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Snow/Wind Loads

Snow/wind loads can be generated by

•Clicking the Loads menu > Wind & Snow > Wind and Snow 2D/3D.

•Clicking .

Note: The Snow/Window Loads option is available only for plane frame and plane truss structures. You can generate snow/wind loads for 3D frames and 3D trusses. This option is unavailable if you have not defined a structure.


The Snow/Wind Load dialog has conditions for which snow/wind loads are generated:


•Envelope - Defines those structure elements for which snow and wind loads will be generated. The numbers of the selected nodes create the envelope. It is a required parameter for defining global snow and wind coefficients of a structure.


Note: To correctly generate snow and wind loads this option must be specified.


To select an envelope:


1. Enter the numbers for consecutive nodes.输入连续节点的编号。

2. Highlight the nodes in the drawing area.高亮显示绘图区域中的节点。

3. When defining the envelope manually, you can create either an open or closed envelope (depending on whether you go back to the first node.)手动定义封套时,可以创建打开的或关闭的封套(取决于是否返回到第一个节点)

•Auto - Begins generating the automatic envelope. Parameters are set according to the selected options for automatic envelope recognition.自动-开始生成自动包络线。参数根据选定的自动信封识别选项进行设置。•Without Parapets - When selected, an envelope is generated automatically without regard to parapets.•无女儿墙-选中时,将自动生成不考虑女儿墙的封套。

•Without Cavities - When selected, an envelope is generated automatically without regard to cavities. Fictitious envelope elements are created instead.无空腔-选择该选项后,将


•With Base Not on the Ground - When selected, an envelope is generated automatically without regard to a base on the ground; therefore, letting you create an envelope for aerodynamically insulated structures.当基础不在地面上时-选中时,将自动生成包络,而不考虑地面上的基础;因此,可以为空气动力学绝缘结构创建包络。•Isolated roofs - If this option is selected, the structure is an isolated roof and loads are generated only on the isolated roof.独立屋顶-


To define snow/wind loads, you must specify basic parameters for the structure:要定义雪/风荷载,必须指定结构的基本参数:

•Total depth - Defines the building depth (length). It is a required parameter for defining global snow and wind coefficients of a structure.总深度-定义建筑深度(长度)。它是定义结构整体雪和风系数的必需参数。

Note: To correctly generate snow and wind loads this option must be specified.注意:要正确生成雪和风荷载,必须指定此选项。
