毕业论⽂设计--汽车租赁管理系统课程设计正⽂说明书长沙学院课程设计说明书题⽬汽车租赁管理系统系(部) 数学与计算机科学系专业(班级)姓名学号指导教师潘怡起⽌⽇期2015.6.15~2015.6.26课程设计任务书课程名称:数据库系统原理课程设计设计题⽬:汽车租赁管理系统已知技术参数和设计要求:题⽬:汽车租赁管理系统1、某汽车租赁公司汽车租赁管理系统需要如下信息:⼯作⼈员信息包括:⼯号、姓名、性别、联系电话等。
关键词:51单片机,豆浆机,控制系统ABSTRACTNow because of the social life rhythm speeding up, there are many people who have no time to eat breakfast, breakfast is very important to people's health, however. The traditional food of China soybean milk is a kind of nutritious food for young and old. Soybean milk is rich in nutrients, although less tofu, but higher than any other dairy, so soya-bean milk is a good choice for breakfast. But due to the complexity of traditional soya-bean milk production process, production time is long, many people gave up drinking soybean milk. Design DouJiangJi intelligent control system, therefore, to produce an efficient time-saving DouJiangJi is very necessary. Design intelligent DouJiangJi goal: making full doug pulp, grain and soybean milk, nutritional rice cereal, vegetable juice, etc. Only need to start the whole process DouJiangJi, beating, boiled pulp completely automating, short 10 minutes to fully automatic do soya-bean milk, both safety and health, and quick and convenient.This design is based on 51 microcontroller designed a high efficient time-saving DouJiangJi intelligent control system. This DouJiangJi intelligent control system is mainly composed of MCS - 51 series microcontroller, temperature detector, spill-proof circuit, heating circuit, prevent water circuit, beating circuit, alarm circuit and so on, fully automatic soya-bean milk production. Its production process is reached the preset mode, can automatically complete crushing function, heating, spill prevention, alarm functions, etc. Can choose the following material as a general processing objects, such as beans, corn and other grain, vegetables, fruit and other food. The DouJiangJi intelligent control system has great value in application and use.Keywords:51 microcontroller, DouJiangJi, control system目录摘要 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
毕业论文2doc - 长沙民政职业技术学院
长沙民政职业技术学院毕业实践报告题目:广东东莞翊凯电器制品有限公司应收账款管理存在的问题及措施类型:指导老师:佘浩院系:商学院会计系班级:会计1034班学号:16 17 18姓名:黄彬俞丽君莫盼二0一三年四月十日目录摘要 (3)关键词 (3)一、公司简介 (4)二、东莞翊凯电器制品有限公司应收账款管理中存在的问题 (4)1、企业缺乏风险意识 (5)2、内部控制存在缺陷 (5)3、信用管理薄弱 (6)4、部门间责任不明、管理落后 (7)5、财务核算粗放、对账不及时 (7)三、东莞翊凯电器制品有限公司应收账款问题的解决对策 (7)1、强化内部控制制度,健全应收账款的监督管理机制 (7)2、加强应收账款的回收 (8)3、加强应收账款日常管理 (8)4、开展信用调查,建立客户信用资料,分析客户信用状况 (9)5、制定合理的信用政策 (10)6、应收账款的事后管理 (11)结束语 (11)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)广东东莞翊凯电器制品有限公司应收账款管理存在问题及措施班级:会计1034班小组成员:黄彬俞丽君莫盼学号:16 17 18指导老师:佘浩摘要:应收账款管理是企业财务管理的重要内容,直接关系到企业财务状况的好坏。
长沙学院CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY毕业论文资料论文题目:有理函数逼近及其应用系部:信息与计算科学专业:数学与应用数学学生姓名:徐芬芬班级:二班学号2008031224指导教师姓名:张作政职称讲师最终评定成绩长沙学院教务处二○一二年二月制目录第一部分毕业论文一、毕业论文第二部分过程管理资料一、毕业设计(论文)课题任务书二、本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告三、本科毕业设计(论文)中期报告四、毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅表五、毕业设计(论文)评阅教师评阅表六、毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表(2012届)本科生毕业设计(论文)资料第一部分毕业论文(20 12 届)本科生毕业论文说明书有理函数的逼近及其应用系部:信息与计算科学专业:数学与应用数学学生姓名:徐芬芬班级:二班学号2008031224指导教师姓名:张作政职称讲师最终评定成绩2012年 4 月长沙学院本科生毕业论文有理函数逼近及其应用系(部):信息与计算科学专业:数学与应用数学学号: 2008031224学生姓名:徐芬芬指导教师:张作政讲师2012年4 月摘要有理函数逼近理论及其应用是逼近问题研究中的重要组成部分。
关键词:函数,有理逼近,倒插商,有理插值ABSTRACTT he rational function approximation theory and its application is approximation to the important component. This paper introduces the definition, a rational function approximation structure and its related knowledge, and of a rational function the existence and the uniqueness of the interpolation, introduces several common rational approximation. The main is a rational function approximation to the application of research. First is to use Inverted plug Manufacturers and the uniqueness of a rational function solving numerical optimization problem, and the result shows that the method in solving numerical optimization problem speed and precision. Second is based on Thiele even fraction approaching, and deduced the formula to Halley iteration. The bottom can be difference quotient approximation method, get more than two initial point iterative formula so as to avoid the derivation operations. Keywords: function, rational approximation, Inverted plug Manufacturers,rational interpolation目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 有理逼近的研究背景 (1)1.2 有理逼近的研究目的及意义 (1)第二章有理逼近相关知识介绍 (4)2.1 有理逼近的定义 (4)2.2 逼近函数的构造 (5)2.3几种常见的有理逼近 (8)2.3.1 Padé逼近 (8)2.3.2 Müntz有理逼近 (8)2.3.3 最佳有理分式逼近 (8)第三章有理插值函数的存在性及唯一性 (9)3.1 有理插值问题的存在性 (10)3.2 有理插值函数的唯一性 (11)第四章有理函数逼近的应用................ 错误!未定义书签。
长沙学院CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY 本科生毕业论文论文题目: 简析凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性与幻想性——以《海底两万里》为例系部:中文与新闻传播系专业:汉语言文学学生姓名:潘岳男班级:1班学号2010064103 指导教师姓名:李夫生职称教授长沙学院教务处二○一三年六月制(20 14 届)本科生毕业论文简析凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性与幻想性——以《海底两万里》为例系部:中文与新闻传播系专业:汉语言文学(涉外文秘)***名:***班级:1班学号**********指导教师姓名:李夫生职称教授最终评定成绩20 14年 5 月摘要儒勒·凡尔纳是十九世纪法国著名的科幻小说作家和诗人,也是世界科幻文学的奠基人,被誉为“科幻小说之父”。
关键词:凡尔纳,科幻小说,科学性,幻想性,预见性,启发性ABSTRACTJules Verne is a famous French science fiction and adventure fiction writer in 19th century, is also the founder of the world science fiction literature, who is known as the "father of science fiction". He is a scientist of the writer, and astronomers of scientists, he skillfully combined the science of science fiction and fantasy, when performance scientifically, including his scientific spirit, rich and precise scientific knowledge, use the scientific method to write novels. When performance fantasy sex, there are three characteristics: based on science and fantasy, hero, people-centric fantasy. Because of its science and fantasy novels have made his science fiction far-reaching influence to later generations. The full text key analysis method was used to the submarine two miles \"as an example to analyze the Verne science and fantasy, science fiction, engaged in a science trip.Keywords: Verne, Science fiction, scientific, Sexual fantasy, Instructive目录摘要 (I)ABSTRACT (II)前言 (1)一凡尔纳小说的科学性 (2)(一)凡尔纳的科学精神 (2)(二)文本内容的科学性 (2)(三)全方位的科学性 (3)1交代时空变化的数字 (3)2关于科学推理的对话 (4)3符合人的心理变化的结构 (4)二凡尔纳小说的幻想性 (6)(一)基于科学的幻想 (6)(二)塑造了独具魅力的英雄形象 (6)(三)以人为中心的想象 (7)三凡尔纳科幻小说的意义与作用 (9)(一)预见性 (9)(二)促进科学知识的普及,寓教于乐 (9)(三)启发性 (10)结论 (11)参考文献 (12)致谢 (13)前言儒勒·凡尔纳,这位出生于法国的人,最初是学习法律,后来才投入小说创作的。
பைடு நூலகம்组分
注:“+”表示重要成分,“*”表示冗余成分。(资料来源: 许成章:《船舶先进技术》,船舶工业出版社,2002.)
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反射式光纤电流传感器的分析及设计毕业设计论文 精品
作者签名:日期:目录第一部分毕业论文一、毕业论文第二部分过程管理资料一、毕业设计(论文)课题任务书二、本科毕业设计(论文)开题报告三、本科毕业设计(论文)中期报告四、毕业设计(论文)指导教师评阅表五、毕业设计(论文)评阅教师评阅表六、毕业设计(论文)答辩评审表2011届本科生毕业设计(论文)资料第一部分毕业论文(2011届)本科生毕业论文反射式光纤电流传感器的分析及设计系部:电子与通信工程系专业:应用物理学学生姓名:班级:一班学号 2007041118指导教师姓名:职称讲师最终评定成绩2011年5月长沙学院本科生毕业设计反射式光纤电流传感器的分析及设计系(部):电子与通信工程系专业:应用物理学学号: 2007041118学生姓名:指导教师:讲师ABSTRACTAs the voltage and current levels increase, the traditional assolenoid style current transformer cannot satisfy the measurement requirements. Optical fiber current sensor as an new power detection equipment, by its unique advantages and has a good prospect in the market.Based on optical fiber current sensor research and applications for background, mainly in reflective optical fiber current sensor in the principle and characteristics of further research. This paper first discusses the compared with traditional sensors, optical fiber current sensor has the advantages ,Then, at home and abroad optical fiber current sensor of a simple overview of the state, summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of different optical fiber current sensor. According to the existing deficiency of optical fiber current sensor, and proposes an reflex of fiber current sensor, improve the sensitivity of the optical fiber current sensor, and analyses the deep theoretical research. First, the detailed discussion on Faraday magneto-optic effect, then the basis of the principle of using Jones matrix, reflective optical fiber current sensor for a theoretical analysis and calculation, obtained reflex current sensor mathematical model. The influence of various factors sensor measurement accuracy, the overall theoretical analysis, and from the Angle of polarization and from every physical process detailed analysis. Finally, the reflex current sensor model in each device design and choice; To further design optical fiber current sensor laid a theoretical foundation.Keywords:Optical fiber current sensor,Jones matrix,Fraday effect目录摘要................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
长 沙 学 院 CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY毕业设计(论文)题目:汽车座椅调角器产品质量控制与控制措施毕 业 届: 2011届专业班级:机械设计与制造0902班学 生:肖昌洲学 号: 05指导教师:何航敏职 位 :副教授教学单位:长沙学院2013年6月8日 页边距上边距:30mm ;下边距:25mm ;左边距:30mm ;右边距:20mm ; 打印时请去掉此框!!毕业设计(论文)课题任务书机电系系(院)机械设计与制造专业机械班学生肖昌洲一、毕业设计(论文)课题汽车座椅调角器产品质量控制与控制措施二、毕业设计(论文)工作自2013 年10 月 1 日起至2013 年10 月31 日止三、毕业设计(论文)进行地点长沙学院四、毕业设计(论文)的内容要求1汽车座椅调角器的生产过程2.调角器质量为题原因的分析与产品质量控制概念3.质量问题产生后的解决办法和质量问题的预防措施4.汽车座椅调节机构主要分为座椅调角器和座椅滑轨,特别是调角器主要为精冲件,其精度要求高,产品结构较为复杂,在质量控制上难度较大.质量是一个企业的灵魂,没有质量的保障一个企业就很难生存,在产品质量要有完整的预防措施与处理方法。
黄桥大道二级公路初步设计毕业论文本科生毕业设计说明书长沙学院毕业设计本科生毕业设计说明书黄桥大道二级公路初步设计 ( K0+000.000~K3+000.000)系部:土木工程专业:土木工程学生姓名:班级:路桥1班学号2010054109最终评定成绩长沙学院毕业设计摘要本设计为湖南省长沙市黄桥大道二级公路K0+000~K3+011段初步设计,设计速度为60Km/h,采用双向二车道,整体式双幅路基断面形式,路基宽度9.7m,行车道宽2×3.5m;桥涵汽车荷载为公路—Ⅱ级。
通过查阅《公路工程技术标准》(JTG B01-2003)、《路基设计规范》(JTG D30-2004)、《路基路面工程》以及《桥梁工程》等相关资料,本设计完成了以下4个方面的设计任务。
关键词:二级公路,路线设计,路基及路面设计,排水设计,结构物设计长沙学院毕业设计ABSTRACTThis design is the preliminary design of the secondary highway of Huangqiao Avenue K0+000~K3+011 segment in Changsha City ,Hunan Province, the design speeds of 60Km/h, using two-way two lane,integral twin cross-section type of subgrade, roadbed width of 9.7m, lane width of 2×3.5m; culvert car load for the road - Ⅱ grade .Referring to “Highway Engineering Technical Standard”(JTG B01-2003),“Roadbed Design Specifications” (JTG D30-2004), “Roadbed Pavement Engineering”,“Bridge Project”and several other relative information, the design is completed with four following aspects of design tasks. Route Design:on the principle of route selection,the route should avoid acrossing adverse geological location and reduce demolition,the design conducted system selection and optimization design; Roadbed Design: the road embankment retaining wall using gravity retaining wall ,and choosing the unfavorable terrain to checking the stability of retaining walls;Drainage Engineering Design:this section were set up a culvert,four pipe culvert ,ditches and drains,strive to maintain the original water and irrigation system to facilitate farmland capital construction, keeping ecological balance,and strive to adopt a standard,deft,economical structure;Pavement Engineering Design:respectively designed and comprehensive compared the asphalt pavement and cement concrete pavement.Keywords:two stage highway, route design, subgrade and pavement design, drainage design, structure design长沙学院毕业设计目录摘要 (II)ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................... I II 第1章设计总说明 (1)1.1 地理位置 (1)1.2 地形地貌 (1)1.3 沿线气候及水文条件 (1)1.4 自然病害 (1)1.5 总体设计原则 (1)第2章线形设计 (3)2.1 公路等级的确定 (3)2.1.1 已知交通量 (3)2.1.2 交通量计算 (4)2.1.3 确定公路等级 (4)2.1.4 确定公路行车速度 (5)2.2 路线方案比选 (6)2.3 平曲线的计算 (8)2.3.1 平曲线设计的原则 (8)2.3.2 平曲线要素的计算 (9)2.3.3 各主点桩号的计算 (13)2.4 竖曲线设计与计算 (15)2.4.1 纵断面设计依据 (15)2.4.2 平曲线设计的原则 (16)2.4.3 竖曲线要素的计算 (17)第3章横断面设计 (20)3.1 横断面设计概况 (20)3.2 平曲线加宽及其过渡 (21)3.3 超高的确定及过渡方法 (22)3.3.1 超高的确定 (22)3.3.2 超高的过渡的方式 (23)3.3.3 超高过渡段 (24)3.3.4 超高值的计算 (24)3.3.5 横向力系数 的确定 (27)3.4 土石方的计算和调配 (28)3.4.1土石方的调配原则 (28)3.4.2土石方数量计算 (29)3.5土石方的调配方法 (30)3.6土石方调配的步骤 (31)3.6.1 准备工作 (31)长沙学院毕业设计3.6.2 横向调运 (31)3.6.3 纵向调运 (31)3.6.4 计算借方数量、废方数量和总运量 (31)3.6.5 复核 (32)第4章路基设计 (33)4.1 路基设计的原则 (33)4.2 路基边坡设计 (34)4.2.1 填土路堤边坡 (34)4.2.2 路堑边坡 (34)4.3 边坡防护设计 (35)4.3.1 边坡防护设计原则 (35)4.3.2 边坡防护设计方式 (35)4.4 路基填料 (37)4.5 挡土墙设计 (38)4.5.1 土壤地质情况 (38)4.5.2 挡土墙布置 (40)4.5.3 墙身构造 (40)4.5.4 墙身材料 (40)4.5.5 车辆荷载 (41)4.5.6 确定破裂面交于路基的位置 (41)4.5.7 计算土压力 (42)4.5.8 稳定性验算 (43)4.5.9 基底应力及合力偏心距验算 (46)4.5.10 墙身截面强度验算 (48)4.6 挡土墙排水 (52)第5章水泥混凝土路面设计 (53)5.1路面厚度计算 (53)5.1.1交通分析 (53)5.1.2初拟路面结构 (58)5.2路面材料参数确定 (60)5.3 荷载疲劳应力 (64)5.4 温度疲劳应力 (65)5.5验算初拟路面结构 (66)5.6接缝设计 (67)5.6.1纵向接缝 (67)5.6.2横向接缝 (68)5.7混凝土面板钢筋设计 (69)5.7.1边缘补强钢筋 (69)5.7.2角隅钢筋 (70)5.8材料用量计算 (70)5.8.1 面层 (70)5.8.2 基层 (71)长沙学院毕业设计5.8.3 垫层 (72)第6章沥青路面结构设计 (73)6.1 交通量计算及分析 (73)6.2 半刚性基层沥青混凝土路面面层结构设计 (78)6.2.1 基本参数 (78)6.2.2 确定路面设计弯沉值与抗拉强度结构系数 (79)第7章路面方案比选 (84)7.1 方案比选 (84)7.1.1 水泥混凝土路面优、缺点 (84)7.1.2 沥青混凝土路面优、缺点 (84)7.1.3 两种路面的比较 (85)7.2路面的确定 (85)第8章排水设计 (86)8.1 气候与地质条件介绍 (86)8.2 边沟排水设计 (86)8.2.1 边沟的设置 (86)8.2.2 边沟横断面设计 (87)8.2.3 排水沟横断面设计 (91)8.3 路面排水设计 (92)8.4 纵坡排水 (93)第9章桥涵(交叉)设计 (94)9.1 概述 (94)9.2 桥梁设计 (94)9.2.1 设计资料 (95)9.2.2 纵断面设计 (95)9.2.3 横断面布置 (96)9.2.4 桥头路基设计 (98)9.3 涵洞设计 (98)9.3.1 基底处理 (99)9.3.2 涵洞构造 (99)9.3.3 涵顶填土 (99)9.4 平面交叉设计 (101)9.4.1 平面交叉交角与岔数 (101)9.4.2 平面相交 (101)第10章工程概算 (102)10.1 编制依据 (102)10.2 单位分析相关条件 (103)10.3 工程量计算 (104)10.4 预算成果 (105)结论 (106)参考文献 (107)长沙学院毕业设计附录 (108)致谢 (110)长沙学院毕业设计第1章设计总说明1.1 地理位置黄桥大道为湖南省长沙市南北主干道,南起长潭交界处,向北穿过龙王港路、枫林路、金洲大道、岳麓大道、止于郭亮路。
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毕业论文(设计)航空发动机齿轮所用材料的选择其热处理的探讨院系航空装备维修工程学院专业飞机维修班级 12级5702订单班学号 201200163042姓名伍智兵指导老师邓岚二Ο一四年12 月 10 日诚信声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的大专毕业论文(设计),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究所取得的成果。
毕业论文(设计)作者签名:伍智兵2014年12月 10日目录第一章航空发动机齿轮所用材料的选择1.1引言 (1)1.2航空发动机齿轮材料的现状 (2)1.2.1航空发动机承受主要负荷的齿轮材料 (3)1.2.2航空齿轮材料的应用 (6)1.2.3航空发动机齿轮用钢的化学成分 (6)1.2.4航空齿轮材料的选择 (7)第二章航空发动机齿轮热处理及探讨2.1.1航空发动机齿轮热处理一般化学元素作用 (9)2.1.2预备热处理的选择 (10)2.1.3中间热处理(调质和去应力退火工艺) (11)2.1.4热处理工艺 (11)2.1.5渗碳处理 (12)2.1.6锻造 (13)2.1.7淬火+低温回火 (13)2.1.8分析与讨论 (14)参考文献 (16)致谢 (17)航空发动机齿轮所用材料的选择其热处理的探讨摘要:航空发动机齿轮它在工作中的受力情况比较复杂。
长沙学院CHANGSHA UNIVERSITY 本科生毕业论文长沙学院教务处二○一三年六月制(20 14 届)本科生毕业论文Differences of Face Considerations and Influences on Cross-culturalCommunication2014年 5 月长沙学院毕业论文中西方面子观差异及对跨文化交际的影响作者:谭雪芬导师:李梦龙摘要随着改革开放的进一步深入,人们更加注重中西方之间面子观的差异及其对跨文化交际的影响。
本文概述了面子观的定义,对比了中西方国家对面子观的不同理解,关注程度以及处理面子问题时的不同方式,并从生活环境,历史文化渊源,性格和思维方式入手,分析了中西文化氛围里对面子内涵理解差异的原因,针对面子观的差异对跨文化交际的影响,作者提出了一些建设性的建议,希望在跨文化交际过程中,通过使用礼貌,委婉,幽默的语言,让双方都保住面子,提高认知社会语言和文化差异的敏感性, 从中西方文化的相互融合中受益。
关键词:面子,跨文化交际,影响,建议长沙学院毕业论文Differences of Face Considerations and Influences onCross-cultural CommunicationAuthor: Tan XuefenSupervisor: Li MenglongABSTRACTWith the policy of reforms and opening to the outside world, people pay more and more attention to the differences of face considerations between Chinese and westerners and their influences. Face consideration is a common phenomenon of our society, originated in China but not only limited in this country. It can be said that face is very important to both Chinese and westerners. To some extent, the differences of face consideration reflect different social relationship and mode of thinking. During the intercultural communication between Chinese and westerners, examples of cultural conflicts are very common, sometimes seriously influencing the smooth progress of exchanging information. Therefore, it is necessary to find out deeper reasons and take certain measures to solve these problems. This thesis gives a brief statement of the definition of face consideration and makes a comparison of different understanding, the degree of concern and ways of dealing with face issues between China and western countries. Starting from the perspective of different living environment, historical roots, character and thinking pattern, this thesis also analyzes the reasons leading to the different face concept between Chinese and westerners. Confronted with influences on the cross-cultural communication, the author puts forward some constructive suggestions with the purpose of letting both sides maintain face and improve the by means of using polite, euphemistic and humorous words in the cross-cultural communication, improving the sensibility of recognizing the differences of social language and culture and benefiting a lot from the mutual combination of Chinese and western culture.Keywords: face, cross-cultural communication, influences, suggestions长沙学院毕业论文AcknowledgementsFirst of all, I would like to give my heartfelt thanks to my professor, thanks for his constant encouragement and guidance. He has walked me though all the stages of the writing of this thesis. Without his consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form.Secondly, I want to express my gratitude to my classmates who offered me references and information on time. Without their help, it would be much harder for me to finish my study and this paper.Last my thanks would go to my beloved family; I really appreciate their loving considerations and unconditional support all these years.长沙学院毕业论文CONTENTS摘要 (I)ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... I I Acknowledgements (III)1 Introduction (5)2 Definition and Comparison of Face Consideration (7)2.1 Definition of “Face” (7)2.2 Comparison of Face Consideration (8)3 Main Reasons Causing Different Face Consideration (14)3.1 Living Circumstance (14)3.2 Historical Roots and Cultural Background (14)3.3 Character and Thinking Pattern (15)4 Influences of face Consideration and Suggestions (16)4. 1 Influences of Face Consideration (16)4.2 Suggestions for Effective Cross-cultural Communication (20)5 Conclusion (23)References (25)1 IntroductionWith the rapid development of science and technology and integration of the world, people from different countries and cultures are mixed up in various communication contexts, so successful intercultural communication becomes more and more important. When Chinese people meet the westerners, numerous factors influence the development of communication in which face consideration is one of the most important aspects people should n’t ignore. Face can be described as the area of the head between the forehead and the chin, or an expression on that area of the head literally. In our dairy life, face has more complex meaning; it has been defined as a manifestation or outward aspect of something or a kind of personal qualities, such as honor, respect, self-esteem, and self-awareness and so on. A further understanding of face consideration has become a hot topic from the perspective of cross-cultural communication. As a kind of politeness phenomenon, face problem has infiltrated people’s interpersonal behavior. It is of great importance to analyze the reasons of differences of face consideration between Chinese and westerners from living circumstances, historical roots, and different cultural background. Because of the complexity of coding and decoding culture, cross-cultural communication force people to confront with the face issues. Sometimes, face variability becomes an inevitable obstacle for people who have different cultural background and face considerations. On the other hand, successful management of face issue is of significance in cross-cultural communication. Therefore, people need to know more about “face” and handle face issues appropriately when communicating with others, especially for those who have different cultural background and face considerations. Although there are many scholars and experts have done research in the field of “face”, it’s worth studying further to get smooth communication between China and western countries.This paper is composed of five parts; the first part gives a brief introduction of the whole essay. The second part introduces the definition and makes a comparison of face consideration between China and the west countries. And the third part illustrates main reasons causing different face perceptions. The core part of this paper is the fourth part, which discusses the influences of face consideration in China, in the west countries and in the process ofcross-cultural communication, besides, it also put forward some appropriate suggestions to solve the misunderstanding and conflicts led by face considerations. The fifth part comes to a conclusion.2 Definition and Comparison of Face ConsiderationDifferent people have different ideas about the definition of “face”. They also tend to make a comparison of different face consideration between Chinese and westerners.2.1 Definition of “Face”The word “face” has been defined as a kind of personal qualities or abstract things, such as honor, respect, self-esteem, and self-awareness and so on. It first appeared in Chinese cultural, but now it has go deep into different culture all over the world. On the other hand, Brown’s and Levinson’s masterpiece has mentioned that face consideration attach importance on personal concept, and it doesn’t appropriate for culture, since the virtue of human beings reflected though social groups. Besides, face refers to the projected image of a person’s self in a relationship network (Ting Toomey, 1988). It represents an individual’s social position and the prestige that comes from the successful performance of one or more specific social roles that well recognized by other members in the society. (Hu, 1944).According to the professor Ting-Toomey’s research in some western countries and China, here are some of the concepts she explores:First, face saving: the question was asked: “what do you think of face”? The students in the west countries are tended to equate the concept of face with saving their own face, such as reputation, pride, credibility, and self-respect (relating to the ego). “Face” to the westerners is associated with intrapsychic phenomena, and is more individualistic, low context. However, students in China regarded the concept of face as something related to self-image, honor, and the family and organization. To Chinese people, there is more awareness of relational dynamics in the concept of face saving.Second, face giving: students in the west countries could not offer a concept of face giving, however, Chinese people could talk about the concept of this term. So we may draw a conclusion that face giving is more related to the Chinese people. To a Chinese, face-giving means allowing room for others people to recover his or her face-room maneuver, so both can gain face in the end. Besides, Chinese people also considered face to be a mutual,interdependent concept.Third, face losing: For the westerners, loss of face means person failure, loss of self-pride, loss of self-esteem on an individual attribution basis. On the other hand, for the Chinese people, loss of face means disrupting group harmony, bringing shame to their classmates, family, or company.Forth, recovery from face losing: for the westerners, the main strategy used to recover from face loss is humor, if it does n’t work when in a serious condition, other strategies may be used are defensive strategies and attack strategies. On contrary, Chinese people focus more on maintaining the image of a win-win process.Fifth, face issue: the word “shame” occurs when feelings are associated with face issue, the feeling of “shame”has something to do with people themselves, their family and the group situations. However, the practices differ between the west countries and China: for the westerners, if they disgrace their organization, they may also disgrace themselves and their family; for the Chinese, any disgrace reflects on their family honor.Sixth, dimensions of face: western people emphasize autonomy face and think highly of privacy and person space, and individual accountability is also very important. Whereas Chinese people may focus on approval face and group dynamics or group accountability may dominate.2.2 Comparison of Face ConsiderationIt is obvious that Chinese people and the western people have totally different face considerations. In order to promote a smooth communication between China and the west countries, we should find out the differences.2.2.1 Collectivism versus IndividualismAccording to the research, Gudykunst and Ting Toomey think that China and other high- context countries emphasize “we”identity, other-face concern, positive-face need, and indirect verbal and nonverbal expression. Collectivism is at the core of Chinese traditional culture. In China, the foundation of collectivism is Confucianism, and this tradition has been formed long time ago. In ancient China, because of the influence of natural economy, rigidly hierarchical family system, three guiding principles came into being, that is ruler guidessubject, father guides son, husband guides wife. The main characteristic of collectivism is “we” identity. Chinese extremely emphasize one’s status, and the benefit, responsibility and duty in the public. They put the goals of collectivity before personal goals. The core of Chinese collectivism is unconscious connection. Chinese believe that people are related to each other, they think highly of the harmony of status, personal relationship and sense of belonging. What’s more, Chinese people think that individual can play a role only when he or she is a part of the collectivity. Therefore, Chinese people are more easily accept their fate and social status.However, “I am an individual; I can do everything by myself." We can often hear this sentence in the west countries. This high degree of belief in the Western world is individualism. Just for the sentence, we can see that individualism is the very core of western culture. For the Westerners, they feel that individualism is their self-confidence, independent performance, and this performance is that they are most proud of. In another word, they believe individualism as starting everything from the individuals, bringing their personal interests above the collective interest, only themselves, but regardless of others. It is the fact that individualism has impacted the fields such as politics, economics, and society in the western countries. According to Hofstede’s theory, individualist culture has a low power-distance distance profile. That means people in low power-distance culture will accept more responsibility. Low power-distance cultures tend to be more individualistic in nature. 2.2.2 Chinese versus WesternersOn the second hand, the characteristics of Chinese people’s face considerations are different from western people’s face consideration. Characteristics of Chinese people’s face consideration.There are four characteristics of Chinese people’s face consideration: relative, societal, hierarchical and virtuous.First, in Chinese culture, face can be conceptualized as personal relationship, even can be defined as the synonym of personal relationship. Hwang (1987) indicated that in Chinese society, face management is a power game often played by Chinese people. It is not only an important way to show off one’s power, but also a method to manipulate “the allocator’s choices of allocating resources to one’s benefit.” Losing one’s face is one of the worst ways toinjure one’s self-esteem, which in turn results in emotional uneasiness or serious conflict. Thus, in Chinese society one has to utilize every kind of method to “earn face”, and to enhance another’s face. Besides, in China giving face is the key to successful negotiation with the Chinese in business.Second, Chinese people’s face consideration has something to do with the society. According to Hu’s theory, face consideration is a kind of public awareness. He also give Chinese people’s face consideration an explanation: one can only experience the benefit of face under the circumstances when people depend on each other. Face theory is based on the social role one played in the society.Third, Chinese people’s face consideration has a natural hierarchy, it emphasize the importance of the worship of authority. Chang and Halt considered that the root of Chinese face consideration is Confucian thought. The application of face is on the basis of the hierarchy in the family, and is decided by age, blood relationship and social status.Fourth, Chinese people’s face consideration has a deep morality. Face is only the most basis carrier in morality mode. Hu defined face as a group of people show respect to those who has good reputation. Loosing face refers to condemning immoral behavior. And people are afraid of losing face, thus people will always obey the conventional social values and be conscious of the moral boundaries. Characteristics of western people’s face considerationOn the other hand, in the west countries, the face considerations are inevitably influenced by impression, which also reflects the mark of individualism. Concerns for face exist in the west countries but remain out of most people’s awareness. Life in the west countries has been relatively mobile from the earlier days and is highly mobile nowadays, and the composition of people’s community and friendship changes often during one’s lifetime, and even relatives can be left behind when people decide to seek better opportunity elsewhere. Rarely is the maintenance of group integrity and harmony paramount is a lasting way, so to “earn face”seems to be less important.Since humanity is endowed by God, an individual still has a stronghold of God-hold humanity that provides alternatives by which to sustain meaningful living in the culture after the loss of face. This may give this phenomenon an explanation that western politicians stillappeared dignified, self-confidence, and friendly to opponents who defeated them. In the west, losing face may produce fewer undesirable consequences than in China. Loss of face in the west countries only slightly undermines one’s individual social worth.2.2.3 Cases StudyAccording to the analysis above, there exist a lot of differences between China and the west countries about face considerations, the following are some specific cases. Cases study in ChinaChinese people are extremely sensitive to face since ancient time, in order to maintain their self-esteem; they pay much attention on face issue. There are literally dozens of Chinese sayings and proverbs that have to do with “face”, including:Men can’t live without face, trees can’t live without bark.” (ren hou lian, shu hou pi). “A family’s ugliness (misfortune) should never be publicly aired (jai chou bu ke wai yang). In general, Chinese people use three methods to “earn faces”and to enhance other’s face: self-deprecating behavior, achieving success, and reducing other people’s morale and boosting one’s own courage.First, China for centuries is known as a land of courtesy, in which politeness is the most important, especially when people communicate with others. To most people, maintaining respect for others is one of the best ways to “earn face”. In Chinese vocabulary, there are abundant words can express humility and respect. Such as junior, senior, your humble servant, my humble home, my humble opinion and so on. Although these words were created in ancient China, they are still in use today, even in some formal occasion.Second, history has witnessed the rise and decline of each dynasty in China. In Qin dynasty, the emperor Qin shihuang was a legend, on the other hand, he was an autocratic and cruel emperor. After he defeated many vassal states, and forced the people in the vassal states became slave, a large number of people hated him, especially the prince Dan in Yan state. Dan was afraid of being defeated, so he wanted to Jin Ke assassinate the emperor Qin shihuang. In order to approach the emperor, Jin Ke killed the general Fang who was the former general of Qin. Although Jin Ke did n’t assassinate the emperor successfully and his real intension is revealed in the end, people still regard him as an outstanding hero. Because he got success when take face issue into consideration. He died for his country, and heroism cannot be judged on the basis of success or failure.Third, there is a typical example from the movie Wu Jian Dao, Chen Dao Ming is a businessman to peddle munitions, Zeng Zhiwei is the gangster, Liang Chaowei works under the leadership of Zeng. In a negotiation, Liang Chaowei hurt Chen’s workmate by a glass bottle; however, the gangster still wants to get this big deal. In the second negotiation, for the sake of face, Chen also hit Liang’s head by a glass bottle. To some extent, this is an extreme case, but it represents a part of people who obtain face by reducing other people’s morale and boosting one’s own courage. Cases study in the west countriesIn the processes of earning face and maintaining face, it seems that the performances of westerners are more direct than Chinese. The westerners use two methods to earn face and maintain face: positive-face comments and negative-face comments. Positive-face emphasizes that people want to get attention and love from others, while negative-face means that people don’t want to be forced to do anything and their action should n’t be interfered as well. In general, because of participatory, people want to others pay more attention to their behavior. On the other hand, owing to westerners are individualism worship, they do not expect a lot to other’s respond. Then, here are some examples from life discourse.In the western culture, the strategy to show participation is smooth communication. And the straightest pattern to greeting others is: “How are you today?”or: “You look very nice today.” When people want to express their approval of others, complimenting someone and show sympathy for others, they often say: “You are the man to be trust.” or “I am sorry to hear that.”Besides, in order to confirm their position in the group, people often say: “I am inexperienced, but also invite more attention.” Finally, when stressing the common interest, people usually sa y: “You know, I am also in fond of music.” Or: “I am also his fans.”On the other hand, the strategy to maintain individual is remaining silence. And the right way to clam others down is that people try to talk as little as possible, and just listen to others. Therefore, negative-face comments also save face for people. The westerners often using soft words to express their wish: “Do you mind if I do this.” or: “I am not sure I do this right or wrong.”When one shows his or her negative attitude, he or she may say: “I consider you won’t come tonight, but your coming is really a big surprise.” Then, when stating an opinion that accepted by the public, people often say: “Everybody knows that.”Finally, the mosteffective way to reflect politeness is to make an apology: “I am terribly sorry for being late.”3 Main Reasons Causing Different Face ConsiderationThe comparison of face considerations in China and the western countries brings out a clue of cultural variety in two cultures, there are many reasons lead to these diversities, among them, three aspects play the most important role, that is living circumstance, historical roots and cultural background, and character and thinking pattern.3.1 Living CircumstanceIt cannot be denied that culture is determined by geographical environment, and natural environment including geographical position, climate, ecological condition, all of these factors have play contributory role in the formation of a culture. People live in a certain region try to adapt themselves to the surroundings so that livelihood can be maintained. Therefore, people’s lifestyle, thinking pattern, and behavior is formed because of their relationship with the environment.3.2 Historical Roots and Cultural BackgroundIn China, because of the long term agriculture economy history, people lay stress on cooperation between each other and they also have learnt how to respect others. Under the background of agriculture economy, the collectivism value comes into being. They attach great importance to human sociality; a person should keep pace with society and at the mercy of society. At the same time, the agriculture economy history also produced Confucian philosophy, which emphasizes harmony and unification between individual and group. And Confucian philosophy exercises great influence on Chinese people’s thinking patterns. Confucian inspire people be subordinated to overall interest thus to achieve an agreeable and harmonious atmosphere. Therefore, the foundation of Chinese people’s face consideration is collectivism which focuses on reputation and social approval.To the west, people’s face consideration is the product of western civilization. The society of the west countries based on private property, and its history is a story of the migration. In the process of migration, different people mixed together, and the geneticconnection had been alienated. Besides, the value of self-independence among people had gradually become more and more important, and individualism began to play a crucial role in the life of the western people. At the same time, the Christian that adapt to western society come into being. Just as the huge impact of Confucian philosophy in China, the Christian exercises great influence on western people’s thinking patterns. The Christian doctrine encourage and require people be themselves and do themselves. So the main line of western culture is individualism. People put themselves at the centre in the society, and people are responsible for their speech and behavior. Under the guidance of individualism, people are value for the lifestyle they prefer. And one’s mood, desire, goal and privacy are respected by others. It was promoted in modern times since capitalistic economy matured itself. So the western people’s face consideration put stress on self-satisfaction. And people think that when their personal rights, desires, goals and privacy are respected, their faces are respected.3.3 Character and Thinking PatternThe character of Chinese people is diffident, when one’s interest is threatened, he or she prefer keep silence to fight against. The Chinese people even sacrifice their own interests to satisfy other people’s need, because though this kind of tolerance, they can win reputation from the community thus to earn face. On the other hand, the thinking pattern of Chinese people is rounded thinking, so people tend to start thinking from whole to parts, the Chinese people’s spiritual direction is “the pursuit of harmony”. Also, we can call it dialectic thoughts and it put more attention on etiquette.However, the character of western people is more emulative and extraverted than Chinese people’. When a person’s interest is threatened in the west countries, the person inclined to fight for their interests for the purpose of protecting their face. On the other hand, the thinking pattern of westerners is linear thinking, so people are likely start thinking from parts to whole. In general, they emphasize logical analysis and are good at solving specific problems. And they often use a best way to convey information to others then their thought will be respected, thus they can protect their face.4 Influences of face Consideration and SuggestionsIn accordance with what it mentioned above, face considerations are different in Chinese and westerner’s mind. As a result, it brings influences when people communicate with others. Thus it is of great significance to put up some effective suggestions for both Chinese and westerners.4. 1 Influences of Face ConsiderationWhen it comes to the influence on face consideration, it can be divided into three parts; Influence on china, influence on the western countries and influence on cross-cultural communication.4.1.1 Influences on ChinaAs we all know, Chinese people concern face very much, we can say that face has deep root no matter in their personal life or in their social life. From ancient time to today, from the whole country to the individual, from the nobility to common people, face consideration is closely bound up with various aspects in Chinese people’s life. The influences of face consideration to Chinese people’s social intercourseIt is very important that people should enhance other’s face in Chinese people’s social intercourse. And this is the custom handed down to us from our ancestors. When people in the pubic circumstances, they should liven things up; when people talk with others, they are particular about auspicious words; when something unpleasant happened to others, Chinese people often help to effect a compromise. People dislike the person who always has other’s spirits dampened. Hurting other’s face may cause serious consequences sometimes, therefore, Chinese are very cautious when get along with others. In order to avoid losing face, Chinese people often try every means to earn face. For example, if Chinese invite others for dinner, no matter they invite one person or several people, they often prepare a large table with cuisine. And for the sake of face, Chinese people have sent a lot of cash gifts, such as the wedding ceremony, promotion ceremony, housewarming ceremony and so on. Another example isborrowing and lending money, some people may presume other’s fear of losing face by borrowing money and not repaying it. There is an old saying well describe these phenomena in China: “Bite off more than one can chew.” The influences of face consideration to Chinese people’s dairy lifeThe Chinese people pay much attention on face issue in their daily life, Chinese hold the idea that people should live for backbone. Sometimes they even keep up appearance to cover up their predicament. There is even a saying: “If you have a thick face, you can eat whatever you want, or else, you will be hungry.” From this sentence, we can see that “face” problem has expanded into the necessity of Chinese people’s daily life.The funeral ceremony in some rural area is a good example. After the relative’s death, people will at any costs to hold a decent funeral ceremony for their relatives. The more splendor of the ceremony, the more respect to the dead. It’s no wonder that so many people complain about the high price of death. This phenomenon translates the importance of “face”to Chinese people’s life. On the other hand, take face into great consideration also bring some advantages sometimes, such as Su Qin, the most famous diplomatist in Chan Kuo, because been humiliated by his sister-in –law, he became the prime minister of six nations after his hard working in study, Then, whatever this “face”problem should be denied or assented completely remains to be a question. In Chinese people’s life, every face cannot be invaluable, and also, cannot be unconditioned. There is no doubt that if one’s reputation has some dirty spots, he cannot stand in public anymore. What’s more, if face has been spoiled, then how can the interpersonal relationship be harmonious? Therefore, each people in their dairy life need to protect the “face”.4.1.2 Influences on the Western CountriesTo the western people, they also enhance face to others, but it’s totally different when compared with Chinese people. The influences of face consideration to western people’s social intercourseAlthough they may lose their face sometimes, they can earn their face back easily, since they live in a society where everyone holds the belief that “All man are created equal”, and everyman wants to be outstanding and remarkable. The westerners don’t consider face is more。
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ABSTRACT(空一行)×××××××××(小四号Times New Roman ,行距20磅,首行缩进2字符)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××..(空1行)Keywords:×××,×××,×××,×××(4号Times New Roman )(三号Times New Roman 居中,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距)目 录(空一行)摘 要 .................................................................................................................. II ABSTRACT ................................................................................................... ... Ⅱ 根据毕业论文内容自动生成结 论 .............................................................................................................. - 6 - 参考文献 .......................................................................................................... - 7 - 附 录 .............................................................................................................. - 8 - 致 谢 .............................................................................................................. - 9 -(三号黑体居中,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距)结 论(空一行)××××××××××××××××(小四号宋体,行距20磅,首行缩进2字符)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(三号黑体居中,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距))Ni-P合金镀层组织形貌及显微硬度研究[J].太原理工大学学:51-53.(连续出版物:[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[J].刊(期号):起止页码)图书馆史研究[M].北京:高等教育出版社,1979.(专著:[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[M].出版地:出版者,出版年.)[3] 孙品一.高校学报编辑工作现代化特征[C].中国高等学校自然科学学报研究会.科技编辑学论文集(2).北京:北京师范大学出版社,1998:10-22.(论文集:[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[C]∥主编.论文集名.出版地:出版者,出版年:起止页码.)[4] 张和生.地质力学系统理论[D].太原:太原理工大学,1998.(学位论文:[序号]主要责任.文献题名[D].保存地:保存单位,年份.)[5] 冯西桥.核反应堆压力容器的LBB分析[R].北京:清华大学核能技术设计研究院,1997.(报告:[序号]主要责任.文献题名[R].报告地:报告会主办单位,年份.)[6] 姜锡洲.一种温热外敷药制备方案[P].中国专利:881056078,1983-08-12.(专利文献:[序号]专利所有者.专利题名[P].专利国别:专利号,发布日期.) [7] GB/T 16159—1996,汉语拼音正词法基本规则[S].北京:中国标准出版社,1996.(国际、国家标准:[序号]标准代号,标准名称[S].出版地:出版者,出版年.) [8] 谢希德.创造学习的思路[N].人民日报,1998-12-25(10).(报纸文章:[序号]主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次).)[9] 王明亮.中国学术期刊标准化数据库系统工程的[EB/OL].10-2.html,1998-08-16/1998-10-04.(电子文献: [序号]主要责任者.电子文献题名[文献类型/载体类型].电子文献的出版或可获得地址,发表或更新的期/引用日期(任选).)(三号黑体居中,段前0.5行,段后0.5行,单倍行距)录空一行)××××××××××××××××(5号宋体,单倍行距,首行缩进2字符)××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××(对需要收录于论文中,但不适合书写于正文中的附加数据、资料、详细公式推导等有特色的内容,可作为附录编写,序号采用“附录1”、“附录2”等。