
杨立民《现代大学英语精读(3)》(第2版)【词汇短语+课文精解+全文翻译+练习答案】(Unit1)Unit1一、词汇短语Text Acrisis[]n.危机;危险期;决定性时刻adj.危机的;用于处理危机的【例句】Affair have reached a crisis.事情已经发展到了紧要关头。
endeavor[]n.&v.努力,尽力,力图【例句】We must always endeavour to improve our work.我们任何时候都要努力改进自己的工作。
【词组】make one’s(best)endeavor(s)尽全力,竭力【助记】end(最后)+eavor(联想favor)→最后,缘分使努力成为现实。
perceive[]v.感知,察觉;理解,领悟,意识到【例句】Did you perceive a red colour or a green one?你看出来是红颜色还是绿颜色?【词组】perceive sth.as sth.理解或领悟某事物;认为【助记】per(透过)+ceive(取)→透过感觉来拿→察觉。
【派生】perception n.知觉;[生理]感觉;看法;洞察力;获取encyclopedia/encyclopaedia[]n.百科全书【例句】A dictionary deals with words and an encyclopedia deals with facts.词典讲解单词,而百科全书讲解事实。
genetic[]adj.遗传的,起源的【例句】Genetic engineering will have revolutionaryconsequences for mankind.遗传工程将对人类产生深远的影响。
【词组】genetic material遗传物质;基因材料genetic information遗传信息【派生】genetical adj.遗传的;起源的;创始的genetics n.遗传学【助记】gene(基因)+ticendow[]v.资助,捐赠;(with)给予,赋予【例句】Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉。

现代大学英语精读3词汇adolescence n. 青春期adulthood n. 成年affirm vt. 证实,断言,肯定 vi. 断言,申明agenda n. 议事日程approval n. 批准, 认可, 同意, 赞同attitudinal adj. 态度的Baptist n. 施洗者约翰, 施洗者, 浸信会教友contribute vt. 捐助,投稿 vi. 投稿,贡献,是原因之一counsel n. 商议, 忠告, 法律顾问 v. 商议, 劝告crisis n. 危急关头,危机encyclopedia n. 百科全书endeavor n. 努力, 尽力, 进取心 vt. 努力,尽力 vi. 企图, 谋求endowment n. 捐助(奖金),天赋ethical adj. 伦理的;道德的;凭处方出售的ethnic adj. 民族的,种族的,有民族特色的 n. 少数民族的一员evaluate vt. 评估,评价excessive adj. 过多的,过分的feminine adj. 女性的functional adj. 功能的,有功能的,实用的genetic adj. 基因的, 遗传的, 起源的heighten v. 增高,提高,加强inherit vi. 继承 vt. 继承,遗传inhibition n. 禁止, 禁制, 压抑interaction n. 相互作用, 相互影响internalize vt. 使内在化masculine n. 阳性, 男性 adj. 男性的, 阳性的, 有丈夫气的newscast n. 新闻广播option n.选择(的自由);选项;选择权;选择能力 vt.得到或获准进行选择;调动球员peer vi. 凝视,盯着看;窥视 vt. 封为贵族;与…同等 n. 贵族;同等的人perceive v. 察觉, 感觉, 认知, 理解process n.过程;工序;做事方法;工艺流程 vt.加工;处理;审阅;审核 vi.列队行进 adj.经过特殊加工(或处理)的project n. 工程,项目,计划,事业 v. 计划,设计,表达 v. 投射,放映,凸出rebel n. 叛徒,起义者 vi. 造反,反抗,反感 adj. 造反的,反抗的,反叛者的resentment n. 怨恨, 愤恨seminary n. 神学院, 学院,发源地stressful adj. 紧张的, 压力重的theological adj. 神学的 =theologicunquestionably adv. 当然地, 无可非议地wardrobe n. 衣柜,衣橱 n. 全部服装adolescent adj. 青春期的, 青少年的 n. 青少年distressed adj.痛苦的动词distress的过去式和过去beard n. 胡须 vt. 抓住胡须,公开反对unit 2 Diogenes and Alexanderblock n.块;街区; <英>大楼,大厦;障碍物,阻碍 vt.阻止;阻塞;限制cynicism n.愤世嫉俗,讥笑,冷言冷语 Cynicism:犬儒主义,犬儒哲学elaborate adj. 精细的, 详尽的, 精心的 v. 详细地说明, 用心地作,推敲elegant adj. 优雅的, 精美的, 俊美的fountain n. 喷泉,源泉,储水容器,泉水 vt.& vi. 使像喷泉一样流guffaw vi .哄笑, 狂笑 n. 哄笑, 狂笑 vt. 大笑着说lunatic adj. 疯狂的,极蠢的 n. 疯子macedonian adj.马其顿的 n.马其顿人monarch n. 帝王, 统治者, 元首/nn. 君王斑点蝶nudge vt. 轻推,引起注意,接近 vi. 轻推olive n. 橄榄, 橄榄树, 橄榄色 adj. 黄绿色的, 黄褐色的, 橄榄色的page n. 页 v. (给...)当听差 vt. (通过扩音器、传呼机等)呼叫paradox n.反论,悖论;似非而是的论点;自相矛盾的人或事; [物]佯谬pebble n. 鹅卵石 n. 水晶, 水晶透镜 v. 用卵石铺,用卵石投掷,使有卵石纹privacy n. 隐私, 隐居, 秘密scant adj. 不充分的, 不足的 v. 减缩, 限制,忽略scoop n. 铲子, 舀取, 独家新闻, 一勺, 穴 vt. 汲取, 舀取, 抢先报道, 挖空scratch n. 抓痕,抓的声音,乱写 vt. &vi. 搔痒,抓,抹掉 adj. 使皮肤发痒的,潦草的squatter vi. 涉水过 n. 蹲着的人,擅自占地者,寮屋,寮屋住户stroll n. 闲逛,漫步 vt.& vi. 闲逛,漫步sweat n. 汗, 流汗, (因冷凝作用形成在物体表面的)水珠, 艰巨的任务, 焦急状态 vi. 出汗, 辛苦工作, 感到焦急 vt. 使流汗, 拼命做出...titter n. 嗤笑, 偷笑 vi. 吃吃地笑, 偷笑naked adj. 裸体的,无掩饰的,明白的,手无寸铁的corresponding adj. 符合的, 一致的, 相同的, 相应的, 相当的conventionality n. 常规,陈规陋习, 因袭传统generosity n. 慷慨, 大方bare adj. 赤裸的,显露的,极少的,仅仅的 vt. 使赤裸,露出squat n. 蹲 adj. 蹲着的, 矮胖胖的 v. 蹲下, 坐decay n. 衰退, 腐败 v. 衰退, 腐败scorn n. 轻蔑, 被叱责的人 v. 轻蔑, 不屑做handful n. 少数,一把,棘手之事 n. 【非正式用语】难以控制的人或费劲的事rough adj.粗糙的,崎岖不平的;粗鲁的';狂暴的,汹涌的;未经加工的 vt.粗暴地对待;使粗糙;草拟 n.粗糙的部分;艰难,苦难;(高尔夫球场的)深草区 adv.粗暴地 vi.举止粗野hollow n. 洞, 窟窿, 山谷 adj. 空的, 虚伪的, 空腹的 vt. 形成空洞, 挖空 vi. 形成空洞 adv. 有闷哑声, 完全地provide for 供给,为 ... 作准备at dawn 拂晓,天一亮merchant n. 商人,店主,专家 adj. 商业的know of 知道,听说mischievous adj. 调皮的,恶作剧的,有害的,伤人的far too 极其,非常,远远,太healthy adj. 健康的healthful adj. 有益健康的, 使人健康的, 卫生的unit 3 Silent Springabundance n. 丰富,充裕acreage n. 土地的面积, 英亩数adapt vt. 使适应,改编 vi. 适应,适合adjust vt. 调整, 使...适于 vi. 适应angler n. 钓鱼者,琵琶鱼assault n. 攻击, 突袭 vt. 袭击, 突袭biocide n. 生物杀灭剂,杀虫剂biological adj. 生物学的birch n. 桦树, 桦木 vt. 用桦条抽打blaze n. 火焰,烈火 vi. 燃烧,发光 vt. 燃烧,宣布,在树皮上刻痕,领导,开拓bound n. 跳跃,界限,范围 adj. 必定的,受约束的,装订的,有义务的 vt. 跳跃前进,形成界限brand n. 燃烧的木条,剑,商标,牌子,烙印,类型 vt. 打烙印,污蔑,铭记check vt.检查,核对;制止,抑制;在…上打勾 vi.核实,查核;中止;打勾; [象棋]将一军 n.<美>支票;制止,抑制;检验,核对chorus n. 合唱队,歌舞队,齐声说道,副歌部分, vt. 合唱coat n. 外套,一层,动物皮毛 vt. 外面覆盖,盖上毛衣colossal adj. 巨大的,异常的community n. 社区, 团体confined adj. 被限制的, 狭窄的, 在分娩中的动词confine的过去式和过去分词consent n. 同意, 许可 v. 同意, 承诺considerable adj. 相当大的,可观的,重要的contamination n. 污染,污染物contend vi. 奋斗,斗争,辩论 vt. 坚持认为,竞争counterpart n. 职位(或作用)相当的人;对应的事物damp n. 毒气,湿气,丧气 adj. 潮湿的 vt. 呛,抑制,使潮湿 vi. 衰减deliberate adj. 故意的,深思熟虑的, 从容不迫的 vi. 仔细考虑 vt. 研讨deserted adj. 废弃的,荒芜的,被遗弃的动词desert的过去式和过去分词ecologist n. 生态学家environment n. 环境,外界evolve vt. &vi. 进展,进化,展开explosive adj. 爆炸(性)的 n. 炸药fern n. 羊齿植物,蕨film n. 电影, 胶卷, 薄膜 vt. 把...拍成电影, 给...覆上一薄层 vi. 从事电影拍摄flame n. 火焰,火舌,鲜红色,光辉,恋人,怀念,辱骂信息 vi. 焚烧,爆发,面红, 发辱骂信息 vt. 用烟火发信号,用火对待,发辱骂信息flicker n. 闪烁, 闪光, 颤动 v. 闪动, 闪烁, 摇动flock n. 一群,信众,软填料,短绒,棉絮,毛屑 vt. 塞填充料 vi. 成群而行,聚集gear n. 齿轮,传动装置,设备,工具 vt. &vi. 使适应于,以齿轮连起,配搭活动,调整habitat n. (动植物的)产地,栖息地harmony n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和hence adv. 今后, 从此, 因此, 所以immune adj. 免除的,免疫的 n. 免疫者impetuous adj. 冲动的, 猛烈的, 轻率的indiscriminate adj. 无差别的, 不分皂白的, 杂陈的inhabit v. 居住于, 占据, 栖息insecticide n. 杀虫剂integrity n. 诚实, 正直, 完整, 完善intensification n.激烈化,增强明暗度intermingle v. 混合, 搀杂inventive adj. 善于创造的, 发明的irrecoverable adj. 不能挽回的, 不能复原的isolated adj. 分离的,孤立的land n. 陆地, 国土, 土地 v. 登陆, 登岸, 卸货lethal adj. 致命的,毁灭性的,有效的 n. 基因异常,致死基因marsh n. 沼泽, 湿地 Marsh:马什(人名)midst n. 中间, 当中 prep. (=amidst)在...当中migrant n. 移居者modify vt. 修改,调正,缓和 vi. 修改mold n. 模子,模型,类型,模式,雏型,真菌,软土 vt. 形成,形成,制模,发霉 vi. 符合形状,发霉organism n. 生物体, 有机体outbreak n. 爆发pool n. 水塘(池),游泳池,撞球 vi. 形成池塘 vt. 集中,积累potent adj. 强有力的,有效的primary n. 最主要者 adj. 主要的, 初期的, 根本的primitive adj. 原始的 n. 原始人,文艺复兴前的艺术家prosperous adj. 繁荣的, 兴旺的puzzle n. 难题,迷惑 vt. 使困惑,解决 vi. 迷惑,苦思radiation n. 辐射,放射线rapidity n. 迅速,急速,速度reserve n. 预备品, 贮存, 候补 n. 克制, 含蓄 vt. 保留, 预订, 延期resurgence n. 再起, 复活, 再现score n.得分;分数;总谱; 20个 v.得分;记分;评分;获得胜利shady adj. 荫凉的,成荫的,暗的sicken v. 患病, 使...厌倦, 生病sinister adj. 不吉利的, 凶恶的, 左边的span n.共轭(马、骡);跨度,墩距;一段时间; [航] 跨绳 vt.缚住或扎牢;跨越时间或空间;以掌测量;以手围绕测量类似测量spell v. 拼写,缓慢地或吃力地读 n. 魅力,符咒 vt. 用符咒镇住(某人) n. 一段时间,轮班 v. 轮班,休息spiral n. 旋涡, 螺旋形之物 adj. 螺旋形的, 盘旋的 v. 成螺旋状下降或上升, 成螺旋状旋转still adj. 静止的, 不动的, 静寂的 adv. 仍然,更,静止地 conj. 然而,但是 vi. 变沉默 vt. 使冷静, 抓住, 使停止, 使放松 n. 沉默, 定格照, 酒厂subject n. 科目, 主题; 缘由 n. (君主国)国民; 实验对象 adj. 服从的, 易患的 vt. 使隶属, 使服从; 使遭遇landscape n. 风景,山水,风景画 v. 美化…的景观,进行造园工程substantial n. 重要部份, 本质 adj. 大量的, 实质上的, 有内容的该单suppress vt. 镇压,使...止住,禁止surroundings n.环境synthetic adj. 综合的,合成的,人造的 n. 人工制品tamper v. 干预, 玩弄, 贿赂throb n. 悸动, 搏动 vi. 悸动troublesome adj. 令人烦恼的, 讨厌的,困难的,棘手的trout n. 鳟鱼,鳟鱼肉undergo vt. 遭受,经历,忍受vegetation n. 植物,草木,(植物)生长witchcraft n. 魔法, 巫术。

a.ad.单独的(地) [əd'ventʃə] ['səuləu] n.冒险(活动) a.单独的
[ˌtrænzət'læ ntik] a.横渡大西洋的 [lʌŋ] n.肺 n.癌
['kæ nsə]
[di'tə:mind] a.下定了决心的 [di'tə:min] v.决定,使下定决心 n.决心, 果断, 意志
在别的时候;平时 在附近;即将来临 在附近;即将来临 毕竟,终究 对…有把握,确信 拿起,捡起
worthwhile program programme
[ˌwə:θ'wail] 的;有价值的
['prəugræ m]
['prougræ m] n.节目
educational current social movie nevertheless propose
n.实情 a.附加的,额外的 n.加,增加,加法 a.每周的;一周一次的 n.时间表 n.图(表) vt.指定…用于 ad.在旁边;到(向)一边
[ə'diʃənəl] [ə'diʃən] ['wi:kli] ['ʃedju:l] [tʃɑ:t] [kə'mit] [ə'said]
10 commit 11 aside 12 etc. 13 normal 14 reading 15 assignment 16 occupy 17 relaxation
现代大学英语精读4 Lesson One单词讲解

1.alas: (adv)Synonyms:sadly, unfortunately2.anguish: (n)Derivative:anguished (adj) 感到痛苦的,表现痛苦的~ cry 痛苦的叫喊3.atheist: (n) 无神论者,不知论者Near synonym:agnostic (n) 无神论者,不知论者4.Buddhist: (n)Derivative:Buddhism 佛教5.bulge: (v)Near synonyms:swell (v) 膨胀,肿;protrude (v)突出,膨胀6.confer: (v)Derivative:conferment (n) (学位,荣誉)等授予;Synonyms:award 授予,bestow 赠予7.confront: (v)Derivative:confrontation (n)正视,面对;Synonym:face(vt)8.contemplate: (v)Derivative:contemplation (n) 沉思,深思熟虑Synonyms:consider, think (v)9.contempt: (n)Synonym:scorn (n) 蔑视Antonym:respect (n)Derivative:contemptuous (adj) 蔑视的,鄙视的10.c ontradiction: (n)Synonym:inconsistency 矛盾,前后不一致Antonyms:similarity, harmony, consistency (n)11.c onversion: (n)Derivative:convert (vt) 转变,转化,皈依Synonym:change (v)12.d eficiency: (n)Derivative:deficient (adj) 不足的,缺乏的13.d etestation: (n)Synonym:loathing (n) 憎恶;Antonym:loveDerivative:detest (v)(憎恶)→(同义词)loathe (v) 憎恶,厌恶14.d isintegrate: (v) 分裂,碎裂,粉碎Synonym:collapse (v) 倒塌,粉碎;Antonyms:fuse (v) 熔合,混合; integrate (v) 集合,综合Derivative:disintegration (n) 碎裂,分裂15.d isinterested: (adj) 公正的,无私的Synonym:impartial (adj) 公平的,公正的;Antonym:biased (adj) 有偏见的16.d raught: (n) 通风,气流(注意:与drought的区别)Synonym:air (n) 气流;Derivative:draughty (adj) 通风的17.e go: (n)Derivatives:egoism (n) 利己主义,自我中心主义;egoist (n) 利己主义者,自我主义者;egoistic (adj) 自我主义的,利己主义的18.exalted: (adj)Synonym:exultant (adj) 狂喜的,兴高采烈的19.gloom: (n)Synonym:desolation (n) 悲哀,忧伤,孤寂;Derivative:gloomy (adj)忧伤的,抑郁的,昏暗的20. 表示“兴奋的,高兴的,激动的”一组形容词:(8个)exalted:兴高采烈的;exultant: 狂喜的,兴高采烈的;heady:激动的,兴奋的;exciting;intoxicating: 令人兴奋的,激动的;thrilling: 激动的,振奋的;exhilarating: 兴高采烈的,激动的,triumphant: 喜气洋洋的,欢欣鼓舞的21.hideous: (adj)Synonyms:ghastly (令人厌恶的,令人不快的);ugly, unpleasantAntonym:pleasant;令人愉快的Derivative:hideously (adv) 可怕地,丑陋地22.hypocrisy: (n) 伪善Synonym: falseness:(n)伪善;Antonym:sincerity (n) 真诚23.indignant: (adj) 愤怒的,愤慨的Synonyms: outraged: 愤怒的;incensed: 愤怒的(adj)Derivative:indignantly (adv) 愤慨地,愤怒地24.integrated: (adj) 完整的,统一的Antonym:disintegrated (adj) 破裂的,碎裂的25.irresistible: (adj)Synonym: overwhelming: 压倒一切的,势不可挡的Derivative:irresistibly (adv) 不可抗拒地26.irreverent: (adj)Synonym: disrespectful: 无礼的;Antonyms:reverent, respectful:有礼貌的27.lag: (v)Synonyms: trail: (v) 落在后面,拖在后面,drag: (v) 拖,拉Antonym:surpass: (v) 超过,超出28.modest: (adj)Synonyms: reasonable, moderate29.muscular: (adj)Synonym: brawny: (adj) 肌肉发达的30.oratory: (n) 演讲术,雄辩术扩充相关的词汇:rhetoric (n) 修辞学(注意发音)31.Patriotism: (n) 爱国主义,爱国心Derivatives:patriot: (n) 爱国者;patriotic: (adj) 爱国的;patriotic songs 爱国歌曲32. penal: (adj) 应受刑罚的,处罚的Derivative:penalty (n) 刑罚,惩罚,处罚(注意发音)33. pious: (adj)Synonyms: devout: 虔诚的(注意发音),religious:笃信宗教的,虔诚的34. proficient: (adj) 精通的,熟练的固定搭配:be proficient in sth 精通于某事物Synonym: competent:称职的,能胜任的,Antonym:inefficient:不称职的,不精通的35. prominent: (adj) 重要的,著名的Synonym: significant:著名的,重要的;Antonyms:unimportant, unknown:不重要的,不知名的Derivative:prominently (adv) 突出地,显著地36. remorselessly: (adv)Synonyms: mercilessly, ruthlessly:无怜悯心的,无情的37. repetition: (n)Synonym: recurrence (n) 再现,重复发生38. restively: (adv)Synonyms:一组表示焦躁,忧虑不安的,要求记忆:(5个)restlessly:不安地,uneasily: (adv) 忧虑地,不安地;impatiently, restively, nervously(要求一组记忆)39. rotten: (adj)Synonyms: decayed, decomposed: 腐烂的,分解的40. trifle: (n) 琐事,小事Synonyms: triviality: (n) 琐事Derivatives:trifling (adj) 不重要的,微不足道的=trivial: adj 琐碎的)41. unaccustomed: (adj) 不习惯的,不熟悉的Synonym: unused: 不习惯的;Antonym:familiar:熟悉的42. utterly: (adv)Synonyms: absolutely, totally, completely :完全,彻底的,绝对地。

Unit11) into Chinese.(1)浴巾a bath towel(2) (美)小学a grammar school(3)永恒的真理the eternal truth(4)文件柜a falling cabinet(5)纯属无稽之谈utter nonsense(6)违规行为delinquent behavior(7)常客a frequent visitor(8)新鲜空气fresh air(9)格调很高的独自(一个人唱高调) high-minded monologue(10)一种固定的观点a settled view(11)时事(当前国内外大事) current affairs(12)身体障碍a physical impediment(13)可怕吓人的风a hideous wind(14)令人厌恶的景象a hideous sight(15)言语障碍 a speech impediment(16)使人兴奋冲动的爱国激情heady patriotism(17)无情的人侵者the remorseless invaders(18)首相the Prime Minister(19)国际联盟(国联) the League of Nations(20)思维过程(思想方式) a mental process(21)条理清楚的文章a coherent article(22)一个完整的体系a coherent system(23)一位口译好手a proficient interpreter(24)一种不可阻挡的趋向an irresistible trend(25)烂苹果rotten apples(26)根据事实(启示)写成的literally inspired(27)一位点头之交 a nodding acquaintance2) into English.(1) to sink one's head 低头(2) to sink the ship 使船沉没(3) to contemplate the meaning of life 思考人生的意义(4) to catch the light 让阳光一下照着(5) to ruin one's health 毁了一个人的身体(6) to ruin the country 毁了国家(7) to bang the desk 猛击桌子(8) to play a prominent role 扮演一个重要角色(9) to hold a prominent position 占有重要位子(10) a pious Buddhist 一个虔诚的佛教徒(11) to gain a reputation 获得一种名声(12) to satisfy one's ego 满足一个人的虚荣心(13) to give sb the third degree 严刑逼供(14) to devise a teaching method 发明一种教学方法(15) to slide a gun into sb's hand 在某人手中悄悄塞一支枪Unit21. TranslateInto Chinese夜生活evening life吃和住board and lodging供吃住的寄宿舍boarding-housing一秒钟都不到 a split second玻璃弹子glass marbles抽打死马(做徒劳无益的事)whipping the dead horse阿司匹林片aspirin tablets在此情况下in the circumstance提前,事先in advance走过场a matter of form楼梯间平台的窗户landing window紧张气氛the tense atmosphere毛线针knitting needles梦游to walk in one’s sleep飞机翼展the wingspan of a planeInto Englishto whip up a little interest 引起一些兴趣to keep the ball rolling 让谈话/活动继续下去to set the ball rolling让谈话/活动开始起来an eccentric millionaire 一个作风古怪的百万富翁to allot capital 分配资金to tighten one’s belt 勒紧裤带to make a remark 讲一句话to stretch out one’s hand 伸出一只手to moisten one’s lips 润润嘴唇to complain of the weather 抱怨天气to plunge the stick into the sand 将棍子用力插入沙中to turn on me 突然冲我来了(批评或责备我)to get on one’s nerve 使某人心烦to put something out of someone’s mind 使某人将某事忘得精光to come off the hook 脱钩to do a crossword puzzle 做填字游戏to blow one’s nose 擤(xing)鼻涕to powder one’s nose 在鼻子上搽粉(女人上厕所的委婉说法)to give an alibi 提出案发时不在场证明unit3into Chinese专业的历史工作者professional historians基于常识的反应a common-sense reaction 事物的这种状况the state of affairs意见不一的历史学家contending historians 已经准备好了的现成的东西 a cut-and-dried matter一个个人喜好不同的问题 a matter of personal preference截然不同的观点diametrically opposed points of view民间故事folk tales书面文件written documents过去的遗留物the remains of the past人的动机和行为human motivations and behavior复杂和精细sophisticated and subtlety商船merchant ships一旦发生潜艇战in the event of a submarine warfare一个粗糙的理论a crude theory好战的行为;战争行为belligerent acts宣传机器a propaganda machine德国外交部长the German foreign secretary 实力平衡the balance of the power(事物的)因果the cause and effect海岸炮兵the shore batteries终极关怀the ultimate concern (事物的)近因a proximate cause人们常说的一句话 a well-used phrase不会出错的解释a foolproof explanation绝对有效的模式a model of unquestioned永不停止的探索a never-ending quest一个难以达到但又十分诱人的目标an elusive yet intriguing goal2)into English(1) to gain new insights 获得新的深刻认识(2) to revise one’s ideas 修改一个人的观点(3) to trace the cause 追查起因(4) to begin from this premise 从这前提出发(5) to open fire on/at 朝目标开火(6) to give equal weight to sth 给以同等重视(7) to support a certain view 支持某一观点(8) to influence the government 对政府施加影响(9) to destroy the balance of power 破坏实力平衡(10) to form an alliance 组成同盟(11) to repay the loans 还贷(12) to contemplate war 考虑战争问题(13) to fill in the gaps 填补空缺(14) to conclude the quest 结束探索(15) to view sth from a certain perspective 从某一角度看问题(16) to benefit from the comparison 从比较中获益(17) to eliminate from the comparison 消灭差别(18) to dig into the problem 深入探究问题(19) to be immersed in a vast sea 淹没在大海中(20) to stem from a different point of view 从不同观点出发(21) to be destined to do sth 命中注定要做某事(22) to ignore the fact 无视这个事实(23) to make an assumption 作出假设(24) to defeat the enemy 打败敌人(25) to win back one’s lost territory 夺回失土(26) to sink a boat 沉船(27) to intercept the secret message 截获机密(28) to piece together evidence 将证据凑在一起(29) to approximate the truth 接近真理(30) to master new techniques 掌握新技术Unit4难以解决的问题an insoluble dilemma一本难以看懂的书an incomprehensible book一个爱交际的女人 a sociable woman黑市the black market黑色幽默black humor害群之马black sheep黑人权利black power缺少表达能力的人inarticulate people全国性运动a nationwide campaign赞扬或恭维的话complimentary remarks调皮的男孩a mischievous boy某些大人物们certain powerful quarters种族隔离的学校segregated school他的无可争议的权威his indisputable authority一个地位很高的人士a high personage公海high seas上流社会high society机密消息confidential information冷淡而缺少人情味的门impersonal doors冷淡的公文式的信 a impersonal letter真诚的羡慕an unselfish envy不自然的,紧张的说话的声音 a strained voice2)Into English1. to celebrate the Golden Jubilee 庆祝它的50年华诞2. to excite admiration 引起赞慕3. to touch the conscience 触动良心4. to win the prize 得奖5. to receive the reprimand 受到训斥6. to omit the words 省去这些字7. to renounce the prizes 宣布放弃奖金8. to avert a crisis 避免一场危机9. to attend the ceremony 参加(发奖)仪式10. to exhibit a works of art 展示一件艺术品11. to indulge the pleasures 尽情享受乐趣12. to guard a child 保护一孩子13. to feel up to it 感到有能力做某事14. to bring sth. to a close 使某事正式结束15. to weave sb. In 挥手让某人进去16. to save sb. from a situation 使某人不必处于某种场合17. to talk out one’s heart to sb. 向某人说心里话18. to knock sb. Down 将某人打翻在地19. to pour sb. a drink 给某人斟酒20. to raise (lift ) one’s glass 举杯庆祝。

现代大学英语精读2-U n i t-4单词及释义Unit 4account n.账户;解释;账目,账单;理由vi.解释;导致;报账vt.认为;把…视为acknowledge vt. 承认;答谢;报偿;告知已收到admirable adj. 令人钦佩的;极好的;值得赞扬的aesthetic adj. 美的;美学的;审美的,具有审美趣味的anonymity n. 匿名;匿名者;无名之辈balding adj. 变秃的behave vi. 表现;(机器等)运转;举止端正;(事物)起某种作用vt. 使守规矩;使表现得…belt n. 带;腰带;地带vt. 用带子系住;用皮带抽打vi. 猛击blast n. 爆炸;冲击波;一阵vi. 猛攻vt. 爆炸;损害;使枯萎budget n. 预算,预算费vt. 安排,预定;把…编入预算vi. 编预算,做预算adj. 廉价的casualty n. 意外事故;伤亡人员;急诊室challenge n. 挑战;怀疑vt. 向…挑战chaotic adj. 混沌的;混乱的,无秩序的chunk n. 大块;矮胖的人或物clash n. 冲突,不协调;碰撞声,铿锵声vi. 冲突,抵触;砰地相碰撞,发出铿锵声vt. 使碰撞作声collision n. 碰撞;冲突;(意见,看法)的抵触;(政党等的)倾轧commitment n. 承诺,保证;委托;承担义务;献身conclusion n. 结论;结局;推论congressional adj.国会的;会议的;议会的crash n. 撞碎;坠毁;破产;轰隆声;睡觉vi. 摔碎;坠落;发出隆隆声;破产vt. 打碎;使坠毁、撞坏;擅自闯入desperate adj. 不顾一切的;令人绝望的;极度渴望的dip vt. 浸,泡,蘸;舀取;把伸入vi. 浸;下降,下沉;倾斜;舀,掏n. 下沉,下降;倾斜;浸渍,蘸湿distinction n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章doze vi. 打瞌睡;假寐vt. 打瞌睡度过n. 瞌睡element n. 元素;要素;原理;成分;自然环境emotional adj.情绪的;易激动的;感动人的employee n. 雇员;从业员工essential adj. 基本的;必要的;本质的;精华的n. 本质;要素;要点;必需品flight n. 飞行;班机;逃走vt. 射击;使惊飞vi. 迁徙flotation n. 浮选(等于floatation)freeze vi. 冻结;冷冻;僵硬vt. 使…冻住;使…结冰n. 冻结;凝固grope vi. 摸索;探索vt. 摸索n. 摸索;触摸gull n. [鸟] 鸥;笨人;易受骗之人vt. 骗;欺诈harsh adj. 严厉的;严酷的;刺耳的;粗糙的;刺目的helicopter n. [航] 直升飞机vi. [航] 乘直升飞机vt. 由直升机运送high adj.高的;高级的;崇高的;高音调的n. 高水平;天空;由麻醉品引起的快感;高压地带adv. 高;奢侈地immovable adj.不动的;固定的;不改变的impact vt. 影响;撞击;冲突;压紧vi. 冲击;产生影响n. 影响;效果;碰撞;冲击力impersonal adj. 客观的;非个人的;没有人情味的;非人称的n.非人称动词;不具人格的事物injured adj. 受伤的;受损害的jet n. 喷射,喷嘴;喷气式飞机;黑玉adj. 墨黑的vt. 射出vi. 射出;[航] 乘喷气式飞机lifeline n. 生命线;救生索likewise adv. 同样地;也location n. 位置;地点;外景拍摄场地monument n.纪念碑;历史遗迹;不朽作品vt. 为…树碑preserve vt. 保存;保护;维持;腌;禁猎n.保护区;禁猎地;加工成的食品occasion n. 时机,机会;场合;理由vt. 引起,惹起possibility n. 可能性;可能发生的事物presidential adj. 总统的;首长的;统辖的principle n. 原理,原则;主义,道义;本质,本义;根源,源泉proof n.证明;证据;校样;考验;验证adj.防\耐…的;不能透入的;证明用的vt. 试验;校对;使不被穿透remark n. 注意;言辞vt. 评论;觉察vi. 谈论represent vt.代表;表现;描绘;回忆;再赠送vi. 代表;提出异议section n.截面;部分;部门;地区;章节vi. 被切割成片;被分成部分vt.把…分段;将…切片;对…进行划分skid n.打滑;刹车;滑轨,滑动垫木vt. 刹住,使减速;滚滑vi. 打滑slap vt. 拍击;侮辱;掌击;掴…的耳光n. 掴;侮辱;掌击;拍打声vi. 掴;拍击adv. 直接地;猛然地;恰好standoff n. 和局;僵持;冷淡;平衡adj. 冷淡的;有支架的stewardess n. 女管家;女干事;女服务员stick vt. 刺,戳;伸出;粘贴vi. 坚持;伸出;粘住n. 棍;手杖;呆头呆脑的人stunning adj. 极好的;使人晕倒的;震耳欲聋的v.把…打昏;使震耳欲聋;使大吃一惊survivor n. 幸存者;生还者;残存物tragedy n. 悲剧;灾难;惨案unidentified adj. 未经确认的;未辨别出的,身分不明的unique adj. 独特的,稀罕的;[数] 唯一的,独一无二的n. 独一无二的人或物universal adj. 普遍的;通用的;宇宙的;全世界的;全体的n. 一般概念;普通性。

现代大学英语精读2Unit 1Accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievementAcquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own workArrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important wayArt n. art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group(统称) 艺术; fine ~ 美术Aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)Assume v. to take as a fact; to supposeAvailable adj. able to be used or easily foundAverage v. to calculate the average of sth. ; ~ out 其平均数为Beanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin personBull n. a male cowCertify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of testCivilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced cultureClient n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organizationContain v. to have sth. Inside or as part of itContinuity n. the state of being continuousCyanide n. 氰化物Democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involvedin making important decisions 民主的Disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage orsuffering. Here: a complete failureDrugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)Employ v. (here) to spend time doing sth.Enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or universityEssence n. the most important quality or feature of sth.; in ~ 本质上Expertise n. skill in a particular fieldExpose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs, ideas, etc. Faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or collegeFragment n. a small piece of sth.Generate v. to produceGrind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfacesHip n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legsHumanity n. the qualities of being humanImplicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地Incompetence n. lack of the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done 无能Inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoidIntellect n. power of thought 思维能力Invent v. to produce or design sth. that has not existed beforeLiteral adj. in the basic meaning of a wordMaintain v. to continue to have as beforeNeanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age Nevertheless adv. in spite of that; yetPeculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; oddPenetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeplyPest n. (infml) an annoying personPharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugsor medicinesPhilosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学Physicist n. a scientist who studies physics 物理学家Pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole; ~ grinding 药剂碾磨Preside v. to lead; to be in charge; ~ over 主持Professional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requiresspecial trainingPursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined waypush-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methods qualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular jobraise v. (AmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itselfrear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grownresources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源savage n. an uncivilized human beingscroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degreesemester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE)sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literatureshudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a momentskill n. particular ability or type of abilityspecialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects specialist 专家species n. (infml) a type; a sortspecimen n. (here) a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kind spiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mindstore v. to keepstuck adj. not knowing what to do in a particular situation; be ~ for 因为……而不知所措suffice v. to be enoughunaided adj. without help from anyone or anything 独立的Unit 5Advocate v. to support an idea or a plan publiclyAmusement n. enjoymentAntique adj. being old and therefore valuableAutomatic adj. Automatic Teller Machine(ATM) 自动取款机Battlefield n. a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought 战场Bicentennial n. the day or year exactly 200 years after a particular eventBriefing n. a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions; news ~ 新闻发布会Burst n. a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly Cabinet n. a piece of furniture with doors, shelves or drawers for storing things; medicine ~药橱Carriage n. a wheeled vehicle, especially a private horse-drawn vehicleCD n. abbr. for “compact disk,” a small disk on which sound or information is recorded Checkerboard n. a board on which chess and checkers are played, divided into 64 squares of twoalternating colors 棋盘,方格图案Classic adj. accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind 经典的Compress v. to force into less space 压缩Condense v. to put into a smaller or shortened form 紧缩; 缩小Confederate adj. belonging to a political union of states; the Confederate army美国内战时期的南方军队Consist v. ~ of : to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由……组成Constantly adv. (AmE) all the time; repeatedly 始终; 一直地Convenience n. the condition of being suitable to one's needs and easy to reachCredit n. ~ card : a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods or services and pay forthem later 信用卡Current adj. (AmE) of the present time; ~ events 时事Defer v. to delay until a later dateDiet n. a limited range and amount of food you eat when you want to get thinnerDigest n. a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report, etc.文摘Dots n. (pl.) small round marks 小点Excerpt n. a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer wholeExit n. a way out of a public building or vehicleExplore v. to travel to or around an area in order to learn about itEyewitness n. a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards 目击证人Fax v. to transmit (printed matter or an image) by electronic means 发传真Featureless adj. uninteresting, without noticeable featuresFix n. (imfml) a solution to a problem esp. an easy or temporary one; quick ~即时解决方案Flash v. to pass very quicklyGorgeous adj. (infml) very beautiful or attravtiveGratification n. satisfactionGratify v. to please or satisfyGuaranteed adj. be ~ to: to be certain toHerd n. a group of animals of one kind which lives and feeds togetherIceberg n. a large piece of ice floating in the sea, most of which is below the surfaceIgnore v. not to take notice ofInfect v. to pass on a disease to sb.; to corruptInterstate n. a very wide road for long distance between US statesLakeside n. the area around the edge of a lakeLane n. the two or three parallel areas on a main road which are divided by painted lines to keep fast and slow traffic apart; the fast ~ 快车道Latest adj. the most recent or newest 最新的Lifestyle n. the way a person or a group of people lives and worksLinger v. to stay a little longer because you do not want to leave; ~ over 徘徊于……Liposuction n. the removal of fat from sb's body by means of suction 脂肪抽吸(术)Microwave n. a high-frequency electromagnetic wave 微波(炉)Miracle n. (infml) an event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature; ~ diet速效减肥食谱Mph n. abbr. for miles per hourOutlet n. a shop through which products are sold; here: (工厂附设的)门市部Overnight adv. during the night; (here infml) suddenlyPastoral adj. typical of the simple peaceful life in the country 田园风光的Paycheck n. a salary checkPennsylvania n. a state of the eastern United Statas 宾夕法尼亚州Polaroid n. a trademark 宝丽来(一次成像的照相机)predigested adj. (of information) put in a simple form 经过简化、压缩的quality adj. of a high standard; ~ time (尤指和孩子一起度过的)宝贵时光; 优质时间rack n. 货架; off the ~ (AmE) 现成的rear n. ~-view mirror: a mirror in which a driver can see the traffic behind 后视镜reduce v. to make sth. less or smaller in size; be ~d to 缩小成……refresh v. to make sb. feel less tired or less hotrevitalize v. to put new strength and power intoroute n. the way from one place to another on a mapsalad n. a mixture of raw vegetables or fruitscale n. an instrument for weighting people or things 秤scenery n. natural surroundings in beautiful and open countryscreen n. the surface of a computer display 电脑屏幕skim v. to move through (life) quickly, hardly touching the surfaceslide v. to pass by quietly without being noticed; ~ by 溜过去speed v. to make sth. move or happen faster; ~ out of control 疯狂加速到失去控制spicy adj. (food) having a pleasantly strong taste 辛辣的stuff v. (infml) to fill a container or space with sth.; (here) to eat a lot of food or too much food subtle adj. hardly noticeable unless you pay careful attention微妙的superficially adv. on the surface; not deeply or thoroughlysupermarket n. a large shop where a customer can choose from a large number of different kinds of food or other goodssymbolically adv. Relating to, or expressed by means of symbols 象征性地symphony n. a musical work for a large group of instruments 交响乐theme n. a short simple tune that is repeated and developed in a piece of music 乐曲主题tour v. to visit for pleasureturnpike n. (AmE) a large road for fast traffic, esp. one that drivers have to pay to use 收费公路urge n. a strong wish for sth.VCR n. abbr. for video cassette recorder 录像机Version n. a slightly different form of sth. (book, film, story, etc.) form the original 版本Wander v. to walk slowly without a purposeWest Virginia n. a state of the western United States 西弗吉尼亚州Unit 6Abandon v. to leave a person, a thing or place, esp. because it is impossible to stay with theperson or stay at the placeAccumulation n. the state of getting more and more of sth. over a period of timeAttached adj. full of affection for sb./sth.Attachment n. a strong feeling of affection for sb./sth.; form ~ 产生感情Barbed-wire adj. of wire having a barb or barbs 带刺铁丝的Binoculars n. an instrument, like two small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you look through it 双筒望远镜Blissful adj. extremely happyBrim v. (of a cup, container, etc.) to be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge; ~ over 溢出Bug n. (esp. AmE) any small insectCarve v. to write sth. on a surface by cutting it; ~d stone 石雕Castle n. ancient ~ 古城堡Cathedral n. the main church of a district of a district under the care of a Bishop (= a priest ofhigh rank)Clumsily adv. of lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkwardly 笨拙地Dangle v. to hang or swing freely; ~ from one’s neck 在……脖子上挂着Definitely adv. a way of emphasizing sth. that is true and that there is no doubt about itDense adj. containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them茂密的,浓密的Ease n. the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable; put sb. at~ 使舒适; 使感到自在Echo v. to repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface发出回声; 起反响,起共鸣Familiarity n. the state of knowing sb. or sth. wellFascinated adj. very interestedFellow adj. used to describe sb. who is the same as you in some way; ~ students 同学Fortress n. a building or place that has been strengthened and protected from attackFossil n. the remains of an animal or plant which have become hard and turned into rock Frail adj. physically weak and thinFront v. to serve as a front for 装饰……的正面; glass- ~ed case 以玻璃罩面的书柜Gamekeeper n. a person whose job is to take care of the wild animals on a piece of private land猎场看守人Glimpse v. to see sb./sth. for a moment, but not very clearlyGlow v. to shine with a soft color; ~ pinkly 发出粉红色的光Hike v. to go for a long walk in the countryHoly adj. important in a religious sense 神圣的Identify v. to recognize sb./sth. and be able to say who or what they areIllustration n. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc., esp. one that explains sth. Immense adj. extremely large or greatInsect n. any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts Instinctively adv. by instinctInvisible adj. cannot be seenIvory n. a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the long teeth of elephants and some other animals; figures of ~ 象牙雕刻的人物Impenetrable adj. impossible to be entered, passed through or seen through 难以渗透的Inclined adj. tending to do sth.; less ~ to laugh 不喜欢笑; 不想笑Laurel n. a bush with dark smooth shiny leaves that remain on the bush and stay greenthrough the year 月桂树Legacy n. a situation that exists now because of events, actions that took place in the past遗留的东西,遗产Major adj. large or importantMunch v. to eat sth. steadily and noisily, esp. sth. crispyNetwork n. a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that cross each other;a ~ of paths 交织的小路Nickname n. an informal, often humorous, name for a person 绰号Odds and ends n. (infml) small items that are not valuables or are not part of a largest set 零星物件Overseas adv. to or in a foreign country; go ~ 出国Patchwork n. a thing that is made up of many different pieces or parts 拼成的图案或其他物件Pheasant n. a large bird with a long tail, the male of which is brightly colored 野鸡Pillar n. a large stone, metal or wooden post that is used to support a bridge, the roof of abuildingPotential n. the possibility of sth. happening 潜在性,可能性Practically adv. almost, very nearlyPrivate adv. opposite of public, enjoyed only by a particular person or a group, not foreveryone; ~paradise 僻静的天地Proceed v. to move or travel in a particular directionProperty n. land and the building on it 房地产Regarding prep. Concerning sb./sth.Rewarding adj. worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it useful or important;~ friendship 使人受益匪浅的友谊Roam v. to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction;~ the woods 林间散步Rocket v. to move very fast; ~ off 突然飞出去Rustle v. to make sounds like leaves or paper moving or rubbing together发出树叶的沙沙声Seemingly adv. in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be; ~ different 貌似不同Shortbread n. (BrE, also shortcake) a rich crispy biscuit/cookie made with flour, sugar, and a lot of butter 黄油甜酥饼干Soccer n. (AmE) footballSoul n. a person’s inner character containing true thoughts and feelingsSting v. (strung, strung) to hurt or make sth. hurt with a sudden sharp pain for a short time;~ one’s eyes 刺眼Surround v. to be around sth./sb. on every sideSuspect v. to think that sth. is probably true or likely to happenTart n. an open pie filled with sweet food such as fruit; jam ~ 果酱派Tome n. (fml) a large heavy book, esp. one dealing with a serious topicTrespass v. to enter land or a building that you do not have the permission or the right to Trunk n. the thick main stem of a treeTutor v. to teachTwitter n. a series of short high sounds that birds makeVaulted adj. made in the shape of an arch or a series of arches; having a ceiling or roof of thisshape 拱形的Verge v. to be very close to a placeWary adj. careful when dealing with sb./sth. because you think that there may be a danger or problemWell n. a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water; ~of knowledge知识的源泉Wistful adj. thinking sadly about sth. that you would like to have, esp. sth. in the past that you can no longer haveWoodland n. an area of land that is covered with treesWow n. (infml) exclamation used to express great surprise or admirationWrench v. to pull or twist suddenly and violentlyUnit 10Absorb v. to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space aroundAD abbr. (AmE) used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of year sincethe year Christ was believed to have been born 公元Bakery n. a place where bread is made/soldBand n, a group of people who do sth. togetherBay n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of the shoreBeetle n. an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back covering its wings Board v. to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.Branch v. ~ out: to divide into more partsClatter n. a series of loud short noises when a hard object hits against another one on surface Cloudburst n. a sudden heavy rain 倾盆大雨Cluster v. to come together in a small group of groupsCollapse v. to fall down or fall in suddenlyColumn n. a tall, solid, vertical post, usu. round and made of stoneCram v. to push sb./sth. into a small placeCrater v. a large hole in the top of a volcanoCrouch v. to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you Descend v. to come or go down from a higher level to a lower oneDoom n. death or destructionDrift v. to move along smoothly or slowly in water or airErupt v. to emerge violently from restraint or limits; to explode from the volcano Explosion n. the sudden violent bursting and the loud noise of sth.Flee v. (fled, fled) to leave a person or a place very quicklyGraze v. (of cow, sheep) to eat grass growing in a field, pasture, etc.Harbor n. an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, whereships can stayHoof n. the hard part of the foot of some animals, e.g. horsesHuddle v. (of people or animals) to gather closely togetherHurl v. to throw violently in a particular directionInn n. (AmE) a small hotelIntact adj. complete and not damagedJar n. a round container with a lid used for storing food, etc.; wine ~ 酒缸Loaf n. (pl. loaves) an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece Mediterranean adj. of the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 地中海的Mighty adj. very strong and powerfulMonoxide n. 一氧化物Nightmare n. an experience that is very frightening and unpleasantOverwhelm v. to cover sb./sth. completelyPerish v. to be lost or destroyedPoisonous adj. causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the bodyPriest n. a person who is qualified to perform religious duties or ceremoniesProsperous adj. rich and successfulPumice n. a type of grey stone that comes from volcanoes and is very light in weight Quick-witted adj. mentally alert and sharp 头脑敏捷的Reverberate v. if a sound reverberates, it is repeated many times as it hits two opposite surfaces Sack n. a large bag with no handles made of rough strong materialSavage adj. fierce and violentShatter v. to suddenly break into small piecesShepherd n. a person whose job is to take care of sheepShimmer v. to cover or hide sth. n. sth. that hides or covers sth.slate n. a small sheet of dark grey stone, used in the past in schools for children to write on stumble v. to hit your foot against sth. while walking or runningsummit n. the highest point of sth.thicken v. to become thicker or make sth. thickerthrong n. a long piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used as a lighttrample v. to step heavily on sb./sth. so that you crush or harm themVesuvius n. an active volcano of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples;Mount ~ 维苏威山Victim n. a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed as the result of a crime, adisease, an accident, etc. 受害者Villa n. a house where people stay on holiday/vacationV olcanic adj. (AmE) caused or produced by a volcano; ~ash 火山灰Yawn v. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usu. because you aretired or boredUnit 12Adroit adj. skillful and clever, esp. in dealing with peopleAgony n. extreme physical or mental painAmbassador n. an official who lives in a foreign country as the seniorAnticipate v. to expect sth.Apply v. to be relevant to a particular person or thing 适用于Blow v. ~ off steam 发泄怒气Blunder v. to make a stupid or careless mistakeBoil v. ~ with anger 怒火中烧; 异常气愤Bristle v. ~ with sth.: to have a large amount of sth., or to be full of sth.Broadsword n. a large sword with a broad flat bladeBurial n. the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave; ~ permit 埋葬许可证Capture v. to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in an enclosed space Cavalry n. the part of the army that fought on horses (旧时的) 骑兵Charity n. kindness and sympathy toward other peopleCondemn v. to express very strong disapproval of sb./sth.Confucius n. a famous Chinese philosopher 孔子Decay v. if a building or an area decays, its condition slowly becomes worseDeft adj. (of a person’s movement) skillful and quickDeluge v. to flood a place with waterDetailed adj. giving many details and a lot of informationDiplomatic adj. having or showing skill in dealing with people in different situation灵活的; 有外交手腕的Disappiontment n. sadness because sth. expected has not happened; bitter ~ 极大的失望Distressed adj. upset and anxiousDuel n. a formal fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to settle aquarrel 决斗Exhaustive adj. very thorough; looking at every detailFutile adj. having no effort or achieving nothingGettysburg n. a town of southern Pennsylvania in the US 葛底斯堡Hasty adj. acting or deciding in a hurry, because you do not have much timeHeaven-sent adj. 上天所赐的; ~ opportunity 天赐良机Hereafter adv. (AmE) (in legal documents, etc.) in the rest of this documentIllinois n. a state of the north-central United States 伊利诺伊州Impair v. to damage sb. or make sth. worseImpassable adj. (of a road, an area etc.) impossible to travel on or through; ~ river (水流湍急)不能通过的河流Incompetent adj. not having the ability or skill to do sth.Indiana n. a state of the north-central United States 印第安纳州Indignation n. a feeling of anger and surprise caused by sth. that is unfair or unreasonable Indulge v. to allow oneself to have or to do sth. that one like, esp. sth. that is considered badfor oneselfInsult v. to say or do sth. that offends sb.Invaluable adj. extremely valuable or usefulJournal n. a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or profession Lashing n. an act of hitting sb. with a whip as a punishment 鞭打; tongur- ~ 斥责; 谴责Leap v. to jump high or a long way; ~ on one’s horse 跳上马Magnitude n. the great size, importance, or effort of sth.Malice n. a feeling of hatred for sb. that causes a desire to harm sb.Maneuver v. to control or influence a situation in a skillful but sometimes dishonest way使用花招或谋略Mississippi n. ~ River 密西西比河Motivate v. to be the reason why sb. does sth. or behaves in a particular wayMush n. a soft thick mass or mixture 糊状物Opponent n. a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc. Pierce v. to make a hole; to be ~d with 突然看到刺目的强光或听到刺耳的尖叫声Point-blank adv. in a very firm and direct way, usu. not very polite; refuse ~ 断然拒绝Politician n. a person whose job is concerned with politics, esp. as an elected member of aparliament, etc.Procrastinate v. to delay doing sth. you should do, usu. because you do not want to do itProlong v. to make sth. last longer; ~ indefinitely 无限延长Proofreader n. sb. who reads sth. written or printed and marks any mistakes so that they can becorrectedRecede v. to move gradually away from a previous positionRegulate v. to control sth. by means of rulesRestraint n. the act of controlling or limiting sth. because it is necessary or sensible to do so Retain v. to keep sth. or to continue to have sth.Retreat v. to move away from a place or an enemy because of dangerRidicule v. to try to make sb./sth. look silly by making fun of them in an unkind way Sandbar n. a raised area of sand in a river that sticks out of the water slightly 沙洲Savagely adv. severelyScold v. to criticize sb. severely and angrily because they have done sth. wrongSecond n. an official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boozing match(拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的) 助手Standpoint n. a point of view or a way of thinking about ideas or situationSwollen adj. containing more water than normalTact n. the ability to deal with difficult or embarrassing situations carefully and withoutdoing or saying anything that will annoy or upset other people 老练; 圆滑Test pilot n. a pilot whose job is to fly aircraft in order to test their performance 飞行员Tragically adv. sadlyTrap n. a piece of equipment used for catching animals; (here) an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escapeUnleash v. to set strong feelings or forces etc. free and allow them to act with full forceVain adj. too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 爱虚荣的Victorious adj. having won a victory 得胜的Unit 13Academy n. an official organization which aims at encouraging and development art, literature, science, etc. 研究院; 学会Account n. on sb.’s ~ 为了某人的缘故, 相当于for sb.’s sakeAllowance n. an amount of money that is given to sb. regularly or for a particular purpose Artfully adv. in a clever or designed wayAscend v. to go upBalloon n. a bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill itwith air or gasBanister n. the posts and rail at the side of a staircase 楼梯栏杆Blueprint n. a detailed plan for doing sth. new; a drawing that shows how to build sth. or make a machine 蓝图Blurt v. to say sth. suddenly and without thinking carefully; ~ out 脱口而出Breadstick n. a long, thin, often crisp piece of breadBushman n. 澳大利亚的丛林土著人Cabin n. a room in a ship; ~ boy 船舱服务员Cable n. 电报(注: 此词由“海底电缆”引申而来, 现在已经不再使用, 而用“telegram”代替) Cannibal n. a person who eats human flesh 食人者; 吃人生番(注意这种带有侮辱性的字眼) Charred adj. burnt and blackCharter v. to rent/hire a plane, boat, etc. for your own use 包租(飞机、船等)Cocky adj. too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other peopleComet n. a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail 彗星Confirm v. to make you feel sure that your idea or belief is right or true; ~ sb.’s desire使其更加坚信他的愿望是对的Convertible adj. being able to be changed to a different form or useCoral n. 珊瑚; ~ beads 珊瑚珠Correspondent n. (AmE) a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particularsubject for a newspaper, radio, or televisionCramp n. a sudden pain you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body tighten,usu. caused by cold or too much exercise 抽筋Credit v. ~ sb. with sth.: to say that sb. is responsible for a certain achievement将某事归功于某人Delegate v. to choose sb. to do sth. for you or to represent youDeprive v. ~ sb. of sth. to prevent sb. from having or doing sth. 剥夺某人的(权力) Double-hulled adj. 双船体的Envision v. to imagine what a situation will be like in the futureExpedition n. an organized journey with a particular purpose, esp. to find out about a place thatis not well known 探险Fancy n. sth. that you imagine; your imaginationFatal adj. causing or ending in deathFidgeting adj. nervousHide n. an animals skin, esp. when it is bought or sold or used for leather Hippopotamus n. a large heavy African animal with thick dark skin and short legs that lives inrivers and lakes 河马Hitchhike v. to trav el by asking for free rides in other people’s carsIceland n. an island country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle 冰岛共和国Indisputable adj. definitely true; impossible to question or argue withIntellectual n. a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which they have to thinkseriously about things 知识分子; ~ circles 知识分子圈; 知识界Irresistible adj. so attractive that you find impossible to refuseLava n. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano 熔岩League n. a group of people, or nations who have combined for a particular purpose Manufacture v. to produce a substanceManuscript n. a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printedMarshall n. (AmE) (in the US) an officer whose job is to carry out court ordersMast n. a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails 桅杆Matter-of-fact adj. said or done without showing any emotion, esp. in a situation in which youwould expect sb. to express sb. to express his/her feelings 不动感情的; 据实的Minister n. a high officer of state appointed to head an executive or administrativedepartment of government; prime ~ 首相; 总理Missile n. guided ~ 导弹Musketeer n. (AmE) a soldier who uses a musket 火枪手Neglect n. the act of not giving enough attention or care to sb. or sth.Neon n. a gas that shines brightly when electricity flows through it; ~ lights 氖气灯; 霓虹灯Obtain v. to get sth. you want or need esp. with an effort; to acquireOmelet n. a hot dish of eggs mixed together and fried, often with cheese, meat, vegetables,etc. added 煎蛋卷。

现代大学英语精读第一册1课单词详解1. overlook vt. over-上+look看,?由上往下看忽视Don't overlook the slower students. 别忽视后进同学。
原谅We decided to overlook his mistake. 我们决定宽容他的过错。
监督, 管理The foreman overlooked a large number of workers.工头监督着许多工人。
俯视We overlooked the sea.我们俯瞰大海。
overlook a valley from a hill从山上俯视山谷a tower overlooking the city俯瞰全市的塔楼词性变化overlook n.疏忽眺望; 视察俯瞰中的景色; 了望四周的高地It was a slight overlook on my part. 这是我的一个小疏忽。
There are plenty of overlooks and trails. 有许多可供俯瞰之处和小径。
继承用法Overlooker n. 监工, 工头同义词:disregard face ignore let slip miss neglect pass overskip view watch反义词:notice2.palm n. 源自拉丁语palma手掌手掌, 掌状物Buddhist monk sat with folded palms. 和尚合掌打坐。
(象征胜利的)棕榈叶The coconut palm trees planted after the war added to the beauty of the city.战后栽植的这些椰子树使这个城市显得更加美丽。
相关资料n.[C] 1. 手掌,手心 She placed the money in his palm. 她把钱放在他的手心里。
2. (四足动物的)前足掌 3. 一手宽;一手长 4. (手套的)掌部 5. 掌状物 6. (桨等的)扁平部 7. 【海】掌皮(缝1帆布顶针用) 8. 动物(如鹿)角的扁平部 9. 棕榈(树) They sat in the shade beneath the palms.他们坐在棕榈树的树荫下。

lesson1Glossaryacademic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptistbounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2Glossaryalley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币 a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊lesson3Glossaryadministration n.管理advertise v.登广告advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固assemble v.集合attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品basics n.基本;要素campus n.校园charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的combat n.战斗;格斗compete v.竞争competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者custom-made a.定做的customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议dealer n.商人delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。

lesson1Glossaryacademic 学院的adolescence 青春期adolescent 青少年时期adulthood 成年affection 喜爱affirm 断言agenda 日程表anxiety 焦虑attitudinal 态度的baptistbounce 跳跃capability 能力contribute 贡献counsel 建议crisis 危机definite 清楚的developmental 发育的distinct 区分,差别distressed 悲伤dorm 公寓,宿舍(大学生) encyclopedia 百科全书endeavor 尝试endowment 天赋ethical 道德的evaluate 估算,评估excessive 过分的,极度的feminine 女性的financial 财政的functional 职务的genetic 基因的guilt 内疚heighten 提高inherit 遗传,继承inhibition 压抑的情绪interact 交流interaction 合作involve (成功的)必要条件journal 期刊masculine 男性的maturity 成熟mistrust 不信任newscast 新闻广播parental 父母的peer 同龄人perceive 理解position 工作prejudiced 偏见project 规划rebel 抗议relate 理解,同情某人resentment 怨恨role 职责seminary 学院的separation 分开sexual 2性的shrink 缩水stressful 有压力的superior 优秀的theological 神学的unquestionably 毫无疑问的lesson2Glossaryalley n.小路, 巷bitterness n.苦味, 悲痛, 怨恨call it quits 停止civil war 内战Congressman n.国会议员, 众议院议员dirt road 土路down and out 落魄drip n.水滴vt.(使)滴下vi.(使)滴下druggist n.药商, 药材商, 药剂师【医】药商, 调剂员farmhouse n.农舍general n.一般, 将军, 大体a.全面的, 大体的, 总的, 一般的, 普遍的n.常规【计】常规【医】一般的, 全身性, 广泛的get hold of 抓住, 得到get word 获得消息, 听说, 得知glimpose n.一瞥, 一闪vi.投以一瞥, 闪烁不定vt.瞥见fool around 闲荡, 干蠢事, 干无用的事, 干琐屑的事grand marshal 大元帅harness n.马具, 挽具状带子, 甲胄vt.给...上挽具, 驾驭, 披上甲胄, 利用...以产生动力headquarters n.总部, 司令部, 总部人员【经】本部, 总部, 总署hush n.肃静, 安静, 沉默vt.(使)肃静, (使)安静, (使)缄默interj.嘘, 别作声intimate a.亲密的, 私人的, 秘密的vt.暗示, 通知, 告诉n.至交【法】亲密的, 亲切的, 私人的lrish 爱尔兰的liven vt.使高兴, 使快活vi.快活起来livery n.制服, 侍从a.象肝的, 有肝病症状的memoir n.传记, 实录, 追思录, 回忆录, 自传【化】研究报告miraculously ad.超自然, 非凡, 不可思议, 令人惊叹, 象奇迹一样, 奇迹般, 能创造奇迹momentary a.瞬间的, 刹那间的naked a.裸体的, 无装饰的, 无保护的, 赤贫的【医】裸露的orderly a.有秩序的, 整齐的, 值班的n.护理员, 清道夫, 传令兵, 勤务兵ad.依次地, 顺序地【医】男护理员parade n.游行, 炫耀, 阅兵vt.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进vi.游行, 炫耀, (使)列队行进pond n.池塘vt.筑成池塘vi.筑成池塘Presbyterian adj.长老制的, 长老会的n.长老教会员railroad n.铁路, 铁路公司vt.铺设铁路, 用铁路运输vi.在铁路工作【经】铁道, 铁路ridiculous a.荒谬的, 可笑的Scotsman n.苏格兰人,苏格兰男人shed n.车棚, 小屋, 脱落之物, 分水岭vt.使流出, 放射, 脱落, 散发, 摆脱vi.流出, 散布, 脱落【医】脱落, 脱换show up 揭露, 露出, 露面smash n.打碎, 粉碎, 打碎时哗啦声, 猛击, 扣球, 杀球, 经营失败, 破产, 硬币, 假硬币a.非常轰动的, 了不起的vt.打碎, 粉碎, 击溃, 使破产, 使裂变, 使用假硬币vi.碎裂, 猛撞, 破产, 扣球, 杀球ad.轰隆一声, 哗啦一声surrender vt.交出, 放弃, 使投降, 让与vi.投降, 自首n.交出, 放弃, 投降Swede n.瑞典人sympathize vi.同情, 怜悯, 同意, 体谅thick with somebody 厚与某人windbag n.空话连篇的人, 风囊lesson3Glossaryadministration n.管理advertise v.登广告advertisement n.广告anchor v.抛锚;使牢固assemble v.集合attach v.系;绑;连接award n.奖品basics n.基本;要素campus n.校园charitable a.慈善的civic a.城市的combat n.战斗;格斗compete v.竞争competition n.竞争consumer n.消费者custom-made a.定做的customazed a.定做的;定制的deal n.协议dealer n.商人delivery n.(把货物、信件等)送往(某处)dignify v.使。

大学英语精读第一册第一单元across adv. take sb. ~: take sb. to the other sidealongside adv. side by side; next tobalcony n. 阳台band n. a group of musicians, especially a group that plays popular music 乐队beneficial adj. usefulborder v. 与……接界;与……相邻circus n. 马戏团cling to v. to hold closely; refuse to let goclown n. a person who dresses funnily and tries to make people laugh by his jokes or actions 小丑conjurer n. a magician 魔术师convince v. to make sb. believe; to persuade 说服creator n. one who makes sth. for the first time 创造者;the Creator(宗教)造物主crossroads n. a place where two or more roads cross 交叉路口curiosity n. the desire to learn and know 好奇心daze n. a condition of beginning unable to think or feel clearly 晕眩exertion n. effort 努力;尽力glance n. a quick look at sth.globe n. 地球;地球仪halt n. a stop or pausehatred n. strong feelings of dislikehesitate v. to pause 犹豫不决intricate adj. very complicatedintroduction n. present for the first time 介绍irritated adj. annoyedjoyfully adv. very happilylift v. 抬;举;weight lifters: those who compete in contests of strength by lifting heavy objects misgiving n. (常用复数)feelings of doubt and fear 顾虑nap n. a short sleep during the dayobservant adj. careful to observe (rules)遵守规则的opportunity n. a chanceoverlook v. to see a place from a building or window 俯视palm n. 棕榈树;date ~: 椰枣树paradise n. heaven 天堂perseverance n. to keep trying to do sth. in spite of the difficulties 顽强拼搏physical adj. of material substance; often refers to human body 肉体的;身体的rank n. a line (of people)revolve v. to move or turn in a circle around a central pointrivalry n. 竞争scold v. to angrily criticize sb. , especially a childsingle adj. only onesort n. , v. The noun means a kind or a type; the verb means to put things in a particular order spin v. to turn round and roundstartled adj. surprised and often slightly frightenedstream n. a natural flow of water; anything that moves on continuously; a ~of: 一连串的stretch v. 伸展;~out: 伸出sunset n. the time when the sun is seen to disappear as night begins 日落surface n. 表面sweetheart n. a person one lovestrace n. a sign that sth. is there 迹象;痕迹trick n. (魔术)戏法unclouded adj. without any cloud, clear, untroubleduniform n. a special set of clothes which all members of a group wear, especially in a school, the army or the policeuniverse n. 宇宙vain n. in ~: without resultvariety n. different kinds of the same thing 丰富多彩;品种多样various adj. several of a varietyvast adj. very largewhisper v. to say something very quietly so that other people cannot hear what you are saying yell v. to shout loudly because you are very excited, angry, or in pain第二单元approach n. the act of coming nearer 接近awake v. to wake upbanner n. a flag 旗帜billow v. to rise and roll in waves due to wind 飘扬;翻腾chatter v. to talk fast in a friendly way 聊天chew v. to keep biting repeatedly because one is nervousclench adj. to hold one's hands or teeth together tightly because one is determined or angry engage v. to make (sb.) join with one in 使卷入,使参加exaltation n. joy, great happiness 兴奋,得意ex-con n. a former prisoner 刑满释放人员existence n. state of being 存在fit v. to be the right size or shape for sb. or sth.fort n. a strong building(s) used for defending an important place 要塞;usually capitalized as part of the name of a town, e.g. Fort Lauderdale in para. 1fortify v. to make sb. feel physically or mentally stronger; to strengthen 使……更坚强guy n. a person; a fellowjail n. a prisonmask v. to hide the truth about sth;mask n. originally a false face one wears to hide one's face; Here: an expression that hides one'strue feelingsmisty adj. Here: full of tears 蒙眬不清的oak n. a kind of tree 橡树parole n. permission for sb. to leave a prison, on the condition that he promises to behave well 假释retreat v. to go back or away because one is afraid; Here: to stop paying attention to what is happening around you and give all your attention to your own thoughtsribbon n. narrow strips of cloth, often made of silk and used to decorate gifts 丝带;缎带scream v. to shout in a loud high voice when one is excitedstain v. to put a mark on sth. that can not be removed 沾上颜色stun v. to be greatly surprised or shocked 目瞪口呆swig n. a large swallow 一大口tide n. levels to which the sea reaches on land 潮汐tighten v. to become tight or make tightertriumph n. a complete victory or success; a feeling of great pride or joy because of success or victoryunaware adj. not knowing or realizing what is happeningvanish v. to disappearwow int. (informal) an expression of surprise when one is deeply impressed or surprised 哇!yeah adv. the usual written form of a casual pronunciation of "yes"第三单元agency n. 机构;代理处;这里指职业介绍所bamboo n. 竹Bangkok n. 曼谷(泰国首都)barter v. to exchange goods for other goods 以货易货breeze n. a light gentle windbuffalo n. 美洲野牛;water ~: 水牛bully v. to threaten to hurt sb. who is smaller or weaker 欺负(弱小)condemn v. to express strong disapproval 谴责crab n. 蟹craft n. handmade items 手工艺术(这里指手工产品)dusk n. the time before it gets dark 黄昏Esarn n. a village in Thailandevil n. bad or harmful influence or effect 邪恶exhausted adj. tired outfashionable adj. popular 合时尚的;时髦的fate n. 命运fertile adj. ~land is land able to produce good crops 肥沃的;富饶的forefathers n. people (especially men) who were part of your family a long time ago 祖先frog n. 蛙gardener n. a person who takes care of a gardengreed n. a strong desire for more money, power etc. than you need 贪婪hairdresser n. a person who cuts and shapes your hair in a particular style 理发师hardship n. difficult condition of life, such as lack of money to become healthy again, to recover from a wound, especially to grow new skin 愈合infancy n. early childhood; babyhoodinsult v. to say or do sth. that is rude or act offensively to someone 侮辱jeans n. (常用复数)牛仔裤litter v. to leave (plastic bags, bits of waste paper etc.) on the ground in a public place 扔得到处都是lust n. very strong desire for sex, money or power 淫欲;金钱欲;权力欲old-fashioned adj. not fashionable 老式的,过时的monk n. 和尚,僧人nail n. 指甲pierce v. to make a hole through something; to ~one's heart: to make one feet very sadreap v. to cut and gather a crop such as rice or wheat 收割replace v. to take the place of 替代ripen adj. mature 成熟的ripple v. to move in very small waves 在微风中摆动scarcity n. a lack; not having enough, especially foodscent n. a pleasant smellsheaves n. (sheaf 的复数), measure of quantity in farming 捆,束shimmer v. to shine with a soft trembling light 发微光,闪烁sickness n. illnesssigh v. 叹息strip n. a narrow piece of 细长片temple n. a place for the worship of a god or gods 寺庙,庙宇tend v. If sth. ~s to happen, it means that it is likely to happen quite often, especially sth. bad or unpleasanttextile n. any material made by weaving 纺织品ungrateful adj. not showing thankswound n. injury 伤口;(感情上的)痛苦第四单元a series of 一系列的account n. a sum of money kept in a bank 银行账户; an ~book: 存折; a checking ~: (美)活期存款;支票账户alternative n. a choiceanyway adv. to suggest a statement is true or relevant in spite of other things that have been said apparently adv. as it appearsauthority n. a person whose knowledge or information is respected 权威balance n. 通常作“平衡”解;Here: the amount of money one has in a bank accountbelt n. a strip of leather, cloth, etc. that you tie round your waist; money ~: 挎在腰间的钱包branch office n. smaller bank offices located throughout the community for the customer's convenience(银行的)分行;支行bully n. a person who bullies v. to pick on someone less powerful in a cruel mannercandy n. a sweetconclude v. 下结论;Here: to come to the enddamn adv. used for emphasis in spoken English; ~well: certainlydeposit v. to put (money) in a bank n. money put in a bankdismay n. a strong feeling of fear, worry or sadness that is caused by sth. unpleasant and unexpectedexchange n. 交换;Here: (formal) a brief conversation, usually an angry onefortyish adj. about 40fund n. (常用复数)money in one's possession 资金(此处指银行存款、现款)grocery n. a shop that sells all kinds of food and things for the home 食品和日用杂货helpless adj. unable to react normally to a situation because you have no power or strengthidiot n. a foolish personinterfere v. to deliberately(故意地)get involved in a situation that does not concern you and in a way that annoys people 干涉khakis n. (常用复数)卡叽布裤子loafer n. leather shoes one can slip on easily 平底便鞋mustache n. hair growing on the upper lipneighborhood n. all the various homes and businesses in a small area within a larger town or city 邻里passion n. strong feeling of hate, anger or loveprep school n. (in the U. S.) preparatory school 预备学校protest v. to say or do sth. publicly to show that you disagree or are angry about sth. that you think is wrong or unfair 抗议rear adj. the back part of sth. ; ~pocket: 裤子后面的口袋represent v. to act officially for another person 代表ridiculous adj. very silly, foolish and unreasonablesaving n. (常用复数)存款;a ~s account: (银行)储蓄账户;定期存款scared adj. frightened 受惊吓的shrug n. 耸肩(表示冷淡,怀疑等)slightly adv. a little bitso-called adj. 所谓的upset adj. worried and unhappywallet n. pouch (a small bag) that holds one's money 男用钱袋withdrawal n. the act of taking out/ awaywithdraw v. to take away; Here: to take money away from a bank第五单元academic adj. concerning teaching or studying, especially in a college or university 学术的aid n. , v. helpangel n. a messenger and servant of God 天使attach v. to fix; to fasten; to joinbarometer n. an instrument that measures the air pressure and shows when the weather is going to change 气压表basement n. a floor built partly or wholly below ground level 地下室calculate v. to work out a number or amount from information you have 计算colleague n. someone you work with, especially in a professional job 同事competence n. the ability and skill needed to do a particular job 能力course n. a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject 课程creative adj. to develop or use new ideas 有创造性的credit n. a measure of a student's work at a university 学分dash off v. to run away from a place very quickly; Here: to write in a hurrydeserve v. 该得;应受dilemma n. a difficult choice to be made between two courses of action which seem to be equally bad 进退两难educational adj. connected with educationexplore v. to examine; investigate; often refers to previously unexamined space or ideas 探索formula n. 公式grade v. (AmE) to give a mark to an examination paperimpartial adj. fair in giving judgements, unbiased etc. 不偏不倚的inner adj. on the inside; close to the centreinstructor n. a teacherlaunch v. Here: to send into space 发射lean v. 倾斜;倚;靠logic n. reason 逻辑panic n. fear; scarependulum n. 钟摆principle n. 原则proportion n. 比例recall v. to remember sth. 回想起referee n. sb. In charge of a game in sports ; Here: a person who is asked to settle a disagreement resist v. struggle against 抵抗select v. to choosesolve v. to find a way of dealing with a problem 解决sophisticated adj. complex 复杂的Sputnik n. 前苏联人造地球卫星stopwatch n. a watch to time speed 记秒表string n. a piece of threadstructure n. the way in which parts are formed into a whole 结构superintendent n. Here: a person in charge of an apartment building 楼房管理处负责人员swing v. to move from a fixed point 摆动system n. 系统;制度temptation n. 诱惑unit n. (计量的)单位warn v. to advise sb. to do sth. in order to avoid possible punishment or trouble 警告第六单元atmosphere n. 大气;气氛awful adj. terrible, shocking; Here it functions as an adv. = very, terriblybulb n. 灯泡chant n. words that are repeated again and again by a group 齐声的不断质问cherry n. 樱桃comic adj. funny, humorous; ~book (AmE): 儿童连环画杂志concern n. worry, anxiety 忧虑conscious adj. aware, knowing 意识到的;明白的crash n. a sudden, loud noise as made by a violent fallcriminal n. a person who has committed a crime 罪犯deal n. treatment 对待desperate adj. ready for any wild act because of loss of hope 绝望的;不顾一切的dial v. to make a telephone call 拨电话号electrical adj. relating to electricityexchange v. 交换fender n. (车辆的)挡泥板flash n. a sudden burst of lightgossip v. to talk about other people's behavior and private lives or about other things that do not concern you 东家长、西家短地闲聊honey n. (AmE) darling, sweethearthorizon n. 地平线hush n. a peaceful silenceimpression n. effect produced on the mind or feelings 印象intently adv. with fixed attention 专注地jaw n. 颚,颌jerk v. to move suddenly 猛然一扭;一抬kneel v. 下跪laughter n. the act of laughing or the sound of people laughinglawn n. an area that is covered with short grass (经过修剪的)草坪lighten v. to make more cheerful 使轻松likely adj. probable, expected 可能(发生)的maple n. 枫树menace v. to threaten 威胁meteor n. rock-like object hurtling through space 流星mob n. a large, noisy crowd especially one that is angry and violentmonster n. 妖怪;恶魔mower n. a machine to cut down grass 割草机murmur n. a soft low soundnope adv. (informal) noobviously adv. clearlyoddball n. a person who behaves in a strange or an unusual wayoperator n. a person who works on a telephone switchboard 电话接线员optimistic adj. hopeful about the future, believing that things will happen in the best way 乐观的outer adj. of the outside 外面的;~space: 外屋空间overhead n. , adv. over the headpersistently adv. continuing to do or say something although other people warn you not to 固执地;坚持地plug v. , n. 插;插座polish v. to make smooth and shiny by continual rubbing 擦亮porch n. a doorway or an entrance to a house, covered with a roof 门廊portable adj. easily carried or moved 手提式的precisely adv. exactlyquietness n. silencereact v. 反应reaction n. the act of reactingreluctantly adv. unwillinglyresidential adj. mainly of the part of the town or street where there are private houses and very few offices or factories 住宅的roar n. a continuous loud noise made by a machine or a strong windrooftop n. the top of the roofrub v. 摩擦screw v. 拧紧sense n. a meaning 意义sidewalk n. pavement 人行道space n. 空间;太空speechless adj. unable to speak because of deep feeling 由于某种原因而说不出话的spot n. a small and round mark 点;斑点black ~s (太阳)黑子stool n. a seat without a back, usually for one personstove n. 火炉stuff n. thingsthunder n. a loud noise following lightning 雷鸣tone n. 语调tremendous adj. very big or powerful 巨大的(数字、爆炸声等)typical adj. 典型的upwards adv. going up 向上weird adj. strange; difficult to explain, usually because one has not seen or experienced before wet v. to make wetwhirl v. to turn around very quickly第七单元arrange v. to make plans about what to do 安排aspect n. 方面cell n. Here: a small room for a person (persons) in prisonchili n. 干辣椒(粉);Here: pepper 辣椒construct v. to buildcontact n. the act or state of touching or meeting 接触cultivate v. 种植;栽培decline v. to become weaker or worse 变衰弱document n. 文件dump n. a place for dumping garbage 垃圾倾倒场eliminate v. to remove; to get rid of 除去;消灭enduring adj. lastingeventually adv. in the endfertilizer n. 肥料flourish v. to grow quickly in a healthy way 长得好fulfill v. to perform a duty or a task with satisfaction 完成;实现hallway n. the entrance hall of a houseintellectual adj. mental 脑力的issue n. an important problemmanual adj. using the hands 体力的metaphor n. 隐喻miner n. a person who works in a mine 矿工mixture n. 混合物nourish v. to help sth. to grow 培育onion n. 洋葱patch n. a small area of groundpeanut n. 花生permission n. act of allowing 允许pursue v. to go on with; to be busy with 从事;进行section n. a part of a larger place; Here: one part of the prison 监狱的一个区seedling n. a young plant 幼苗survive v. to continue to live 生存下去tend v. Here: to take care of; to look aftertender adj. delicate, easily broken or damaged 娇嫩的tennis n. 网球warder n. the head of a prison 监狱长;Here: 看守;狱卒wither v. to dry up; to be reduced in size and color 枯萎第八单元audience n. a group of people who watch and listen to sb. speaking or performing in publi 观众;听众auditorium n. 剧场,大会堂,音乐厅(等)backstage n. 剧场的后台bother v. to make sb. feel slightly worried or upsetcareer n. a job or profession that you have been trained for 职业cast n. people chosen to act particular parts in a play, film, etc. 演员阵营chin n. 下巴coach n. someone who trains a person or a team in a sport 教练;指导cocky adj. too confident about yourself and your ability 狂妄的;自负的comedian n. someone whose job is to tell jokes and make people laughcomedy n. a play or film, etc. that is amusing and has a happy ending 喜剧commercial n. a commercial advertisement 商业广告concentrate v. to give all your attentioncongratulate v. to praise people for sth. difficult or skillful they have done 祝贺curtain n. 幕布dramatics n. 演剧活动eagerness n. the keenness or excitement about sth. that is going to happen or sth. you want to doembarrass v. to make sb. feel anxious, ashamed or uncomfortable, especially in a social situation exaggerated adj. 夸张的flea n. 虱子;Here: a very small thingflushed adj. red in the facegiant n. a very tall and big person 大高个儿;巨人groan v. to make a long deep sound because you are pain or upset 呻吟hey int. 嘿!喂!(used to call attention or to express surprise)humor n. 幽默invent v. to make or produce sth. new for the first timejockey n. someone who rides horses in races (赛马场)职业骑师knee n. 膝盖;~- high: 高及膝盖的newcomer n. a person who has only recently arrivednonsense n. foolish ideaspeck n. a quick and light kisspleading adj. 恳求的plot n. Here: the way the play develops 剧情promote v. to help sth. or sb. to develop and be successful 宣传;推广;推销promotion n. the act of promotingpuppet n. Here: a person who has lost his independence and is controlled by someone else 傀儡;木偶sensible adj. reasonable and practical 明智的sharply adv. in a severe and disapproving way 严厉地shrimp n. a small pink sea creature 小虾;Here: a very small personsmart adj. clever; quick in thinkingstiff adj. unable to move (肌肉)硬的terrific adj. excellent; greattiptoe n. 脚尖touchy adj. easily offended or annoyedundersized adj. smaller than usualvice-president n. 副主席volunteer v. to offer to do sth. without expecting any reward 自动提出第九单元able-bodied adj. physically strong and healthyadapt (to) v. to change so as to become used to new conditions 适应adequate adj. enoughaffect v. to have an effect on 影响到ALS also known as motor neuron disease 一种最终导致全身瘫痪的运动神经麻痹症bandage n. a piece of cloth used to cover a wound 绷带bump n. an area of skin that is raised because it has been hit 肿块Cambridge n. 剑桥(英国著名大学)circumstance n. (常用复数)facts, conditions, etc. connected with a person 环境;情况clumsiness n. a state in which the movements of the parts of the body do not work well together 行动笨拙comfort n. 安慰depression n. a feeling of sadness and hopelessness 消沉disability n. a physical problem that makes sb. unable to use parts of his body properly downplay v. = play down: to try to make oneself think that it is unimportant or less important than it really is 低调对待drag v. to pull with effort and difficulty 用力拉;拖enable v. to make one able to do sth.exceptional adj. unusualfrequency n. the number of times that sth. happens 频率frequently adv. very often or many timesfunction n. 功能humiliation n. a feeling of shame and embarrassment 屈辱;丢脸incurable adj. impossible to cure 不可救治的liquid n. 液体leuk(a)emia n. blood cancer 血癌;白血病motor adj. 运动神经的nasty adj. bad; unpleasantnerves n. 神经obstruction n. 障碍PhD n. Doctor of Philosophy 博士(学位)predict v. to say sth. will happen in a particular way 预言rare adj. not seen or found often, or not happening very oftenrecur v. to happen again (especially sth. bad or unpleasant)scene n. the place where sth. happens 地点;场景slur v. to speak unclearly without separating words or sounds correctly 吐字含糊不清span n. the length of time one's life continues 一生spinal adj. 脊髓的;脊骨的;~cord: 脊髓strength n. quality of being strong; power and energy that makes sb. strongsupervisor n. a person who gives advice to students in their studies and makes sure that they do their work properly 导师tablecloth a piece of cloth used to cover the tabletheoretical adj. 理论的vacation n. one of the periods of time when universities are closed 假期worsen v. to become worseworthwhile adj. worth the time and effort to do sth. 值得的第十单元、acceptance n. the act of agreeing that what sb. says is right or true 接受(某种观点、说法)ancient adj. very oldappreciate v. to understand and enjoy 赏识armful n. the amount of sth. one can hold in one arm or both armsassure v. to tell sb. that sth. is sure to happen so that he does not have to worry 使……放心Brazil n. 巴西breakthrough n. 突破casually adv. 随便地chatter v. to talk quickly about things that are not serious or important 闲聊consist of v. to be made up of 由……组成的dawn on v. to make sb. realize 使……觉醒destination n. a place sb. is going to 目的地encounter v. to meet sb. or experience sth. suddenly or unexpectedly 遭遇;n. 碰见formation n. Here: sth. that is formed in a particular shape; rock ~: 具有特殊形状的石峰;怪石genius n. very great and exceptional ability or skill 天才glue n. 胶水;胶汁identity n. a strong feeling of belonging to a particular group 身份;认同感ignorance n. having no knowledge or information 无知inspect v. to examine carefullyinstantly adv. at onceleak v. 泄漏;渗漏local adj. of a particular place or area 当地的;本地的locate v. to be ~d: to be in a particular place 位于mechanic n. Here: sb. who is skilled at repairing cars 汽车修理工melt v. to become soft through heating 溶解;软化New England n. 新英格兰(美国东北部的总称)numerous adj. many; countlessoccasion n. special time for sth. 场合origin n. 起源;根源particular adj. special 特殊的pat v. 轻拍perspective n. a way of thinking about or looking at sth. 观点;看法pinnacle n. 顶峰;顶点potential n. the possibility that sth. will have a certain effect 潜力radiator n. 汽车散热器;水箱reasonable adj. acting with reason 合乎情理的refill v. to fill againreflect on v. to think carefully about 思考Rio n. short for ~de Janeiro, a city in Brazil 里约热内卢scattered adj. spread all over a large area 散布在……的;散落在……的significance n. importanceslender adj. thin and graceful 细长的;苗条的slight adj. small in amount or degree 少量的spout v. to send out with great force 喷出statement n. sth. you say or write publicly or officially to let people know your intentions or opinions 表述;声明steep adj. 陡峭的strain up v. to make a great effort to move upward 竭力爬坡tease v. to make jokes or laugh at sb. in order to have fun either in a friendly way or in an unkind way 取笑;逗弄第十一单元accent n. the way a person pronounces the words of a language showing which country or which part of a country he comes from 口音;腔调agent n. 代理人;a secret ~: 特工人员altogether adv. completely; entirelyapartment n. a set of rooms within a large building where one lives 一套公寓房间armchair n. a comfortable chair with sides to rest your arms on 有扶手的单人沙发automatic adj. 自动的Berlin n. a city in Germany 柏林blink v. to shut and open your eyes quickly 眨眼Boston n. a city in the U. S. 波士顿commanding adj. 命令式的,威严的confounded adj. damned; used to show you are annoyedcorridor n. a long narrow passage, between two rows of rooms in a building 走廊devil n. evil spirit 魔鬼;raise the ~(= raise hell): to behave in an angry and threatening way 好好闹一闹;好好抗议一下disillusioned adj. feeling disappointed and unhappy because sb. or sth. is not as good as you thought 幻想破灭的doorknob n. 门把;拉手espionage n. the activity of secretly finding out a country's secrets 间谍活动evilly adv. 邪恶地explanatory adj. meant to explainextend v. to continue for a particular distance 延伸frustrated adj. feeling upset and impatient because you can not control a situation or achieve sth. 有挫折感的gesture n. 手势gloomy adj. dark, especially in a way that seems sad 阴暗的grimly adv. seriously; sternly 阴沉着脸地hesitate v. to be slow in deciding 犹豫不决missile n. 导弹moodily adv. feeling unhappy or angry 愤愤地;不快地musty adj. with an unpleasant smellmysterious adj. 神秘的passable adj. good enough to be accepted; not badpasskey n. 万能钥匙pistol n. 手枪risk v. 冒险romantic adj. 浪漫的shrilly adv. shouting in a sharp or high-pitched voicesill n. 窗台slip v. to give sb. sth. quietly and secretly 悄悄地递过去sloppy adj. careless about clothes 衣着随便的spy n. a secret agent 间谍stammer v. to speak with difficulty, repeating words or sounds because one is nervous or afraid 结结巴巴地说stare v. to look with wide-open eyes because of fearstiffly adv. without being able to move one's body 僵硬地swiftly adv. fast; rapidlythrill n. a sudden strong feeling of great excitement and pleasuretray n. 盘子twist v. 扭曲,弯曲uncork v. to open a bottle by removing the cork 开瓶塞wheeze v. to breathe noisily 喘息wheezily adv. (说话)呼哧呼哧响地第十二单元accelerator n. a machine used for increasing speed 加速器addict n. a drug ~: a person who cannot stop taking drugs 吸毒成瘾的人;瘾君子almighty adj. having unlimited power 无所不能的;万能的;~dollar: taking money as the main goal in life or basis of power 金钱万能的;拜金主义的attentive adj. giving or paying attentionamaze v. to fill with great surprisebackpack n. a bag carried on the back, often supported by a metal frame, used especially by mountain climbers or walkers 旅行专用背包brake n. 刹车brochure n. a thin book giving information 小册子;介绍材料Calif. n. = California, a state in the U. S. 加利福尼亚campground n. a place where people can camp for a small fee 露营地cashless adj. not having any moneychamber of commerce an organization or group of people in a particular town or area for the purpose of trade 商会chilly adj. rather coldcompassionate adj. feeling or showing pity or sympathy for other people who need help 有同情心的conquer v. to defeat or overcome 击败;征服contrary adj. opposite 相反的cowboy n. a person who looks after cattle in the western parts of the U. S. (美国西部的)牛仔entertain v. to invite people to one's home for a meal 招待executive adj. 执行的;负责的;行政的;an ~director: 行政长官;此处指商会负责人folk n. peoplegamble n. a risky action or decision 冒险的事;赌博;take a ~: to take an action that is risky hoping that it may succeedgang n. a group of persons who stick together, especially for criminal or other antisocial purposes hitch v. = hitchhike: to travel by asking drivers of passing cars for free rides 沿途搭车旅行hitchhiker n. a person who hitchhikes 沿途搭乘他人便车旅行的人intrigue v. to arouse the interest or curiosity 激起……好奇心lowa n. a state in the U. S. 衣阿华州Jamestown n. 詹姆斯敦(这里指田纳西州的一个城市)journey v. to travelkin n. (集合名词)relatives 亲戚lumber-mill n. a building where trees are cut up to make wood 锯木厂lurk v. to wait quietly and secretly in order to attack 埋伏以便伺机攻击magnificent adj. extremely good, beautiful or impressive 不平凡的;了不起的Montana n. a state in the U. S. 蒙大拿州motto n. a short statement used as a guide of behavior 座右铭murderer n. a person who unlawfully kills another personNebraska n. a state in the U. S. 内布拉斯加州New Orleans n. a city in the U. S. 新奥尔良North Carolina n. a state in the U. S. 北卡罗来纳州Oregon n. a state in the U. S. 俄勒冈州patriotic adj. feeling or showing love, support and loyalty to one's country 爱国的rapist n. 强奸犯readiness n. willingness or eagerness to do sth.renew n. to find sth. again after it has been lost 重新恢复revelation n. sth. which is made known and was previously unknown 突然显示的事实risk v. to take an action, even though it might have unpleasant consequences 冒险schedule v. to arrange for sth. to be done; to plan that sth. will happen at a particular time shabby adj. in bad repair or condition 破旧不堪的shelter v. to provide a place to stay or rest n. a place where you can stay or restskid v. to suddenly slide sideways and get out of control 滑向一旁solely adv. onlystranded adj. unable to move from the place where you aresymbol n. a sign or object which represents an idea or value 象征Tenn. n. = Tennessee, a state in the U. S. 田纳西州the Atlantic n. 大西洋the Pacific n. 太平洋thumb n. 拇指trucker n. a truck drivervehicle n. a thing such as a car or bus etc. used for carrying people or things from one place to another 车辆Wyoming n. a state in the U. S. 怀俄明州。

现代大学英语精读2Unit 1Accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievement Acquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own workArrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important wayArt n. art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as agroup (统称) 艺术; fine ~ 美术Aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)Assume v. to take as a fact; to supposeAvailable adj. able to be used or easily foundAverage v. to calculate the average of sth. ; ~ out 其平均数为Beanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin personBull n. a male cowCertify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of test Civilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced cultureClient n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organization Contain v. to have sth. Inside or as part of itContinuity n. the state of being continuousCyanide n. 氰化物Democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions 民主的Disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering. Here: a complete failureDrugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things) Employ v. (here) to spend time doing sth.Enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or universityEssence n. the most important quality or feature of sth.; in ~ 本质上Expertise n. skill in a particular fieldExpose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about newbeliefs, ideas, etc.Faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or collegeFragment n. a small piece of sth.Generate v. to produceGrind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaces Hip n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legs Humanity n. the qualities of being humanImplicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地Incompetence n. lack of the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done 无能Inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoidIntellect n. power of thought 思维能力Invent v. to produce or design sth. that has not existed beforeLiteral adj. in the basic meaning of a wordMaintain v. to continue to have as beforeNeanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the StoneAgeNevertheless adv. in spite of that; yetPeculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; oddPenetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeply Pest n. (infml) an annoying personPharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study ofpreparing drugs or medicinesPhilosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学Physicist n. a scientist who studies physics 物理学家Pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole; ~ grinding 药剂碾磨Preside v. to lead; to be in charge; ~ over 主持Professional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requires special trainingPursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined waypush-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditionalmethodsqualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular job raise v. (AmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itselfrear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grown resources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源savage n. an uncivilized human beingscroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degreesemester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE)sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literature shudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a momentskill n. particular ability or type of abilityspecialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjectsspecialist 专家species n. (infml) a type; a sortspecimen n. (here) a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of aparticular kindspiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mindstore v. to keepstuck adj. not knowing what to do in a particular situation; be ~ for 因为……而不知所措suffice v. to be enoughunaided adj. without help from anyone or anything 独立的Unit 5Advocate v. to support an idea or a plan publiclyAmusement n. enjoymentAntique adj. being old and therefore valuableAutomatic adj. Automatic Teller Machine(ATM) 自动取款机Battlefield n. a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought 战场Bicentennial n. the day or year exactly 200 years after a particular eventBriefing n. a meeting or document in which people receive information orinstructions; news ~ 新闻发布会Burst n. a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that oftenstarts suddenlyCabinet n. a piece of furniture with doors, shelves or drawers for storing things;medicine ~ 药橱Carriage n. a wheeled vehicle, especially a private horse-drawn vehicleCD n. abbr. for “compact disk,” a small disk on which sound or informationis recordedCheckerboard n. a board on which chess and checkers are played, divided into 64 squaresof two alternating colors 棋盘,方格图案Classic adj. accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or mostimportant of its kind 经典的Compress v. to force into less space 压缩Condense v. to put into a smaller or shortened form 紧缩; 缩小Confederate adj. belonging to a political union of states; the Confederate army 美国内战时期的南方军队Consist v. ~ of : to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由……组成Constantly adv. (AmE) all the time; repeatedly 始终; 一直地Convenience n. the condition of being suitable to one's needs and easy to reachCredit n. ~ card : a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods or servicesand pay for them later 信用卡Current adj. (AmE) of the present time; ~ events 时事Defer v. to delay until a later dateDiet n. a limited range and amount of food you eat when you want to get thinner Digest n. a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from abook, report, etc. 文摘Dots n. (pl.) small round marks 小点Excerpt n. a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer wholeExit n. a way out of a public building or vehicleExplore v. to travel to or around an area in order to learn about itEyewitness n. a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe itafterwards 目击证人Fax v. to transmit (printed matter or an image) by electronic means 发传真Featureless adj. uninteresting, without noticeable featuresFix n. (imfml) a solution to a problem esp. an easy or temporary one; quick ~ 即时解决方案Flash v. to pass very quicklyGorgeous adj. (infml) very beautiful or attravtiveGratification n. satisfactionGratify v. to please or satisfyGuaranteed adj. be ~ to: to be certain toHerd n. a group of animals of one kind which lives and feeds togetherIceberg n. a large piece of ice floating in the sea, most of which is below thesurfaceIgnore v. not to take notice ofInfect v. to pass on a disease to sb.; to corruptInterstate n. a very wide road for long distance between US statesLakeside n. the area around the edge of a lakeLane n. the two or three parallel areas on a main road which are divided by paintedlines to keep fast and slow traffic apart; the fast ~ 快车道Latest adj. the most recent or newest 最新的Lifestyle n. the way a person or a group of people lives and worksLinger v. to stay a little longer because you do not want to leave; ~ over 徘徊于……Liposuction n. the removal of fat from sb's body by means of suction 脂肪抽吸(术) Microwave n. a high-frequency electromagnetic wave 微波(炉)Miracle n. (infml) an event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature;~ diet 速效减肥食谱Mph n. abbr. for miles per hourOutlet n. a shop through which products are sold; here: (工厂附设的)门市部Overnight adv. during the night; (here infml) suddenlyPastoral adj. typical of the simple peaceful life in the country 田园风光的Paycheck n. a salary checkPennsylvania n. a state of the eastern United Statas 宾夕法尼亚州Polaroid n. a trademark 宝丽来(一次成像的照相机)predigested adj. (of information) put in a simple form 经过简化、压缩的quality adj. of a high standard; ~ time (尤指和孩子一起度过的)宝贵时光; 优质时间rack n. 货架; off the ~ (AmE) 现成的rear n. ~-view mirror: a mirror in which a driver can see the traffic behind后视镜reduce v. to make sth. less or smaller in size; be ~d to 缩小成……refresh v. to make sb. feel less tired or less hotrevitalize v. to put new strength and power intoroute n. the way from one place to another on a mapsalad n. a mixture of raw vegetables or fruitscale n. an instrument for weighting people or things 秤scenery n. natural surroundings in beautiful and open countryscreen n. the surface of a computer display 电脑屏幕skim v. to move through (life) quickly, hardly touching the surfaceslide v. to pass by quietly without being noticed; ~ by 溜过去speed v. to make sth. move or happen faster; ~ out of control 疯狂加速到失去控制spicy adj. (food) having a pleasantly strong taste 辛辣的stuff v. (infml) to fill a container or space with sth.; (here) to eat a lot of food or too much foodsubtle adj. hardly noticeable unless you pay careful attention微妙的superficially adv. on the surface; not deeply or thoroughlysupermarket n. a large shop where a customer can choose from a large number ofdifferent kinds of food or other goodssymbolically adv. Relating to, or expressed by means of symbols 象征性地symphony n. a musical work for a large group of instruments 交响乐theme n. a short simple tune that is repeated and developed in a piece of music乐曲主题tour v. to visit for pleasureturnpike n. (AmE) a large road for fast traffic, esp. one that drivers have to payto use 收费公路urge n. a strong wish for sth.VCR n. abbr. for video cassette recorder 录像机Version n. a slightly different form of sth. (book, film, story, etc.) form theoriginal 版本Wander v. to walk slowly without a purposeWest Virginia n. a state of the western United States 西弗吉尼亚州Unit 6Abandon v. to leave a person, a thing or place, esp. because it is impossible to stay with the person or stay at the placeAccumulation n. the state of getting more and more of sth. over a period of time Attached adj. full of affection for sb./sth.Attachment n. a strong feeling of affection for sb./sth.; form ~ 产生感情Barbed-wire adj. of wire having a barb or barbs 带刺铁丝的Binoculars n. an instrument, like two small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you look through it 双筒望远镜Blissful adj. extremely happyBrim v. (of a cup, container, etc.) to be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge; ~ over 溢出Bug n. (esp. AmE) any small insectCarve v. to write sth. on a surface by cutting it; ~d stone 石雕Castle n. ancient ~ 古城堡Cathedral n. the main church of a district of a district under the care of a Bishop (= a priest of high rank)Clumsily adv. of lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkwardly 笨拙地Dangle v. to hang or swing freely; ~ from one’s neck 在……脖子上挂着Definitely adv. a way of emphasizing sth. that is true and that there is no doubt aboutitDense adj. containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little spacebetween them 茂密的,浓密的Ease n. the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable; put sb. at~ 使舒适; 使感到自在Echo v. to repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface 发出回声; 起反响,起共鸣Familiarity n. the state of knowing sb. or sth. wellFascinated adj. very interestedFellow adj. used to describe sb. who is the same as you in some way; ~ students同学Fortress n. a building or place that has been strengthened and protected fromattackFossil n. the remains of an animal or plant which have become hard and turnedinto rockFrail adj. physically weak and thinFront v. to serve as a front for 装饰……的正面; glass- ~ed case 以玻璃罩面的书柜Gamekeeper n. a person whose job is to take care of the wild animals on a piece of privateland 猎场看守人Glimpse v. to see sb./sth. for a moment, but not very clearlyGlow v. to shine with a soft color; ~ pinkly 发出粉红色的光Hike v. to go for a long walk in the countryHoly adj. important in a religious sense 神圣的Identify v. to recognize sb./sth. and be able to say who or what they are Illustration n. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc., esp. one thatexplains sth.Immense adj. extremely large or greatInsect n. any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts Instinctively adv. by instinctInvisible adj. cannot be seenIvory n. a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the long teethof elephants and some other animals; figures of ~ 象牙雕刻的人物Impenetrable adj. impossible to be entered, passed through or seen through 难以渗透的Inclined adj. tending to do sth.; less ~ to laugh 不喜欢笑; 不想笑Laurel n. a bush with dark smooth shiny leaves that remain on the bush and staygreen through the year 月桂树Legacy n. a situation that exists now because of events, actions that took placein the past 遗留的东西,遗产Major adj. large or importantMunch v. to eat sth. steadily and noisily, esp. sth. crispyNetwork n. a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that crosseach other; a ~ of paths 交织的小路Nickname n. an informal, often humorous, name for a person 绰号Odds and ends n. (infml) small items that are not valuables or are not part of a largestset 零星物件Overseas adv. to or in a foreign country; go ~ 出国Patchwork n. a thing that is made up of many different pieces or parts 拼成的图案或其他物件Pheasant n. a large bird with a long tail, the male of which is brightly colored野鸡Pillar n. a large stone, metal or wooden post that is used to support a bridge,the roof of a buildingPotential n. the possibility of sth. happening 潜在性,可能性Practically adv. almost, very nearlyPrivate adv. opposite of public, enjoyed only by a particular person or a group,not for everyone; ~paradise 僻静的天地Proceed v. to move or travel in a particular directionProperty n. land and the building on it 房地产Regarding prep. Concerning sb./sth.Rewarding adj. worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it useful orimportant; ~ friendship 使人受益匪浅的友谊Roam v. to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction;~ the woods 林间散步Rocket v. to move very fast; ~ off 突然飞出去Rustle v. to make sounds like leaves or paper moving or rubbing together发出树叶的沙沙声Seemingly adv. in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be; ~ different貌似不同Shortbread n. (BrE, also shortcake) a rich crispy biscuit/cookie made with flour,sugar, and a lot of butter 黄油甜酥饼干Soccer n. (AmE) footballSoul n. a person’s inner character containing true thoughts and feelingsSting v. (strung, strung) to hurt or make sth. hurt with a sudden sharp painfor a short time; ~ one’s eyes 刺眼Surround v. to be around sth./sb. on every sideSuspect v. to think that sth. is probably true or likely to happenTart n. an open pie filled with sweet food such as fruit; jam ~ 果酱派Tome n. (fml) a large heavy book, esp. one dealing with a serious topicTrespass v. to enter land or a building that you do not have the permission orthe right toTrunk n. the thick main stem of a treeTutor v. to teachTwitter n. a series of short high sounds that birds makeVaulted adj. made in the shape of an arch or a series of arches; having a ceilingor roof of this shape 拱形的Verge v. to be very close to a placeWary adj. careful when dealing with sb./sth. because you think that there maybe a danger or problemWell n. a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water; ~of knowledge 知识的源泉Wistful adj. thinking sadly about sth. that you would like to have, esp. sth. inthe past that you can no longer haveWoodland n. an area of land that is covered with treesWow n. (infml) exclamation used to express great surprise or admirationWrench v. to pull or twist suddenly and violentlyUnit 10Absorb v. to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or spacearoundAD abbr. (AmE) used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number ofyear since the year Christ was believed to have been born 公元Bakery n. a place where bread is made/soldBand n, a group of people who do sth. togetherBay n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of theshoreBeetle n. an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back coveringits wingsBoard v. to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.Branch v. ~ out: to divide into more partsClatter n. a series of loud short noises when a hard object hits against anotherone on surfaceCloudburst n. a sudden heavy rain 倾盆大雨Cluster v. to come together in a small group of groupsCollapse v. to fall down or fall in suddenlyColumn n. a tall, solid, vertical post, usu. round and made of stoneCram v. to push sb./sth. into a small placeCrater v. a large hole in the top of a volcanoCrouch v. to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs underyouDescend v. to come or go down from a higher level to a lower oneDoom n. death or destructionDrift v. to move along smoothly or slowly in water or airErupt v. to emerge violently from restraint or limits; to explode from thevolcanoExplosion n. the sudden violent bursting and the loud noise of sth.Flee v. (fled, fled) to leave a person or a place very quicklyGraze v. (of cow, sheep) to eat grass growing in a field, pasture, etc. Harbor n. an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, where ships can stayHoof n. the hard part of the foot of some animals, e.g. horsesHuddle v. (of people or animals) to gather closely togetherHurl v. to throw violently in a particular directionInn n. (AmE) a small hotelIntact adj. complete and not damagedJar n. a round container with a lid used for storing food, etc.; wine ~酒缸Loaf n. (pl. loaves) an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked inone pieceMediterranean adj. of the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 地中海的Mighty adj. very strong and powerfulMonoxide n. 一氧化物Nightmare n. an experience that is very frightening and unpleasant Overwhelm v. to cover sb./sth. completelyPerish v. to be lost or destroyedPoisonous adj. causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the body Priest n. a person who is qualified to perform religious duties or ceremonies Prosperous adj. rich and successfulPumice n. a type of grey stone that comes from volcanoes and is very light inweightQuick-witted adj. mentally alert and sharp 头脑敏捷的Reverberate v. if a sound reverberates, it is repeated many times as it hits twoopposite surfacesSack n. a large bag with no handles made of rough strong material Savage adj. fierce and violentShatter v. to suddenly break into small piecesShepherd n. a person whose job is to take care of sheepShimmer v. to cover or hide sth. n. sth. that hides or coverssth.slate n. a small sheet of dark grey stone, used in the past in schools forchildren to write onstumble v. to hit your foot against sth. while walking or runningsummit n. the highest point of sth.thicken v. to become thicker or make sth. thickerthrong n. a long piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used as a light trample v. to step heavily on sb./sth. so that you crush or harm them Vesuvius n. an active volcano of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples; Mount ~ 维苏威山Victim n. a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed as the result ofa crime, a disease, an accident, etc. 受害者Villa n. a house where people stay on holiday/vacationVolcanic adj. (AmE) caused or produced by a volcano; ~ash 火山灰Yawn v. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usu. because you are tired or boredUnit 12Adroit adj. skillful and clever, esp. in dealing with peopleAgony n. extreme physical or mental painAmbassador n. an official who lives in a foreign country as the senior Anticipate v. to expect sth.Apply v. to be relevant to a particular person or thing 适用于Blow v. ~ off steam 发泄怒气Blunder v. to make a stupid or careless mistakeBoil v. ~ with anger 怒火中烧; 异常气愤Bristle v. ~ with sth.: to have a large amount of sth., or to be full of sth. Broadsword n. a large sword with a broad flat bladeBurial n. the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave; ~ permit埋葬许可证Capture v. to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in anenclosed spaceCavalry n. the part of the army that fought on horses (旧时的) 骑兵Charity n. kindness and sympathy toward other peopleCondemn v. to express very strong disapproval of sb./sth.Confucius n. a famous Chinese philosopher 孔子Decay v. if a building or an area decays, its condition slowly becomes worse Deft adj. (of a person’s movement) skillful and quickDeluge v. to flood a place with waterDetailed adj. giving many details and a lot of informationDiplomatic adj. having or showing skill in dealing with people in differentsituation 灵活的; 有外交手腕的Disappiontment n. sadness because sth. expected has not happened; bitter ~ 极大的失望Distressed adj. upset and anxiousDuel n. a formal fight with weapons between two people, used in the pastto settle a quarrel 决斗Exhaustive adj. very thorough; looking at every detailFutile adj. having no effort or achieving nothingGettysburg n. a town of southern Pennsylvania in the US 葛底斯堡Hasty adj. acting or deciding in a hurry, because you do not have much time Heaven-sent adj. 上天所赐的; ~ opportunity 天赐良机Hereafter adv. (AmE) (in legal documents, etc.) in the rest of this document Illinois n. a state of the north-central United States 伊利诺伊州Impair v. to damage sb. or make sth. worseImpassable adj. (of a road, an area etc.) impossible to travel on or through; ~ river(水流湍急) 不能通过的河流Incompetent adj. not having the ability or skill to do sth.Indiana n. a state of the north-central United States 印第安纳州Indignation n. a feeling of anger and surprise caused by sth. that is unfair orunreasonableIndulge v. to allow oneself to have or to do sth. that one like, esp. sth. thatis considered bad for oneselfInsult v. to say or do sth. that offends sb.Invaluable adj. extremely valuable or usefulJournal n. a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject orprofessionLashing n. an act of hitting sb. with a whip as a punishment 鞭打; tongur- ~ 斥责; 谴责Leap v. to jump high or a long way; ~ on one’s horse 跳上马Magnitude n. the great size, importance, or effort of sth.Malice n. a feeling of hatred for sb. that causes a desire to harm sb. Maneuver v. to control or influence a situation in a skillful but sometimesdishonest way 使用花招或谋略Mississippi n. ~ River 密西西比河Motivate v. to be the reason why sb. does sth. or behaves in a particular way Mush n. a soft thick mass or mixture 糊状物Opponent n. a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition,argument, etc.Pierce v. to make a hole; to be ~d with 突然看到刺目的强光或听到刺耳的尖叫声Point-blank adv. in a very firm and direct way, usu. not very polite; refuse ~ 断然拒绝Politician n. a person whose job is concerned with politics, esp. as an electedmember of a parliament, etc.Procrastinate v. to delay doing sth. you should do, usu. because you do not want todo itProlong v. to make sth. last longer; ~ indefinitely 无限延长Proofreader n. sb. who reads sth. written or printed and marks any mistakes so thatthey can be correctedRecede v. to move gradually away from a previous positionRegulate v. to control sth. by means of rulesRestraint n. the act of controlling or limiting sth. because it is necessary orsensible to do soRetain v. to keep sth. or to continue to have sth.Retreat v. to move away from a place or an enemy because of dangerRidicule v. to try to make sb./sth. look silly by making fun of them in an unkindwaySandbar n. a raised area of sand in a river that sticks out of the water slightly沙洲Savagely adv. severelyScold v. to criticize sb. severely and angrily because they have done sth.wrongSecond n. an official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boozing match (拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的) 助手Standpoint n. a point of view or a way of thinking about ideas or situationSwollen adj. containing more water than normalTact n. the ability to deal with difficult or embarrassing situationscarefully and without doing or saying anything that will annoy or upsetother people 老练; 圆滑Test pilot n. a pilot whose job is to fly aircraft in order to test their performance飞行员Tragically adv. sadlyTrap n. a piece of equipment used for catching animals; (here) an unpleasantsituation from which it is hard to escapeUnleash v. to set strong feelings or forces etc. free and allow them to act withfull forceVain adj. too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 爱虚荣的Victorious adj. having won a victory 得胜的Unit 13Academy n. an official organization which aims at encouraging and development art, literature, science, etc. 研究院; 学会Account n. on sb.’s ~ 为了某人的缘故, 相当于for sb.’s sakeAllowance n. an amount of money that is given to sb. regularly or for a particular purposeArtfully adv. in a clever or designed wayAscend v. to go upBalloon n. a bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill it with air or gasBanister n. the posts and rail at the side of a staircase 楼梯栏杆Blueprint n. a detailed plan for doing sth. new; a drawing that shows how to build sth. or make a machine 蓝图Blurt v. to say sth. suddenly and without thinking carefully; ~ out 脱口而出Breadstick n. a long, thin, often crisp piece of breadBushman n. 澳大利亚的丛林土著人Cabin n. a room in a ship; ~ boy 船舱服务员Cable n. 电报 (注: 此词由“海底电缆”引申而来, 现在已经不再使用, 而用“telegram”代替)Cannibal n. a person who eats human flesh 食人者; 吃人生番 (注意这种带有侮辱性的字眼)Charred adj. burnt and blackCharter v. to rent/hire a plane, boat, etc. for your own use 包租 (飞机、船等)Cocky adj. too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other people Comet n. a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail 彗星Confirm v. to make you feel sure that your idea or belief is right or true; ~ sb.’s desire 使其更加坚信他的愿望是对的Convertible adj. being able to be changed to a different form or useCoral n. 珊瑚; ~ beads 珊瑚珠Correspondent n. (AmE) a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particular subject for a newspaper, radio, or televisionCramp n. a sudden pain you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body tighten, usu. caused by cold or too much exercise 抽筋Credit v. ~ sb. with sth.: to say that sb. is responsible for a certainachievement 将某事归功于某人Delegate v. to choose sb. to do sth. for you or to represent youDeprive v. ~ sb. of sth. to prevent sb. from having or doing sth. 剥夺某人的(权力)Double-hulled adj. 双船体的Envision v. to imagine what a situation will be like in the future Expedition n. an organized journey with a particular purpose, esp. to find outabout a place that is not well known 探险Fancy n. sth. that you imagine; your imaginationFatal adj. causing or ending in deathFidgeting adj. nervousHide n. an animals skin, esp. when it is bought or sold or used for leather Hippopotamus n. a large heavy African animal with thick dark skin and short legs thatlives in rivers and lakes 河马Hitchhike v. to travel by asking for free rides in other people’s cars Iceland n. an island country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle 冰岛共和国Indisputable adj. definitely true; impossible to question or argue with Intellectual n. a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which theyhave to think seriously about things 知识分子; ~ circles 知识分子圈; 知识界Irresistible adj. so attractive that you find impossible to refuseLava n. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano 熔岩League n. a group of people, or nations who have combined for a particularpurposeManufacture v. to produce a substanceManuscript n. a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printed Marshall n. (AmE) (in the US) an officer whose job is to carry out court orders Mast n. a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails 桅杆。

Unit1Anguish / aspire / atheist / bitterly / bulge catholic / costly / deficiency / delinquent/ detestation / devise / disinterested / draught / exalt / fault / file / fuss / heady / hideous / high-minded / hindquarter / hustle / hypocrisy / impediment / league / leopard / lest / libertine / majesty / masterpiece / Methodist / monologue / muscular / navy / oratory / outnumber / penal / pious / proficient / prominent / reel / remorselessly / restively / rotten / rug / ruinous / solidarity / spectacles / spring / statuette / symbolize / trifle / unaccustomed / underserved / writheUnit 2Assert / bad-humored / breed / bundle / cock / commence / coop / crunch / dejected / dotted / felt / flannel / fowl / freckled / furrowed / gruffly / grumble / hamlet / hearth / henceforth / hobble / homespun / hop / imminence / knoll / limestone / low / manure / mating / merciless/ mitten / peg / pore / pretend / rake / rasping / rawhide / revel / rim / rod / seaweed / shawl / sideways / skull / sod / sow /spotted / streak / striped /subjugate / swear / tremor / triangular / turfUnit3afresh / anecdote / antagonism / attribute / belittle / brain-center / bungle / compel / conceive / conversely / cowardice / cue / dispose / dogma / energetic / extend / fogeyism / gladiatorial / gramophone / grudge / headhunting / improvident / inheritance / merit / originate / recollection / staunch / stock / striking / tedious / wickedUnit4abdomen / administrator / architect / atop / authoritative / beckon / blonde / bolt / boulder / bridle / characterize / classical / conspicuous / contrived / crisscross / diarist / disembowel / domain / drizzle / element / embolden / firefly/foliage / forthrightly / garrotter / glaringly / herb / hoot / horn-rimmed / impenetrable / indefatigable / intestine / involuntarily / lair / legendary / loch / loon / magnify / mineral / muggy / nocturnal / nutcase / observatory / obtrusive / ominous / outdoorsy / pee / plaid / pointedly / pulse / raccoon / ramble / rampage / reservoir /resident / resume / rigid / rotate / rucksack / scurry / searchlight / secluded / shrew / snatch / spot / staggering / stern / stuff / tame / tissue / yoga /zoomUnit 5apparatus / aquifer / arid / breed / capacious / category / chronically / deity / delta / desalination / diminish /distribute / diversion / endangered / equilibrium / ethanol / evaporate / extinct / extract / famine / finite / flush / girder / glacier / hydroelectricity / ill-conceived / insatiable / irrigate / jackal / lap / litre / medium / microchip / migration /miraculous / overblown / overwhelm / perforate / permafrost / pestilence / petroleum / quadruple / remedy / respectively / routine / sacred / sewage / silt / soybean / squander / substitute / sustain / thermal / triple / trudge / tube / turbine / wetlandUnit 6Amid / bustling / chickenpox / chime / congregate / crank / curse / deli / desolate / devout / divine / drill / dropping / escalate / flare / forcefully / forsaken / grapple / hailstorm / heel / homey / incorporate / Iraqi / knockdown / Lebanese / locust / maimed / outshout / panty / piaster / raspy / ravine / rumor / shun / sinewy / sticky / tag / terraced / timepiece / tingle / troublemaker / Turkish / vineyard / whirlpool / whoop / whore / wriggle / wringUnit 9Allegiance / anaconda / ancestor / appease /ascent / atrocious / avaricious / bloodshed / brood / brute/ captive / colonel / concubine / crucial / conjecture / degenerate / descent / disposition / exterminate / gory / gouge / harem / humiliating / incurably / indecency / jackass / microscopic / miserly / mutilation / miserly / mutilation / oblige / obscenity / postulate / rabid / reptile / salvation / scruple / sketch / soiled / sordid / speculate / tame / trait / turban / vulgarity / wantonlyUnit 10Abdicate / agonizing / astronaut / buggy / cosmonaut / cybernation / dazzling / dilemma / dungeon / dweller / exploitation / fluster / fraternity / gargantuan / incandescent / indictment / interstellar / manifest / napalm / notorious / peer / presupposition / redeem / scale / serenity / stagecoach / status / stratosphere / tidal / underscore / unduly / unfathomable / vulnerable / warrant / wroughtUnit11Aftermath / airborne / ammunition / battalion / burden / carbine / casualty / colloquium / console / controversy / convulse / current / discharge / disorder / division / engagement / folder / foxhole / graveyard / hedgerow / infantry / irremediable / machine / mortar / onset / parallel / paratrooper / permanent / prose / range / rhythmic / sanity / shovel / sly / stocky / strew / stump / symptom / terminate / traumatic / trench / tripod / Vietnam / waggle / ward / windmill。

现代大学英语精读1-U n i t1知识点汇总-CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIANExpressions, Collocations & Phrases1. a useful word 一个有用的词2. a helpful suggestion 一个有用的建议3. a painful experience 一段痛苦的经历4. a tearful voice 一个撕心裂肺的嗓音5. a hopeless war 一场无望的战争6. a priceless stone 一块无价的石头7. a useless book 一本无用的书8. a careful look 仔细一看9. an eventful year 多事之秋10. a harmful habit 一个有害的习惯;不良习惯11. a harmless animal 一个无害的动物12. a shameless liar 一位无耻的撒谎者13. a classless society 无阶级社会14. a hopeful situation 一种有希望的形势15. a fruitful visit 一次有成就的访问16. a powerful army 一支强有力的军队17. a careless mistake 一个粗心的错误18. a homeless child 一个无家可归的孩子19. a toothless old man 一个牙齿掉光的老男人20. a nameless flower 一支无名花21. take?steps 采取措施22. hold back/dry one's tears 忍着眼泪/擦干眼泪23. play games 玩游戏24. take/have/steal a nap 打盹25. tell a story 讲故事26. face trouble/challenge/truth/fact/pressure 面对麻烦/挑战/事实/真相/压力27. announce a thing 宣布一件事28. invade a place/one's life/one's privacy 攻占某地/干涉某人生活/侵犯某人隐私29. cross the desert/channel/mountains/ocean 穿越沙漠/海峡/高山/横跨海洋30. reach some places/the stage 到达某些地方/达到某种地步31. employ people 雇用某人32. in?vain? 徒劳无益33. show?off? 炫耀,卖弄34. resort?to? 采取35. cling?to? 坚持,保留36. burst?into? 突然开始37. bring?about? 造成,引起,导致;创造;实现38. give?rise?to? 造成,引起,导致39. on?their?own? 独立地(凭自己的力量)40.41.42. Translations1. 他们利用我们求助无门的困境把我们公司接管了。

Covert ['kʌvət]adj.1. 隐蔽的,隐藏的,暗藏的2. 秘密的,隐秘的3. 【法律】(妻子)受丈夫保护的n.1. 掩蔽物2. 隐藏处3. 丛林,灌木丛近义词:secret ,underhandedAllege [ə'ledʒ]adv.(没有证据的)声称,断言,宣称;据称;据说如此同义词:affirm,declare,assert派生:alleged未经证实而陈述的Fraudulent ['frɔ:djulənt]adj.1. 欺骗性的,欺诈的,骗人的,不诚实的2. 按诡计行事的,惯于欺诈的3. 骗取的,骗得的fraudulent marriage假结婚to bring to accountto make (sb.) answer for his conduct; to demand an explanation质问;清算;责问;要求说明Heart: real meaning. Vital part.To go with: to take the same view as. Agree with.Deep throat: informer. 内部消息来源,内部告发者。
Less-than-solid: not strong and reliable enough.To arrive atto reach a conclusion.Fictional: 虚构的,编造的,捏造的。
词根:fictionFictitious 虚构的,假想的Fictionally 编造地,杜撰地Fictitiously 虚构地,假地Fictionalize 使小说化;把……编成小说。
Slippery: 滑的;狡猾的;不稳定的。
比较级slipperier 最高级slipperiestSlipper 拖鞋To land sb. In hot waterto be into a difficult situation.使某人陷入困境Unpalatable [,ʌn'pælətəbl] 味道差的,难吃的,令人不快的。

现代大学英语精读2Unit 1Accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievementAcquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own workArrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important wayArt n. art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group(统称) 艺术; fine ~ 美术Aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)Assume v. to take as a fact; to supposeAvailable adj. able to be used or easily foundAverage v. to calculate the average of sth. ; ~ out 其平均数为Beanpole n. (infml) a very tall and thin personBull n. a male cowCertify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of testCivilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced cultureClient n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organizationContain v. to have sth. Inside or as part of itContinuity n. the state of being continuousCyanide n. 氰化物Democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involvedin making important decisions 民主的Disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage orsuffering. Here: a complete failureDrugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)Employ v. (here) to spend time doing sth.Enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or universityEssence n. the most important quality or feature of sth.; in ~ 本质上Expertise n. skill in a particular fieldExpose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs, ideas, etc. Faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or collegeFragment n. a small piece of sth.Generate v. to produceGrind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfacesHip n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legsHumanity n. the qualities of being humanImplicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地Incompetence n. lack of the skill or ability to do your job or a task as it should be done 无能Inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoidIntellect n. power of thought 思维能力Invent v. to produce or design sth. that has not existed beforeLiteral adj. in the basic meaning of a wordMaintain v. to continue to have as beforeNeanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age Nevertheless adv. in spite of that; yetPeculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; oddPenetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeplyPest n. (infml) an annoying personPharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugsor medicinesPhilosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学Physicist n. a scientist who studies physics 物理学家Pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole; ~ grinding 药剂碾磨Preside v. to lead; to be in charge; ~ over 主持Professional adj. relating to the work that a person does for an occupation, esp. work that requiresspecial trainingPursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined waypush-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methods qualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular jobraise v. (AmE) to care for a child or young animal until it is able to take care of itselfrear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grownresources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源savage n. an uncivilized human beingscroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degreesemester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE)sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literatureshudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a momentskill n. particular ability or type of abilityspecialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects specialist 专家species n. (infml) a type; a sortspecimen n. (here) a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kind spiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mindstore v. to keepstuck adj. not knowing what to do in a particular situation; be ~ for 因为……而不知所措suffice v. to be enoughunaided adj. without help from anyone or anything 独立的Unit 5Advocate v. to support an idea or a plan publiclyAmusement n. enjoymentAntique adj. being old and therefore valuableAutomatic adj. Automatic Teller Machine(ATM) 自动取款机Battlefield n. a place where a battle is being fought or has been fought 战场Bicentennial n. the day or year exactly 200 years after a particular eventBriefing n. a meeting or document in which people receive information or instructions; news ~ 新闻发布会Burst n. a short period of a particular activity or strong emotion that often starts suddenly Cabinet n. a piece of furniture with doors, shelves or drawers for storing things; medicine ~药橱Carriage n. a wheeled vehicle, especially a private horse-drawn vehicleCD n. abbr. for “compact disk,” a small disk on which sound or information is recorded Checkerboard n. a board on which chess and checkers are played, divided into 64 squares of twoalternating colors 棋盘,方格图案Classic adj. accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind 经典的Compress v. to force into less space 压缩Condense v. to put into a smaller or shortened form 紧缩; 缩小Confederate adj. belonging to a political union of states; the Confederate army美国内战时期的南方军队Consist v. ~ of : to be formed from the things or people mentioned 由……组成Constantly adv. (AmE) all the time; repeatedly 始终; 一直地Convenience n. the condition of being suitable to one's needs and easy to reachCredit n. ~ card : a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods or services and pay forthem later 信用卡Current adj. (AmE) of the present time; ~ events 时事Defer v. to delay until a later dateDiet n. a limited range and amount of food you eat when you want to get thinnerDigest n. a short piece of writing that gives the most important facts from a book, report, etc.文摘Dots n. (pl.) small round marks 小点Excerpt n. a short piece of writing, music, film, etc. taken from a longer wholeExit n. a way out of a public building or vehicleExplore v. to travel to or around an area in order to learn about itEyewitness n. a person who has seen a crime, accident, etc. and can describe it afterwards 目击证人Fax v. to transmit (printed matter or an image) by electronic means 发传真Featureless adj. uninteresting, without noticeable featuresFix n. (imfml) a solution to a problem esp. an easy or temporary one; quick ~即时解决方案Flash v. to pass very quicklyGorgeous adj. (infml) very beautiful or attravtiveGratification n. satisfactionGratify v. to please or satisfyGuaranteed adj. be ~ to: to be certain toHerd n. a group of animals of one kind which lives and feeds togetherIceberg n. a large piece of ice floating in the sea, most of which is below the surfaceIgnore v. not to take notice ofInfect v. to pass on a disease to sb.; to corruptInterstate n. a very wide road for long distance between US statesLakeside n. the area around the edge of a lakeLane n. the two or three parallel areas on a main road which are divided by painted lines to keep fast and slow traffic apart; the fast ~ 快车道Latest adj. the most recent or newest 最新的Lifestyle n. the way a person or a group of people lives and worksLinger v. to stay a little longer because you do not want to leave; ~ over 徘徊于……Liposuction n. the removal of fat from sb's body by means of suction 脂肪抽吸(术)Microwave n. a high-frequency electromagnetic wave 微波(炉)Miracle n. (infml) an event that cannot be explained according to the laws of nature; ~ diet速效减肥食谱Mph n. abbr. for miles per hourOutlet n. a shop through which products are sold; here: (工厂附设的)门市部Overnight adv. during the night; (here infml) suddenlyPastoral adj. typical of the simple peaceful life in the country 田园风光的Paycheck n. a salary checkPennsylvania n. a state of the eastern United Statas 宾夕法尼亚州Polaroid n. a trademark 宝丽来(一次成像的照相机)predigested adj. (of information) put in a simple form 经过简化、压缩的quality adj. of a high standard; ~ time (尤指和孩子一起度过的)宝贵时光; 优质时间rack n. 货架; off the ~ (AmE) 现成的rear n. ~-view mirror: a mirror in which a driver can see the traffic behind 后视镜reduce v. to make sth. less or smaller in size; be ~d to 缩小成……refresh v. to make sb. feel less tired or less hotrevitalize v. to put new strength and power intoroute n. the way from one place to another on a mapsalad n. a mixture of raw vegetables or fruitscale n. an instrument for weighting people or things 秤scenery n. natural surroundings in beautiful and open countryscreen n. the surface of a computer display 电脑屏幕skim v. to move through (life) quickly, hardly touching the surfaceslide v. to pass by quietly without being noticed; ~ by 溜过去speed v. to make sth. move or happen faster; ~ out of control 疯狂加速到失去控制spicy adj. (food) having a pleasantly strong taste 辛辣的stuff v. (infml) to fill a container or space with sth.; (here) to eat a lot of food or too much food subtle adj. hardly noticeable unless you pay careful attention微妙的superficially adv. on the surface; not deeply or thoroughlysupermarket n. a large shop where a customer can choose from a large number of different kinds of food or other goodssymbolically adv. Relating to, or expressed by means of symbols 象征性地symphony n. a musical work for a large group of instruments 交响乐theme n. a short simple tune that is repeated and developed in a piece of music 乐曲主题tour v. to visit for pleasureturnpike n. (AmE) a large road for fast traffic, esp. one that drivers have to pay to use 收费公路urge n. a strong wish for sth.VCR n. abbr. for video cassette recorder 录像机Version n. a slightly different form of sth. (book, film, story, etc.) form the original 版本Wander v. to walk slowly without a purposeWest Virginia n. a state of the western United States 西弗吉尼亚州Unit 6Abandon v. to leave a person, a thing or place, esp. because it is impossible to stay with theperson or stay at the placeAccumulation n. the state of getting more and more of sth. over a period of timeAttached adj. full of affection for sb./sth.Attachment n. a strong feeling of affection for sb./sth.; form ~ 产生感情Barbed-wire adj. of wire having a barb or barbs 带刺铁丝的Binoculars n. an instrument, like two small telescopes fixed together, that makes objects that are far away seem nearer when you look through it 双筒望远镜Blissful adj. extremely happyBrim v. (of a cup, container, etc.) to be so full of a liquid that it flows over the edge; ~ over 溢出Bug n. (esp. AmE) any small insectCarve v. to write sth. on a surface by cutting it; ~d stone 石雕Castle n. ancient ~ 古城堡Cathedral n. the main church of a district of a district under the care of a Bishop (= a priest ofhigh rank)Clumsily adv. of lacking physical coordination, skill, or grace; awkwardly 笨拙地Dangle v. to hang or swing freely; ~ from one’s neck 在……脖子上挂着Definitely adv. a way of emphasizing sth. that is true and that there is no doubt about itDense adj. containing a lot of people, things, plants, etc. with little space between them茂密的,浓密的Ease n. the state of feeling relaxed or comfortable; put sb. at~ 使舒适; 使感到自在Echo v. to repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface发出回声; 起反响,起共鸣Familiarity n. the state of knowing sb. or sth. wellFascinated adj. very interestedFellow adj. used to describe sb. who is the same as you in some way; ~ students 同学Fortress n. a building or place that has been strengthened and protected from attackFossil n. the remains of an animal or plant which have become hard and turned into rock Frail adj. physically weak and thinFront v. to serve as a front for 装饰……的正面; glass- ~ed case 以玻璃罩面的书柜Gamekeeper n. a person whose job is to take care of the wild animals on a piece of private land猎场看守人Glimpse v. to see sb./sth. for a moment, but not very clearlyGlow v. to shine with a soft color; ~ pinkly 发出粉红色的光Hike v. to go for a long walk in the countryHoly adj. important in a religious sense 神圣的Identify v. to recognize sb./sth. and be able to say who or what they areIllustration n. a drawing or picture in a book, magazine, etc., esp. one that explains sth. Immense adj. extremely large or greatInsect n. any small creature with six legs and a body divided into three parts Instinctively adv. by instinctInvisible adj. cannot be seenIvory n. a hard yellowish-white substance like bone that forms the long teeth of elephants and some other animals; figures of ~ 象牙雕刻的人物Impenetrable adj. impossible to be entered, passed through or seen through 难以渗透的Inclined adj. tending to do sth.; less ~ to laugh 不喜欢笑; 不想笑Laurel n. a bush with dark smooth shiny leaves that remain on the bush and stay greenthrough the year 月桂树Legacy n. a situation that exists now because of events, actions that took place in the past 遗留的东西,遗产Major adj. large or importantMunch v. to eat sth. steadily and noisily, esp. sth. crispyNetwork n. a complicated system of roads, lines, tubes, nerves, etc. that cross each other;a ~ of paths 交织的小路Nickname n. an informal, often humorous, name for a person 绰号Odds and ends n. (infml) small items that are not valuables or are not part of a largest set 零星物件Overseas adv. to or in a foreign country; go ~ 出国Patchwork n. a thing that is made up of many different pieces or parts 拼成的图案或其他物件Pheasant n. a large bird with a long tail, the male of which is brightly colored 野鸡Pillar n. a large stone, metal or wooden post that is used to support a bridge, the roof of abuildingPotential n. the possibility of sth. happening 潜在性,可能性Practically adv. almost, very nearlyPrivate adv. opposite of public, enjoyed only by a particular person or a group, not foreveryone; ~paradise 僻静的天地Proceed v. to move or travel in a particular directionProperty n. land and the building on it 房地产Regarding prep. Concerning sb./sth.Rewarding adj. worth doing; that makes you happy because you think it useful or important;~ friendship 使人受益匪浅的友谊Roam v. to walk or travel around an area without any definite aim or direction;~ the woods 林间散步Rocket v. to move very fast; ~ off 突然飞出去Rustle v. to make sounds like leaves or paper moving or rubbing together发出树叶的沙沙声Seemingly adv. in a way that appears to be true but may in fact not be; ~ different 貌似不同Shortbread n. (BrE, also shortcake) a rich crispy biscuit/cookie made with flour, sugar, and a lot of butter 黄油甜酥饼干Soccer n. (AmE) footballSoul n. a person’s inner character containing true thoughts and feelingsSting v. (strung, strung) to hurt or make sth. hurt with a sudden sharp pain for a short time;~ one’s eyes 刺眼Surround v. to be around sth./sb. on every sideSuspect v. to think that sth. is probably true or likely to happenTart n. an open pie filled with sweet food such as fruit; jam ~ 果酱派Tome n. (fml) a large heavy book, esp. one dealing with a serious topicTrespass v. to enter land or a building that you do not have the permission or the right to Trunk n. the thick main stem of a treeTutor v. to teachTwitter n. a series of short high sounds that birds makeVaulted adj. made in the shape of an arch or a series of arches; having a ceiling or roof of thisshape 拱形的Verge v. to be very close to a placeWary adj. careful when dealing with sb./sth. because you think that there may be a danger or problemWell n. a deep hole in the ground from which people obtain water; ~of knowledge知识的源泉Wistful adj. thinking sadly about sth. that you would like to have, esp. sth. in the past that youcan no longer haveWoodland n. an area of land that is covered with treesWow n. (infml) exclamation used to express great surprise or admirationWrench v. to pull or twist suddenly and violentlyUnit 10Absorb v. to take in a liquid, gas or other substance from the surface or space aroundAD abbr. (AmE) used in the Christian calendar to show a particular number of year sincethe year Christ was believed to have been born 公元Bakery n. a place where bread is made/soldBand n, a group of people who do sth. togetherBay n. a part of the sea, or of a large lake, enclosed by a wide curve of the shoreBeetle n. an insect, often large and black, with a hard case on its back covering its wings Board v. to get on a ship, train, plane, bus, etc.Branch v. ~ out: to divide into more partsClatter n. a series of loud short noises when a hard object hits against another one on surface Cloudburst n. a sudden heavy rain 倾盆大雨Cluster v. to come together in a small group of groupsCollapse v. to fall down or fall in suddenlyColumn n. a tall, solid, vertical post, usu. round and made of stoneCram v. to push sb./sth. into a small placeCrater v. a large hole in the top of a volcanoCrouch v. to lower your body close to the ground by bending your legs under you Descend v. to come or go down from a higher level to a lower oneDoom n. death or destructionDrift v. to move along smoothly or slowly in water or airErupt v. to emerge violently from restraint or limits; to explode from the volcano Explosion n. the sudden violent bursting and the loud noise of sth.Flee v. (fled, fled) to leave a person or a place very quicklyGraze v. (of cow, sheep) to eat grass growing in a field, pasture, etc.Harbor n. an area of water on the coast, protected from the open sea by strong walls, whereships can stayHoof n. the hard part of the foot of some animals, e.g. horsesHuddle v. (of people or animals) to gather closely togetherHurl v. to throw violently in a particular directionInn n. (AmE) a small hotelIntact adj. complete and not damagedJar n. a round container with a lid used for storing food, etc.; wine ~ 酒缸Loaf n. (pl. loaves) an amount of bread that has been shaped and baked in one piece Mediterranean adj. of the region surrounding the Mediterranean Sea 地中海的Mighty adj. very strong and powerfulMonoxide n. 一氧化物Nightmare n. an experience that is very frightening and unpleasantOverwhelm v. to cover sb./sth. completelyPerish v. to be lost or destroyedPoisonous adj. causing death or illness if swallowed or absorbed into the bodyPriest n. a person who is qualified to perform religious duties or ceremonies Prosperous adj. rich and successfulPumice n. a type of grey stone that comes from volcanoes and is very light in weight Quick-witted adj. mentally alert and sharp 头脑敏捷的Reverberate v. if a sound reverberates, it is repeated many times as it hits two opposite surfaces Sack n. a large bag with no handles made of rough strong materialSavage adj. fierce and violentShatter v. to suddenly break into small piecesShepherd n. a person whose job is to take care of sheepShimmer v. to cover or hide sth. n. sth. that hides or covers sth.slate n. a small sheet of dark grey stone, used in the past in schools for children to write on stumble v. to hit your foot against sth. while walking or runningsummit n. the highest point of sth.thicken v. to become thicker or make sth. thickerthrong n. a long piece of wood with a flame at one end that is used as a lighttrample v. to step heavily on sb./sth. so that you crush or harm themVesuvius n. an active volcano of southern Italy on the eastern shore of the Bay of Naples;Mount ~ 维苏威山Victim n. a person who has been attacked, injured, or killed as the result of a crime, adisease, an accident, etc. 受害者Villa n. a house where people stay on holiday/vacationV olcanic adj. (AmE) caused or produced by a volcano; ~ash 火山灰Yawn v. to open your mouth wide and breathe in deeply through it, usu. because you aretired or boredUnit 12Adroit adj. skillful and clever, esp. in dealing with peopleAgony n. extreme physical or mental painAmbassador n. an official who lives in a foreign country as the seniorAnticipate v. to expect sth.Apply v. to be relevant to a particular person or thing 适用于Blow v. ~ off steam 发泄怒气Blunder v. to make a stupid or careless mistakeBoil v. ~ with anger 怒火中烧; 异常气愤Bristle v. ~ with sth.: to have a large amount of sth., or to be full of sth.Broadsword n. a large sword with a broad flat bladeBurial n. the act or ceremony of putting a dead body into a grave; ~ permit 埋葬许可证Capture v. to catch a person or an animal and keep them as a prisoner or in an enclosed space Cavalry n. the part of the army that fought on horses (旧时的) 骑兵Charity n. kindness and sympathy toward other peopleCondemn v. to express very strong disapproval of sb./sth.Confucius n. a famous Chinese philosopher 孔子Decay v. if a building or an area decays, its condition slowly becomes worseDeft adj. (of a person’s movement) skillful and quickDeluge v. to flood a place with waterDetailed adj. giving many details and a lot of informationDiplomatic adj. having or showing skill in dealing with people in different situation灵活的; 有外交手腕的Disappiontment n. sadness because sth. expected has not happened; bitter ~ 极大的失望Distressed adj. upset and anxiousDuel n. a formal fight with weapons between two people, used in the past to settle aquarrel 决斗Exhaustive adj. very thorough; looking at every detailFutile adj. having no effort or achieving nothingGettysburg n. a town of southern Pennsylvania in the US 葛底斯堡Hasty adj. acting or deciding in a hurry, because you do not have much timeHeaven-sent adj. 上天所赐的; ~ opportunity 天赐良机Hereafter adv. (AmE) (in legal documents, etc.) in the rest of this documentIllinois n. a state of the north-central United States 伊利诺伊州Impair v. to damage sb. or make sth. worseImpassable adj. (of a road, an area etc.) impossible to travel on or through; ~ river (水流湍急)不能通过的河流Incompetent adj. not having the ability or skill to do sth.Indiana n. a state of the north-central United States 印第安纳州Indignation n. a feeling of anger and surprise caused by sth. that is unfair or unreasonable Indulge v. to allow oneself to have or to do sth. that one like, esp. sth. that is considered badfor oneselfInsult v. to say or do sth. that offends sb.Invaluable adj. extremely valuable or usefulJournal n. a newspaper or magazine that deals with a particular subject or profession Lashing n. an act of hitting sb. with a whip as a punishment 鞭打; tongur- ~ 斥责; 谴责Leap v. to jump high or a long way; ~ on one’s horse 跳上马Magnitude n. the great size, importance, or effort of sth.Malice n. a feeling of hatred for sb. that causes a desire to harm sb.Maneuver v. to control or influence a situation in a skillful but sometimes dishonest way使用花招或谋略Mississippi n. ~ River 密西西比河Motivate v. to be the reason why sb. does sth. or behaves in a particular wayMush n. a soft thick mass or mixture 糊状物Opponent n. a person that you are playing or fighting against in a game, competition, argument, etc. Pierce v. to make a hole; to be ~d with 突然看到刺目的强光或听到刺耳的尖叫声Point-blank adv. in a very firm and direct way, usu. not very polite; refuse ~ 断然拒绝Politician n. a person whose job is concerned with politics, esp. as an elected member of aparliament, etc.Procrastinate v. to delay doing sth. you should do, usu. because you do not want to do itProlong v. to make sth. last longer; ~ indefinitely 无限延长Proofreader n. sb. who reads sth. written or printed and marks any mistakes so that they can becorrectedRecede v. to move gradually away from a previous positionRegulate v. to control sth. by means of rulesRestraint n. the act of controlling or limiting sth. because it is necessary or sensible to do so Retain v. to keep sth. or to continue to have sth.Retreat v. to move away from a place or an enemy because of dangerRidicule v. to try to make sb./sth. look silly by making fun of them in an unkind way Sandbar n. a raised area of sand in a river that sticks out of the water slightly 沙洲Savagely adv. severelyScold v. to criticize sb. severely and angrily because they have done sth. wrongSecond n. an official attendant of a contestant in a duel or boozing match(拳击比赛或旧时决斗中的) 助手Standpoint n. a point of view or a way of thinking about ideas or situationSwollen adj. containing more water than normalTact n. the ability to deal with difficult or embarrassing situations carefully and withoutdoing or saying anything that will annoy or upset other people 老练; 圆滑Test pilot n. a pilot whose job is to fly aircraft in order to test their performance 飞行员Tragically adv. sadlyTrap n. a piece of equipment used for catching animals; (here) an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escapeUnleash v. to set strong feelings or forces etc. free and allow them to act with full forceVain adj. too proud of your own appearance, abilities or achievements 爱虚荣的Victorious adj. having won a victory 得胜的Unit 13Academy n. an official organization which aims at encouraging and development art, literature,science, etc. 研究院; 学会Account n. on sb.’s ~ 为了某人的缘故, 相当于for sb.’s sakeAllowance n. an amount of money that is given to sb. regularly or for a particular purpose Artfully adv. in a clever or designed wayAscend v. to go upBalloon n. a bag made of very thin rubber that becomes larger and rounder when you fill itwith air or gasBanister n. the posts and rail at the side of a staircase 楼梯栏杆Blueprint n. a detailed plan for doing sth. new; a drawing that shows how to build sth. or make a machine 蓝图Blurt v. to say sth. suddenly and without thinking carefully; ~ out 脱口而出Breadstick n. a long, thin, often crisp piece of breadBushman n. 澳大利亚的丛林土著人Cabin n. a room in a ship; ~ boy 船舱服务员Cable n. 电报(注: 此词由“海底电缆”引申而来, 现在已经不再使用, 而用“telegram”代替) Cannibal n. a person who eats human flesh 食人者; 吃人生番(注意这种带有侮辱性的字眼) Charred adj. burnt and blackCharter v. to rent/hire a plane, boat, etc. for your own use 包租(飞机、船等)Cocky adj. too confident about yourself in a way that annoys other peopleComet n. a mass of ice and dust that moves around the sun and looks like a bright star with a tail 彗星Confirm v. to make you feel sure that your idea or belief is right or true; ~ sb.’s desire使其更加坚信他的愿望是对的Convertible adj. being able to be changed to a different form or useCoral n. 珊瑚; ~ beads 珊瑚珠Correspondent n. (AmE) a person who reports news from a particular country or on a particularsubject for a newspaper, radio, or televisionCramp n. a sudden pain you get when the muscles in a particular part of your body tighten,usu. caused by cold or too much exercise 抽筋Credit v. ~ sb. with sth.: to say that sb. is responsible for a certain achievement将某事归功于某人Delegate v. to choose sb. to do sth. for you or to represent youDeprive v. ~ sb. of sth. to prevent sb. from having or doing sth. 剥夺某人的(权力) Double-hulled adj. 双船体的Envision v. to imagine what a situation will be like in the futureExpedition n. an organized journey with a particular purpose, esp. to find out about a place thatis not well known 探险Fancy n. sth. that you imagine; your imaginationFatal adj. causing or ending in deathFidgeting adj. nervousHide n. an animals skin, esp. when it is bought or sold or used for leather Hippopotamus n. a large heavy African animal with thick dark skin and short legs that lives inrivers and lakes 河马Hitchhike v. to trav el by asking for free rides in other people’s carsIceland n. an island country in the North Atlantic near the Arctic Circle 冰岛共和国Indisputable adj. definitely true; impossible to question or argue withIntellectual n. a person who is well educated and enjoys activities in which they have to thinkseriously about things 知识分子; ~ circles 知识分子圈; 知识界Irresistible adj. so attractive that you find impossible to refuseLava n. hot liquid rock that comes out of a volcano 熔岩League n. a group of people, or nations who have combined for a particular purpose Manufacture v. to produce a substanceManuscript n. a copy of a book, piece of music, etc. before it has been printedMarshall n. (AmE) (in the US) an officer whose job is to carry out court ordersMast n. a tall pole on a boat or ship that supports the sails 桅杆Matter-of-fact adj. said or done without showing any emotion, esp. in a situation in which youwould expect sb. to express sb. to express his/her feelings 不动感情的; 据实的Minister n. a high officer of state appointed to head an executive or administrativedepartment of government; prime ~ 首相; 总理Missile n. guided ~ 导弹Musketeer n. (AmE) a soldier who uses a musket 火枪手Neglect n. the act of not giving enough attention or care to sb. or sth.Neon n. a gas that shines brightly when electricity flows through it; ~ lights 氖气灯; 霓虹灯Obtain v. to get sth. you want or need esp. with an effort; to acquire。

(完整版)现代大学英语第二册精读单词大学精读第二册第一单元accomplishment n. the act of finishing sth. completely and successfully; achievementacquire v. to gain; to get for oneself by one's own workarrogantly adv. behaving in a proud and self-important way aspirin n. 阿司匹林(解热镇痛药)assume v. to take as a fact; to supposeavailable adj. able to be used or easily foundbachelor n. ~'s degree: the first university degreebeanpole n. (informal) a very tall and thin personbull n. a male cowcertify v. to state that sth. is true or correct, esp. after some kind of testcivilized adj. educated and refined; having an advanced cultureclient n. a person who pays for help or advice from a person or organizationcontinuity n. the state of being continuouscyanide n. 氰化物democratic adj. based on the idea that everyone should have equal rights and should be involved in making important decisions 民主的disaster n. a sudden event such as a flood, storm, or accident which causes great damage or suffering. Here: a complete failure drugstore n. (AmE) a shop which sells medicine (and a variety of other things)enroll v. to officially arrange to join a school or universityexpertise n. skill in a particular fieldexpose v. to enable sb. to see or experience new things or learn about new beliefs, ideas, etc. faculty n. (AmE) all the teachers of a university or collegefragment n. a small piece of sth.generate v. to producegrind v. to crush into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaceship n. the fleshy part of either side of the human body above the legshumanity n. the qualities of being humanimplicitly adv. in an implied way 含蓄地inevitable adj. certain to happen and impossible to avoidliteral adj. in the basic meaning of a wordmaintain v. to continue to have as beforeNeanderthal n. an early type of human being who lived in Europe during the Stone Age nevertheless adv. in spite of that; yetpeculiar adj. belonging only to a particular person; special; oddpenetrating adj. showing the ability to understand things clearly and deeplypest n. (informal) an annoying personpharmacy n. a shop where medicines are prepared and sold. Here: the study of preparing drugs or medicinesphilosophy n. the study of the nature and meaning of existence, reality, etc. 哲学pill n. a small solid piece of medicine that you swallow whole preside v. to lead; to be in chargeprofessional adj. relating to the work that a person does foran occupation, esp. work that requires special training pursuit n. the act of trying to achieve sth. in a determined waypush-button adj. using computers or electronic equipment rather than traditional methods qualified adj. having suitable knowledge or experience for a particular jobrear v. to care for a person or an animal until they are fully grownresources n. possessions in the form of wealth, property, skills, etc. that you have 资源savage n. an uncivilized human beingscroll n. Here: a certificate of an academic degreesemester n. one of the two periods into which the year is divided in American high schools and universities (=term in BrE) sensitive adj. able to understand or appreciate art, music or literatureshudder v. to shake uncontrollably for a momentspecialize v. to limit all or most of one's study to particular subjects 专修species n. (informal) a type; a sortspecimen n. Here: a person who is unusual in some way and has a quality of a particular kind spiritual adj. related to your spirit rather than to your body or mindstore v. to keepsuffice v. to be enoughAristotle 亚里士多德Bach 巴赫Chaucer 乔叟Dante 但丁Einstein 爱因斯坦Hamlet 哈姆雷特Homer 荷马La Rochefoucauld 拉罗什富科Shakespeare 莎士比亚Virgil 维吉尔第二单元alert adj. watchful and ready to meet dangerbirch n. 桦树bough n. a main branch of a treecabin n. a small roughly built housechase v. to drive away; to cause to leavecreek n. a long narrow streamcrouch v. to lower the body close to the ground by bending the knees and backcub n. a young meat-eating wild animal like bear, lion, tiger, wolf, etc.detain v. to keep sb. from leaving during a certain timedim v. to become less brightdoc n. (informal AmE) a doctordrift v. to be driven along by windflake n. a very small flat thin piece that breaks away easily from sth. else; snow ~: 雪花grasshopper n. 蚱蜢howl n. a long loud cry, esp. made by wolves as in pain, anger, etc.leap v. to jump high into the airlick v. to move the tongue across the surface of sth. in order to eat it or clean itmantle n. a loose outer sleeveless garment. Here it is used figuratively.meadow n. a field with wild grass and flowersmischievous adj. eager to have fun by playing harmless tricks muzzle n. the nose and mouth of an animal such as a dog, a wolf or a horsenumb adj. unable to feel anything because of coldnesspace n. a single step in running or walkingpartner n. sb. who does the same activity with you 伙伴paw n. an animal's foot that has nails or clawspierce v. to make a hole in or through (sth.) using sth. with a sharp pointpine n. 松树poke v. to push or move sth. through a space or openingpuppy n. a young dog ("puppy-wool" here refers to the wool of the wolf cub)realize v. to understandrestless adj. unwilling or unable to stay quiet and stillrifle n. a type of gun fired from the shoulderrocket n. 火箭rooster n. (AmE) a cockrumble n. a deep continuous rolling soundshack n. a small and not very strong buildingshiver v. to shake, esp. from cold or fearslash v. to make a long deep cut with sth. sharp like a knife smother v. to cover thicklysnarl n. a low angry sound while showing the teethsoaked adj. very wet with some liquidspear v. 用鱼叉刺spurt v. to come out quickly and suddenly in a thin, powerful streamsquat v. to sit with your knees bent under you, your bottom off the ground, and balancing on your feet 蹲;蹲坐squirrel n. a small animal with a long furry tail that climbs trees and eats nuts 松鼠stir v. to move slightlythicken v. to become thickerthrill v. to feel very happy and excitedtoll n. to take a ~: to have a very bad effect on sb. or sth.trapper n. a person who catches wild animals for their furunchained adj. without a chainwhimper v. to make low crying soundswiggle v. (infml) to move in small movements from side to side, or up and downwolf n. a wild animal that looks like a large dog and lives and hunts in groupswool n. the soft thick hair of sheep and some goats (Here it refers to the hair of the wolf.)第三单元approval n. official permissionbond n. a written document in which a government or company promises to pay back money that it has borrowed, often with interest 债券certainty n. the state of being certaincommit v. to do sth. wrong or illegalcontribution n. sth. you say or do in order to help make sth. successful 贡献convict v. to find sb. guilty of a crime, esp. in a court of law n.a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prisoncostly adj. having a high price; expensivecourt n. a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jurycurrent adj. belonging to the present timedecade n. a period of 10 yearsdeter v. to discourage; to persuade sb. not to do sth., by making him realize it will be difficult or will have unpleasant resultsdismiss v. to ~a court case: to stop a court case before a result is reachedelite adj. considered to be the best of their kind 属于精英的,最好的estimate n. a calculation of a quantity or number 估计evidence n. the information used in a court of law to try to prove sth.execute v. to kill sb. as a lawful punishment for a serious crimefeasible adj. able to be carried out or donefeature n. a typical part or qualityillustrate v. to show sth. by giving related examplesimprison v. to put in prisoninmate n. one who is kept in a prisonmaximum adj. the largest number or amountnonetheless adv. in spite of that; yet; neverthelessnontraffic adj. not related to trafficobservation n. what one has noticedoffender n. sb. who is guilty of a crime; a criminaloffense n. an illegal action or a crimeper prep. for eachpersonnel n. all the people employed in a particular organizationprecisely adv. exactlyprior adj. happening beforeproperty n. belongings; possessionsprosecute v. to bring a criminal charge against sb. in a court of lawrate n. the speed at which sth. happens over a period of time reality n. the real situation; the real state of affairsreject v. to refuse to acceptSaudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯severity n. the state of being severesocial adj. relating to societysolution n. a way of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situationstatistics n. facts shown in numbersteenage adj. aged between 13 and 19theft n. the crime of stealingtough adj. determined and strictvictim n. a person who suffers as a result of other people's criminal actions, etc.violence n. the use of force to hurt other people physicallyvoter n. a person who has the legal right to vote, esp. in a political electionwitness n. a person who tells in a court of law what he saw or what he knows about a crimeAlcatraz阿尔卡特拉兹(美国圣弗兰西斯科湾——即旧金山湾——的小岛,1933—1963年为一座联邦监狱所在地。
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现代大学英语精读单词 IMB standardization office【IMB 5AB- IMBK 08- IMB 2C】U n i t 1Baptistcounselencyclopediaagendaattitudinalcontributecrisisendeavorethicalethnicmasculineresentmentevaluatefeminineadulthoodoptionperceiveprojectexcessivefunctionalgeneticinheritinteractionpeerprocessstressfulendowmentethnic adolescenceaffirm approval unquestionably heighten inhibition internalize newscast rebel seminary theological wardrobeunit4 bearded Cynicism elegant guffaw lunatic monarch pagepebblescantscratchblock elaborately fountainhalf-naked nudgeolive paradoxprivacy scoop squatter strolltittersweatunit5 abundance adaptangler biocidebirchboundbuilt-in chorus colossal confined considerable throbtrout vegetation migrant suppress synthetic contamination counterpart deliberate ecologist evolvefernflameflicker gear harmony immune reserve score sicken span spiral subject mold outbreak potent primitive puzzle rapidity resurgence midst modify organism pool primary prosperous radiation midst modify organism pool primary prosperous radiation contend dampdeserted environment explosive filmflare-back flock habitat hence impetuous inhabit integrity intermingle irrecoverable landlethal acreage adjust assault biologically blaze brand checkcoat community consent shady sinister spellstill substantial surroundings tamper troublesome undergo witchcraftunit6 advocacy alcoholic analogy bureaucratic cartel catastrophic citizenry cocainecoke deglamorize demonanew antismoking bailban disprove divine confiscation copcriminal criminalization dramatically dwarf enforcement exhortation forty-fold gaping heroinimpoverish insight intoxicant marijuana mild prohibition proponent prosecutor proverbial minimize mission moralist mount multifaceted narcoticnon-repressive opium outweigh paradigmper permanent persuasion kickliftlogic mainliner hooked illegal illusory imposeplus premium pump pusher rationale rebuttal recreation reduce relentless remove repeal smuggle stamp stigma reverserum sanction sane segment segregate sentimentsin symptom transportation troop ultimately undercut underworld vested violation whiff zombieunit8 affluentamount arteryaxebanalbarrel battered braid briskly caution ceremonial cordcrystal customary debris diaper disconnection eternal exemplary fantastic fatigue ferocity fierce flagging formidable funeral giblets glaregravy gunpowder harden hazy interrogator lining macaroni mendmush-mouth orchard palmpep pharaohplot radiant recharge resignation rhyme scheme senility stunthrone transparently treasontriptumble unutterable veinunit9 abreast acquisition alienbingebondboom antidote backlashbalance Bulgaria cable champion clamor coherent complement component consist conspicuously creditcrony current daunting decline constituent controversial conviction corporate deficit depart despite downturn Ecuador engage ensuing entityequityerode Estonia excessfare discriminate disregard double-edged management maximize membership full-scale genetically globalisation glutgross negotiation neutralize optimism Panama relieveretardsatellitescarytreasury trendy unification upheaval hamstring implode interdependence Kyrgyzstan Latvia liberalization lopsided merger Mongoliamultilateral multinational plausible predict prevail prone prospect purchase reaccelerate reckon Seattle shield slump sovereignty spontaneous sub-Saharan succession swordtariffunit 11 admittedly approximate artifact crudecut-and-dried battery belligerent commonsense contemplate datadeem denote diametrically disadvantage disproportionate fortgarrison haberdasher restricted reviseself-evident sophistication ignore immerse interception investigate motivation notenotion persuasively pieceelusive emerge exhilarating federal foolproof position premisepro-British proximate relevant maintain memorize ministerremains repay statisticsstemsubtlety thereby validity wherebyunit12 acknowledge agilityapebay bloodhound bowbreeze courtly frantically furnish grapevine cowercrotchcrush deplorable dingydodgedusk enthusiastically exceedingly execute expanse fasten flaskvarnish venture viciously saplingscore Burmese Chateauclaim concealment framehisshoarse hogsheadhumhuskilyintentjunglelashpostpone protrudeleanleashleechlightning-charred limblooppitplacidloremainland Malayman-catcher metallic moccasin mutter oozepent-up quarry recoil repasttwig Uganda uncanny shinsip stagger stalk stamina suck swamp stock tense trackless trail trigger weary wind woodcraft zealous outspread packpadpant panther pastime。