2.“汪汪”理论语言是模仿自然的声音,例如动物的叫声,如 (鸭子)的刮刮声,嘎嘎声,布谷鸟的叫声。

语言学知识点串记余晓敏Chapter 1 Invitations to LinguisticsLinguistics is the science of language, or the scientific study of language. It is a rich and exciting field. Its object is language.The design features of language1. Arbitrariness(任意性):the forms of linguistic signs bear no natural resemblance/relationship to theirmeaning. The link between them is a matter of convention, and convention differ radically across languages.2. Duality(二重性):Human language operates on two levels of structure, both in spoken language and inwritten language. At one level are elements which have no meaning in themselves but which combine to form units at another level which do have meaning.3. Creativity(创造性):Human languages are resourceful because of its duality and its recursiveness. We canuse human languages to create new meanings. Human languages are creative in another sense, that is, its potential to create endless sentences. Creativity is an important factor which differentiates human languages from sounds animals produce.4. Displacement(移位性):Human languages enable their users to symbolize objects, events and conceptswhich are not present (in time and space)at the moment of communication. Displacement benefits human beings by giving them the power to handle generalizations and abstractions.Functions of language1. Informative(信息功能):Language is the instrument of thought. The use of language to record the facts isa prerequisite of social development. Some scholars may call it as ideational function.2. Interpersonal function(人际功能):Through this function, people establish and maintain their status in asociety.3. Performative(行事功能):It is primarily to change the social status of persons, as in marriage ceremonies,the sentencing of criminals, etc. The kind of language employed in performative verbal acts is usually quite formal and even ritualized4. Emotive function(感情功能):It is sometimes called expressive function. It is a means of getting rid of ournervous energy when we are under stress, e.g. swear words and such.5. Phatic communion(寒喧交谈):This function refers to expressions that help define and maintaininterpersonal relations, such as slangs, jokes, regional dialects. We have to learn a large repertoire of such usages if we are to interact comfortably with different people.6. Recreational function(娱乐功能):This means language has the power of providing joy and pleasure for itsusers, for example, in the form of poems, lyrics of songs, etc.7. Metalingual function(超语言功能):Our language can be used to talk about itself. We can change thelinear structure of the sentence to change our perspective about the concerns of the clause.Main branches of linguistics1. Phonetics It studies speech sounds, including the production of speech, that is how speech sounds areactually made, transmitted and received.2. phonology It studies the rules governing the structure, distribution and sequencing of speech sounds and theshape of syllables. It deals with the sound system of a language by treating phoneme as the point of departure. 或Phonology is the study of a subset of those sounds that constitute the language and meaning.(some sounds are meaningless)3. Morphology It is concerned with the internal organization of words. It studies the minimal units ofmeaning --- morphemes and word-formation processes.4. Syntax It is about principles of forming and understanding correct English sentences. The rules of syntaxspecify word order, sentence organization and the relationships between words, word clauses and other sentence elements.5. Semantics It examines how meaning is encoded in a language. It is not only concerned with meanings ofwords as lexical items, but also with levels of language below the word and above it, e.g. meaning of morphemes and sentences.6. Pragmatics This is the study of meaning in context. It deals with particular utterances in particularsituations and is especially concerned with the various ways in which the many social contexts of language performance can influence interpretation. It is concerned with the way language is used to communicate rather than with the way language is structured.7. Macrolinguistics This is sub-ranches of linguistics which are interdisciplinary. That is other fields whichhave relations with language.8. Sociolinguistics It is the study of the characteristics of language varieties, the characteristics of theirfunctions, and the characteristics of their speakers as these three constantly interact and change within a speech community.9. Anthropological linguistic It concerns the history and structure of formerly unwritten languages.10. Computational linguistics This is an interdisciplinary field which centers around the use of computers toprocess or produce human language.Several important concepts in linguistics1. Descriptive vs. prescriptive (描述与规定)By descriptive rule/study, we mean the rule/study tries to describe how things (here language itself) are. By prescriptive rule/study, we mean the rule/ study tries to prescribe how things ought to be.Linguistics is a descriptive science because linguists try to discover and record the rules to which the members of a language-community actually conform and does not seek to impose upon them other rules, or norms.2. Synchronic vs. diachronic (历时与共时)A synchronic description/study takes a fixed instant (usually, but unnecessarily, the present) as its point of observation/study.A diachronic study examines things through the course of their histories. There is a way of study in linguistics, historical linguistics.3. Langue vs. paroleLangue(语言)refers to the linguistic competence of the speaker.Parole(言语)refers to the actual phenomena or utterance/data of linguistics.4. Linguistic Competence and Linguistic performanceLinguistic competence(语言能力)refers to the language user‘s underlying knowledge about the system of rules.Performance (语言运用) refers to the actual use of language in concrete situations.Chapter 2 Speech Sounds1. Segment(音段): the sound unit in a word, for example, in the word ―above‖, there are four segments. Thesound segments are grouped into consonants and vowels.2. Divergence(分化):the enormous different ways of denoting a segment, or between spelling andpronunciation. For example, the sound /f/, can be denoted by f, gh.3. Phonetic transcription(标音法): in the course of developing a written system to record the sound system,people developed different ways of transcribing sounds into words/pronunciations. Now there is the notation system of the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA).4. Consonants are produced by constricting or obstructing the vocal tract(声道)at some place to divert,impede, or completely shut off the flow of air in the oral cavity(口腔).A. Manners of articulation(发音方法): the actual relationship between the articulators and thus the way inwhich the air passes through certain parts of the vocal tract;stop (plosive)塞(爆破);fricative (擦音);(median) approximant (通音);lateral approximantB. Places of articulation(发音部位): the places in the vocal tract where there is approximation, narrowing orthe obstruction of air.bilabiallabiodentalDentalAlveolar (齿龈音)Postalveolar(后齿龈音)Retroflex (卷舌音)Palatal (腭音)V elar (软腭音)Uvular(小舌音)Pharyngeal咽Glottal(声门音)The consonants of English can be described in the following way:[p] voiceless bilabial stop[b] voiced bilabial stop[s] voiceless alveolar fricative[z] voiced alveolar fricative5. Vowels (元音):A vowel is produced without any obstruction of the air in the vocal tract so no turbulence or atotal stopping of the air can be perceived.The criteria of vowel description (four basic requirements)①the part of the tongue that is raised the position of the highest part of the tongue – front, central or back.②The extent to which the tongue rises in the direction of the palate the height of tongue raising (high, mid,low);.③The kind of opening made at the lips lip-rounding (rounded vs. unrounded).④the length or tenseness of the vowel (tense vs. lax or long vs. short),Consequently, we describe the vowels in this way:[i:] high front tense unrounded vowel[u] high back lax rounded vowel[a] central lax unrounded vowel6. Co-articulation is the simultaneous or overlapping articulations of the sound segments.A. When we use a simple set of symbols in our transcription, it is called a BROAD TRANSCRIPTION.B. The use of more specific symbols to show more phonetic detail is referred to as a NARROWTRANSCRIPTION.Take [p] for example, it is ASPIRA TED in peak and UNASPIRA TED in speak.This aspirated voiceless bilabial stop is thus indicated by the diacritic h, as [p h], whereas the unaspirated counterpart is transcribed as [p =] for contrast.7. Minimal pairs: In phonology, minimal pairs are pairs of words or phrases in a particular language, whichdiffer in only one phonological element, such as a phone, phoneme, toneme or chroneme and have a distinct meaning. They are used to demonstrate that two phones constitute two separate phonemes in the language.As an example for English vowels, the pair ―let‖ + ―lit‖ can be used to demonstrate that the phones [ɛ] (in let) and [ɪ] (in lit) do in fact represent distinct phonemes /ɛ/ and /ɪ/. An example for English consonants is the minimal pair of ―pat‖ + ―bat‖. In phonetics, this pair, like any other, differs in a number of ways. In this case, the contrast appears largely to be conveyed with a difference in the voice onset time of the initial consonant as the configuration of the mouth is the same for [p] and [b]; however, there is also a possible difference in duration, which visual analysis using high quality video supports.[citation needed]8. Allophone: In phonetics, an allophone is one of a set of multiple possible spoken sounds (or phones) used topronounce a single phoneme. For example, [ph] (as in pin) and [p] (as in spin) are allophones for the phoneme /p/ in the English language. Although a phoneme's allophones are all alternative pronunciations for a phoneme, the specific allophones selected in a given situation are often predictable. Changing the allophone used by native speakers for a given phoneme in a specific context usually will not change the meaning of a word but the result may sound non-native or unintelligible. Speakers of a given language usually perceive one phoneme in their language as a single distinctive sound in that language and are "both unaware of and even shocked by" the allophone variations used to pronounce single phonemes.9. Phonological processes (音系过程)A. Assimilation(同化)is the process by which one sound takes on some or all the characteristics of aneighboring sound.B. Phonological rules (音系规则)A phonological rule is a formal way of expressing a systematic phonological or morphophonologicalprocess or diachronic sound change in language. Phonological rules are commonly used in generative phonology as a notation to capture sound-related operations and computations the human brain performs when producing or comprehending spoken language. They may use phonetic notation or distinctive features or both.10. Sonority scale(响音阶): A sonority hierarchy or sonority scale is a ranking of speech sounds (or phones) byamplitude. For example, if you say the vowel [a], you will produce much louder sound than if you say the plosive [t].Most sonorous 5 V owels4 Approximants3 Nasals2 FricativesLeast sonorous 1 Stops11. Syllabification and the maximal onset principle章节划分和最大节首规则12. STRESS refers to the degree of force used in producing a syllable.Chapter 3 Lexicon1. The formation of wordA. Morpheme(语素) is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content,a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering themeaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical.B. Morphology(形态学) is the study of the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words areformed.The relationship between morpheme and phonemeA phoneme is the smallest unit of sound and a morpheme is the smallest unit in grammar. A singlephoneme may represent a single morpheme, but they are not identical. Divergence: a phoneme may represent several morphemes.C. T ypes of morphemesFree morpheme and bound morphemeRoot, affix and stemInflectional affix and derivational affixD. Inflection(屈折变化)is the manifestation of grammatical relationships through the addition ofinflectional affixes, such as number, person, finiteness, aspect and case, which do not change the grammatical class of the stems to which they are attached to.E. Word formation refers to the process of word variations signaling lexical relationships.①Compound合成词②Derivation派生词2. Morpheme and phoneme语素和音位3. Morphemic structure and phonological structure语素结构和音位结构4. Allomorph语素变体5. Lexical change词汇变化Lexeme: denotes an item of vocabulary with a single referent whether it consists of one word or more, e.g.kick the bucket = dieLexical changes take place in two ways. On the one hand, new words appear rapidly. On the other hand, there are always words that become obsolete or disappear from the language.Ways of creating new words①Invention(新创词汇): New words have been invented in various economic activities or other fields. Sinceeconomic activities are the most important and dynamic in human life, many new lexical items come directly from the consumer items, their producers or their brand names, such as Kodak, Coke, nylon, Xeros, and others to cope with the Invention of new entities.②Blending(混成法)is a relatively complex form of compounding, in which two words are blended byjoining the initial part of the first word and the final part of the second word, or by joining the initial parts of the two words.Eg. transfer + resister →transistorsmoke + fog →smogpositive + electron →positronboat + hotel →boatelbreakfast + lunch →brunchtelevision + broadcast →telecast③Abbreviation(缩写词)This is the shortening of words in different ways.. It is also called CLIPPING, that is,a new word is created by Cutting certain part of the word (or with a slight variation).advertisement adbicycle bikemathematics mathprofessor profaeroplane planetelephone phoneinfluenza flurefrigerator fridge④Acronym(首字母缩略语)is made up from the first letters of the name of an organization, which has a heavily modified headword . (CIA, WTO, WHO, FBI....)This process is also widely used in shortening extremely long words of word groups in science, technology and other special fields.Aids acquired immune deficiency syndromeEEG electroencephalogramRadar radio detecting and rangingV A T value added taxWTO world trade organization⑤Back-formation(逆构词法/反推法:先有派生词再找到词根)derived by deleting an imagined affix froma longer form already in the language. Take televise for example, the word television predated theoccurrence of the word televise. The first part of the word television was pulled out and analyzed as a root, even though no such root occurs elsewhere in the English language.gangling →gangleeditor →editpeddler →peddlehawker →hawkenthusiasm →enthuselaser →lase⑥Analogical creation (类推造字/ “将错就错”) This is the creation of new words according to grammaticalrules. The principle of ANALOGICAL CREA TION can account for the co-existence of two forms, regular and irregular, in the conjugation of some English verbs. For instance, people know quite well that the past tense suffix for English verb should be -ed, and they tend to apply it to all verbs.(past tense) (old) (new)work wrought ----- workedslay ------ slew slayed⑦Borrowing(借词P101)This is a way of creating new words by taking words from other languages.Greek, Latin, French, Spanish, Arabic and other languages have all played an active role in this process.Throughout its history, the English language has adopted a vast number of words from various sources.Chapter 4 SyntaxSyn- (together), tax (arrange)Syntax refers to the study of the rules governing the way words are combined to from sentences in a language, or simply, the study of the formation of sentences.1. The traditional approach传统学派A. number, gender and caseNumber is mostly a category of the noun and pronoun. Languages differ in numbers.Gender is also mostly a category of the noun and pronoun. In English, the gender distinctions are on the whole natural, determined by the biological gender of the creature. In other languages, such asFrench and Russian, gender is grammatical. Chair may be male, while desk is female.Case is another category of the noun and pronouns.B. tense(时:过去/现在)and aspect(体:完成/未完成)C. Concord and government (一致与支配)Concord, also known as agreement, is the requirement that the forms of two or more words in a syntactic relationship should agree with each other in terms of some categories. There is a relationship of controlling and being controlled between words.For example, in English the determiner and the noun it precedes should concord in number as in this man, these men;a book, some books.And the form of a subject should agree with that of the verb in terms of number in the present tense as i s shown by He speaks English, They speak English. Some languages have more cases of concord. Some have the category of gender.Government is the relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form or others in terms of certain category. It is another type of control over the form of some words by other words in certain syntactic constructions.It differs from concord in that this is a relationship in which a word of a certain class determines the form as in She gave him a book. She gave a book to him. In other words, the verb, or the preposition, determines, or governs, the form of the pronoun after it. The former is the governed.Different languages have different ways of government.2. The structural approach结构主义学派(Saussure)A. Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations(组合与聚合关系)In Saussure's view , Language is seen as a system of signs, each of which consists of two parts: signified (concept) and signifier (sound image). The relationship between the two parts is arbitrary. The linguist must try to find the value of a sign from its relations to others, or rather, its position in the system. There are two major types of relations: syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations.Syntagmatic relation is a relation between one item and others in a sequence, or between elements which are all present. Eg.:If the weather is nice, we will go out.There are syntactic and semantic conditions the words in a syntagmatic relation must meet .a. The boy kicked the ball.b. *Boy the ball kicked the.c. *The ball kicked the boy.Paradigmatic relation is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure, or between one element present and the others absent.For example, in the contextThe _______ is smiling,there are constrains on the possible elements occurring here.B. Immediate constituent analysis直接成分分析法IC analysis: the analysis of a sentence in terms of its immediate constituents --- word groups, which are in turn analyzed into the immediate constituents of their own, and this process goes on until the ultimate constituents are reached (till the morpheme level).There are two ways of doing IC analysis: bracketing and tree diagramming.AdvantagesThe internal structure of a sentence may be demonstrated clearly and ambiguities will be revealed.Disadvantages/Problems①Binary division or three-way division?②Constructions with discontinuous constituents will pose technical problems for tree diagrams.③The ambiguity in some structures cannot be revealed. For example: the love of god (love from / forgod)3. The generative approach生成学派ChomskyThis approach was established by American linguist Noam Chomsky. It was established to solve the problems that IC analysis cannot solve, i.e., solving the ambiguities of some structures.The earliest theory (P132)In 1957, Chomsky established the earliest generative theory. The basic idea is that superficially different sentences actually generated from deep structures of the same structure. Chomsky proposed a linguistic model consisting of three components.Phrase Structure deep Transformational surface Morpho-phonemicComponen t ———→ Component ———→Componentstructure structureAdvantage: can reveal the ambiguity which can not be revealed by IC analysis. back to the question of the love of God .The love of God is only a surface structure. There are in fact two deep structures underneath: God loves somebodySomebody loves God.It is the transformations like nominalization, object-deletion, and subject-deletion, which are responsible for the convergence of the two deep structures when they surface.the love of god (surface structure)Deep structure:A. God loves somebody.Nominalization + object deletion: God‘s love of somebody --- the love of god (of somebody)B. Somebody loves god.subject deletion+ nominalization: (somebody) loves god--- the love of godTry to analyze the following in the same way.Flying planes can be dangerous.John is eager to please.Problem:It does not include meaning in the model. Therefore it is possible to generate meaningless sentences.For example: The boy hit the dog.The dog hit the boy. (faulty)The standard theory (P135)In 1965 Chomsky introduced some modifications to his first model.The most important of them is that at the suggestion of John Katz and others he added a semantic component to it.This is a natural development in that transformational-generative grammar purports to be a description of the ideal speaker-hearer's knowledge of this language, which inevitably includes his knowledge about meaningA. Deep structure is the abstract representation of the syntactic properties of a construction, i.e., theunderlying level of structural relations between its different constituents, or to put it in simple language, the meaning we want to convey.B. Surface structure is the final stage in the syntactic derivation of a construction, which closelycorresponds to the structural organization of a construction people actually produce and receive, or to put it in simple language, utterance that people actually produce.C. Government管辖D. Binding约束所谓管辖,就是成分之间的支配关系,它要说明短语中的各个成分是否在同一个管辖区域内,以及什么是主管成分,什么是受管成分。



Phonetics, which studies the sounds that are used in linguistic communication
Phonology, which studies how sounds are put together and used in communication
Morphology, which studies the way in which morphemes are arranged to form words
Syntax, which studies how morphemes and words are combined to form sentences
Other related branches are anthropological linguistics, neurological linguistics, mathematical linguistics, and computational linguistics.
语言学概论自学考试 知识点总结 详细版

4.语言的谱系分类是个层级系统,从大到小分别是:P53语系——语族——(语支)——语言——方言——次方言(土语)5.“语言”和“言语”P54 【名/简】“语言”—说话使用的工具(比如英语、汉语)。
语言学概论 (00541)知识点汇总(第一章)



二、语音的属性语音和其他声音一样,是物体振动而产生的音波,因此具有物理属性;语音是由人的发音器官发出的,因此具有生理属性;更重要的是,“什么语音表达什么意义” 必须是使用该语言的全社会成员约定俗成的,因此语音又具有社会属性。
语言学概论 第1章 主要知识点

语言系统 语言(狭义) 语言(广义) 言语活动 言语作品 言语
法庭上应该说普通话。 轮到你作证时你才说话。 法庭认为你的话有说服力。
语言 ≠ 言语
语言是抽象的、社会的、现成的、有限的、 稳定的; 言语是具体的、个人的、临时的、无限的、 多变的。 语言来自于言语,依存于言语。 语言又制约着言语,指导人们进行言语实践。
依附性副语言(交通信号等) 独立性副语言(自然体态语等)
二、语言的范围 (四)自然语言与人工语言 自然语言:由社会群体共同创造的、在日 常交际活动中逐渐自然形成和发展的语言。 人工语言:个别人或少数人人工设计出来 的语言。
第一章 语言和语言学
廖继莉 华中师范大学文学院语言学系 E-mail: liaojili@
语言的性质和范围 语言的结构 语言的功能 语言学及其发展
一、语言的性质 (一)语言是什么? 从结构上看,语言是一个复杂的符号系统。 从功能上看,语言最重要的功能是社会交 际功能和思维认知功能。 定义:语言是一种复杂的符号系统,是人 类进行社会交际和思维认知的工具。
(五)语言的其他属性 3、模糊性 语言的类与类之间没有明确的界限,而是 逐渐过渡的。 例:少年,青年,中年,老年
二、语言的范围 你的语言太生硬。 莎士比亚的语言,鲁迅的语言 英语,汉语 口头语言,书面语言,商务语言 他研究语言。


语言系统分为音系和语法两个层面,在这两个层面上都有最小单位和小单位组成大 单位的多级组织结构。音系层的最小单位大大少于语法层,低层级单位少于高层级 单位。
u 客观现实、心理现实
现实现象分为客观现实和心理现实,客观现实是外在于人的客观存在,通过人的感 官感知并在人脑中综合处理转化为心理现实。
层级性:语素-词-短语-句子:低层级单位比高层级单位少,高层级单位由低层级单位按 规则组合而成 二层性:音系层+语法层 二层性的符号用较少数目的成分单位可构成很多符号形式 音系层的最小单位数远远低于符号层的最小单位数
任意性、传授性(后天习得)、单位的明晰性、能产性(组合和替换)、结构的二层性(音 系+语法)、不受时地环境的限制
音质音位是时间维向上线性切分的最小音系单位,如果不限于线性切分,音位还可 以进一步分析为一个或几个发音特征的区分,例如辅音音位...
u 音峰、音谷 u 复元音
是在一个音节里的音值前后不一致的元音,发音时嘴唇和舌头从一个元音的位置过 渡到另一个元音的位置,如普通话语音中的ɑi,ei,ɑo,ou,uɑi,uei 等
第一章 导言+语言的功能 u 语言学
u 语言
人类最重要的交际工具,是人们进行沟通的主要表达方式。 思维工具、交际工具、社会属性 作用、分类、用文字记录
u 语言交际 u 思维(特点)
认识现实世界时动脑筋的过程,也指动脑筋时进行比较、分析、综合以认识现实的 能力,概念属于哲学、逻辑学、心理学等范畴,其形式、过程、生理机制都与语言 密切相关,以语言为载体和动因,具有一定的生理基础。 普遍性、特殊性、和语言相关性、有生理基础
语言学概论 (00541)知识点汇总(第二章)



1.1 Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language . The study of language as a whole if often called general linguistics . phonetics(语音学): the study of sounds phonology(音位学): how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning Lexicon / morphology(形态学): how morphemes(词素) are arranged and combined to form words syntax(句法学): the study of rules that govern the combination of words to form grammatically permissible sentences semantics(语义学): the study of meaning pragmatics(语用学): the study of meaning in the context of language use interdisciplinary branches: sociolinguistics(社会语言学), psycholinguistics(心理语言学), applied linguistics(应用语言学) Important distinctions in linguistics prescriptive(规定性 old linguistics) vs. descriptive(描述性 modern linguistics) synchronic(共时性) vs. diachronic(历时性) 1.2 Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Arbitrariness (任意性): Different sounds are used to refer to the same object in different languages. Productivity/creativity (能产性): Construction and interpretation of new signals are possible, so that large number of sentences can be produced. Duality (双层性): Two levels enable people to talk about anything within their knowledge. lower level(sounds)---higher level(words) Displacement(移位性): enable people to talk about a wide range of things, free from barriers caused by separation in time or place. Cultural transmission(文化传承): We are born with the ability to acquire language, the details of language system have to be taught and learned. Phonetics (语音学)(定义) Phonetics: the study of the phonic medium of language: it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.(是指对语言的语音媒介进行的研究,它关注语言世界中的所有语音) Three branches of phonetics: articulatory phonetics (发音)auditory phonetics (听觉)acoustic phonetics (声学) Orthographic representation of speech sounds :Broad transcription and Narrow transcription A standardized and internationally accepted system of phonetic transcription is the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA). The basic principle of the IPA is using one letter to represent one speech sound. Phonetics & phonology :(定义,区别) Both are concerned with the same aspect of language: the speech sounds. But they differ in their approach and focus. Phonetics is of a general nature; it is interested in all the speech sounds used in all human languages; (it aims to answer questions like: how they are produced, how they differ from each other, what phonetic features they have, how they can be classified, etc.) Phonology aims to discover how speech sounds in a language form patterns and how these sounds are used to convey meaning in linguistic communication. Phone (音素)Phoneme (音位)Allophone (音位变体): (定义) Phone: a phone is a phonetic unit or segment (音素是一个语音单位或者说语音段) The speech sounds we hear and produce during linguistic communication are all phones. Phones do not necessarily distinguish meaning, some do, and some don’t Phoneme: a phoneme is a phonological unit ; it is a unit of distinctive value, it is an abstract unit.(音位是一个音位学的单位,而且是一个有区别意义的单位,是一个抽象的单位) Allophones: the different phones that can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the allophones of that phoneme.(在不同的语音环境下代表某个音位的音素) vowels (the air stream meets with no obstruction) and consonants(obstructed) stops(塞音), fricatives(擦音), affricates(塞擦音), liquids(流音), nasals, glides, bilabial(双唇音), laviodental(唇齿音), dental(齿音), alveolar(齿龈音), palatal(腭音), velar(软腭音), glottal(喉音) close vowels, semi-close vowels, semi-open vowels, open vowels(openness) unrounded vowels, rounded vowels(shape of the lips) long/tense vowels----short/lax vowels monophthongs(单元音), diphthongs(双元音) (single or combined)2.3 Phonology and phonetics differ in their approach and focus. phonology: how speech sounds form patterns and are used to convey meaning concerned with sound system of a particular language phonetics: of a general nature, interested in all the speech sounds stress(重音)---word stress and sentence stress The location of stress in English distinguishes meaning. E.g. ‘import (n.) im’port (v.) // blackbird vs. black bird tone(语调)---pitch variation(音高变体) distinguish meaning E.g. 汉语四声 Intonation(音调)---English tones: falling tone, rising tone, fall-rise tone, rise-fall tone E.g. That’s not the book he wants. ⏹ Minimal pair----when two different forms are identical (the same) in every way except for one sound segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two sound combinations are said to form a minimal pair. When the phonetically similar sounds never occur in the same environment, they are in complementary distribution . ⏹ The syllable consists of three parts: the ONSET (节首), the PEAK (韵峰), the CODA (韵尾) ⏹ Sentence stress----the relative force given to the components of a sentence. Generally, nouns, main verbs, adjectives, adverbs, numerals and demonstrative pronouns are stressed. Other categories like articles, person pronouns, auxiliary verbs prepositions and conjunctions are usually not stressed.3.3 Word is the smallest free form found in language. Morphemes are the minimal units of meaning. Free and bound morphemes(自由词素can be a word by itself 粘着词素must be attached to another one---affix) 3.4 V----teachN Af----er Root (词根)Stem (词干)affix(词缀)(定义,会用,选择)Root: A root is that part of the word left when all the affixes (inflectional & derivational) are removed, e.g. “desire” in “desirable”, “care” in “ca refully ”. Affix:is the collective term for the type of formative that can be used only when added to another morpheme 3.5 Derivational and inflectional morphemes(派生词素和屈折词素) Free morphemes Bound morphemes Root Root Affix dog, cat -ceive Prefix Suffix grammar -vert Derivational Derivational Inflectional … -mit un-, dis- -ment -s, -ing, -‘s, -er ● Derivational morphemes ---- the morphemes which change the category, or grammatical class of words, e.g. modern---modernize, length---lengthen, fool---foolish, etc. ● Inflectional morphemes ---- the morphemes which are for the most part purely grammatical markers, signifying such concepts as tense, number, case and so on; they never change their syntactic category, never add any lexical meaning, e.g. a) number: tables apples cars b) person, finiteness and aspect: talk/talks/talking/talked c) case: John/John’s Syntax (句法学)(定义) Syntax: A branch of linguistics that studies how words are combined to form sentences and the rules that govern the formation of sentences. (句法学是研究词是如何组成句子以及如何支配句子构成规则的一个语言学分支) Phrase categories and their structures Phrase categories----the syntactic units that are built around a certain word category are called phrase categories, such as noun phrase: NP (N), verb phrase: VP (V), adjective phrase: AP (A), and prepositional: PP (P). The structure: specifier + head + complement Head (中心语)---- the word around which a phrase is formed Specifier (标志成分)---- the words on the left side of the heads Complement (补足成分)---- the words on the right side of the heads Phrase structure rules: The grammatical mechanism that regulates the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase is called a phrase structure rule, such as: NP (Det 限定词) + N + (PP)……e.g. those people, the fish on the plate, pretty girls. VP (Qual 修饰词) + V + (NP)……e.g. always play games, finish assignments. AP (Deg 程度词) + A + (PP)……very handsome, very pessimistic, familiar with, very close to PP (Deg) + P + (NP)……on the shelf, in the boat, quite near the station S→NP VP (A sentence consists of, or is rewritten as, a noun phrase and a verb phrase)Do insertion: Insert interrogative do into an empty Infl position. Semantics (语义学)(定义)Semantics: the study of meaning from thelinguistic point of view (对意义的研究)Behaviorism→ Bloomfield 行为主义论 based on contextualist view S: stimulus r: responseJill Jack S---------r………s ---------R(The small letters r, sàspeech) (The capitalized letter R, Sàpractical events)Pragmatics (语用学)(问答,辨析,定义)Pragmatics: the study of language in use orlanguage communication; the study of the use ofcontext to make inference about meaning.The study of how speakers of a language usesentences to effect successful communication. (book)Pragmatics vs. semanticsSemantics: is the study of the literal meaning of a sentence (without taking context into consideration).Pragmatics: the study of the intended meaning ofa speaker (taking context into consideration), e.g. “Today is Sunday”, semantically, it means that today is the first day of the week;pragmatically, you can mean a lot by saying this,all depending on the context and the intention of the speaker, say, making a suggestion or giving an invitation…Context: a basic concept in the study ofpragmatics. It is generally considered as constituted knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer, such as cultural background,situation(time, place, manner, etc.), the relationship between the speaker and the hearer,etc. Sentence meaning vs. utterance meaning 句子意义和话语意义 Sentence meaning: Abstract and context-independent meaning; literal meaning of a sentence; utterance meaning: concrete and context-dependent meaning; intended meaning of a speaker; linguistic items which fulfill the same or similar functions in a particular language such as a sentence, a noun phrase or a verb. Syntactic categories —word-level categories: major lexical categories (often assumed as the heads around which phrases are built) ---Noun (N) Verb (V) Adjective (A) Preposition (P) minor lexical categories---Determiner (Det) Degree words (Deg) Qualifier (Qual) Auxiliary (Aux) Conjunction (Con) Three criteria(条件) determining a word’s category: meaning, inflection (变形) and distribution (分布) A word’s category can be determined only by all three criteria. Phrase category is determined by the word category around which the phrase is built. noun phrase (NP), verb phrase (VP), adjective phrase (AP), prepositional phrase (PP) phrases that are formed of more than one word usually contain : head, specifier, complement 4.3 Phrase structure rule---special type of grammatical mechanism regulating the arrangement of elements that make up a phrase NP→(Det) N (PP) an NP consists of a determiner, an N head, and a PP complement VP→(Qual) V (NP) a VP consists of a qualifier, a V head, and an NP complement AP→(Deg) A (PP) …… PP→(Deg) P (NP) …… XP rule: XP→(specifier) X (complement) Coordination rule: coordinate structures (consist a conjunction “and”/”or”)X→X *Con X Either an X or an XP can be coordinated; one or more categories can occur to the left of the Con. 5.3 Sense and reference are two terms often encountered in the study of word meaning,which are related but different aspects of meaning.Sense: e.g. “dog”---a domesticated mammal... refer to any animal that meets the features describedReference: “dog”---A said to B:” The dog’s barking.” refer to a certain dog knownto both A&B Major sense relations:Synonymy (近义词)---words that are close in meaning dialectal syn.(autumn in BE & fall inAE), stylistic syn.(daddy & father), polysemy (一词多义)one word may have morethan one meaning)homonymy (同音形异义)homophones--- twowords same in sound, homographs---same in spelling, complete homonyms---same in both sound and spelling)feet 、fete meat/meet site/sighthyponymy (上下层关系)relation between a general word —superordinate, and a specific word--hyponyms) flower , rose, Lilyantonymy (反义)words that are opposite in meaning)gradable ant.---e.g. hot vs. cold complementary ant.---e.g. male vs. femalemarried. / John’s a bachelor. X, T—Y, F; X, F —Y, TX entails Y. E.g. He’s been to France. / He’s been to Europe. X, T—Y, T; X, F —Y, may be T or FX presupposes Y. E.g. John’s bike needs repairing. / John has a bike. X, T —Y, T; X, F —Y, TX is a contradiction. E.g. My unmarried sister married a bachelor. X is always false. X is semantically anomalous. (absurd in the sense)5.5 componential analysis----lexical meaning E.g. man---+HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE predication(谓项) analysis---sentence meaning E.g. The kids like apples. ---KID, APPLE (LIKE) Tom smokes. ---TOM (SMOKE) It is hot. --- (BE HOT) Pragmatics studies how speakers of a language usesentences to effect successful communication (meaning in a certain context). Clause —a group of words which form a grammaticalunit and which contain a subject and a finite verb. A clause forms a sentence or part of a sentence and often functions as a noun, adjective or adverb.“IC analysis” is a new approach of sentencestudy that cuts a sentence into two (or more) segments. ⏹ Componential analysis---- a way toanalyze lexical meaning. The approach is based on the belief that the meaning of a word can be dissected into meaning components, called semantic features. For example,⏹ Man: [+HUMAN, +ADULT, +ANIMATE, +MALE] Cooperative principle (CP)---- According toGrice, in making conversation, there is a general principle which all participants are expected to observe.。

普通语言学教程知识点总结第一部分:语言学概论1. 语言的定义语言是一种符号系统,通过语音或文字来传递意义,是人类思维和交流的重要工具。
2. 语言学的研究对象语言学研究语言的结构、形式、功能、发展以及语言在社会和文化中的作用。
3. 语言的基本特征语言的基本特征包括:任意性、符号性、交际性、复杂性、可变性、文化载体等。
4. 语言的层次结构语言的层次结构包括语音层、词汇层、词组层、句子层和语篇层。
第二部分:语言习得1. 语言的习得过程语言习得是指个体在学习自己的母语时所经历的过程,包括语音、词汇、语法和语用等方面的发展。
2. 语言习得的阶段语言习得包括婴儿期、幼儿期、儿童期、青少年期和成人期等不同阶段,每个阶段都有其特定的语言发展特点。
3. 习得语言与学习语言的区别习得语言是指自然而然地掌握母语的过程,而学习语言则是指通过学习来掌握一门语言。
第三部分:语音学1. 语音学的对象和内容语音学研究语音的发音、形成规律和分类,以及语音在语言中的功能。
2. 语音的分类语音可以分为辅音和元音,辅音可以再分为浊音和清音,元音可以分为前元音、中元音和后元音。
3. 语音的发音器官人类语音的发音器官包括声门、喉头、口腔、舌头、鼻腔等部位。
4. 语音的基本特征语音的基本特征包括调音的高低、音量的大小、音调的升降和语调的变化等。
第四部分:语音学1. 语法学的研究对象和内容语法学研究语言的结构和形式,包括词类、句子成分、句法关系等内容。
2. 词法和句法词法研究词汇的组成和形态变化规律,句法研究句子的结构和成分之间的关系。
3. 语法现象的分类语法现象可以分为形态学现象、句法现象和语义现象等。
4. 语法规则和规则性语法规则是语言使用中的规范,语法规则性是指语法现象的稳定性和规律性。
第五部分:语义学1. 语义学的研究对象和内容语义学研究语言中的词汇和句子的意义和语用规则。
2. 语义的分类语义可以分为词义和句义两个方面,词义是指词汇的意义,句义是指句子的意义。
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Chapter one Introduction一、定义1.语言学LinguisticsLinguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.2.普通语言学General LinguisticsThe study of language as a whole is often called General linguistics.3.语言languageLanguage is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是人类用来交际的任意性的有声符号体系。
4.识别特征Design FeaturesIt refers to the defining properties of human language that distinguish it from any animal system of communication.语言识别特征是指人类语言区别与其他任何动物的交际体系的限定性特征。
Arbitrariness任意性Productivity多产性(创造性)Duality双重性Displacement移位性Cultural transmission文化传递5.语言能力Competence(抽象)Competence is the ideal user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.6.语言运用performance(具体)Performance is the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.语言运用是所掌握的规则在语言交际中的具体体现。
7.历时语言学Diachronic linguisticsThe study of language change through time. a diachronic study of language is a historical study, which studies the historical development of language over a period of time.8.共时语言学Synchronical linguisticsThe study of a given language at a given time.9.语言langue(抽象)The abstract linguistic system shared by all members of a speech community.10.言语parole(具体)The realization of langue in actual use.11.规定性PrescriptiveIt aims to lay down rules for ”correct” behavior, to tell people what they should say and what should not say.12.描述性DescriptiveA linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use.二、知识点nguage is not an isolated phenomenon, it’s a social activity carried out in a certain social environment by human beings.语言不是一种孤立的现象,而是人类在一定的社会环境下进行的一种社会活动。
2.几种观点和现象的提出者:⑴瑞士语言学家F.de Saussure :Langue和parole的区别⑵美国语言学家N.Chomsky:in1950针对Saussure’s langue&parole提出Competence和performance⑶曾经对语言概念下过定义的语言学家Sapir---language is a purely human and non-instinctive method of communication ideas, emotions and desires by means of voluntarily produced symbols.Hall----language is the institution whereby humans communicate and interact with each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols.Chomsky---from now on I will consider language to be a set of sentences, each finite in length and constructed out of a finite set of elements.⑷美国语言学家Charles Hockett :提出了语言的识别特征design features3.the word ’language’ preceded by the zero-article ,it implies that linguistics studies not any particular language.Language一词前不加冠词说明语言学家不只研究一种特定的语言。
4.in order to discover the nature of the underlying language system ,what the linguists has to do first if to study language facts.nguage is a complicated entity with multiple layers and facts, so it's hardly possible for the linguistics to deal with it all at once. 判断题6.Frist drew the attention of the linguists were the sounds used in languages.最先引起语言学家注意的是语言的发音。
三、问答题1.what are major branches of linguistics? what does each study?Phonetics----it’s defined as the study of the phonic medium of language, it’s concerned with all the sounds that occur in the world’s languages.Phonology---the study of sounds systems—the inventory of distinctive sounds that occur in a language and the patterns into which they fall.Morphology---It’s a branch of a grammar which studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.Syntax-------it's a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of a language. Semantics---It’s simply defined as the study of meaning in abstraction.Pragmatics---the study of meaning in context of words.Sociolinguistics—the study of language with reference to society.Psycholinguistics---the study of language with reference to the working of the mind.Applied linguistics---the application of linguistic principles and theories to language teaching and learning.2.why do we say language is arbitrary?Language is arbitrary in the sense that there is no intrinsic connection between the sounds that people use and the objects to which these sounds refer.The fact that different languages have different words for the same object is a good illustration of the arbitrary nature of language, it’s only our tacit agreement of utterance and concept at work and not any innate relationship bound up in the utterance.A typical example to illustrate the ‘arbitrariness’ of language is ‘a rose by any other name would smell as sweet’.3. what makes modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?Modern linguistics is descriptive, its investigations are based on authentic and mainly spokenlanguage date.现代语言学是描述性的,其研究以确实可靠的、主要以口语形式的资料为基础。