关键词:康复训练,机器人,下肢外骨骼ABSTRACTThe rehabilitation robot technology is a new robot technology developed rapidly recently, which is a new application in medical fields of robot technology. Currently the research on rehabilitation robot has been one of the focuses in the International Society. The rehabilitation robot technology is a synthesis of many subjects, which covers mechanics, electronics, control and rehabilitative medicine and so on; it has been a typical representation of the mechatronics research. The main researchof this paper is based on the attitude control gait rehabilitation training system design.In this paper, lower extremity rehabilitation and development of robot applications at home and abroad, lower extremity exoskeleton training robot's overall program design, structural design, design and overall control; gait training on the robot for three-dimensional modeling, and important parts to check. The robot gait training has a total of five degrees of freedom, each of which a mechanical leg joints have two 2 DOF to imitate human knee, hip and a weight relief for weight relief system including a degree of freedom. The system can be used for brain injury, stroke, and to help patients better rehabilitation training, and meets the needs of different groups of peopleKey words:rehabilitation training, robot, lower extremity exoskeletons目录1 绪论1.1 概述1.2 康复机器人的国内外研究现状1.3 本课题主要研究内容1.4 本章小结2 总体方案选择与论证2.1 步态分析2.2 方案的选择2.2.1 自由度的选择2.2.2 基本参数的选取2.2.3 驱动器的选择2.2.4关节结构的选择2.2.5连杆结构的选择2.2.6腰部结构设计2.2.7减重机构设计2.2.8整体结构设计2.3 本章小结3 机械结构的设计与计算3.1 人体参数3.2 各关节运动分析3.2.1 膝关节的运动分析3.2.2髋关节的运动分析3.3 关节力矩分析3.4 具体结构设计3.4.1 关节机构的选择3.4.2 连杆机构的选择3.4.3 腰部结构设计3.4.4减重机构3.4.5整体结构设计3.5 部分重要零件的设计与校核3.5.1轴承的选择及校核3.5.2连杆的计算及校核3.5.3双头螺柱的校核3.6 本章小结4 驱动部件的计算与选型4.1 滚珠丝杠螺母副的计算与选型 4.1.1髋关节滚珠丝杠副的计算与选型4.1.2膝关节滚珠丝杠副的计算与选型4.2 直流伺服电机的计算与选型 4.2.1髋关节直流伺服电机的计算与选型4.2.2膝关节直流伺服电机的计算与选型4.3 同步带的计算与选型4.3.1髋关节同步带的计算与选型4.3.2膝关节同步带的计算与选型4.4 本章小结5 控制系统的设计5.1 控制系统的方案选取5.2 控制系统的设计5.2.1电源配置设计5.2.2常用存储器及扩展电路设5.2.3数据存储器的设计5.2.4 D/A转换器接口电路设计5.2.5译码器的设计5.2.6上位机的连接设计5.3 控制流程的设计5.4 本章小结6 结论7 参考文献8 致谢1 绪论据报道,我国60岁以上的老年人已有1.43亿,占全国人口的11%,到2050年将达到4.37亿。
关键词:单兵系统;外骨骼;应用前景中图分类号:TP311 文献标识码:A一、外骨骼技术介绍外骨骼(Exoskeleton)这一名词,来源于生物学昆虫和壳类动物的坚硬外壳,它是一种能够提供对生物柔软内部器官进行构型,建筑和保护的坚硬的外部结构。
日本科技公司“赛百达因” 研制的HAL-5是一款半机器人, 它装有主动控制系统,肌肉通过 运动神经元获取来自大脑的神经 信号,进而移动肌与骨骼系统。 HAL(混合辅助肢体)可以探测到皮 肤表面非常微弱的信号。动力装 置根据接收的信号控制肌肉运动 。
机甲外骨骼机器人,高 约5.48m,由美国阿拉斯加 州工程师洛斯·欧文斯发明, 由内部的驾驶员操控行走。
Stelarc外骨骼是一款肌肉机器人, 外形与蜘蛛人类似,长有6条腿,直径 达到5米。它是一种混合人机,充气和 放气之后便可膨胀和收缩,与其他外骨 骼相比具有更高的灵活性。使用时,操 作人员需站在中间,控制机器朝着面部 方向移动。Stelarc外骨骼由流体肌肉 传动装置驱动,装有大量传感器。
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的容量和效率的限制,如何提高蓄 电池单位体积的容量和外骨骼的 使用效率是关键问题。
未来可以寻求新能源技术, 包括:太阳能,生物能,解决能 源发展的技术瓶颈。
体积小,质量轻,并且 能够提供足够大的力矩或扭 矩,同时要具有良好的散热 性能。
外骨骼机器人:是一种结合了人的智能、机械动力装置和机械能量的人 机结合的可穿戴设备。按结构可将外骨骼机器人分为上肢、下肢、全身 及各类关节机器人。
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日本Tmsuk公司开发的T52 Enryu, 重量近5吨,身高达3米,可用于任何灾害 的救援工作中,能帮助工作人员清理路上 的碎片,能够举起重量近1吨的重物,机 械臂则可以完成所有类型的工作。
如果再将机器人技术与外骨骼技术相结合,就可以形成人体巨大能量的辅助外骨骼(Human Assistive Exoskeleton),即机器人外骨骼技术。
1971年,美国的诺斯罗普公司(Northrop Grumman)研制出了全世界第一套外骨骼系统。
二、机器人外骨骼技术的应用前景1. 康复领域应用机器人外骨骼技术在康复领域中的应用主要是指对肢体功能障碍患者的治疗和康复辅助。
2. 重体力工作环境应用现代制造业中许多工人工作量非常大且非常危险。
3. 老年人护理应用机器人外骨骼技术对于老年人来说,可以帮助他们完成一些日常活动。
BLEEX外骨骼- 关键技术
BLEEX外骨骼- 关键技术
混合能量供给单元,液压驱动关节运动,电源供给传感、计算和控制系统; 电路采用高速同步环状网络拓扑结构,保证数据采集、处理的实时性。
HAL外骨骼机器人- 应用实例
HAL外骨骼机器人- 市场分析
16°31°ຫໍສະໝຸດ 外侧完全旋转13.2°
BLEEX外骨骼- 关键技术
BLEEX外骨骼- 关键技术
Pace gait(单侧同步步态),姿态会发生偏移,向两边摆动。
虽然目前机器人研究已经取得了很大的进步,比如机器人 运动过程中实现准确的控制,机器人能适应不同的地面状况作 运动。但是,要实现高速运动仍是步行机器人研究领域中的一 个难题,因为要实现这样的运动,机器人的机械结构、控制方 法设计毕然与传统的机器人不同,并且要考虑多种因素。
Tekkn整个机体的重量是3.1kg,单个腿的重量0.5kg。 每条腿有3个主动关和一个被动关节,分别是一个pitch髋关 节、yaw髋关节和pitch膝关节,踝关节是被动关节,主要由 弹性装置和自锁装置构成。
2、Little Dog
2004 年 Boston Dynamics 发布了四足机器人LittleDog, 如图所示。LittleDog 有四条腿,每条腿有 3 个驱动器,具有 很大的工作空间。携带的 PC 控制器可以实现感知、电机控 制和通信功能。LittleDog 的传感器可以测量关节转角、电机 电流、躯体方位和地面接触信息。铿聚合物电池可以保证 LittleDog 有 30 分钟的运动,无线通信和数据传输支持遥控 操作和分析。
2003 年日本电气通信大学的 木村浩等研制成功四足移动 机器人Tekken,如图所示。 该机器人安装了陀螺仪、倾 角计和触觉传感器。采用基 于中枢模式发生器(CPG)的控 制器和反射机制构成控制系 统,其中CPG 用于生成机体 和四条腿的节律运动,而反 射机制通过传感器信号的反 馈,来改变 CPG 的周期和相 位输出,Tekken 能适应中等 不规则地面环境。
1. 上肢康复机器人的研究背景与意义随着人口老龄化的加剧以及各类事故、疾病对人们身体健康的威胁日益显著,上肢功能障碍患者数量呈现出逐年上升的趋势。
目前全身外骨骼助力机器人的研 发和制造成本较高,限制了其广 泛应用和推广。
用户体验需要进一 步优化
虽然已经取得了一定的成果,但 还需要进一步优化用户体验,提 高用户的舒适度和满意度。
可以进一步拓展全身外骨骼助力 机器人在医疗、康复、助老助残 等领域的应用,提高其社会效益 和经济效益。
通过对实验数据的分析,对比不同 设计参数、不同使用环境下的机器 人性能差异,找出优势与不足。
根据实验结果的分析,提出针对性 的改进方向和建议,为后续的机器 人优化设计提供参考。
实现了全身外骨骼助力机器人的高度集成 ,提高了其便携性和可穿戴性。
通过建立准确的运动学模型,可以精确地描述机器人的位置、速度和加速度 等运动特性。
采用先进的控制算法,如PID控制、模糊控制等,实现对机器人运动的精确控 制。
由刚性连杆组成,用于实现机 器人的运动模拟和助力。
采用高精度舵机实现关节的精 确控制,同时保证机构的稳定
采用优化算法对机构进行轻量 化设计,减少机器人自重,提
采用无刷电机驱动,具有高效率、高转矩、高寿 命的特点。
主被动结合式全身外骨骼助力机器人可以为老年人和残疾人 提供行走和负重的辅助,提高他们的自理能力和生活质量, 减轻社会负担。
This article was downloaded by: [Shanghai University]On: 02 November 2013, At: 23:45Publisher: Taylor & FrancisInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UKAdvanced RoboticsPublication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information:/loi/tadr20Exoskeletal meal assistance system (EMAS II) forpatients with progressive muscular diseaseYasuhisa Hasegawa a, Saori Oura a & Junji T akahashi aa Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of T sukuba 1-1-1T ennodai, 305-8573, T sukuba, Japan.Published online: 09 Oct 2013.PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLEAdvanced Robotics ,2013V ol.27,No.18,1385–1398,/10.1080/01691864.2013.841311FULL PAPERExoskeletal meal assistance system (EMAS II)for patients with progressive muscular diseaseYasuhisa Hasegawa ∗,Saori Oura and Junji TakahashiGraduate School of Systems and Information Engineering,University of Tsukuba 1-1-1Tennodai,Tsukuba 305-8573,Japan(Received 28March 2012;accepted 28June 2012)Patients with muscle weakness such as muscular dystrophy usually need someone’s assistance in their daily activities.In order to reduce the caregiver burden and to improve quality of life (QOL)of the patients,various robotic technologies have been developed.This paper presents an exoskeletal assistance system EMAS II for the patients,which assists the upper extremity for the purpose of daily activities such as eating,writing,or other desk works.The EMAS II assists four DOF;shoulder flexion-extension,shoulder abduction-adduction,shoulder medial-lateral rotation,and elbow flexion-extension.The EMAS II has three kinds of user interfaces which are operated by residual functions of the patients,because it is important for patients’health and initiative to use the residual functions.In order to control the four DOFs exoskeleton system using the interfaces with less DOF,the EMAS II simulates upper limb motion patterns of healthy people.The patterns are modeled by extracting correlations between the height of the wrist joint and that of the elbow joint.Therefore,users have only to control the position of their wrist joint to do tasks at a table.Through an experiment with a healthy subject,the feasibility of meal assistance by the EMAS II was confirmed.Furthermore,the system was applied to a spinal muscular atrophy patient in a clinical trial to check the usability.The experimental results indicated that the EMAS II could support the patient’s upper extremity to do tasks at a table.Keywords:assistive device;exoskeleton;upper limb;muscular dystrophy;muscular disease;eating;motion support1.IntroductionPatients with neuromuscular disease are limited in activities of daily living (ADL).For instance,patients with progres-sive muscular dystrophy (PMD)or with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)have difficulty in walking,lifting their arms against gravity,and changing overall posture,because of muscle weakness of their trunk,extremity,particularly of their proximal parts.Thus,the patients require caregiver’s support appropriate to their symptoms in many aspects of everyday lives.As a result,the caregiver burden and sacri-fice of the patient’s independence have been a problem for a long time.In order to avoid the issue,robotic devices have been developed for life-supporting or rehabilitation.Assistive devices for upper limb disorders can be divided into robot arm type and exoskeleton type.Examples of the robot arm type are the MySpoon,[1]the Handy 1,[2]and the iARM (Assistive Robotic Manipulator).[3]These robots re-place the patients’arm in a variety of tasks such as eating and picking up distant objects with high positioning accuracy.They can be used by the advanced stage patients with limited residual functions.However,disuse of the sections with or without impairment is not desirable from the viewpoint of prevention of joint contracture,encouragement of the patients’initiative,and improvement of the quality of life (QOL).Therefore,the assistive device for those patients∗Corresponding author.Email:hase@iit.tsukuba.ac.jpshould be the one that assists the user’s upper limb,and that is the exoskeleton type.The Armon,[4]which is an example of the exoskeletal system,is a spring-balanced arm support system and a user can lift up his/her arm without being affected by the force of gravity.It has no actuators so that the patient with severe symptoms cannot carry out works such as reaching task even if he/she uses this device.On the other hand,there are exoskeleton type devices using actu-ators such as the ARMin,[5]the ABLE,[6]the BONES,[7]and the Muscle Suit.[8]Although they are developed for rehabilitation of disabled people or assistance for healthy people to do heavy work,each of the devices are too large to be applied in daily lives.When we develop assistive systems for people with progressive muscle weakness or paralysis,we should design a versatile support system which has adjustable support level and can improve the patients’physical condition and initiative.The EMAS I shown in Figure 1is an exoskeletal meal assistance system which our laboratory has developed for the patients with muscle weakness.There are two DOFs at the shoulder (flexion-extension and medial-lateral rotation),and one DOF at the elbow (flexion-extension).Each joint is light and small because of the wire driven system and is operated by a foot controller as shown in Figure 2.All the parts except a user interface are mounted on a chair.©2013Taylor &Francis and The Robotics Society of JapanD o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 20131386Y.Hasegawa etal.Figure 1.EMAS I.Through an experiment,where a healthy subject regarded as a muscular dystrophy patient ate a meal with the EMAS I,we confirmed the possibility of the meal assistance using the EMAS I.However,there were two problems:one was that the elbow joint hit table according to the height of the table,and the other was that the foot controller was not easy to use for the muscular dystrophy patient because he/she did not have enough capability of movement on his/her leg.In this paper,we propose the EMAS II which has four actuated joints (shoulder flexion-extension,shoulder medial-lateral rotation,shoulder adduction-abduction,and the elbow flexion-extension)and one unactuated joint for the shoulder girdle and upper body motions.While the EMAS I is mounted on a chair or a wheelchair,this EMAS II is mounted on a special stand so as to apply to all typesof wheelchairs.Therefore,a caregiver has only to put the EMAS II next to the wheelchair and put the care receiver’s arm into the orthosis.In addition,we propose three user interfaces,trackball type,joystick type,and BEP type in-terface so that the patient can choose more preferable one according to his/her physical condition or residual func-tions.Because the user interfaces have only three DOFs at most while the exoskeleton has four actuated joints,the controller of the EMAS II needs a condition of constraint to control each joint angle.The constraint condition is set find-ing corresponding between the height of the elbow position and that of the wrist position of healthy people.The purpose of this study is to develop an assistive system EMAS II for patients with muscle weakness in order to reduce the caregiver burden and to improve the initiative and QOL of the patients.In this study,the system applies to the patients with muscle weakness of proximal parts such as shoulder and elbow.2.EMAS II2.1.System architectureThe EMAS II consists of an exoskeleton part,a user interface,a motor unit,a control device,and a power supply as shown in Figure 3.The motor unit contains four gearhead motors,a motor driver circuit,and encoders.Every com-ponent except for the user interface is fixed on a special stand which is a remodeled walker in order to enable the patients to use the EMAS II remain seated on a wheelchair because the most common early symptom of the disease is lower-extremity muscle weakness and many of the patients spend most of their time on a wheelchair (Figure 4).The exoskeleton part is small and light because of the wiredriveFigure 2.Foot controller of EMAS I.D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Advanced Robotics1387Figure 3.Sideview of the EMASII.Figure 4.The EMAS II with a trackball type interface.system.Moreover,there are several user interface devices so that the user can choose most preferable one according to his/her physical conditions.The user controls the right upper limb operating the user interface with the opposite hand.2.2.Mechanism of jointsWhen healthy people do tasks on a table,they use not only shoulder and elbow rotation motions but also shoulder girdle motions and upper body motions.Therefore,mech-anisms which are given no regard to such motions bring a sense of discomfort to a user and reduction of range of motion.There have been researches of shoulder mechanismTable 1.Arrangement of joint ID,motion,θdirection,power source.Joint ID Motion θdirection Power sourceJ 1flexion θ+1motor 1extensionθ−1gravity shoulderJ 2medial rotation θ+2motor 2lateral rotation θ−2spring J 3abduction θ+3motor 3adduction θ−3gravity elbowJ 4flexion θ+4motor 4extensionθ−4gravitywith assistance of shoulder girdle movements for exoskele-ton robot.[9]However,the mechanism is too large to apply for assistive devices for ADL.In this study,the assistive system has four actuated joints (shoulder flexion-extension,shoulder medial-lateral rotation,shoulder abduction-adduction,and elbow flexion-extension)and one unactuated joint for shoulder girdle and upper body movements.The four joints are driven via wires as shown in Figure 5.Here joint numbers,J 1...J 5,and the positive rotation arrow are assigned to each joint as shown in Figure 6.During the assistance with the EMAS II,shoulder flexion,medial rotation,abduction,and elbow flexion motions are driven by motor traction.The shoulder extension,adduction,and elbow extension are driven using gravity force,and the shoulder lateral rotation is driven by torsion spring because the gravity force does not affect that motion.Table 1summa-rizes the joint numbers,the motions,the rotation direction,and the power sources.The minimum angles,the maximum angles,the range of motions of all the joints and the range of motions for human ADL are summarized in Table 2.[10]The maximum torques of actuated joints of the system and the that of unimpaired arm are summarized in Table 3.The origin of angular vector [th 1,th 2,th 3,th 4,th 5]=[0,0,0,0,0]is the arm’s neutral position.The minimum angle of the J 4is set at 10degrees in order to avoid the singularity.The range of motions of the EMAS II is narrower than that for ADL,because the EMAS II takes into account the use only for activities which are done at a table.In addition,the maximum joint torques of the EMAS II are smaller than that of healthy upper limb.However,it has enough torque to support a man lifting 0.5[kg ]of bottle on his hand.The feasibility of assistance with limited range of motions and joint torques is discussed in chapter 3.The unactuated slider mechanism is shown in Figure 7to allow for upper body and shoulder girdle motions.The slide rail passively moves 200mm on a slider,while a slider generally slides on a slide rail.The weight of EMAS II with a user’s arm is directory loaded to the special stand through an attachment which is tilting within a range of 0to 50degree to the floor.Here,a coordinate system is defined as shown in Figure 8.Then,the working surface of wrist joint,D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 20131388Y.Hasegawa etal.Figure 5.Wirearrangement.Figure 6.Definition of positive direction of each joint.Table 2.Raneg of motion.The EMAS II The EMAS II The EMAS II Human for ADL Min.Angle Max.Angle Range of MotionRange of Motion[degree][degree][degree][degree]θ107070100θ208080110θ309090135θ410130110150where the height of the wrist joint is fixed at 200[mm]below the shoulder joint and the elbow joint is located above the level of wrist joint,is shown in Figure 9.Table 3.Maximum joint torques.The EMAS II [Nm]Unimpaired Arm [Nm]θ147.353.5θ222.953.9θ315.053.6θ438.581.02.3.Derivation of joint anglesWhen a user uses the EMAS II,he/she inputs three-dimensional wrist position through a user interface while the number of active joint is four.Therefore,at least one condition of constraint is required to control all joints.TheD o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Advanced Robotics1389Figure 7.Unactuated slider for trunk and shouldergirdle.Figure 8.Coordinate system of working space.The origin of this coordinate system corresponds approximately to the center of user’s right shoulderjoint.Figure 9.Range of motion of the EMAS II at a table.The origin is the center of the left shoulder.condition of constraint is derived from motion measurement of upper body.Although there have been similar researches for motion measurement and analysis of upper limb,[11,12]Figure 10.Arrangement of markers for the motion capture.none of them refer to arm support.We consider eating a meal to be one of the most important tasks to help the patients to lead more independent lives and to reduce the caregiver burden.Therefore,in this study,upper limb mo-tions while people eat a meal without dropping food are measured in order to develop the expression for the condition of constraint.2.3.1.Meal motion measurementThe meal motions were captured by the PhaseSpace IMPULSE system [13]of PhaseSpace Inc.Nine markers were attached to the EMAS II and a subject,and eight cameras tracked them (Figure 10).The capturing rate was 120frames per second.During the measurement,a subject who was wearing the EMAS II picked up foods from two plates on a table and ate them in five times each.The plates were put in a row in front of the subject and the height of the table was 690[mm].This measurement was done by three subjects (Subjects 1,2,and 3),one was a woman aged twenty-two and two were men aged twenty-two and thirty,respectively.All subjects were physically unimpaired and right dominant.2.3.2.Measurement resultsFigure 11shows one example of the result of the motion measurement,where the second subject scooped food (the gray area)and carried it to the mouth (the white area).From here,we focus on the motion for carrying the food to the mouth for getting the condition of constraint.One example of the scatter diagrams of the wrist posi-tion (x w ,y w ,z w )and the elbow position (x e ,y e ,z e ),and their approximated curves are shown in Figure 12.Then,it is found that all R-squared values of the approximated curves representing the relationship between z w and z e ofD o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 20131390Y.Hasegawa et al.all subjects are over 0.9.Here,Figure 13shows the scat-ter diagrams and approximated curves of the relationship between z w and z e of allsubjects.Figure 11.Example of result of the meal motion analysis.The mean curve of these approximated curves are shown in Figure 14,which is expressed byz e =−0.0008z w 2+0.5316z w +171.23.(1)Using this correlation model,the z e is fixed from the wrist position.y e and x e are also fixed as follows:y e =−Q ±Q 2−P RP,(2)P =x w 2+y w 2,(3)Q =z w z e y w −Ay w ,(4)R =(A −z w z e )2+x 2w (z 2e −L 21),(5)A =L 21+L 23−L 222,(6)L 3=x 2w +y 2w +z 2w,(7)x e =⎧⎨⎩L 23+L 21−L 22−2(y e y w +z e z w )2x w,if x =0L 21−y 2e −z 2e ,if x =0,(8)where L 1is length of user’s upper arm and L 2is that offorearm,respectively.In addition to the aboveexpressions,Figure 12.Example of relationships between the wrist position and the elbow position.D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Advanced Robotics1391 Figure13.The height of the wrist joint and the elbow joint.Downloadedby[ShanghaiUniversity]at23:452November2131392Y.Hasegawa etal.Figure 14.Approximation curves of relationship between theheight of the wrist joint and that of the elbow joint.Table 4.Error of elbow position.Subject Plate RMS of Error [mm]Subject 1Left 33.12Subject 1Right 19.66Subject 2Left 58.58Subject 2Right 27.79Subject 3Left 51.51Subject 3Right30.31Mean36.83considering the range of motion (Table 2),we obtain the elbow position.Finally,each joint angle θ1...θ4is given by,θ1=cos −1y w − 1+L 2L 1cos θ4 y e L 2cos θ2sin θ4,(9)θ2=sin−1x w − 1+L 2L 1cos θ4 x e L 2sin θ4,(10)θ3=sin −1 −x eL 1cos θ2,and (11)θ4=cos −1 −L 21+L 22−(x w 2+y w 2+z w 2)2L 1L 2.(12)The precision of the model is evaluated by comparing the measured elbow position of an elbow joint and the predicted position based on the model.RMS of errors of them are shown in Table 4.The results show that an mean error is 37[mm].In order to make up for the personal difference,the third term is adjusted according to the user’s shape or height of the table used.2.4.Control approach and user interfacesWhen we develop assistive devices,it is also necessary to develop easy-to-use user interfaces which take advantage ofpatients’residual functions.In this section,the user inter-faces and control approach of the EMAS II are mentioned.2.4.1.Control approachThe EMAS II has two control modes:manual control and semi-automatic control.A user can control three-dimensional coordinate of his/her wrist position through the user interface with the manual control.On the other hand,the semi-automatic control is developed in order to improve the utility and efficiency of the system operation.In this control mode,the user’s upper limb is automatically moved to pre-established position by pressing a switch.For example,if the user set his/her mouth position,she/he can bring food to his/her mouth smoothly and finish the meal in a shorter time.The control flows of each mode are shown in Figures 15and type interfaceWe propose three kinds of user interfaces.When user uses the trackball interface shown in Figure 17,the controller measures the pulses of the trackball interface at every 5.0[ms ]and determines the wrist position.During low-speed rotation,the controller determines thetarget wrist position,W re f (x ref w ,y re f w ,z refw )in the coordi-nate system shown in Figure 8,as shown below:x ref w =x w +C 1x rot ,(13)y ref w =y w +C 1y rot ,and(14)z ref w =z w +C 2z rot ,(15)where W (x w ,y w ,z w )is the current wrist position,R (x rot ,y rot ,z rot )is the amount of change of the rotation of the trackball,and C 1,C 2are the arbitrary constants.On the other hand,during high-speed rotation,the controller continues only to measure the pulses until the rotation speed becomes lower than a threshold.Meanwhile,the arm is controlled to be held in the same position.Then,the con-troller determines the target wrist position and straight-linetrajectory.Let R t (x t rot ,y t rot)denote the number of total rotations of the ball,a denote the arrival time and C 3,C 4denote an arbitrary constant.Then,the target position and arrival time is calculated as below:x p =x w +C 3x n x trot ,(16)y p =y w +C 3y n y t rot ,and (17)t =C 4|n |.(18)Finally,change of velocity v (v x ,v y )with time is deter-mined by the expression shown below:|˙v |=−4bt2 x −t 22+b ,(19)b =3l2t,and(20)D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Advanced Robotics1393Figure 15.Control flow of the manualcontrol.Figure 16.Control flow of the semi-automaticcontrol.Figure 17.Trackball type interface.l =(x p −x w )2+(y p −y w )2.(21)In this way,switching the action at low-speed and high-speed rotation,the user can move the arm over a long distance at once or move the arm delicately depending on the situation.Moreover,pressing the switch at the corner of the trackball interface,the control mode is shifted to the semi-automatic mode,and the wrist position is moved to the pre-established position without any operation.When the EMAS II is finished moving the arm,the control mode is shifted to the manual mode again.2.4.3.Joystick type interfaceFigure 18shows the joystick type interface which has twojoysticks.Figure 18.Joystick type interface.The controller measures the voltages V (x V ,y V ,z V )from each joystick which denote the tilt of the joysticks.Then,the target wrist position is determined as below:W re f =W +C 5V ,(22)where C 5is the arbitrary constant.If the voltage which denotes the right-and-left tilt of the right joystick exceeds a threshold,the control mode is shifted to the semi-automatic mode.Operations of the trackball type interface and the joystick type interface in x and y directions similarly corresponds to a wrist motion in x and y,respectively,so that a user could control positions of the wrist joint intuitively through less training iterations.D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Figure 19.BEP type interface2.4.4.BEP based interfaceThe Bio-Electric-Potential (BEP)based interface is devel-oped.BEP signals are often used as an instinctive user interface for assistive devices.There have previously been researches about motion discrimination of upper limb and control of assistive arm by BEP.[14]However,in case where a patient with muscle weakness operates assistive devices using only BEP signals,the control of three-dimensional position of the arm is of great difficulty because it requires a model to decode arm motion from BEP signals of multiple muscles.In many cases,BEP signals of the patient are too weak to use for a user interface.However,in some cases,BEPwith large signal-to-noise ratio may be measured from part of the muscles.In this research,we propose a BEP based interface intended for the patient whose del-toid and biceps can give off BEP signals with relatively large S/N ratio.A user is supposed to have capability to control the anteroposterior position of the wrist joint with this BEP based interface.When he/she controls the three-dimensional position by using BEP signals,the trackball type or joystick type interface is used as a supplementary interface.The sheet shown in Figure 19is consisting of matrix of six active electrodes.Again of the active electrode is 10,000.One of the sheets is attached to the skin surface above deltoid,and the other is above biceps.Although strength of the BEP signals vary depending on the position of the electrodes,positioning of the sensor sheet does not require high accuracy because of the grid-like arranged multiple electrodes.For the control of EMAS II,the controller mea-sures the BEP signals and integrates the signals (IBEP).Let ch (ch =1...12)denote the channel number of electrode and T (=300[ms ])denote an integration time,and then the IBEP is defined byI B E P ch (t )=tt −T|B E P ch (τ)|d τ.(ch =1...12).(23)Table 5.Relationship between motion and magnitude of IBEP.I B E P b sum <T H bI B E P b sum >T H bI B E P d sum <T H dStopBack I B E P d sum >T H dForwardBackFigure 20.Knobs for threshold adjustment.Next,the sum of all channels of deltoid,I B E P d sum,and that of all channels of biceps,I B E P b sum,are calculated.They are compared with threshold T H d and T H b ,respectably.Finally,the arm motion is determined according to the mag-nitude relation of each value and the threshold as shown in Table 5.The thresholds are adjustable according to the strength of the BEP signals of each user using two knobs (Figure 20).The thresholds and the sum of current bioelec-tric potential are displayed on a monitor shown in Figure 21.The direction of the motion is selected by the above approach,however,the moving velocity is constant withthe value of I B E P d sum and I B E P b sum.3.Experiments3.1.Position accuracy3.1.1.Experimental settingsIn order to evaluate the position accuracy of EMAS II,the wrist position is measured using the motion capture system.During this experiment,two bottles filled up with one liter of water were loaded to the EMAS II in order to mimic weight of user’s arm (Figure 22).The EMAS II repeated reciprocation of the wrist part between table and mouth for 10times.As the index,the position error of the wrist joint is considered.Let (x enc ,y enc ,z enc )denote the wrist position calculated from the motor encoders,(x cap ,y cap ,z cap )de-note the wrist position calculated using data from the motion capture system,then the E enc and E cap were defined as follows:D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Figure 21.Display for BEP:From ch.1to ch.6:IBEPs of deltoid.From ch.7to ch.12:IBEPs of biceps.Heavy line of D is sum of IBEPs of deltoid.Thin line of D is the thresholds,T H d .Heavy line of B is sum of IBEPs of biceps.Thin line of B is the thresholds,T H b.Figure 22.The EMAS II with bottles.Two bottles work as weights of user’s upper limb.E enc = (x ref −x enc )2+(y ref −y enc )2+(z ref −z enc )2,(24)E cap =(x ref −x cap )2+(y ref −y cap )2+(z ref −z cap )2.(25)3.1.2.Measurement of position accuracyFigure 23shows the three kinds of wrist joint trajectories,reference wrist position,the actual wrist positioncalculatedFigure 23.Wrist joint position.from the encoders of the motors,and the actual wrist po-sition measured by the motion capture system.The wrist position data from the motion capture system were offset so that their mean values correspond to each other because the coordinate origins of the EMAS II and the motion cap-ture system were different.Rapid change of the reference position can be found at intervals,but that comes from the change of the control mode and is not a problem.Figure 24shows that the wrist joint positioning error E cap was 39.0[mm]at most,the mean of E cap was 17.6[mm],and standard deviation of E cap was 11.0[mm].Meanwhile,the error E enc was 39.6[mm]at most,the mean of E enc wasD o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013Figure 24.Position error of the wrist joint.Table 6.Foods for the experiment.Curry 130[g]Rice 200[g]Potato salad120[g]Yoghurt70[g]Water200[ml]16.6[mm],and standard deviation of E enc was 13.0[mm].The sources of errors were steady-state error of the PD control and the effect of friction and expansion of the cables.However,it will be little problem to eat a meal because the user can adjust the position by manual control mode.3.2.Meal assistance experiment with healthy person 3.2.1.Experimental settingsA healthy subject regarded as a muscular dystrophy patient ate a meal with the EMAS II.List of foods for an experiment was shown in Table 6.Figure 25.Each action of eating.D o w n l o a d e d b y [S h a n g h a i U n i v e r s i t y ] a t 23:45 02 N o v e m b e r 2013。
人体外骨骼 辅助搬运介绍
![人体外骨骼 辅助搬运介绍](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/e59b9229dcccda38376baf1ffc4ffe473268fd53.png)
人体外骨骼辅助搬运介绍1. 引言1.1 人体外骨骼辅助搬运介绍人体外骨骼辅助搬运是一种新型的辅助搬运技术,通过外部的机械装置来增强人体的力量和稳定性,帮助人们更轻松地完成搬运工作。
2. 正文2.1 什么是人体外骨骼辅助搬运人体外骨骼辅助搬运是一种先进的技术,通过外部装置帮助人类完成搬运和运输工作。
2.2 人体外骨骼辅助搬运的原理人体外骨骼辅助搬运的原理主要是通过智能机器人技术和生物力学原理实现。