英美概况 英国部分 第四章ppt Chapter 4


英美概况课件第四章Chapter IV

英美概况课件第四章Chapter IV
Christmas to Scots. People stay up late at a party to see the New Year in.
8. Guy Fawkes’ Day: to celebrate a historical event on Nov. 5th. 9. April Fool’s Day 10. birthday: personal festival 11. Remembrance Day: Armistice Day An important patriotic festival on November 11th to remember the millions of people died in the two World Wars.
II. Public holidays in Britain
Bank and public holidays vary in the UK. In England and Wales: eight In Scotland: eight In Northern Ireland: ten
Байду номын сангаасII. Festivals in Britain
1. Christmas
On December 25, the greatest of the Christian festivals, commemorating the birth of Jesus. It is a home and family festival. Everyone is buying Christmas presents for friends and relations. The home is decorated: Christmas tree, shining ornaments, coloured lights and gifts.

英美概况 英文课件 美国宗教

英美概况 英文课件  美国宗教
• Competition working alone keeping their superiority and their separateness from others paying high attention to privacy confidentiality
Introduction to British and American Culture
Introduction to British and American Culture
Midnight Mass • Easter Bunny
Introduction to British and American Culture
Church and the American Society
• The ruling concept: The separation of church and state
Volunteerism & Charity
Volunteerism refers to unpaid service. Helping others is a way of selfimprovement. People contribute some of their time or money to charity, education and religion. This philosophy is called volunteerism.
Read the Bible
The Protestant Church
Introduction to British and American Culture

英语国家概况Chapter4 Parliament and Government

英语国家概况Chapter4 Parliament and Government
IV. Government
1. Departments P29 24 government departments offices, ministries and departments
the Home Office 内政部 Ministry of Defense 国防部 the Chacellor of the Exchequer财务大臣
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
The House of Commons
Center of parliamentary power
Three major functions
State opening of the Parliament
Royal assent to new law
Meeting with the Prime Minister at Buckingham Palace
Pay state visits to Commonwealth countries as head of state and non-Commonwealth countries on behalf of the British government
government) with the approval of Parliament.
Strictly speaking, the parliament consists of
the King or Queen, the House of Lords (上议
院), the House of Commons (下议院)

Chapter IV 英美概况

Chapter IV 英美概况

2. 18th century A. Thomas Newcomen: made atmospheric engines out of water from mines. B. James Watt詹姆斯 瓦特 : invented fundamental 詹姆斯·瓦特 詹姆斯 improvements to Newcomen’s engines, true steam engines. C. George Stephenson: “Rocket” is the most famous of all steam locomotives, it marked the beginning of the railway age.
D. John Dalton:道尔顿,英国化学家。 道尔顿, 道尔顿 英国化学家。 English chemist and physicist, who is best known for developing an atomic theory. Every substance consists of large numbers of tiny particles called atoms, the smallest things in existence. E. Edward Jenner: discovered the vaccine for preventing smallpox 英国乡村医师。发明牛痘接种法。 詹娜 英国乡村医师。发明牛痘接种法。
物质DNA的双螺旋结构 从而打开人类生命之迷 的双螺旋结构,从而打开人类生命之迷 物质 的双螺旋结构 大门的英国科学家。 大门的英国科学家。
III. Inventions in Britain
• The world’s first turbo-jet airliner



I. Recent History of British Economy
Polices: Drastic reforms Nationalization of industries
Result: Although the government changed from one party to another,
• Limited government spending • Kept inflation under control • Reduced unemployment
By the end of the 20th century, British economic growth surpassed that of other major European countries.
The London foreign exchange market • one of the largest centers for
trading stocks and bonds. • the most international of all the
world’s stock exchaish Economy
Agricultural products:
• Crops: wheat, barley, sugar beet, potatoes • Dairy farming
• World’s lIeIading exporter of cattle, sheep, pigs and horses
Mrs. Thatcher and her polices were and remain highly controversial.

英美概况(第二版)USA Chapter 4 Economy

英美概况(第二版)USA Chapter 4 Economy

• Adam Smith 亚当斯密(1723-1790)是经济学的主要创 立者。
• The Wealth of Nations 《国富论》,亚当斯密所著。 • the Progressive Movement 美国进步运动,美国史学界一
般把1900年~1917年间美国所发生的政治、经济和社会 改革运动统称进步运动。 • Sherman Antitrust Act (1890) 谢尔曼反托拉斯法 • the Protestant work ethic新教工作道德,以专注的现世目 标、克俭的生活作风、负有责任感的勤劳工作和合理的行 为算计为特征。 • the Time Warner Center时代华纳,是美国的一家大型媒 体公司。
• the Dow Jones Index 道琼斯指数,是一种算术平均股价 指数。道琼斯指数是世界上历史最为悠久的股票指数,它 的全称为股票价格平均指数。
• The Jungle《丛林》是1906年作者和记者厄普顿辛克莱创 作的一部小说。旨在强调工人阶级的困境,及20世纪初美 国肉类加工行业的腐败现象。
• — The production is greatly increased due to a new assembly line installed.
• lobby: v. detain in conversation by or as if by holding on to the outer garments of; as for political or economic favors 游说
New words and expressions
• sneeze: v. exhale spasmodically, as when an irritant entered one’s nose打喷嚏


此文档为PPT版 可编辑修改
1. 英国部分
国家历史知识 国家政治常识 社会文化知识
1. 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分
地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。
不列颠群岛由两个大岛-大Байду номын сангаас列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔 兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。
Basis of Modern English race: the Anglo-Saxons. 盎格鲁—萨克逊时代(奠定了英国的基 础) 公元446—871年 北欧海盗和丹麦人的入侵
2. 诺曼统治(公元1066-1381)
威廉一世的统治(公元1066-1087) 在威廉统治下的英国封建制度 ①在威廉统治下,英国的封建制度得 到完全确立。 ②根据此制度,国王拥有全国所有土 地。 ③威廉把英国的大片土地分给贵族,条件是 换取对方服役和收租。 英国封建制独有的特色就是,无论是土地承 租人还是二佃户,都必须要宣誓效忠于直接 领主,而且要效忠于国王。
最早居民是伊比利来人 。
公元43年,克劳锹成功占领不列颠。将近四百 年里,英国人处于罗马人的占领下,但这并非 是完全的占领。 罗马人修建了许多城镇网,道路,澡堂,庙宇 和其他建筑物。他们还很好地利用了英国的自 然资源。罗马人还把基督教这门新宗教带到不 列颠。
散布在城镇乡村的很多私人庄园和宅邸以及古老 的城墙、城楼、独特的建筑物和其它有纪念意义 的建筑物都作为英国的历史遗产而得到了积极的 保护,受到保护的历史建筑中还包括古老的采矿 场塔楼、工业革命时期的磨房和工厂、托马 斯· 特尔福德修建的铁桥及其它桥梁、钢铁建筑 的杰作-福斯大桥、以及造型优美的克里夫顿悬 索桥等等。


Chapter 4 British Education
Part 1
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 The current British education system is highly complex. It consists of many types of schools and schooling. This complexity has resulted from British conservatism. When authorities changed the educational system, they tended to add new elements and alter existing ones, rather than to build everything anew.
A. Who would be educated?
Working-class girls were educated as well as middle- or upper-class girls. The opportunities for anyone to be educated expanded, regardless of class. Funding and control shifted to the national and local governments. In order to fund education, the government first attempted to make business pay.
A. Who would be educated?
Middle class boys from Church of England households go to local primary and secondary schools. Upper-class children are sent to the “public” grammar schools. Gradually, the grammar schools accept feepaying students.


an election ?
Thanks for Your Listening
Who Can Stands for Election as MP?
• Anyone who is eligible to vote can stand as an MP. Make a deposit of 500 pounds, which is lost if he does not receive at least 5% of the vote. • You are unlikely to win if you are not the candidate put forward by one of the main politicals • People who want to make an impact in national politics must usually join one of the big parties , and applied to be chosen as their candidates in one of the constituences.
Adults who are allowed to vote
5% 25% 75%
1832 1884 1919
When Do Election Occur?
• 5 years later the government has to resign and hold a new General election • Exceptions: in exceptional circumstances (e.g. The 1st and 2nd war’s delay) • However, the Prime Minister can call an election sooner than 5 years. • This can happen in the following situation: when the government loses a “vote of no confidence” in the House of Commons the Prime Minister decides that the government is currently very popular and call an early election to win another 5 years






二、教学目标1. 让学生了解英国的基本情况,掌握英国的历史、地理、政治、经济、文化等方面的知识点。

2. 提高学生的英语阅读理解能力,增强对英国的了解和认识。

3. 培养学生的跨文化交际意识,提高与人交流的能力。



四、教具与学具准备教具:PPT、黑板、粉笔、教材学具:笔记本、文具盒、课本五、教学过程1. 实践情景引入:以英国的自然风光、著名景点为例,引导学生了解英国的基本情况,激发学生的学习兴趣。

2. 课堂讲解:(1) 英国的历史沿革:从罗马时期、中世纪、工业革命到现代英国,简要介绍英国的历史发展。

(2) 英国地理特征:介绍英国的地理位置、地形地貌、气候特点等。

(3) 英国政治体制:讲解英国的君主立宪制、首相、议会等政治制度。

(4) 英国经济发展:介绍英国的经济体系、主要产业、国际贸易等。

(5) 英国教育体系:阐述英国的教育制度、著名大学、基础教育等。

(6) 英国文化传统:讲解英国的文化遗产、文学、艺术、体育等方面的特点。

3. 例题讲解:选取具有代表性的例题,讲解英国的基本知识点。

4. 随堂练习:布置相关的练习题,让学生巩固所学内容。

5. 课堂互动:鼓励学生提问、发表观点,增强课堂的趣味性。

六、板书设计板书英国基本情况板书内容:历史沿革:罗马时期、中世纪、工业革命、现代英国地理特征:地理位置、地形地貌、气候特点政治体制:君主立宪制、首相、议会经济发展:经济体系、主要产业、国际贸易教育体系:教育制度、著名大学、基础教育文化传统:文化遗产、文学、艺术、体育七、作业设计1. 请简述英国的历史沿革。



Focal Questions
What do you think are among the most outstanding changes in the English education system since the 19th century?
What does the “streaming” system mean to you? Do you think the system is reasonable? Why?
In 1999 85% of children attended comprehensive schools while 15% went to remaining gr. schools or private schools, problems of streaming still remain, holding back of brighter students, unjustified labelling
regular exams -- National Tests at 7, 11, 14 (p58) Introduction of CTCs -- sponsors & main focus of curriculum More power given to schools to run their affairs within the framework of national curriculum
Specialist schools (England only)
A1 Change and Reform cont.
Recent reforms -- 1988 Education Reform Act National Curriculum for 5 – 16 year-olds and

Chapter 4 Economy 英语国家概况 英国文化选修课 教学课件

Chapter 4 Economy 英语国家概况 英国文化选修课 教学课件
•nationalize key industries (such as
coal, steel and transport)
▪ laid the foundation for postwar British
social and economic development
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press
A Guide to English-Speaking
Policies (1945-1979)
❖In 1945 the Labor party
▪ carried out drastic reforms
A Guide to English-Speaking
Victorian Age
❖Mercantilism (重商主义)
❖ a. the acquisition of gold and silver, in payment for goods exported, increased the wealth of a nation.
❖ b. It developed the doctrine of the balance of trade.
❖Dominant position
a. 1/3 of the world’s manufactured goods. b. 1/2 of the world’s coal, iron and cotton. c. shipping is greater than the sum of the rest of the world.



In a broad sense, the British government comprises the monarch, the parliament and the executive branch led by the Prime Minister. In a common usage, it is referred to the executive branch, which is made up by the Prime Minster , his Cabinet and The Privy Council

The constitution can be altered or amended by normal_______________________. The parliamentary processes flexibility of the British Constitution helps explain why it has developed so fully over the years. There is no single body which has the sole responsibility for interpreting the provisions of the Constitution. In other words, the Constitution is subject to interpretation by different bodies, the most important being politicians, judges, and scholars.
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treble: v. to become, or to make something, three times as much or as many (使)成三倍,增加两倍 — Profits in our company have trebled in the last two years. 我们公司的利润在这两年中增加了三倍。
New words
pottery: n. ceramic ware made from clay and baked in a kiln 陶器 — The archaeologists found gold coins and pottery in the lowest level of the site. 考古学家在发掘地最下层找到一些金币和 陶器。
stagnation: n. If something such as a business or society stagnates, it stops changing or progressing. 淤塞,停滞,不 景气 —This country had now entered upon a long period of stagnation. 从此,这个国家进入了一个长期不景气的 时期。
New words
hemp: n. a plant fiber大麻 —Hemp can be used for cloth and ropes. 大麻可用来做衣服和绳子。
stockpiles: n. something kept back or saved for future use or a special purpose储存 —Get a hustle on to stockpile these essential material. 赶快把这些重要材料贮osperity: n. the state of being successful, especially financially 兴旺; 繁荣;成功;昌盛 — The new government ushered in a period of prosperity. 新政府的成立带来了 一个繁荣的时期。
New words
optical: adj. connected with the sense of sight or the relationship between light and sight 视力的;视觉的;光学的 — I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion. 我以为我看见鬼了, 其实只是一种幻觉。
recession: n. a difficult time for the economy of a country, when there is less trade and industrial activity than usual and more people are unemployed 经济衰 退;经济萎缩 — In the recession, our firm went through a bad time. 我们公司在经济衰退时期历尽艰辛。
cutlery: n. knives, forks and spoons, used for eating and serving food 餐具 (刀、叉和匙)
— A cutlery set includes knives, forks, spoons etc. 一套餐具包括刀, 叉, 匙等。
New words
predominant: adj. having more power or influence than others 占优势的;主导的 — Hatemongering is the predominant idea in the book by a racist. 在种族主义者写的书中,煽动仇恨是主要 的观点。
ECONOMY of the United Kingdom
Famous Quotation
Work while you work; Play while you play. This is the way; To be cheerful and gay.
— A. D. Stoddart British Philosopher
New words
shrink: v. to become smaller, especially when washed in water that is too hot; to make clothes, fabric, etc. smaller in this way (使)缩水,收缩,缩小,皱缩 —The economy is shrinking instead of growing. 经济正在萎缩而不是在增长中。
New words
barley: n. a grain of barley 大麦 —The peasants are reaping a field of barley. 农民们正在收割大麦。
oats: n. annual grass of Europe and North Africa; grains used as food and fodder燕麦 — Oats mainly grow in cool climate. 燕麦主要生长在气候凉爽的地区。
dismantlement: n. the act of taking something apart (as a piece of machinery) 拆除 — The dismantlement appraisal date shall be the date of issuance of license for house dismantlement. 拆迁估价时点一般为房屋拆迁许可证颁发 之日。