【环球文化】除了《奇幻森林》,还有这些不可错过的迪士尼真人动画电影!《奇幻森林》(The Jungle Book)于4月15日上映赢得了不错的回响,三天3.19亿的成绩让电影轻松拿下周票房冠军。
《奇幻森林》在烂番茄的新鲜度是惊人94% ,有92%的人想去观看。
完全采用CGI 呈现的动物栩栩如生外,饰演毛克利的小童星尼尔谢西演技也普遍受到赞誉。
《奇幻森林》之后,今年也还有两部真人版童话即将上映,而后更有一大波真人动画电影将陆续出现,下面就让我们来看看这些值得期待的迪士尼大片吧!1. Alice in Wonderland:Through the Looking Glass《爱丽丝梦游仙境2:镜中奇遇记》上映时间:2016年5月27日中美同步上映影片延续爱丽丝长大成为19岁少女后的故事,回到魔境的她发现昔日好友疯帽先生面临了重大危机,而解救他的关键,则在一个掌管时间的“时光怪客”的手中。
本次由《布偶大电影》导演詹姆斯·波宾(James Bobin)接棒,演员的部分,过去的重要角色如“爱丽丝”米娅·华希科沃斯卡、“疯帽先生”约翰尼·德普、“白女王”安妮·海瑟薇、“红桃女王”海伦娜·伯翰·卡特都会回归,而反派“时光怪客”则是由《独裁者》的萨莎·拜伦·科恩饰演。
2. Pete's Dragon《彼得的龙》上映时间:2016年8月12日紧接在暑假档上映的,还有改编自1977 年真人结合动画的经典《妙妙龙》,首支预告也在今年2 月份登场。
星际迷航所有全的美剧一共有几部多少集?星际旅行(Star Trek)《星际旅行》最早是1966年出现的一部电视系列剧,之後陆续制播了五部《星际旅行》系列电视系列剧以及一部系列动画片,加起来总共(到2005年5月)播映了725集(不包括最初的未公开试播章节,这个试播章节之後有收录在电视系列剧DVD当中发行)、30个电视季。
Star Trek: The Original Series 星际旅行:原初系列NBC/Desilu, Gene Roddenberry, 1966-1969Star Trek: The Animated Series 星际旅行:动画版NBC/Filmation, Gene Roddenberry, 1973-1974Star Trek: The Next Generation 星际旅行:新的一代Paramount/Viacom, Gene Roddenberry, 1987-1994Star Trek: Deep Space Nine 星际旅行:深空九号Paramount/Viacom, Rick Berman & Michael Piller, 1993-1999 Star Trek: Voyager 星际旅行:航海家号Paramount/UPN; Rick Berman, Michael Piller & Jeri Taylor, 1995-2001Star Trek: Enterprise 星际旅行:进取号Paramount/UPN; Rick Berman & Brannon Braga, 2001-2005 同名电影:所有《星际旅行》的十部电影都是由派拉蒙电影公司所制作。
第一季第十五集[本季完]《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要昨天我们还在食用他族人的内脏Yesterday we dined on the entrails of his brethren.而今天你倒要帮他说话吗And today you seek his favor?把我们的访客传送至三号♥甲板的客舱Transport our visitor to guest quarters on deck three. -泰勒 -她还活着吗- Tyler? - Is she alive?博翰专家已平安返回Specialist Burnham has returned safely.我会以特库巫马之名杀了你们-我能否... -好好养伤- Can I...? - Focus on your recovery.我现在看着你的时候看到了沃克的眼睛When I look at you now, I see Voq's eyes.我看到他I see him.这里当然颇为讽刺There is irony here, of course.你爱上的男人是个克林贡人The man you fell in love with was a Klingon.不要后悔爱过谁迈克Do not regret loving someone, Michael.我需要你告诉我I need you to tell me.你是怎么打败克林贡帝国的How did you defeat the Klingon Empire?克林贡就像癌细胞The Klingons are like cancer cells:想要铲除他们to root them out,你必须从病灶下手you must destroy the tumor at its source.克林贡正发动进攻A Klingon attack is imminent.他们正在集中兵力They are gathering forces to launch a strike准备攻击整个星系on this whole system.我们需要把战争带给他们We need to take it to them.在晚上九点联邦星舰发现号♥会跃进到At 2100 hours, the USS Discovery will jump克林贡的母星to the Klingon homeworld.请允许我向你们介绍Allow me to introduce you to the person为你们绘制去克罗诺斯航线的人who will chart your course to Qo'noS.菲利帕·乔久舰长Captain Philippa Georgiou.我们瞄准了目标在战斗的前夕在寒风凛冽的夜晚On the eve of battle, on a cold and windless night,一位老将军♥转♥向一名年轻士兵an old general turned to a young soldier.克罗诺斯"明天" 老人说到 "你会明白恐惧" "Tomorrow," Said the master, "You will know fear."那名年轻士兵还没有经历过The young soldier, who had not yet experienced战争的残酷the agony of war,他迷惑地看着将军looked at the general with quizzical eyes."我没见过恐惧的样子怎么去明白""How will I know fear if I do not know what it looks like?" 将军答道 "你会明白恐惧The general replied, "You will know fear因为它迅猛而凶狠"because it speaks very fast and it speaks very loud."汇报情况舵手Status. Helm?方位94 坐标21Bearing 94 mark 21.距离克林贡母星12光年12 light-years from Klingon homeworld...不要尊称那个绿点为Do not show respect by referring to that green dot"母星"as "Homeworld."克林贡人是畜生他们没有家乡Klingons are animals, and they don't have homes.叫它克罗诺斯Call it Qo'noS,或者"敌星" 操作部or "The enemy planet." Ops?护盾耐受100% 我们的扫描显示Shields holding at 100%. Our scans show...我对我们正在扫描的东西不感兴趣I have little interest in what we're scanning.我关心的是谁在扫描我们I care what's scanning us.通信部呢Communications?发现号♥处于隐蔽状态舰长Discovery is running dark, Captain.我最爱的行进方式My favorite way to run.如果这就是恐惧的样子那还挺容易识别的If that is how fear acts, recognizing it is easy.但正当那名年轻士兵考虑将军的建议时But as the young soldier considered the general's advice, 她问出了我们现在所面临的问题she asked the question facing us now:"一旦我明白了恐惧我该如何打倒它""Once I know fear, how do I defeat it?"专家Specialist,你能否帮我处理一下I would appreciate your help with a glitch光数据网络的一个故障in the optical-data network.她心中没有星际联邦的理念She does not embody Federation ideals,而我们却要听从她的指挥吗and we're supposed to follow her orders?是星际联邦把她安排在这的The Federation put her here.博翰我没有允许你Burnham. I did not give you permission离开自己的岗位to leave your station.怎么了What's wrong?你害怕了吗大副Are you scared, Number One?在我的家乡有一种说法Where I'm from, there's a saying:"害怕的凯尔比人能成为坚强的凯尔比人""Scared Kelpien makes for tough Kelpien."我们一起在神舟号♥共事后你有没有变更坚强Have you gotten tough since we served together on the Shenzhou, 萨鲁先生Mr. Saru?是的舰长Affirmative, Captain.非常坚强Very tough.强到让许多人觉得我口感很差So much so that many find me simply unpalatable.这我可不知道I don't know about that.你的家乡在哪舰长Where are you from, Captain?关于凯尔比人的这个说法That saying, about Kelpiens,通俗易懂is so apt,我亲身感受过having experienced it firsthand.我在想它出自哪里I wonder where it originated.别傻了迈克Don't be silly, Michael.你知道我是在马来西亚长大的You know I grew up in Malaysia.但具体是哪呢But where, exactly?我和你去过一次但我不记得名字了I went there with you once, but I can't remember the name.兰卡威岛Pulau Langkawi.对Right.那里有美丽的海滩Those beautiful beaches.没错Indeed.我们去谈谈Let's take a walk.你再试图揭穿我Try to expose me again我就把你关到禁闭舱and I'll lock you in the brig.如果星际舰队招募人族帝国的人来执行任务If Starfleet recruited a Terran to lead the mission,说明他们被逼急了they are desperate.星际联邦有难The Federation had a problem.我给他们提供解决方案来换取我的自♥由♥I offered them a solution in exchange for my freedom.逼急了有什么不好的And what's so bad about desperation?你求我说明我的帝国是如何击败克林贡时You were desperate when you begged me to reveal也被逼急了how my empire beat the Klingons.你总是先积极挑事You instigate valiantly,然后马后炮then second-guess.我现在知道了你的战前行径I've now read about your actions on the eve of the war.你知道你有什么毛病吗You know your problem?从不执行到底No follow-through.你本应在准备室杀了另一个我You should have killed my counterpart in her ready room, 进攻克林贡人然后成为英雄attacked the Klingons, and then been a hero.告诉我真正的计划Tell me the real plan.别再这么做Never do that again.你的星际联邦快输了Your Federation is losing.克林贡舰队已经驶往你们的母星The Klingon armada is already headed toward your homeworld. 我的能力给了你们一丝战斗的希望My knowledge is giving you a fighting chance.你是和我合作还是要对抗我Are you with me or against me?和你合作With you.舰长Captain.是你You?怎么可能How?我们的领主刺穿了你的心脏Our Lord pierced your heart.特库巫马家族吃了你的肉House T'Kuvma feasted on your flesh.我不是那个菲利帕·乔久You have the wrong Philippa Georgiou.不管怎样我看你是欠调味Either way, I can tell you require seasoning.我的家乡My home.克罗诺斯上有七个烟囱There are seven chimneys on Qo'noS引入一个休眠火山系which lead into a dormant volcano system.这些当中哪个是Of these, which is the best先遣队徒步到达的最佳路径for a landing party to reach on foot?我什么都不会说的I will tell you nothing.我们摧毁你们的时候这场战争就结束了This war ends when we crush you.在特库巫马的召集下集结United under T'Kuvma's call.这场战争会继续下去但是你们的战争This war may rage on, but your war--你们克林贡的大统之梦your great dream of Klingon unification--已经幻灭了it's already lost.去死吧渺小的人类你们两个闭嘴You both talk too much.-不要 -电脑重新启动力场- No! - Computer, reactivate containment field.由我的声音控制Control to my voice.告诉我我的部队该在哪里着陆Tell me where my party should land.在哪Where?你已经输了You have already lost.够了Enough!还有别的方法There's another way.康韦尔上将把这个杂种的事情跟我汇报了Admiral Cornwell briefed me on this half-breed. 从战略角度来看I can see, from a strategic standpoint,且把它当做一个武器its value as a weapon.但由于它是克林贡人被阉♥割♥过的But as it's Klingon, it has been neutered.没什么害处It is benign.对他们来说没有用Useless to them,还给联邦抹了黑yet tarnished to the Federation,对任何一方又有什么好处呢so what good is it to either side?他能进入到克林贡的记忆里He has access to the Klingon's memories.我觉得它就是故弄玄虚All I can see is a who-knows-what playing with a string. 这是一个单套结解不开This is a bowline. It doesn't run.不会滑脱It doesn't slip.这是我孩童时代学会的第一件事情成就了我It's the first thing I learned as a kid that made me me. 把我和我的过去我的本质联结起来It ties me to my past. Who I am.沃克的生活他的记忆也在其中Voq's life, his memories-- they're here, too.一直与我同在Always with me.我愿意分享他的认知I'm willing to share his knowledge.不是为了你们Not for you.而是为了But for...星际舰队Starfleet.你们需要我帮忙吗Do you want my help or not?你对克罗诺斯星的表面了解多少What do you know about the surface of Qo'noS?计划是利用装备能穿透岩层的The plan is to use a drone拍摄系统的无人机with rock-penetrating surveillance systems绘制星球地图并且识别出军事目标to map the surface and identify military targets,为未来的全范围攻击做好准备in preparation for a future full-scale attack.不巧的是发现号♥藏身的洞穴Unfortunately, the cave Discovery will hide in跟这个星球的休眠火山并不连通isn't connected to the planet's dormant volcanoes.为了测绘无人机能够开展工作In order for the mapping drone to work,需要将其引入其中的休眠火山it has to be introduced into one of these.你也知道关于克罗诺斯星球的信息As you're aware, information regarding Qo'noS实际上并不存在is virtually non-existent.我们依靠瓦肯人一个世纪前We're depending on black market surveys acquired从黑市获得的调研by the Vulcans over a century ago.这个烟囱位于第一城高级委员会会议室This chimney's in the High Council chamber of the First City.那个地方都是出身高贵傲慢自大的人All high-bred arrogance, that place.这里现在已经被斯科尔河淹没了This one's now flooded by the River Skral.这里是你们的最佳选择Here. This is your best bet.无人机最安全的进入点The safest access point for the drone.几百年前火山还活跃的时候Centuries ago, when the caldera was active,这些出口都是神殿these vents were shrines.为了敬献莫洛活祭要从那扔进去Live sacrifices were thrown in to honor Molor.凯拉斯战胜莫洛之后When Kahless defeated Molor,这些神殿就废弃改建了those temples were abandoned, built over.剩余大那些都做了屏蔽Uh, the ones that remained were shielded无法用传感器探测到to make them impossible to find with sensors.你们得到达那里然后实地搜寻了You'll have to transport down there and do the legwork yourself. 那里现在是什么What's there now?土地给了猎户星人The land was given to the Orions,他们在废墟上建了大使♥馆♥基地who built an embassy outpost over the ruins.在我们那猎户星人都是流氓海盗奴贩In my world, the Orions are delinquents, pirates, slave traders. 跟我们那也没差多少It's not much different in ours.太好了Excellent.他会陪着我们帮我们找出我们想要的He will accompany us and help us sniff out what we're after. 有问题吗Will that be a problem?-没有 -没有- No. - No.舰长Captain.我看过成员名单I looked over the crew manifest.我还想让一个人加入进来There's somebody else I want with us.进来Enter.看见你真是太高兴了提利I am so pleased to see you, Tilly.谢谢对于您我真是久仰大名Thank you. I have heard-- and read-- so much about you.迈克能作证Michael can attest,关于乔久舰长我总是问个不停I'm always asking about Captain Georgiou.看见你的脸Seeing your face reminds me让我想起我们之间愉快时光of the great fun the two of us had.征服贝塔索人Subjugating the Betazoids.摧毁参宿三Wiping out Mintaka III.-她不是... -不是- Oh, she's not... - No.那她是So she's from...你是人族皇帝You're the Terran Emperor.别那样Don't do that.你跟她长得太像了You look so much like her.也许年轻一些Younger, maybe.但是那些杀戮会让人衰老But all that killing ages a person.当然这些太难看了These are hideous, of course.我知道这是什么情况I know. What is happening?她点了你的名加入先遣队She requested you, for the landing party.但是你要知道But just so y-you're clear,我和在你们宇宙中的那个我不一样I-I am not the same person I was in your universe.别那么肯定基莉Don't be so sure, Killy.运送测绘无人机的光荣使命就交给你了You will have the honor of carrying the mapping drone. 去舱室Go to quarters.穿成下等人的样子Dress as lowlifes.我们需要交易一些东西看上去可信一点We need items to trade so as to seem legitimate.加百利一定是找到这个宇宙中Gabriel must have found something interesting存在的有趣的东西了lying around in this universe.你下去没事吧You gonna be okay down there?你不用担心我You don't need to worry about me.准备好了吗斯塔麦兹上尉Ready, Lieutenant Stamets?先是平行宇宙First, an alternate universe,现在又是古老地图上的一个克林贡洞穴now a Klingon cave on a hundred-year-old map. 随时待命萨鲁先生Ready as can be, Mr. Saru.黑色警报Black alert.-请前往克罗诺斯星 -是的舰长- To Qo'noS, please. - Aye, Captain.黑色警报黑色警报Black alert. Black alert.护盾稳定Shields holding.稳定器电波正在补偿Stabilizer beams are compensating星体的重力吸引for the planet's gravitational pull.我厉不厉害Am I good or what?我们都还在船上好好的We are aboard and steady.你们可以传送了You are clear to transport.传送Energize.这里人类不多Not a lot of humans around here.除了我们种族里的一些渣滓Except the dregs from our race.没错Exactly.这里的猎户星人可不大会相信我们The Orions here aren't likely to trust us或是提供任何信息or give up any information.继续走联邦佬这儿可不欢迎你们Keep walking, Federation. No one wants you here. 提利Tilly.再侮辱她试试我就崩了你的鼻子Insult her again, and your nose is gonna be able把你的鼻子挂在后脑勺上to sniff the back of your head.我们是来做交易的We're here to make a deal.让她看看我们的货Show her the stash.让她知道自己看到的是什么Tell her what she's looking at.纳西卡人的干扰者手♥枪♥Nausicaan disruptor pistols.最新款Latest spec.利用极锂电池发射波束脉冲射击Paralithium cell with beam and a pulse firing mode.聚酯合金外壳让这把枪可以Polyalloy casings, making it all but invisible躲过安全扫描to security scanners.价值两千达塞币2,000 darseks.还有其他的吗Let's see what else you got.这些军♥火♥买♥♥卖♥♥ All this arms dealing搞得我想吃东西了has my appetite up.有人饿了吗Anyone else hungry?没有吗迈克呢Anyone? Michael?-你们好 -请来两份- Greetings. - Two, please.-这是什么 -我不知道- What is that? - I have no idea.其实我不饿只是想和你说说话而已I'm not actually hungry-- I wanted to talk to you.我感觉到了I intuited.-你知道她的真实目的是什么吗 -不知道- Do you have any idea what she might be up to? - No. 我们只能像老鹰一样盯紧她All we can do is watch her like a hawk,确保她没有异心and make sure she stays on mission.我...I've, um...我知道这对你来说有多难受I realize how hard this must be for you.但你有我呢But I got your back.谢谢你Thank you.这是什么What is that?-很好吃 -这是太空鲸- Delicious. - It's a space whale.巨鲸吗Gormagander?别耽误了Enough distractions.我们不是来吃饭看戏的We're not here for bread and circuses.滚出去都给我滚回头想想On second thought,也许我们可以从看戏入手the circus is where we'll start.所以我们应该...So, what should we, um...我就知道你们这个宇宙I knew your whole universe不可能这么无聊的couldn't be boring.用这个Use this.分头行动更加高效去买♥♥点情报We'll be more effective if we split up, buy information. 只要能帮助我们前往神殿Whatever gets us to that shrine.陪我玩玩要多少钱How much for a little me time?过去那边吧Over there.带上你朋友Bring your friend.不不这...太慷慨了No, no, that, uh, t... very generous. 我...我在外面待着就行I think I'll... I'm just gonna stay out here.不是让她陪你She's not for you.看好无人机Guard the drone.也许这些人可以带我们去神殿Maybe these guys can lead us to the shrine. 得看他们和不和我们说话If they'll talk to us.这个游戏叫"塔山"The game is called t'Sang.翻译过来就是"消灭一切"Translates to "Obliterate them."你会玩吗You know how to play?会I think I do.而且我厉害着呢And I think I'm good at it.我的意思是沃克很厉害I mean, Voq was good at it.他是个赌鬼He was a decent gambler--他觉得周遭一切都与他作对he felt the numbers always fell his way,但万事守恒作为补偿as if the universe was making up宇宙会让他在赌博上赢回来的for his bad luck with everything else.譬如呢Like what?他带着罕见突变降生He was born with a rare mutation他的皮肤也因此变成半透明的白色that made his skin translucent white.别人都觉得他是个怪胎The others considered him a freak of nature. 你们在这干什么你们是人类吗联邦派你们来监视吗不是我只是想从你们这些败类身上赚几百块让我来羞辱你一把吧你有钱玩吗还是空有一张嘴的小毛孩罢了滚开请下注荷官红色红色新人先来赢了干♥他♥赢了认了吧要一起吗Join me?谢谢你Oh, thank you.要吸吗Smoke?不用了谢谢你你人真好Oh, that, uh, that's so sweet. No, thank you. 我的食管非常狭窄I have, um, I have a very narrow esophagus. 是挺奇怪的但是是真的It's, uh, strange but true,所以不能...so that's bad for that--我...我无意冒犯I'm not-I'm not trying to be rude...把她赶出去Get her out.不如还是来点吧You know what? I-I would love some.就一点Just a little bit.吸吧Inhale.你觉得...Do you think, um...你觉得我...do you think I got...没有收获I got nothing.他们都不知道什么古老圣殿None of them know about an ancient shrine. 你很轻松就赢了他们You won everyone over quickly.他们觉得人类会说克林贡语很好玩A human speaking Klingon is amusing to them. 还不如当只划水的狗呢Might as well be a dog on waterskis.这是克林贡人的谚语吗Is that an old Klingon saying?不是我编的No, I... I just made it up.我喜欢划水I... I like to waterski.是啊我记得你有艘船Yeah, you have a boat. I remember.你很快就冲了出来You raced out of there pretty quick.没事吧You all right?我从没和你说过我的父母I never told you about my parents.他们的遭遇What happened to them.是的No.略有耳闻I mean, I... I've heard things.但我不想逼你I never wanted to push.他们驻扎在多科特瑞·阿尔法上的They were stationed at a human-Vulcan science outpost 瓦肯人科学站at Doctari Alpha.我的父母计划着去火星度假My mom and dad had planned a family vacation to Mars. 但是...But...我求他们I begged them to stay多留了三天for three more days就因为我想看附近恒星变成超新星so I could witness a nearby star go supernova.接着克林贡人来袭Then the Klingons attacked.我父亲试着My dad tried to barricade堵住厨房♥门the kitchen door我妈把我藏在橱柜里while my mom hid me in a cabinet.我看不到但我听到外面的一切And I couldn't see, but I could hear everything.他们先杀了我父亲They killed my dad first.挺迅速的That was quick.杀我妈的时候花了点时间They took longer with my mom.当一切结束的时候And when it was over,他们坐下they sat down.在我们的餐座旁At our table.吃晚餐我们的晚餐Ate dinner. Our dinner.他们一边说话一边大笑And they were talking and laughing.就刚才那些笑声And just now, all that laughter...你怎么会不恨他们How could you not hate them?还有我我现在这样And me, for what I've become?如果能恨事情就简单了It would be so much simpler if I could.看看这周围我I look around here and I just...我看见人们都有自己的生活I see people living their lives.或许对我们来说不寻常Maybe it's not normal to us,但对他们来说这就是日常but in their own way, ordinary.皇帝是错的这是一个家The Emperor was wrong. This is a home.如果我们给了星联攻击坐标And if we give the Federation targets to attack, 这里再也不会像现在这样it won't ever be the same.我可以看见两边I can see both sides.字面上的Literally.我选择有你的一边The side I've chosen is where you stand,那里可以感受到where it's possible to feel compassion对敌人的怜悯和同情and sympathy for your enemy.我可以保证克林贡人But I can guarantee no-no Klingon并不和你一样想ever felt that way toward you.你和我一样You did.你看见了吗You see that?多倒一杯酒Pouring an extra drink.点燃它Setting it on fire.这是莫洛教♥徒♥特有的仪式That's a step specific to the followers of Molor.他们很有可能知道神殿在哪There's a decent chance they know about that shrine. 你享受吗Did you enjoy yourself?你呢Did you?我学到了好多新技巧I learned so many new things.我们不应该收费的We shouldn't charge you.但我们必须收费But we have to charge you.或许你们可以教我一些新知识Perhaps if you teach me something new,这样才公平it will be fair trade.莫洛神殿在哪Where is the shrine of Molor?住手Hey, stop!住手真丢脸Hey, stop. Shame on you.你睡着了You were asleep.我是猎户星人I'm Orion.我们吸了什么What did, uh, we inhale, it...我嘴里像是my mouth tastes like...硫还有烟sulfur and-and ash.火山蒸汽从源头来的Volcanic vapor, straight from the source.好吧但不是真的吧Yeah, but not really, right?这里的火山都不爆发了'Cause all the volcanoes here are extinct.不Oh, no.它们还活动着They're alive.那无人机怎么下去Then how's the drone gonna get down there?会被高温融化的The heat will destroy it.给我Give me that.天哪这不是无人机Oh, shit, that is not a drone.提利呼叫博翰Tilly to Burnham.请讲提利Go ahead, Tilly.首先我嗑药了First of all, um, so, I'm very high,但你必须听我说uh, but you need to listen to me.我们下面有活火山There are active volcanoes right beneath us right now 无人机也不是无人机and the drone, also, that's not a drone.是一颗看上去像氢弹It's a, it's a... like a hydro bomb.我们在发现号♥上留了一颗We keep them on the Discovery是为了so we can reco...你刚才说了氢弹什么What did you say about a hydro bomb?提利Tilly?候补军官请回答Cadet, respond.我知道神殿在哪了I know where to find the shrine.怎么了What's wrong?是提利It's Tilly.氢弹它有什么危害A hydro bomb? What kind of damage can it do?在活火山里引爆后果类似Detonate it into an active volcanic system, it's just...-世界末日 -地下喷发- apocalyptic. - A phreatic eruption:水会变成水蒸气带来巨大的爆♥炸♥water flashes into steam and triggers a massive explosion. 覆盖在反应中心上的Landmasses directly over大♥陆♥块会被直接蒸发the reaction center will be vaporized.灰尘扩散在大气中几周内Ash will fill the atmosphere. Within weeks,克罗诺斯会变得不宜居住Qo'noS will be uninhabitable.这才是原本的计划This was the plan all along.博翰呼叫发现号♥Burnham to Discovery.请讲博翰Go ahead, Burnham.乔久正在制♥造♥一场Georgiou is about to instigate a catastrophic克罗诺斯的自然灾害natural disaster on Qo'noS.她可能已经在圣殿里了She may already be in the shrine.-你能用传送机锁定她吗 -可以- Can you get a transporter lock on her? - Affirmative.然而我无法将她传送出来However, beaming her out is not an option.圣殿的护盾让传送很不安全The shrine's shields make it unsafe for biological transport. 炸♥弹♥呢你能弄出来炸♥弹♥吗What about the bomb? Can you get the bomb?太晚了We are too late.信♥号♥♥正在消失The signal is fading.我们必须联♥系♥星际舰队We must contact Starfleet.萨鲁我认为这是舰队的命令Saru, I think she's following Starfleet's orders.我们要和康韦尔上将谈谈I need to talk to Admiral Cornwell.结束模拟这是星联赢得战争的方法吗Is this how Starfleet wins the war?种族屠♥杀♥Genocide?你想在这里争论吗好吧You want to do this here? Fine.残暴行为Terms of atrocity就事实来看并不难理解are convenient after the fact.克林贡正要清除整个联邦The Klingons are on the verge of wiping out the Federation. 是的Yes.但问问你自己But ask yourself:你为什么要把任务why did you put this mission交给人族为什么要保密in the hands of a Terran and why the secrecy?因为你知道这不是我们应当做的It's because you know it's not who we are.很快就是了It very soon will be.我们无法遵守原则We do not have the luxury of principles.原则是我们仅存的东西了上将That is all we have, Admiral.一年前A year ago...我一意孤行I stood alone.我相信我们的生存I believed that our survival比原则更重要was more important than our principles.我错了I was wrong.我们今天需要用叛乱Do we need a mutiny today来证明自己的本心吗to prove who we are?我们是星际舰队We are Starfleet.你有什么建议What is it you're suggesting?计划变了Change of plans.真的吗Really?谁说的Says who?关掉起爆器菲利帕Deactivate the detonator, Philippa.你依然会获得自♥由♥ 这就是证明Your freedom is still granted, here's the proof.你劝他们收手的对吧You talked them out of it, didn't you?不屠♥杀♥整个星球吗没错Of planetary slaughter? Yes.别说得那么夸张Oh, don't be so dramatic.我在我的宇宙这样做时When I did this in my universe,并没有灭绝克林贡人it didn't wipe out the Klingons.应该有不少的人可以幸存A decent number should be able to save themselves. 而且他们会有优势Plus, they'll have an advantage.他们逃跑时没有人族飞船对他们开火No Terran ships firing on them as they try to escape. -关掉 -你有想过- Turn it off. - Has it ever occurred to you我做这些都是为了你吗that I was doing this for you?能结束战争的话By ending the war,你就能由此I'd set you free从你背负的愧疚和痛苦中解脱出来from the guilt and pain you carry because of it. 我不信Not buying it.试试无妨Worth a try.你真的完全不像乔久是吧You really are nothing like my Georgiou, are you? 不从来没像过No. And I never have been.她死了迈克She's dead, Michael.没有重头来过的机会There are no second chances.我想也是No, I suppose not.我确实喜欢你I do like you.不如跟随我吧Why not join me?炸♥弹♥安置好了The bomb is in position.我们有起爆器We have the detonator.星际舰队和克林贡人的命运都握在我们手中Starfleet and Klingon alike will be at our mercy. 我也一样认为I had much the same thought.给我吧Give it to me.那起爆器换取Take your freedom你的自♥由♥in exchange for the detonator.或者尝试逃离我的舰员和星舰的控制Or try to escape my ship and its crew余生都过着被联邦追杀的生活and be hunted by the Federation for the rest of your days. 你觉得你的联邦能吓到我吗You think your Federation scares me?一点不会Not particularly.但你要过我这一关只能杀掉我But the only way you're gonna get past me is to kill me. 那你就要再一次看到我死了So you'll have to watch me die... again.我提到余生都过着被联邦追杀的生活了吗And did I mention being hunted for the rest of your days? 起爆器已经设置成只能被我的生物印记操控The detonator is coded to my bioprint.你想要设置成你的印记吗Would you like it recoded to yours?不能是我的不能Not to mine, no.安全All clear.这是什么What is this?这就是联邦大胜克林贡人的地方This is the place the Federation crushed the Klingons.我们在你们的老巢的中♥央♥We planted a bomb设置了炸♥弹♥in the heart of your homeworld.克罗诺斯会被毁了Qo'noS will be destroyed.你带我来这里就是要吹嘘吗You bring me here to gloat?不是No.给你提出另一个方案To offer you an alternative.克林贡人认同力量Klingons respond to strength.用克罗诺斯的命运让他们屈服吧Use the fate of Qo'noS to bend them to your will.。
My name is Captain James Tiberius Kirk. 我叫詹姆士·提比略·柯克United Federation of Planets 来自星际联邦I came here before you as a neutral representative 我此次前来的目的是作为of the Fabonane Republic. 法博南共和国的中立代表And bring you a message of good will 为特纳科斯星代表团各位尊敬的成员And present to you, esteemed members of the teenaxienedelegation带来法博南共和国议会诚心的问候A gift from Fabonan High Council with the highestregard.并献上这份充满诚意的礼物What's wrong with it? 这东西是坏了吗- Excuse me? - Why the don't they want it anymore? -什么-那他们为什么不想要了Well... This was once a piece of an ancient weapon 这曾是一件上古兵器的碎片and now they offer it as a symbol, of... 现在他们送来是想作为和平的... ... of peace. 象征In the Fabonan culture this surrendal weapon 在法博南的文化中献上投降武器is an offer of truce. 代表休战How they got it? 他们怎么弄来的They told me, they acquired it long time ago. 他们告诉我是很久以前拿到的So they stole it, then! 也就是偷的了No... the uhm... 不... 这...Y ou don't know the Fabonan like we do ! 你可没有我们了解法博南人That's very true. Y our excellency, this gift... 的确如此大使阁下但这件礼物...They are crowds of untrustworthy thieves. 他们是一群不值得信任的窃贼who wants to see us murdered in our own base. 就想看我们在自己家里被屠杀This beloved artifact is a symbol of trust and peace. 这份礼物是信任和和平的象征They will cut us into pieces, and roast us over a fire... 他们会把我们碎尸万段然后架在火上烤I don't think that's true... 我不太同意这个观点...... and eat us !! 然后吃了我们What ?! 什么Scotty!! Get me out of here! 小科快把我弄出去Well, that was quick. 这么快就搞定了There is quite a bit a surface interference, sir. 长官你身体表面的信号干扰很严重Scotty! 快点I ripped my shirt again. 我又把衣服弄破了How'd it go? 进展如何Captain, did you manage to broke a treaty with the Teenaxi? 舰长您跟特纳科斯人达成协议了吗Uhm... Let's just say we came up short. 算是功亏一篑吧... Would you... lock that back 你能不能... 把那东西into the personal vault, Spock. Thank you. 锁回保险箱里去斯波克谢谢- Jim, you look like crap. - Thank you, Bones. -吉姆你样子糟透了-多谢夸奖老骨头Y ou have a little vein popin out of your tremble again.Y ou okay?你太阳穴又青筋暴起了你还好吗Never better. It's just a another day in fleet. 好得不得了又在星际舰队度过了美好一天Captain's Log, Stardate 2263.2 舰长日志星历2263.2年Today is our 966-day in deep space. 今天是我们在深空的第966天A little under 3 years of our 5 year mission. 我们的五年任务已经过了快三年More time you spend out here, the harder it is 在深空中待的时间越长to tell where one day ends and the next one begins. 要分辨一天的始末就越难It can be a challenge to feel grounded 这种被囚禁的感觉算是个挑战where even gravity is artifical.毕竟这儿连重力都是人造的But while we do what we can to make it feel like home. 但我们会尽力让一切有家的感觉The crew is always continues to act admirably 船员们持续着出色的表现despite the rigors of our extended stay here in outer space 无论在外太空的长期停留有多艰苦and the personal sacrifices they have made. 或个人为此做出了多少牺牲We continue to search for new life forms in order 我们继续搜索新的生命形式to establish firm diplomatic ties. 以便建立牢固的外交纽带Understanding the time in uncharted territories 在未标记的星际领域的时间stretched the ship's mechanical capacities 耗损了飞船的机械性能but fortunately, our engineering departement led by Mr. Scott 但幸运的是由斯科特先生带领的工程部...is more than up for the job. 应付起来绰绰有余The ship aside, prolonged cohabitation has... 另一方面飞船上长期的共栖生活definitely infects on interpersonal dynamics. 无疑对人际关系产生了影响Some experience is for better... 有的关系会更好...and some for the worse. 也有的会更糟As for me things have started to feel little episodic. 对我来说生活也开始变得周而复始Further out we go, the more I find myself wondering 我们走得越远我就越开始疑惑what is it we are trying to accomplish. 我们到底想实现什么If the universe is trully endless, then... 如果宇宙真的无尽那我们怎么知道......if we're not striving for something forever out of reach. 我们是不是永远达不到目标The Enterprise is scheduled for repermission to stop atY orktown,进取号计划申请停驻约克镇Federation's newest and most advanced starbase. 星际联邦最新最先进的星际基地Perhaps a break from routine will offer us some rest, but... 也许暂时摆脱既定日程能让我们稍作休息...from mysteries, the unknown. 从神秘和未知中抽身片刻Sorry, I'm late. 抱歉我来晚了Keenser's leaking some kinda highly acid green flu... 金瑟一直在流一种绿色高腐蚀性酸鼻涕......and Scotty is terrified, he's gonna sneeze on warp core 小科吓坏了怕他会在曲速核心上打喷嚏and kill us all. 把我们都弄死What the hell are you drink? 你喝的是什么鬼Pretty sure it's the rest 应该是我们在赛瑟斯of that Saurian brandy we picked up on Thasus. 捡的那瓶蜥蜴白兰地还剩了一点My god man! Are you trying to go blind? 天你是想把自己弄瞎吗That stuff's illegal.那东西是违法的Besides, I found this in Chekov's locker. 而且我在切科夫的柜子里发现了这个没想到吧我一直以为他喜欢伏... Right, I mean I always assumed he would be V odkaguy...V odka guy. Exactly. 伏特加就是我想给你准备个像样的生日礼物I wanted to have something appropriate for yourbirthday.It's in a couple of days, you know I don't care about that. 还有好几天呢而且你知道我不在乎I know. Y ou don't like celebrating it on the day... 我知道你一直不喜欢在当天庆祝...because it's also the day your pop bit to dust. 因为那天也是你父亲化作星尘的日子I was being sensitive.我在尽力感性一点医学院没教你怎么好好说话吗Did they teach you about bedside manner in medicalschool?Or it's just your southern charm? 或者你们南方佬就这特点- Oh yeah. Ooh. That's good. - Lordy. -太棒了-老天爷Y ou're gonna call your mom? 你会打给你妈吗Y eah, of course I'll call on the day. 当然生日那天我会打的I'm one year older. 我又老了一岁Y eah, that's usually how it works. 生日就是这个意思A year older than he ever got to be. 比他去世时的年纪还大一岁He joined the Starfleet because he... 他加入星际舰队是因为他... ...he believed in it.他相信这一切I joined on a dare. 而我跟人打赌加入的Y ou joined this to see if you can live up to him. 你加入是为了不辜负他It's been all this time, you are trying to be George Kirk... 长久以来你都努力活得像你爸现在你想知道做回自己意味着什么...and now you're wondering just what it means to beJim......why you're out here. 想知道你为何仍在这里To perfect eye sight and a full head of hair. 祝你有完美的视力和一头茂密秀发- Kirk here. - Captain. -我是柯克-舰长- Approaching Y orktown base. - I'm on my way, Mr. Sulu. -正接近约克镇基地-马上来苏鲁先生Let's keep this birthday thing under wraps. 生日这事替我保密Y ou know me. Mr. Sensitive. 你知道我的感性先生Woaah, that is impressive. 太壮观了A y. She is a beauty, isn't she? 真美啊是吧What a damn monstrosity. 好一个深空怪物Can't we just rent some space on a planet? 我们就不能在某个星球租个地方就算吗Showing geographical favouritism 在已加入星际联邦的星球中among conducted Federation worlds 表达地理偏好could cause diplomatic tension. 可能会导致外交紧张Oh, you don't think that looks tense? 难道那东西看起来就不紧张吗Looks like a damn snow globe in space just waiting to break. 就像太空中的一个雪球等着被打碎呢Ah, that's the spirit, Bones! 精神真可嘉老骨头Spock! 斯波克Do you have a moment? 有时间吗Of course, Nyota. 当然尼欧塔Y ou should have this back. 这个你该收回去It belonged to your mother. 这是你母亲的东西It is not in a V ulcan custom... 瓦肯人的习俗不允许...to receive again that thing which was given as a gift. 收回送出去的礼物Y ou guys break up? 你们分手了吗What did you do? 你做了什么A typically reductive inquiry Doctor. 怎么越问越低级医生Y ou know Spock, if an Earth girl says it's me not you. 斯波克如果一个地球女孩说怪她不怪你It's definitely you. 那绝对怪你Excuse me. 不好意思Commander Spock. Will you have a moment of yourtime?斯波克中校能耽误您一下吗Thank you for bringing me this into my attention. 谢谢你们告知我这个消息Live long and prosper. 生生不息繁荣昌盛Live long and prosper. 生生不息繁荣昌盛{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}斯波克大使服役年限\N2230.06 - 2263.02{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}星际联邦大使进取号二副首席参谋I have an alert of incoming vessel. 警报有飞船靠近Unidentified non-federation. 非联邦飞船身份不明Attention, unidentified vessel. 未知飞船请注意Y ou are not authorized for approach. 你未被授权靠近本基地Power down and wait for instruction. 请关闭引擎原地等候指示Unidentified vessel, please comply. 未知飞船请遵从指示Just speak normally.请正常说话就好Language analysis complete. 语言分析完成{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}宇宙通用翻译器We were on a science mission inside the nebula.我们在这个星云中执行科学任务Our ship suffered a critical malfunction.飞船发生了严重故障I took an escape pod. 在飞船坠毁在附近星球上前Before the ship crash landed on a nearby planet. 我用救生舱逃了出来We need a ship, capable of navigating the nebula. 我们需要一艘有能力穿梭这个星云的飞船Y ou must have someone, who can help us. 你们一定有人能帮助我们We tracked her stranded ship 我们穿过未标记的星云through the sector of uncharted nebula. 追踪到了她搁浅的飞船Here. 210, mark 14. 这里坐标210 标记14Long-range scan? 远程扫描呢No data. The nebula is too dense. It's uncharted space. 没有数据星云太稠密没人去过Well, the Enterprise does have 进取号确实有舰队中the best navigational systems in the fleet. 最出色的导航系统She can handle it. 她能完成这个任务The only ship here, with more advanced technology... 这里唯一技术更先进的星舰...is still under construction. 还在建造中But it's not just a ship that I am sending. 但我要派出去的可不只是一艘飞船I'll gather the crew. 我去召集船员Captain. 舰长Starfleet Command sent me 我从舰队指挥部your application for your vice-admiral position 收到了你的中将升职申请here at this installation.并且你想在这儿就职Y es, ma'am. 是的长官If I may, I would recommend Commander Spock... 如果可以我想推荐斯波克中校to replace me as a Captain of the Enteprise. 接任进取号的舰长一职He is an exemplary Starfleet officer. He'll make a great Captain. 他是星际舰队军官的典范他会是个好舰长It isn't uncommon, you know. 你的决定我并不意外Even for a captain, to want to leave. 即便是舰长也可能会想离开There's no relative direction in the vastness of space... 浩瀚的宇宙中没有相对的方向...there's only yourself. 只有你自己Y our ship, your crew. 你的飞船和你的船员It's easier than you think to get lost. 不知不觉就会迷失I'll bring it to talk with the General Council. 我会跟总理事会讨论你的申请We'll discuss it when you return. 等你回来我们再详谈- Mr. Spock. - Captain. -斯波克先生-舰长- I have something... - Perhaps there... -我有些事... -也许...- No, please. - Captain, after you. -没事你说吧-您先吧舰长I insist. 还是您先After this mission, we should... 这次任务后我们应该... ...we should sit down. There is something I need to talkabout.我有些事想跟你坐下来谈I, as well, have something to share. 我也有事想跟您说We make a good team, right? 我们配合得很好对吧I believe we do. 我相信是的I insist. 还是你先Lt. Uhura, open a ship wide channel. 乌胡拉上尉开启全舰通讯Y es, Captain. 是舰长Attention, crew of the Enterprise. 进取号全体船员请注意Our mission is straightforward. 我们的任务简单明了The rescue of a crew stranded on a planet in an uncharted space. 拯救一艘搁浅在未标记星域的飞船船员Our trajectory will take us through an unstable nebula... 导航路线将带我们穿越一片动荡的星云...one which will disable all communication withStarfleet.我们将与星际舰队失去一切联系We will be on our own. 我们将只能依靠自己The Enteprise has something no other ship in the fleethas.进取号有着舰队里其他星舰没有的Y ou. 就是你们As we've come to understand there's no such thing as the unknown. 多年来我们明白了没有未知的事物Only things temporarily hidden.只是尚未被发现Kirk out. 柯克讲话完毕Readings indicate cloud density diminishing, sir. 读数表明星云密度在降低长官This is Altamid. Our ship is stranded here. 这就是奥塔米德我们的飞船就搁浅在这Approaching Altamid. 靠近奥塔米德Class M planet. M级星球Massive subterranean development, 地表下大量建设发展痕迹but limited to no life forms on the surface... 但地表上没有任何生命形式存在Proximity alert, sir. 距离警报长官We have an unknown ship heading right for us. 有未知飞船朝我们过来了- Lt. Uhura, hail them. - Y es, Captain. -乌胡拉上尉呼叫他们-是舰长No response. 没有回应I'm picking up some kind of a signal.我接收到了某种信号They are jamming us. 他们在干扰我们Magnify, Mr. Sulu. 放大苏鲁先生What is this? 这是什么Shields up! Red alert! 升起防护盾红色警报Fire at will! 火力全开Sir, our phasers are having minimal effect 长官我们的相位炮威力太小and our torpedoes can't track the movement. 鱼雷也无法捕捉对方移动轨迹Fire everything we've got. 发射所有武器Captain, we are not equipped for this matter of engadgement. 舰长我们没有应对这种交火的装备Shields frequency has no effect, sir. 护盾频率没效果长官They took out the dish. 天线失灵了Shields are inoperable.护盾失效了- Warp us out of here, Mr. Sulu. - Y es, sir. -用曲速离开这里苏鲁-是长官Why the hell aren't we moving? 我们怎么没动I can not engage the warp drive, sir. 我无法启动曲速引擎长官Scotty, I need the warp now. 小科我现在就要曲速I can not, sir. 不行长官...they've gone. 它们被打掉了Security, engage all emergency procedures. 注意启用所有应急程序All personnel report to emergency stations. 所有人员到急救站报道I have hull breaches in levels 12 to 15, 船体的12至15层已有缺口6, 9, 31 and 21, sir. 还有6 9 31和21层长官Captain, in a 10 sec 舰长10秒后I could reroute the energy from the warp core 我可以从曲速核心抽取能量to the impulse engines. 接给脉冲引擎If we can get back into the nebula maybe we can lose them 如果能回到星云中也许能甩掉他们Do whatever you have to, Scotty. 该做什么就做吧小科Keenser let's go. 金瑟我们走All clear, Krall. 清理完毕克劳Connecting plasma pipes, stand by then you start it onmy mark!连接等离子管听我的命令启动I have the Abronath. Secure the ship. 我拿到阿博纳斯的碎片了封锁星舰- Captain. - Go, Spock. -舰长-说斯波克I've identified the individual who appears 攻击方由一个入侵者领导to be leading the attack party. 我已经确认了They infiltrated the archive vault, and removed theartifact他们从保险柜拿走了那个武器碎片from our mission on Teenax. 就是特纳科斯星的和平礼物Hold your distance until... 保持距离直到...Spock! Spock! 斯波克斯波克Y ou two, with me. Sulu, you have the conn. 你俩跟我来苏鲁你来指挥Y es, sir. 是长官My god! 我的天...the hell? 搞什么Doctor? 医生Doctor, we must evacuate now! 医生我们得马上撤离了Captain Kirk. 柯克舰长Y es! We have 100% impulse. 好了脉冲能量达到100%Great work, Mr. Scott! 干得漂亮斯科特先生Maximum impulse towards the nebula! 最大脉冲前往星云A y! 是{\an8\pos(193,226)}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs15\b1\bord0\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&\fad(200,200)}克劳这艘飞船正想逃往星云{\an8\pos(237,207)}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs15\b1\bord0\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&\fad(200,0)}切断她的喉咙Kirk to bridge. 柯克呼叫舰桥We are losing the inertial dampers. 我们正失去惯性阻尼器Systems are failing shipwide, Captain. 整艘飞船的系统都在崩溃舰长The emergency blockades are sealing... 紧急封锁正在尝试封闭损坏船体...but the structural integrity is at 18% and falling, sir. 但结构完整度只有18% 并且继续下降Abandon ship, Mr. Sulu. 弃船苏鲁先生Sound the alarm. 拉响警报We need to give those Pods a chance to escape 我们得给逃生舱增加逃脱成功的机会Can you lead the ship away? 你能把那些敌机引走吗The impulse engines are still 脉冲引擎还在尝试trying to draw power from the warp reserve. 从曲速存量中吸取能量We can not move until the saucer is separated. 只有等碟部分离了我们才走得了I'll handle it. 我来处理A ye aye, sir. 是长官We got to get you guys to escape pod. Go. 你们得去逃生舱快走Ensign Syl. 希尔少尉I need your help. 我需要你的帮助Y es, sir. 是长官My god! 我的天Spock, they are taking the crew. 斯波克他们在抓逃生舱里的船员Are you okay? 你还好吗saucer should be free by now. 碟部现在应该脱离了才对I know, Mr. Sulu. The Captain should be there. 我知道苏鲁先生舰长应该到了The impulse engines drawing power from auxiliarygenerators.脉冲引擎正从辅助发电机吸取能量Captain. 舰长How many of the crew is still in saucer? 碟部还有船员吗None. 没有了If I read this correctly... 如果我没看错...the intruders are taking them. 入侵者在抓捕他们Captain, we're caught in the planet's gravity. 舰长我们已进入了这个星球的重力范围We can not pull away. 已经没有足够动力离开Get your Kelvin pods. 快进开尔文逃生舱- Y es, sir. - A y, Captain. -是长官-是舰长Come on! Let's go! 走吧我们走Y ou knew... 你早就知道Y ou knew we would be attacked. 你知道我们会被袭击Y ou don't understand. 你不明白Captain Kirk. 柯克船长Y es, I lied. 对我骗了你们Our ship was attacked. 我们的飞船被袭击了Chekov, check the comms for survivors. 切科夫检查通讯器扫描幸存者A ye aye, aye Captain. 明白舰长- Who is he? - His name is Krall.-他是谁-他叫克劳He took my crew, like he took yours. 他抓了我的船员就像抓你们的船员一样How did he know so much about the Enterprise? 他怎么会对进取号这么了解All I know is that if I did this... 我只知道如果我引你们前来...he'll set them free. 他就会放了我的船员Chekov, are you picking anything upon those scanners? 切科夫扫描仪上有接收到什么吗Nothing Sir. 什么都没有- What if they... - No, no. -会不会他们都... -不不可能He was taking them. 他们只是被抓了We have to find that saucer even 我们得找到碟部minimal scanning systems will have more range than tricorders. 即使最小的扫描系统也比三录仪扫距更长A ye, Captain. It's possible. 是的舰长有可能Captain, I was protecting my crew. 舰长我只是在保护我的船员What is your name? 你的名字是什么How do you know our language? 你怎么会我们的语言I know your kind. 我了解你们人类I'm Lt. Nyota Uhura of the U.S.S. Enterprise. 我是尼欧塔·乌胡拉上尉联邦星舰进取号And you have committed an act of war against Fede... 你的行为已被视作对星际联邦宣战Federation. 星际联邦Federation is an act of war. 星际联邦的存在就是战争行为Y ou attacked us. 是你袭击了我们Y our captain... 你们的舰长Why did you sacrifice yourself for him? 你为什么为了他牺牲自己He would have done the same. 他也会做同样的事And if he made it off that ship, he will come for us. 他若从舰上幸存一定会来救我们I'm counting on it, Lt. Uhura. 正如我所愿乌胡拉上尉I can't believe it. 简直难以置信My god, Spock! 天哪斯波克Sit down over here. 快来这里坐下Okay, easy, easy. 好了小心小心Okay. I'll just a... 好了我来Try to relax. Y ou're going to be okay. 试着放松你会没事的Forced optimism in your voice suggests 你语气中强行乐观的成分表明you are trying to enlist a sense of calm in order to ... 你试图挤出点镇定来安抚...Cut the horse shit. 少扯狗屁Doctor, I failed to see how excrement of any kind bearsrelevance医生我不明白动物的屁股与我们in our current situation. 现在的情况有任何关联- What the hell are you doing? - We must keep moving, doctor. -你要干什么-医生我们得继续走Spock, this thing punched your iliac region. 斯波克这东西刺穿了你的腹股沟Time is a critical factor. 得抓紧时间That's exactly what I am trying to tell you. 我也是说要抓紧时间赶快走啊Look, if I can't take this out, you're gonna die. 听着我要是不取出来你会死Okay, if I take it out and 如果我取出来can't stop the bleeding, you are gonna die. 但止不了血你也会死I can't see no appealing in neither option. 两个选择都不咋地Believe me or not, neither can I. 没错我也是这么想So, if I remember correctly 如果我没记错的话The V ulcans have your hearts where humans have their livers. 你们瓦肯人的心脏在人类的肝脏部位That is correct, doctor. 没错医生That explains a thing or two. 难怪你这样了Y ou know, you are lucky. A inch to the left... 你知道你很幸运如果再往左三厘米...and you would be dead already. 你就已经死了I just don't get it, Spock. 我就是不明白斯波克What did they attack us for? I mean... 他们为什么要攻击我们They do all this for some 难道就为了个小矮子们doodad with the tiny Clevers didn't want? 都不想要的小玩意儿It is unwise to trivialise that 仅仅因为不理解which one simply does not understand, Doctor. 就认为其微不足道是不明智的行为医生We can safely assume that it's more important than adoodad.反正肯定不止是个小玩意了I think you just managed to insult me twice, Spock. 你成功侮辱了我两次斯波克Alright, Spock. 好吧斯波克Just got one question. 我只有一个问题- What's your favorite color? - I fail to see the relevance... -你最喜欢什么颜色-我看不出来...Y eah, they say it hurts less if it's a surprise. 他们说毫无准备时痛感最小看来没错I may have a doctor parlance with which you arefamiliar...用你熟悉的医学术语来说...I can confirm your theory to be horse shit. 你这话简直是狗屁We've got to get out of here. 得闪了Y ou're kidding me, aren't you? 你开玩笑吧Hello there. 各位好My name is Montgomery Scott... and... 我叫蒙哥马利·斯科特...who might you be? 你们是谁Watch it, sonny. I am pretty handy when I want to be... right. 当心点小伙子必要时我可是很能打的Don't come back. 千万别回来Well, we certainly show them uh lassie 我们可给了他们些颜色瞧瞧小姑娘Hey! That's Starfleet property, Okay. 喂那是星际舰队的财产Y ou can not just take them and.... 你不能随便拿......but, I'm feeling generous today so how about it. 好吧我今天很慷慨所以随便拿吧Where did you get that? 这个是从哪里来的- Is that English? - I learned it from my house. -你说英文-我从我的房子里学的Where did you get that ? 这个是从哪里来的- This is my Starfleet insignia. - What does it mean ? -这是我的星际舰队徽章-这是什么意思Means that I am an officer of Starfleet. Engineeringdivision.证明我是星际舰队工程部的一员- Engineering? - A ye, that's right, I fix things. -工程部-对修修东西什么的I know what is engineering. 我知道工程部是什么Y ou're not with those bastards that killed my ship, are ya? 你和那些毁了我飞船的人不是一伙的对吧I take that as a no. 我就当不是了He is Krall. Him and his... 他是克劳他和他的...bees. 蜜蜂们They search the stars for a death machine. 他们在星际间寻找一个死亡武器这也是包括你我所有人在这的原因They are the reason why you are here, why we are allhere.Even those 3 scunners? 也包括那三个讨厌鬼They have fallen from the sky, like me and you. 他们也是坠毁飞船的幸存者跟你我一样Come with me. Now! 跟我走现在等等小姑娘我今天过得很不顺Wait, hang on a minute, lassie. I'm having a difficult dayhere.I gotta find my crew mates. 我得找到我的同伴I will help you find your mates... 我会帮你找到同伴...and then you will help me. 然后你也要帮我With what? 帮你干什么- Y ou want me to fix something? - Y es. -你想让我修东西-对Y ou help me and I help you. 你帮我我帮你Alright, well things being as they are 好吧既然事情已经这样了I doubt I'll get a better offer today. 恐怕我也没有更好的选择So lead the way. 带路吧Good. 很好I am Jaylah. 我叫婕拉- And you're Montgomery Scott. - A ye, Scotty. -你是蒙哥马利·斯科特-叫我小科Come now, Montgomery Scotty. 跟我走蒙哥马利·小科Alright, hold up. 好吧等我The Enterprise. 进取号She may not even have power to the bridge, Captain. 她可能都无法给舰桥供电了舰长She still has a few tricks up her sleeve. 她还没完全瘫痪呢I bet on it. 我敢打赌McCoy to Enterprise, come in. 麦考伊呼叫进取号请回答McCoy to Enterprise. 麦考伊呼叫进取号Hey, take it easy there, Spock. 慢点儿斯波克That was just a temporary fix back there. 刚才只是应急处理I understand, Doctor. 我明白医生Fascinating. 有趣Omuns, dark, dangerous. 不详黑暗危险We are going in. 反正要进去Intriguing. 有趣These symbols are the same images as those 这些符号和他们想抢走的depicted on the artifact taken in the attack. 那件武器上的图案一模一样Y ou think it came from here? 所以武器原本就来自这里It would seem so. 看样子是的Damm it... Spock! 该死斯波克Easy.Easy. 放松放松Hurry. 快- Aren't we there yet? - Stop asking that. -到了吗-别再问了- Sorry. - This is the way, come. -对不起-走这条路Watch your steps, you do not want to set off my traps. 小心脚下可不要踩到我的陷阱上Oh, that's clever. 真聪明What is this place? 这是什么地方- This is my house. - Y our house? -这是我的房子-你的房子Hold on a minute. 等等Is this a ship? 这是一艘飞船I hope you find your friends and you help me fix it. 我希望你找到你的伙伴然后帮我修好它So I can leave this planet forever. 我就能永远离开这个星球了Wo... Wait a minute. 等等Is this your ship? 这是你的飞船No, Montgomery Scotty. 不蒙哥马利·小科It's yours. 这是你们的飞船Oh my good lord. 我的天啊{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}联邦星舰富兰克林号星舰编号NX-326{\an3\fs16\bord0\fn微软雅黑\fad(0,0)\b0\pos(374,247)}Frank Lin是导演父亲名字老版斯波克演员伦纳德·尼莫伊生日是3月26日Captain, it looks like there is power. 舰长看起来能量应该还有剩Alright, let's get to the bridge and find the crew. 好我们去舰桥用飞船上的扫描仪找其他人The console is intact, and I will... 控制台还完整我可以...try to reroute power to it. 试着重接电源Work fast. 动作快点Once we get this place lite up, we are gonna draw a lot ofattention.我们这里一亮会引起不少注意What do you think? Can you find them? 能找到他们吗A ye, Captain. 可以舰长I am reconfiguring scanners to modulate for the crews sequence. 我正在重设扫描频率为船员通讯频率Y ou with me. I left something behind.你跟我来我留了点东西在飞船上That is one heck of a cold. 你这是什么感冒啊Nice job, Keenser. 干得好金瑟Alright, we've got about 15 minutes until the next guard rotation. 好了离下一班士兵巡逻还有15分钟Come on. 快来Let's go. Come on. 快走Come on! 走This is a Magellan probe. 这是麦哲伦探测仪联邦就是靠这个在星云中导航的Federation was using these to find a way through thenebula.What's he using it for? 他用来干什么What do you see? 你看出什么了他在探测仪间继承了子空间链接He's been piggybacking the subspace links between theprobes.Can we use it to send a distress signal? 那可以用这个发送求救信号吗I can try. 我试试{\an8}{\fn方正黑体_GBK\fs18\b1\bord1\shad1\3c&H2F2F2F&}访问中Sent. 已发He's accessed the Y orktown database. 他潜入了约克镇联邦基地的数据库What? 什么He's got Startfleet data files... ship logs... 这是星际舰队的数据资料航行日志...including the Enterprise. 包括进取号的He's been watching us this whole time. 所以他一直在监视我们Captain... 舰长...the artifact was on the ship the whole time? 那件武器其实一直在舰上I cannot afford to get caught with it. 我不能冒险带着这东西被抓So I hid it in here. 所以我藏在了船上Tell Krall... I have the Abronath. 告诉克劳我拿到阿博纳斯了Do you believe every sad story you hear? 你听到悲惨故事就信吗Not every. 你这个我就没信Put the phaser down. Please. 请把枪放下Did you get it, Chekov? 你追踪到了吗切科夫A ye, Captain. I've traced her location of her comm. 是的舰长我追溯到了通信对象的位置What does Krall want with this thing? 克劳要这个有什么用To save you. 从你们自己手上From yourselves. 拯救你们Captain! 舰长- Y ou all right? - A ye, Captain, but we are trapped. -你还好吗-我们被困住了Can you get this thing started? 你能启动这个吗Have you intermitted the intuition…engage the你是不是疯了启动推进器thrusters?I am open up to other suggestions. 有更好的建议就请讲Okay. 好吧- There's the problem, sir. - What? -有个问题长官-什么问题Fuel is pumped. I cannot get into combust. 燃料已传送到推进器但我不能点。
Star Trek时间线[远古时期]
数十亿年前137亿年前宇宙以大爆炸"Big Bang"方式形成.(VOY: "Death Wish")大爆炸理论上是由于Omega 分子的不稳定所引发的. (VOY: "The Omega Directive")90亿年前几百个原恒星坍缩在一起形成了後来成为黑星团的天文现象. (TNG: "Hero Worship")70亿年前Theta 116 星系开始演变为行星星系. (TNG: "The Royale")50亿年前太阳从星云尘和星际气体开始形成. (VOY: "Death Wish")女性Q出生. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")45亿年前太阳诞生.永恒守护者被问及最後一个问题(2267年, 它告诉寇克和史波克它在太阳燃烧之前就一直在等待提问)(TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")远古类人, 一种最古老的有意识的种族, 在宇宙的各个世界的海洋里撒下遗传密码的种子, 指引生命向和他们相似的身体形式进化. 多种生物都有带有这个遗传密码:人类Humans, 瓦肯Vulcan人, 克林贡Klingon 人,卡达西Cardassian人, 以及银河系的其他类人种族. (TNG: "The Chase")40亿年前Q和女性Q开始了他们浪漫的融合. (VOY: "The Q and the Grey")35亿年前地球上,在某处以後被称为法国,氨基酸首次合成了蛋白质. (TNG: "All Good Things...")20亿年前Tagus III行星上一种文明兴旺起来. (TNG: "QPid")10亿年前Slaver帝国控制了银河系里所有有智慧的生命. Slaver和它所有的国民在一场大型战争里都被消灭了,使得所有有智慧的生命再次开始进化. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon")数百万年前3亿年前二迭纪, Eryops-冷血动物和温血动物的共同祖先-生活在地球上. (VOY: "Distant Origin")一艘未知生命的飞船被一种磁性生物侵入. 陷入Questar M17星的轨道後, 船员们破坏了他们自己的飞船以防止这种实体蔓延. (TAS: "Beyond the Farthest Star")7千8百万年前D'Arsay文明开始开创自己的历史. (TNG: "Masks")6千5百万年前地球上占支配地位的爬行类动物-恐龙在一颗彗星撞击地球後灭绝了. (VOY: "Distant Origin"; ENT: "Azati Prime")2千万年前Delta 象限有记录的文明V oth的历史开始被记载. (VOY: "Distant Origin")不确定的Organia的居民进化成纯能量生命. (TOS: "Errand of Mercy")数万年前100万年前在地球上, 人类的祖先开始因其智力和推理技能与其灵长类祖先区别开来.(TOS: "A Taste of Armageddon")永恒守护者周围巨大城市开始建造,延伸到它所在的时间漩涡行星的地平线.在2267年史波克推测它的遗迹的年龄大约在100万年.(TOS: "The City on the Edge of Forever")60万年前Tkon帝国消亡,他们的主星在他们自称为MAKTO时代时变成了超新星. (TNG: "The Last Outpost")Sargon人的类人祖先殖民到银河系. 他们的殖民者可能引发或影响了瓦肯星球上智慧生命和其他类瓦肯种族的崛起. (TOS:Return to Tomorrow")50万年前Bajor星上文明首次开始繁荣. (TNG: "Ensign Ro")Sargon人因行星上大气层破裂和大型内战而灭亡. 只有少数幸存者保留了他们的意识逃到地表下的深洞中. (TOS: "Return to Tomorrow")Exo III行星由于其太阳衰退开始变的不适宜居住. 居民们移居地下靠机器人维持生活. (TOS: "What Are Little Girls Made Of?")20万年前Iconian人, 一个高度发达的文明, 被轨道轰击摧毁了他们的星球. (TNG: "Contagion", DS9: "To the Death")10万年前Hirogen人後来提出的亚空间通讯网络被一个未知种族建造出来. (VOY: "Message in a Bottle", "Hunters")海洋行星, Monean文明後来的家园, 是由一颗M级行星上提取水并用一个无边的力场保存而创造出来的. (VOY: "Thirty Days")5万年前Janus VI星上的Horta开始了他们最後一轮重生. (TOS: "The Devil in the Dark")Bele开始追击Cheron星球革命领导人Lokai. (TOS: "Let That Be Your Last Battlefield")五万年前,伽玛象限的Eav'oq族人(他们曾与先知交流过)被一群正在寻找传说中的「虫洞」的外星宗教狂追杀,被迫遁入子空间。
第二季第十集《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要Previously on Star Trek Discovery...你是唯一一个You are the only one和红色天使有过接触的人who has had contact with the Red Angel.你说过你不明白You said you don't understand它为何选了你why it chose you.它指引我到了一个遥远的星球It guided me to a remote planet向我展示了...and showed me...结局the end.从一个时间旅行者那里看到的幻象My perception of reality was challenged让我对现实的理解受到挑战by visions from a time-traveling entity.当然了只有你该帮助我Who should help me but you, of course?毕竟这整个克林贡人的战争都是你挑起的After all, the entire klingon war was your doing. 那个我That version of me那个把你的住处当做家的我that called your quarters home,那个我已经死了that version of me is dead.我不会回去了And I'm not going back.你向前看好吗Would you please just move forward也让我这么做and let me do the same?不管我能不能下命令Whether I can issue orders or not,我们必须指派一个小组we have to get a team进入空间站并重置管控onto that station and reset control.启动手动控门迈克你必须打开气阀Michael, you have to open the airlock.不我不会把你喷射进太空No. I'm not gonna eject you into space.我会解锁这扇门I will unlock this door.我会杀了你I will kill you.一切都是因为你Everything is because of you.因为我Because of me?你必须找到代达罗斯计划You have to find Project Daedalus.代达罗斯计划在哪Where is Project Daedalus?埃瑞安中校时刻提醒着我们Commander Airiam reminds us that resilience百折不挠是一种坚定不移的良好品质is an unshakable virtue.她极尽忠诚She was fiercely loyal...对她的船员to her crew...对星际舰队to Starfleet.在她生命最后的弥留之际And, in her final moments,她为了守护那份忠诚牺牲了自己she sacrificed herself for that loyalty.她会以这样的方式被铭记That is how she'll be remembered.有的人抱着奇迹不存在的想法而活着Some people choose to live their lives as if nothing is a miracle, 但是埃瑞安为了自己的生命去奋斗but Airiam fought for her life,正在清除数据对其它任何事也一样and so everything was.她的所闻所感Everything that she saw, everything that she felt,她所有的记忆all of her memories,构成了they made a kind of...她生命的星谱constellation for her.数据已删除我很感激她给我上了这一课I'm grateful to her for that lesson.她是我的朋友She was my friend.有一次她曾说She said once,没有一点自怜自哀without a hint of self-pity,数万亿粒子的路径that the paths of trillions of particles永远地改变了had been forever changed,仅仅因为她与自己的丈夫相视一笑simply because she and her husband smiled at each other. 她很高兴当他们在一起的时候She was happy that together他们让整个宇宙变得有一丝无序they made the universe a little less orderly.我只感受到了自己失去了多少I just felt the weight of what I had lost...但她让我明白了but she showed me that我接受的强化并没有my augmentation didn't make me使我变成自己的仿制品an imitation of myself.它反而让我们重获新生It made both of us new.未来在前方等待着And that there could be a future.她说的没错She was right.加入星际舰队有太多的理由There are so many reasons to join Starfleet. 我们可以探索星空We get to reach for the stars.联邦星舰发现号♥ 自动飞行我们可以实现自己的最大价值We get to reach for the best in ourselves. 联邦星舰发现号♥但最重要的是But, most important,我们可以彼此关心we get to reach for each other.我们可以做自己喜爱的事We get to do what we love身旁的同事们alongside colleagues变成了朋友who become friends...变成了家人who become family.变成了同一战线的人And who better to stand with,肩并着肩shoulder to shoulder,一同面对紧要关头facing those pivotal moments.变成了难以放手的人Who more painful to let go?我很抱歉埃瑞安I am so sorry, Airiam.在卡米纳On Kaminar,我们吟唱歌♥谣以此纪念we sing songs of remembrance for those那些过早离开我们的人who have been taken from us too soon.这是纪念埃瑞安的歌♥谣This is a song of remembrance for Airiam. 你说得太好了You spoke beautifully.谢谢Thank you.我很抱歉I'm so sorry.我很抱歉让你被关了这么久I'm sorry you were confined to quarters for so long. 我和派克舰长说了不是你干的I told Captain Pike you weren't responsible.没关系It's okay.如果我是他If I were in his shoes,我也会这么做I'd have done the same.我只希望情况能有所不同I just wish it had played out differently.是啊Yeah.迈克Michael.我能明白你想做什么阿什I can feel what you're trying to do, Ash.我能I can.但31区创建了管控But Section 31 created Control,未来的管控穿越到了这里and some future version of it came here.现在埃瑞安送了命And now Airiam is gone.你以为我不知道发生了什么对吗You don't think I knew what was happening, do you? 当然不是Of course not.但你的职责还是隶属于他们But your duty is still to them.所以So...先从我们知道的开始Let's start with everything we know.这个人工智能来自未来The A.I. is from the future.它影响了埃瑞安It infected Airiam强迫她复♥制♥了球体的数据导入管控and forced her to copy some of the Sphere data into Control 如此一来管控就可以进化so Control could evolve.在那之前我们阻止了她We stopped her before that could happen.31区所设计的用来消灭威胁的项目How did the Section 31 program designed to eliminate threats 是怎么变成威胁的become the threat?时间旅行Time travel.我们无法预测的那个变量就是未来The one variable we cannot possibly predict is the future.很明显And clearly,那个未来的人工智能所基于的先进技术that future A.I. Is built on advanced technology是我们完全不了解的of which we have no understanding.我们如何阻止它呢How do we stop it?以我们的了解To the best of our knowledge,未来的人工智能只影响了埃瑞安和管控the future A.I. only infected Airiam and Control.埃瑞安的神经系统已经在她的葬礼前删除了Airiam's neural system was erased before her funeral.至于管控As for Control,只有31区使用它it was used only by Section 31.我们把管控所在的We destroyed the station空间站摧毁了where Control was located,上将根据您的建议and, per your suggestion, Admiral,我们提醒所有31区的星舰we advised all Section 31 ships都运行了诊断测试to run diagnostic tests.都没被感染All came out clean.我们先别急着庆祝Let's not celebrate just yet.感染管控的人工智能The A.I. that infected Control有可能已经把自己发到空间站以外的地方了could have sent itself off-station.我们只能假设它目前在休眠We have to assume that it's lying dormant for now,但随时可能会再次现身but it could reemerge at any time.而它出现的时候And when it does,我们必须找到消灭它的办法we have to be able to destroy it somehow.对不起Hi. Sorry,舰长...上将各位Captain... Admiral. Everyone.我应该敲门的I-I should have knocked.其实有点多此一举Although it-it is kind of pointless,因为这些门平时基本上是自己打开的these doors pretty much open right on their own most of the time. 少尉你有事吗Ensign, did you need something?实际上我发现...我有一些东西Uh, actually, I found... I have something.我是说我发现一些东西I mean, I found something.我在...So I was, uh...我在检查埃瑞安系统的扫描结果I was reviewing some scans of Airiam's system,我发现了一个奇怪的代码and I-I found this weird code,开始我以为and at first, i figured,是过去旧的更新留下的垃圾碎片it's just some junk from an old update,但随后我发现这实际上是个文件but then I discovered it's actually a file由一个数码寄生虫植入的that was implanted there by a digital parasite.文件名叫代达罗斯计划The file is called Project Daedalus.这是埃瑞安生前最后跟我说的Those are the last words Airiam said to me.文件还包含了红色天使的生物神经特征标识The file also contains a bio-neural signature of the Red Angel. 迈克是你Michael, it's you.虽然寇波医生还没有正式复职While Dr. Culber hasn't been officially reinstated,我让他负责分♥析♥提利发现的数据I've asked him to oversee analysis of the data Tilly uncovered. 结果确定吗The results are conclusive?我在博翰中校身上做的所有测试Well, every test that I've run on Commander Burnham都与代达罗斯文件上发现的生物神经特征标识is a 100% match to the bio-neural signature百分之百吻合found in Airiam's Daedalus file.我们得考虑信息来源We have to consider the source.埃瑞安出问题了Airiam was compromised.人工智能可以让她伪造信息The A.I. could have had her plant information把我们引入歧途to throw us off course.我看不出让埃瑞安制♥造♥假的吻合I see no logical or strategic reason有任何逻辑或者战略上的理由for Airiam to have provided a false positive.而且即便是她做的And even if she had,那结果看上去会太一致了it would have read too perfect.人类的神经中有几个未知的部分Humans have a few neural wild cards那是任何人工手段所无法复♥制♥的that anything artificially generated couldn't replicate.我会发现的I would have caught it.我们是说迈克We're saying that Michael,我们的这位迈克·博翰our-our Michael Burnham,会在未来某天一觉醒来is going to wake up one day,通过目前还不存在的时间旅行技术access time-travel technology that doesn't exist yet,以一己之力去拯救星系and take it upon herself to save the galaxy.该假设完全符合她的情感特征That supposition fits her emotional profile rather precisely, 特别是在超出她控制范围以外的局面下particularly her drive to take responsibility她要承担责任的冲动for situations often beyond her control.谢谢你和大家分享这个信息斯波克Thank you for sharing that with the group, Spock.我们必须同时假设在天使出现时我所预见的We must also assume the cataclysmic events I foresaw世界末日情景when the Angel appeared to me是管控进化具备意识感知后的结果are a result of Control evolving, achieving consciousness. 我们姑且假设Let's assume for a moment我就是红色天使I am the Red Angel.那如果我知道世界末日来临If I knew about an apocalypse,为什么我不说出来呢why wouldn't I say so?也许你有把事情戏剧化的倾向Perhaps you simply have a penchant for the dramatic.好吧Okay.护甲散发泰粒子辐射The suit was emitting tetryonic radiation,削弱传统的无线电和传感通讯which would limit traditional radio and sensor communication. 这就解释了为什么我无法与之进行思维融合That would explain my difficulties in mind-melding with it.也能解释为什么要在天上发七个信♥号♥♥ And why it put seven signals in the sky.它是想引起星际舰队的注意It was trying to get Starfleet's attention,也许是给我们预警maybe to warn us.但前三个信♥号♥♥出现在小行星But the first three signals appeared on the asteroid,极乐星还有卡米纳上Terralysium, and Kaminar,剩下四个还没出现with four left to reveal themselves.如果我是在指引星际舰队通过某种路线If I'm guiding Starfleet to these specific places到达这些特定地点为什么呢on some sort of path, why?这些地点有什么共性呢What do these locations have in common?上将舰长Admiral. Captain.我们刚刚收到消息We've just received word一艘31区星舰正在赶来that a Section 31 vessel is on its way.联邦已经取消了对发现号♥The Federation has cleared Discovery,斯波克上尉和博翰中校的一切指控Lieutenant Spock and Commander Burnham of all charges.如果你们是专程来抓人的If you came all this way to arrest somebody,你们这趟就白跑了you wasted a trip.我们知道上将We're aware, Admiral.克里斯很遗憾你失去了舰员Chris, I'm sorry for the loss of your crew member.我们来这里是要确保We're here to make sure来自未来的任何东西nothing else from the future都无法攻击联邦can attack the Federation.我们已经在制订战略了We're already working on a strategy.换句话说In other words,你们在收集想法而这只会引发争论you're accumulating input, which only invites debate.没有争论哪来创新No debate, no innovation.我更喜欢一点集权下的高效率I prefer a little totalitarian efficiency,不过这是我的想法but that's me.上将我们有个解决方案Admiral, we have a solution.我有不好的预感I'm cringing already.只有天使能解释未来和人工智能The Angel is the only one with answers about the future, the A.I. 而且可能有阻止这一切的办法and perhaps how to stop it.但我们无法预测And we can't predict它什么时候会在哪里出现when or how it will appear.正确所以...我们设个陷阱Correct. So... we set a trap,我们把它逮住让它为我们服务we capture it and make it work for us.红色天使的生物神经特征标识The Red Angel's bio-neural signature隐藏在埃瑞安的数据里was hidden inside Airiam's data在一个名为代达罗斯计划的文件中in a file called project Daedalus.你确定吗Are you absolutely certain特征和迈克匹配吗it was a match to Michael?是我It's me.当天使穿越时间As the Angel travels through time,她打开一个微形虫洞she opens a micro-wormhole以及一个未来的along with the possibility that人工智能会随着她来的可能性a future A.I. will follow her.我们不能让这种情况再次发生We can't let that happen again.同意所以我们一定Agreed. Which is why we have to stop her不能让她来回穿越from traveling back and forth.我们得抓住她We have to capture her.也就是我Me.你觉得我们要怎么抓住她So, how do you propose we trap her?20年前20 years ago,我们发现克林贡人在研究时间旅行we discovered the Klingons were researching time travel. 显然是致命的威胁Obviously a critical threat--一个具有改写历史和a warrior race with the ability塑造未来能力的武士种族吗to rewrite the past and shape the future?他们会在我们跨出原始期之前They'd have wiped us out就把我们消灭了before we could even walk out of the primordial soup.无意冒犯No offense.未曾介怀None taken.他们一定会的They would've.我们发现我们处于紧迫的军备较量We found ourselves in a temporal arms race,为了取得战略优势so to gain a strategic advantage,我们开♥发♥了代达罗斯计划we developed "The Daedalus Project."是我们的It's ours.31区对时间旅行的大计划Section 31's grand design for time travel.你创造了红色天使You created the Red Angel?在被克林贡间谍摧毁的时候The suit was on the verge of being tested护甲马上就要经过测试了when it was destroyed by Klingon spies.我们以为他们永久地放弃了这个项目We thought they had abandoned the project permanently. 直到信♥号♥♥又开始了Until the signals began.护甲和信♥号♥♥一起出现了Once the suit appeared alongside the signals,我们开始研究捕捉它的方法we started working on a way to capture it.把我们的技术抢回来的A mousetrap, if you will,捕鼠器如果你想这么叫的话to get our technology back.使用这项技术的人呢And the individual using that technology?她不会受到伤害She will not be harmed.你的故事当中There are gaps in your story有我觉得说不通的漏洞that I find disconcerting.我已经把你需要知道的一切都告诉了你I've told you everything you need to know.如果我是任务的话是不够的长官Not if I'm the mission, sir.博翰Burnham.我有技术规格I have the technical specifications以及所需设备的清单and a list of, uh, equipment required.如果我可以借用你的精英来建造它的话Provided I may borrow some of your top minds to build it. 你可以和斯塔麦兹中校合作You can work with Commander Stamets.他是我们的精英之一He's one of our best.即使他们成功了Even if they succeed,还有预测天使there is still the matter of predicting下一次出现的问题the Angel's next appearance.她并不是一直She has not consistently accompanied伴随着信♥号♥♥出现的the arrival of the signals.不管有没有信♥号♥♥Signal or no signal,我的跃进一定有迹可循there has to be a pattern to my jumps.一旦我们找到它我们就会找到我And once we find it, we'll find me.一旦她到这来了I'll figure out a way to close the wormhole我就想办法关闭虫洞once she gets here.我们船上的重力束The graviton beams on our ship应该足够了should be powerful enough.我很乐意I would be happy to assist you帮你计算利兰舰长with the calculations, Captain Leland.上将Admiral?我们去做个捕鼠器吧Let's go build a mousetrap.乔久等等Georgiou, wait.你有什么没有告诉我What aren't you telling me?你问过我多少次了How many times have you asked me that?你不觉得无聊吗Aren't you getting bored?它不再是个问题的时候我就不问了I'll stop asking when it stops being a question.我知道代达罗斯的事不止如此I know there's more to that Daedalus story.我们分享了我们需要分享的事情We shared what we needed to share.至少我分享了At least, I have.菲利帕Philippa.我要把我的性命交托给你I'm putting my life in your hands.你想让我相信你You asked for my trust.我在给你一个争取我的信任的方法I'm giving you a way to earn it.迈克我不是有你需要知道的信息的人I'm not the one with the information you need to hear, Michael. 利兰Leland?根据我的经验It's my experience我们最大的好心会造成最多的伤害it's often our best intentions that cause us to do the most harm,尤其对那些我们关心的人especially to those we care for.这是红色天使This is the Red Angel.一种能让人通过微型虫洞穿越时间的护甲A suit that lets someone travel through time via micro-wormholes. 但虫洞本来就不稳定But wormholes are inherently unstable,所以天使需要保持它们打开so the Angel needs to hold them open否则她就不能穿越回去了or she won't be able to get home again.据我所知And as I understand it,重力束发射器为了保持虫洞的畅通to keep the wormhole open,护甲会产生一层膜the suit generates a membrane,和她一起穿越的保护层a protective layer that travels with her,它的一端和她在未来的起点连接and one end stays attached to her starting point in the future.就像一个锚An anchor.当她想回家的时候When she wants to go home,它像橡皮筋一样快速把她收回去it snaps her back like a rubber band.我们的鉴相器将把天使保持在静止束中Our phase discriminators will hold the Angel in stasis beams所以膜不能把她弹回去so the membrane can't snap her back.然后我们把她放在平台上And then we'll lower her to a platform,那里电磁脉冲能关闭where an electromagnetic pulse will shut down她护甲上的时间晶体the time crystal that powers her suit.然后我们升起隔离场And, uh, then we raise the containment field,它能把她留在这里and that will hold her here要多久就有多久for as long as we want.然后我们可以审问她And then, we can question her,未来的任何东西都无法到我们这里对吗and nothing from the future will be able to reach us. Right? 你这是什么表情What's that look on your face?我在想你可能比我认识的斯塔麦兹更聪明I was thinking you may be smarter than the Stamets I knew. 你也更神经过敏You're also much more neurotic.你考虑过药物治疗吗Have you considered medication?根据我的计算Based on my calculations,鉴相器应正常工作the phase discriminators should function properly.问题是The problem is...提莉Hey, Tilly.康韦尔上将在这儿吗Is, um, Admiral Cornwell here?我想她可能...I thought she might be...是啊什么不她不在Yeah. What? No, she's not.不但是...太棒了No, but it is... it's great...你能来太好了So great that you're here.拜托你拼尽全力想减轻这里Please, your wide-eyed attempt雄性的紧张感的效果真不怎么样to release this fabulous male tension is a buzzkill.你从来没有学会享受不适阿红You never learned to relish a little discomfort, Red?谁养大你的Who raised you?我妈妈我妈妈My-my mom. My mom.但她经常不在身边But she wasn't around a lot.别说话了Stop talking.你说有问题保罗You said there was a problem, Paul?是的鉴相器有问题Yes, with the... the phase discriminators.我们需要相当于12个曲速引擎We'd need the equivalent of 12 warp cores产生的能量才能运行它们to generate enough energy to-to run them,即便我们能找到这么多能量and if we can even locate that much power,我们根本无法控制it will be almost impossible to control.你不同Not for you.事实上我们不需要曲速引擎In fact, we don't need warp cores.代达罗斯计划的一个测试点位于伊索夫四号♥上One of the Project Daedalus testing sites was on Essof Four. 是的我读到过那个地方Y-Yes, I've read about that place.有很多氘So much deuterium.我们可以用它来制♥造♥等离子反应器We can use it to create a plasma reactor给鉴相器供能to power up our phase discriminators.然后轻松愉快And then, snap,我们就能抓到"老鼠"we have our mouse.你比他精明You are savvier than he was.你知道他是同性恋对吧you-you do know that he's gay, right?别那么黑白分明Don't be so binary.在我的宇宙里他是泛性恋In my universe, he was pansexual,我们在一起享受过特级的快乐and we had DEFCON-level fun together.还有你小伙And you, too, Papi.你刚才叫我小伙了吗Did you just call me Papi?在我的宇宙里在我可以想象的Well, in my universe and pretty much any universe几乎所有的宇宙里我是同性恋I can possibly imagine, I'm gay.他也是And so is he.你当然是Of course you are.我很高兴我们都能看到眼前的一切I'm glad we all see what's right in front of us.现在请原谅我And now, if you'll excuse me,我要和派克舰长谈谈I need to talk to Captain Pike设定伊索夫四号♥的航线about setting a course for Essof Four.刚刚发生了什么What just happened?中校Commander.我只是I just...听着Look,我的工作是不惜任何代价尽可能多地保护生命my job is to preserve as many lives as possible at any cost. 但是你在葬礼上说的But what you said at the service...很难让我忘怀It is hard to let go.你做了对的事You did the right thing.我很感激你在那里I'm grateful you were there.这是一种很奇怪的方式了解别人但是Strange way to get to know someone, but...在看到你为她付出了多大的努力之后after seeing how hard you fought for her,真正的她the real her...这么说吧我也很感激你在那里Let's just say I'm grateful you were there, too.红色天使用的虫洞The wormhole used by the Red Angel最终会自己关闭would close on its own eventually,但我们必须想办法but we must find a way强制它立刻关闭to force it closed immediately否则就会有另一个人工智能渗透的风险or risk another A.I. Infiltration.不幸的是Unfortunately,发现号♥的重力束能量不够Discovery's graviton beam is not powerful enough to... 这就是为什么我用我的飞船来做Which is why I said I'd do it from my ship.我会请泰勒专员帮忙I'll have Specialist Tyler help.我们会很快搞定We'll close it fast.派克舰长决定我需要一个监视者吗Did Captain Pike decide that I needed a monitor?这就是你来这里的原因吗Is that why you're here?我选择和你一起工作I chose to work with you因为我想亲自评估你because I wanted to assess you myself.31区最近行动可疑Section 31 has engaged in questionable practices of late. 既然我们要一起工作Given that we will be working together我所关心的人的性命可能就在你的手里and the lives of those I care for may be in your hands,我需要知道我可以相信你I need to know that you can be trusted.如果你能找出答案If you can tell the answer,我的工作就做得不太好I'm not doing my job very well.即使没有我的神经节Even without my ganglia,我对危险情况和个人I still have strong instinctive reactions仍然有强烈的本能反应to dangerous situations and individuals.还有呢And?我相信你会尽你所能I believe you will work to protect your crew and ours努力保护你和我们的舰员to the very best of your ability.我也相信有很多事情你没有说I also believe there are many things you are not saying. 不好意思Excuse me.萨鲁先生Mr. Saru.我能和利兰舰长谈谈吗May I have a moment with Captain Leland, please?当然可以中校Certainly, Commander.舰长我们正在准备一个战略来抓我Captain, we're preparing a strategy to capture me.我有权知道你所做的一切I have a right to know everything you do.你所知道的一切As in everything you know.你能解决一些复杂的道德难题You are capable of some intricate moral gymnastics. 那是你的工作对吧And that's your job, right?但我给你一个机会But I am giving you one chance解释你该解释的一切to explain everything as you need to explain it.我认识你父母I knew your parents.他们为31区推进代达罗斯项目They worked on Project Daedalus for Section 31.我让他们驻扎在多克塔阿尔法那里I had them stationed on Doctari Alpha.不No.我们驻扎在那里We were stationed there因为我父母想换个环境because my parents wanted a change of scenery.我们在那里待了那么长时间And we only stayed as long as we did是因为我想看一颗恒星变成超新星because I wanted to see a star go supernova.你们在那里...是因为我You were there... because of me.你的父母Your parents...你父母在那里丧命Your parents were killed there...是因为我because of me.我的父母是科学家My parents... were scientists.我父亲是个外星文明学家My father was a xenoanthropologist.我母亲是天体物理学家My mother was an astrophysicist.他们不会与31区有瓜葛的They wouldn't have been involved in Section 31.她也是一名工程师She was also an engineer.一名绝佳的工程师A brilliant one.他们正在研究一个理论They were working on a theory在某些文化中的技术突然突飞猛进that sudden technological leaps across certain cultures, 其中包括哪些地球的文化including those on Earth,不是偶然而是时间旅行的结果weren't happenstance but the result of time travel.不他们早就知道了那些飞跃No. They would have known that certain leaps,包括技术进步including technological advancements,可以解释can be explained.我也不相信I wasn't convinced, either.直到他们做了那套护甲Until they built the suit.不No.不他们没有跟我提过类似的事No, they didn't mention anything like this to me.因为它是机密Because it was classified.而且非常危险And very dangerous.你和这有什么关系What did you have to do with this?那套护甲缺少一个关键部件The suit was missing a key时间晶体a time crystal,使它能够穿越时间的元素the element that would enable it to jump through time. 我们从克罗诺斯的一个特工那里得到情报We got intel from an operative on Qo'noS一颗晶体出现在that a time crystal had hit the black market猎户座前哨站附近的黑市near the Orion Outpost.我利用在那个区域的职权偷了它I used my assets in the sector to steal it.我以为我们让它无法追踪See, I thought that we had made it untraceable.但克林贡人追踪到了多克塔阿尔法But the Klingons tracked it to Doctari Alpha.那附近的一颗恒星将要进入超新星阶段Where a star was about to go supernova,释放大量能量releasing a massive amount of energy.一直以来...This whole time...我以为...I thought...我们在那里是因为你We were there because of you?为了时间水晶For a time crystal?你让克林贡人追踪到它And you let the Klingons track it?我年轻雄心勃勃我…I was young, i was ambitious, I...我太粗心了I was careless.我应该更努力保护你的父母I should have done more to protect your parents.我知道你付出的苦痛我很抱歉I know how much this has cost you, and I'm so sorry.我希望...I hope...这是为我妈妈打的That's for my mom.这是为我爸爸打的That's for my dad.这还没完This isn't over.我刚刚上传了31区的所有信♥号♥♥数据I just uploaded all the Section 31 signal data.你一直知道吗Did you know?知道什么Know what?利兰是造成That Leland was responsible我父母的死的罪魁祸首for the death of my parents.你知道是吧You knew, didn't you?不No.别骗我阿什Don't lie to me, Ash.迈克尔我不知道你在说什么Michael, I don't know what you're talking about. 每次你为31区工作的时候Every moment you work for Section 31,你都在展示你的本质you're announcing who you are.你是说这是你的指南针You're saying this is your compass,这是你的路this is your course.你良心安吗You can live with that?31区有一个具体的任务Section 31 has a specific mission.我并不总是同意他们的策略I don't always agree with their tactics,但我相信他们的使命but I do believe in their mission.不管由谁付出代价吗No matter who pays the price?不是非黑即白的It's not black-and-white.他们也做了很多好事They-they also do a lot of good.我就当你承认了I'll take that as a "Yes."进来Come.。
Previously on "Star Trek: Discovery". 《星际迷航:发现号》前情提要Contact Starfleet Command. 联系星际舰队指挥中心Tell them we have engaged the Klingons. 告诉他们我们遭遇了克林贡人How did the V ulcans achieve 瓦肯人是怎么diplomatic relations with the Klingons? 跟克林贡人取得外交关系的呢- Starfleet doesn't fire first. - We have to! -星际舰队不会先开火-我们必须开火Stand down, Commander Burnham. 博翰指挥官请退下That's an order. 这是命令- I'm sorry. - This is mutiny. -很抱歉-这是叛乱Move, Saru. Tactical. 让开萨鲁武器控制- We're locked on. - Fire! -我们瞄准好了-开火- Delay that order! - Captain, please. -停下这个命令-舰长求你I'm trying to save all of you. 我要救所有人Captain, warp signatures detected. 舰长发现曲率痕迹- Is it Starfleet? - No. -是星际舰队吗-不是Those ships are Klingon. 那是克林贡的舰队开火T'Kuvma has anointed himself the next Klingon messiah. 特库巫马把自己推举成克林贡的新一代先知If you kill him, you make him a martyr, 如果你杀了他你就让他成为了殉道者but if you take him as a prisoner of war, 如果你让他成为战俘you give the Federation leverage to sue for peace. 你给联邦提供了谈和的条件For the charge of mutiny, it is our ruling 针对违抗上级命令的指控我们的判决如下that the defendant be stripped of rank 剥夺被告人军衔and hereby sentenced to imprisonment for life. 判处终身监禁{\fad(500,500)\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1\pos(62.569,239.727)}六个月后Y ou hear why we're getting transferred to Tellun? 你听说我们为什么被送往图伦星系吗Dilithium pocket went piezoelectric, 二锂矿产生了压电性ripped apart the bottom of the mine. 摧毁了矿井底部Bam! 50 cons. 50个犯人V aporized. 瞬间蒸发So, lucky us, we get to be miners for the wareffort now.而我们撞大运了要去为战争当矿工了I hear half the screws on Tellun are scumbag Andorians. 我听说图伦星系有一半的人都是安多利的混蛋Andorians are cold in all the wrong places. 安多利人在各种不恰当的地方冷冰冰的The three I killed were cold everywhere. 我杀的那三个全身都是冷的That kind of talk 这种对话got your shiny little panties in a bunch, Starfleet? 有没有把你吓到星舰船员What are you in for, anyway, staying out pastcurfew?你是犯了什么事宵禁之后外出吗Y ou don't know who that is? 你不知道那是谁吗That's Michael Burnham. 那是迈克·博翰The mutineer? 那个叛乱者In the flesh. 就是她My cousin was on the Europa when it went down. 欧罗巴号坠毁的时候我的表姐就在上面She and 8,000 others are dead because of you. 她以及另外八千个人因你而死8,186. 8186个Proximity alert. Scanning. 接近警报扫描中星际基地18号我们这里遭遇了虫子Starbase 18, we've got some bugs in the works outhere.Y ou're going to need to put on an EV suit yourself 你得自己穿上太空护甲and play exterminator. 去除虫Great. 真棒Hey, where you going? 你去哪里Um, hey, what's going on? 发生什么事了Shouldn't somebody be flying this thing? 难道不是应该有人去驾驶吗这种生物是GS54 一种吃电力的有机体That's species GS54, an organism that feeds onelectricity.It's feeding on the shuttle's power systems. 它正在蚕食穿梭机的动力系统Bay doors open. 舱门打开除非飞行员能迅速消除感染Unless the pilot can get rid of the infestation fastenough,they'll drain us of all of our power, 不然它们会吸干我们的电源and we'll drift until our oxygen runs out, 然后我们会一直漂到氧气耗尽or we freeze to death. 或者活活冻死Whichever comes first. 看哪个先发生了uh, could you come back? Hello! 你能回来吗听到吗Relax! 放松The pilot's taking care of it. 飞行员会解决的Warning: 警告safety tether disconnected. 安全绳断开Warning: autopilot malfunction. 警告自动驾驶故障- We're all gonna die. - Okay. -我们都会死-好吧Damn it! 该死Ensign Chiefowitz, report to the medical bay. 奇夫威茨少尉去医疗舱报到Ensign Chiefowitz, report to the medical bay. 奇夫威茨少尉去医疗舱报到Hey, not a scratch on the floor. 地上一点划痕都没有This puppy just rolled off the assembly line. 这艘船刚从生产线上下来一艘全新的飞船怎么会离前线这么远What's a brand-new starship doing so far from thefront lines?This is the USS Discovery. 这是联邦星舰发现号My name's Commander Landry. 我是指挥官兰德里I'm chief of security here. 我是这里的安全主管I see we're unloading all kinds of garbage today. 看来我们今天迎来了各种垃圾Even Starfleet's first mutineer. 甚至还有星际舰队的首位叛乱者On me. 跟我走Lieutenant Collins, please report to the bridge. 柯林斯中尉请去舰桥报到Lieutenant Collins, please report to the bridge. 柯林斯中尉请去舰桥报到Ensign Magnus, report to engineering.马格努斯少尉去工程部报到What's with all the silver shirts? 这些银色服装是怎么回事It's a science vessel. 这是艘科研舰Y ou ever seen a black badge before? 你之前见过黑色的勋章吗Somehow, this doesn't feel very scientific. 不知为何感觉这里一点也不像科研Mouths shut. Eyes ahead. 闭上嘴往前看All right. 行了Starfleet says we have to feed the animals. 星际舰队让我们喂饱这帮畜生Who's hungry? 有谁饿了Keyla. 凯拉How about we make it 8,187? 要不把死亡人数上升到8187个吧Captain wants to see you. 舰长想见你Come on. 来吧Put 'em in the brig. 把他们关到禁闭室V ulcan martial arts, huh? 瓦肯武术Suus Mahna. 速斯马纳{\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}瓦肯武术的一种需多年才能习得V ulcans should stick to logic. 瓦肯人遵守逻辑就够了No matter how deep in space you are, 不管你在宇宙飘了多远always feel like you can see home. 总觉得你可以看见家Don't you think? 你觉得呢Maybe it's just me. 可能只有我这么认为Forgive the lighting.抱歉很暗The lack thereof. 没什么光A recent battle injury. 最近的战斗受损了There's nothing they can do if I want to keep my own eyes, 如果我想保留自己的眼睛他们一点办法都没有and I do. 我的确想I have to suffer light change slowly. 我得慢慢承受亮度变化I like to think it makes me mysterious. 我觉得这会让我很神秘No? 不是吗Captain Gabriel Lorca. 我是加百利·卢卡舰长Welcome to Discovery. 欢迎来发现号Don't be shy. 别害羞It was the family business a century ago. 一个世纪前这是个家族产业That was before the future came, 那还是在未来来临之前and hunger and need and want disappeared. 饥饿需求还有渴望消失之前Course, they're making a comeback now, 当然它们现在回来了Thanks to you. 都是因为你迈克·博翰迈克·博翰在我的船上Michael Burnham. The Michael Burnham on myship.When I saw your name on the shuttle manifest, I... 当我看到你的名字出现在我的飞船名单上reread your file, 我重新读了你的档案pulled up your court-martial transcripts, and... 调出了你的军事法庭记录副本Y ou're something. 你是个人物Captain, what am I doing on this ship? 舰长我为什么在这艘船上I guess you might have to ask that storm out there. 我想你得问问外面的那个风暴I received no warning that I'd be transferred 对于我被转移去另一个监狱机构to another prison facility, which is customary. 我没有收到任何警告这应该是惯例而且我的穿梭机飞了一半改变了航向And my shuttle changed course halfway throughthe journey.Maybe the universe hates waste. 也许宇宙讨厌浪费Sir? 长官Question is: 问题是What am I gonna do with you? 我该拿你怎么办I put you in the brig, someone's gonna die, 我把你关进禁闭舱有人就会死而我没有功夫操那个闲心and I don't have the time for that kind ofdistraction.你接受过高级量子物理学训练是吗Y ou have training in high-level quantum physics,don't you?My engineers tell me it's gonna take three days 我的工程师告诉我需要三天才能清除监狱里面的光线问题to clear the lightning bugs out of the prisonshuttle.I have something on deck that requires 我在甲板上有东西every trained mind available. 需要每一个训练过的人Y ou're gonna help us out. 你得帮帮我们No. 不Excuse me? 不好意思No, thank you. 不谢谢你Respectfully, 无意冒犯I owe a debt for my crime, 我的罪让我欠下了债and it'd be best... 最好我期望能在不参与任何事的情况下服刑I'd prefer to serve my time without gettinginvolved.Y ou think I care what your preferences are? 你觉得我会在意你期望什么吗在你的飞船修好前你会被派往一些舱室Until your vessel's repaired, you'll be assigned toquartersand put to work. 去工作I'm not a chauffeur. 我不是个司机There's no free rides on my ship. 在我的船上没有免费的票Y ou were once a Starfleet officer. 你曾经是星舰的军官I will use you, or anything else I can, 我会利用你或者其他的方式to achieve my mission. 来完成我的任务And what mission is that, sir? 那是什么任务呢长官To win the war, 当然是of course. 赢下战争Send everyone home. 把所有人带回家Safe and happy. 安全又高兴Dismissed. 去吧Y ou're on day shift. Escort at 0800 hours. 你上日班早八点会有护卫当你不工作时你会被禁闭在舱室里When you're not working, you're confined toquarters.Working on what? 干什么呢Lights. 开灯This is so neat. 这太棒了他们告诉我因为我的特殊要求They, uh, they told me, because of my specialneeds,我不能有室友让我有些失望that I couldn't have a roommate, which was kindof a letdown,因为室友就像是注定的朋友because a roommate is, like, an automatic built-infriend,然后他们告诉我我将有室友了and... but then they told me that I was gonna havea roommate,and so now I-I guess that's you, and... 我猜就是你Um, hi. I'm-I'm Cadet Sylvia Tilly.我是候补军官西尔维娅·提利I talk when I'm nervous. 我紧张的时候话很多Um... my instructors advised me to work on that. 我的指导员让我改一下Why are you nervous? 你为什么紧张我在想要不要告诉你你睡了我的床I'm trying to decide if I should tell you that youtook my bed.Seriously? 认真的吗我知道它们看起来一样但我对聚酯I know, they look the same, but, um, I-I'm allergicto polyesterand viscoelastic polyurethane foam. 和黏弹性的聚氨基甲酸酯海绵过敏It results in chronic snoring. 会导致时间的打呼噜这就是为什么我不能有室友This is why I wasn't supposed to have a-aroommate...No problem. 没问题What's your name? 你叫什么Michael. 迈克I never met a female named Michael before. 我从来没有见过叫迈克的女性Do you think that suits you? I'll call you Mickey. 你觉得你适合吗我可以叫你米奇I think that's a little more approachable. 我觉得那会亲近些No, you won't. 不你不能Oh, yeah, no, I won't. 好的我不叫The only other 另一个female Michael I ever heard of 叫迈克的女性我只知道was Michael Burnham, the mutineer. 迈克·博翰叛乱者Y ou're not her, are you? 你不是她吧Are you? 你是吗Black alert. 黑色警报Black alert. 黑色警报What's going on? 怎么回事- Y ou weren't briefed? - No. -没人给你做简报吗-没有Well, then I can't tell you. I'm sorry. 那我不能告诉你对不起Tilly... 提利what the hell is going on on this ship? 这艘船上到底怎么回事Matter synthesis complete. 物质合成完成Attention, all personnel, 所有人员注意battle drills for deck nine 9号甲板战斗演练取消have been canceled until further notice. 请等待进一步通知Saru. 萨鲁First Officer Saru. 萨鲁大副With me, please. 请跟我来Y ou're famous. 你出名了They all want a peek. 他们都想看一眼Congratulations on your promotion. 恭喜你升职了Mm. Thank you. 谢谢Powers that be were impressed by my actions 上面对我在双星系统at the Battle of the Binary Stars. 战役中的表现印象深刻But... upon my own reflection of that day, 但我自己认为my only wish is that I could have done more. 我只希望当时我能做到更多I understand. 我能理解Blueberries. 蓝莓The ones in prison don't taste the same. 监狱里的味道不一样I suppose that is a function of the environment 我想那应该是环境的问题而不是食物合成器有问题you are eating them in instead of afood-synthesizer issue.I suppose so. 我想是吧So many people with so many places to go. 那么多人要去那么多地方On Discovery, our facilities can accommodate 在发现号我们的设备可同时开展300 discrete scientific missions. 300个独立的科学任务A Starfleet record. 星际舰队的记录So this is a science vessel? 所以这是艘科研舰吗Y ou've been assigned to engineering.你被分配到工程部Lieutenant Stamets will task you with specific 斯塔麦兹上尉会给你具体任务duties.Saru... 萨鲁First Officer Saru. 萨鲁大副我看到你在舰长葬礼上的演讲录像I saw a recording of the speech you gave at thecaptain's funeral.It was beautiful. 讲得太好了I never thought I'd get a chance to say this to you. 我以为我没机会亲自跟你说I think about what happened every day, 我每天都在想那天发生的事all the time, and I owe you. 每时每刻我欠你的I'm trying to say... 我想说"I'm sorry"? "对不起"Y es. 没错I believe you feel regret. 我相信你很后悔But... 但是in my mind, you are dangerous. 在我心里你很危险Captain Lorca is a man who... 卢卡舰长不畏惧does not fear the things normal people fear. 寻常人畏惧的东西But I do. 但我会And you are someone to fear, Michael Burnham.你是一个令人畏惧的人麦克·博翰我只想回穿梭机指挥官I just want to get back on that shuttle,Commander.I won't make any trouble for you here. 我不会在这给你添麻烦的Well, that is certain. 这是肯定的But if you try, know that I intend to do a better job 但倘若你敢尝试我一定会protecting my captain than you did yours. 比你更好地保护我的舰长I'm looking for Lieutenant Stamets. 我来找斯塔麦兹上尉He's in there. 他在那里That area's off-limits. 那边闲人免入No entry without a breath print. 进去要经过呼吸审核星际舰队的工程实验室从来不涉密Starfleet doesn't keep its engineering labsclassified.This is Discovery. 这里是发现号I recommend you find a station. 我建议你找个操作台抱歉这些操作台我们有固定座位的Sorry, these stations... uh, we-we have assignedseats.Who are you? 你是谁I'm Michael Burnham.我是麦克·博翰I was assigned. 我被分配到这Who gave you an assignment? 谁分配你的我是这唯一可以分配人员的I'm the only one who gives assignments aroundhere.So you're the one Lorca sent? 你是卢卡派来的人- Y es. - The mutineer? -是-那个叛变者Y es. 是I was told to expect a V ulcan. 别人告诉我是瓦肯人There may be a misunderstanding. 或许是个误会- On my part? - Y es. -我理解错了-是No. 不Y ou're making this very complicated. 你把这事变得很复杂I was raised on V ulcan, 我在瓦肯长大and I attended the V ulcan Science Academy... 我在瓦肯科学院接受教育My Uncle Everett plays in a Beatles cover band; 我的埃弗里叔叔还在披头士翻唱乐团里表演呢it hardly makes him John Lennon. 他也不会说自己是约翰·列侬I'm not sure I'm following. 我不确定你在说什么Well, if Lorca thinks you are such an asset... 如果卢卡觉得你有用...reconcile these two suites of code. 调试这两个代码Go. Somewhere else, please. 快走啊别呆着一个地方It's not like we have assigned seats. 我们这没有固定座位What was Discovery's interval? 发现号在什么阶段Last night: Speirein 12. 昨晚吗斯普林12Why so conservative? 为什么这么保守Is Lorca holding you back? 卢卡拖你后腿吗No. He's always pushing us for more. 不他总是逼我们做到更多I'm sure that our rate of progress 我敢肯定我们的进度is his life's biggest disappointment.是他人生最大的失望顺便12已经很强劲了斯特拉尔By the way, 12 is a perfectly robust number,Straal.Where's the Glenn? 格伦号到哪了Speirein 240. 斯普林240I hate you. How? 我讨厌你怎么做到的A recent breakthrough. 最近的突破点I hate you. How? 我讨厌你怎么会All I can say is there are unexpected benefits 我只能说不亲自种to not growing your own. 有意想不到的好处Right now we have to finish getting ready. 现在我们完成准备工作-今晚我们尝试斯普林900 -这不可能- Tonight we're going for Speirein 900. - That'snot possible.Don't be like that. Y ou're one of my oldest friends. 别这样你是我最长久的朋友了We've been working on this for 12 years. 我们研究这个项目12年了When we succeed, 一旦我们成功我们都会得泽麦吉奖both our names are going on the Zee-MagneesPrize.I'm not jealous, oddly. 我不是嫉妒I'm worried. 我是担心That displacement is too massive. 这距离太大了It's not safe. 不安全It is now. I worked out the kinks. 现在安全了我解决了纽结Lurker. 背后有人I despise lurkers. 我鄙视偷看的I'm struggling with these equations. 这些公式让我很头疼起先我以为我在处理量子天文物理Initially, I thought I was dealing with quantumastrophysics.但当我看下去生物化学又出来了But as I got deeper in, biochemistry came intoplay,maybe even a form of gene expression. 甚至还有一部分基因表达It'd be helpful to know what I'm working on. 让我知道这事什么会很有帮助Why would I tell a prisoner of the Federation, 为什么我要让联邦囚犯who is essentially a temp, 尤其是一个临时工the details of my top-secret research? 知道我最机密的研究It's your call. 你自己决定But either way, this line here... 无论如何这条代码...it's a mistake. 是错的Y ou can go, lurker. 你可以走了偷窥者Submit breath scan for entry. 呼吸扫描才可进入Lieutenant Paul Stamets. 保罗·斯塔麦兹上尉Submit breath scan for entry. 呼吸扫描才可进入Cadet Sylvia Tilly.候补军官西尔维亚·提利Incoming transmission. 收到传输Designee, Lorca, Gabriel. 指定人卢卡加百列Classified: Above top secret. 密级最高机密之上During the last hour, 在过去的一个小时内while performing black alert maneuvers, 在黑色警报操作过程中我们的姐妹船联邦星舰格伦号there was an incident on our sister ship, the USSGlenn.The entire crew was lost. 所有船员都牺牲了What happened? Was it a bloom failure? 发生了什么是膨胀失灵吗Sending a boarding party to find out. 我会派出外勤小队搞清楚斯塔麦兹上尉你跟着兰德里指挥官Lieutenant Stamets, you'll accompanyCommander Landryand ensure that everything related to The Project 保证把所有与那个项目相关的returns to this ship. 都带回这艘船上Why not just transport what we need 为什么不把我们需要的from the Glenn over to us? 直接从格伦号传送回来The room holding the equipment is shielded.保存设备的房间有力场护盾- Shielded? That's curious. - Indeed. -护盾真有趣-确实我们不要把好奇心留给克林贡人了Let's not indulge that curiosity when down byKlingon territory.Let's get in and get out. 我们速战速决Really? We're running drills near Klingon spacenow?认真的我们现在在克林贡边界演习了We are at war, Lieutenant. I'd appreciate a daygoing by我们在战时上尉我希望without me having to remind you of that. 有一天我没必要提醒你这一点Well, Captain, I will need to take a team with me. 好吧舰长我需要几个人Y ou know, for the cumbersome, annoying sciencepart.为了麻烦的讨人厌的科学部分Pick a team. Do it quickly. 选一队人尽快Take Burnham with you. 带上博翰Sir, it's one thing to make her a data cruncher in my lab. 长官她在我实验室里做数据分析是一回事But to integrate her into this project at such a deeplevel?但是让她参与到这种深度I understand that you lost a friend today, 我理解你今天失去了一个朋友but this is not a democracy. 但这里不是民主的地方Y ou understand? 你明白吗Y es, sir. 是的长官Number One, you sailed with Burnham aboard theShenzhou.大副你在神舟号上和博翰一起服役What is your assessment of her abilities? 你对她的能力有何评价Her mutiny aside, 且不论她的叛变she is... 她the smartest Starfleet officer I have ever known. 是我认识的最聪明的星舰军官And he knows you. 他也认识你I can't believe he picked me. 我不敢相信他选了我I mean, obviously, I'm the best theoreticalengineer on the ship.显而易见我是船上最好的理论工程师It's why I was fast-tracked at the Academy. 所以我在学院跳级了But this is my very first boarding party. 但这是我第一次出外勤Kind of hard to believe, right? 难以相信是吧Not really. 并没有So, um... 所以I need to apologize to you. 我需要道歉Y esterday, I didn't want you to take the stationnext to me昨天我不想让你用我边上的操作台because, um, it's really important 因为我在这里留一个好印象that I make a good impression here, and I wasafraid that...非常重要我担心if I was seen with you, that would get in the way of it. 如果我被看到在你旁边我的印象分就没了I understand. 我能理解It's okay. 没关系No, it's not okay. 不这有关系It's... I have this character flaw. 我有这个缺点我太在意身边的人对我的看法I care too much about what other people thinkabout me.But you don't care if, like, everybody hates you. 你不在意因为所有人都讨厌你No, that came out wrong. Um... 不这话说出来不对Distal 1, ■maintain course and speed. 远端1号保持速度和航线I th... I think that you could help me. 我觉得你能帮我Y ou're a nice kid, Tilly. 你是个好孩子提利But I'm not staying long enough to make friends. 但我不会呆到需要朋友那么久We're dropping out of warp. 我们正离开曲速Approaching the Glenn.接近格伦号Distal 1, confirm visual acquisition.远端1号目视识别确认Y ou see the etchings on the hull? 你看船舱上的蚀刻了么That's evidence of catastrophic basidiosac rupture. 这表示发生了灾难性的担子爆裂"Basidiosac"? 担子That's an unfamiliar term. 这个词很陌生你已经驾驭不了了非瓦肯的数据分析员Y ou're out of your depth here, non-V ulcan numbercruncher.Seen and not heard, please. 拜托闭嘴好吗"Basidia" refers to spore-producing structures. 孢子台是指产生孢子的结构我分析的数据与The numbers I've been analyzing have beenconsistentwith organic structures. 有机结构中的一致Y ou mentioned the term "Bloom." 你提到"开花"这个词That typically refers to biological... 通常这个词是指生物上你是要跟人显摆你有多聪明吗Are you trying to show everyone how smart youare?I'm trying to get up to speed 我是在努力跟上进度so that I can help with this mission. 这样我就能协助这次任务我们的问题根本在哪里生物还是物理In what is our problem based? Biology orphysics?你真是这么天真把他们看成不同学科吗Are you really so naive as to see them asdifferent?Sir? 长官At the quantum level, 在量子层面上来说生物和物理是没有区别的there is no difference between biology andphysics.No difference at all.完全一致And you talk about spores. 而你却在说孢子What are they? 那是什么They are the progenitors of panspermia. 是有生源说的始祖They are the building blocks of energy across the 它们是宇宙能量的构件universe.- Physics and biology? - No. -物理和生物并论吗-不是Physics as biology.物理即是生物All right. 好吧I became an astromycologist because of awe. 我因为敬畏而成了一名太空真菌学家A we at the miracle of life. 对生命的奇迹而惊叹I met Straal, and we formed a partnership. 我见到了斯特拉尔我们成了拍档We would get to the veins and muscles 我们要研究能把我们的星系that hold our galaxies together. 联系在一起的血管和肌肉We would find truth. 我们会找到真理We were happy in our lab. 我们很开心Then your war started, 然后你们的战争打响了and Starfleet co-opted our research. 星际舰队承包了我们的研究They split us up. They put us in charge of twodifferent teams他们将我们分开分管两支不同的小组so we could work twice as fast. 这样我们的研究速度翻倍Not for truth 不是为了真理or to further Starfleet's mission statement ofdiplomacy也不是为了推动星际舰队的外交and exploration. But for war. 和探索任务而是为了战争And now my friend and his colleagues are dead 如今我的朋友和他的同事们because of our research, and I have to live with that. 因为我们的研究而死而我必须背负这结果But if you think that I'm okay 但如果你们觉得我愿意handing my life's work over to that warmonger, 将我毕生的成就交给一个战争贩子Lorca, you're wrong. 洛卡你错了Lieutenant Stamets, I sincerely have no idea 斯塔麦兹上尉我真的不知道what research you're involved in.你做的是什么样的研究I never even intended to be here. 我从来没想过会来这里Well, if Lorca wants you to be here, 如果洛卡想让你来这里I'm afraid your intentions are less than moot. 恐怕你的目的就没什么讨论余地了Activating shuttle bay containment field override. 开启穿梭舱力场操控Pilot, stay with the ship. 飞行员请留在飞船上Affirmative. 是Kowsky, let's move out. 考斯基我们走吧All the power relays and redundancies must be shot. 所有继电器和电源设备冗余可能都被击中了Is that normal? 正常吗Nothing's normal after an accident like this. 碰到像这样的意外没什么是正常的I never anticipated injuries like this. 我从没有预料到像这样的损伤Cadet, scan to determine 学员扫描确认if the helical trauma to the body 船体上螺旋状的损伤是否跟is related to the spiral markings on the ship's hull. 船壳上螺旋状的印记有关系There's correlation. 两者有相关性Engineering is this way. 工程部正在来的路上Look. 看Klingons. 克林贡人Could this mean that they know about the device? 这是不是意味着他们知道了设备的事情If they do, it's all over. 如果他们知道了就完了Why aren't their bodies braided up? 他们的身体为什么没有缠起来Because they didn't die in the initial accident. 因为他们没有死在最初的事故中They probably boarded after spying 他们可能在观察了一艘a crippled Federation ship with no life signs. 没有生命迹象的残破联邦星舰后才上船They beamed on to steal our tech. 他们发射过来想要偷我们的装备What the hell could do this to a dozen fully armed Klingons? 是什么能把一群全副武装的克林贡人伤成这样Over here. 这里This hull is double reinforced. 船壳经过双倍加固What could tear through this metal? 什么能穿透这种金属Y ou, in the shadows, show yourself. 黑暗中的人现身吧Is he shushing you? 他是不是不让你说话Run! 快跑To engineering! 去工程部Set phasers to kill! 相位武器开火In here! 快来这里- Help me! - No! -救救我-不What was that thing? 那是什么Burnham, 博翰download the ship's logs. 下载飞船日志Tilly, pull all telemetry, 提利打开所有遥感勘测器and check the spore containment status. 检查孢子控制状况Oh, God. 天啊I'm sorry, my friend. 很抱歉朋友Log data's corrupted. 日志数据被损坏There's some kind of navigational hack over here. 看起来像是某种导航破解Get what you're getting, please. 收集残留数据This is coming with us. Help me get it off. 把这个带走帮我把它卸下来Jammed. 卡住了Nah. 不There's some kind of device in the reaction cube. 在反应器中有某种设备Well, we'll take it with us. 把它带走Can we go now, please? 我们现在能走了吗Not gonna burn through this in time. 时间不够烧穿它What are you doing? One Federation ship 你在干什么希望联邦星舰之间is pretty much like another, I hope. 没什么区别I need a phaser. 给我一把相位枪Mutineers don't get phasers. It won't kill it. 叛乱者别想能拿到相位枪杀不了它的I'm not trying to kill it, trying to piss it off. 我不是要杀它是要激怒它Shit. That worked. 妈的成功了We're through. Move, move, move! 通了快点快点"这个兔子洞开始像走廊笔直地向前"The rabbit hole went straight on like a tunnel forsome way,{\an8}出自《爱丽丝梦游仙境》and then dipped suddenly down, 后来就突然向下了"So suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think 爱丽丝没来得及站住"about stopping herself, but instead found herself 就发现自己falling down a very deep well." 掉进了一个深井里Burnham, we're in the shuttle. 博翰我们在穿梭舱里了What is your location? 你在哪里Jeffries tube. Elevate the shuttle 200 feet, 杰弗里斯管线在穿梭艇上方60米{\an8\fs18\b1\bord0\shad1}杰弗里斯管线:纵横分布星舰内的走廊\N源于《星际》艺术总监马特·杰弗里斯rear quarter, above the shield-replacement units. 舰尾护盾修复部的上面Open the top hatch. 打开顶部舱口"She was now only ten inches high. 现在她只有十英尺高"Her face had lightly brightened up. "她高兴得眉飞色舞"She was now the right size 她的尺寸已经可以穿过那扇小门到那个可爱的花园里去了" to go through the little door, into that lovelygarden."Go! 快走Bearing one-five, mark six... 15 标记6你完成修改了吗Bridge to ordinance, have you completedmodifications...?Permission to enter the bridge, Commander Saru. 申请进入舰桥萨鲁指挥官Captain requested my presence. 舰长要我在场Permission granted. 准许Commander Airiam, you have the conn. 埃瑞安指挥官控制交给你了另一批囚犯现在正要转移到穿梭机The other prisoners are being transferred to theshuttle now.It's scheduled to leave within the hour. 计划在一小时后出发I'll be on it, sir. 我会在上面长官It has not gone unnoticed that, 我们并非没有注意到during your time on this ship, 你在舰上这段时间you conducted yourself in a respectable manner. 你的举止令人尊敬And from what I understand, 而就我所知you were invaluable to the boarding party, 你对登船小组来的价值毋庸置疑which I was pleased to hear, 作为你的推荐人since I was the one who recommended your 我很高兴听到这一点。
Star Trek《星际迷航11(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本
-星舰开尔文号♥呼叫星舰基地 -星舰基地收到- USS Kelvin, go for Starfleet base. - Starfleet Base.我们已经发送数据请确认是否收到We sent you a transmission. Did you receive it?开尔文号♥ 请复核这些数据Kelvin, can you double-check those readings?我们的重力感应器失灵非常奇怪Our gravitational sensors are going crazy here. You should see this. 看起来像电磁风暴It looks like a lightning storm.你发送的数据看起来似乎不可能What you've sent us doesn't seem possible.是的长官我了解所以我们才发送它Yes mam, I understand. That's why we sent it.-报告情况 -还有20秒进入目视距离- Report. - Still outta visual range. 20 seconds.报告瑞博舰长星际舰队建议采取防御行动Alert captain Robau that Starfleet advised to proceed with caution... 分屏显示Polarize the view screen.-这是什么...克林贡人吗 -舰长已经显示- Whatever this is... Klingon origin? - Captain, we have visual.-重复会是克林贡吗 -不是上尉- Repeat. Could this be Klingon? - Negative, lieutenant.你们距离克林贡边境75000英里以外You're 75000 kilometers from the Klingon border.舰长你看...Captain, are you seeing this?天啊My God.收到报告对方武器已经锁定我们I have a reading. They've locked weapons on us!红色警戒Red alert!-我们已被鱼雷锁定方向320度二号♥位 -准备武器- Torpedo locked on us at 320'- 2! - Arm weapons!执行D-5回避方式Evasive pattern delta 5!我们正遭受严重攻击We're being cut like grass.发射所有激光炮报告损害情况Fire all phasers! Damage report.曲速引擎损坏从没见过这种情况Warp drive's been knocked out. Never seen anything like this. 武器系统中断主动力剩余38%Weapons offline. Main power at 38%.-他们正发射另一颗 -所有能量集中到前护盾- They're firing another! - All power to forward shields!救救我...Help me...失去机动力Maneuver has been lost.护盾是否启用Are shields even on?已经确认17层和13层甲板的伤亡者Decks 17 and 13, we have confirmed casualties.护盾剩余11% 还在下降 10% 9%11% and dropping. 10%. Shields at 9%.所有剩余能量转移到前护盾All remaining power to forward shields.准备撤离用飞船Prepare shuttles for evacuation.你们好Hello.我的司令官要求见你们的舰长My commander requests the presence of your captain...以谈判停火条件In order to negotiate a ceasefire.你必须乘坐飞船到我们舰上来You will come aboard our ship via shuttlecraft.你若拒绝那就太蠢了Your refusal would be unwise.跟我来Walk with me.如果15分钟内我没有消息全舰撤离If I don't report in 15 minutes evacuate the crew.-长官,我们可以... -在这里我们孤立无援- Sir, we could... - There is no outpost out here.使用自动飞行然后弃船Use autopilot and get off this ship.明白舰长Aye captain.你现在是舰长了柯克先生You're captain now, Mr. Kirk.他的心跳加快了His heart rate is elevated.看这艘船Look at the ship.-你熟悉这艘船吗 -你的司令官是谁- Are you familiar with this craft? - Who is your commander?-那就是他吗 -我代表尼禄舰长发言- Is that him? - I will speak for captain Nero.那么请问尼罗舰长Then ask captain Nero:谁给他权力肆意攻击联邦星舰的What gives him the right to attack a Federation vessel.你知道斯波克大使在那里吗Do you know the location of ambassador Spock?我不知道什么斯波克大使I'm unfamiliar with ambassador Spock.-现在是星历哪年 -哪一年- What is the current star date? - Star date?2233.042233.04.你们来自哪里Where are you from?已死亡Terminated.长官他们已经锁定我们的信♥号♥♥Sir, they have a lock on our signal.他们准备再次开火They're launching again.B-6方案全方位开火Bravo 6 maneuver fire, full spread!我下达13号♥舰长令全员撤离I'm initiating general order 13, we're evacuating!是长官Sir.所有舰层注意我是舰长立即弃船逃生All decks, this is the captain speaking, evacuate the ship immediately. 迅速前往指定飞船开始撤离Get your... to the shuttlecraft. Begin evacuating...是乔治的声音发生什么了That's George's voice. What's happening?我们得去逃生艇分娩快We'll deliver it in the shuttle. Go!-乔治 -你很好感谢上帝- George. - You're OK, thank God.37号♥医疗逃生艇待命中你现在过去可以吗I have medical shuttle 37 standing by. Get to it now. Can you do that? 可以Yes.一切都会好的Everything's gonna be OK.照我说的做去37号♥逃生艇Do exactly as I say, shuttle 37.乔治快了George, it's coming.-我们的孩子快出生了 -我马上到- Our baby. It's coming now. - I'm on my way.自动驾驶系统失效只能人工控制Autopilot function has been destroyed. Manual operation only.清理甲板赶往逃生艇快快快Clear those decks now! Get to the shuttles! Move! Move! Move!-越来越厉害了 -继续呼吸你会好的- That was a big one! - Just keep breathing. You'll be fine.-宝宝也一样对吧 -宝宝也会没事的- And the baby too, right? - And the baby too.就在这里Right here.舰长呼叫37号♥逃生艇我的妻子在吗Captain to shuttle 37. Is my wife on board?-是的长官她在 -我要你们立刻出发明白吗- Yes sir, she is. - I need you to go now. Do you hear me?-我们会等您的长官 -不你们立即离开- We're waiting on you sir. - No, just go, take off immediately.-这是命令 -明白长官- That's an order. - Yes sir.等等我们还不能出发Wait. We're not going yet.求你停下Please stop.乔治逃生艇要离开了你在哪里George, the shuttle's leaving. Where are you?亲爱的听我说我不能赶过去了Sweetheart, listen to me. I'm not gonna be there.-不 -这是让你活下去的唯一方法- No. - This is the only way you'll survive.别留在船上到我身边来Please don't stay on the ship. Come to me here.如果我不打败他们飞船是逃不掉的The shuttles will never make it if I don't fight them off. 乔治我不能没有你George, I can't do this without you.好的现在用力OK, I need you to push now!系统失效SYSTEMS FAILING碰撞进程启动COLLISION COURSE ENGAGED-怎么样 -是个男孩- What is it? - It's a boy.男孩A boy?-跟我说说他 -他很美- Tell me about him. - He's beautiful.乔治你应该在这里的George, you should be here.撞击警告Impact alert.我们给他起什么名字What are we gonna call him?我们可以起你父亲的名字We can name him after your father.泰比里厄斯你开玩笑吧不那太糟了Tiberius, you kiddin' me? No, that's the worst.起你父亲的名字吧叫他詹姆斯Let's name him after your dad. Let's call him Jim.詹姆斯好就叫詹姆斯Jim. OK. Jim it is.-亲爱的你能听到我吗 -能- Sweetheart can you hear me? - I can hear...我太爱你了I love you so much.我爱你I love you!星际迷航爱荷华州你疯了吗那车子可是古董Hey, are you out of your mind? That car is an antique.你以为你妈不在地球上你就不会被罚了吗You think you can get away with this just because your mother's off planet. 现在马上滚回家你住的可是我的房♥子You get your ass back home now! You live in my house buddy.你住我的房♥子开我的车You live in my house and that's my car.你弄伤一道划痕我就让你尝尝竹笋肉片...You get one scratch on that car and I'm gonna whip your ass...约翰尼Hey Johnny!先生请靠边停车Citizen, pull over.不Noooo...!有问题吗警♥察♥先生Is there a problem officer?先生你叫什么名字Citizen, what is your name?我叫詹姆斯·泰比里厄斯·柯克My name is James Tiberius Kirk.瓦肯星球的体积公式是什么What is the formula for the volume of a sphere?4/3×π×(R^3)...4/3 PI times the radius cubed...1.26...1.26...维度是多少...What is the dimensionality...维度等于n的对数处以...Dimensionality equals the logarithm of n divided by...无排他性及无敌对性...non-excludability and non-rivalry...4/3×π×(R^3)......4/3 PI times the radius...精神上值得称颂但实际无此义务...is morally praiseworthy but not morally obligatory.斯波克Spock.我想你已经准备好今天新的侮辱了吧I presume you've prepared new insults for today?不错Affirmative.这是你第35次试图引起我的情绪反映This is your 35th attempt to illicit an emotional response from me.你既非人也非瓦肯人在宇宙没有立足之地You're neither Human nor Vulcan and therefore have no place in this universe. 看他的人眼那是哀伤不是吗Look, his Human eyes. They look sad. Don't they.或许需要一些肉体上的刺♥激♥才能让你生气Perhaps an emotional response requires physical stimulate.你的父亲是个叛徒He's a traitor you know? Your father.他娶了那个人类娼妓For marrying her. That Human whore.他们说您是叛徒They called you a traitor.我们的种族情感深沉Emotions run deep within our race.许多方面来说远比人类更为深邃In many ways more deeply than in humans.逻辑能提供给镇定者难得的体验Logic offers a serenity humans seldom experience.控制住情感你才不会受它们控制The control of feelings... So that they do not control you.您建议我应该彻底成为瓦肯人You suggest that I should be completely Vulcan?但你却娶了一个人类女性And yet you married a Human.作为地球大使我的职责就是观察As ambassador to Earth it is my duty to observe并理解人类的行为And understand Human behavior.娶了你的母亲...很符合逻辑Marrying your mother was... logical.斯波克Spock.你完全能够决定自己的命运You are fully capable of deciding your own destiny.问题是你会选择哪条路The question you face is:Which path will you choose?有些事只有你自己才能决定This is something only you can decide.斯波克过来让妈看看你Spock. Come here, let me see you.-不 -斯波克- No. - Spock.不用担心你会好的There's no need to be anxious. You'll do fine.我不担心妈妈I am hardly anxious, mother."好"的定义太多了 "好"无法令人接受And fine has variable definitions, fine is unacceptable.好吧Okay.-我能问个私人问题吗 -当然可以- May I ask a personal query? - Anything.我应该完成瓦肯的柯里纳训练Should I choose to complete the Vulcan discipline of Kolinahr.去除所有情感吗And purge all emotion?我相信您不会以为这是针对你的I trust you will not feel it reflects judgment upon you.斯波克Oh Spock.一如以往无论你选择什么妈妈以你为荣As always, whatever you choose to be, you will have a proud mother. 你的成绩远胜导师的预期You have surpassed the expectations of your instructors.你的记录完美无瑕除了一点Your final record is flawless. With one exception.我注意到你也申请了联邦星舰I see that you have applied to Starfleet as well.为自己准备多项选择完全符合逻辑It was logical to cultivate more options.合乎逻辑但不必要Logical, but unnecessary.兹宣布你已被瓦肯科学研究院接受You are hereby accepted to the Vulcan Science Academy.斯波克你很优秀虽有劣势It is truly remarkable Spock that you have achieved so much...却能获得如此多的成就despite your disadvantage.起立All rise.议长先生你能说明你指的什么短处吗If you would clarify, minister? To what disadvantage are you referring? 你的人类母亲Your Human mother.议会议长们我必须谢绝Council, ministers, I must decline.从来没有瓦肯人曾经拒绝进入这所学院No Vulcan has ever declined admission to this Academy.既然我是半人类您的记录将依旧无瑕But as I am half-human, your record remains untarnished.斯波克你承诺过会遵循瓦肯方式的Spock, you have made a commitment to honor the Vulcan way.你今日为何还要走到议会面前Why did you come before this council today?为了让你的叛逆情绪得到满足吗Was it to satisfy your emotional need to rebel?我唯一想表达的情感就是感谢The only emotion I wish to convey is gratitude.谢谢议会和议长们对我的关心Thank you, ministers, for your consideration.生生不息繁荣昌盛Live long and prosper.-你好 -好- Hi. - Hey there.你好我要一杯星鳗火茶三杯经典百威Hi. I'd like a Clabmin fire tea... 3 Budweiser Classics,两杯卡达西恩日落和...2 Cardassian sunrises and...-试试莎休酒不错的 -一杯莎休调酒谢谢- Try the Slusho, it's good. - A Slusho mix, thank you.作为女人喝得可真够多的That's a lot of drinks for a woman.-还有一杯不加冰的杰克 -双份算在我账上- And a shot of Jack, straight up. - Make that two. Her shot's on me.我自己付钱谢谢不用你付Her shot's on her. Thanks, but no thanks.你彻底拒绝我之前就不想知道我的名字吗Don't you at least wanna know my name before you completely reject me? 我不问也无所谓I'm fine without it.你不问也无所谓我叫詹姆斯·柯克You are fine without it. It's Jim, Jim Kirk.你要是不告诉我名字我只好自己编一个If you don't tell me your name, I'm gonna have to make one up.-我叫乌胡拉 -乌胡拉不会吧- It's Uhura. - Uhura? No way.我正想替你起这个名That's the name I was gonna make up for you.-乌胡拉姓呢 -没有姓- Uhura what? - Just Uhura.你们的世界是没有姓的吗They don't have last names in your world?乌胡拉就是我的姓Uhura is my last name.那你们的世界是没有名的吗Well they don't have last names in your world?借过老兄Excuse me buddy.你是学员学什么的So, you're a cadet, your studying. What's your focus?外星语言学你根本不知道这词的意思吧Xenolinguistics. You have no idea what that means.外星人语言的研究形态学音韵学句法The study of alien languages. Morphology, phonology, syntax.看来你很有语言天赋Means you've got a talented tongue.我很惊讶I'm impressed.刚才我还以为你只是个呆头呆脑的乡巴佬For a moment there, I thought you were just a dumb-hair colonial只会找牲口发泄Who has sex with farm animals.可不只是牲口Well, not only.这个土老帽没骚扰你吧This townie isn't bothering you, right?骚扰得厉害不过我应付得来Oh, beyond belief. But it's nothing I can't handle.你能应付这算是邀请吗You could've handled me. That's an invitation.-喂你最好识相点 -别紧张亲爱的玩笑而已- Hey. You better mind your manners. - Oh relax cupcake, it was a joke.乡巴佬你会数数吗Hey farm boy, maybe you can't count.我们有四个人对付你一个There are 4 of us and 1 of you.再多找点人吧那样才公平So get some more guys and then it'll be an even fight.伙计们住手Guys. Stop it.住手Stop it!够了Enough!伙计们够了Guys, he's had enough.全部出去Outside. All of you.-现在 -是的长官- Now. - Yes, sir.-什么... -我只是喝杯酒- What... - I just bought a drink.你还好吗孩子You all right, son?你口哨吹得真好You can whistle really loud, you know that?酒保告诉我你是谁的时候我简直不敢相信You know I couldn't believe it when the bartender told me who you are.-我是谁派克船长 -你父亲的儿子- Who the hell am I, captain Pike? - Your father's son.能再给我一杯吗Can I get another one?我写过关于联邦星舰开尔文号♥的学术论文For my dissertation I was assigned USS Kelvin.我欣赏你父亲他不相信有不可能赢的时候Something I admired about your dad, he didn't believe in no-win scenarios.他肯定是经验丰富Sure learned his lesson.那取决于你如何定义"胜利"Well that depends on how you define winning.-你在听我说吧 -谢谢- You're here, aren't you? - Thanks.不加思考直接行动也是他的天性之一You know that instinct to leap without looking, that was his nature too...我认为这正是联邦舰队所失去的And in my opinion something Starfleet's lost.你为什么和我说这些Why are you talking to me man?因为我在你泡妞的时候看了你的档案Because I looked up your file while you were drooling on the floor.你的能力倾向测验出类拔萃那问题是什么Your aptitude tests are off the charts, so what is it?你想喜欢成为中西部唯一一名天才惯犯吗You like being the only genius level repeat-offender in the mid-west?或许我爱得很呢Maybe I love it.那么是父亲的死让你满足于平淡的生活So your dad dies, you can saddle for less than an ordinary life.还是你认为自己应得更好的更为特别的Or do you feel that you were meant for something better? Something special? -加入星际舰队吧 -入伍- Enlist in Starfleet. - Enlist?你们这个月的招募额肯定是低过头了吧You guys must be way down on your recruiting quarter for the month.如果你有你父亲一半能力詹姆斯If you're half the man your father was Jim,星际舰队就能用得上你Starfleet could use you.你可以在四年内成为军官八年内当上舰长You can be an officer in 4 years, you can have your own ship in 8.你明白星际联邦是什么对吧这很重要You understand what the Federation is, don't you? It's important,它是一支维护和平及人道主义的舰队It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada.说完了吗We done?我说完了I'm done.河边船坞新人招募艇明早八点离开Riverside shipyard. Shuttle for new recruits leaves tomorrow - 08:00. 你的父亲当了12分钟舰长Your father was captain of a starship for 12 minutes.他救了800条命包括你们母子俩的He saved 800 lives, including your mother's and yours.我谅你也做不到更好了I dare you to do better.车够帅啊哥们Nice ride man.送给你了It's yours.四年吗我会在三年内做到4 years? I'll do it in 3.放松点先生们At ease gentlemen.一直没打听到名字Never did get that first name.-你需要医生 -我跟你们说了- You need a doctor. - I told you people,我不需要医生该死我就是医生I don't need a doctor, damn it. I am a doctor.你得回到自己座位上You need to get back to your seat.我的就在没窗户的盥洗室里I had one, in the bathroom with no windows.我有惧飞症我对能上天的东西都怕得要死I suffer from aviofobia. That means fear of dying in something that flies. 先生为了安全请您坐下否则我得强迫您Sir, for your own safety, sit down or else I'll make you sit down!-好吧 -谢谢合作- Fine. - Thank you.我是派克舰长我们准备起飞This is captain Pike, we've been cleared for takeoff.我可能会吐在你身上I may throw up on you.-我想这里很安全 -别安慰我了孩子- I think these things are pretty safe. - Don't pander with me kid.船上有一条小缝我们的血液将在13秒内沸腾One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in 13 seconds.突发一次太阳耀斑我们将被烤熟在椅子上A solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats.等着看你走运地患上安多里安疱疹吧And while you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, 看你双眼流血的时候还能不能这么镇定See if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding.太空就是被黑暗和沉寂掩盖的疾病和危险Space is disease and danger, wrapped in darkness and silence. 我不想跟你说破但星舰就是在太空航行的Well I hate to break this to you, but Starfleet operates in space. 对我没别的地儿可去了Yeah, well... I've got nowhere else to go,离婚时前妻抢走了整颗星球The ex wife took the whole damn planet in the divorce.我就剩下这把老骨头All I've got left is my bones.-詹姆斯·柯克 -麦科伊伦纳德·麦科伊- Jim Kirk. - McCoy. Leonard McCoy.三年后Three years later.尼禄舰长舰桥请您过去长官Captain Nero. You've been requested on the bridge, sir.阿伊尔说时候到了Ayel says it's time.长官我们已经抵达您所计算的坐标Sir, we've arrived at the coordinates we calculated.但这里空无一物您的命令是There's nothing here. What are your orders?我们等We wait.等那个听任我们家园被毁的人到来We wait for the one who allowed our home to be destroyed.正如我们这25年来所做的As we've been doing for 25 years.-等我们杀了他之后呢 -杀了他- And once we've killed him? - Kill him?我不会杀了他我要他看着I'm not gonna kill him. I gonna make him watch.逮住那只船Capture that ship.欢迎回来斯波克Welcome back, Spock.-你在高兴什么 -不知道你在说啥- Why are you so happy? - I do not know what you're talking about. -对我猜你也不知道 -好啊姑娘们- No, I don't suppose you do. - Hello ladies.-我要再做一次测试 -你开玩笑吧- I'm taking the test again. - You've got to be kidding.不开玩笑明天上午我要你也来Yeah, tomorrow morning. And I want you there.我还有比眼睁睁看你You know I've got better things to do...第三次给自己难堪更有价值的事情可做Than watch you embarrass yourself for the 3rd time.我是医生詹姆斯我忙得很I am a doctor, Jim. I'm busy.老骨头从来没人过那个测试你没有疑问吗Bones, it doesn't bother you that no one's ever passed the test.詹姆斯那可是小林丸号♥测试从来没人能过Jim, it's Kobayashi Maru. No one passes the test.也没人去考第二次更别提第三次了And no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds.我还得学习I've gotta study.你学个屁Study, my ass.詹姆斯我想我爱你Jim, I think I love you.-好诡异 -开灯- That is so weird. - Lights.-你刚刚是不是说"好诡异" -对我说了但...- Did you just say that is so weird. - Yeah, I did, but I...你不爱我吗You don't love me too?天我的室友Oh, no, my roommate.可我记得你说过她整晚都不会回来的I thought you said she was gone for the night.显然不是了快点到床底下去Obviously she's not, quick, you gotta... just get under the bed.-床底... -就到床底去- Under...? - Look, just get under the bed.-不能让她看到你在这 -为啥- She can't see you here. - Why not?因为我向她保证过不会再把男人带回来Because I promised her I'd stop bringing guys back to the dorm.-那你到底带了多少男人... -快下去快- Well how... how many guys have y...? - Just d... just down.你怎么样Hey. How are you?-很好啊 -最最奇怪的事情- Good. - Strangest thing...我在远程传感实验室里I was in the long range sensor lab.我以为你会呆一整夜Yeah, I... I thought all night...我正追踪太阳系突然收到紧急求救信♥号♥♥I was tracking solar systems and I picked up an emergency transmission. -真的 -对啊- Really? - Yeah.从一颗克林贡囚星上发出的From a Klingon prison planet.-不是吧 -没错- No. - Yeah.一支克林贡舰队被毁 47艘舰船A Klingon armada was destroyed, 47 ships.那你今晚就不回实验室吗So, you're not going back to the lab tonight?-盖尔他是谁 -谁是谁啊- Gaila, who is he? - Who's who?藏你床底下张着大嘴呼吸的那个The mouth-breather hiding under your bed.-你能听到我在呼吸 -你- You could hear me breathing? - You.-明天可是大日子 -你肯定会挂的- Big day tomorrow. - You're gonna fail.-盖尔回见 -快滚- Gail, see you around. - Get out.要是我过了能告诉我你的名字吗If I pass will you tell me your first name?不行晚安No. Good night.你收到求救信♥号♥♥一事非常有趣I think the fact that you picked up a transmission is very impress...我们收到从小林丸号♥舰船发送的遇难信♥号♥♥ We're receiving a distress signal from the USS Kobayashi Maru.星舰已失去动力处于困境The ship has lost power and is stranded.星际舰队司令部命令我们前往救援Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them."星际舰队司令部命令我们前往救援"..."舰长"Starfleet command has ordered us to rescue them... captain.两艘克林贡飞船进入了中立地带Two Klingon vessels have entered the neutral zone...并将武器锁定了我们And are locking weapons on us.-没关系 -没关系吗- That's okay. - That's okay?对不用担心Yeah, don't worry about it.他说"不用担心"Did he say don't worry about it?他压根就没打算认真对待模拟作战吧Is he not taking the simulation seriously?又有三艘克林贡飞船撤除隐身瞄准了我们Three more Klingon war birds decloaking and targeting our ship.我想这大概也不成问题吧I don't suppose this is a problem either?他们开火了舰长They're firing, captain.通知医疗部准备迎接受损飞船上的...Alert medical bay to prepare to receive...所有伤员All crew members from the damaged ship.被克林贡人包围的情况下And how do you expect us to rescue them...如何拯救他们呢舰长when we're surrounded by Klingons... captain?去通知医疗部Alert medical.我们的舰船被击中护盾剩余60%Our ship is being hit. Shields at 60%.我明白I understand.我们要如何回击吗Should we, I don't know, fight back?-不 -当然不能- No. - Of course not.这是怎么回事搞什么鬼What is this? What's going on?光子炮准备对克林贡飞船开火Hm. Arm photons. Prepare to fire on the Klingon war birds.-是长官 -詹姆斯他们的护盾还在- Yes, sir. - Jim, their shields are still up.是吗Are they?-不没有了 -对所有敌舰开火- No, they're not. - Fire on all enemy ships.每艘一发光子炮就够了不必浪费弹♥药♥One photon each should do let's not waste ammunition.锁定目标瞄准所有飞船Target locked an acquired on all war birds.开火Firing.所有舰船都已摧毁舰长All ships destroyed, captain.开始拯救被困人员Begin rescue of the stranded crew.那么我们设法摧毁了所有敌舰So, we've managed to eliminate all enemy ships,船上无人受伤No one on board was injured,对小林丸号♥船员的成功救援正在进行之中And the successful rescue of the Kobayashi Maru crew is under way. 那小鬼怎么能通过你的测试How the hell did that kid beat your test?我不知道I do not know.召开这次会议是为了解决一件麻烦事This session has been called to resolve a troubling matter.詹姆斯·T·柯克走上前来James T. Kirk, step forward.柯克学员有证据被呈交委员会Cadet Kirk, evidence has been submitted to this council,指出你违反了星际舰队章程17.43规章Suggesting that you violated the ethical code of conduct所制定的行动守则Pursuing to regulation 17.43 of the Starfleet code.在我们开始之前你有想说的话吗先生Is there anything you care to say before we begin, sir?有我想我有权面对我的控告人Yes. I believe I have the right to face my accuser directly?请站上前来Step forward please.斯波克指挥官我们最杰出的毕业生之一This is commander Spock. He is one of our most distinguished graduates. 在过去的四年里他负责编程小林丸号♥测试He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last 4 years.指挥官Commander.柯克学员你设法在程序代码中...Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed to install and activate a subroutine... 安插了一个子程序改变了测试的条件In the programming code, thereby changing the conditions of the test.-你想说的是 -用校园行话来说你作弊了- Your point being? - In academic vernacular. You cheated.让我问个谁都知道答案的问题吧Let me ask you something I think we all know the answer to.测试本身就是作弊吧你根本没打算让人赢The test itself is a cheat, isn't it? You programmed it to be unwinnable.你的论点排除了毫无赢面出现的可能性Your argument precludes the ability of a no-win scenario?我不相信毫无赢面的情况I don't believe in no-win scenarios.那么你不仅仅违反了规定Then not only did you violate the rules,而且根本就没弄懂关键点何在you also failed to understand the principle lesson.那就给我点启发吧Please, enlighten me.你应该比别人更清楚柯克学员You of all people should know, cadet Kirk,舰长无法逃脱一死A captain cannot cheat death.-就我一个人吗 -你父亲- I of all people? - Your father,乔治·柯克中尉接过舰长一职之后Lt. George Kirk assumed command of his vessel...随即阵亡不是吗Before being killed in action, did he not?我想你大概很不高兴我通过了你的测试吧I don't think you like the fact that I beat your test.此外你未能明白这一测试的目的Further more you have failed to define the purpose of the test.-再给我点启发吧 -其目的是为了体验恐惧- Enlighten me again. - The purpose to experience fear.在死亡已无可避免时的恐惧Fear in the face of certain death.在接受恐惧的同时控制住自己管理好船员To accept that fear and maintain control of oneself and one's crew. 这是星际舰队每一位舰长都应具备的素质This is a quality expected in every Starfleet captain.打扰一下长官Excuse me, sir.我们收到瓦肯星发来的求救信♥号♥♥We've received a distress call from Vulcan.我们的主要战舰均集结在劳伦星系With our primary fleet engaged in the Laurentian system,我在此命令所有学员马上到一号♥机库报道I hereby order all cadets to report to hangar 1 immediately.解散Dismissed.-那个尖耳杂种是谁 -我不认识- Who was that pointy-eared bastard? - I do not know.不过我喜欢他But I like him.巴瑞瑟联邦星舰法拉古特号♥Bracer, USS Farragut.麦考伊联邦星舰进取号♥McCoy, USS Enterprise.麦克格拉斯联邦星舰沃尔科特号♥McGrath, USS Walcott.斯巴德联邦星舰胡德号♥Spader, USS Hood.欢迎来到星际舰队祝各位好运Welcome to Starfleet. Godspeed.他没叫到我的名字He didn't call my name.指挥官长官你没叫我的名字柯克詹姆斯·T Commander, sir, you didn't call my name, Kirk, James T.柯克你被停学了意味着在校委会裁决之前Kirk, you're on academic suspension, that means you're grounded 你必须留在地上Until the academy board rules.詹姆斯校委会的裁决会偏向你的Jim, the board will rule in your favor.很有可能Most likely.听着詹姆斯我得走了Look Jim, I've gotta go.好的你去吧小心点Yeah. Yeah, go. Be safe.-借过 -嗯嗯好的- Excuse me. - Yeah. Yeah. Sorry.该死Damn it.跟我来Come with me.乌胡拉联邦星舰法拉古特号♥Uhura, USS Farragut.普特拉夫斯基联邦星舰心宿二星号♥Petrovsky, USS Antares.马上各就各位祝你们好运Go to your stations and good luck.-老骨头我们去哪啊 -你马上就知道了- Bones, where are we going? - You'll see.-指挥官能问一句么 -什么事中尉- Commander, a word? - Yes, lieutenant?-我难道不是您最好的学生之一吗 -你当然是- Was I not one of your top students? - Indeed you were.我难道不是曾经多次表露出...And did I not on multiple occasions demonstrate...我卓越的听觉能力并且恕我引用an exceptional oral sensitivity, and I quote..."在子空间数据传输测验中"An unparalleled ability to identify sonic anomalies...可分辨出音波异常的卓绝能力"In subspace transmission tests"?。
电影《星际迷航3:超越星⾠》剧情简介 《星际迷航3:超越星⾠》是《星际迷航》系列电影第三部,⽚于2016年7⽉22⽇在美国上映,并于2016年9⽉2⽇在中国上映,下⾯,yjbys⼩编为⼤家简单介绍⼀下这部影⽚的主要内容,希望⼤家喜欢! 剧情简介: 科克船长(克⾥斯·派恩饰)带领企业号继续踏上宇宙探索的旅程,他向⽼⾻头(卡尔·厄本饰)讲述了⾃⼰对于船长⾝份的忧虑,⽽在他与最好的朋友史波克(扎克瑞·昆图饰)互诉衷肠前,他们⼜接到了⼀个紧急救援的任务。
⾓⾊介绍: 科克 演员克⾥斯·派恩 企业号舰长,他带领企业号来到了银河的未知区域,开始了为期5年的任务,探索新世界,寻找新物种,在这过程中科克有点迷失⽅向,他要寻找新的⽣活⽬标,他的错失差点让企业号全军覆没。
史波克 演员扎克瑞·昆图 企业号科学官兼⼤副,史巴克则是凡事都以严谨的逻辑思考为原则,他和柯克舰长⼀直有很奇怪的默契,但这次他和⾻头医⽣搭档,为企业号对抗星际和平⽽战。
乌胡拉 演员佐伊·索尔达娜 企业号通讯官,负责舰上与外界的通讯交流,同时她⼜是优秀的外星语⾔专家,精通多种外星语⾔。
Jaylah 演员索菲亚·宝特拉 新异星⼈物,⾯呈⽩⾊,她全家被⼤反派Krall杀害之后,独⾃在某星球上练武,学习各种器械,还会DIY很多⾼端的陷阱来保护⾃⼰,同时她也守候着复仇的那⼀天。
the expanse
the expanseThe Expanse (无垠的太空)是2015年托马斯·简主演的电视剧,本剧根据James S.A. Corey同名科幻小说改编,《人类之子》、《钢铁侠》制片人Mark Fergus和Hawk Ostby负责创作本剧,曾执导过绝命毒师的Terry McDonough执导本剧前两集,有评论家将本剧比作太空版“权力的游戏”。
The Expanse (无垠的太空)根据同名小说改编而成根据原著设定,《太空无垠》故事发生在200年后的未来,一位硬派的侦探和一个走私太空舰的舰长联手调查一个神秘女孩Juliette Mao(弗罗伦丝·费佛瑞饰演)的失踪案,他们穿越太阳系揭发人类历史上最大的阴谋。
The Expanse (无垠的太空)是Syfy电视网自建网以来「投资最大」的一部剧集,同时标志着走了很多年灵异、恐怖、玄幻路线的Syfy终于回归科幻本质。
该剧根据James S.A. Corey创作的同名系列科幻小说改编,原版小说目前包括三本书。
2011年出版的《巨兽觉醒》(Leviathan Wakes)获得2012年度雨果奖最佳小说奖提名和轨迹奖最佳科幻小说奖。
2012年和2013年,这套小说又先后出版了《凯列班战争》(Caliban’s War)和《地狱魔王之门》(Abaddon’s Gate)两本书,均获得正面评价。
电影情书插曲电影情书插曲篇一:《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐《致电影的一封情书》中所有经典电影及配乐By 握不住的灵魂#1# Grouplove - Tongue Tied* 00:03 泰坦尼克号Titanic (1997)“Want you go to a real party?”* 00:12 艺术家 The Artist (2011)* 00:14 阳光姐妹淘 ?? (2011)* 00:15 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:16 月升王国 Mooise Kingdom (2012)* 00:17 王子殿下 Your Highness (2011)* 00:18 布吉舞Стиляги (2008)* 00:19 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:19 独家新闻 Scoop (2006)* 00:20 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 00:23 摇滚年代 Rock of Ages (2012)* 00:25 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:26 绝代艳后 Marie Antoinette (2006)* 00:27 两小无猜 Melody (1971)* 00:28 雨中曲 Singin" in the Rain (1952)* 00:29 摩登时代 Modern Times (1936)* 00:30 宿醉2 The Hangover Part II (2011)* 00:31 泰迪熊 Ted (2012)* 00:32 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 00:33 贫民窟的百万富翁 Slumdog Millionaire (2008)* 00:34 涉外大饭店 The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel (2011)* 00:35 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 00:36 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:37 一夜狂欢 A Hard Day"s Night (1964)* 00:38 我与梦露的一周 My Week with Marilyn (2011) * 00:39 女人就是女人 Une femme est une femme (1961) * 00:39 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 00:41 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 00:42 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 00:43 悬崖上的金鱼姬崖の上のポニョ (2008)* 00:44 太坏了 Superbad (2007)* 00:45 疯狂愚蠢的爱 Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)* 00:46 巴黎,我爱你 Paris, je t"aime (2006)* 00:47 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 00:48 四个婚礼和一个葬礼 Four Weddings and a Funeral (1994)* 00:49 独裁者 The Dictator (2012)* 00:50 喜剧之王 The King of Comedy (1982)* 00:51 一天 One Day (2011)* 00:51 单身男子 A Single Man (2009)* 00:52 里约大冒险 Rio (2011)* 00:53 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 00:54 大傻瓜 Vollidiot (2007)* 00:55 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 00:55 超级英雄 Super (2010)* 00:56 狗镇之主 Lords of Dogtown (2005)* 00:57 篮球日记 The Basketball Diaries (1995)* 00:57 八部半 8? (1963)* 00:58 龙虎少年队 21 Jump Street (2012)* 00:59 让子弹飞 (2010)* 00:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 01:00 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:01 一周 One Week (1920)* 01:03 四头狮子 Four Lions (2010)* 01:03 社交网络 The Social Network (2010)* 01:04 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:05 芭萨提的颜色 Rang De Basanti (2006)* 01:06 罗马假日 Roman Holiday (1953)* 01:07 精武门精武門 (1972)* 01:07 X计划 Project X (2012)* 01:08 爱在黎明破晓前 Before Suise (1995)* 01:09 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 01:12 白日梦国度 Daydream Nation (2010)* 01:13 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 01:14 大师 The Master (2012)* 01:15 海盗电台 The Boat That Rocked (2009)* 01:16 我爱你莫里斯 I Love You Phillip Morris (2009)* 01:17 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:18 操行零分Zéro de conduite: Jeunes diables au collège (1933)* 01:19 两小无猜 Jeux d"enfants (2003)* 01:20 现代启示录 Apocalypse Now (1979)* 01:21 低俗小说 Pulp Fiction (1994)* 01:22 狗男女 Go (1999)* 01:23 无敌破坏王 Wreck-It Ralph (2012)* 01:23 魔法师的学徒 The Sorcerer"s Apprentice (2010)* 01:25 城市之光 City Lights (1931)* 01:26 登堂入室 Dans la maison (2012)* 01:26 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 01:21 金玉满堂金玉滿堂 (1995)#2# Imagine Dragons - Radioactive* 01:29 指环王1:魔戒再现 The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) “You shall not pass!”* 01:35 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 01:35 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:36 悲惨世界Les Misérables (2012)* 01:38 公民凯恩 Citizen Kane (1941)* 01:38 无法无天 Lawless (2012)* 01:39 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 01:40 乡下人 Hick (2011)* 01:41 恶魔的替身 The Devil"s Double (2011)* 01:42 超能失控 Chronicle (2012)* 01:43 沉默的羔羊 The Silence of the Lambs (1991)* 01:44 饥饿游戏 The Hunger Games (2012)* 01:45 X战警:第一战 X-Men: First Class (2011)* 01:46 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 01:47 西部往事 C"era una volta il West (1968)* 01:48 坠入 The Fall (2006)* 01:49 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:50 逃离德黑兰 Argo (2012)* 01:51 西北偏北 North by Northwest (1959)* 01:53 猎杀本·拉登 Zero Dark Thirty (2012)* 01:53 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 01:54 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 01:55 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主之魔镜魔镜 Mirror Mirror (2012)* 01:56 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 01:57 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) the Deathly Hallows: Part 2 (2011)* 01:59 黑衣人3 Men in Black III (2012)* 01:59 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士 The Dark Knight (2008)* 02:00 雨果 Hugo (2011)* 02:01 致命急件 Premium Rush (2012)* 02:03 霍比特人1:意外之旅 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (2012)* 02:05 白雪公主与猎人 Snow White and the Huntsman (2012)* 02:08 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:09 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:10 飞越疯人院 One Flew Over the Cuckoo"s Nest (1975)* 02:12 猜火车 Trainspotting (1996)* 02:15 通往仙境 To the Wonder (2012)* 02:16 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:17 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:18 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 02:19 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:20 康斯坦丁 Constantine (2005)* 02:21 搏击俱乐部 Fight Club (1999)* 02:22 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 02:22 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:24 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 02:25 出租车司机 Taxi Driver (1976)* 02:28 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 02:29 迫降航班 Flight (2012)* 02:30 碟中谍4 Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011)* 02:30 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:32 被解救的姜戈 Django Unchained (2012)* 02:32 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏 Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows (2011)* 02:33 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:33 亚伯拉罕·林肯:吸血鬼猎人 Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (2012)* 02:33 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:34 美国队长 Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)* 02:36 蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起 The Dark Knight Rises (2012)* 02:36 谍影重重4 The Bourne Legacy (2012)* 02:37 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)* 02:40 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 02:41 盗梦空间 Inception (2010)* 02:42 变形金刚3 Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011)* 02:43 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:44 雷神 Thor (2011)* 02:45 伤心小号曲 Balada triste de trompeta (2010)* 02:45 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:46 铁甲钢拳 Real Steel (2011)* 02:48 超级战舰 Battleship (2012)* 02:49 源代码 Source Code (2011)* 02:50 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 02:51 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 02:52 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 02:53 寻求正义 Seeking Justice (2011)* 02:54 在路上 On the Road (2012)* 02:55 通缉令 Wanted (2008)* 02:55 触不可及 Intouchables (2011)* 02:56 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)* 02:58 亡命驾驶 Drive (2011)* 02:59 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994)* 03:03 诸神之怒 Wrath of the Titans (2012)* 03:04 无耻混蛋 Inglourious Basterds (2009)* 03:07 勇敢传说 Brave (2012)* 03:09 不明身份 Unknown (2011)* 03:11 海啸奇迹 Lo imposible (2012)* 03:12 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:14 西游记大结局之仙履奇缘 (1995)* 03:16 普罗米修斯 Prometheus (2012)* 03:17 异星战场 John Carter (2012)* 03:18 饥饿 Hunger (2008)* 03:19 血色将至 There Will Be Blood (2007)* 03:20 西游降魔篇 (2013)* 03:21 复仇者联盟 The Avengers (2012)* 03:24 猩球崛起 Rise of the Planet of the Apes (2011) * 03:27 超凡蜘蛛侠 The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)* 03:28 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:29 一代宗师 The Grandmaster (2013)* 03:31 英雄 (2002)* 03:34 三个火枪手 The Three Musketeers (2011)* 03:35 特警判官 Dredd (2012)* 03:36 黑暗阴影 Dark Shadows (2012)* 03:36 环形使者 Looper (2012)* 03:37 雷神 Thor (2011)* 03:38 细节 The Details (2011)* 03:41 云图 Cloud Atlas (2012)#3# Mew - Comforting Sounds* 03:45 这个杀手不太冷Léon (1994) “I love you ,Leon”* 03:58 少年派的奇幻漂流 Life of Pi (2012)* 03:59 钢铁苍穹 Iron Sky (2012)* 04:01 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:02 本杰明·巴顿奇事 The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)* 04:03 超市夜未眠 Cashback (2006)* 04:04 通灵男孩诺曼 ParaNorman (2012)* 04:05 荒野生存 Into the Wild (2007)* 04:07 天气预报员 The Weather Man (2005)* 04:08 雷神 Thor (2011)* 04:09 反基督者 Antichrist (2009)* 04:10 钢琴家 The Pianist (2002)* 04:11 机械师 The Machinist (2004)* 04:12 127小时 127 Hours (2010)* 04:13 V字仇杀队 V for Vendetta (2005)* 04:14 潜水艇 Submarine (2011)* 04:15 碧海蓝天 Le grand bleu (1988)* 04:17 天才一族 The Royal Tenenbaums (2001)* 04:19 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997)* 04:21 随心所欲 Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux (1962)* 04:25 细节 The Details (2011)* 04:26 暖暖内含光 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)* 04:27 超脱 Detachment (2011)* 04:28 无姓之人 Mr. Nobody (2009)* 04:30 永远的莉莉亚 Lilya 4-ever (2002)* 04:31 蓝白红三部曲之蓝 Trois couleurs: Bleu (1993)电影情书插曲篇二:浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐浅谈电影《情书》中的配乐《情书》是一部唯美含蓄的爱情电影,主要讲述了两个陌生而外貌相似的女子因为一个误会开始了通信,而后一段少年往事中的暗恋,逐渐被抽丝剥茧、真相大白。
第二季第五集《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要Previously on Star Trek: Discovery...-皇帝 -你把我和别人认混了- Emperor... - You have me confused with someone else. 31区Section 31.管控看重他的技能Control values his skill set.他加入了He's in.我一直在等我的军官斯波克的最新情况I've been waiting for an update on my officer, Spock.你的手下是因为杀人而被追捕的Your guy is wanted for murder.他杀死了他的三个医生然后从星际基地逃走He killed three of his doctors, then fled the starbase.不管怎么样他需要公正Whatever happened, he needs a fair shake.我们要在他们之前找到他We need to find him before they do.我发现了斯波克的穿梭机I found Spock's shuttle.设定航线别磨蹭Plot a course and don't spare the horses.在暗物质接触到我之后我开始看到一个鬼魂After the dark matter hit me, I started to see a ghost.是我笨蛋停利It's me. Silly Stilly.你身上寄生了You are hosting一个多♥维♥真菌寄生虫a multidimensional fungal parasite.-我们怎么摆脱她 -可能会有点疼- How do we get rid of it? - This might hurt a bit.我来自一种叫亚赛普的种族I'm from a species known as the JahSepp.一个异种侵入者开始摧残我们的生态系统An alien intruder began ravaging our ecosystem.-放过提利 -我对她还有其它计划- You let Tilly go. - I have other plans for her.回答错误Wrong.不No! No!提利Tilly!不No!让开Make way!词语定义了我们的身份Words define who we are.军官Officer.孤儿Orphan.鳏夫Widower.同舰舰员Shipmate.但却没有一个恰当的词能形容不确定性带来的But there is no word for the unique agony独一无二的痛苦of uncertainty.我对自己朋友的命运尚不知晓I do not yet know the fate of my friend.斯塔麦兹拒绝放弃希望Stamets refuses to lose hope.他相信提利还活着He believes Tilly survived不管我们称之为"梅"的外星生物对她做了什么whatever the alien we call "May" did to her.我也想相信这种可能性I want to believe that's possible, too.我想要拥有信念I want to have faith.但没有它的时候But in its absence,我只有责任only duty remains.舰长我追踪到斯波克穿梭机的踪迹Captain, I've picked up the trail of Spock's shuttle.调整航线进行拦截Alter course to intercept.斯波克穿梭机距离2万5千公里正在接近Spock's shuttle is 25,000 kilometers and closing.检测到一个生命迹象One life sign detected.他打开了护盾激活了武器长官His shields are up and his weapons are hot, sir.斯波克要干什么What is Spock doing?为什么剑拔弩张的Why the aggressive stance?舰长在您到发现号♥任职之前Uh, Captain, Spock departed Enterprise斯波克就已经离开了企业号♥before you assumed command of Discovery.也许他不知道自己遇见了盟友Perhaps he is unaware that he's among friends.-打开频道 -是舰长- Open a channel. - Aye, Captain.斯波克上尉我是派克舰长Lieutenant Spock, this is Captain Pike.请你关闭引擎卸下护盾Shut down your engines, lower your shields,-准备转送 -他在加速- prepare for transport. - He's increasing speed.调整航线进入星云Altering course to enter the nebula.斯波克我向你保证Spock, you have my word.我是来倾听的我是来帮你的I'm here to listen. I'm here to help.-我们跟丢了吗 -没有长官- Did we lose him? - No, sir.他点燃了星云中的氢扰乱我们的传感器He ignited the nebula's hydrogen to disrupt our sensors, 然后就完全停住了then came to a full stop.-我们刚刚跟他擦肩而过 -达特曼调头- We flew right past him. - Detmer, come around.舰长如果他进入了星云我们就找不到他了Captain, if he enters the nebula, we will lose him. 用四级鱼雷瞄准护盾Target that shuttle with a class-five torpedo.撞击前100米时引爆明白了吗Detonate it 100 meters before impact. Understood? -是舰长 -开火- Aye, Captain. - Fire.护盾已失效长官The shuttle's been disabled, sir.奥沃锁定牵引光束带他上舰Owo, lock on a tractor beam and bring him aboard. 博翰跟我来Burnham, with me.运行控制转移给Transfer operational control阿尔法安保小队to security team alpha.-相位武器调至晕眩模式 -是- Set phasers to stun. - Aye.-没有我的直接命令都不许开枪 -是长官- Nobody fires without my direct order. - Aye, sir. 乔久舰长Captain Georgiou?派克舰长Captain Pike.迈克Michael.中校Commander.欢迎的阵仗真大亲爱的Quite the welcome, my dear.我们是在学院认识的We met at the Academy.都过去几千光年了Been a couple thousand light-years since then.确实Indeed.你的能力不可小觑You were a force to be reckoned with.队伍里最厉害的Sharpest tool in the shed.尽管能把我们所有人都喝到桌子底下And despite being able to drink any of us under the table, 你第二周的时候就把所有的规矩都破坏了you had every regulation down by week two.你顾左右而言他You're tactfully asking就是想问为什么你打招呼时我没表明身份why I didn't identify myself when you hailed.表明身份是标准流程Identification is standard procedure,而且这不是回答and that's a non-answer.你还是一样犀利舰长You haven't lost a step, Captain.多谢夸奖I appreciate the compliment.星际舰队的记录显示你退休了Starfleet records show... you're retired.我看起来像退休了吗Do I look retired?我有个表妹跟你很像You know, I had a cousin like you.她只有在教堂里才会正面回答问题She only ever gave a straight answer in church.所以唯一的解释是So the only other explanation is你在执行秘密任务you're on a classified mission.重回岗位感觉如何You like being back in the saddle?真是让人畅快的旅程It's an invigorating ride.也许这个能解释清楚舰长This may clear things up, Captain.-31区 -真棒- Section 31? - Fancy.秘密行动情报收集威胁评估Covert ops. Intelligence gathering. Threat assessment.-特别有趣 -这些事请- Fun times. - What do any of those things跟你在斯波克的穿梭机上有什么关系have to do with you being on Spock's shuttle?我授命追捕一名因谋杀而被通缉的I've been authorized to hunt down a Starfleet officer星际舰队军官wanted for murder.不好意思Excuse me,多起谋杀multiple murders.我追上他的飞行器的时候By the time I caught up to his craft,它在漂泊人已经不见了it was adrift, and he was gone.知道他可能在哪吗Any idea where he might be?如果我有消息一定第一时间告诉你If I hear anything, you'll be the first to know.是吗Will I?博翰中校很难相信Commander Burnham has a hard time那些指控我也一样believing those charges; so do I.-无辜的人不会逃跑 -你从我们身边逃跑了- The innocent don't run. - You ran from us.正是如此Exactly.克里斯托弗Christopher.利兰Leland.你头发是变灰了吗Is that gray hair I see?是的这就是拥有头发的代价Yeah, well, it's one of the trade-offs of having actual hair. 上次我听说你的时候Last time I heard about you,你还在西塞斯三号♥星上深陷泥潭呢you were up to your ass in alligators on Cestus Three.所以我才要调到星际舰队情报局Exactly why I transferred to Starfleet Intelligence.我会负责31区I'm heading up Section 31.你总是更习惯于Well, you were always more comfortable游离在灰色地带我的朋友in the gray areas, my friend.你们好像捕获了我的一个特工Seems you've intercepted one of my agents.是的她跟我们解释过来龙去脉了Yeah, we've been getting caught up.如果你们可以把乔久特工送回她的穿梭机Well, I'd appreciate if you'd return我将不胜感激Agent Georgiou to her shuttle.时间紧迫Clock is ticking.她正在追踪一名杀人嫌犯She's tracking a suspected murderer.斯波克先生是我的人Mr. Spock is one of mine.我无法接受对他的这些指控I can't reconcile the charges with the man.我尊重这一点I respect that.但是让他的指挥官或者他的妹妹But having his commanding officer or his sister来妨碍我们为了找到他所做的努力interfere with our efforts to recover him?让我看起来像在帮老朋友的忙Makes me look like I'm doing an old friend a favor.利兰Leland, um,我觉得在斯波克I think there may be a connection和那些引我们横跨了大半个宇宙的信♥号♥♥之间between Spock and the signals that have been dragging us存在着某种联♥系♥halfway around the universe.有人的生命危在旦夕There are lives at stake.总会有人的生命危在旦夕There are always lives at stake.所以我们才有活干That's what keeps us employed.我们做好我们该做的See, we do what we do你们就能做好你们该做的so you can do what you do.如果我没那么了解你的话If I didn't know you better,这听上去像是在威胁that would sound like a threat.你很了解我You know me pretty well.我会派个联络员I'll send a liaison.如果你能和他讲清楚你知道的情况If you could walk him through what you know,我会很感激的I'd appreciate it.我一直很乐意帮老朋友的忙Always happy to do a favor for an old friend.你可以走了舰长You're free to go, Captain.你的舰长不知道我到底从哪来Your captain doesn't know where I'm really from. 我直接听命于星际舰队I'm under direct Starfleet orders.是啊在合适的时候才说实话Yeah, to tell the truth when it's convenient?我真的开始喜欢上星际舰队和31区了I'm learning to really like Starfleet and Section 31. 你认为他们会给你自♥由♥支配权吗Do you think they'll give you free reign, huh?那个地方有很多耳目That place has eyes on eyes on eyes.正好我在众目睽睽之下做事Well, it's a good thing I do some of my best work 才做得最好in plain sight.利兰知道你的身份吗Does Leland have any idea who you really are?你是说人族皇帝You mean the Terran Emperor,奥古斯都·菲利帕·乔久女皇之后人马星之主Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius?他不叫我的大名He doesn't call me by my proper name,但是他知道but yes, he does.那我就像信任你一样信任他Then I trust him about as much as I trust you.是你把我带来这个让人难以忍♥受的地方的You're the one who brought me to this insufferable place.你才不会因为我在这而感到惊讶You don't get to be surprised I'm here.等我找到斯波克我一定会传达你的问候And when I find Spock, I'll be sure to pass along your regards. 如果你碰我弟弟一下If you lay a hand on my brother...你会怎么样You'll what?这才是我认识的那个女人Now here's a woman I recognize.穿梭舱在那边Shuttle bay's through there.我想你该回你的蛇坑里去了I'm sure you need to get back to your... snake pit.告诉我你有好消息Tell me you have good news.宇宙从不会浪费任何东西The universe never lets anything go to waste,或者像拉瓦锡说的or so said Lavoisier.-质量守恒定律 -没错- The law of conservation of mass. - Yes.化学反应中In chemical reactions,质量既无法被创造也无法被摧毁mass is neither created nor destroyed.看看Look. Look, look, look.我在扫描茧中的人类的残留物I'm scanning the cocoon for human remains.线粒体DNA 脂质蛋白质Mitochondrial DNA, lipids, proteins.如果组成提莉的原子都被传送了If all of Tilly's atoms were transported,而不是分解了rather than decomposed,那就应该不会留下任何属于她的有机物then there shouldn't be any trace of her organic matter. 这意味着梅可能把提莉拖进了菌丝网络Which would mean May took Tilly into the network. 这也意味着Which would mean我们可以把她救出来we could get her out.怎么做呢How?我觉得这个茧是一个有机的传送机I think that this cocoon is an organic transporter.就像我们的一样Just like ours,它在一个地方分解物质it-it breaks down matter in one place然后在另一个地方完好无损地重组and then reassembles it, completely intact, in another. 菌丝版的传送平台The mycelial version of a transporter pad.这也说明和这个相似的另一个茧Which could mean that a second cocoon应该在菌丝网络里的某个位置just like this one exists somewhere in the network.但是为什么要先把提莉带进去呢But why take Tilly in the first place?梅来这里是为了向你传达信息May came here to deliver a message to you.梅说提莉和她有一种特殊的联♥系♥ May said she had a special connection with Tilly.她说她需要提莉She said she needed her.看Look.不存在人体物质No human material present.提莉还活着我知道Tilly's alive. I know it.-但菌丝网络很庞大 -没错- But the network is massive. - Yes.但我现在掌握了这个茧的确切成分Except now that I know the exact composition of this cocoon, 我可以扫描这个网络找到和它对应的茧I can scan the network to find its counterpart.找到它就能找到提莉Find it, find Tilly.救命救命Help me! Help me!不要Oh, no!把它拿开把它拿开Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!我的眼睛我的眼睛Ow! My eyes! My eyes!冷静提莉Stay calm, Tilly.-你没事了 -别让我冷静- You're okay. - Don't you... don't you shush me!你到底做了什么你做了什么What the hell did you do? What did you do?分解了你的生物形态Broke down your biological form,传送通过维度平面transported it across the dimensional plane,然后在这里重组在我的家里and reconstituted it here, in my home.就那个老把戏啊你逗我吗Oh, that old trick! Are you freaking kidding me?!我在菌丝网络里I'm in the mycelial network.这里曾经是仙境It used to be a paradise.不No!这就是我曾经和你说过的This is the one I was telling you about!好痛好痛Ow, it burns! It burns.放开她Leave her!这是我们处理方式It's our process.什么意思What does that mean?亚赛普族... 我们把所有进入The JahSepp-- we break down all matter菌丝体网络的物质都分解that enter the mycelial network让它们以新的形式发挥作用to make it useful in new ways.就像你们的星球上的昆虫那样Like the insects do on your planet.这是我们让生命周而复始的过程It's how we keep the life cycle progressing.你成为自己之前就是这样的吧This was you before you were you.那就是我That's what I am.我以这种样子出现是为了让你舒服些I'm appearing like this to make you comfortable.舒服你绑♥架♥了我Comfortable? You kidnapped me!-而我会自己找到回去的路 -不可能- And I'm finding my way back! - You can't.你看我能不能Watch me! Watch me!等我找回去了我不会让我的愤怒平息的And when I'm done, I'm not gonna work through my anger. 我会让怒火永远在那里焚烧I'm gonna let it sit there and fester for eternity!求求你我需要你的帮助Please. I need your help.梅你没有资格寻求我的帮助You don't get to ask for my help, May.那我们去找谁呢Then who are we to turn to?除了你我还能去找谁呢Who am I to turn to besides you?没有别人了提利There's no one, Tilly.我只能成功否则的话这里的一切And I can't fail, or everything here,我全部的种族都会死掉my entire species, will die.你需要我做什么What do you need me to do?杀死一个魔鬼Kill a monster.博翰 31区的联络员来了Burnham. Section 31's liaison just got here.所有人员注意Attention all personnel.安全演习进行中四号♥甲板Security drill in progress, deck four.博翰Burnham?没什么长官It's nothing, sir.他呃...He's, um...他应该在克罗诺斯he's-he's just supposed to be on Qo'noS.他杀死了一名军官He murdered an officer.是沃克杀死了一名军官Voq murdered an officer.阿什·泰勒可是个好人Ash Tyler's a good man.即便我能接受这个区别Even if I could see my way to accepting that distinction, 他从这星舰离开去为克林贡最高大臣he left this ship to serve as Torchbearer做火炬手了for the Klingon Chancellor.现在他又从事秘密行动Now he's into black ops.我了解泰勒I know Tyler.比大多数人都更了解Better than most.就像你了解你的前任舰长那样Just like you knew your former captain?她的确不像She certainly doesn't seem like我记忆中的菲利帕·乔久the Philippa Georgiou I remember.战争改变了她The war changed her.你可以说我没见识但是我更喜欢Call me provincial, but I prefer people能让我一目了然毫无隐藏的人whose truth I can take at face value.那么...So...你对我隐瞒的真♥相♥是什么what truth are you keeping from me?长官Sir?你看见泰勒的一刻That moment you saw Tyler,你拔出相位枪对着乔久的一刻the moment that you had your phaser on Georgiou.我虽然不那么了解你可也了解得够多了I don't know you very well, but I know you well enough. 舰长这个说来可话长了It's a longer conversation, Captain.但我请求你容我等到But I ask that you bear with me一个更合适的时机until a more appropriate time.一言为定Done.不过不要让我老追着你去了解情况Just don't make me chase after you for the information. 谢谢你长官Thank you, sir.见到你真好It's good to see you.我也这么觉得I feel the same.她恐怕不这么想Not sure she does.你们的舰长觉得我需要个阿姨看着Your captain thinks I need a babysitter.她是我们新的安全主管She's our new chief of security.她的工作就是要保持警觉It's her job to be curious.你是怎么到了31区的呢How the hell did you end up with Section 31?实际上是个非常有趣的经历It's a very interesting journey, actually.-跟我说说 -是保密的这个词- Tell me. - But it's classified-- a word that pops up在我的新词库里可是经常冒出来pretty frequently in my new vocabulary.你一直都是个神神秘秘的人You always were a man of secrets.迈克Michael.我不得不离开克罗诺斯我不会再回去了I had to leave Qo'noS. I'm never going back.我想... 每个31区的人都觉得I think... everyone at 31 thinks of it那地方能让他们活得有意义as a place where they make sense.不是说即便是这样的人都能有用Not in spite of who they are恰恰是因为他们是什么样的人but because of it.他们可以发挥作用他们都是好人They can be of service. They're good people.就像人族皇帝那样Like the Terran Emperor?只要她介入我都会为斯波克的安全担心I'm concerned for Spock's safety as long as she's involved. 我不会让这事发生的I won't let that happen.我要你相信这点I need you to believe that.这个要求可够难的阿什That's a really big ask, Ash.我知道I know.我应该要去舰桥报到的I'm supposed to report to the bridge.斯塔麦兹要跟我们汇报营救提利的计划Stamets is briefing us on a plan to rescue Tilly.从什么地方营救提利Rescue Tilly from where?这里发生什么事了Whoa, what happened here?那个怪物所接触的东西都被毁了The creature destroys everything it touches.等等你第一次见到它是什么时候Wait, wait, when did you first see it?斯塔麦兹打开通向我们世界的大门时它就来了It arrived when your Stamets opened the door to our world. 这说不通啊Doesn't make any sense.不要小心No, careful!树皮里有毒性很强的毒素The tree bark contains a vicious toxin.对我们是致命的It's lethal for us.谢谢Thank you.怪物用毒素杀死我们The creature uses the toxin to slaughter us.我们既无工具又没有武器来保卫自己We have no tools or weapons to defend ourselves.你们远非那么无助梅Well, you're far from helpless, May.你和我...The way you and I, uh--用'遇见'可能有点可笑但是这种方式I guess "Met" Is a funny word-- but it's some of是我见过的最复杂的科学the most sophisticated science I've ever seen.你实际上就是像孢子那样进入了我的大脑I mean, you literally entered my brain as a spore.谢谢Thank you.我也非常欣赏你对科学的精通I appreciate your mastery of science as well.我们去看看到底要对付什么东西Let's go see what we're dealing with.但你... 你要跟我保证But you... you have to promise me你要把我送回到发现号♥that you will get me back on Discovery.一方面知道你要把我永久地扣留在这It's a little hard to dive into this另一方面还要去努力解决这问题太困难了knowing you plan on holding me hostage forever.提利少尉还有可能活着There's a chance Ensign Tilly is still alive?是的长官There is, sir.她是被强迫着进入She was taken into the mycelial network菌丝网络的against her will.那我们如何救她出来呢斯塔麦兹先生How do we get her back, Mr. Stamets?我们每次跃进Every time we jump,发现号♥都会通过菌丝网络...Discovery passes through the mycelial network for... 有几毫秒吧a few milliseconds,而在这非常短暂的窗口期and during that very brief window of time,我们实际上是在网络里面的we are actually inside it.我提议我们做一次部分跃进I'm proposing we do a partial jump.一个事先定好但不设置终点的路线A predetermined course with no set end point?完全正确Exactly.一半在一半不在网络里Half in, half out of the network.发现号♥会保持原位Discovery will hold position long enough我离开立方去找提利for me to leave the cube and find Tilly.是我们For us to leave the cube.你不能单独行动You're not gonna do this alone.假设我让你用星舰当做门档Let's say I let you use this ship as a doorstop.我们能活过过度暴露在网络中吗Can we survive prolonged exposure to the network? 菌丝会攻击星舰The mycelia will attack the ship,我们一旦进入就会腐蚀飞船decomposing it as soon as we enter,但三钛不是不是他们最爱的食物but tritanium is not their favorite food,所以在它们侵蚀舱体之前so we'll have about an hour我们有大概一个小时before they eat through the hull.就用这一个小时去找提利少尉That's an hour to find Ensign Tilly.目前位置我很讨厌这个计划So far, I hate this plan.所有人要回避It'll be critical for everyone避免菌丝空间和正常空间to avoid places on the ship相交的地方where mycelial space and normal space intersect.任何人碰到了边界都会Anyone who touches the barrier will find themselves 在两种环境的轴中扭曲twisted around the axes of both environments.就像我们在格伦号♥上发现的尸体Like the bodies we found on the Glenn.根据我对那个女人的了解From what I know of that young woman...她会为了我们冒生命危险she'd put her life on the line for any one of us.-她一定会的长官 -想都不用想- That she would, sir. - In a heartbeat.布莱斯打开全舰频道Bryce. Open a ship-wide channel.所有人员我是派克舰长All personnel, this is Captain Pike.星际舰队是一种承诺Starfleet... is a promise.我把我的性命交给你们你们把性命交给我I give my life for you; you give your life for me.不会丢下任何人And nobody gets left behind.西尔维娅·提利少尉还未找到Ensign Sylvia Tilly is out there,她完全有权利指望着我们and she has every right to expect us.我们信守承诺We keep our promises.这边快点This way! Quickly!-快点快点 -请到你在机舱区- Move, move! Move! - Please report to your stations 指定安全区内的岗位报道in designated safe zones in the starboard section.快点快点Let's go, let's go!祝你们好运神与我们同在Good luck, and Godspeed to us all.萨鲁中校修改了这些Commander Saru modified these以保持舰桥的通讯to maintain communication with the bridge.它们现在有特殊的过滤机制来限制干扰They now have special filters to limit interference. 反应器是星舰上唯一The reaction cube is the only place on the ship能安全接触菌丝屏障的地方where it's safe to contact the mycelial barrier.斯塔麦兹先生你准备好执行你的这项Mr. Stamets, are you ready to execute this very bold,极其大胆绝对疯狂的计划吗deeply insane plan of yours?我不会用执行这个词但是"Execute" might not have been my choice of words, but... 我准备好了that I am, sir.黑色警报Black alert.我们跃进Let's jump.怎么回事What's happening?我不知道I don't know!可能是来接我的That's probably for me.我的家园被破坏得更深了More havoc in my home.亚赛普从来没有遇到过这样的物质The JahSepp have never encountered mass like this.请跟他们保证这不是袭击Please assure them, this isn't an attack.我不会跟他们保证什么I won't assure them of anything.我不认识那艘飞船上的人类I don't know the humans on that ship.但我认识你认识我你还在我的脑袋里待过But I do. And you know me. You've been inside my head. 相信我我们靠着舰上的东西Trust me, we have a much better chance一定有更大的概率能战胜这东西of defeating this thing with what's on board.你不会抛弃我们吗You won't abandon us?你用你的小手指在干什么What are you doing with your tiny finger?这只是It's, um... Just...拉钩Pinky swear.我告诉过你我会帮你的I told you I would try to help you.我们种族遵守信用Where I come from, we keep our promises.我们得快点了We have to hurry.成功了It worked.博翰呼叫萨鲁中校你能听到吗Burnham to Commander Saru, do you read me?收到博翰I'm here, Burnham.传感器显示菌丝已经Uh, the sensors show the mycelium开始攻击船体have already begun to attack the hull.快点Move quickly.准备好了吗Ready?有人吗Hello?电脑汇报生命迹象Computer, report life signs.该死的大家都去哪里了Damn it, where is everybody?或许他们为了救你都死了Maybe they died trying to save you.谢谢你的吉言啊Hey, thanks for that.怎么了What was that?亚赛普已经开始分解船体The JahSepp have already started breaking down the hull.-怪兽已经来了 -它为什么要上船- The monster has come here. - Why did it board the ship?每次你们穿梭网络它都会追逐发现号♥It pursues Discovery every time you fly through the network.无论它在干什么Whatever it's doing,我不会让我的人因它而恐惧I'm not letting it terrorize my people.他们是我的家人They're my family.一点没错Exactly.到我身后Fall in.这是士兵们说"到我身后"的说法That's soldier for "Get behind me."我看到了人类生命体征I'm reading a human life sign.14区武器存放区Section 14, weapons storage.为什么提利要携带武器Why is Tilly arming herself?无论你是什么我都要拿三类相位步♥枪♥ Whatever you are, I'm holding a type-three phaser rifle. 它火力更强It is more powerful通常也比一类和二类更大and generally larger than the type-one or type-two.我猜这也就是为什么他们管它叫三类的原因Uh, which I guess is why they call it a three.提利Tilly?提利Tilly.迈克是梅吗Michael? Is that May?-提利过来 -不不是你想的那样- Tilly, get down. - No, it's not what you think.她需要我们的帮助She needs our help.你是Are you...?是我是我It's me. It's me.我没事我很好I'm okay. I'm fine.谢谢你们来救我Thank you for coming to get me.一定的Always.完好无损地重组Restored to one piece,从一个个原子堆积起来atom by atom.我们来把你救出去We're getting you out of here.我们在发现号♥不可逆转的损毁之前We have less than an hour before Discovery's还有不到一个小时我们得赶紧走irreparably compromised; we need to go.损毁我们都会被毁灭的"Compromised"? We'll be annihilated.我告诉她我会留下来I told her I would stay.有个掠食者There's-there's some sort of predator...-一个怪兽 -是的怪兽- A monster! - A monster that is,在网络中它正在杀光她的种族that is in the network, and it's killing off her species. 到我后面Behind me.这个怪兽梅你知道些什么This monster, May-- what can you tell us about it? 起初是未知能量的迸发It started as a surge of unknown energy.我们开始重建它We began to reconstitute it,但它成了我们无法控制的生物but it became this creature out of our control.它有坚不可摧的皮肤Its skin is indestructible.我们想破坏它却因此丧命We die when we try to break it down.真厉害Wonderful.休Hugh?但他死了But he died.这不是真的This isn't real.我以为是我想象着见到他I thought I imagined seeing him.退后Stay away!这是某种菌丝的呈现吗Is this some mycelial manifestation?你是从我的记忆中建造了这个吗Have you, have you created this from my memories...? 他是真的He's real!什么What?杀了它Kill it.-退后梅 -杀了它杀了它- Stand down, May. - Kill it. Kill it!杀了它杀了它你保证过的Kill it! Kill it! Kill it! You promised!-等等 -你把它放走了- Wait! - You let it go!博翰呼叫舰桥Burnham to the bridge.我们找到提利了We found Tilly.你回来还有多久How soon can you get back?有点麻烦There's been a complication.麻烦会要了我们的命中校We won't survive complications, Commander.我知道I know.但某个像寇波医生的什么生物在这里But something resembling Dr. Culber is here.-重复中校 -寇波医生- Repeat that, Commander. - Dr. Culber.记得吗你登舰之前他...Remember? Before you came aboard, he...我知道他是谁I know who he was.-我要你解释出所以然 -我做不到- I need you to make it make sense. - I can't.斯塔麦兹中校跟着他跑了Commander Stamets went running...博翰中校Commander Burnham?迈克Michael?-萨鲁先生 - 我在努力长官- Mr. Saru? - I am working on it, Captain.如果真的是寇波医生呢What if it is the real Dr. Culber?已知宇宙中这不可能发生Nothing in the known universe would make that possible. 你所知的宇宙Your known universe.寇波医生救死扶伤Dr. Culber was a healer.他绝不会伤害任何生命He would never harm any living being.你拒绝正视近在眼前的现实You refuse to see what's right in front of you.看Look.这是什么What is this?伊尔树的树皮Bark from the yeel tree.对我们来说会致命It's deadly to us.他身上布满了这个This was all over him.他用这个攻击我们He uses it to attack us.他He...。
“Star Trek,” that venerable outer-space adventure, is boldly going where it’s been before, but hasn’t been seen in more than a decade: back to television. The science-fiction program that chronicled the voyages of the Starship Enterprise and its intrepid crew will return to TV in 2017, CBS said on Monday, in a new series that will be introduced on the network but will be shown primarily on its digital subscription video service.备受尊敬的外太空探险系列《星际迷航》(Star Trek)记录了进取号星舰的多次旅行。
This latest “Star Trek” series will focus on “new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception,” CBS said in a news release.CBS在新闻发布稿中说,最新的《星际迷航》电视剧将聚焦“一些新角色,他们寻找想象中的新世界和新文明,同时探讨当代重要主题——从该系列诞生之初起,这一直是它的标志”。
星际迷航:暗黑无界在尼比鲁星球探查期间,企业号舰长柯克(克里斯·派恩Chris Pine 饰)为营救史波克(扎克瑞·昆图 Zachary Quinto 饰)采取了胆大妄为的举动,几乎危及全舰队员的生命,他也为此付出代价,被上级取消了进取号船长的资格。
该事件的始作俑者约翰·哈里森(本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 Benedict Cumberbatch 饰)正来自联盟内部。
” “续集里应该有与第一集似曾相识和相互关联的情节,还要有恢宏壮观的视觉效果,当然了,前提是它必须是一个引人入胜的故事,我们希望它能够打动人心。
第一季第六集《星际迷航:发现号♥》前情提要Previously on Star Trek: Discovery...怎么了储备物资从我的舰上来的然后你的船员排队跟着我你失败了沙瑞克大使很高兴再次见到你Ambassador Sarek, it's good to see you again.如之前讨论的这是我的护卫As discussed, this is my ward.叫迈克的女性我只知道The only female Michael I ever heard of迈克·博翰叛乱者was Michael Burnham, the mutineer.你不是她吧You're not her, are you?我是加百利·卢卡舰长欢迎来发现号♥ Captain Gabriel Lorca. Welcome to Discovery.舰长我为什么在这艘船上Captain, what am I doing on this ship?问题是我该拿你怎么办Question is, what am I gonna do with you?我们在创造一种新的飞行方法We are creating a new way to fly.发现号♥能在一瞬间内来去任何地方Discovery can be anywhere and gone in an instant. 这就是破克林贡人的方法That's how you beat the Klingons.我们认为敌人或许已经把发现号♥We believe the enemy may have identified Discovery 当作秘密武器as our secret weapon.我没想到这里还有其他人I didn't realize there were more of us in here.你叫什么名字士兵What's your name, soldier?阿什·泰勒上尉Lieutenant Ash Tyler.要出去一直都需要两个人Getting out of here was always a two-man job.我就等着找到合适的那个人I just waited till I found the right man.你的眼睛Your eyes.在你毁掉布兰的时候发生的对吧That happened when you destroyed the Buran, didn't it? 我们选择自己的痛苦We choose our own pain.而我的让我能记住Mine helps me remember.我是卢卡舰长This is Captain Lorca.传送两个人出去现在Two to beam out now.生生不息繁荣昌盛沙瑞克大使Live long and prosper, Ambassador Sarek.你也是弗拉塔克助理And you, Adjunct V'Latak.我们的任务要求我们马上出发Our mission requires that we leave at once.设定去坎克里星系的航线Plot a course for the Cancri system.我能问问我们外交任务的用意吗May I inquire as to the nature of our diplomatic mission? 外交的事情交给我你就别管了Allow me to be diplomatic and ask that you do not.危机时刻In times of crisis,无知是有益的ignorance can be beneficial.我们准备好起飞了We are set to launch.再跑两圈再吃早饭Two more laps before breakfast.我们都跑了十圈了We've done ten.你仍然需要提速六点五秒You still need to shave 6.5 seconds off of your time.六秒钟真有那么重要吗Does six seconds really matter?是六点五秒而且没错6.5, and, yes,如果你想当舰长的话就很重要they matter if you're ever gonna make captain.我的经验告诉我我在运动天赋上的空缺It's been my experience that what I lack in athletic ability,我可以在智慧和性格上得到弥补I more than make up for in intelligence and personality.我们或许该注重这些特质We may want to focus on those attributes.每个申请指挥训练项目的人都很聪明Everyone applying to the command-training program will be smart. 性格不重要Personality doesn't count.这是没有性格的人说的话That's just something people with no personality say.等等说的不是你Wait, which in... which in no way means you.你绝对有性格You absolutely have a personality.六点五秒不是随便说说的数字6.5 seconds is not an arbitrary number.你的新记录能为你争取体能表彰Your new time will earn you a physical-endurance commendation. 今天你的目标是六点五秒Today, your goal is 6.5 seconds,然后就能调任到宪法级的船then getting a transfer on a Constitution class,就像企业号♥like the Enterprise.然后走上通往大副的路After that, first officer track.认准你的路坚持住See your path, stay on it.达到目的地Reach your destination.从候补军官到舰长就这么简单Cadet to captain, just like that.怎么样提利What's it gonna be, Tilly?你怎么样How you holding up?我为了这个等了七个月I waited seven months to do this.别担心我舰长Don't worry about me, Captain.安全Clear.来一次"右转纵列向右前进" 走Do a "Right, stack right." go.你来自哪里士兵Where do you hail from, soldier?西雅图Seattle.-安全 -安全- Clear. - Clear.你家人呢What about your family?我从没见过我父亲I never knew my father.我妈说还是没见过为好Mom said I didn't miss much there.她在我上军校的时候死了She died while I was at the Academy.在她去格雷瑟星的卫星的路上荒蛮的彗星On her way to the moons of Grazer-- a rogue comet. 十二年来的第一次假期First vacation in 12 years.高低队形High/low.两人生还一人受伤Two survivors, one injury.任务完成Mission success.全息战斗模拟结束Hologram battle simulation complete.你母亲是个老师对吧Your mother was a teacher, right?是的教三年级Yeah, third grade.伊瑟阔小学Issaquah Elementary.在西雅图城外24公里24 kilometers outside Seattle,严格地说你不是西雅图人which makes you not exactly from Seattle.我喜欢找茬I like to split hairs.我会做调查I do my homework.你以为我会随便让人上我的船吗You think I let just anyone walk on my ship?不长官我猜我通过审核了No, sir. Assuming I checked out.如果你没通过我们还会一起玩枪吗Think we'd be playing with these toys if you didn't?24个人头你呢24 kills. You?22个长官22, sir.看来还是我的眼睛需要矫正Looks like I may be the one who needs to get his eyes fixed. 舰长无意冒犯Captain, out of respect...别为你的优秀而道歉Don't apologize for excellence.我希望我的安全主管枪打得比我准I want my chief of security to shoot better than I do.你是给我职务了吗舰长You offering me a slot, Captain?我见识过你的驾驶射击Well, I figure I've seen you fly, shoot,像克林贡人一样战斗fight like a Klingon.克林贡守卫殴打我长达七个月Klingon guards beating on me for seven months,我一定要学会点东西I was bound to pick something up.是啊大多数人会选择放弃抵抗Yeah, most people would have given up.而你却一心学习You learned.我的上一任安全主管和我一起经历了很多My last chief of security and I went through a lot together.我需要一个我能信得过的人I need someone I can trust,一个懂得战争的人someone that understands war.懂得如何生存懂得如何获胜What it takes to survive, what it takes to win.我觉得就是你了对吗I think that's you. Is it?我很荣幸能在发现号♥上服役I'd be honored to serve on the Discovery.我不会让你失望的长官I won't let you down, sir.很好Good.根据我们的飞行计划According to our flight plan,我们应该即刻到达we should be arriving momentarily.为什么我们还未离开曲速Why have we not yet dropped out of warp?航线改变了Our course has changed.你知道了任务的真正意图You know the actual nature of my mission.此次任务违背了真正的瓦肯星思想This mission does not reflect true Vulcan ideology. 你是一个You are one of them.狂热者A fanatic.你对人类的着迷Your fascination with humans不能再受到容忍♥can no longer be tolerated.这种痴迷蒙蔽了你的双眼...Your obsession has blinded you to the truth--人类是劣等生物humans are inferior.我的牺牲会化作一种信念My sacrifice will be a rallying cry团结那些视逻辑至上的瓦肯星人to those who value logic above all.瓦肯星人将很快认清现实Vulcans will soon recognize从这个被称作联邦的and withdraw from the failed experiment失败实验中撤离known as the Federation.电脑蔬菜汁多加蔬菜Computer, green juice, extra green.电脑取消那个命令Computer, cancel that order.那与蛋白质糖类和脂肪That's hardly the correct ratio最佳的配比不符of protein, carbohydrates and fat.电脑加三个蛋白的墨西哥卷Computer, three-egg-white breakfast burrito配上黑豆with black beans.-电脑... -要两份- Computer... - Make it two.电脑加莎莎酱Computer, add salsa.电脑加烤蕃茄莎莎酱Computer, add roasted tomato salsa.熟番茄富含番茄红素Cooked tomatoes are a great source of lycopene. 记住了Remember that.天呐你太可怕了Oh, my God, you are so scary.两个美味又营养的墨西哥卷Two appetizing and nutrient-filled burritos.新来的三点钟方向New guy, three o'clock.阿什·泰勒上尉Lieutenant Ash Tyler.传闻说他和舰长Scuttlebutt is he took out six Klingon warriors逃离猛禽号♥时他手撕了in hand-to-hand combat when he and the captain六个克林贡战士escaped that Bird-of-Prey.六个Six?我和克林贡人打斗过我可不信I've fought Klingons. I doubt it.所以现在舰长想让他加入星舰Now the captain practically wants to adopt him as a result. 无法想象卢卡舰长对谁会有这种想法I can't imagine Captain Lorca feeling that way about anyone. 为什么他不就让你加入了Why? He practically adopted you.我坚信是真的I believe every word of it.我感觉他因此更帅气了I kind of feel like it makes him hotter.莫丽娜少尉请前往工程部报到Ensign Molina, please report to Engineering.传闻说你手撕了Scuttlebutt is you took out六个克林贡战士six Klingon warriors in hand-to-hand combat.耳听为虚You can't believe everything you hear.请坐Please sit down.我是候补军官西尔维娅·提利I'm cadet Sylvia Tilly.这是我的导师迈克this is my mentor, Michael.威尔逊中校Commander Wilson,请到传送室报到please report to the transporter room.你是迈克·博翰吗You're Michael Burnham?正是The same.耳听并不为虚You probably can believe everything you hear.我喜欢在现实中看人I tend to assess people in the here and now.你是一艘联邦星舰的得力船员You're a functioning crew member of a Federation starship. 此时此刻Right here, right now.傻孩子们Crazy kids.迈克Michael.迈克怎么了Michael, what's wrong?我得走了I should go.你还好吗You okay?是Yes.不好No.沙瑞克Sarek...我心连彼心My mind to your mind.我思即彼思My thoughts to your thoughts.我们不能让他们这样对她We can't let them do this to her.她一生都在为此努力She has worked her whole life for this.她很优秀你得做点什么She's excelled. You have to do something.这不公平This is not fair.你的请求里无逻辑可言妻子There's no logic in your request, wife.公平是可量化的Fairness is quantifiable.瓦肯星远征队The Vulcan Expeditionary Group评估到她能力不足has rated her abilities as insufficient并作出了决定and rendered their decision.这是个错误的决定Their decision is wrong.她以班级顶尖的成绩毕业She graduated at the top of her class.她的测试成绩无人能及Her test scores are better than any Vulcan. 还有一些别的指标There are other metrics.精神控制能力Spiritual discipline,武术逻辑martial arts, logic.拜托我想回家Please, I want to go home.人类才会有羞辱心Humiliation is a human emotion.对不起沙瑞克I'm sorry, Sarek.你错信了我You were wrong to believe in me.不不不No, no, no, no, no.我无力在此竞争I can't compete here.我的能力达不到要求I do not have the required abilities,我不够优秀I am not good enough.胡说Nonsense.沙瑞克让她看看真♥相♥ Sarek, make her see the truth.她在瓦肯星服役将前途黯淡She cannot thrive in the Vulcan service.或许我能在要求相对宽松的Perhaps I can find a place for her in Starfleet, 星际舰队中为她安排一个职位where requirements are less extreme.你怎么在这里What are you doing here?这是我的心里This is my mind.你带我来的You brought me here.马上离开Leave now!沙瑞克Sarek!在爆♥炸♥之后Ever since the bombing,部分的我part of me,我的灵魂跟你连在了一起my katra, has been with you.我思即彼思My thoughts to your thoughts.沙瑞克Sarek!没事了博翰It's okay, Burnham.这里是医疗舱You're in sickbay.她怎么了What's the matter with her?我不知道I have no idea.扫描显示无任何异常Nothing shows up on any of her scans. 那不是我是沙瑞克他有麻烦了It's not me. It's Sarek. He's in trouble. 你怎么知道的How do you know that?我和他共享一部分灵魂I share part of his katra.他的永生之力His eternal life force.类似于瓦肯人的灵魂It's like a Vulcan soul.我有所听闻只是...I've heard stories, I just...我以为那只是个古老的神话assumed it was an ancient myth.你怎么可能和沙瑞克How can you share共享一个灵魂呢a soul with Sarek?你又不是瓦肯人You're not Vulcan.我是瓦肯人养大的I was raised as one.在我生身父母在瓦肯边境被杀之后After my parents were killed at a Vulcan outpost.沙瑞克和他的人类妻子阿曼达领养了你Sarek and his human wife Amanda took you in.你的事我们有完备的记录Your story's well-documented.他认为我可以作为人类的希望He believed I could serve as humanity's potential.他怎么能将这一重担压到一个孩子的身上How could he put that kind of pressure on a child?并不是每个人都同意他的主张Well, not everyone agreed with him;有一群极端逻辑主义者a group of logic extremists.他们不希望人类介入他们的文化They didn't want humans in their culture.他们想杀了我好阻止他They tried to stop him by killing me.他们炸了我所在的那个学习中心They bombed the Learning Center where I was educated. 瓦肯人想杀了你Vulcans tried to murder you?是叛离瓦肯人只是一小群人Renegade Vulcans, a small faction.他们不只是想杀了我医生他们成功了And they didn't try, Doctor, they succeeded.我经历了三分钟死亡I was dead for three minutes.灵魂有治愈的力量The katra has healing powers.沙瑞克用这力量救了我Sarek used it to save me.像是一种灵魂嫁接A kind of soul graft.这方法不被赞成也极少见It's a procedure that's frowned upon, and rare.所以你就跟他有灵魂联♥系♥了So you're linked with him?他一受伤你就能感到痛苦He gets wounded, you feel pain?你之前有发生过这种现象吗This has happened to you before?有一次Once.在战争的开始The start of the war.他感受到了我的忧虑He sensed my distress.找上了我And came to me.但这次不一样But this is different.我能感觉到他渐渐远去I can feel him slipping away.我觉得这不是他有意识的联♥系♥I don't think this is a conscious effort on his part.沙瑞克现在精神错乱Sarek is delirious.他可能快死了He might be dying.舰长Captain.求你了Please.舰长帮我找到他Captain, help me find him.迈克·博翰没有错Michael Burnham is correct.瓦肯最高委员会已经确认The Vulcan High Council has confirmed沙瑞克大使的飞船被极端逻辑主义者破坏了that Ambassador Sarek's ship was sabotaged by logic extremists.我听说瓦肯人被秘密地邀请出席I'm told that the Vulcans were secretly invited to a meeting 与两个独♥立♥克林贡家族的会议with two independent Klingon houses,他们打算结盟以赢得这场战争in an attempt to forge an alliance to win the war.克林贡人可不会平白无故与他人结盟Klingons don't normally extend party invitations.确实Indeed.但这两个家族But both of these houses都被科尔将军的新政委员会攫取了权力were ousted by General Kol's new ruling council.这两家希望能瓦解柯尔的权力It is their wish to undermine his authority...瓦肯人就信了吗And the Vulcans believe that?没有全然相信Not without reservation.会议在中立地区举♥行♥The meeting was organized由坎克里四号♥星的长老们主持on neutral ground by the elders of Cancri IV.沙瑞克是被派去审查他们声明的合法性的Sarek was chosen to vet the legitimacy of their claims.在促成不遵循逻辑观念的种族的合作关系方面He has demonstrated a unique ability to forge relationships 沙瑞克展现出了独特的才华with races that do not follow logic-based ideology.瓦肯人阴了星际舰队一回就是因为Vulcans went behind Starfleet's back他们以为能清除我们"毫无逻辑的烂摊子"'cause they thought they could clear up our "Illogical mess." 现在大使又在哪里呢So where is the ambassador right now?在伊利迪亚星附近的星云中失踪了Lost in a nebula near Yridia.星际舰队指挥部正在评估情况Starfleet Command is assessing the situation以组织搜救工作to organize a recovery operation.你们评估的越久Yeah, well, the longer you assess,沙瑞克死亡的可能性越大the greater the chance Sarek dies.重获和平的可能性也越来越小And so does the best chance for peace.我去救他I'll go get him.绝对不行Absolutely not.你得遵守流程舰长There are protocols to be followed, Captain.告诉瓦肯星人"不客气"You can tell the Vulcans they're welcome.我可愿意给他们擦屁♥股♥了I'm happy to clean up their mess.-发现号♥下线 -舰长- Discovery out. - Captain!我们已抵达伊利迪亚星云We have arrived at the Yridia nebula.开始搜索大使的紧急救援无线电♥信♥标Start scanning for the ambassador's emergency beacon. 你感觉怎么样How are you feeling?我还能感觉到沙瑞克但越来越微弱了I still sense Sarek, but it's growing erratic.我觉得他的状况越来越糟了Think he's getting worse.别担心我们会找到他的Don't worry, we'll get him back.舰长扫描仪没有发现Captain. Scanners detect大使飞船的信♥号♥♥no signs of the ambassador's ship.这星云中的放射性气体The nebula's radioactive gasses令我们的检测器无法♥正♥常工作are rendering our sensors inoperative.好吧我们放出探测器All right, we'll send out probes.逐区搜索Scan sector by sector.这星云的体积非常庞大Considering the size of the nebula,这么找可能要花上几个月时间that method could take months.那你出个好主意啊大副Well, any other options, Number One?我Me.你这是在学我发疯啊Now, that's my kind of crazy.你这是要造一台虚拟思想融合扩增器啊You're talking about building a synthetic mind-meld augment. 真是妙啊Groovy.很明显你的菌丝路之旅Clearly, your trip down the mycelium path让你心情大好啊上尉has lightened your mood, Lieutenant.一旦熬过了针扎感的阶段Once you're past getting stabbed by needles,感觉还是相当棒的it's pretty great.从你的反应看I'm guessing, from your reaction,我猜改造这台神经增强器是个可行的办法that modifying this neural enhancer is a viable method它能实现我的目的to achieve what I need.当然有何不可Sure. Hey, why not?我们先增强你的神经脉冲与他的灵魂重连Now, we boost your neural impulses to reconnect with his katra, 然后再将相同的信♥号♥♥输入你的脑瓜then pump those same signals into your noggin,然后就成啦and... voilà.进入沙瑞克视角Sarek vision.我得说灵魂这玩意儿真是太酷了I got to say, this katra stuff is way cool.一种未知的信息高速路An uncharted superhighway连接着所有的意识和生命connecting all of consciousness and life?我们真的没有时间We have exactly no time讨论这里面的哲学意义to discuss the metaphysical implications.我能感觉到沙瑞克已经昏迷了I can sense that Sarek is unconscious.我想用这台思想融合器唤醒他I want to use this mind-meld to wake him up,好让他能激活他飞船上的应答器so he can activate his ship's transponder.就像精神高速撞车Right, like a psychic hit of speed.我是想说一针肾上腺素不过也行I was thinking an adrenaline shot, but okay.只有一点There is one wrinkle, though.星云中的辐射干扰Radioactive interference from the nebula会漫射你的信♥号♥♥is gonna diffuse your signal.你在这里是无法You will never be able to maintain与沙瑞克保持足够强度的连接的a strong enough connection with Sarek from out here.那我们把发现号♥开进星云So we take the Discovery inside the nebula与他们更近一点and get closer to them.不是好主意Bad idea.想知道宇宙气态遇到我们船上Guess what happens if we mix those cosmic gasses高浓度的菌丝孢子会发生什么吗with our concentration of mycelium spores we have on board. 好吧我们用穿梭机进去Okay. So we go in with a shuttle.那你飞进那碗汤里去的时候You'd have to fly into that soup除了希望和祈祷一无所有with nothing but hope and a prayer.你真的那么疯狂吗Are you really that crazy?好吧Good to know.我知道开始工作I know, I know. "Get to work."只要别拖太久As long as I don't overstay my welcome,穿梭机的护盾可以维持the shuttle shields can handle it.但我需要一个人为我做神经加强But I need someone to work the neural enhancer.我想要提利学员I'd like Cadet Tilly.她很聪明She's smart.我也可以得到一些精神支持And I could use the moral support.可以你尽管带上All right, then, you'll get it.你还需要一个驾驶员And you need a pilot who can fly you through that storm 带你穿过风暴活着回来and, more importantly, get you out alive.幸运的是我知道这么一个人Luckily, I know a guy.所有人员注意Attention, all personnel.清空3号♥甲板进行护盾实验Clear Dock 3 for shield test.学员长官Cadet. Sir.完整地带她回来Bring her back in one piece.不会留一个划痕Not a scratch.我是说她I'm talking about her.威尔斯候补军官速到工程部报道Cadet Wells, please report to Engineering.要么就别回来了Or don't come back at all.舰长康韦尔上将来电Captain. Incoming transmission from Admiral Cornwell. 转到我的房♥间Transfer it to my quarters.恐怕不行长官I'm afraid that won't do, sir.你是什么意思What do you mean "That won't do"?她的战舰刚刚离开曲速Her cruiser just dropped out of warp,正在请求停靠and she's requesting permission to land.在这里Here.好吧All right.我会在准备室见她I'll see her in my ready room.你以为你在干什么What the hell do you think you're doing?我以为特拉尔会大发脾气I thought Terral was gonna throw a fit,他可是个瓦肯人And he's a damn Vulcan.我做了我认为的最优选择Well, I did what I thought was best.你发起了一项未授权的救援任务You launched an unauthorized rescue mission让一个已定罪的叛乱者参与using a convicted mutineer.更别说那个战俘Not to mention a P.O.W.他都还没时间恢复who has barely had time to recover.你难道信任这个人吗Can you even trust this guy?是的上将我查过他了Yes, Admiral. I checked him out.泰勒上尉从学院以优异的成绩毕业Lieutenant Tyler graduated with honors后来他又救了我的命from the Academy before he saved my life.你是舰队最先进星舰的舰长You are captain of the most advanced ship in the fleet.是我们对抗克林贡防线的基石The cornerstone of our entire defense against the Klingons. 你不能把发现号♥当做自己的封地You cannot treat Discovery like it's your own fiefdom.是真的吗关于斯塔麦兹上尉的Is it true, what I heard about Lieutenant Stamets?他尝试了优生实验He engaged in eugenic manipulation?他设法让孢子引擎上线了He got the spore drive working again.没错他拯救了这艘船和船员Yeah, he saved the ship and the crew.我很欣赏这些加百列但是规定I appreciate that, Gabriel, but there are rules...规定是为后台的将军们服务的Rules are for Admirals in back offices.我在这里努力打赢一场战争I'm out there trying to win a war.那就别在自己这边给自己找敌人Then don't make enemies on your own side.你在这里干什么What are you doing here?发生了什么事What's really going on?我是来见我的朋友的I came to see my friend.好吧Okay.那不如我们别用舰队军官的口气说话Why don't we stop talking like Starfleet officers,卡特Kat, and, uh...让我们用朋友的口气说话...start talking like friends?以前旋风一样的的博翰去哪了Hey, where's that old Burnham bluster, huh?那个总是逼我做到最好的可怕女人呢Badass lady who's always pushing me to be the best I can be? 你知道我害怕的时候做什么会有帮助吗Do you know what helps me when I'm feeling freaked out? 说话Talking.你知道沙瑞克的思想在做什么吗You know where Sarek's mind is?弥留之际他想的是什么Where his dying thoughts have taken him?是我To me.-听上去真美 -不是的- I mean, that's kind of beautiful. - No.你不理解No, you don't understand.我本来是他用来证明I was supposed to be his proof人类与瓦肯可以共存的证据that humans and Vulcans could coexist.证明我们是平等的As equals.但我最后却成为他最大的失望But I ended up being his greatest disappointment.他不断地回想起这一刻That's what he's reflecting on.我被瓦肯远征队拒绝I was rejected from the Expeditionary Group因为我太人类了for being too human.我的失败是他最后的回忆My failure is his last thought.他不相信我He doesn't believe in me,但我会成为拯救他的那一个but I'm supposed to be the one who saves him.我们已经到沙瑞克消失前的最后坐标All right, we're at Sarek's last known location.我们可以在四分五裂之前完成吗Can we do this before we get torn to pieces?或者你们可以继续说话看你们Or you can keep chatting away. It's up to you.好吧Okay.可以了Good to go.如果这东西不烧坏你脑子的话Provided this thing doesn't fry your brain.如果生物指标有异常Now, if the bio-readings show something weird...它们会异常沙瑞克非常激动They will. Sarek is delirious.不能让他像上次一样推我出来了Can't allow him to push me out like that again.但对抗他会给我带来极大的压力But fighting him is gonna put a massive strain on me.那我怎么知道什么时候拉你出来Then... how do I know if I should pull you out?别拉Don't.无论传感器说什么No matter what the sensors say,你都要让我继续you leave me in there.好吗Okay?开始Go.她无法在瓦肯机构下发挥She cannot thrive in the Vulcan service.对不起沙瑞克I'm sorry, Sarek.你不该相信我的You were wrong to believe in me.你还记得在你十岁生日的时候Do you remember, on your tenth birthday,我们坐着穿梭机去伊瑞达尼D卫七we took a shuttle and we went to the seventh moon of Eridani D. 我记得是去体验换书I recall, to experience a book exchange,一种古老的人类仪式an ancient human ritual.这个礼物This gift...《爱丽丝梦游仙境》还伴随着一位母亲的忠告comes with a mother's advice.你证明了你和任何瓦尔肯人一样成功You've proven that you're as accomplished as any Vulcan, 会让你受益无穷which is gonna serve you well,只要你永远不忘记as long as you never forget你也是一名人类that you're human, too.你需要培养那一面You need to nurture that side.沙瑞克在那里There's Sarek.他在跟远征队的主管谈话He's talking to the Expeditionary Group director.她被录取She got in.对吧Didn't she?迈克的申请被拒了Michael's application was rejected.如果你是说笑的If this is your attempt at humor,你还需要很多锻炼丈夫you're gonna need a lot more practice, husband.-不是笑话 -为什么- It is not. - Why?从来没有人类No human has ever been accepted能被瓦尔肯远征队录取into the Vulcan Expeditionary Group.成功的几率很低Success was always an unlikely outcome.他们拒绝她的理由是什么What is the reason they have that they could possibly reject her? 很显然我也希望结果能更好Obviously, I had hoped for better.我不想在这里I don't want to be here.-迈克 -求你了阿曼达我想离开- Michael... - Please, Amanda, I want to leave.听我说为什么你要这么做Listen to me... Why are you doing this?我之前告诉过你了I told you before.你在这里不受欢迎You're not welcome here.你叫我来这里你的灵魂吸引了我You called me here. Your katra pulled me.这是我的意识This is my mind.滚出去Stay out.你濒临死亡You're near death.我能像你帮我一样帮助你I can help you like you helped me.给我个机会Give me a chance.求你了Please.你会失败的You will fail.那里发生了什么What's happening back there?我不知道I don't, I don't know.那就叫醒她Then wake her up!她说不要叫醒她那样会断了联♥系♥的She said not to. It'll sever the link.我的军衔比你高I outrank you.该死的好吧Damn it. Fine.还是直接来自祖国的麦芽酒好喝Nothing like a single malt straight from the motherland.我还在想着我们那天喝掉的那一瓶I still think about the bottle we killed that night.我们去看英仙座流星雨We went to see the Perseids meteor shower.-你不记得了吗 -不是我只是在想- You don't remember? - No, I was just...那感觉上是很久以前的事情了thinking how long ago it seems.是啊Yeah.我们当时那么年轻We were so young...对未来有宏大的计划with grand plans for the future.我们中的一些人还有Well, some of us still have.我知道I know.我很担心你加百列I worry about you, Gabriel.你最近做的一些决定Some of the decisions you've been making recently很令人不安have been troubling.战争中没机会管什么繁文缛节Well, war doesn't provide too many opportunities for niceties. 你是在逼船员们You're pushing this crew.你把这艘飞船置于险境You're putting the ship in harm's way.你无视命令You've been ignoring orders.卡特我是在前线I'm in the front line, Kat.你得在一秒钟内做出决定有时更少You got to make decisions in a second, sometimes less.这也是为什么星际舰队需要你处于最佳状态Which is why Starfleet needs you at your best.我觉得你并没有达到。
尽管林诣彬执导的《星际迷航:超越》(Star Trek Beyond)还没有上映,不过据外媒报道称,派拉蒙公司已经开始筹备下一部《星际迷航》。
据外媒报道,派拉蒙公司已经在美国电影协会注册了《星际迷航4》,当然这并非1986年上映的《星际旅行4:抢救未来》(Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home),而是新版《星际迷航》的第四部。
新版《星际迷航》2009年由JJ·艾布拉姆斯正式开启,前三部分别是已经上映的《星际迷航》(Star Trek)和《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness),以及即将在今年夏天上映的《星际迷航:超越》,这其中前两部的导演都是JJ·艾布拉姆斯,第三部的导演则是林诣彬。
美国的观众可以在Hulu 上观看上述大多数内容,但Hulu目前只面向美国和日本用户提供服务,因此,作为个面向成年观众的新兴品牌,Star将把迪士尼旗下的ABC F×、福克斯和ESPN等平台上的内容,提供给美国本土以外的Disney+订户。
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“Star Trek,” that venerable outer-space adventure, is boldly going where it’s been before, but hasn’t been seen in more than a decade: back to television. The science-fiction program that chronicled the voyages of the Starship Enterprise and its intrepid crew will return to TV in 2017, CBS said on Monday, in a new series that will be introduced on the network but will be shown primarily on its digital subscription video service.
备受尊敬的外太空探险系列《星际迷航》(Star Trek)记录了进取号星舰的多次旅行。
This latest “Star Trek” series will focus on “new characters seeking imaginative new worlds and new civilizations, while exploring the dramatic contemporary themes that have been a signature of the franchise since its inception,” CBS said in a news release.
It will be executive-produced by Alex Kurtzman, a writer and producer of the rebooted 2009 “Star Trek” movie and its 2013 sequel, “Star Trek Into Darkness.” Mr. Kurtzman has also been involved with other popular works of geek culture like the TV shows “Alias,” “Fringe,” “Sleepy Hollow” and “Xena: Warrior Princess.”
该剧将由亚历克斯·库兹曼(Alex Kurtzman)监制。
他是2009年《星际迷航》(Star Trek)影片和2013年续集《星际迷航:暗黑无界》(Star Trek Into Darkness)的编剧和制片人。
库兹曼还参与制作了其他一些大受欢迎的极客文化作品,比如电视剧《双面女间谍》(Alias)、《危机边缘》(Fringe)、《沉睡谷》(Sleepy Hollow)和《战神公主西娜》(Xena: Warrior Princess)等。
The original “Star Trek” series, created by Ge ne Roddenberry, ran on NBC from 1966 to 1969. It introduced audiences to heroes like the hot-blooded Capt. James T. Kirk
(played by William Shatner) and his serene half-alien officer, Mr. Spock (Leonard Nimoy), and was distinguished by storytelling more focused on social themes of the 1960s than on the (minimal) special effects of that era.
最初的《星际迷航》电视剧由吉恩·罗登伯里(Gene Roddenberry)创作,从1966年至1969年在NBC频道播放。
它向观众介绍了血气方刚的詹姆斯·T·柯克船长(James T. Kirk,威廉·沙特纳[William Shatner]饰)和平静的半外星人大副斯波克先生(Spock,伦纳德·尼莫伊[Leonard Nimoy]饰)等英雄。
A motion picture franchise followed, as did the TV spinoffs “Star Trek: The Next Generation” (which ran from 1987 to 1994); “Deep Space Nine” (1993 to 1999); “Voyager” (1995 to 2001); and “Enterprise” (2001 to 2005). Each of these series focused on different crews and eras in future history.
后来出现了一系列电影和衍生电视剧,比如《星际迷航:下一代》(Star Trek: The Next Generation,1987年至1994年播出);《星际迷航:深空九号》(Deep Space Nine,1993年至1999年);《星际迷航:重返地球》(Voyager,1995年至2001年);以及《星际迷航:进取号》(Enterprise,2001年至2005年)。
CBS said that the new “Star Trek” series would begin in January 2017 with a “special preview” episode shown on the network. That premiere and subsequent first-run episodes would then be shown on CBS All Access, its subscription video site.
首轮播出(包括第一集)将在CBS的订阅视频网站CBS All Access上进行。
A new movie in the film franchise (with a new crop of actors playing the characters on Kirk and Spock’s Enterprise), called “Star Trek Beyond,” is planned for release next summer, but is “not related” to this latest TV series, CBS said.
CBS说,一部名叫《星际迷航:超越边界》(Star Trek Beyond)的新影片(将由一批新演员饰演进取号上的角色)将于明年夏天上映,不过它与最新的电视剧“没有关系”。
Noting that “Star Trek” will celebrate its 50th anniversary next year, David Stapf, the president of CBS Television Studios, said in a statement, “Everyone here has great respect for this storied franchise, and we’re excited to launch its next television chapter in the creative mind and skilled hands of Alex Kurtzman, someone who
k nows this world and its audience intimately.”
CBS电视剧部的主管大卫·施塔普夫(David Stapf)在声明中说,明年《星际迷航》将迎