高投料量下炼铜闪速炉内熔炼过程的数值模拟陈卓;王云霄;宋修明;赵荣升;殷术贵【摘要】A numerical model was developed and the simulation was carried out with FLUENT 6.3 to investigate the distributions of multi-fields in the reaction shaft of a flash furnace at high loading rate. The results show that the process air expands quickly after it is fed into the furnace and forms a large downward gas column in the centre of the reaction shaft. Great gradients are found in the gaseous temperature and concentration destinations across the main gas column. Moreover, a low temperature region is found under the concentrate burner while a steady high temperature region appears in the lower part of the reaction shaft. The computation also reveals that the poor mixing between the gas and the concentrate particles is the main reason accounting for the decreased reaction efficiency of the smelting process in the reaction shaft of high productivity.%以FLUENT 6.3为计算平台,建立了铜闪速炉熔炼过程数值模型,并针对高投料量下反应塔气粒两相变物理场信息分布变化特点展开仿真研究.结果表明:工艺风入炉后迅速膨胀,并在反应塔中心形成轮廓明显的主体气流柱;主体气流柱内外的温度和氧浓分布梯度变化较大;局部低温出现在精矿喷嘴下方,而高温反应核心区域则下移至反应塔中下部.综合多场耦合仿真结果可知:高投料量条件下精矿粒子与反应配风之间混合力度欠佳是造成高投料量反应塔内熔炼过程反应效率降低的主要原因.【期刊名称】《中国有色金属学报》【年(卷),期】2011(021)011【总页数】6页(P2916-2921)【关键词】铜闪速炉;反应塔;熔炼反应;数值模拟【作者】陈卓;王云霄;宋修明;赵荣升;殷术贵【作者单位】中南大学能源科学与工程学院,长沙410083;中南大学能源科学与工程学院,长沙410083;金隆铜业有限公司,铜陵244000;金隆铜业有限公司,铜陵244000;中南大学能源科学与工程学院,长沙410083【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TF811金隆铜业有限公司闪速炉是我国自行设计和建造的第一座炼铜闪速炉,其最初设计生产能力为年产阴极铜10万t;在历经多次技术升级改造后,2009年该闪速炉精矿喷嘴处理能力已提高至170 t/h,闪速炉生产能力也由此达到年产矿铜35万t,阴极铜40万t[1−5]。
1 铜闪速熔炼过程控制机理铜闪速熔炼工艺机理为:将深度脱水的精矿粉末,在闪速炉喷嘴处与空气或氧气混合,然后从反应塔顶部喷入反应塔内并发生反应,形成熔融硫化物和氧化物的混合熔体,并下降到反应塔底部,在沉淀池中汇集并沉淀分离,最终形成冰铜与炉渣。
20 N4 0 7 o
文章 编 号 -09— 82 20 )4—0 1 0 10 34 (0 7 0 0 9— 8
铜 闪速炉悬浮熔 炼反应过 程机理 的研究 (I I )
— —
粒 子 脉 动 碰 撞 模 型
锴 梅 , 炽 任鸿九 梅显 , 。
冷取样 , 并进行 了外观形态检验、 矿相显微镜分析 、 扫描电镜分析、 化学 物相分析和 x荧光分析 , 得出 如下 主要 结论 : () 1 反应塔 中颗粒 分布极不均匀 , 在反应塔 中 央区域较集中;
() 2 反应塔 中粒 子氧化程度极不均匀 , 的粒 有 子反应速度极快 , 氧化程度高 , 产生了大量的磁性氧
2o N4 0 7 0
地稳定了此时颗粒 的原始状 态 , 但是在实 际的闪速 炉反应塔内反应并没有到此结束。所以粒子分裂模 型只是对精矿粒子进入反应塔发生一系列初期反应 的分析和描述 。 12 两粒子 碰 撞模 型溪 35 2 ; 344
2 中南大学 能源科 学与工程学院, . 湖南 长沙 4 08 ) 10 3
摘 要 : 总结前人 阗速熔 炼反应模型——粒子分裂模 型和 两粒子 碰撞 模型的基 础上 , 在 根据对金 隆 阗速 炉反
应塔 工艺物料颗粒 高温 急冷试样 的分析结果 , 通过从微 粒运动 学、 两相流体 力 学以及统 计分析和 归纳等 方面 的论
是 :a铜精矿粒子 的燃烧速度非 常快 ; b 各种精 () () 矿粒子在反应塔内的氧化程度不一致 。基于上述试 验结果和分析研究 , 出了关 于反应塔 内反应机理 提
的两粒 子碰撞 模 型 , 图 2所 示 。 如
该工艺最主要的问题在于:①进入铜的直接熔炼炉中的大约25%的Cu最终熔解在渣中;②回收这些渣的成本将可能限制未来铜的直接熔炼向处理含Fe量低的铜精矿发展[如辉铜矿(Cu2S)和斑铜矿(Cu5FeS4) ].而是向处理含Fe量高的黄铜精矿发展。
p r meesi tes et gpo e s aa tr n h m ln r c s. i
Ke ywo ds wa ee Ia so m ;e t q ae p r v co ma hn ; ep o e so c p e l hs ln p dc o r : v ltr n f r la u rss p t e tr c i e t r c s f o p rf s s uo h s a met g; r t nmo e i i i d l
摘 要: 针对铜闪速熔炼工业数据中 含有噪声和随机干扰, 难以 精确地建立工艺参数预测模型的缺陷, 提出小波去噪 最小二乘支持向量机(L s D SⅥ 的工艺参数预测方法。首先采用小波变换对数据进行去噪 处理, 然后利用最小二乘支 持向 量机建立熔后 样本数据进行模型参数辨识,实 现铜闪 速
过程影响因素与工艺指标之间的非线性关系模型 , 实
信号 f ( ) ) ∈ R 的连续小波变换定义为
口 I
f( . f
( 3 )
若 f t ) 处连续 ,则 ) 在 可重构为
f 击『() ) d。 ( ( 西 f 6 t R )J 2 4 ¨ )
Ab t a t sr c :Co sd rn h d sra aao o p rf s met gicu ig n iea drn o d sub c ,ti d fiut o n ie igtei u li d t fc p e a h s ln ldn o s n d m itr a e i s i c lt n l l i n a n a rtl u l h rdci nmo e o ca t aa tr. rd cinme o f r fp r meesb e nwa ee d n iig r aeyb i  ̄u dtep e it o d l f r fp rmees Ap e it o h t do ca aa tr a do t s v lt e osn
铜闪速熔炼是一个高温 、 多相反应过程, 操作变 量多、 变量间交互耦合效应复杂。因此, 研究建立一 套 能较为准确 的反 映铜 闪速熔 炼过程的数学模型。 对 于 指 导实 际生 产 实践 ,优 化工 艺参数 有 着 十分 重 要 的 意义 。 本 文基 于 最 小 自由能 原理 … R n 与 ad算法 [ 立 2 1 建 了铜 闪速 熔炼 数 学模 型 ,并 利用 建 立 的数 学模 型 进 行仿真模拟, 研究各种工艺参数与铜锍品位 渣含铜 等 目标 参数 的关 系,为优 化 工艺 条件 提 供 了理论 依 据 和指 导
ae 11 ,00 n . rse t eya d te rlt eerr fte ae 3 1 r .9 .6 a d 05 ep ci l n h eai roso m r .%。0.% a d 1 .5 rse t ey v v h 2 n 44 % ep ci l.Atte sme t ,te v h a i me h
Ab ta t sr c Mut h s q ibim te t a d l o h o p rf s met g po e si etbi e a e n te Gib lp ae e ul r l i u mah mai lmo e rtec p e ah s l n rc s s sa l h d b sd o h b s c f l i s
第2 7卷 6期
有 色 冶 金 设 计 与 研 究
20 正 06 1 月 2
童长仁 , 吴卫 国, 周小雪
( 江西理工大学材料与化学工程学院, 江西赣州 3 10 ) 40 0
( 要] 摘 基于吉布斯最小 自由能原理, 建立了铜 闪速熔炼过程的 多相平衡数学模型。 实例验证表明, 该数 模能较好的反映铜 闪速熔炼过程, 与生产 实际数据相比, 中 C 、eS 铜锍 u F 、 含量 ( 绝对误差分别为 1 9 1 2 %) . 、. 、 4 5 O7 , 对误 差 为 26 97 33 炉 渣 中 F 、i 、 .1 相 . %、. %、. %; e SO2Cu含 量 ( 绝 对误 差 分 别 为 1 9 00 、., 对误 差 为 %) . 、.6 05相 1
1.降低闪速熔炼渣含铜实践 [J], 昂正同
2.铜闪速熔炼贫化电炉渣含铜的线性回归分析 [J], 周俊
3.铜闪速熔炼过程中渣含铜的研究——计算机模拟 [J], 谭鹏夫;张传福
4.降低转炉高品位冰铜吹炼渣含铜生产实践 [J], 张定乾
5.转炉渣含铜影响因素分析及生产措施 [J], 余彬;张鑫;赵立恒;张建波;李江平;王恩志;任军祥
对某些工厂反应塔操作数据的统计表明:在 不同的反应塔的高度下,平均气流速度为1.4~ 4.7m/s时,相应的气体停留时间如图5.5所示。
5 7.5
5.7 6
7.5 2
闪速熔炼是将经过深度脱水(含水小于0.3%)的粉 状精矿,在喷嘴中与空气或氧气混合后,以高速度(60~ 70m/s)从反应塔顶部喷入高温(1450~1550℃)的反应 塔内。
精矿颗粒被气体包围,处于悬浮状态,在2~3s内就 基本上完成了硫化物的分解、氧化和熔化等过程。
熔融硫化物和氧化物的混合熔体落下到反应塔底部的 沉淀池中汇集起来,继续完成冰铜与炉渣最终形成过程, 并进行沉清分离。
1、 奥托昆普闪速熔炼
奥 托 昆 普 闪 速 熔 炼 是 采 用 富 氧 空 气 或 723~1273K 的热风作为氧化气体。在反应塔顶部设置了下喷型精 矿喷嘴。干燥的精矿和熔剂与富氧空气或热风高速喷 入反应塔内,在塔内呈悬浮状态。物料在向下运动过 程中,与气流中的氧发生氧化反应,放出大量的热, 使反应塔中的温度维持在1673K以上。在高温下物料 迅速反应(2~3s),产生的熔体沉降到沉淀池内,完成 造冰铜和造渣反应,并进行澄清分离。
公式是在等温情况下得出的。 由于化学反应产生的热使塔内的气体瞬间被加热到高温 (1300℃以上),气体体积膨胀扩张了喷射锥空间,因而 真实速度将大大减少。 对高为9m,直径为6m的反应塔,当入口初速度为30m/s 时 ,气流在塔内的停留时间约为2s。
0 1 ,t e s m u a i n r s ls s o t a h v r g b o u e e r r i 6 7 C ,a d t e r ltv r o e — .4 h i l t e u t h w h tt e a e a e a s l t r o s . " o n h ea i e e r r p r
摘 要 : 于 自适 应 模 糊 神 经 网 络 系 统 ( F S 及 利 用 某 闪速 炼 铜 厂 生 产 实 践 的 稳定 数 据 , 立 了 网 络 结 基 AN I) 建 构 为 3 入 、 输 出 、 属 度 函数 个 数 为 ( , ,7 的 闪 速 炼铜 过程 的冰 铜 温 度 模 型 。结 果 显 示 其训 练 数 输 单 隶 7 5 ) 据 平 均绝 对 误 差 为 50C, 对 误 差 为 04 ; 真 检 验 数 据 平 均 绝 对 误 差 为 67 , 对 误 差 为 ." 相 .1 仿 ." 相 C 0 5 , 明所 建 立 的模 型 预 测 值 与 生 产 操 作 数 据 基 本 吻 合 , 模 型 对 铜 熔炼 过 程 的 最 优 化 具 有 参 考 价 .5 表 该 值 , 以 代 替 现 有 的静 态 配料 模 型 用 于工 业 在 线 计 算 机 控 制 。 可 关键词 : ; 速熔炼 ; 糊控制 ; 铜 闪 模 神经 网络 ; 真 仿
中 图分 类 号 : 8 1 0 4 . TF 1 ; 2 2 1 文献标识码 : A 文 章 编 号 :0 7 55 2 0 )2 0 2 3 1 0 —7 4 ( 0 7 0 —0 0 —0
பைடு நூலகம்
Re e r h o he M a t m pe a u e M o lo p r sa c n t te Te r tr de f Co pe
闪速炉的主要熔炼过程发生在反应塔内。气流中的精矿 颗粒在离开反应塔底部进入沉淀池之前完成氧化和熔化等过 程。
发生在反应塔内的是一个由热量传递、质量传递、流体 流动和多相多组分间的化学反应综合而成的复杂过程。
研究反应塔内的传输现象,对获得高的生产率与金属回 收率、长的炉寿命和低的能源消耗的具有理论指导意义,也 为喷嘴和炉型设计的改进提供基础。
式中, up为颗粒的终点速度(m/s);gc为重力加速度(m/s2);
根据图5.6,可以确定出沉淀池终渣中Fe3O4的含 量(%)与锍品位的关系。
条件: PSO2=10kPa; Fe3O4% 含量除1270℃时,渣含SiO2为26% 外,其余均为渣饱和SiO2
图5.6 锍-渣-炉气体系中锍品位与炉渣中的Fe3O4%关系
1. 提高反应塔温度 2. 增加沉淀池燃油量,降低锍品位 3. 降低Fe/SiO2,加入煤,以及优化喷嘴结构与
式中,Ux为从入口点开始的x距离上的中心喷射速度 (m/s);U0为入口初始速度(m/s);r0为入口喷嘴半径(m) 。 式(5-1)说明,气流的终点速度乃由入口初始速度决定,
体下降到反应塔底 部 , 在沉淀池 中汇集并沉淀分离 ,
最终形成冰铜与炉渣。当铜 闪速炉处理物料量不变 时, 闪速炉产 出冰铜 的品位是 铜 闪速 熔炼过程 的综
化控 制问题 。目前 , 用于冶 炼过 程质量 预测 的方法 主要 还是机 理建模 和神经 网络 , ’ 机理模型包含大
过程 的建模 问题 , 考虑到该反应过程 中物质存 在 固、 液、 气三相 , 影响 因素多且相 互之 间耦合严 重 , 以 难 实现对重要参数 冰铜 品位 的在线 预测 , 在分 析铜 冶 炼机理的基 础上建立 了铜 闪速熔炼多相多组分数学 模型 , J将生产数据 中的精矿 量 、 渣精 矿量 、 酸矿 硅 量、 不定物料量 、 富氧空气量及组成它们的各元素 的 百分 含量 , 以及将计算所得 的冰铜相 中 c 、 eS 0 u F、 、 、 A和z s n这 6种 主要元素 摩尔 量 , 分别 代人 多相 多 组分数学模 型 , 以得到冰铜品位的机 理模型 : 可
C % : m uc u c u X
量假设 与统计信息 , 精度 不高 , 但在一定程度上 可 以
反 映生产状 况。神 经网络虽然可任意逼近非线 性系 统 以及 自学 习、 自适应 等 特 点 , 建模 依 据测 量 数 但 据, 缺乏物 理基础 。针对铜 闪速熔炼工业过程 , 文 本 以预测铜闪速熔 炼过 程 中的冰铜 品位为 目标 , 采用
并联融合形式 , 立冰 铜品位 机理模 型与基 于规则 建 的模糊神经 网络模 型 的智能 融合模 型 , 并运 用智 能 协调器确定融合 模型 的输 出 ; 出一 种模糊 神经 网 提 络参数更新学 习的受 约束梯 度下 降算法 , 高 了参 提 数 的学习效率。工业 数据的仿 真结果 验证 了所提 出 的方法 能有效 抑制 工况波 动 , 高冰铜 品位 的预测 提
Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−1517Mathematical modelling and numerical optimization ofparticle heating process in copper flash furnaceDong-bo GAO1,Xiao-qi PENG1,2,Yan-po SONG1,Zhen-yu ZHU1,Yang DAI11.School of Energy Science and Engineering,Central South University,Changsha410083,China;2.Hunan First Normal University,Changsha410205,ChinaReceived16October2020;accepted10March2021Abstract:A mathematical model of the particle heating process in the reaction shaft of flash smelting furnace was established and the calculation was performed.The results indicate that radiation plays a significant role in the heat transfer process within the first0.6m in the upper part of the reaction shaft,whilst the convection is dominant in the area below0.6m for the particle heating.In order to accelerate the particle ignition,it is necessary to enhance the convection,thus to speed up the particle heating.A high-speed preheated oxygen jet technology was then suggested to replace the nature gas combustion in the flash furnace,aiming to create a lateral disturbance in the gaseous phase around the particles,so as to achieve a slip velocity between the two phases and a high convective heat transfer coefficient.Numerical simulation was carried out for the cases with the high-speed oxygen jet and the normal nature gas burners.The results show that with the high-speed jet technology,particles are heated up more rapidly and ignited much earlier,especially within the area of the radial range of R=0.3−0.6m.As a result,a more efficient smelting process can be achieved under the same operational condition.Key words:flash smelting process;particle heating;mathematical model;high-speed jet;numerical simulation1IntroductionThe flash smelting has been recognized as a highly efficient and environmentally benign process for extracting Cu or Ni metals from their sulfides. In the past decades,the flash furnaces have been widely used,producing more than50%of copper and70%of nickel in China.High productivity is one of the outstanding advantages of the flash smelting technology.However,when great efforts are committed to continuously increase the capacity of the flash furnace,similar technical problems are encountered in different smelters,such as the overheating in the lower part of the reaction shaft, the accelerated corrosion to the furnace walls,and high dust generation ratio of the process[1,2].A number of studies including experiments[3−5],neural network[6],and numerical simulation[7−9] were conducted to investigate the root causes. Besides,thermodynamic simulation[10,11]was also applied to obtaining the phase equilibria in the flash smelting process[12].THEMELIS et al[13]originally applied numerical simulation in the study of the flash smelting process.In1995,JOKILAAKSO et al[14] used the CFD software Phoenics to study the fluid flow around the concentrate burner of a copper flash smelting ter in1998,they simulated the temperature distributions in the reaction shaft with Phoenics again,by simplifying the3D cylindrical structure into a2D axial computational domain,but taking some basic chemical reactions into consideration[15].After-wards,the numerical method was adopted for the study of the flash smelting process of nickel[16],Corresponding author:Yan-po SONG,E-mail:*****************.cnDOI:10.1016/S1003-6326(21)65594-21003-6326/©2021The Nonferrous Metals Society of China.Published by Elsevier Ltd&Science PressDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171507zinc[17,18]and lead[19].And simulation was also carried out for purposes of optimizing the furnace structures and operational parameters.In2004, CHEN et al[20]performed numerical simulation of the flash smelting process with CFX,and the optimization of the concentrate burner operation was advanced.They also investigated the factors affecting the Fe3O4formation inside the reaction shaft by changing the oxygen-enrichment and the flow rate of the process air in the numerical studies. As a result,the solution was concluded to reduce the copper loss in the slag[21].Moreover,an in-depth analysis of the flow characteristics in the settler[22]was also reported by the same research group recently based on numerical simulations.The concentrate combustion is an important topic in the numerical study of the flash smelting process,since it directly affects the completeness of reactions and the composition of final products of the process.It was believed that the concentrate particles completely reacted soon after they are fed into the reaction shaft.And this was proven in the simulation results of XIE[23](Fig.1(a))and LI et al[24],which showed that most particles at the height(the vertical distance from the roof of the reaction shaft to the position where the sampling point locates,also referred to as the shaft height)of 2m in the reaction shaft were fully reacted. However,for the same flash furnace,as its concentrate feed rate was doubled,a significant delay was found in the particle ignition[25],as shown in Fig.1(b).In order to speed up the particle ignitions in the reaction shaft,many studies have then been carried out.CHEN et al[26]suggested to insert a nature gas lance through the center of the concentrate burner to supply heat to the ignition of particles.Instead of making improvement of the furnace structure,ZHOU et al[27]developed an indicator named the momentum ratio of the distribution air over the process air,and found that it has dramatic influence on the particle dispersion in the furnace.The indicator then has been widely accepted and used to optimize the operational parameters of the concentrate burner.Nevertheless, few theoretical analyses have been reported for the particle heating process in the reaction shaft.To further improve the efficiency and the capacity of the flash smelting process,it is crucial to investigate the causes of the ignition delay of particles.Therefore,a mathematical model was developed to analyze the heat transfer in the particle heating process inside the reaction shaft,to clarify the key factor that is helpful to accelerate the heating process and the ignition of particles.Numerical simulation was also carried out,to assess the effectiveness of the technical measure proposed in the study.Fig.1Temperature increasing along reaction shaft: (a)Result of XIE[23];(b)Result of CHEN et al[25]2Theoretical modelling of heating process of concentrate particlesSince the concentrate particles are fed into the flash furnace at a temperature much lower than their ignition point,the particles must undergo a process of heating and temperature increasing before they reach their ignition point.This process is generally considered to be very fast,because the smelting reactions are completed in only a second or so in the furnace,but few detailed analyses have been reported how the particles are heated up inside the furnace.Hence,a mathematical model wasDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−1517 1508established to investigate the heat transfer and the temperature change of the concentrate particles as they fall through the reaction shaft.2.1Mathematical model for analysis of particleheating processThe“concentrate cone”formed by the dispersed particles inside the furnace is approximated as a truncated cone in the model, extending from the exit of the process air to the bottom of the reaction shaft.The top diameter of the truncated cone takes the exit diameter of the pipe for the process air,and the bottom diameter is equal to the actual dispersion diameter of the concentrate cone measured in the industrial test[28].An element of infinitesimal heightΔh(as shown in Fig.2)was taken for consideration.In order to simplify the analysis of heat transfer between the element and its surroundings,a few assumptions were made as follows.(1)The element is approximated to be a cylinder because of its infinitesimal height,and the particles in the element are considered to be of the same size.(2)By considering the element as a particle group,the heat received by the element is to heat up the particles inside.(3)The heat transfer between the element and its surroundings includes the convection and radiation.For the radiation,only the radiative heat transfer Q r between the element and the shaft wall is considered,and the element is regarded as a gray body.Besides,the convective heat Q c is supposed to be received by the element only through the circumferential surface of the cyliner.Fig.2Schematic diagram of element for particle heating process analysisHence,an equation of energy balance can be used to describe how the temperature of the element changes with the heat received:pc rd+dpTc M Q Qt=(1) where c p is the specific heat capacity of concentrate particles,J/(kg·K).M is the total mass of particles in the element,kg.T p is the particle temperature of the element,K.t is the residence time of particles through the element,s.Q c and Q r are the heat fluxes that the element receives by convection and radiation,respectively,W.By replacing the variable Q c in Eq.(1)with Newton equation and Q r with Stephan−Boltzmann law,a differential equation of particle temperature changing with time can be obtained:()() p44g p0w pd+dpTc M D h T T D h T Ttαεσ=π∆-π∆-(2) where D denotes the diameter of the cylinder element,m.αis the convective heat transfer coefficient,W/(m2·K).T g is the temperature of the hot gas around the element,K.εdenotes the emissivity of the element surface.σ0is the Stephan−Boltzmann constant,andσ0=5.67×10−8 W/(m2·K4).T w is the wall temperature of reaction shaft,K.Then,the formula to calculate the temperature of the particle group can be obtained by integrating Eq.(2),that is()()110g pd+tpc M T T D h T T tα-=π∆-⎰()1440w pdt D h T T tεσπ∆-⎰(3) where t1is the time duration of the heating process, s.And T0and T1are the temperatures of the particle group at the beginning and the end of the time duration,K.With Eq.(1),it can be found that,when the concentrate feed rate increases,more thermal energy is required to heat up the particles.In other words,if the heat flux remains the same,it will take longer,either in time or distance for the particle group to reach the same temperature.This then explains why the particles seem more difficult to be ignited in the reaction shaft at a higher concentrate feed rate.Also,if we wish to heat up the particles at the same rate as before,a higher heat flux must be provided,that is,the conditions of heat transfer must be improved so that the particles can receive much more heat in the same time duration.Dong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171509 The energy for the temperature rising of theparticles is the sum of the convective heat from thehot gas and the radiative heat from the wall of thereaction shaft.In order to distinguish the role ofradiation and convection in the heating process ofparticles,a program was developed to calculate thetemperature of the particle group as it moves alongthe reaction shaft,to positions of different height,and the proportions of the convection and radiationin the total heat received by the element aresummarized.2.2Effects of convection and radiation inparticle heating processA calculation was carried out for a case at aconcentrate feed rate of200t/h.The proportions ofconvection and radiation in the total heat thatparticles receive within3m of the shaft height arelisted in Table1.Table1Proportions of convection and radiation in totalheat received by particle group at different heights inreaction shaftHeight of reaction shaft/mProportion in total heatreceived by particles/% Convection Radiation0.534.365.70.650. was suggested that,in0.5m where the particles move along the reaction shaft,the radiation plays a major role in the heating process, providing2/3heat for the increasing of the particle temperature.However,by moving down just0.1m (to the height of0.6m),the effect of the convection increases significantly and its proportion becomes equivalent to that of the radiative heat.When the particles move down further,to the height of1m, the convective heat is dominant in the total heat. The proportion then keeps increasing,until exceeding80%at the height of1.5m.Afterwards, the convective heat is changed slightly,increasing by5%in the following1.5m.As the results indicate,the radiation plays a greater role in the early stage of the particle heating process,while the convection is more importantin the area below the height of0.6m in the reaction shaft.For the radiation,since the wall temperature is actually the temperature of the molten slag sticking to the shaft refractory linings,it is unlikely to change with the concentrate feed rate.Hence,the radiative heat flux can be hardly improved when the wall conditions are the paratively, the convection can be normally enhanced by increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient, and thus the focus of study is put on the convection heat transfer.2.3Suggestion for convection strengtheningThe convection is a heat transfer process associated with fluid flow.The Dittus−Boelter equation gives the correlation of the Nusselt number with the Reynolds number(Re)and the Prandtl number(Pr)under the forced convection heat transfer[29]:0.50.33=2+0.6Nu Re Pr(4) The convective heat transfer coefficient can be calculated bypg=dNuαλ(5)By substituting the definition of Re and Pr into Eq.(5),the convection coefficient can be related to the velocities of the gaseous and particle phases as0.50.33p p gg g g gp g g2+0.6d u u cdλυραυλ⎡⎤⎛⎫-⎛⎫⎢⎥⎪= ⎪⎪⎢⎥⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭⎢⎥⎣⎦(6)where d p is the diameter of particles,and it usually takes the average of particle diameters in the group,m.u p and u g denote the velocities of the particle and the gas,respectively,m/s.υg is the gaseous viscosity,m2/s.ρg is the gaseous density, kg/m3.c g is the specific heat capacity of the gas, J/(kg·K).λg denotes the gaseous thermal conductivity,W/(m·K).The convective heat transfer coefficient between the particles and the gas is proportional to the square root of the velocity difference(i.e.slip velocity)of the two phases.Since it is unrealistic to change physical properties of either the gas or the particles,increasing the slip velocity is more practical to improve the convection inside the furnace.Based on above considerations,the high-speed preheated oxygen jet technology wasDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China 31(2021)1506−15171510recommended,aiming to enhance the convection heat transfer and thus to accelerate the particle heating process.Numerical simulation was then carried out to analyze the effectiveness of adopting this technical measure in the flash smelting process.3Numerical analysis of high-speed jet measureThe main air streams in the flash furnace include the process air,the distribution air and the central oxygen,which all come into the reaction shaft through the concentrate jet distributor (CJD)burner that locates in the center of the shaft roof.Besides,there are three combustion flows from the natural gas burner around the CJD burner.All these gaseous streams move axially along the reaction shaft,except that the distribution air exiting from the side of the distribution cone blows in the radial direction.The schematic diagrams of the flash furnace and the air streams through the CJD burner are shown in Figs.3and 4,respectively.Fig.3Schematic diagram of flash furnaceFig.4Schematic diagram of CJD burner and airflow through itDispersed through the curved surface of the distribution cone,the concentrate particles at 100μm are susceptible to the gaseous flow,makingtheir speed soon approach that of the gas.So,the slip velocity between the gaseous phase and the particles normally reduces quickly within a short distance below the CJD burner.Then,a more effective way to increase the slip velocity between the two phases is to create a lateral disturbance perpendicular to the vertical movement of the particles.As a result,the high-speed preheating oxygen jet is suggested to replace the natural gas combustion in the shaft roof.Specifically,the oxygen is injected at a high speed from three burners in the shaft roof at an angle of 15°to the vertical direction.Meanwhile,to compensate the heat loss by cancellation of the natural gas combustion,the oxygen is preheated to 1500K as the supplement heat into the furnace.3.1Mathematical model for numerical simulationNumerical simulation was carried out for the flash smelting process respectively with the standard natural gas burners and the high-speed preheated oxygen jet burners.The flash furnace is 7m in diameter and 8m in height.The gaseous passage of the settler is also included,which is 18.65m long,1.6m high and 9.2m wide inside (as shown in Fig.3).A hybrid grid scheme was used for the discretization of the computation domain,of which the structured grids were adopted mainly in the gaseous passage of the settler,and the unstructured grids were applied to the domain of the reaction shaft.Meanwhile,the grids in the areas near the burners and in the center of the reaction shaft were locally refined.The total number of the grids is about 700000.The flash smelting process involves complex interactions of the gaseous phase and the particles.The transfer processes of the gaseous phase are described and solved based on the Eulerian method,and those of the particle phase are based on the Lagrangian method.The governing equations to describe the transfer processes between the gaseous and the particle phases include the momentum equation,the energy equation and the species equation for each phase.All these equations can be referred to in literatures [27,28,30,31].The chemical reactions involved in the smelting process and the natural gas combustion are given in Table 2.Table 2Chemical reactions included in numerical simulationProcessNo.ReactionsDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171511Decompositionof concentrate 12CuFeS2+O2→Cu2S+2FeS+SO2 2FeS2+O2→FeS+SO232Cu5FeS4+O2→5Cu2S+2FeS+SO2Oxidization and reduction 43FeS+5O2→Fe3O4+3SO2 52Cu2S+3O2→2Cu2O+2SO2 6FeS+3Fe3O4→10FeO+SO2 73Cu2O+FeS→6Cu+FeO+SO2Slag reaction82FeO+SiO2→Fe2SiO4 Natural gascombustion9CH4+2O2→CO2+2H2ONumerical computation was performed for cases at a concentrate feed rate of200t/h,of which one is with the normal natural gas burner(named 200t-S)and the other with the high-speed preheated oxygen jet burner(named200t-J).An industrial test was also carried out independently at the same concentrate feed rate(named200t-T),to verify the accuracy of the numerical model.Operational parameters for all three cases are listed in Table3.Table3Production parameters of simulation cases Production parameter200t-T200t-J200t-S Load of concentrates/(t·h−1)200200200 Load of ash/(t·h−1)151818Air volume flow ofprocess air/(m3·h−1)102611220012200Oxygen volume flow ofprocess air/(m3·h−1)238722532025320 Velocity of process air/(m·s−1)909090 Volume flow of distributionair/(m3·h−1)315031503150 Volume flow of centraloxygen/(m3·h−1)200022002200 Volume flow of centralCH4/(m3·h−1)200150150 Volume flow of CH4of ordinaryburner/(m3·h−1)245−150 Volume flow of air of ordinaryburner/(m3·h−1)2450−1500 Gaseous velocity of high-speedburner/(m·s−1)−400−Gaseous temperature ofhigh-speed burner/K−1500−The gaseous temperature at three points of the flash furnace was measured by inserting the thermocouple into the furnace through the sampling holes.The positions of the sampling holes in the flash furnace are illustrated in Fig.5.Fig.5Positions of sampling holes used for measurement of gaseous temperatureThe temperatures measured in the industrial test were compared with the results of the numerical simulation(Case:200t-T),as given in Table4.The relative errors between the test data and the simulation results are all less than5%. Therefore,the numerical models of the copper flash smelting process are considered to be accurate and reliable for following performance analysis of the high-speed preheated oxygen jet.Table4Comparison of gaseous temperatures of industrial test and numerical results(200t-T)PositionDepth ofthermocoupleinserted intofurnace/mmTemperaturemeasured inindustrialtest/°CTemperatureofsimulationresult/°CRelativeerror/% R130013581382 1.8 R23001414−142214230.4S7001330−13401303−2.43.2Numerical results and discussionThe performance analysis of the high-speed preheated oxygen jet was made based on the comparison of simulation results in the cases of 200t-S and200t-J,including the velocity field,the temperature field and the concentration field of the gaseous phase.3.2.1Comparison of velocity distribution in twocasesThe velocity distribution in the central section along the X-axis(i.e.the direction along the furnace length)in the cases of200t-J and200t-S is shown in Fig.6.From Fig.6(a),it is suggested that after being injected into the furnace at a high speed,the oxygen stream is guided into the main stream and merges inDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−1517 1512it at the height of about2m.Influenced by thehigh-speed jet at the top,the expansion of thecentral gas column to the right is slightlyconstrained,resulting in the whole column in thereaction shaft deflecting a bit to the left.In the caseof200t-J,the diameters of the gas column are alittle larger than those in the normal condition(listed in Table5),which is likely due to the hotoxygen injecting into the gas column.Fig.6Velocity distribution in high-speed jet condition:(a)200t-J;(b)200t-STable5Comparison of gas column diameters in cases of200t-J and200t-S(m)Case H=1m H=2mH=3mH=4mH=5mH=6mH=7mH=8m200t-J 1.68 2.74 3.42 3.84 4.17 4.14 3.97 4.44 200t-S 1.60 2.73 3.12 3.70 3.97 3.86 3.65 4.13 H−Height of reaction shaft3.2.2Comparison of temperature distribution in twocasesFigure7shows the temperature contour of the high-speed jet case and the normal natural gas combustion case.The adoption of the high-speed jet seems not to affect the temperature distribution significantly in the reaction shaft.However,by replacing the natural gas burner with the preheated high-speed oxygen jet,the local high temperature areas at the exit of the natural gas burner and around the central gas column disappear.Instead, the range of the central low temperature area reduces,and the temperature distribution inside the furnace tends to be more uniform.Fig.7Temperature distribution in different conditions: (a)200t-J;(b)200t-SFigure8shows the temperature changes along the height of the reaction shaft at different radial positions in the central section(the schematic diagram of the position is illustrated in Fig.8(f))in the cases of200t-J and200t-S.By preheating the oxygen to1500K,it is to compensate the heat loss caused by the cancellation of the natural gas combustion.However,since the enthalpy of the high-temperature oxygen is only half of the heat released by the natural gas combustion,and the high-speed jet can hardly penetrate the gas column to inject the heat into the center of the column,the temperature distribution in the case of200t-J is not much different in the center of the reaction shaft from that in the case of200t-S,as shown in Fig.8(a).But at the position of R=0.3m and R=0.6m,the gaseous temperature increases much faster along the shaft height,which indicates a faster heating process for the particles.By taking the melting point of the Cu−Fe−S−O solution as the ignition point of the particle group[32],the particles are found to be ignited earlier in the case of200t-J,at the radial positions of R=0.3m and R=0.6m.Furthermore, the point of the highest gaseous temperature usuallyDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171513 Fig.8Comparison of temperature change in two cases of200t-S and200t-J:(a)R=0m;(b)R=0.3m;(c)R=0.6m;(d)R=0.9m;(e)R=1.2m;(f)Schematic diagram of radial positions for plottingcorresponds to the position where most particles are reacted.And in the case of200t-J,these points are at the positions of R=0.3m and R=0.6m,indicating a faster smelting reaction.When extended to the area of R>1.2m,the adoption of the high-speed jet seems to have no obvious impact on the temperature distribution,except that a local high temperature area can be found in the case of200t-S due to the combustion of the natural gas.3.2.3Comparison of SO2concentration distributionin two casesSO2is an important product of the smelting process,so in the numerical studies,the distribution of the SO2concentration field is often used to analyze the efficiency of the smelting process in the reaction shaft.The SO2concentration changing with the shaft height in two cases is summarized in Fig.9.Dong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171514Fig.9Comparison of SO2concentration in two cases of200t-S and200t-J:(a)R=0m;(b)R=0.3m;(c)R=0.6m;(d)R=0.9m;(e)R=1.2m;(f)Schematic diagram of radial positions for plottingSimilar to the temperature distribution,the adoption of the high-speed oxygen jet has limited impact on the central area of the furnace.But at the bottom of the reaction shaft,as indicated by the larger gaseous column diameter in the case of 200t-J,the particles are more dispersed,so the concentration of SO2is lower than that in the case of200t-S,due to a less dense particle distribution per unit area.While at the positions of R=0.3m and R=0.6m,the SO2concentration increases more quickly and reaches the highest point much earlier in the case adopting the high-speed oxygen jet.In addition,the SO2concentration is also higher at other radial positions in the case of200t-J, indicating a more efficient smelting process in the case with the high-speed jet technology.3.3Performance analysis of high-speed jettechnologyBy introducing the high-speed preheatedDong-bo GAO,et al/Trans.Nonferrous Met.Soc.China31(2021)1506−15171515oxygen jet into the flash smelting process,a lateral disturbance is created in the gaseous flow,thus to increase the slip velocity between the gaseous phase and the particles in the upper part of the reaction pared to the numerical results of the case with normal natural gas combustion(200t-S),the key findings in the smelting process with the high-speed preheated oxygen jet are summarized as follows.(1)By preheating the oxygen to1500K,the heat loss caused by cancellation of the natural gas combustion is partly compensated.The local high temperature areas caused by natural gas combustion near the shaft roof disappear.In addition,the low temperature area below the CJD burner is smaller, and the temperature inside the shaft is more uniform,with no great temperature gradient forming around the central gas column,which will be beneficial to the particle heating process as well as the furnace maintenance.(2)After adopting the high-speed preheated oxygen jet,the gaseous temperature in the center and the areas with the radius R>1.2m changes slightly.However,in the area of the radius R=0.3−0.6m,the particle heating is found to be significantly accelerated,and thus the particles are ignited earlier.Specifically,for the particles at the radial position of R=0.3m and R=0.6m,their ignition height rises0.2and1.1m,respectively.(3)Similar characteristics can also be found in the gaseous SO2concentration fields.But more importantly,the SO2concentration in the gas column in the case of200t-J is generally higher than that in the case of200t-S,indicating that more sulfur is combusted in the reaction shaft,and thus a more efficient smelting reaction can be achieved.4Conclusions(1)The radiation and convection are key heat transfer modes for particle heating in the reaction shaft.However,the radiation plays a greater role in the upper part of the furnace,specifically,within the shaft height of0.6m.Thereafter,the convection is dominant in the heating process of particles.(2)The radiation heat flux inside the reaction shaft can be hardly improved due to the constant wall paratively,the convection can be enhanced,by increasing the slip velocity between the gaseous phase and the particle phase so as to achieve a higher convective heat transfer coefficient.(3)The movement of the concentrate particles is easily impacted by the gaseous flow,with their velocity approaching to that of the gas. Thus,introducing a lateral gaseous disturbance perpendicular to the vertical movement of the particles will be effective to create a slip velocity between the particles and their surrounding gaseous phase.(4)The high-speed preheated oxygen jet is suggested to replace the normal natural gas combustion in the flash smelting process.With pointing15 to the vertical direction,the oxygen stream is injected into the main gas column,causing a lateral disturbance around the surface of the falling particles.(5)The use of the high-speed preheated oxygen jet has no significant influence on the gaseous temperature in the center of the reaction shaft.However,within the area of R=0.3−0.6m, particles are heated up more quickly and ignited earlier.(6)The distribution of the SO2concentration field also shows that the particles in the furnace are ignited and react faster when the high-speed oxygen jet is adopted.Moreover,the SO2concentration in the gas column is generally higher,indicating a higher desulfurization rate,and thus a higher smelting efficiency can be achieved. AcknowledgmentsThe project was funded by Jinguan Copper of Tongling Non-ferrous Metals Group Co.,Ltd.Deep appreciations are given to persons providing technical supports in the research and the industrial tests.Special thanks are given to Prof.Jun ZHOU for his valuable suggestion to this research. References[1]AGRAWAL A,SAHU K K.Problems,prospects and currenttrends of copper recycling in India:An overview[J].Resources,Conservation and Recycling,2010,54(7): 401−416.[2]KOJO I V,STORCH H.Copper production with Outokumpuflash smelting:An update[J].Advanced Processing of Metals and Materials,2006(8):226−238.[3]JORGENSEN F R A,KOH P T bustion in flashsmelting furnaces[J].Journal of The Minerals,Metals& Materials Society,2001,53:16−20.[4]HAPP J V,JORGENSEN F R A.Experimental study of flash。
1.铜闪速冶炼冰铜品位在线控制数学模型应用 [J], 鲍镇;赵辉;孙凤来
2.铜闪速熔炼过程操作参数预测模型及应用 [J], 谢锴;米沙;严兵;李启
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闪速熔炼是将经过深度脱水(含水<0.3%)的粉状精矿,在喷嘴中与空气或氧气混合后,以高速度(60 ̄70m/s)从反应塔顶部喷入高温(1450℃ ̄1550℃)的反应塔内。
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