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Module 3 Out and about

Unit 8 An outing




1.an outing一次远足

2. listen and say听和说

3. map地图

4. a map of China一张中国地图

5. a map of Wuhu一张芜湖地图

6. read the map

读地图7. hill小山;丘陵 8. Green Hill绿山 9. stone石头 10. the Big Stone大石 11. on the hill在小山上 12. here 这儿 13. there那儿 14. a letter 一封信 15. let’s 让我们 16. read it读它(这里的it指letter。read it = read the letter) 17. find找到,发现 18. a diamond一颗钻石 19. top 顶部 20.at the top of Green Hill在绿山的山顶上 21. where在哪儿(特

殊疑问词) 22. another 另一个(指总数为三个以上的事物中的任意

的另一个,表示泛指,后面搭配单数可数名词) 23. one…, the other…一个……,另一个……(other表示“别的,另外的”,只能与复数名词连用。但other前面有定冠词the,即可与单数名词连用) 24.another letter另一封信 25. look down向下看 26. look up向上看 27. see the diamond看到钻石28. lake湖 29. like ①喜欢(v.动词)②像……(prep. 介词)30. look like看起来像 31. like a big diamond 像一颗大钻石 32. put the sentences in order把句子按顺序排列(二会词组,了解即可) 33. find a letter beside the Big Stone在大石头旁边找到一封信 34. find another letter找到另一封信 35. find the Big Stone 找到大石头 36. child儿童(单数) 37. children 儿童(复数) 38.

learn学习(二会单词,了解即可) 39. read a story 读故事 40. stories 故事(复数)41. wonderland仙境;奇境;奇特的地方 42. Alice in Wonderland《爱丽丝梦游仙境》43. funny滑稽的;可笑的 (How funny!多滑稽啊!这里指兔子穿着外套是件滑稽的事情。How fun! 多有趣啊!指的是做某件事让人感到高兴。)44. dear天啊(语气词);亲爱的 45. late迟到的 46. be late for school上学迟到 47. see a white rabbit看见一只白色兔子 48. in the garden在花园里 49. wear

穿;戴 50. coat外套 51. wear a coat穿着一件外套 52. wear a pair of Sunglasses戴着一副太阳眼镜 53. then然后 54. run away跑开 55. go away走开 56. away离开;朝另一个方向(adv. 副词)57. after 在…

之后(prep. 介词) 58. run after him跟在他后面跑59. jump跳 60. into 进入;到…里面 61. hole洞 62. jump into a big hole跳进一个大洞里 63. too 也64. key钥匙 65. find a small door and a small key找到一

个小门和一把小钥匙 66.open打开 67. with①和…一起②带有③用…(prep.介词) 68. open the small door with the key用这把钥匙打开小

门 69. cannot不能(= can’t)70. through穿过;通过(prep.介词)71. get through穿过;通过(get through是一个动词词组,体会以下两

个例句中get through的含义。①The woman is so fat that she can’t get through the door. 这个妇女胖得连门都通不过。②John gets through the test.约翰通过了测试。)72. get through the door穿过门73. think思考;想 74. run through the door跑着穿过门 75. too big太

大了 76. on the table在桌子上 77. become变成;变得(系动词)78. become small变小 79. drink ①喝(v.动词)②饮料(n.名词)80. drink the water in the bottle喝瓶子里的水 81. play a game玩游戏 82. paint颜料画(v.动词)83. listen and enjoy听并且欣赏 84. Papa Bear

熊爸爸 85. Mama Bear熊妈妈 86. fish ①鱼(n.名词)②钓鱼(v.动词)87. read about fishing读关于钓鱼的书 88. about关于(prep.介词)89. baby婴儿(单数)90.babies婴儿(复数)91. Baby Bear熊宝宝 92. cook in the kitchen 在厨房烹饪 93. duck鸭子 94. duckling小鸭子 95. play with my toy duckling玩我的玩具小鸭子 96. slide滑梯 97. snake蛇 98. swing秋千 99. count数(v.动词)100. count the snakes数这些蛇 101. there be…有……(存在句)102. on the swing在秋千上103. on the slide在滑梯上 104. swim in the lake在湖里游泳 105. start 开始(二会单词,了解即可) 106. treasure宝藏; 珍宝; 金银财宝


1.What are you doing, Peter? I am reading the map.


2.Where are the children? They’re at Green Hill.


3.Where is the Big Stone? It’s on the hill.


4.“Here’s the Big Stone.”says Joe.


5.“Look! Here’s a letter. Let’s read it. ”says Peter.


6.It says,“You can find a diamond at the top of Green Hill.”


7.“Look! Here’s another letter. ”says Peter.

