






一、产品特点1. 多层过滤系统:本空气净化器配备了多种过滤层,包括初效过滤器、活性炭过滤器和HEPA过滤器,能够有效去除室内的灰尘、花粉、烟雾、细菌等有害物质,提供清新的室内空气。

2. 智能传感器:内置的智能传感器能够监测室内空气的质量,并自动调节净化器的工作模式,确保始终保持良好的空气质量。

3. 远程控制:通过手机APP,您可以随时随地远程控制净化器的开关、模式选择等功能,方便实用。

4. 智能显示屏:净化器配备了直观明了的显示屏,显示室内空气质量指数、工作模式、定时设置等信息,方便您实时监测和调整。

5. 静音设计:采用先进的静音技术,这款空气净化器噪音低于30分贝,在保证空气质量的同时不会影响您的日常生活和休息。

二、使用方法1. 开箱检查:打开包装箱,仔细检查净化器是否完好无损,并确认配件是否齐全。


2. 安装净化器:根据图示,将净化器放置在空气流通的地方,并确保插头与电源插座连接牢固。

3. 连接智能手机:将净化器与智能手机连接,下载并安装官方提供的APP,按照说明进行连接操作。

4. 开机使用:按下电源开关,净化器将开始运行。


5. 模式选择:通过显示屏或手机APP,您可以根据需要选择不同的运行模式,如自动模式、睡眠模式、节能模式等。

6. 定时设置:如需定时开关机,您可以通过设置选择合适的时间,以便净化器自动开始或停止工作。

7. 更换滤芯:定期更换净化器的滤芯,以保证其正常工作和有效净化空气。


三、注意事项1. 请使用正常电源:请使用符合标准的电源插座,避免使用过多延长线或插座适配器,以免引起安全事故。










空气净化器用户使用手册Scqair1苍穹空气净化器用户使用手册企业简介........................................................... 2 整机及配件......................................................... 3 产品部件介绍...................................................... 4 快速使用指南...................................................... 5 注意事项............................................................ 6-7 操作说明............................................................ 8-9 净化功能........................................................... 10 技术创新........................................................... 11 工作原理........................................................... 12 技术参数........................................................... 13 保养维护........................................................... 14 故障排除........................................................... 15 使用前操作事项.................................................. 16 售后服务........................................................... 17 产品合格证........................................................ 17 售后服务卡.. (18)感谢您使用苍穹空气净化器,使用前请仔细阅读使用手册并妥善保管。




一、FU系列——纯净化型FU系列属于纯净化型的夏普空气净化器,其型号包括了FU-Y180SW、FU-W240SW和FU-W240SR 等等。


二、KC系列——加湿智能型KC系列的智能型空气净化器型号不多,KC-Y180SW、KC-200SW、KC-W280SW和KC-W380SW-W 都属于智能型空气净化器。



















requires maximum uptime or littlei nterruption, filter media replacement and disposal costs are high, the process fluids are valuable, and/or exposure of the process liquid to workers or thee nvironment is undesirable. There are several types of self-cleaning filters including backwashing systems that regenerate by reversing flow across a permanent filter media and mechani-cally cleaned filters that use a scraper to physically wipe particles from the media. Automatic backwashing filter systems can be used to remove suspended solids of approximately one micron or larger and work best with water-like liquid process streams at flow rates typically of several hundred to several thousand gallons per minute.Industrial applicationsMechanically-cleaned filter systems can work with many industrial applications where viscosities or solids concentrations are higher but they generally have lower flow rate capacities than backwashing units and work best at retentions of 25 microns and greater.All self-cleaning filter technologies are pressure filters (they have certain minimum operating pressure require-ments) and they generate a wasteFilter mediaFactors to consider in liquid filtrationelecting filtration equipment is the result of manyconsiderations. Installed costs must be weighed against operating costs while waste disposal costs must be considered. Is continuous flow necessary or can the filtration equipment be operated intermittently? Such factors need consideration to ensure the right filtration method is implemented for the application.The products being removed from a liquid process stream are as widely vari-able as the types of filters de s igned to remove them. Products being removed in potable water treat m ent applications are often molecular in size. However, many other filtration applications are concerned with the removal of specified trace solids from a liquid process stream. Surface-type filters using fibrous cartridges or mesh screen made of woven wire or fabric are often used in these applications. This article will focus on the removal of these trace solids, rather than the entire scope of liquid filtration.Optimal choiceThere are many filter types to choose from when specify i ng an industrial appli-cation liquid processing filter. Theoptimal choice ultimately comes down to the technology that best meets the performance and operating cost needs of the application. Common filtersinclude removable media types such as bag and cartridge filters and self-cleaning type filters. Each has advantages and disadvantages when compared with the others and the different types are appropriate for different applications.Self-cleaning filters are most appropriate for applications where the processFLOWLINE stainless steel bag filter housing for industrial, commercial and OEM applications that do not require a Code Stamp.Filtration+Separation March/April 201520262 1762/15 © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reservedstream that must be accommodated either by reprocessing or disposal.However mechanically-cleaned systems generally produce lower volumes of waste as a percentage of total process flow rate.Disposable media systems such as bag and cartridge-type filters are available in many media compositions and retention rates, allowing for very specific solutions that are not available with more general self-cleaning units.In general, bag and cartridge solutions are limited by the amount of surface area that can be applied to the filter application. Both types require a perma-nent filter housing to be installed to the process piping, which hold the media during the filtration operation.Bags and cartridges must be selected from materials that are compatible with the chemistry and temperature of the process and they can remove suspended solids for applications with lower flow rates, where operator exposure to the process liquid is not a problem and where lower volumes of solids must be removed. Bag and cartridge filters are roughly equivalent in price, while self-cleaning systems have higher initial costs.However, users should consider the totaloperating costs of the filtration system, not merely the initial purchase price. Media replacement and disposal costs, labor costs, process liquid losses and downtime should all be included when evaluating filtration systems.Bag filters may be the most appropriate choice in many situations. These filters operate by capturing solids inside the filter media “bag,” which tend to be low-cost and generally have lower surface areas than comparable cartridge systems. Higher surface area and higher filtration efficiency bags are also available.Minimizing wasteBag filters tend to have the lowest equipment investment costs, and are generally tolerant of many processconditions, making them a good choice for a wide range of applications. For example, with small batch applications, the cost of a self-cleaning system may not be justified. In this type of applica-tion, process pressure conditions may not meet the requirements of self-cleaning systems or bag replacement may be so infrequent that disposal costs are not a significant factor in deciding which type of filter system to select. Bag filters generally produce less solid waste than cartridge filters so they may be appropriate in situations where userswant to minimize the waste volume (especially when it is hazardous waste). Cartridge filters operate by capturing solids on the exterior of the filter media “sticks.” Cartridges range from simple low-cost string-wound and resin-bonded units up to high-capacity pleated units available in many filter media types. There are multiple standards for cartridge sizes and end connection configurations. Cartridge filters can be the logical choice for a wide variety of applications with varied flow rates that require sub-micron retention rating, including food and beverage, chemicals, paint and thef iltration of acids and bases. Cartridge filtration can also be ane ffective choice for pharmaceutical and ultra-pure water applications. Although cartridge filters generate more solid waste than bags and require more labor for media changeout, there are advantages with the variety of materials that can be used in them which is often a considera-tion in high temperature applications where metallic materials are required. In situations where a cartridge filter user wants to convert to a self-cleaning system but cannot for whatever reason, bag filters may provide a compromise solution. Bag filters generate 10-15 timesPROLINE bag filter housing for high volume applications and processes demanding frequent bag change-out.Filtration+Separation March/April 20153Adding a filtration system before a • liquid passes through spray nozzles offers several benefits. Filtrationprevents solid particles from reaching the nozzles, preventing unnecessary wear or blockage. Removing solid particles also prevents the passage of debris through the nozzles and into the process or on the products. Spray patterns and process quality are improved and defects reduced.A knife manufacturer was able to use • well water instead of city water to cool their molding machines by adding a stainless steel self-cleaning filter. In order to make the switch, the well water had to be filtered to a level as clean as or cleaner than the city water. The self-cleaning system met the company’s water cleaning requirements and allowed it to save $25,000 annually in city water costs. In plastic molding and extrusion• operations, cooling water readily picks up small plastic particles, limescale and airborne particulates, especially if the cooling water is kept in a central sump. Removing suspended solids from this cooling water results in decreased maintenance, downtime, equipment wear, and utility costs. Conse q uently, cycle times andproduction rates remain high, while rejects are minimized.Careful consideration, when choosing a liquid filtration system, will offer numerous potential benefits. A wise filter selection can minimize process downtime, reduce or eliminate waste disposal costs, limit worker exposure to the process liquid, reduce maintenance time and expense, and improve product quality. As a result, it is important to review all the available filtration options and identify potential areas where adding or upgrading filtration can provide cost savings.•/filtration Contact: Chris Rau,Division engineering manager, Eaton 44 Apple Street Tinton Falls, NJ US Tel: +1 732-212-4700E-mail:********************Chris Rau has 15 years of filtration industry experience, including product development, application engineering and laboratory roles. He now manages the new product development teams for filtration hardware, replaceable filter media and measurement systems within Eaton’s Filtration division.What are the waste disposal costs? • How often do bags or cartridges need to be replaced? Can the waste volume be reduced or eliminated by switching to a different filtration method? What are the labor and downtime • costs for filter or cartridge replace-ment? Can downtime be minimized by switching to a different filtration method? Disposal costs for used bags andcartridges are about half of the purchase price. And with hazardous liquids, disposal cost can easily exceed the pur c hase price. When comparing a bag or cartridge filtration system with a self-cleaning system with permanent, fixed media, these disposal costs should be included in the comparison.Unnecessary expenseMany processors consider upgrading existing filtration systems or adding new ones an unnecessary expense. This is understandable since the solids in process fluids only occasionally cause catastrophic failures. How e ver, the hidden costs created by contaminants are signifi c ant, while the cost to filter and remove them is modest and can be recovered quickly. Here are some exam-ples of situations where significant bene-fits can be achieved:In some industrial applications, proc-• essors are incorporating pre-filters upstream of expensive membrane filtration systems. The pre-filter, typi-cally either a bag or self-cleaning filter removes suspended solids that could prematurely foul or damage the membrane system.less solid waste than cartridges and they require less labor for media changeout. Also, some bag filters can be cleaned and reused, lowering waste and disposal costs even further. Bag filters can also be used in conjunction with self-cleaning filter systems when processors want to recycle the waste liquid containing the solid contami n ants. Installing a bag filter in the waste stream line removescontaminant from this fluid and allows it to be recycled back into the process. Multi-bag and multi-cartridge filter units can accommodate higher flow applica-tions by holding more filter media within a single pressure vessel housing. Multi-bag units provide longer run times between bag change-outs, while some multi-filter units provide continu o us operation by sequentially taking indi-vidual filters off-line for backwashcleaning while the other filters continue operating.Factors to considerWhen selecting a filter for a particular application, the following criteria should be considered:What is the quality of filtration • required?What are the conditions (flow, pres-• sure, temperature) of the process?Is it a continuous or batch process? • How large is the batch volume?What are the material characteristics • of the solids being removed? (How large are the particles? Is the material hazardous? Can the material being removed be recycled back into the process stream at another point?)Eaton’s MAX-LOAD extended life pleated filter bags are suitable for a wide range of applications such as water treatment, chemicals, paints and varnishes, petrochemicals and metal cleaning.Filtration+Separation March/April 20150262 1762/15 © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved4。



123456Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í Container flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).... and adapt to individual requirementsNever start the dryer if it is damaged!Inform your after-sales service.Inspecting thedryer Sorting and loading laundryRemove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens basket” (depending on model)Your new dryerCongratulations - You have chosen a modern, high-quality Bosch Intended usePreparing for installation, see Page 8Selecting and adjusting the programmeDryingCondensate container Control panelʋfor domestic use only,ʋonly to be used for drying fabrics that have beenwashed with water.Keep children younger than 3 years old away from the dryer.Do not let children make the cleaning andmaintenance work on the dryer without supervision.Do not leave children unsupervised near the dryer.Keep pets away from the dryer.The dryer can be operated by children 8 years old and older, by persons with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities and by persons with insufficient experience or knowledge if they are supervised or have been instructed in its use by a responsible adult.This appliance is intended for use up to a maximum height of 4000 metres above sea level.Select the drying programme ...123Make sure your hands are dry. Hold the plug only.Connecting themains plugDryingInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V Low Heat .)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry (e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc. together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying in the air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a while a the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are dried a do not use the Cupboard extra dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions when washing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-care laundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the rightPress and hold V Low Heat and turn 5 x to the rightPress V Low Heat until the required level is reached Turn to OffTurn to OffDrumAll buttons are sensitive and only need to be touched lightly.Only operate the dryer with the fluff filter inserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.3.If required, select a new programme and additional functions.4.Press the Start/Stop button.Programme selectorDisplay panelService indicatorsÍ Containern Filter Clean the fluff filter and/or air cooler under running water. a Page 4/6.Fineadjustment of the drying resultThe drying result (e.g. Cupboard Dry) can be adjusted over three levels (1 - max. 3) and c Super 40 min programmespresetting = 0. After one of these programmes has been finely adjusted, the setting is retained for the others. Further information a Page 5/6.0, 1, 2, 3 Fine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a year or if n Filter flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air cooler behind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towel underneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edged objects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensors measure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period of operation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying H , Iron dry |, Cupboard dry +,Anti-Crease/End R / are displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0, otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!Press the Start/Stop button*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E a s y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a C u p b o a r d e x t r a d r y , C u p b o a r d d r y a n d I r o n d r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t e x t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and levelpress and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84106GC12Remove all items from pockets.Check for cigarette lighters.The drum must be empty prior to loading.See programme overview on page 7.See also separate instructions for “Woollens ba (depending on model)domestic appliance.The condensation dryer is distinguished by its economical energy consumption.Every dryer which leaves our factory is carefully checked to ensure that it functions correctly and is in perfect condition.Should you have any questions, our after-sales service will be pleased to help.Disposal in an environmentally-responsible manner This appliance is labelled in accordance with European Directive 2012/19/EU concerning used electrical and electronic appliances (waste electrical and electronic equipment - WEEE). The guideline determines the framework for the return and recycling of used appliances as applicable throughout the EU.For further information about our products, accessories, spare parts and services, please visit: All buttons are need to be touProgramme selector34Emptying condensationEmpty container after each drying operation!1.Pull out condensate container keeping it horizontal.2.Pour out condensation.3.Always push container in fully until it clicks into place.If Í Container flashes in the display panel a What to do if..., Page 10.Cleaning the fluff filterClean the fluff filter after each drying operation.1.Open the door, remove fluff from door/door area.2.Pull out and fold open the fluff filter.3.Remove the fluff (by wiping the filter with your hand).If the fluff filter is very dirty or blocked, rinse with warm water and dry thoroughly.4.Close and reinsert the fluff filter.Switching off the dryerTurn the programme selector to Off .Do not leave laundry in the dryer.Removing the laundryThe automatic anti-crease function causes the drum to move at specific intervals, the washing remains loose and fluffy for an hour (two hours if the additional S Reduced Ironing function is also selected-depending on model ).idual requirementsspecting thedryeroading laundryasket”he programmeDryingCondensate container Control paneldrying programme ...123nnecting the mains plugDryingDrume sensitive and only uched lightly.the dryer with nserted!Air inletFluff filterDrum interior light (depending on model)Maintenance flapProgramme end once lights up in the display. Interrupt programme removing or adding laundry.The drying cycle can be interrupted for a brief period so that laundry may be added or removed. The programme selected must then be resumed and completed.Never switch the dryer off before the drying process has ended.Drum and door may be hot!1.Open door, the drying process is interrupted.2.Load or remove laundry and close door.Start/Stop buttonInformation on laundry ...Labelling of fabricsFollow the manufacturer's care information.(c Drying at normal temperature.'c Drying at low temperature a also select V Low Heat.)c Do not machine dry.Observe safety instructions without fail a Page 11!Do not tumble-dry the following fabrics for example:–Impermeable fabrics (e.g. rubber-coated fabrics).–Delicate materials (silk or curtains made from synthetic material) a they may crease.–Laundry contaminated with oil.Drying tips–To ensure a consistent result, sort the laundry by fabric type and drying programme.–Always dry very small items (e.g. baby socks) together with large items of laundry(e.g. hand towel).–Close zips, hooks and eyelets, and button up covers. Tie fabric belts, apron strings, etc.together.–Do not over-dry easy-care laundry a risk of creasing! Allow laundry to finish drying inthe air.–Do not dry woolens in the dryer, only use to freshen them up a Page 7, Woollens finish Programme (depending on model).–Do not iron laundry immediately after drying, fold items up and leave for a whilea the remaining moisture will then be distributed evenly.–The drying result depends on the type of water used during washing. a Fine adjustment of the drying result a Page 5/6.–Machine-knitted fabrics (e.g. T-shirts or jerseys) often shrink the first time they are drieda do not use the Cupboard extra dry programme.–Starched laundry is not always suitable for dryers a starch leaves behind a coating that adversely affects the drying operation.–Use the correct dosage of fabric softener as per the manufacturer's instructions whenwashing the laundry to be dried.–Use the timer programme for small loads a this improves the drying result.Environmental protection / Energy-saving tips–Before drying, spin the laundry thoroughly in the washing machine a the higher the spin speed the shorter the drying time will be (consumes less energy), also spin easy-carelaundry.–Put in, but do not exceed, the maximum recommended quantity of laundry a programme overview a Page 7.–Make sure the room is well ventilated during drying.–Do not obstruct or seal up the air inlet.–Keep the air cooler clean a Page 6 “Care and cleaning”.Fine adjustment of the drying resultAdjustment of the levels of dryness1 x to the right Press and hold V Low Heatand turn 5 x to the right Press V Low Heat until the required level is reachedTurn to Off Turn toOffFine adjustment of the drying resultCare and cleaningDryer housing, control panel, air cooler, moisture sensors–Wipe with a soft, damp cloth.–Do not use harsh cleaning agents and solvents.–Remove detergent and cleaning agent residue immediately.Clean the protective filter 5 - 6 times a yearor if n Filter flashes after cleaning the fluff filter.Air cooler / Protective filterWhen cleaning, only remove the protective filter. Clean the air coolerbehind the protective filter once a year.–Allow the dryer to cool.–Residual water may leak out, so place an absorbent towelunderneath the maintenance door.1.Unlock the maintenance door.2.Open the maintenance door fully.3.Turn both locking levers towards each another.4.Pull out the protective filter/air cooler.Do not damage the protective filter or air cooler.Clean with warm water only. Do not use any hard or sharp-edgedobjects.5.Clean the protective filter/air cooler thoroughly,Allow to drip dry.6.Clean the seals.7.Re-insert the protective filter/air cooler,with the handle facing down.8.Turn back both locking levers.9.Close the maintenance door until the lock clicks into place.Moisture sensorsThe dryer is fitted with stainless steel moisture sensors. The sensorsmeasure the level of moisture in the laundry. After a long period ofoperation, a fine layer of limescale may form on the sensors.1.Open the door and clean the moisture sensors with a damp spongewhich has a rough surface.Do not use steel wool or abrasive materials.Drying H, Iron dry |, Cupboard dry +,Anti-Crease/End R / are displayed in sequence.Short signal when changing from level 3 to 0,otherwise long signal.Only when switched off!56*f o r L C o t t o n s a n d I E a s y -C a r e p r o g r a m m e s o n l y .**D r y n e s s l e v e l s c a n b e s e l e c t e d i n d i v i d u a l l y a C u p b o a r d e x t r a d r y , C u p b o a r d d r y a n d I r o n d r y (d e p e n d i n g o n t h e m o d e l ).D e g r e e o f d r y n e s s c a n b e f i n e l y a d j u s t e d ; m u l t i -l a y e r e d t e x t i l e s r e q u i r e a l o n g e r d r y i n g t i m e t h a n s i n g l e -l a y e r e d i t e m s o f c l o t h i n g . R e c o m m e n d a t i o n : D r y s e p a r a t e l y .Page 11.Connect to an AC earthed socket. If in doubt have the socket checked by an expert.The mains voltage and the voltage shown on the rating plate (a Page 9) must correspond.The connected load and necessary fuse protection are specified on the rating plate.Note the fuse protection of the socket.Make sure that the air inlet remains unobstructedClean and level press and hold selection then turn 3 x to the rightturn to Offsetamperageoff flashesDo not operate the dryer if there is a danger of frost.en Instruction manualDryerWTE84106GC。



Portable Air Cleaners and Furnace or HVAC Filters in the HomeIndoor air contains pollutants that can affect human health. Some of these pollutants come from outdoors, and others come from indoor sources and activities, such as cooking, cleaning, secondhand smoke, building materials, consumer products, and home furnishings. These indoor air pollutants can be particles or gases, including volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Common contaminants that can be found indoors include particulate matter (including PM 2.5 [fine] and PM 10 [coarse]), formaldehyde, mold, and pollen. Indoor air quality will vary from home to home and over the course of a day within a home. Since most people spend about 90% of their time indoors, mostly in their homes, much of their exposures to airborne pollutants will happen in the home.The most effective ways to improve your indoor air are to reduce or remove the sources of pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air. In addition, research shows that filtration can be an effective supplement to source control and ventilation. Using a portable air cleaner and/or upgrading the air filter in your furnace or central heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) system can help to improve indoor air quality. Portable air cleaners, also known as air purifiers or air sanitizers, are designed to filter the air in a single room or area. Central furnace or HVAC filters are designed to filter air throughout a home. Portable air cleaners and HVAC filters can reduce indoor air pollution; however, they cannot remove all pollutants from the air.Tips For Selecting a Portable Air Cleaner, Furnace Filter, or HVAC Filter When selecting a portable air cleaner, furnace filter, or HVAC filter, keep in mind:No air cleaner or filter will eliminate all of the air pollutants in your home.Note that most filters are designed to filter either particles or gases. So in order to filter both particles and gases, many air cleaners contain two filters, one for particles and another for gases (in some cases including gases that have odors). Other air cleaners only have one filter, usually for particles. In addition, some air cleaners or filters are targeted to specific types of gases or VOCs. Consult the specific product packaging or labeling for more information.All filters need regular replacement.If a filter is dirty and overloaded, it won’t work well.PORTABLE AIR CLEANERSTo filter particles, choose a portable air cleaner that has a clean air delivery rate (CADR) that is large enough for the size of the room or area in which you will use it. The higher the CADR, the more particles the air cleaner can filter and the larger the area it can serve. Most air cleaner packaging will tell you the largest size area or room it should be used in.Portable air cleaners often achieve a high CADR by using a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.To filter gases, choose a portable air cleaner with an activated carbon filter or otherfilter designed to remove gases. Note that there are no widely used performance rating systems forportable air cleaners or filters designed to removegases. The CADR rating system is for particles only.Activated carbon filters can be effective, providedthat there is a large amount of material used in thefilter.A portable air cleaner with a high CADR and anactivated carbon filter can filter both particlesand gases.Generally speaking, higher fan speeds and longerrun times will increase the amount of air filtered.An air cleaner will filter less air if it is set at a lowerspeed. More air will pass through the filter at higherfan speeds, so typically filtration will be greater at Portable Air Cleanerhigher fan speeds. Increasing the amount of time anair cleaner runs will also increase air filtration.FURNACE AND HVAC SYSTEM FILTERSFurnace and HVAC filters work to filter the air only when the system is operating. In most cases, HVAC systems run only when heating or cooling is needed (usually less than 25% of the time during heating and cooling seasons). In order to get more filtration, the system would have to run for longer periods. This may not be desirable orpractical in many cases since longer run times increase electricity costs and may also result in less reliable humidity control during the cooling season.Furnace and HVAC filters for homes are usuallydesigned to filter particles. If you decide to upgrade oruse a higher efficiency filter, choose a filter with at leasta Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) 13rating, or as high a rating as your system fan and filterslot can accommodate. You may need to consult aprofessional HVAC technician to determine the highestefficiency filter that will work best for your system.Other devices that do not have filters may alsoremove particles and gases. They usually fit insidethe HVAC ductwork and are more common in largeand commercial buildings. See the EPA technicaldocument, Residential Air Cleaners, 3rd edition, formore information: /indoor-air-quality-iaq/residential-air-cleaners-second-edition-summary-available-information .EPA does not certify or recommend specific brands or models ofair filters or portable air cleaners.Q&A: Air Cleaning and FiltrationDo portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters used in homes have the potential to improve my indoor air quality?Yes. Most portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters can filter particles from the air. Some can filter the small particles of greatest health concern (PM 2.5). There are also air cleaners and filters that can filter both particles and gases. The longer the air cleaner runs, the more air it filters. Note that it is always important to reduce or remove the sources of indoor air pollutants and to ventilate with clean outdoor air. Filtration does not replace the need to control pollutants and ventilate.Can portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters potentially have a positive impact on health?Possibly. Several studies using portable HEPA air cleaners have demonstrated small improvements incardiovascular and respiratory health. The improvements are typically small and not always noticeable to the individual, although they may be measureable by health professionals.For more information on particles and health, see:• EPA Indoor Particulate Matter: /indoor-air-quality-iaq/indoor-particulate-matter• EPA Particle Pollution and Your Health: /airnow/particle/pm-color.pdfCan portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters reduce allergy or asthma symptoms?Possibly. Multiple studies with portable HEPA air cleaners have found improvements in one or more allergy and/or asthma symptom(s). The studies do not always show major improvements, and they do not show improvements in all symptoms.Can portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters solve mold problems?No. Portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters do not address the cause of mold and musty odors. Mold is caused by a water or moisture problem in the building that allows the mold to grow. To solve a mold problem, get rid of the source of the moisture and clean up the mold. Portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters may remove some of the particles generated by mold. In some cases, they may also help reduce odors, but they will not resolve a mold and moisture problem.Note: Avoid portable air cleaners and furnace/HVAC filters that intentionally produce ozone. Ozone is a lung irritant. Note that in some cases, air cleaners that contain electrostatic precipitators, ionizers, UV lights without adequate lamp coatings, and plasma air cleaners may have the potential to emit ozone. Both the California Air Resources Board and the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers maintain lists of air cleaners that have been tested and shown to emit little or no ozone.Q&A: Portable Air CleanersMost portable air cleaners have a CADR rating. What does that mean?Most portable air cleaners are rated according to their clean air delivery rate (CADR). This number is intended to help consumers select an air cleaner based on the size of the area it will be placed in. The higher the CADR, the more particles the air cleaner will remove and the larger the area it can serve. The rating is typically measured at the air cleaner’s highest speed.How do I choose a portable air cleaner that will remove the small particles of greatest health concern (PM 2.5) effectively?Some air cleaner packaging will indicate CADRs for removing three specific types of pollutants: tobacco smoke, dust, and pollen. These pollutants are used as examples to represent small-, medium-, and large-sized particles, respectively. To remove small particles, choose a portable air cleaner that has a high CADR for tobacco smoke, which represents the smallest particles. The CADR should be large enough for the size of the room or area you will use it in.How do I calculate the size of the room or area in order to pick the right air cleaner?Multiply the length and width of the area in which you intend to operate the air cleaner. The result will provide you with the size of the room or area in square feet. Compare this to the maximum recommended room size on the product packaging. If you have an open floor plan, you should consider the entire space that the air cleaner would serve. If you have high ceilings (above 8 feet), you should consider using an air cleaner that is sized for a larger area. If you have an area that is larger than any available product will serve, you could consider using multiple air cleaners.How do I choose a portable air cleaner that can remove volatile organic compounds (VOCs)?Choose a portable air cleaner with an activated carbon filter or other absorbent filter designed to removegases. They can be effective when there is a large amount of material used in the filter (the thicker the better). Research has not yet shown that other technologies such as plasma, photocatalytic oxidation, or ultraviolet (UV) light can remove gases effectively in portable residential air cleaners.Do portable air cleaners have noise ratings?Noise ratings are reported for some portable air cleaners. The ratingmay be shown on the product packaging. Noise levels depend in parton the fan speed setting. If noise might prevent you from running theunit, you might consider an air cleaner that has a low published noiserating. For reference, a noise rating around 50 decibels (dB) is roughly the operating noise of a modern refrigerator.Where should I put a portable air cleaner?Consider placing the unit in the room(s) you spend the most time in.Many units are designed to be placed on the floor, although someare designed for tabletops. Either way, make sure the airflow is notobstructed. Keep air cleaners away from curtains and anything thatmight block airflow. If the air cleaner causes an uncomfortable draft,then redirect the airflow away from you.What does it mean if a portable air cleaner has the EPA’s ENERGY STAR ® label?Some portable air cleaners sold in the consumer market are ENERGY STAR qualified. The ENERGY STAR label means that it meets strict energy efficiency guidelines set by EPA. The label does not refer to its air-cleaning effectiveness in any way.Q&A: Heating, Ventilation, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) System Filters and Furnace FiltersHow are HVAC/furnace filters rated?There are several commonly used filter rating methods. These include the Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV), Filter Performance Rating (FPR), Microparticle Performance Rating (MPR), and others. MERV is based on a national consensus standard. The FPR and MPR rating methods are proprietary. For all rating methods, the higher the filter rating, the higher the removal efficiency for most particle sizes.How do I choose an HVAC/furnace filter that will be most effective at removing small particles of greatest health concern (PM 2.5)?Use the highest-rated filter that your system fan and filter slot can accommodate. Filters with a MERV of 13 and above are required to demonstrate at least 50% removal efficiency for the smallest particles tested.This is an example of a label from a portable air cleaner. Used with permission from the Associa-tion of Homes Appliance Manufacturers (AHAM).How do I know if my system can accommodate a MERV 13 filter or higher?Most furnaces and HVAC systems can accommodate a MERV 13 filter without creating equipment problems, provided that the filter is replaced frequently. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell whether a system can use a higher efficiency filter since HVAC systems are not commonly labeled with any filter recommendations. To be certain a filter will work with your system, consult a professional HVAC technician. The technician can determine the most efficient filter that your system can use. An HVAC technician can also modify the system to use a higher efficiency filter. How can I tell if the filter is the right size for my furnace/HVAC system?Filters commonly come in thicknesses of 1 to 5 inches, with a variety of lengths and widths to match common sizes of filter frames in furnaces and HVAC systems. Make sure the filter fits snugly so air does not leak around the filter and you do not have to bend or crush the filter to make it fit.How often do I need to change my filter?Replace filters according to manufacturer’s recommendations. Many factors can affect how quickly filters get dirty. Manufacturers typically recommend replacement every 60 to 90 days. If you notice that filters appear heavily soiled when you replace them, you should consider changing them more frequently.What if I have a window air conditioner or a wall-mounted “ductless” air conditioner?Most window air conditioners and wall-mounted units are intended for temperature control rather than air filtration. These units typically have limited filtration intended to keep the inside of the air conditioner clean rather than remove fine particles from the indoor air.For more information:EPA Indoor Air Quality website/indoor-air-quality-iaqEPA Technical Guide to Residential Air Cleaners/indoor-air-quality-iaq/residential-air-cleaners-second-edition-summary-available-information Important notesOzone generators that are sold as air cleaners intentionally produce the gas ozone. No federal government agency has approved these devices for use in occupied spaces. For more information regarding ozone generators that are sold as air cleaners, see /indoor-air-quality-iaq/ozone-generators-are-sold-air-cleaners.ENERGY STAR® labels: Some portable air cleaners sold in the consumer market are ENERGY STAR® qualified. Please note the following disclaimer on their packaging: “This product earned the ENERGY STAR® by meeting strict energy efficiency guidelines set by the U.S. EPA. EPA does not endorse any manufacturer claims of healthier indoor air from the use of this product.”Disclaimer: EPA neither certifies nor recommends particular brands of air filters or home air-cleaning devices including portable air cleaners or purifiers.。



Limited Warranty for Carbon Air Purifier with UVFOR WARRANTY SERVICE OR REPAIR:Contact the installer or a dealer. You may be able to find the installer’s name on the equipment or in your Owner’s Packet. You can also find a dealer online at .For additional help, contact: CAC/BDP , Consumer Relations, Phone 1-888-695-1488.PRODUCT REGISTRATION: Register your product online at . Retain this document for your records.CAC/BDP (hereinafter “Company”) warrants this product against failure due to defect in materials or workmanship under normal use and maintenance as follows. All warranty periods begin on the date of original installation. If a part fails due to defect during the applicable warranty period Company will provide a new or remanufactured part, at Company’s option, to replace the failed defective part at no charge for the part. Alternatively, and at its option, the Company will provide a credit in the amount of the then factory selling price for a new equivalent part toward the retail purchase price of a new Company product. Except as otherwise stated herein, those are Company’s exclusive obligations under this warranty for a product failure. This limited warranty is subject to all provisions, conditions, limitations and exclusions listed below and on the reverse (if any) of this document.RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONSThis warranty is to the original purchasing owner and subsequent owners only to the extent and as stated in the Warranty Conditions and below. The limited warranty period in years, depending on the part and the claimant, is as shown in the table below.OTHER APPLICATIONSThe warranty period is one (1) year on all such applications. The warranty is to the original owner only and is not available for subsequent owners.The efficacy of the Carbon Air Purifier with UV (UVCAPXXC2015) to remove Escherichia coli (>99%), Staphylococcus epidermidis (>99.9%), Coronavirus 229E (95%) and MS-2 bacteriophage (>99.99%) from treated surfaces after 24 hours was demonstrated in an ASTM E3135-18 test conducted by a third-party laboratory under ambient temperature and humidity conditions.The efficacy of the Carbon Air Purifier with UV (UVCAPXXC2015) to remove a surrogate airborne pathogen, MS-2 bacteriophage, was demonstrated with a decay rate (k) of 0.162860 and Clean Air Deliver Rate (CADR) of 130.6 cfm in 60 minutes in a chamber test conducted by a third-party laboratory using a 1007 ft3 chamber with an airflow of 1,220 cfm, test temperature of 74-77°F and relative humidity of 45.1-46.6%.LEGAL REMEDIES: The owner must notify the Company in writing, by certified or registered letter to CAC/BDP , Warranty Claims, P .O.Box 4808, Syracuse, New York 13221, of any defect or complaint with the product, stating the defect or complaint and a specific request for repair, replacement, or other correction of the product under warranty, mailed at least thirty (30) days before pursuing any legal rights or remedies.See Conditions on next page.Model Number_________________________________________Serial Number ______________________________________Date of Installation _____________________________________Installed by _________________________________________Name of Owner ________________________________________Address of Installation_________________________________Limited Warranty (Years)ProductOriginal Owner Subsequent Owners Carbon Air Purifier with UV Unit **.Carbon core and UV bulb are excluded from warranty coverage.10† (or 5)†.If properly registered within 90 days, otherwise 5 years (except in California and Quebec and other jurisdictions that prohibit warranty benefits conditioned on registration, registration is not required to obtain longer warranty periods). See Warranty Conditions below5‡‡.In T exas and other jurisdictions where applicable, subsequent owner’s warranty duration shall match that of original owner (10 or 5 years, based on registration), as described in applicable law.© 2023 Carrier. All rights reserved.A Carrier Company Edition Date: 1/23Catalog No: UVCAP-01WARManufacturer reserves the right to change, at any time, specifications and designs without notice and without obligations.2WARRANTY CONDITIONS:1.T o obtain the longer warranty period as shown in the table under original owner, the product must be properly registered at within ninety (90) days of original installation. In jurisdictions where warranty benefits conditioned on registration are prohibited by law, registration is not required and the longer warranty period shown will apply2.Where a product is installed in a newly constructed home, the date of installation is the date the homeowner purchased the home from the builder.3.If the date of original installation cannot be verified, then the warranty period begins ninety (90) days from the date of product manufacture (as indicated by the model and serial number). Proof of purchase may be required at time of service.4.The limited parts warranty periods as shown in the table under subsequent owners do not require registration.5.Product must be installed properly and by a licensed HVAC technician.6.The warranty applies only to products remaining in their original installation location.7.Installation, use, care, and maintenance must be normal and in accordance with instructions contained in the Installation Instructions, Owner’s Manual and Company’s service information.8.Defective parts must be returned to the distributor through a registered servicing dealer for credit.LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES AND/OR CONDITIONS (INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE) ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. SOME STATES OR PROVINCES DO NOT ALLOW LIMITATIONS ON HOW LONG AN IMPLIED WARRANTY OR CONDITION LASTS, SO THE ABOVE MAY NOT APPLY TO YOU. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES MADE IN THIS WARRANTY ARE EXCLUSIVE AND MAY NOT BE ALTERED, ENLARGED, OR CHANGED BY ANY DISTRIBUTOR, DEALER, OR OTHER PERSON, WHATSOEVER.THIS WARRANTY DOES NOT COVER:bor or other costs incurred for diagnosing, repairing, removing, installing, shipping, servicing or handling of either defective parts, or replacement parts, or new units.2.Any product not installed pursuant to applicable regional efficiency standards issued by the Department of Energy.3.Any product purchased over the Internet.4.Normal maintenance as outlined in the installation and servicing instructions or Owner’s Manual, including filter cleaning and/or replacement and lubrication.5.Failure, damage or repairs due to faulty installation, misapplication, abuse, improper servicing, unauthorized alteration or improper operation6.Failure to start or damages due to voltage conditions, blown fuses, open circuit breakers, or the inadequacy, unavailability, or interruption of electrical, Internet service provider, or mobile device carrier service or your home network.7.Failure or damage due to floods, winds, fires, lightning, accidents, corrosive environments (rust, etc) or other conditions beyond the control of Company.8.Parts not supplied or designated by Company, or damages resulting from their use.9.Products installed outside the U.S.A. or Canada.10.Electricity or fuel costs, or increases in electricity or fuel costs from any reason whatsoever, including additional or unusual use of supplemental electric heat.11.ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL PROPERTY OR COMMERCIAL DAMAGE OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER. Some states or provinces do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to youThis Warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state or province to province.。









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脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网※2※2 使用了左右吸附·除去不同异味的材质,左右颜色是不同的。


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请同时对集尘HEP A滤网、脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网进行保养。

集尘HEP A滤网 脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网请放在溶解有厨房用合成洗涤剂的溶液中浸洗。



19「集尘HEPA 滤网」的更换「脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网」的更换「集尘HEP A 滤网」·「脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网」由于无法水洗,请定期更换。

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滤网更换「集尘HEP A滤网」的寿命约为10年※、「脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网」的寿命约为10年※,「加湿滤网」的寿命约为2年。

「集尘HEP A滤网」、「脱臭·除甲醛一体化滤网」寿命的计算依据:1天内吸入相当5根烟烟尘的粉尘时,集尘、脱臭能力减少至初期的50%为止的时间作为更换的大致时间。



Package‘cropDemand’October13,2023Type PackageTitle Spatial Crop Water Demand for BrazilVersion1.0.3Description Estimation of crop water demand can be processed via this package.As exam-ple,the data from'TerraCli-mate'dataset(<https:///terraclimate.html>)calibrated with au-tomatic weather stations of National Meteorological Institute of Brazil is available in a coarse spa-tial resolution to do the crop water demand.However,the user have also the option to down-load the variables directly from'TerraClimate'repository with the download.terraclimate func-tion and access the original'TerraClimate'products.If the user believes that is necessary cali-brate the variables,there is another function to do stly,the estimation of the crop water de-mand present in this package can be run for all the Brazilian territory with'TerraClimate'dataset.License CC BY4.0Encoding UTF-8Language en-USDepends R(>=3.2.0),Imports dplyr(>=,ggplot2(>=3.3.2),terra,sf,tidyr,ncdf4BugReports https:///FilgueirasR/cropDemand/issuesRoxygenNote7.1.1NeedsCompilation noAuthor Roberto Filgueiras[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0002-0186-8907>), Luan P.Venancio[aut](<https:///0000-0002-5544-8588>),Catariny C.Aleman[aut](<https:///0000-0002-3894-3077>),Fernando F.da Cunha[aut](<https:///0000-0002-1671-1021>)Maintainer Roberto Filgueiras<************************>Repository CRANDate/Publication2023-10-1318:30:02UTC12download_terraclimate R topics documented:download_terraclimate (2)eto_calibration (3)loadROI (4)monthly_stack (5)plot_AWC (6)ppt_calibration (6)see_brazil_biomes (7)see_brazil_states (7)waterDemand (8)Index10download_terraclimate Download of reference evapotranspiration(eto)and rainfall(ppt)from’TerraClimate’DescriptionThis function will download the eto and ppt and will load a SpatRaster according to the the region of interest(Region and sub_region).Usagedownload_terraclimate(dir_out,variable,years,region,sub_region)Argumentsdir_out Directory where you want to save the raster images that you are goind to down-load.variable Variable to download.This function will download the eto or ppt(SpatRaster).years The period in years that the function should download images.region Use the"brazil"shapefile to extract the SpatRaster(variable)for one state(Brazil-ian state),or use the"biomes_brazil"to extract the SpatRaster(variable)for onebiome of Brazil.sub_region You have two options in this section,if you choice the brazil(in region parame-ter)you need to choice the Brazilian states,but if you choice the biomes_brazil(in region parameter)you must choice one of Brazilian biomes.ValueDownload for the region of interest the ppt(Rainfall)or eto(reference evapotranspiration)Spa-tRastereto_calibration3ReferencesThe images used in this package can be found in the paper:Abatzoglou,J.T.,S.Z.Dobrowski,S.A.Parks,K.C.Hegewisch,2018,Terraclimate,a high-resolution global dataset of monthly climate and climatic water balance from1958-2015,Scientific Data.Examples##Not run:###Downloading eto based on Brazil states.see_brazil_states()img<-download_terraclimate(variable="eto",years=c(2018:2019),region="brazil",sub_region=13)###Downloading the ppt based on Brazil biomes.see_brazil_biomes()img<-download_terraclimate(variable="ppt",years=c(2018:2019),region="biomes_brazil",sub_region=6)##End(Not run)eto_calibration Calibration of reference evapotranspiration(eto)of’TerraClimate’DescriptionThis function will calibrate the reference evapotranspiration(eto)from TerraClimate dataset based in the relationship with observed weather stations data.Usageeto_calibration(slope,intercept,eto_stack)Argumentsslope the slope of the linear regression(numeric).intercept the intercept of the linear regression(numeric).eto_stack stack of eto.ValueReturns a SpatRaster of eto calibrated.4loadROIExamples##Not run:eto_cal<-eto_calibration(slope=0.930073,intercept=22.399986,eto_stack=etp);##End(Not run)loadROI Load image data to do crop water demandDescriptionThis fuction will load the evapotranspiration and rainfall data for the region of interest(ROI). UsageloadROI(variable,region,sub_region)Argumentsvariable Stack of evapotranspiration or rainfall(SpatRaster).region Use the"brazil"shpfile to extract the SpatRaster(variable)for one state(Brazil-ian state),or use the"biomes_brazil"to extract the SpatRaster(variable)for onebiome of Brazil.sub_region You have two options in this section,if you choice the brazil(in region parame-ter)you need to choice the Brazilian states,but if you choice the biomes-brazil(in region parameter)you must choice one of Brazilian biomes.ValueLoad the reference evapotranspiration(eto)or rainfall(ppt)SpatRasterReferencesThe images used in this package can be found in the paper:Abatzoglou,J.T.,S.Z.Dobrowski,S.A.Parks,K.C.Hegewisch,2018,Terraclimate,a high-resolution global dataset of monthly climate and climatic water balance from1958-2015,Scientific Data.Examples##Not run:#For Brazilian statessee_brazil_states()image_etp<-loadROI(variable="eto",region="brazil",sub_region=13)#sub_regions1:27monthly_stack5 image_rainfall<-loadROI(variable="ppt",region="brazil",sub_region=13)#For Brazilian Biomes:see_brazil_biomes()image_tmin<-loadROI(variable="eto",region="biomes_brazil",sub_region=2)#sub regions:1:6(biomes)##End(Not run)monthly_stack Function to calculate the mean monthly rainfall/reference evapotran-spiration to generate the crop water demandDescriptionThis function will calculate the mean monthly air temperature based on the period of time selected (start_date and end_date).Usagemonthly_stack(stack,start_date,end_date)Argumentsstack Stack of mean rainfall/reference evapotranspiration SpatRasterstart_date Date that start the investigation,should be in the following format(2000-01-01 /Year-Month-Day)end_date Date that end the investigation,should be in the following format(2017-12-31 /Year-Month-Day)ValueReturns a SpatRaster with a monthly mean air temperature from a period of timeExamples##Not run:start_date<-c( 2000-01-01 )end_date<-c( 2017-12-01 )monthly_rainfall<-monthly_stack(stack=rainfall_stack,start_date=start_date,end_date=end_date) ##End(Not run)6ppt_calibration plot_AWC Function to plot the percentage of Available Water Capacity(AWC)DescriptionThis function will plot the monthly AWCUsageplot_AWC(AWC_stack)ArgumentsAWC_stack A SpatRaster generated in WaterDemand functionValueReturns a plot(ggfile)of monthly percentage of AWCExamples##Not run:plot_AWC(AWC_stack)##End(Not run)ppt_calibration Calibration of rainfall(ppt)of’TerraClimate’DescriptionThis fuction will calibrate the rainfall(ppt)from TerraClimate dataset based in the relationship with observed weather stations data.Usageppt_calibration(slope,intercept,ppt_stack)Argumentsslope the slope of the linear regression(numeric).intercept the intercept of the linear regression(numeric).ppt_stack stack of ppt.ValueReturns a SpatRaster of ppt calibrated.see_brazil_biomes7Examples##Not run:ppt_cal<-ppt_calibration(slope=0.7000972,intercept=23.753785,ppt_stack=ppt);##End(Not run)see_brazil_biomes Function to see the Brazilian biomes available tp use in down-load.terraclimate and loadROI functionDescriptionThis function will show the biomes available in the package and how we can call each biome polygon.Usagesee_brazil_biomes()ValueThe biomes information available to run the cropDemand package.Examples##Not run:see_brazil_biomes()##End(Not run)see_brazil_states Function to see the Brazilian states available to use in down-load.terraclimate and loadROI functionDescriptionThis function will show the Brazilian state available in the package and how we can call each state polygon.Usagesee_brazil_states()ValueThe Brazilian state information available in the package to run the cropDemand package.Examples##Not run:see_brazil_states()##End(Not run)waterDemand Function to generate the water demand based in available water ca-pacity of the soilDescriptionThis function will calculate the water balance parameters based in the available water capacity informed(AWC).The output water balance parameters for this function are:1.ARM-storage;2.ALT-alteration;3.ETR-actual evapotranspiration;4.DEF-deficit;5.EXC-excess;6.REP-replacement;7.RET-withdrawal;8.AWC_arm-percentage of storage compared to AWC;UsagewaterDemand(out_dir,ppt_stack,eto_stack,AWC)Argumentsout_dir output directory where you want to save the variablesppt_stack Stack of mean rainfall Rasterstack calculated in monthly_stack functioneto_stack Stack of mean evapotranspiration Rasterstack calculated in monthly_stack func-tionAWC The available water capacity(AWC)that the function will use in the calcula-tions.The AWC value must be chosen according to the crop(root system depth)you want to obtain the water balance.ValueReturns multiple Rasterstack object as output(explained in description).Examples##Not run:cwd<-waterDemand(out_dir="G:/My computer/test/CropWaterDemand",ppt_stack=rainfall_image,eto_stack=eto_image,AWC=100) ##End(Not run)Indexdownload_terraclimate,2eto_calibration,3loadROI,4monthly_stack,5plot_AWC,6ppt_calibration,6see_brazil_biomes,7see_brazil_states,7waterDemand,810。



Adding special salt
To avoid damage to the appliance, only add special salt to the dispenser for special salt just before the programme starts. 1. Unscrew the lid of the dispenser for special salt
7. To cancel the programme, press
approx. 4 seconds.
The programme is cancelled and ends after ap-
prox. 1 minute.
Cleaning filters
1. After each wash check the filters for
1) 0:15 - 0:15 2) 0,050 - 0,050 3) 4,0 - 4,0
1 Suitable programme for running at night: it takes longer, but is extremely quiet.
3. Close the lid of the dispenser for rinse aid. a The lid clicks into position.
of the impeller.
7. Insert the pump cover and press
down ⁠.
a The pump cover clicks into position.
8. Install the filter system.



空气净化器操作规程一、安全操作规程在使用空气净化器时,请务必遵守以下安全操作规程,以确保您的安全和净化器的正常运行:1. 在使用之前,请先仔细阅读并理解产品说明书,并按照说明书的指引进行操作。

2. 使用符合标准和品质认证的插座,并确保插座与净化器电源相匹配。

3. 在插拔电源线和清洁过滤器时,务必先将净化器关闭,并拔掉电源插头。

4. 使用时,请将净化器放置在稳定的平面上,以免发生倾倒导致意外。

5. 避免在高温、潮湿或有水源的环境中使用净化器,以防电气短路和其他安全问题。

二、基本操作步骤以下是基本的空气净化器操作步骤,您可以按照以下顺序操作:1. 将净化器放置在您希望净化的空间中,并确保净化器后方有足够的空间以保证空气流通。

2. 连接净化器的电源,确保电源插头牢固插入插座。

3. 按下净化器的电源按钮,开始运行。

4. 根据空气净化器的操作面板,选择相应的净化模式。

5. 根据需要,调节净化器的风速和定时设置。

6. 当需要更换滤芯时,请根据说明书提供的操作步骤进行更换。

7. 定期清洁净化器的外壳和过滤器,以确保其正常运行效果。

三、使用技巧和注意事项以下是使用空气净化器的一些技巧和注意事项,供您参考:1. 根据房间大小和空气质量,选择适合的净化器型号和规格。

2. 在使用净化器时,保持房间门窗关闭,以防止外界污染物进入。

3. 避免将净化器放置在易受污染的区域,如厨房或浴室。

4. 预防细菌滋生,定期清洗和更换净化器的过滤器。

5. 在更换滤芯时,一定要选用原装滤芯或认可的品牌滤芯,以确保净化效果。

6. 定期检查净化器的电源线和插头是否磨损,如有损坏应及时更换。

7. 如净化器出现异常情况(如发出异常噪音、故障指示灯亮起等),请及时关闭净化器并寻求专业维修。

四、使用空气净化器的好处使用空气净化器可以带来许多好处,包括:1. 去除空气中的灰尘、花粉和其他过敏原,提供清洁的呼吸空间。

2. 消除空气中的异味和有害气体,改善室内空气质量。



夏普(Sharp)空气净化器型号KC-WE20-W KC-WE30-W图片价格17991999标价京东17991999天猫苏宁易购模拟现场除菌性能现场除菌性能 >99% >99%PM2.5去除率 >99% >99%洁净空气量CADR(m3/h)190250净化效能等级 A级 A级最大加湿量(ml/h)450550盛水桶容量(L)约3.0约3.6外形尺寸(mm)宽×深×高 375x239x570393x270x603重量(kg)约8.0约9.2特点夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况定时关机定时关机加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK 加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK集尘HEPA过滤网FZ-CD20BH 集尘HEPA过滤网FZ-CD30BH脱臭/除甲醛一体化过滤网FZ-WE20AD 脱臭/除甲醛一体化过滤网FZ-WE30AD分析1.夏普KC-BB系列是目前关注度最高的,销售渠道为BTB,2.KCZ系列是实体店专供应型号,用于卖场零售,个性功能:9个阶段室尘监测显示,13.KC-WB系列为垂直性网站平台定制,电商平台定制机型,其参数功能和KC-BB和KCZ系4.智能加湿系列 KC-BD60-S 40平/KC-BD30-S 35.5平/KC-BD20-S 25.5平;KC-CD60-N 45.智能超吸附系列FU-CD6.净化抗菌系列,KI-BB60-W 100平/KC-W380SW-W 45-58平Z系列:加湿滤网:5年集尘 滤网:10年祛甲醛滤网:2年除臭滤网:5年W系列:加湿滤净化器KC-WE21-W/KC-WE21-N KC-WE31-W/KC-WE31-N KC-WE61-W/KC-WE61-N309934993999249934993099/320934993999309934993999>99% >99% >99%>99% >99% >99%>99% >99% >99%201251401A级 A级 A级450600760375x234x570393x265x603413x288x646约8.1约9.2约11夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况定时开机定时关机定时开机定时关机定时开机定时关机加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK 加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK集尘HEPA过滤网FZ-CD20BH 集尘HEPA过滤网FZ-CD30BH集尘HEPA过滤网FZ-WE61GH脱臭/除甲醛一体化过滤网FZ-WE20AD 脱臭/除甲醛一体化过滤网FZ-WE30AD脱臭/除甲醛一体化过滤网FZ-WE61AD为BTB,主要满足企业采购,个性功能:5个阶段室尘监测显示,按钮锁零售,个性功能:9个阶段室尘监测显示,1%单位温度显示平台定制机型,其参数功能和KC-BB和KCZ系列基本一致,个性功能:5个阶段室尘监测显示,按钮锁-S 35.5平/KC-BD20-S 25.5平;KC-CD60-N 40平/KC-CD30-W 23.5平/KC-CD20-W 18.5平;BB/GD0SW-W 45-58平甲醛滤网:2年除臭滤网:5年W系列:加湿滤网:2年集尘 滤网:10年祛甲醛滤网:2年除臭滤网:5年W-W系列:加湿滤网:2KC-CD60-W/KC-CD60-N KC-CD30-W KC-CD20-W389929992499268820992199239929992599>99% >99%>99%>99% >99%>99%>99% >99%>99%401235185A级 A级A级760600450 约4.0 约3.6约3.0 412x288x643 399x278x607382x247x574 约11 约9.2约8.1利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)运用三种高效滤网 空气净化更运用三种高效滤网 空气净化更运用三种高效滤网 空气净化更保持滋润 叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润 叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润 叶轮式的加湿构造运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便风口自动盖板风口自动盖板风口自动盖板加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK 加湿过滤网FZ-GB90ZK加湿过滤网FZ-GB90ZKHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB60GH HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD30BHHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD20BH脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB60GT 脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB30GT脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB20GTRMB533示,按钮锁.5平;BB/GD:2年除臭滤网:5年W-W系列:加湿滤网:2年集尘 滤网:2年祛甲醛滤网:2年除臭滤网:2年KC-BD60-S KC-BD30-S KC-BD20-S3999349930993499>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%402255200A 级A 级A 级760600450约4.0约3.6约3.0413x288x646319x265x603375x234x570约11约9.2约8.1利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造保持滋润真正加湿,叶轮式的加湿构造运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力倾斜20°新气流+前方气流倾斜20°新气流+前方气流倾斜20°新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK 加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK加湿过滤网FZ-GB90ZKHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB60GH HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB30GHRMB533HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB20GH除甲醛过滤网FZ-C151VFS 除甲醛过滤网FZ-C101VFS除甲醛过滤网FZ-C71VFS脱臭过滤网FZ-BD60ZD 脱臭过滤网FZ-BD30ZD脱臭过滤网FZ-BD20ZD:2年KC-BB60-W KC-BB30-W KC-BB20-W409935993099499944993999 3599/349929992599 349929992499 3598/35992998/29992499/2498>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%405255200A级A级A级760600450约4.0约3.6约3.0412×288×643393×265×603375×234×570约11.0约9.2约8.1夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK 加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZK加湿过滤网FZ-BB90ZKHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB60GH HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB30GHRMB533HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB20GH脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB60GTRMB667脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB30GT脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB20GTRMB533Ag+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AG Ag+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGAg+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGKC-Z380SW KC-Z280SW KC-Z200SW40992580288035993099299926802999.122980/2978>99%>99%99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%370288206A 级A 级A 级760600450约4.0约3.6约3.0412×288×643393×265×603375×234×570约11.0约9.2约8.1夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底保持滋润 真正加湿保持滋润 真正加湿保持滋润 真正加湿叶轮式的加湿构造叶轮式的加湿构造叶轮式的加湿构造运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流向后20°的新气流+前方气流全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利带脚轮,打扫时很便利加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加水,清洗都很方便加湿过滤网FZ-Z380MF RMB133加湿过滤网FZ-Z380MFRMB133加湿过滤网FZ-Z380MFRMB133HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-380HFS HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-280HFSRMB399HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-200HFSRMB338脱臭过滤网FZ-C150DFS RMB213/RMB199脱臭过滤网FZ-C100DFSRMB199脱臭过滤网FZ-C70DFSRMB169除甲醛过滤网FZ-C150VFS RMB229除甲醛过滤网FZ-C100CFS除甲醛过滤网FZ-C70VFSAg+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AG Ag+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGAg+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGKC-W200SW KC-WB6-W KC-WB3-W4099359940993599 19804099/38993599228036993599 1980/2180/228031992799 >99%99%>99%99%>99% 280405255A级A级A级600760600约4.0约4.3约4378×265×586398×288×627378×265×586约9约11约9.2夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术四重滤网,空气净化更彻底四重滤网,空气净化更彻底保持滋润真正加湿保持滋润真正加湿叶轮式的加湿构造叶轮式的加湿构造风量高效化,强大的吸附力风量高效化,强大的吸附力全程监测房间内的空气状况全程监测房间内的空气状况加湿过滤网-约为2年FZ-C100MFS 加湿过滤网FZ-WB90WK加湿过滤网FZ-WB90WK集尘过滤网-约为10年FZ-200HFS HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB60GHHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-GB30GHRMB533除甲醛过滤网-约为2年FZ-C70VFSRMB199脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB60GT脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB30GT可清洗脱臭过滤网-约为5年FC-C70DFS Ag+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGAg+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGKC-WB2-W KC-GD10-W KC-Y180SW288018001880309919993099188024991999188030991999/19901780>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%>99%200160178A 级A 级A 级425350350约3约2.1约2.1360×233×550375x205x535375×205×535约8约6.1约6.1夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术四重滤网,空气净化更彻底保持居室空气洁净滋润,适合小房间使用的加湿机型・日本净离子群技术・三重滤网(集尘/脱臭一体化滤网+除甲醛滤网+前置滤网)・独特气流【背部吸附,向后20°的新气流保持居室空气洁净滋润,适合小房间使用的加湿机型・日本净离子群技术・三重滤网(集尘/脱臭一体化滤网+除甲醛滤网+前置滤网)・独特气流【背部吸附,向后20°的新气流「抑菌+加湿」四层滤网净化空气「抑菌+加湿」四层滤网净化空气呈现适度的舒适滋润空间呈现适度的舒适滋润空间净离子群以倾斜20°的清新气流净化子群以倾斜20°的清新气流净化加湿过滤网FZ-GB20GH 加湿过滤网FZ-Y180MFSRMB90加湿过滤网FZ-Y180MFS集尘过滤网FZ-GB30GH 除甲醛过滤网FZ-Y180VFSRMB160除甲醛过滤网FZ-Y180VFSRMB160脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-GB20GT 集尘·脱臭一体化过滤网FZ-Y180SFS集尘·脱臭一体化过滤网FZ-Y180SFSFU-Y180SW KC-W380SW-W KI-BB60-W FU-WD20-S/FU-BD20-W449969992399唯一国家认证消毒机,会员33993899/3599/38885999/5388FU-WD20-S 1999899449969992399899/7983899/4499/39986999/59991799/239999%>99%99%99%>99%99%99%>99%99%375405240A 级A 级A 级730760约4.3约4.0398×288×627420×340×684357x201x576约11约13.0约5.5夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术利用「净离子群」进行空中除菌的机制(示意图)空气消毒机,净化空气新概念!四层滤网,强力集尘空气净化更彻底适合中小房型的空气净化器,・日本净离子群技术・快速除菌喷淋・三重滤网・空气质量显示・定时关机・按钮锁(儿童锁)净离子群浓度保持滋润 真正加湿运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底间 运用四种滤网空气净化更彻底叶轮式的加湿构造净离子群除菌喷淋运行流净化房间保持滋润 真正加湿运用空气动力学原理的快速吸附力叶轮式的加湿构造倾斜20°新气流+前方气流风量高效化,强大的吸附力全程监测房间内的空气状况背面网格构造,超强吸附力净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群以倾斜20°的清新气流净化房间带脚轮,打扫时很便利加上加湿功能,更加提高净离子群的功效加水,清洗都很方便全程监测房间内的空气状况加湿过滤网FZ-C100MFS 加湿过滤网FZ-BB60XK HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD20GH 高效HEPA集尘滤网FZ-380HFSHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-BB60XH脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-CD20GD脱臭过滤网FZ-C150DFS RMB213/RMB199脱臭过滤网FZ-BB60XT 除甲醛过滤网FZ-C150VFS 除甲醛过滤网FZ-BB60XV Ag+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGAg+离子抗菌装置FZ-GB01AGFU-WD30-S/FU-BD30-W FU-CD30-W/FU-CD30-PFU-CD20-W/FU-CD20-R U-GB10-W/FU-GB10-P/FU-GB10-349937002399119934992888349911992599/34993499/3498119999%>99%>99%>99%99%>99%>99%>99%99%>99%>99%>99%260270250170A 级A 级A 级A 级366x263x668369×263×668357x201x576356×180×510约7约7.0约5.5约5.0夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术适合中小房型的空气净化器・日本净离子群技术・快速除菌喷淋・三重滤网・异味检测显示・室尘监测显示・定时关机・按钮锁(儿童锁)适合大型卧室使用的时尚机型・日本净离子群技术・三重滤网(集尘HEPA 滤网+脱臭/除甲醛一体化滤网+前置滤网)・独特气流・直流电机・全新斜式外观设计适合大型卧室使用的时尚机型・日本净离子群技术・三重滤网(集尘HEPA 滤网+脱臭/除甲醛一体化滤网+前置滤网)・独特气流・直流电机・全新斜式外观设计适合小房间使用的标准机型・日本净离子群技术・三重滤网(集尘/脱臭一体化滤网+除甲醛滤网+前置滤网)・独特气流【背部吸附,向后20°的新气流】运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底运用三种滤网,空气净化更彻底净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行净离子群除菌喷淋运行HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD30GH HEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD30GHHEPA集尘过滤网FZ-CD20GH除甲醛过滤网FZ-Y180VFSRMB160脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-CD30GD 脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-CD30GT脱臭·除甲醛一体过滤网FZ-CD20GD集尘·脱臭一体化过滤网FZ-Y180SFSRMB209FU-W240SR/FU-W240SW FU-A420S-B/FU-A420S-S CF-20NZW-2CFJ-15SW199934992999345034801999/188018993499≥98%>99%30℃/80%:2030℃/85%:15;27℃/60%:8>99%46-8335-58>99%5-355-40风量240 | 156 | 30418A 级5L 储水箱容量约1.8L时,自动停止储水箱容量314×207×620402×245×620372×282×614372×235×560约6.0约8.3约14约13夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术夏普特有的净离子群空间净化技术清洁干燥去除晾在房间内的衣物异味并进行干燥。




二、选择合适的位置1. 将空气净化器放置在通风良好的位置,远离任何阻挡物,如家具、墙角等。

2. 避免将空气净化器放置在阳光直射的地方,以免影响其效果和寿命。

3. 确保所选位置不受到大风或湿气的影响,这可能会干扰空气净化器的正常工作。

三、连接电源1. 将空气净化器的电源线插入稳定可靠的插座中。

2. 在插拔电源线时,务必确认手部干燥以及关掉电源开关,以确保安全操作。

四、操作界面介绍1. 外部操作界面上通常会有电源开关、风速调节、定时设置等功能按钮,具体功能请参照产品说明书。

2. 阅读产品说明书,了解每个按钮的作用及使用方法。

五、基本设置步骤1. 按下电源开关,开启空气净化器。


2. 根据个人需求和空气污染的程度,调节风速按钮。


3. 如果空气净化器设有定时功能,可根据需要设置定时时间。


六、注意事项1. 在使用空气净化器之前,务必确保设备已经完成正常的安装和维护。

2. 定期清洁和更换空气净化器的滤芯。


3. 遵循产品说明书上的使用规范,不要过度使用或使用不当,以免影响设备的寿命和效果。

4. 定期检查并清洁空气净化器的外部表面和通风口。


七、结束操作1. 当不再需要使用空气净化器时,首先关闭电源开关。

2. 将设备与电源断开,并拔出电源线。

3. 清洁并储存设备时,参考产品说明书中的建议方法。








二、使用方法1. 放置位置选择健康家电空气净化器适用于各种室内环境,但应避免阳光直射和潮湿的地方。


2. 连接电源将空气净化器插头连接到电源插座,并确保电源供应稳定。


3. 打开开关找到空气净化器的开关,并将其切换至“开启”状态。


4. 调节风速根据需求,选择合适的风速档位。


5. 定期更换滤芯空气净化器的滤芯是保证其正常工作的重要组成部分。


三、清洁方法1. 断电和拆卸在进行清洁之前,务必先将空气净化器断电并拔掉电源插头。


2. 清洗外观使用柔软的湿布或者中性清洁剂,轻轻擦拭空气净化器的外壳和控制面板,去除灰尘和污渍。


3. 清洗滤芯根据滤芯材质和型号的不同,可选用水洗或抖动的方式清洗滤芯。


4. 晾干和安装清洗后的滤芯应晾干,确保没有残留水分。


5. 定期检查为了保证空气净化器的正常运行和过滤效果,建议每2-3个月对其进行一次全面的检查,包括滤芯的清洁和更换、风道的排污等。

四、注意事项1. 儿童禁止操作由于空气净化器有电器连接和高转速风扇等部件,儿童在使用时应在成人的监护下进行。

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我们这款产品有前置滤网、可清洗脱臭滤网、甲醛去除滤网、集尘滤网(HEPA 滤网)、加湿滤网组成。







HEPA 过滤器能够吸纳99.7%大小为0.3微米的悬浮微粒。



























