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Moudle1 练习题



1. Only with this m can we solve this problem.

2. We found the students were d at losing the race.

3. --- What happened to George on his way to the sweet shop?

--- On his way to the sweet shop, he dropped his fifty pence and it rolled along the pavement and then d down a drain.

4. Computer is a necessity in such an i age.

5. He owed his success to his teacher's e .

6. Tom's rude b (行为)at the meeting made us unpleasant.

7. She shows a very positive a toward her work.

8. What i (使印象深刻)me most was the hospitality(好客)of the people here.

9. After a few minutes, he got b with the game and walked away.

10. If you have any p (先前的)experience of this kind of work, you will easily be employed.

11. She has given the police a very full d (描述)of the robber.

12. He felt e at being the center of attention.

13.The teaching method of Ms Shen is nothing like _______of the teachers at my Junior High school

14. There must be some m (误解); I thought I ordered the smaller model.

15. Because of modern t , people have a high standard of living.

16. Always read the (说明) before you start taking the medicine.

17. Haydn met Mozart in 1781 and was very (印象深刻) with him.

18.I think we all made a lot of ____________in reading.

19.He isn’t Chinese ,but he is ___________(流利的)in Chinese.

20.The day they were looking forward to __________(come)


21. 换句话说,领外宾参观学校可以帮助我们提高英语。(words)

, showing foreign visitors around our school can help to improve our English.

22. 我盼望着能自己一个人待在这所房子里。

I __________ _______ being alone in the house.

23. 为了方便起见, 英格兰大致可以分为三个地区。

For convenience, England is three zones.

24. Didn't you find (他的讲演令人厌倦)?

25. When and where to build the new library has not been decided, which is . (disappoint)



26. H e told me about the news in a voice.

A. amazing; surprising

B. amazed; surprised

C. amazing; surprised

D. amazed; surprising

27. M y parents in Hong Kong. They were born there and have

never lived anywhere else.

A. live

B. lived

C. were living

D. will live

28. A IDS, first appearing in America in the 1980s, through many

countries across the world.

A. is spreading

B. Spreads

C. has been spread

D. is spread

29. T he students are busy making preparations for the lecture because they

will the competition.

A. attend

B. join

C. take part in

D. attend to

30. M ichelle went to bed very late last night, so she while others

are listening to the teacher carefully.

A. nodded

B. is nodding

C. has nodded

D. will nod

31. I n the coming months, he looks forward more time with his


A. spend

B. spending

C. to spend

D. to spending

32. J unior students take sports test before they go to high school. ,

they have to be strong and healthy to graduate.

A. All in all

B. After all

C. In other words

D. What's more

33. I n China, pressure to find jobs causes some students in the

countryside to drop their dreams of going to college.

A. 不填; the

B. a; the

C. the; 不填

D. 不填; 不填

34.Many fashionable youths are so about the so-called "Singles Day" that even

websites like Taobao have special sales on November 11.

A. particular

B. positive

C. cautious

D. enthusiastic

35. T he teacher explained the question clearly to his students its


A. impress; with

B. impress; at

C. impress; in

D. impress; on


