should be verifiable or refutable. However, it has produced almost no complete grammars comparable to any comprehensive traditional grammars. Thirdly, structural grammar examines all languages, recognizing and doing justice to the uniqueness of each language. But it does not give an adequate treatment of meaning. Lastly, structural grammar describes even the smallest contrasts that underlie any construction or use of a language, not only those discoverable in some particular use.The development of American Structuralism can be roughly classified into 3 stagesBoas and Sapir period (1911-1932)Bloomfieldian period (1933-1950)Post-Bloomfieldian period (1952-1956)Boas’s view on language: Boas held that there is no ideal type or form of language. He was strongly opposed to the view that language is the soul of a race, and he proved that the structure and form of a language has noting to do with the evolution of a race and the development of a culture. There are only differences inlanguage structure, while there is no difference between languages in terms of being more or less reasonable or advanced. Boas expounded that what would sound “primitive”of a language is in fact never primitive at all.Boas’s methodology: Boas noticed that every language has its own system of sounds and he also found that every language has its own grammatical system. Boas said that the important task for linguists is to discover, for each language under study, its own particular grammatical structure & to develop descriptive categories appropriate to it.Boas’contribution: Starting from an anthropological view in studying linguistics, Boas regarded linguistics as part of anthropology and failed to establish linguistics as an independent branch of science. But his basic theory, his observation, and his descriptive methods paved the way for American descriptive linguistics and influenced generations of scholars. Although he did not establish a set of descriptive methods, his view on describing alien languages played a very important part in the formation of American descriptive linguistics.Sapir: (1) He started from an anthropological viewpoint to describe the nature of language, with his main focus on typology. He defines language as “a purely human and non-instinctive method of communicating ideas, emotions and desires by means of a system of voluntarily produced symbols.”(2) In discussing between speech and meaning, Sapir holds that the association of speech and meaning is a relation that may be, but need not be, present. (3) In discussing the relation between language and thought, Sapir holds that they are not to be considered the same. Language is the means, and thought is the end product. Without language, thought is impossible. (4) He also noticed the universal feature of language, he says that all human races and tribes, no matter how barbaric or underdeveloped, have their own languages.Bloomfield: He was the principle representative of American descriptive linguistics. His main contribution to linguistics is his philosophically sophisticated emphasis on making it a science. Bloomfield developed Boas’s theory under the influence of Neogrammarians and Saussure. The only difference is thatBloomfield tried to account for the production and interpretation of speech with the “stimulus-response”theory under the influence of the prevailing behaviorist psychology of the time. Bloomfield’s Language has been acclaimed as a classic in modern linguistics and was once held to be the model of scientific methodology and the greatest work in linguistics on both sides of Atlantic in the 20th century.Bloomfield is such a landmark figure in the history of American linguistics that the period between 1933 and 1950 is known as the Bloomfieldian age, in which American descriptive linguistics formally came into being and reached its prime development.parison between TG grammar and the Structural GrammarTG differs from the structure grammar in a number of ways: rationalism, innateness, deductive methodology, emphasis on interpretation, formalization, emphasis on linguistic competence, strong generative powers& emphasis on linguistic universals.1.Bloomfield defined language as a set of utterances and a set of “lexical and grammatical habits” while Chomsky defined as a set of rules or principles.2.Two have different aims in linguistics: for structuralism, it is to describe one or a set of languages; for Chomsky, it is to produce a generative grammar which captures the tacit knowledge of the native speaker of his language.3.Different types of data in analysisThe structuralisms make use of the naturally occurring utterances, Chomsky and his followers are interested in any data that can reveal the native speaker’s tacit knowledge.4.Different methodsBloomfield--inductiveChomsky---(hypothesis-deductive)5.Different in viewing language learningBloomfield--empiricism in philosophy and behaviorism in psychologyChomsky----rationalism in philosophy and mentalism in psychology5、Stimulus—Response theoryAlso S—R theoryA learning theory associated particularly with the American psychologist B. F.Skinner (1904-1990), which describes learning as the formation of associations between responses. A stimulus is that which produces a change or reaction in an individual or organism. A response is the behavior which is produced as a reaction to a stimulus. Reinforcement is a stimulus which follows the occurrence of a response and affects the probability of that response occurring or not occurring again. Reinforcement which increases the likelihood of a response is known as positive reinforcement. Reinforcement which decreases the likelihood of a response is known as negative reinforcement. If no reinforcement is associated with a response the response may eventually disappear. This is known as extinction. If a response is produced to similar stimuli with which it was not originally associated this is known as “stimulus generalization”. Learning to distinguish different kinds of stimulus is known as discrimination.There are several S—R theories which contain these general principles or variations of them, and they have been used in studies of verbal learning and language learning.6.Empiricisman approach to psychology which states that the development of theory must be related to observable facts and expeiments (see Behaviorism), or which states that all human knowledge comes from experience. Empiricism contrasts with the view that many forms of human knowledge are in-born or innate (see Innatist hypothesis).7. Transformational-generative GrammarAlso transformational grammar, TG grammar, generative-transformational grammar, generative transformational theoryA theory of grammar which was proposed by the American linguist Chomsky in1957. It has since been developed by him and many other linguists. Chomsky attempted to provide a model for the description of all languages. A transformational generative grammar tries to show, with a system of rules, theknowledge which a native speaker of a language uses in forming grammatical sentences.Chomsky has changed his theory over the years. The most well-known version was published in his book Aspects of the Theory of Syntax in 1965. It is often referred to as the Aspects Model or Standard Theory. This model consists of four main parts:1)the base component, which produces or generates basic syntactic structurescalled deep structures; 2) the transformational component, which changes or transforms these basic structures into sentences called surface structures; 3) the phonological component, which gives sentences a phonetic representation so that they can be pronounced; 4) the semantic component, which deals with the meaning of sentences.8.Saussure’s Views of Language and his ContributionsSaussure’s view of of languange as a system of arbitrary signsSaussure occupies such an important place in the history of linguistics that he he is often described as “father of modern linguistics”.The significance of the rich legacy Saussure left us is probably beyond what we may realize at present. Saussure’s chief contributions are as follows:1)He helped to set the study of human behavior on a new footing (basis).Saussure saw that the study of human behavior misses its best opportunities if it tries to trace the historical causes of individual events. Instead, it must focus primarily on the functions which events have within a general social framework, and it must treat social facts as part of a system of conventions (规约系统) and values.2) He helped to promote semiology (符号学).By his methodological example and by various prophetic suggestions, Saussure helped to promote semiology, the generals cience of signs and system of signs, and structuralism, which has been an important trend in contemporary anthropology and literary criticism as well as in linguistics.3) He clarrified the formal strategies of Modernist thought.In his methodological remarks and general approach to language, Saussure gave a clear expression of what we might call the formal strategies of Modenist thought: the ways in which scientists, philosophers, artists, and writers working in the early part of the 20th century tried to know about a complex and chaotic universe.4) He attached importance to the study of the intimate relation between languageand human mind (心智).Saussure’s treatment of language focuses on problems which are central to new ways of thinking about man and especially about the intimate relation between language and the human mind.In a word. Saussure’s contr ibutions are actually in many fields: linguistics, general social sciences, semiotics and structuralism, modernist thought and our conception of man. All these make him a seminal figure in modern intellectual history.9. Bloomfield’s Views of Language and ContributionsBloomfield’s language (1933) has been acclaimed as a classic in modern linguistics and was once held to be the model of scientific methodology and the greatest work in linguistics on both sides of the Atlantic in the 20th century. The main points in his work are (1)behaviorist view of language; (2) the problem of speech community; (3) phonological features and typology; (4) grammatical units.He is the principal representative of American descriptive linguistics and is read by many more linguists today. Bloomfield is such a landmark figure (标志性人物) in the history of American linguistics that the period between 1933 and 1950 is known as the Bloomfieldian Age, in which American descriptive linguistics formally came into being and reached its prime development.Bloomfield’s main contribution to linguistics is his philosophically sophisticated emphasis on making it a science. He was one of the chief founders of the Linguistics Society of America in 1924. He is also the founder of structuralist linguistics and trained a generation of linguists.The only difference is that Bloomfield tried to account for the production and interpretation of speech with the “stimulus-response”theory under the influence of the prevailing behaviorist psychology of the time.10. Halliday`s metafunctions( 3 aspects):Since the adult’s language is more complex and has to serve many functions, the original functional range of the child’s language is gradually reduced to a set of highly coded and abstract functions, which are metafunctions: the ideational, the interpersonal, and the textual functions.The ideational function is to convey new information to communicate a content that is unknown to the hearer. It mainly consists of “transitivity” and “voice”.For example, John built a new house can be analysed as a configuration of the functions (功能配置):Actor: John Process: Material: creation: built Goal: affected: a new houseHere the “Actor”, “Process”, “Goal”, and their subcategories reflect our understanding of phenomena that come within our experienceThe interpersonal function embodies all uses of language to express social and personal relations. And it is realized by Mood and Modality.The textual function refers to the fact that language has mechanisms to make any stretch of spoken or written discourse into a coherent and unified text and make a living passage different from a random list of sentences. Although two sentences may have exactly the same ideational and interpersonal functions, they may be different in terms of textual coherence.The textual function can also highlight certain parts of the text. For example, in Authority I respect, but authoritarianism I deplore, both authority and authoritarianism are highlighted.Halliday and Systemic-Functional GrammarHalliday took up the Prague School’s functionalist theory, especially the theory of Communicative Dynamism, the Copenhagen School’s glossematics, and the traditions of the London School in developing his theories of Systemic-Functional Grammar. Systemic-Functional Grammar is a sociologically oriented functional linguistic approach and one of the most influential linguistic theories in the twentieth century, exerting a strong impact on various disciplines related to language, such as language teaching, sociolinguistics. SF grammar actually has two components: SystemicGrammar and Functional Grammar. They are two inseparable parts for an integral framework in Halliday’s linguistic inquiry. Systemic grammar aims to explain the internal relations in language as a system network, or meaning potential. Functional grammar includes 3 components: the ideational function, the interpersonal function and the textual function. And the functional grammar aims to reveal that language system and the forms that make it up are inescapably determined by the uses or functions which they serve. SF grammar is based on two facts:(1) language users are actually making choices in a system of systems and trying to realize different semantic functions in social interaction and (2) language is inseparable from social activities of man. Thus, it takes actual uses of language as the object of study, in opposition to Chomsky’s TG grammar which takes the ideal speaker’s linguistic competence as the object of study.Halliday also believes that the situation consists of three parts: “field”“tenor” and “mode”. The field of discourse refers to what is happening, to the nature of the social action that is taking place. The tenor of discourse refers to who is taking part in, to the nature of participants, their status and roles. The mode of discourse refers to what part the language is playing, what it is that the participants expect the language to do for them in the situation.。
三、多模态分析方法在应用语言学研究中的应用1. 跨文化交际研究多模态分析方法可以用于跨文化交际研究,通过对比不同文化背景下人们使用语言的模态差异,揭示文化对语言使用的影响。
2. 多媒体语言教学研究多模态分析方法可以用于多媒体语言教学研究,通过分析多媒体教学资源中文字、图像、音频、视频等不同模态的组合与运用,探讨多媒体教学资源对语言教学效果的影响。
3. 语言演变与变化研究多模态分析方法还可以用于语言演变与变化研究,通过观察和分析语言在不同模态中的使用情况和变化趋势,揭示语言的发展规律和趋势。
四、多模态分析方法的实施步骤1. 确定研究目的和问题首先需要明确研究的目的和问题,确定研究的主要内容和研究对象。
一、语用学的基本概念1. 语言的交际功能语言不仅仅是一种工具,它更是人们进行交际的重要方式。
2. 语用言语行为语用言语行为是指用语者在言语行为中所包含的具体交际目的和意图。
3. 语境的重要性语用学强调语境对语言使用和理解的重要性。
4. 言外之意言外之意是指言语中不直接表达的含义和信息,它可能依赖于语境、用语者的意图等多种因素。
二、语用学的研究内容1. 语用能力语用能力是指语用者在语言交际中的能力,包括语言的适应能力、交际策略的运用等方面。
2. 言语行为的分类言语行为可以根据其所包含的交际目的和意图而分类,如陈述、疑问、命令、祝愿等。
3. 言语行为与语用规则语用规则是指语言交际中的一些约定俗成的规则,如礼貌用语、语用禁忌等。
4. 言语行为的承受能力言语行为的承受能力是指用语者对言语行为的接受程度和态度。
三、语用学的相关理论1. 言语行为理论言语行为理论是语用学中的一个重要理论,强调言语行为的目的和意图,将言语行为看作是一种特殊的行为活动。
2. 言语行为的演化理论言语行为的演化理论是指言语行为的发展和演变过程。
学生在学习语音学的时候,需要掌握以下几个重要的知识点:1. 国际音标:国际音标是描述语音的国际标准符号,它包括元音和辅音的符号以及相应的发音方法。
2. 语音的分类:语音可以分为元音和辅音两种类型,元音是语音的主体部分,而辅音是语音的衬托部分。
3. 语音的发音:学生需要了解语音的发音方法,掌握各种语音的发音技巧,能够准确地发出各种语音,同时也能够对口型进行调整,使语音的发音更加标准。
4. 语音的变异规律:语音在不同的语音环境下会发生变异,学生需要了解语音的变异规律,能够正确地理解和使用语音。
学生在学习语法学的时候,需要掌握以下几个重要的知识点:1. 句子结构:句子是语言的基本单位,学生需要了解句子的组成结构,包括主谓宾结构、主谓宾补结构等,能够正确地分析和理解句子。
2. 词类和句法功能:在语法学的学习中,学生需要掌握各种词类的分类和句法功能,能够准确地识别和使用不同的词类,并了解它们在句子中的作用和地位。
6.跨文化交际与国际语言:最后,应用语言学导论还可能涉及跨1/ 2文化交际和国际语言的研究。
2/ 2。
学习语言学总结一、自我评价( 1)专业知识掌握得还不够扎实,所学知识还没有完全被应用到实践中去。
( 2)工作经验欠缺,社会阅历浅,对于处理社会事务的方式不够成熟。
( 3)沟通和协调能力较差,做事方法欠妥,处事手段单一,有时比较固执已见。
( 4)遇到问题,办法不多,有些缩手缩脚,缺乏果断和胆量。
( 2)理论联系实际能力还有待进一步加强。
四、实践目标( 1)熟练掌握专业知识,把握就业市场脉搏,确定适合自己发展的方向。
( 2)加强专业技能,培养认真负责的工作态度和创造性、建设性的开展工作。
( 3)增强动手能力,加大实践力度,提高自己的实际操作技能。
( 4)转变角色,适应环境,融入社会,在实践中锻炼自己,检验自己。
试述英语教学中应用语言学的有效应用1 语言学在英语教学中的应用在英语教学中,语言学是一个重要的理论,它有助于帮助学习者提高对英语的理解和使用能力。
2 语言学的基本原理语言学是一门研究语言运行机理的学科,它基于对语言文字、语音、语义等各种要素的研究,运用系统分析的方法,在英语教学中提供了一项指导。
3 语言学在英语教学中的应用语言学在英语教学中的应用主要有两个层面。
4 语言学在英语教学中的优势语言学在英语教学中,主要优势可以归结为以下三点:(1)科学合理。
5 总结语言学作为一门极富指导意义的学科,在英语教学中具有重要的作用,它可以帮助学习者建立起深入理解语言的基础,掌握规律性,学会灵活运用英语,有助于掌握英语的结构、语法和言语表现力等内容,从而在实际的语言表达活动中获得良好的理解和表达能力。
06 研究方法的综合运用与选 择
定量研究提供客观数据和统计分析,而定性研究则深入探 究现象的本质和意义。两者相互补充,共同揭示语言学现 象的全面特征。
应用语言学研究应借鉴其他学科的研究方法,如心理学、 社会学、人类学等,以多角度探究语言现象,增强研究的 全面性和说服力。
通过历史研究法,可以了解语言发展的历史背 景、演变过程和社会影响。
历史研究法需要收集大量的历史资料,进行考 证、分析和解释,以揭示历史的真相和规律。
04 语料库研究法
语料库是应用语言学研究的重要资源, 其建立需要经过明确的目标设定、语 料收集、整理和标注等步骤。
实验法是应用语言学中较为严谨的一种研究方法,研 究者通过控制实验条件来研究语言使用情况。这种方 法通常在实验室中进行,通过设置不同的实验条件来 观察语言使用者的反应和表现。实验法可以帮助研究 者了解语言使用者的认知、情感和行为反应,从而深 入探究语言的本质和功能。实验法需要严格控制实验 条件,以确保实验结果的可靠性和可重复性。
调查法是应用语言学中另一种重要的研究方法,研究者通 过设计问卷、访谈等方式收集语言使用者的意见和经验。 这种方法可以帮助研究者了解语言使用者的需求、态度和 看法,从而为语言政策和教学实践提供依据。调查法可以 通过在线、纸质等方式进行,也可以结合使用多种方式以 提高数据的代表性和可靠性。
文化与语言的相互作用研究是一种通过探究语言与文化之间的相互影响和塑造,来研究语言与文化之 间关系的研究方法。
2023年语言领域心得体会 心得体会语言领域(通用8篇)
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二、实验目的1. 验证和改进现有的语言教学理论;2. 探索有效的翻译策略,提高翻译质量;3. 分析跨文化交流中的障碍,提出解决方案;4. 提高实验者的实验设计、实施和分析能力。
三、实验方法1. 实验一:基于语料库的词汇教学实验实验目的:验证语料库在词汇教学中的有效性。
2. 实验二:基于任务型教学的英语写作实验实验目的:探讨任务型教学在英语写作教学中的效果。
3. 实验三:翻译策略对比实验实验目的:验证不同翻译策略对翻译质量的影响。
4. 实验四:跨文化交流障碍分析实验实验目的:分析跨文化交流中的障碍,并提出解决方案。
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3.3 General Characteristics of English3.3.1 Receptivity, Adaptability and Heterogeneity English has taken to itself material from all other languages and has made the new elements its own. Having received all kinds of foreign elements, the English vocabulary is copious and heterogeneous.3.3.2 Simplicity of Inflection Old English was characte rized by ‘full endings’, Middle English by ‘leveled endings’ and Modern English by ‘lost endings’.3.3.3 Relatively Fixed Word-order In an analytic language like Modern English, the word order is required to be relatively fixed. The semantic relation is closely connected to the positions of the words. The change of word-order may result in a change of meaning.4.1.1 MorphemesA morpheme is …the smallest meaningful linguistic unit. Some words are formed by one morpheme (e.g. cat, dog) and some words are formed by two or three more (e.g. lovely, unacceptable).4.1.2 Morphs and AllomorphsMorphemes are abstract units, which are realized in speech by discrete units known as morph s, that is, …they are actual spoken, minimal carriers of meaning‟.Most morphemes are realized by single morphs like bird, tree, sad, etc. These morphemes coincide with words as they can stand by themselves and move freely in a sentence if necessary. Words of this category are called monomorphemic words. Some morphemes, however, are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorph s or morphemic variants. They are the variants of the same morpheme. For instance, the morpheme of plurality {-s} has a number of allomorphs in different sound context, e.g. in cats /s/, in bags /z/, in matches /iz/.6.1.3 Two Processes of DevelopmentThe development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses which are called radiation and concatenation.1) RadiationIt is a semantic process in which the primary meaning stands at the centre and the secondary meanings proceed out of it in every direction like rays. The meaninng are independent of one another ,but can all be traced back to the central meaning2) ConcatenationC oncatenation, literally meaning …linking together‟, is the semantic process in which the meaning of a word moves gradually away from its firstsignification by successive shifts of meanings until, in many cases, there is not a shadow of connection between the sense that is finally developed and that which the term had in it at the outset .Unlike radiation where each of the derived meaning is directly connected to the primary meaning,Concatenation describes a process where each of the later meaning is related only to the preceding one like chains.Radiation is concatenation is closely related, being different stages of the development leadingto polysemy..The two processes work together, complementing each other.(2) AffixesAffixes are linguistic fragments that are attached to words or word elements to modify meaning or change function. According to the functions of affixes, we can put them into two groups: inflectional and derivational affixes.a. Inflectional AffixesThey are affixes attached to the end of words to indicate grammatical relationships, e.g. the regular plural suffix –s (-es); the past tense marker –ed. The number of inflectional affixes is small and stable, which makes English one of the easiest languages to learn.b. Derivational AffixesThey are affixes added to other morphemes to derive new words. They can be further divided into prefixes and suffixes. Prefixes occur before the word and the suffixes after the word.7.1 Types of Meaning Changeextension, narrowing, elevation, degradation, transference, and euphemism.7.1.1 Extension of meaningExtension of meaning, also known as generalization, is the name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo. It is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has now become generalized or has extended to cover a broader and often less definite concept, e.g. manuscript7.1.2 Narrowing of MeaningNarrowing of meaning, also called specialization, is the opposite of widening meaning. It is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specialized sense. In other words, a word which used to have a more general sense becomes restricted in its application and conveys a special concept in present-day English, e.g. garage7.1.3 Elevation of meaningElevation or amelioration refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance, e.g. nice7.1.4 Degradation of MeaningDegradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposite of semantic elevation. It is a process whereby words of good origin or affective neutrality fall into ill reputation or come to be used in a derogatory sense, e.g. boor7.1.5 Transference of MeaningSome words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean something else have experienced the process of semantic transfer, known as transference or transfer of meaning. E.g. paper.1)Associated TransferIt is what is commonly known as figurative extension of meaning.2)Transfer between Abstract and Concrete MeaningsRoom formerly meant …space‟ as in “There is no room in the car”. Now it has developed a concrete meaning as in “This flat has three rooms”.3)Transfer between Subjective and Objective MeaningsSome words were formerly used subjectively but later shifted to an objective use, and the subjective meaning was totally lost, e.g. pitiful.4)SynesthesiaThis kind of transfer takes place between words of sensation. That is, words usually associated with one sense are used to describe another sense, e.g. clear-sounding (from sight to hearing).1.The most common types of word-meaning changes are extension and n_________.(narrowing) 2. Extension of meaning, also known as g________, is the name given to the widening of meaning which some words undergo. (generalization) 3. The associated transfer of meaning and euphemistic use of words etc. are often due to p_________.(psychological factors) 4. Narrowing of meaning is the opposite of e_______meaning.(extension) 5. Words which were uesd to designate one thing but later changed tomean something else have experienced the process of semantic t________. (transfer) 6.Changes of word meaning are due to linguistic factors and e_____factors. (extra-linguistic) 7. Linguistic factors includes internal factors within the language system, the influx of borrowings and (analogy)2.nonresistance, irregular, illogical, unnecessary, impolite, dishonest3.misjudge, misunderstand anti-Japanese, counter-revolution4.-less: endless, selfless, careless5.-en: golden6.-ern: eastern, western7.-able: comfortable, suitable8.-ish: childish, foolish, bookish9.-al: national, cultural10.-ant: significant, pollutant11.-ent: different, independent12.-ous: famous, courageous13.-y: cloudy, rainy, windy14.-ic: heroic,democratic Movable comfortable applicable visible responsible Natural additional educational physicalRepublicanMerciful tactful graceful dutifulMokeyish snobbish nightmarish sixtyish wettish thinnish plum pishPriceless timelessDreamlike animallike ladylike15.bus=omnibus plane=aeroplane mod=modern demo=demonstrationad=advertisement flu=influenza tec=detective16.。