基于树莓派的监控系统 王君儒
1.基于树莓派的智能监控系统设计 [J], 汪志敏
2.基于MATLAB的图像采集系统研究——在基于视觉的智能监控系统中 [J], 杨洁;梅向辉;OLAF Hellwich
3.基于树莓派的智能监控系统设计与实现 [J], 李国诚;黄明;崔进宝;曹旭峰;徐泽琨
4.基于树莓派的六足机器人目标跟踪系统研究 [J], 刘东;蒋刚;留沧海
5.一种基于树莓派的口罩自动检测装置 [J], 张丽艳;赵艺璇;李林
I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2017, 5, 35-44Published Online September 2017 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.05.04Available online at /ijemeDevelopment of Cloud Based Incubator Monitoring System usingRaspberry PiMala Sruthi B a, S. Jayanthy b,a M.E Embedded System Technologies Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore-641022, Indiab Professor, Department of ECE Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore-641022, IndiaReceived: 27 December 2016; Accepted: 28 March 2017; Published: 08 September 2017AbstractAccurate and quantifiable measurement of light is essential in creating desired outcomes in practical day to day applications such as in Poultry Industry. Light measurement is essential in ensuring the efficiency of egg hatching process. Artificial incubation has been used in the poultry farm for hatching of the eggs. For better hatching of the eggs, the temperature and humidity has to be maintained properly. The proposed system is equipped with DHT11 sensor which monitors the temperature and humidity of the incubator and continuously updates to the cloud through Wi-Fi. Remote user checks the temperature and humidity values and controls the intensity of the bulb through an Android app in his mobile phone. A servo motor is attached to the egg turner kept inside the incubator and is rotated according to the specified delay in order to prevent the yolk from getting stick to the shell of the eggs and also to provide uniform temperature for the eggs. From the experimental results, it is inferred that better hatching of the eggs could be achieved by controlling the intensity of the bulb remotely.Index Terms: Incubator, Wi-Fi, egg-hatching, Android app.© 2017 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionMany of the industries are burdened with limited number of resources and real shortage of experts on their fields; real time remote monitoring presents an effective solution that minimizes their efforts and expenditures to achieve the desired results within time. In real time applications such as poultry industry, traffic lighting system, gardening or farming, at emergency exits, etc light measurement with precision is necessary in creating * Corresponding author. Tel.: 0422 9629432034E-mail address: jayanthy.s@srec.ac.inrequired outcomes[Syed and Sudha, 2016]. There are also other applications in hospitals, laboratories and educational Institutions where sufficient light levels has to be maintained for healthier and safer environment[Sandip and Gaikwad,2016]Artificial incubation has been used in the poultry industry by some farmers for better hatching of the eggs. The devices mainly control the heat, moisture and humidity of the incubator. This project will explore into the development of such a system which will accommodate the egg hatching procedure without the broody process. In addition to that, a monitoring system has also been developed so that the user can have seamless accesses to the incubator. Most importantly, its purpose is to create an environment where the egg incubation process occurs in a more orderly and safe manner. Egg incubator is used for keeping the eggs warm with the appropriate humidity using Raspberry Pi platform to hatch the eggs (Incubator Warehouse, 2012). Egg-Incubator based on Raspberry Pi will allow the foetuses inside the eggs to grow and hatch without the mother (hens) being present. Raspberry Pi is a low-cost ARM-based computer on a small circuit board. It is a capable credit card sized PC which can be used for various purposes as such a desktop PC can provide. This project is developed for the specific reason to assist the small-scale farmers from the technological perspective, so that their productivity can be increased significantly. It also features a monitoring system that allows the owner to control the incubator’s setting remotely from a smart phone; over the internet. The intensity of the bulb is controlled using the Android app by varying the duty cycle of the PWM wave (Alvino et al, 2009). The Section 2 deals with the related works of the egg incubator monitoring system. The section 3 gives the highlights of the proposed system. The Section 4 deals with the pseudo code required for the system. The Section V 5shows the experimental results obtained from the incubator monitoring system. The Section 6 deals with the overall conclusion of the paper. The Section 7 gives the way the proposed system could be enhanced in its future work.2.Related WorksRadhakrishnan et al, 2014 proposed the design of an ATmega16 microcontroller based egg incubator system which is able to automatically maintain the environment which is optimum for embryo growth. The main drawback is that the bulb has to be turned on and off using relays to control the temperature.Boopathy S et al, 2014 proposed a system for monitoring different parameters such as temperature, humidity, level of water at egg incubation tray. The disadvantage is that if the temperature exceeds or goes below the prescribed level, it has to be adjusted manually.VinuSankar et al, 2015 proposed a new incubator system which uses thermo electric heating for egg incubation. The drawback is that the weight loss factor of thermo electric egg incubator takes longer time to analyze which may affect the hatching process.Fuead Ali and Noor Azhar Amran, 2016 proposed an egg incubator system for precision farming. The disadvantage is that the temperature and humidity values can be monitored remotely in cloud but the values could only be controlled manually.3.Proposed SystemThe Fig. 1 shows the block diagram of the egg incubator monitoring system. There are three elements in the system that must be set and controlled, namely temperature, humidity and movements. In this scenario, a 60W light bulb is used to suitably set the correct temperature for the eggs (Isabel and Sandra, 2012). TheDHT11 temperature and humidity sensor interfaced with Raspberry Pi measures the respective values. The percentage of humidity in the incubator needs to be consistent. This is achieved by water running through the incubator. In the same time, it can ensure that the humidity and ventilation of the incubator is in a good condition (Cherry and Barwick, 2010). In order to ensure that the entire part of the eggs receives heat from the bulb and also to prevent the yolk from sticking to the shell, a stepper motor is used that rotates the egg turner and change the position of the eggs. The status of the condition inside the incubator can be viewed remotely via cloud. An Android app is used to control the intensity of the light bulb by varying the duty cycle of PWM (in %) remotely.Fig.1. Block DiagramThe schematic of the prototype is shown in Fig. 2. The egg incubator system has been designed with Raspberry Pi Processor, which is connected with DHT11 sensor, servo motor and to the bulb through GPIO pin. The proposed system has a DHT11 sensor whose data pin is connected to pin 7 (GPIO 4), Vcc to pin 2 and Gnd to pin6 of the Raspberry Pi. Servo motor’s signal pin is connected to pin 5 (GPIO 3), Vcc to +5V regulated DC output and Gnd to pin 9 of the Raspberry Pi. The external power supply for the servo motor is designed with step down transformer, bridge rectifier and regulator producing 5V regulated DC output.The bulb leads are connected to pin 2 and 4 of the connector. The power supply voltage for driving the gate is supplied by the voltage across the MOSFET. The MOSFET is used to control D6, R5 and C2 form a rectifier. Due to the bridge rectifier, the MOSFET sees the DC voltage as the drain is always positive with respect to the source. Thus with this combination of the bridge rectifier and MOSFET, by controlling DC switch-the MOSFET, you can control the AC load. R5 limits the current pulses through D6 to about 1.5 A. The voltage across C2 is regulated to a maximum value of 10 V by R3, R4, C1 and D1. An opto-coupler and resistor (R2) are used for driving the gate. From Raspberry Pi, the PWM output is given to pin 1 of the opto-coupler.R1 is intended as protection for the LED in the opto-coupler. The transistor in the opto-coupler is connected to the positive power supply so that T1 can be brought into conduction as quickly as possible (. Okonkwo and Chukwuezie, 2012). R3 and R4 is a compromise between the lowest possible current consumption and the highest possible duty cycle that is allowed. By controlling the input to the gate terminal of N-Channel MOSFET, the intensity of the bulb could be controlled.Fig.2. Schematic Diagram4.Pseudo CodeFor developing the egg incubator system, Python, a high level script language is used on the underlying Raspbian OS. Controlling the intensity of the bulb using an Android app also has been implemented. The pseudocode for updating the sensor values on the ThingSpeak cloud and for rotating the servo motor are given below. The code for controlling the intensity of the bulb is also described below.4.1. Updating DHT11 sensor values to cloudThe Fig. 3 is the pseudo code for updating the temperature and humidity values to the ThingSpeak cloud. Fields have to be specified as temperature and humidity for plotting the values onto the graph accordingly.For updating the sensor data to the cloud, Write API KEY is used.API_KEY="TRD3283BIO1E4M1Z"Fig.3. Pseudo Code for Updating DHT11 Sensor Values to Cloud4.2. Servo motorThe Fig. 4 is the pseudo code for rotating the servo motor in both clockwise and anticlockwise direction. Pin 5 is set as PWM pin for the servo motor. The PWM frequency is set to 50Hertz. The time period is set to 20ms. Hence, 50 pulses have to be sent every second. At duty cycle 7, motor is at 90o rotation and at duty cycle 2, motor turns to 0o and finally at duty cycle 12, motor turns to 180o.Fig.4. Pseudo Code for Rotating the Servo Motor4.3. IntensityThe Fig. 5 is the pseudo code for controlling the intensity of the bulb by changing the duty cycle of PWM for the Raspberry Pi. The UDP_IP and UDP_PORT are initialized to the Raspberry Pi’s IP address and port 8080. The two variables pvdata and data are initialized to 5. If both are not equal, then the data is assigned to pvdata.The data is the variation made by the app. Based on that, the duty cycle is varied.Fig.5. Pseudo Code for Controlling the Intensity of the Bulb5.Experimental ResultsUpdating the temperature and humidity values which have been sensed inside the egg incubator onto the ThingSpeak Cloud is shown below. According to the duty cycle variation of the PWM wave, the intensity of the bulb is varied and accordingly the temperature and humidity values get changed which are then automatically updated on the Cloud.The Fig. 6 shows the egg incubator monitoring system. Inside the incubator, a 60W light bulb is fixed with the bulb holder (Pradeep Kumar and Ravi Kumar Jatoth, 2015). In the lower compartment, an egg turner is placed.Fig.6. Egg Incubator Monitoring SystemA DHT11 sensor is kept inside the incubator which will be sensing the temperature and humidity values (Blatchford et al, 2009). A servo motor is connected to the egg turner for rotating it. The DHT11 sensor is interfaced with Raspberry Pi and it displays the temperature and humidity values over the terminal. The temperature and humidity ranges have to be between 34o C to 39o C & 40% to 70% respectively (Lien et al, 2008).These values are continuously updated onto the ThingSpeak cloud by using the Write API key.The servo motor connected to the egg turner is programmed in the Raspberry Pi as to rotate according to the specified delay. The Android app is used for changing the intensity of the bulb.Table 1. Temperature and Humidity Values When the Intensity of the Bulb Is IncreasedFrom the Table 1, it is inferred that when the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied, the light intensity of the bulb changes which is resulted in the temperature and humidity variation (Kristensen et al, 2007).When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 52%, the intensity of the bulb gets increased and hence the temperature is also increased to 31o C as shown in Fig. 7. (a) and (b).Fig.7. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 52% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 52%When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 57%, the intensity of the bulb gets increased further and the temperature is increased to 34o C as shown in Fig. 8. (a) and (b).Fig.8. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 57% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 57%When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 59%, the intensity of the bulb gets increased further and the temperature is increased to 35o C as shown in Fig. 9. (a) and (b).Fig.9. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 59% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 59%When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 61%, the intensity of the bulb gets increased further and the temperature is increased to 36o C as shown in Fig. 10. (a) and (b).Fig.10. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 61% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 61%Now when the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is reduced, the intensity variations of the bulb and temperature variations are noted down in Table 2.Table 2. Temperature and Humidity Values When the Intensity of the Bulb Is DecreasedFrom the Table 2, it is inferred that when the duty cycle of PWM is reduced, the intensity of the bulb is decreased and also the temperature and humidity values gets reduced (Olanrewaju, H.A. et al, 2006).When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 45%, the intensity of the bulb gets decreased and hence the temperature is also reduced to 32o C as shown in Fig. 11. (a) and (b).Fig.11. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 45% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 45%When the duty cycle of PWM from Raspberry Pi to opto-coupler is varied to 40%, the intensity of the bulb gets decreased and hence the temperature is also reduced to 31o C as shown in Fig. 12. (a) and (b).Fig.12. (a) Duty Cycle of PWM wave is at 40% (b) Temperature and Humidity Values When Duty Cycle is 40%6.ConclusionThis prototype describes an egg incubator monitoring system. This project is developed for the specific reason which is to assist the small-scale poultry farmers from the technological perspective, so that theirproductivity can be increased significantly. It is not possible to rely upon eyesight to give accurate information about light intensity because eyes adapt to changing light conditions too efficiently. Hence, cloud based egg incubator monitoring system has been developed. The light intensity is being monitored instantaneously and shown in the form of dynamic charts to the user according to the user requirement in a terminal device like Tablet or Smart Phone or any internet enabled device. This helps to remotely control the intensity of the bulb through mobile phone.7.Future WorkMotion sensor can be used to send emails automatically to admin if there is any motion detected between last three days of hatching. Solar based incubator system could be developed to reduce maintenance and installation cost of electrical incubators and aids in energy conservation. By using buck converter, it steps down the DC voltage for battery charging and by effectively controlling the current flow through this incubator, heating as well as cooling can be done simultaneously.References[1]Syed Fasi Uddin, Sudha Arvind(2016),“Wireless Detection And Development Of Cloud Based LightIntensity Monitoring System Using Raspberry PI” International Journal of Innovative Technology and Research,Vol 4, No 4 , pp.3325 – 3330.[2]Sandip Balaso Khot and Gaikwad,M.S (2016) “Development of cloud-based Light intensity monitoringsystem for green house using Raspberry Pi”International Conference on Computing Communication Control and automation,DOI:10.1109/ICCUBEA.2016.7860128[3]Incubator Warehouse, (2012), Beginner's Guide to Hatching Eggs (05/09/2013), Retrieved from/incubating-eggs/getting-started-egg-incubating.[4]Gina M. 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She is interested in doing research in embeddedfield.Dr. S. Jayanthy has received her Bachelor’s Deg ree in Electronics and CommunicationEngineering from Government college of Technology, Coimbatore in 1990. She has receivedher Master’s degree in Applied Electronics at PSG College of Technology in 2001. She hasbeen awarded Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2012in the domain of VLSI Testing.. Presently, she is working as Professor in the Department ofElectronics and Communication Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College,Coimbatore. She has 20 years of experience in teaching. Her research interests are in VLSI Design & Testing and Embedded systems. She has published 19 research papers in Journals and presented many research papers in National and International Conferences. She has guided many under graduates and post graduates engineering projects. She has received grant from ANNA University, Chennai under the FDTP Program and AICTE under summer winter school scheme. She has organized number of workshops and national conferences in the domain of VLSI, Embedded systems and IOT.How to cite this paper: Mala Sruthi B, S. Jayanthy,"Development of Cloud Based Incubator Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.7, No.5, pp.35-44, 2017.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2017.05.04。
4.2.2入侵检测报警功能实现 (1)传感器设置
该系统中,树莓派开发板GPIO接口连接的入侵检测所 用的传感器是SR501热释电红外传感器,能检测人或动物 发岀的红外线,进而将结果装换为电信号输出,可在用户外 出时,对陌生人入侵室内进行监控,该传感器外观如图8 所示。
由于本系统购买使用的是阿里云服务器的一个实例服 务,该云服务器公网地址为47.96.136.128,远程登录后,执 行相关命令完成内网穿透,详细过程不再赘述。最后,访问
2.1功能需求 本文设计了家庭视频监控系统需求分析方面的问卷,并 通过“问卷星”在网上发布,最后对回收的627份有效问卷 进行统计分析,发现人们对该系统主要有以下三大功能需 求:
(1) 检测功能,能实现对有害气体及烟雾检测、火灾 检测、非法入侵检测。
(2) 监控功能,能实现远程调用摄像头进行实时监控 和录相。
(1) Mjpg-streamer视频监控处理 Mjpg-streamer是一个流转发程序,主要用于抓取前端 摄像头捕捉到的视频流,通常采用HTTP输出通道,将视频 流信息传送到用户端浏览器。
(2) 树莓派控制模块 该系统的控制模块选用的是树莓派3B开发板,树莓派 是一款可搭载Linux系统的微型主板,结合外部设备编程可 以实现很多功能。它以SD/MicroSD卡为内存硬盘,集成了 WiFi模块与蓝牙模块,可连接键盘、鼠标、摄像头等外部 设备,其搭载的GPIO接口模块能连接各种传感器,实现功 能拓展。 3.2.2GPIO 接 口模块 GPIO (General Purpose I/O Ports),即通用输入输岀端 口,通过这些端口与传感器进行数据交互,输岀高电平或低 电平。树莓派通过读取各个引脚的电平状态,来判断传感器 等硬件的工作状态,也可以通过输出电平状态来控制与之相 连的硬件,如控制LED灯点亮和熄灭,具体是在编程时通 过程序来控制,图2是树莓派开发板的GPIO接口图。
树莓派是 R a s p b e r r y P i 电脑 板 的 中 文译 名 , 是
世界 上最 小 的卡片 式 电脑 。它外 形小 巧 , 携 带方 便 。
树莓 派 的创 始人 为英 国人 E b e n ・ U p t o n( 埃本 ・ 阿普 顿) , 开 发 者 为英 国“ R a s p b e r r y P i 基金 会 ” 。在 2 0 1 2
2 0 1 7年 第 1 1 期 信 息 化
DOI : 1 01 6 5 2 5 4 . c n k i . 1 4 — 1 3 6 2 / n . 0 1 7 . 1 1 . 4 7
基 于树莓派 的智能监控 系统
霍 昕泽
( 甘肃林业职业技术学院 , 甘肃 天水 7 4 1 0 2 0 )
中 图分 类 号 : T N 9 2 9 . 5 文 献标 识 码 : A 文章 编 号 : 2 0 9 5 — 0 7 4 8 ( 2 0 1 7 ) 1 1 — 0 1 0 5 — 0 2
引 言
专 业人 士 的喜爱 , 在 广大 的学 生 和老师 等群 体 中 , 也 广 受 欢迎 。此外 , 在 3 D打 印领 域 , 使 用树 莓 派非 常
要: 树莓派是一种卡 片式的 电脑 , 外形 小巧 , 携 带方便 。 在很 多场合 , 树莓 派直接替代 了电脑 。 在物联 网应用
领域 , 树莓 派也 有很好 的发展 空间。研 究利用树 莓派硬件 的微 电脑控制设计以实现 网络监控 系统。 关键词 : 树 莓派 ; 监控 系统 ; 应用
总第 1 4 3期
现 代 工 业 经 济 和 信 息 化
Mo de m I nd us t r i a l Ec o n o my a n d I n f o r ma t i o ni z a t i o n
在树莓派上使用深度学习算法需要借助一些轻量级的深度学习库,例如TensorFlow Lite或者OpenCV等。
将物联网监控系统分为三个主要模块进行需求分析:1. 数据采集模块数据采集模块应该能够实现对环境参数、设备状态等数据的采集和处理,并将处理后的数据上传至云端。
2. 远程监控模块远程监控模块应该能够实现对设备状态的监控和控制。
3. 数据分析模块数据分析模块应该能够实现对大量数据的分析和处理,并提供分析结果。
数据通过无线网络和MQTT 协议传输。
2. 图像处理和数据分析:利用OpenCV等图像处理库,实现人脸识别、移动物体检测等算法。
图1 基于树莓派的网络电视和网络投影仪目前正积极学习和研究基于树莓派开源硬件平台与多种无线通信网络的嵌入式智能视频监控系统,这对于我们来说还是一项全新的挑战。
担任IEEE/IFIP EUC 2012程序委员会成员,IEEE WCNC 2013下设“移动云计算与联网研讨会”TPC成员,MobiQuitous 2013、mCloud 2013、CloudID 2013的TPC成员。
已在《International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks》、《Elsevier Neurocomputing》、《Elsevier Computer Communications》、《EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking》、《Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems》、《软件学报》、《通信学报》、《系统仿真学报》等各级各类刊物和国际学术会议上发表论文26篇,其中EI收录论文20篇,SCI收录论文7篇。
基于树莓派的监控系统 王君儒
![基于树莓派的监控系统 王君儒](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/bd7900f53968011ca200910a.png)
基于树莓派的监控系统王君儒摘要:基于Raspberry Pi的移动监控系统依赖于本地网络并通过WIFI连接到移动电话,因此可以交换有关图像和指令的信息。
1、移动监控系统的系统方案以及组成结构1.1系统方案该项目使用Raspberry Pi(Raspberry Pi)板作为主控制器,通过开发过程和计算机网络中最常用的通信协议结构 - TCP传输协议,通过无线路由器访问视频流和驾驶。
1.2组成结构硬件设计主要由四部分构成,电机驱动模块、树莓派3摄像头 Camera V2、DXW90舵机、树莓派主板。
用而有趣 的产 品 。
2 . 2系 统 安 装 与配 置 R a s p b e r r y P i 2采 用 基 于 D e b i a n实现 的 R a s p b i a n系 统 , 它 是R a s p b e r r y P i 基 金会 官方 推 荐 系 统 之 ~ , 轻量、 开 发 资源 多 且 稳定可靠, 很 适 合 本 设 计 要 实现 的 监控 系 统 。 下 载 R a s p b i a n镜
得到众多计算机发烧友和创客的青睐, 并 且 已经 开 发 出 许 多 实
运行命令后 , 显 示器 上会预览摄 像头 当前 画面 , 等待 两秒
后拍摄一张全尺 寸、 旋转 1 8 0度 的 图 片 , 以t e s t . j p g的 命 名 格 式 存储 在 当前 工 作 的 预 设 文件 夹 。值 得注 意 的是 , 如 果不 加 参 数 ,
建 : . 塑…
UJl AN e 0 M P U 3 - ER
基于 R a s p b e r r y P i 的智能家庭 监控 系统设计
唐 或 ,刘丽 军
( 湖 南现代 物流职业技术学院 湖 南 长 沙 4 随着信 息技术的迅猛发展 , 人 们的 日常生活和工作也越 来越 离不开智能设备。 智能家居使居住 变得 更加愉 快、 舒适、 便利 、 安全 而且环保。本设计提 出的基 于 Ra s p b e r r y P i 的智能 家庭监控 系统 , 通过高清摄像 头采集图像 和视 频 ,
确保重启后 G P U固件 能够正常运行 ( 包括摄像 头驱动和调节
电路 ) ,并 且 G P U 从 主 存 划 分 足 够 内存 使 R P i C a m e r a正 常 使 用 。然 后 使用 以下 命 令 来 拍 摄 照 片或 视 频 :
最初的第一代监控系统是基于闭路电视实现的模拟图 像监控设备 & '%( 此 方 案 是 借 助 电 缆 把 图 像 采 集 设 备 和 监 控 显示端相连&从而实现模拟视频数据的 发 送%"#世 纪 )# 年 代&数字视频压缩编码技术正式被应用于监控领域&出现 了第二代数字视频监控系统%它可以将模拟数据转化为数 字数据&在突破传送电缆线长度限制的情况下&视频采集 清晰度和系统的抗干扰性能得到有效提高%但由于第二代 监控设备采用计算机作为图像数据运算和视频显示端&传 输距离仍然受限&整套监控系统体积大*成本高&维护困 难 % '"( 随着图像采 集 设 备* 视 频 编 码 器* 中 央 处 理 器 等 设 备的不断改进与发展&视频监控领域也进入到第三代智能
收 稿 日 期 "#"" %% #$$! 修 回 日 期 "#"" %" %"% 基 金 项 目 纺 织 工 业 联 合 会 科 技 指 导 项 目!"#"#%%%"% 作 者 简 介 张 ! 癑!%))# "&女 &河 南 三 门 峡 人 &工 学 硕 士 &工 程 师 &主 要 从 事 深 度 学 习 的 图 像 检 测 *智 能 装 备 开 发 与 应 用 等 方 向 的 研 究 % 通 讯 作 者 张 ! 琦!%)&& "&男 &河 南 三 门 峡 人 &工 学 硕 士 &工 程 师 &主 要 从 事 智 能 装 备 开 发 与 应 用 等 方 向 的 研 究 % 引 用 格 式 张 ! 癑 &张 ! 琦 &陈 梦 丹 &等 !基 于 树 莓 派 的 智 能 监 控 系 统 设 计 与 实 现'+(!计 算 机 测 量 与 控 制 &"#"$&$%!&")%"" %"*&%$,!
[17]Younge A J,von Laszewski G,Wang Li-zhe,et al.Efficient resource management for Cloud computingenvironments[C]//Green Computing International Conference.2010:357-364.
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发表时间:2019-07-19T09:59:07.023Z 来源:《新材料.新装饰》2019年1月下作者:王君儒1 臧其香2 张春3 姚新科4 周梦晓5 [导读] 基于Raspberry Pi的移动监控系统依赖于本地网络并通过WIFI连接到移动电话,因此可以交换有关图像和指令的信息。
(1南京工程学院计算机学院 211167;2南京工程学院建筑工程学院 211167;3南京工程学院经济与管理学院 211167;4南京工程学院自动化学院 211167;5江苏经贸学院智能工程技术学院 211100)摘要:基于Raspberry Pi的移动监控系统依赖于本地网络并通过WIFI连接到移动电话,因此可以交换有关图像和指令的信息。
该项目使用Raspberry Pi(Raspberry Pi)板作为主控制器,通过开发过程和计算机网络中最常用的通信协议结构 - TCP传输协议,通过无线路由器访问视频流和驾驶。
硬件设计主要由四部分构成,电机驱动模块、树莓派3摄像头 Camera V2、DXW90舵机、树莓派主板。
树莓派主板控制了电机驱动模块、Camera V2摄像头、DXW90舵机三个模块。
Android WebView在Android平台上是一个特殊的View,他能用来显示网页,这个类可以被用来在你的app中仅仅显示一张在线的网页,还可以用来开发浏览器。
[4]Matt Richardson / Shawn Wallace . 爱上Raspberry Pi 科学出版社
[5]余志龙 . Google Android SDK开发范例大全人民出版社.。