成人治疗组 III指南 Adult Treatment Panel III
下列研究结果均支持LDL-C升高是冠心病的主要原因: 动物试验 实验室研究 流行病学调查 高胆固醇血症相关基因研究 尤其是近年发表的临床试验结果也一致表明,降低
延长释放 持续释放
Drug Form
Immediate release (crystalline)
Extended release Sustained release
Dose Range
1.5–3 g
1–2 g 1–2 g
减少主要冠脉事件 可能降低总死亡率
– 可考虑服用降LDL-C药物 基础TG: 2.3mmol/L(200mg/dl)
– 非-HDL-C: 治疗的次级目标
三羟基三甲基戊二酰辅酶(HMG CoA)还原酶抑制剂(他汀类)
减少 LDL-C 18–55% 和 TG 7–30% 升高HDL-C 5–15% 主要副作用
–肌病 –升高肝转氨酶 禁忌证 –绝对: 肝脏疾病 –相对: 与某些药物联合应用时
脂蛋白类型: 致动脉粥样硬化性脂质异常 (高TG, 低HDL-C, sLDL颗粒)
LDL-C目标l: <2.6mmol/L(100mg/dl) 基础LDL-C3.4mmol/L(130mg/dl)
– 大多数病人需服用降LDL-C药物 基础LDL-C2.6-3.4mmol/L(100–129mg/dl)
–男性一级亲属<55岁患CHD –女性一级亲属<65岁患CHD
年龄(男性45岁; 女性55 岁)
三、华北暖季对流性天气的气候背景1. 气候特点华北地区暖季的气候特点主要表现为高温、高湿、多对流天气。
2. NCEP资料分析通过分析NCEP的观测数据,我们发现华北暖季的对流性天气与大气的温度、湿度、风速等气象要素密切相关。
四、华北暖季对流性天气的形成机制1. 天气系统分析华北暖季的对流性天气多由天气系统引起,如冷空气南下与暖湿气流交汇、低涡切变线等。
2. 动力与热力条件对流天气的形成需要具备一定的动力与热力条件。
此外,NCEP 资料还可以帮助我们了解对流天气的发生、发展与消散过程,为气象预测和气候研究提供重要依据。
包括:综合资料、降水、SST、地面覆盖资料、风场/OLR/指数资料Noaa资料库:NCEP资料介绍:欧洲气象中心资料(grib和NC格式的):Levitus资料:Ucar资料NASA资料:以前某天全国的天气情况1度×1度资料ARGO资料NCEP 系统资料:NCEP real-analyses and forecastsNCEP/NCAR REANAL YSISNCEP EtaNCEP AVNnetCDF formatNNRP1: 6 hourly, 2.5 degrees, from 1948 to presentNNRP2: 6 hourly, 2.5 degrees, from 1979 to 2002降水资料CMAP资料:全球土壤资料:全国160个站的降水资料风场资料:NCEP-QSCAT混合风场资料海洋再分析资料:海表高度:3.129.Z海面风场:GSST: Gridded Sea Surface Temperature1990年至今的海温资料regcm3的主页上有连接的Reynolds&Smith 的重构月平均海表温度资料(2×2)南海气候态温盐年平均格点资料:ncep1*1再分析资料和avn资料网址( by 小歹) 1998年每周的雪盖资料(by jaodan)mm5中terrain部分中的25类植被数据卫星资料:国家卫星海洋应用中心Aviation model 的avn data:Topex/Poseidon卫星资料:免费的遥感卫片资料:ENSO指数/El Nino3/SOINDVI资料地面探空资料-MICAPS数据一些预报网址:水文资料:水文资料1:水文资料2:Global runoff data center(GRDC) 水文资料3:US Geologic Survey(USGS)风场/OLR/指数资料NECP-QSCAT混合风场(一天四次,空间精度0.5度) user :nonymous passwd : anonymous目录/datasets/ds744.4/data混合风场ncep的nc格式的风场:SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的资料:NACR-NECP WIND STRESS 风场资料全球或太平洋的风场资料长序列南方涛动资料:台风和飓风路径资料:TOMS臭氧资料:日长变化资料:国内外地型/地图资料:全球地形资料:中国近海的地形数据:ETOPO5:全球5分*5分的地形资料。
NCEP FNL全球分析资料的解码及其图形显示
美国NCEP FNL全球分析资料在Windows XP系统上的解码及其图形显示软件简介邓伟1马振升2田宏伟1陈海波1张永涛3申占营1(1河南省气象科学研究所,郑州 450003;2 河南省培训中心,郑州 450003; 3 河南省监测网络处,郑州 450003)摘要:介绍了美国环境预报中心(NCEP)FNL资料的相关内容内容,该资料由于分辨率较高且融合了大量的观测资料及卫星反演资料而被广泛用于数值模式及天气、气候的诊断分析研究中。
关键词:NCEP FNL资料;Dos环境;grib1码;wgrib解码;GrADS绘图引言继美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)/美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)提供的全球再分析资料之后,NCEP又为广大科研工作者提供了FNL 全球分析资料(Final Operational Global Analysis,以下简称为“FNL资料”)。
国内对NCEP再分析资料要素的分析、比较及可信度检验工作开展的较多[1-4],而对FNL 资料的可信度研究相对较少。
本文将利用NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)资料,分析华北暖季对流性天气的气候背景。
CRAN是R 语言最主要的软件包仓库,提供了大量的统计和机器学习等领域的工具包。
但Docker 对系统的资源要求相对较高,且在某些场景下可能存在安全性和隐私问题。
Jupyter Notebook和Google ColabJupyter Notebook和Google Colab都是基于Web的交互式计算环境,可方便研究人员进行数据分析和机器学习等任务。
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一、资料 全球地面逐月平均气温、降水量资料来自国家气象信息中心和美国国家气候资 料中心,共 3285 个观测站,多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年。 全球逐日最低气温、最高气温和降水量资料,来自国家气象信息中心、国家气 候中心 GDCN1.0 数据集和美国国家气候资料中心,温度选取了 2362 个观测站,降水 选取了 3776 个观测站,多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年。 中国地面逐月平均气温、降水量资料来自国家气象信息中心,共 723 个观测站, 多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年。 中国极端事件指标监测使用的逐日资料来自国家气象信息中心,从全国 2415 个 气象站中选取时间序列至少有 40 年、分布较为均匀的 2000 个站点,观测要素包括 平均气温、最高气温、最低气温及日降水量,起止时间为 1951 年 1 月 1 日~2010 年 12 月 31 日,多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年。 达尔文和塔希提站海平面气压实时资料取自国家气象中心 ES40 实时数据库;历 史资料来自澳大利亚国家气象局国家气候中心(NCC)。多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年。 大气环流实时资料来自国家气象中心 T639 产品,多年平均基准为 1971~2000 年,历史资料来自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP)。 OLR 资料来自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP),多年平均基准为 1979~2000 年, 网格点距为 2.5°×2.5°。 太阳黑子相对数来自比利时太阳影响资料分析中心(SIDC)。 海表温度(SST)实时和历史资料来自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP),多年平均 基准为 1971~2000 年,网格点距为 1°×1°(见参考文献 Reynolds,2002)。 次表层海温实时和历史资料来自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP),多年平均基准 为 1980~1997 年。 北半球积雪资料来自美国气候预报中心(CPC),为 NOAA 逐周北半球积雪分布资 料,采用极射赤面投影,北半球分为 89×89 个网格,资料定义 1 为有雪,0 为无雪。 多年平均基准为 1973~2002 年。 南北极海冰密集度资料来自美国国家环境预测中心(NCEP),分辨率为 1°×1°, 气候标准值采用 1982~2004 年平均。 二、候、季节和年度的划分说明 候的划分为每月 6 候,每年 72 候。 季节划分以北半球为准,冬季为上年 12 月~本年 2 月,春季为 3~5 月,夏季 为 6~8 月,秋季为 9~11 月。 年为 1~12 月。 三、指标与方法 1.极端事件监测指标 全球极端天气气候事件监测指标采用世界气象组织( WMO)世界气候研究计划 (WCRP)的气候变率和预测研究项目(CLIVAR)中气候变化检测、监测和指数专家 组(ETCCDMI)推荐使用的极端天气气候事件监测指标中的暖昼、暖夜、冷昼、冷夜、 降水强度、极端强降水量、极端强降水日数( (见参考文献 Peterson,2005),具体的指标定义见表 1。
IntroductionRevision HistorySection 0 - Indicator SectionTable 0.0 - Discipline of Processed Data Section 1 - Identification SectionTable 1.0 - GRIB Master Tables Version NumberTable 1.1 - GRIB Local Tables Version Number Table 1.2 - Significance of Reference TimeTable 1.3 - Production Status of DataTable 1.4 - Type of DataSection 2 - Local Use SectionSection 3 - Grid Definition SectionTable 3.0 - Source of Grid DefinitionTable 3.1 - Grid Definition Template Number Table 3.2 - Shape of the EarthTable 3.3 - Resolution and Component Flags Table 3.4 - Scanning ModeTable 3.5 - Projection CenterTable 3.6 - Spectral Data Representation Type Table 3.7 - Spectral Data Representation Mode Table 3.8 - Grid Point PositionTable 3.9 - Numbering Order of DiamondsTable 3.10 - Scanning Mode for One DiamondTable 3.11 - Interpretation of List of Numbers at end of section 3Table 3.15 - Physical Meaning of Vertical CoordinateTable 3.20 - Type of Horizontal LineTable 3.21 - Vertical Dimension Coordinate Values DefinitionSection 4 - Product Definition SectionTable 4.0 - Product Definition Template NumberTable 4.1 - Parameter Category by Product DisciplineTable 4.2 - Parameter Number by Product Discipline and Parameter Category Table 4.3 - Type of Generating ProcessTable 4.4 - Indicator of Unit of Time RangeTable 4.5 - Fixed Surface Types and UnitsTable 4.6 - Type of Ensemble ForecastTable 4.7 - Derived ForecastTable 4.8 - Clustering MethodTable 4.9 - Probability TypeTable 4.10 - Type of Statistical ProcessingTable 4.11 - Type of Time IntervalsTable 4.12 - Operating ModeTable 4.13 - Quality Control IndicatorTable 4.14 - Clutter Filter IndicatorTable 4.15 - Type of Spatial Processing used to arrive at givendata value from the source dataTable 4.201 - Precipitation TypeTable 4.202 - Precipitable Water CategoryTable 4.203 - Cloud TypeTable 4.204 - Thunderstorm CoverageTable 4.205 - Presence of AerosolTable 4.206 - Volcanic AshTable 4.207 - IcingTable 4.208 - TurbulenceTable 4.209 - Planetary Boundary-Layer RegimeTable 4.210 - Contrail IntensityTable 4.211 - Contrail Engine TypeTable 4.212 - Land UseTable 4.213 - Soil TypeTable 4.215 - Remotely Sensed Snow CoverageTable 4.216 - Elevation of Snow Covered TerrainTable 4.217 - Cloud Mask TypeTable 4.218 - Pixel Scene TypeTable 4.219 - Cloud Top Height Quality IndicatorTable 4.220 - Horizontal Dimension ProcessedTable 4.221 - Treatment of Missing DataTable 4.222 - Categorical ResultTable 4.223 - Fire Detection IndicatorTable 4.224 - Categorical OutlookTable 4.230 - Atmospheric Chemical or Physical TypeSection 5 - Data Representation SectionTable 5.0 - Data Representation Template NumberTable 5.1 - Type of Original Field ValuesTable 5.2 - Matrix Coordinate Value Function DefinitionTable 5.3 - Matrix Coordinate ParameterTable 5.4 - Group Splitting MethodTable 5.5 - Missing Value Management for Complex PackingTable 5.6 - Order of Spatial DifferencingTable 5.7 - Precision of Floating Point NumbersTable 5.40 - Type of CompressionSection 6 - Bit Map SectionTable 6.0 - Bit Map IndicatorSection 7 - Data SectionSection 8 - End SectionAppendix A - Outline of WMO Headers Used With GRIB1 and GRIB2 Appendix B - Outline of WMO Headers for the EPA/CMAQ modelAppendix C - Definition of Commonly used NCEP GridsGRIB2 - GRIB1 Local parameter conversion tableDisclaimer:This web page and the pages it links to are for the use of NOAA employees and their customers to facilitate in the transfer of meteorological data in WMO GRIB2 format. Nothing in these pages should be considered official. To obtain official documentation on the WMO GRIB2 data standard, please visit the WMO web site. - SECTION 0INDICATOR SECTIONCreated 05/10/05This section serves to identify the start of the record in a human readable form, indicate the total length of the message, andindicate the Edition number of GRIB used to construct or encode the message. For GRIB2, this section is always 16 octets long.GRIB2 - TABLE 0.0DISCIPLINESection 0 , Octet 7Created 05/11/05This table is used to indicate the discipline of the processed data contained within a GRIB message. This number is coded in octet 7 of section 0 of the GRIB2 message.2GRIB2 - SECTION 1IDENTIFICATION SECTIONCreated 05/10/05Notes:1. Local tables define those parts of the master table which are reserved for local use except for the casedescribed below. In any case, the use of local tables in the messages are intended for non-local or international exchange is strongly discouraged.2. If octet 10 is set to 255 then only local tables are in use. In this case, the local table version number (octet 11) must not be zero nor missing. Local tables may include entries from the entire range of the tables.3. If octet 11 is zero, octet 10 must contain a valid master table version number and only those parts of the tables not reserved for local use may be used.GRIB2 - TABLE 1.0GRIB Master TablesVersion NumberSection 1, Octet 10Revised 12/06/2011Red text depicts changes made since 11/08/2010GRIB2 - TABLE 1.1GRIB Local Tables Version Number Section 1, Octet 11Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 1.2Significance of Reference Time Section 1, Octet 12Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 1.3 Production Status of Data Section 1, Octet 20Revised 05/02/2008Red text depicts changes made since 05/11/2005GRIB2 - TABLE 1.4TYPE OF DATASection 1, Octet 21Revised 04/22/2009Red text depicts changes made since 05/11/20053GRIB2 - SECTION 2LOCAL USE SECTIONRevised 03/08/2010Red text depicts changes made since 05/10/2005Notes:1. Center=7 (NCEP), subcenter=14(NWS Meteorological Development Laboratory (MDL)) used octet 6 to indicate which local use table to use. For MDL, octet 6=1 indicates use: "MDL Template2.1"4GRIB2 - SECTION 3GRID DEFINITION SECTIONRevised 11/05/2007Red text depicts changes made since05/10/2005Notes:1. If octet 6 is not zero, octets 15-xx (15-nn if octet 11 is zero) may not be supplied. This should be documented with all bits set to 1 in the grid definition template number.2. An optional list of numbers defining number of points is used to document a quasi-regular grid, where the number of points may vary from one row to another. In such a case, octet 11 is non zero and gives the number octets on which each number of points is encoded. For all other cases, such as regular grids, octets 11 ans 12 are zero and no list is appended to the grid definition template.3. If a list of numbers defining the number of points is preset, it is appended at the end of the grid definition template ( or directly after the grid definition number if the template is missing). When the grid definition template is present, the length is given according to bit3 of the scanning mode flag octet (length is Nj or Nyforflag value 0). List ordering is implied by data scanning.4. Depending on the code value given in octet 12, the list of numbers either:- Corresponds to the coordinate lines as given in the grid definition, or- Corresponds to a full circle, or- Does not apply.GRIB2 - TABLE 3.0Source of Grid DefinitionSection 3, Octet 6Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.1Grid Definition Template Number Section 3, Octets 13-14Revised 05/11/2010Red text depicts changes made since 06/18/2008GRIB2 - TABLE 3.2Shape of the Reference SystemSection 3, Octet 15(Does not apply to grid templates 50-53, 100, 120, and 1200)Revised 12/16/2011Red text depicts changes made since 05/02/2008GRIB2 - TABLE 3.3RESOLUTION AND COMPONENT FLAGSSection 3, Octet 55 - forgrid templates 0-3 and 40-43Section 3, Octet 47 - forgrid templates 10, 20, 30, 31, 90,and 110(Does not apply to grid templates50-53, 100, 120, 1000, 1100, and1200)Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.4 SCANNING MODESection 3, Octet 72 - for grid templates0-3, 40-43 and 204Section 3, Octet 60 - for grid templates 10 Section 3, Octet 65 - for grid template 20, 30 and 31Section 3, Octet 66 - for grid template 90Section 3, Octet 57 -for grid template 110Section 3, Octet 39 -for grid template 120Section 3, Octet 51 -for grid templates 1000 and 1100(Does not apply to grid templates 50-53, 100, and 1200)Revised 08/17/2007Notes:1. i direction - west to east along a parallel or left to right along an x-axis.2. j direction - south to north along a meridian, or bottom to top along a y-axis.3. If bit number 4 is set, the first row scan is defined by previous flags.GRIB2 - TABLE 3.5PROJECTION CENTERSection 3, Octet 64 - forgrid templates 20, 30, 31(Does not apply to grid templates0-3, 10, 40-43, 50-53, 90, 100, 110,120, 1000, 1100, and 1200)Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.6 SPECTRAL DATA REPRESENTATION TYPECreated 2/12/06GRIB2 - TABLE 3.7SPECTRAL DATA REPRESENTATION MODECreated 05/11/05Notes:1. Values of N(m) for common truncation cases are as follows:Triangular: M = J = K, N(m) = JRhomboidal: K = J + M, N(m) = J + mTrapezoidal: K = J, K > M, N(m) = JGRIB2 - TABLE 3.8GRID POINT POSITIONSection 3, Octet 32 - For grid template 100Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.9NUMBERING ORDER OF DIAMONDS AS SEEN FROM THE CORRESPONDING POLESection 3, Octet 33 - For grid template 100Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.10SCANNING MODE FORONE DIAMONDSection 3, Octet 34 - For grid template 100Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.11Interpretation of list of numbers at end of section 3Section 3, Octet 12Revised 05/02/2008Red text depicts changes made since 05/11/2005Notes(1) For entry 1, it should be noted that depending on valuesof extreme (first/last) coordinates, and regardless ofbit-map, effective number of points per row may be less thanthe number of points on the current circle.(2) For value for the constant direction increment Di (orDx) in the accompanying Grid Definition Template should beset to all ones (missing).GRIB2 - TABLE 3.15PHYSICAL MEANING OFVERTICAL COORDINATESection 3, Octet 63 - For grid template 1000Section 3, Octet 39 - For grid template 1200Revised 12/06/2011Red text depicts changes made since 05/11/2005Notes:1. Negative values associate to this coordinate will indicate depth below ground surface. If values are all below the surface, use of entry 106 is recommended with positive coordinate values instead.2. The Eta vertical coordinate system involves normalizing the pressure at some point on a specific level by the mean sea level pressure at that point.GRIB2 - TABLE 3.20TYPE OF HORIZONTAL LINESection 3, Octet 60 - for grid templates 1000 and 1100Created 05/11/05GRIB2 - TABLE 3.21VERTICAL DIMENSION COORDINATEVALUES DEFINITIONSection 3, Octet 64 - For grid template 1000Section 3, Octet 40 - For grid template 1200Created 05/11/055GRIB2 - SECTION 4PRODUCT DEFINITION SECTIONCreated 05/10/05Notes:1. Coordinate values are intended to document the vertical discretization associated with model data on hybrid coordinate vertical levels. A value of zero in octets 6-7 indicates that no such values arepresent. Otherwise the number corresponds to the whole set of values.2. Hybrid systems employ a means of representing vertical coordinates in terms of a mathematical combination of pressure and sigma coordinates. When used in conjunction with a surface pressure field and an appropriate mathematical expression, the vertical coordinate parameters may be used to interpret the hybrid vertical coordinate.3. Hybrid coordinate values, if present, should be encoded in IEEE 32-bit floating point format. They are intended to be encoded as pairs.GRIB2 - TABLE 4.0Product Definition Template Number Section 4, Octets 8-9Revised 12/06/2011Red text depicts changes made since12/09/2009。
ncep资料下载1. 8天预报。
(含0小时)3小时间隔1x1 deg gfs(globle forecast model)每个文件大约1g /cgi-bin/ldm/genweb?native/grid/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg2. 再分析。
1 x 1deg 再分析历史记录可以通过如下站点下载:NCEP FNL Global Tropospheric Analyses, 1x1, daily 1999Jul30- presentuser : hxfcalf@password : same as hxfcalf@ncep资料各个分量下载:/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanalysis.html3. 一个时次预报。
拆散的1x1 deg gfs(globle forecast model)每个文件大约15m/pub/gfs/rotating-grb2/4.可以通过OPENDAP获取指定预报时次、区域、类型、层次的格点场:8080/thredds/dodsC/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg/NCEP-GFS-Glo bal_onedeg_fmrc.ncd4.1 格点资料定义---dds:8080/thredds/dodsC/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg/NCEP-GFS-Glo bal_onedeg_fmrc.ncd.dds4.2 其它可使用参数(dds,das,dods,info,html,ascii)4.3 举例:可以获取的运行资料日期和时次:8080/thredds/dodsC/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg/NCEP-GFS-Glo bal_onedeg_fmrc.ncd.ascii?run可供查询的预报时刻:8080/thredds/dodsC/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg/NCEP-GFS-Glo bal_onedeg_fmrc.ncd.ascii?time可供查询的等压面层次:8080/thredds/dodsC/fmrc/NCEP/GFS/Global_onedeg/NCEP-GFS-Glo bal_onedeg_fmrc.ncd.ascii?pressure其它可使用参数:(run,time,pressure,pressure2 ,lat,lon,depth_below_surface_layer)pressure=26的物理量:(ascii?pressure[0:25])Geopotential_height,Temperature,U-component_of_wind,V-component_of_wind,Absolute_vorticitypressure2 = 21的物理量Float32 Relative_humidity[run = 12][time = 61][pressure2 = 21][lat = 181][lon = 360];Cloud_mixing_ratio, Vertical_velocity_pressure5. *.nc格式的单要素/年动态历史库。
New NCEP Cholesterol Guidelines11/11/2003By James J. Kenney, Ph.D., R.D.Copyright 2003 Food & Health Communications, Inc.Introduction (1)The Key Changes (1)More Aggressive Cholesterol-Lowering Goals (Change #1) (2)Fasting Blood Lipid Profile Now Used To Screen For Dyslipidemia (Change #2) (3)More Aggressive Dietary Guidelines for LDL-C Lowering (Change #3) (5)Better Diagnosis of Risk of MI (Change #4) (6)Recognition of Type 2 DM as a Major MI Risk Factor (Change #5) (8)More Focus on Insulin Resistance and Dyslipidemia (Changes #6,7 & 8) (9)How Did the ATP III Go Wrong? (10)Do High-Carbohydrate Diets Necessarily Increase Fasting TG and RLP? (11)Fasting TG Levels Often Return To Normal On A High-Carbohydrate Diet (13)Do High-Carbohydrate Diet Lower HDL-C Levels and Increase CHD Risk? (16)Blood Lipids Changes Due to Genetic and Diet May Not Be Comparable (17)A Lower HDL-C Resulting From A High-Carbohydrate Diet May Not Be Dangerous (18)Insulin Resistance and C-Reactive Protein Level (19)Bottom Line: Clinical Trials Show Regression on Very-Low-Fat Diets (20)Should SFA Be Replaced With Carbohydrate or Unsaturated Fat? (20)But Wouldn’t Replacing SFA With UFA Also Prevent CAD? (21)Conclusions (21)IntroductionOn May 15, 2001, the National Cholesterol Education Panel (NCEP) issued major new clinical practice guidelines on the prevention and treatment of high cholesterol levels in adults. This was the first major update of the NCEP guidelines since 1993. An executive summary of the Third Report of the NCEP Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (a.k.a., Adult Treatment Panel III or ATP III) appeared in the May 16, 2001 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The NCEP has predicted that the new ATP III guidelines will increase the number of Americans requiring treatment for elevated cholesterol levels (from 52 million to 65 million) and nearly triple the number of Americans who will need to take cholesterol lowering drugs (from 13 million to 36 million Americans). This is in order to reach the more aggressive blood cholesterol-lowering treatment goals established by the ATP III.The Key ChangesThe key changes established by the ATP III from the previous NCEP guidelines (set by the ATP II) include the following:1. More aggressive cholesterol-lowering treatment goals2. Use of a lipoprotein profile as a first test for diagnosing dyslipidemia and myocardial infarct (MI) risk3. New more aggressive dietary guidelines for lowering elevated low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) levels with diet and other lifestyle changes known as Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC)4. Better diagnosis of those at high-risk for a MI)5. Recognition that people with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) are at very high risk of MI and require more aggressive treatment of elevated LDL-C levels6. Increased focus on elevated triglycerides (TG) levels and their treatment7. A new higher cutpoint for establishing a low high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C) level as a major risk factor for MIs8. New guidelines for treating those with the metabolic syndrome, (a.k.a., "insulin resistance syndrome", "syndrome X")From the perspective of this reviewer, the ATP III guidelines represent:a) several steps forward in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerotic related cardiovascular diseaseb) a few missteps by ignoring important researchc) a few steps that are probably warranted but not takenMore Aggressive Cholesterol-Lowering Goals (Change #1)The new ATP III guidelines do not change the total cholesterol (TC) level categories. They continue to define a TC below 200 mg/dl as "desirable" even though about 30% of all MIs occur in Americans with a "desirable" TC.1However, the new ATP III guidelines have established goals for LDL-C levels that are much more aggressive than the earlier ATP II goals. These more aggressive LDL-C lowering goals, if achieved, will be much more likely to prevent or treat successfully atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease than the ATP II goals. These new cholesterol-lowering goals should help prevent many more MIs and strokesthan the older goals. The new LDL-C categories are shown in Table 1.Table 1. ATP III LDL-Cholesterol CategoriesLDL-Cholesterol level LDL-Cholesterol Category<100 mg/dl Optimal100-129 mg/dl Above Optimal130-159 mg/dl Borderline High160-189 mg/dl High>190 mg/dl Very High_____________________________________________________Adapted from JAMA 2001;285:2486-97In ATP II, an LDL-C level below 130 mg/dl was categorized as "desirable" but an LDL-C of 100-129 mg/dl is often associated with progression of atherosclerotic lesions particularly when several other coronary heart disease (CHD) riskfactors are present. So while a LDL-C of <130 mg/dl was more "desirable" than even higher levels, it was certainly not "optimal" for either the prevention or treatment of atherosclerotic disease. A meta-analysis of 14 cholesterol-lowering trials calculated that atherosclerotic plaque progression ceases around a LDL-C of 100 mg/dl.2 No doubt it was this type of data that convinced the ATP III to lower their LDL-C targets for people at high-risk of CHD.It should be noted that nearly 10% of CHD patients still have LDL-C levels below 100 mg/dl although most of these have several other risk factors for CHD.Therefore, in patients deemed at very high risk for MIs due to advanced atherosclerosis, an LDL-C clinical target even lower than 100 mg/dl may be warranted in some, if not most, patients.3 Several intervention trials are now being conducted to determine if there is clinical benefit to lowering LDL-C well below 100 mg/dl in patients with clinical evidence of atherosclerotic disease. Clearly the ATP III’s new focus on the measurement of LDL-C in all adults over age 20 years, along with lower targets for "safe" LDL-C levels for manypatients, is warranted by the bulk of the scientific research. Whether evenlower target levels for LDL-C are clinically warranted awaits results of ongoing clinical trials. However, the more generous LDL-C targets for people deemed to be at lower risk of atherosclerotic disease will certainly allow this disease to progress in many, if not most, people.If the ATP III now states that an LDL-C of less than 100 mg/dl is "optimal” for people at high risk of CHD why is it not the optimal goal for those at lowerrisk of CHD? After all, several hundred thousand Americans will have MIs and strokes each year even though they are not deemed to be in the high-riskcategory by the new NCEP guidelines. Perhaps the ATP III believes that recommending a diet sufficiently low in animal products and hydrogenated fat and sufficiently high in minimally processed fruits, vegetables and whole grains in order to achieve the "optimal" LDL-C level is too drastic a change in diet to expect most people to comply with. Nevertheless, it seems that health professionals should be in the business of educating people about what the scientific evidence suggests is an optimal LDL-C level and what is the safest and most effective dietary approach to achieving this optimal LDL-C goal. Fasting Blood Lipid Profile Now Used To Screen For Dyslipidemia (Change #2)The ATP III now recommends that a fasting blood lipid profile measures serum TC, HDL-C and TG levels in all adults age 20 years and older. They say this is needed to better screen for dyslipidemia and to assess the risk of a MI. Earlier NCEP guidelines required a non-fasting TC and HDL-C measurement only because there was no consensus on the value of measuring TG levels. However, under the old guidelines, if the TC was 200 mg/dl or higher and/or if HDL-C was under 35 mg/dl then the measurement of fasting TG levels was recommended at a follow-up blood test. This became necessary because the older as well as the new treatment guidelines use the LDL-C level as the primary treatment target. Most clinical labs do not measure LDL-C directly. Therefore, without measuring fasting TGlevel it is not possible to calculate the LDL-C level. LDL-C is usuallycalculated as follows:LDL-C = TC - HDL-C - TG/5 (all values in mg/dl)In truth, what is called LDL-C actually includes both LDL-C plus intermediate-density-lipoprotein-cholesterol (IDL-C). There is also cholesterol in very-low-density-lipoprotein particles (VLDL), chylomicrons and their remnants. VLDL particles generally have about 1/5 as much cholesterol as they do TG. After a10-12 hour fast there is very little chylomicron remnant particles in the blood. For people who have very high TG levels, this ratio changes and so LDL-C is generally not estimated if TG levels are over 400 mg/dl.The ATP III now appears to believe that elevated fasting TG levels (>150 mg/dl) are an established risk factor for CHD. In fact this is still a matter of much debate. For example, a comprehensive secondary statistical analysis of data from the Multiple Risk Factor Intervention Trial (MRFIT), the Lipid Research Clinics Coronary Primary Prevention Trial (LRCPPT), and the Lipid Research ClinicsPrevalence and Follow-Up Study found, “with few exceptions, no significant interactions between cholesterol subfractions and triglyceride levels were found … and triglyceride measurements did not improve discrimination between those subjects who did and those who did not suffer coronary heart disease events.”4 Simply put, in studies of Americans, there is no consistent relationship between serum TG levels and the risk of CHD after adjusting the data for confounding variables like HDL-C, BMI, smoking, etc. For example, the risk of CHD is higher in those who have higher TG levels but these people often have lower HDL-C levels. Clearly there is nothing close to a scientific consensus to support the contention that fasting TG levels are an independent risk factor for CHD. Unfortunately the ATP III’s growing but unfounded focus on serum fasting TG levels as a CVD risk factor appears to be playing a role in moving the NCEP dietary recommendations in the wrong direction. This is particularly true for people who have insulin resistance and elevated fasting serum TG levels. Thiswill be discussed later.The ATP III's recommendation to continue using LDL-C as the primary clinical target for treating dyslipidemia is also becoming more questionable. This is because very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL-C) also appears to be atherogenic or at least is associated with an increased risk of CHD. A recent analysis of the Lipid Research Clinics Follow-Up Study found that non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (non-HDL-C) was actually a somewhat better predictor of CVD risk than was LDL-C.5 Simply put, non-HDL-C rather than LDL-C should be the primary therapeutic target for reducing the risk of CVD ratherthan just the LDL-C.The ATP III does set a secondary goal of achieving a non-HDL-C level no morethan 30 mg/dl higher than the primary LDL-C goal (see Table 1) in people who have a fasting TG level of 200 mg/dl or higher. However, most of the subjects in the LRC Follow-Up Study discussed above had TG levels below 200 mg/dl and in these subjects non-HDL-C was a significantly better predictor of dying from CVD than was LDL-C. Simply put, research shows that lowering non-HDL-C reduces the risk of CVD more than lowering LDL-C. No doubt this is because non-HDL-Cincludes LDL-C, IDL-C, VLDL-C and chylomiron-C. All of these lipoprotein subfractions can be associated more atherosclerosis so why should the NCEP continue to focus primarily on the LDL-C level?Some members of the ATP III panel have argued that there is not yet sufficient data to switch from LDL-C to non-HDL-C as the primary target for treatingpatients with dyslipidemia. However, the bulk of the data available suggeststhat non-HDL-C is a more superior predictor of atherosclerotic disease than is LDL-C alone. The ATP III’s main argument against switching appears to be that they have recommended using LDL-C for so long that switching to non-HDL-C would confuse physicians and the public.6 Non-HDL-C is easy to calculate and does not even require a fasting blood lipid panel. Non-HDL-C = TC - HDL-C. Because non-HDL-C does not require a fasting blood sample to measure it would be easier on patients and a little less expensive than using LDL-C to monitor therapeutic success. This does not mean fasting TG levels should not be measured. If very elevated they can cause pancreatitis and are often associated with other metabolic problems like renal disease, alcoholism, hypothyroidism and poorly controlled diabetes. However, when it comes to atherosclerotic disease, fasting TG levels are of little, if any, diagnostic value. The ATP III does recommendthe use of non-HDL-C as a secondary target of treatment.So what is an optimal non-HDL-C level? To establish a secondary treatmenttarget, the NCEP now recommends adding 30 to their LDL-C target. So if apatient’s LDL-C target was less than 100 mg/dl then his non-HDL-C target wouldbe less than 130 mg/dl. The ATP III has lowered the "normal" range for fasting TG levels from less than 200 mg/dl to less than 150 mg/dl. It is the opinion of this reviewer that an optimal fasting TG level is below 100 mg/dl although a somewhat higher level may still be optimal if the patient is consuming a very-low-fat (VLF) diet (under 20% of energy from fat). The reason for this is that elevated fasting TG levels correlate with elevated postprandial TG levels. Most research suggests that any CVD risk associated with higher fasting TG levels would be primarily due to the higher postprandial lipemia. Higher postprandial TG levels are often closely correlated with higher fasting TG levels. Higher postprandial TG levels are associated with more atherogenic lipoprotein particles. This will be discussed in detail later. In this reviewer’s opinion, an optimal non-HDL-C level is below 120 mg/dl and perhaps up to 130 mg/dl if the patient is consuming a VLF, high-carbohydrate diet.More Aggressive Dietary Guidelines for LDL-C Lowering (Change #3)ATP III appears to have abandoned the terminology for the "Step 1 Diet" and "Step 2 Diet" for lowering LDL-C levels. What was once the Step 1 diet is now referred to as a "Heart Healthy Diet" and is recommended for people at a lower risk of atherosclerotic disease. The Heart Healthy Diet is basically the same as the old "Step 1 Diet" except the percent of calories from total fat is now 25 to 35% of energy rather than less than 30% under the older guidelines. The higher intake of fat is achieved by increasing the amount of monounsaturated fattyacids up to 20% of the total calories. The intake of saturated fatty acids (SFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and cholesterol on the Heart Healthy Diet are the same as the old Step 1 diet.Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC) are now recommended for people whose LDL-C remains above the target level. TLC puts more emphasis on losing excess body fat and increasing daily activity than the earlier ATP II guidelines. The old "Step 2 Diet" used to lower elevated LDL-C levels in patients who fail to achieve treatment goals on the Step 1 Diet has also undergone a few changes. As with the "Heart Healthy Diet", this new therapeutic diet (called the TLC Diet instead of Step 2 Diet) also adopts a fat range of 25-35% of energy instead of the old guideline of less than 30% of energy from fat. The TLC Diet targets for SFA (<7% en) and cholesterol (<200 mg/d) remain the same as the old Step 2 Diet. However, the TLC Diet recommends a couple of new twists for lowering elevated LDL-C levels.One is to eat more soluble fiber rich foods. The goal is to increase solublefiber intake to 10 to 25g daily by eating more soluble-fiber rich foods.The second new twist is the recommendation to consume 2 grams daily of plant sterol and stanols by consuming food products enriched in these cholesterol-lowering phytochemicals such as margarine and salad dressings (e.g., "Benecol" and "Take Control").Increasing dietary soluble fiber and plant sterols and stanols, in the diets of patients with elevated LDL-C, makes the TLC Dietary approach potentially more effective than the old ATP II Step 2 Diet approach. However, reducing dietary saturated fat and cholesterol to even lower amounts than the targets for the TLC Diet would certainly make it easier for more people to achieve their LDL-C goal without cholesterol-lowering medications. There is every reason to believe that a VLF (<15% en), high-fiber, more vegetarian diet can lower LDL-C more than the new TLC Diet. This is because such a diet can supply less than 3.5% of calories from saturated and trans fatty acids and keep daily cholesterol intake well below 100 mg. No one doubts that greater reductions in SFA, trans fatty acids (TFA) and cholesterol would lead to greater reductions in LDL-C levels. A diethigher in carbohydrate and lower in fat would also tend to have more dietaryfiber and this helps lower elevated TC, LDL-C and non-HDL-C levels.It should also be obvious that achieving a 25g intake of soluble fiber would be far more difficult on a 35% fat diet than a diet with only 10-15% of calories from fat. Vegetable oils have no soluble fiber and most high-fat vegetarianfoods (e.g. nuts, seeds, tofu, avocados) have less soluble fiber for a given energy content than do most fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, lentils and many grains (especially oats and barely). It should also be noted that all vegetable oils contain SFA. If one added enough olive oil to increase the % fat calories from 10% to 35% of energy then the SFA content of the diet would double (from 3.5% to 7% en.). This extra oil could displace a lot of fiber-rich foods assuming that energy intake was the same on the diet higher in fat. Of course, there is growing evidence that higher fat diets tend to promote excessive energy intake and weight gain over time.78Even though the NCEP ATP III’s new guidelines put more emphasis on theimportance of weight loss for reducing CHD risk factors, they ignore growing evidence linking higher fat diets with increased energy intake and weight gain. The ATP III even recommends reducing the calorie density of the diet to help achieve greater satiety and make weight loss easier. Calorie density appears more important than % energy from fat in determining ad libitum calorie intake.9 10 However, nearly all foods high in monounsaturated fat (i.e. oils and nuts)also have a high calorie density whereas all fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes and many whole grain products (e.g., hot cereals, pasta, corn, brown rice) have a low to moderate calorie density. Therefore, if one were to switch from a VLF diet consisting largely of fruits, vegetables, beans and high-water content whole grain products to a diet with more monounsaturated fat, the caloriedensity of the diet would surely increase. This is why this reviewer believes that a diet lower in fat, saturated fat and cholesterol and higher in fruits, vegetables and whole grains is preferable to the ATP III’s TLC Diet, at leastfor patients who are overweight, for reducing the risk of CHD.Better Diagnosis of Risk of MI (Change #4)The earlier ATP II guidelines recommended patient were to be initially screened by simply measuring TC and HDL-C in the non-fasting state. Only when the HDL-C was less than 35 mg/dl and/or the TC was 200 mg/dl or higher is more extensive blood lipid measurements recommended. However, many MIs are known to occur in individuals with a "desirable" TC (of < 200 mg/dl) and a HDL-C of 35 mg/dl or higher. The new ATP III guidelines call for a complete fasting (9-12 hours without food) blood lipid profile (TC, LDL-C, HDL-C and TG) for everyone 20y or older. By recommending a complete blood lipid panel on all adults and setting more aggressive LDL-C goals the new ATP III guidelines have taken a step in the right direction. This step should reduce the number of people at high-risk for a MI who "slipped through the cracks" of the older ATP II guidelines.The ATP III continue to make LDL-C levels the primary focus for preventing and treating CHD. This is probably not the best treatment target. To compound the problem the NCEP ATP III guidelines use data from the long running Framingham Heart Study to assess risk of CHD based on TC rather than either LDL or non-HDL-C levels. Both LDL-C and non-HDL-C are better risk predictors than TC levels. So why did the ATP III elect to access risk using TC instead? This was because they had much more long-term data available (from the long-running Framingham Heart Study) associating risk of MI with TC rather than LDL-C level.The most aggressive treatment goals for LDL-C levels are reserved for those patients deemed to be at highest risk of future CHD events. These patients have a 20% or greater risk of a CHD event within the next 10y according to the statistics and data generated from the Framingham Heart Study. The 10y risk of CHD events is calculated based on a risk point system using only the following CHD risk factors: age, cigarette smoking, gender, systolic blood pressure level (with or without drug treatment) and the level of TC and HDL. In determining the treatment goal for LDL-C level the presence of either clinical atherosclerotic disease and/or diabetes puts the patient in the highest risk category(regardless of the number of calculated risk points). Family history of early cardiovascular disease also counts as an additional "risk factor" along with smoking, age 45+ for men and 55+ for women, low HDL-C (<40 mg/dl), hypertension and elevated TC. An HDL-C of 60 mg/dl or more is considered to be a negativerisk factor.Both cost/benefit analysis and risk/benefit analysis was no doubt used to setthe LDL-C treatment goals for initiating TLC and drug therapy. However, it is likely that many fatal cardiovascular events could be prevented in patients deemed to be at lower risk if the TLC dietary guidelines were recommended forall adult Americans (with the exception of the plant sterol/stanol fortified foods). The TLC diet is not the most effective diet for reducing LDL-C (or non-HDL-C levels) to the optimal range now recognized by the NCEP.The failure to recommend the most efficacious diet for lowering LDL-C levels coupled with the delay of dietary treatment until the patient is already atfairly high risk of CHD are two of the major short-comings of the new ATP III guidelines. No doubt, factors such as the added cost of dietary counseling for millions of Americans, current well-entrenched food habits, preferences and the potential problems with compliance, with more aggressive dietary guidelines than those advocated in ATP III, were used in setting the TLC dietary guidelines. It also appears that the potential for economic harm to the food industry may have been considerations of the ATP III as well. It also appears that the ATP III failed to fully understand the "big picture" relationship between diet, insulin resistance, body weight regulation and the atherosclerotic disease process. As a result, the TLC dietary guidelines still do not represent the best approach to prevent and treat CVD.Twenty-five-year follow-up data from the Seven Countries Study continues to show dramatic differences in the incidence of CHD mortality between countries. Migration studies have shown that little, if any of these major differences in CHD mortality between countries can be explained by genetic differences. Compared to Japan and Southern (Mediterranean) European countries, the deathrate for CHD was far greater in Northern European countries and the United States. To be sure much of the difference between countries in terms of the incidence of CHD could be explained by the higher saturated fat intake andhigher TC and LDL-C levels in Northern Europe and the U.S. compared with the Mediterranean region and Japan. However, the incidence of fatal CHD was still at least 2-3 times higher in the U.S and Northern Europe than in Southern Europe or Japan, even in individuals with similar fasting blood lipid levels. Theincreased risk of CHD mortality was also adjusted for differences in age, smoking status and systolic blood pressure (SBP). These adjustments also did not remove the much higher risk of CHD death in the U.S and Northern Europe than in Japan or the Mediterranean region of Europe.11The major differences in the relative risk of fatal CHD events in people having similar TC levels but very different diets should make it clear the Framingham Heart Study risk data are far from perfect. Admittedly, these data when coupledwith fasting blood lipid levels do a fairly good job of predicting the relative risk of developing CHD in people consuming a typical American diet. However,they appear to grossly over estimate the relative risk of CHD in people who are consuming either a Mediterranean-style diet or low-fat Japanese-style diet. As one’s diet deviates from a typical American diet to one with much less saturated fat from red meat and dairy products, it appears the predictive value of thedata from the Framingham Heart Study diminishes. Reasons for this are not clear but probably include a higher intake of omega 3 fatty acids and phytochemicalsin the Mediterranean and Japanese diets that reduce the propensity of LDL particles to oxidize, reduce inflammatory reactions and thrombosis. Recognition of Type 2 DM as a Major MI Risk Factor (Change #5)People with Type 2 DM almost always have some insulin resistance and frequently dyslipidemia, hypertension and abdominal obesity. As a result of these and other factors, patients with Type 2 DM have at least 2-3 times the risk of fatal CVD as people without diabetes but with similar risk factors for CVD. According to the ATP III, the 10 year risk of a fatal MI in someone with Type 2 DM is similar to that of someone who as already has evidence of clinical atherosclerosis (i.e. nonfatal MI, angina, symptomatic carotid artery disease, peripheral arterial disease, abdominal aortic aneurysm). However, the risk of death from CHD is actually significantly higher for men with a history of CHD than those with diabetes but without a history of CHD. The presence of both diabetes and ahistory of CHD identifies a particularly high-risk group for death from CHD.12 Both the American Diabetes Association and the NCEP now recommend lowering LDL-C levels to less than 100 mg/dl in those with Type 2 DM. About two-thirds of patients with Type 2 DM die of CVD compared to a little less than half the general population. Aggressively lowering LDL-C levels of patients with Type 2 DM has been shown to reduce their risk of fatal MI. Clearly, more aggressive control of CVD risk factors in patients with Type 2 DM is scientifically justifiable. In recognizing diabetes, a major risk factor for developing CVD,the ATP III has taken a step in the right direction. However, there is reason to question the use of the TLC Diet as optimal for treating overweight and obese Type 2 DM patients. This diet recommends 25-35% energy as fat. Diets higher in fat have several drawbacks in such patients. First, increasing dietary fat will generally be expected to increase energy density and reduce satiety. Therefore, a higher fat diet is more likely to promote weight gain and/or make weight loss more difficult due to increased hunger compared to a higher carbohydrate diet with a lower ED and higher fiber content. 13A second concern is that diets with a higher fat content tend to increase free fatty acid levels. Increased free fatty acid (FFA) levels are associated with increased insulin resistance (IR). Greater IR appears to play a role in the development of Type 2 DM. Replacing dietary carbohydrate with dietary fat has been shown to increase FFA levels in non-diabetic subjects.14 Other studies have shown that the fall in FFA levels in the blood is greatest when the diet is high in fiber and is composed largely of slowly digested high-carbohydrate foods(low-glycemic index foods). Of course, the surest way to lower FFA levels in the blood is to increase activity and lose excess body fat.While the TLC guidelines do stress the need for regular exercise in patientswith Type 2 DM, these new guidelines also recommend a moderately high-fat diet (up to 35% en.). Higher fat diets tend to have a higher energy density and a lower fiber and satiety value than diets higher in minimally processed plant foods. Because most Type 2 DM patients are overweight and would benefit from。
NCEP数据资料获取地⾯抬升指数美国国家环境预报中⼼(NCEP)和国家⼤⽓研究中⼼(NCAR)联合执⾏的全球⼤⽓40年资料再分析计划通过CDC(Climate Dianogistic Center)利⽤磁带的形式向外发⾏。
The lifted index (LI) is the difference between the environment Te(p) and an lifted Tp(p) at a given pressure height in the (lowest layer where most weather occurs) of the , usually 500 (). The temperature is measured in Celsius. When the value is positive, the atmosphere (at the respective height) is stable and when the value is negative, the atmosphere is .LI can be computed using computer algorithms but can also be determined graphically. To do this, generally, the is lifted from the portion of the (PBL) that lies below the morning . The air here should be about 60 to 65% , which is then lifted along the dry adiabat (see also ) to the , which is the intersection of that curve with the average in the boundary layer. Once the LCL is found, the parcel is lifted along the moist adiabat to 500 mb. It is then that one finds LI = Te(p) - Tp(p).LI is generally scaled as follows:LI 6 or Greater, Very Stable ConditionsLI Between 1 and 6 : Stable Conditions, Thunderstorms Not LikelyLI Between 0 and -2 : Slightly Unstable, Thunderstorms Possible, With Lifting Mechanism (i.e., cold front, daytime heating, ...)LI Between -2 and -6 : Unstable, Thunderstorms Likely, Some Severe With Lifting MechanismLI Less Than -6: Very Unstable, Severe Thunderstorms Likely With Lifting MechanismThe lifted index can be used in forecasting, however, (CAPE) is considered by most as a superior measurement of instability and is preferred by many meteorologists for convection forecasting. However, LI is easier and faster to determine without using a computer, as determining CAPE requires integration from one level to another.Reanalysis output includes two lifted indices. the surface lifted index (LFTX) and the best (4-layer) lifted index (4LFTX).The surface lifted index is computed by finding the temperature of an air parcel lifted from the lowest layer to 500 mb and subtractingthe ambient 500 mb temperature.The best lifted index is computed by lifting the parcel from the layer with the warmest equivalent potential temperature to 500 mband subtracting the ambient 500 mb temperature.最暖等效位温For computation, the vertical profile was converted to six layers of depth of 30 mb starting from the surface.Stability of the AtmosphereLifted Index (LI)The LI is a commonly utilized measure of stability which measures the difference between a lifted parcel's temperature at 500 mb and the environmental temperature at 500 mb. It incorporates moisture and lapse rate (static stability) into one number, which is less vulnerable to observations at individual pressure levels. However, LI values do depend on the level from which a parcel is lifted, and rally cannot account for details in th environmental temperature curve above the LCL and below 500 mb. LI was originally intended to utilize average moisture and temperature properties within the planetary boundary layer.LI = T(500 mb envir) - T(500 mb parcel)in degrees C, where T (500 mb envir) represents the 500 mb environmental temperature and T (500 mb parcel) is the rising air parcel's 500 mb temperature.LI over 0:Stable but weak convection possible for LI = 1-3 if strong lifting is present.LI = 0 to -3:Marginally unstable.Moderately unstable.LI = -3 to -6:LI = -6 to -9:Very unstable.LI below -9:Extremely unstable.These LI values are based on lifted parcels using the average lowest 50 to 100 mb moisture and temperature values (i.e., the boundary layer). Variations exist on how LI values are calculated, as discussed below.Surfaced-based LI:Surface-based LIs can be calculated hourly, and assume a parcel is lifted from the surface using surface-based moisture and temperature values, as well as assigned environmental temperatures at 500 mb. This method is valid for a well-mixed nearly dry adiabatic afternoon boundary layer where surface characteristics are similar to those in the lowest 50 to 100 mb layer. However, these values would not be representative of the ambient elevated instability if a nocturnal inversion or shallow cool air to the north of a frontal boundary is present. In these cases, more instability resides above the surface, and parcels may be lifted to form thunderstorms from the top of the inversion.Best LI:The Best LI represents the lowest (most unstable) LI computed from a series of levels from the surface to about 850 mb. This index is most useful during cases when shallow cool air exists north of a frontal boundary resulting in surface conditions and boundary layer-based LI values that are relatively stable. However, the airmass at the top of the inversion, from which lifting may occur, is potentially unstable. An example of this would be elevated ("overrunning") convection (possibly a nocturnal MCS).。
059 Precipitation rate kg/Байду номын сангаас2/s PRATE
060 Thunderstorm probability % TSTM
061 Total precipitation kg/m2 A PCP
062 Large scale precipitation (non-conv.) kg/m2 NCPCP
006 Geopotential m2/s2 GP
007 Geopotential height gpm HGT
008 Geometric height m DIST
009 Standard deviation of height m HSTDV
010 Total ozone Dobson TOZNE
011 Temperature K TMP
012 Virtual temperature K VTMP
013 Potential temperature K POT
014 Pseudo-adiabatic potential temperature K EPOT
or equivalent potential temperature
077 Best lifted index (to 500 hPa) K BLI
078 Convective snow kg/m2 SNO C
079 Large scale snow kg/m2 SNO L
080 Water Temperature K WTMP
015 Maximum temperature K T MAX
016 Minimum temperature K T MIN
美国国家环境预报中心(NCEP)和国家大气研究中心(NCAR)联合执行的全球大气40年资料再分析计划通过CDC(Climate Dianogistic Center)利用磁带的形式向外发行。
1 资料分类该资料集分:等压面资料、地面资料、通量资料1.1等压面资料资料格距:2.50*2.50的经纬网格网格点数:144* 73个格点资料范围:900N~900S,O0E~357.50E等压面层:共17层(hPa),1000,925,850,700,600,500,400,300,250,200,150,100,70,50,30,20,10资料文件:文件名由变量名的缩写和年份组成,如:air.83,表示1983年各等压面温度。
表1 等压面资料说明变量名缩写物理量单位air 温度 0.1Khgt 位势高度 mrhum 对湿度 %shum 比湿 0.00001 kg/kgomega 垂直速度 0.001 Pa/suwnd 纬向风速 0.1m/svwnd 经向风速 0.1m/s1.2地面资料资料格距:2.50*2.50的经纬网格网格点数:144*73个格点资料范围:900N~900S,00E~357.50E资料层:地面或近地层(0.995层)资料文件:文件名由变量名的缩写、层和年份组成,如:air.Sig995.83,表示1983年地面温度。
表2 地面资料说明变量名缩写和层物理量单位air.sig9 95 温度 0.1Klftx.sfc 地面抬升指数 0.1Klftx4.sfc 最佳(4层)地面抬升指数 0.1Komega.sig995 垂直速度 0.001Pa/spottmp.sig995 位温 0.1Kpr-wtr.eatm(整层气柱)可降水量 0.1kg/m2pres.sfc 地面气压 10Parhum.sig995 相对湿度 %slp 海平面气压 10Pauwnd.Sig995 纬向风速 0.1m/svwnd.sig995 经向风速 0.1m/shgt.sfc 地形高度 mland 海陆分布1.3通量资料资料网格:T62高斯格点,192*94个格点资料范围:88.5420N~88.5420S,00E~358.1250E资料文件:文件名由变量名的缩写和年份组成,如:pres.hcb.83,表示1983年高云底的气压。
下载需要输入用户名和密码,如果没有,可以点下方图片(图2)中的Sign in注册一下,一般申请提交之后两天会通过注册邮件通知您是否通过审核(一般情况下,按照格式填写,都会通过的)。
2.1资料寻找:登陆成功后,在当前所在页面(图3),点击Quick links下方的红框标注的1-degree FNLs,也就是进入/datasets/ds08
2.2资料下载:将当前页面下拉至低端,点击蓝色DATA ACCESS按钮(见图5),然后进入下载页面(见图6),有两种压缩格式的资料供我们下载,两种数据都是1°×1°,6小时间隔的,一种是GRIB1,另一种是GRIB2,下载方式相同,现在我们以GRIB1格
首先点击GRIB同行的按钮,进入下载数据方式选择页面(图7),点击Select From Our List按钮(见图8)。
Hale Waihona Puke 3. 一个时次预报。拆散的1x1 deg gfs(globle forecast model)每个文件大约15m
2. 再分析。1 x 1deg 再分析历史记录可以通过如下站点下载:
NCEP FNL Global Tropospheric Analyses, 1x1, daily 1999Jul30- present
user : hxfcalf@
password : same as hxfcalf@
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ncep资料下载2009-08-03 12:031. 8天预报。(含0小时)3小时间隔1x1 deg gfs(globle forecast model)每个文件大约1g
pressure2 = 21的物理量
Float32 Relative_humidity[run = 12][time = 61][pressure2 = 21][lat = 181][lon = 360];
下载需要输入用户名和密码,如果没有,可以点下方图片(图2)中的Sign in注册一下,一般申请提交之后两天会通过注册邮件通知您是否通过审核(一般情况下,按照格式填写,都会通过的)。
2.1资料寻找:登陆成功后,在当前所在页面(图3),点击Quick links下方的红框标注的1-degree FNLs,也就是进入/datasets/ds08
2.2资料下载:将当前页面下拉至低端,点击蓝色DATA ACCESS按钮(见图5),然后进入下载页面(见图6),有两种压缩格式的资料供我们下载,两种数据都是1°×1°,6小时间隔的,一种是GRIB1,另一种是GRIB2,下载方式相同,现在我们以GRIB1
首先点击GRIB同行的按钮,进入下载数据方式选择页面(图7),点击Select From Our List按钮(见图8)。
在这一领域中,NCEP(National Centers for Environmental Prediction)、ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts)和CMC(Canadian Meteorological Centre)等机构的全球集合预报业务系统起到了重要的作用。
包括:综合资料、降水、SST、地面覆盖资料、风场/OLR/指数资料Noaa资料库:NCEP资料介绍:欧洲气象中心资料(grib和NC格式的):Levitus资料:Ucar资料NASA资料:以前某天全国的天气情况1度×1度资料ARGO资料NCEP 系统资料:NCEP real-analyses and forecastsNCEP/NCAR REANAL YSISNCEP EtaNCEP AVNnetCDF formatNNRP1: 6 hourly, 2.5 degrees, from 1948 to presentNNRP2: 6 hourly, 2.5 degrees, from 1979 to 2002降水资料CMAP资料:全球土壤资料:全国160个站的降水资料风场资料:NCEP-QSCAT混合风场资料海洋再分析资料:海表高度:3.129.Z海面风场:GSST: Gridded Sea Surface Temperature1990年至今的海温资料regcm3的主页上有连接的Reynolds&Smith 的重构月平均海表温度资料(2×2)南海气候态温盐年平均格点资料:ncep1*1再分析资料和avn资料网址( by 小歹) 1998年每周的雪盖资料(by jaodan)mm5中terrain部分中的25类植被数据卫星资料:国家卫星海洋应用中心Aviation model 的avn data:Topex/Poseidon卫星资料:免费的遥感卫片资料:ENSO指数/El Nino3/SOINDVI资料地面探空资料-MICAPS数据一些预报网址:水文资料:水文资料1:水文资料2:Global runoff data center(GRDC) 水文资料3:US Geologic Survey(USGS)风场/OLR/指数资料NECP-QSCAT混合风场(一天四次,空间精度0.5度) user :nonymous passwd : anonymous目录/datasets/ds744.4/data混合风场ncep的nc格式的风场:SODA(Simple Ocean Data Assimilation)的资料:NACR-NECP WIND STRESS 风场资料全球或太平洋的风场资料长序列南方涛动资料:台风和飓风路径资料:TOMS臭氧资料:日长变化资料:国内外地型/地图资料:全球地形资料:中国近海的地形数据:ETOPO5:全球5分*5分的地形资料。
NCEP资料(时、日、月)下载及说明路径:ftp:///pub/Datasets/分时资料:ftp:///pub/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/日平均资料:ftp:///pub/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/月平均资料:ftp:///pub/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/一、分时资料地面分时资料下载路径:ftp:///Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/surface/4-times daily,1948年至今,2.5×2.5注:文件命中YYYY代表年份,下同。
高空分时日资料下载:ftp:///Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/pressure/4-times daily,1948年至今,2.5×2.5二、日平均资料地面日资料下载路径:ftp:///Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/surface/1948至今,2.5×2.5高空日资料下载路径:ftp:///Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/pressure/1948至今,2.5×2.5注:17层(1000、925、850、700、600、500、400、300、250、200、150、100、70、50、30、20、10hPa)12层(1000、925、850、700、600、500、400、300、250、200、150、100hPa)8层(1000、925、850、700、600、500、400、300hPa)三、月平均资料地面月平均资料下载路径:ftp:///pub/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/surface/1948至今,2.5×2.5高空日资料下载路径:ftp:///Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/pressure/1948至今,2.5×2.5NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1: SummaryOne-Line Description:* NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1Temporal Coverage:* 4-times daily, daily and monthly values for 1948/01/01 to present * Long term monthly means, derived from data for years 1968 - 1996Spatial Coverage:* Global GridsLevels:* 17 Pressure level and 28 sigma levels. N/AUpdate Schedule:* DailyWe have separated the data documentation into seven sections:* Pressure level* Surface* Surface Fluxes* Other Fluxes* Tropopause* Derived Data* Spectral CoefficientsUsage Restrictions:* NoneDetailed Description:* The NCEP/NCAR Reanalysis 1 project is using a state-of-the-art analysis/forecast system to perform data assimilation using past data from 1948 to the present. A large subset of this data is available from PSD in its original 4 times daily format and as daily averages. However, the data from 1948-1957 is a little different, in the regular (non-Gaussian) gridded data. That data was done at 8 times daily in the model, because the inputs available in that era were available at 3Z, 9Z, 15Z, and 21Z, whereas the 4x daily data has been available at 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, and 18Z. These latter times were forecasted and the combined result for this early era is 8x daily. The local ingestion process tookonly the 0Z, 6Z, 12Z, and 18Z forecasted values, and thus only those were used to make the daily time series and monthly means here.Caveats:* Please read the problem list before using the data.Related File Naming & Structure Information:File Names:* See individual sections. Data in /Datasets/ncep.reanalysis/, Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.dailyavgs/,/Datasets/ncep.reanalysis.derived/* Data can be ftp'd from Dataset Format and Size:* PSD standard NetCDF most are (packed).* If you would like datasets on a media such as tape, you will need to get them from another institution. NCAR (link) provides such a service for their datasets.Missing Data:* Missing data is flagged with a value of 32767s or 9.36e36f..Citation:* For dataset source, please cite:Kalnay et al.,The NCEP/NCAR 40-year reanalysis project, Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 77, 437-470, 1996.* Please note: If you acquire NCEP Reanalysis data products from PSD, we ask that you acknowledge us in your use of the data. This may be done by including text such as NCEP Reanalysis data provided by the NOAA/OAR/ESRL PSD, Boulder, Colorado, USA, from their Web site at /psd/ in any documents or publications using these data. We would also appreciate receiving a copy of the relevant publications. This will help PSD to justify keeping the NCEP Reanalysis data set freely available online in the future. Thank you!References:* March, 1996 BAMSOriginal Source:* NOAA National Center for Environmental PredictionContact:* Physical Sciences Division: Data ManagementNOAA/ESRL/PSD325 BroadwayBoulder, CO Department of Commerce | National Oceanic and Atmospheric AdministrationEarth System Research Laboratory/psd/data/gridded/data.ncep.reanalysis.htmlSite Map。
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提供者:NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
覆盖时段: 1948~2003年
覆盖地区:全球 (2.5º*2.5º)
NCEP/NCAR 逐日再分析资料有变量71个,全部资料数据按性质和变量归类,按年代排列,分为五大部分:
2.NCEP/NCAR 一日四次再分析资料
提供者:NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
覆盖时段: 1951~2003年
覆盖地区:全球 (2.5º*2.5º)
NCEP/NCAR 一日四次(00,06,12,18)再分析资料数据集的要素内容与NCEP/NCAR逐日再分析资料类同,包括:
3. NCEP/NCAR月平均再分析资料
提供者:NOAA-CIRES Climate Diagnostics Center
覆盖时段: 1948~2003年
覆盖地区:全球 (2.5º*2.5º)
1.历年月平均(Monthly mean)是由1948年到2003年的每月一日4次资料计算所得。
2.长期月平均(Monthly Long-Term means)一般是由1968年到1996年的月平均资料计算所得。
3.长期日平均(Daily Long-Term mean)是由1968年到1996年的日平均资料计算所得,其中2月29日不予计算。
4.年际标准差(Interannual Standard Deviation)是由历年月平均对长期月平均求均方差,它表示历年平均相对于长期平均的平均偏离程度。
5.昼夜距平(Diurnal Cycle Anomaly)是由一日4次(00、06、12、18)资料计算所得。