第三章 词语的翻译(2)
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Designative Meaning (指称意义)
Linguistic Meaning Pragmatic Meaning (言内意义) (语用意义)
The reason why
translation can be carried out. Beauty in sound & form
One to one
在英汉语之间,有许多的词语在词义上只是部分对应。它们的意义范围 有广狭之分、抽象与具体之分、一般与个别之分。 汽车 小汽车(motor car)、公共汽车(bus)、载货汽车(truck)、面包车 (minibus)、出租车(taxi) 酒 白酒(spirit)、葡萄洒(wine)、啤酒 (beer) ,伏汁米酒 (glutinous rice wine) Rose 玫瑰、蔷薇及任何蔷薇科植物 Aunt 姑妈 ,舅妈 ,姨妈 ,伯母 ,婶娘 Beauty 美貌(抽象);美人(具体) Milk 奶(一般);人奶,牛奶,羊奶(个别)
change in collocation or context.
2.1 词义的选择
By “diction” we mean the proper choice of words and phrases in translation on the basis of accurate comprehension of the original.
In the practice of translation, what perplexes us
What is ―sign‖?
sign (猪)
A sign is a tripartite tripartite entity consisting of a sign vehicle, a referent of the sign and an interpretant (the effect of the sign on someone). (Charles Morris)
1. 相符(correspondence)
This is most evidently shown in proper nouns and technical terms. For example: Marxism = 马克思主义 Aspirin = 阿司匹林 激光 = laser 白血病 = leukemia 他是只狡猾的老狐狸。 He is an old fox.
In this case, a certain word may be treated differently according to various circumstances or collocations. For example: 骑马,骑自行车,骑墙,骑马人,骑墙派 粮油票,请买票,售票处,售票口,普通客票,行李票, 剪票员,查票员 To ride a horse; to ride a bike; to sit on the fence; horse rider; fence-sitters Grain (food) and edible oil coupons; All fares, please!; booking office; wicket; check; ordinary ticket; puncher; ticket examiner;
carrier: 携带者;带菌体,病媒(医学、生物学) shuttle: 梭子; 航天飞机(航天) base: In business: 本金 In linguistics:词素 In painting: 底涂
In mathematics:底边,底面
In military science: 根据地
第二章: 英汉词法翻译
英汉两种语言都有一词多类和一词多义的现象。一词多类就是指一个词往往 属于几个词类,具有几个不同的意义;一词多义就是同一个词在同一词类中又 往往有几个不同的词义。在英译汉的过程中,我们在弄清原句结构后,就要 善于运用选择和确定原句中关键词词义的技巧,以使所译语句自然流畅,完 全符合汉语习惯的说法;选择确定词义通常可以从两方面着手: 一、 根据词类/词性确定词义
“Each word when used is a new word.” ——J.R. Firth
in a new context
三. 地点( place ) 语境中的地点是话语所产生的地点。 同一词语出 现在不同的地点,其含义往往不同。如: 1. The boy is drawing a cart.
五. 交际方式 ( medium )
交际方式即语言传播的方式和媒介,有口头和书 面之分,文白之差别。因而要确定原文的文体和 风格后再选择恰当的词义。 1. He wrote a letter to his friend. 2. Premier Wen wrote a letter to American President. 3. Mary received a love letter.
most frequently is how to find an equivalent in the language to be translated into. Great care is called for in the translation of “familiar” English
into Chinese, as their meaning vary with the
One to more
概念意义(外延意义denotative meaning 或 认知 意义cognitive meaning ): 词汇的基本意义,常视 作词语在字典中的定义或释义。 内涵意义(connotative meaning):隐含于或附加 在概念意义上的意义。
salt water salt solution 学英语歌 to study English songs to learn… 简单地说 simply speaking to put it simply 穷山恶水 poor mountain and bad water poverty – stricken places barren hills and untamed rivers 好票! Good tickets! Good seats!
1. Like charges repel; unlike charges attract. 2. He likes mathematics more than physics. 3. Like knows like. 4. Like enough it will snow.
1. 相同的电荷相斥,不同的电荷相吸。 2. 他喜欢数学甚于喜欢物理。 3. 英雄识英雄。惺惺相惜。 4. 很可能要下雪了。
Relation of the sigh
Relation of the sign Relation of the sign
with the referent
Designative Meaning (指称意义) semantics semantic dimension
4.空缺( zero )
zero of designative meaning) 三八式干部;三八红旗手;三八
Zero of linguistic meaning 在家养病反把这病养家了.
Relationship of Chinese and English Words
二、 根据上下文联系以及词在句子中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义 英语中同一个词,同一词类,在不同场合往往也有不同的含义,必 须根据上下文的联系以及词的搭配关系或句型来判断和确定某个词在特 定场合下所应具有的词义。例如“Last”这一形容词: 1) 2) 3) He is the last man to come. 他是最后来的。(Being, coming, or placed after all others: final) He is the last man to do it. 他绝对不会干那件事。 (Least likely or expected) He is the last person for such a job. 他最不配干这个工作。(The least desirable or suitable)
2.1.3 根据汉语习惯搭配确定词义
英语中有些词在同一词类中、具有相同意义的情况下, 和不同的词搭配,译成汉语时还要根据与它搭配的词而 选择最符合汉语习惯的词义。 1. He has great ears and 2. He has great wisdom, experience and knowledge. 他耳聪目明。 他有无穷的智慧,丰富的经验和渊博的知识。 eyes.
dispatch 派军队dispatch troops \ / 派 / \ send 派代表团send a delegation 送信儿send a word \ / 送 / \ 送货deliver goods deliver 发言(发表演说)deliver a speech \ / 发 / \ 发信post a letter post \寄—寄包裹post a parcel
Fake correspondence (False friend / pseudocorrespondents)
盐水 salt water 学英语歌 to study English songs 简 单地说 simply speaking 一层厚厚的黄土 a layer of thick loess dust 穷山恶水 poor mountain and bad water 强硬政策 strong policy 学习知识 to learn knowledge 好票 good tickets
with other signs
with the interpreter
syntactic dimension
pragmatic dimension
Linguistic Meaning Pragmatic Meaning (言内意义) (语用意义)
Designative meaning: an animal with short legs, floppy ears and not much hair on its skin. Linguistic meaning: pig in the pigsty. Pragmatic meaning: greedy, dirty, unkind, or oppressive, corpulent, etc.
Zero of pragmatic meaning 工农兵peasant 鸡年是我的本命年。 She is a cat. 白象牌电池 white elephant 兰翎牌香脂 blue feather Little elephant Peacock Tail
那男孩正在拉一辆大车。 2. It’s time to go aboard. 该上车了。/ 该上飞机了。/ 该上船了。
四. 话题 ( topic ) 话题即交际双方所谈及的内容。 同一词语在不同的话题中具有语义 上的专门化。如:
messenger: 信使; 一种传递信息的化学物质(遗传工程学)