怦然心动 书评英文版

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Everyone Should Have a Sycamore Tree

——Book review ofFlipped79于洋

WhenIreadthisbook,myfeelingschangedwithecharacters.Sometimes I was even moved to tears. After finishing it, I kept thinking,why this book touched me so much? Then I realized that every book thatmade me think of myself impressed me most. In the process of this book,I saw myself sometimes so persistent in something, I saw my father heldme and answered my confusions patiently, I saw how my best friend hadever hurt me... ... The following contents are how I feel about this bookand what I learn from it.

You didn’t give me the best, but you give me all.In the book, therewas a paragraph between Juli and her dad.Her dad told her:

“Julianna, I’m trying to tell you is I’m sorry.There was so much I wantto give you.All of you.I guess I didn’t see until recently how I’ve actuallyprovided.”

“I think you know my heart’s been in the right place, but if you line itup objectively,a man like,say,Mr.Loski adds up to a much better husband father than a man like me does. He’s around more,he provides moreand probably he’s a lot more fun.”

But Juli told him:

“Dad, I don’t care how it cooks on paper, I think you’re the best dadever! And when I m arry somebody someday, I sure don’t want him to belike Mr.Loski!I want him to be like you.”

That’sawonderfulandbeautifulparagraph,whichisexactlythefeeling of heartbeat, pure and clean.

When Bryce flipped:

“My heart lurched. What was she laughing about?What were theytalking about?How could she sit there and look so...beautiful?”

Juli was a kind girl. Maybe in the book, we tend to say she was howspecial,howdifferent.Actually,shecouldn’tbemoreordinary.Herfamily was not rich,she didn’t have anysuper t alent on

anything.Thenwhyshegotsomuchloveandhappiness?Shehadthecouragetobeherself.S hesawtheamazingviewsinthetree,thensheinsistonprotecting it; she liked Bryce, then she always followed him; she hatchedthe eggs, then she fed them in the yard... She did the things she

thoughtwasrightanddidn’tcarewhatotherssaid.Herfamilyalloftheseexperience made her cherish others’love and care about other peoplevery much. Such a good girl deserved to be loved.
