




1. Don’t foget your book here tomorrow !

A. bring

B. to bring

C. take

D. to take

2. Where is your father? He to Shanghai.

A .went

B .has gone to C. has been to D. goes

3. Would you like some bread? Yes, just .

A. a little


C.a few


4. He is a man.

A.fifty year old B .fifty years old C. fifty-years-old D .fifty-year-old

5. How long can I the book.? -----Two weeks.

A. borrow

B. lend

C. keep


6. How about the mistake in red ink?



C. to correcting

D. not corrent

7. Have you heard the story book about Harry Potter?

----No, not .

A. yet , ever

B. yet , yet

C. ever ,ever

D. ever , yet

8. Look out ! The traffic is moving fast.It’s dangerous cross the street.

A. to

B. for

C. on

D. in

9. There are stars in the universe.

A. millions

B. million of

C. million

D. millions of

10. has your freind studied English?----- Since 2002.

A. How long

B. When

C. Why

D. What time

11.What is Li Ming’s telephone number? Where did you_______?

A. write it down

B. write down it

C. wrote it down

D. wrote down it

12._______ riding our bikes to the park? –Good idea.

A. How about

B. Why not

C. Would we like

D. Let’s

13.Could you please tell me ?Turn left.

A what is the teacher’s office

B what the teacher’s office is

C where is the teacher’s office D. where the teacher’s office is

14. We find ________ difficult to get there before 8 o’clock.

A. her

B. it

C. this

D. that

15. The girl was born ___ May, 1991 and came to Tianjin ___October 10, 2003.

A. in ; in

B. on ; on

C. in ; on

D. on ; in

16. Please remember ___ to Beijing ____ business ____ plane.

A. go ; on ; by

B. to go ; by ; in

C. to go ; on ; by

D. go ; on ; in 17. How long _____ you ______ here since you ______ to Beijing?

A. did; live; came

B. did; live; have come

C. have; lived; came

D. have; lived; have come

18. Can you _______ this letter from German ______ English?

A. translate ; by

B. translation ; by

C. translate ; into

D. translation ; into

19. ---What else do you need, Mum?

---______ else, I think. We’ve got everything ready.

A. Something

B. Anything

C. Nothing

D. Everything

20. ---_____ has your friend studied English? ---Since 2001.

A. How long

B. When

C. Why

D. What time


What is the best way to study ? This is a very important question. Some students often 1 very hard for long hours. This is a 2 habit ,but it’s not a better way to study. An efficient(效率) student must 3 enough sleep, enough food and enough rest. Every week you 4 to go out for a walk or visit friends or some nice places. It’s good 5 your study. When you return to your studies ,you’ll find yourself 6 than before and you’ll learn more.

Maybe you can 7 that learning English is 8 taking Chinese medicine. We don’t mean it’s bitter(苦).We mean that like Chinese medicine , the efficient of your study 9 slowly but surely . 10 slowly but surely every day and effects will come just like Chinese medicine.

( )21.a. play b. study c. sleep d. think

( )22.a. best b. better c. good d. bad

( )23.a. have b. do c. make d. want

( )24.a. want b . hope c. need d. wish

( )25.a. in b. for c. to d. at

( )26. a. worker b. stronger c. fatter d. thinner

( )27.a. say b. guess c. talk d. know

( )28.a. about b. on c. as d. like

( )29.a. returns b. comes c. gives d. gets

( )30.a. Sleep b. Know c. Learn d. Play


Daming=D; Tony=T

D: How long have you studied Chinese?

T: (31)__ __

D: Really? Your Chinese is pretty good!

T: But, I don’t think Chinese is easy to learn. (32)___ _

D: In 2000. It has been 6 years.

T: (33)___ _

D: Well, my grammar and vocabulary are good. (34)__ __

T: You should often listen to English music and see English films.

D: (35)___ _

T: Sure, they do!



Everyone has a hobby. My hobby is keeping a diary in English.

When I was nine years old, I began to have my hobby. At first it seemed hard for me, but now it is easy. I know it’s possible to learn English well . After school I often go to the school library to read English stories or articles. Sometimes my English teacher introduces some interesting things to me. I collect information for my diary by doing these.

After I finish my diary every day. I always try to correct mistakes with the help of the dictionary. Now my English is very good.

I love my hobby. It helps me a lot to learn English well.

36. I began to keep a diary _____.

A. when I was nine years old

B. before I was nine

C. when I was eight years old

D. for nine years

37. ______ it was not easy for me to keep a diary in English.

A. Now

B. Usually

C. At last

D. At first

38. From the passage we know ______ is one of the best ways to learn English well.

A. keeping a diary

B. more reading

C. more speaking

D. more listening

39. How do I collect information for my diary?

A. I often reading English stories or articles.

B. My teacher sometimes introduces some interesting things to me.

C. I often go to the cinema.

D. Both A and B.

40. From the passage we can say it’s _____ for us to have a good hobby.

A. bad

B. useless

C. helpful

D. careless


Air is all around us. At the time we are born, air is around us everywhere(任何地方). We live in air.

All living things need air. Living things cannot live without(没有)air. We can go without food or water for a few days, but we can’t li ve a few minutes without air. We take in air. When we are working, we need more air. When we are sleeping, we need less air.

We live in air but we cannot see it. We can only feel it. We can feel it when it is moving. Moving air is called wind. How can you make air move? Here is one way. Take an open book in your hands in front of your face. Close it quickly. What can you feel? It is air.

41.Where is air?

A. It’s on the table.

B. It’s all around us.

C. It’s near us.

D. It’s not here.

42. What do all living thing need?

A. Wind.

B. Clothes.

C. Air.

D. Food.

43. Moving air is called .

A. wind

B. rain

C. snow

D. cloud

44. When do we need more air?

A. Sleeping.

B. Sitting.

C. Working.

D. Standing.

45. What does the word “les s” in the passage mean?

A. 多于

B. 少量

C. 没有.

D. 更多.


The Hope Project

Education plays an important part in modern life. However, in some poor areas, many children can't afford the expenses of schooling (付学费)and are forced(被迫) to leave school. At the same time, our country is not able to invest (投资)too much in it. Under this condition,the Hope Project is necessary to our country. Firstly, it will create conditions(创造条件) for the children to go back to school. Secondly, it can make more people educated. So it can lead to the improvement of people's standards(标准) of life.

In my opinion, the Hope Project is of great importance to our country, I hope that with this help more and more children can get the opportunity (机会)to be educated.

请根据短文内容判断下列各句正( T ) 误( F )。

46. Education doesn’t play an important part in modern life.

47. In some poor areas, a few children can't afford the expenses of schooling.

48. Our country is not able to invest (投资)too much in it.

49. Our country will create conditions(创造条件) for the children to go back to school by itself(靠自己).

50. More and more children will go to school .



Whenever I look at the moon, I wish I could go there. Have you 51 wished that you could take a trip to the moon?

For 52 of years, men have wanted to 53 to the moon. When they looked at the moon, they asked some questions--- Is the moon hot 54 cold? Do people live there? Are there any 55 things there? There are many 56 ideas about that. Some people said that there were; 57 said nothing cloud live there 58 there was no water on the moon.

Scientists have studied the moon for many years and have 59 many new facts on the moon. 60 rockets with men have reached the moon.


61. 你为什么不写下这些正确的单词?

Why _____ you _____ ______ the ______ words?


Try _______ ______ ______ and ______ them ______ your city.


Now they can go to school _____ the ______ _____ _____ Hope.

64.周末我经常帮助妈妈做家务。I often _____ my mother ______ the housework.

65. 他们还没有去过火星。They _____ _____ ______ Mars ______.


Before you speak English,take and smile.

67. 你看过一本关于太阳系的书吗?

_____ you ______ a book _______ the ______ ______?

68. _______ ______ _______ (我们为什么不) go for a walk? 七、根据括号内动词的适当形式填空。(10)

69 .---What _____ she ______ ( do ) last Sunday?

---She ______(listen) to the radio.

70. ---_____you ______(return) the book to the library yet?

---Yes, I _____. I ______(return) it yesterday afternoon. The book ______(be) very interesting.

71---Where is my friend? ______you _______ (see) her?

---Yes, I ______ her three minutes ago. But she ______(go) to the post office.

I think she ______(be) back soon.

八.作文. (15分)


提示:1. 英语并不难学,但学习方法很重要。





1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20.


21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30.


31. 32. 33. 34. 35.


36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

41. 42. 43. 44. 45.

46. 47. 48. 49. 50.


51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

56. 57. 58. 59. 60.









68. 七、根据括号内动词的适当形式填空。(10)




八、作文. (15分)



1-5 BBADC 6-10 BDADA 11-15 AADBC 16-20 CCCCA

二、完形填空21-25 bcacb 26-30 badbc

三、补全对话31-35 CBADE

四、阅读理解36-40ADADC 41-45BCACB 46-50FFTFT


51.ever 52.hundreds 53.travel 54.o r55.living

56.different 57.others 58.because 59.discovered 60.Recently


61.don’t write down correct

62. to make friends ;take around

63.with help of Project

64.help with

65.haven’t been to yet

66.a deep breath

67.Have you read about

68.Why don’t we


69. did do; listened 70.Have returned ;have; returned; is

71.Have seen; saw; has gone; will be


初二年级上册英语月考试卷及答案 【篇一】 二.单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选岀可以填入空白处的选项。 ()21. Daniel is my friend. 1 Iike to Share my With him When 1 am happy. A.joy B. happy C. Sad D. SeCretS ()22? The Changjiang RiVer is _________ in the world. A. a IOngeSt river B. the IOngeSt river C. One Ofthe IOngeSt river D. One Ofthe IOngeSt rivers ()23.-…WhafS the Weather Iike today? ■??? Ifs______ Wann _________ y esterday ? A. so; that B. as; as C. not; Until D. too; to ()24.1 don5t Iike milk , but my mother makes me ___________ it ? A. to drink B. drinks C. drink D. drinking ()25. They had a WOnderfUl time _________________ . A. Chat On Ihe Intemet B. Chatting On Ihe Intemet C. Chat in the Intemet D. Chatting in the Intemet ()26? We ShOUld have _____ fast food, _________ :fresh vegetables and take enough exercise. A. fewer, fewer B. less, more C. fewer, more D. less, IeSS ()27. ?…Γve had enough bread. WOUld you Iike __________ ? ?…No, thanks. A. a few more B. OIIe more C. another more D? SOme more ()28. He always IOOkS ? NoW he's IOOking at his new drawing. A. happy; happily B. happy; happy C. happily; happily D. happily; happy ()29. -—Who did 让better, Bill Or Henry? -…I Ihink Bill did just Henry.


2018---2010学年度第一学期期末考试 八年级英语试题 (考试时间 120分钟 满分 150 分) 注意事项: 1. 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第 II 卷(非选择题)两个部分。 2. 所有选择题的答案均写在答题卡上,答案写在试卷上无效。考生只需交答题卡 和第Ⅱ卷。 第Ⅰ卷 选择题(共 85 分) 一、听力 (共 25小题; 每小题 l 分,计 25分) 第一部分 听对话,回答问 题。 本部分共有 10 道小题 , 每小题你将听到一段对话 , 每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前 你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读题目;听完后 , 你还有 5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 1. What animal are they talking about? 2. Which sport does the boy like best? A. B. C. 3. How does the boy ' s father go to work? A. B. C.

A. C. 4. Where does Kate like to go A. B. B.

leave?A. 9:15. B. 9:50. C. 10:50. 6 . What is the woman going to do this evening? A. Have dinner. B. Visit her sister. C. Drive to the airport 7 . Where are they talking? A. At a train station. B. At an airport. C. A t a bus stop. 8 . How many books did the woman sell? A. Forty-five. B. Twenty. C. Forty. 9 . Who is the youngest among the three? A. Mary. B. Peter. C. J ohn. 10 . When should the man return the book? A. On Wednesday. B. On Thursday. C. O n Friday. 第二部分听对话或短回答问题。 本部分你将听到三段对话和两篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题你还有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听第一段对话,回答第11-12 小题。 11.What is Amy doing with the paper? A.She is making paper lucky stars. B.She is making paper roses. C.She is making paper birds. 12.Which of the following is TRUE? A.It will be Tom 's mother's birthday next week. B.Amy needs paper and a knife to make the birthday present. C.Tom doesn't think it is fun to do a DIY job. 听第二段对话,回答第13-14 小题。 13.What are they talking about? A. The beautiful view in a picture. B. A girl in a photo. C. Art lessons. 14. What is Sandy good at? A. Sports. B. Taking photos. C. Dancing. 听第三段对话,回答第15-17 小题。 15. What caused the fire? A. A car accident. B. Stoves. C. Lightning. 16. When did the house catch fire? A. In the morning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening 17. What was burnt in the fire? [] A. A radio. B. A mobile phone. C. A computer. 听第一篇短文,回答第18-20 小题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息


精心整理 初二上册英语月考试卷带答案 I.听句子,选择与所听内容意思最接近的一项。句子读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.I’mgoingtoBeijingnextMonday. C.I’mcomingbackfromBeijingnextMonday. ()5.A.Tomforgottocallmewhenhegothome.

B.Remembertocallmewhenyougethome,Tom. C.RemembertocallTomwhenyougethome. II.听句子,根据所听内容选择答案。对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分) B.Helpinghermomcleanthehouse. C.Helpinghermomwashtheclothes. ()9.Whatdoesthedoctortelltheboytodo? A.Shetellshimtodrinkmorewater.

B.Shetellshimtotakethemedicineonceaday. C.Shetellshimtohaveagoodsleep. ()10.HowlongdidLindastayinBeijing? A.Forfivedays. III.1分,共5 B.Heneedstomakehimselfwarm. C.Heneedstohaveagoodsleep. ()13.Howoftenshouldthemantakethemedicine? A.Onceaday.

B.Twiceaday. C.Threetimesaday. ()14.Whenshouldthemancomeagain? A.Tomorrow. IV.分,共5 B.Shefeelstiredandstressedout. C.Shefeelsrelaxedandexcited. ()17.WhendoesMaryhaveamathtest? A.NextMonday.


2012学年初二期末英语试卷及答案 本卷共五大题,满分100分。 一、单项选择(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分。) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. ---Which ball game do you like better, basketball or baseball? --- _______. I love table tennis. A. Both B. Neither C. Either D. Each ( ) 2. —I am allowed to hang out with friends on weekends. —_____. A. So should I B. So can I C. So am I D. So do I ( ) 3. --- Could you tell me you’ll be away ? --- Only one week. A. how much B. how soon C. how often D. how long ( ) 4. Do you know ? A.how old is Jack B. Where does he live C. when was Jack born D. Who cleaned the room ( ) 5. ______nice weather we have today ! ----Let’s go hiking . A. How a B. What a C. How D . What ( ) 6. Tom never smiles , dose he ? ----- _______. He is always serious . A. Yes , he does B. No, he doesn’t C. Yes, he doesn’t D. No , he does ( ) 7. —I think we teenagers _____ to make every decision by ourselves. —I disagree, we are still young and need our parents’ and teachers’ help. A. should allow B. must allow C. should be allowed D. may be allowed ( ) 8. The old man______since two years ago. A. died B. had died C. has been dead D. had been died ( ) 9. My grandpa often feels _____ at noon, so he will have a rest at that time every day. A. asleep B. sleepy C. awake D. energetic ( ) 10 ---It seems that my friends don’t understand me. --- Don’t worry. I’m sure you will _____ them if you are friendly to them. A. get along well with B. catch up with C. agree with D. end up with 二、完型填空。(本大题共15小题,每小题1分,共15分。) 阅读下面短文,然后在各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 The teacher stood before his class and was going to hand out the final exam papers. “I know how ___ (11) you have all worked to prepare for this test,” he said. “And because I know you can do it well, I am willing to offer a B to anyone who would ___ (12) not to take the test.

人教版新课标 八年级英语上期末考试试卷含答案

八年级英语上期末考试试卷 (满分:120分) I.选出划线部分的英文注释(5%) ( ) 1. ------When did your mother return? ---------Last night. A. leave B. come back C. give back D. turn ( ) 2. Are you good at your schoolwork? A. Are you good for B. Do you like C. Did you do well in D. Are you good with ( ) 3. He flew to Shanghai yesterday.? A. went to Shanghai by plane B. moved to Shanghai C. lived in Shanghai D. went to Shanghai ( ) 4. Would you like to take part in our club? A. join with B. join C. come to D. work for ( ) 5. I have to stay at home and baby-sit my sister. A. have a baby B. take care C. look after D. watch II.用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10%) 1. You should eat________(many) vegetables and eat less junk food. 2. How many _________(sandwich) would you like? 3. He was ________(bear)in 1983. 4. He is ________(practice) his guitar. 5. Are you ________(interest) in reading books? 6. Do you get _________(he) autograph? 7. When did you finish _________(surf) the internet last night? 8. We had a lot of fun ________(dance) on the beach yesterday. 9. John is a ________(talent) player. 10.This shirt is _________(difference) from that one. III.单项选择。(10%) ( )1.I have two good friends. One is Jack, _______ is Mike. A. the other B. another C. others ( )2.----Do you think he can come to my party? ---- _____________. A. I think he don’t come. B. I don’t think he can come. C. I think he can’t come. ( )3. _______was your brother _______ he started going to school? A. What time, when B. When, how old C. How old, when ( )4.Would you like something _______ to drink?


第一次月考测试题 八年级英语 (时间:90分钟满分:100分) 一`听力部分(20分) I、听对话,根据对话内容选出正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) 听第一段对话,回答1-2小题。 ( )1. Where did Jane go on vacation? A. Sydney. B. Tokyo. C. New York City. ( )2. How were the people there? A. They were hard-working. B. They were busy. C. They were friendly. 听第二段对话,回答3-4小题。 ( )3. When did Bob go to the Summer Palace? A. Last weekend. B. Last month. C. Last year. ( )4. Who did Bob go with? A. His family. B. His classmates. C. His friends. 听第三段对话,回答5-6小题。 ( )5. How was Sarah’s vacation? A. It was tiring. B. It was terrible. C. It was pretty good. ( )6. What did Sarah do during her vacation? A. She had seafood in a restaurant. B. She went to the beach. C. She visited many museums. 听第四段对话,回答7-8小题。 ( )7. What’s Alice’s favorite sport? A. Football. B. Swimming. C. Basketball. ( )8. How many hours does Mike spend watching TV every day? A. Two hours. B. Three hours. C. Four hours. 听第五段对话,回答9-10小题。 ( )9. How often does Gina eat junk food? A. Once a week. B. Once a month. C. Once a year. ( )10. Does Gina like milk? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. II、听短文,根据短文内容选择正确答案。(每小题1分,共10分) A:听第一篇短文,回答11-15小题。 ( )11. Mrs. Green is _____. A. a doctor B. a teacher C. Bill’s sister ( )12. Mrs. Green does n’t like _____. A. milk B. vegetables C. junk food ( )13. Mrs. Green _____ once a week. A. drinks coffee B. drinks milk C. eats junk food

八年级下英语期末测试卷 人教版附答案

八年级英语下册期末测试及答案 二、单项选择(10小题,每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 21 . Mr Black broke his leg and he got _________ X-ray just now. A. a B. an C. the D./ ( )22.—I should know what to do next. —Yeah,It’s time to make a _________. A. decision B. risk C. mistake D. difference ( )23.—Do you have lots of good friends, Mary? —No,I only have______.But all of them are kind to me. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little ( )24.—What did mother say just now? —Sorry. I ______ to the weather report on TV. A. listen B. listened C. was listening D. have listened ( )25.—I’d like a latest English Weekly,please! —There is only one left.Would you like to have________? A. one B. this C. that D. it ( ) 26. This is ______ music I’ve ever heard. I enjoy it very much. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. the most beautiful D. the least beautiful ( ) 27. The Greens have ______ here for three years. A. came B. got C. lived D. left ( )28.—________ have you had the habit of watching English movies every week? —Since I was 12. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How old ( ) 29. It rained _____ heavily yesterday that I had to stay at home. A. too B. very C. quite D. so ( )30The school bus safety has become a hot topic. It receives________ Internet hits (点击)a day. A. thousand B. thousands C. thousands of D. thousand


人教版八年级上学期英语期末测试卷 学校________ 班级________ 姓名________ 成绩________ 第I卷听力测试 听力 第一节情景反应 这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话,请你根据听到的内容,从A, B, C三幅图片中选出对话内容相符的一项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。 1.A. B. C. 2.A. B. C. 3.A. B. C. 4.A. B. C. 5.A. B. C. 第二节对话理解 这一节共有5个小题,每小题你将听到一段对话和一个问题。请你根据听到的内容和提出的问题,从A, B. C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。 6. A. To eat less fast food. B. To do exercise. C. To make the basketball team. 7. A. Students will study at home. B. There will be less homework. C. The schools will have robot teachers. 8. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. 9. A. The Space Museum. B. Taiyuan Library. C. Yingze Park. 10. A. Janice. B. Uncle Jack. C. Aunt Lily. 第三节语篇理解

这一节你将听到一篇短文。请你根据短文内容和所提出的5个问题,从每小题所给的A, B. C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。 11. When did the students start the trip along the Silk Road? A. On Dec 19th. B. On Dec 21 st. C. On Dec 28th. 12. How did the writer feel when he became a volunteer? A. Upset. B. Surprised. C. Lucky. 13. What did they do in Qinghai? A. They saw beautiful paintings. B. They sang together by the lake. C.They learned how to make noodles. 14. Where did they go at last? A. Gansu. B. Qinghai. C. Xi'an. 15. What can we learn from the passage? A. Traveling always makes us meet more friends. B. China has a long and splendid history and culture. C. The volunteering experience is fun but tiring. 第四节听力填空这一节你将听到一篇短文。请你根据听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空一词。 We should better understand the true 17. ________ of the civilized city. We should 18.__________ our quality like giving seats to people in need when we are on the bus. We should always be 19. __________ to help others. We can't cross the road 20._________ the light is green. 单项选择 从每小题A, B, C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并将其字母标号填入题前的括号内。 1.My little brother David has grown up and he can look after ___________.


初二上学期期末模拟考试题2 姓名:________班级:________得分:________ 一、据意写词。(15分) (A)根据英语释义,完成下列单词。 1. t______ ring sb. Up 2. p______ picture 3. s______ the first season of the year 4. M______ the third month of the year 5. s______ two pieces of bread with meat (B)根据句意,并用词的适当形式填空。 1. Everything ______ to grow in spring. (begin) 2. I ___ his phone number down on this piece of paper yesterday. (write) 3. In China summer ______ from May to July. (last) 4. Which season do you like ______, summer or winter? (well) 5. Summer is good for ______ sports. (do) (C)根据句意,填入一个恰当的词,使句子完整、准确。 1. We will wait ______ you outside the gate. 2. You had better wear ______ clothes in summer. 3. ______ is the second month of the year. 4. It is hot today, but it is going to get ______ later on. 5. The sandwiches were ______ the plate. 二、单项选择(从A,B,C,D中选出一个最佳答案)。(15分) ( ) 1.The farmers are all busy ______ ready for the next year. A. get B. to get C. getting D. gets ( )2.Children really enjoyed ______ apples. A. pick B. picks C. to pick D. picking ( ) 3.I love summer, because it is good ______ sports. A. for B. at C. in D. with ( ) 4.What did Joy write about ______ her letter? A. on B. in C. to D. with ( ) 5.Bruce came to China ______ a bad time of year. A. in B. with C. at D. for ( ) 6.It is best ______ warm clothes in winter. A. wear B. to wear C. wearing D. wears ( ) 7.By the way, this morning there ______ a phone call ______you. A. is, for B. is, to C. was, for D. was, to ( ) 8.Kate took a message ______ his brother, Jim.


C. make frie nds D. make frie nds with 初二年级第一学期英语月考试卷 (牛津 7B unit6- 8A unitl ) I ?单项选择(15%) ( )1. Her frie nd is ________ hon est boy. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )2. I can play ______ him in the park. A. to B. and C. with D. for ( )3. Don 'read ______ the sun. A. in B. on C. un der D. below ( )4. Kate often helps us ________ English. A. to lear ning B. learn C. learni ng D. learned ( )5. Is Tom'swatch cheaper than _______ ? A. you B. your C. your ' D. yours ( )6. Max is as ________ as Daniel is. A. tall B. taller C. tallest ( )7. Of all the subjects, I like En glish _______ . A. well B. good C. better D. best ( )8. Betty can make me ________ whe n I am un happy. A. laugh B. to laugh C. laughi ng D. laughed ( )9. You should _______ sorry to her. You made her cry. A. speak B. tell C. say D. talk ( )10. _______ pull my cat's tail. She'llbe angry. A. You don't B. Don ' C. Can't D. You should ( )11. Who is _______ , Lily, Kate or Jack? A. old B. older C. oldest D. the oldest ( )12 Miss Smith is such a kind girl that all of us like to _____ her . A. make frie nd with B. make frie nds of 班级: 姓名: 学号: 得分: D. the tallest


玄武区2014~2015学年度第一学期期末调研试卷 八年级英语 第Ⅰ卷选择题(50分) 一、听力部分(15分) I.听对话选择图片(每小题1分, 共5分) 本部分共有5道小题,每道小题你将听到一段对话,每段对话听两遍。在听每段对话前,你将有5秒钟的时间阅读题目,听完后你将有5秒钟的时间选择你认为最合适的备选答案。( ) 1. What kind of animal are they talking about? A. B. C. ( A. B. C. ( ) 3. Where will the man go the coming holiday? A. C. ( ) 4. What will the weather be like tomorrow? A. B. C. ( ) 5. What are the children doing? A. B. C. —1 —

II. 听对话或短文回答问题(每小题1分, 共10分) 你将听到两段对话和一篇短文,各听两遍。听每段对话或短文前,你将有时间阅读相关小题,每小题5秒钟。听完后,你将有5秒钟的时间选出你认为最合适的备选答案。 听一段对话,回答6-7小题。 ( )6. Where are the speakers? A. By the lake. B. On the road. C. In the lake. ( )7.What will the man do in the end? A. Jump into the lake. B. Call the nearest hospital. C. Find someone for help. ( )11. Who did Betty go to the farm with? A. Her father. B. Her mother. C. Her cousin. ( )12. What fruit did betty like picking? A. Strawberries. B. Apples. C. Pears. ( )13. What was the weather like? A. Cold. B. Warm. C. Hot. ( )14. When did betty get home? A. At about 9:00 a.m. B. At about 11:00 a.m. C. At about 1:00 p.m. ( )15. Why didn’t Betty feel hungry? A. Because she was very tired in the afternoon. B. Because she ate a lot and had some cold drinks on the farm. C. Because she was happy to tell her father about their work. 二、单项选择(每小题1分,共10分) ( )16. ---What a heavy rain it was last night! ---Yes, but I love ______ air after the rain. It smells so fresh. A. a B. the C. an D. / ( )17. Every year, _________ visitors go to the wetland park to watch the birds. A. thousand of B. thousands of C. two thousands D. two thousands of ( )18. It’s foggy now. You should drive the car as_________ as possible. A. careful B. more careful C. carefully D. more carefully ( )19. You had better ask the children ________ with water in the garden. —2 —


临武新起点教育培训机构2015年暑假班初中二升三年级第一次英语周考试卷 出卷人:侯老师学生姓名:时间:90分钟满分:100分 一.选用所给的词填空(注意句首的第一个字母要大写)(10分) how, am, are, his, your, her, my, is, an, what 1.She is a student and ________ name is Maria. 2.Wang Hong,this is ________ bag. Here you are. 3.Where is ________ eraser? I can’t find it. 4.Peter is English. Mr Zhang is ________ Chinese teacher. 5.Excuse me! ________ this your gold ring? 6.________ you Lucy? Yes,I am. 7.This is ________ old watch. 8.I ________ a Chinese boy. 9.________ is that in English? It’s a watch. 10.________ do you spell computer? C—O—M—P—U—T—E—R. 1.her 2.your 3.my 4.his 5.Is 6.Are 7.an 8.am 9.What 10.How 二.按要求写出相应的词(10分) 1.this(反义词)________ 2.these(反义词)________ 3.it(复数形式)________ 4.that(复数形式)________ 5.photo(复数形式)________ 6.picture(复数形式)________ 7.cousin(复数形式)________ 8.friend(复数形式)________ 9.son(对应词)________ 10.sister(对应词)________ 1.that 2.those 3.they 4.those 5.photos 6.pictures 7.cousins 8.friends 9.daughter 10.Brother 三.单项选择第一部分(5分) ()1.Is your photo in the drawer? ________. A.Yes, I am B.No,it is C.Yes,it is D.No,I’m not ()2._______ my baseball? It’s under the chair. A.Where B.Where’s C.Where’re D.Where are ()3.________ under the tree? No,they aren’t. A.Where are B.What is C.Are they D.Is it ()4.Where are your brothers? ________. A.He is at home B.He is in his room C.Yes,they are D.I don’t know ()5.There ________ a computer on the desk. A.are B.have C.has D.is ()6.________ there water in the cup? A.Is B.Are C.Has D.Have ()7.What’s under the desk? ________. A.It’s a football B.I can see a set of keys


一、听力(本题有15小题,共计15分) 第一小节:听对话,选析图片。 ( )1、Wha t’s Mary going to do tomorrow? ( ) 2、What are they talking about? ( ) 3、Which is Jim’s favourite animal? ( ) 4、What does Bob often have for supper? ( ) 5、Where was Mr Green last week? 第二节:听对话,回答问题。 ()6、What will the weather be like? A. Windy B. Rainy C. Cold ( ) 7、Where are they going? A.To the park B. To the farm C. To the zoo ( )8、How did the boy go to school? A.By bus B. By bike C. By car ( )9、Who went shopping last Sunday? A. Kate B. Kate’ mother C. Nobody ( )10.What’s the date tomorrow? A . October 15th B. October 16th C. October 17th 第三节:听长对话,回答问题。 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第11—12两个小题。 ()11.Who bought the MP3 for Tim? A. His parents B. His aunt C. His brother ( )12.What did Linda think of the MP3 A. Cheap B. Nice C. Not good 听下面一段较长的对话,回答第13—15三个小题 ()13.Why does Robert come to kate’s home? A. He comes to say goodbye B. He gives something back to her C. He wants some help ( )14.How will he leave? A. By plane B. By train C. By bus ( )15.Who does robert want to see before he leaves? A.Doctor liu B.Mr.Li C.Miss Niu 二、单项选择(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分) ()16.--What’s going on these days?
