



2、将带有特征性形象的词译 成该形象所代表的属性的词。
1) Rich and powerful, he always goosesteps on the street.
1) Goosestep的原义是从名词 “鹅步、正步” 转化而来的动 词,根据上下文引申,译成: “他有钱有势,在街上总是耀 武扬威,横行霸道。”
2)He is in critical condition, see-sawing between life and death.
2) See-saw原义是“跷跷 板”,这里引申译为:他的病 况危急,时好时坏,在生死之 间徘徊。
2)He is a Shylock!
2) Shylock是莎士比亚笔下 的人物,其人刻薄歹毒,故该 句引申译为:他凶险狡诈。
Every life has its roses and thorns.
这里把玫瑰和刺引申,译为: “每个人的生活有苦有甜。”
2)他的学位成了他进入那家 公司获得高薪的敲门砖。
2. 英语中有些词在特定的上 下文中,含义是清楚的,但译 成汉语时还必须作具体化引申, 否则就不够清楚。
1) The car in front of me broke down and I missed the green.
She is a good Christian, a good parent, a good wife, a good daughter and a good teacher.





选择和确定词义通常从以下两个方面着手:(一)根据词在句中的词类来选择和确定词义给出下列练习1.It is not right for children to sit up late.2.The plane was right above our heads.3.In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.4.She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.(二) 根据上下文联系以及词汇在句中的搭配关系来选择和确定词义给出下列练习Account for1.He is ill; that accounts for his absence.2.In this battle he accounted for the five of the enemy3.I want you to account for every cent you spent.Make up1.If the stove is not made up, it will go out.2.There is not any girl called Clementine. He is just made her up.3.Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.4.Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.5.It took Laurence Oliver more than an hour to make up for the part of “Othello”6.They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor.7.We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.Figure1.The foreign trade ha risen to unprecedented figures2.Dr. Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.3.On the desk, there was a bronze figure of Plato.4.He saw dim figures moving towards him.5.June was good at figure skating.二、词义的引申英译汉时,有时会遇到某些词在英语词典上找不到适当的词义,如任意硬套或逐个死译,会是译文生硬晦涩,不能确切表达意愿,甚至造成误解。



Edison invented the electric light lamp. 爱迪生发明了电灯。 He invented a story to explain why he was late. 他编造一个谎话,解释为什么迟到。 The beauty of the evening seduced me abroad. 傍晚的美景把我吸引到户外去。 The vile guy tried to seduce the young girl. 那无耻的家伙企图勾引那个女孩。

2. 根据语境及搭配关系判断词义
动词和名词搭配 形容词和名词搭配
develop the heavy industry develop a method develop an interest develop a habit develop a plan develop one’s competence
我从不喝酒。 Wine
我不喝烈性酒。 spirits
The atrocity of Japanese army’s aggression roused the people to great indignation.
He halted in the district where by night are found the lightest street, hearts, vows and librettos.
他在一个市区停了下来,那里的夜晚有最明亮的街道, 最愉快的心情,最轻易出口的誓言和最轻松的歌曲。

Unit 3 词语选择、引申和褒贬

Unit 3 词语选择、引申和褒贬

1) The play is really a love story. 2) This war is becoming the most important story of this generation. 3) Some reporters who were not included in the meeting broke the story. 4) The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV. 5) Don’t tell stories again, Tom. I don’t believe your stories. 6) It is quite another story now. 7) He storied about his age.
3) Judging from collocation
delicate skin 娇嫩的皮肤 delicate child 娇弱的小孩 易碎的花瓶 delicate vase delicate difference 细微的差别 delicate sense of smell 灵敏的嗅觉 delicate food 美味的食物

褒贬译法: 1. John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well. 2. Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power. 3.Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 4. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture.



9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth.
9). I have butterflies in my stomach. 译文一:我胃痛。 译文二:我有一种想呕吐的感觉。 译文三:我好紧张。 10). When I heard the news my heart came into my mouth. 译文一:当我听到这个消息时,我心都跳 出来了。 译文二:当我听到这个消息时,我很吃惊。 译文三:当我听到这个消息时,我吓死了。
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns.
6 )Every life has its roses and thorns. 译文一:生活中既有鲜花又有芒刺(荆 棘)。 译文二:每个人的生命都其玫瑰和刺。 译文三:生活总会跌荡起伏。(有平坦和 坎坷的时候) 译文四:人生总是有两面性的。
参考译文: 1. 我父亲是那家餐馆的常客, 那里所有的服 务员都认识他. 2. 请看一下上次会议的记录. 3. 在中国我们每到一个城市, 就逛大街, 逛 商店, 逛公园, 上剧院, 下饭馆.
5). There is a mixture of the tiger and the ape in the character of the imperialists.
参考译文: 5. 帝国主义者的性格既残暴, 又狡猾. 6.每个人的生活都是有甜有苦. 7. 我们都被他那种崇高的气质所打动了. . 10. 听到这个消息我吓得要命.
二 词义的引申



(四) 根据词性不同,词义不同
I want to present everyone present a present. 我想给在场的各位赠送一份礼物。 动词,赠送;形容词,在场的;名词,礼物 He was too close to the door to close it. 他离门太近以至于关不了门。 形容词,接近的;动词,关 The insurance was invalid for the invalid. 该险种对残疾人无效。形容词,无效的;名词,残疾人

吃喜酒 吃醋 吃香 吃透 吃不消 Attend the wedding banquet Be jealous Be very popular Have a thorough grasp More than one can stand



英汉互译常用技巧(一)词义的选择、引申和褒贬课后练习一、词义选择与延伸1.Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war.2.Three men were killed in the accident .3.The engine was killed by the flood .4.Y our joke nearly kill me .5.He is a man of confidence.6.He walked at the head of the funeral procession,and every now and then wiped away hishypocritical tears with a big handkerchief.7.We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.8.Watergate consumes Richard Nixon’s presidency.9.The lack of confidence failed her in the competition.二、词义甄别1.数以万计的中外客商云集申城。




三、词义褒贬1、The president was respected by his people for his foresightedness.2、The politician was notorious for his double dealing.3、Y ou flattered me!4、She felt greatly flattered when she received the invitation to deliver a lecture.5、Edison invented the gramophone and the electric light.6、People sometimes invent excuses to go out of work.7、The years steal by.8、That thermometer must be lying.9、对不起,我还没有请教您的尊姓大名呢?段落练习:A Translate the underlined part of the following text into English.我想不起来哪一个熟人没有手机。



1. 写出下列词语的本意和引申义。





2. 以下哪个词语的引申义与原意无关?
- A. 闭门羹:原指主人拒绝客人进门,现比喻拒绝客人来访。

- B. 铁公鸡:原指用铁做的公鸡,现比喻一毛不拔的人。

- C. 千里马:原指善于奔跑、日行千里的马,现比喻人才。

3. 请解释下列词语的本意和引申义,并用每个词语造一个句子。





3 词义的选择和引申

3 词义的选择和引申

请注意下列各组例句中base,power和 body等词的不同词义。 The lathe should be set on a firm base. 车床应安装在坚实的底座上。
As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸起反应生成盐。 A transistor has three electrodes, the emitter, the base and the collector. 晶体管有三个电极;即发射极、基极和集电极 Line AB is the base of the triangle ABC. AB线是三角形ABC的底边。 Mathematics is the base of all other sciences, and arithmetic, the science of numbers, is the base of mathematics. 数学是所有其他科学的基础,而算术,即数的 科学,则是数学的基础。
The earth goes round the sun. 地球环绕太阳运行。(介词) The tree measures forty inches round. 这棵树树围40英寸。(副词) Plastics was at first based on coal and wool. 最初塑料是从煤和木材中提取的。(动词) As we all know, a base reacts with an acid to form a salt. 众所周知,碱与酸起反应生成盐。(名词) Iron and brass are base metals. 铁和黄铜为非贵重金属。(形容词)
现在看下列几组例句,它们都说明确定词义时 应该做到词不离句,结合上下文进行推敲。 With a little reflection, it may be seen that light always travels in straight lines. 稍加思索,就能发现光总是沿着直线传播的。 Through reflection, it may be proved that always travels in straight lines. 通过反射作用,能够证明光总是沿着直线传播。 As we all know, alloys belong to a halfway house between mixtures and compounds. 众所周知,合金是一种介于混合物和化合物之间 的中间结构。 Uranium should be housed in safe. 铀必须封存在安全装置内。



第六讲词义的选择与引申一、简介Follow:Eg.1) Did Mary follow the scholar’s argument?2) The private detective followed the man for a couple of days.3) The gist of what they said at the meeting was as follows:4) I have followed the progress of the construction of this residential area with deep interest.意见:Eg. 1) 干部应该虚心听取群众的意见。

2) 汤姆对此很有意见。

3) 中美两国就双边关系及共同关心的问题交换了意见。

4) 双方就产品价格问题达成了一致意见。

5) 如果没有意见,现在散会。

二、词义的选择1.Eg. 1) The country is making great efforts developing its industry.2) To develop the instrument, many experts were invited.3) His plane developed engine trouble only seven miles after takeoff.4) As young Goddard grew into manhood, he developed TB.5) Most of the money came from selling the secret of a new type of potato he had developed.2.Eg. 1) He likes making chemical experiments.2) Like the human brain, a computer also has a memory where it can store vast quantities of information.3) Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract.4) The two sisters share the same likes and dislikes.3.Eg.1) The President has great power.2) Power can be transmitted over a long distance.3) China will not be the first to use nuclear weapons although considered one of the nuclear powers.4) What is the power of the engine?4.Eg. 1) John was an aggressive salesman who did his job quite well.2) Hitler pursued an aggressive policy after he seized power.3) We have mapped out a scheme.4) The enemy’s scheme went bankrupt.三、词义的引申1. 具体词语抽象化Eg. 1) Everyone has rain and sunshine (roses and thorns) in their life.2) The character of these imperialists is a mixture of the tiger and the ape.3) Among so many well-dressed and cultivated people, the country girl felt like a fish out of water.4) We insist that international trade should not be a one-way street.2. 抽象词语具体化Eg. 1) The car in front of me suddenly stopped and I missed the green.2) Public opinion demands that something should be done to end the strike.3) What they wanted was an end of uncertainties.3. 改换说法Eg. 1) A divorced woman is likely to find herself in an unenviable position.2) He is always ahead of his salary.3) The shortest distance between raw material and a finished part is casting.4) The alternating current does not know such a disadvantage as the direct current does.四、汉英翻译中的词义选择和引申:1)他这个人真够意思。







一、选择题1. 以下哪个词与“美丽”意思相近?A. 漂亮B. 丑陋C. 平凡D. 丑恶答案:A. 漂亮2. 以下哪个词与“快乐”意思相反?A. 悲伤B. 愤怒C. 疲倦D. 压力答案:A. 悲伤3. 以下哪个词的意思与“困难”相近?A. 容易B. 轻松C. 挑战D. 顺利答案:C. 挑战二、填空题1. 这个词的意思是__________。


三、解释题1. 解释以下词语的意思:勇敢、慷慨、谦虚。




2. 解释以下词语的意思:自由、公正、和平。





1. 自信 A. 意志坚定,不屈不挠2. 热情 B. 有信心,对自己有信任3. 坚强 C. 热心,充满激情4. 耐心 D. 能够忍耐,不急躁答案:1-B,2-C,3-A,4-D五、应用题根据下面的句子,选择合适的词语填空。

1. 他的演讲充满了_______和_______,赢得了观众的掌声。

答案:热情和激情2. 在困难的时候,我们应该保持_______和_______,不轻易放弃。

答案:坚强和毅力3. 他的态度非常_______,总是愿意帮助别人。




第六讲 词义的选择和引申

第六讲 词义的选择和引申


1.The pilot turned the plane around and headed for home.A.飞行员掉转机头,朝家飞去。


2.These were all labeled as good eggs.A.这些鸡蛋都贴有好鸡蛋的标签。


3.Their success is a challenge to my efforts.A.他们的成功对我做出的努力是一个挑战。


4.I left my golf clubs and two bottles of brandy inside the car.A.我把高尔夫俱乐部还有两瓶白兰地酒遗忘在车里了。



(一) 语法词义根据语法来判断单词在句子中的词性,然后选择和确定其词义,即先确定单词在句子中属于哪一词性,然后根据词性,正确选择词义。

1.Each cable-car can seat up to six persons.2.Since you are so close, please close the door.3.My father is a regular in that restaurant, and all of the waiters know him.4.John has a surprise in store for him when he gets home tonight.5.The police are asking the public to help them find the two dangerous bank robbers.6.Eat what you can and can what you cannot.7.He saw a man sawing trees with a saw.8.The pigeon homed from a distance of 100 miles.\9.The sellers apparently admitted their fault, but refused to pay damages.(二) 语境词义根据单词在上下文语境的意义来选择和确定词义。



希特勒夺取了政权之后就推行侵略政策。(贬义) 3. Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 汉斯说,这位先生是他所见过的最有胆识的人。这种阿谀 奉承未免过于露骨。(贬义) • 4. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. • 布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时感到非常荣幸。(褒义)
Step 2 Translation techniques 1
• 1. The character of these people is a mixture of the tiger and the ape. • 帝国主义者的性格即残暴,又狡猾。 • 2. Everyone has rain and sunshine (roses and thorns) in their lislation techniques 1
A. Selection of Word Meanings
a. Select word meanings according to parts of speeches.
1. He likes making chemical experiments. (v.)
Step 2 Translation techniques 1
3. Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract. (adj.)



有些贬义词也可以转化成中性词,甚至是褒义词。例如: 有些贬义词也可以转化成中性词,甚至是褒义词。 1) He stole a glance at the pretty girl across table. 偷偷地看了桌子对面那个漂亮女孩一 the table.他偷偷地看了桌子对面那个漂亮女孩一 中性词) 眼。(中性词) misused. 2) Figures can lie when statistics are misused. 统计资料用得不当,数字也会给人一种假象 假象。 统计资料用得不当,数字也会给人一种假象。(中性 词) 3) The new computer boasts a number of ingenious features.这台新电脑具有不少值得一提的 值得一提的独特之 features.这台新电脑具有不少值得一提的独特之 褒义词) 处。(褒义词) sweets, villain! 4) Stop eating all her sweets,you young villain! 别再吃她的糖果了,你这小淘气鬼 (褒义词 淘气鬼! 褒义词) 别再吃她的糖果了,你这小淘气鬼! (褒义词) rascal! 5) You little rascal! Where have you hidden my 调皮鬼! 你这个小调皮鬼 shoes? 你这个小调皮鬼! 你把我的鞋子藏到哪里去 (褒义词 褒义词) 了? (褒义词)
Translation Exercise
1.the peasant uprisings in the history of China 2. The enemy killed one of our comrades and we killed an enemy agent. 3. The peasants and workers were hand in love with one another in the struggle against the landlords and capitalists who worked hand in glove with each other. 4. The adoption of the new policies will surely lead to some striking results. 5. There would have been more painful result but for the drastic measures. 6. His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends. 7. They say such scandalous things about yo英语中有些词语本身就具有固定的褒义或贬义。例如: 英语中有些词语本身就具有固定的褒义或贬义。例如: 1) Lincoln was respected by his people for his foresightedness. 林肯由于富于远见 富于远见而受到人民的尊 foresightedness. 林肯由于富于远见而受到人民的尊 敬。(褒义) 褒义) soul. 2) We should serve the people heart and soul.我们 应该全心全意为人民服务。(褒义) 应该全心全意为人民服务。 褒义) 全心全意为人民服务 3) The Second World War was the most enormous time. universal havoc of all time.第二次世界大战是有 史以来规模最大的一场全球性的浩劫 史以来规模最大的一场全球性的浩劫。(贬义) 场全球性的浩劫。 贬义) 他原来是个惟 4) He proved to be a mercenary guy. 他原来是个惟 家伙。 贬义) 利是图的家伙 利是图的家伙。(贬义)



Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(Pay attention to the underlined words)1.The foreign trade has risen to unprecedented figures.对外贸易额有了空前的增长。

2.Dr. Smith was one of the most revered figures in the world of learning.史密斯博士是学术界最受尊敬的人物之一。

3.On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato.书桌上有一尊柏拉图的铜像。

4.He saw dim figures moving towards him.他隐隐约约看见一些人影在向他跟前移动。

5.June was good at figure skating.琼善于花样滑冰。

6.She is a girl with good manners.她是一位举止得体的姑娘(她是一位有礼貌的姑娘)。

7.Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends.狗被看作人们忠实的朋友。

8.He was a good chess player.他是一位高明的棋手。

9.These are all labeled as good eggs.这些都被称为新鲜的鸡蛋。

10.Not a day did he spend without having some unpleasantness with his wife.他没有一天不和妻子发生争执的。

11.I don’t trust her. She’s always on the mask and her artificial smiles make me sick.我不信任她。





英国语言学家弗思(J. R. Firth)说:Each word when used in a new context is a new word(每个词用于新的上下文中,就成为一个新词)。



一般说来,选择和确定词类可以从以下三方面着手:1.1 根据词类确定词义选择词义,首先要判明一个词在句中属于哪一种词类,起什么作用,然后再根据词类选择适当的词义。

例如:up在下列例句中所属词类不同,词义也就不同:例1. What are you doing up there? 你在那边做什么?He is (well) up in mathematics. 他精通数学。


例2. They went up wind. 他们迎风而行。

The ship is sailing up the river. 这船正向河的上游航行。


例3. The new museum is up and opens to the public. 新博物馆已落成开放。

When will the up train start? 上行车何时开行?【评析】以上两例中up为形容词。

例4. The landlord promised his tenants there would be no further ups this year. 房东向房客们保证今年不再提高房租。



1. soft pillow 2. soft music 3. soft fire 4. soft wood 5. soft money 6. soft drink 7. soft breeze 8. soft light 9. soft words 10. soft heart

答案:She is greatly/deeply respected by everyone. 错误:by us 答案:It is rumored that the accident was due to/because of/caused by his negligence. the accident happened for his negligence?
enticing; I hate her with an E, because she's
engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and
treated her with an elopement; her name's Emily, and
1. He had been stricken with a heart attack earlier in the afternoon. 2. Visitors are requested not to touch the exhibits. 3. She and her husband have been asked out for the banquet.

穿T恤 戴墨镜 戴戒指 穿鞋子 戴帽子 戴手表 洒香水 围围巾 留胡子

第四讲 词义的选择. 课后作业doc

第四讲 词义的选择. 课后作业doc

第四讲词义的选择、引伸与褒贬课后作业一、试译一下各句,注意根据right 在句中的词类来确定它的词义:1.It is not right for children to sit up late.2.The plane was right above our heads.3.In the negative, right and left, and black and white are reversed.4.She tried her best to right her husband from the charge of robbery.二、试译下列各句,注意根据上下文及搭配关系来确定斜体词的词义:1.account for:1) He is ill; that accounts for his absence.2) In this battle he accounted for five of the enemy.3) I want you to account for every cent you spent.2.make up1)If the stove isn’t made up, it will go out.2)There isn’t any girl called Clementine. He’s just made her up.3)Half the roads in the region are still to be made up.4)Society is made up of people with widely differing abilities.5)It took Laurence Oliver more than an hour to make up for the part of“Othello”.6)They made up a bed on the sofa for the unexpected visitor.7)We have to drive fast to make up the hour we lost in Boston.3.figure1)The foreign trade has risen to unprecedented figures.2)Dr. Eliot was one of the most revered figures in the world oflearning.3)On the desk there was a bronze figure of Plato.4)He saw dim figures moving towards him.5)June was good at figure skating.三、试译下列各句,注意根据上下文及逻辑关系对斜体词做进一步引伸。

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• 1.soft pillow 2.soft music
• 3.soft cushion 4.soft wood
• 5.soft money 6.soft drink
•7.soft breeze 8.soft light
•9.soft voice 10.soft fire
•11.soft hat 12.soft words
•13.soft answer 14.soft goods
15.soft heart 16.soft water
•15、易感动之心,慈心;16、软水(不含矿物盐类而易溶解肥皂的水)2)开门open the door 开口open mouth
开火open fire 开刀operate
开发develop 开工begin,start
开会hold/attend/have a meeting
开胃work up/promote/prepare appetite
开心be/feel happy, rejoice
开玩笑play a joke
开车to drive a car 开船to set sail
开机器to start a machine
1. The character of these people is a mixture of the tiger and the ape.
• 1. Public opinion demands that something should be done to end the strike.

• 2. The car in front of me suddenly stopped and I missed the green.
1. Mr Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture.

2. The enemy killed one of our comrades, and we killed an enemy agent.

