第一次1.关于在微生物学发展史上作出重要贡献的科学家及其所作出的贡献;下列哪项叙述是错误A. 琴纳分离出天花病毒B. 伊凡诺夫斯基发现烟草花叶病毒C. 弗莱明发现青霉菌产物能抑制金黄色葡萄球菌的生长D. 柯霍先后分离出炭疽杆菌、结核杆菌和霍乱弧菌E. 巴斯德首次研制出狂犬病疫苗2.有关荚膜的错误描述是:A. 一般在机体内形成B. 化学成分多数为多糖;少数为多肽C. 具有免疫原性;可用于鉴别细菌D. 具有抗吞噬作用E. 可增强细菌对热的抵抗力3.描述大肠埃希菌生长速度时常用的时间单位是:A. 天B. 周C. 秒D. 小时E. 分钟4.有关鞭毛的描述正确的是:A. 以上均是B. 具有抗原性可用于细菌的鉴别C. 化学成分是蛋白质D. 是细菌的运动器官E. 某些细菌的鞭毛与其致病性有关5.非细胞型微生物的是:A. 放线菌B. 支原体C. 细菌D. 衣原体E. 以上都不是6.无细胞壁结构的微生物是:A. 衣原体B. 螺旋体C. 真菌D. 支原体E. 革兰氏阴性菌7.革兰阴性细菌的性菌毛:A. 参与两个细菌间遗传物质的交换B. 化学成分为多糖C. 是细菌吸附易感细胞的结构D. 与细菌的运动有关E. 是转导时必要的结构8.革兰阳性菌细胞壁的特殊组分是:A. 胆固醇B. 磷壁酸C. 肽聚糖D. 几丁质E. 脂多糖9.具有粘附能力的细菌结构是:A. 鞭毛B. 菌毛C. 胞浆膜D. 荚膜E. 中介体10.细菌结构中;最耐热的是:A. 繁殖体B. 荚膜C. 鞭毛D. 芽孢E. 中介体11.关于大肠埃希菌细胞壁的组成成分;错误的是:A. 外膜B. 脂多糖C. 脂蛋白D. 肽聚糖E. 磷壁酸12.细菌的繁殖方式是:A. 复制B. 二分裂C. 有丝分裂D. 以上都不是E. 孢子生殖13.革兰染色所用试剂的顺序是:A. 结晶紫→碘液→酒精→番红B. 结晶紫→酒精→碘液→番红C. 番红→碘液→酒精→结晶紫D. 番红→酒精→结晶紫→碘液E. 番红→结晶紫→碘液→酒精14.最先创用固体培养基将细菌进行培养的科学家是A. 英国的李斯特B. 俄国的伊凡诺夫斯基C. 法国的巴斯德D. 荷兰的列文虎克E. 德国的柯霍15.细菌大小的测量单位是:A. 以上都不是B. 毫米C. 毫微米D. 微微米E. 微米16.关于革兰阴性菌细胞壁的叙述;下列哪项是正确的A. 肽聚糖含量多B. 缺乏五肽交联桥C. 有磷壁酸D. 肽聚糖为三维立体结构E. 含脂类少17.细菌L型是指:A. 细菌的休眠状态B. 不可逆性变异的细菌C. 非致病菌D. 细胞壁缺陷型细菌E. 光滑型—粗糙型菌落变异18.首先使用牛痘苗预防天花的是:A. 柯霍B. 李斯特C. 琴纳D. 列文虎克E. 巴斯德19.关于细菌芽胞的叙述;下列哪项是错误的A. 是细菌的繁殖器官B. 是某些细菌形成的一种特殊结构C. 抵抗力强D. 杀灭芽胞是判断灭菌彻底的指标之一E. 在体外营养不良时易形成20.下列哪种细菌具有异染颗粒A. 伤寒杆菌B. 百日咳杆菌C. 白喉杆菌D. 流感杆菌E. 绿脓杆菌第二次1.细菌内毒素即革兰氏阴性菌细胞壁的:A. 荚膜多糖B. 肽聚糖C. O抗原D. 脂多糖E. 芽孢2.将牛乳加热62摄氏度30分钟的目的是:A. 保鲜B. 灭活病毒C. 消毒D. 灭菌E. 防腐3.细菌的侵袭力不包括下列哪一种能力A. 扩散能力B. 粘附能力C. 抗吞噬能力D. 产生毒素能力E. 繁殖能力4.防止细菌污染培养基宜采用:A. 无菌操作B. 防腐C. 灭菌与无菌操作D. 消毒E. 灭菌5.与细菌侵袭力无关的物质是:A. 荚膜B. 菌毛C. 芽胞D. 透明质酸酶E. 血浆凝固酶6.与细菌耐药性有关的遗传物质是:A. 前噬菌体B. 毒性噬菌体C. 异染颗粒D. 性菌毛E. 质粒7.以神经毒素致病的细菌是:A. 大肠杆菌B. 乙型溶血性链球菌C. 霍乱弧菌D. 淋球菌E. 肉毒梭菌 ;破伤风杆菌8.具有粘附作用的细菌结构是:A. 荚膜B. 鞭毛C. 芽胞D. 性菌毛E. 普通菌毛9.高压蒸汽灭菌法通常在 1.034×102kPa 的压力下维持:A. 60分钟B. 10分钟C. 15~20分钟D. 30分钟E. 5分钟10.转导与溶原性转换的共同点是:A. 以上都不是B. 以温和噬菌体为媒介C. 有关的噬菌体均为缺陷型D. 可由雌性菌变为雄性菌E. 转移的遗传物质为供体菌的DNA11.实验室能用干烤法灭菌的物品是:A. 手术刀B. 胶皮手套C. 玻璃器皿;瓷器;玻璃注射器D. 移液器头E. 滤菌器12.细菌毒素中;毒性最强的是:A. 肉毒毒素B. 金黄色葡萄球菌肠毒素C. 红疹毒素D. 白喉外毒素E. 破伤风痉挛毒素13.湿热灭菌法中效果最好的是:A. 高压蒸汽灭菌法B. 巴氏消毒法C. 煮沸法D. 流通蒸汽灭菌法E. 间歇灭菌法14.下列何种物质不宜用滤过法除菌:A. 血液B. 维生素C. 抗生素D. 血清E. 支原体15.类毒素是:A. 外毒素经甲醛处理后脱毒而保持抗原性的物质B. 内毒素经甲醛处理后脱毒而保持抗原性的物质C. 抗毒素经甲醛处理后的物质D. 外毒素经甲醛处理后脱毒并改变了抗原性的物质E. 细菌经甲醛处理后的物质16.手术室、无菌室的空气消毒;常采用下列哪种方法:A. 来苏尔喷洒B. 高锰酸钾液喷洒C. 70%酒精喷洒D. 紫外线照射E. 石炭酸喷洒17.判断灭菌是否彻底的依据是:A. 细菌的荚膜被破坏B. 细菌繁殖体被完全杀死C. 细菌菌毛蛋白变性D. 鞭毛蛋白被破坏E. 芽胞被完全杀死18.关于内毒素的叙述;下列错误的一项是:A. 其化学成分是脂多糖B. 能用甲醛脱毒制成类毒素C. 性质稳定;耐热D. 当菌体死亡裂解后释放出来E. 来源于革兰阴性菌19.人和动物血清应该如何灭菌:A. 滤过除菌B. 低热灭菌C. 环氧乙烷D. 间歇灭菌E. γ射线照射20.与细菌致育性有关的质粒是:A. 以上都是B. Col质粒C. F质粒D. V质粒E. ST质粒第三次1.病原菌与其传播途径组合错误的是:A. 肺炎球菌-呼吸道传播B. 引起猩红热的乙型链球菌-血行传播C. 伤寒杆菌-消化道传播D. 淋球菌-性传播E. 脑膜炎球菌-呼吸道传播2.肥达反应的原理是A. 凝集反应 ;用已知抗体测未知抗原;B. 协同凝集反应;C. 间接凝集反应;D. 沉淀反应E. 凝集反应 ;用已知抗原测未知抗体;3.适宜霍乱弧菌生长的培养基是:A. 碱性蛋白胨水B. 葡萄糖蛋白胨水C. 肉浸液D. 庖肉培养基E. 血清肉汤4.关于淋病奈瑟菌正确的是:A. 淋病奈瑟菌不产生β-内酰胺酶B. 无垂直传播C. 为G+菌D. 人是惟一宿主E. 女性感染者比男性更重5.下列哪项不是金黄色葡萄球菌的特点A. 胆汁溶解试验阳性B. 血浆凝固酶试验阳性C. 产生耐热核酸酶D. 产生溶血素E. 分解甘露醇6.肺炎球菌主要的致病物质是:A. 自溶酶B. 内毒素C. 外毒素D. 荚膜E. 菌毛7.分离培养淋球菌;常用的培养基是:A. 半固体培养基B. 麦芽糖肉汤培养基C. 5%葡萄糖肉汤培养基D. 巧克力血琼脂平板E. 精制琼脂肉汤培养基8.我国城市水饮用卫生标准是A. 每1000ml水中不得超过3个大肠菌群;B. 每500ml水中不得超过3个大肠菌群C. 每1000ml水中不得超过10个大肠菌群D. 每100ml水中不得超过30个大肠菌群;E. 每100ml水中不得超过5个大肠菌群;9.下列不属霍乱弧菌生物学特性的是:A. 致病物质主要是霍乱肠毒素B. 无芽胞;但有鞭毛C. 有两个生物型;均有O、H抗原D. 革兰阳性菌E. 营养要求不高;耐碱不耐酸10.下列肠道致病菌的特征错误的是A. 除少数外均不分解乳糖;B. 抗原构造复杂 ;均有H ;O抗原;C. 能在普通琼脂平板上生长;D. 革兰阴性杆菌;E. 可用免疫血清鉴别型别11.关于霍乱;错误的是:A. 人类是霍乱弧菌的唯一易感者B. 接种霍乱死疫苗可增强人群的特异性免疫力C. 病愈后;少数病人可长期带菌D. 病后的免疫力短暂E. 属于烈性消化道传染病12.弧菌主要分布于A. 土壤B. 人体肠道C. 水D. 动物体肠道E. 空气13.不是金黄色葡萄球菌引起的疾病是:A. 肉毒中毒B. 假膜性肠炎C. 毒性休克综合征D. 食物中毒E. 烫伤样皮肤综合征14.关于霍乱弧菌的生物学性状;错误的是:A. Eltor生物型霍乱弧菌抵抗力强;是因为有芽胞形成;B. 在霍乱病人粪便悬滴标本中可见“穿梭运动”现象..C. 碱性蛋白胨水可作为选择增菌培养基;D. 革兰染色阴性E. 霍乱弧菌耐碱不耐酸;15.烫伤受下列哪一种细菌感染易造成全身剥皮症状A. 产气荚膜杆菌B. 金黄色葡萄球菌C. 大肠杆菌D. 白喉杆菌E. 肺炎双球菌16.关于大肠杆菌; 下列描述不正确的是A. 所有大肠杆菌均是条件致病菌;B. 有鞭毛能运动;C. 在卫生细菌学中有重要意义;D. 能分解乳糖产酸产气;E. 无荚膜、无芽胞17.我国卫生标准规定: 瓶装汽水、果汁等饮料每100ml中大肠杆菌不得超过A. 100 ;B. 5个;C. 10;D. 3个;E. 50;18.各型链球菌中致病力最强的是:A. 乙型溶血性链球菌B. 甲型溶血性链球菌C. 丙型链球菌D. B群链球菌E. D群链球菌19.金葡菌产生的致病物质不包括:A. 耐热核酸酶B. 杀白细胞素C. 剥脱性毒D. 致热外毒素E. 溶血素20.引起第7次世界性霍乱大流行的细菌是A. Eltor生物型B. 古典生物型C. O-1群霍乱弧菌D. O-2群霍乱弧菌E. O139群霍乱弧菌第四次1.下列细菌中繁殖最慢的是A. 大肠埃希菌B. 肺炎链球菌C. 结核分枝杆菌D. 丙型链球菌E. 脑膜炎奈瑟菌2.结核菌素试验为阳性反应;下列判断错误的是A. 表明机体对结核分枝杆菌无免疫力B. 表明机体已感染过结核分枝杆菌C. 表明机体对结核分枝杆菌有一定的特异性免疫力D. 表明机体接种卡介苗成功E. 表明机体对结核分枝杆菌有迟发型超敏反应3.肉毒毒素的致病机制是A. 抑制细胞蛋白质合成;B. 与Ab Fc段非特异性结合C. 激活腺苷酸环化酶;D. 破坏CD4 T细胞E. 阻碍乙酰胆碱释放;4.以下疾病中属感染免疫的是A. 急性肾小球肾炎B. 白喉C. 风湿热D. 结核E. 肠热症5.细胞壁含脂类最多的细菌是A. 白喉棒状杆菌B. 衣氏放线菌C. 结核杆菌D. 幽门螺杆菌E. 霍乱弧菌6.结核杆菌的哪种变异可用于制备疫苗A. 毒力B. 形态C. 菌落D. 耐药性E. 结构7.关于麻风杆菌的致病性和免疫性不正确的叙述是A. 抗麻风免疫主要是细胞免疫B. 可在体外用人工培养基培养C. 根据临床表现多分为瘤型和结核样型D. 抗酸阳性、细长略带弯曲的细菌E. 主要经破损皮肤或粘膜进入机体8.血平板上可形成双层溶血环的细菌是A. 鼠疫杆菌B. 炭疽杆菌C. 肉毒梭菌D. 白喉杆菌E. 产气荚膜梭菌9.肉毒病的感染途径是A. 节肢动物叮咬B. 接触肉毒患者的用品C. 吸入污染的空气D. 食用污染食物E. 污染伤口10.卡介苗是A. 发生了抗原变异的牛型结核杆菌B. 保持免疫原性 ;减毒的活的牛型结核杆菌C. 加热处理后的人型结核杆菌D. 保持免疫原性;减毒的活的人型结核杆菌E. 经甲醛处理后的人型结核杆菌11.可寄生在巨噬细胞内的细菌是A. 肺炎链球菌B. 布氏菌C. 炭疽杆菌D. 金黄色葡萄球菌E. 破伤风杆菌12.菌体呈卵圆形 ;两端浓染的细菌是A. 鼠疫杆菌B. 炭疽杆菌C. 伤寒沙门菌D. 白喉棒状杆菌E. 结核杆菌13.下列哪种病原体不是人畜共患病病原体A. 布氏菌B. 鼠疫杆菌C. 炭疽杆菌D. 百日咳杆菌E. 莫氏立克次体14.人类历史上第一个被发现的病原菌是A. 葡萄球菌B. 鼠疫杆菌C. 破伤风梭菌D. 炭疽杆菌E. 布鲁菌15.布氏菌的致病物质是A. 荚膜B. 鞭毛C. 血浆凝固酶D. 链激酶E. 芽胞16.需氧和产生芽胞的细菌是A. 炭疽杆菌B. 肉毒梭菌C. 产气荚膜梭菌D. 结核分枝杆菌E. 破伤风梭菌17.下列各成分与结核杆菌的致病性有关 ;除外的是A. 结核杆菌内毒素B. 蜡质DC. 磷脂D. 结核杆菌索状因子E. 硫酸脑苷脂18.能引起食物中毒;但很少有胃肠炎症状的细菌是A. 肉毒梭菌B. 副溶血性弧菌C. 金黄色葡萄球菌D. 肠炎沙门菌E. 产气荚膜梭菌19.当一民工因铁钉深刺足底送医院急诊时;医生应首先考虑注射A. 白百破三联疫苗B. 丙种球蛋白C. 破伤风类毒素D. 破伤风菌苗医学教育网搜集整理E. 破伤风抗毒素20.人体对结核杆菌的免疫特点是A. 以体液和细胞免疫并重B. 为有菌免疫C. 可引起I型超敏反应D. 不能通过人工主动免疫获得E. 以体液免疫为主第五次1.可代替立克次体为抗原进行外斐反应的细菌是A. 百日咳杆菌B. 痢疾杆菌C. 绿脓杆菌D. 变形杆菌E. 大肠杆菌2.白喉感染的主要途径是A. 直接接触B. 呼吸道C. 通过用具间接接触D. 蚊虫叮咬E. 消化道3.与金葡菌同在血琼脂平板上培养可生成卫星现象的细菌是A. 白喉棒状杆菌B. 脑膜炎奈瑟菌C. 流感嗜血杆菌D. 炭疽芽胞杆菌E. 霍乱弧菌4.关于立克次体的特点;哪一项是错误的A. 对抗生素不敏感B. 专性细胞内寄生C. 大小介于细菌与病毒之间D. 以节肢动物为传播媒介E. 可引起人畜共患疾病5.立克次体与细菌的主要区别是A. 含有DNA和RNA两种核酸B. 有细胞壁和核糖体C. 以二分裂方式繁殖D. 严格的细胞内寄生E. 对抗生素敏感6.由立克次体引起的疾病是A. 梅毒B. 莱姆病C. 沙眼D. 恙虫病E. 性病淋巴肉芽肿7.鉴定幽门螺杆菌的重要依据A. 定居于为黏膜层中B. 以上都不是C. 产生大量尿素酶;分解尿素为氨D. 革兰阴性无芽胞菌E. 运动活泼、生化反应活泼8.下述疾病中;哪项不是衣原体引起的A. 包涵体性结膜炎B. 新生儿肺炎C. 大叶性肺炎D. 性病淋巴肉芽肿E. 沙眼9.关于支原体的生物学性状;下述错误的是A. 无细胞壁B. 能通过滤菌器C. 呈多形性D. 细胞膜中胆固醇含量高E. 有独特生活周期10.钩端螺旋体主要的传染源是A. 鼠类和猪B. 带菌者C. 病人D. 犬E. 鸟类11.白喉杆菌致病的最主要物质是A. 菌毛B. 棒状杆菌噬菌体C. 侵袭性酶D. 外毒素E. 内毒素12.诊断立克次体病最常用的血清学反应是A. 外斐试验B. 间接凝集反应C. 免疫荧光试验D. ELISAE. 补体结合试验13.关于幽门螺杆菌的特性正确的是A. 耐干燥B. 与B型胃炎、消化道溃疡及胃癌有关C. 革兰阴性杆菌;无鞭毛D. 需氧生长;营养要求高E. 归属于弯曲菌属14.能在无生命培养基上生长繁殖的最小的原核细胞型微生物是A. 衣原体B. 立克次体C. 细菌D. 病毒E. 支原体15.常用于检查血液和组织中的梅毒螺旋体的染色方法是A. 鞭毛染色法B. 革兰染色法C. 抗酸染色法D. 墨汁染色法E. 镀银染色法16.下列哪项;不是白喉杆菌的特性A. 形态特征有异染颗粒B. 引起白喉C. 锡克试验阳性说明机体有了免疫力D. 用抗毒素可以进行预防E. 产生外毒素引起心肌炎17.以下病原体抵抗力最弱的是A. 恙虫病立克次体B. 梅毒螺旋体C. 钩端螺旋体D. 真菌E. 普氏立克次体18.有关衣原体发育周期的描述不正确的A. 原体具有感染性B. 始体在发育周期中无感染性C. 始体在空泡内以二分裂形式繁殖形成子代原体D. 始体较原体大;有致密的核质E. 衣原体每个发育周期需要48~72小时19.衣原体与细菌的不同点是A. 有特殊的衣壳包裹B. 以分裂方式繁殖C. 只有一种核酸D. 对抗生素敏感E. 专性细胞内寄生20.对军团菌致病性的错误叙述是A. 抗吞噬作用与LPS有关B. 通过气溶胶吸入感染C. 机体抵抗力低下是发病重要因素D. 胞内寄生性是重要致病因素E. 抗吞噬作用与荚膜有关六1.作为乙型肝炎病毒携带者;在血清中检出最重要的指标是:A. HBcAgB. HBsAgC. 抗HBeD. 抗HBsE. HBeAg2.呼吸道病毒中可引起胎儿感染的是:A. 麻疹病毒B. 腮腺炎病毒C. 呼吸道合胞病毒D. 流感病毒E. 风疹病毒3.下列描述中错误的一项是:A. 患麻疹后;人体可产生对麻疹病毒的持久免疫力B. 乙型肝炎病毒主要经血液传播C. 流感病毒发生抗原转换往往引起流感大流行D. 脊髓灰质炎疫苗的预防效果;以注射方式比口服好E. 虫媒病毒引起的疾病具有严格的地区性和明显的季节4.对流感病毒血凝素和神经氨酸酶的错误叙述是:A. 两者都是糖蛋白B. 血凝素抗体在抗感染免疫中起主要作用C. 是甲型流感病毒分亚型的依据D. 存在于脂类包膜上E. 抗原性都很稳定5.下列病毒中抵抗力最强的是:A. 乙型肝炎病毒B. 流感病毒C. 乙脑病毒D. 单纯疱疹病毒E. 脊髓灰质炎病毒6.引起婴幼儿腹泻的最常见病原是:A. 轮状病毒B. 星状病毒C. 埃可病毒D. 腺病毒E. 柯萨奇病毒7.H AV的主要传播途径是:A. 媒介昆虫B. 共用注射器C. 粪-口D. 输血E. 母婴垂直8.接种乙型肝炎病毒疫苗后;获得免疫力的指标是A. 抗HBsB. HBeAgC. HBsAgD. HBcAgE. 抗HBe9.不引起病毒血症的病毒是:A. 流行性感冒病毒B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒C. 腮腺炎病毒D. 风疹病毒E. 水痘-带状疱疹病毒10.与流感病毒吸附有关的成分是:A. 血凝素B. M蛋白C. 脂质双层D. 核蛋白E. 神经氨酸酶11.亚急性硬化性全脑炎SSPE是一种由:A. 乙型肝炎病毒引起的慢性感染B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的慢病毒感染C. 流行性乙型脑炎病毒引起的隐性感染D. 麻疹病毒引起的慢发病毒感染E. 疱疹病毒引起的隐伏感染12.可辅助HDV复制的病毒是:A. HAVB. HBVC. HIVD. CMVE. EBV13.脊髓灰质炎病毒感染的最常见类型是:A. 隐性或轻症感染B. 延髓麻痹型感染C. 瘫痪型感染D. 慢性感染E. 迁延型感染14.不能经垂直感染的病毒是:A. 乙型肝炎病毒B. 单纯疱疹病毒C. 巨细胞病毒D. 脊髓灰质炎病毒E. 风疹病毒15.关于病毒体;最正确的描述是:A. 是有感染性的病毒颗粒B. 是可独立存在于细胞外的病毒颗粒C. 是有刺突的包膜病毒颗粒D. 是脱去衣壳仍有感染性的病毒核酸E. 是结构完整的;具有感染性的成熟病毒颗粒关于肝炎病毒与传播途径的组合;哪项是错误的:A. HDV-输血和注射B. HBV-输血和注射C. HEV-输血和注射D. HCV-输血和注射E. HAV-消化道传播Dane颗粒是:A. 流感病毒体B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒体C. 乙型肝炎病毒体D. 甲型肝炎病毒体E. EB病毒体流感病毒衣壳:A. 有包膜螺旋对称型B. 裸二十面体对称型C. 复合对称型D. 裸露螺旋对称型E. 有包膜二十面体对称型病毒与立克次体的相同点是:A. 均对抗生素不敏感B. 均只含一种类型核酸C. 均为非细胞型微生物D. 均以复制方式繁殖E. 均不能在无生命培养基上生长 HEV与HAV的不同点是:A. 一般不转为慢性B. 隐性感染多C. 潜伏期末至急性期初粪便排毒最多D. 粪-口途径传播E. 患者多为成人;孕妇感染病死率高七免疫学下列哪一项属于Ⅳ型超敏反应A. 系统性红斑狼疮B. 血清病C. 结核菌素皮肤试验阳性D. 类风湿性关节炎E. 过敏性休克首次应用类毒素进行预防接种的科学家是 :A. JennerB. PasteurC. BehringD. BurnetE. BorderIg分子的Fab片段的功能是 :A. 激活补体B. 结合细胞C. 通过胎盘D. 趋化作用E. 结合抗原T细胞在胸腺发育过程中;通过阳性选择获得:A. TCR的表达B. 自身耐受C. TCRβ链基因重排D. 自身MHC限制性E. TCRα链基因重排新生儿溶血症属于哪型超敏反应:A. Ⅰ型超敏反应B. Ⅳ型超敏反应C. 以上都不是D. Ⅲ型超敏反应E. Ⅱ型超敏反应抗原与抗体结合发生交叉反应是因为:A. 不同抗原具有相同或相似的抗原决定簇B. 抗原的分子量较大C. 抗原和抗体的大小相近D. 抗体为多聚体E. 抗原和抗体性状相似下列哪些细胞间相互作用受MHC-Ⅱ类分子限制A. Tc细胞杀伤靶细胞B. Mφ吞噬靶细胞C. B淋巴细胞识别外来抗原D. NK细胞杀伤肿瘤细胞E. APC呈递抗原给Th细胞补体促进吞噬细胞的吞噬作用被称为补体的: A. 炎症介质作用B. 免疫黏附作用C. 中和及溶解病毒作用D. 调理作用E. 溶菌和细胞毒作用关于MHC-I类分子的功能;下列错误的是A. 为CD8+杀伤性T细胞的识别分子B. 参与外源性抗原递呈C. 参与内源性抗原递呈D. 诱导对肿瘤细胞的杀伤E. 诱导对病毒感染细胞的杀伤具有抗病毒作用的细胞因子是:A. IL-1B. IFNC. IL-4D. IL-2E. MG-CSF补体系统三种激活途径均必须有哪种成分参加A. D因子B. ClqC. C3D. B因子E. C4和C2补体替代激活途径中的C5转化酶是:A. C3bBbB. C3b4bC. C4b3bD. C4bnBbE. C3bnBb能介导白细胞间相互作用的细胞因子称为:A. ILB. IFNC. TNFD. 单核因子E. CSF关于补体三条激活途径的叙述;下列哪项是错误的A. 旁路途径从C3激活开始B. 经典途径从C1激活开始C. 三条途径的膜攻击复合物相同D. MBL途径中形成的C3转化酶是C4b2bE. 旁路途径在感染后期发挥作用在粘膜局部主要起免疫作用的抗体是:A. .IgGB. IgEC. IgDD. IgME. IgA最早用人痘苗预防天花的国家是:A. 中国B. 美国C. 英国D. 法国E. 印度三条补体激活途径的共同点是 :A. 参与的补体成分相同B. 激活物质相同C. 膜攻击复合物的形成及其溶解细胞效应相同D. 所需离子相同E. C3转化酶的组成相同T细胞活化的第二信号是 :A. CD28与B7分子之间的作用B. CD4与MHC-Ⅱ类分子作用C. CD40与CD40L之间作用D. CD8与MHC-I类分子作用E. CDl52与B7分子之间的作用关于细胞因子的叙述;下列哪项是错误的A. 生物学效应具有拮抗性B. 一般是小分子量蛋白质C. 与CKR结合后才能发挥作用D. 生物学效应具有重叠性E. 主要以内分泌方式发挥作用已知功能最强的APC是:A. 树突状细胞B. 内皮细胞C. 纤维母细胞D. B细胞E. Mφ八病毒感染人体后可引起恐水症的病毒是:A. 流行性乙型脑炎病毒B. 肾综合症出血热病毒C. 黄热病毒D. 狂犬病病毒E. 登革热病毒新疆出血热的传播媒介是:A. 鼠B. 蚤或虱C. 蚊D. 硬蜱E. 白蛉不能经虫媒传播感染的病毒是:A. 狂犬病病毒B. 登革热病毒C. 黄热病病毒D. 森林脑炎病毒E. 乙型脑炎病毒常见的可引起先天性婴儿畸形的病毒是:A. EB病毒B. 狂犬病毒C. 麻疹病毒D. 风疹病毒E. 脊髓灰质炎病毒疱疹病毒不包括:A. CMVB. HSVC. EBVD. HBVE. VZVHIV最易发生变异的部位是:A. 核衣壳B. 刺突糖蛋白C. 内膜D. 衣壳E. 包膜HIV的传播途径不包括:A. 器官移植B. 输血C. 母-婴传播D. 呼吸道传播E. 性接触关于病毒与肿瘤发生的关系;哪项组合是错误的A. 汉坦病毒-肺癌B. 乙肝病毒-肝癌C. EB病毒-鼻咽癌D. 人乳头瘤病毒-宫颈癌E. 人嗜T细胞病毒-白血病目前对下列哪种病毒尚无特效疫苗A. 登革病毒B. 脊髓灰质炎病毒C. 汉坦病毒D. 新疆出血热病毒E. 乙脑病毒寻常疣和尖锐湿疣的病原是:A. EBVB. HPVC. HSV-2D. HIVE. CMV下列哪种病毒可引起人类皮肤粘膜疣状病变A. CMVB. HSVC. HAVD. HPVE. HTLVHIV特性描述中;下列哪项是错误的A. 复制通过DNA中间体B. 有包膜病毒C. DNA基因组与细胞染色体整合D. 单一正链RNA基因组E. 细胞受体决定HIV的组织嗜性内基小体是:A. 腺病毒包涵体B. 疱疹病毒包涵体C. 狂犬病毒包涵体D. 衣原体包涵体E. 麻疹病毒包涵体在儿童初次感染时表现为水痘; 成年复发则引起带状疱疹病毒的是:A. VZVB. HSVC. CMVD. EB病毒E. HHV—6口唇疱疹常由哪种病毒引起A. 人疱疹病毒5型B. 单纯疱疹病毒1型C. 单纯疱疹病毒2型D. 人疱疹病毒3型E. 人疱疹病毒4型被狂犬咬伤后;最正确的处理措施是:A. 注射狂犬病毒免疫血清+抗病毒药物B. 清创+注射狂犬病毒免疫血清C. 清创+接种疫苗+注射狂犬病毒免疫血清D. 清创+抗生素E. 注射大剂量丙种球蛋白+抗病毒药物某成年男性;体检发现血液中HIV 抗体阳性..其最具传染性的物质是:A. 血液B. 汗液C. 尿液D. 粪便E. 唾液单纯疱疹病毒潜伏的细胞是:A. 上皮细胞B. 神经细胞C. B细胞D. T细胞E. 单核吞噬细胞除哪项外;下列病毒都能通过性接触传播A. HTLVB. HPVC. .HIVD. HCVE. HSV-2下列除哪项外;均为疱疹病毒的特点:A. 病毒核酸分节段B. 形成多核巨细胞C. 可出现潜伏感染D. 细胞培养时出现CPEE. 为有包膜DNA病毒。
复查测试:基本看法问题1得1分,满分1分依据上述公司管理的横向层次结构,可将公司的管理信息系统分为对应的四个不一样层次, a 战略规划层系统、 b 业务办理层系统、 c 知识管理层系统及 d 管理决议层系统。
它们在金字塔模型中由下及上的序次是所选答案:B. bcda问题2得1分,满分1分数据所选答案: B. 经过解说并对人的行为产生影响成为信息问题3依据系统的原理,系统由输入、办理、输出、反应、控制它们之间存在()联系得1分,满分1分5 个基本因素构成,所选答案: A. 输入受输出控制问题 4得 1 分,满分 1 分信息系统的战略作用,表此刻改变公司目标、生产流程、产品、服务或许与环境的关系以帮助公司博得市场的竞争优势。
所选答案:对问题 5得 1 分,满分 1 分管理信息系统要发挥其在管理中的作用,就一定与先进的管理手段和方法联合起来。
所选答案:对问题7得2分,满分2分对计算机软硬件资源进行管理的是()所选答案: A. 操作系统问题8得1分,满分1分()拥有连续学习的能力,拥有高于个人绩效总合的综合绩效。
所选答案:错问题11得1分,满分1分管理信息系统由七大多数构成,此中不包含()所选答案: D. 管理方法问题12得1分,满分1分往常以为,管理信息系统主要解决结构化的决议问题,而决议支持系统则以支持半结构化和非结构化决议问题为目的。
管理信息系统bb 平台练习题及答案复查测验: 基本概念按照上述企业管理的横向层次结构,可将企业的管理信息系统分为对应的四个不同层次,a战略规划层系统、b业务处理层系统、c知识管理层系统及d管理决策层系统。
它们在金字塔模型中由下及上的次序是所选答案: B(bcda问题2数据得 1 分,满分 1 分 B. 经过解释并对人的行为产生影响成为信息所选答案:根据系统的原理,系统由输入、处理、输出、反馈、控制 5 个基本要素组成,它们之间存在() 联系所选答案: A. 输入受输出控制信息系统的战略作用,体现在改变企业目标、生产流程、产品、服务或者与环境的关系以帮助企业赢得市场的竞争优势。
所选答案: 对管理信息系统要发挥其在管理中的作用,就必须与先进的管理手段和方法结合起来。
所选答案: 对采集和管理数据是信息资源管理的基础,加工数据产生信息并加以利用是信息资源管理的核心,挖掘、组织和利用知识是信息资源管理的高层次内容所选答案: 对对计算机软硬件资源进行管理的是()所选答案: A. 操作系统() 具有持续学习的能力,具有高于个人绩效总合的综合绩效。
所选答案: C( 学习型组织信息系统是信息资源开发和利用的必要工具和条件,也是信息资源的有机组合和外在表现形式。
所选答案: 对决策支持系统是以电脑为基础,通过对话方式,以协助决策者使用资料及模式,以解决结构化的决策问题。
所选答案: 错管理信息系统由七大部分组成,其中不包括() 所选答案: D. 管理方法通常认为,管理信息系统主要解决结构化的决策问题,而决策支持系统则以支持半结构化和非结构化决策问题为目的。
所选答案: 对战略规划层系统对象定位在组织的中层管理者,可以回答类似组织是否正常运作的问题。
所选答案: 错B. 经过解释成为信息管理信息系统的核心就是按照() 的思想建立管理信息系统所选答案: B. 系统数据()所选答案: 按照不同级别的管理者对管理信息的需要,通常把管理信息分为以下三级()所选答案:D(战略级、策略级、作业级从决策问题的性质来看,在战略管理层上的决策大多属于() 问题。
bb平台Quiz B-3-2
问题1得 1 分,满分 1 分What’s the motive behind buying lottery tickets according to the writer?所选答案: A. The idea of acquiring great sums of wealth with very littleeffort.问题2得1 分,满分1 分Which of the following is the reason that started John’s quest for wealth?所选答案:A. An ancient document believed to uncover a mysterious formula for acquiring wealth.问题3得1 分,满分1 分Where did John find the ancient document?所选答案: C. In the local newspaper.问题4得1 分,满分1 分What contributed to John’s not developing his hidden talent for languages?所选答案: C. His laziness.问题5得1 分,满分1 分After he figured out the code of the language, John ___________.所选答案: B. began to decipher the ancient text.问题6得1 分,满分1 分The ancient text stated that the seeker of wealth must place ___________ in each of the holes in the statue.所选答案: A. precious gems问题7得1 分,满分1 分How did John feel when the eight gems that he had inserted into each of the holes in the statue turned to stone?所选答案:C. He was terribly disappointed and felt he had been on a fool’s errand for the last five year s.问题8得1 分,满分1 分John thought that 1.2 million dollars was a really great investment because ___________.所选答案:A. he possessed a luxury apartment and ran a company as a reward for his hard work问题9得1 分,满分1 分All of the following statements are TRUE except the statement that___________.所选答案:D. as a matter of fact, John was not a wise man as he lost 1.2 million dollars问题10得1 分,满分1 分It can be inferred from the text that ___________.所选答案: D. only through diligent work can one acquire wealth问题11得1 分,满分1 分The President of the recently-established enterprise firmly believed thatonce its business got started, the money would be __________.所选答案: C. rolling in问题12得1 分,满分1 分Tax __________ have been very effective in encouraging people to saveor invest more of their income.所选答案: B. incentives问题13得1 分,满分1 分Your first post reflects that you're a knowledgeable person and your__________ travelling experience has made you more confident, it seemsto me.所选答案: B. extensive问题14得1 分,满分1 分Attempts to __________ the whereabouts of a man seen leaving the sceneof the crime have so far been unsuccessful.所选答案: D. trace问题15得1 分,满分1 分They __________ their retail operations significantly in order to makemore profits during the 80’s of the last century.所选答案: A. expanded问题16得1 分,满分1 分Jane does aerobics four times a week in her __________ to achieve theperfect body.所选答案: A. quest问题17得1 分,满分1 分It was not possible to repair the classroom buildings without considerable__________ on them, and the school drafted a budget to the supervisoraccordingly.所选答案: B. expenditure问题18得1 分,满分1 分That old lady’s will contains instructions to sell her house and car and_________ the proceeds among the poor in her neighborhood.所选答案: D. distribute问题19得1 分,满分1 分Faced with the financial crisis, that company introduced no __________new ideas but encouraged its senior professionals to make constructivesuggestions to turn it around.所选答案: A. radically问题20得1 分,满分1 分A person’s __________ income is the money they earn before tax isdeducted from it.所选答案: B. gross问题21得1 分,满分1 分Small shareholders of that company own only 215 of the shares__________ on the stock exchange in America.所选答案: C. quoted问题22得1 分,满分1 分Excuse me, sir. This ticket doesn’t __________ you to travel first class.You took a wrong seat.所选答案: A. entitle问题23得1 分,满分1 分The Eurostar which had been halted after six trains broke down in thetunnel trapping __________ 2,000 passengers resumed operations on theEnglish Channel tunnel last month.所选答案: A. approximately问题24得1 分,满分1 分The debate among some governmental agencies continues about whetherthese industries should be under public or private __________.所选答案: A. ownership问题25得1 分,满分1 分It is difficult to get good education in the newly-flourished area, so__________ people there send their children to some urban schools oreducational institutions.所选答案: A. affluent问题26得1 分,满分1 分 He returned to his homeland with the ____________ of serving his ownpeople.所选答案: C. purpose问题27得1 分,满分1 分The buildings housing the prisoners were ____________ built, so noprisoners were killed or seriously injured.所选答案: C. solidly问题28得1 分,满分1 分Centuries of wind and rain has worn away the __________ on thegravestones of those forerunners in building railways in that country.所选答案: D. inscriptions问题29得1 分,满分1 分Mary’s an actress whose inner life has remained __________, despite themany interviews she has given to the public.所选答案: C. mysterious问题30得1 分,满分1 分To tell you the truth, although your skin looks smooth, when __________it is full of bumps and holes (小疙瘩).所选答案: B. magnified问题31得10 分,满分10 分The act of issuing shares (GB) or stocks (US)---i.e.offering them for sale to the public---for the first time, is known as [a]_________ a company or making a flotation.Companies [b]_________ use a bank to underwrite the issue.In return for a fee, the bank guarantees to [c]_________ the security issue at an agreed price on a certain day, although it hopes to sell it to the public. For example, successfulcompanies can apply to have their shares traded onthe [d]_________ stock exchanges.Buying a share gives its holder part of the [e]_________ of a company. Shares generally [f]_________ their owners to vote at companies’ General Meetings, to elect companydirectors, and to receive a proportion of [g]__________profits in the form of a dividend (or to receive part of the company’s residual value if it goes into bankruptcy).Shareholders can sell their [h]_________ at any time on the secondary market, but the market price of a share maydiffer [i]_________ from its nominal, face, or par value.If a company wishes to raise more money for expansion, it can issue newshares. These are frequently [j] _________ to existing shareholders at lessthan their market price. Companies may also turn part of their profit intocapital by issuing new shares to shareholders instead of paying dividends.所选答案:The act of issuing shares (GB) or stocks (US)---i.e. offering them for sale to the public---for the first time, is known as floating_________ a company or making a flotation.Companies generally_________ use a bank to underwrite the issue. In return for a fee, the bank guarantees to purchase_________ the security issue at an agreed price on a certain day, although it hopes to sell it to the public. For example, successful companies can apply to have their shares traded onthe major_________ stock exchanges.Buying a share gives its holder part ofthe ownership_________ of a company. Sharesgenerally entitle_________ their owners to voteat companies’ General Meetings, to elect companydirectors, and to receive a proportionof distributed__________ profits in the form ofa dividend (or to receive part of the com pany’s residualvalue if it goes into bankruptcy). Shareholders can selltheir shares_________ at any time on thesecondary market, but the market price of a share maydiffer radically_________ from its nominal,face, or par value.If a company wishes to raise more money for expansion, it canissue new shares. These are frequently offered _________ toexisting shareholders at less than their market price. Companiesmay also turn part of their profit into capital by issuing newshares to shareholders instead of paying dividends.问题32得2 分,满分2 分Teacher evaluation (评价) have been carried out in a lot of schools in recent years. Every term students are given the opportunity to evaluate their teachers. They are supposed to judge their teachers’ lectures, interests in students’problems, methods of exercise, and general ability to conducta class. Then, when the teacher has left the classroom, theymust write their evaluation o the forms provided. They are not supposed to exchange views or discuss their responses. After everyone has completed the forms, one student collects and puts them in envelopes.It is very difficult to evaluate another person’s performance fairly. For example, Santa recently wroteirresponsible remarks about her teacher because she was failing the course. Her friend Sam wrote a marvelous description of the same teacher because he was receiving an A in the course. Both Santa and Sam were not fairly evaluating the teacher. They were influence by the grades they were earning and were unfair in their judgments.Another irresponsible form of evaluation occurred when James rated his teacher excellent because the teacher is“easy”. He gives few tests and only assigns (分配) one paper during the entire term. His lectures are often filled with jokes and endless stories about his family. On the other hand, Jamesrated Professor Jones poor because he assigns homework daily, gives pretest previews and post-test reviews, and packs hislectures with information.Santa, Sam, and James have not thought about their teachers’ teaching abilities. They have w ritten unfairevaluations and have not given thought to their evaluations.They have not made fair judgments, but instead have beeninfluenced by their own personality and have equated (使等同) light work with excellence in teaching.Santa and Sam judged their teacher by ____________.所选答案: C. the grades that they were earning问题33得2 分,满分2 分James’ evaluation was influenced by ____________.所选答案: C. the amount of coursework问题34得2 分,满分2 分The word “easy” (Line 2,Para. 3) most probably means ____________ .所选答案: B. not strict问题35得2 分,满分2 分The students didn’t evaluate their teachers fairly because ____________.所选答案: C. their personality affected them a lot问题36得2 分,满分2 分The best title for this passage is ____________.所选答案: C. Teacher Evaluations。
bb平台 软件工程测试题
“软件危机”是指( ) 。
所选答案:D. 软件开发和维护中出现的一系列问题问题2得 2 分,满分 2 分结构化分析的主要描述手段有( )。
所选答案:D.DFD图、数据词典、加工说明问题3得 2 分,满分 2 分软件测试方法中的静态测试方法之一为()所选答案:B.计算机辅助静态分析问题4得 2 分,满分 2 分为了提高模块的独立性,模块之间最好是( )所选答案:D. 数据耦合问题5得 2 分,满分 2 分对象实现了数据和操作的结合,使数据和操作()于对象的统一体中。
所选答案:A.封装问题6得 2 分,满分 2 分下面关于P DL语言不正确的说法是( )所选答案: D. PDL是只描述加工做什么问题7得 2 分,满分 2 分在()模型中是采用用例驱动和架构优先的策略,使用迭代增量建造方法,软件“逐渐”被开发出来的。
所选答案:C.统一过程问题8得 2 分,满分 2 分下列关于功能性注释不正确的说法是( )所选答案:C. 注释用来说明程序段,需要在每一行都要加注释用于表示模块间的调用关系的图叫()。
所选答案:B.SC问题10得 2 分,满分 2 分测试的关键问题是( )所选答案: C. 如何选择测试用例问题1得 2 分,满分 2 分在详细设计阶段,经常采用的工具有()所选答案:C.P AD问题2得 2 分,满分 2 分下列有关软件工程的标准,属于行业标准的是( )所选答案: D. IEEE问题3得 2 分,满分 2 分( )是为了确保每个开发过程的质量,防止把软件差错传递到下一个过程而进行的工作。
所选答案: D. 质量检测问题4得 2 分,满分 2 分软件复杂性度量的参数包括()所选答案:A.规模问题5得 2 分,满分 2 分需求分析中开发人员要从用户那里了解()所选答案:A.软件做什么问题6得 2 分,满分 2 分软件重用的单位是( ) 。
所选答案: D.功能问题7得 2 分,满分 2 分以下哪个等级是CMM中的3级资质( ) 。
复查测验:第9章财务杠杆与资本结构自制杠杆是:所选答案:A. 由个别股东借款或贷款作为调整其财务杠杆水平的一种手段问题2得10 分,满分10 分下列哪个理论表明,企业的权益资本成本直接与公司的资本结构比例相关?所选答案:B. M &M命题II显性成本,如法律和行政费用、与企业违约相关的成本分类为_____成本。
所选答案:A. 直接破产问题4得10 分,满分10 分由于下面的哪一个,企业不再持续存在?所选答案:A. 清算公司价值最大化时:所选答案:C. 加权平均资本成本最小化问题6得10 分,满分10 分AA旅游公司比较两种资本结构以确定更好的融资业务。
B. 由于预计息税前利润低于盈亏平衡水平,选择无杠杆的融资下列关于杠杆和无杠杆资本结构之间的关系,哪个陈述是正确的?假设没有税。
所选答案:C. 无杠杆企业EBIT变动时,EPS会更敏感问题8得10 分,满分10 分M & M命题II:所选答案:B. 企业的权益资本成本是一个斜率为(R A- R D)的线性函数以下哪一项是直接破产成本?所选答案:D. 为准备破产报告支付外部会计师费问题10得10 分,满分10 分在公司最优资本结构中增大债务比例,企业的最大的可能是?所选答案:C. 低概率的财务困境最优资本结构:所选答案:D. 将随着时间的推移、税收和市场条件而变化问题12得10 分,满分10 分资本结构的静态理论主张,企业的最优资本结构:所选答案:B. 由于额外债务带来的税收节约,与额外债务产生的破产成本相等M & M理论的基本观点是,公司的价值取决于:D. 公司的总现金流量根据优序融资理论,企业首先更愿意使用的融资方式为:所选答案:C. 内部储备资金问题15得10 分,满分10 分凯尔索电子公司正在比较杠杆和非杠杆的资本结构。
复查测验提交: 测试三内容用户首工程1501 李晓兰课程建筑工程概论测试测试三已开始16-6-1 下午9:04已提交16-6-1 下午10:03状态已完成分数得74 分,满分100 分已用时间58 分钟,共1 个小时。
必须提供学号的后6位数字!问题1得2 分,满分2 分不属于钢材的是:答案所选答案: 1.半沸腾钢回答反馈: 好样的问题2得2 分,满分2 分不属于烧结空心砖的质量等级的指标是:答案所选答案: 2.二等品回答反馈: 简单吧?问题3得0 分,满分2 分与型钢概念无关的描述是:答案所选答案: 4.外形尺寸回答反馈: 加油哦问题4得2 分,满分2 分下列不属于天然材料的是____。
答案所选答案:红砖回答反馈: 对问题5得2 分,满分2 分木材在建筑工程中的使用,不属于其防护的内容是:答案所选答案: 4.防爆回答反馈: 对了问题6得0 分,满分2 分在地表深处的岩浆,受其上部覆盖层的压力作用,缓慢冷却形成的岩石,叫做:答案所选答案: 1.火山岩回答反馈: 错了问题7得2 分,满分2 分不属于和水有关的性质是____。
答案所选答案:亲液性回答反馈: 好样的问题8得2 分,满分2 分下列不属于人造材料的有____。
答案所选答案:岩石回答反馈: 好问题9得2 分,满分2 分建筑工程中,钢筋混泥土结构使用的钢材主要是:答案所选答案: 4.钢筋回答反馈: 不错问题10得0 分,满分2 分墙体及屋面材料种类繁杂众多,我们课堂上主要介绍的是:答案所选答案: 1.钢材和木材回答反馈: 加油哦问题11得3 分,满分3 分孔隙按尺寸分类为____。
答案所选答案:微孔细孔大孔回答反馈: ^_^问题12得0 分,满分3 分属于特种混凝土的是:答案所选答案:防射线混凝土耐酸混凝土耐热混凝土回答反馈: 加油了问题13得3 分,满分3 分按照骨料分类,混凝土有:答案所选答案:轻骨料混凝土普通骨料混凝土回答反馈: 不错问题14得0 分,满分3 分建筑钢材的主要缺陷是:答案所选答案: 1.耐火性略差3.易锈蚀4.价格昂贵回答反馈: 努力哦问题15得3 分,满分3 分按冶炼时脱氧程度分类,钢包括有:答案所选答案: 1.半镇静钢2.沸腾钢4.镇静钢回答反馈: 不错问题16得0 分,满分3 分与天然石材相关的概念是:答案所选答案: 1.岩石2.石头4.矿物回答反馈: 错了问题17得3 分,满分3 分和建材强度相关的概念有____。
BB平台电子商务基础测试题答案 第二章 电子商务模式
问题1得10 分,满分10 分B2B的细分模式中,内联网模式又称为()所选答案: C. 卖方集中模式正确答案: C. 卖方集中模式问题得10 分,满分10 分2表示企业与企业间的电子商务的英文缩写是( )所选答案: C. B2B正确答案: C. B2B问题得10 分,满分10 分3一个买家与多个卖家之间的交易模式是( )所选答案: C. 卖方集中模式正确答案: C. 卖方集中模式问题得10 分,满分10 分4在B2B电子商务中,接到货款后,指定银行通知()买方货款到帐:所选答案: C. 网络商品交易中心正确答案: C. 网络商品交易中心问题得10 分,满分10 分5在B2B网络商品中介交易中,买方在()指定的银行办理转帐付款手续。
所选答案: B. 网络中心正确答案: B. 网络中心问题得10 分,满分10 分6下列属于第三方交易市场模式的网站是( )所选答案: D. 阿里巴巴正确答案: D. 阿里巴巴问题7得10 分,满分10 分适合使用英式拍卖的物品是所选答案: D. 字画作品正确答案: D. 字画作品问题8得10 分,满分10 分由卖方出价,竞争的是向消费者提供服务机会的拍卖是( )所选答案: C. 反拍卖正确答案: C. 反拍卖问题9得10 分,满分10 分软件公司和出版商食欲以下哪种电子商务模式所选答案: C. 网上赠与模式正确答案: C. 网上赠与模式问题10得10 分,满分10 分无形电子商务产品或服务模式不包括()所选答案: D. 新生网上商店模式正确答案: D. 新生网上商店模式问题11得10 分,满分10 分XYZ公司帮助个人将产品出售给其他人,并对每一笔交易收取一小笔佣金。
这属于哪一种电子商务分类?( )所选答案: C. C2C正确答案: C. C2C问题12得10 分,满分10 分( )电子商务是普通消费者广泛接触的一类电子商务,也是电子商务应用最普遍,发展最快的领域。
所选答案: C. B2C正确答案: C. B2C 问题13得10 分,满分10 分在B2C支付结算中,( )已成为电子商务支付的主流。
1、有关损伤与抗损伤的叙述下列哪项是错误的?A. 是推动疾病发展的基本动力,贯穿疾病始终B. 二者之间可以相互转化C. 二者力量的对比常影响疾病的发展方向D. 二者相互依存又相互斗争E. 二者之间不会相互转化2、脑死亡的概念是指:A. 全脑功能不可逆性永久性停止B. 有机体解体, 所有细胞死亡C. 呼吸、心跳停止, 反射消失D. 脑电波消失E. 意识永久性消失而呈植物人状态3、哪一类水、电解质失衡最容易发生休克?A. 等渗性脱水B. 低容量性低钠血症(低渗性脱水)C. 低钾血症D. 低容量性高钠血症(高渗性脱水)E. 水中毒4、大量出汗后未采取任何措施可发生:A. 水中毒B. 水肿C. 低容量性低钠血症D. 低容量性高钠血症E. 等渗性脱水5、左心衰竭引起肺水肿的主要发病因素是:A. 肺泡毛细血管通透性增高B. 肺淋巴回流障碍C. 血浆胶体渗透压降低D. 肺泡毛细血管内压增高E. 肺泡表面活性物质减少6、右心衰竭患者常发生:A. 低容量性高钠血症B. 低容量性低钠血症C. 水肿D. 高容量性低钠血症E. 等渗性脱水7、碱中毒时出现神经肌肉应激性亢进、手足抽搐的主要原因是:A. 血清Ca2+减少B. 血清Mg2+减少C. 血清Cl-减少D. 血清Na+减少E. 血清K+减少8、引起肾小球滤过分数升高常见于:A. 肾髓质产生前列腺素A2增加B. 抗利尿激素分泌增加C. 利钠激素生成增多D. 有效循环血量减少E. 肾皮质形成缓激肽增加9、低钾血症病人表现弛缓性麻痹是因为:A. 部分除极化B. 以上都不对C. 钠通道开放D. 去极化阻滞E. 超极化阻滞10、高钾血症对心肌的影响是:A. 兴奋性↓→↑,传导性↓,自律性↓,收缩性↓B. 兴奋性↓,传导性↓,自律性↑,收缩性↑C. 兴奋性↓,传导性↓,自律性↓,收缩性↑D. 兴奋性↓,传导性↑,自律性↑,收缩性↑E. 兴奋性↑→↓,传导性↓,自律性↓,收缩性↓11、某患者作消化道手术后禁食3天,仅静脉输入大量5%葡萄糖液,此患者最容易发生的电解质紊乱是:A. 低血钾B. 低血磷C. 低血钠D. 低血镁E. 低血钙12、代谢性酸中毒时:A. 脑血管收缩B. 脑内假性神经介质增多C. 脑内γ-氨基丁酸减少D. 脑血管扩张E. 脑内γ-氨基丁酸增多13、判断酸碱平衡紊乱是否为代偿性的主要指标是:A. PaCO2B. SBC. PH值D. ABE. BB14、急性呼吸性酸中毒机体的主要代偿机制是:A. 细胞内、外离子交换及细胞内缓冲B. 增加肺泡通气量C. 肾小管泌H+、泌NH3增加D. 血浆碳酸氢盐缓冲系统进行缓冲E. 肾小管重吸收HCO3-减少15、肾功能衰竭患者伴有发热:A. 代谢性酸中毒合并代谢性碱中毒B. 呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性酸中毒C. 呼吸性碱中毒合并代谢性碱中毒D. 呼吸性碱中毒合并代谢性酸中毒E. 呼吸性酸中毒合并代谢性碱中毒16、AB>SB表明可能有:A. 呼吸性酸中毒B. 呼吸性碱中毒C. 高AG型代谢性酸中毒D. AG正常性代谢性酸中毒E. 混合性碱中毒17、循环性缺氧时血氧指标最特征性的变化是:A. 血氧容量正常B. 动脉血氧含量正常C. 动静脉血氧含量差增大D. 动脉血氧饱和度正常E. 动脉血氧分压正常18、吸入氧分压降低的空气可引起:A. 血液性缺氧B. 低张性缺氧C. 组织性缺氧D. 等张性缺氧E. 循环性缺氧19、某患者的血氧检查结果,血氧容量20ml%,动脉血氧含量15ml%,动脉血氧分压6.7 kPa (50mmHg),动静脉氧差4ml%,其缺氧类型为:A. 循环性缺氧B. 血液性缺氧C. 低张性缺氧D. 混合性缺氧E. 组织性缺氧20、急性缺氧时血管收缩和血流量减少不明显的器官为:A. 脾B. 肾脏C. 胃肠道D. 肝脏E. 心脏21、DIC时血液凝固功能异常表现为:A. 血液凝固性先降低后增高B. 血液凝固性增高和降低同时发生C. 血液凝固性增高D. 血液凝固性先增高后降低E. 血液凝固性降低22、DIC患者出血与下列哪一项因素关系最密切?:A. 凝血因子大量消耗,纤溶活性增强B. 肝脏合成凝血因子障碍C. 抗凝血酶物质增加D. 血管通透性增高E. 凝血因子Ⅻ的被激活23、裂体细胞的产生是因为:A. 微血管内皮细胞受损B. 纤维蛋白丝在微血管腔内形成细网C. 微循环血液“泥化”淤滞D. 微血管内微血栓形成E. 异型输血24、华-佛综合征指的是什么器官的出血坏死:A. 大脑B. 肾脏C. 心脏D. 肺脏E. 肾上腺皮质25、氧离曲线右移见于:A. 2,3-DPG减少B. 二氧化碳降低C. 温度升高D. 氧分压增高E. pH值增高26、血浆鱼精蛋白副凝试验阳性说明:A. 抗凝血酶增多B. 纤维蛋白(原)降解产物增多C. 纤维蛋白增多D. 组织因子增多E. 凝血功能增高27、低血容量性休克以下哪项指标升高:A. 有效循环血量B. 动脉血压C. 心输出量D. 中心静脉压E. 外周阻力28、再灌注性心律失常中最常见的:A. 室性心动过速和心室纤颤B. 房室传导阻滞C. 房颤D. 早搏E. 窦性心动过速29、休克缺血性缺氧期微循环开放的血管可有:A. 微动脉B. 后微动脉C. 微静脉D. 毛细血管前括约肌E. 动静脉吻合支30、休克时交感-肾上腺髓质系统处于:A. 先抑制后兴奋B. 改变不明显C. 先兴奋后抑制,最后衰竭D. 强烈抑制E. 强烈兴奋31、下列临床表现哪一项不是早期休克的表现:A. 脸色苍白B. 脉搏细速C. 尿量减少D. 四肢冰凉E. 神志昏迷32、休克缺血性缺氧期引起微循环血管收缩最主要的体液因素改变是A. 血管紧张素Ⅱ↑B. TXA2↑C. MDF↑D. 加压素↑E. 儿茶酚胺↑33、休克时正确的补液原则是A. 如血压正常不必补液B. 补充丧失的部分液体,“失多少,补多少”C. 补充丧失的部分液体和当天继续丧失的液体D. 补液“宁多勿少”E. “需多少,补多少”34、治疗休克时单纯追求用升压药维持血压导致休克加重的机制是A. 血管平滑肌对升压药物失去反应B. 机体交感神经系统已处于衰竭C. 机体丧失对应激的反应能力D. 机体对升压药物耐受性增强E. 升压药使微循环障碍加重35、MODS最常见病因:A. 输液过多B. 严重创伤和感染C. 吸氧浓度过高D. 机体免疫力低下E. 营养不良36、SIRS的主要病理生理变化不包括:A. 全身高代谢状态B. 心输出量增加C. 多种炎症介质释放D. 细胞大量凋亡E. 全身耗氧量增高37、破坏核酸和染色体的主要自由基是:A. 超氧阴离子B. 单线态氧C. 脂过氧自由基D. 过氧化氢E. 羟自由基38、呼吸爆发是指:A. 肺呼吸膜损伤B. 肺通气量代偿性增加C. 中性粒细胞氧自由基生成大量增加D. 呼吸链功能增强E. 呼吸中枢兴奋性增加39、产生无复流现象的主要病理生理基础:A. ATP减少B. 中性粒细胞激活C. 微循环血流缓慢D. 钙超载E. 血管内皮细胞肿胀40、下列哪项再灌注措施不适当:A. 低压B. 低钙C. 低镁D. 低温E. 低pH答案1-5:EABDD 6-10:CADEE 11-15:AECAD 16-20:ACBCE 21-25:DABEC 26-30:BEAEE 31-35:EEEEB 36-40:DECBC。
bb平台 会计
银行存款余额调节表1 的指定答案: 800005 的指定答案: 75000 2 的指定答案: 500006 的指定答案: 52000 3 的指定答案: 50007 的指定答案: 2000 4 的指定答案: 125008 的指定答案:125000问题 17得 25 分,满分 25 分习题三(一)目的:练习财产清查结果的账务处理(各项存货增值税税率均为17%)。
√10.取相同浓度的HCl溶液和NH3·H2O溶液(p K b=4.76)配制pH= 9.24的缓冲溶液,HCl溶液和NH3·H2O溶液的体积比应为1∶2。
二、选择题1.用HAc和NaAc配成的缓冲液,抗酸成分和抗碱成分对应的浓度c(Ac-)—c(HAc)分别表示如下,则缓冲容量最大的一对应是AA、0.04—0.04B、0.03—0.05C、0.03—0.03D、0.06—0.022.用0.10 mol·L-1HCl滴定20.00mLNH3溶液时,当中和到50.0%时,溶液的pH为(已知NH3的p K b为4.76 )BA、4.76B、9.24C、6.24D、7.003.由HA和NaA组成的绶冲液,HA的K a =1.0×10-5,c (NaA)/ c (HA)=3,则此溶液的pH为DA、5.00 B 、4.30 C、5.30 D、5.484.某缓冲溶液,共轭酸的K a =1.0×10-4,则从理论上推测其缓冲范围是DA、5-6B、4-6C、5-7D、3-55.某缓冲溶液含有等浓度的HA和A-。
名称Quiz B-2-1状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分What happened to the woman in Atlantic City on a recent weekend 所选答案:B.She won a lot of coins at a slot machine.问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分Before having dinner with her husband, the woman wanted to _________所选答案: D. hide the coins in her room问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分The woman hesitated to enter the elevator because she __________ the two black men. 所选答案: A. was afraid to be robbed by问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分In panic, the woman took hit the floor to mean所选答案: D.lie down on the floor immediately问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分Holding in a belly laugh, one of the two black men explained to the woman that所选答案: C. he just told his friend to push the elevator button for their floor问题 6 得 1 分,满分 1 分What did the woman receive the next morning所选答案: C.a bunch of roses and a dozen one-hundred-dollar bills问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the woman ' s feeling about the two men later所选答案: B.They were perfectly respectable gentlemen.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分It can be inferred from the text that ___________ .所选答案: A. it is not easy for people to get rid of the racial stereotype against black people 问题9得 1 分,满分 1 分Tom had a vision of a society in which the members of different races could live together in harmony.所选答案: C. racial问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分Jane seemed a little ___________ on her feet, and her friends were afraid she might not make it down the corridor.所选答案: A. unsteady问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分The woman only made a real ___________ of herself by shouting at the waiter in the middle ofa crowded restaurant.所选答案: D. spectacle问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分With great effort, Jim was able to ________ his anger and avoid a fight.所选答案: A. hold in问题13 得 1 分,满分 1 分When Washington created a $700-billion fund to keep the financial system from ______________ , which the Treasury Department named a bailout czar (救市沙皇).所选答案: B. collapsing问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分Normally, Andrea would never _________ a hitchhiker (搭车人) when she was alone, thinking it was too dangerous.所选答案: D. pick up问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分The lean showman smiled pleasantly as if he were about to _______ sugar cubes to a large group of joyful dogs around him.所选答案: C. deliver问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Don' t ask me, folol wing your __________ and do what you think is right.所选答案: D. instincts问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分This computer-based trading dramatically accelerated market movements, and when that movement was sharply to the down side it caused a _________________ .所选答案: A. panic问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分It is interesting that many introverts have no trouble (in) ______ online.所选答案: B. socializing问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分I was _________ by passion for a film star I would never meet.所选答案: C. consumed问题20 得 1 分,满分 1 分In butter, _________ in the sea of fat, bacteria which make the food go bad cannot spread and rapidly run of nutrients (养料).所选答案: A. trapped问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分MySpace (网站名) claims 170 million mainly English-language members. Most of them are active and almost every one has a blog (博客) _____ waiting to be used.所选答案: B. attached问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分The government will not ________ to take measures against these terrorists.所选答案: D. hesitate问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分The schoolpicnic is on Saturday, so were ___________ for a fine day.所选答案: C. praying问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分The 1,400 pages of the Codex -- the world's oldest surviving Bible -- were _________ betweenSt Petersburg, Leipzig, London and Egypt, but each page has now been digitally photographed andcollected on the internet.所选答案: A. scattered问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分“ And you really think I with anger. m stupid enough to believe that, do you John said, _______ 所选答案: B. flushed问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分Hearing about those murders, the little boy felt his blood _________ with fear.所选答案: C. frozen问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分While scanning through books, Susan was attracted by a true story, which gave a vivid descriptionof how a disabled girl became a ___________________ writer.所选答案: C. respectable问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分The nation is about _________ a big lesson in African-American history. At least sevenmajor black museums, cultural centers and memorials have been recently opened or are beingdeveloped.所选答案: get问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分"Please call me Virginia." Virginia said for the tenth time. Mrs. Allen bowed _________ and continued to call her Miss Martin.所选答案: A. stiffly问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分An audio-visual display gives visitors an idea of what life was like _________ a sailing ship.所选答案: C. aboard问题31 得10 分,满分10 分Coming to Dubai, the second [a] _______ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find nodearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. [b] _____________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands [c] ___________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a [d] ________ andicon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and [e] __________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202 suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water features and huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further [f] ________ here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is a seafood specialty restaurant, which can be [g] _______________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regions seafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing [h] _______ of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai [i] ________________ the best of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of [j] _______ .所选答案:Coming to Dubai, the second largest ___________ city of the United Arab Emirates you will find no dearth (缺乏) of Hotels in Dubai in UAE. The Burj Al Arab Hotel is one of the best 5 Star Hotels in Dubai in UAE. Designed _______________ by Tom Wright this iconic building resembles the sail of an Arabian vessel 'dhow, which stands proudly ___________ on a man-made island some 280 meters offshore, linked to the mainland by a gently curving causeway. The hotel is a landmark _____________ and icon on the Dubai skyline.The attractive and comfortable __________ hotel is air conditioned and comprises a total of 202suites spreading over 28 floors. Guests are welcomed in the spacious lobby with water featuresand huge fish tanks by a 24-hour reception desk and several lifts. Further facilities __________here include many extravagant shops, a hairdresser, 5 cozy bars, and 6 restaurants, one of which is aseafood specialty restaurant, which can be reached ___________ via the submarine simulator.Soaring 321 meters above the Arabian Gulf, the Burj Al Arab is a dramatic tribute to the regionsseafaring heritage. Combining the latest technology with a long-standing reputation_________of Arabian hospitality the hotel symbolizes the very essence of Dubai embracing ________ thebest of new alongside traditions of the past. The Burj Al Arab is setting new standards of luxury问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分Question is based on the following passage.Culture shock can be described as the feeling of confusion and disorientation (迷惘) that oneexperiences when faced with a large number of new and unfamiliar people and situations. Manythings con tribute to it -smells, soun ds, flavors, the very feeli ng of the air one is breath ing. Ofs resp course, the natives ' unfamiliar language and behavior contribute to it too. People culture shock varygreatly, from excitement and energetic action to withdrawal, depression, physical illness, and hostility.A particular individual might react to culture shock one way one day and another the next.The notion of culture shock calls two useful points to mind. First, most people experience somedegree of culture shock when they go to a new country, whether they admit it to themselves andothers or not. Culture shock is more a product of the situation of being in a new culture than it is of thetraveler ' s personal character.Second, culture shock, like other kinds of , is norm“asllyhotrcakns”ito'ry. It passes withtime.Academic analysts of the culture shock idea point out that the experience of culture shock need notbe negative. While there may be some unhappiness and unpleasantness along with the confusionand disorientation, the confusion and disorientation are necessary steps in learning about a newculture. If everything in the new place is just like home, no learning will come from being there.Which of the following best summarizes the topic of the passage所选答案: A. The nature of culture shock and its causes.问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following statements regarding the causes of culture shock is TRUE所选答案: D. The language barrier is one of the major causes of culture shock.问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分The word “ transitory ” (Para. 3) is closest in meaning to ________________ .所选答案: A. not lasting long问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分We may conclude from the second paragraph that _____________ .所选答案: A.most people going to a foreign country for the first time experience culture shock问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分According to academic analysts, ______________ .所选答案: C. we should be aware of the positive elements of culture shock已提交11-11-29 下午9:56名称Quiz B-2-2状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the boy ' s dream所选答案: C. Making a voyage around the world问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分How did his father react to his son ' s dream所选答案: B. He mocked at his son's dream.问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分What does “ the down payment ” mean in paragraph 5所选答案: C. Part of the total cost to be paid at the time of buying a sailboat问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分How did the young man feel when he bought a sailboat所选答案: D.He was delighted to own his own sailboat.问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分What happened to the boat when the young man went to the harbor intending to take it out on the water所选答案: D.TheThe boat would be taken away by the federal officers.问题 6 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the last straw for the young man所选答案: A.HeHe had to pay the past docking fees owed by the previous owner.问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What was the possible reason for the young man to change the boat ' s name 所选答案: B. The young man held a grudge for the previous owner.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分In what senses is the word “ harbor ” used in the text所选答案: B. To have in mind问题9 得 1 分,满分 1 分He lost all the money invested in the real estate during the global economic downturn; therefore smuggled goods ______ expecting a turnaround from his great lost.所选答案: B. in desperation问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分The two parties needed to keep on working together under the principles of facing ____________ building mutual trust, laying aside disputes and creating a win-win situation.所选答案: A.reality问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分The main scary thing about speaking in public is that you think people will ______ youif you say something wrong.所选答案: D.make fun of问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分The boy brought up in a slum experienceda lot of difficulties. It seemed that the world thumb __________ h im ___ throughout his life.所选答案: C. pressed…down问题13 得 1 分,满分 1 分After a slow start, eBooks are starting to take off. But should we _____ the technology所选答案: A. embrace问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分They are going to _____ the car market in China in few years by launching a series of promotion campaigns.所选答案: D.take possession of问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分We hope the world to be a just place where people _______ others and treat each otherwith equality and respect.所选答案: C. show concern for问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Plans to develop shops, houses and public spaces at Leale's Yard in Guernsey are ______to the public .所选答案: C. displayed问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分A BBC journalist and broadcaster in BBC Northern Ireland, talked to people about their for the future of Northern Ireland.所选答案: B. vision问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分Drugs with an estimated street value(毒品等街头黑市价)of more than £ 150,000 have been in a police crackdown in Moray.所选答案: A. seized问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分TThe parents hoped the son would ________ and fulfill their dreams to become a successful economist.所选答案: A. follow in their footsteps问题20 得 1 分,满分 1 分WTO members should act against protectionism by adhering to WTO rules. China anyhow will continue to ______ the WTO, and sincerely hope the US side does the same.所选答案: C. show faith in问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分The robbers were cornered and desperately fled into a resident house on Denman Street, which was later ______ and then searched by police officers.所选答案: D. surrounded问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分Several hundred people were arrested after ________ on Sunday turned violent.所选答案: D. protests问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分A record of the survey must be retained ___________ and remedial action must be taken as appropriate.所选答案: C. on site问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分The following day we ________ into the city to take a look at the Zimbabwean capital in the daylight.所选答案: B. headed out问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分The _____ government believes that police and officials in that remote districthave long been in the pay of the drug gangs.所选答案: A. federal问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分the dream of sailing around the world, the little boy never stopped Although he wasfollowing his heart ' s desire.所选答案: C. scoffed at问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分It is simply the last _____ for a region of south Wales that has seen a steady decline ofits manufacturing industry over the last three decades.所选答案: C. straw问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分As to whether it is a blessing or a ______ , however, people take different attitudes.所选答案: A. curse问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分On a summer morning, the 65-year-old man _________ to the sea and began his sailing roundthe world. This is the story of that adventure.所选答案: A. sailed out问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分Rescuers have been ________ trying to reach the six miners who have been trapped since acave-in on August sixth.所选答案: D. frantically问题31 得10 分,满分10 分It ' s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit atrins. Buy your ticket or [a] ___ at Ticket Office orTicket Vending Machines. You may determine your train [b] ___ by checking the departure boardor TV monitors. For your [c] ____ , you should stand behind the yellow line while waiting foryour train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to [d] or get off.There is a space between the train and the platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train [e] member for help. Riding a bus is another co nvenient option. Its best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is [f] _________ . When you board,deposit the [g] _____ bus fare. Many local buses require [h] ______ change in coins or $1 bills.When the bus approaches your stop, [i] ___ the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above andbetween the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop [j] ___________before getting off.所选答案:It ' s easier than you think to ride NJ Transit trains. Buy your ticket or pass _____ atTicket Office or Ticket Vending Machines. You may determine your train track ______________ bychecking the departure board or TV monitors. For your safety _____ , you should stand behindthe yellow line while waiting for your train to arrive. Please wait until the train has come to a completestop before attempting to board _______________________ or get off. There is a space between the train andthe platform. If you need assistance, please ask a train crew _______ member for help. Riding abus is another convenient optio n. It ' s best to arrive at your bus stop at least five minutes before your bus is due ________________ . When you board, deposit the required ________ bus fare. Many localbuses require exact ____ change in coins or $1 bills. When the bus approaches your stop, alert____ the bus driver by pressing the signal tape above and between the side windows. Gather your personal items and wait for the bus to stop completely _____________ before getting off.问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分How men first learned to invent words is unknown; in other words, the origin of language is a mystery. All we really know is that men, unlike animals, somehow invented certain sounds to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things, so that they could communicate with each other; and that later they agreed upon certain signs, called letters, which could be written down. Those sounds, whether spoken or written in letters, we call words.The power of words, the n, lies in their associati ons —the things they bring up before our min ds.Words become filled with meaning for us by experience; and the longer we live, the more certain words recall to us the glad and sad events of our past; and the more we read and learn, the more the number of words that mean something to us increases.Great writers are those who not only have great thoughts but also express these thoughts in words which appeal powerfully to our minds and emotions. This charming and effective use of words is what we call literary style. Above all, the real poet is a master of words. He can convey his meaning in words which sing like music, and which by their position and association can move men to tears. We should, therefore, learn to choose our words carefully and use them accurately, or they will make our speech silly and vulgar (粗俗).The origin of language is ____________ .所选答案: B. a matter that is hidden or secret问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分One of the reasons why men invented certain sounds to express thoughts and actions was that _________________________ .所选答案: C. they could communicate with each other问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分The real power of words exists in their ______________ .D. representative function所选答案:问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分Which of the following statements about great writers is NOT TRUE所选答案: C. They are charming and good at story-telling.问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分The best title for this passage could be ____________所选答案: B. The Power of Words已提交11-11-29 下午10:11名称Quiz B-2-3状态已完成分数得50 分,满分50 分说明问题 1 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author said Edward was a taker because __________ .所选答案: D. he always used up something in the bathroom问题 2 得 1 分,满分 1 分Why was it quite disappointing to see Charlie walk into the bathroom所选答案: C.Charlie often made a mess with his shaving cream in the bathroom.问题 3 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author thought that Edward was a monopolizer because __________所选答案: C.he would spend a long time in the bathroom with his roommates waiting outside to use theand begging bathroom问题 4 得 1 分,满分 1 分In the year when they shared a rented house they felt __________ .所选答案: B.unhappy and dissatisfied问题 5 得 1 分,满分 1 分The author says that many people or corporations like Edward are now _______ .所选答案: D. taking more than their fair share of our planet ' s resourcesNow many people or corporations like Charlie _________ .所选答案: A. pollute the world with toxic wastes and chemicals问题7 得 1 分,满分 1 分What is unfair according to the author所选答案: B. Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters are imposing costs on us and we have to endure hardships while they benefit.问题8 得 1 分,满分 1 分What is the solution to the unfair situation in the author ' s opinion所选答案: C.Those takers, monopolizers, and polluters who take more than their fair share of our natural resources should compensate the rest of us.问题9 得 1 分,满分 1 分Every year on April 22, Earth Day is celebrated all over the world. It's a time to work toward protecting our earth. People plan projects to --- _______________________ the land, air and water.所选答案: C. clean up问题10 得 1 分,满分 1 分Parents are likely to _______ their own values and outlook towards life _________ their children, which may result in disagreement between parents and kids.所选答案: A. impose…on问题11 得 1 分,满分 1 分Finally, Mary Parker came to realize that nothing can _________ for the loss of one's health.所选答案: B. compensate问题12 得 1 分,满分 1 分China will launch a massive survey of its underwater relics in an effort to better conserve the country's cultural ____________________ .所选答案: D.heritageThe government has successfully coped with the economic _________ and has won its people ' s trust as a result.所选答案: A. crisis问题14 得 1 分,满分 1 分Gmail is a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that email can be more intuitive, _________ ,useful and even fun.所选答案: C. efficient问题15 得 1 分,满分 1 分Thailand's agriculture minister says his country will never ________ rice exports. He says that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.所选答案: A. restrict问题16 得 1 分,满分 1 分Among these I would list string and brown paper, kept by ________ people when a parcelhas been opened, to save buying these two requisites next time.所选答案: C. thrifty问题17 得 1 分,满分 1 分There's enormous compassion, love, ________ , and even tenderness in this movie.所选答案: B. humanity问题18 得 1 分,满分 1 分Be quiet! I can't ________ the noise a moment longer. You guys know that I have a test to take tomorrow morning.所选答案: A. endure问题19 得 1 分,满分 1 分Raising kids will make people turn to be more responsible and ________ and help people to understand life better.所选答案: B. matureI want to tell you our company is going to merge(合并) with a big New York ________ -they'll announce it sometime next week.所选答案: D.corporation问题21 得 1 分,满分 1 分This country has long experience with large-scale disasters —from coal mine explosions to chemical spills to floods that _______________________ thousands of people.所选答案: A. displace问题22 得 1 分,满分 1 分I __________ you to read that material, as well as Charlie's letter to the shareholders,describing the various businesses of that company.所选答案: C. urge问题23 得 1 分,满分 1 分Mrs. Bagot always tries to keep every inch of her house clean and ___________________ , but unfortunately her daughter often makes the house a terrible mess.所选答案: D. neat问题24 得 1 分,满分 1 分Some people think that natural resources will never be ________ , but that is not the case.所选答案: B. used up问题25 得 1 分,满分 1 分The Dutch wanted to _________ the profitable spice trade from the East and they tried all means to do that.所选答案: C. monopolize问题26 得 1 分,满分 1 分If everything goes smoothly, this new system will be ________ in a couple of years.所选答案: A. brought into use问题27 得 1 分,满分 1 分The spokesman said that it would be __________ to make a comment about this event at this time.所选答案: D. premature问题28 得 1 分,满分 1 分Those explorers have found that this is a continent exceptionally rich in _________ resources.所选答案: C. mineral问题29 得 1 分,满分 1 分Hugo is about to __________ a big party for all his friends but unfortunately he forgot to collect enough fruit for the dinner.所选答案: B. arrange问题30 得 1 分,满分 1 分On the issue of industrial pollution, the environmental activists __________ with the government not to soft-pedal (采取低调态度).所选答案: D. plead得10 分,满分10 分问题31Rent:The rent is USD 550 per month.1.2. The rent is [a] _____ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of each month. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a [b] _____________ of 0.5% of the rent will be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the [c] ________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, [d] ________ to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.3. The rent can ' t be [e] _________________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On [f] _________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A two months'rental as a deposit, [g] ________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period, if Party Bdoesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the [h] _______ infull to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B [i] _________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not[j] ________ to return the said deposit.所选答案:Rent:1. The rent is USD 550 per month.2. The rent is payable _______________ monthly in one lump sum, before the tenth day of eachmonth. If Party B has not paid the rent by the tenth day, a penalty ___________ of 0.5% of the rentwill be charged per day. If the rent has not been paid within 30 days, Party A has the automatic________ right to eject Party B from the leased property, according __________ to clause 5.2 of this Agreement.3. The rent can ' tinbcereased ________ during the term of this Tenancy Agreement.Deposit:1. On signing _______________ this Tenancy Agreement, Party B must pay to Party A twomonths' rental as a deposit, totaling _________ USD 1100. On completion of the tenancy period,if Party B doesn't wish to extend the lease and has paid all charges, Party A must return the deposit in full to Party B within 7 working days (excluding interest).2. If Party B stops _______________ the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party Ais not required _________ to return the said deposit.问题32 得 2 分,满分 2 分Sabine Island, near Greenland, was first discovered and mapped by the British geographer Sir Edward Sabine in 1823, but an 1869 map showed that it was actually a quarter of a mile farther west than its discoverer had indicated. This difference set Alfred Wegener, a young geologist, inthinking. He thought the error too great to be reasoned out easily. Wegener himself took measurements and found that since 1869 the island had moved an additional five eighths of a mile. After checking the positions of other arctic land masses, he concluded that all of them were drifting westward at different speeds. From such date, Wegener developed his floating continents theory. He pictured in mind an original supercontinent that hardened out of molten material maki ng up the n ewbor n earth; even tually the mass cracked and broke in to several pieces —the present continents. The continents do seem to fit together like pieces of a puzzle, andfurthermore, some of the mountain ranges of different continents line up rather well, as if the land masses were at one time linked. As convincing as Wegener 's argument appeared, many geologists refused to accept it, and there was heated argument. Exactly how the continents were formed is still a leading geophysical mystery, though today many geophysicists are returning to the continental drift theory.The 1869 map indicated that _____________ .所选答案: A. Sabine Island was farther west than its discoverer had indicated问题33 得 2 分,满分 2 分In Paragraph 2, the word “drifting ” could best be replaced by ________________ .所选答案: A. moving slowly问题34 得 2 分,满分 2 分Wegener's theory held that _______________ .所选答案: B.the continents of the earth were drifting问题35 得 2 分,满分 2 分It is implied but not stated in the passage that _____________ .所选答案: D. the continental drift theory may become more widely accepted问题36 得 2 分,满分 2 分The passage tells us about _____________ .所选答案: C. the origin of the continental drift theory已提交11-12-12 上午11:34 名称Quiz B-2-4。
肾蒂:A. 为出入肾门的结构总称B. 左侧肾蒂较右侧长C. 主要结构从上向下依次为肾动脉、肾静脉及肾盂D. 内除主要结构外还有进出肾的神经、淋巴管E. 肾大、小盏包括在肾蒂内问题 2输尿管壁内段:A. 为输尿管最狭窄部B. 当膀胱充盈时,有阻止尿液逆流作用C. 若该段过短,可发生尿液逆流D. 儿童时期此部较短E. 长约1.5cm问题 3男性膀胱后面毗邻的结构为:A. 精索B. 输精管壶腹C. 直肠D. 前列腺E. 直肠膀胱陷凹第12肋斜越:A. 左肾后面上部B. 左肾后面中部C. 左肾后面下部D. 右肾后面上部E. 右肾后面中部问题 5维持肾正常位置的结构有:A. 肾被膜B. 肾血管C. 肾的毗邻器官D. 腹膜E. 支配肾的神经问题 6肾:A. 位于脊柱两侧腹后壁B. 肾区位于第12肋与脊柱交界处C. 第十二肋斜越两肾后面的中点D. 肾门约平第1腰椎平面E. 肾位置高低与性别和年龄无关肾窦内有:A. 肾盂B. 肾大盏C. 肾小盏D. 肾锥体E. 肾动脉的分支问题 8输尿管狭窄位于:A. 肾盂与输尿管移行处B. 输尿管腹段C. 越过小骨盆入口处D. 输尿管盆段E. 输尿管膀胱壁内段问题 9膀胱底:A. 在女性与子宫颈和阴道邻接B. 内面有一个三角形平滑区域称膀胱三角C. 上述全对D. 朝向后下方E. 无腹膜覆盖肾的位置:A. 第12肋斜过右肾后面中部B. 第12肋斜过左肾后面上部C. 左肾上端平第12胸椎体D. 肾门约平第1腰椎体E. 右肾下端平第2腰椎下缘问题 11膀胱:A. 成年人位于小骨盆腔前部B. 女性位置较男性稍低C. 以上均对D. 充盈时,可高出耻骨联合E. 新生儿位置较成人高问题 12肾:A. 肾窦向外延伸为肾盂B. 肾脂肪囊包裹在肾筋膜外面,具有保护功能C. 为腹膜间位器官D. 肾锥体与肾柱构成肾髓质E. 右肾略低于左肾输尿管:A. 全长约20-30cmB. 分为腹段、盆段和壁内段C. 全长有三处狭窄D. 起于肾盂,终于膀胱E. 以上均对问题 14关于女性尿道描述中,错误的是:A. 与阴道仅隔以结缔组织B. 比男性尿道短、粗、直C. 通过尿生殖膈D. 开口于阴道与肛门之间E. 较男性尿道易于感染问题 15肾蒂内主要结构的排列,由上向下依次为:A. 肾静脉、肾盂、肾动脉B. 肾静脉、肾动脉、肾盂C. 肾盂、肾静脉、肾动脉D. 肾动脉、肾静脉、肾盂E. 肾动脉、肾盂、肾静脉右输尿管的第二处狭窄位于:A. 与髂外动脉交叉处B. 与髂总动脉交叉处C. 穿膀胱壁内处D. 与髂内动脉交叉处E. 与子宫动脉交叉处问题 17下列结构中,不位于膀胱后面的是:A. 女性子宫B. 男性前列腺C. 男性精囊腺D. 男性输精管壶腹E. 男性直肠问题 18关于膀胱三角的描述中,错误的是:A. 位于膀胱底的内面B. 为膀胱肿瘤和结核的好发部位C. 膀胱舒张时,该部光滑无皱襞D. 膀胱收缩时,该部有许多皱襞E. 位于两输尿管口与尿道内口之间关于输尿管的长度,正确的是:A. 右输尿管比左输尿管长B. 右输尿管比左输尿管短C. 女性右输尿管长D. 以上均不对E. 左、右输尿管长度相等问题 20肾的被膜、自外向内依次为:A. 脂肪囊、纤维囊、肾筋膜B. 肾筋膜、纤维囊、脂肪囊C. 纤维囊、肾筋膜、脂肪囊D. 纤维囊、脂肪囊、肾筋膜E. 肾筋膜、脂肪囊、纤维囊问题 21肾蒂内的主要结构的位置关系,自前而后依次为:A. 肾动脉、肾静脉、肾盂B. 肾动脉、肾盂、肾静脉C. 肾静脉、肾盂、肾动脉D. 肾静脉、肾动脉、肾盂E. 肾盂、肾静脉、肾动脉女性、在子宫颈外侧约1.5~2.0cm处,输尿管和子宫动脉的位置关系为:A. 两者间无恒定的位置关系, 因个体而不同B. 子宫动脉与输尿管伴行向内走行C. 子宫动脉横过输尿管的前上方D. 子宫动脉横过输尿管的后下方E. 子宫动脉和输尿管伴行向下行走。
bb平台Quiz-B-3-1Steve Jobs ___________ after he dropped out of Reed College.所选答案: B. stayed around as a drop –in for months问题2 得1 分,满分1 分Steve Jobs’ biological mother ___________ when she gave birth toSteve Jobs.所选答案: B. was a young college graduate student问题3 得1 分,满分1 分From the passage, we know that ___________.所选答案:A. Steve Jobs’biological mother was a singlemother.问题4 得1 分,满分1 分What kind of people were Steve Jobs’ foster parents?所选答案: B. They were a working class couple without a collegedegree.问题5 得1 分,满分1 分Which of the following was NOT the reason why Steve Jobs droppedout of Reed College?所选答案: C. Because he found a good job with the help of hisfriend.问题6 得1 分,满分1 分From his decision of dropping out, it could be inferred that___________.所选答案:C. Steve Jobs was happy to have made one of his bestdecisions in his life.问题7 得1 分,满分1 分After Steve Jobs dropped out, much of what he learned in a specialway proved ___________.所选答案: B. pricelessWhy did Steve Jobs say his life as a drop-in in the college was notromantic at all?所选答案: A. Because he was living a shabby life.问题9 得1 分,满分1 分Steve jobs ___________ in the calligraphy class.所选答案:B. learned about serif and sanserif typefaces, about varying the amount of space between different letter combinations, and so on.问题10 得1 分,满分1 分From Steve Jobs’ life experience, we can learn that ___________.所选答案:A. people might learn to trust in something----their gut, destiny, life, karma and so on问题11 得1 分,满分1 分I found the novel so ____________ that it was difficult to tear myselfaway from it.所选答案: A. fascination问题12 得1 分,满分1 分This is the company I used to work for. I __________ becauseeverybody there was tricky and deceptive.所选答案: A. quitted问题13 得1 分,满分1 分The movie C lose Your Eyes at Midnight which I watched last week wasa horror film. It made me __________ a lot.所选答案: B. scary问题14 得1 分,满分1 分Teachers should not only have the abstract thought and the thinkingin images, but also inspiration thought and __________ thoughtduring their teaching.所选答案: C. intuitionGuo Moruo, one of the famous writers in Chinese history, wroteseveral ________ plays in his lifetime, notably Qu Yuan in 1942.所选答案: B. historical问题16 得1 分,满分1 分College students ought to have a clear recognition of our future.Whatever other people say, we should stick to goals and pursue ourdreams. It is ourselves who decide our own __________.所选答案: A. destiny问题17 得1 分,满分1 分Keeping your head, instead of crowding and pushing to get to an exit,may __________ between life and death when fire breaks out.所选答案: B. make all the difference问题18 得1 分,满分1 分As a representative in our school, I __________ take part in theNational English Oral Contest and was granted thesecond award gloriously.所选答案: D. was honored to问题19 得1 分,满分1 分He was an able man, so everyone was willing to vote him when he was__________ the election of the Trade Union.所选答案: D. put up for问题20 得1 分,满分1 分Although we have so many difficulties before us,we still __________accomplishing the project on time if we keep on working hard.所选答案: D. have a hope of问题21 得1 分,满分1 分John’s grandfath er was a much experienced __________ of manycampaigns, full of old wisdom.所选答案: C. veteran问题22 得1 分,满分1 分The little boy had a talent for drawing and he could do a __________of the elegant ballet dancer quickly once he caught a glimpse of her.所选答案: C. sketch问题23 得1 分,满分1 分Suzhou is widely-known for its incomparably (无比的) exquisitegardens, and Hangzhou for its __________ scenery around the WestLake.所选答案: B. fascinating问题24 得1 分,满分1 分Although there are many stars existing in the sky, they are__________ to the naked eye as they are so far away from us.所选答案: B. invisible问题25 得1 分,满分1 分If we convert wastes into useful materials through __________ manykinds of materials, our limited natural resources would lastlonger and the environment would be better.所选答案: D. recycling问题26 得1 分,满分1 分The charitable people both in and outside the country were willing to__________ the orphans left by the destructive earthquake inWenchuan Sichuan province.所选答案: B. adopt问题27 得1 分,满分1 分The commentator’s running__________ on the football match wasexcellent and objective although our football team was defeated in theend.所选答案: C. commentary问题28 得1 分,满分1 分He ____________ his head, wondering how to solve the problem.所选答案: C. scratched问题29 得1 分,满分1 分The daily market is a festival of colors and textures, with fruit andvegetable stalls ____________ and imaginatively composed.所选答案: B. artistically问题30 得1 分,满分1 分The general manager said he would __________ visiting his senioremployees before Christmas although he was terribly busy with manythings in the company.所选答案: B. get around to问题31 得10 分,满分10 分At a conference in California yesterday,the [a] _________ of 500-some technology veterans watched in fascination as a company called Livescribe introduced itsbrilliant [b] _________: penWell, not just a pen—a computer that looks like a pen. The pen can not only make lines on paper, but also recorda [c] _________ file of whatever you write—both text andsketches. It can also use an [d] _________ camera to read a code of tiny and read bar codes. To use the pen, you need to buy[e] _________ of paper with dots of a distinctive pattern.It also records the sound around youand [f] _________ it to what you were writing at the time.Tap the pen to that text again, it reads the little dots and you get an audio playback from that time. It is very useful to the journalist with [g] _________ handwriting and noshorthand skills.Besides, it has other cool [h] _________. First, it can create 3D audio files. Second, it can create flash animations. Third, it canaccess [i] _________ in a book. Fourth, it can write anemail [j] _________.所选答案:At a conference in California yesterday,the audience _________ of 500-some technology veterans watched in fascination as a company called Livescribe introduced itsbrilliant invention _________: penWell, not just a pen—a computer that looks like a pen. The pen can not only make lines on paper, butalso record a digital _________ file of whateveryou write—both text and sketches. It can also usean infrared _________ camera to read a code oftiny and read bar codes. To use the pen, you need tobuy sheets _________ of paper with dots of adistinctive pattern.It also records the sound around youand links _________ it to what you were writingat the time. Tap the pen to that text again, it readsthe little dots and you get an audio playback from thattime. It is very useful to the journalistwith lousy _________ handwriting and noshorthand skills.Besides, it has other cool functions _________. First, it can create 3D audio files. Second, it can create flashanimations. Third, it can access commentary _________ ina book. Fourth, it can write anemail automatically _________.问题32 得2 分,满分2 分One of the best-known proverbs must be “early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” The promise of health, wealth, and wisdom to those who join the ranks of the early retirees and risers must beparticularly appealing to many people in our contemporarysociety. There is no doubt that one of the greatest concerns of modern man is his health. It is estimated that in the United States $200 billion are spent on health care each year. The medical field has grown into such a big business that it employs4.8 million people.Much more interest has been shown in preventive medicine in recent years. This is probably due to the increasing costs of medical treatment, but the writing of such people as Dr. Kenneth Cooper have also played an important role. In his book Aerobics, Dr. Cooper communicated his message of thebenefits of exercise so effectively that many other authors have followed in his trail, and literally millions of readers have put on their sports shoes and taken to the highways and byways of America. A recent survey showed that over 17 million people are jogging. Many of these are so serious that theytrained themselves to run the 26 miles and 385 yards of the hardand tiring marathons(马拉松) that are organized all over the country. The last time I was in Honolulu , I was amazed to see hundreds of people, young and old, running for their lives. And I discovered many of them have run in the Hawaiian Marathon. Exercise has also become a major part of conversation. At a dinner party recently, the president of a bank asked me, “ You look like a runner; how far do you run each day?” A few days later when I appeared on a national television show, the host suddenly asked me if I was a regular runner. On both occasions the conversation turned to the subject of exercise and I found that this is a subject on many people’s minds.The “early risers” mentioned in Paragraph 1 are ____________ .所选答案: B. people who get up early问题33 得2 分,满分2 分What does the writer think of the $200 billion spent on health careeach year?所选答案: A. It’s a big sum of money.问题34 得2 分,满分2 分According to the passage, nowadays what people are most interestedin is ____________.所选答案: B. how to keep fit问题35 得2 分,满分2 分Why are the examples of conversation in the last paragraph used?所选答案: C. To show the importance of running.问题36 得2 分,满分2 分Aerobics is a book about ____________ .所选答案: A. exercise。
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Directions: Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C), and D). You should decide on the best choice. Passage OnePerhaps the most important defining characteristic of a human being is culture. The term culture as used here is not limited to operas, paintings, and other artistic endeavors. These are seen by anthropologists (人类学家) as examples of culture: culture itself is the customary manner in which human groups learn to organize their behavior and thought in relation to their environment. Defined in this manner, culture has three principal aspects: behavioral, perceptual and material. The behavioral component refers to how people act, especially how they interact with each other. In child rearing (养育) , for example, parents and children tend to interact in a relatively patterned fashion. Then there is the manner of perception, the ways people perceive the world. For example, parents have a limited range of ideas about how they should act, and what significance parenthood carries in the scheme of things. Finally, there is the material component of culture — the physical objects that we produce.Most of what goes into making up culture is a result of learning — modifying behavior in response to experience within an environment. Learning is practically universal among organisms. But no other organism has a greater capacity for learning than a human, or depends as much on learned behavior for its survival.While the survival of most other organisms is to some extent safeguarded by instincts, humans rely heavily on culture for their survival. People must learn how to live in a particular social and physical setting, biology playing but a minimal (最小限度的) role.The ideas and modes of behavior that constitute culture are transmitted largely by a complex system of symbols that includes language. Humans have evolved an extremely complex system of communication that is unique to our species. Without it the creation of human culture as we know it would be impossible.1.What is the definition of culture by anthropologists?问题1 答案C) Behavioral, perceptual and material components interacting with each other.B) Customary manners of behavior and thought related to the environment.A) Operas, paintings and may other artistic activities as a whole.D) The different ways people perceive the physical world.问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.According to the passage, the behavior of making tools for producing material objects should fall within the category of _________ component of culture.问题2 答案C) materialA) behavioralD) artisticB) perceptual问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.Learning is most essential for _________.问题3 答案C) human beings to respond to experience within an environmentB) all the organisms to acquire learned behaviorD) human beings to survive and live in a societyA) all the organisms to survive问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4. What’s the element to human culture?问题4 答案B) Biological adaptation to the environmentD) Learning to surviveC) Safeguarding by instinctsA) Communication in language.问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.Which of the following statements is True?问题5 答案D) If there were no language communication, humans couldn’t have created the present culture.A) The capacity for learning can only be observed in human beings.B) Biology plays an important role in humans’ living in a social and physical settingC) Human behavior and thought do not have anything to do with culture.Passage TwoThe best kept secret in San Diego is waiting to offer you a delightful getaway — without leaving town.Less than three years ago, the Parisi Hotel was just an office building above the shops on the corner of Prospect Street. Now, that valuable space is an intimate luxury hotel — with several rooms overlooking the ocean. You’ll be amazed when you enter from the corner and ascend the curving staircase to the second-floor lobby. It will take you into a different world.What will you find when you enter the large contemporary lobby is a handsome and peaceful space that was designed with a hint of Tuscany in its modern Mediterranean (地中海式的) style. The lobby has a large fireplace with comfortable sofas in warm neutral colors surrounding it. You’ll feel relaxed just sitting there — with its skylight overhead letting in the morning sun.All the rooms are more like suites (套房), with large comfortable beds, beautiful baths and stylish custom-designed furnishings and art throughout.The Parisi Hotel is the perfect place for seniors because it’s quiet and restful — with only 20 rooms. You won’t find many hotels like this in the center of a tourist town.The shops are all around you. Likewise for some of the city’s best restaurants, you will never have to take your car out of the garage during your stay. And, by the way, the underground parking lotat the Parisi Hotel is free for hotel guests.Once you stay at this little gem (珍品), you’ll want to return again and again. I know we do. It’s a perfect place for seniors.Rates for standard suites begin at $275. You can call the hotel for reservation at (858) 454-1513. The Parisi Hotel is located at 1111 Prospect St. right across from La Valencia.1.The Parisi Hotel is described as _________.问题1 答案B) a large hotel famous for its rooms facing the oceanD) a tourist attraction full of amazing cornersA) a luxury hotel with comfortable facilitiesC) a good place for escaping away from the noisy city问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.When you enter the lobby, you will find that ________.问题2 答案A) it is decorated with Mediterranean furnitureC) there is a large fireplace burning all the timeB) the walls are painted in warm neutral bright colorsD) sunlight comes through the window in the sloping roof问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.Why is the Parisi Hotel suitable for old people?问题3 答案A) Because all the rooms are like suites.B) Because it has fashionable furnishingsC) Because it is in the center of the town.D) Because it is peaceful to stay there.问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4.What special benefit can people get while staying in the Parisi Hotel 问题4 答案C) They can buy things cheaper in nearby shops.B) They can enjoy free parking.D) They can make a reservation by phone.A) They don’t need to drive to eat out in a restaurant.问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.Which of the following statements is True?问题5 答案A) The Parisi Hotel is a small restful hotel.C) The Parisi Hotel is in a secret place in San Diego.B) Most guests staying the hotel are old people.D) You must make a reservation before entering the hotelBombay wasn’t the ideal place to get sick — not when my doctor, family and friends were half a world away. I was alone, quite ill and had to delay my flight home. Luckily, when booking my ticket months before, I had bought travel insurance. So my illness didn’t cost me a cent.It’s actually pretty simple. A lot of unforeseen things can happen to you when you’re traveling. Make sure you’re prepared for all of them.A good health insurance policy will get you proper medical attention anywhere in the world outside your home province — at the insurance company’s expense. The company will send you home if it is considered medically necessary and, if you’re sick enough, it will send a nurse to accompany you. If you end up in a hospital and a doctor recommends that a family member come to your bedside, the insurance company will pay for it. You may even get pocket money to make your hospital stay more comfortable.When I was sick in Bombay, I called the insurance company collect. It paid for a doctor (who came to my hotel room), all my medication, an extra night in the hotel and all my meals.Picture it: the day before your big trip to Vancouver, you wake up with appendicitis (阑尾炎). You have no choice —you have to cancel your trip. Your ticket, like most, is non-refundable and you can’t make any changes. You’re about to lose all the money you put out for the ticket — unless you bought cancellation insurance beforehand.Most travel plans include some form of non-refundable element: your deposit, your flights, your cruise, your stay at the all-inclusive resort. That non-refundable portion is what you’ll lose if you have to cancel your trip in the event that you get sick and you don’t have cancellation insurance.1. What happened to the author when he was in Bombay?问题1 答案B) He didn’t buy travel insurance.D) He couldn’t get in touch with his family and friends.A) He fell ill and couldn’t go home as scheduledC) He spent a lot of money on curing his illness.问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存With a health insurance policy, if you get sick traveling away from home, _________.问题2 答案D) you may get a nurse from the insurance company to take care of youA) you may get pocket money from the local hospital you are inC) you may choose to stay in the best local hospitalB) your family members may go to see you at the insurance company’s expense问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.Which item was paid by the insurance company when the author was ill in Bombay?问题3 答案C) All his meals at his hotelD) His travel insurance policy.A) His trip to BombayB) All his hotel rates.问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4.With cancellation insurance, you can _________.问题4 答案B) get your money back when canceling your travel ticketC) enjoy a reduced rate of travel expenseD) buy a refundable ticket at the ticket officeA) have a choice where to go and where to stay问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.From the passage we may say that _________.问题5 答案B) a cancellation insurance policy can make your trip safe and comfortableD) travel insurance is strongly recommended when you travel away from homeA) a health insurance policy is more useful than a cancellation insurance policyC) when you get sick while traveling away from home, you’d better buy a health insurancePsychologists take opposing views of how external rewards, from warm praise to cold cash, affect motivation and creativity. Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences, argue that rewards can improve performance at work and school. Cognitive (认知学派的) researchers, who study various aspects of mental life, maintain that rewards often destroy creativity by encouraging dependence on approval and gifts from others.The latter view has gained many supporters, especially among educators. But the careful use of small monetary (金钱的) rewards sparks creativity in grade school children, suggesting that properly presented inducements (刺激) indeed aid inventiveness, according to a study in the June Journal of Personality and Social Psychology."If kids know they’re working for a reward and can focus on a relatively challenging task, they show the most creativity, " says Robert Eisenberger of the University of Delaware in Neward. " But it’s easy to kill creativity by giving rewards for poor performance or creating too much anticipation for rewards. "A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Eisenberger holds. As an example of the latter point, he notes growing efforts at major universities to tighten grading standards and restore failing grades.In earlier grades, the use of so-called token economies, in which students handle challenging problems and receive rewards, shows promise in raising effort and creativity, the Delaware psychologist claims.1.Psychologists are divided with regard to their attitudes toward____问题1 答案C. the study of relationship between actions and their consequencesD. the effects of external rewards on students performanceB. the amount of monetary rewards for student creativityA. the choice between spiritual encouragement and monetary rewards问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.What is the response of many educators to external rewards for their students?问题2 答案C. They approve of them.B. They have doubts about themD. They avoid talking about themA. They have no doubts about them问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3. Which of the following can best raise students’ creativity according to Robert Eisenberger?问题3 答案D. Giving them rewards they anticipate.C. Giving them rewards they really deserve.A. Assigning them tasks they have not dealt with beforeB. Assigning them tasks which require inventiveness.问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4. It can be inferred from the passage that major universities are trying to tighten their grading standards because they believe ____问题4 答案B. punishment is more effective than rewardingD. discouraging the students’ anticipation for easy rewards is a matter of urgencyC. failing uninspired students helps improve their overall academic standardsA. rewarding poor performance may kill the creativity of students问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5. The phrase " token economies " (Line 1, Para. 5) probably refers to _____.问题5 答案D. methods of improving performanceA. ways to develop economyC. approaches to solving problemsB. systems of rewarding studentsIn the evolution of mammals from reptiles(爬行动物), there was a succession of physical changes: the development of warm blood, body hair instead of scales, and the beginning of the nursing of the young. This radical physical transformation provided mammals with a greater tolerance for external temperature and required reliance on specialized food types. When the dominant dinosaurs(恐龙)became extinct, the Age of Mammals began. For the rest 60 million years mammals expanded into the biological vacuum which they were better equipped to exploit than all but a few varieties of reptiles.The habitat of life forms on earth has been the entire planet, conveniently dividing the world into the birds of the air, the fish of the sea, and the creatures of the land. The evolutionary process also created sea-dwelling mammals who appeared to reverse the process of evolution as they returned to the sea. The whales’ limbs became flipperlike, and they lost the hair on their bodies, suiting them better to aquatic life.On the other hand, in the course of the evolution of birds from reptiles, there was a succession of changes in the bone, muscle, and skin structures of the animals. This wholesale restructuring of some reptiles over a period of thousands of years equipped the new animals to escape their predators and to find food more easily. But the evolutionary process did not stop there. Once adapted to flight, some birds continued to change and the process seemed to reverse itself. As penguins(企鹅)adapted to marine life, their wings changed to flippers and their feathers to a waterproof covering, thus suiting the birds for a semi-aquatic existence.1.The Age of Mammals began when ____问题1 答案A. animals evolved from reptilesD. the dominant dinosaurs died outC. animals were more tolerant to external temperatureB. animals nursed the young问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.It can be concluded from this passage that the ancestors of whales ___问题2 答案D. had too many offspringA. were fishC. lived on the landB. chased reptiles问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3. In paragraph 2, the word ‘aquatic’ is closest in meaning to ____问题3 答案A. of earthC. of riverD. of waterB. of land问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4. Certain reptiles gradually became able to escape quickly by ____.问题4 答案B. becoming smaller and strongerA. acquiring new structural featuresD. changing their eating habitsC. finding food more easily问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5. Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?问题5 答案D. The Adaptation of Whales and Penguins.A. The Evolution of Mammals.B. The Evolution of Life on Earth.C. The Disappearance of Reptiles.The temperature of the Sun is over 5,000 degrees Fahrenheit at the surface, but it rises to perhaps more than 16 million degrees at the center. The Sun is so much hotter than the Earth that matter can exist only as a gas, except at the core. In the core of the Sun, the pressures are so great against the gases that, despite the high temperature, there may be a small solid core. However, no one really knows, since the center of the Sun can never be directly observed.Solar astronomers do know that the Sun is divided into five layers or zones. Starting at the outside and going down into the Sun, the zones are the corona, chromospheres, photosphere, convection zone, and finally the core. The first three zones are regarded as the Sun’s atmosphere. But since the Sun has no solid surface, it is hard to tell where the atmosphere ends and the main body of the Sun begins.The Sun’s outermost layer begins about 10,000 miles above the visible surface and goes outward for millions of miles. This is the only part of the Sun that can be seen during an eclipse such as the one in February 1979. At any other time, the corona can be seen only when special instruments are used on cameras and telescopes to keep out the glare of the Sun’s rays.The corona is a brilliant, pearly white, filmy light, about as bright as the full Moon. Its beautiful rays are a sensational sight during an eclipse. The corona’s rays flash out in a brilliant fan that has wispy spike like rays near the Sun’s north and south poles. The corona is thickest at the Sun’s equator.The corona rays are made up of gases streaming outward at tremendous speeds and reaching a temperature of more than 2 million degrees Fahrenheit. The rays of gas thin out as they reach the space around the planets. By the time the Sun’s corona rays reach the Earth, they are weak and invisible.1. One thing that is sure about the core of the Sun is that____问题1 答案A. it is gasB. it is solidD. the pressure is greatC. the temperature is low问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.The zone that is NOT regarded as the Sun’s atmosphere is ____问题2 答案C. chromospheres zoneD. photosphere zoneB. corona zoneA. convection zone问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.Paragraph 2 is mainly about ____问题3 答案B. the structure of the SunC. why scientists study the SunD. the age of the SunA. how the Sun evolved问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4. The word “one” in Paragraph 3 refers to ____问题4 答案A. the SunD. the surfaceB. the coronaC. an eclipse问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.According to the passage, as the corona rays reach the planets, they become____.问题5 答案C. thinnerB. cleanerA. hotterD. strongerWhy don’t birds get lost on their long migratory flights from one place to another? Scientists have puzzled over this question for many years. Now they’re beginning to fill in the blanks. Not long ago, experiments showed that birds rely on the sun to guide them during daylight hours. But what about birds that mainly fly by night? Tests with artificial stars have proved that certain night-flying birds are able to follow the stars in their long-distance flights.One such bird –a warbler (刺嘴莺) –had spent its lifetime in a cage and had never flown under a natural sky at migration time. Yet it showed an inborn ability to use the stars for guidance. The bird’s cage was placed under an artificial star-filled sky. The bird tried to fly in the same direction as that taken by his outdoor cousins. Any change in the position of the make-belief stars caused a change in the direction of his flight.Scientists think that warblers, when flying in daylight, use the sun for guidance. But the stars are apparently their principal means of navigation. When the stars are hidden by clouds, they apparently find their way by such landmarks as mountain ranges, coast lines, and river courses. But when it’s too dark to see these, the warblers circle helplessly, unable to get their bearings (方向感).1. The reason why birds don’t get lost on their long migratory flights ________.问题1 答案A. has been known to scientists for yearsB. has only recently been discoveredD. will probably remain a mysteryC. is known by everyone问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2. During daylight hours, birds ________.问题2 答案B. rely on landmarksC. use sun for guidanceD. are more likely to get lostA. fly aimlessly问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.By “his outdoor cousins” the author means ________.问题3 答案B. the other warblers of the same broodD. other birds in generalA. other experimentersC. warblers under the natural sky问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4.The experiment with the warbler indicated that ________.问题4 答案B. a bird that has been caged cannot fly long distancesD. some birds seem to follow the stars when they fly at nightC. some birds cannot fly at nightA. birds have to be taught to navigate问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.In total darkness, warblers ________问题5 答案B. don’t know which way to flyC. fly back homeA. use landmarksD. wait for the stars to appearThe medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play a significant role in the process of recovery from illness.As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the galleries and into public places, some of the country's most talented artists have been called in to transform older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2,500 National Health Service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have significant collections of contemporary art in corridors, waiting areas and treatment rooms.These recent initiatives owe a great deal to one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s. He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.A typical hospital waiting room might have as many as 500 visitors each week. What better place to hold regular exhibitions of art? Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the out-patients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975. Believed to be Britain's first hospital artist, Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.The effect is striking. Now in the corridors and waiting rooms the visitor experiences a full view of fresh colors, playful images and restful courtyards.The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient isrecovering from an illness. A study has shown that patients who had a view onto a garden needed half the number of strong pain killers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.1. According to the passage, "to soften the hard edges of modern buildings" means问题1 答案D. to make the corners of hospital buildings roundA. to pull down hospital buildingsB. to decorate hospitals with art collectionsC. to improve the quality of treatment in hospitals问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2. What can we say of Peter Senior?问题2 答案C. He is an artist who has a large collection of paintings.B. He is a doctor interested in paintingD. He is a faithful follower of hospital artA. He is a pioneer in introducing art into hospitals问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.According to Peter Senior, _______.问题3 答案C. patients should be encouraged to learn paintingA. art is losing its audience in modern societyD. art should be encouraged in British hospitalsB. art galleries should be changed into hospitals问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4. After the improvement of the hospital environment, _______.问题4 答案B. patients are no longer wholly dependent on expensive drugsC. patients need good-quality drugs in their recoveryA. patients no longer need drugs in their recoveryD. patients use fewer pain killers in their recovery问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.The fact that six young art school graduates joined Peter shows that_______.问题5 答案D. the role of hospital environment is being recognizedB. Peter Senior enjoys great popularityA. Peter's enterprise is developing greatlyC. they are talented hospital artistsPolyester (聚酯) is now being used for bottles. ICI, the chemicals and plastics company, believes that it is now beginning to break the grip of glass onthe bottle business and thus take advantage of this huge market.All the plastics manufacturers have been experiencing hard times as their traditional products have been doing badly world-wide for the last few years. Between 1982 and 1984 the Plastics Division of ICI had lost a hundred and twenty million dollars, and they felt that the. most hopeful new market was in packaging, bottles and cans.Since 1982 it has opened three new factories producing "Melinar", the raw material from which high quality polyester bottles are made.The polyester bottle was born in the 1970s, when soft drinks companies like Coca Cola started selling their drinks in giant two-liter containers. Because of the build-up of the pressure of gas in these large containers, glass was unsuitable. Nor was PVC, the plastic which had been used for bottles since the 1960s, suitable for drinks with gas in them. A new plastic had to be made. Glass is still cheaper for the smaller bottles, and will continue to be so unless oil and plastic become much cheaper, but plastic does well for the larger sizes.Polyester bottles are virtually unbreakable. The manufacturers claim they are also lighter, less noisy when being handled, and can be reused. Shopkeepers and other business people are unlikely to object to a change from glass to polyester, since these bottles mean few breakages, which are costly and time-consuming. The public, though, have been more difficult to persuade. ICI's commercial department is developing different bottles with interesting shapes, to try and make them visually more attractive to the public.The next step could be to develop a plastic which could replace tins for food. The problem here is the high temperatures necessary for cooking the food in the container.1. Plastics of various kinds have been used for making bottles__________.问题1 答案A. since 1982B. since the 1970s but only for large bottlesD. since companies like Coca Cola first tried themC. since the 1960s but not for liquids with gas in them问题2 文本问题2 1 分保存2.Why is ICI's Plastics Division interested in polyester for bottles?问题2 答案D. The price of oil keeps changing.A. The other things they make are not selling wellC. They have factories which could be adapted to make it.B. Glass manufacturers cannot make enough new bottles.问题3 文本问题3 1 分保存3.Why aren't all bottles now made of polyester?问题3 答案D. Shop-keepers dislike reusable bottlesB. It is not suitable for containing gassy drinksA. The price of oil and plastic has risen.C. The public like traditional glass bottles.问题4 文本问题4 1 分保存4.Manufacturers think polyester bottles are better than glass bottles because they 问题4 答案A. are cheaperD. do not break easilyB. are more suited to small sizesC. are more exciting to look at问题5 文本问题5 1 分保存5.Plastic containers for holding food in the same way as cans______.问题5 答案C. are possible, but only for hot foodD. are the first things being made in the new factoriesA. have been used for many yearsB. are an idea that interests the plastics companiesBCBCC。