戴炜栋 新编简明语言学教程文档版


新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋3 Morphology

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋3 Morphology
e different stress patterns from the noncompounded word sequence, e.g. red ‵coat (红外套) green ‵house (绿色房子) black ‵bird (黑色的鸟) hot ‵dog (热的狗) black ‵smith catch ‵word pig ‵pen
Closed class words----grammatical or functional words, such as conjunction, articles, preposition and pronouns.
Morpheme(词素)--the minimal unit of meaning
Morphological(形态学的) rules
The rules that govern the formation of words: in general, English words are formed through six ways. Derivation/Affixation派生/词缀: to add a prefix or a suffix to a word or a root to change either the part of speech or the meaning, or both of the original word. e.g. play—replay, read----reader
Some points about compounds
When the two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category, e.g. postbox, landlady(女房东), icy-cold, blue-black… When the two words fall into different categories, the class of the second or final word will be the grammatical category of the compound, e.g. head-strong(固执), pickpocket(扒手)…

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋 Semantics

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋 Semantics
Complementary (互补)antonyms----the denial of one member of the pair implies the assertion of the other, e.g. alive-dead, male-female, …
Relational (关系)opposites----exhibits the reversal of the relationship between the two items, e.g. husbandwife, father-son, doctor-patient, buy-sell, let-rent, employer-employee, give-receive, above-below, …
evaluative meaning, e.g.collaborator(合作者) accomplice(帮凶),…
4) Collocational(搭配的) synonyms, e.g.
accuse…of(控告), charge…with, rebuke( 谴 责)…for; …
5) Semantically different synonyms, e.g. amaze (suggesting confusing and bewilderment), astound (suggesting difficulty in believing),…
Chapter 5 Semantics
▪ Semantics----the study of language meaning.
▪ What is meaning?---- Scholars under different scientific backgrounds have different understandings of language meaning.

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋7 Language Change

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋7 Language Change

Meaning shift
inn: a small, old hotel or pub well-known, nice hotel nice: ignorant (1000 years ago) good, fine lust: pleasure with negative and sexual overtones silly: happy naï ve, foolish
Some recent trends
Moving towards greater பைடு நூலகம்nformality The influence of American English
The influence of science and technology
The influence of science and technology
Changes in the meaning of words
Widening of meaning Narrowing of meaning Meaning shift
Widening of meaning
holiday: [+specific] holy day [+general] any rest day [+specific] tail of a horse [+general] tail of any animal
Simplification & elaboration/ complication coexist, e.g. The disappearing of case ending results in rigid sentence structure.
Syntactic change

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋4 Syntax

新编简明英语语言学教程 第二版 戴炜栋4 Syntax

Word-level categories
Major lexical categories: p. 43 N, V, Adj, Prep. Minor Lexical categories: p.43 Det(限定 词), Deg, Qual(修饰语), Auxi, Conj.
The criteria on which categories are determined
Transformational Generative Grammar (TG) Norm. Chomsky, the most influential linguist in 20th century, some important works: (1957) Syntactic Structure; (1965) Aspects of the Theory of Syntax; (1981) Lectures on Government and Binding; (1986) Barriers (1993) A Minimalist Program for Linguistic Theory; (1995) The Minimalist Program; (1998) The Minimalist Inquiry……
Coordination rule
Coordinate structures-----the structures that are formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and, or, etc. ----Coordination has four important properties: no limit on the number of coordinated categories before the conjunction; a category at any level can be coordinated; the categories must be of the same type; the category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.



《语言学概论》学习指导第一章III. Answer the following questions briefly.1.What features does human language have, which can notbe found in animal communication system?2.Why is spoken language given priority to writtenlanguage in modern linguistics?3.What are the features of modern linguistics?第二章语音学一、导读2.1 语音研究人类交际包括两种形式:语言交际(linguistic communication) 和非语言交际(paralinguistic communication)。


语言交际包括口语(spoken language)和书面语(written language)。


口语交际的媒介是语音(speech sounds),也就是说人们通过声道(vocal track)发出的音来表达意义。





根据这三个步骤, 语音研究也自然地分成三个主要研究领域。

对第一个步骤的研究是发声语音学(articulatory phonetics),研究语音的产生。

对第二个步骤的研究是声学语音学(acoustic phonetics),研究语音的物理特征。

对第三个步骤的研究是听觉语音学(auditory phonetics),研究和语音感知有关的内容。



Lingu‎i stic‎s is a scien‎t ific‎study‎of langu‎a ge .语言学是对‎语言进行的‎科学研究。

Gener‎a l lingu‎i stic‎s is the study‎of langu‎a ge as a whole‎.普通语言学‎是对语言从‎整体上进行‎的研究the major‎ branc‎h es of lingu‎i stic‎s:语言学内部‎主要分支Phone‎t ics:the study‎o f the sound‎s used in lingu‎i stic‎ commu‎ni cat‎i on..(语音学)对语言交流‎中语音的研‎究Phono‎l ogy the study‎of h ow sound‎s are put toget‎h er and used to conve‎y meani‎n g in commu‎ni cat‎i on. (音位学)如何组合在‎一起并在交‎流中形传达‎意义.Morph‎o logy‎:the study‎of the way in which‎morph‎e mes are arran‎g ed to form words‎(词法学、形态学)如何排列以‎及组合起来‎构成词语Synta‎x:the study‎of those‎rules‎that gover‎n the combi‎n atio‎n of words‎to form permi‎s sibl‎e sente‎n ces (句法学)如何在组成‎语法上可接‎受的句子Seman‎t ics(语义学) the study‎of meani‎n g in abstr‎a ctio‎n语言是用‎来传达意义‎的。

Pragm‎a tics‎(语用学) the study‎of meani‎n g in conte‎x t of use用来‎研究上下文‎的意义跨学科分支‎Socio‎l ingu‎i stic‎s is the study‎of the relat‎i onsh‎i p betwe‎e n langu‎a ge and socie‎t y.社会语言学‎是语言和社‎会之间关系‎的研究Psych‎o ling‎u isti‎c s is the study‎of the relat‎i onsh‎i p betwe‎e n langu‎a ge and the mind.心理语言学‎是语言与心‎灵的关系的‎研究Appli‎e d lingu‎i stic‎s is the study‎of the teach‎i ng of forei‎g n and secon‎d langu‎a ges.应用语言学‎是外国和第‎二语言教学‎的研究Some impor‎t ant disti‎n ctio‎n s in lingu‎i stic‎s语言学中‎一些基本区‎分1. Descr‎i ptiv‎e or Presc‎r ipti‎v eA lingu‎i stic‎study‎is descr‎i ptiv‎e if it descr‎i bes and analy‎s es facts‎obser‎v ed; it is presc‎r ipti‎v e if it tries‎to lay down rules‎for "corre‎c t" behav‎i or.描述性是在‎描述和分析‎人们对语言‎的实际运用‎,规定性是在‎为语言“正确和规范‎的”使用确立规‎则。

(完整word版)新编简明英语语言学教程 戴伟栋版(word文档良心出品)

(完整word版)新编简明英语语言学教程 戴伟栋版(word文档良心出品)

新编简明英语语言学教程戴伟栋版第1章导言本章要点:1. The definition and main branches of linguistics study语言学的定义和研究范围2. Important distinction in Linguistic语言学的一些重要区分3. The definition and the design features of language语言的定义和识别特征4. Function of language语言的功能本章考点:语言学考点:语言学的定义,语言学中几组重要的区别,每组两个概念的含义、区分及其意义;普通语言学的主要分支及各自研究范畴;宏观语言及应用语言学的主要扥只及各自的研究范畴。

语言的考点:语言的定义;语言的识别特征(任意性,能产性,二重性,移位性,文化传递性);语言的功能1,The definition of linguistics语言的定义:Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language(based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to general theory of language structure)2.The scope of linguistics语言学的范围A:micro-linguisticsPhonetics(语音学): the study of the sounds used in linguistic communication.Phonology(音系学): the study of how sounds put together and used to convey meaning in communication.(语音分布和排列的规则及音节的形式) Morphology(形态学): the study of the way in which the symbols are arranged and combined to form words.Syntax(句法学): the study of rules in the combination of words to form grammatically permissible sentences in language.Semantics(语义学): the study of meaning.Pragmatics(语用学): the study of the meaning in the context of language use. B:macro-linguisticsSociolinguistics: the study of all social aspects of language and its relation with the society form the core of the branch.Psycholinguistics: the study of language and its relation with psychology.Applied linguistics: the study of application of language to the solution of practical problems. Narrowly it is the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching, especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.3. Some important distinctions in linguistics 语言学中的重要区分A: Descriptive vs Prescriptive 描写式与规定式Descriptive: if a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use.Prescriptive: if the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “correct and standard” behavior in using lan guage, i.e. to tell people what should they say and what they should not say, it is said to be Prescriptive.B: Synchronic vs Diachronic 共时性和历时性Synchronic: the description of a language at some point of time in history is a synchronic study.Diachronic: the description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study.C: Speech vs writing 言语和文学These are major media of communication.D: Langue vs parole 语言与言语(Saussure 索緖尔)Langue: refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by the all the members of a speech community.Parole: refers to the realization of language in actual use.E: Competence vs performance 语言能力和语言应用(Chomsky乔姆斯基) Competence: refers to a user’s underlying knowledge about the system of the rules.Performance: refers to the actual use in concrete situations.乔姆斯基和索绪尔的区别:索绪尔采用的是社会学的观点,他的语言观念是社会惯例性的。


▪ In a narrow sense, culture may refer to local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be mostly found in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc.
那件东西,不得好木头,且慢慢地办着罢。” 10
The significance of cultural teaching and learning
▪ Learning a foreign language is inseparable from learning its culture.
▪ We need to learn enough about the language’s culture so that we can communicate in the target language properly to achieve not only the linguistic competence but also the pragmatic or communicative competence as well.
▪ Iconic(图象的) meaning ---- the image or icon invoked(援引) in mind by a word.
▪ For example, “dog”.
Some cultural differences in language use
▪ Greetings and terms of address
▪ Sapir and Whorf believe that language filters people’s perception and the way they categorize experiences. This interdependence of language and thought is now known as Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis.

戴伟栋语言学 简明语言学教程

戴伟栋语言学 简明语言学教程

戴版语言学Chapter One----IntroductionPart one----What is linguistics?1. Definition----linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.Scientific means it is based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.No Article before language in this definition means that linguistics studies language in general. Linguists‘ task: basically study and understand the general principles upon which all languages are built.I nterest of linguists is ―what is said‖2. The scopes of linguisticsGeneral linguistics----the study of language as a whole-----the core of linguistics理论语言学Phonetics----the study of sounds used in linguistic communication.语音学Phonology----the study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meanings in communication.音韵学Morphology----the study of the way in which the symbols are arranged and combined to form words.形态学Syntax-----the study of the rules for sentence formation句法学Semantics-----the study of meaning.语义学Pragmatics----the study of meaning in the context of language use.语用学Above are made up of the core of linguisticsSociolinguistics-----the study of all social aspects of language and its relation with society from the core of the branch.社会语言学Psycholinguistics-----the study of language processing, comprehending and production, as well as language acquisition.心里语言学Applied linguistics-----the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching , especially the teaching of foreign and second languages.应用语言学3. Some important distinctions in linguistics.(1) prescriptive vs. descriptiveprescriptive----the linguistic stud y aims to lay down rules for ―correct and standard‖ behavior in using language, i.e. to tell people what they should say and what they should not say. 规定性Descriptive----the linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use. 描写性Modern linguistics is mostly descriptive.(2) Synchronic vs. diachronicSynchronic----the description of a language at some point of time in history.共时性Diachronic----the description of a language as it changes through time----the historical development of language over a period of time----another name: historical linguistics.历时性A synchronic approach enjoys priority over a diachronic one.(3) Speech vs. writing言语和文字Two major media of linguistic communicationSpeech is prior to writing:(1)writing syste m is always ―invented‖ by its users to record speech.(2)speech plays a greater role than writing in information conveyance.(3)speech is acquired as mother tongue while writing is learned and taught.(4)speech reveals true features of human speech while w riting language is only the ―revised‖ record of speech.(4) Langue vs. paroleProposed by Swiss linguist----F. de Saussure----sociological view.Purpose: discover the regularities governing the actual use of language and make them the subjects of study of linguistics.Langue----the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of s speech community.----abstract & stable.语言Parole-----the realization of language in actual use----concrete & varied话语(5) Competence vs. performanceProposed by American linguist Noam Chomsky----psychological viewPurpose: discover and specify the internalized sets of rules.Competence----the ideal user‘s knowledge of the rules of his language.语言能力Performance----the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.语言应用(6) Traditional grammar and modern linguistics传统语法和现代语言学The beginning of modern linguistics-- the publication of Saussure‘s ―Course in General Linguistics‖ in early 20thModern linguistics differs traditional grammar:(1) descriptive vs. prescriptive.(2) spoken language vs. written language.(3)ML doesn‘t force languages into a Latin-based framework.Part Two----What is language?1. Definition----language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.System----elements of language are combined according to rules.Arbitrary----there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what symbol stands for.V ocal----the primary medium for all language is sound.Human----language is human-specific.2. Design features识别性特征----proposed by American linguist Charles Hockett.(5/12) Design features: the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication-----human-specific.(1) Arbitrariness----there is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.任意性Exceptions: Onomatopoeic words and some compound words are not entire arbitrary.(2) Productivity----language is creative in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users----users can produce and understand sentences that they have never heard before.能产性(3) Duality----(another name: double articulation.) Language is a system which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels. The lower lever is the structure of meaningless sounds and the higher level is the structure of meaning.----sound & meaning双层性(4) Displacement----language can be used to refer to things which are present or not present, realor imagined matters in the past, present, or future, in a faraway places------ It doe sn‘t matter how far away the topic is of conversation is in time or space-----free from the barriers caused by separation in time and place.移位性(5) Cultural transmission----the capacity for language is genetically based while the details of and language system should be taught and learned.-----language is passed down from one generation to the next through t eaching and learning, rather than by instinct.文化传承3. The functions of language.(1) Informative: The main function of language that when people use language to communicate with each other, their experience in the real world, record or describe the ―content‖ of the reality, they are actually taking advantage of this function.----the most important function.(2) Interpersonal: people establish and maintain their identity in the society by this function.(3) Performative: this is a function whereby the language influences directly on the reality, such as the sentence of imprisonment by the judge, the naming of a certain ship and the curses as believed by the ancient people.(4) Emotive: this function is performed by those linguistic elements used to express strong feelings, such as exclamatory expressions.(5) Phatic: this is function realized by those ―Phatic language‖, aiming to establishing a harmonious and intimate relationship among people. Examples in Chinese:吃了没?in English: Good norning. & A nice day, isn‘t it?(6) Recreational: This function means that sometimes people may enjoy language for language‘s sake, i.e. no using language in any practical purposes, such as tongue-twisters and children‘s babbles and chanter‘s chanting.(7) Metalingual: people may use language to talk about, explain or even change language itself. This is the metalingual function of language. For example, we may use ―book‖ to ref er to the existing object in the real world, and yet may also use ―the word book‖ to stand by the concept ―book‖ as embodied in language.Chapter 2: PhonologyPart One: The phonic Medium of LanguageLinguists concern only with the sounds that are produced by humans through their speech organs and have a role to play in linguistic communication.phonic medium : The meaningful speech sound in human communication.Speech sounds: the individual sounds within phonic medium are the speech sounds.Part Two: Phonetics1. What is phonetics?phonetics : The study of phonic medium of language and it is concerned with all sounds in the world‘s languages.Classification:articulatory phonetics : It studies sounds from the speaker‘s point of view, i.e. how a speaker use s his speech organs to articulate the sounds. -------speakerauditory phonetics: The studies sounds from the hearer‘s point of view, i.e. how the sounds are perceived by the hearer.-----heareracoustic phonetics: It studies the way sounds travel by looking at the sound waves, the physical means by which sounds are transmitted through the air from one person to another.-----physical properties2. Organs of Speech1 the pharyngeal cavity----throat.2 the oral cavity-------------mouth.------tongue: most flexible.3 the nasal cavity-----------nose. In English, there are three nasal sounds, namely, [m], [n], [η]. voicing: the way that sounds are produced with the vibration of the vocal cords.voiceless: the way that sounds are produced with no vibration of the vocal cords.3. Orthographic representation of speech sounds----broad and narrow transcriptions.IPA: short for International Phonetic Alphabets, a system of symbols consists of letters and diacritics, used to represent the pronunciation of words in any language.broad transcription: The use of letter symbols only to show the sounds or sounds sequences in written form.narrow transcription: The use of letter symbol, together with the diacritics to show sounds in written form.diacritics: The symbols used in the narrow transcription to show detailed articulatory features of sounds.aspiration: A little puff of air that sometimes follows a speech sound.4. Classification of English Speech SoundsClassification:consonant: a speech sound in which the air stream is obstructed in one way or another.vowel : a speech sound in which the air stream from the lung meets with no obstruction.1 Classification of English consonants:1 Manner of articulation: The manner in which obstruction is created.Stops: [p], [b], [t], [d], [k], [g].Fricatives: [f], [v], [s], [z], [θ], [], [∫] [3], [h].Affricates: [t∫],[d3]Liquids: [l], [r].Nasals: [m], [n], [η]Glides: [w], [j].------semi-vowels2 place of articulation : The place where obstruction is created.Bilabial: [p], [b], [m], [w].Labiodental: [f], [v]Dental: [θ], [ ]Alveolar: [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l], [r]Palatal: [∫] [3], [t∫],[d3], [j].Velar: [k], [g], [η]Glottal: [h].Manner of articulation, place of articulation and voicing/ voiceless help describe a consonant.2 Classification of English V owels.1 the position of the tongue:front: [i:], [i], [e], [ε], [æ], [a]central: [з:], [з], [/\]back: [u:], [u], [o], [o:], [a:]2 the openness of the mouth.Close vowels: [i:], [i], [u:], [u],Semi-close: [e], [з:]Semi-open: [з], [o:]Open vowels: [æ], [a], [/\],[o], [a:]3 shape of the lips:unrounded: [i:], [i], [e], [ε], [æ], [a], [з:], [з], [/\],[a:]rounded: [u:], [u], [o], [o:].4 length of the sound:long vowels: [i:], [з:], [u:], [o:], [a:]short vowels: [i], [e], [ε], [æ], [a], [з], [/\],[u], [o].5 monophthong : the individual vowel.-----above vowels are all monophthongs.diphthong : The vowel which consists of two individual vowels, and functions as a single one. [ei], [ai], [oi], [iз], [au], [зu], [eз], [uз]----eight diphthongs.Part Three: Phonology1. Phonology and Phoneticsphonetics : The study of phonic medium of language and it is concerned with all sounds in the world‘s languages.phonology : The description of sound systems of particular languages and how sounds function to distinguish meaning.Similarity: all concerned with the same aspect of language----the speech sounds.Differences: approach and focus.1 Phonetics is of a general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages-----how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they possess, how they can be classified.2 Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language from patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication.E.g. allophones clear [l] and dark [l]:Phonetically speaking, they are interested in the differences how they are pronounced. Phonologically speaking, they are the same in functioning conveyance of the meanings.2. Phone, Phoneme, and Allophonephone : The speech sound we use when speaking a language, which does not necessarily distinguish meaning in the English language.phoneme : The smallest unit of sound in a language which can distinguish two sounds. allophone : any different forms of the same phoneme in different phonetic environments, e.g. clear [l] and dark [l] of the same [l], aspirated [p] and unaspirated [p] of the same [p] in different phonetic environments.3. Phonemic contrast, complementary distribution, and minimal pairphonemic contrast : two similar sounds occur in the same environment and distinguish meaning.E.g. [b] in [bit] and [p] in [pit] form phonemic contrast.complementary distribution : allophones of the same phoneme and they don‘t distinguish meaning but complement each other in distribution. E.g. clear [l] and dark [l] respectively in thepronunciation of light and feel.minimal pair: two different forms are identical in every way except one sound and occurs in the same position. The two sounds are said to form a minimal pair. E.g. bat and bet are a minimal pair.4. Some Rules in Phonology1 sequential rules: The rules to govern the combination of sounds in a particular language.2 assimilation rule: The rule assimilates one sound to another by copying a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones similar.3 deletion rule: The rule that a sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented. 5. Suprasegmental Features----stress, tone, intonationsuprasegmental features: The phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments----syllable, word, sentence are called suprasegmental features, which include stress, tone and intonation.1 Stress:Classification: word stress & sentence stress.Word Stress:1 The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning.A shift of stress may change the part of speech of a word from a noun to a verb although its spelling remains unchanged. E.g. ‗impott (n)----im‘port (v), ‗record (n)-----re‘cord (v)‗blackbird (compound)-----‗black‗bird (noncompound)2 The meaning-distinctive role played by word stress is also manifested in the combinations of –ing forms and nouns. E.g. ‘dining room(compound)----sleeping ‘baby (noncompound) Sentence Stress:Sentence stress: It refers to the relative force given to the components of a sentence.he parts of speech that are normally stressed in an English sentence are: N, V, Adj., Adv., Numerals, demonstrative pronouns. E.g. He is driving my car.------He drive, my, car.2 Tone:tone: Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords.Tone (pitch variation) can distinguish meaning in such languages as Chinese, but English is not a tone language.3 Intonation:intonation: When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as intonation.Intonation plays a very important role in the conveyance of meaning in almost every language, especially in a language like English. ------four basic types of intonation, namely, the falling tone, the rising tone, the fall-rise tone, the rise-fall tone.The falling tone------what is said is a straight forward, matter-of-fact statement.The rising tone-------make a question of what is said.The fall-rise tone----indicate that there is an implied message in what is said.Chapter 3: MorphologyPart One: Morphology1. Open class and closed classopen class: A group of words, which contains an unlimited number of items, and new words can be added to it.----content words. E.g. beatnik: a member of the Beat generation, or a person who rejects or avoids conventional behaviour.closed class: A relatively few words, including conjunctions, prepositions and pronouns, and new words are not usually added to them.------function words.2. Internal structure if words and rules for word formationmorphology: A branch of linguistics that studies the internal structure of words and rules for word formation.Part Two: Morphemes----the minimal units of meaningmorpheme: The smallest unit of meaning of a language. It can not be divided without altering or destroying its meaning.bound morpheme: Morpheme that can not be used alone, and it must be combined wit others. E.g. –ment.free morpheme: a morpheme that can stand alone as a word.affix: a letter or a group of letter, which is added to a word, and which changes the meaning or function of the word, including prefix, infix and suffix.suffix: The affix, which is added to the end of a word, and which usually changes the part of speech of a word.prefix: The affix, which is added to the beginning of a word, and which usually changes the meaning of a word to its opposite.Part three: Derivational and inflectional morphemesderivational morpheme: Bound morpheme, which can be added to a stem to form a new word. inflectional morpheme: A kind of morpheme, which are used to make grammatical categories, such as number, tense and case. E.g. –ed and –ing endings are inflectional morphemes. inflection: the morphological process which adjusts words by grammatical modification, e.g. in The rains came, rain is inflected for plurality and came for past tense.Part Four: Morphological rules of word formationmorphological rules: The ways words are formed. These rules determine how morphemes combine to form words.Part Five Compoundscompound words: A combination of two or more words, which functions as a single wordsthe noteworthy:1 When two words are in the same grammatical category, the compound will be in this category:E.g. post box, landlady (n+n=n), blue-black, icy-cold (adj.+adj.=adj.)2 In many cases, the two words fall into different categories, then the class of second or final word will be the grammatical category if the compound.E.g. under ‗take (v), in‘action (n), up‘lift (v)3 It is often the case that compounds have different stress patterns from the noncompounded word sequence.E.g. ‗redcoat, ‗greenhouse are compounds, but red coat and green house are not.4 The meaning of a compound is not always the sum of the meanings of its parts.E.g. bigwig, highbrow, jack-in-a-box, turncoatConclusion: Morphological rules reveal the relations between words and provide the means forforming new words. It is these rules that enable us to coin new words. Compounding is a very common and frequent process for enlarging the vocabulary of the English language.Chapter 4: SyntaxPart One: What is Syntax?syntax: A branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences.Part Two: Categories1. Word-level categoriescategory: It refers to a group of linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb.syntactic categories: Words can be grouped together into a relatively small number of classes, called syntactic categories.Major lexical categories: (as heads) N, V, A, VWord-level categoriesMinor lexical categories: det. Deg. Qua. Aux. con.major lexical category: one type of word level categories, which often assumed to be the heads around which phrases are built, including N, V, Adj, and Prep.minor lexical category: one type of word level categories, which helps or modifies major lexical category.Three criteria to determine a word‘s category?1 Meaning:1 Word categories often bear some relationship with its meaning:■Nouns typically denote entities such as human beings and objects.■Verbs, characteristically designate action, sensation and states.2 The meaning associated with nouns and verbs can be elaborated in various ways:■The property or attribute of the entities denoted by nouns can be elaborated by adjectives.■The properties and attributes of the actions, sensations and states designated by verbs can typically be denoted by adverbs.3 It is misleading to assume that a word‘s category can be told straightforward from its meaning.■ Nouns such as dilemma and friendship do not concretely reveal their entities.■ Some words such as love and hate which indicate actions tend to be verbs but they can also be used as nouns.■ Words with the same or similar meanings sometimes belong to different word categories, such as be aware of and know about.2 Inflection:1 Words of different categories take different inflections. Words of different categories take different inflection.■ Nouns such as boy and desk take the plural affix –s.■ Verbs such as work and help take –ed and –ing.■ Adjectives such as quiet and clever take –er and –est.2 Although inflection is very helpful in determining a word‘s c ategory, it does not always suffice.■ Nouns like moisture, fog, do not take plural form –s.■ Adjectives like frequent and intelligent do not take –er or –est.3 Distribution:Distribution is what type of elements can co-occur with a certain word.■ Nouns can typically appear with a determiner like the girl and a card.■ Verbs with an auxiliary such as should stay and will go.■ Adjectives with a degree word such as very cool and too bright.Conclusion: Thus, a word‘s distributional facts together with inf ormation about its meaning and inflectional capabilities help identify is syntactic category.2. Phrase categories and their structuresphrase: syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrase, the category of which is determined by the word category around which the phrase is built.phrase category: the phrase that is formed by combining with words of different categories. In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed, namely, NP, VP, PP, AP.Whether formed of one or more than one word, phrases consist of two levels, phrase level and word level.NP VP AP PP <---------- phrase levelN V A P < ---------- word levelPhrase that are formed of more than one word usually contain head, specifier and complement. head: The word round which phrase is formed is termed head.specifier: The words on the left side of the heads are said to function as specifiers. complement: The words on the right side of the heads are complements.Part Three Phrase Structure Rulephrase structure rule: The special type of grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule.NP----- > (Det) N (P P)…. AP---- > (Deg) A (PP)….VP ---- > (Qual) v (NP)…. PP---- > (Deg) P (NP)….1. XP RuleIn NP, AP, VP, PP phrases, the specifier is attached at the top level to the left of head while complement is attached to the right. These similarities can be summarized with the help of the template , in which X stands for the head N, V,A,P.: The XP rule: XP-----> (specifier) X (complement)XP rule: In all phrases, the specifier is attached at the top level to the left of the head while the complement is attached to the right. These similarities can be summarized as an XP rule, in which X stands for the head N,V,A or P.2. X▔ TheoryX▔theory: A theoretical concept in transformational grammar which restricts the form of context-free phrases structure rules.The intermediate level formed by the head and the complement between word level and phrase level is represented by the symbol X▔. Thus the new three-level structures can be written as follows:a. XP----- > (specifier) X▔b. X▔----> X (complement)3. Coordination Rulecoordination: Some structures are formed by joining two or more elements of the same type with the help of a conjunction such as and or or. Such phenomenon is known as coordination. Such structure are called coordination structure.Four important properties:1 There is no limit on the number of coordinated categories that can appear prior to the conjunction.2 A category at any level (a head or an entire XP) can be coordinated.3 Coordinated categories must be of the same type4 The category type of the coordinate phrase is identical to the category type of the elements being conjoined.Coordination Rule: X------ > X *Con XPart Four: Phrase elements1. Specifiersspecifier: The words on the left side of the heads and which are attached to the top level, are specifiers.Specifiers have both special semantic and syntactic roles:■ Semantically, they help make m ore precise the meaning of the head.■ Syntactically, they ty pically make a phrase boundary.The syntactic category of the specifier differs depending on the category of the head.2. Complementscomplement: The words on the right side of the heads are complements.Complements are themselves phrases and provide information about entities and locations whose existence is implied by the meaning of the head. They are attached to the right of the head in English.subcategorization: the information about a word‘s complement is included in the head and termed suncategorization.XP ----- > (Specifier) X (Complements*)― * ‖ means the fact that complements, however many there are, occur to the right of the head in English.Miss Hebert believes that she will win.―that‖ ------ complementizer: Words which introduce the sentence complement are termed complementizer.―she will win‖ ---- complement clause: The sentence introduced by the complementizer.―that she will win‖ ---- complement phrase: the elements, including a complementizer and a complement clause.―Miss Hebert believes‖ ---- matrix clause: the contrusction in which the complement phrase is embedded.3. modifiersmodifier: the element, which specifies optionally expressible properties of heads is called modifier.XP------ > (Spec) (Mod) X (Complement*) (Mod)This rule allows a modifier to occur either before the head or after it. Where there is a complement, amodifier that accurs after the head will normally occur to the right of the complement as well. Part Five : Sentences (The S Rule)1 The S rule : S ----> NP VP (This analysis is based on the assumptionn that unlike other phrases, which contains a head, a complement and a pecifier, S does not have an internal structure.)2 Another view : Many linguists beliebve that sentences, like other phrases, also have their own heads. They take abstract category inflection as their heads, which indicates the sentence‘s tense and agreement, Like other phrases, Infl takes an NP as its specifier and a VP as its complement.1 Infl realized by a tense label-----The boy found the book.2 Infl position realized by an auxiliary----A boy will find the book.Part Six : Transformations1. Auxiliary movementtransformation : a special type of rule that can move an element from one position to another.The yes-no question structures are built in two steps :1 The usual XP rule is used to form a structure in which the auxiliary occupies its normal position in Infl, between subject and the VP.2 In forming a yes-no question requires a transformation known as inversion to move the auxiliary from the Infl position to a position to the left of the subject, C position.inversion : the process of transformation that moves the auxiliary from the Infl position to a position to the left of the subject, is called inversion.Such type of inversion operation involving the movement of a word from the head position in one phrase into the head position in another is known as head movement.2. Do InsertionHow to form a yes-no question that does not conta in an overt Infl such as ― Birds fly.‖Linguists circumvents this problem by adding the special auxiliary verb do. So we can formulate an insertion rule:Do insertion: Insert interrogative do into an empty Infl position.Do insertion : In the process of forming yes-no question that does not contain an overt Infl, interrogative do is inserted into an empty Infl positon to make transformation work.3. Deep structure and surface structuredeep structure : A level of abstract syntactic representation formed by the XP rule.surface structure : A level of syntactic representation after applying the necessary syntactic movement, i.e., transformation, to the deep structure.The XP rule---> Deep structure ---> Transformation ---> Surface structure. (Subcategorization restricts choice of complements.)4. Wh MovementWh question : In English, the kind of questions beginning with a wh- word are called wh question. Wh movement :The transformation that will move wh phrase from its position in deep structure to a position at the beginning of the sentence. This transformation is called wh movement. 【Practice】Draw a tree diagram of the sentence:She has finally found the man who she loves.5. Moveaand constraints on transformationsmove α: a general rule for all the movement rules, where ‗alpha‗ is a cover term foe any element that can be moved from one place to another.Constraints: 1 Inversion can move an auxiliary from the Infl to the nearest C position, but not to a more didtant C position.E.g.: Deep structure: Mike should know that the train might be late.。




The definition and main branches of linguistics study语言学的定义和研究范围2。

Important distinction in Linguistic语言学的一些重要区分3。

The definition and the design features of language语言的定义和识别特征4。

Function of language语言的功能本章考点:语言学考点:语言学的定义,语言学中几组重要的区别,每组两个概念的含义、区分及其意义;普通语言学的主要分支及各自研究范畴;宏观语言及应用语言学的主要扥只及各自的研究范畴。

语言的考点:语言的定义;语言的识别特征(任意性,能产性,二重性,移位性,文化传递性);语言的功能1,The definition of linguistics语言的定义:Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language(based on the systematic investigation of linguistic data, conducted with reference to general theory of language structure) 2。

The scope of linguistics语言学的范围A: micro—linguisticsPhonetics(语音学):the study of the sounds used in linguistic communication.Phonology(音系学): the study of how sounds put together and used to convey meaningin communication.(语音分布和排列的规则及音节的形式)Morphology(形态学):the study of the way in which the symbols are arranged and combined to form words。

06422英语语言学 — 新编简明英语语言学教程, 戴炜栋

06422英语语言学 — 新编简明英语语言学教程, 戴炜栋

06422英语语言学—新编简明英语语言学教程, 戴炜栋ContentsChapter 1 Introduction (1)Chapter 2 Phonology (5)Chapter 3 Morphology (8)Chapter 4 Syntax (9)Chapter 5 Semantics (12)Chapter 6 Pragmatics (16)Chapter 7 Historical linguistics (19)Chapter 8 Sociolinguistics (24)Chapter 9 Psycholinguistics (29)Chapter 10 Language Acquisition (32)Chapter 1 Introduction一、定义1.语言学LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.普通语言学General LinguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics.3.语言languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。

4.识别特征Design FeaturesIt refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。

1. Arbitrariness任意性2. Productivity多产性3. Duality双重性4. Displacement移位性5. Cultural transmission文化传递⑴arbitrarinessThere is no logical connection between meanings and sounds.P.S the arbitrary nature of language is a sign of sophistication and it makes it possible for language to have an unlimited source of expressions⑵ProductivityAnimals are quite limited in the messages they are able to send.⑶DualityLanguage is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, or two levels.⑷DisplacementLanguage can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker.⑸Cultural transmissionHuman capacity for language has a genetic basis, but we have to be taught and learned the details of any language system. this showed that language is culturally transmitted. not by instinct. animals are born with the capacity to produce the set of calls peculiar to their species.5.语言能力CompetenceCompetence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.6.语言运用performancePerformance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的体现。



《新编简明英语语言学教程》Chapter1IntroductionChapter2PhonologyChapter3MorphologyChapter4SyntaxChapter5SemanticsChapter6PragmaticsChapter7Language ChangeChapter8Language and SocietyChapter9Language and CultureChapter10Language AcquisitionChapter11Second Language Acquisition Chapter12Language And The BrainChapter1Introduction考情分析本章分为两个部分,第一部分介绍了什么是语言学,主要是对语言学的定义、语言学的研究范围以及语言学中6对重要的概念进行了区分。


本章常出的题型有填空题、翻译术语、术语解释、简答题以及论述题,大家在复习的时候尤其要注意以下重点内容:◆语言学中6对重要的概念区分Some important distinctions in linguistics(6)◆语言的识别性特征Design features of language(5)◆语言的功能Functions of languageContents1.1What is linguistics?1.1.1Definition1.1.2The scope of linguistics1.1.3Some important distinctions in linguistics(6)Prescriptive规定性vs.Descriptive描写性Synchronic共时性vs.Diachronic历时性Speech口语and Writing书面语Langue语言and Parole言语---Saussure索绪尔Competence语言能力and Performance语言运用---Chomsky乔姆斯基Traditional grammar传统语法and modern linguistics现代语言学1.2What is language?1.2.1Definitions1.2.2Design features of language(5)Arbitrariness任意性Productivity/Creativity创造性Duality/Double Articulation二重性Displacement移位性Cultural transmission文化传递性1.2.3Functions of languageVersion1Social function社会功能Expressive function表达功能Descriptive function描述功能Version2Code语码---Metalinguistic元语言功能Jakobson Addressee受话者---Conative意动功能Context语境---Referential所指功能Message信息----Poetic诗学功能Contact接触---Phatic communication寒暄功能Addresser说话者---Emotive情感功能Version3ideational概念功能Halliday interpersonal人际功能textual functions语篇功能Chapter1Introduction1.1What is linguistics?1.1.1DefinitionLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.◆It studies not any particular language,but it studies languages in general.◆It is a scientific study because it is based on the systematic investigation of linguisticdata,conducted with reference to some general theory of language structure.Q1.How do you interpret the following definition of linguistics:Linguistics is the scientific study of language?1.1.2The scope of linguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called general linguistics.普通语言学Phonetics(语音学)——The study of sounds used in linguistic communication led to the establishment of phonetics.Phonology(音系学)——It studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication.Morphology(形态学)——The study of the way in which these symbols are arranged and combined to form words has constituted the branch of study.Syntax(句法学)—It studies the rules governing the combination of words that form grammatically permissible sentences in languages.Semantics(语义学)——It studies the meaning conveyed.Pragmatics(语用学)——It studies the meaning in the context of language use.跨学科分支Sociolinguistics(社会语言学):The studies of all these social aspects of language and its relation with society.Psycholinguistics(心理语言学):The study of language to psychology.Applied linguistics(应用语言学)【2017术语解释104points】:The study of such applications is generally known as applied linguitics.In a narrow sense,it refers to the application of linguistic theories and principles to language teaching,especially the teaching of foreign andsecond languages.1.1.3Some important distinctions in linguistics(1)Prescriptive vs descriptive【2013简答题2710points】①Prescriptive(规定性)The linguistic study aims to lay down rules for“correct and standard”behavior in using language,i.e.to tell people what they should say and what they should not say.(为语言的“正确和规范”规定一系列的语法规则,例如告诉人们应该说什么和不应该说什么)【2015翻译术语18prescriptive grammar规约性语法】②Descriptive(描写性)The linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use.(对人们使用的语言进行客观描述与分析)For example,traditional grammar is prescriptive because it aims to set models for people to follow.While modern linguistics is mostly descriptive because it is supposed to be scientific and objective and its task is to describe the language people actually use.Q2.What are the differences between the descriptive and the prescriptive approaches?(2)synchronic vs diachronic①Synchronic(共时性)——the description of a language at some point of time in history.(对某个时间点上的语言状态的描述)②Diachronic(历时性)——the description of a language as it change through time.It is a historical study;it studies the historical development of language over a period of time.【2011填空1】【2016术语解释216points】(它是对语言随着时间的变化而变化的描述,是一种历史性的研究,研究的是语言在某一段时间内的历史发展)Q4.Is modern linguistics mainly synchronic or diachronic?why?a.In modern linguistics,a synchronic approach seems to enjoy priority over a diachronic one. Because it is believed that unless the various states of a language in different historical periods are successfully studied,it would be difficult to describe the changes that have taken place in its historical development.现代语言学中,共时性研究比历时性研究更重要。



II. The scope of linguistics v. Semantics: the study of the abstract or inherent meaning in isolation, not in context
II. The scope of linguistics vi. Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication.
I. Definition of linguistics the goal of the linguist:
observe, collect language facts
discover the common elements of all languages (describe, explain)
III. Some important distinctions in linguistics ii. Synchronic vs. Diachronic e.g. gossip God sibling Godparent Acquaintance Medieval
talk idly, wiபைடு நூலகம்h no academic or business purpose
III. Some important distinctions in linguistics ii. Synchronic vs. Diachronic 1. Synchronic analysis: Analyze linguistic phenomena only at one point in time, usu. the present. 2. Diachronic analysis: Analyze the historical development of a language, which involves two points in time.



Linguistics is a scientific study of language .语言学是对语言进行的科学研究。

General linguistics is the study of language as a whole.普通语言学是对语言从整体上进行的研究the major branches of linguistics:语言学内部主要分支Phonetics:the study of the sounds used in linguistic communication..(语音学)对语言交流中语音的研究Phonology the study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. (音位学)如何组合在一起并在交流中形传达意义.Morphology:the study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words (词法学、形态学)如何排列以及组合起来构成词语Syntax:the study of those rules that govern the combination of words to form permissible sentences (句法学)如何在组成语法上可接受的句子Semantics(语义学) the study of meaning in abstraction语言是用来传达意义的。

Pragmatics(语用学) the study of meaning in context of use用来研究上下文的意义跨学科分支Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society.社会语言学是语言和社会之间关系的研究Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and the mind.心理语言学是语言与心灵的关系的研究Applied linguistics is the study of the teaching of foreign and second languages.应用语言学是外国和第二语言教学的研究Some important distinctions in linguistic s语言学中一些基本区分1. Descriptive or PrescriptiveA linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior.描述性是在描述和分析人们对语言的实际运用,规定性是在为语言“正确和规范的”使用确立规则。

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Linguistics is a scientific study of language .语言学是对语言进行的科学研究。

General linguistics is the study of language as a whole.普通语言学是对语言从整体上进行的研究the major branches of linguistics:语言学内部主要分支Phonetics:the study of the sounds used in linguistic communication..(语音学)对语言交流中语音的研究Phonology the study of how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication. (音位学)如何组合在一起并在交流中形传达意义.Morphology:the study of the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words (词法学、形态学)如何排列以及组合起来构成词语Syntax:the study of those rules that govern the combination of words to form permissible sentences (句法学)如何在组成语法上可接受的句子Semantics(语义学) the study of meaning in abstraction语言是用来传达意义的。

Pragmatics(语用学) the study of meaning in context of use用来研究上下文的意义跨学科分支Sociolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and society.社会语言学是语言和社会之间关系的研究Psycholinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and the mind.心理语言学是语言与心灵的关系的研究Applied linguistics is the study of the teaching of foreign and second languages.应用语言学是外国和第二语言教学的研究Some important distinctions in linguistic s语言学中一些基本区分1. Descriptive or PrescriptiveA linguistic study is descriptive if it describes and analyses facts observed; it is prescriptive if it tries to lay down rules for "correct" behavior.描述性是在描述和分析人们对语言的实际运用,规定性是在为语言“正确和规范的”使用确立规则。

2. Synchronic and DiachronicThe description of a language at some point in time is a synchronic study and The description of a language as it changes through time is a diachronic study。

共时性对语言在历史的某一时间点的描述,历时性对语言随着时间的变化而变化的描述3. Speech and Writin g.4. Langue and ParoleThis is a distinction made by the Swiss linguist F.De Saussure (索绪尔)early last century. langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community and parole refers to the actualized(实际的) language, or realization of langue.瑞士语言学家索绪尔于20实际早期提出,语言是一个话语社团所有成员共有的抽象的语言系统,言语是语言在实际运用中的实现。

5. Competenceand and PerformanceCompetence is the ideal language user's knowledge of the rules of his language. Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in utterances(发声).语言能力定为理想的语言使用者关于语言规则方面的知识,语言运用在语言交流中的具体实现。

6Modern linguistics and traditional grammar现代语言学与传统语法Firstly, linguistics is descriptive while traditional grammar is prescriptive. 语言学是描述性的而传统语法是规定。

Secondly, modern linguistics regards the spoken language as primary, not the written.现代语言学家认为口头语是最基本的,而不是书面语。

Then, modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar also in that it does not force languages into a Latin-based framework. 现在语言学不同于传统语法还在于它不强行将语言放进一个拉丁语为基础的框架内.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. 语言是有任意性,用于人类交流的语音标志系统。

语言的本质特征1 Language is a system,i.e,elements of language are combined according to certain rules.语言是一个系统,即语言的元素相结合,按照一定的规则2 Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between a linguistic symbol and what the symbol stands for.语言符号和符号所代表的事物之间没有内在的必然的联系,从这个意义上说语言是任意的。

3 Language is vocal because the primary medium for all languages is sound.语言是有声,因为所有语言的主要媒介都是声音4 Language is human-specific,i.e.,it is very different from the communication systems other forms of life possess.语言是人类特有的,它与其他生物的交际系统不同Design features of language 语言的结构,识别特征Design features refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.识别的特征指人类语言区别于任何动物交际系统的本质特征1 arbitrariness ----It means that there is no logical convention between meaning and sounds.任意性-意味意义和语言之间的没有什么逻辑的联系2 productivity or Creativity ---language is productivity or creativity in that it makes possible the construction and interpretation of new signals by its users.能产性-语言是能产的或具有创造性的,它使得者可以建构或和解释的新的符号3 duality --language is system,which consists of two sets of structures.双重性-- 语言系统,它由两种结构组成套the lower or the basic level----sounds which are meaningless, but can be grouped and regrouped into words the higher level ----words which are meaningful.4Displacement---- Language can be use to refer to contexts removed from the immediate situations of the speaker。

移位性-语言能够指远离说话人所在场合的情境5 Cultural transmission while human capacity for language has a genetic basis,the details of any language system are not genetically transmitted, but instead have to be taught and learned. 文化传承性--而人类的语言能力具有遗传的基础,任何语言系统的细节都要靠传教和学习。

Chapter 2 Phonetics and phonologyPhonetics the study of the phonic medium of language: it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages..语音学是对语言的媒介进行的研究,它关注语言世界中所有的语音Three branches of phonetics语音学三个分支Articulatory [ɑ:'tikjuleitəri] phonetics---发音语音学(历史最悠久)Auditory .['ɔ:ditəri] phonetics----听觉语音学Acoustic [ə'ku:stik] phonetics---声学语音学three important cavities Organs of speech三个重要区域发音器官Pharyngeal [færindʒi:əl] cavity ---- the throat [θrəut];咽腔,喉咙The oral cavity ---- the mouth;口腔,嘴巴Nasal ['neɪzəl] cavity ---- the nose.鼻腔,鼻子Lips, teeth, teeth ridge[ridʒ] (alveolus)齿龈, hard palate硬腭, soft palate (velum)软腭, uvula['ju:vjulə]小舌, tip of tongueInternational Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).国际音标Orthographic {ɔ:θəɡræfik}representation of speech sounds语音的正字法表征Broad transcription【træn'skrɪpʃə】-- the transcription with letter-symbols only宽式标音是用代表字母的符号标音Narrow transcription ---the transcription with diacritics.[,daiə'kritik]严式标音是用代表字母的符号和变音共同标音Voiceless: when the vocal cords are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded.[,ʌnim'pi:did]清音是当声带完全张开,气流通过声带而不引起振动Voicing/ voiced: when the vocal cords are drawn together, the air from the lungs repeated pushes them apart as it passes through, creating a vibration[vaɪ'breɪʃən] effect浊化是当气流在强行穿过的时候会使他们以不同的速度振动。
